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Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
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Meditation can work but there's no guarantee. If you're sleepy after meditating, or in general then you should sleep
Also look into polyphasic sleep.
There needs to be a global rule against racism and hate speech against the LGBTQP community.
Hate is never okay.
Well the explanation that they want the land of isreal that they believe is quite large from the detailing in their Talmud
Also they want to wipe out break down the Al Aqsa mosque and build their third temple to bring their messiah; this would require completely undermining the Islamic faith since the al aqsa mosque is one of the most important places for Muslims
None of this is esoteric at all and most jews and muslims believe in this
oh and btw if the kabbalah is stolen, then literally all of the occult is stolen since all magick comes from the first magicians obviously
I used to substitute sleep with deep meditation as an experiment, with varying results.
IMHO 6-8h of meditation is too much, from my experience meditating refreshed my body and mind much more than sleep, I'd say 1h of deep meditation is like 2h of normal sleep.
Last but not least a song that roast's love
Cheers m80 and rember theres no excuse for being an asshole it all boils down to freedom and responsability
What quality…? *sneez*
Also, what about a general "Wizard" or "Magician" flag? Without tradition/system non-sense?
Its all my fault I knew I should have shared the quote that leads directly to transendence realisation and enligthenment. So faults on me for killing the fringe geuss you have no choice but to return to X now that fringe is pasted on
choose one of the ranks they are pretty self explanatory I think. Not really a tradition or system, just to share how skillful you think you are. If you don't to share there's plenty of ambiguous symbols that don't specifically come from any system
well share it already. better late than never
You misunderstood, but I should have specified. They stole it as in claimed ownership. They renamed several things and rewrote other parts of it. That's why there's the Hermetic Qabalah - the remnants of the magicians wisdom of ancient egypt - and then there's the Jewish Kabbalah. The jews obtained it, renamed it, and are associated with it. Solomon's teachings are misattributed to him, directly adapted from the teachings of Hermes Trismegistes and other magicians of Egypt such as Pythagoras. This includes the biblical stories referenced in the Kabbalah that directly adapts the stories of preceding traditions. However, I don't think the jews were directly responsible for the fall of egyptian magic itself.
So one may wonder, how did it fall?
The fall of the ancient magicians of Egypt didn't happen over night. According to Manly P Hall, the origin of Egyptian magic came from the initiates that survived the fall of Atlantis, but the same corruption that led to the fall of Atlantis followed them to Egypt many years later. Egypt as a whole was subverted by these black magicians from Atlantis. Manly P Hall goes into detail as to how far they subverted Egypt. They perverted all the teachings of the atlantean founders, then had neophytes learn nonsense so that they would never advance. They added false meanings to everything, so that everything would be a lie, and so destructive was their subversion that they reduced the populace to superstition. These black magicians were acting at the behest of "demons" that empowered them through every venture.
This is where things become more complicated. I am still investigating the rest myself so this is a working theory and I have no personal stake in where it leads:
I believe in the theory that Atlantis was built off the remnants of people from other worlds. I think these people were related to the alien nordics that Montalk describes. Montalk describes these alien nordics (not the atlanteans) as supposedly split even between demonically-possessed galactic conquerors and divine warriors. My theory is that there was a sect of demonically-influenced nordics within Atlantis, their actions led to its collapse, and they later traveled to Egypt to repeat their destruction there. I believe this demonic influence then took hold of the jews, determining the roles their descendants would play ever since - reincarnating again and again to carry the will of their demonic rulers. The questions I'm still dealing with are; what is the true nature of Solomon, was he a disciple of egyptian magic and/or did he play a role in "stealing" the qabalah, is the kabbalah a product of the demonic magicians and therefore another misdirection, is the real covenant between the jews and their lord a demonic one?
I have been experiencing some spasms in my solar, now towards the lower centers.
It usually happens when I am processing some sort of emotion.
I now understand that I was way too open to everything, and this overstimulated me. So I am learning to have healthy boundaries, and maybe the spasms are of energy finally moving around(because I am starting to feel the lower body more and more). So its not like it feels negative, but I am not sure.
However, around the solar plexus, some dry skin spots appeared. I am not sure if this is directly related, and also, I had various minor skin problems before(such as itchy dry head skin).
Anyone have any idea what is this about? I am trying to close off any gaps in my field, so it might fix that.
I'm living at mom's place. I eat what she's cooking. and she's very materialistic.
q: is it possible that it affects me energetically? My will is broken and mind is cloudy.
>she's very materialistic
Does this somehow make her cook unhealthy food? Eating whatever diet you choose is usually still fully motivated from a materialistic viewpoint, this shouldn't be an issue.
>low carb high fat (LCHF)
>montignac diet
>intermittent fasting (lots of mundanes I know do the 5-2 diet by Michael Mosley)
None of them are occult in nature, you can still pick what you eat.
My attention span has been slowly eroded over many years and now reading a book is a futile struggle, I get bored and lose my focus instantly and my reading comprehension is poor.
I used to be able to read continuously for hours every day in my childhood but now I just can't manage it. I have about a hundred or more books in my possession that I can't read.
Is there a way to fix this?
make your own food or at least provide your own cooking ingredients otherwise move out
the process of making food doesn't nearly matter as much as the ingredients themselves. don't forget to always use filtered water, fluoride fucks you up.
>intention makes shitty food good
If you wanna go beyond mundane you need to actually know how it works first - being ignorant to the physical world won't suddenly make you enlightened, it makes you a rambling fool.
Same here, sort of.
I think the reason for me is simply that life got complicated when I got older. Before my parents did everyting and I didn't have to care so it was easy to read for 5 hours when I got home from school.
Now I get maybe 1 hour free from daily stuff and then I can't focus properly.
Been trying to schedule it so I'm mentally prepared and it seems to be a little easier this way. I believe it's just a matter of forcing it gradually.
Note though that only reverse osmosis filters remove flouride. Distillation is a cheaper alternative. Ideally you should find a clean spring. I use distillation.
I second this. You should meditate daily. This helps to make clear that there are thought-loops and thought-forms using your attention/processing power without your consent. It makes it possible to remove them much more effectively and thereby increase your focus.
>he process of making food doesn't nearly matter as much as the ingredients themselves.
We have reverse osmosis. Still, I thought the process matters, because you keep certain vibration inside. thus putting it in food
it does matter but not nearly as much. Being sensitive patient creative etc is basically how you can cook intuitively
There's a lot of different ways that I don't feel like explaining right now but here's one that expands on thought-loops hidden in your mind
pay attention to your own thoughts, learn how your subconscious works. Find the logic that makes you you, the same way you would analyze someone else to try and understand them. There's a duality within you and assuming that everything you did is because of you is the downfall of the ignorant since parts of you are not understood by you consciously
The easiest way would to focus on your breath and use this focus to not pay attention to any thought that may come up.
We have a meditation thread.
Proper eating is almost esoteric when you factor in the levels of disinformation and readily available trash and poison that passes for food. For instance when people think of juicing they think fruit smoothies and pump their body full of fructose that exhausts the liver and leads to insulin resistance. Often those same people swore off high-fructose corn syrup in sodas but think it's completely different from the fructose in organic fresh fruits.
The most subtle of greenpills is the resilience of the human body; conversely the amount of trials someone has to go through to find good clean food is a redpilling experience, once you learn who put those problems in place. Over the last year over 50 holistic ad natural medicine doctors were assassinated and no one blinks an eye. It's no wonder you see the survivors becoming swiftly and vocally redpilled - their fucking lives are at stake just for revealing the simple truth of healthy eating.
This is very true. Perhaps the most real, practical aspect of magic is food. It's not just about setting up correct beliefs.
But because we're living in the time of a schizophrenic spectacle, pretend-food is believed to be perfectly good. It's believed to be healthy because it's not fast food. Or because certain "healthy" connotations have been engineered to accompany unhealthy product. The word "healthy" is a meaningless buzzword now.
Barely any food in the markets is real. It's all representations of food. People spend fortune to buy unhealthy food that is believed to be healthy, only to show it on Twitter. Nobody cares about things being real or not. It's all symbols of symbols of symbols of original that has never existed.
The "spiritualists" who value healthy food are trapped in the spectacle just like the rest of us. The psychological profiles of people who favor healthy eating have been thoroughly analyzed, and fake products have been engineered to catch their attention. In any case, it's never about food. Even these people who value being fit are just interested in the image of being fit. They buy symbols of fitness and health. There is some stereotype of a healthy person deep in their psyche, and they try to follow this ideal.
It's almost completely futile to acquire food that your body enjoys. Perhaps nuts are a glimmer of hope, just because it's so hard fuck with them. The only way is to aim for food that is difficult to exploit for profit. You've got to have connections in the underground and smuggle food as if it were drugs
It's a chaos of complexity: Our bodies started adapting to horrible food. Unhealthy, modified, processed food becomes healthy in some respects, in some other still not. "Healthy" is completely relative. I'm not saying it to suggest that processed food is okay to eat. I'm just pointing out there is absolutely no use relying on your psychological connotations you have with "healthy". These connotations will not lead you to the truth. I bet you feel certain food is healthy because it's green or comes from the ground. It's a good way to approach food, but it's still a trap. Relying on your ideas about what people in the past ate and on the buzzword of "natural" is still a trap. It's a trap even if you studied history of nutrition. Just imagine how much of a trap it is if you didn't!
>Healthy becomes relative
I'm very much inclined to disagree because our bodies very much are not adapting to these fake food sources, but I agree on one concession and that's; even mundanes perceive how a person's will can protect them from their body's inevitable breakdown (if the breakdown is set to happen). But let me back up a bit:
Most people that are "healthy" are also handicapped from doing advanced tasks such as developing their energy body and acquiring latent psychic abilities. The reason for this is that their energy is spent on a losing battle with unhealthy food sources, hence the inevitable breakdown. The solution is to acquire healthy foods which leads to freer energy that can be devoted to more advanced tasks. Meanwhile the retiree that spent their last years of work on a uphill battle only fought on willpower suddenly slips into disrepair, and spends their last years of life under the care of the scamming medical industrial complex. I think most people as you pointed out are "healthy," but in the sense that they live on borrowed time.
Anyway, can we talk about actual food? You can never fully get rid of the garbage from your diet, but you can always increase the chance it's not garbage. What do you guys consume and what is your reasoning?
I'm not fully self-sufficient. In markets aim for simple, whole products that are difficult to exploit by the manufacturers. I find it quite difficult to get enough high-calorie foods while avoiding all the crap. I end up buying a lot of
white cheese
yoghurt, kefir
red lentils
vegetables and fruits
Everything else seems to be always modified in some ways. I eat this simple stuff day in and day out.
>The "spiritualists" who value healthy food are trapped in the spectacle just like the rest of us. The psychological profiles of people who favor healthy eating have been thoroughly analyzed, and fake products have been engineered to catch their attention.
Are you talking of premade food or raw ingredients?
Obviously if you buy fish from a farm it was fed something to make it grow faster, but it's still just fish. Same with grains, if you avoid GMO I don't see how all food can be
>symbols of symbols of symbols of original that has never existed
this only applies to canned or frozen factory made products.
Ingredients are pretty easy to look up, for example I found cream with less then 36% fat to have a red algea in it to make it thicker. Just buy the 40% fat cream and you avoid it. If you can read and do a simple web search most of this can be handled.
>The "spiritualists" who value healthy food are trapped in the spectacle just like the rest of us. The psychological profiles of people who favor healthy eating have been thoroughly analyzed, and fake products have been engineered to catch their attention.
The only food products I consume are the diluted juice of fresh fruits and honey.
What now anonymous?
>Over the last year over 50 holistic ad natural medicine doctors were assassinated and no one blinks an eye. It's no wonder you see the survivors becoming swiftly and vocally redpilled - their fucking lives are at stake just for revealing the simple truth of healthy eating.
Multiple doctors died on the same days:
>As you will see in the timeline below, there are allegedly 3 different dates within one month where 2 doctors died on the same day. That’s 6 doctors (who died in pairs on 3 different days).
Many of them went missing for weeks before being found dead. Some were killed alongside their entire families. Some were mutilated beyond recognition and some when killed had their notes they were carrying destroyed. Police investigations in most cases went nowhere, some ruling obvious homicides as suicides. Whoever these assassins are, they're not like the typical ones hired by hillary. As a result many natural medicine doctors are hiring bodyguards and some went into hiding.
Another thing, these weren't just random quacks like the media likes to portray all natural medicine doctors. They participated in their respective medical field, but they were the ones who routinely attending natural medicine conferences. Some were at the prime of their careers and getting overseas patients for personal care, and the patients in turn reported immaculate success. These same group of doctors were also subject to a bizarre poisoning in Germany where someone poisoned all attending the same conference:
Various news sources then tried to report what went on differently.
What part about that was disinfo? Or are you yourself still subject to your rule, "everyone on the internet is a lying bastard."
>drinking fresh fruit juice is the same as drinking high fructose corn syrup
>fruit is poison
Yeah that's totally true thanks Ray.
Is it possible to channel information? For example, say I wanted to learn Spanish. I could probably channel phrases, but could I channel the information needed to make phrases on the spot and retain that knowledge?
Has anybody here done anything like this? Even to a minor degree?
Am I wrong in seeing magick having a use as a foundation for learning everything else, rather than just appreciating each thing for what it is?
It was an example. What I had in mind when posting that was programming languages.
At a high level, would the effort really be that much more? Wouldn't it be a worthy sacrifice to achieve greater results later?
Sorry to break it to you but fructose is not your friend. You're confusing the benefits of fresh fruits with the sole contents of fruit juice extracted from fruits. Eating a fresh fruit (in moderation) does you better than drinking juice but let's face it, most people opt for a nice tasting glass of their favorite fruit juice. It's actually a hazardous habit.
Fructose is handled by the body similarly to how alcohol is broken down; it has to be broken down by the liver - all of it, not a single molecule is left out - before 40% of it gets stored as fat. The "safe" amount of fructose is supposed to be below 25 grams, but how much does that equate to in a drink? My favorite organic apple juice contains 24g of fructose per 240ml of liquid (1 measuring cup). No regular person would be satisfied with that small amount of a fruit juice. I'll reiterate again, most people think this counts as "juicing" but it's really just an adult form of consuming a kids fruit carton.
Fructose interferes with the hormone leptin, the hormone responsible for suppressing the ghrelin resulting in over-eating. Fructose directly contributes to insulin resistance via activated glycerol, a by-product of the fat storage sent by the liver. Can't feel full, consume more fruit sugar, become fatter, become more insulin resistant - it's a vicious cycle. Insulin resistance leads to a laundry list of health problems including but not limited to on-set dementia by preventing your brain from consuming glucose. Coincidentally, fructose digestion can reduce brain function for up to 20 minutes or more.
So what's the difference between High-Fructose Corn Syrup, the one that everyone's heard about that's in sodas versus regular fructose the one that everyone thinks is safe in high amounts? HFCS is simply a more refined version, a syrup, that packs more fructose in a smaller vessel. And they put that in everything, at one point even trying to rename it so they can hide it better. HFCS is almost always from GMO corn (thanks monsanto) and it's even found to contain mercury in small amounts. All the while this is happening glucose, the fuel that's needed for every cell in the body and is burned off rather quickly becomes harder and harder to obtain. But shockingly, glucose metabolism increases fructose absorption and guess what sucrose is made up of? Sucrose aka refined table sugar is fructose & glucose. Enriched flour ring a bell?
I could go on about fructose but I don't want to make a super big wall of text. Also pic related at the bottom. The agave fad was a way to trick vegans/vegetarians into overloading themselves with 50+ grams of fructose.
You missed the post right after where I said
>what I mean is, go organic stay away from GMO etc
>high-fructose corn syrup in sodas but think it's completely different from the fructose in organic fresh fruits.
it is completely different. one is genetically modified. Even if it ends up being the same in the chemical sense, of course it's different in terms of it's energy, in the nonphysical sense. Pretty ironic of you to talk about esoterics and not know that
Also your second paragraph is completely irrelevant and possibly unfounded
That's worth talking about and all, but it doesn't have anything to do with healthy eating or gmo and such.
more irrelevant rhetoric that helps no one. btw finding organic fruit isn't usually hard, it's pretty simple; certainly much more so than you make it out to be
Yea that's called conditioning.
I would explain more if people were actually asking questions and seeking info but you guys are just circlejerking
I'm sure you could be making sense but this is rambling
>processed milk
no. try making that stuff yourself but trustable sources is incredibly rare for that
If you just want calories just keep eating a lot of fruit and drink juice. Careful that it's not only pretending to be organic, your country may have deceiving certifcations. I found organic juice with like 5 different certifications of non gmo and organic and such so that's probably legit. The international ones are good, though actual research for all of them are best if you have the time
Yea It's amazing how many people never bother to look at ingredients.So incredibly easy to see exactly what's artificial and what isn't
>So what's the difference between High-Fructose Corn Syrup…versus regular fructose…? … HFCS is almost always from GMO corn (thanks monsanto) and it's even found to contain mercury in small amounts
Thank you for proving that fresh fruit juice is NOT the same as drinking high fructose corn syrup
fruit juice is poison in the sense that water is poison. literally everything becomes poison when you consume too much of it without digesting or in extreme ratios
And btw the safe amount isn't below 25 grams, it's between 25-40 depending on the person. That's at least 3 cups of juice. So fruit juice is not fucking poison stop it with the disinfo
Yes juicing actually means keeping the pulp and not removing any of the fruit, and juice is much less healthy. Your point is true, but your proof is false. When someone finds finds out that your proof is false, they think your point must also be false. This is the worst kind of disinfo
>I have no reading comprehension but I must respond to everyone: The Post
Thank you for this post which exudes a lack of reading comprehension and not realizing that fructose in high amounts is not safe, especially above 25 grams and at that level it's regardless of body weight.
>fruit juice is poison in the sense that water is poison
Except water doesn't illicit insulin resistance regardless of quantity, as well a host of other factors. Seriously, do you understand the difference between water and a fruit-sugar molecule? The moderation meme is a thing meant to help babies understand not to excess, not to ignore the differences between substances.
>And btw the safe amount isn't below 25 grams, it's between 25-40 depending on the person. That's at least 3 cups of juice.
>25-40 grams of fructose
Do you realize how taxing that is on the liver?
To compare, most people in the old days didn't virtually consume above 10-15 grams of fructose aka the type of sugar within fruit juice. They consumed that amount of fructose along with the fruit itself which helped alleviate the subtle affects of fructose absorption.
>So fruit juice is not fucking poison stop it with the disinfo
Careful with the disinfo word anon, you might turn it into a meaningless buzzword and when actual disinformation is posted and no one will care.
> Your point is true, but your proof is false.
>inb4 but that's all from one place and I can't into reference links at the bottom of articles
>This is the worst kind of disinfo
Thanks for turning disinfo into a buzzword with your lack of comprehension skills.
Fair warning: http://fringechan.org/fringe/rules.html
4. Don't spam consecutive posts in quick succession. Compile your reply in one post, if possible.
>I'll reply to a post with a giant accusation that explains nothing
nice cop out.
It's funny how you use the phrase reading comprehension incorrectly and then fall victim to it yourself. At least try to prove your claims
I clearly explained what I meant in saying how water and fruit juice is both considered poison. They obviously aren't the same, and thus wouldn't have the same mechanism occurring from an overdose of those things. This is you failing at reading comprehension, and my proving that claim.
I'm not talking about what's taxing on the liver I'm pointing out how what you said was literally incorrect. It's not 25 at most, it's between 25-40. And I would go into the specifics on if it really is taxing to your liver but that would be incredibly irrelevant to this entire fucking site.
>> Your point is true, but your proof is false.
>posts more false proof
Wow, just wow. False in this context doesn't mean 'not factual' but means no connection to the point. Have you ever taken an english class or written a real essay? You make a point, provide facts and then provide analysis to show how the facts is proof to your point. Can't fail at reading comprehension more than this.
I go onto explain how the point doesn't relate to the proof. I correctly identified your point as you try to point it out again even in this replay when you saiy
>They consumed that amount of fructose along with the fruit itself which helped alleviate the subtle affects of fructose absorption.
I'm literally agreeing with you. But I'm showing you how you can lead people astray because of your methods of trying to prove your point (which is one of the types of disinfo,. yes there is more than one type! Alex Jones is disinfo even though most everything he says is mostly factual). Trying to show that fruit juice is stupid because it's not that bad compared to all the bad things there are, like gmo corn syrup and pesticides and such.
You should instead show how juicing with pulp is so much better than just fruit juicing.
The way you completely ignore that part of my post shows that your ego is completely getting in the way of the discussion. This isn't a contest where we are trying to prove each other wrong, we should be trying to facilitate discussion of what matters and discourage things that distract from what matters. Get your head out of your ass
And you don't need to warn anyone. Feel free to report. FYI that rule was made on my advice after the muslim fag posted 11 times in a row in the thread to catch and quarantine him. Note that it says "compile your reply" so it doesn't apply when you are replying to more than one thing.
Again I'm reminding you, that I'm AGREEING with you. Juicing is not diluting and filtering fruits for the liquid, juicing is breaking up the solid parts freeing all the good partsto make it easier for the body to digest. There's a phenomenon of juicing marijuana that is incredibly powerful, being one of the things that those alternative medicine practitioners were sharing and were killed for
This sounds like an improper kundalini awakening. perhaps some chakras are over active while others are underactive, and/or they are not clear
The point of channeling is to receive higher information to understand how mechanisms in greater realms affect ours.
human or computer language was created in our realm and is based on social constructs or electrical machines that we created.
so technically channeling wouldn't directly help
however it (or rather developing intuition) can still help by understanding the pure logic for computer code and the social logic of communication behind languages
>No you: The Post: The Game
>critique, then say but I agree and I am le better man.
Your analogous point between water and fructose doesn't help. All you did was dilute (pardon the pun) the effects of both hence, why I addressed that. Everything in moderation is a guideline, not a precise measurement.
> False in this context doesn't mean 'not factual' but means no connection to the point
>You make a point, provide facts and then provide analysis to show how the facts is proof to your point.
It's called further reading. Most anons don't bother with the linked sources and want the tl;dr, so I decided to compile information that I knew, plus add extra information from those articles. If they're still interested, they can then follow up with links at the bottom and/or (should) do their own research. Somehow to you that translated to, "But this guy isn't posting information in the style that I like. I'll dub it a new term, false proof." Get over yourself.
>You should instead show how juicing with pulp is so much better than just fruit juicing.
Actually, I went a step further and went to the heart of the issue. By explaining that fructose in high amounts is hazardous and counter-intuitive, a normal person with intact logical reasoning would realize that it's something that too must be moderated. But before you say, "ah-ha my analogy worked," it's still not as simple as that. Using your own implied definition for how disinformation can also be done, your analogy fits that usage because it dilutes (again, pardon the pun) the point and what exactly fructose is.
However now that the topic is in discussion, there is one major concession I am willing to make on a diet with a high intake of fruit juice and it also addresses Inedia ( >>562 ). For this reason is why I haven't decided to go over what I posted here over there because I am convinced that Inedia works; but as it says in the OP, it's a transformation and at the end of it, it calls for fruit juice and then just water. If someone has already reached the stage where they are obtaining the vast majority of their energy from the All, that leaves virtually every single bodily process taken care of and it should counter-act if not neutralize the negative affects of things like high-fructose which would normally be hazardous. In other words, just like a lower vibrational person wouldn't be able to subsist on fruit juice, a typical /fringe/ anon wouldn't start Inedia on the last steps. This also ties back to my earlier post, an effect that even mundanes perceive, >>3271 , which earlier you described as rambling. To expand on that -or rather ramble as you put it- our bodies are magnificent machines and typical mundanes are only "healthy" because the brunt of their energy is spent moderating the affects of unhealthy food sources. Inedia coincides with that observation that even mundanes can perceive, except of course mundanes are largely unaware of the energy that can be derived from the all.
>if you want calories, just eat fruits/juice
Fruits have barely any calories. These that have them, are carbohydrates. It's the easiest and cheapest macro to get. Rice, lentils, vegetables, bread. It's all carbs, we're eating so much of it anyway.
I'd like to know what are your sources of protein and fat. I used to mix flaxseed oil with pure protein (non-fat white cheese) but found out flaxseed oil imitates certain estrogens and thus lowers testosterone.
I'd love to eat nuts all day but it's very heavy food.
My states of mind fluctuate. Sometimes I feel passionate and productive. Sometimes I'm seeking stimulus, like porn, video game streams or games. The only variable is food. Unless you have any better explanation, I'd say food has colossal impact on the spiritual energies and is of utmost importance. FOOD IS MAGIC
Its because you literally assimilate the energy and karma of the food you eat but whats being pushed ITT is to far a swing on the pendulum and it staying there.
Its not stupid or bad to be on a veggie or even steak diet for a while and fasting is great sometimes but the idiot who urges me to only drink juice and eat light for the rest of my life I'm going to call a as I see him.
Eat a steak once in a while. Even if you don't like it, even if it makes you feel slow and dull, eat varied foods or die from malnutrition, everything from vital animal fats for the brain to metals and vitamins, all are important.
>>critique, then say but I agree and I am le better man.
I'm sorry that's all you can see but I never said that. If I'm agreeing with you then how am I the better man? Stop going on the defensive
And no it's not called further reading, I showed you the point, I showed you how the proof has nothing to do with the point. If the point is that Y is good, saying that X is bad and Y helps avoid X does not prove that Y is good. Unless your point is actually that X is bad and that Y being good helps with that, . To help your horrible reading comprehension, in this analogy Y is juicing and X is fructose.
>"But this guy isn't posting information in the style that I like. I'll dub it a new term, false proof." Get over yourself.
Seriously you must be retarded. This has nothing to do with me, I'm explaining for at least the third time now, that your proof has nothing to do with your point.
>>You should instead show how juicing with pulp is so much better than just fruit juicing.
Actually, I went a step further and went to the heart of the issue. By explaining that fructose in high amounts is hazardous and counter-intuitive, a normal person with intact logical reasoning would realize that it's something that too must be moderated.
So what your saying is that Juicing has nothing to do with your point? That your entire point is about how bad Fructose is? Why not say that explicitly when I'm going on and on about how surely, your point was about Juicing. Anyways, now that you slyly admitted what your point really is, let me show you how retarded this point is by using your own words against you. Coincidentally when you talked about Juicing you proved how safe Fructose is yourself
>They consumed that amount of fructose along with the fruit itself which helped alleviate the subtle affects of fructose absorption.
Yes, the fruit pulp helps "alleviate" the subtle affects of fructose absorption. If your diet is over all healthy than it also can alleviate the subtle affects of fructose absorption. As even I said myself, when you consume too much of anything without digesting or in extreme ratios it becomes a poison (this was in the sense that if fructose can be considered a poison, than even water can also be considered a poison. at least you stop arguing over that)
Ratios is incredibly important, and if you are able to consume fruit juice with proper ratios of different kinds of fiber in the rest of your diet then it's okay.
> But before you say, "ah-ha my analogy worked," it's still not as simple as that.
What analogy are you even talking about? It's like you didn't even read my post. What you quoted isn't an analogy it's as literal as you can get. Juicing with pulp is better than drinking fruit juice.
And I checked your links, the "new-study-confirms-fructose-affects-your-brain-very-differently-than-glucose.aspx"doesn't prove anything about reduced brain activity. Although fructose decreases activity, glucose increases it.
>At this point, the implications of these differences are unclear.
>So, time will tell what these latest findings really mean
If I didn't know better I'd say that site was sensationalizing and exaggerating a few facts to push forward an agenda. It's admitted to not even be managed by any doctor (read the disclaimer at the bottom), there's no sources at the bottom and when I researched this myself I found many links showing how Fructose isn't actually that bad. Here's one
And other links explaining how eating other things can easily counter the fructose like DHA as I said earlier
If fructose murdered your family then I'm sorry about that but stop talking about it. If you don't stop then you're going to get ignored because no one wants to beat a dead horse. Sure talking about the benefits of juicing is great and a worthy discussion, but even that is kind of irrelevant though this is a question thread and anyone can ask new questions so that's cool. But to remind you, out of the blue you mention how fruit juice and corn syrup are the same half a thread ago derailing the crap out of it. Also I don't want to actually become autistic but I had to pretend I was to be able to talk to you. Enough of that
For real. This guy won't shut the fuck up about fructose. Juicing is a great process that lets you get insane health boosts. Avoiding high fructose is such a horrible reason to juice, Fruit juice isn't that bad, but actual juice with pulp from juicing is much better. I've become a broken record responding to his shit. This fucker at least stopped saying that corn syrup and juice is the same at least, even if he can't admit to being wrong ever.
>However now that the topic is in discussion, there is one major concession I am willing to make on a diet with a high intake of fruit juice and it also addresses Inedia ( >>562 ). For this reason is why I haven't decided to go over what I posted here over there because I am convinced that Inedia works; but as it says in the OP, it's a transformation and at the end of it, it calls for fruit juice and then just water. If someone has already reached the stage where they are obtaining the vast majority of their energy from the All, that leaves virtually every single bodily process taken care of and it should counter-act if not neutralize the negative affects of things like high-fructose which would normally be hazardous. In other words, just like a lower vibrational person wouldn't be able to subsist on fruit juice, a typical /fringe/ anon wouldn't start Inedia on the last steps. This also ties back to my earlier post, an effect that even mundanes perceive, >>3271 , which earlier you described as rambling. To expand on that -or rather ramble as you put it- our bodies are magnificent machines and typical mundanes are only "healthy" because the brunt of their energy is spent moderating the affects of unhealthy food sources. Inedia coincides with that observation that even mundanes can perceive, except of course mundanes are largely unaware of the energy that can be derived from the all.
Oh wait what the hell, so now you think fruit juice is a good thing but only for enlightened masters… The process of removing foods in diet has consuming fruit pulp before just fruit juice and then just water. The third last step would be juicing then. Of course all of a sudden drinking only juice and consuming nothing else isn't going to work that well, the requirement is to be in tune and aware of oneself maximizing efficiency. However if is just drinking juice with a good diet then they wouldn't need much 'awareness efficiency' to counteract the bad effects of the juice (if there are any inherently). And being careful about what you eat choosing healthy foods probably increases this awareness enough to allow safe consumption of juice
And yea you're pretty much rambling again but somehow I'm able to discern what you mean kind of. I think you mean mundanes are only healthy due to most of their energy being wasted moderating unhealthy food. When you say "Inedia coincides with that observation that even mundanes can perceive," you're implying that this process of becoming aware in Inedia corresponds to the sheer willpower that mundanes undergo staying healthy enough while consuming unhealthy food. This awareness is not really the same thing as this will power though. It's more of a subconscious will power, the will of the body to live that is countering the unhealthy effects, and they are not usually aware that their body is working so hard to counter it they just truly think there's nothing wrong with the food, continuing in their obliviousness and ignorance. This is how humanity's greatest strength has become it's greatest weakness, our ability to adapt doesn't even let us realize the harmful long term effects of our actions. Perhaps some more aware people develop some efficiency to let them stay healthy longer but they still don't realize the process usually.
It seems this is what you were trying to say, but on the surface it's coming off as ramblings. But yea, even fluoride adds to this making the body work all the time to stay healthy enough, or rather sufficiently functioning.
In fact all these unhealthy foods and poisons and such all add up to how most of our energy is being wasted, and thus this is why we don't have any energy left over to function on a spiritual level.
This is pretty much the greater conspiracy, (((they))) throw whatever shit at us to make sure our third eye stays blind and our chakras say unaligned leaving us disconnected to higher realms
>The only variable is food. Unless you have any better explanation
No way dude, the biggest variable of all is attitude or perception or whatever you want to call it. Even on a biological level, every single action you do either increases or decreases stress. Buddhist materials also suggest this, with the exception of two neutral emotions of confusion and equanimity
Foods may increases urges but it's your attitude that results whether you act on them or not. Your perception is your reality, and it can set you free
If you get decent at meditation, you'll be able to make literally anything stimulating. You're just spoiled and conditioned to always be stimulated by what ever it is your habits are. Conditioning is everything that influences your subconscious creating all sorts of thought patterns which shape your perception.
>not being a vegan master race
you're missing out m8. I mean for one thing, unless you raise the animals yourself you can't be sure of what conditions they lived in. If it's constantly depressed from birth to death, then your meat is marinated with depression. Worst of all is grounded and mixed meat, all these portions of varying negative soul energy all mushed together. There are so many different kinds of fruits nuts vegetables roots etc they make up for not eating animals. But you probably don't have access to these things so like some chicken or steak (or turkey or goat or etc) once a week is probably good for the variance. Fish is great though, their entire life is floating they clearly never give a fuck. Well some of them are pretty smart and have crazy lives but we normally don't eat such exotic fish species
the post only said calories. carbs are amazing and it's all I eat and is why I'm thin. Brown bread is life. There's so context behind carbs that just saying you have too much is meaningless (for one thing there's three types of carbs and that's just scratching the surface)
What's wrong with heavy food nuts are great. For protein eat potatoes, hemp seed, fish, there's lots of different vegetable sources. I'm not sure you even need that much protein, as long as the exercising/fitness training is efficient (something about less through out the day leading to more gains)
Its.. Its actually quite the opposite.
I live in a Scandinavia country with strict regulations on the meat market.
I'm not arguing against eating green but why stop eating red?
Why are the attributes from meat seen as negative?
After a nice juicy, red steak you feel like a predator, driven, ambitious, satisfied in your apex, superior.
One of the most intense experiences I've had was after eating half a kilo of cow and accidentally meditating on Moloch which yielded a good amount of understanding.
I really don't see the appeal of vegan, it feels like i've got my eyes where my ears are. Tippy toes watching for threats, tense, light and always ready to sprint because of spooks.
>fruit is poison
I ate an apple 2 days ago and got instant stomach pain with cramps, was about to collaps. I usually don't eat fruit or vegetables except for olives and this just confirmed it for me, it's best avoided.
I'll stick with yoghurt, cheese, milk, grains and meat. No matter what vegans say I always get stomach ache and feel bad for at least 24 h after eating vegetables, raw are the worst. One carrot boiled hard for 30 min can be ok once a month, I've not felt sick from that.
Diets are highly individual but I seriously suggest you try eating some greens, its being rejected because the carry vibes you can't tolerate, if you want to progress you need those vibes.
>No way dude, the biggest variable of all is attitude or perception or whatever you want to call it. Even on a biological level, every single action you do either increases or decreases stress. Buddhist materials also suggest this, with the exception of two neutral emotions of confusion and equanimity
In order to explain why I consider food a possible variable, let me elaborate on my situation.
I often feel empty and as if seeking for something. Some purpose, some stimulus, some new data, philosophical idea, Buddhist insight, Reddit thread, meditative technique or mood enhancing herbal drink eg. yerba mate. In situations like this I often go out to garden and do metta meditation, trying to feel love/compassion/kindness. It never works.
At other times, warm, euphoric waves of love/compassion come on their own, seemingly randomly. I just don't get it.
