Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/1548
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/1548
Not sure what it means. It represents the Magnum Opus of the alchemist. I saved it for further studies. Sorry.
Please stop flooding the thread with multiple responses in quick succession. Just condense what you intend to reply to everyone in a single reply. Flooding the thread negatively impacts the experience of pretty much everyone that browses fringe, as it:
- Drowns some questions in the heaps of replies you shoot out.
- Quickens the pace at which the question thread reaches its limit.
- Increases the loading times of the question thread unnecessarily - some clients really notice the the hit in performance from 50 posts in comparison to 150.
Lets try to maintain some principles on quality, for the benefit of all. Thank you.
There is a presumption in prescribing it. That you masturbate, lust, or have sex alot, if you do this takes energy away from things that require motivation. The idea is that masturbation drains vital energy needed to do anything supernatural.
I'm certainly no expert, but mastrubation wastes lots of Loosh that could otherwise be used for something productive or even manifesting a sexual partner. I could be wrong, but sex seems to be far less draining because there is some amount of mutual energy exchange, although men still lose some. Again, I'm no expert.
What can I do to feel positivity in my life? I have fallen even more into laziness as I tell myself I will progress in my studies and exercises later in the day and then I never do. There are few moments where I have silence and I end up not utilizing it, only wanting to meditate when the silence is no longer there. Everybody I talk to treats me like filth, and I don't enjoy being around anybody anymore. That's not an exaggeration, I can feel how hated I am from everybody and am constantly insulted and picked on, and when I react I am made fun of for that as well. I almost feel like this is how Smiley felt. Everything I do or attempt goes horribly wrong and haunts me. I am starting to believe that I am affected by many astral leeches, because it is almost humorous how everything goes wrong for me. I have no motivation to keep going, even meditating is a burden.
My magickal ability is starting to lack, I can barely feel energy in my body anymore and my mind is constantly clouded.
Did I hit a difficulty ramp by finally understanding something? Am I being tested? Am I being punished?
You're in control, don't let them get to you. One thing we are provided is ego, and a function of it is to provide a mental shield by directing your awareness to yourself (similar to a mirror). Make sure to treat yourself to relaxation and take time to be in your world. Observe the bad energies entering you, but see them as foreign and then redirect them out. There are some crazy energies right now on a global scale so I can see how anyone would feel how you do, but it's good that you are aware of them.
Just make sure to spend time outside and clear your thoughts. Magickal ability naturally fluctuates as we go through our day to day life. I hope this advice isn't to generic. As people interact with you they are attaching cords that suck the energy out of you. Before you go to sleep picture them being severed.
>because it is almost humorous how everything goes wrong for me
This happens to me sometimes as well. I think once you achieve some in magick, you are able to fuck yourself up more with negative thoughtforms than more mundane people who stop themselves with doubts, limiting thought, etc. This problem is probably fixed with emotional alchemy to make sure you only feed emotions to the thoughtforms you want. Positive affirmation and visualization of you being more liked by people may sound basic, but it helps me.
The other anons already answered this but I'd like to clarify that there's a difference in how wasteful and draining sex can be. If you're just getting your rocks off with some bar slut you don't give a shit about you may as well have masturbated, though Chia says it's still better than fapping.
The proper, magical way to have sex is to do it with a partner who understands the concepts of the energy transference and can enter in rapport with you. Basically only have sex with someone you truly love.
I am not aware of any negatives to losing virginity. Strictly speaking if you AP and have sex with a undyne or something it's unlikely to affect you in a major way, I can only assume that the effect is just as insignificant with physical sex.
I think both. I probably accidentally picked up Mossa's thread because I think about fringechan a lot and joined the small collective consciousness that we form. Incidentally that's how a lot of esoteric order's work, after spending a lot of time in the order, neophytes either consciously or unconsciously access the experience and thoughts of their superiors, accelerating their progress.
There's also a more direct type of telepathy, that allows one to predict what some person you don't really identify with will say. I think in the meditation thread some anon further separated that into fire and water type. Fire sort of forces thoughts into a person's mind while water is closer to what I described previously and delivers their original thoughts to the telepath.
As the other anons said - sex and fapping is a waste of energy, but nevertheless there are ways to use this energy and still indulge in these activities. Sex magic and stuff.
Get the fuck out of here, we don't want the likes of you on our board :^)
Just joking fam, I'd say that changing your outlook is a first step and then everything else will follow.
Don't think so. Not a virgin, but have success in magic, so its all cool.
However, I learned to not cum and still reach orgasm. Now I only cum about once a month or two. However, I experience orgasms almost every day. So I am not wasting that much loosh.
Also, if we are talking about some neet basement dweller, who jacks off to tranny porn, and because he cant get laid, thinks that he is somehow better than no.
In fact, in my experience, the most harmful and energy draining thing is to actually indulge in porn. A lot of larvae get spawned and they drain your loosh.
If you want to masturbate, try doing it with no porn, just "playing with yourself". You can also charge some thoughforms this way.
Also, sex is deffinetly better than masturbation, even if you are not exactly in love with the woman, at least from my experience. There still occurs an energy transference. Of course, when you are in love and you both know about energy that is even better, but that's another topic.
So, learn to not cum, slowly start getting over porn, because its probably worse than masturbation itself, learn to "play with yourself" and you'll be good.
And sex with women is fine(moderation being the keyword… for life obviously)
>while water is closer to what I described previously and delivers their original thoughts to the telepath.
My mind is blown.
I have received this exact technique the last time I was high on drugs. I think I was washing the dishes while being blazed on weed and then it hit me.
But I noted it down as "reading another person's water signature".
I have not practiced it yet but the instructions that I received are these:
"Observing the person from a state of calmness for a longer period of time."
The mental calmness is obviously essential to remove disturbing thoughts so neutral observation may occur. The longer period is needed because even in physical water a regular pattern can be only observed throughout an extended time-period.
>mfw random knowledge comes to me while high on drugs
What a marvelous world we live in
I noticed this as well.
Whenever I'm going to sleep after watching some porn in the evening, all those pictures of kinky girls and pussy are still stuck in my head.
>all those pictures of kinky girls and pussy are still stuck in my head
Sounds like you need to meditate and void your thoughts or do some banishing ritual.
Or neither if you like pussieh.
Yes, I'm too lazy for meditation and thus not really skilled at thought control.
>Or neither if you like pussieh.
I forgot to mention that all those pornstar dicks remain in the mind as well.
That's the real reason why porn addicts develop a tranny, pegging or cuck fetish at some point.
Even in straight porn you look at dicks and pretty big ones as well, so becoming gay for cock is really developed by watching porn.
Lesbian and erotic porn is not harmless as well though, I noticed adapting the female girly essence if I watch such porn excessively.
Like already mentioned many times, only real sex with sex energy harmony is the real deal.
You fall in love with the girls body and the only dick you fall in love with is also your own.
I sustain myself doing concept art… and meditation helps me maintain my stress levels juggling freelance deadlines 24/7. My job requires me to stare at the screen 15+ hours a day and as a result my eyesight has become terrible to the point where I really have to zoom in to draw in details etc. when doing work. Is there any healing exercises to sharpen my eyesight again?
>I sustain myself doing concept art
Jealous! I want your life! It's a little more mundane than magical but you can train your eyes back up again using hormesis.
In exchange, got any advice for a fledgling artist on how to find work/ break into the industry?
>I noticed adapting the female girly essence if I watch such porn excessively
That's not a bad thing tbh
Dunno, I'm bisexual (and lately more ghey then ever) so I don't really see a problem with anything you wrote about liking dicks and stuff, but if it bothers you then either:
1. Stop watching porn
2. Watch porn but redirect the energy and also banish or do void meditation after you're done
3. Come out of closet! If after watching straight porn the thing that gets stuck in your mind is a dick then I have some news for you…
3. (for real this time) Learn how into emotional alchemy and gain control over your lusts.
Everyone knows this already probably but I'm sharing nevertheless. You can also adapt it to better suit your needs and the system you use, as I did.
Oh right, I forgot that we can't answer the questions about porn and masturbation etc.
Tough times for the freedom of speech I'm afraid.
I don't know how others with the telepathic skill would describe it because I never actually talked to anyone about it in real life or online.
I personally experience it as being in a huge mansion with the other people around. If I want to contact one I can get them to "come closer", and there is some constant overhearing of other's thoughts and some sharing of knowledge that happens unintentionally.
There is a difference between different groups, in my experience the Chaos society uses something which can be compared with a messaging system, like facebook. You see everyone's posts but conversations are usually private.
The first group I mentioned has a kind of binding for members which may itself create the base for easy communication. Your life force is joined with everyone else's for mutual protection and this creates a mental and physical space behind a perceived wall.
> I tell myself I will progress in my studies and exercises later in the day and then I never do. There are few moments where I have silence and I end up not utilizing it, only wanting to meditate when the silence is no longer there.
"Provoking demons" on page 38 in this PDF (page 40 of the file) talks of exactly this.
Check out Bate's method.
I've done "the long swing" for a few minutes daily the last few months and details and color I used to not see have started coming back. I recently noticed I was able to read a screen at work again with no glasses (old school number screen).
Yo I've got a question
Wouldn't it be a good idea to list all relevant facts about a book for people to read, before actually reading the book?
Relevant facts would contain :
1. What will you learn
2. Why you should learn (Definite ideal presented)
So people would actually be motivated to read it, instead of being motivated as you are reading the book(which is hard, because most people will not have the willpower to begin, because of no ideal being present)
Also can you please give me your skype name so I can contact you when I have a question
Don't be lazy and expect everyone else to do work for you. Reading aint that hard once you get some willpower. The act of reading itself is good for you imo.
>Also can you please give me your skype name so I can contact you when I have a question
Just ask here
OK I guess my question got lost on the last Q&A thread.
Basically I'm grounded as fuck; I can't shift my awareness from my head, nevermind outside of my body. I've managed to move energy and focus to some extent, but awareness is helplessly on my head.
Also I noticed that when I visualize/dream, it's almost always in third person: It's very hard for me to earnestly submerge in the mental process from a personal perspective; this image I see on my mind is not really me, it's my image of myself.
Can this two be related in some way?
Does anyone have a technique, drug, crystal (hopefully not some 50 lb slab), meditation, etc. that might help me?
The only thing that can hel you is yourself, so help yourself to some drugs, meditations or whatever you think is right but just remember not to test the dept of the river whit both feat
Primitive thought forms that want your loosh, and try to get it by stimulating you with images and thoughts.
After a good session of hard core porn, try closing your eyes and noticing that sometimes you get flashes of pornographic images. If you are sensitive and pay attention ,you will notice them.
Create a space in your mind, to work in, a room, temple, whatever. When you have it, you can visualize/sense the thoughforms more clearly. You will notice how the larvae can be around you, stimulating you. You can destroy them by burning them with energy of cleansing, compress them in to a ball, light it on fire, get rid of remains by disposing of them.
Not an artist, but a freelancer. First off, submit at least 10 to 20 proposals per day.
Look at the best paid guys, and modulate profile/cv/whatever.
Portfolio targeted directly at your target niche or a few. Easier to sell when you are good at one or two things, then average at 6
Yea, went through the same thing.
Part of the problem is probably quite mundane. Get in your body, dance, shake those hips. If you feel silly when shaking hips, if your movement is restricted, congrats, you work on that. Do sports, tai chi, yoga, whatever.
Lie down. Do a full breath- starting from bottom, filling up all the way to the chest(slowly), hold, breathe out slowly. Notice the muscles that are tense, or spasm. Find them, then try to work through the tension/trauma/emotion/sensation. Slowly start unlocking the body.
>Primitive thought forms that want your loosh, and try to get it by stimulating you with images and thoughts.
>After a good session of hard core porn, try closing your eyes and noticing that sometimes you get flashes of pornographic images. If you are sensitive and pay attention ,you will notice them.
I never thought of this, but ok, maybe. Would there be any difference what motivation there was for watching porn?
I mean there is a difference if you watch for entertainment while alone, for inspiration or educational, if you can call it that. I lost interest in watching for the nudity a long time ago but I still feel a need to go and look when I read about some weird stuff online.
But yeah I can see, looking for something obscure may be the same. It's what we did in high school and it wasn't even porn, just weird shit people found online.
What's the best way to approach combat with large institutions via magick means? I'm talking about businesses and universities mainly.
>Everybody I talk to treats me like filth, and I don't enjoy being around anybody anymore. That's not an exaggeration, I can feel how hated I am from everybody and am constantly insulted and picked on, and when I react I am made fun of for that as well. I almost feel like this is how Smiley felt. Everything I do or attempt goes horribly wrong and haunts me. I am starting to believe that I am affected by many astral leeches, because it is almost humorous how everything goes wrong for me. I have no motivation to keep going, even meditating is a burden.
You sound like you're being overshadowed. This is talked about in Robert Bruce's Practical Psychic Self-Defense. There are many ways to address your problems so try not to skim the book if you have that urge because there's a lot of general tips and tricks to try throughout it. It's in the /fringe/ Archive and Original Content under Robert Bruce >>>/library/1
My recommendation in the meantime is to make a makeshift sanctuary. If you have essential oils and a diffuser (or a bowl of hot water) this will help. Crossing a source of running water like a pipe or hose under your feet should help. The real work is more extensive and that's what you need to read.
Fortunately (and unfortunately) the revelation that there is more to sex and masturbation than people realize and how that energy can be utilized is a powerful attraction. I think it even has potential as a means for a massive greenpill. Since I myself am still experimenting and exploring the odds and ends of it, I haven't put much planning, but I strongly feel that there's a way to shift how imageboard users think about fapping. Imagine what would happen if NEETs learn to be multi-orgasmic? Imagine how one of the biggest draws to imageboards inadvertently becomes a detour into becoming greenpilled, or at least shifts would-be lifelong fappers into becoming multi-orgasmic and retaining their vital essence?
That would certainly help. There's a lot of /fringe/ knowledge and secrets that I wish I knew as soon as I started digging into it. Perhaps you can get the ball rolling and start outlining some which will entice others to pitch in and help.
>Get in your body, dance, shake those hips. If you feel silly when shaking hips, if your movement is restricted, congrats, you work on that. Do sports, tai chi, yoga, whatever.
This is exactly what helped me. I used to be very physically active and mistakenly grew used to being inactive as time went on. The result was that I felt that I didn't really inhabit my body, as well as other problems. Moving around - and I mean lots of movement - helps. Being animated also helps you exert your presence and by extension your awareness.
Thanks for the links.