After I cut off caffeine and sexual stimulation, generally the only big variable left is food. So I try to find patterns according to which my approach to the world changes by writing down food I eat. It doesn't seem to be working.
There is no "the most effective methods" I guess. There is a multitude of methods so people can find something suitable for them.
With that being said, the easiest ones IMHO are those related to breath.
Osho's rendition of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra with his commentary have 112 techniques for meditation and you can try them and see what works best for you. There is a pdf of it in the meditations thread.
Although Osho's version is pretty much a Westernization of the original Vijnanabhairava Tantra, with some more "esoteric" techniques replaced with more down to earth and suited for someone not knowing Tantra nor Sanskrit terminology. Or maybe they are just very creative interpretations. I guess everyone except me is happy about this.
Okay I'll check it out
what I meant with my question was, which meditations give you the most control on your energy, allign you with your true self etc… I've been meditating with different basic techniques for a while now
Eh I feel like that even after fasting a long ass time. I usually don't even have a problem not eating for 30 hours straight and can still be on edge.
So yea, you should be both at the same time something like:
regardless of consumption, you feel like a predator, driven, ambitious, satisfied in your apex, superior, with eyes for ears watching for threats, on edge and light on your feet, always ready to sprint in case some spooks need to be curb stomped.
god I wish there were some spooks to stomp
not really I need to work out and shit more but you know what I'm saying
anyways, if your meat is wholesome then I guess go for it especially if you need them gains. you shouldn't ever be relying on anything though, make energy loops within your self like how some say the ankh is a symbol to redirect your energy back to yourself
every situation has a unique effective solution
also meditation thread here
a few different methods could be effective for you, it may depend on your present skill set. what basic techniques do you currently favor
probably pesticides or spiritual cancer from gmo or so many possible reasons. your conclusion would make sense if everyone who ate apples got stomach pain craps
maybe just you should avoid apples but probably not
my best bet is it mixed badly with something else you consumed. maybe like milk or something. milk and things with casein shouldn't be mixed with acidic foods like fruit. apparently can cause indigestion and diarrhea
since you eat a lot of dairy products like milk cheese yogurt it's likely that any fruit will cause problems
>I often feel empty and as if seeking for something. Some purpose, some stimulus, some new data, philosophical idea, Buddhist insight
sounds like you aren't satisfied with your current belief system, philosophy, or what have you
of course you shouldn't accept any belief or idea without thoroughly criticizing it but that being said I love talking about philosophy and concepts and ideas and other such abstract things, so maybe we can talk about things, like what 'cogito ergo sum' really means and it's implications. not sure if there's a thread specifically about this but I think this general thread seems most relevant, feel free to check it out and post what you wanna talk about or make a new thread if you wish
Regardless there's almost for sure subconscious processes that are causing these things. look for internal patterns since as I said the biggest variable is perception and emotions influence this.
Unless you can explain the cause of all your emotions (which as you said you can't) then you aren't aware of the subconscious processes.
what you eat doesn't result in direct emotional changes, subconscious processes do
some bot spammed every 5 seconds for hours, resulting in thousands of posts. all in one thread thankfully and all posts got deleted so thank mods
With the way you post and your level of comprehension, all evidence points to you suffering from kind of impairment. You even quote a vague implying-post and assume you know the intended meaning behind it when it can imply all sorts of things. You're delusional.
>This fucker at least stopped saying that corn syrup and juice is the same
I never said that even once. Get over yourself and stop being mad. If you're going to consistently misunderstanding things that shouldn't be beyond your comprehension, that aren't hard to understand, you're not worth conversing with. If you can be reduced to posting like an upset teen that responds in blog posts you have some serious issues that need addressing. Read into that as you wish, you're already having enough trouble interpreting the text on the screen as it is.
Trigger warning: The rest of the post includes the F word at some point. Spoilered for your convenience and sensitive ego.
You may have a problem digesting fiber or some forms of fiber. You mentioned yoghurt and cheese. Yoghurt consumption can be counter-intuitive because most yoghurts packs a range of "healthy" bacteria (probiotics) and constant yoghurt consumption can lead to gut flora imbalance, even if the type of gut bacteria is generally healthy. Gut flora imbalance is very subtle but greatly affects the body. Imbalance can lead to a myriad of digestive issues, immunity issues, and it can even alter brain function (See GAPS diet). Cheeses, particularly raw cheeses -the good kind- also provides another source of "probiotics."
Alternatively or related to all of that, you could be suffering from fructose malabsorption syndrome. Many vegetables along with fruits can contain fructose. Although the fructose may be in a considerably small amounts, it's enough to illicit a response from someone who has that particular disorder. Fructose
Not really summoned but I meditated on kek once and I dreamt trump winning the following night
nice projection
and of course you said it. you implied it when you said
>Often those same people swore off high-fructose corn syrup in sodas but think it's completely different from the fructose in organic fresh fruits.
and because of this statement were accused of it many times and never denied it. most evidently
but whatever doesn't make a difference to me when the deluded project their delusions onto others. actually pretty much everything you said to me describes yourself exactly. also good job ignoring all the things worth talking about and only responding to defend yourself.. triggered much?
it's just one of many tools to enter the trance state, in terms of magick purposes
oh there are some other philosophy threads too like
to expand on what I said in
many different things show how things work, even western psychology (but not psychiatry)
there's a lot you can consider before concluding that food controls your life. only people like atheists or materialists (or psychiatrists) think it's matter over mind. do you deny that it's mind over matter?
>Regardless there's almost for sure subconscious processes that are causing these things. look for internal patterns since as I said the biggest variable is perception and emotions influence this.
>Unless you can explain the cause of all your emotions (which as you said you can't) then you aren't aware of the subconscious processes. what you eat doesn't result in direct emotional changes, subconscious processes do
Let me know if I get this right: The idea is that mood and the relationship one has with the world is the result of one's thought stream leading up to the present moment. Of course it would be a schizophrenic world if we could drastically change our perception with just a few hours of thinking. The current relationship each of us has with the world is the effect of stream of thoughts of our whole lives, but mainly the past years. Everyone is constructing their frame of looking at the world for a long time.
Therefore, in order to stay passionate, positive, energetic, and empathetic on a daily basis, one should devote as much time as possible to try and feel that. If this is the only thing one focuses on, then eventually there should be not many subconscious processes left except feeling this kindness/metta by default.
Every time I catch myself thinking, I stop and injure positive feelings towards myself or all beings. I hope to program myself this way so that in a few years I feel like this all the time. Are there any faults in this approach that I miss? Hack myself to feel love and empathy or die trying?
My goal is to be passionate, energetic and productive so that I can work on my art. Right now I'm seeking too much. I worry this is neurochemical because of how caffeine works on me. I'm withdrawn, unable to connect to anyone, constantly seeking for some stimulus, on the Internet or elsewhere. I feel like I'm just lacking something! Yet when I take caffeine and get this slight dopamine boost I finally feel complete - I finally have "enough" of some neurotransmitter and can connect to others, look them into eyes, talking with them becomes pleasurable etc.
Of course caffeine has dopaminergic effects only if you don't take it regularly. After 3 days in a row, you just become more awake, that's it.
>sounds like you aren't satisfied with your current belief system, philosophy, or what have you
>of course you shouldn't accept any belief or idea without thoroughly criticizing it but that being said I love talking about philosophy and concepts and ideas and other such abstract things, so maybe we can talk about things, like what 'cogito ergo sum' really means and it's implications. not sure if there's a thread specifically about this but I think this general thread seems most relevant, feel free to check it out and post what you wanna talk about or make a new thread if you wish
Well, you heard my current philosophy above. If I am right, then deep thinking is not useful at all because it will just lead to you becoming a good thinker, that's it. I sometimes think one of reasons David Foster Wallace killed himself is to give ultimate statement that neurotic philosophizing and overthinking is not the way to go. He was horrified people will try to follow in his steps. So what do you think of my idea to replace thinking with metta meditation wherever possible?
Reading while doing ritual, is it bad?
(If it's not a ritual one is supposed to be doing more then once)
>skilled magician
>summoning Kek
Go back to "le meme magikz" and making sick memes :^)
Not really IMHO, though I've never did ceremonial magic stuff. On some occasions when I've found some interesting mantra or kavacha ritual I just rewritten it on some peace of paper and then read it while in a meditative state. It can be different though depending on what you are doing. In kavacha the emphasis is on placing different bijas in various parts of the body and that implies less focus on the text and more on what you are doing with particular seed mantras so I guess the best way would be to memorize it, but reading works too.
In regards to ceremonial magic, I guess that it could lessen your immersion in the ritual which could have negative effects.
I don't completely understand what you're saying but it does seem like your consciously conditioning yourself with positive patterns to counter the subtle/passive/implicit conditioning done to yourself by the environment
yourself being your subconscious or psyche or ego or whatever term you use in accordance with your framework
I suppose that would work, but what I was actually getting at is that is an even more underlying process that's causing your emotions.
It's not just that the conditioning does something to your subconscious which causes emotions. Even now there is this mysterious something causing things, what we thus far have only called patterns.
One would need to truly understand the mechanism of how this pattern works if they were to change it.
So before I continue I don't want to negate any insight you may already have; you didn't really explain how your method of selfprogramming with feelings shows how deep thinking is not useful at all. So before I continue consider what exactly caused you to reach that conclusion, share it even if it's something unique and not mentioned. I don't know much about this David Foster fella but it seems psychiatric medication was involved, and suffice to say that shit fucks you up hardcore. Never trust psychiatrists
It seems metta meditation is just repeating some positive mantras to allow positive emotions to occur. Even this is in a way trying to convince yourself of positive beliefs to in a way 'overwrite' the beliefs of your subconscious. And as an aside, I found that Metta is just one of four meditation practices to cultivate it's corresponding sublime attitudes. One of the other sublime attitudes is equanimity, something I just coincidentally mentioned while going on about my own ideas later on in this post haha. It's more enlightening to learn about as a concept though i never read about specific meditation techniques to cultivate that, though it's kind of self explanatory. The other three sublime attitudes including Metta it seems involving empathy and to have pleasure interacting with others one would require empathy so the other two may be something worth looking into for yourself if you don't already have a high empathy, I consider myself something like an empath being incredibly sensitive to things growing up and I'd rather not over stimulate it more than I need to so I didn't look into those two things at all haha. To note, on the idea of meditation practices to cultivate sublime attitudes, one cannot cultivate what there is none of to begin with. Attitudes and emotions do have a cause that goes deeper than patterns, and one cannot just manifest an attitude without having an appropriate cause. We feel certain emotions when we experience things that develop our perspective/understanding, and often even simply experiencing a realization can provoke emotions.
As far as I can tell this pattern arises from actual beliefs. Not only are there the conscious beliefs that people have, but also subconscious beliefs. And when the subconscious beliefs contradict the conscious beliefs negative emotions arise.
So first of all one should determine some beliefs/ideologies to favor. That's why I was heavily encouraging you to explore different concepts and ideas for you to consider and start believing in. The way you say you feel empty as if seeking for knowledge/purpose/philosophical idea/buddhist insight. It immediately rung bells for me that you don't seem very grounded and are just unsure of reality it self, and that at some level you are not satisfied at all with your current belief system and want to expand or evolve or switch it.
I referred you to the meditation thread where I mentioned some buddhist concepts of mindstream and equanimity, very interesting to look into for a better understanding of how consciousness itself works and ways to manage the stimulus of emotions coming from the subconscious (it seems in this framework consciousness is called consciousness and subconsciousness is called ego in many of the buddist books I've read, but in other frameworks of philosophy consciousness is actually called ego so make sure to research any idea that you aren't fully certain about)
After determining some philosophies to favor you should immediately be content with your personal understanding of reality. But you may still be having confusing emotions in which case you can do some self analyzing meditation to dig through your subconscious and discover beliefs that you never consciously subscribed to but somehow got past your filter and are embedded in your psyche. Overall though after being content with reality your emotions should be much less annoying
But yea I sure wouldn't say you are seeking too much. You can never be seeking enough, in my point of view the entire point of life is to learn from experience, and what better way to learn than to experience from the application of knowledge
>I suppose that would work, but what I was actually getting at is there is an even more underlying process that's causing your emotions.
> share it even! it could be something unique and not mentioned
this correction almost flips the meaning lol
oh and TLDR: develop your logic m8, personal understanding of logic is what creates beliefs, and beliefs is what causes emotions
thanks mang
what is there to gain from learning the truth?
I mean, if one is already loving and open to learning and expanding, is there a reason to seek dangerous truths rather than grow spiritually and keep to oneself much and love and work where one can?
Does learning the truth prohibit me from doing that or help me to do that in anyway especially if I can't share it?
mmm… I'm curious.
I use multiple flags, and 2-3 names
Twin Flames: self explanatory I think.
Had 3 come into my life, by my definition, the third one being in my life now and developing into its full expression.
Twin Flames for me are 2 souls that come into contact and are willing to mirror each other energetically.
I have this vision of a star being of abundance that I like to channel in its archetypal energy. Adventurer/wizard-manifestor type.
Sun/Moon: nothing too "unique" to me, general meanings. Yang/Yin, etc.
Sometimes I pick elements I like. Often air because Gemini is air sign and I'm pretty vatta [dosha].
Water has a dear place in my heart, used to be at the pool a lot.nostalgia.
akash is fun.
I *think* those are all the flags I've used.
>fructose malabsorption syndrome
I'm going to have to look that up. I tried a sport drink a few weeks ago and had an alergic reaction, and I still picked one with few "strange" ingredients, or so I thought.
It was pic related, vitamin B6 is supposed to increase muscle function and the other in combination sounded really neat when I read up on it, the effect sounds perfect (like a nice buff potion in a MMO kinda), and the only other ingredients is… fructose.
How can truth be dangerous? Maybe revealing lies and exposing illusions can be dangerous, but those things also help liberate people so that more harmony and love can be achieved
Isn't learning and understanding more of how everything works a part of growing spiritually?
Truth is not inherently dangerous, but it does inherently cause growth
Uh these are the ingredients
>Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Less than 0.5% of: Citric Acid, Salt and Magnesium Chloride and Calcium Chloride and Mono-Potassium Phosphate (Electrolyte Sources), Natural Flavors, Modified Food Starch, Calcium Disodium EDTA (to Protect Color), Medium Chain Triglycerides, Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate, Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride), Vitamin B12, Blue 1.
That shit is cancer, anything with corn syrup is fucked up. Don't ever consume that cooperate bullshit dude
Knowledge is power and (((they))) don't like sharing power.
Just be careful not to get on (((their))) radar or you might kill yourself by shooting yourself in the back of the head 7 times while driving your car into a lake.
>High Fructose Corn Syrup
>Mono-Potassium Phosphate
>Modified Food Starch
>Calcium Disodiusm EDTA
>Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate
>Blue 1
I see nothing wrong goy, looks fine to me.
Why would the (((FDA))) allow such ingredients to be added to food if they destroyed your body, it's not like the (((American Government))) would want to purposely poison the food and water of its citizens, that's conspiracy talk!
Now take your meds goyim.
You should enjoy this one aswell then
Boyd Rice - Scorpion Wind: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyDSuXLNG-1XhzLIKfYv6szQ0JYjnpF2s
The album is called heaven sent
The guy i quoted was talking about finding truth and being in danger while finding it.
The only thing is that I failed to see what gain there is in learning the truth of what he says.
I'm not attached to illusions. But there didnt seem much benefit to learning truth of what that person was talking about. Havent people been learning on their own and eastern paths finding god long before this? Seems like pointless conflict
The vitamin b6 form in there sucks anyway.
You need the p5p form. The other one pyroxidine hydrochloride is quite toxic at relatively small doses.
>The other one pyroxidine hydrochloride is quite toxic at relatively small doses.
But football players drink that shit by the gallon every day.
crying can be powerful and may lead to powerful trance states or other access to emotions
at the very least it's a healthy way to release energy and possibly balance chakras
holding in emotions is obviously bad, it's the opposite of the healthy effects of what I just said
>crying can be string and may lead to powerful trance states or other access to abilities
is what I told myself to type am tired. maybe I accidentally revealed something else, probably just dyzlexia though
>I often go out to garden and do metta meditation, trying to feel love/compassion/kindness. It never works.
>At other times, warm, euphoric waves of love/compassion come on their own, seemingly randomly. I just don't get it.
Maybe it's a delayed effect. Try doing metta while feeling the bliss and maybe they will come at the same time at some point. It can be hard to force that kinda thing
(Poetical) metaphors of Red Rose and White Lilly - what are the esoteric differences?
White Lilly - pure, noble soul or substance. Connected with water. but what is Red Rose?
> "Everybody claims to have the truth, so either most are wrong or else they have discovored that the universe is much more complicated, so complicated that they cannot all explain it. If we were to paste all of the teachings together would the resulting patchwork be the truth about everything? Would we be able to see there on that paper with all of the occult claims listed like the columns of the newspaper some kind of basic idea? We might be tempted to say to ourselves that something must be true. Our awnser is that while all others by human efforts have been moving towards the universal truth about man and his world, they have only generated a profound confusion by their endless errors, wich appear misdirected."
I'm going to try it one more time.
There is like 4/5 completly random flags made just for 1 anon.
So, what about actually making one flag, without any religion/system attached.
And don't even start with the "Neophyte" or "Initiate" flags. I mean something more general, that does not imply any kind of superiority.
>Says the guy that just wrote a quote about superiority in the post above with a different flag.
The flags of our website is the same that smiley compiled over 2 years, based on his collection of flags of users and requests, you are bound to end up with flags that show superiority because everyone wants their flag.
The saddest kind of illusion is that people think flags matter. The flag you're using I created a couple of weeks ago. It's flavor of the month really.
If you want a flag done we'll make it.
>Everybody claims to have the truth, so either most are wrong
Or maybe the truths converge at some point into one. I'm not saying they do, as I don't know and don't really care but it's a possibility at least.
For that matter, everyone can be right too, even when their truths directly contradict each other. This is a very subjective matter, I think what can be true to someone can be false to someone else.
>while all others by human efforts have been moving towards the universal truth about man and his world, they have only generated a profound confusion by their endless errors, wich appear misdirected
Whatever "ultimate truth" there is I think that it can't be put onto any paper or closed in any book. The only truth that is "ultimate" would be ineffable. In some traditions this ultimate knowledge is consider enlightenment and the state of being enlightened cannot be understood by the person which is not yet enlightened. It's direct knowledge and not theoretical knowledge that can be put into words, in my opinion.
Also, what kind of "endless errors" are we talking about?
>I implied it
I wonder what it feels like to rely on the perceived implications of people's posts and not what they actually mean.
Yet another term rendered into a buzzword. Yet I do have to give you credit, you are using it in the use (((they))) intended. It's the glorified form of, "No, you!" which helps (((them))) deflect accusations.
>more evidently
>relying on a post that misconstrued what I said
>I let other people think for me
Hello, reddit.
Hey anon it's perfectly normal to suicide by shooting yourself in the back of the head 7 or more times. What exactly are you implying? That the people who have done that weren't committed to dying in such a way?
I started asking for aid in my pursuits in the astral, at least I think that what it is.
I've gotten some good advice but, I'm still critical of random advice from entity's and test the info i'm given.
had any one had experiences with entity's from the astral?
how dose one navigate the astral?
any way of just getting reliable help from the astral?
There are countless books too guide you especially if you have 90days to dedicate.
>>Ive never tryed to AP myself.
Could you recommend some?
I just don't know were to go and what info to trust, also I don't know a lot about the literature side of the occult.
The 90 day program found in the Fringe Mega Library looked pretty complete allthoight im not speaking from experience im sure someone else will awnser you in due time
Why is there no path between Binah and Chesed? It's the only part of the 'lightning flash' that isn't a path.
I didn't want to reply right away. I wanted to digest your thoughts for some time.
>I don't understand your method of selfprogramming
It's attempts to feel positive/appreciative of the miracle of awareness in moments I don't feel much. Simple as that. I often stop thinking and analyzing and focus just on that. It's basically replacing thinking with attempts at feeling "love". I'm not feeling much on the surface, but I hope it's working at least on a lower level.
>it does seem like your consciously conditioning yourself with positive patterns to counter the subtle/passive/implicit conditioning done to yourself by the environment
It would be convenient to believe it's the environment that impacted me. But I could never connect well to others since childhood. I'm not autistic. However, I'm just so, so, so, so out of the loop in a very surreal way. It's interesting as I'm writing and thinking about it, I'm suddenly remembering unrelated dreams from at least one year back. Perhaps it's important.
>After determining some philosophies to favor you should immediately be content with your personal understanding of reality. But you may still be having confusing emotions in which case you can do some self analyzing meditation to dig through your subconscious and discover beliefs that you never consciously subscribed to but somehow got past your filter and are embedded in your psyche. Overall though after being content with reality your emotions should be much less annoying
It's a very difficult spot I'm in. I either have no beliefs or I can't see them from where I stand. Again, "out of the loop" is a good phrase.
It's like everyone else in the world is running on some different software. They knew how to connect to others, they wanted to, and they did. They knew what they wanted to do in life, they made very concrete actions, and they pursue their path. They wanted to be with a girl, they figured out what to do, and they went for it.
I never had these programs in my mind. It becomes especially surreal when I read about "natural" problems people tend to have. You know, how someone commits suicide because of loneliness, or feels intense anger over their girl cheating on them. I think to myself: wow. I'm 23. I've actually been out with a friend. I've no interests, no skills, or career path. I've never connected to a girl, kissed etc. And I'm not saying this with regret or sadness, not at all. I feel only overwhelming confusion that sometimes even borders on very joyful euphoria. It's difficult to explain the extend of irony of my situation. All of reality feels like hilarious joke sometimes and I just can't get sad. With the exception of getting sad from art, which is a very beautiful form of sadness.
There are meth addicts who went through periods of homelessness, all that jazz. They, or some others, go through severe depression. And you see, even these meth addicts and extremely depressed people write about connecting with people, having clear defined career paths, jobs, having girlfriends. Even if they lost these things for a while, these things are considered a benchmark, and I'm just so far away from all this life stuff. Someone told me recently it's time to get married and "settle down". Christ. Settle down? From what? What do I do? Well, whatever, why not. I have no other plans in life anyway and settling down could be cool. However, I first need some kind of magic to become some kind of a human who knows what humans do and enjoys doing it
will having sex with someone set me back magickly?
I'm just wondering if it's different from masturbation spiritually.
Can anyone give me any tips on Kundalini rising? How long is the process supposed to take? Do I really have to go full vegetarian for a while?
This clueless soul wants to feel his full potential.
It's the easiest thing if you have decent energy work abilities.
Draw from root to crown.
Can't energy work? Learn by breathing in and draw it from air to legs, 10 minutes and your legs will be super warm.
After Kundalini try channel from root and crown on breath in towards heart, breath out stabilise/spin it at heart.
Not eating meat helps in feeling energy, so does being really tired or having had a few sessions third eye meditation with binaural beats.
Conversations in this thread related to energy levels and self-programming were interesting.
I have question to people here who have had experiences with kundalini. Is it like meth or cocaine? Do I understand it right, is kundalini like putting your dopaminergic system into overdrive?
Is kundalini a matter of loading yourself with proper beliefs?
There have been quite a lot of different opinions on Kundalini ever since the term was adopted in the West and Western occultists never did properly understand what the experience consisted of and what it meant in its original context. Not saying it's bad or that it's wrong because if this neo-Kundalini works for them who am I to devalue this experience?
Tbh "Kundalini in its original context" could also have a lot of variations as countless Tantrik sects often were disagreeing with each other, but nevertheless the experience was described differently, and usually was much greater, from what is now considered "Kundalini raising" in the occult community.
I haven't really studied the matter thoroughly as original materials (in English at least) are a bit scarce, but from what I studied I know a few things which were generally considered a part of Kundalini experience (in the particular texts I read).
1. As Goddess Kundalini is Prana ("She who maintains all the beings of the world by means of inspiration and expiration"), She is the life-giver for your physical body. Without Kundalini and without Prana you are a corpse. I've heard also of the definition that in fact all the forces are in Her and that She is Shabdabrahman (the transcendental sound from which all creation started; the first manifestation) in the body. Thus, when the practitioner raises this pranic energy, Kundalini, from the root chakra up to Sahasrara, their body becomes dead. In several texts I encountered this statement that their bodies are dead and as cold as a corpse, with the exception of just the tip of the head which is slightly warm and that that is the means by which one can recognize the "true" Kundalini ascension.
2. By the means of raising Kundalini and general contemplation of chakras one is said to gain various powers (Siddhis), such as astral projection, being able to manipulate minds, being able to possess other's body or "becoming the creator, preserver and destroyer of the three worlds". The ultimate goal of Kundalini however was the union with Shiva/Shakti/Brahman - however you want to call it, in short, enlightenment. The state of total non-duality where you possess no ego and are identical with God.
Maybe there were other sects which viewed Kundalini somewhat differently, but that is the most common version. In short - your body is a corpse and you gain supernatural powers when the Kundalini descends from Sahasrara back to Muladhara.
Btw. I will search for some more materials about Kundalini, I have some tantra from Kaula school which is quite heavy on esoteric yoga so I will search there.
I've started meditating regularly and I had a strange and somewhat disturbing visual appear as I tried focusing on my crown chakra. I saw that the top of my head was like a flower bulb and I let it open which revealed a large pill-shaped fleshy object wrapped in a skin-like texture. I took it out and examined it. It wasn't my brain, but the fleshy object was big and yet it existed between my brain and this "bulb." The entire experience was very vivid and I could feel a lot of pressure on the top of my head while I maintained focus on this sudden visual.
What did I just experience?
How to focus on magick? I used to be really into it and reading lots of books but as I do more socializing and focus on my personal life I find myself not having that same deep feeling of belief I did before.
A friend of mine is chronically depressed, and being in contact with them I get a pretty destitute vibe. I can only imagine an entity being responsible for this. Just talling to them every so often and mentally connecting is a drain on me. I definitely sense some form of malicious being. How would I find out what it is and get rid of it for good? I don't know what the term would be but I imagined wind going into their head, like "solar wind" comes to mind, I imagined this wind of banishment going into their head and I immediately felt a bit better.
After I did this, they texted me out of the blue saying they felt great all of a sudden. I was sleepy when doing this and thought "I feel better but how do I know it works for them?" and then said "I would imagine they would text me" and no more than 30 seconds later I heard my phone.
Basically a friend of mine is rittled with entities that make them feel bad, how do I permanently banish them and then send this person good vibes?
Umm, I did and I didn't. I kinda stopped and opened my eyes and felt bewildered by what I had seen. My head continued to feel pressure where that was in the visual but I eventually shook it off. I felt better later, even better than how I felt earlier in the day.
Perhaps you should focus on a magical topic that interests you and use it as a jumping off point. No matter how busy your life becomes, try and include some time exclusively to magic. Better yet, learn how to incorporate magic into daily activities. Don't forget to check the fringe faq and I also recommend reading this thread >>152
Helping someone else when they're plagued by negative entities can be a complicated matter because in a lot of cases it comes down to them having to help themselves stay ridden of the entities.
I think in your case you should go about it by utilizing the connection you seem to have developed with your friend. Similarly to how people use water element for drawing in information and placing thiughts into people's minds, you can help guide your friend. If you need ideas try reading Robert Bruce's Practical Psychic Self-Defense book. If you're lucky the entity or entities affecting him can be kept at bay just by something as seemingly mundane like the fragrance of essential oils. That may give you and your friend the edge you need to banish the entities for good.
A word of caution though. Although I believe your hunch that his problems are due to entities, he could also be the one doing this to himself and others. Some people can unconsciously become psychic vampires which may explain the draining effect you felt. Hopefully that's not the case with him, but you can easily test it by trying to determine the mechanisms that cause you or even others to feel drained.
Please tell me what this symbol means. Ignore the straight line going vertically if need be; it is a detail I'm not sure of.
I remember it being related to a constriction, maybe a constricting universe. I also remember it being presented with symbols relating to a stagnation of, and an outwardly movement.
Much appreciated.
That's something I didn't consider, I have no experience with those. What are some ways I can test, and if confirmed, plans of action I can take? Thank you for the swift reply and the help you have given already.
Hey guys, I've got a question about a weird thing that keeps happening when I'm going to bed at night.
After I lay down and close my eyes, I see this weird pattern in front of my mind's eye. At the same time, it feels like the upper portion of my face and head are getting sucked into this thing. It's very intense, and I end up coming-to in a panic. It happened 3 or 4 times last night, repeatedly, and the last time I tried to "follow" it as much as I could. Alas, it was too intense and I ended up awake again.
I'm trying to find an image to show you what I'm seeing (it's the same every time), but I can't find one to do it justice.
If you can imagine, it's a white oval in the center with no clearly defined borders, surrounded in a weaving black lattice pattern. It looks a little fuzzy, but it's still very distinct. This has happened at least 6 times now overall.
What is this? It has a much, much different feeling than a dream.
Any ideas guys? Thanks for your help.
Let me rephrase.
Could you provide me a source for the image? If not, could you provide me with the three symbols and their meanings?
>So, any ideas on where I've been going?
Well… No idea where you might have been going. I guess if you would persist you would end up just… out of body. Either relatively closely to the physical (meaning you could perceive some if not all elements of your physical surroundings including your bed and your sleeping physical body) or in some "higher" astral with places not having any connection to where you were at the time of the experience.
I know that first few times are pretty rough, when I was starting the experiences were so intense I aborted the exit because I was scared that some ayy lmaos are abducting me or shit like that.
No prob, also you might want to check out
some resources I recommended before, the Adventures Beyond the Body is pretty dope
and >>7426
Today was the first meet-up in which we projected as a community (but without full body switch which is what you were getting - total conversion of senses into your astral body) but tomorrow you have another one, attend if you like.
Montalk describes (unconscious) psychic vampirism as a manifestation of victims of psychic vampirism becoming vampires themselves, but there are also other (indirect) causes. Symptoms of a psychic vampire include becoming lively in the presence of others while there are others who are becoming less and less energetic. People who can properly see the vampirism taking place often report the sight of tendrils seeping into the pores of others' energy bodies. Negative entities usually establish a hierarchy with the unconscious psychic vampires at the bottom end, one tier feeding off the next. So in this respect psychic vampires are often the food for next tier above them, feeding off whoever is unlucky to be in contact with them. Another way someone can be an unwitting psychic vampire is if a negative entity is attached to the host and is leeching off of the people the host is coming into contact with. This makes the host a psychic vampire by proxy.
Generally, one can avoid being drained by affirming one's own defense from the attacks, and thereby guarding the energy body from being drained. This is an article linked from Montalk's website that explores the topic:
I apologize for the fact that this is a repost from 8chan's /fringe/.
Are there any good books about masks and their esoteric significance?
I'm still trying to find my path with the essential and recommended texts, but I read an interesting post that spoke of the use of masks in an esoteric context.
Masks have always fascinated me, and any information would be appreciated.
I'm not sure what to say other than that it doesn't really sound bad, being different doesn't mean it's a bad thing inherently. Pretty cliche to say but it doesn't matter what others think and you should figure out what makes you happy. As I said before consider developing a personal ideology and a logic you can work with
There hasn't been a decent post on 8chan's /fringe/ or fringechan in atleast a month now, what happened?
I suppose my focuses are to avoid reincarnation when I die by achieving enlightenment, and to achieve physical perfection and immortality so I can teach as many others as possible here. I casually incorporate magick into my daily activities. Right before I go to sleep I meditate, open my chakras, do some light thoughtform work, and that's pretty much it. I've accepted that magick is real so it's just become normal to me, and I don't focus on it as much as I want to. It's much easier to just focus on reading imageboards and socializing with mundanes.
Even before this I barely cared about magick. It took me more than a month to read The Kybalion, and more than a year to get to The Science of Breath, which I haven't picked up in 2 months because the exercises suddenly became too much work besides the regular breathing technique. I've read some books but not the big ones and I barely do any exercises. I have no idea why it's specifically magick that makes me lazy. Maybe because there's no immediate physical effect.
The thread you linked says not to make occultism your whole life, but my desire is to teach it to others. I feel like I am already going through the cycle of insanity and apathy it described. Thanks for posting that thread, it applies a lot. But I am still afraid to leave behind mundane habits like idle thought chat and losing normal interests.
How could one know if he's being vampired by another person? I've met two people with whom I've discussed spirituality and 'occult'.
Now I feel my mind is somehow blocked. It is hard to think. And I'm having paranoid ideas: what if .. they vampire me?
Yes, although I don't think Mormons are generally aware of it. There is a chapter addressing it in this book:
The fucking modern world is ending next month what the fuck do you think we're doing?
You think we have time to shitpost when history is about to be rewritten?
I doubt everything will change immediately especially since it would have an impact on the election, things will be censored slowly to ensure the masses don't get too upset.
8chan will probably be taken down, 4chan will probably stay up in most places as a honeypot.
porn and less problem sites will stay like fringechan will probably stay up.
>but I read an interesting post that spoke of the use of masks in an esoteric context
Do you remember what that post said? I'm interested in the subject as well and wonder if there's an overlap with the principles of transformation, i.e. becoming what the mask entails.
Are you feeling physically and mentally drained? You should usually know if you're dealing with a psychic vampire as soon as you come in contact with that person. Just by being in your presence they seem to have a boost of energy at the expense of yourself. In other words the effects are quite immediate.
u wot
>The fucking modern world is ending next month what the fuck do you think we're doing?
This, strangely, makes a good deal of sense. That's why they're delaying the Austrian elections. Somethings going to happen between now and then.
What do you think will happen, and what should we do to prepare?
A lot of things could change what happens next month but pretty much a fulcrum of events exists sometime next month, there is going to be a massive change that will start a change greater than the collapse of the Roman Empire, one of the periods of change and upheaval that don't happen for millennia is coming.
Wow. I hope you are wrong, but I kind of see what you are talking about.
I imagine the only way to survive this period would to have some sort of clairvoyance and see the future.
I wonder what's the best way to develop clairvoyance, or precognition, or someway of seeing/knowing what will happen.
Mars pentacle, requires lots of loosh though and it was designed to work over time to bring rain for crops or coupled with sacrifice to harass fleets cities and armies.
Got a spare cow?
If you live in North America I wouldn't fuck around with the weather, the jewish cabal in control will get really angry.
update: i have access to a forest, a river and probably could reach the nearest mountain if that would help any kind of ritual
>I wonder what's the best way to develop clairvoyance, or precognition, or someway of seeing/knowing what will happen.
I myself have a very undeveloped sense of precognition. I've been meaning to ask more about that subject around here but I've been busy with other subjects. Aside from that, I've experienced deja vu at least once every 1-2 weeks or more for the last 17 years. If Montalk is right about it then that's generally not good, to say the least.
The strange thing about my experiences with deja vu is that I've seen glimpses of the deja vu moment while I'm dreaming but I've never been able to reliably anticipate it before it happens. It probably doesn't help that I've never developed lucid dreaming so when I see the glimpse I proceed to the next part of the dream like it never happened. I can recall my dreams very well and yet it doesn't help me anticipate the change when its occurring. Luckily, or perhaps its part of the designed change in the timeline itself, deja vu moments have never held any immediate significance. In my experience, they've always occurred during the most mundane of mundane situations.