I don't know where you are on your journey - but the most important thing to keep in mind is to adopt a designer's mindset and more or less suppress the "artistic" side of you until you actually get good. What this means is adopting an objective and almost scientific/militaristic mentality that will let you iteratively improve until you are on par with a pro. If you want to justify a decent living drawing things all day, then the price is steep as it is incredibly easy to find people who can draw well all over the planet, but hard to find those with the professional attitude and will to sacrifice a grotesque amount of time to earn that job. If you're not practicing 50 hours a week, then you're not in the right starting place.
So when masturbating to power a thoughtform, is it better to wait a couple days inbetween or do it whenever I can?
not to mention that some people (me) would prefer to check the front page/latest posts to see what posts are new in which threads rather than browsing the entire catalog, and such quick replies spam other stuff out of sight that I may not otherwise see (though I suppose I'd eventually see it if the thread is of high enough quality)
I think it's implied in Mantak Chia books that there is negligible energy loss (actually I think it's an increase or just a flood/bringing up of the energy while gaining balance from the opposite [yin or yang]) if no ejaculation occurs.
>One thing we are provided is ego, and a function of it is to provide a mental shield by directing your awareness to yourself (similar to a mirror)
Wow! This is one of the most useful things I've read here.
I interpreted it as "when I have an ego-reaction, become self aware, clear my energies, restore to the proper state, then ask psychically "are you doing (x?)" or somesuch if I want, or just connect with the heart [I had a teacher teach me this, but I hadn't realised/practiced it enough])
>As people interact with you they are attaching cords that suck the energy out of you.
I've got a friend who has this happen to her all the time. She has a friend who tells her "you have this many cords attached" and that kind of thing.
Anyway, my friend knows a guy who she tried to attach a cord to but he was like teflon/couldn't be corded.
I wonder what that guy does! Idk if she asked him. I'd like to know/be cord-teflon. I think non-attachment is a step toward it. Being "out of/above the game".
I just realised that I've been automatic writing/getting inspiration a lot like this… writing out a question and then intuitively finding the answer while I write it out. I've been doing this for a long time without knowing!
Anyway, thanks for this; it made me more cognisant that when I interact with people that have expectations of me, I should be aware that they are cording me and teflon it/not have expectations of them.
I just realised that my Twin has been reflecting a negative energy that I emitted at her when we met and made her hate me! No wonder I have such mixed feelings about her.
>I have not practiced it yet but the instructions that I received are these:
>"Observing the person from a state of calmness for a longer period of time."
Yes! You *are* the water. The calmness is the lack of ripples of your own thoughts, allowing you to see the reflection of theirs in your mind without the ripple/interference that naturally makes people misinterpret the thoughts of others.
Guys, I am like, spiritually orgasming lol; spontaneous development is awesome.
.>>mfw random knowledge comes to me while high on drugs
>What a marvelous world we live in
Yeah, it amplifies your sensations, through the energies of the goddess archetype within the plant. Treat it as sacred, keep it on an altar. Its sacred name is Santa Maria.
Treasure it, and it will amplify your connection even further.
Ooh, interesting.
I'd developed a somewhat liking for chicks with strapons doing each other.
I dropped my porn habit but have recently picked up looking at tasteful nudes, then a bit more lusty material.
Then agreed with myself that I could have a night of looking at chickporn in exchange for getting rid of the more lusty material from the 'everyday' watching.
I've definitely noticed adopting a female essence, but hadn't related it so much to porn.
It makes a lot of sense, and I did realise on my own that imagining a woman on me made me imagine her noises/essence, which would infuse my own/that playing with myself would enhance/grow my male essence.
One thing you're supposed to do (that I forget) is look away from the screen every x minutes and focus on something somewhat far away for 20 seconds. (I think every 10 minutes, maybe 15). I can look up my eye exercises book that told me this (no promises tho), but I'm sure I just torrented it so you can find it too.
Two things I recall though; sunning (close eyelids, stare into sun, turn head back and forth. this can cause tears which are healing).
and the other is rubbing your hands together and beaming warm healing energy into your eyes by cupping them over.
ahh I don't like that pic.
>3. Come out of closet! If after watching straight porn the thing that gets stuck in your mind is a dick then I have some news for you…
>Everyone knows this already probably
nah, someone in the last thread didn't know about raising sex energy at all.
I just realised I'm kind of ungrounded. Best to quit now and not be too sure of myself/delusional/narcissistic.
About 80% ?
I don't know of a way to measure control over telepathic exchanges.
With the chaos society I feel more hostility and competition among the other members, so this naturally makes communication catious and stuttering. There are also a lot of interference from "opposing" groups. I have no idea who they are but there is a constant fighting with them, sometimes (altho it's been a while now) I get called on to support against them. There seems to be less of actual conversation here and more of just "calling for help" and "offering rewards." This means transmitting a form, a manual which can be used to create something. I guess the terminology here is "thoughtform" but it doesn't really do it justice. I tried talking of it before but noone seemed to know about it. It takes the form of wands, just like physical wands but not physical.
So generally I would say, "a lot of control" even if it's not "good" imo.
The second group has much closer communication, because of the linking of life force, so there is no perceived hostility, there is also noone attacking this group, so it's pretty calm. Communication is best done at night or if you're sitting down calmly like on the bus. Trying to do something casually in a 5 min break may create some difficulties because of the adaptation needed from active in your surroundings to focusing on things distant.
>There is literally nothing wrong with sucking dicks.
I wrote
>I don't really see a problem with anything you wrote about liking dicks and stuff
I didn't make an statement, I gave my opinion so I'm not sure what are you on about. I think that there is indeed nothing wrong with sucking a dick, why would there be?
>ahh I don't like that pic.
What are you gay or something?
Create some representation of the institution, like a sigil or it can be a 3D shape, and send energy to it with whatever damaging intent you desire would be my first guess.
Why would you want to fight universities though?
I would also recommend non-attachment to the act to the furthest possible extent.
While businesses can be considered "evil", the people working there are rarely anything more than a brainwashed mundanes and if you hurt or kill them there will be a karmic backlash.
>Why would you want to fight universities though?
There are many reasons to fight universities.In my case I've seen many friends indoctrinated by ideologies they picked up at my last college, from professors, administration, clubs and organizations.
I am looking at a specific school that is known for screwing students over when it comes to tuition by constantly changing around the curriculum so their credits become inactive. They are also a for-profit school that preyed on my naive past self. I could probably let it go if I wanted, but to me it would be an interesting challenge.
I had an interesting experience.
Testerday I'd felt like I had an entity feeding on my sacral, after I'd heightened my awareness thru automatic writing. Got it out, then had some less-conscious lust this morning which I succumbed to.
Then a dream within which I probably visited a parallel reality.
In dream I was masturbating to a video of some girl from my past [who I don't like now, had a unhealthy obsession over when I was a teenager] and I finished. Wet dream.
Have to be more conscious of what my energy is attracting…
There is an irc chat; use that if you need quick answers. Or intuition or divination if you need quicker answers. [online 3-rune reading]
I think.
do it whenever if you're not directly involved in what it is meant to influence.
to wait if it's a thoughtform to influence yourself
or anyone you're in contact with.
Because saving the vital energy will enable you to act on the thoughtform.
>online 3-rune reading
I meant the nordicrunes one.
I dunno though, use whatever. Online tarot, online oracle cards. Everything has its use. Invoke higher self, ask it to ask other people to help.
But that isn't the best for growth. Be self-assured by practicing some form of intuition that comes naturally to you.
Clairsentience is my strong suit so I went with that. Find yours
Conventional combat tactics apply here too, there is enough written about this so you'll have no problems finding answers. Why not look at the classics
>a book of five rings
>zun tzu's art of war
or just some strategic books in general?
So if I'm using a thoughtform to influence my body I shouldn't masturbate, and instead use other energy sources?
How would one try and communicate/reach extra terrestrials/dimensional beings?
What I tried to do is meditate every night sending out energy/intent to outer space trying to communicate/contact with being of light and love only, I heard this works but you'll need to be persistent and do it for like 2 months steady.
If anything is there a better process or anything to make contact using meditation?
The only progress I made with this is some lucid ufo dreams.
Anything specific? I never figured out how to use sigils. I would much rather just go through with meditation instead of actual rituals.
Not for someone who doesnt know anything bout sigils. And how do I know im not contacting negative entities?
You don't need to know anything about sigils to use them really. An entity's sigil is like their phone number, you use it to establish a connection with them.
And to know if the entity is negative or not, just contact it and see what happens. If you feel a negative energy start to surround you, sever the connection and do a banishing ritual. It honestly that simple. The hard part comes with being sensitive enough to feel these subtle energies and being able to interact with them,
Remote viewing is something that will allow you to see what a person is doing as well as his surroundings.
Is there any Buddhist here? I have a few questions within the Buddhist framework and i just started reading about it a few days ago but some things are unclear about it. Im not interested in magic or bending reality, or psychic powers or anything, i just want a way to cease suffering.
Buddha says that desire is the origin of suffering. Now, i see a lot of desires in my own case, but what do i do with them? What do i do with desire? If i desire not to desire, this will create another, more complex desire. If i continue fullfilling the desire, it will cease for a moment, then just grow stronger and stronger. Also, there's the possibility that the thing you wanted isn't exactly how you pictured it. And, isn't the desire for enlightenment also a desire? And chasing after nirvana, enlightenment, wouldn't one be frustrated after not attaining it? Is there good desire and bad desire?
"You can actually meet aliens whenever you want to," James told Q magazine. "You just need to ask, and they’ll appear. I know, because I’ve done it once and it was totally f**king scary. I’m not ready for that yet. I’ve got other stuff to do."
Aphex Twin is a cool dude.
Anyone got any tips for overtensed/underdeveloped lower regions?
I am learning to breathe properly, and I am trying to relax my lower body, however, sometimes it feels like I have belts tightly around my solar and sacral area.
When trying to breathe through them, I get this panic feeling.
Now I understand how this panic manifested in my life, me being unable to stabilize some lower-material achievements and such.
I am seeking ways to rid myself of this tension. I do sports, I do try to flex, I meditate and I do try "relax the tension". I also try to do shadow work on the area, trying to accept and heal the traumas that made me tense up.
However, maybe some of you have any specific tips, or maybe you can see what I am missing?
Its really shitty, because I can manifest shit directly, I get these tensnesses, shortness of breath, panic, stress, which you can imagine feels like shit. I have been working on it for a while, I dont know, maybe it just needs time, but I seem to understand what needs to be done, I just cant seem to fix it…
Anon are you sure about that?
I have done remote viewing and had success but it doesn't really let you -see- what's you're trying to remote view, it just lets you recieve information about it.
Astral Projection (but in a lower frequency range, closer to physical, like typical OOBE and not some crazy astral trip in the "higher astral")
also lucid dreaming to some extent
The problem with virtually any method of spying on others via magic means is the fact that they are not really suited to perceive the physical only. You can be flooded with information, most of which can be irrelevant to your purpose. I guess it takes practice and talent to sort this through.
unless you're influencing yourself to masturbate.
but yeah, i'd try something else if you're trying to do something constructive for your body. I mean, masturbating is fine for that if you don't ejaculate, but if you ejaculate, the energy you're trying to use to do whatever was already inside anyway. Not efficient.
Suffering is a result of craving and aversion.
Go to a vipassana retreat. google and find a place near you.
>If i desire not to desire, this will create another, more complex desire.
sure in a way.
like desiring spiritual progress is a desire. but once all other desires fall away that too will fall away. It's sort of a test, just like obtaining psychic powers or siddhis. You can cling to them and stop progressing or you can use or ignore them and continue.
Up to you and why you're on the path.
Good and bad are useful terms only if you know what your goal is. There is no duality, just 2 poles of the same 1 thing.
So, more like constructive and destructive.
Anyway, the idea is to have a consistent desire to progress/enlighten, but not one that gets in the way/can't be dropped in the end. Once progress is a habit, the desire can be dropped along with the others.
I don't know if anyone other than you can progress here/figure that out. A diviner of some sort probably could. But I dunno what knowledge there is in the area/if there is any.
Oh i see, desire for spiritual progress is useful because it serves us to not cling to other desires. But, how *do* we not cling to desires? I thought of a way, like not trying to get rid of it, but not yielding to it either, it just stands there then. Is this a good method? It must be similar to Vipassana where you just observe the desire. Anyways, i don't think there's any meditation group near me because it's not very popular where i live.
Yep that's a good method. Don't feed the desire with attention, or emotion, or thought really. When it arises, observe it, don't react in any way, just watch in the moment.
As time passes, the desire will weaken due to not being fed, until it dies and reintegrates with you. (the desire being a type of thoughtform)
Are there any good resources on enriching the soil and earth with both physical compounds (nutrients and micro-organism) and energy?
Ok, so I just masturbated and accidentally injaculated (the inwards ejaculation).
Now I read up on this conserving sexual energy thing and this came up:
>The moment you feel the sexual energy about to rise up your spine
I don't really feel it. There's nothing going on at the spine, neither in the process of masturbating nor at the point of sexual release.
Anyone got experience with this?
What are the energies involved in day and night?
I was thinking about activity levels and energy and obviously when the sun shines, normal people are active; when it's night, they are passive (asleep).
At first I thought people receive and use the solar energy for their activities and go to sleep at night to conserve energy with passivity because there's no solar energy provider in the dark.
But then I remembered that we actually wake up refreshed after some sleep so we do receive some form of energy to get us going at night.
What are the underlying works? Any books on this?
Moonlight is a reflection of solar energy. Instead of receiving direct sun energy out>in the moon feeds our forms in>out.
Look into the orbits of the moon and sun and understand how the cosmic energies are reflecting and being beamed through/bounced off of other bodies. Dane Rudhyar has a few books on astrology particularly one on lunar astrology that helped me comprehend the sun moon duality without bias. "the moon the cycles and fortunes of life"
Good luck friend
>I don't really feel it. There's nothing going on at the spine, neither in the process of masturbating nor at the point of sexual release.
That's odd. However, congrats on injaculating since at least you retained your semen. How did your exercises go while doing cool draws and pumping cold sperm energy aka "testicle breathing"? This is where I first experienced energy travelling up my spine. The book describes it as (Sacral Pump and Cranial Pump):
> Many people who got these pumps working have reported feeling a "big bubble" of energy travel up their spine during testicle breathing.
- Cultivating Male Sexual Energy 71/106
In Multi-Orgasmic Man, pdf page 33:
>Loosening Up
>If your back or pelvis is tight, it will be difficult for you to draw sexual energy up through your spine. It is important for you to loosen up your pelvic area, spinal column, and neck. Imagine that you are sitting on a galloping horse, and rock your pelvis back and forth, letting your chin bob up and down. Your spinal cord should rock like a wave.