>top 10 weird fetischer
Seriously tho, fuck off coming here and wishing us bad wheater.
You have to go back.
Praise Kek amirght? /pol/ meme magickz, its true, all of it, le habbening is upon us :DDDDD
I used to believe the world would collapse all the time back in 2005, even kept food for a month just in case and had a vague escape plan to get out from the city and back home. Then I realized this worry kept me from doing things right now, so I started focusing on the present and decided, if I learn things now that they are available, at least I'll have references when (if) they're gone, while if I go and worry about it and prep I don't know anything of the world because I think only of my own small world.
And guess what, it's now 11 years later, I have useful experiences and the world didn't even end on 2012.
I don't think the world is going to end anytime soon.
If these things happen then grab your sks and go inna woods.
earthquake (maybe a global one) -> new continent large island appears out of the atlantic ocean -> rise in spirituality (we gunna be hipsters saying we did it before it was cool) -> 1000 years of golden age -> end of the world and humanity becomes one of the acseneded beings in the universe
I also have this feeling. For a while i thought i was getting some weird special power but I think it's the upcoming month. i feel it too.
If you posted on 8chan's /fringe/, your post may very well be the one that inspired my own question, since the post was also a question.
(yeah I know I tagged ironic comments too)
Why are people so arrogant they believe this petty world will end in a grandiose fashion instead of just decaying and dying a slow and standard death?
Anyone has a reasonable backup logic/revelation to propose such ending or just inferiority complex?
Also people tend to relate the evolution/transcendance of human race as a triggering event in all of it; Earth was here before and will probably outlive us while we can still call ourselves human.
ey whoa, end? naw. just drastically change. if anything it'd be closer to the plot of fucking shadowrun then it will be to any 'end of the world' movie nonsense.
Speaking of plot lines our world will be a kin to I was thinking of a mix between brave new world and 1984 most likely going towards brave new world by 1984 means.
>Anyone has a reasonable backup logic/revelation to propose such ending
Did you see the lehman brothers crash? Remember the fall of the berlin wall? 9/11 ?
Things you believe in and rely on, or things that control the world, may suddenly change. Is it so distant to imagine a technology blackout?
Wasn't there some years ago when a number of powerplants overheated or whatever in the US and created a domino affect, cutting electricity for millions of people? I remember seeing it on the news. First night everyone partied and slept in the streets because they were unable to get home. In a mere 2 days the looting started, criminals took over the streets and it turned chaos with rapes and robberies.
Political systems fail sometimes, social systems fail. What about that one thing which hasn't failed so far…
Banks today use computers, your money isn't even a number written on paper. I'm just saying.
>Wasn't there some years ago when a number of powerplants overheated or whatever in the US and created a domino affect, cutting electricity for millions of people? I remember seeing it on the news. First night everyone partied and slept in the streets because they were unable to get home. In a mere 2 days the looting started, criminals took over the streets and it turned chaos with rapes and robberies.
That didn't happen in this timeline.
Sure it did. I remember it clearly, the news footage of people in suits waking up after having slept in the stairs in some major city center.
Looking at the wikipedia list of major outages I can't make out which one it was tho, I just remember it was reported with a lot of attention. I'm not so good at estimating time so I guess it was sometime between 2008 and 2013.
could anyone spoonfeed me on what are people of pol actually worshiping? I'm getting some uneasy feeling about it.
I think I saw tipp saying he'd look into it way back but I guess I never saw the result.
If you're talking about "kek" I can't see anything behind it at all. The statue imo is an egyptian prediction of the frog meme, nothing more. Feeding it does nothing but feed belief in the meme itself, there is no frog god behind it.
See other pic for next.
It appears Moloch supports Hillary, so I suggest you don't worship him. I normally wouldn't care about /pol/ stuff like this but I just happened to dream of a giant brass guy with bull horns the same night as this /pol/ anon so I can't ignore it. His dream was a lot more elaborate than mine. I just saw that huge creature and it took up my entire field of vision, I remember thinking "what does this have to do with me?" then I fell asleep again. The vision didn't come back to my mind until I saw that post later in the day.
>Feeding it does nothing but feed belief in the meme itself, there is no frog god behind it.
At what point though the meme becomes a god?
If a group of people constantly feeds energy with devotion to a thoughtform it's bound to evolve into something more powerful.
"All suffering is self-caused"
Is this new-age cuck-think, or in some way legit? Personally I find too many things that cause you suffering out of your circle of influence
you literally can't brake out of some negative influence though, like the food industry, you can't succesfully live off of the land because healthy fertile land is almost nonexistant now
>you literally can't brake out of some negative influence though, like the food industry
>never heard of prana
Hello newfriend :^)
*tips fedora*
You come to an esoteric imageboard, where we do magic and stuff and tell us that prana or living off it (could've meant either in the context) is bullshit. I mean - what gives? You acknowledge some magical stuff but deem the more hardcore one bullshit?
>not even monks who meditate their whole life can do this
You can't prove the impossibility of something like that. How many monks who have meditated their whole life have you known btw?
So if people worship something it can become a god? What about singers/artists with lots of fans, some of them would be gods if this was true.
No one attributes divine powers to them and no one claims that they are gods. People worship them as idols and stars and well they are exactly that, aren't they?
Also, when we are talking about an actual human, with flesh and ego and all that other stuff it's kinda different from the pure thoughtform which can be shaped by beliefs of countless people. Of course people can also be shaped in this way but there is another factor - their own will or their karma for example.
Don't know if all the Deities emerged in this way (and I believe that they didn't, although maybe some of them did, but I don't know of course).
Ignore them. It is possible to manifest positive scenarios and life experiences. Montalk's reality creation redux is a good piece of material for that, imo. Like begets like. Your agitation and feelings of being victimized will only attract more of the same.
How do you become an inedian? What's the best way? What are the best teachings to follow?
I recently found this book http://breatharian.info/texts/InediaNonEatingFasting.pdf . It seems to have a *lot* of information.
Remove from your diet in order:
1. grains
2. milk and dairy products
3. sweets, candies, and soft drinks/sodas
4. any processed foods e.g., boiled, steamed, pickled, or cured foods (the only exception is rinsed and cut/diced)
5. meat
6. vegetables
7. nuts
8. fruit pulp
You then start diluting the juice until it's nearly water.
9. fruit juice
10. water
I personally think that using shilajit (not the powder or capsule types they are shit, only the resinous and tarry dark stuff) diluted into water is a big help during steps 9-10 and after.
You gotta do energy work and meditate every single day or you'll probably starve.
Any moonmen out there who can clarify something for me? I've been trying to get a clear definition on what exactly a "moon phase" was and there seems to be a lot of inconsistency as to what that means.
Here's an example. Say I want to charge something according to the start of a moon phase. The closest I can find to a clear definition is that the moon phase I want for that purpose is new moon to full moon. Naturally I want to know if that's the actual moon phase or if that's just a moon phase. There seems to be a lot of missing information or I must be doing a terrible job finding a source that keeps track of this. If I'm being confusing I apologize, I just want as close to a clear explanation I can get that can do away with the mess of information that's out there.
The inedia thread goes into greater detail >>>562
Unrelated but I find it a bit disorienting how the spammer bumped a bunch of older threads and once the spam was deleted it made it seem like the board had not been active in months, except for the question thread.
Good point, I'd say.
If anything, death is just what we need to transcend. If you've learned enough, you won't reincarnate as a human. End of story.
Fancy a lady, what kind of magick might help me? Been using sigils so far and it's worked well but I'm interested in the next level
Going inedia from eating like an American is like going celibate from masturbating three times a day. It can be done but it takes willpower. Inedia is pretty similar to celibacy, both sexual gratification and gratification through eating are primal compulsions and activate similar feel good chemicals.
I want to become an inediate, but I really don't want to use a lot of will power, my life is stressful enough as it is, and I don't need to force another goal like that.
So the conscious eating meditation seems perfect for me. Can make progress in becoming inediate, so every day I'm more and more ready for SHTF situation.
Greenpill me on beauty. About a year ago I watched "Why beauty matters" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHw4MMEnmpc), and it made a huge impression on me. 10/10 would recommend to everyone. I also started to notice that it's in particular one kind of (((people))) who work hard to destroy beauty and make the world as ugly as possible. Is this a coincidence?
>that it's in particular one kind of (((people))) who work hard to destroy beauty and make the world as ugly as possible
So do you seriously think that there is one standard of beauty to which everyone adheres? What can be beautiful to you can be ugly to me and vice versa. Ugliness is subjective, maybe all they do is work had to make the world as beautiful as possible from their point of view.
How is it possible that someone "takes" your honor from you? If you behave honorable then how can someone change that?
But of course, "honor" is only something inside your and my mind, so our definitions and outlooks might differ.
How can you "restore your honor"? I don't know, ask yourself. Hurt them or humiliate them or forgive them, whatever makes you feel better.
That kind of mundane question belongs elsewhere.
If you want legit advice on what you should do the answer is that you should work on your bloated ego.
Meditation. Any meditation really in which you clear your mind of any thoughts. When you persist, it can happen eventually. It can even happen spontaneously, as it did to me when I was getting into magic and mysticism for the first time.
But why go to such extremes? Working on ego doesn't necessary mean wiping it clean. Just get some distance to yourself.
Vipassana can also be a great help to realize that you are not your thoughts or emotions.
Anyone have advice on removing social anxiety / social ego, basically to stop caring what people think. It's hard for me because I've thought in terms of what "others think" all my life. I have a rough idea of how to manifest this change in consciousness but if anyone has advice to speed it up, or specific meditations & practices, that would be nice.
>I also started to notice that it's in particular one kind of (((people))) who work hard to destroy beauty and make the world as ugly as possible. Is this a coincidence?
I think people try to recreate what is inside of them in the external world. Therefore, some like to make beautiful things, and others don't.
I think maybe you should look at the PUA community and their AMOG tactics. Ways to social destroy your enemy, often without getting into a fight.
Honestly unless you're extremely dedicated to following the path and willing to give up everything that is you in order to develop yourself ego death is pointless. Just meditate on your life and how you became "you", focus on the events that you most recognize as negative and try to realize why you feel the things you feel and think the things you think. It's all cause and effect, your past made you yourself and by deconstructing your past experiences you can work on yourself.
Deconstruction of your ego (not in the pop-psychology sense in the oriental sense of ego). Basically just what I said above, try to meditate on why you care so much about what people think of you and what in your life led you to become that way.
In many respects art represents the closest ideal of true beauty that can be seen in material reality. That's why so many NEETs get hooked on japshit, it appeals to their base view of beauty. Art is a extension of idea into form, it expresses the idealized beauty of the soul rather than the harsh reality of flesh.
I'm looking for some book recommendations. Any favorites for qigong/other esoteric physical training among you all? Iron Shirt Chi Kung seems pretty nifty.
the physical matter wasn't here until that which is rests upon stretched thin enough to implode/explode releasing a burst of energy which later degraded into physical matter, evolving/devolving into atoms and shit, this rupture in the dimension of high frequency energy isn't a single instance, beyond this bubble of matter there is a distance of area with seemingly nothing, beyond matter, upon which matter rests, travel far enough and you'll find another universe.
Master Lam Kam-Chuen The way of energy mastering is pretty decent.
Define outside.
As far as I can tell each universe in the material plane is an expanding torus. The matter continues to expand outwards. As the torus expands it moves towards the center. Eventually everything reaches the center and then the torus just does it all over again and again and again.
It's not a coincidence. The attack on artistic standards, one of the greatest safeguards of what's objectively beautiful began as early as the beginning of the 20th century. From there we got modernism which initially championed forward thinking but as cultural marxism took hold, modernism melded into post-modernism which can be better encapsulated as absolute subjectivism. While many see the arts as completely demolished and STEM as impervious, there are already many different forces finding ways to make STEM bend to subjectivism. But that's a whole other topic altogether. However the way I like to view that situation is like if it were a parallel to the dysfunction between the male and female forces. It's no secret that the arts is dominated by women and STEM with men. Without arts we have no inspiration and without STEM we cease to function.
In essence, without artistic standards the mundane lacks an idealized form to uphold. Every prosperous ancient culture held standards such as beauty as sacred, the deities they worshipped included those that specifically represented beauty as realized. Then there is sacred geometry which in perfect shapes we receive our most reliable structures and a master of sacred geometry is a master of the ornate.
Even within the mundane perspective, beauty is inspiring. Its presence is enough to raise spirits and remind everyone of what's ideal. With the absence of beauty, there's only literal mundanity.
>beauty is subjective
Hardly. Subjectivity and one's tastes/standards/preferences is often so conflated that no one can see that there is an objective beauty. Within that objective standard is where people gravitate towards - things that reflect their tastes but are nonetheless similar in virtually every aspect.
The best proof of an objective standard in beauty is found in comparing polar opposites, the grotesque and the mesmerizing. While one can say they find something beautiful in the grotesque, that's a stipulation and it's also an indication for deviancy. We are not yet at the point and I hope we never degrade towards a time where there things like guro has the same public exposure like a public park.
The other indicator for beauty is the ability to stun and mesmerize others. Whether it be the fabled beauty that gets a damsel into trouble or a work of architectural wonder that puts sacred geometry on a pedestal, this intrinsic quality epitomizes what's ideal; ideal then takes on a superhuman or otherworldly status which brings me to last point.
The things one sees in the astral drops all pretense towards what's beautiful and what's not. When a shapeshifter attacks you they're rarely in a disguise that's mundane but in a form meant to illicit unequivocal fear. Other times they take forms to hide behind the guise of beauty. Because they know that beauty is something that's meant to be protected.
Right now I'm digging Maurice Nicoll Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff
PDF is on google. It's really long you might want to skip around and read what interests you.
>Ugliness is subjective, maybe all they do is work had to make the world as beautiful as possible
But if you fail in doing so because of incompetence, you are still not supporting beauty in your actions.
There's also a whole bunch of rules for what is visually pleasing, both in perspective painting as in the shape of the human body and face. This has been determined so by what people feel and think. But in the end, the search for what is true beauty rests on the ideas from ancient Greece where beauty was associated with the gods. So in studying what is beautiful you are learning what gods are like, while the opposite, ugliness, is distancing yourself from the ideals of the gods.
Relativism on the other hand opposes this view because it's an atheist philosophy with no other goals than mere materialistic.
It's of course fine if you don't want to use the concept of "god" as someone may have other beliefs, but I still find it incompatible with the topics of this board for posters to seriously align themselves with relativism.
>The attack on artistic standards, one of the greatest safeguards of what's objectively beautiful began as early as the beginning of the 20th century.
Yes. Because ever since the dawn of mankind the standards of beauty were the same. Obviously Venus of Willendorf is as objectively beautiful as Venus of Milo.
>Subjectivity and one's tastes/standards/preferences is often so conflated that no one can see that there is an objective beauty.
[citation needed]
Seriously, how do you plan on proving that there is some objective standard which can be called "objective beauty"? Right know it's just opinion vs opinion, but at least my opinion is based on the fact that people find differing things beautiful.
>Within that objective standard is where people gravitate towards - things that reflect their tastes but are nonetheless similar in virtually every aspect.
As someone who loves experimental music I must say that I don't find things that sound the same as everything else in the history of music beautiful. They are boring, they don't hold any substance for me. On the other hand, the music I listen to could be called noise by some, while for me they are real gems of human creativity. Nevertheless I do find some classical pieces beautiful for example as I have a very varied taste. I can find beauty in noise and in harmony, because it is there.
What you consider "beauty" is just a social normal. It isn't inherent to all humanity and changes, with time and geographic location. Furthermore, the "standard of beauty" or "objective beauty" is an artificial construct. In my magical and spiritual development it was vital that I transcend these notions of beauty and ugliness. These are just labels, made by the mind to categorize experience, which is at it's core non-dual. There is no beauty and there is no ugliness.
>While one can say they find something beautiful in the grotesque, that's a stipulation and it's also an indication for deviancy
[citation needed]
Again you present your feelpinion as an ultimate truth, a bad habit if you ask me.
>The other indicator for beauty is the ability to stun and mesmerize others.
What if I find something stunning and mesmerizing despite it not conforming to your "objective" standard of beauty?
>When a shapeshifter attacks you they're rarely in a disguise that's mundane but in a form meant to illicit unequivocal fear. Other times they take forms to hide behind the guise of beauty. Because they know that beauty is something that's meant to be protected.
And again you are trapped in the duality. You assume that something which evokes fear cannot be beautiful and something that appears beautiful cannot bring fear into your heart, while it is not so.
>rules for what is visually pleasing
What if someone breaks these rules and someone nevertheless finds it visually pleasing?
>This has been determined so by what people feel and think.
*most people
>But in the end, the search for what is true beauty rests on the ideas from ancient Greece where beauty was associated with the gods.
Beauty was associated with some form of God in various cultures so I don't see why Greece has monopoly on beauty.
>while the opposite, ugliness, is distancing yourself from the ideals of the gods.
For example in India (ever since ancient times and maybe in ancient times even more so) you have cults of dark Goddesses. They bring fear and they are terrible (For example Bhairavi - which literally means "terrible" and Her consort Bhairava). For example Kali is often depicted and having a skirt made from severed hands, wearing a garland of skulls on Her neck, having dead infants as Her earrings, holding a bloody decapitated head etc. You see, for Her devotee She is still the most beautiful, even though She brings fear. How exactly then not believing in some "objective" standard of beauty is distancing yourself from the gods?
Anyway, fear is only an emotion. If you transcend your emotions, your petty notions on what is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, what brings you closer or further from truth, then you will find real power without clinging onto extremes.
>Relativism on the other hand opposes this view because it's an atheist philosophy with no other goals than mere materialistic.
Also - no.
>It's of course fine if you don't want to use the concept of "god"
I use it as well (perhaps more than anyone here) and don't see anything wrong with seeing beauty in apparent ugliness or not adhering to common standards of beauty.
>I still find it incompatible with the topics of this board for posters to seriously align themselves with relativism.
>What you consider "beauty" is just a social normal.
*social norm
>For example Kali is often depicted and having a skirt made
as having*
Why am I a good goy all of the sudden for not liking people enforcing their "objective" understanding of beauty?
I simply disagree with it, because this standard of beauty isn't my standard.
>What is outside of the universe?
There is no "outside" of the universe. The universe is not only matter. It is also laws of physics, time, directions etc. If you were to go outside of the universe you would have these no more. So no "outside", no "inside" as outside of the universe you would not have dimensions.
>What if someone breaks these rules
The meaning of "rules" here is a general rule for what a high % of people think. Artists and and philosophers have wanted to make clear cut rules or laws for thing for a long time to make it easer to understand the world.
It should be obvious but ok..
"The term often refers to truth relativism, which is the doctrine that there are no absolute truths, i.e., that truth is always relative to some particular frame of reference, such as a language or a culture"
For philosophers with belief in things beyond humans, there is usually a classification of layers, placing an ultimate ideal or truth as the highest thing, also called enlightenment or God. When you're at that point, you have the ultimate knowledge and will see how all truths you saw before are not really true, they just seemed so because you lacked some parts of the picture.
(I'm talking of my concepts here so don't bother asking me to post source, I listen to radio shows on these topics a lot so what I learn is what I understand/remember from hearing it once. If something is interesting I check it out more later.)
Now if you're a relativist you do not believe in any ultimate truth, and in effect reaching enlightenment isn't closer to the truth than being an unknowing mundane - it's just different views and they are all equal. My opinion is if you really have this view, you have no reason to take part in a board like this. A relativist is not interested in finding out if something is true or not, and has no interest in comparing statements to see if one is closer to the truth than the other, because to him truth is just an opinion.
In short, a relativist is likely to spread disinfo and low quality content like fb meme "wisdom" because he is blind to the topic itself.
Are there any fringe resources (podcasts, books, clips, whatever) that are relaxing and comfy, but not new agey bullshit?
Because you're a sodomizer trying to excise the values of objective beauty.
That which is unclean cannot judge that which is clean.
So while i was meditating i had a cool little experience.
It felt like my eyes were focusing in slowly, then it felt like they joined together. It felt like i was seeing through one eye.
My body felt like it was on fire and my heart was racing.
My ego was still there so It wasn't anything enlightenment related i think. But does it mean anything or was it just a meditation high.
That's how most taoist texts say to meditate, they say to meditate with the eyes open and focused on the nose, what you experienced is closer to what is described as the first step to ideal meditation.
I seem to be able to sleep without losing consciousness now, I have two forms, one where I willingly go to sleep and wake up hours later, and one where my mind stays conscious and enters a dream automatically. It doesn't seem to be a lucid dream as I am not in control of it, I am more just along for the ride, and at the same time I am still aware of my body, and can still hear things, and at any moment I can end this "sleep" if I wished. What is this state? I haven't been able to astral project yet, and I've been trying for a while, and this new state has just been causing me even more confusion.
>When you're at that point, you have the ultimate knowledge and will see how all truths you saw before are not really true, they just seemed so because you lacked some parts of the picture.
For me that "ultimate truth" is enlightenment and the union with the All. As everything is God, something beautiful is as much God as something ugly, so in a non-dual state of unity with the Godhead there is no differentiation between the terms.
>My opinion is if you really have this view, you have no reason to take part in a board like this.
And there I thought that this board is made to host such subjects as "metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, esotericism and everything in between". Never thought that it's only for people adhering to some specific philosophy.
>and in effect reaching enlightenment isn't closer to the truth than being an unknowing mundane
Reaching enlightenment isn't something that can be reasoned out what it is nor do I think that it's a linear progression - some truth, more truth, ultimate truth.
>A relativist is not interested in finding out if something is true or not, and has no interest in comparing statements to see if one is closer to the truth than the other, because to him truth is just an opinion.
As we are talking on this board about very subtle things, there is usually no way to prove them for someone other than yourself, so that already implies subjectivity and a possibility of lots of different opinions. Of course in some cases - when what someone writes is contradictory in itself it is possible to know that something may not necessarily be true, but then again - a faulty reasoning isn't automatically a proof of a faulty thesis.
There is a multitude of opinions, of truths, of methods to reach the ultimate truth (if you wish to call enlightenment that way). Believing that universe is non-dual doesn't mean that relativism isn't possible.
>a relativist is likely to spread disinfo and low quality content like fb meme "wisdom" because he is blind to the topic itself.
>Succubus/female demon entities
>Western Immortals
>That which is unclean cannot judge that which is clean.
Purity is relative. I consider myself very pure person.
Also, why? And also who decides what is impure? Do you seriously believe that there is some "objective impurity"? :^)
> this board is made to host such subjects as "metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, esotericism and everything in between"
>specific philosophy
But that's the philosophy. If I was to start a thread about how relativists have manipulated judicial law based on false premises, I'd be told to "keep /pol/ crap in /pol/".
This statement only shows you have no idea, but then you do argue like one yourself, using vague concepts like "the all", "everything is god" etc. This is all from the marxist theory of egalitarianism, an atheist viewpoint.
I'd really expect people on a board like this to be able to interact with succubus, or at least accept the idea. Even /x/ can have useful threads about this topic. Not being able to discuss it without falling into the "made up" accusation only shows you lack the ability to confirm the statement yourself with personal experience. When talking of something that a group of people know about, you keep it at that level. This however seems impossible here most of the time. Someone with no experience or knowledge will instead crash the thread and start denying the topic itself, while claiming to know more than the posters actually staying on topic. You have any idea how dumb this looks?
Correct Pentagram correspondances
I've seen they link North to the Earth - it is a clear idiocy, North is Air. and then I thought what if other common-sense correspondances are not true either?
Look at the pic. We are told that two lower points of the pentagram are Earth and Fire - why is that so?
Only Fire and Air can reach the Spirit. Horizonal points - feminine - earth and water - can not.
>But that's the philosophy.
No, it's not, and I already explained how it's not.
>using vague concepts like "the all", "everything is god" etc.
I use concepts that are very common to esoteric systems throughout the world and history. I guess your concept of "ultimate truth" is defined much better?
>everything is god
>an atheist viewpoint.
Also, I'm not sure what you mean - do you really imply that I am an atheist?
>I'd really expect people on a board like this to be able to interact with succubus, or at least accept the idea.
Show where exactly have I denied the idea of contact and interaction with succubi?
>falling into the "made up" accusation only shows you lack the ability to confirm the statement yourself with personal experience.
Again, where exactly have I stated that succubi and stuff are made up?
>When talking of something that a group of people know about, you keep it at that level.
The "die out your death" level of Western Immortals thread kek?
>Someone with no experience or knowledge will instead crash the thread and start denying the topic itself, while claiming to know more than the posters actually staying on topic.
If you want to discuss with me at least use something that I actually said ffs. If someone criticizes you personally, and your methods, it doesn't mean that the person is stupid mundane who denies the topic itself.
Seriously, you try to present me as a mundane person, as an atheist, as an antithesis of /fringe/ and I don't know why, my world view isn't any less "magical" than yours after all. I've done magic, I dedicated my life to it. Sure, maybe I'm a cunt stuck up on physical and doing almost exclusively lower magic, but doing magic nonetheless.
Forgot to mention this in previous one
>using vague concepts like "the all", "everything is god" etc. This is all from the marxist theory of egalitarianism, an atheist viewpoint.
Never knew that Marxism is such an ancient philosophy, dating back to thousands of years BC :^)
Crazy stuff, Yoga is Marxist, Hermeticism is Marxist, Vedanta and Tantra are Marxist, Buddhism is Marxist… I can go on.
"The Initiate flag poster - everything I don't like and don't know shit about is Marxist" - a guide to discussion on chans.
Literally years of practice, it isn't something that just came to me. As a child I used to sit completely still with my eyes closed for hours without falling asleep, while waiting for my dad to leave for work, and after learning about lucid dreaming I also attempted the (I think it's called) WILD method of letting your body fall asleep and keeping your mind awake, never did achieve a lucid dream though…
The idea behind the Golden Dawn pentagram (your "normie" version) is that in drawing its invoking form, you follow the elemental pattern of descending densities: Spirit/AEthyr -> Fire -> Air -> Water -> Earth, and then finally connect Earth back to the original impulse that generated it, signifying the giving of life. Conversely, in the banishing form you draw a killing bolt of AEthyr directly to Earth, and then dissolve each elemental density into the next finer form until they are all dissolved back into undifferentiated AEthyr.
The elemental pentagram is not a diagram of static being - that falls to the cross of the elements with AEthyr in the CENTER. The pentagram is instead a symbol of dynamic coming into being.
Isnt that the simple version of the lesser bashiment of pentagram in the robert bruce book psychic self defense? I mean the second you spoke not the invoking one.
About that, he strongly advice you to use the name of your version of god. What god would be though? Its a question that puzzles me.
I've never experienced anything spiritual, but it seems possible judging from the experiences of others. How would I go about getting a beginner's taste of the non-mundane? I've been trying meditation, but I struggle to stick with it when I have no confidence from experience that it does anything. Yes, there are scientific analyses and broad consensus that meditation can have a variety of effects, but without experiencing those effects, the knowledge of their existence fails to sink in.
By any chance would you have Three Weeks' Training in Concentration or The Healing of Disease? The author recommends them early on in order to get the reader into the right mood/mindset/missing a word, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need any help those books would offer, especially as he advises not to abort the training before it's run its course, and my will has become rather weak.
That said though, I do appreciate your sharing of this; wouldn't probably have found it otherwise
I'm putting off magick work that requires me to abstain from mundane life for long periods of time for a year to fulfill some mundane things aka hedonism. Is this a bad idea? Any habits or philosophy I should pick up? I don't want to lose track of wizardry, but I need to start focusing on mundane things that I've been neglecting. I need a good balance, at least until I'm in a good spot.
Welcome to the real challenge. Most wizards who avoid the mundane world of the matrix are just making it worse for themselves. You can learn a lot faster by actually taking in the experience instead of armchair occult-ing. Just don't lose yourself in your ego. That's the main problem I notice with entering the mundane world. You'll also encounter a lot more lower spirits and thoughtforms, but it's great practice for the fundamentals.
Also, strengthen yourself by trying to manipulate mundanes around you. That is a great exercise. I'm constantly creating space bubbles around my car on the highway to make other drivers uncomfortable around me. Those mystery sharpened wills that some mundanes carry make a great test for your abilities, and since they're anonymous and unaware, it leaves for little to no consequences. Roads, bars, malls, just try and manipulate the mundanes.
It's weird how a lot of the stuff you mention has become part of my normal life. I can manipulate "random" events pretty well, and for practice I've tried pushing thoughtforms onto people or connecting to their chakras and pushing feelings. Any time I get a gut feeling of resistance from it, I stop immediately. I think it's decent practice.
I would like to leave the mundane world for a bit to learn things that require being away from others for a long period of time, but ultimately I'd have to get back into society. and I'd want too, anyway. I feel like I've read about taoists or buddhists that did this. They'd live normal lives, learn for years in monasteries, and then rejoin society. "Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water" and all that.
I definitely want to live a positive life, but I doubt all this mundane pleasure was just put here as a distraction from real positive life. Surely there's balance.
> Any time I get a gut feeling of resistance from it, I stop immediately
Why do you stop? Do you not know how to get past it? All it takes is dedication.
I don't want violate anybody's free will. I only do stuff that their higher self accepts, for better or for worse.
Interesting, I just view them resisting as part of an exercise for energy manipulation.
But i'm not aiming for them to do anything bad.
I usually only tend to do minor things like make them like something or be happy, or find something more attractive.
I make them like something else so that they have more joy in their life.
>Most wizards who avoid the mundane world of the matrix are just making it worse for themselves. You can learn a lot faster by actually taking in the experience instead of armchair occult-ing.
Hol up
So you're saying that meditating 24/7 on the top of a mountain without eating drinking or sleeping for 30 years won't get as fast of results as living an average life for 30 years?
I think no flag kun is right for once, I think you can quantify purity. For example, you're a cock sucking sodomite who considers himself pure. You're right if you consider your relative purity in relation to some transgender cumdumpster in Taiwan that never takes its buttplug out and only gets fucked in its urethra. This relative comparison doesn't make you pure in most peoples' and my own eyes though. A family man who stays loyal to his wife and is 100% hetro is considered pure, a virgin nun who puts two condoms on her cucumber before using it as a dildo harbors no lustful thoughts is pure. While they're not of equal purity, they can both be classified as pure while a sodomite that goes to gay clubs with lube dispensers for some quick toilet fuck before getting shot by Abdul, can not.
You could say that this is only according to my personal definition of purity. I wonder if the difference between our understanding is where we draw the line between purity and impurity. I won't claim that my standards are the universal, but it would seem that dropping standards are precursors of a sick and decadent societies with no future. Weimar republic is a good example. My instincts tell me that higher purity is a desirable trait and certain (((people))) that push non white immigration/race mixing, also attempt to lower the line between purity and impurity that society has. For me personally that's enough reason to strive to become pure as I consider myself below the line and urge others to do the same.
We told you to fuck off in the succubi thread not because we don't want to discuss succubi as entities but because you wanted us to give them loosh for no good reason, don't make shit up.
So urine therapy is good but I should go fruitarian first?
Trying to go completely inedia and eventually cut the need for water out too.
I define purity as staying true to yourself, not living in some illusion and not being bound by anything external. You do your will, you are pure. I wasn't talking about "relative purity" as in comparing someone who has a lot of sex to someone who lives in chastity, because that would imply that sex is something impure.
I don't consider sex acts as impure, nor do I consider homosexuality as such. Even if I myself would prefer a stable relationship over fucking around I don't consider people doing thus as impure.
Everything can be a highway to power, even things that are considered "impure". Of course, harnessing this power can be tricky, but is very rewarding.
‘‘Venerable Lord, who is an Avadhuta? What is his condition? What is his characteristic? What is his worldly existence? (Dattatreya then replies) The Avadhuta is so called as he has discarded worldly ties, and he is the essence of the sentence ’Thou art That’…His worldly existence consists in moving about freely, with or without clothes. For them there is nothing righteous or unrighteous, nothing holy or unholy.’’
‘‘For him there is no such thing as sin or virtue. The ethical system of sin and virtue is to protect the minds of the worldly, since the mind is the measure of all things and all things last only a moment.’’
>I define purity as staying true to yourself, not living in some illusion and not being bound by anything external.
So you define purity as tao.
>You do your will, you are pure.
Now you contradict your previous statement.
>‘‘Venerable Lord, who is an Avadhuta? What is his condition? What is his characteristic? What is his worldly existence? (Dattatreya then replies) The Avadhuta is so called as he has discarded worldly ties, and he is the essence of the sentence ’Thou art That’…His worldly existence consists in moving about freely, with or without clothes. For them there is nothing righteous or unrighteous, nothing holy or unholy.’’
>‘‘For him there is no such thing as sin or virtue. The ethical system of sin and virtue is to protect the minds of the worldly, since the mind is the measure of all things and all things last only a moment.’’
So you actually believe that you have reached tao, you are actually that deluded.
I'm not even going to bother explaining why you are an idiot, it is self evident to anyone with eyes.
>I define purity as staying true to yourself
That's now what purity means you silly goose.
freedom from immorality, especially of a sexual nature.
synonyms: virtue, virtuousness, lack of corruption, morality, goodness, righteousness, rectitude, saintliness, piety, honour, honesty, integrity, uprightness, decency, worthiness, nobility of soul/spirit, ethicality; blamelessness, guiltlessness, innocence, chastity, sinlessness, stainlessness, spotlessness, irreproachableness, immaculateness, impeccability
Yes not being bound by anything external is good but your head's stuck pretty deep in your ass if you seriously think you're beyond good and evil at your point in development.
>I don't consider people doing thus as impure.
Doesn't make them any more pure by the current standards of purity just because you consider them to be. You can't just redefine things to suit your views any more than I can define dogshit as heavenly manna.
Having given it some more thought, I believe understanding of purity is a slowly improving thing, the absolute purity incomprehensible to us now. If it's synonymous with morality then a developed civilization will have a better grasp on morality/purity than say, a tribe of cannibalistic savages. By your definition of purity being relative, the savage that eats and fucks corpses is relatively just as pure as a contemporary western man because it's all relative to the society one lives in.Yet it seems to me that society cannot develop without uplifting their sense of purity/morality along the way. For example take our society where telling white lies is completely normal, you don't sense guilt when doing so right? It's hardly a sin now, but I imagine as we evolve, little things for us like that will eventually become as taboo as cannibalism today.
How is doing your will contradicting to staying true to yourself and other things I mentioned? I define purity as Svecchachara as I don't know what Tao implies as I'm not much acquainted with Taoism.
No, I don't believe that I reached that state yet, nevertheless this still holds true regardless of the state of development you are in - everything is Goddess, every possible experience. Purity and impurity are just labels. Anyway, behaving in dual way, even if it's pure way, doesn't bring anyone closer to understanding.