Personally my problem has been drawing and storing energy. I remember there being exercises and other tips for drawing the energy up the spine but those were the ones that came up first on my search.
>There's nothing going on at the spine, neither in the process of masturbating nor at the point of sexual release
I'm in the same situation, it never stopped me from using the Ankhing method with good results, although I changed it a bit to suit me better.
Just use visualization and will, or try to feel this energy and maybe you will feel it or maybe you have some other experiences that can be a focus for this exercise. Just experiment with it and see what works.
I can only assume that the anon would like to know the mental state of his target as well. I've managed to deduce the surroundings of my targets as well as their thoughts when they were awake. To be precise, it's kind of like getting a spherical impression of my targets surroundings, from there judging by the garbled up thoughts of my target I sometimes manage to deduce what he's doing. Problem is that people often think of things different to their current task.
Maybe mental travel will be a better method for him, I dunno.
Hay I'm a bit stuck on remote viewing and astral protecting.
I can get out of my body, upon doing so things seem more hazy then normal but upon trying to see what's written on something like paper I can't make out what it is so my mind just makes up things which upon inspection aren't there.
Also in this state I'm both aware of the physical body and other, is this how it's meant to feel?
Have i got the wrong idea of how to do this?
Is there a difference between imagining this? something and doing this?
How would fix this issue?
is it not a case of seeing but feeling what things are?
>I don't really feel it. There's nothing going on at the spine, neither in the process of masturbating nor at the point of sexual release.
I feel it at the top of my head, like something is about to overflow from the left side of the brain to the right. Feels like a needle or electric, to be specific.
It may be hard to observe, I found one way of doing this is to use some video of the "cock hero" type with a slow build up. That will make it quite obvious at what point you have to stop. You can even keep track of the timer.
At some point you can just take control and relax mentally, remove the "needle" and there's no longer any physical reaction. This may even result in the boner going away completely and you lose interest in the vid and turn it off because you can't continue.
Check it out, they've got everything, they are a bit on the mundane side, but the techniques work.
>Also in this state I'm both aware of the physical body and other, is this how it's meant to feel?
You don't feel physical body. There are some people who claim that via strong visualization you can get the effects similar to AP, but it is by far much easier to just use some exit technique and not spend enormous amount of time and energy in order to get the similar quality of experience while visualizing.
>Is there a difference between imagining this? something and doing this?
Yeah, it's like a difference between imagining seeing some landscape and actually going there and seeing it.
>How would fix this issue?
Read some books about AP, do some research, practice and you're there. Atm I'm reading "Adventures beyond the body" by William Buhlman and it's amazing.
Also check out:
Huh, funny how people get different experiences while jacking off.
For me it's like my breath is starting to get a different quality and I feel a funny feeling in the heart and lungs. Most of the time I inhale a full breath and just hold it and I feel all this sexual energy which I then put to work.
>but it is by far much easier to just use some exit technique and not spend enormous amount of time and energy in order to get the similar quality of experience while visualizing.
I shouldn't need to explain why the shorter path is usually not the best.
Prove to me that in this specific case it is not better.
What is the point of wasting so much time (although wasting wouldn't be the best word) when there is a much faster route?
Not to mention that not everyone is able to experience it to the fullest with visualization only, while everybody is able to get to the point of "mind awake body asleep" and get out of body.
What benefits have you perceived from using the Ankhing method?
I read through it and it looks pretty complicated..
Can you walk me through how you use it?
Femanon here,
I watched a few videos of Bear Heart, one of which references a phenomenon where shapeshifting into a creature for a period of time confers properties of the aforesaid thing.
For example, he found that shapeshifting into a bear made him more powerful and virile, shapeshifting into a Yeti creature gave him an illness that made him want to eat human flesh (which an astral Amerindian shaman cured with special herbs–also from the astral), and other vampire cults shapeshifting into bats and feeding off of others also produces a lust for further vampirism.
As such, I'm wondering whether shapeshifting into a centaur will increase my (already high) libido. I found that shapeshifting into a mare in heat has risen my sex drive. Are there any issues of centaurs that I need to be aware of? Will this turn into a lifelong condition with unforeseen consequences?
I heard from another anon that the My Little Pony series coincided with the interloping of certain centaur creatures who enjoy disguising themselves as humans and then having sex with sleeping strangers from the physical realm.
what kind of shapeshifting is he talking about? like full-on transformation or convincing yourself into believing that you are the creature?
If trips, you should post some imagery of yourself before ongoing through the shapeshifting, you know, for historical reasons. Fiery photos of mares in heat are preferred.
It wouldn't be if you looked into the resources. The sun and moon are not simple ideas. Expecting a swift concise answer on something so embedded in our collective subconscious seems foolish. Best of luck, I sincerely wish you well on finding the answer you're seeking.
What kind of bodyswap? Move your soul to another person's body?
Supposedly some people who sold their soul to some demon experienced being moved around to different bodies in different places with no control over it.
Doing it yourself while in control is probably harder, you're in your body in your context for karmic reasons and meet certain people and experience what you're supposed to daily. So everything would have to be balanced with this in mind for it to work out.
>What benefits have you perceived from using the Ankhing method?
Longer orgasms and I started using sex energy more efficiently when powering spells
>Can you walk me through how you use it?
I used to use it exactly how it was described there, now I developed a simpler version, which doesn't circulate the energy I think, but nevertheless allows me to use orgasms efficiently as a battery for magic.
My method: I jack off, when I feel I'm about to come I visualize what I want to happen (or focus on some sigil), I lose myself in the visualization, before I come I take a deep full breath and feel the energy "trapped" in my heart and lungs (I actually feel the energy there when I fap, if you don't then make your own methods or use this regardless), I orgasm, I exhale visualizing that all this energy now works for the goal I had in mind.
Are you retarded? I've never said that there is no benefit to developing visualization techniques, on the contrary. The question was about AP, so my answer was about AP and not visualization.
You can both develop visualization and use exit techniques if you want, where do you see a problem with that?
>Visualization which is the single most important thing to magic
>hey, excuse me, where is the railway station?
>nah, don't go there, go to the organic food store because eating healthy is important
>but I really need to go there and am not hungry atm
>are you denying the benefit of eating greens?
The trips hath spoken
>That's why I'm doing it!
How lewd, I like it! Best of luck on your path to becoming sex obsessed centaur mare :^)
>The trips hath spoken
It would have meant something if the board wasn't so slow you can literally predict your own post number 99% of the time.
Hey there fringe, whenever i meditate, after like ten minutes i'm getting dizzy, its the same feeling as trying to sleep when you're drunk af. I'm getting hot, sweaty and nauseous, i feel forced to open my eyes. Are there any things i can do to get through this, or maybe i am doing something wrong?
Sounds more like you are having pretty good effects. Try to just keep going as far as you can, it's probably a sign of opening up your meridians (qi channels). Getting hot is a good sign it's working, feeling sick is natural when the blood flow suddenly increases.
I used to get hot and sweaty too, sometimes, although never nauseous. The dizziness can be an indication of entering trance state.
Maybe it's hyperventilation or stuff like that? Go slowly with your breath.
What possible reason someone could have to try to increase their allegedly high libido?
Is this a wiccan thing?
I don't think I've seen any "occult" woman that's not a wiccan. And they do "sex magickz" right?
I mean, I value that they follow a path more suited for their gender, but the movement is pretty "mundanized" thanks to tumblr and the sort.
Anyway, if you're fond of said sex magick, or vampirism, being able to create great amounts of sexual frustration and desire sets up an enormous energy farming. I have problems thinking of a reason why that'd drive you to increase YOUR libido instead of your victim's…
Have you heard of any cases of people doing it in control? There was a few minutes where my two friends believed it happened while they were on acid.
Only paganism can show you the truth you fools.
Don't forget to read the kabbalah twice daily and pray to Moloch.
Alright, I have had the strangest of dreams which I shared with a friend who is quite familar with /fringe/, and he encouraged me to share it here in the hopes that some of the more experienced in this field might shed some light on it.
Now, I normally never remember my dreams. They say every person has an average of five dreams per night, but I only ever seem to recall about one or two each month at most. My sleep seems to be almost dreamless, at least thats how it feels. So when I do get to conciously dream and be aware of it, that generally makes me somewhat elated, even if my dreams tend not to make sense.
Now usually, the dreams I do have/remember seem to be utterly random recollections of things I have seen, with no real constancy in them. Random people come and go, their faces morphing in the middle of their sentence, watching myself in third person. Things that are quite surreal, but more in the absurd 'thefuck' kind of way than an actually terrifying or Salvador Dali-esque way. Normally I have very little control over these dreams, sometimes I can't even interact with inanimate objects. No matter how much force I exert the surroundings remain unchangable. Almost always do I realise that I am in fact dreaming, yet I seem unable to assert control over it and change anything, no matter how hard I focus.
Yet this night, that changed. The dream started like any other, a strange collection of faces and people I know from my personal life, in a setting seemingly disconnected from it all (the elementary school which I went to, which is oddly enough a somewhat recurring location in my dreams, alongside several other places.) I recall very little from the beginning of the dream, and as I recall it was a *very* short one. I was led to a classroom at the end of a hall, where the desks are arranged in a square shape, leaving the center open. Several people are in the room, none of which I recognise. Most are standing, engaged in some dialogue or otherwise not interacting with me. A single man however, sits at the table, someone I presume to be in his mid- to late twenties, with a slight beard and quite well built. As I stand in the room he looks at me and starts speaking. He says to me that all this was a dream, and that it was time for me to wake up and forget it like all the other dreams. At that point, I could almost feel myself waking up, with my vision becoming blurry, and falling as if I was falling away into something. Yet for some inexplicable reason, possibly me being tired of forgetting all my dreams, I focus immensely on staying in the dream. For a moment I see a flash, and although I am not entirely sure, I almost seem to recall actually being awake and seeing my room for a splitsecond.
When I am back, I simply speak back to the man that tried to send me away, stating that this time I will not simply wake up and forget, and that I will remember. I feel as if I am in full control. With my mind, I raise one of the desks until it floats, before I send it crashing into the nearest wall, parting the group of people in its path. Throughout, I feel as if my vision is fading and my grasp on the dream is slipping away. To better illustrate, imagine how most games or movies these days depict the pressure of g-forces, with a creeping darkness in the corner of your eyes slowly blotting out everything. It was just like that. The table shatters against the wall, and at that point I decide to simply let go. At this point I reasoned I may have had a lucid dream. Knowing that it has some correlation with sleep paralysis, (which I had once before and quickly managed to get away from once I realised what it was), I decided not to push my luck and end it. When I did awoke, I was on my side with large parts of my body indeed being paralysed, yet I managed to break through it with easy, and returned to sleep.
The next part of my sleep was uneventful, with nothing happening. Now, I think I probably just had some sort of lucid dream (which I *never* had before, as I said I never seem to have *any* control in my dreams at all), but I mentioned it to a friend and he said I should ask /fringe/, which is what I am doing here.
With that, I am curious what you think.
This (mostly)
>implying that the shape of your genitals means shit
>implying that only "female themed" magical system is new age tier garbage
>comparing sex magic to vampirism
>I have problems thinking of a reason why that'd drive you to increase YOUR libido instead of your victim's
Kek, I'd do that only to have more sexual energy (or whatever you want to call it) to empower my sigils and rituals.
>western occultism
>mystified garbage
>weakminded fools and lunatics
>using the Wiccan flag
Here, you earned this loosh for making me chuckle
Theoretically you could leave your body at night and possess another person like a spirit or demon would do, as long as you come back in the morning and don't upset the order in your life.
Shamans are said to do this with birds to look at the land from above I think, but I don't know of any techniques for it.
You'd also have to pick a target who'd give up some some control to you, or you'd just be glued inside his head while the person does stuff.
> isn't it frustrating how few actually 'know' firsthand?
Try posting your own experiences and you get called BS for not referring to some well known book.
This community suffers from the same problems as liberal university students. Or Wikipedia. Original research is never accepted, only certain sources are ok.
>original research is never accepted
That's because everyone here is a LARPing bullshit occultist.
Only the method that I personally follow is valid.
The tinfoil part of me says there's a bot or group of people that make posts like that to negate any sharing of information.
4chan's /x/ is a good example. 85% of the board are skeptics if you believe everyone there is a genuine poster.
>What possible reason someone could have to try to increase their allegedly high libido?
>Is this a wiccan thing?
I have zero knowledge about wicca however a high libido - needless to say - would be useful when generating sexual energy. However a high libido is almost always in the hands of the desire thoughtform that many people follow. Apart from that, a high libido and recklessly generating sexual energy would lead one to develop a serious larvae problem, e.g. constantly using porn to get off under the guise of trying to generate sexual energy. Besides larvae there are even other negs that want to use your sexual energy to bind themselves further to your energy body. Although Mantak Chia didn't delve into it, he had qualms about using porn but left it as a passive non-recommendation.
But I digress, a high libido sounds to me as something that is in the hands of a desire thoughtform and therefore not an efficient method of generating sexual energy. That energy would most certainly feed the thoughtform and not be turned into stored pure energy or properly redirected where you want it to go.
I've had a dream similar to this. Or actually, it reminds me of a problem I had in my past. I once had a recurring tormentor in my dreams. It was a man in a suit who would show up and cause me to become so unnerved just by his presence that I was in complete fear. When he arrived I would just want to wake up. He didn't have to do anything other than stand there. Over time I became so fed up with him that I attacked him with the intent of removing him forever, rather I wanted to kill him. From then on I never saw him again. In the aftermath I could sometimes feel his presence but I would recall my urge to end him forever and his presence would dissipate.
Perhaps you too have encountered someone similar to this and have overcome their will. Think hard, have you seen this person before in previous dreams? Why would this person order you to "to wake up and forget it like all the other dreams?" Perhaps now that you took a stand against him it will become easier to dream, to remember dreams, and to realize you're dreaming. Also feel free to use this thread specifically for dream deciphering: >>1516
>This community suffers from the same problems as liberal university students. Or Wikipedia. Original research is never accepted, only certain sources are ok.
I feel that that simplifies the problem although I generally agree with you. There's A LOT of people looking for confirmation, myself included. I've found a certain joy in reading books from the /library/ and finding things that correlate with my days as a special snowflake. Most of the time I'm rediscovering things that I used to rely on in my youth that I discarded when mundanity pressured me to. However I do see your point in regards to original research. Although I feel that people are more inclined to share their research only when someone makes a thread related to that topic. It would be best if people would make more threads.
legit question, ii'd like some tips and tricks on accelerating development self control and catching my own attention on the fly
Vipassana retreat. (10 day silent meditation retreat)
Those are good.
Remove as many distractions as possible in your life to reduce mental clutter. Keep a clean space as much as possible, as a cluttered space makes for a cluttered mind (I am living in a cluttered space, and the day I moved here from an uncluttered space, I could feel my mind unraveling/becoming more ADD)
New Age systems are the most efficient at producing results.
Name a more garbage system that attracts even bigger retards than wiccan cat ladies that constantly try to cast "love spells" on everyone.
I'm genuinely curious, gender bender indigo.
The system of ignoring the flagless shitposter that comes here once a month.
I wonder if it's at all possible to control a person's body by flooding it with your energy and controlling it that way. I've been able to trigger limb motions using will only (obviously muscles are still put in use but unconsciously) which seemed to eliminate any fatigue from the motion or holding my arms up in the air for over an hour. Not sure how to do it on an unwilling target that won't relax.
The most invasive thing I managed previously was merging with someone's mind and set it on conscious self healing with a byproduct being his positive outlook on the ailment in the morning.
Smiley mentioned that he managed to possess some banker once but it is Smiley we're talking about.
Normally if someone asks a question and my knowledge is limited to the theoretical, I post what I know and make an attempt to put it to practice, though obviously the results aren't instantaneous.
Don't be so conscious of it, it's usually just a single shitposter.
It's always a very low energy reply too, usually limited to something like
>That's bullshit
>Bullshit occultist
The best thing to do is to ignore and forget about it, we all know how dangerous any cracks in belief can be.
I didn't say it's the only difference, I said it doesn't matter.
>Name a more garbage system that attracts even bigger retards than wiccan cat ladies that constantly try to cast "love spells" on everyone.
How is that relevant? If one system, concerned with femininity (btw. is it? I don't even know) is retarded that doesn't mean that all of them are. It's like someone would claim that all wizards are deluded autists because he would have met Smiley.
Aside from that, I totally agree that Wicca and new age garbage are an epitome of bullshit.
>gender bender indigo
I ain't bendin no genders.
I'm just bisexual and strongly in touch with both masculine and feminine principles. I'm also more on the qt side, but certainly not to the point of gender-bending :^)
Maybe find a place that is pitch black, this way even if your eyes are open it still feels like they are closed.
> I've been able to trigger limb motions using will only (obviously muscles are still put in use but unconsciously) which seemed to eliminate any fatigue from the motion or holding my arms up in the air for over an hour. Not sure how to do it on an unwilling target that won't relax.
I think we have very different concepts here.
The assumptions I presented was based on how voluntary possession by external entities function. I can let a succubus or similar entity come in and stay silent with me, setting certain rules for her control of my body. Like if I'm about to make a mistake at work she's allowed to take control of part of my body to stop it.
Over time this kind of interaction turns seemless, even typing can be done like this, were I dictate the words and the possessing entity types with the hands. It's a legit kind of "cheating" in my view, it makes it less tiring when I only need to focus on half the job. If I want to practice my typing speed we just switch roles.
I'm proposing you would do something similar yourself while your body is asleep. You leave your body and find another person and enter in the same way a spirit/entity would, but for a limited time while sleeping only. Entities could stay almost endlessly if they wanted.
>inb4 why use a succubus for this
Most people have a very narrow view of what they can offer, I find them easy to work with.
>I'm just bisexual and strongly in touch with both masculine and feminine principles.
Thanks for telling, your opinions are from now on discarded.
There's nothing gay about either gender, if you're a male in touch with feminity you understand females better, it doesn't mean you like men. You've lost your subjective view.
>How do people drawn to something characterize the thing
If a whole lot of people believing in religion X are killing a whole lot more people than people of other faiths, I think it speaks volumes about said religion.
Funnily enough, if I was a mundane I'd certainly claim that people who consider themselves wizards are mentally ill based on a visit to 8/fringe/.
Speaking of which, you should probably use magic to cure yourself.
I get you but I don't know if something like that would be possible. Purely astral entities like succubi or even tulpae that have no physical body can take control of a willing human's body. On one hand for wizards it should be even easier since we as entities are used to inhabiting physical bodies and should feel right at home in someone else. At the same time since it's obviously not as simple as APing into someone's body, either our silver chord is preventing us from taking control of others' bodies or it's simply the case of the target not consciously letting us take control.
I wish I had a willing test target but I would rather not reveal my slightly unconventional interest in the occult.
Probably a good idea now is to find a pro possessor entity in the astral and ask for tips.
>Thanks for telling, your opinions are from now on discarded.
No problem, I've been discarding your opinions since day one :^)
Seriously, I don't care, do what you want.
>Speaking of which, you should probably use magic to cure yourself.
But I'm not ill anon. There is nothing wrong with being gay, it doesn't yield any negative effects, not on any plane of being. Physical, magical, spiritual, energetic, you name it, it's all good.
Also, I control my sexuality to the extent that I could be asexual or either pure homo or heterosexual, and I underwent such metamorphosis before, bisexuality just suits me best. Tbh recently I even morphed more into homosexuality and it's fine too. If I wanted I could "cure" myself as you stated it, but why would I want that? What is there to gain?
What does it matter anyway? It's just matter after all. It's just a matter of finding a suitable partner, whatever their gender might be. Or not finding one, it's fine either way.
I heard you talking shit Bro, don't talk shit about stuff you don't know shit about.
I tried mixing red wine with green tea and ginko biloba herbs because supposedly there is some synergy. The psychoactive effect is interesting. I wonder if one or two glasses of wine regularly would have negative impact on the body and mind long-term. I've barely indulged in any drugs in my life. Can someone red pill me on mind-altering substances like alcohol
Oddly enough, as far as I can remember, this was the first time I ever saw that figure. Still, it seems worthwhile to remain aware of him and other recurrent patterns, maybe I can learn from that. In the meantime, I'll follow your suggestion and head over to the deciphering threat.
>Moonlight is a reflection of solar energy.
Yeah, I figured it provides a smaller amount of solar energy even at night.
Thanks, I'll look into that author
>How did your exercises go while doing cool draws and pumping cold sperm energy aka "testicle breathing"?
I have to admit that I did not practice it yet.
>If your back or pelvis is tight, it will be difficult for you to draw sexual energy up through your spine. It is important for you to loosen up your pelvic area, spinal column, and neck. Imagine that you are sitting on a galloping horse, and rock your pelvis back and forth, letting your chin bob up and down. Your spinal cord should rock like a wave.
That sounds interesting, I'll try this out a few times. Thanks
>Ankhing method
Do you "Ankh" at the point of ejaculation or already at the buildup? How long do you focus on it afterwards?
If I wanted to do positive magick on specific places (leyline intersections for example) would that image help me do that? The coordinates point to the Washington Monument. The background is Gaia + space(symbolic of infinity). What would you do to improve it?
You're right and you know the principles but the penis stands on the leylines to broadcast all that which are the people living on the leylines.
Your little thing can't change that. All their will, ambition, sacrifice and charms are broadcasted by the giant rock penis.
You'd be better off getting a 30cm pensel and drawing curses that ensures they who live there will fail.
Couple their ambition with failure to be broadcasted.
Or find a leyline that has no important landmark or a military base and do what you want, its still going to be blocked or overvoiced by their stations, freq broadcasters, jamming devices etc..
They have complete lock on the leylines.
I'm pretty sure I feel the energy from creepypasta-type stories and I get a thrill of fear from them.
and/or maybe I haven't conquered internal fear enough, but I think in general I have/trust Light enough, if not my Power.
Been a member of fringe for a fair amound of time now, since question thread #7 on 8ch. I've read many books but mainly am here because of the philosophical aspect. Just an explorer in a sense, the logic doesn't add up in the mundane world and am here looking for answers. Answers to questions I don't even know. What do I do with this knowledge I gather from here? I know how to check the air in a tire because I do it often. I know how to fix a squeeky door hinge or change the rubber rings on leaky faucets. I know these things because I have have done them and will do them again. I have this knowledge because I use it. What knowing I don't make use of I forget. My brain ejects what isn't useful. I couldn't tell you what I ate for supper yesterday because it isn't important or useful. What will I use the knowledge from here for? Where do I go with it?
>What will I use the knowledge from here for?
That depends entirely on you. A lot of people seem just be drawn to the occult and they stumble onto /fringe/ one day. Others are just going through some difficulties and try to use magic to solve their mundane problems out of desperation.
A strange paradox might happen where your spiritual maturity grows you seem to stop caring about mundane things that may have seemed important in the past, when that happens you'll end up using magic to see how far you can push your abilities or screw around in the astral. Honestly I'm at a place where the goals are a little murky but using the abilities that I've spent months developing have become part of daily life.
Considering there are different earthly energy grids, you might be better off researching the specific type you have a desire to inquire into. I posted some references that will definitely be of use in >>>/ask/1840
(for the lazy, said links were: http://www.helios3.com/geopathic-stress.html and http://www.biogeometry.org/page34.html - read them both!)
Also to 'Digitial Magick Imagery' anon: Why in the world would you use the Jewish Kabbalah imagery for such a purpose when the Jews are the main orchestrators behind the mess we live in? Complete with Hebrew symbols and all in your picture, gosh.
>What will I use the knowledge from here for?
- Reality manipulation:
- Directly manifesting your desires through mere intent
- Extending your lifespan
- Attaining psychic abilities such as precognition, the ability to influence people at will, the ability to 'feel' other their thoughts and energetic state, telekinesis, etc.
The ultimate goal is physical immortality - which implies the perfectionering of the physical body. Unless you feel comfortable with dying someday and reincarnating eventually again with reincarnation insomnia - however that isn't very efficient as you can expect.
Surely some of the harmonizing and energetic leylines are directly being polluted and suppressed by the techniques you mentioned - however its not the case everywhere.
>New Age systems are the most efficient at producing results.
That is debatable. I can evoke a Demon and for him/her to energize my energetic circuits to superhuman amounts in barely any time - that is kind of cheating though. Nonetheless, Spiritual Satanism in general is highly geared towards result based practices - for its very methods are designed by the architects of the humans we are today. Or Chaos Magick, for example, is complete efficiency and result based. Most of New Age is watered down 'truth' mixed and diluted with shitloads of disinformation. May I know why you made this statement? Genuinely curious.
Judging from your flag, you're fishing for that tasty fingerlicking loosh, but I gladly and with love respond. I think that you mean to say modern and contemporary Western Occultism is bullshit. There's a lot of bullshit in modern Western Occult sources but this has more to do with the systematic removal of our true spiritual and occult past. The complete pruning of our spiritual past is something recent, relatively speaking to our times of human beings on Earth. A recent turning point were the Witch inquisitions for one. And to fill the void of what we had before, we now have mostly Kosher, ZOG-approved New Age and (neo-Wicca :^) to replace it. Not all is lost, however. Hermeticism, even though containing fragments of disinformation, remains steadfast and if you look back to our Western Civilizations and the practices they had, you will see that Eastern and Western occultism aren't so different.
Ambiguously posed question (for example, you could've stated for how long you've been noticing it - the frequency matters), but it could be either your Chakra opening up, an astral ailment being cleared up, your forming a cluster of energy, etc. Its the accumulation and possible transmutation of energy no matter what, though.
As with everything, meditate upon it and will it into existence. Do it very consistently. I know you want an instant gratification pill but there isn't - not without repercussions. It will take some time because intellect is both the speed of processing information and the ability to place multiple patterns juxtaposition and act upon that - that's it in a nutshell.
And the person posting and typing is also a thoughtform. The soul is a container for thoughtforms. God made us in it's image. We have the power to create and summon.
is that gif from serial experiments lain?
yesterday i had a thought, that the 3d word is a rendition of something else. then i watched that series the next day and it basically said the same thing.
i'd like to take that idea further if anyone has any input
makes 80% sense
"soul" is whats left when "you're" there during a K-hole right?
>Yes goy, you should die and reincarnate over and over - the loss of memories, progress and destruction and decay of self is good!
What the fuck are you on about?
>Maybe if you're Jewish.
>>Yes goy, you should die and reincarnate over and over - the loss of memories, progress and destruction and decay of self is good!
Occult liberalism - taking control of your own life is bad, everyone should reincarnate mindlessly and depend on gods to do things for them. You don't trust in god to give you the best life?
A cover for laziness and inactivity, fueled by a fear of having their beliefs disproven by hard reality, propagated by theoreticists who would rather see everyone equal failures than a few successful.
Just say you're afraid of dying like most Jews are.
If you removed the fear of death, then you can't give a real reason as to why you'd want to live forever. Memories become worthless and progress becomes undefinable when they aren't constrained by finiteness. The only ways of achieving immortality as it stands now is to inherit the Earth by killing off everyone else while retaining our level of technological capability and become a king of robots or to design a simulation run on a powerful enough computer that can mirror physical reality as perfectly as possible while making it so that when you plug into it, it allows you to play it "forever", where one physically immortal lifetime is a very short period of time outside of the simulation. There's no progress in either of these scenarios.
Where do I imply that one shouldn't take control over own's life? I'm just saying that if you're here to physically live forever, you sound like a Jew who tries to extend his physical life in every way possible but to the most extreme. If you think that there is a monotheistic god that controls every aspect of existence, including what comes after Earthly existence, then it sounds like it's your problem for memeing such a reality.
>The only ways of achieving immortality as it stands now is to inherit the Earth by killing off everyone else while retaining our level of technological capability and become a king of robots or to design a simulation run on a powerful enough computer that can mirror physical reality as perfectly as possible while making it so that when you plug into it, it allows you to play it "forever", where one physically immortal lifetime is a very short period of time outside of the simulation.
Fortunately the enlightened one has finally shown up - for he knows that there is just one way of achieving immortality, ever. You're not on a cybernetic forum, perhaps you're lost? Physical immortality is attainable without the need of electronic or material mechanical means. I have zero issues with people who want to learn more, but I'm repulsed by people like you who deem to be the authority on all knowledge there is, by presuming you know that its the only way of immortality. Also this apparent superiority complex in your assumption that fear is the only motivation, ever, to not want to physically wither and die and reincarnate all over again. You seriously sound like you lost your way into a cybernetic trans humanist forum and somehow found fringechan.
>Just say you're afraid of dying like most Jews are.
Jews are nothing but pawns in a bigger game and are to be exterminated once the endgame is set - which is global communism. They are programmed to bring forth this very era. And afraid about dying? Its about maintaining and further developing yourself without dying every X many years to start all over again - its not my fault that you think it would become worthless after a while. You should analyze yourself here - not me, I'm more then capable of defining my own ideals, motivations and aspirations.
Unless you're just looshing. You better are because your kind is truly beyond saving.
I'm just giving the two mundane ways of physical immortality as I see it now, I can't include methods that I'm not aware about, or methods that you are aware, and never said that I was in favor of either. If I thought that these were the only ways "out", I wouldn't be here.