Nevertheless I realize the underlying non-dual reality of every dual experience and cannot be easily moved by it. Of course I'm not enlightened, but it's a certain world view I have, where every experience is sacred and can be a vehicle bringing power. Some realizations I had, were brought by "impure" lifestyle. Some were brought by very "pure" lifestyle because I lived both.
>That's now what purity means you silly goose.
For me it does. Who decides whose definition is better?
But okay, lets use common definition of purity. What does it change? What is pure or not can be only differentiated by adhering to some definition. Man-made definition. Nothing is inherently pure or impure. All those things that you mentioned are indeed pure, in the eyes of majority, it's a common definition. Nevertheless it's still subjective, as there is no objectively given "divine law" regulating what is pure and what is not.
These are just labels. Anyway, being "impure" doesn't help you do magic any more than being "pure" and vice versa.
And, in all honesty, I'm not trying to pose as some sort of spiritual master or anything, I've never hidden that all I care about are magical powers and sweet, sweet siddhis. I just like arguing on the Internet because people tend to cling so hard onto man-made definitions as if they meant anything.
I don't even give a shit about purity or impurity. If you want you can consider me as the most vile man on this planet, it changes nothing.
Also, my previous posts may be poorly written and structured and for that I apologize, but I'm traveling at the moment so it's kinda hard.
>Who decides whose definition is better?
It's not about whose definition is better, it's about arguing about the same thing rather than having inconsistencies in our internal understanding of the topic.
Anyway I'm considering that while our relative morality has raised the plank of purity over the ages, it's possible that one day our moral sensibilities will reach the divine absolute understanding of what is and isn't pure. Maybe we're simply not ready for it, just like mundanes aren't ready to learn magic.
I agree that this has little to do with magic but your argument with the slave of succubi showed me that I never brainstormed this topic.
Say I wanted a crystal ball, how to make sure it's actually quartz? Does it really matter in the end? Are there any more effective tools for divination?
>Are there any more effective tools for divination?
Pretty much anything in IIH is better than that nu age garbage.
This post may help you >>723
As for finding pure crystal quartz, there are reputable dealers online and some have even been in online business since the dotcom bubble age. Of those some are even in business specifically for /fringe/ related purposes. If you're serious about the purity of your quartz, you can compare what you see to the quartz descriptions on geology websites. Part of the confusion involved in crystal shopping is that there are multiple names for certain crystals, some belong to the same family of others, hybridity leads to special snowflake naming, etc.
Oh golly gee willikers there Mr. Wizard. Just because a monastery exists MUST mean it has a useful purpose! I'll go join one right now and solve all my mundane problems. Hell, I'll even cut my balls off and become a eunuch. Gotta have no distractions left once I leave civilization.
It's ok to be a cuck stupid goyi- I mean brah the physical ain't even real so your nose ain't real, trust me, the nose knows
Hatha yoga and Tantra (especially Vamachara, ESPECIALLY anything written by Matsyendranath and his student Gorakshanath) but these disciplines converge given the influence of Tantra on hatha yoga (as Matsyendranath was the founder of hatha).
Matsyendranath is also regarded as the first Siddha in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions.
Kaulajnananirnaya gives various techniques for various siddhis.
But tbh the quest for siddhis is common in tantras, be it in connection with rituals to Yakshinis, Yoginis or almost any aspect of the Goddess or in connection with chakras, Kundalini, mantras, sexual rites etc.
Some hatha yoga manuals may be also of interest such as Hathatattvakaumudi.
If you want to research Tantra then I'd recommend book Kali Kaula as the first stop.
>Siddhis, tao, enlightenment, nirvana, ascendancy, it's all the same shit.
You don't seem to have any idea what siddhis are. Basically you can have a shitload of siddhis and have not reached moksha/nirvana/other stuff you mentioned.
It most certainly isn't all the same shit.
Yes, check out the shapeshifting thread.
If I want to influence a future event in my life, would meditating/imagining the event having already completed in the way I want work best or is there a better way?
Some say it's actually better for your mental health to smoke often but not get addicted, others say otherwise
If you think it helps you then do it, otherwise stop because it's shit for your health
Supernatural power. Usually really… impressive power, although there are also some more "minor" ones. Powers like subjugating others to one's will, entering other bodies, immortality (or general longevity), killing enemies, deluding others, levitation, being able to pass through solid objects, bilocation etc.
Generally - mystical powers. Both those generally considered good or evil.
On wikipedia there is a list of siddhis most commonly spoken of in various texts (which you'd knew about had you dedicated half a minute of your time to do some research instead of waiting to be spoonfed) but of course there is no set number of siddhis, but they are usually divided into several categories.
>Do you think they are attainable
>have you attained any?
Hah, I'm not able to levitate if that's what you ask, but I am able to do some stuff which is regarded as siddhis in scriptures.
As I said - siddhis are magical abilities and here, at fringechan, we are magicians after all.
But these are "minor" siddhis (my distinction and not scriptural as far as I know) and when someone says "siddhi" they probably think about great feats such as teleportation or materialization. I haven't achieved those yet!
So basically clarivoyance is a siddhi for example.
Also it depends (again, my educated speculation) whether siddhi is defined as, lets say, a mastery over some occult technique - for example being able to astral project with full body switch at will instantly with 100% success rate or maybe achieving something supernatural at all - lets say, AP with full body switch but as a result of some exit technique and long meditation with ~50% success rate.
Tbh I don't know how is it defined, I'm sure that both definitions could be correct given the variety of schools, cultures and sects using the term. I've never really pondered about it anyway. Siddhis are siddhis. Minor, major, being a result of yoga or sadhana to some Deity, at will or just being a fruit of long "labor"… It doesn't matter, any siddhi is good, won't you agree? :^)
I've been trying to astral project for a while now and a few days ago I think I had the most lucid projection I've experienced so far. The problem is I was immediately drawn to a negative entity.
I've read all sorts of conflicting information on which entitles/gods are safe to worship so I have no idea what entity I should try to rely on if I do project. I'm also starting to doubt a lot of what I've read here such as Yahweh being evil (especially since a lot of people obviously came here from white supremacist boards like 4chan and 8chans pol). I've been mostly worshipping Shiva through the om namah shivaay chant because I smoke a huge amount of weed, and Shiva is apparently supposed to be associated with weed and meditation which made him a convenient god to worship. But now a couple experiences I've had from worshipping him are giving me doubts.
The first is when I was meditating outside to this YouTube video of the Shiva chant: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aq-CKdT6IG4
I was meditating to this video and was having a lot of success with focusing my awareness on the chant when I suddenly started to feel like my astral body was being forced to project. Usually I struggle with visualizing hard enough to project but the effects here were so overwhelming that it felt like I just took a hit of some psychedelic. The environment around me felt like it was bending and I had to exert a lot of willpower just to stay grounded. It almost felt like I was being forced from my physical body so I was worried something was trying to possess me.
My second experience though is what really brought me to write this post. As I mentioned, I managed to astral project recently; my memory of the start of the projection is hazy but I think I had an ethereal projection into my room. I couldn't move (which I think was due to only transferring my "visual consciousness" to my astral body and not my "conciousness of touch" since I could still feel my sleep paralyzed body) so I slowly drifted to the floor of my/the room until it opened up into a tunnel made up of rotating metal blocks. I was scared this whole time so when I was in the tunnel I tried chanting om namah shivaya to bring me to Shiva or somewhere positive. I think I might've seen visions of a Buddha like statue against a sky background as I was chanting, not sure if it's important. Eventually the tunnel led to a beautiful red and gold looking environment that was maybe an altar or something so I thought the chant worked. Then I saw a group of entities in red robes who looked like they were maybe worshipping the altar, but when I saw them I started to kinda suspect or fear them and they all immediately turned showing their faces which looked like evil and mischievous white masks with evil looking smiles and they began to laugh. They were kinda like how I'd imagine an evil japanese fox spirit would look like, but my memory is a bit hazy so I don't know if they actually looked like foxes or not. They then immediately transferred me to a classroom environment where they (now dressed as students) were all watching me and laughing. I still had control over my sleep paralyzed body so I managed to jerk myself awake, but if I didn't I'm worried that I could've been stuck in the astral much longer and wouldve been psychologically tormented the whole time by those entities.
I've read some mythology that says Shiva is so benevolent that he accepts worship from demons/negative entities too so I'd like to think that I just accidentally ran into a group of demonic Shiva worshippers due to mixing the om namah shivaya vibration with my fear vibration. So essentially my question is whether or not anyone here has enough experience with shiva to say for certain if he's a safe entity to worship. Any tips for astral projection and astral self defense would also be a big help. Sorry for the long post.
Not exactly fringe but a supplement called NAC (N-ACETYL CYSTEINE) kills depression dead. Take 1 or 2 grams of that a day while keeping up a meditation regimen and watch those blues fuck off forever.
I'm running out of time so forgive if I will be a little brief.
First of all, regarding your experiences
>I've been mostly worshipping Shiva through the om namah shivaay chant because I smoke a huge amount of weed, and Shiva is apparently supposed to be associated with weed and meditation which made him a convenient god to worship.
Worshiping some Deity based only on the fact that He is associated with smoking weed and without any further inquiry into the matter doesn't seem like the brightest decision. Nevertheless who am I to judge? Maybe this was all you needed.
>Shiva is so benevolent that he accepts worship from demons/negative entities too so I'd like to think that I just accidentally ran into a group of demonic Shiva worshippers due to mixing the om namah shivaya vibration with my fear vibration
This is correct and this explanation actually makes a lot of sense to me.
>So essentially my question is whether or not anyone here has enough experience with shiva to say for certain if he's a safe entity to worship
I'm not an "expert" on Shiva as I devoted myself to worshiping Shakti and a particular aspect of Her at that, which brings me to the next point - Shiva is really a very "general" Deity, being a name for various male Gods in Hindu pantheon. He has a lot of aspects, lots of manifestations (for example Mahakala, Bhairava etc.), so maybe try finding the one that resonates with you the most? For example - Kali is a manifestation of Durga and Dakshina Kalika is an aspect of Kali.
Secondly, in mythology and generally in Hinduism Shiva is a God, having certain form and certain characteristics, but in the more occult doctrine of Tantra, Shiva is regarded as a passive, transcendental principle with Shakti being an active and manifested one. Just a curiosity as I don't think that this should be any obstacle to your worship and indeed there are Tantrik sects worshiping Shiva.
The mantra you practiced is also a very general one, basically paying reverence to Shiva, there are very specific, tantrik mantras which are generally used to certain aspect of Shiva.
But I digress - given all my knowledge about Eastern occultism and Hindu Deities I can say that worshiping Shiva is safe. Just know that Deities aren't your servants that will do your bidding as you please. One thing I know for certain - even if you worship some Hindu Deity that brings fear, that has a fearful appearance, that is wild and dangerous, if you go into it with a pure heart and loving devotion, you cannot be harmed.
I'm sorry that I can't be of much help - in most forms of Shaktism the worship of Shiva has an auxiliary character at best. I suggest you do your own research. If you want to look into Tantrik worship of Shiva research Shaivism. All I know is that Hindu Deities are extremely benevolent towards mankind (even if They sometimes don't seem like it).
>Worshiping some Deity based only on the fact that He is associated with smoking weed and without any further inquiry into the matter doesn't seem like the brightest decision. Nevertheless who am I to judge? Maybe this was all you needed.
Well I actually did inquire further, I just didn't want to go into too much detail in my post because it was already pretty long, I guess I just liked his character in mythology and I thought the cannabis legalization movement was him trying to really reach out and help enlighten humanity. I knew he was supposed to represent something similar to the "demiurge", the collective conciousness of our universe and more specifically in Shiva's case the passive energy of the universe or the passive part of the collective unconscious of our universe. This is actually the reason I suspect Yahweh isn't actually evil, since he's supposed to represent the demiurge right? And the demiurge is supposed to be the collective consciousness of our universe right? So aren't Yahweh, the demiurge, and shiva + Shakti the same thing? Shiva being the passive aspect of everything in the universe whereas Shakti or parvati is supposed be everything manifested in our universe.
>I'm not an "expert" on Shiva as I devoted myself to worshiping Shakti and a particular aspect of Her at that, which brings me to the next point - Shiva is really a very "general" Deity, being a name for various male Gods in Hindu pantheon. He has a lot of aspects, lots of manifestations (for example Mahakala, Bhairava etc.), so maybe try finding the one that resonates with you the most? For example - Kali is a manifestation of Durga and Dakshina Kalika is an aspect of Kali.
I kinda suspected this because when I would try to visualize Shiva to ask for help, the visualizations I got, or the entities that were trying to communicate with me were usually hindu themed but their personalities were so random and usually silly that I started to wonder if I was evoking some weak negative entities by calling for Shiva. Ill definitely start researching for a specific aspect of shiva, preferably one associated with weed because really I'm addicted to this stuff so I might as well incorporate it into my spiritual practices since it's such a huge part of my life.
>The mantra you practiced is also a very general one, basically paying reverence to Shiva, there are very specific, tantrik mantras which are generally used to certain aspect of Shiva.
I think theres more to it then that. I read somewhere that om namah shivaya is made up of sacred sounds that represent moving from the ego to "god" with om representing the sun and with ya I think representing god/shiva/space (I'm probably getting these wrong). Your post has given me a lot more confidence in Hinduism so for now I'll continue using this chant since it seems to help with astral projection until I find a more specific one unless you recommend I don't.
>I'm sorry that I can't be of much help
No, your post has given me a huge amount of perspective on shiva, thank you.
Picrels are modern variations Kali's iconography. There are many traditional depictions of Her on the Internet if someone is curious what Her "edginess" looks like.
Hinduism is a religion of many Deities (although it is not polytheistic but rather monistic). There are Deities with very benevolent appearance and there are with a very fearful one as some people resonate more with the former, others with latter.
Kali originated (in mythology at least) as an emanation from the third eye of Durga during a battle with demon Raktabija with a purpose of slaying him (which She did). Makes sense for a warrior Goddess to be a little edgy, no?
Kali is also a Goddess of time and death… You see what I'm getting at. She created time and at the end of this particular universe She will again devour it. There are many interpretations of what Her attributes mean - garland of skulls for example can symbolize all your past incarnations. She is also said to be concerned not (or maybe not only) with death, but more so with death of ego and enlightenment.
Some other point of view - there are speculations that Tantra (and Hinduism at large) came into existence as a mix between the religions of Aryan invaders and indigenous inhabitants of India. In this version Kali (perhaps under different names) was an original Goddess of the subcontinent (Mother Goddess meme, which was unfortunately taken over by all kinds of new agers and feminist SJW) and the more primal and wild elements were retained in Her iconography.
This is a very good question and I see now that I haven't given it as much thought as it deserves, perhaps because Her image resonated with me instantly and I wasn't repulsed by it at all (that's also what I was getting at in my first point - a suitable Deity for every type of person and not just for one).
Another thing worth mentioning in my opinion is the fact that transcending fear can be a valuable lesson. Your ego is accustomed to things that look nice, that are safe and "ideal". When you are forced to leave this safe space that's where, in my opinion, real magic happens.
Kali is Brahman, She is the Mother of the universe and its destroyer, She bestows liberation and Siddhis, She guards Her devotee. She has a lot of various aspects - Dakshina Kalika, Śri Kalika, Guhyakalika, Mahakali, Siddhakalika… Her iconography may vary depending on the aspect and tradition, nevertheless She retains Her apparent edginess in all of them to some extent as far as I know.
There is a legend that when Yama (the Lord of Death) heard Kali's name He ran away. As a famous Bengali poet wrote:
''Shri Ramprasad says: When Death
Grabs you by the hair,
Call out: Kali, Kali –
Then what can He do?''
Who wouldn't want a Mother like this? :^)
Kali is all this and so much more, I could speak about Her all day, but I think that I've given at least some points that might sate your curiosity. Of course this is not an Official Tantrik™ View, just my personal one, based on my own feelings and on studying scriptures.
Sorry for already long post (I guess you got more than you bargained for) but I will make it a bit longer still.
''Who in this world
can understand what
Mother Kali really is?
The six systems of philosophy
remain powerless to describe Her.
She is the inmost awareness
of the sage who realizes
that Consciousness alone exists.
She is the life blossoming within
the creatures of the universe.
Both macrocosm and microcosm
are lost within Mother's Womb.
Now can you sense
how indescribable She is?
The yogi meditates upon Her
in the six subtle nerve centers
as She sports with delight
through the lotus wilderness
of the pristine human body,
playing with Her Consort,
Shiva, the Great Swan.
When anyone attempts to know Her,
the singer of this song laughs.
Can you swim across
a shoreless ocean?
Yet the child in me still
reaches out to touch the moon.''
I'm trying to find a good god to worship that's associated with weed. I mentioned earlier that I was trying to worship shiva for this reason, but someone (maybe you?) told me that I needed to find a specific aspect of shiva to worship.
So now i'm looking at kali, who is also supposed to be associated with weed. My question is whether or not I need to find a specific aspect of kali to worship her, like in the case of shiva.
Also, does anyone have any recommendations for gods to worship that are associated with weed, preferably one with a more benevolent image then one associated with death.
If Kali is truly only benevolent to mankind though then I have no problems worshiping her. I was pretty edgy when I was young so maybe her appearance will resonate with me.
>someone (maybe you?) told me that I needed to find a specific aspect of shiva to worship.
Yes, it was me.
I didn't say that you need to find a specific aspect, I just suggested that you may find it useful for your worship. If you don't it's fine too. If you do you might just find the aspect that resonates with you the best.
>So now i'm looking at kali, who is also supposed to be associated with weed.
Don't know anything about Her connection with weed.
>My question is whether or not I need to find a specific aspect of kali to worship her, like in the case of shiva.
Like in the case of Shiva you don't need to find the suitable aspect, but it can be helpful. The most popular one in the case of Kali is Dakshina Kalika. Even Her Tantrik mantra is constructed around this name.
>does anyone have any recommendations for gods to worship that are associated with weed, preferably one with a more benevolent image then one associated with death.
Well, the only one I know of is Shiva and He isn't generally associated with death and fear (apart from such aspects as Mahakali or Bhairava).
>Mother Goddess
As I already said in the Ishtar thread, She isn't generally considered as a Mother Goddess (at least I don't know anything about it and I read most, if not all, original stories and legends about Her that were translated into English). In Sumerian mythology the Primordial Mother is Tiamat. Inanna is a Goddess of sex and war and yes, love, but not the maternal kind but rather sexual and romantic kind.
As for Her relation to Mother Goddess - it is as I said in my post - She is. She is regarded as the creatrix of the universe, creatrix of all that is basically on all planes of being.
>If Kali is truly only benevolent to mankind
She is, as I stated previously
>One thing I know for certain - even if you worship some Hindu Deity that brings fear, that has a fearful appearance, that is wild and dangerous, if you go into it with a pure heart and loving devotion, you cannot be harmed.
>I didn't say that you need to find a specific aspect, I just suggested that you may find it useful for your worship. If you don't it's fine too. If you do you might just find the aspect that resonates with you the best.
I'm very inexperienced in this stuff so I'm really confused on whether or not worshiping a more general god like shiva and kali (and not their aspects) would be effective or not for what I want. I'm trying to interpret your posts as best but I'm still failing to do it. When you these things:
>Shiva is really a very "general" Deity, being a name for various male Gods in Hindu pantheon. He has a lot of aspects, lots of manifestations (for example Mahakala, Bhairava etc.)
> Secondly, in mythology and generally in Hinduism Shiva is a God, having certain form and certain characteristics, but in the more occult doctrine of Tantra, Shiva is regarded as a passive, transcendental principle with Shakti being an active and manifested one.
I interpreted them as you saying that shiva is just a general umbrella term for the various male Gods in the Hindu pantheon and that it also symbolizes the dormant side of god/the collective conscious/space. So shiva is really just a term, not an actual entity but there are various aspects of shiva, or entities that represent the symbol shiva, or dormant space.
In that case isn't worshiping shiva basically like worshiping dormant space, it might be helpful in integrating your ego with the space around it but it wouldn't give you a personal connection with an actual entity that you could contact if you need protection or have a question.
I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I realize that answering them can take a good deal of time. Even if you don't answer I'll probably figure all this stuff on my own one day so if you don't have time feel free to skip my post.
Well it looks Bhairava might be the aspect of shiva that is associated with and consumes weed.
I never thought I would be worshiping a god associated with fear, considering that fear is probably my biggest problem when it comes to studying occultism. I really hope I don't screw myself over by doing this.
dude weed lmao
I think you're suffering permanent brain damage from smoking weed regularly under the age of 21, sorry that weed turned you retarded.
Ebic meme /b/ro xD
If you don't have anything productive to say then fuck off back to pol or whatever shithole you came from
>being this absolutely anally devastated by a post an anonymous man made on an online image board
Rethink your life, honestly.
Well, I'm not some expert either as I already said but maybe together we can come to some conclusion.
First of all let me explain why I wrote what I wrote.
The thing is - personally I think just that
>shiva is just a general umbrella term for the various male Gods in the Hindu pantheon
>it also symbolizes the dormant side of god/the collective conscious/space
Nevertheless I've heard of Shiva worshipers and Shiva shrines, so that would imply that they indeed worship some actual entity (or maybe that they worship Shiva s a Lord of the Cosmos - i.e. the same way Brahman can be "worshiped" but that seems unlikely).
I didn't want to say "No! You can't worship Shiva, Shiva is just an observer, totally passive, it's more of a principle of the universe really!" as to not limit you. In Tantra Shiva is generally considered as that - a passive observer, transcendental consciousness and only has power when united with His Shakti
Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does he have the power to create
Sadashiva is without energy (lifeless) when Mahakali is manifest. He also is like a corpse when in union with Shakti. Clearly, without Shakti, the primordial god is lifeless and cannot act.
Todala Tantra
In tantras the goal is to become like Shiva by means of worshiping Shakti (and also meditation, chakras etc.). Tantra is giving the supreme power to the female aspect of Godhead.
But, with that being said, Shiva is not limited to Tantra - there certainly are Vedantic worshipers and Rudra (which is an even older god which became equated with Shiva if memory serves me) was certainly worshiped as an entity, and not some passive principle, with sacrifices and whatnot.
Forgive me if what I say may be somewhat convoluted, but the thing is - I don't want to enforce my view, as obviously I don't have the whole picture and despite having some knowledge in the subject, I am biased because of my almost exclusive study of mentioned before LHP Shakta Tantra. I know for certain that there are other points of view, but I do not know them. Also, there is no consensus in Hinduism, as Hinduism is itself an umbrella term for various sects so what I read may be contradictory to some other sources (for example in Kashmir Shaivism Shiva is regarded as the whole of the universe, while in Shaktism of course it is Shakti, but then again it isn't as contradictory as Shiva and Shakti are one). It's not some objective truth, but rather a mode of operation in order to get esoteric knowledge, power or enlightenment.
Also worth mentioning is that in esoteric worship you do not perceive given entity as something apart from yourself but rather you identify with it.
I don't know how can I help you, maybe just research the topic yourself. These are a few links regarding Shiva in Tantra, don't know much about Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads stuff. I'm afraid that generally in Tantra, even in Shaivism, Shiva is always a passive observer but I do not know for sure as I already mentioned.
Oh and one last thing - I think that it's better to do what feels right with yourself than sticking to some old scripture. If you feel you want to worship Shiva - then so be it. That's also why I didn't want to say that you absolutely need to find some aspect of Him. In my opinion it's better to have a personal connection with some entity even if your idea of it is different than the commonly accepted one.
>Sneers at someone for being butthurt
>After insulting them for no reason
Not that guy, but I think you're the one who needs to rethink his life.
What's the most effective grounding ritual or practice?
I'm looking for real grounding not some daily cool down exercise.
I honestly don't understand why people with your shitty mindset even come here. And I don't understand how you can still have this mindset after coming here. Don't you even know about karma? Trying to piss people off isn't going to make you happy, man.
Did any of you ever created a servitor to "improve your presence" or aura, to make people more susceptible to your ideas or something close to it?
How did it go?
>But, with that being said, Shiva is not limited to Tantra - there certainly are Vedantic worshipers and Rudra (which is an even older god which became equated with Shiva if memory serves me) was certainly worshiped as an entity, and not some passive principle, with sacrifices and whatnot.
I think I read somewhere that Shiva was originally only a minor god or something similar and it's only in recent modern Hinduism that Shiva is seen as the head of a pantheon or a principle of the whole passive universe (which is another reason I was skeptical about him).
Maybe the character Shiva is an archetype that describes an actual specific entity that went by various names throughout history such as Rudra. In that case, maybe it recently took up the name Shiva, which would mean an entity like the mythological character Shiva actually exists.
For now I'm going to focus on worshiping Bhairava. I just found out that the Aghoris, who use weed for meditation, mainly worship Bhairava. Bhairava is also supposed to be pleased when you take care of a dog (I have a dog), and it looks like people usually worship him when they need protection, so he's literally perfect for me.
Again, thank you for all your help. If I ever figure out what's going on with Shiva I'll write what I know, maybe in one of these question threads.
Their kind will crawl around anything that resembles 4chan or its memes. That's what makes pol so shitty, it's like a breeding ground for them.
To what extent are astral beings conscious? Is there a difference between beings that used to be incarnated and those that have never been incarnated?
He is making a mockery of people with that agenda hence the jew flag
>implying you understand karma
>implying I give a fuck how you feel
>implying verbal construct can cause karmic action
Taking the bait isn't going to make you happy, is going to increase your karmic attachments, and makes you look like weak and easy prey. Why not adopt a healthier attitude like observing how spurdo-anon is able to illicit a reaction with the tiniest bits of words? You may be surprised to learn that bait is not always bait, and you yourself are the one who reacted in a hostile manner to something you generally were in disagreement with.
Spoilers: The "shitty mindset" originated from you.
>anything that resembles 4chan or its memes.
I believe you're confused and you don't yet realize it. I also don't think your very short post made much sense.
If you can't become grounded right away something is causing you to sway, so to speak. If that's the case then grounding may take time and you need to find out what's causing you difficulty. When you next find it easy to ground yourself, practice a method that will allow you to ground yourself when you desperately need it.
I believe that consciousness as it applies to the astral would be too difficult to describe and it's something I'm not yet versed on. However there is definitely a difference between beings that have incarnated and those who haven't. This especially applies to beings who have incarnated but don't need to anymore, as their other selves still exist in the astral.
>>implying verbal construct can cause karmic action
And why wouldn't it?
>Taking the bait isn't going to make you happy
I didn't take the bait. I saw spurdo-anon being a dick to someone and I told him to quit it, for his sake as well as the other guy's.
>one who reacted in a hostile manner
I was not hostile at all.
Regardless it sounds like you don't understand imageboard culture very well. I suggest you lurk more. You may be surprised that these "trolls" aren't really a problem. And I don't mean lurk normalfag "chans" like 4chan.
Is Mercola actually a jew? It wouldn't surprise me but then again even if he isn't I wouldn't buy any of his products. He's pretty entry-level as far as alternative and homeopathic medicine goes. At the very least he takes the heat while the other doctors work under the radar. Naturalnews is top-tier but they focus on news and not so much on topic articles.
Most people already share a link such as that. People that are close to others develop a link with them which among many other things causes thoughtforms to be shared. This phenomena is reported by mundanes through seemingly trivial things such as, "I was thinking of so-and-so and then I received a call from him. That happens a lot." Or, "I felt it, the moment he died I felt as though something terrible had happened." There's also an example within asian folklore called the red string of fate.
There's a small section in The Invisible Influences that describes this as energy ropes. You can strengthen it to be so powerful that it can exist beyond death. Mundanes are able to do this effortlessly that I believe it's a natural but subtle part of life. It can also be a curse. Depending on the relationship with the person the energy rope can turn into a psychic connection that allows someone to send negativity to you. Those who obsess over their personal adversaries tend to have this connection. Sometimes it's healthy to cut the cord, so to speak.
Okay guys I really need some help with this. I don't know if this is the best place to ask but I don't really know what else to do.
I need an answer. Do humans have free will?
Everywhere I go I see materialists going on and on about how it's not logically possible and how determinism is true and all this shit, but it seems like they never actually think things through. They don't actually realize the implications of the philosophy that they're spouting.
This thought has really fucked up my life. I feel like I have no agency and all of the beauty has been sucked out of everything that I enjoy. I can't feel happiness or passion anymore. The whole world seems like this fucked up absurdist nightmare and the only way to escape is to kill myself. My dad's getting a gun soon so I'm thinking about taking it when no one's home and checking out of the nightmare.
I really have no idea what the fuck to do. I feel like it's one big paradox. It seems like free will can't exist but then nothing makes sense if it doesn't. It's honestly made every waking moment pure torture and I feel like suicide is my only escape. Everyone here seems pretty confident that free will exists, and that it's an inherent property of the soul, so could someone explain it a little better to me? I would really appreciate the help but I understand if no one wants to deal with my angsty bullshit.
Why does free will matter to you so much that you want to kill yourself? I think you already know the answer and I think you just need more time to let it sink in. As you said:
> I feel like it's one big paradox
Free will is a paradox. And it's a beautiful paradox. No matter how aware you become of existence and all its absurdity, it still remains a very elaborate show - one that we participate in whether we choose to or not. Those who incarnated into this world at the behest of their higher selves are in essence acting out the will of their higher selves. But, we also have the option of straying from the will of our higher selves. Along the way our higher selves can allow something to possess us, to influence us, and who knows how many times we were cut down in a previous life before we achieved what we planned to achieve before incarnating.
I assure you that you will eventually find a peace of mind knowing that you already won. Your higher self - your godself - exists and transcends the illusion of time. Past, present, and future all exist at once. Is that not the beauty of paradoxes? Success and failure exist simultaneously, or perhaps failure is a necessary step towards success? Does that not make failure a success in its own right? Mundanes measure achievement of a single person by how much they accomplished in one lifetime. Isn't it wonderful to contemplate how much we have accomplished in our past lives? If you made it this far, how close do you approximate you are to the final step, becoming your higher self?
There are just so many possibilities to contemplate when you realize that you made it this far and the world is something you can directly influence. Instead of fixating on free will, why not assert your will and that way you'll know you own it. Create a goal and achieve it. If knocking out free will was enough to unnerve you, then you need to replace it with a higher calling. Find out what you were sent in this world to do. Set out to do something and do it. If you have every opportunity to make something of this incarnation, why cut it short if you know you're going to come back anyway? If not in this incarnation, then the next you will get past this existential crisis. Why not settle it now and tough through it? If life is just one big show, a big game, then why not play it and get so good that people call you a hacker? Fight for something or fight something, just learn to feel that immense rush when you're pushing yourself for something. If you have ever helped make the world a beautiful place, do it again. Let the determinists determine their own fate, don't let them determine yours.
Thanks man, this helped.
To answer your question, I guess it the reason is because I value peoples individuality so much. MY whole life I've tried my hardest to be an optimist and to love people but as soon as I learned about this viewpoint it just took all of the color out of life. I don't see people anymore, just bags of meat. I haven't been able to actually appreciate anything and it's just really taken it's toll on me.
For a little bit more background, I first found out about determinism back at like the beginning of the year but I didn't really pay it any attention, I thought it was obvious bullshit that people told themselves to try and forfeit responsibility for their own fuck-ups. Then I somehow ended up watching a Sam Harris video (I fucking hate that piece of shit so much for doing this to me) and it just turned my whole world upside down. I didn't agree with any of his points and I thought his entire philosophy was contradictory and incoherent but it put the thought in my head. I started reading about it more and more and now I just find myself unable to see the beauty that I once saw in everything. Everything that seemed mystical and wonderful was reduced to absurd chemical reactions ad particles deterministicaly colliding. I used to be able to immerse myself in art like games, movies, and books but now I find myself unable to enjoy anything. All my aspirations are gone and I'm scared I'll never get any of them back.
Everything I loved about the world and individuality just seems gone. I guess in my heart, I don't really care that much about whether I have free will, it's that I want other people to have it.
But like I said at the start of this post you provided me with comfort and I appreciate that.
>And I don't mean lurk normalfag "chans" like 4chan.
What good imageboards are there beyond 8chan?
Are there any tests you can do to see how strong the link is? And what happens when both people die?
>I need an answer. Do humans have free will?
Hah mane, I struggled with this for some time, back when I had a period of "rejecting" anything magical.
>Everywhere I go I see materialists going on and on about how it's not logically possible and how determinism is true and all this shit
Then probably they don't even know their own philosophy that well. I mean of course, if you see it from the point of conventional science then everything is determined right from the beginning of universe, beginning of time and creation of parameters defining the physical (physical laws, like the speed of light in vacuum etc.). Nevertheless, even material science has recognized that it is not so, that some events can only be described by certain probabilities, not because WE don't know and can't measure them, but because it just is that way. I could give you concrete examples, but forgive me if I won't, I had my quantum physics classes too long ago and don't quite remember them in detail.
That pretty much destroys a cold world of total order and determinism and instead invites you to a totally (or at least partially) chaotic universe.
On the other hand, if you assume the existence of non-physical entities in the universe (such as for example your soul, but also every thought and every thought - construct among other things) then you escape determinism, as such entities, by definition can't be bound by physical laws. This invites the perspective of will. But, can you freely will anything? I think that people (most people that is) only have a certain degree of freedom in their actions, nevertheless this freedom can be cultivated, by breaking your programming, by learning to see inside rather than outside, by widening your possible experiences. This outlook of mine (well of course not ONLY mine, but I came to these conclusions by myself mostly) brings together all modes of thinking - determinism, probability and free will. Some actions may seem determined, that is - their probability is pretty much equal to 100%. Like, for example - you can't freely choose to live in a world where tomorrow sun won't rise, right? You are bound by certain laws (for the time being at least), be it by the fact that you mostly live out your life in your physical body or maybe because these laws have been literally thoughtformed into existence by billions of people, I don't know. There are things that you simply can't do (I strongly believe that ANYTHING is possible, but you can't do them as you are now - in this stage of your development) but you can operate within certain probabilities. The more powerful you are the more possibilities you unlock to the point that even bending of the physical laws is possible (although I've only heard of them used on a "small" scale like telekinesis for example). But I think I digress - do you have free will, as in are you responsible for your choices, yes, I think you have because you are not something bound by physical laws. The extent of this will is debatable, because obviously you can't choose options which probability is near zero although via magic it is possible to influence them (take for example simple reality manipulation, sigils and whatnot).
So, the real question is - are we non physical or totally physical, what do you think anon?
>I would really appreciate the help but I understand if no one wants to deal with my angsty bullshit.
It will be okay sweetie
Yeah I did but it seemed a little elitist. I've never really been fond of cultivating the whole "mundanes" mentality. I always viewed art as a form of magick and I feel most people make use of it, even if they may not be aware. I've always felt it's kind of an innate part of the human experience, not something that needs to be "activated".
But then again I don't really have a whole lot of experience so I don't really know.
Thanks that helped as well.
>So, the real question is - are we non physical or totally physical, what do you think anon?