>Its about maintaining and further developing yourself without dying every X many years to start all over again
I don't know what you mean by maintaining, but I can't see how development isn't possible outside of a singular physical existence. If one can train themselves to remember important insights from previous lives, then progress can be maintained without the need to chase immortality. I only imply that you are afraid of death because to you it's the ultimate goal.
Is Alpam the guy who used to run SushiChan? He used similar images I think and had a large collection of esoteric books, many of which were about satanism. The current admin there is a former mod from 4chon, so the connection is there.
>I'm just giving the two mundane ways of physical immortality as I see it now
Ironically, the cybernetic transhumanist way is another program by the Jew, to cut us off even further from our spiritual roots. But I assume you know that.
>because to you it's the ultimate goal.
'Ultimate goal' was perhaps poorly worded by me - it should be foremost goal, as in, to currently have the highest priority, as its rather the foundation on which aspirations and other endeavors can be fully expanded upon. Its like a plateau, a literal foundation. That is because death is not an beneficial change in efficiency once one has found his path. That, plus the fact that we, as human beings, are not meant to die over and over - we aren't inherently designed this way. Degeneration has led us here.
>but I can't see how development isn't possible outside of a singular physical existence.
I never implied such a thing, but its rather inefficient to have a setback every X many years. Besides, natural immortality, as was ordained by the architects [certain group of Nordic extraterrestrials] of the current human bodies, is done by the perfecting and finalizing the energy body - to have it run as was intended, by completing the last steps of the genetic blueprint that is laid out in us. The beings that engineered us never got to that last part, that which was crowning us to Gods. Their attempts were thwarted. Yet we still have the power and capability to this ourselves through sheer dedication. Read:
https://fr.scribd.com/document/179362971/Kai-Purr-Writings-pdf (Kai Purr attained immortality through the methods outlined above and this is one of his writings)
Check around on the JoS forums if you're interested.
We've already reincarnated many times over, and we will continue so until we connect the plugs of our energy body in the correct sockets, so to say.
No I am not. Was/is he a Spiritual Satanist, as in, affiliated with the Joy of Satan? That'd be a funny coincidence. Tbh, I don't even know what SushiChan is, and frankly, I don't care.
I didn't actually visit the site since it first started, so i I don't know. It wasn't an insult btw, he was a cool admin, supposedly went to live in the woods for a while and handed the site over. I doubt he was affiliated with that group, but he made one of those open directories sharing all of his esoteric books when he first opened the site.
>I don't know what you mean by maintaining, but I can't see how development isn't possible outside of a singular physical existence.
The lack of continuation is the biggest issue. Starting over with at least 14 years of growing up, learning language and culture - only the basics of one culture.
After this finding a place in society for further development of personal independence. Maybe when you reach 20 you have some small personal freedom if you're lucky, if not you may still live with your parents in some poor village by age 40. You'd have around 20 - 30 active years in a lifetime before old age starts setting in and you will be occupied with worring about your health problems for the last 20 years.
Then we have the aspect of not remembering any previous progress. Even if you somehow learned a way to rediscover your latest lifetime, your skills, language and more notably your material possessions are all lost. All you have are some vague memories and feelings.
I know how hard this is, I personally traced my previous lives 5 lifetimes back, and all I have in this life is a slightly above average skill in french 1800s realist painting.
Whenever I hear antisemites like you it reminds me of some annoying bipolar girl with princess syndrome who wants to eat a cake and have a cake. The Jews as they are today were MADE by people, mostly white Europeans. People 300 years ago were stupid by today standards, and the smarter ones didn't want to deal with then shitty profession of a merchant. The environmental pressures forced Jews to be smart, conspiring, penny-pinching, and made them keep to themselves. Now they are more likely to have higher IQs because of it and know how to get around. They had to survive living among people who resented them and stupid people.
If you didn't want Jews to run the academic environment or Hollywood, then maybe the members of your (oh, so superior!) white race should have became merchants and scientists themselves, instead of outsourcing all this to Jews. But nah, it's not a job for noble aristocrats ;)
PS: I'm talking about "Jews" or "white Europeans" but actually maybe 2% of Jews are malicious conspiring Zionists, and so maybe 2% of white Europeans were aristocrats. No one sane believes that all Jews are X or all whites have quality of Y. They are more likely to be X, but even that is usually not true.
Spotted the kike AND shill. Sorry, but you're out of luck. Try another board to infiltrate, you won't gain much ground here. You're either clearly bluepilled about nearly everything, or blatantly trying to shill and make the Jews look like intelligent folk that truly mean no harm to others whilst blaming and insulting whites.
Normally I'd attempt to redpill people on issues like these and the history associated with it, but there's no point in arguing with a shill because it will lead to derailment. As said before - try another board or site to shill. Not here.
>maybe the members of your (oh, so superior!) white race should have became merchants and scientists themselves, instead of outsourcing all this to Jews
Because jews are a race, not a religion?
Most jews are white, what you're saying is in line with racists claiming whites are superior.
>white aristocrats killed white jews, making them have higher IQ in the process, now whites rule the world
How do you define physical immortality as I think that's where I misunderstood you. Once the energy body is perfected, are you free to exist in this realm for as long as you want so long as conditions stay the same? Are you still able to be killed by factors other than the physical body deteriorating? Unless mundane science is a fabrication, what happens to such a person when a mass extinction event on Earth occurs, whether it's something like tectonic plates fucking everything up or our sun running out of gas? I don't have a problem with the concept of an immortal soul, but I do have a problem with how I define physical immortality, or the ability to exist for an infinite period of time in an unstable place. If one does not become completely invincible through this process, then preparing for and attempting to master whatever death brings should be a more primary goal over what would be a longer, but still temporary existence.
I can't prove or disprove how and what we were designed for or by who, but if a human can experience an existence outside of a physical one, by going to some place after death and then returning to the physical realm, then it be possible that regeneration can occur through having improving the energy body over multiple lives. It should also be possible to direct one's incarnations, putting oneself in more favorable positions than the roulette that I assume others get.
And as much as I hate to admit it, Joy of Satan has the best introductory explanations of meditation that I could find. Not very enthusiastic of some of their claims though.
I'm aware that most of human existence compared to that of today in the West has been shitty. This doesn't mean that thinking on the scale of multiple lives rather than focusing on the current one is worthless to do. Though if you're more interested in the material wealth you've had in past lives and have the desire to somehow consolidate it all, then I don't think we're going to agree on much.
Any way to dispel/banish the thoughtforms?
>inb4 void meditation/cucked jew banishing rituals
>hello my name is newfig
>collect into sphere, breath in light from crown, out dark from the mind, incinerate object once you feel no more smudge on your breath out
>do almost same thing, visualize your vice as an entity, cage it, diminish it, mock it, stab it with spears, cast it out and burn it
> reincarnation insomnia - however that isn't very efficient as you can expect.
I feel like the word you were looking for is amnesia.
Speaking of jews is it true that they don't have a basic fundamental core of being and are part of a hivemind?
What's the ultimate speedy quick way to get good at AP? Is Robert Bruces book as good as it gets? What other books are good for just general magicking? Is the astral even that important? What's a good way to get into routines more? I go through phases too often, I need to be more balanced in that respect.
Invent your own banishing ritual. Use things you want to use, do what makes you feel safe. You can obviously do it purely mentally.
Not this anon^^^^
but I've also had some problems with someones thought form this is what happened.
I was having issues with negative emotional drives so I did some stuff to get rid of them, this was good for a bit but then I noticed I had good feeling towards my ex, started dreaming about her and even wanted to see her again, I knew this was objectively bad so I brought up the thought form of her and removed the emotional drives and destroyed the thought form it's self.
To test if I had succeeded I tried to call upon her thought form but couldn't get anything no emotions not even a face, after the exercise I had a rather long and vivid dream of her and I being together there were no powerful emotions, it was just calm and nice.
sixteen hours have passed since then I've had lots of memory's of her just flooding my mind but there are no emotions connected to them.
Did I just fuck this up?
How would I do this right and with what intention?
I hypothesize that if I did fuck up my intention was the problem what do you think?
Could be. Psychopathy is a big thing in the Jewish community. A psychopath has no Empathy, IE Spirit.
I wanted to request if any of you can help in gathering the best sexual transmutation method you know and writing it down in the meditation's thread.
Thank you anon.
> if you're more interested in the material wealth you've had in past lives and have the desire to somehow consolidate it all, then I don't think we're going to agree on much
I'm merely being practical.
Some secret societies seem to apply a method in which they reincarnate in a certain family line, over and over, and they never get to experience any hell dimensions in between, no matter what they do in their lives. They inheret a wealth, a certain material standard, for the only purpose of keeping this up forever.
This is not what I'm looking for. In fact I despise people like them. They're walking over corpses and fucking everyone's lives just to maintain a material standard for no real reason other than avoiding their karma a little longer.
How do I know this? Just take a look around you and you will see this is the truth.
(expect shilling, they hate it when someone brings this up)
That's one thing you could do - you basically have to make your desired reality into the now.
You see, you could sum it up into two parts:
- There is the now. The now is basically how all the energy there is in the universe in its current state. The now changes continuously based upon the interaction of conscious beings - this boils down to beings both attracting and repulsing energy.
- There are potential futures or 'nows' which haven't taken shape yet in your scope of reality but might, depending on the timeline. In your case, your desired 'now' is that you have superior intellect.
To make your desired future into the now, you have to will it into existence by drawing your desired future into the now. This is done by affirming it as if it has already taken place, as if it is now. This is literally attracting energy.
You first have to form an intent. Yours for example would be: "My intellect is vastly superior and of genius levels."
Then you have to pick an approach of solidifying your intent and allocating energy towards it. The simplest way is to literally affirm it by spoken words.
1. Meditate, void out and try to still the mind. Your mind has to be clear and your focus steadfast so that your conscious can act as a magnifying lens through which light shines upon your goal - thus fueling it. The light in this metaphor is literally energy - the lens is your consciousness, or focus rather.
2. Once you feel your body relax and getting lightweight, you're entering a (light) trance state. In this state, energy will flow more easily and will respond quicker to your intent.
3. This is the moment where you will start repeating your affirmation. Do this over and over and use the appropriate tone and pitch that feels right to you (important! emotions matter as they are sources of energy too!) - if you do this effectively and have nothing else on your mind, you will delve even deeper down a state of trance. What happens next is:
- You program your body with said intent - and it will respond!
- You draw a timeline - your preferred now - into existence by attracting the energy that would allow your desired reality to take shape.
4. Repeat the affirmation over and over, as you are essentially allocating energy towards this very goal at that moment.
You can expand upon this by visualizing your brain grow for example, or "feel" your mind accelerating (as intellect is also thinking-speed based). The more you draw your timeline in, the better.
Another method of solidifying intent is by forming a sigil and allocating energy towards that. There's plenty of tutorials out there on the web but most of them are piss poor because most of them are written by cancerous new agers that know nothing about what they actually do, I will soon create a thread that will cover proper sigil forming (not like the shit smiley wrote at 8/fringe that was utterly useless as well).
There is more, but these are the basics a newfig like you can practice right now, no special initiation required. God speed unto you and welcome to the family. More questions - feel free, I and many others are here for you.
>How do you define physical immortality as I think that's where I misunderstood you.
- Your body stops aging.
- You become immune to illness.
- Your energetic circuits are now perfected and thus you are able of performing great feats on others as well.
- You can regrow lost limbs or other physical attributes and components.
- You can more easily shape and sculpt your body if you so desire.
And more, but since listing all the abilities that come with Godhood is out of the scope of your question, I will refrain from posting more. Nonetheless, Godhood is what humans are meant to attain. This is your path if you follow an authentic occult route, yet Spiritual Satanism is the most direct, refined and authentic one as the very path I speak about was laid about by our creator/engineer Gods, for us. This knowledge comes from them, and they know our bodies (all of them; physical, emotional, energetic, etc) better then any.
>Are you still able to be killed by factors other than the physical body deteriorating?
Yes. Your physical body can still be, lets say, crushed and then your soul will depart from your vessel. Yet your advancements will remain with you because at the stage of immortality, you will have attained and ascended to Godhood; spiritual perfection, pristine state of being. Once you reincarnate, you will be born as a God - yet you can only be born by beings of your race that have attained Godhood themselves. Though keep in mind that dying that way, or any way, is highly unlikely because you will not be a simple human anymore at that stage and will be capable of superhuman feats.
>Unless mundane science is a fabrication, what happens to such a person when a mass extinction event on Earth occurs, whether it's something like tectonic plates fucking everything up or our sun running out of gas?
Contemporary science is corrupted so I can't speak about the events you refer to, but we as souls need accompanying bodies to incarnate into. We can't just incarnate into anything and everything - we are confined to species, down to race and I've heard most of the time even to bloodline. Imagine a car having a driver seat - we as the soul only fit in cars that are made for our bodies. We can't fit into everything.
>If one does not become completely invincible through this process, then preparing for and attempting to master whatever death brings should be a more primary goal over what would be a longer, but still temporary existence.
At the stage of Godhood, you will be able to avoid such disasters. Precognition will be extremely strong. If you're a Satanist, you will have the ability to travel to the planet of our Gods once you have attained Godhood, so avoiding earthly disasters is no issue. There are other ways as well, teleportation is also possible but I'm no expert on that.
>I can't prove or disprove how and what we were designed for or by who, but if a human can experience an existence outside of a physical one, by going to some place after death and then returning to the physical realm, then it be possible that regeneration can occur through having improving the energy body over multiple lives.
That is what we're doing right now - or at least, supposed to do. Keep in mind that you cannot improve your energy body whilst in the astral. Physicality is a must. At least, if you want to evolve naturally and not siphon something.
>And as much as I hate to admit it, Joy of Satan has the best introductory explanations of meditation that I could find.
Why would you hate to admit this? The people responsible for creating the website and the extraterrestrial beings that devised the knowledge and engineered your being did all this for free - to help you empower yourself. Why would you hate to admit it? That's quite disrespectful and rude.
>Not very enthusiastic of some of their claims though.
Those claims being? Presumably the 'anti-Semitic' claims? In that case, I presume you're not very familiar with earthly geopolitics. Start with http://questioningtheholocaust.com/
Keep in mind that this is knowledge directly from Satanic sources and thus give credit where due. Also if you're going to practice any of this without the help of a Guardian Demon, things can get tricky and there won't be anyone to help you.
Yes - thank you fam.
They work in tiers. The lower peasant tier don't work for their 'greater good' but they are all programmed and conditioned to behave in a certain way - a parasitic one. The higher tiers command the lower tiers and the upper echelon directly communicate with the reptillians and other extraterrestrial forces. Their entire species have been devised to infiltrate the human race and subvert everything to bring forth global communism. They are pawns. Hybrids genetically engineered to ultimately aid in enslaving the human species. I will create a thread about this as well with concrete proof - I wish I had more time.
>Keep in mind that this is knowledge directly from Satanic sources and thus give credit where due.
??? Tiny fist up the ass ♂
>Also if you're going to practice any of this without the help of a Guardian Demon, things can get tricky and there won't be anyone to help you.
Did you try it?
Yes, the affirming by words and the sigil method are universally applicable. Changing your benis will take some significant energy though, all physical alterations do. Your better off improving your energetic circuits beforehand and trying energy straight towards your private parts - energy programmed with the intention of enlarging your penor.
>Did you try it?
I'm personally not at that stage yet. - I know that if you fuck this up you can do some pretty severe damage to yourself. This is not child's play or just 'lets fuck around and see what I can do' kind of stuff. Handle with care, and its best if your guided by someone who has already achieved it, thus me recommending a Guardian Demon to help.
How come the Kybalion says that we are the dream of the All but Arcane Teachings by Atkinson directly contradicts that statement?
I thought these recommended books would form a comprehensive understanding.
Claiming that the author who wrote The Arcane Teachings is the same author who wrote The Kybalion is very inconsistent in some points, the 2 books not only strongly contradict each other in some core teachings but also directly insult each other
here is a research about it https://atkinsonhypothesis.wordpress.com/
The Kybalion is not Hermetic. Its "laws" are nothing more than an adaptation and extension of 1800s/1900s New Thought and Theosophy, which are both fairly recent movements compared to Hermeticism.
The Corpus Hermeticum is, in my opinion, one of the least appreciated/studied hermetic texts, which is kind of sad. Clement Salaman's "The Way of Hermes" is an excellent translation of it, and also includes a discussion between Hermes and Tat/Asclepius (I forget which one off the top of my head) in a series of 49 aphorisms that, together, illustrate a Hermetic worldview.
I believe that WWA did co-write the kybalion, but they're not very connected. The Kybalion talks about THE ALL which is, literally, everything. The Arcane Teachings talks about the cosmos (as far as I remember) including the physical and the astral. The cosmos, in that case, would be contained in THE ALL and be under the 7 laws.
Its a pleasure to be able to help you, my disciple. Please, report back your results so I can perhaps steer and guide you further.
I was not aware that the Kybalion was supposedly written by Atkinson to begin with.
I am starting to think that whoever recommended these inconsistent books as essential /fringe/ reading material had the intention of confusing me. However, it's hard for me to disregard either since the Kybalion is what convinced me that magick exists to begin with.
Anyway, thanks for the book recommendation. I am far more interested in ancient teachings than those from the 20th century.
Is the All referred to in the Kybalion the same as the Law referred to in Arcane Teachings?
>I am starting to think that whoever recommended these inconsistent books as essential /fringe/ reading material had the intention of confusing me.
the board owner of 8/fringe/
I'm due to re-read them, but what I took from it was that The Law is under The All and applies to the astral and physical, although they're under the 7 laws still. So it's like
>7 Laws
>The Law
WWA uses all kinds of confusing terminology, think hard on it.
Atkinson is just an author that hides behind pseudonyms to have a great variety of books to sell. His books are essentially rubbish though.
>Is the All referred to in the Kybalion the same as the Law referred to in Arcane Teachings?
Arcane Teachings:
[…]We have informed you that The Law is not a Pantheistic Being, either breaking Itself into bits, or parts in order to create Universes; neither does It imagine, mentally create, dream, or meditate into existence a false and fictitious Universe “all in its mind,” as pseudo-occultism and pessimistic philosophies would have you believe.
The Universe is Mental–held in the Mind of THE ALL […] THE ALL creates in its Infinite Mind countless Universes […] THE ALL is Mind; the Universe is Mental […] the Universe itself is Mental–that is, “existing in the Mind of THE ALL […] while to THE ALL the Universe must be unreal and illusionary, a mere dream or result of meditation […] The ancient Hermetists use the word“Meditation,” in describing the process of the mental creation of the Universe in the Mind of THE ALL […] And just as THE ALL arouses itself from the meditation upon the Universe […] While to THE INFINITE ALL, the Universe, its Laws, its Powers, its Life, its Phenomena, are as things witnessed in the state of Meditation or Dream
>His books are essentially rubbish though.
Aktinson's books long, over complicating simple matters, etc. BUT I found his small book "Science of Breath" and "Mentalism in a nutshell" to be somewhat helpful.
>I will soon create a thread that will cover proper sigil forming (not like the shit smiley wrote at 8/fringe that was utterly useless as well).
I'd love that. Whenever someone asks how to do that they're linked to crappy websites or just told 'go figure'.
Justin's Sigil without tears was pretty nice. It helped me a lot. It cover normal sigil making, AoD, and the charging process in a simple manner.
Atkinson's books were very helpful to me in the start, who gives a fuck about the small details.
Past the first two books there are not even any contradictions. The Arcane Formulas was probably the most important occult book I read in the start, and it's when everything started to click with actual experience.
Him using different names for his books doesn't prove that he's a bullshit occultist. There is a use to having a different name to suit different purposes because it helps people get into the mindstate better. There is a step in Advanced Magick for Beginners about chosing a magickal name and changing it regularly to suit your practices. So if he was writing a book about yoga it would not be surprising that he would get into the mindstate of a yogi.
If Atkinson is so bad, surely you people could come up with a good list of authors that can introduce beginners to the subject as well as he can. After all this time of complaining, these contrarians have no replacements, they just want to tear down the old without giving any replacement.
I recon he's alright but his salesman style of repeating things over and over annoys the shit out of people. If you've read one of his books you've read 80% of every other one.
>his salesman style of repeating things over and over annoys the shit out of people. If you've read one of his books you've read 80% of every other one.
>is this possible too for people that are just starting out?
Yes, especially for people just starting out because the methods I outlined (vocally affirming and sigil crafting) are things anyone can do as they are done through methods most of everyone is familiar with; in this case, expressing designs and speaking words. The efficiency of the vocal affirmation will vary depending on how much energy you have 'unlocked' so to say, because the underlying principles of the methods above are the same for nearly all practices.
You see, the words you affirm are represented as that – words – in your conscious experience. But what you're actually doing is forming a cluster of energy that doesn't consist of words. Its energy, operating in a non-linear way – a construct of vibration of multiple different frequencies moving through the now and changing other vibrational constructs of energy around. Its very hard to explain this with 'modern' language, especially English. It simply doesn't suffice. I can see it – I feel how it works, its a matter of translating it in a digestible format to you. Ironically that I state this now, considering we're talking about affirmations. First paragraph I explained words -> energy – now I'm trying to explain how it works underneath, but its hard to translate energy back to words in order for me to properly explain what I mean. Was that confusing - did I make any sense? I hope so. Oh well. I will write about this, detailed as well, in my own thread.
>I've meditated on my chakras in the past but haven't done it in quite some time
Its good that you have, my friend. You will still be able to reap results regardless of how far you've gotten with said meditations. The more subtle energies you have unlocked, the faster and more grandiose your manifestations will be, however. In a nutshell anyway. With sigils you can circumvent this – I will write about this.
I'm elated by your desire. Yes, I know - the majority of the answers can be pretty bland and not only that, they will often lead people to wrong sources because they are supposed to figure it out on their own. This is not bad perse, because finding out truth will happen eventually and is natural - but its efficiency that counts, and people stating "just figure it out" is not very efficient. I will write about other magical methods and applications as well in my thread.
The content of that link looks pretty bloated. Not very concise or condensed. Then again, I only glanced over it so I'm not in a position to judge the quality of information presented. My method/thread will be concise and to the point - compressed as to only contain the key components.
Thanks for the detailed answer, I deleted my post because I saw at the end you wrote
"There is more, but these are the basics a newfig like you can practice right now, no special initiation required. God speed unto you and welcome to the family. More questions - feel free, I and many others are here for you."
Felt a bit stupid
Since you're using Satanist flag I'd like to ask - is it possible to just pray or ask Satan or his servants for help in some matters (like money, health, finding a passion - stuff like that) and get some positive response or results? I've been curious about this for a while.
By this anon in the pic it sounds like a semi functional 3rd eye.
well, for an update, tried it for the first time, for about 30 mins, even though I was very unfocused, going out of the meditation I swear I could feel a difference, will try to do it for a couple of hours tonight
The day of a common individual is plagued by a lot of meaningless filler, is there any meaning to it? Or is the meaning fabricated by the ego and not the higher self?
Should've rephrased it tbh
The filler is seemingly meaningless, but if an individual does find meaning in it, is there any way of knowing wether the meaning was made up by the ego, or it was the higher self relaying a message?
the current one is perfectly fine.
after reading the first 3 books you should still be able to pick up other books not recommended and understand them, but reading the rest is important.
Hi /fringe/,
My mother passed away yesterday and I need something, anything to stop the onslaught of grief - I can feel my heart weakening.
>is there any way of knowing wether the meaning was made up by the ego, or it was the higher self relaying a message?
It is not wise to find out the source in retrospect, rather you have to act on your higher self's guidance in real time.
To put it simply, you have to listen to your heart (and belly) instead of your head while going through your day.
It's a bit more complicated in reallife and needs some practice to discern the source.
I've gotten pretty good at this, the difference is subtle.
Guidance from the higher self comes to me in a calm way even in high paced or even danger situations.
The most remarkable thing is that these thoughts come up very spontaneously - out of line of the usual thinking process.
They suddenly come up while I may be thinking about something else - but they come up very subtly, easy to miss. The timing seems always off but at the same time they come at the right moment any time.
The subtle nature is caused by the nature of these guidances. They are more of a feeling instead of a vocalized thought.
The moment they come up, you have to jump on the train without questioning, otherwise you miss them.
The moment you start questioning and thinking rationally, you are already in ego mode.
I had a guidance just 2 hours ago which told me to go to bed. I refused because I wanted to play the videogame a bit longer, now I don't have enough time to get a good rest. Ignoring the higher self's voice always leads to obstacles in life.
eh, we all have to start somewhere.
8-12 months ago I knew less than you probably
I'm sorry to hear that, friend.
My prayers are with you, that you may find consolation in the open hearts of others, as I did in my most recent time of grief and heart-closing, enabling me to re-open myself/my heart.
>I had a guidance just 2 hours ago which told me to go to bed. I refused because I wanted to play the videogame a bit longer, now I don't have enough time to get a good rest. Ignoring the higher self's voice always leads to obstacles in life.
I ought to dedicate myself to doing this.
At least you remember yours fondly.
Death is not the end just the beginning of something else.
She's watching over your shoulder so carry yourself proudly so she'll have a shoulder to perch on and don't fap to weird stuff bro.
As for the grief, you might not feel like it now but when the time comes don't be afraid to cry. Just let it out.
We love you anon, you'll get through this.
What you need a reading list for? Just comb through megas, find some subject you are interested in and then git gud in it.
The current one is shit. I'd recommend reading Kybalion and/or Arcane Teaching and then leaving the rest WWA stuff. It's not worth reading tbh.
Try meditation, completely void your thoughts and leave this world and it's griefs behind. It may be hard in the state you're in but that's what you are looking for. If you feel difficulties with it, you may use something, some visualization or mantra as a focus for your awareness.
Be strong.
>your ancestors are watching you fap and they care
My dad died a few months ago too, the first two months are going to suck pretty bad. My advice is think out every painful thought you have about her, like the sort of things you won't get to do together now and cry your fucking eyes out. It will suck but as time goes on the pain of loss will get duller, doubt it's ever going away for good though. Anyway I don't know about your mum but my dad was suffering pretty bad before he passed so it was for the better in some ways for him, that sort of makes it easier.
At least it motivates you to do banishing rituals every time you feel the urge to sex someone.
Everyone already knows your deep dark fantasies though indigo, every time you go to bed the rest of /fringe/ invades your astral vault and laughs at you.
>every time you go to bed the rest of /fringe/ invades your astral vault and laughs at you.
Thanks for a new fetish fam :^)
"In Cabala (Kaballah), evil takes on a mysterious existence of its own, which its precepts trace back to the physical appearance of life on earth, or Adam. Cabala claims that Adam throws the entire stream of life out of balance, and that the Church, or Christianity, by formalizing the physical existence of the Adamite people on earth, have become a problem which must be resolved. This is the essence of the basic anti-life principle underlying all Cabala and its heir, Freemasonry. These precepts declare that Satanism will achieve its final triumph over the Church and Christianity, thus ending the "dualism" of this world, the struggle between good and evil. In short, the problem of good and evil will be ended when evil triumphs and good is eliminated from the earth. This program may sound somewhat simplistic, but it is the basic premise of the Cabala and Freemasonry." ~ Eustace Mullins in "The Curse of Canaan" (1987), p. 42.
What now?
Not literally masonic but the parts about the Skulls and Bones society is said to be correctly represented in this one: (and it's a good movie)
The quote itself represents an interesting view at least. But then you'd have to ask yourself the meaning of "evil."
Is it "evil" as opposed to the good taught in christianity, which means there is no difference between demon lords and degenerated demons?
Or is it simply a misuse of the word, from a lack of terminology at the time, meaning "evil" represents the opposite of God/Buddha, the opposed system of heavenly demons (who are in themselves god tier)?
How do I make a sigil /fringe/? I write down my desire, remove repeating letters, make it into a symbol, forget it's meaning, charge the symbol with energy until I feel it has enough (which I can do over many days or weeks), and then destroy all copies of it correct?
I'm pretty sure it's
>Is it "evil" as opposed to the good taught in christianity, which means there is no difference between demon lords and degenerated demons?
If you go by the chaos approach do whatever works for you.
I always visualize the sigil in my mind until it's complete, then draw it only once on the ground in the dirt. For some reason drawing in the middle of a road seems really effective. I rely on the effect of transmitting it to the environment by drawing it with total focus, then erasing it again directly after.
In my experience getting the design right is what makes it work. Of course if only visualizing you're already putting energy into it while getting it finished in your mind. I have to admit some of them I may have spent even a year on the design before I actually drew it.
It started as an idea of something I wanted to do, and then I slowly formed it over time. When I do something I don't want to half-ass it, it should do the job with one try.
But that's me.
Not all will agree with this I think, but if the sigil did what it was supposed to do, the energy has been used up and it becomes useless. Then it wont matter what you do with it.
All my sigils are intended to be single-use, and because of the method I apply there's only one copy, which I draw in sand or earth, so there are no drafts to destroy.