I'm pretty much a dualist so I think we have physical bodies and non-physical souls. I guess the best way to sum up my view would be that we are essentially non-physical beings trying our hardest to have physical experiences.
Anyone have some insight in to Bhuta Shuddhi? Or simply balancing the five elements?
As I come to understand, the strongest imprint is created in these elements, so if any serious work is to be considered, first I have to balance the imprints of the elements in me. It seems that yogic practices might be good for this, but I am quite fresh at yoga.
I know some practices in the initiation in to hermetics, do you guys think that is the same thing or?
Any general tips on imprints, permanent personality changes, element balances?
I'll give you more details later perhaps as I don't have time right now (also pretty sure that I recently downloaded some book regarding tattwas and specifically this rite), but for now all I can say is that bhutta shuddi is basically placing the five tattwas in certain chakras (the best system of chakras to use for the practice is imho five chakra system, as you have 5 elements - 5 chakras). It stems from the Tantrik idea that microcosm equals macrocosm and by accessing forces within your body you also access universal forces and possibly master them. You also place elements in their specific order of manifestation - Akasha in the highest chakra then descending Vayu (air), Tejas (fire), Apas (water), Prithvi (earth). You can also (and traditionally it was done perhaps only so) combine it with mantras of the specific elements (as for example bija mantra is the very form of given element in it's vibrational, sound form) and with pranayama.
So I was obsessed with a girl, I learned how to let go and now I've lost my reason to live. I used to get up, exercise, get smart only for this girl, and now that I have nobody I just don't feel like doing anything anymore, I just work because I need to earn money to eat, but I have no plans and no prospects for my future.
I stopped taking antidepressants which probably helped making me more depressed, but I don't know how much of that is just placebo. What is a good easy ritual or meditation I could do to balance my energies , and make sure I don't have any negative thoughtforms or shit around me to influence me into being a secluded worthless piece of shit?
Getting off the antidepressant was a good thing no matter what, especially if it was an SSRI. I would wager that if it was an SSRI you may have to adopt a strict regiment for a while to rebuild neurotransmitter density. Search for healing in your meditation and if I'm right that's the true source of your problem.
> It seems like free will can't exist but then nothing makes sense if it doesn't
Depends on how you understand "free will" I think. I keep getting to the logical conclusion that free will can't exist because all material things (and non-material, if you believe in them) follow certain patterns and their interaction could be interpreted with full certainty.
But this only seems to lead to the idea that everything I do is predermined and when I'm usccessful it was already meant to be so etc… does that mean I don't feel happy about it? If I have this awareness that was predermined as well, right.. so I can't change how I feel then.
But as I'm thinking about this, I reach the point were the argument about predetermination seems to be based on a certain notion - that of lawfulness. The idea that things do follow predictable patterns or natural laws.
But this is a view from religions where people believe in some kind of God. A god will rule by law and creates the laws of the universe.
But what about demons and high demons? They do not rule by law and their inner nature is chaotic. Their behaviour can't be predicted because it defies logic and reason.
This is your answer. If there was only the god side, everything would be predermined and there would not be free will. But because of the existence of demons who cannot be understood from the perspective of law, things are not predictable.
A God is predictable because of his lawfulness, but when a demon does something, you can't know what he will do. The god will have to react according to a pre-set law, but his reaction was determined by the unpredictable chaotic mind of a demon.
This is why free will can exist logically.
Yea, it seems that you imbue certain chakras with certain elements. However, this seems to be quite confusing. I found some suggestions to inbue 4 elements to the 4 lower chakras, then going space-mind-consciousness on the last three.
So I kinda get the idea, yet the confusion and different suggestions seems to be difficult to understand.
Also, what I am particularly interested is in reforming the imprint that I have, and I have been learning that the elements are the main imprints on this real, therfor, the most fundamental change can be made by cleansing or balancing them out…
>yet the confusion and different suggestions seems to be difficult to understand.
People try to attribute different things to chakras as they don't understand them. They try to fit in the 5 elements practice into their 6 (+1) chakra system, while that system is relatively modern and based off some yoga treatise and not original materials (not saying it is lesser anyhow, it's just not best suited for this practice). For bhutta shuddhi I'd use 5 chakra system, Akasha at the tip of the head, Earth at the root and the rest in between. What point would be there in placing Akasha three times in different spots?
You can also place various Deities after Akasha I guess.
the guy mentions this here
Here you have some short article about bhutta shuddhi, as it is now commonly thought by Western Yogis at least. Nothing you couldn't find on some yoga sites though. If anything, just learn the mode of operation from this, but take the general knowledge of the working from previously linked article.
I have another book, called tattwa shuddhi which basically outlines the practice in greater detail, but I just skimmed through it right now and haven't actually read it in full so don't know if I can recommend it or not, whether it's a real deal or disinfo. It seemed pretty solid though.
Tbh if I were you I'd just familiarize myself with the 5 gross tattwas (there are more tattwas but they are not "elements" per se, this is irrelevant anyway), with their yantras (the yellow square thingy for Earth for example), memorize their bija mantras (Ram for fire for example), then pick which chakras you'll use - I'd go for Earth at Muladhara, Water at Svadhishthana, Fire at Manipura, Air where do you feel it's comfortable - either at Anahata or at Vishuddha and Akasha at Brahmarandra. Combine it with pranayama with exhalation/inhalation through alternating nostrils (you have this explained in more detail in pdf related) and just meditate on a given tattwa in it's chakra while repeating the mantra. Don't worry about breath retention and repeating mantra for specific number of times imho, it's more important what you feel, your personal experience.
Btw the only "traditional" 5 chakra system I know comes from Kubjikamata Tantra and I never really got to study it as I didn't spend a whole lot of time on the cult of Kubjika so I improvised really.
>Also, what I am particularly interested is in reforming the imprint that I have
I'm not sure what are you asking about, could you elaborate?
>I have been learning that the elements are the main imprints on this real
Well, not sure what you mean by imprints, but basically the whole universe is made out of the elements. As I said, the fundamental view is that microcosm is macrocosm and by working with elements in your body you are really working with universal forces.
>then going space-mind-consciousness on the last three.
>What point would be there in placing Akasha three times in different spots?
Sorry I fucked up there, but I really was in a hurry.
Basically you can, why not, but it's not really necessary for bhutta shuddhi imho. I mean, it kinda makes sense as from Manas (mind) manifest all elements, but it's better to put Akasha at the top of the head, because it is the most common reference - i.e. yogis feeling the infinite speciousness after their soul leaves through the end of Sushumna nadi (that's what Brahmarandra/Sahasrara is pretty much).
Hello everyone,
I think I'm in a bit of a pickle concerning my feminine nature (not to do with gender identity/politics).
After many, many dreams concerning particular ancestors meeting with me; I have started to worship the Germanic gods.
Thor was first who I felt drawn to, and after my 2nd offering of mead on Thursday there was a great thunderstorm that wasn't predicted on the forecast (I took it as a sign of approval); since then I've been promoted at work & the usual bad luck that trailed my whole life has apparently vanished. Thor seems happy with my intentions and his share of meat/mead.
Next was Tyr, whom I begun to worship last Tuesday. At first, like with Thor, I wasn't sure if my prayer/message reached him (he felt like a much more serious, foreboding presence) but that night I had a dream in which I refused to partake in an affair (it was tempting, but I stood my ground). Today (Tuesday) at work I had a situation wherein I chose to help someone else over myself, only to find much later that a lot of higher up people watched how I reacted. I thanked Tyr for the opportunity to show myself to him, and I that I hoped he saw who I am.
Now I feel very comfortable worshiping Gods, and it appears that they would like me to know that they are at least watching. Goddesses on the other hand, feel very distant. As a girl, I would've thought that I would've been more drawn to them; but I don't know how to connect to any goddesses the way I have connected to the aforementioned deities. I'm pretty girly, but I also did my fair share of DIY and martial arts growing up.
Could it be that I haven't reconciled with my femininity? Why do I feel so uneasy about worshipping female deities? Apologies for the wall of text.
You not connecting to the female depiction of divinity doesn't necessarily mean that you have trouble with connecting to femininity. I mean obviously Deities aren't male or female. They are more like conscious, universal forces. They are depicted as being male or female (or both in the rare cases of androgynous deities) for the sake of humans. Well, that actually matters in worship, so I don't discard your idea completely, just a thought. It is, in my opinion, too little to base your diagnosis solely on this.
Secondly - the fact that you only worship male Deities isn't wrong in itself imho. Whatever suits you and all that stuff, maybe all you need is Gods and not Goddesses (I've only ever worshiped Goddesses anyway, but it's not quite the same as in my case it was also an occult system behind it).
Also, it could be the opposite - you don't have problems with femininity and you just balance it out with masculinity of the Gods you worship. Just an idea.
But, most importantly
>Could it be that I haven't reconciled with my femininity?
Do you really think that some anons on an imageboard can answer this question better than yourself? :^)
>Deities aren't male or female. They are more like conscious, universal forces. They are depicted as being male or female (or both in the rare cases of androgynous deities) for the sake of humans
Does that mean that the gender assigned to a deity is just a convention? For example, might another culture worship a male version of Venus or a female version of Mars?
>Does that mean that the gender assigned to a deity is just a convention?
That's how I see it pretty much. Well, of course on some level this gender is assigned permanently, in culture for example, but when we get to the source of things - i.e. Deities being representations of certain forces then I indeed think that they are neither (or maybe both?) male and female. I think that these are just labels so that our minds can categorize things as they usually do.
>For example, might another culture worship a male version of Venus
There are male Gods of love, so why not. Of course Venus is also associated with the planet Venus so that's makes this particular example trickier, but as for a deity that is associated with romantic love - yes, there are Deities of both genders representing this force.
Nevertheless I wouldn't equal different Deities from different traditions with one another, as they are obviously different entities. Maybe they represent the same force, and at some level they are the same (or rather, they come from the same source) but as Godforms existing in the astral they are not.
Of course it also depends on how you see a given entity, if for example you identify the whole universe with some Deity then obviously the question of their gender becomes meaningless.
I mean, I don't know for sure, this is just me theorizing, but as far as I know Gods are indeed representations of cosmic forces and conscious entities as that. Forces obviously don't have genders.
I see it as Gods being essentially formless, but assuming form for our sake. Or maybe we force Them into this form when we interact with Them, or maybe it just is so and our perception approximates the nature of the entity with some visual form.
Thanks for your answers.
>Of course Venus is also associated with the planet Venus so that's makes this particular example trickier
Do you mean that the planets do have objective genders? I know that some cultures view the Moon as male and the Sun as female, contrary to the Western model. Are they wrong to do so?
>Forces obviously don't have genders.
What about the Hermetic principle of gender? I was under the impression that certain polarities like force/form and creativity/destructivity were considered to be analogous to gender and were manifested on lower planes as gender polarities.
By 'Western model' I meant the medieval astrological model. I didn't know about those genderings in European vernaculars - the only language I know besides English is French, which has a masculine sun (le soleil) and feminine moon (la lune). Interesting. So these genderings are of no real significance?
My anthropology theory is that the personification of the moon/sun is dependent on the geography and climate. My basis is European culture has a masculine sun and feminine moon whereas the Middle East has it reversed. Looking at what the weather is like in both places, I'll let you figure out why it is what it is.
> European culture has a masculine sun and feminine moon
why then in German 'die sonne' is feminine and 'der mond' masculine?
I'm looking to start down the path of reality creation. I've meditated and followed various paths for temporary amounts of time and was wondering which books to start with going forward into full blown reality creation.
I saw books like New Avatar Power and Middle Pillar by Israel Regardie, are these any good?
I'd like books that are little on conspiracy content.
I don't often post anymore because of a lack of time, but your question definitely warranted a reply from me out of a concern of security and wanting to prevent you from making a big mistake.
>books that are little on conspiracy content.
Assuming you mean somewhat redpilled. In this case, the suggestions you listed are among the worst you could've chosen. Even beside that condition, the books you mentioned are a definite no-no if you value your health and free will.
>New Avatar Power
>calling upon Hebrew Angels/Malevolent ET entities and expecting them to do your dirty work, if any work at all
>Middle Pillar by (((Israel Regardie)))
Having only read the summary of the book online, it seems to be based upon the run of the mill invoking of Hebrew entities middle pillar trash. Same issue with the book above.
NAP is a sure way to get your soul impaled with astral hooks and implants by malevolent higher dimensional beings. Its so easy for these entities to prey upon unsuspecting people as your self, completely oblivious to the true implications of reciting the Hebrew mantras that reside within the book. I highly advise you steer clear off them, this is no laughing matter. Same goes with the Hebrew Middle Pillar, or any Middle Pillar for that matter. You're only going to invite in unwanted malevolent ET beings into your life. That's the purpose of the original Middle Pillar. Its essentially a metaphysical way of signalling "Hello, please enslave my soul, Hebrew entities! I'm free and willing!"
I've met multiple people that are knee deep in trouble due to similar practices. Don't say I didn't thoroughly warn you.
Now onto "reality creation" if I understand your inquiry correctly.
Everything that exists is energy, as you probably know. Therefor, manipulating your surrounding reality and environment to bend to your desired reality/timeline is most efficiently done with proper management of (subtle) energies. Sounds simple sure, but unless you've been meditating and performing subtle energy work and refinement for a significant amount of time, you're not there yet. And thus, perform energy work on a daily basis, as many hours as you can. Make sure you can make considerable clusters of subtle energy and sending them outwards to others, be it animals or people. Program said clusters with various intentions, gauge the efficiency of your experiments, and note your advancement. When you eventually reach a proper stage, you can manipulate multiple people at once, or perhaps aimed at entire cities/towns. It depends on what you want manifested. That's one thing.
Secondly, there's other methods, like using planetary magic and using their respective qualities, incorporating that into a ritual that is performed in accordance with appropriate numerology [eg, said for a X number of times, for an X number of days, etc]. You can opt for easier methods like sigil magick as well, which is highly effective and requires little prerequisite factors. Just make sure you power said sigil daily.
But please, whatever you do, avoid Hebrew/ZOG-approved/Kosher entities.
Could we all agree for once that using the names of Hebrew entities in the MPR is a mistake? Unless you're willing to surrender your life to these demonic entities, I don't understand why do people still follow things such as the NAP book
Perhaps we should start banning certain books or flag them as unusable due to the nature of the energies it concerns itself with
NAP is *VERY* bad. It can get you possessed. Those entities are difficult to get out.
Yea, I have read the article suggested. Good PDF, thanks for that.
My main concern is this: we can understand that the actual models are just that, models… But then the question that naturally comes up is which model is better? What can we base our assumption to put one element there or another element there? I have been long in this "game" enough to understand that even minor imbalances can ripple out can cause some shitstorms. However, I am not advanced enough to fully understand the subject matter. I mean, I fully get the practices and can perform them, but I can not see what the ripple effect will be months and years after that… But maybe I am just too cautious.
By imprint, I mean the programs that are running in me that I see as unnecessary. A little bit of fear there, a little bit of lazyness there etc. While working with thoughtforms and visualizations and such did produce some effect, I am looking for a more deeper reconfiguration of the pattern of who I am. This process seems like the most fundamental cleansing and programming, because the elements are the building blocks of the universe, therfor, balancing them out should have the most profound effect… in theory at least.
>banning books
No. What we should do in the FAQ is say "this book is bad and here's why". Banning books doesn't feel right.
>I mean obviously Deities aren't male or female. They are more like conscious, universal forces.
What? How many deities have you met? Source on this claim pls.
>Do you mean that the planets do have objective genders?
I meant that finding a counterexample - male god associated with love and with planet Venus would be a lot trickier.
>I know that some cultures view the Moon as male and the Sun as female, contrary to the Western model. Are they wrong to do so?
No, I don't think so.
>But please, whatever you do, avoid Hebrew/ZOG-approved/Kosher entities.
I don't think there is one right way to do things and I'm not experienced enough either to pinpoint differences between various placements etc.
Sorry if I can't be of much help but I simply don't know, haven't practiced it all that much, certainly not to the point that I can speak with any authority on it's use in deprogramming and about variations of this rite.
My advice would be - experiment and see what works for you. Regarding your caution - it is indeed praiseworthy, but you sometimes need to take a little risk. For all it's worth - I don't think that this practice could have adverse effects, especially if practiced with such a strong intent of bringing balance and cleansing.
Have you read >>3625 ?
They are male or female to us, but I think that it's only how they are perceived by our senses and not what they really are - i.e. universal forces.
>Source on this claim pls.
>I mean, I don't know for sure, this is just me theorizing
Although I unfortunately used the word "obviously", it's not a claim which I made clear in my latter response. Moreover I've seen this point of view in some books, but what does it matter? What source would be acceptable to indeed prove this "claim"?
Feel free to join the discussion and present your point of view.
Thanks a lot for your well typed reply. Any books or pointers on energy work that I should be going down? My previous attempts at meditation were more or a phasing out of reality, but returning to it now I can see it's true power. Thanks for preventing the Hebrew rites from getting to me, I've already tried the Hebrew path once before with a magical cash book and it felt weird with no results.
Thanks again.
>Although I unfortunately used the word "obviously", it's not a claim which I made clear in my latter response. Moreover I've seen this point of view in some books, but what does it matter?
It's the part about universal "forces" not having gender, if we go by that view of a deity, them being a force. It's not that I agree they are a mere "force" but if we use this outset, I'd have to claim forces are positively or negatively charged. I'm aware my background in electronics may be effecting my way of thinking but even if we do look at deities in this simple way, a force implies direction. Wether it's active movement or a "charge" remaining immobile for now, when released it will still have a place of emergence and a route. It couldn't be called a force if it didn't contain the potential of change from one state to another. It then means a process of the disappearance of one thing and the emergence of another, during which the force is being exercised. This in itself implies the existence of poles, negative - positive, in other words genders, where the force has to move from the state of being charged in one place to reversing this charge in the process, to create the result. The charge then went from positive energy to negative after it had been used up.
>I'd have to claim forces are positively or negatively charged
What charge could you ascribe to electricity for example? Or to heat?
>This in itself implies the existence of poles, negative - positive, in other words genders
But this also implies that these genders aren't something that is set in stone and is truly relative. This would mean that Deities are gender fluid :^)
For example if you have two objects: A having a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius and B having a temperature of 50 degrees, they are touching and there is an exchange of energy until thermal equilibrium. There are poles, one is receiving, the other giving and we can coin those poles male/female or vice versa. Lets say that B is male as in most common here terminology femininity is passive and receiving. If we then have another object, lets call it C, having a temperature of, say, 60 degrees and touching B then the process is reversed and B becomes female!
This could be also applied to various other forces, like electromotive force etc.
>This would mean that Deities are gender fluid :^)
"Fluid" implies there are more than 2 genders, so it doesn't at all imply they are. And this is a theoretical discussion where I was trying to show even if you view deities only as a "force" they still have gender - male or female. It doesn't really matter if it changes, it's still a gender depending on what end of the relation you are.
Now it's easy to go from that thought experiment to the next. A deity may always remain in one of the 2 roles, meaning always receiving (female) or always giving (male), there is nothing that says a force has to be completely depleted. Actually it makes more sense when talking of a deity that they remain unchanged and self-replenishing. We are talking of Gods here.
>Electricity is negative
I didn't mean it in a sense of electric current but as a physical principle - i.e. some particles having an electric charge, being either positive or negative, that is not to say that electricity is either positive or negative.
>Heat is positive
So what is the negative counterpart of heat? If you have male then you have to have a female too, otherwise what point is there to assign dual labels to something which doesn't have a counterpart?
Also, what is the positive counterpart of electricity?
>Electricity is negative, it's just moving electrons.
>Movement itself also implies positive/male energy.
Nice contradiction.
>So what is the negative counterpart of heat? If you have male then you have to have a female too, otherwise what point is there to assign dual labels to something which doesn't have a counterpart?
It's Cold. If you freeze a material to the absolute freezing point it's said to stop moving completely, it collapses.
>Also, what is the positive counterpart of electricity?
It's the proton.
Also please note I reposted it because I realized there would be a misunderstanding with the way I first wrote it.
Electrons circulate constantly around the proton, when perceived as an electric current a new extra electron is pushed in, making the one already there "jump" to the next proton, it's more of a chain reaction. Electrons move quite slowly, like 1 meter/second. Still when you turn on the light switch the lamp is lit at once, or from a greater distance like a power plant switching on, it's still instant.
By this I mean to illustrate that the movement of electric current isn't a mechanically charged movent but rather a transfer of excess negative particles between atoms.
>It's Cold
No, cold is just an arbitrary term. There is no such force as cold. Cold is just some arbitrary degree of heat. You say for example "it's cold outside", but that doesn't mean that there is some force - cold, driving off heat. There is just heat. Same with absolute zero - it's not a force.
>If you freeze a material to the absolute freezing point it's said to stop moving completely, it collapses.
Arriving at absolute zero is physically impossible. Check out the third law of thermodynamics.
>It's the proton.
Again, proton isn't a force you silly! Also, there are other particles having a positive charge - positron (+1) for example, or Charm quark (+2/3). Quarks of course don't exist separately.
If proton, being an object having mass, is a force, then why for example my chair can't be a force?
The proton is the particle with a relation to the electron, which is what you asked about. It has the opposide charge of the electron and is thus the male counterpart. A force doesn't have have to exercised, in the case of electrons and protons it is immobile. Electric current or electri charge means there are too many electrons, this means there is a negative charge in the particles overall.
> There is no such force as cold.
Call it "cooling" then. If you have something at 40 degrees and it drops to 30 you lost 10 degrees of heat. What caused this? Where did the movement/positive charge go? The subtraction of positive force implies an equal negative force, even if you place all materials on a positive scale.
But then we have the hypothesis of anti-matter, supposedly there is one particle of anti-matter for every visible particle. Maybe they are on the "cold" scale, at different degrees of immobility instead of movement.
>So what is the negative counterpart of heat?
Maybe a material which stores heat, like coal? Going by the principle that force is positive and form is negative.
>The proton is the particle with a relation to the electron, which is what you asked about.
>Also, what is the positive counterpart of electricity?
That was clearly not was I was asking about.
Then you have a proton - an object in space - being a force. Do you not see any contradiction in that?
Also, as I said, I'm not talking about electric current, I'm talking about a physical parameter - there being such a thing as positive or negative charge. This physical parameter isn't exclusive to electrons and protons, it is used to describe quarks and anti material particles too. Plus and minus are not some opposing forces, they are part of the one force - electricity.
>Call it "cooling" then
But this cooling isn't some thing in itself. From a pic you posted:
Heat: A form of energy made by motion of molecules
- the more movement of molecules the more heat energy
So, cooling would be - the less movement of molecules the less heat energy. You are still operating on heat, there is no other principle.
>supposedly there is one particle of anti-matter for every visible particle
It was so at the beginning of the universe, but for some reason the symmetry was broken and because of that the universe came into being.
Now that makes sense regarding this discussion.
If we take it to the beginning of it - i.e. Deities being universal forces, then all Deities are male (or female, as male/female = active/passive is dependent on the system of thought and there are systems where male = passive) and thus the question of their gender is meaningless.
>It was so at the beginning of the universe, but for some reason the symmetry was broken and because of that the universe came into being.
*as far as scientific thought is concerned obviously
>Then you have a proton - an object in space - being a force. Do you not see any contradiction in that?
There is no contradiction. That's like saying a giraff on the savannah is a contradiction, it's just a descriptive sentence. If it has a charge it is a force, that's how I've argued from the start.
> I'm not talking about electric current, I'm talking about a physical parameter - there being such a thing as positive or negative charge. This physical parameter isn't exclusive to electrons and protons, it is used to describe quarks and anti material particles too.
You did ask what kind of charge electricity has, and I replied "negative" because electricity is excess electrons. If it's a current or static electricity doesn't matter.
>Plus and minus are not some opposing forces, they are part of the one force - electricity.
Electric charge or current is made up of electrons and they are negatively charged. There is no positive in electricity, even if it's marked that way on batteries. It's just for making it easier to understand. The material that makes up the electric current is negative. The + only means there are less electrons on that side of the battery, the protons are positive and this produces a passive positive charge. This positive charge can't be used for anything other than attracting electrons, it's not useful in itself.
With alternating current (which is the most commonly used system) you have ground and phase as the 2 connectors. The phase constantly switches between giving electrons and taking electrons, while ground is literally connected to the earth. Electrons are taken out from the earth or send into the earth via the cable. This may be perceived as the current changing from positive to negative, but in reality there are no protons being transferred. The current is still made up of electrons which are negative, it just switches direction.
So if you want to say
> the one force - electricity
You're actually talking of a completely different force, that force which all transfer of energy relies on. I don't know what this is called but it's what makes 2 unevenly distributed charges or supplies balance out at the same level if connected. Think about 2 water tanks where one has more than the other, connect them and it evens out so that both have the same water level. This is the force behind many things, including electricy, but it is not electricity itself.
>You are still operating on heat, there is no other principle.
I did introduce the idea of a cold scale, noone knows this but to me it seems logical. If matter consists of moving particles and heat makes them move faster and with greater distance. Then what if you really do reach the absolute freezing point and make the particles stop moving. Yeah sure it's theoretical but anti-matter is too. What if that is the dividing line, after matter stops moving at the absolute freezing point it becomes anti-matter. It's a hypothesis as good as any, because we don't know.
Just because we are operating on a scale of one charge doesn't mean we can't imagine the opposite charge. Matter itself really calls for something opposing it, or there can't be balance.
As I said, twice or thrice. I am not talking about electric current. Do you understand that sentence? Not electric current. Not batteries. Okay?
>There is no positive in electricity
>the protons are positive and this produces a passive positive charge
But okay. Lets just leave it, it doesn't matter, it was just an example. Another, probably better one - is gravitation male or female and what is it's counterpart?
>noone knows this but to me it seems logical
That's cool.
>If matter consists of moving particles and heat makes them move faster and with greater distance.
>Then what if you really do reach the absolute freezing point and make the particles stop moving.
I don't understand what these sentences are supposed to mean and what they signify in this discussion, neither how does it connect with your idea of cold as a force.
>Yeah sure it's theoretical but anti-matter is too
Wrong, particles of antimatter are observable in laboratory, take positron as an example, we even have "photos" of it.
Reaching absolute zero is not theoretical. Theoretically (and practically) it is not possible, if you'd taken a look at third law of thermodynamics as I suggested you'd know that.
>What if that is the dividing line, after matter stops moving at the absolute freezing point it becomes anti-matter. It's a hypothesis as good as any, because we don't know.
You meant that you don't know so you just make this stuff up as you go, right?
That's not how this works and your theory is total bullshit.
> I am not talking about electric current. Do you understand that sentence?
> Plus and minus are not some opposing forces, they are part of the one force - electricity.
Seems a bit like a contradiction here, if you mention plus and minus you're talking of a current, or a battery.
> gravitation
I believe this is a misunderstood concept, gravity isn't a force so I won't use this example. This is a whole different topic I have no interest in bringing up here, maybe on /x/ but not here.
> Theoretically (and practically) it is not possible
> third law of thermodynamics
After it's been done or seen the law will be found faulty and changed. That's how science develops. Theoretical laws don't prove anything, particularly not in quantum mechanics. It's just a theoretical maths playground.
>That's not how this works
I try out a lot of things this way and I often find things that work. I've mapped a large area showing clearly how to connect parts of scientific theories that noone working in this field seems able to, simply because I don't care about following "rules."
I know I'm right because I've succesfully tested and used it, but I see no point in trying to spread it outside of some limited circles. (and here is not one of them) Modern science is too retarded to accept these things. I've been there myself and seen just exactly how incompetent people are, that's why I lost faith in scientific methods long ago.
After throwing it all out I only cared about what I can do and see, and this way some things were proven to me by experience, some general concepts they have right, but the details are usually way off.
But in the end we are on an occult message board here so let's end this part now. It's getting way too far off from the topic.
Do dreams have meanings?
Yesterday I dreamed that I got struck by a lightning in the park. What could that mean?
Some do and don't, it has to do with personal symbolism and your unconsciousness.
Without taking your dream literally, has there been a sudden revelation recently? One when you suddenly just lit up the light bulb and understood how to solve something? Perhaps something of that sort awaits you.
I do smoke weed.
Although I do find it useful if you want go into a trance or something. I tend to avoid them when using magic.
I do this because I fear that I may become dependent on it's mind altering effects in workings.
I meditate and use magic to help expand my consciousness.
I want to do this without becoming dependent on anything except myself.
Can I trust my own perception?
My human senses are not filtering out the real universe are they?
If I run with this further ill do nothing with my life and die a solipsist with a stagnant mind.
In addition something such as the dream argument would be very disheartening to me.
I shouldn't welcome this stuff, should I?
I feel only I can answer that question.
>Can I trust my own perception?
>My human senses are not filtering out the real universe are they?
Yes they are.
Are you asking because you're uncomfortable with your inability to truly know things? I guess the solution to that is to meditate in order to understand and come to terms with the limitations of your mind.
>something such as the dream argument would be very disheartening to me
I think that magical work helps to convince people that the universe is real. Maybe it's just that magic engages you more in the universe so that the question of whether it's 'real' seems less important. Either way, it helps. I don't think there is any way to logically disprove the ideas you raise.
>I do smoke weed.
I can't decide - is weed taking off or puting on the mind control? Why do (((they))) promote it?
1) it helps feeling and thinking. but it can really slow your thinking in a long run
2) you can get deeper into the ideas. perhaps, when you smoke weed and immerse yourself into the pop culture you get LOADED with the message.
but if you actually read, for example, Bible or/and Hermetic texts it can help. what do you think?
Different poster here. When I used to smoke weed and then hear songs on the radio in public or see things on the tv at a friends house I would get deeply disturbed by the content of it a lot of the time. Its strange because I have always loved black/death metal and stuff like that, which is outright pretty dark, but pop culture just feels more sinister, maybe because its more subtle and directed at kids and normies and they don't even know what they are taking in a lot of the time.
I agree. I see details and understand a lot more when I smoke. (even extra small amouts)
plus, I can really _feel_ something. love and desire. helps to step out of caput mortum. yet, I overused herbal aryan and it slowed my thinking. was at the point where couldn't even read chans. been weed-free for 2 months
Its good to take breaks from it. I have only used it a couple of times in the past few years. Recently been feeling like having some but don't know anyone to get it from anymore and don't want to wander around town asking random people lel. Probably better if I don't anyway since a medicine I was taking recently had some side effects and I still feel cloudy and stupid and uncoordinated 2 weeks after stopping it. I knew better but I tried it anyway to see if it would help.
I have bough a book from the black lodge
it is called Chanel whispers, when I touched it it had a strange feel about it.
that being said I know that they don't mass produce there books, they make them when order.
could they have done something to their book to have a affect on me?
I'm unable to see update posts on one of my threads. It shows 135 posts when it's at 139. Has anyone had this problem themself? Or is anyone able to see the new posts on the energy work thread.
Could be to do with the pacification effect on your energy. It's more of a medicine or ritual tool. If people use it excessively there are many downsides. Imagine how excessive, unstable and addictive your regular person is.
Thank you, I was having heavy difficulty when pondering things regarding the human existence, and these thoughts eventually funneled into thoughts about my own existence.
I do not believe my mind is all that exists but I admittedly can't find a way to prove otherwise and it's incredibly disheartening.
I was sitting in my bed before I posted being all mopey wondering "is this just the limit of human self awareness?"
To just go "I can't disprove this stuff so I guess nothing matters, time to throw in the towel"
I have always believed my human senses were filtering out the true universe, I suppose I have to transcend these senses? Even still how can I be sure that what im witness to is true in that state?
I think in this situation, I could sit alone and waste away with mold growing on my brain crying about how I want clarity regarding my existence and the limits of human intelligence OR, I could get to work.
Thank you for the response. I'll pop my pills and toil away at it tomorrow. Its 5 in the morning and everybody in this hostel is drugged up going wild and I can't sleep with the noise.
/v/ catalog is down
/fringe/ is down
certain /pol/ threads are getting 404'd
October madness is coming
You mean Charnel* Whispers?
Could you send me photos/scans of it? Been searching for it for some time.
Hold the shift key when clicking refresh, that will prevent your browser from using the cached version.
>could they have done something to their book to have a affect on me?
They could have done any number of things to make it have some type of effect on the uninitiated.
>I suppose I have to transcend these senses?
As far as you can, yes.
>Even still how can I be sure that what im witness to is true in that state?
You can never really be sure, and as you say it's a waste of time to think about it. I think you have to treat this worry like you would treat any other irrational anxiety. That's a topic that goes beyond esotericism, although I think esoteric practices would help.
Hello fringe, I'm having an issue with an ex friend. He hates my guts due to his own lies and all he does is send negative energy towards me. I believe it is him because I can feel anxious one day and fine the other, just to find out he was shit talking me during the former. How can I help protect myself against this negative energy? This has been going on for a while and I'm sick of feeling this way. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The correct way would be banishing it via casting the opposite energy: if you feel bad energies coming from him, recall the better times in your relationship with him with honest nostalgia, and said bad energies will be unable to get a hold in your mind.
Alternatively you can try to fix it with him, because said changes of heart use to be over stupid and superfluous rubbish.
If you don't want to include him in the solution, you could always train your mental resilience with the countless methods contained in the basics to this site: whatever a random person can send at you will be easily dispelled with a little focus.
What about casting a mirror spell? Would that work? I've never tried it.
When I started out on my journey, I used NAP to get what I wanted. It worked for a while, until a strange mishap with dozens of dying flies all congregating in a small part of my room, and reading that this is a norm that happens with NAP sometimes, I stayed away.
This must have been 1-2 years ago. I haven't progressed enough to be able to tell if the entities I was dealing with are still fucking with me.
So much question is, how do I find out? And if they are, what can I do about it? Thanks guys
>how do I find out?
If shit just goes badly in your life for seemingly no reason, or a strange reason.
Like it just came out of the blue.
You can also check to see how damaged or tainted your aura and chakras are.
> what can I do about it?
Just routinely clean your chakras and aura everyday.
Like brushing teeth. Prevention is best cure.
If you struggle to notice when negative entities are in your life and fucking with you, then just routinely clean your aura and chakras to prevent and make it harder for such things to happen.
There are also a number of banishing rituals that are floating around that you can utilize, if you're more of a ritualistic person.
You can do either one or the other, or do both.
But if you really wanna fuck around you could just get another entity to make it fuck off. But this is only if you want to fuck around because it can obviously make the problem worse.
>check aura and chakras
>routinely clean them
I've avoided chakra systems all together because of how much variety there are on chakra systems. But mentioned here >>3614, I see that the 5 chakra system may well line up with my logic on the mind. But I know very little on the matter, so I'm at a loss as to how to check damage and taint, or clean them. What do you think of the 5 chakra system?
Sorry, I didn't read the thread. Turns out there's enough information here for me to get started. Any more would be appreciated.