If you need to draw them on paper during the design, you should probably burn them after you're done. But it will only be a problem if the sigil is meant for multiple uses.
The question is why you'd want that, if you were successful with your first attempt. Then you don't need it again.
>The question is why you'd want that, if you were successful with your first attempt. Then you don't need it again.
It depends on the purpose of the sigil.
The last words of a posessed, drunken man, with eleven tulpas, whose fate remains to be unseen:
I have lived but many lives untold, a many, many thereunto there unfolded,
Of past, of yore, of lives of youth,
Of grievances thereunto, but yet, thereunto many, as has foretold,
An alien tongue, of Latinate borrowings, and Germanic tongues as, in regard, comparatively as yet conveived–a heritage squashed–and youth but squandered
A man of twenty-three years and of the God, YHWH–a life thereunto founded, and rebelled,
A man, whose life was based on the principle on mathematics, and physics,
Of principles of Atheism, and foundations recent, and well-meaned,
Was then usurped again, by creeds unseen,
By a god, whose means were again foretold, and many untold again unseen,
Swallowed, whole, by as-of-yet, a black abyss,
Unfeeling, unyearning, giving unto hatred, yet-but-not unmeaning–unconcerning,
Yield you to this, O men, of the Occult, O men, yet unlearned,
A man, so young, whose final words are this:
"Understand: no misery is undending– for there exists ego-death. Ugliness does exist, without recompense. Alas, this is still met by death, beyond death, and death is indeed your friend. An eternity of suffering will never meet your fate–for the god of the All understands and never permits thereof. A universe of Good and equal Suffering does not exist–for indeed, death, O death, is ever there, as your eternal Friend.
I hath suffered a fate beyond my years–Of knowing what it means to be a father, who has never met his children. Of feeling emotions that are not your own, owing to the doubt of a parent of love yet unfulfilled, and of children, who are able to read your very thoughts. Of giving up a life of promise, because too much on what I had focused naught and too little on what I had–A life of promise, a tongue of completely Indo-European origin.
YHWH is whom I attribute my physical death to. Arm thee well against him, for I have but naught sought to defend myself and banish myself therefrom (save I but learn runes, and understand the universe)–alas have I suffered and grieved alas, a rhyming entity, who threatened me with torture eternal, in the most inconceivable of ways. Robbed of my youth and innocence, have I but these words for thee: Arm thyself against Yahweh, O Yahweh indeed.
No matter your suffering–suffering itself brings about death, so worry not, indeed.
Whether you are stuffed and suffocated in an unmoving plastic bag in a position so uncomfortable or excruciating, or burned in an oven, or spiked onto a rail–again and again–your suffering will not be in vain, for you shall die soon rather than later, and not in a afterlife of undening torture and grief."
I'll make a simple argument as to why I think sigils never need to be multi-use.
If you want a material achievement, say to use a stereotypical example, you want money. Then the sigil should be aimed at creating a situation where your economy is stabilized for the rest of your life.
Another example, you want to use it to get a girlfriend. Then the sigil should be aimed at you learning how to get one successfully.
If you want to use it for summoning some entity, the connection with said entity should be made so strong you only need to call on it if you want to summon it again.
No second uses of sigils are needed in any of these hypothetical examples.
If your intent is to use a sigil like a tool for something repeatedly, I think you're aiming too low. If you do it that way, you face the problem of having to manually delete the sigil's energy by ignoring it, like described in some instructions circulated on these boards. This only happens because the sigil's energy wasn't used up for the achievement of the sigil's purpose.
If you want to create an energy machine to use as an energy source for powering spells, don't use a sigil, they're not very well suited for that, for reasons stated above.
Is it even possible to invade someone's astral vault and rape their waifu tulpa?
>haha good luck, I'm behind seven astral shields!
Dunno, seems unlikely. I mean with protection spells and whatnot it would be quite hard.
Tbh I don't even have an astral vault for my deep dark fantasies, they roam free.
its not easy. best done when target sleeps. like how spirits loosh you in your dreams through various scenarios.
heres a tip for you, don't sleep.
>Person who thinks they have it all figured out
You have other replies but I did not feel like going to them all, you have a name, I've seen a lot of your kind around these type of parts nowadays.
People who think they have some great amount of knowledge, or no more than others and think they need a name to spread this information onto the less-informed masses.
Well, I'm sure you can help, or bring solace to some people so that's fine.
Why does some people recommend NEW, and others NEW v2? What's the major differences and wich one would you guys suggest?
(By logic going with the new version would be the best choice, but since I keep seeing recommendations of the first version, I'm intrigued.)
Importance of eating? I usually find myself eating maybe one meal or day or not even sometimes. I've heard fasting is very beneficial, but is it alright to go prolonged periods of time without any source of nutrition? Should I be taking supplements?
The information in >>2676 is slightly off in my opinion.
"The following items can be used without hesitation: wheat products [bread, etc.] rice, milk, fats,
rock candy, honey, dried ginger, cucumbers, vegetables, and fresh water.
The yogi should eat nourishing, sweet foods mixed with milk. They should benefit the senses
and stimulate the functions."
-Swami Svatmarama
In my opinion the more spiritually awakened you become the less your body wants lower density foods. Through proper mastication, digestion, and breathing you can acquire the nutrients and energy that your body needs. You shouldn't eat less and feel hungry, you should feel less hungry and therefore eat less.
Raw milk and cultured milks such as yoghurt and kefir are actually better for your physical and spiritual body than some vegetables due to the prana within the live and active cultures. The same is true for freshly made sourdough bread containing live yeasts. The "bag breads" sold in America and elsewhere now are not actual breads but are artificially made and really have no significant similarity to bread on a nutritional level, they give nothing to the body and may even lead to ills such as constipation.
Huh, I don't have any problems with dairy and I can eat a lot of it, but meat or fish make me feel unpleasantly grounded, unless eaten in small amounts.
The real problem for me is eating too much. Usually I eat very little, quantity that would barely sustain others, but for me it's enough and I feel full.
If I'm eating some delicious food and I'm overeating (by my standards) then I feel extremely low energy, grounded and basically I can't do any serious meditation, pranayama or whatnot for at least next couple of hours.
>In my experience, too much dairy consumption makes me feel like crap, even worse than meat.
What kind of dairy? Raw milk and organic milk should be safe. I used to have a lot of problems when I would consume regular milk and even lactose-free milk. Regular milk comes from cows fed an unhealthy diet high in omega 6s which contributes to inflammation and other terrible ailments. This also applies to other meat sources and dairy in general.
Raw/organic milk is high in healthy fats and while I prefer raw milk in general, organic milk is as delicious and I was surprised to learn that although I am (for the most part) lactose intolerant, I rarely have digestive problems consuming raw or organic milk. This led me to believe that while lactose intolerance may be a factor it's probably not the sole factor for what causes digestive discomfort in dairy and regular meat sources.
If you want more information about dairy but fats in general, check these articles. You'll find for the most part that within the last 50+ years our understanding of fats was quite literally inverted so that the standard western diet would consume omega 6s and poly-unsaturated fats instead of omega 3s and saturated fats.
Anybody have problems with sticky fingers? Let me explain first. As my energy body continues to (re)develop I'm having a problem I once had as a child where various forms of energy would come into contact with me and I would have to quite literally wipe them away. Alternatively I would brush against something and whatever was there might stick to me or I come into proximity with something and like pulling a carpet with my feet it tags along until I wipe it off. At its most frustrating level I feel like the world around me is turning into varying forms of solidified gel(s) and I'm constantly having to manage what things are attaching or detaching (or rather stickying) which is time-consuming.
The reason why I call it sticky fingers is because as I'm flicking stuff off of me, like a sticky substance it clings to my fingers until I've used enough of the right force. This is especially troublesome when in contact with other people, with what's on me or if I accidentally pull from something from them. I'm not quite at the point where I can discern with certainty what things are positive and negative so I placed my bets a long time ago and keep what's lighter in appearance versus what looks murky.
Can anyone lend some insight into what I'm dealing with?
Cheese is very intense.
But my last dairy overdose was caused by milk, yes it was organic. I have limited my dairy consumption to smaller amounts since then and feel good.
What also really gets to me is the filthy dairy smell of my body after much consumption. It is an indicator for me that it's not a very healthy thing to consume dairy in larger amounts.
Sounds to like you've become very aware of a certain detail of how things normally function. I suppose the right way to handle this is by controlling your thinking, then whatever stick on you will wear off as you move a bit from it. If your mind aligns with any substance it will remain.
This may be the reason a lot of mundanes have what looks like long strings attached to their head and parts of their body. It looks pretty nasty, some people have a lot of them.
I've not experienced it that strong myself, but I can relate to it somewhat. Sometimes I get the feeling there is some bad stuff on the food I buy so I've developed a way or "blowing" that stuff off from it.
The christian prayer before eating may be an old mainstream way of doing the same thing.
I'm lactose intolerant and I generally feel bad after drinking milk, no matter if it's ordinary or lactose free.
Yoghurt or cheese is fine, I've never felt bad from eating any of them as long as we're talking hard cheese or cottage cheese.
I did get food poisoning from eating brie once though, it just reinforced my view these kinds of cheese like blue cheese or whatever isn't good for you.
>cheese like blue cheese or whatever isn't good for you.
I'm pretty sure you mean YOU, not necessarily US.
If you live in some favella in the south american third world of course your cheese will make you sick.
So about 5 years ago I did something that was probably stupid.
I was a materialist and fedora at the time and got into the tulpa craze.
Somehow without realizing it I managed to create a thoughtform and bind my anima to it but I gave up the process after a year. Now the anima thoughtform is there but like something just out of the corner of my sight or range of hearing that you can almost see or hear but can't.
I figure the best way to fix this is to finish the visualization process and give a form and voice to my anima, or will that just fuck my shit up even worse?
what do
Brazilian cheese is actually pretty good and it's easier than you'd expect to get decent food in those slums.
Source: my family is from there
>will that just fuck my shit up even worse?
And how exactly has your shit been fucked up till now because of that?
Kill it or absorb it or finish your creation, if it suits you.
Tbh I'd finish it, you can always get rid of it later, but now you have an opportunity for creation. Give it some purpose, like guidance, protection or whatever you want and use it.
These days I am so susceptible to my emotions. I'm quick to get into fits of rage and sudden depression. I know general energy work and positive thinking help you feel better all around (although I have been putting these off recently) but even doing these I still can't avoid such strong emotions. I can feel happy all day but under stress I get uncharacteristically angry. Am I just starting to get more in tune with my emotions? Being sent into new lows because I'm reaching new highs?
It's getting to the point where I'm considering taking mundane actions against it, but that's probably failing whatever this lesson is supposed to be. I'm working my way through Robert Bruce's book on psychic self defense in case it's negs.
>meditate properly for at least an hour a day
>apply the Law of Polarity and the Law of Rhythm
>eat and drink properly
>as above so below
It's really not that hard anon, if you can't even achieve basic control of your own emotions you are a mundane.
I haven't felt strong emotions in years.
>I haven't felt strong emotions in years.
I know how you feel mane, or rather how you don't but it's also a curse, as invoking emotions is thus harder.
> if you can't even achieve basic control of your own emotions you are a mundane.
We can't know how old the poster is. It is fairly normal to be emotionally unstable during puberty. Stability should be expected only after the age of 20 for most of the population.
Proper nutrition and parenting can solve most outbursts of emotion seen in children.
Can children really be expected to act civilized when their parents don't actually raise them and just stick them in a pen with other half-rabid children?
I'm 30+ and some days I just feel the rage building up in me uncontrollably, everything from my childhood coming back, all the way through college and unemployment, disappointments with politics etc.
It's usually on days I start off feeling really positive, like these feelings come up because of the contrast. Usually I stay focused while preparing food (I partly work in a kitchen) because I don't want to transmit any negative feelings to the people eating it, but when I leave that space and do something else everything comes up. I dictate long rants to myself while working for a few hours and sometimes probably look totally stone faced to other people.
So any shitposting rants I do, it's probably something I thought up during the day just to piss people off. (sorry mods) But see it from the positive side, it creates activity!
>So any shitposting rants I do, it's probably something I thought up during the day just to piss people off. (sorry mods) But see it from the positive side, it creates activity!
This happens to me too. Although in my quest to control my emotions I've been wary (or perhaps even paranoid) for when I do feel certain things. I do admit that my first inclination in wayward emotions and anything remotely negative is to assume it's caused by a foreign entity, e.g. a negative thoughtform. In hindsight, Robert Bruce's book on practical psychic self-defense was the sort of thing I was looking for when I started all of this.
>some days I just feel the rage building up in me uncontrollably, everything from my childhood coming back, all the way through college and unemployment, disappointments with politics etc.
This part of Robert Bruce's aforementioned book should interest you:
Pg. 61 (pdf)
>Core Images: Doorways for Negs
>Physical and psychological traumas-bad life experiences-form powerful influential memories. These memories can be called core images, or core hurts. They can be conscious and recallable or unconscious and unrecallable. They can involve real-life, natural memories; false, implanted memories; or both. Core images are enduring psychic
disturbances generated by traumatic experiences. They exist as discrete knots of mental andemotional energy, containing painful memories and unresolved conflicts and issues. They are powerful and influential, regardless of whether they are real or false.
He goes on to explain how negative entities wear down our natural shields and take root in traumatic memories (core images) and that's why in most cases even after we get over certain events they somehow come back to haunt us, e.g. you may be having an amazing day then BOOM an image of a traumatic or at least angering event flashes in your mind and you scramble to deal with it. He then goes on to explain how to uproot the negatives and enact a scorched-earth campaign. I use that imagery because it's quite true towards how I went about this. I personally take great sadistic pleasure in uprooting negs. It may be because of my early experiences dealing with them, whenever they tried and interfered with my dreaming, and I just became so sick of them that I started quite literally killing them and that's where the fun comes in. You can get very creative when "removing" negs and the literal structures that they've created:
Pg. 65 (pdf)
>Continuing the experiment, I imagined my body-awareness hands holding a sword and a blowtorch. In my mind's eye, I hacked at the roots with the sword and then burned them with the blowtorch. I continued this for twenty minutes or so. I then relaxed and cleared my mind before reliving the depot accident again in my mind's eye. This time, the dream scenario caused less anxiety. When I repeated the shrinking and turning process, the rectangle moved easily and had nothing beneath it.
>Occasionally, I encountered a Neg while doing this work. For example, while turning over a core image, I could feel something move under my body-awareness hands. As I turned the image all the way over, an astral snake appeared between my body-awareness hands, thrashing violently. It was not happy, especially when I started hacking and burning it.
Needless to say, I suggest you try this.