>cleaning chakras
I don't really know much about it as this concept is absent from the original materials on chakras and it seems it only surfaced in the new age version the system. The problem with this approach would be that you don't have a set number of chakras nor their placement (of course the general population knows of only 7 chakras) so one person "cleans" something that some other person don't even perceive. It reinforces the view that chakras are just meditative tools for energy work and not something that exists separately, although there could be some evidence to the contrary.
What is present though, and is heavily emphasized, is cleaning of your energy channels - nadis (mostly the two out of the most important three - Ida and Pingala) via the means of pranayama.
If you want to research chakras then the article I linked "the real story on the chakras" is a good place to start.
As for or a 5 chakra system - the only one I know of (but I wasn't researching it much and don't know that many sources so there surely are others) is the 5 chakra system described in Kubjikamata-tantra and outlined in greater detail in the pic related book. I haven't read it yet. It is a piece of scholarly work though, so lots of Sanskrit names and terms. Just a heads up if you want to check it out.
Other option that you have is creating your own system (based, or not, on the systems already present). There is a whole lot of various chakra systems and obviously neither is better than the other, as they were developed for various purposes by various branches of Tantrik schools.
Also I think that there is a classical 5 chakra system described in the book "Tantra Illuminated" by the guy who wrote that article. The book can be found in the Temple of Solomon mega.
I haven't read all of it, as the author have some "straight outta yoga class" vibes I don't like, but if you prefer it to reading academic texts or thinking up the system yourself then maybe it will come in handy.
Sorry I meant the black court, it's just a title for their loose internet groupas far as I know
but here's the website
not sure I found them through some year old threads on wizardforums.
>Tantra Illuminated, written by the guy who wrote the article
Found a well written review of Tantra Illuminated here http://koenraadelst.blogspot.nl/2015/08/the-case-of-christopher-wallis-tantrik_28.html
The author concludes with- "At any rate, someone so irascible is clearly not mature enough to act as a yoga instructor. In traditional societies, such as the one in which the Kashmiri Shaiva thinkers lived, older men sometimes have the duty to rein in fiery young men, “pretentious young upstarts”. That is the duty I have discharged here.
Wallis may of course learn and become a real yogi after all. But as of now, he is just not credible as a “yoga instructor”." Seems the reviewer shares your sentiment.
Although I'm interested in the 5 chakra system, it seems that the yogi system is too full of mysticism for my liking. Ancient scripture on it seems to ask me to chant certain vowels of power and visualize rather than understand the universal forces that the chanting/visualizations actually pertain to. Doing so would be counter-productive to gaining actual knowledge of the true inner-workings of things.
For now my goal is just to be able to detect and defend against what I wrote about here >>3685.
I'm unsure of this, but could I simply program something, whether physical or non-physical, with a continuous cleansing/purification intent? And then simply do the same with wards?
>and visualize rather than understand the universal forces that the chanting/visualizations actually pertain to
Well, I think that's because you are not acquainted with the system. It's just a certain world view, adhered to in order to have a reference and be able to harness the power. Any system you use, even the one you craft yourself through your understanding, I see just as some thought construct used to work with certain energies.
Actually all the mysticism in yoga or Tantra is just that - some label by which to call things. It takes some time to get into this mindspace, nevertheless those labels signify universal forces.
>Doing so would be counter-productive to gaining actual knowledge of the true inner-workings of things.
How do you propose one gains this actual knowledge and puts it to use?
To what forces the visualization pertain? It's just a tool obviously, not a thing in itself. You can use it for various purposes.
As for chanting - it doesn't have to be an audible chanting, but rather repetition of certain vibrations (mentally for example). You see - sound (understood generally as vibration) has a prime role in a Tantrik world view. It was understood that everything is vibration and that you can map certain states to certain vibrations - mantras do exactly that. You vibrate certain sounds by means of which you imbue your consciousness with it. So again - it is a tool for working with universal forces, and not a thing in itself.
There is actually a lot more to it, I just gave a really brief explanation of the reason behind this. This is not some mysticism for the sake of it, but rather it is a complex metaphysical system.
Unless you know all of that then I'd like to ask what do you mean by understanding the forces.
>I'm unsure of this, but could I simply program something, whether physical or non-physical, with a continuous cleansing/purification intent?
Maybe create a guardian servitor? Mine came in handy on several occasions.
Also, about the review - the points that the reviewer raises are not (mostly) the points I didn't agree with the author on - for example gender.
The reviewer criticizes Wallis for treating Shiva and Shakti as genderless forces, but even in the metaphysics of the system they probably should be understood as such, as for example - Shiva is depicted as male and is passive, formless consciousness and female Shakti is energy - consciousness in form. It is clear that male/female belong to the world of form and thus are both in the sphere of Shakti, while Shiva is neither. That also makes it clear that the symbolism doesn't pertain to physical genders, as everyone is Shiva mind in Shakti body, something the reviewer never really grasped. Without taking into the account Shakta doctrines, which put Shakti as All that is basically, but the author was also talking about Shaivism.
The reviewer then goes on to speak about how the contrast between sexes was really pronounced in Shaivism, but to my knowledge, in all Tantrik traditions (Vamachara branch at least) the differences between male and female were really non-existent. When it comes to the actual practice of the system, there was no difference between male practitioner and female one.
Personally I also don't see anything wrong with not sticking to gender divisions, so I didn't have a problem with the book on this ground (tbh I didn't even remember it had anything pertaining to gender so it must've been a really minor part, from what I read from the review - grammatical structure of some sentences).
For me the problem lies in the fact that the book seems a case of "Eastern spirituality for Western people who are somewhat interested in yoga". Nothing really ground breaking and the author didn't really focus on the magical side of Tantra and that's what I'm interested in the most. Maybe it's just a Shaivism thing though.
Oh right. I know about them.
I believe that website and the store is just a front. The official people aren't really the ones in charge either, they don't know a lot.
From what I understand their stuff really does work, but it's all very specific and you're not allowed to mess up or it can go really wrong.
I remember reading something about how they won't let you send things back if you're not happy with them because they're spelled and will bond with the buyer when opening them for the first time. What you experienced may have been something like that.
I don't know about you but I feel something pretty strongly just reading the website. I saw they've added some new sections went to look, it really gives me a feeling I've not encountered anywhere else.
Let's wipe out toilet paper <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">reverse osmosis water filter system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">filtration system</a> It’s an ideal contaminant to keep exposing children to without accountability, because nobody will get and a single thing, she said. ,Flooding and droughts leave companies with losses 鈥?but many unprepared
A water footprint appears like something you leave on the bathroom floor from a shower. Virtual water, meanwhile, might seem such as an ironic postmodern conceit with the late Jean Baudrillard. Yet if environmental campaigners are successful those two ideas could soon become powerful and practical tools inside the management with the world's water needs - as potent, perhaps, because the carbon footprint now is shaping global and governmental consciousness about greenhouse gas emissions. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org">water purifier</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">home water systems</a>
Is the Bornless Ritual safe as it is? What if you take all the 'barbarous' (Hebrew?) words out of the ritual?
Would it be a good idea to do it every day?
To elaborate, I am particularly looking for a ritual which will align myself to be extremely motivated and enthusiastic about magical studies and improvement, among other goals.
Everything I've read about magick implies that everything occurs on the mind. Sure there are a lot things we can do on the astral plane but the closest thing I've found about affecting the physical world ("manifestations") can be considered simply as "probability manipulation". I have found a little bit of biokinesis, but even that is very slow.
I don't really expect to "cast fireballs" or anything a stereotypical "wizard" can do, but think there could be a more effective way to shape reality.
My question is: What are the most physical things that can be realistically done with magick? How to do them?
have you tried to make fireballs anon, maybe you just have to mess around on different planes simultaneously and maybe have a lighter
Invocations are amazing, try it out.
If you know how to do evokations, then invokations is simple.
Now, just to be clear, here are my definitions:
Evokation: Calling forth an entity at a specific location or area outside your bodies.
EX: I evoke an entity into the room to meditate with.
Invokation: Calling an entity into your body(ies) for a purpose.
EX: I invoke an entity for augmenting my physical abilities, perhaps to help in physical combat or similar.
Channeling: Letting an entity manipulate reality while using your body(ies) as a tool.
EX: I channel an entity and let it preach to a crowd of people.
Just make sure you work with the right beings and don't get yourself fucked over.
Do you mean Sonic the Hedgehog character or magick with sound?
You can invoke a fictional character as toughform. I have never read anything about magick influencing sound.
Invocations are one main tools of magick. definitevely worth your time.
You can find an entity by simply googling "God of [somenthing you want]" or roaming on the astral plane.
I have no idea how to do that. So far I only managed to trigger events that still could happen naturally. Things that can be roughly called "probability manipulation". I managed to do big manifestations that can't be explained by confirmation bias but still nothing directly changing the physical world. Nothing that could prove magick to an outsider(not really my objective but a good measurement).
How to affect the "physical world" as directy as possible?
git gud
casting fireballs is possible, along with all the things a stereotypical wizard can do.
Work with the basics, struggle for a long time, understand the laws of the universe.
If you don't know how to "affect the physical", giving you the answer won't even help a tiny bit. Know what your skills can and can not do.
Get gud.
>What are the most physical things that can be realistically done with magick? How to do them?
Can't explain how to do it exactly because it takes an ability to sense/control/manipulate energies which you can't see with your physical eyes. You'd have to start by raising your sensitivity until you can do this, and work from there.
As for the most physical things I've managed, they all appear in a way that looks normal, but the things happening turn out in a way that I can recognize as "mine", there will be some subtle reference only I will understand in it.
I won't mention any of it because it would sound less credible and I also don't want people to know what I'm meddling in.
But I can tell you, there was something I couldn't do myself, so I asked someone more skilled to fix it for me. Specifically it had to do with turning an internship into an employment, a situation where there is no opening and no support, being changed into a favourable situation. It really did work, I didn't do anything and a month later I was offered employment out of nowhere.
I understand when you say "physical" you may be thinking about stuff like moving heavy furniture by pointing at them or something, but I don't think that is how it works. Say if you wanted that done, it would result in someone showing up to help you move them. It would all look normal.
>I understand when you say "physical" you may be thinking about stuff like moving heavy furniture by pointing at them or something, but I don't think that is how it works. Say if you wanted that done, it would result in someone showing up to help you move them. It would all look normal.
I think these are the kinds of beliefs that undermine the power of magic and keep people stuck at the levels of basic sorcery, instead of being trained for proper magic.
If you understand how the physical world is structured and how your will can be realized through it, moving a piece of furniture becomes as easy as controlling your thoughts. Provided that you know how your mind is structured and how your will can manifest through it, controling thoughts or not thinking at all becomes easy too.
The problem here is that if you don't even know your mind, have control over it and have found freedom from it's workings, how will you expect to know the physical world? Let alone the interactions between the mental, astral and physical plane that allows you to manifest your will upon it?
Get gud, start by the basics, master your mind, master your astral body and character, then, you can begin to learn about the related physical applications of the art.
What is the best way to restore my loosh? I just ejaculated 4 times and I'm not feeling very energized
I end up going weeks or months not masturbating. I don't intend to masturbate at the moment, I'm just wondering about what the best way to gather loosh is. Previously I would just go through my daily day pulling ambient energy into my body
If I interpreted your reply correctly, I'm going to have to counter that, by saying the direct physical magic is no different from kung fu abilities, breaking bricks and stopping spears with your abs.
I don't think this should be called anything but basic magic/skills, because it's limited to what you can do personally.
In my view this is ineffective and a bit narrowminded. The greater things do not involve your direct actions, but makes use of society as a complete system, to provide you with what you need. Maybe this is considered leeching off of other people and maybe you'll think this isn't "proper" magic, then so be it. I personally see no problem in viewing everything in the world as material which exists for my use, including other people and their possessions. If I can make them work for me, I consider this better, because I understand things better than them and the result is beneficial to everyone. They do the same to me, and show no remorse when they hurt me, so when I treat them in the same way I consider it fair.
If you're talking of combat magic on the other hand, I suppose it will always be personal to some degree because you will have to defend your own body while disabling your opponent. This doesn't stop you from making use of social systems as a weapon against your enemy however, so it will still give you an advantage to use that approach.
You may consider the last part hypothetic, I haven't really used it that way because I've always finished all such business before something of the kind was needed (in the case of a personal conflict). Causing trouble for a hostile group on the other hand is best done by letting their already existing enemies carry out the task.
Tried invoking Dionysus. and it.. worked (I think). Got somewhat slightly drunk. felt I'm on the loose. to invoke him: I chanted my own verses. Jumped around.
Any ideas how could I better the invokation?
research about Gods. I recommend you Greek over Egyptian.
>Stop masturbatung you stupid nigger.
Anyone tried to connect fap/nofap to alchemical theory? When you retain coom you are working in a 'Coagula' phase. When you fap (several times in a row) that's 'Solve'.
>git gud
The problem is that I have (mostly) mastered the basics and I am still stuck on it and don't know how to take next step.
> understand the laws of the universe.
I know about the hermetic laws. What else should I know about?
>giving you the answer won't even help a tiny bit. Know what your skills can and can not do.
Well that wasn't very helpful. The only thing I can take from that is practicing which is what I am already doing.
>Provided that you know how your mind is structured and how your will can manifest through it
I have some notion of that but I would really appreciate your insight.
So could you please explain me the steps to leave the basics to get to making fireballs?
So you mean magick on this plane is limited to indirect manipulation of social events? Like it would be impossible to move heavy furniture with telekinesis or similar?
>So you mean magick on this plane is limited to indirect manipulation of social events? Like it would be impossible to move heavy furniture with telekinesis or similar?
Telekinesis is not technically magic imo. But you'd have to draw a line somewhere, so I'd put that at how much is your own internal ability developed by meditation and self awareness, and how much depends on manipulation of the external world?
Sigil magic is magic. If you learn to do it by visualization only and not drawing, you're still doing magic because it's an external method that you learned to internalize.
Telepathy is an ability, it's not magic. If you use telepathy to communicate with entities that you would normally summon with a ritual, it's still not magic because the method used was internal.
This is how I look at it, the origin being external or internal determines how it should be viewed, and to which type of practice credit should be given to.
Now when you say "magic on this plane" I'm not sure what that means. Do you mean physical reality as opposed to parallell dimensions? The world percieved beyond this one is where magic has its real effect, so it really looks quite spectacular over there. But when it comes out here it looks dull, like normal events. What I'm getting at here is that if you want it to show here, it's just a trick. It's not very effective and you'd just be a street performer, lighting cigarettes with your thumb and stuff.
>Do you mean physical reality as opposed to parallell dimensions?
I should have been more clear on that. i am sorry. I mean "physical plane" as opposed to "astral plane".
It seems that in your vocubulary what I am looking for is "not technically magick" then. Thank you.
Invokation is more of your own sort of thing.
Its quite different then evokation with what you are feeling for.
What I try and do is visualize myself sitting ontop of the entity's sigil and pulling it into my body (of course with its permission and help). Then I start visualizing the being's body and my body connecting, with little links between the chakras connecting the overlaying each other. If you lack willpower, it can turn into a channeling, as you could lose control and it takes over. If that happens, make sure to stay calm and focused otherwise you're gonna get loosh farmed.
I suggest evoking and meditating with an entity a few times before you start invoking it to gain an understanding of the being.
If you were going to focus on attaining only one thing, which one would be the most important or most fundamental:
* Wisdom
* Understanding
* Power
* Egohood
* Imperturbability, equanimity
* Enlightenment
* Discerning of the intentions of people and beings
>The problem is that I have (mostly) mastered the basics and I am still stuck on it and don't know how to take next step.
Are you able to keep your mind empty of all thoughts, conception and activity for however long you desire?
Are you able to perform all forms of sensory concentrations for however long you choose to? (visual, auditory, sensory, olfactory, gustatory).
Have you mastered the elemental principles of your mental, astral and physical body?
Have you gained enough maturity to use the akasha as a means to accomplish your will?
If yes, then you know the basics and you don't need anyone else's help. If not you have to seriously reconsider what "basics" means.
Sigil casting, wearing fancy clothes while saying weird names and "manifestation" is kindergarden magic and only used to proove yourself that "there is something to this".
>I know about the hermetic laws. What else should I know about?
What laws are we talking about?
The one's written in the kybalion or actual hermetic philosophy? Do you know that the key tenet of hermeticism is that all things are composed and ruled by the four elemental principles? Or are we talking of "the law of vibration" tier "laws"?
>So could you please explain me the steps to leave the basics to get to making fireballs?
Start by mastering the basics, there is nothing else but the basics, everything else is an application of the basics.
>The greater things do not involve your direct actions, but makes use of society as a complete system, to provide you with what you need.
Tell me, how will you achieve immortality by "making use of society as a complete system"? How will you ever heal the sick by "making use of society as a complete system"? How will you "cast fireballs" by "making use of society as a complete system"? How will you be able to interact with the astral plane by "making use of society as a complete system"? How will you learn supra mundane information by "making use of society as a complete system"? How will you rise the dead from their grave by "making use of society as a complete system"? How are you going to command the beings of the various spheres by "making use of society as a complete system"?
That to me is just a glimpse of "proper magic", western magic has nothing to envy to the eastern yogis and the miracles of the buddhas and the prophets. All of these things are within reach and have been discussed about at length. Reality manifestation is a simple way to proove yourself that there is something to this, nothing more. What you are talking of shouldn't be called magic really. In the middle ages, what you are talking about was talked about in a manuscript called along the lines of "prayer that works".
>The one's written in the kybalion or actual hermetic philosophy?
Is the Kybalion no good then? What books should one read instead?
>Tell me, how will you achieve immortality by "making use of society as a complete system"? How will you ever heal the sick
I won't do those things with magic. Apart from suppressing certain mild illnesses, I don't consider magic to be useful for anything of the kind. Immortality may be achieved but at the moment you did it, it's not magic anymore.
If you read my post
I made the distinction where I label magic as external. So once you really look at yourself and change yourself, it's not magic in the western sense of the world.
To use a simple example, if you compare Harry Potter with Dragonball, what's the difference?
Harry does magic and it's all about learning external things, reading books, mixing potions, yelling magic words.
In Dragonball they meditate and exercise until they learn to control their own energy. The results look kind of similar but it came from internal practice and it isn't magic.
While I may not mention the internal practice that doesn't mean I don't do it. It's just that this board isn't about that part, and trying to bring it up tends to create negative reactions from other posters, for whatever reason, so I just stopped caring about that part.
There's also the part where I find that most things can still be achieved by "making use of society as a complete system" so I look at that first. So do you want to cast a fireball? For what reason? Most likely the same result could be done by "making use of society as a complete system", why would a fireball be necessary unless you want to show off?
Having dead return, interacting with the astral plane, it's not what magic is for. Maybe someone could do it sometime in history, but that person probably had a stable base in the internal path first, he just didn't mention it, or people didn't understand or know about it, so it was credited to magic when in reality magic didn't do it.
I'm not saying magic is useless, it can be really sharp and effective if executed by a skilled person, but it requires your own refinement first. When I said "greater things", I'm talking of changing society, culture, producing a new and better mundane world. Can you do that with fireballs?
It isn't bad, it's just not hermeticism. It's a starter book.
As much as I have shat on it in the past because of it's author and pace, IIH is a great book containing great theory and amaizing excercises. While it's far from perfect (no occult book is perfect) it's definetly one of the best book of magic of the 20th century. The commentary by Rawn Clark is very useful if you want to understand the book to it's full extent, that and a lot of practice.
Agrippa's three book of occult philosophy is older, talks of the same laws and principles and contains many cool nuggets, hints and approaches the subject on different perspectives. Being older makes it much harder to read and understand though.
Many of the things in agrippa's book will be useless and incomprehensible before the student is well on his way in understanding and practicing IIH.
I still figure out some new things when I read both of these authors.
Both of these books are neither easy, nor do they have a gentle learning curve, they are hard and in the words of Franz Bardon:
"However, before you decide to enter upon the path of true initiation, examine
yourself as to whether you consider true initiation a discipline you want to practice as your life's work, which you can fulfill regardless of all the obstacles and difficulties that you will encounter, and whether you will never leave this path once you are on it. You have to consider it a foregone conclusion that an enormous, almost superhuman amount of perseverance and patience, a tenacious will and reticence about your progress, are prerequisites."
>I made the distinction where I label magic as external. So once you really look at yourself and change yourself, it's not magic in the western sense of the world.
That is your definition of what magic is. In any other place that magic is mentioned and even orders that call themselves magical, both the internal and external parts of magic are used. Both are interdependent components of the same art. If you want to ignore that, this is your freedom and you face the consequences of those actions.
>There's also the part where I find that most things can still be achieved by "making use of society as a complete system" so I look at that first. So do you want to cast a fireball? For what reason? Most likely the same result could be done by "making use of society as a complete system", why would a fireball be necessary unless you want to show off?
As above so below, if one is able to use the fire principle to a degree that he can indeed manifest a very real fire ball, he is also able to use this same principle to afect all the things that are covered by the fire element. This means he will have full control of his will, sight, senses, desires, concentration, confidence growth, life (as in life and death),… and those of others. He is able to evoke the highest capabilities of clairvoyance in himself or anythng around him, he is even able to sway a mass of people towards his opinions or those of his choice simply by the use of the forces of the fire principle. The fire principle is also analogous to divine omnipotence. No, it's not just showing off… That would be a very limited understanding of what it takes to make a fire ball and of what magic is.
>It's just that this board isn't about that part, and trying to bring it up tends to create negative reactions from other posters
Surely you must not have seen Khan's threads on energy work, without mentioning the meditation thread and all the others of the same nature.
>Having dead return, interacting with the astral plane, it's not what magic is for.
You can't make up your own definitions of what magic is and impose it on others, especially since the art has been active before you, that people for centuries have reffered to things such as the middle pillar ritual which is energy work, or an internal method of cultivation as magic.
Go look up anything that talks of evocation. This discipline requires to interact with the astral plane, otherwise you would not be able to see, hear or feel the spirit.
To do a ritual properly, you need to be trained properly in the internal arts.
A trained magician saying a name of an entity and a complete neophyte saying and doing the same thing will not lead to the same result, even if it is the magician's first time doing that ritual and the neophyte's hundreth time.
>Maybe someone could do it sometime in history, but that person probably had a stable base in the internal path first, he just didn't mention it, or people didn't understand or know about it, so it was credited to magic when in reality magic didn't do it.
These things are perfectly explained in any hermetical text out there worth their weight of pages, it seems that you have a very narrow definition of what magic is that is only based on your sole convictions and beliefs. Read the books above, maybe that'll open you to new horizons. If you would practice them too, you would see the extent of the powers of magic and that the internal and external path are two of the same thing.
>When I said "greater things", I'm talking of changing society, culture, producing a new and better mundane world. Can you do that with fireballs?
Yes, being able to condense the fire element to such a degree that it becomes a physical fireball implies that one has also full control over the astral and mental aspects of the fire elements. Which means that he can influence and inspire continents to follow his ideas, he can influence the culture as a whole to be more active and expanding, and effectively give us a new renaissance, solely by the use of the fire principle. As I have said above too, the fire principle developed to it's highest state gives the magician absolute omipotence.
You clearly have to learn a bit more about magic to begin to reliably define what magic is and what it is not. Magicians who have dedicated all their lives to the art themselves have very general definitions of what is magic. You come up with a very reductory talk of what you believe is magic and what you believe can be done.
What I'm talking about has been done, is done, can be done and will be done and has been expounded at lengths. Life just has never given you access to this information or the intellect to recognize the material as valuable. Whatever the case is, you'll need much more experience before being able to define "what is magic".
I still think words are to be used in the meaning most widely spread and accepted. I'm not arguing against some people having a broader definition based on their own experiences of what magic can achieve, but I'll have to argue that this is their personal understanding of the word.
I prefer the popular view because it's the only way to reach out to large numbers. But as it's probably already clear, this is because of how I view the usefulness of magic, that of controlling and influencing large numbers of social beings.
When I asked if you could change society with fireballs, I meant in the direct sense. In my opinion you are stretching the concept of "fireball" too far. Yes I can see how someone focusing on only one small detail could reach out to larger areas, I've done exactly that myself. But there would have to be some sort of potential in the initial manifestation choosen.
When you talk of the fire element being able to sway the masses, this is an abstract way of understanding what fire is. It's philosophical.
Fire is heat. It's important in people's lives, but how far could you -really- take it? The fire element is external to the body and it's a destructive process. The way of applying it would have to be indirect in an exteme way to not cause harm.
>you'll need much more experience before being able to define "what is magic".
With the way I work with this, it's part of the method to enforce the meaning of the words. This way noone (mostly non physical entities) will be able to misinterpret my intentions. By intentionally not understanding the incorrect interpretation I keep the problems away. Others will have to bend their minds around what I'm doing and saying to try and grasp it, and by doing so I already control them.
I'm not trying to hurt anyone, I just want to reach effectiveness, so I need to find effective ways of using words and meanings that is recgonized by large numbers. I don't see the potential for that in your definition of the word.
>I still think words are to be used in the meaning most widely spread and accepted
What makes you think that your definition of magic is the most popular one? Seriously, I've never heard of this distinction that only external activities are magic.
If you can, could you please elaborate more on how that would work?
I have already read most of the books you mentioned, and my personal life won't allow me read, meditate and practice more often than already do.
Should I simply continue and "struggle for a long time" until eventually know how to do it? I am sorry but that's not helpful at all.
IIH gives you the tools to shoot fireballs out of your hands, but as Franz says, why the fuck would you want to?
>I still think words are to be used in the meaning most widely spread and accepted. I'm not arguing against some people having a broader definition based on their own experiences of what magic can achieve, but I'll have to argue that this is their personal understanding of the word.
I prefer the popular view because it's the only way to reach out to large numbers. But as it's probably already clear, this is because of how I view the usefulness of magic, that of controlling and influencing large numbers of social beings.
Well, your definition is unpopular fam. And I mean, very unpopular.
This is by far the most popular definition of what magic is, by the most popular magical figure of our time, I didn't say he was the best, just the most popular, although, no one can deny the usefulness of his work,
>"the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", including both "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic.
This means that even an athlete pushing his body to it's limits is considered to be magick by Crowley.
Why? Because magic is so vast that it can not simply be definied, this comes from someone who has dedicated his life to the pursuit and has created one of the biggest magical order surviving today, Thelema.
Many magicians continue to use his definition, because it encompasses so many things. The golden dawn, and related hermetic orders all relate and agree fully to that definition.
I'm sorry, but I have yet to see your division between internal and external methods to be talked about anywhere.
All these orders use various internal and external methods and call it magic. Taking meditation and the internal parts out of magic is like taking the ball out of golf, you are doing something that kinda looks like golf if you squint your eyes, but is clearly not golf.
>When you talk of the fire element being able to sway the masses, this is an abstract way of understanding what fire is. It's philosophical.
It is not, I'm not talking of the physical elements, I am talking of the elements of the wise, those of hermetics. If you are not familiar with these matters I know that it is hard to understand but what I have said above is not meant o be metaphorical, it is 100% literal. The force that creates physical fire is the same as the one of the mental fire principles. That same force has the power to make real fire as it has the power to improve concentration to it's highest levels, the power to cause anger, it is also the cause behind willpower, the driving force of creative action,… Read the books mentioned above, they will begin to explain these principles very well. Obviously an intellectual understanding isn't in anyway close to a practical understanding of the very rea and literal impact of these forces, nothing philosophical here.
> I just want to reach effectiveness, so I need to find effective ways of using words and meanings that is recgonized by large numbers. I don't see the potential for that in your definition of the word.
"My definition" doesn't need to proove anything, it's the one wildly in use by every magician out there that has heard of hermetics. That's a whole damn lot. It's pretty much most of western magic
No one asked you to "practice more then you already do". If you want to attain the results I have talked about, modifying your practice so as to follow the system of training suitable for the results you seek is the first step. You don't have to work yourself out night and day, but you have to be regular in your training and not try it and forget it but to dilligently keep at it.
Mastering the basics will get you to te higher levels, you can't have advanced results without puting in the work needed, you know hat you have to do, then do it. If you are successful as those things, then you can begin to get more and mroe advanced as you discover new pracical applications of these principles.
> I've never heard of
It's not a matter of what someone defined in a text on the subject. In fact those examples are intellectual, which implies a quite narrow high information audience, and not based on widely spread cultural concepts.
Smoking tabacco is not bad for your health. The additives and chemicals in modern cigarettes are bad for you but the idea that tobacco causes cancer is a lie based on false studies, nicotine is beneficial and tobacco itself does not cause cancer.
That's interesting.
I always thought smoking tobacco was bad for you.
Do you mind posting sources to this?
>Do you mind posting sources to this?
Every 'study' on the effects of tobacco. They use animals to test the effects and subject them to tobacco smoke for 6-8 hours a day. The reason the animals get lung cancer is because they're breathing hot air for most of the day, the studies are created to push a narrative.
What do you think people would do if they realized that cancer was caused by the food and water supplies being poisoned by toxic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, and inorganic salts which destroy the human body?
In whose interest would it be to lie in this way? And if it's only modern additives which make cigarettes unhealthy, why haven't tobacco companies just removed those additives in order to avoid all the bad PR and the deaths of their customers?
Why would you want to use the ignorant mundane definition rather than the educated definition?
>In whose interest would it be to lie in this way?
Jews and freemasons, you know the people who control the west.
>And if it's only modern additives which make cigarettes unhealthy, why haven't tobacco companies just removed those additives in order to avoid all the bad PR and the deaths of their customers?
It's cheaper to use mostly additives and small amounts of tobacco, loose tobacco is very expensive compared to cigarettes, as are cigars. Bad PR does not matter to the companies as they continue to make large profits and it benefits those in control as they can shift the blame of cancer rates onto tobacco and various other products instead of the intentional poisoning of the food and water designed to effeminate the population and dull their critical thinking and individuality. By creating a population dependent on their governments they hope to control the world.
You should question the motives of your desire.
You are upset because you have desire which is unfulfilled, would you not find peace without desire?
I would.
But isn't the one of the points of magic to manifest your desires?
I feel that I would get great amount of satisfaction and accomplishment from doing this.
I do suppose you could say I would get the same from letting go of desiring it as well.
But I feel that if I had got a relationship with magic, I would be enjoying my time much more than just letting go and working on something else.
>But isn't the one of the points of magic to manifest your desires?
Lesser magic such as chaos magic.
The ultimate goal of most oriental schools and Hermeticism is rather realization and reaching enlightenment/tao.
All satisfaction is temporary, if you achieve this desire you will just race after the next. An eternal circle rather than an upward spiral.
>Does anyone have experience with love/seduction magic?
I do.
>What methods do you use?
The most basic ones - will, directed emotion (actually lust makes for a great battery) etc. I also coupled it with AP and influencing someone's mind directly, but I guess you need your thoughtforms to have their way with them already for this to work.
The real problem isn't hijacking someone's mind to fell in lust with you, but rather finding someone you can connect with. At least for me.
I guess it depends on your devotion to the cause and how much lust you pour into your thoughtforms. And how unlikely the victim is to be lusty towards you. It took me a week or two.
I've only done it once, it felt superfluous and pointless. Haven't try that since and I'm not likely to do it again. Also, it is very low magic, even for me, but then again I take such matters as free will of others pretty seriously so I felt bad afterwards and didn't even fuck the victim (although I had every possibility).
So what do you usually do with magic?
How do you do it?
I only use it to manifest my desires.
I never really knew that was lower tier.
Have you tried it on anybody who accepted it? I was sending love and lust to this girl today while we spoke and I didn't feel the regular resistance I usually do, and I could tell she was responding to it.
You can go for smaller desires while ultimately working towards enlightenment, though. As long as you keep in mind that enlightenment is the ultimate goal and the rest is overall irrelevant.
I have a question for you: Could you recommend any ways in which to stop caring about things like being alone? I've heard it called "outcome independence" specifically when it comes to chasing women, but I'd like to make sure that I get the same feeling from everything. I haven't been able to gain independence from desire through practicing stoicism (although I've done a terrible job.)
I've had prior experience with seduction magic.
If you're just doing it on one person and didn't feel resistance, my guess is that you're just breaking through her defenses.
So I guess she is "open" to it. But that's only because their subconscious is starting to give up resisting you.
That's my assumption anyway.
I've done it to the same girl before and been met with resistance, but I always immediately stopped and pulled back when I felt it. My guess is that before I was intruding on her free will since she did not trust me and have those feelings for me, and it would have been harmful for both her and I at that current state. But now that we're more close and it's not a disregard of free will but rather exaggerating existing feelings or introducing feelings that won't cause harm.
It could be breaking defenses, but I hope it isn't. I don't wanna get spiritually fucked because I couldn't tell where free will started and ended.
>I have a question for you: Could you recommend any ways in which to stop caring about things like being alone?
Honestly the way it came to me was by understanding the origin of my motivations and desires. Once I understood why I thought and felt things it all seemed trivial.
I feel the answer is apparent.
If you feel resistance and it goes away that means you broke through.
>rather exaggerating existing feelings or introducing feelings
You're modifying how they think and/or feel about you.
That's affecting free will. At least I think so.
I don't really give a shit if it effects their free will.
As long as the intention is good, such as introducing good feelings.
Such as love and compassion.
Is there any reason not to carve sigils into all of my stuff? To me it just seems like there are only benefits.
Is there any reason not to carve sigils into all of my stuff as a child?
It would be like putting sticky notes telling you to focus/be calm/breathe through your nose with your tongue on the roof of your mouth/etc everywhere except in a form that
>can't be read by others and just looks like a cool design
>will eventually just become subconscious for you instead of consciously having to read a bunch of sticky notes
So yes, there are only benefits. Don't listen to the 2deep4u anon
I did. Your response is literally the answer to any and every fringe related question. Now I'm just looking for shortcuts but if making sigils helps me concentrate then I don't see why not. If you mean to say that it's not the best way then there is no reason to beat around the bush. There would be no /fringe/ nor would you look for a /fringe/ if you were actually consistent with the just stop and think mindset. Maybe I'm not looking for the answer to that question and instead something else. Please stop being as edgy as me m8
Thanks m8 I figured. Sometimes it's just better for me to hear stuff said differently. Have some loosh <3
As I understand, with hermeticism, you read around, learn ideas to a certain extent. and then - you either can grow your own wings or you can not. I've heard somewhere that when you get 'white tincture it's time to burn all your books'. not sure if I know what white tincture is. but can anyone share their own thoughts whatever amateur-ish they can be?
ok, I'll go first. hermeticism is about understanding natural laws which are expressed through numbert.
>1 - the One
>2 - Dualism
>3 - Three Principles - Sulphur, Mercury
>4 - Elements
>5 - Q-uintessence
>7 - Seven Days, Seven moods, seven moods
Let's say we're working on a substance of our 'self'. So called spiritual alchemy. One somehow has to 'cook' his 'self' (Sulphur), then distill it. Series of solving and coagulating while moving through these Seven states until he will reach the Next Level. Of perception, understanding.
What would sulphur be in this context? Perhaps, meditation, diet, discipline, mental efforts, pain and suffering when you try to grasp some idea.
These rules/laws being universal, so you can apply them to social movement, groups, plants, metals, and everything. Any comments?
Ok. Could you share your understanding? Give your definition
What 'dogmas'? aren't numbers = nature laws?
>is an English .. meaning "philosophical tenet," derived from the Greek 'dogma' (Greek δόγμα) meaning literally "that which one thinks is true" and 'dokein' (Greek dokeo) "to seem good."
>"that which one thinks is true"
Hm, no. It is not about what one thinks, it is about metaphysical laws. When you understand how Nature/Demiurge operate you can assume Demiurge's role and use the Art to command (big word, yes. to slightly influence) nature. To rejuvenate yourself. To rise from the dead.
Oh boy, their domain went on sale right after I decided to test the waters and buy something from them. A great sign, I guess.
Fine. But may I hear your interpretation? Moments that you've found fascinating and aplicable to 'real life'.
>Why would you want to use the ignorant mundane definition rather than the educated definition?
If you want to control large numbers of beings, you need to use their understanding of the words, or it will be ineffective. There is also a safety aspect and the part of who will assume responsibility for the cost of the things done. When other humans or beings of any place associate with the words and consider it their own, they will pay for it. If you use your own high level understanding of the word, you will pay the full cost, and it will not offer anything to the larger numbers of beings either.
Sometimes a mundane or a lower being will gain a new higher understanding from the unintentional participation in your project, caused by you using their concept successfully. This will in turn give you a positive energetic feedback. Over time the group you are using may develop and gain awareness, this is even more likely if using what initially seems to be lower demons. If one of them by your using them/their energy becomes aware and powerful, you will have a very reliable and competent ally. Because it was your action which offered them the opportunity for power, they will remain loyal to you.
There are so many different parts that you can benefit from by using the most widely spread concepts, these were some examples.
It's not even widespread at all. In popular culture, the wizard is someone who does rituals and throws fireballs. Can't remove fireballs from the wizard, movies, tv shows, videogames, books, even raising the dead is done by the pop culure wizard.
I don't think Harry Potter learns how to "influence society". Nope, he learns to make things levitate on his first year of class. Merlin doesn't influence Kamlot's opinon about king arthur, he enchants things and throws fireballs.
The most common question someone who is new and skeptic would jokingly ask is how do I throw fireballs, it's so common, it became a meme.
You have no concrete evidence to support that your very obscure definition of magic is popular, even pop culture magic disagrees with what you call "making use of society as a complete system".
What's the point you are trying to make here?
I saw a basement dweller performing magick in public downtown today. Dude was dressed in sunglasses and a trench coat in the heat. He was following a couple with his hands clasped together and what looked to be his ring fingers pointing out and touching each other. I'm guessing he was an energy vamp, but just wondering what you guys would know about this. Specifically how I can fuck with people like this when I see them fucking with other people. I look completely mundane in day to day life and can hide my wavelength pretty easily now so staying out of sight isn't even a problem.
Enlightenment. That way I know who I am between lives and I won't be stuck having learned magick in a past life but forgetting the whole thing because I died somehow. Who knows how many times I missed the opportunity before?
>Hermeticism is a tradition, not just one book.
Yes, and most of the purported 'hermeticist' books are bullshit. Franz is okay from a practical perspective, but there aren't many others. The only book that accurately shows the hermetic tradition is the corpus hermetica.
Go to them and say "Doctor Pavel I'm CIA".
I just visualized myself walking around town in a suit with sunglasses and an earpiece only to follow around wizards I see around town. Thank you for seeding that idea friend :')
Is Bardon's The Practice of Magical Evocation
a good book? Is it possible to summon all kinds of spirits to do things for me? Are there dangers involved?
Would you be willing to give your opinion on the C.H.? I'm slowly getting through G.R.S Mead's translation (a 2013 reprint) and I'd like to hear others' opinions on it. So far, I've been reading both his Prolegomena and a little bit of Sermons, and am enjoying them.
I'd also like to know how accurate his studies are, or any other authors, concerning the source of Hermeticism and its evolution.
>Yes, and most of the purported 'hermeticist' books are bullshit
Yeah, after just going through the Poimandres I feel that the Kybalion isn't a good representation of Hermeticism at all. I could be wrong though.
Oh, that and "Hermetic Qabalah" seems kind of strange to me. I've hardly looked into it, but at a glance it just seems that it was purloined from the Jews. Does it have anything to do with the Hermetica?
and they continue playing football with concussions and hit their heads together for money. So?
Star one is still great. Thanks
only if you ejaculate.
It is different from masturbation because of the connection made. Can be better depending on the person. Can be worse if they're terrible, since your energies mesh and they can pull you into bad habits/stuff or drain you.
If you haven't done it, take it a little slow if you're not sure if you're ready.
Do kundalini yoga for a glimpse into it.
The meditation in the meditation thread can give you a kundalini rising experience. I asked for mercy or I might have died or been fucked.
I'd go vegetarian for sure… it makes energy flow better unless you've been at this type of thing for a long time. You can go back to meat later if you want, but you'll probably not like it as much/it will make you sick if you have a lot.
For me. I spent my life (22ish years) trying to be kinda-decent, then 3ish years occasionally doing meditation and love-cultivation, then 4 months of hard work on improving myself and expanding my heart and improving my body and health and meditating and stuff, then 1 more month of doing kinda alright, then had a reiki 1&2 attunement in the same day, then a week later did khan's and auntwatermelon's kundalini meditations + other intuitive stuff and then a void meditation and voila, I was on FIRE and thought I was gonna die.
Good luck.
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If you had read the book it especially states that one has to have gone to at least step 8 of initiation into hermetics before attempting actual hermetic evocation.
>What's the point you are trying to make here?
Clearing up what I consider misconceptions which are causing obstacles for people in this field.
>You have no concrete evidence
Magic is no exact science, it's a bit funny how people resort to this sentence again and again after talking for a while…
I wouldn't come here and post something like I've done if I didn't know it works. It's again a matter of an argument that would end the moment you tried what I presented and found it to actually be effective.
I think I'll end this now because you don't seem to have any interest in what I'm talking about (supposing you are the same anon, but I'm not sure). Not believing it and by that not attempting to apply it, it's your loss, not mine.
It's not like I have any need to "prove" anything, look, I'm not even using a recognizable flag. What gain would I have in "winning" some useless argument. I'm here to share what I know. If noone cares about evolving, I won't bother.
I'm seriously starting to give up on this community, it's all dogma and no real knowledge from experience or application. As soon as something based on reality is mentioned someone will try and discredit it because they haven't read about it in some book.
Occult liberalism - not even once.
what do you think about weightlifting?
does it help your magical work or not?
>body work is good
>wasting your VRIL on lifting weight '>'
Well, fam, you claimed your definition was the most popular out there, is it so crazy for me to ask you to back that up? Surely if it was so popular you would have evidence of such.
>I'm seriously starting to give up on this community, it's all dogma and no real knowledge from experience or application. As soon as something based on reality is mentioned someone will try and discredit it because they haven't read about it in some book.
Well, you are talking about one of the most basic forms of magic here, telling OP that his hopes of affecting the physical world aren't "what magic is for"….
I'm telling you that magic can be used in many other ways, many of which I have done. You, for some reason, decide that this does not fit in your definition of what magic is, resorting to "my definition is more popular, so people can understand it", when it is clearly not, or at least you haven't shown so.
If you truly come up with some new, ground breaking information, then be my guest, astonish me. But all that you have said can be found in any new age/positive thinking/chaos magick source.
Forgive me for finding that extremely boring and something any kid can do in a couple of weeks…
You definitely should exercise but weightlifting is an inferior form. Yoga, cardio and bodyweight are all you really need.
Let me give you an example, try to think of a single weightlifter who can hold a handstand for an hour or hike 10 miles.
are you implying that hiking 10 miles is difficult? anyone who isn't literally obese should be able to do that
but I've done pull-ups all my life and ignored the lower part. I have chicken legs.
Today went to the gym for the first time in a long time. Shit. I've met same people I've seen 3-4 year ago. They got bigger.
Could obsessive weight-lifting count as a modern day Moloch worshipping?
>animated meat
But why would you want to hold a handstand for an hour? Bodyweight may look cool, but you're gaining half the results in the time it'd take a weightlifter to get full results. And weightlifting is a lot more functional too: squats, deadlifts, bench press, these are things you would do when holding something. A one armed hand stand is not ever applicable to reality.
I hike in the mountains, climbing 10 miles up a mountain isn't easy for the average person. If you're not going at at least a 20 degree angle I don't consider it hiking, just normal walking.
So the ability to completely control and balance your body in all situations is not applicable to reality. The ability to lift yourself over the edge of a ledge with one arm is not applicable to reality. Thanks lad.
Then do pull ups and lift weights. Lifting weights gets results much faster and it's a lot harder to fuck up than bodyweight, because there's even more disinfo around that than there is in lifting. That being said, you're much more likely to need to pull something heavy off the ground than to have to pull yourself onto a cliff with one hand.
>So the ability to completely control and balance your body in all situations is not applicable to reality.
The more muscle you have, the less flexible you are (because muscles are tight). You're always trading something. You'll never have complete control.
What's your opinion on the works of Joseph Campbell? I just started reading "The Power of Myth", and I find it really fascinating.
faggot. This time you got me good.
really tired of schmucks who don't explain their opinions. okay. you want to be smart. you say something unconventional and edgy. but please give explanations and evidence
perhaps there is some truth to the pic. However, it says nothing about the 'kabbalah'/study of emanations.
Look at the initial post
> 'binah' - it is a triangle in a circle
>same image is being used by the illuminatiTM. Does that mean that they are manifesting this left-column principle?
The Left. Materialism, Transhumanism, etc. Jews as the Chosen People of the Left. Instrument of the Demiurge(Binah). you dig?
>western esoterism falling apart
goofus pls. How Absolute can fall apart? It is Invincible, Magnificent, Fantastic. God is always there. It is we that could be led astray, dumbed down, etc. And it is again our duty to clear our sight. Who's leading us astray and what's the endgame.
What is known about the Cabalah is a Jewish derivative so yes, that image has everything to do with its study and why one shouldn't bother putting much significance into it, even those who are Jewish.
The only thing that's good about it is its ability to classify and organize memories like a file storage system on a computer since most memories can be classified by either a sephirot or one of the bridges between sephirots.
Using it for any other purpose is pointless for reasons in that image.
Campbell is great, his work helped me find the path. If you like The Power of Myth you should also read The Golden Bough by J.G. Frazer and The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James.
The third sephirah is represented in that diagram by a triangle for the same reason that the fifth is represented by a pentagon and the seventh by a heptagon. It's nothing. It isn't even a recognized convention - I haven't seen it in other diagrams.
>pic related explains why the Cabalah is trash.
No, it just says that the Qabalah is bad because it's Jewish and everything Jewish is bad. It's simplistic nonsense.
>It's nothing. It isn't even a recognized convention
Might not be conventional. But it really triggered my synchro..phasotron. I thought like this: ok there must be a grand conspiracy, type of an occult organization, that is standing behind materialism, transhumanism, my little pony, feminism, race-mixing – what is the idea? To bind human's spirit to this realm.
And it fits perfectly to the archetype of the illuminati. If you study the topic a bit..
Given what is known about Judaism, are you saying that you are certain the Cabalah is in the same exact form as it was taught before written records?
The only simplistic thing about it is figuring out if the source of information you're referencing is reliable and what influences it had. What I know is that the first written records of it were sometime in 500BC which then influenced Talmudic Judaism. There was independent Christian and Hermetic study of this Talmudic version in Europe which was then intermingled with Jewish study during the Renaissance. This develops into Crowley which leads to the public hype of its study in the West.
If you don't find a problem with this sequence and how it was developed or think that Judaism doesn't conceal and distort information at every opportunity, then you are free to believe that the Cabalah can be useful for you.
Your analysis of its worth is based entirely on its provenance and not on its substance. I understand why you're sceptical of it but you can't say its trash without being able to explain exactly what about it is wrong or misleading.
>This develops into Crowley
If Crowley and other serious magicians think it's valuable, I'm inclined to think there's something to it.
A deceiver doesn't produce truth, so why would someone seriously investigate the product of one? I know that its substance is not the same as what it originally once was, so I can conclude that it's trash for any purpose other than as a system to organize events and people. The only reason why Crowley and other "serious magicians" had power was because they had access to information that others didn't. If these other people believed that the information Crowley and other "serious magicians" had was valuable, then Crowley and others become valuable as they are the gatekeepers to that information.
If one investigates the source of Crowley's information on the Cabalah and find it's been passed down among those who operate out of deception, then you can conclude that Crowley was just as swindled as someone who studied underneath him. I don't know why you would want to continue that tradition.
>The only reason why Crowley and other "serious magicians" had power was because they had access to information that others didn't. If these other people believed that the information Crowley and other "serious magicians" had was valuable, then Crowley and others become valuable as they are the gatekeepers to that information.
>If one investigates the source of Crowley's information on the Cabalah and find it's been passed down among those who operate out of deception, then you can conclude that Crowley was just as swindled as someone who studied underneath him
So all the magicians who take the Qabalah seriously are lying or ignorant? I find that hard to believe.
>I know that its substance is not the same as what it originally once was
It hasn't just been accepted uncritically by each generation. There has been a lot of analysis of and argument over the correspondences (by Crowley and Mathers, for example). The doctrine we have now may not be the same as it was originally, but it's not necessarily further from the truth.
> it's trash for any purpose other than as a system to organize events and people
Isn't organization and grouping its main purpose? I suppose it's also a cosmological system, but its ideas don't differ much from other accepted theories, so we know it isn't far wrong in that respect.
Given what I know about the history of the Talmud and Rabbinical Judaism, I don't find it hard to believe. That's where we disagree since you don't have a problem with the source of the Cabalahic teachings and whether you can faith that the system that exists for public consumption is not necessarily further from the truth.
If you have faith that what's presented isn't adulterated but only changed due to how information is passed along, then that's fine to admit. I don't given what I know how Jews share information with non-Jews, in that they don't without first obfuscation.
There is no need for a global conspiracy to keep fallen man from learning the truth. He creates these diversions himself just so because he can't think of anything beyond and higher.
I'm always seeing a blue ring in my vision since I've started developing my third eye, any ideas what it is?
>I don't given what I know how Jews share information with non-Jews, in that they don't without first obfuscation.
Don't you think it could have been obfuscated in Antiquity and the Middle Ages and then purified by modern thinkers? Obfuscation only works if a student lacks the knowledge and independence of mind to see through it. I think that people like Crowley did have that knowledge and independence.
>If you have faith
I don't have faith, I'm only saying it's worth 'seriously investigating', to use your words.
>someone mentions jews
>30 posts of cucks saying there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
Given that Crowley or others who wrote things on the Cabalah earlier don't talk about this variable, then no. If Crowley thought that purification was necessary, he would have discussed it at length and made it obvious he was steering his teachings away from Rabbinical Judaism.
If you don't have faith, then I'm not sure why you're defending the Cabalah. Like I said, it's a good framework for memory retention, but not worthwhile in any serious regard again due to what is known about the people who champion this system as occult knowledge.
>If Crowley thought that purification was necessary, he would have discussed it at length and made it obvious he was steering his teachings away from Rabbinical Judaism.
You're right. But he did exactly that in his treatment of alchemy; he was clearly aware that much of the existing occult literature was corrupt, and able to see through that corruption. Why then would he be duped by corruption in qabalistic works? You said earlier that 'the only reason why Crowley and other "serious magicians" had power was because they had access to information that others didn't', implying that they might have chosen to perpetuate the obscurantism of their forebears out of selfishness. But Crowley's whole thing was applying 'the method of science' to the occult and taking credit for the innovations that resulted. I think that if he had found serious systemic obfuscation in the Qabalah he would have made a great show of exposing it.
>If you don't have faith, then I'm not sure why you're defending the Cabalah
I'm not defending it per se, only disagreeing that you can dismiss it based on its origins. I haven't studied it enough to be able to say whether it's good or bad.
If he saw through bullshit occultism elsewhere, then he was able to trace the origins of the Cabalah. Which means he was either easily duped or fine the way it was, it doesn't matter which to me that's just the way it was with him.
I'm not dismissing it either, I've repeatedly said what it's good for. I'm sure that at one time it was more than it is now. If you're okay with the influence that it's received from dozens of Rabbinical generations, most of which were verbal rather than written, then it's good enough for whatever you need it for.
Try to think of a single bodyweighter who can lift something heavier than 60 kilos off the floor.
Checkmate faggot, it's almost as if the two train for different things and can thus achieve different feats, the usefulness of both being purely circumstantial.
>tried to AP many times
>none of the techniques work
How the fuck do you AP seriously. Or is AP just a meme and I've been tricked.
Body strength exercises regulate your chakras. It's because they regulate your hormones and nervous system. These two are physical dimensions of subtle chakra system. Regulate one system, all dimensions of it fall into place. Of course it's not a panaceum, because there are so many unrelated systems. Like ideological web of subconscious/conscious beliefs. You can't regulate that shit with body strength exercise. You need awareness meditation, emotional alchemy, desire channeling, ideology manipulation.
However, there are rituals you can do on regulating the elements in case of which you "force" the universe to regulate your shit at all costs. That means, you could lose everything, lose family in a car crash, get house burned down, in order a lesson that puts your systems in balance. Yeeeaah… I'm fine with lifting you know
Attend my workshop session: https://fringechan.org/fringe/res/7426.html
It's not a meme. It's just easier than you think.
What is the best way to concentrate for meditation? I always end up trying for 15 minutes and then fall asleep, periodically waking up every couple hours until i end up sleeping 16 hours a day.
You're not laying down when you meditate are you?
Humans are bipedal, we are not meant to lay down, ever.
Like the other anon is saying, you shouldn't lay down. Especially in your bed or anywhere you're used to sleeping. Laying down makes your brain think you're gonna go to sleep.
What about sleeping? I've seen articles that mentioned a natural sleeping position being kneeling down in a praising position.
You should sleep at anywhere from a 40-90 degree angle.
The ideal sleep position is whatever is most comfortable for you at a 90 degree angle, lotus is a good position.
What is the best way to deal with urges/passions/desires? I seem to be very susceptible to them.
Outright reject them -> Passions bottle up inside me and then eventually let out in a massive outburst when my guard is down. Happened many times, where I swung between two vastly different poles.
A while ago I read in a random essay which resonated with me, "Observe all things in silence with your mind and remain unperturbed, stopping every judgment with a firm hand. If passions bother you, do not react or become perturbed. Bring them deliberately to satisfaction, and then get rid of them. …"
So, I started indulging in all my passions, urges, etc, but doing it in a very aware and meditative state. Did this all night with different desires, almost using the indulgence as a ritual. Now I just feel like a very aware, and slightly confused, degenerate. Also feels surreal as if my ego is so confused as to who "I" am, that it is gone. What should I do?
Have you tried accepting that human passions are part of this song and dance we call life?
My personal observation is that constantly suppressing whatever passions may arise leads to exhausting my energy. Sure I've managed to deny myself little things like chocolate or fapping but I'm starting to believe that energy must always circulate, you can only suppress the energy of your passions for so long.
Ironically enough, embracing them and consciously satisfying them has led to very easy and quite lengthy periods of time where those passions left me the hell alone.
>If you truly come up with some new, ground breaking information, then be my guest, astonish me.
I've tried, but whenever I go straight to the topic noone will believe me. If I try to take it slowly, it just results in a long argument with low information people with no awareness of the world around them.
Take a look at the Astral Libraries thread. Noone here seems to know of the chaos library. Ok, I'll go as far I think I can here then.
Do you remember a tripfag calling himself The Bored Dude? He was a low ranking member of the chaos library. I'm saying "was" because I don't think he's around anymore. I don't know how much he knew about the community he joined either, he was just entry level.
I was attempting a "probe" kind of post there and received nothing. I understand most members wouldn't talk about this, or maybe wouldn't know about it either. But I'm not like that, I want to try and spread what I know if it can benefit the world.
But there has to be some point where a person -knows- what you are talking about, from experience, not just by referring to some textbook. If someone don't have this basic understanding, that's like a preschooler coming to a university and asking them to explain things to them. It doesn't work that way, you have to start from the beginning.
And, ok, yes, I'm a brute. If I sense someone is keeping information from me I start causing trouble randomly until I get a reaction. In the long run it's still morally defencable because I won't keep it to myself after gaining something. It may upset people but it works, and that is the issue here, actually doing something, not just talking about Crowley day in and day out.
This community could be a good recruiting ground but someone doesn't seem to want it that way. I could've put ((())) on the someone but I'm not sure it's them, actually I think it isn't but you get the idea.
> tinnitus
Relaxing your neck muscles is likely to lessen or remove it completely. Being stressed out and can produce it as well. It's more psychological than physical, if you control your mind and remove it, you are touching on the esoteric.
>So, I started indulging in all my passions, urges, etc, but doing it in a very aware and meditative state. Did this all night with different desires, almost using the indulgence as a ritual. Now I just feel like a very aware, and slightly confused, degenerate.
Indulging straight out won't help, you'll end up unable to control yourself. But maybe the realization that you are completely ruled by desires will create a determination in you to overcome them. There is no guarantee it will work that way if you go about it mindlessly however. You need some kind of goal or target where you are able to already see yourself as having control and having overcome the desires.
For example I used the this concept to overcome sexual desires
>I will only use sexual activities for the purpose of procreation, but if this is the purpose anything goes
Then I measured everything against this standard. Will giving in to this particular thing bring me closer to the goal or further away? It could be very far away from the goal and still be a step in the right direction.
You shouldn't feel shame or uncertainty about the things you do, ever. If your goal is correct, everything on the way there is correct too.
>Sure I've managed to deny myself little things like chocolate or fapping
It's not necessary to deny yourself anything, just replace the thing you want to get rid of with something that is "correct" according to your goal, or change the context.
Is chocolate in itself bad? Not if you exercise before eating it, then you need the energy. Make it into a reward for accomplishing something instead of denying yourself what you like.
Your brain has associated your bed with sleeping, as it should. When you meditate, you're relaxing yourself, and since you are in bed your brain figures it's time to sleep. The best choice of action would be to try to find another room that isn't associated with sleeping, and if that's not an option do it on the floor of your bedroom. But not in the bed.
Consider moving outside if you struggle to find a quiet place. This would be a good opportunity to take up hiking.
>And, ok, yes, I'm a brute
Did anyone accuse you of that?
>that is the issue here, actually doing something
The people here don't spend all their time browsing this site. I, at least, spend a decent amount of time 'actually doing something' to better myself spiritually. Usually this work either can't be expressed satisfactorily in words or it's too familiar to be worth talking about, so people don't bother mentioning it unless they need guidance.
>not just talking about Crowley day in and day out
No idea what you mean by this. If you're talking about the short conversation above referencing Crowley, the topic was actually the value of the Qabalah, which I think everyone can agree is an significant issue, and which I haven't seen discussed before. Crowley and other celebrity occultists are rarely mentioned here.
I'm merely responding pre-emptively to the things usually brought up so I don't have to spend several posts in a defensive position because someone threw me strawman. If someone wants to talk I want that stuff out of the way.
You may consider is a
>This community could be a good
Any practical ideas how could we make it good?
perhaps, we need to stop being a 'legion' (we are Giants, right?) and start using trips. then develop brotherly etiquette. after we have an environment we could write some sort of a manifest - just to assert our ideas and prevent ((((attempts)))) to drag discussions into a pit.
>we need to stop being a 'legion' (we are Giants, right?)
Well yeah. I'm not saying we should turn snowflakes but some sort of individuality is needed, or maybe personality. Being a mindless slave of dogma and eliminating your personal characteristics to become an "anon" is downright counterproductive here. Someone criticised this place for being
>a chan without chan culture
but imo this is needed to reach anywhere. Also it seems masons and related groups spend a great deal of time building up their members as individuals with unique personalities and boasting their self confidence. You do need to believe in yourself here, and chan culture does the complete opposite to its participants.
> develop brotherly etiquette
> write some sort of a manifest - just to assert our ideas and prevent ((((attempts)))) to drag discussions into a pit
Not that bad ideas really.
Being able to meet and talk without constant infighting is the reason groups like the bilderberg's or whoever are able to do anything at all.
>Being a mindless slave of dogma and eliminating your personal characteristics to become an "anon"
That is the exact opposite of what anonymity does. Having user accounts encourages people to display contrived, self-conscious 'personality' and makes them self-censor out of fear of looking stupid or contradicting what they had said previously.
>Being able to meet and talk without constant infighting
This site is far better mannered than most places. I don't know what 'infighting' you're talking about.
No offence but it seems like you just don't get the appeal of chans. Go to Reddit or a forum if you prefer their systems.
>self-conscious 'personality' and makes them self-censor
I can agree with that. However, there's another side with a name comes responsibility. Wilingness to raise stakes, to perfect your game. To make environment better.
>This site is far better mannered than most places. I don't know what 'infighting' you're talking about.
It lacks collective identity/Style, as anon said 'a chan without culture'. Because we're mostly random people with random ideas/paths. Btw, what are other-places in 2016? Public spaces for discussion that are not dead. I feel like everyone either went really 2deep2darknet or use cosy skype conferences with RL friends. Or maybe they went rapture.
>a chan without chan culture
to make our distinct culture we could outline the circle of topics we are interested in
>was Crowley a faggot MI6 spy with a mission to spam the spirit dead
>or a bro-type messiah with whom you smoke weed and share life tips, occult secrets and cheetos
>True Kabbalah - did jooz steal it from our Aryan Pythagorean Hyperborean Ancestors?
>Who was behind the occult revival of 19 century? and what were the interested parties
>are we living in an Occult Theocracy? Is it on our side or not
>the jooz - is it a race - or metaphysical mission of priesthood?
>Scythians, Thracians, Phrygians - what's up with them?
>What was happening pre-Flood?
>how to raise kundalini while doing runic yoga on mushrooms
>Gothic Gnosis and German culture
outline and then share our opinions and sail to a great quest of finding the truth!
But then again. I caught myself on a thought - if you practice maybe you should keep silent about it?
>That is the exact opposite of what anonymity does. Having user accounts encourages people to display contrived, self-conscious 'personality' and makes them self-censor out of fear of looking stupid or contradicting what they had said previously.
You seem to have interpreted what I wrote in the opposite way of what I intended.
"Chan culture" here means the collective, dogma-like standard used to measure posters against. You did the same thing here, just in a polite manner, telling me to go to reddit.
It's really a collective behaviour/culture/dogma meant to keep outsiders on the outside. It's manifested in posts like
>lurk more
>back to reddit
>special snowflake
>-citation needed-
>the RP is strong with this one
>(general strawman misquote of poster)
All of this is telling the poster to conform or leave - meaning - there is an unspoken code of conduct here, where individuality is considered a problem.
It's one thing to be anonymous when talking about truths you can't say in person, but if you have to censor yourself to remain anonymous, it defeats the purpose of the anonymity itself. And that's what's happening here. Express too much individuality and you stand out, without a trip, and then you're told to leave. Put on a trip and you're that annoying tripfag but you'll still be accepted as one, because it's part of the collective culture here.
What I'm getting at here is a different kind of culture, where your personality is built up, while still maintaining your anonymity.
It could be quite easy. When someone posts something you can talk from the view of trying to actually understand what the poster is trying to do, and help them reach that conclusion they may have problem finding on their own. You only expose so much of yourself as is needed for the discussion and you still remain unknown. It just means leaving a space for personality instead of trying to make everyone conform. It can be done collectively as well, it's just a slight change really.
>You did the same thing here, just in a polite manner, telling me to go to reddit.
I'm not trying to oppress you. I just honestly think that if you dislike the chan format you shouldn't bother with it. Trying to remake a chan into something it's not is a fruitless exercise and it will only antagonise the people who came here to enjoy anonymity. Maybe that's not what you were getting at.
>if you have to censor yourself to remain anonymous
I don't think you do. There are certain chan-posters who forgo their anonymity totally, like the gurus on /fit/.
>Express too much individuality and you stand out, without a trip, and then you're told to leave
It's not individuality per se that angers people, it's certain traits. Being entertaining or intelligent is also an expression of individuality, and that isn't objected to. Annoying people, however, will be ostracised by any group, anonymous or not.
>When someone posts something you can talk from the view of trying to actually understand what the poster is trying to do, and help them reach that conclusion they may have problem finding on their own
This is exactly what I try to do, and I think this board is relatively good at it. I'm arguing with you now because I think dialectic is a good way to think, not because I want to drive out opposing viewpoints.
>I feel like everyone either went really 2deep2darknet or use cosy skype conferences with RL friends. Or maybe they went rapture.
All of the chan wizards seem to have disappeared or joined some discord/telegram type chat (sucks for people such as myself who much prefer anon chan sites).
>All of this is telling the poster to conform or leave
A seasoned shitposter does not seriously reply to any of those responses or doesn't even bother considering their posts when lurking. Expecting someone who makes replies like that to get anything out of your posts is a waste of energy. Feeling uneasy because someone is shitposting near you is a waste of energy.
This scientific graph shows the journey of a shitposter on an imageboard.
Someone finds an imageboard and starts posting. They quickly realize that this isn't the very rigid and static forum style posting they're used to where the majority of all discussions are based on identity rather than substance. It's like going from London to Tortuga in the 1600s, you go from a place where your name is everything to a place where your word is more valuable than all else. Naturally most people take advantage of a place with few unwritten rules which leads to them posting mostly garbage, disagreeing with others for easy attention and cheap entertainment.
This loses its entertainment value and you get a jaded shitposter. The kinds of violent and hapless shitposting they've been doing just doesn't do it anymore. This leads to their shitposting level dropping as they come up with more clever ways to facilitate discussions that they enjoy. This can vary from anything to learning new knowledge which they then share and shitpost about to refining their shitposting ability, where one gets creative to get sincere replies without the person they're shitposting at knowing it's a ruse. Either way, their shitposting quality increases as time goes on, eventually reaching a point where they are content with their shitpost level. Similar to Buddhist enlightenment, it is here where a shitposter is not moved when attacked. They either share information with someone they are in a discussion with or will make the senior shitposting move of letting a more unstable shitposter jog on instead of replying to low quality shitposts in the hope that it will lead such a shitposter to the jaded shitposter area on this graph.
If you want the posting quality to be better, you have to first stop feeding those of shit quality. If you're uncomfortable someone challenging your ideas, then you still have to refine your shitposting capabilities further or face someplace like Reddit.
Not the person you replied to btw.
Thoughts on "to err is human"? I worry that by learning magick I am missing out on important mundane lessons. For example, in heavily training my intuition I could avoid many mistakes and live a life free of difficulty or chaos. But is this something I really want? Of course I want the intuition, as I want to master as much as possible, but it is these mistakes that make us human, no?
Added a makeshift filter on the anchor tag. Spam should be considerably less now - hopefully.
>was Crowley a faggot MI6 spy with a mission to spam the spirit dead
>or a bro-type messiah with whom you smoke weed and share life tips, occult secrets and cheetos
The degenerate Judeo-Christian ritual magician kabbalist who believed himself to be the reincarnation of Eliphas Levi? Does this even need discussion?
>True Kabbalah - did jooz steal it from our Aryan Pythagorean Hyperborean Ancestors?
>anything original and not corrupted bullshit to enslave the masses
>wondering about this
>Who was behind the occult revival of 19 century? and what were the interested parties
Satanists, and thus by a larger extend, our creator Gods. This includes movements such as original Freemasonry, which was intended to free people from their wicked Christian chains and lead to a path of enlightenment. Of course most of these have mostly all been corrupted - because that's what Jews do; they take something authentic and genuine and corrupt it to something malicious so it benefits them. Although disorganized, read some here; https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic176.html
>are we living in an Occult Theocracy? Is it on our side or not
Does it honestly seem like its on our side? We're moving ever closer to communism and are faced with worse living circumstances every day. On a more positive note though, many people seem to be awakening - yet many also fall for "higher level" traps such as New Age, esoteric Christianity, "mom i'm a starseed"-meme and the likes.
>the jooz - is it a race - or metaphysical mission of priesthood?
They are an artificially engineered parasitical race designed to infiltrate our planet and species; the goal being to bring forth global communism for their ET overlords. This is blatantly apparent in all of their scriptures, 'holy books', movements, doctrines, policies, history, you name it. You don't have to take my word for it, a higher up rabbi Kabbalist named Rav Michael Latman [source; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Od3LF_opvE ];
Rav Michael Laitman: In fact, we are not coming from here. We came from there (points to outer space). This is Israel at their root. So we went through such a route that took us inside by, what is called the “shattering of the vessels”… the shattering of the collective soul…
- Question from the audience: Who is the chief of staff that sent the commanding unit? -
Rav Michael Laitman: Him. The Creator. Israel is a part of Him…
Question from the audience: So, this chief of staff sent this commanding unit
Rav Michael Laitman: Sent the commanding unit. Gave them strength. Gave them the connections. Everything….
But… they have no choice. He broke them. He shattered them. What does it mean? In order to put them inside the hostile land, he had to give them the same form as that hostile land. It’s like we go into a country as an undercover team. And each one of us is exactly like the people of the land. Say we’re being sent somewhere now – Africa for instance. So we’ll take on the same shape and form of the people in Africa. The characteristics, traits, approach, interests, everything. The same exact for – inside and out… You know, it’s like an undercover agent. He is there for a while, no one touches him, he has to start working, build a house, family… Everything is fine for years and years. After that, he starts doing something. He gets a reminder from outside. You gotta start working. He already forgot about it and all of a sudden they call him. Here is your commander, and this and that, you know – like in the movies… This is what’s happening with us. We have to wake up. We have to remember that we have a special mission. And really, this isn’t our place. We’re coming from a completely different place. So we have to find our friends according to this awakening. Did you get a phone call? I got a phone call, he got a phone call and so on. And then we gather as a group. So from this entire planet, we are aliens coming from a different galaxy. We receive this ray of light – this awakening – individually. And now we’re gathering as groups starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth. That’s the mission.
Question from the audience: How do we conquer it?
Rav Michael Laitman: How do we conquer it? We’re also sent the method. We’re being shown everything gradually. We’re being taught. Not being taught, but kind of trained and activated… which sets our minds in motion. But in fact, it’s coming from our original planet. And thanks to that original natural force we have, >>>we will take over those living on Earth.<<<
Why are you looking at me like that? You don’t believe me? I’m telling you seriously! It’s even more than that. It’s not a different galaxy – it’s a different universe. It’s a different dimension altogether. That’s who we are…
Question from the Audience: “…Why are they aliens?”
Rev. Michael Laitman: “They’re aliens because…. I’m not talking about their external form – their body or their flesh and blood organs. I’m talking about that interior that does not exist in other people in the world on Earth but only in them. It’s the inner software that is in them here coming from the other world.”
“…What we’re talking about now is the phase where those undercover agents have to connect together and organize themselves in order to conquer Earth…
So we came here in order to put things in order – like in our home planet…”
>What was happening pre-Flood?
Pre-Flood is often referred to as the "Golden Age" in which man lived alongside with our Gods, led by ENKI/Satan, under highly favorable circumstances.
>The whole point of magic is to rise above the limitations of humanity.
Rather, it is to be human to its fullest potential, to achieve individual Godhood as the human soul you are. Its not due to limitations of simply being human. We have a Godlike spiritual and genetic composition, its just a matter of achieving, activating and cultivating this.
>Rather, it is to be human to its fullest potential, to achieve individual Godhood as the human soul you are. Its not due to limitations of simply being human. We have a Godlike spiritual and genetic composition, its just a matter of achieving, activating and cultivating this.
It depends on how you define 'human'. If 'to err is human', then rising above error must also mean rising above humanity. Are humanity and godhood not mutually exclusive? We can agree that magic is about achieving the true potential of the individual; this one's use of the word 'superhuman' did not imply a loss of humanity, only a gain of something higher.
I'm partially guilty of this but I had my reasons, some deeper discussions just don't work on boards like this. It's more of a tripfag gathering on a private forum/blog, and it's kinda cosy in its own way. After a months/years of seeing someone spam stuff on chan boards you start feeling like you know the person and taking the next step to a more private setting is natural. Once you put on a trip you start building your brand, you're now a public person of some sort, and if you're comfortable with this a forum like that is a great place to meet.
Tbh I don't even bother to hide my real name in some places, I'm even in some esotheric fb groups with my name and pic, but I'm a nobody irl so noone's going to care. If you're the monkey everyone knows you this way and they won't bother pointing it out.
Maybe I'm a different breed completely. I know the style of posting but I learned it from a gaming community/forum that's even older than chan boards. The major difference is you have to register, making a new identity only works 2 days until people figure out who you are, you simply can't dodge it. The language is just as harsh, people telling others to kill themselves in every thread etc but in the end you have to stand for it. It gets even worse when you take this to fb or irl (some people even seeking someone out and threatening them in their home over an ingame dispute).
If you have a problem you solve it, you don't hide behind anonymity simple because everyone knows who you are and where you live. This still doesn't stop anyone from being completely honest.
So I think there is some sort of difference in understanding here again. I may have this idea in the back of my head that you start out anonymous but at a certain point you will inevitably be able to discern different individuals and you will get to know them.
Sometimes it's obvious just from the style of the posts who is behind them, all communities have their regulars and you will know them if you stay. It's not something intentional, it's a process that happens over time wether you want it or not. A culture that isn't self aware of this or plain out denies it isn't healthy imo, it's not teaching it's participants how reality works, and that's actually hiding the truth, intentional or not.
A place like this should seek truth, not hide it. That's why I'm making a deal out of this. If you actually get good at what you're doing here, you will find the world isn't very big, you can't avoid other people in this field and you need to be prepared for that situation.
You can usually tell who someone is by their posting style, but we still need to keep it anonymous here. Let's not forget that we are working with something very delicate and some people would love to identify us to scare us off of here.
Dunno but if you can find hope whitin yourself then you will start to notice things when the move towards your hope.
And you will stand erect like a tower amidts depressed worms and maggots how then can they not be influence by you when they see that you have drunk and are now drunk on hope and they are in the dust.
what do
if I feel i'm living in a 'blade runner' movie universe? it's very tense. I feel like i'm not going to make it, but there's still a tiny chance
it that mindcontrol
to accept defeat is to agree that you are nothing but clay.
then I'm a mistake. and god is a faggot.
but pride is big. and don't believe I'm a mistake. and god most certainly is not a faggot.
> make people more susceptible to your ideas or something close to it?
I don't think I can call it a servitor but I've formed some pre-made functions (you may want to call them spells) to use on other people. It's not about making them follow me, rather the intention is to provoke enlightenment of some sort by manifesting a certain kind of statement or question to the person in a half unaware state. If done right the person will have to make a choice mentally, and picking the right thing will lead to some kind of realization.
This in turn will make the person follow something that's more true than before, and as far as you are following this path they will be more like you.
Just forcing it on someone for personal reasons is likely to be ineffective or cause negative results in the longer run.
At first I did this manually but it takes focus so I step by step "automated" it and also learned to put it on "area of effect" for people around me for a period of time. This can change a social environment for the better, but you need to mind what kind of statement/question you use, it needs to be logically very sound.
If you're used to people telling you to kill yourself over the internet, then those posts you listed shouldn't bother you.
The whole point of anonymity is to focus on the information given rather than the person behind the post. The only reason someone focuses on figuring out who they are discussing something with is to win an argument in a way other than through information. If that's not the case, then you could explain why you'd like for everyone to have an identity. There's nothing about hiding truth through anonymity, you judge each post independent of others which is much closer to finding truth than judging each post by the ego who made it.
Please, faggots who want to change the way the board/chan is:
Fuck off.
Make your own xxx.proboards.com if you want a place where people have to register etc etc
Being a tripfag and easily identifiable is already an option. Stop trying to force identity on everyone due to your belief that it betters discussion.
Seriously, fuck off.
>anyone else think this guy/these guys are jews?
>why you'd like for everyone to have an identity
You're misunderstanding what I said. I'm not saying you should post with an identity like a name by your post. It's the board culture of having to conform to being an "anon" with no personality that I think is the problem here. The point wasn't that I'm "bothered" by being called a special snowflake, it's that this kind of behaviour is part of the culture.
The idea that a person should suppress his individuality is incompatible with the topic of this board. You need to be mentally strong as a person, not entertain some herd mentality.
I believe this part of the culture is indeed intentionally planted here by those who want to cripple the community and it's participants.
Just like what was posted in the pic here, intentional distortion of a teaching
Oh all these
>I can only understand things from a concrete technical point of view
how can it be so hard to read a few lines of text and grasp the meaning?
From the very beginning the issue discussed has been targeted at the board culture, not the function of the website.
I wonder who is the "jew" here.
There's plenty of namefags and tripfags who don't feel the need of having to conform as an anon so I'm not sure why you think that the board is for anonymous posters only. If you post valuable information or entertaining information, then you're welcomed and missed when you're not around, if you can't handle anonymous shitposters shitposting near you when you have an identity, then there are more friendly places that exist. Nobody is forcing you to do anything.
>It's the board culture of having to conform to being an "anon" with no personality that I think is the problem here
I honestly don't recognise the conformist culture you're talking about. Nobody is trying to suppress your personality.
>then there are more friendly places that exist. Nobody is forcing you to do anything.
Except that this quote is just another form of once again saying
>conform or leave
>There's plenty of namefags and tripfags who don't feel the need of having to conform as an anon
Which was already mentioned here
> Put on a trip and you're that annoying tripfag but you'll still be accepted as one, because it's part of the collective culture here
You're now giving me options
>accept the chan culture as it is, be an anon or a tripfag - or leave, if you try to change it you are a jew
You're confirming the arguments I've made this whole time again. Chan culture as some kind of holy dogma. It's being treated like the bible for some fundamentalist christian, the unchanging word of God which just happens to have been edited countless times before. But right now it is perfect and can't be changed.
It's a deluded mindset, cultures change constantly.
M8, the problem here is that nobody understands what you're objecting to. We thought you were talking about anonymity, but apparently you weren't (going back to your earlier posts, I can see that).
>>accept the chan culture as it is
That anon thought you were objecting to anonymity, he isn't demanding that you conform to some sort of dogma. No one is.
I don't subscribe to any bullshit occultist dogma, let alone one from an imageboard so I don't know where you're coming from. If you feel like there's holy dogma here then you should elaborate on what it exactly is and what you think its stances are.
>What I'm getting at here is a different kind of culture, where your personality is built up, while still maintaining your anonymity.
Chan culture is the idea that every person with a computer and Internet connection, can come online and say whatever they want. And anyone else can tell that someone to fuck off. And that someone can tell those anyones to git gud.
We're not going to change image board culture. We're not going to impose identities on people. We're not going to track people down and gag them.
You come here, say what you want, have a discussion, share information or just shitpost, it doesn't matter. To complain about chan culture on an imageboard does nothing on that website. You want to complain about it, go to Reddit where everyone has a little nickname, gather karma points and feel entitled for being upvoted by people. On imageboards, upvotes or downvotes are people quoting someones' post. If someone post a get, 400 people will quote it for it's randomness. If someone on Reddit writes a compelling post he gets some upvotes but his post never goes down in history as a screencap or something epic as baneposting.
The problem with your posts is that you take this personally. Like as if people here attack your identity rather than the shit you write. It's the opposite. They're attacking your shitty argument for changing chan culture and trying to make an imageboard conform to your needs for identity. You can easily put a name and tripcode in your name field and show us all who you are and write your posts, no one will object to it. But eventually you will have built an identity in all threads you've visited and people will just stop listening to you.
The opposite can happen, where users assume the identity of a person. This happens with smiley all the time because people find it funny to shitpost pretending to be him.
If you were to leave this thread right now, leave this discussion and go write a post anywhere on the website, no one would call you out for the shit you wrote in another thread. But since you persist to remain in this thread, people can spot your posts because you quote them and debate them for posts that you wrote.
If anyone wants to discuss a topic, they can create a thread and get it going. If anyone wants to partake in an already existing topic, they can search for a thread and write in it. If anyone finds something that contradicts their experience, they can quote that post and write why it is wrong and spend time starting a new argument.
Welcome to chan culture, where everyone is equal until made unequal through their own power of shitposting. That's what I like about it. There's no points, there's no score or shitty medals; posts go down in history by the content they hold, not the AMA Bill Gates fag that write answers to questions about his ego.
One day, a roleplayfag/alien will make a thread on this website and lift people out of ignorance by sheer posts. It has happened before and it will happen again. Lurk more.
Pic related:
This graph shows how I started newfagging back when /b/ was good (Red Curve).
Green curve was some imaginary line that I expected everyone on the website had taken.
Blue curve is closer to reality on how people post.
Eventually, you end up being a lurker/oldfag. You stop carrying about posts, gets and shitposting because you've had it for 4 years. Some epic memes were had sure, but they're all repeating, just like those jokes your friend told you in school. You see the pattern behind memes, when an attempt to a meme becomes vague and you know it will fail.
And then you look like xkcd comic in 2nd pic related. Someone is wrong on the Internet, I have to do my part. That's when you get trolled.
Thank you, anon. Already downloaded, I'll check it out in the morning.
I'm surprised how active this place is.
_every_ music more or less has a spiritual/occult connotation to it. In later times -, Classical, Baroque - it was a mean for musical gnostics to transmit messages while avoiding censorship.
what's your operative music? what do you listen for enjoyment. and .. what's your thoughts on death grips?
I don't know, man. Giant rocks floating in the vastness of space. How could they influence anything? It's stupid. Perhaps, we need to forget their materiality and think of them only as pure abstractions. Seven heavens through which our soul descends and ascends. Seven principles, seven gods.
thus, the moon landing is questionable. colonization of mars is pure idiocy. how can you colonize a principle or God Ares? Glasses-wearing cucks are trying to einstein us again.
Is there a way to generate more, I suppose sex energy? Over the past few weeks I've been "training" with it I guess you could see (mental masturbation, creating feelings of pleasure in other people) and I've had success, but I always seem to run out, and I can never finish(myself or other people).
When I first started out I could only create feeling for about an hour without feeling extremely tired and having to sleep, but now I don't really feel any fatigue I just kind of…run out, and have to wait a day or two to try again. Anyone experienced with this?
>It depends on how you define 'human'
Human as; a human soul - yes, souls are defined to species. You can't fit in an elephant in the driver seat of a car, just like you cannot fit the soul of anything non-human in a human vessel, generally speaking.
>Are humanity and godhood not mutually exclusive?
Certainly not. My definition of Godhood simply comes down to; the perfection of the soul and multibody complex (physical body, energy body, etc). Given enough time, it is possible for any being to reach a state of Godhood. As an example, the Gods of Sumer (the oldest civilization of mankind) were from the Nordic race. Even though they are not human (yet very similar), they have attained Godhood. Evoke ENKI or any of the Gods of Sumer and inquire if you wish to learn more.
>If 'to err is human', then rising above error must also mean rising above humanity.
It's not meant to be taken that literally imo.
Yes, of course. I hope you mean the original definition of a Demon and not whatever deception Yawheh and Co. spun:
>Dæmon is the Latin word for the Ancient Greek daimōn (δαίμων: “god”, “godlike”, “power”, “fate”)
>Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and deities, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the deities themselves.
In truth, Demons are our Nordics Gods. They are highly spiritually advanced extraterrestrial physical beings. A romantic relationship with a Demon can be highly favorable, considering they are trustworthy. They will greatly aid in helping their mate attain Godhood and spiritual perfection. In truth, they are very comparable to human partners yet superior in a lot of aspects. Anyhow, if you're interested; http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Incubus.html
I've been meditating daily for almost two months now, but I still have problem with my muscles tensing up. My thighs are especially bad, they will tense up every time I meditate, and if I try to ignore it I end up with a painful cramp eventually. I've tried stretching, massage, sitting on the floor and sitting in a chair, and nothing has helped so far. Advice?
>Chan culture is the idea that every person with a computer and Internet connection, can come online and say whatever they want.
It's more complicated than that. Chan culture is just a refined form of human culture. I'm saying "refined" because the lack of real substance here will speed up the development and leave only the essentials. I don't know if you've felt it/experienced it but you can have the same things happen if you go to a party in a small town place where every topic has been worked over so many times you can do it in your sleep, and still people show up expecting it to somehow be fun. If you really try it may be fun, in some bleak kind of way, and that's enough here because everyone is so bored. It's a culture of deficiency, which is contrary to how commercial culture works today. If you come here from the culture of redundance most "normal" people live their lives in, you won't understand anything because it looks like nothing.
>The problem with your posts is that you take this personally. Like as if people here attack your identity rather than the shit you write.
Maybe it seems that way. Whenever I go online I put on a role. I've spent years developing this kind of act in different online communities including MMOs. Creating the image of a huge ego is usually a good idea. It makes it easier for most people to understand what I'm saying because this is how they think themselves. Maybe it's become a habit, but it's no problem here. What I'm talking about is still something like this. Chan boards are known for being full of "loser" type people. Sure it can be fun to be honest about your bad self confidence, but it's only a positive thing if you take advantage of this to build yourself up after being honest with yourself.
I don't know how board cross linking works but let's try. This poster is onto something.
>post comment or post outside of /pol/ that is wrongthink
>response: go back to /pol/
>This means that any comment or post in the vein of what was mentioned is now /pol/. This creates an unwritten rule for what topics or what type of thinking is now /pol/ or must belong on /pol/. The unaware lurker now makes those associations and will disregard something in that vein as /pol/ - as seen in how this thread came about.
>/pol/ is leaking
>go back to your containment board >>>/pol/
/fringe/ has its roots in /pol/, and parts of the same culture exists here.
Telling someone to go back to any place at all based on what information they posted, disregarding the content of the post, it's the same when telling someone to go "back to reddit"
>2. Frame the board as part of a shaming tactic. Basically #1 again, but it's a repression tactic. It's supposed to make posters adopt the mindset of self-flagellation and self-degradation. Better yet, cause posters who frequent there to not want to associate with /pol/ under any means.
Didn't this happen here just now.
> Let's not forget that we are working with something very delicate and some people would love to identify us to scare us off of here.
Not wanting to associate yourself with what you really think and do, out of fear of being shamed for it. This is not healthy, it turns people into liers, just as what that quote in the pic added to this post explains.
Building up a healthy ego by the creation of a culture that allows this, that's what I'm talking about. It's different from a loser culture where a lot of people adapt a futile mindset of having no real hope for themselves. This "ego" or personality has nothing to do with posting your name, using a trip, registering or any techical solution online. It's about who you are, personally, in your own real life. If you come online and rant about how you hate PC culture and then when you leave your computer you still follow the same PC culture, what was the point. The concept of such a thing as exposing your "powerlevel" shouldn't even exist. It means you are living in denial and degrading yourself. I'm aware those last parts are more of a thing at /pol/ but there's so much talk of jews and similar here I expect you to know what this refers to.
>Not wanting to associate yourself with what you really think and do, out of fear of being shamed for it.
Speak for yourself.
Again I see imageboards as a source of information, not a place to organize. I don't know how you can equate someone who complains about things IRL online and then goes out into IRL and doesn't make his or her beliefs known with your idea that everyone has to be identifiable here. I see the purpose of an imageboard like this is to gather and share information, how you use it outside of the imageboard is up to you. Creating a circlejerk doesn't lead to anything in real life as much as anonymous posting does.
Though you didn't answer my post. From what I see, /fringe/ has little board dogma so can you explain what you see?
>Giant rocks floating in the vastness of space. How could they influence anything? It's stupid.
I've always thought that. Can anyone who's into astrology explain how they think it works?
>thus, the moon landing is questionable. colonization of mars is pure idiocy
The achievements of conquering space don't depend on whether astrology is real. Even if Mars is just a big rock it would be a huge achievement to colonise it.
>where every topic has been worked over so many times you can do it in your sleep, and still people show up expecting it to somehow be fun. If you really try it may be fun, in some bleak kind of way, and that's enough here because everyone is so bored
This isn't /b/, and chan culture is not /b/ culture. People don't come here to do the same thing over and over again like autistic children.
>I don't know how board cross linking works
>If you come online and rant about how you hate PC culture and then when you leave your computer you still follow the same PC culture, what was the point.
That is clearly a problem with IRL culture, not board culture. If anything it shows how liberating board culture is.
>ITT: redditors arguing why /fringe/chan should literally be reddit and people seriously debating them about it
This is a fucking imageboard, you jewish fucks.
Then the issue is not about board culture, it's about ad hominem.
Your whole post is null because you suck dick. Right?
Ad hominem will exist in very low level intelligence discussions regardless of medium. You can read Facebook comments uses ad hominem daily with their real name attached. With the political situation in my country, Facebook comments are slowly turning into typical /pol/-comments daily.
>I smell the rubbing hands.
>Oy vey, pure ((coincidence)).
The issue won't change because we change chan culture or go to Reddit.
>Reddit is shit > Tumblr is shit > 4chan is shit > ebaumsworld is shit > EA games is shit > Ubisoft is shit > Tor sites is shit > Private trackers are shit > etc.
Ad hominem is the problem, the common denominator of a debate when all arguments can't stand on their own and you are loosing the debate. This has been the standard response from before /b/.
>Shit, OP has a good point but I don't like it, resort to ad hominem quick!
That is why we recommend to follow the hierarchy of debate:
If you can't into a debate, don't bother. If you're going in and you can't into a debate, stay on the lower levels of the hierarchy so we know who you are.
Disregarding how much I disagree with you, I won't act like a child to try and prove my point or change yours. At the end of this off topic debate that has been going for a couple of days, many people will learn something and many will not.
Also: you're now breathing manually and the game.
If stretching and massaging don't work, you may have to meditate lying down. Maybe see a physiotherapist.
>about names
We already have flags for that and since we have a great variety of them and not that big of a user base everyone can use their own. I've been using indigo pill flag since day one and I think that it serves as my name in this community. The only downside to it is that people may overlay the ideas they have about the flag on the person behind it.
I think that having some sort of individuality, whether by names or by flags is a good idea, but the options are already there - you can post with a name and with a flag, but few people use it. You can't really say "okay guys, from this day lets use names". Well… you can, but do you think that it will change anything?
Also, you are posting with an anonymous flag yourself.
>But then again. I caught myself on a thought - if you practice maybe you should keep silent about it?
Pretty much this. I practice a fair bit and have many experiences, but I'm often reluctant to speak about them. Most of the time it feels unnecessary to as they would only be blog posts.
>hey guys I did this meditation and that ritual and it made me contact some mage from another galaxy and we smoked some astral weed together, he's a cool bloke
While the stories and experiences could be really nice to read, there is not much point in them unless you seek guidance. Even then I'd be weary of revealing too much, mostly because of this whole "law of secrecy" thing.
>worrying about not making mistakes
You really are something different :^)
Anyway, don't worry, even if you are well on your way you can and probably will still do mistakes. Both mundane and magical. Although of course I'm not certain about the mundane ones as people at some point tend to cut themselves off from mundane life. Also depends what you mean by mundane. Is it anything not magical or do you mean the daily grind that comes with living in society?
Also, it isn't as black and white as you might think, you can have a mundaneness in your life even if you are a magician (although most consider it as something unpleasant). You can also straight up live a mundane life by unmundane means.
>The degenerate Judeo-Christian ritual magician kabbalist who believed himself to be the reincarnation of Eliphas Levi?
Whatever you might think about Crowley, he was very powerful and his legacy continues to this day. I think that is worth considering.
>Does this even need discussion?
If you think that he was a hack then you might find it worth it to join the discussion, if only to present your point of view.
You know your boy don't fuck with no Judeo-Christian stuff, but learning and understanding is a whole other matter.
Tbh music was a gateway to the occult for me and I'm very particular about my music, which is not to say that I listen to only a couple of genres.
>what's your operative music?
Dark ambient, drone, hnoise and power electronics, breakcore, Coil. Less often some neofolk and black metal.
>what's your thoughts on death grips?
They've got some very nice albums but I don't really like them ever since they became the hottest /mu/ meme. They've got some nice lyrics, but tbh Clipping eats them for dinner when it comes to experimental hip-hop.
>Human as; a human soul - yes, souls are defined to species
Depends on your definitions I guess. For me soul (atman) is uniform to… well, everything. Every living being has the same soul which is part (or rather which just is) the world soul (Brahman), but in this view soul is just your consciousness, totally passive and transcendental point of awareness. It operates on several bodies - physical, astral, mental.
>Evoke ENKI or any of the Gods of Sumer and inquire if you wish to learn more.
I had some very nice experiences with Inanna. She is great!
>I've always thought that. Can anyone who's into astrology explain how they think it works?
Well, I don't really know that much on it, but I will try my best.
In Picatrix (the only serious astrological book I studied, although just in small part) the idea is that there are currents of some mystical force permeating the universe, and this forces can be used by the magician if they reach the Earth and the other planets have a great influence on these forces. It's like a cascade - forces flowing to Earth, but for example getting derailed by some planet and not reaching it with full force.
I don't know how it is supposed to work either.
In Hindu esoteric astrology (and in Western one too if I'm not mistaken) planets are Deities (or rather each planet has a Deity presiding over it) so it comes down to certain forces these entities represent.
So, from what I can tell - the universe is full of cosmic forces which can be accessed, but I don't really know the mechanics of it.
>soul (atman) is uniform to… well, everything. Every living being has the same soul which is part (or rather which just is) the world soul (Brahman), but in this view soul is just your consciousness, totally passive and transcendental point of awareness
How is it that Buddhists don't believe in atman? If you believe in reincarnation, which they do, you have to believe there is something like a soul. Is it just a matter of semantics?
From my experience of the exact same thing during the 5th falun gong exercise, it seems to wear off after a few sessions if remain in position and endure it. This is also the recommended way to handle it in that method.
I know it may feel like the wrong thing to do and you may get a fear of hurting yourself if you meditate with cramps, but for me this solved it. Can't say how many times I went thru it but I think 5 - 10 before the cramps stopped.
>/fringe/ has little board dogma so can you explain what you see?
I'll leave the /pol/ legacy behind because I think we already went through that.
There is something here which is very similar to how the mundane academic community functions. If we are talking about literature or science it's somewhat comparable.
Example one: there is a kind of elitism in literature circles where you're not allowed to like the things "commoners" like. For something considered "bad" to be accepted it needs some massive achievement. This usually goes for areas like science fiction/fantasy. Very few authors are being taken seriously. The ones I can think of right now are Terry Pratchett, he was given an OBE and was knighted for services to literature, J.K Rowling, got massively popular worldwide, same for George R.R Martin. Douglas Adams, wrote one groundbreaking book known world wide. Any less than this and you'll be overlooked for choosing to write "trash literature."
Example two: In science it's similar, you need to literally visit certain locations and present your ideas there during specific events where you're given 15 minutes in front of a crowd where you may if lucky find a person with influence in the field. Maybe, just maybe this will give you an opening for getting published, and this way you can get some attention. If you don't do this, your ideas will be discarded. If you haven't been published in the right places you don't exist. Having made discoveries doesn't matter in itself, having great innovative ideas doesn't matter either. Noone will look at them unless you can present the right references.. Something which you can get if you get involved in politics rather than science, which is what scammers do to spread crap.
What I see here is a an occult version of the same thing.
Talking about some old books written by someone who categorized some stuff but never really achieved anything, sure let's do that.
Talking of occultists who did some retarded things and got known for it (like Crowley), go on.
Post your own experiences and talk about your theory of why it worked the way it did.
>post evidence, where are the proofs?
>bullshit occultist, what book did you base this on?
>I haven't experienced this, it must be made up
>let's ignore this roleplayer and go back to talking about the failed ritual Crowley did by the lake
And this is the reason /fringe/ is standing still.
>inb4 why don't you go start your own forum/blog to talk about this
Already done that, and joined others. Now I'm here to remove what I consider blocking this community's development.
Do you see it?
>Example one: there is a kind of elitism in literature circles where you're not allowed to like the things "commoners" like. For something considered "bad" to be accepted it needs some massive achievement. This usually goes for areas like science fiction/fantasy. Very few authors are being taken seriously. The ones I can think of right now are Terry Pratchett, he was given an OBE and was knighted for services to literature, J.K Rowling, got massively popular worldwide, same for George R.R Martin. Douglas Adams, wrote one groundbreaking book known world wide. Any less than this and you'll be overlooked for choosing to write "trash literature."
/lit/ hates all of those authors for being too mainstream
Well, I don't really know much about Buddhism, so sadly I can't answer that, maybe Aunt Watermelon can help us :^)
>there is a kind of elitism in literature circles where you're not allowed to like the things "commoners" like
Trash is popular, so it's only natural for people to assume that popular literature is trash - it usually is. The four authors you cite are all excellent at doing what they do, but their work does not have the artistic merit of 'elite' literature. Maybe GRRM does to an extent but he can also be cringeworthily bad.
>If you haven't been published in the right places you don't exist. Having made discoveries doesn't matter in itself, having great innovative ideas doesn't matter either. Noone will look at them unless you can present the right references.
Scientists are busy people with limited time to spend reading new material. They have to prioritise the material produced by respected writers, because that material is more likely to be good. They can't afford to read through reams of uneducated crap in the hope of finding a gem from an undiscovered genius.
>Talking about some old books written by someone who categorized some stuff but never really achieved anything, sure let's do that.
>Talking of occultists who did some retarded things and got known for it (like Crowley), go on.
>Post your own experiences and talk about your theory of why it worked the way it did.
>post evidence, where are the proofs?
>bullshit occultist, what book did you base this on?
>I haven't experienced this, it must be made up
>let's ignore this roleplayer and go back to talking about the failed ritual Crowley did by the lake
Absolute rubbish. I say once more that I simply don't recognise the picture you paint of /fringe/. We don't do any of the things you accuse us of.
Lads how do I join a monastic order?
Preferably one that's not judeo-semitic.
>They have to prioritise the material produced by respected writers, because that material is more likely to be good.
And that's how things like this can happen
Once you're "respected" you can get away with almost anything, this guy even with basically murder.
>there is a kind of elitism in literature circles where you're not allowed to like the things "commoners" like
This kind of elitism exists everywhere and is usually because of the people who have no opinions of their own or feel very insecure about them. That is - the people who look down upon people liking such works. Once you tell them something like "yeah, I know that this work is not really the best in terms of workshop and it doesn't really bring anything new to the table but I personally like it" they tend to shut the fuck up.
The elitism has some good reasons too. When it comes to music for example, when someone listens to some very niche music, one that actually demands something from the listener and is not some easy going popular pulp then obviously those people will look down upon easy listening music. Those who are retarded will try to persuade others into not liking pop music, those who are not will listen to it occasionally themselves if they enjoy it.
>you need to literally visit certain locations and present your ideas there during specific events where you're given 15 minutes in front of a crowd where you may if lucky find a person with influence in the field. Maybe, just maybe this will give you an opening for getting published, and this way you can get some attention
Do you speak from personal experience? Because my personal experience says otherwise.
>Absolute rubbish. I say once more that I simply don't recognise the picture you paint of /fringe/. We don't do any of the things you accuse us of.
This pretty much.
Buddhists don't believe in a self, they consider the "self" as something that is ever changing and impermanent, they consider that conceiving of a self creates attachement to a sense of self and creates karma which leads to suffering.
The atman is sometimes called a no-self but that is defying the purpose of not puting labels upon a "self" in the prospect of not creating karma.
While there is "something" which incarnates, what hindus call the atman, that something is not labeled as a fundamental truth (as the hindus do) because just as the ego and the world of Form, it is considered as empty ungraspable and imparmanent, however subtle it's changes may be, however long it may seem to go on, it (or conceiving of it) is considered to belong to the world of Form and be just as empty as the oak tree in the garden.
So yes, there is an atman, but no, it is not part of the ultimate reality in buddhism like it is in many forms of hinduism. All things are empty in buddhism.
Wait so buddhists deny the existence of The All?
It sounds to me like they believe that Awareness exists but Will does not.
The concept of emptyness is the core of buddhism, I'd suggest you read up on that, it'll answer most of your questions of "why don't buddhists believe in that".
That doesn't change the fact that it makes sense to take someone's credentials into account when deciding whether they're worth spending time on. A system wherein everybody is treated equally regardless of their reputation would be totally dysfunctional.
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. It seems the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism over the atman are often misrepresented.
Lads seriously how do I join a monastic order.
Internet is full of bullshit and disinfo, I just want to take care of an orchard or garden and meditate all day.
Thankfully /fringe/ isn't like the literary community or the scientific community since anyone can post anything and there aren't any politics you have to play since you are anonymous and you aren't judged by your reputation. If you know you're right about an experience then posts like the ones you list shouldn't bother you at all and they should be laughed at for shitposting near valuable information. If you get bothered by posts like that, then it's safe to say you failed the litmus test and are pretending to know something for some ulterior motive.
Go to a nearby Buddhist group (a serious one run by monks, not a casual one) and practise with them. Then, after a while, ask about becoming a monk. I used to go to meditation sessions at a local monastery and I met some guys who were training to be monks.
They have Buddhist monasteries in the West too.
>I'm afraid they'll just say ching chong no english white man
Most religious groups eagerly welcome new members so I don't think they will. If they do, the worst that could happen is you'll be mildly embarrassed. Go for it.
Use all your eyes to, at the same time, look into someone else's all eyes.
No man is as trusted as the kings messenger.
Why even aspire to rule when your people would not know you?
Some say planets are alive, some say planets are just big chunks of rock. I want to know the thruth about them, what they really are, how they exactly influence certain things like making magic stronger when theyre closer, etc.
>I was considering just walking to a taoist temple
Don't you think that it is an act of race treachery? Why would you want to abandon your own racial gnosis and not to continue the struggle knowing that there are many of brothers like you who kept fighting on.
Banish occult cuckoldry.
I'm a newbie, but I'll share my thoughts. maybe more experienced magicians will add to this
Planets are principles. To learn about each of them read classical mythology and meditate/reflect on the idea. (You might also check Crowlean liber 777 to get the idea of correspondances. though you better make them on your own.) These principles influence 'our-rock', our soul. Principles - celestial objects - move thus we get different set of influences. And some times they might get into a conflict~
Ordinary human being is controlled by these influences. (and many others) Magician tries to counter-balance certain influences - by rituals, amulets, invocations, visualizations - to get full control over his micro-macro cosmic bonds.
You're right, negative, positive, accumulating, distributing, male, female, these are qualities of gender and a planet or consciousness can be distinguished as male or female.
Tlww planets have many spirits don't confuse them and their gender with the planetary consciousness.
>Tlww planets have many spirits don't confuse them and their gender with the planetary consciousness.
Could you expand on this? I've never heard of planets having multiple spirits before.
>Principles - celestial objects - move thus we get different set of influences
The idea of these great principles effectively being incarnated in the physical planets is ridiculous to me. It's plausible in a Ptolemaic universe but now we know there are countless billions of planets and solar systems it seems archaically Earth-centric to imbue our neighbouring planets with so much significance.
Race in my opinion is the base distinguishing clay that creates a man. Just being white doesn't make you superior, it merely gives you the ability to be superior. While all whites have the inherent ability to be superior most of them have wasted their potential, and in my view wasting great potential is a greater sin than any.
>Share books that are good. I recommend everyone read Eros and Magic in the Reneissance.
This is a topic for /library/ I think.
Either be able to teleport or get the fuck away from nuclear targets.
Nuclear winter is a complete meme, the world would only become cold for about ~40 years.
Anyone else get a feeling like their energy is being disrupted when any part of their body gets near electrical devices?
My grandmother lived to 100+ years old and was always afraid of electrical devices, she had no radio, no phone, no microwave, used only a gas stove, avoided anything electrical as much as possible. She was in amazing health until she hit her 90's and had to move in with relatives to live, and they had a microwave and all sorts of electrical devices, her health started getting worse after she moved in with them.
Does the current of electricity disrupt our bodies' bio-electric fields?
Hello all, for the past few months I've been seeing the numbers 3 and 6 in many places. Like I'd look at the clock randomly and it's 3:33 or maybe I'm playing a game and the score is 666. It's been happening enough to be noticeable. I had been looking into Satanism for a bit on their meditations and ended up reading a lot on their page. Another funny thing is I was playing a game where random players can invade and kill you, so this player named Lilith joins my game and she just acts friendly and lets me win. Not too sure if it means much but it was bizarre to me. Is something trying to contact me? For better or for worse? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
>A system wherein everybody is treated equally regardless of their reputation would be totally dysfunctional.
It would be fair and in line with the function of a normal capitalist market, instead of some quasi socialist system based on who you know rather than what you know, which is what we currently have.
In the end, suppressing knowledge is a futile effort, and when a system bearing large parts of society does this, it's putting large parts of society in the dark and misleading people - it's making mainstream society irrelevant and it will sooner or later have to be discarded by history. The losses will be great. Just like ancient greece failed, the roman empire failed, so will any society that walks this path of valuing politics over knowledge and free development.
>A system wherein everybody is treated equally
>in line with the function of a normal capitalist market
Learn thai and move to thailand, you also have to be debt free to join. That's all.
Or you can find some western group like hare krishna, at least in northern europe you'd have multiple options for locations.
If you're christian there are some places as well, you should ask your local church about this.
>posts like the ones you list shouldn't bother you at all and they should be laughed at for shitposting near valuable information
You're labeling a lot of posters as shitposters then. It's not about me being bothered by the shitposts as such, its the way it cripples the community when 75-90% of the replies are of that kind. I realize this may be my own overestimation of the /fringe/ population's experiences and openmindedness (talking of not only this board/site) but I'm still thinking there are lurkers who understand things better. I know, maybe the shitposters are jews wanting to cripple the community, just like you want to say. But the question then remains why so many regulars join them. I'm fighting uphill here and the whole discussion started by me saying I was giving up on /fringe/, I feel like the circle is more or less closed now. If someone can't become enlightened, why try helping them.