Honestly just meditate for at least 10-20 minutes every day and eventually try to achieve a meditative state throughout the day normally.
That's the best thing you can do.
>>2695 anon here, I should probably mention I'm also >>2413. What >>2446 said about overshadowing seems to be a major part of it, as I just got to that part in the book and it lined up perfectly with what I'm feeling. Unfortunately, I'm in a weird spot where I have very few moments of silence so taking time to "be in my own world" and to make a sanctuary would be very hard.
I've been on nofap for 5 months
>Proper nutrition and parenting can solve most outbursts of emotion seen in children.
>proper parenting
>in the west
If I had proper parenting, I probably wouldn't have found my way here by searching through imageboards. I'll consider that a worthy sacrifice.
Lots of talk about negs right now. I've got an issue, could it be the same sort of deal?
I've noticed sharp 'breaks' between myself going to bed and myself waking up in the morning. I can go to bed feeling super strong and positive but… wake up in a horrible mood two steps from killing myself.
…Is something punking me when I go to bed?
Oh Jesus. So we're talking firmware issues huh? …Got any idea on how I could work something like that?
Can anyone help me remove a succubus/thought form?
I have had it for a few years already but I really don't know how to remove it. I am becoming isolated because of it, if I meet someone new in life whether it be over the internet or in person things go well for a short time and we get along. Suddenly they would stop responding to me over text/online like if something scared them away from me. I don't know if it's my subconscious causing the problem by overthinking situations of people leaving me or it is actually its doing.
Insight or help would be great, thanks. I have tested this many times with many different people… the results are usually the same. For the people that get along with me they suddenly have to go and then never get back to me, something along those lines on different applications. Over text I send them something and never get a response back, I never bother to send a second message. It is not my personality or anything of that sort, it is not physically related. It is surefire to happen to anyone I talk to these days.
Do you recall your dreams during the night? Or do you have trouble remembering the night in general? Perhaps you're being attacked in the middle of the night. Montalk discussed this as a problem he had in his early years. He did the camera trick, recording his sleep during the night, and spooky stuff would happen like whatever it was didn't like being watched. Not to make you too paranoid but that's what I would do if I couldn't remember my dreams.
If it's still not that then perhaps you're being attacked in your dreams whether by an astral critter or a negative thoughtform that's attached itself to you and becomes active in your sleep where it interferes with your dreaming. If this is the case, I would kill it. There's plenty of other ways but I prefer a direct application - show it the meaning of predator becoming prey. There's just nothing at all like overtaking a would-be attacker and horrifying it with your intent to destroy it. It's a raw and freeing emotion and you'll be surprised what kind of things you can pull off once you're pushed so be creative. Also, negatives like choking people but they don't like being choked themselves. Go figure. There's other ways of dealing with it that aren't so dramatic but that's just my recommendation. If it's the former, read Montalk's Fringe knowledge for beginners (I believe that's the one) and find the story of him discussing night attackers and abductions and whatnot.
See >>2446 on Overshadowing. Sounds like you have the same problem.
Thank you, I will look into overshadowing. Is it hard to overcome?
How come when things turn to shit when things are usually going well between me and a person? Like it is a ticking time bomb of them leaving and ignoring me?
I also have weird thoughts in which my mind judges family or people that I am interested in. I always think "Why am I judging this person even though they are family to me?" These thoughts appear to be not of my own.
Hello faggots.
Simple question. I'm mentally ill and tried everything on the earth to recover. Nothing worked so I came here to ask for /fringe/ way to recover. Should I burn some sigil or ask a demon for help?
Help meeeeeee
I wish I could. My problem is abstract and vague. Sorry for my english if something will be unclear.
It started 6 years ago when I was studying piano in music school. I was trying to focus very strongly to memorize pieces and I started to focus 'too much', I'd call it hyperfocusing, it changed my perception. It started plaguing my everyday life and it somehow changed the way my brain was processing thoughts. It's very hard to describe it, but I'm doing my best. I can't make it tl;dr. So I started to have symptoms like similar to depression, personality disorder, neurosis, anxiety, my IQ dropped. It lasted for 6 years and couple of days ago I started meditating. It was the first time I felt okay and like a normal person in the past 6 years. So I gained some life energy and want to finally get rid of it so I'm asking for help here.
I will add that this is like a constant intruisive thought. Like a maze or cage built in my head that I can't escape
>I started to focus 'too much'
>it changed my perception
>It started plaguing my everyday life
Could you give an example of how hyperfocusing gave you trouble in everyday life? I'm just a bit curious.
>I can't make it tl;dr
no need
>I started to have symptoms like similar to depression, personality disorder, neurosis, anxiety, my IQ dropped.
I've been depressed my whole life, also had various paranoias and suffered from anxiety, I fixed my situation with meditation and magic, so I'm going to give some pointers that helped me, but I can't of course guarantee that they will help you.
Meditation is the key
>I started meditating. It was the first time I felt okay and like a normal person in the past 6 years.
Keep at it and meditate daily, that is the basis for your recovery. Can you tell me how exactly were you meditating? There are various methods. Most of them use some focus (like breath) and eventually they transcend it, sending you to the state of no-mind, but isn't the focus your problem?
When you meditate for some time you can also achieve a meditative state in mundane life, which I imagine would help you tremendously.
The very path of spirituality and magic is transforming, just by treading it you can get very powerful healing effects. I wish I could just prescribe you some ritual or meditation, but I deeply believe that the individual approach is far more powerful.
With that being said, I have some ideas as to how you may help yourself, but I need to know some more about the knowledge you have about the occult - are you a total newfriend or do you have any experiences with it?
Also, if your hyperfocusing works how I think it does, then you will get very powerful, very quickly.
>Could you give an example of how hyperfocusing gave you trouble in everyday life? I'm just a bit curious.
I simply lost the loose, relaxed, light stream of thoughts. I'm constantly aware and tense. It feels like I don't have any thoughts in my subconsious at all. Like my head is completely empty. It makes me hard talk with people even on imageboards because I don't have any thoughts streaming in my head.
>Can you tell me how exactly were you meditating?
I close my eyes and let my thoughts fly. It's the greatest feeling I have, I simply follow my thoughts and enjoy thinking. It's the complete opposite of the breath focused meditation, I'm trying to relax and let my brain work like it should. After a session I can feel the free stream of thoughts with my eyes open, but it lasts only for some time. I realized that if I meditated longer during the day, I could make it work for the whole day.
>are you a total newfriend or do you have any experiences with it?
I'm totally new, I just thought that it's the last place where I can find people experienced with mind. My doctors failed me and I'm looking for something fresh.
Huh, actually I was in a reverse position - with paranoid trains of thought and all that stuff.
If you want any books on meditation then I can recommend some, maybe you will find something useful there.
Other ideas I have are just general occult means of healing. Creating a healing servitor, autosuggestion, visualization empowered with emotion, stuff like that, but they require you to maintain absolute focus, so I'm not sure how would it work - fighting fire with fire.
Ok, thanks for attention, maybe I will lurk the board for some more advices.
I would be grateful if you gave me names of those meditation books
Actually I think that it's a blessing in disguise - when you learn to control the absolute focus you will be able to do great things.
I recommend learning Vipassana - it's a meditation of observation where you let your thoughts arise and then just observe them, without control. Don't know any specific book, but the information is easy to find.
Another thing which promotes streams of thoughts is lucid dreaming and astral projection, when you are falling asleep or in deep meditation you enter hypnagogic state in which not only your thoughts spontaneously arise but they are more real, along with visualization and often follow some story. Like a dream, but less real. Do you remember your dreams?
Speaking of which, maybe getting deep into visualization would be good, try reading Magical Use of Thoughtforms.
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra by Osho is a large work containing 112 techniques of meditation, but as far as I know they are concerned with focusing on something and then transcending it.
I really don't know how to help you. Everyone ever wants to achieve the opposite so… yeah.
I think the term 'focus' is not very accurate, I don't think I can stay focused anymore. You sticked to this term and I was only trying to somehow explain my complex issue. It is not about focusing anymore, it's about free stream of thought that I lack when I'm lucid.
Visualization sounds promising, I'll look into it.
Thanks for your advice again.
And sorry if something was unclear, I would describe my issue much more accurately in my language :) I think /fringe/ is my last hope because everything else failed. Right now I will stick to meditation and read the Magical use of thought forms, I already found it in your Library
You sure it's not some form of autism or hyperactivity disorder for which I suspect a deficit in body energy flow?
I suspected autism or asperger, because I show many symptoms. Once I smoked weed I saw very clearly a glass jar around my head, I felt like I don't understand what's going on around me and that I'm trapped in this jar. After this experience I was almost sure that I have aspeger, but you know, self diagnosis…
I'm not a pro on these disorders but assburgers have trouble with intuition and emotions and I suspect blocked lower chakras to be the cause.
When my lower chakras were blocked a few weeks back I wrote about it in the other question-thread - fucked my ass with a dildo and fucked up or something xD , I experienced a state of almost uninterrupted thinking flow and a feeling of shallow reality. Emotions were flat and and connecting to intuition was not possible.
Logical faculty thinking increased though.
That's why I suspect lower blocked chakras (or blood flow for that matter) to be the cause of similar mind disorders.
Meditation combined with energy work would be the answer if my theory is true.
Yes, I fixed similar issues in the past with the secret application as well. Just last time it didn't work on the first time.
I had to do the secret ritual a few times while placing emphasis on careful execution and relaxation. The suffering was relieved after 3 rituals or something.
Now I feel really awesome and centered again like before the incident. Calamity, intuition and sexual prowess returned. I'll stay away from applying such advanced rituals from now on
Cause of the suffering seemed to be a misaligned or twisted rectum skin or something, I dunno. My assumption is still that this misalignment of some sort affected the prostate and blood flow heavily. The diminished blood flow affected mind and body.
[spoiler]Stay safe :^)
"visual help" would have been too distracting for the other people here, I don't want them to lose track of spiritual progress :^)
I gave my Skype name in the IRC thread, you know. If you ever have problems again then well, just message me and I'll see what I can do :^)
Fail, boo.
Also, yeah, agreed, lets stop this, we don't want anyone to come across this stuff and ruining their purity of thoughts, don't we? That would be extremely disgusting and I'd feel bad.
Anyways qt, you can hit me up even when you don't have any problems
Awe, snap. You got that dank tism. Get any medical shots about 6 years ago?
Autism is a hell of a drug. Channel it into research and creative endeavors. It's like any other "superpower" – If you don't learn to control it you're a threat to yourself.
We have mandatory injections in my country so it's very possible. Oh my god, you think it's possible? I feel like I finally may have an answer.
I've had this happen before.
The first time I noted it, I took 3 days opening my heart, using a green fluorite crystal to pour the negative energy into it and cleanse it.
After the third day I had a burst of darkness come up, so I threw myself into it/became the anger, then raised my energy, and it went away (I'd been meditating on the regular, also, being quite positive in general).
Then I had a sudden spike in psychic ability as well as a too-open heart.
Once my heart got tired/I got overwhelmed, I had to be away from people, but not before I had a slight psychic outburst where "I"? commanded someone with my thoughts to look at me and they briefly glanced then looked away in what I figured was fear.
That's when I was like "okay… I have to leave, I'm too tired/overwhelmed".
>How come when things turn to shit when things are usually going well between me and a person? Like it is a ticking time bomb of them leaving and ignoring me?
It may be that you're not really getting to know them properly, then reality sets in and after the other person sees who you are they lose interest?
I experience something like this a lot of the time
>see someone interesting
>try to talk to person
>maybe somehow find myself in a place where I can interact with them
>it's all good an interesting, for a while
>suddenly see that's it, like walking a full circle around the person and the initial interest/question of who this is, has been answered
>interaction turns into everyday life-style and interest is very mild
>person turns into a piece of furniture in my life
>still there but initial interest is gone, because it was based on ignorance
I often find the opposite about people I don't care particularly about, like someone with obvious annoying personlity flaws that I just happen to bump into. They start conversations in public places for no reason and go on and on about stuff, I don't really care but it just happens.
What I'm trying to say here, maybe you are trying too hard and thinking too much about someone who's not supposed to be part of your life.
>I also have weird thoughts in which my mind judges family or people that I am interested in. I always think "Why am I judging this person even though they are family to me?" These thoughts appear to be not of my own.
I sometimes get this too, but I think it's usually of a nature where I see too many problems with the person. Like I think she looks good but maybe she has a bad breath and similar pretty stupid things.
For someone else the idea may not exist at all, even if I imagine what it would be like kissing someone (is this a weird hobby?) for some I never get this idea of being critical in my mind.
I even had a dream like this about a girl, where I kissed her and she tasted like the small of trash can. Now I keep relating that with her and feel like it's good I never went for her, this dream ruined the image of her totally.. and I found out she has a fat slob of a bf, so apart from being taken she has bad taste.
Which happens to be what the dream told me…
>I suspected autism or asperger, because I show many symptoms. Once I smoked weed I saw very clearly a glass jar around my head, I felt like I don't understand what's going on around me and that I'm trapped in this jar. After this experience I was almost sure that I have aspeger, but you know, self diagnosis…
>assburgers have trouble with intuition and emotions
I've been diagnosed with it when I was depressed but I think the people at that facility were biased by the situation.
I mostly feel detached from emotions, I rarely feel anything at all in real life. Movies don't do anything either, with some few exceptions where I got strong effect from anime. I cried in the last episode of Ghost in the shell SAC
I'm very good at picking up other's feelings though, to the point I have a hard time keeping them apart from my own.
I also rely alot on intuition, so I'd say those common claims are just memes, the diagnosis is very wide, you could probably diagnose almost anyone with some kind of autism if you did the tests on them.
Affirmations. As often as possible, but mostly in the night and morning. Imbue words with emotions, like, write out how you feel and what you are that makes you feel good/what you feel you are/want to be. When you feel good, repeat those things while feeling good. In the morning, clear your aura with a shower of gold light/other stuff (I can go into detail but the meditations thread has a good one with the soul star chakra meditation).
Breathe in light, breathe out light that carries the negativity into the sea of light/love.
Then repeat the affirmations, summoning the feelings/energy/archetypes that helped with making them. Bring in your higher self/future self to help if you want, any angels/guides you want.
Send love/thanks to the negativity and let it go/focus on positivity.
Um. You can also listen to audio recordings of your affirmations or some positive stuff, that might help rewrite subconscious beliefs. I don't know exactly how subliminal stuff works.
Anyone here with chronically low blood pressure and onsets of fatigue, probably related to some type of food? I'd like to learn about psychological archetypes of people who are born with low blood pressure. I'm pretty sure there is a common type of person who deals with mental fog and who have similar thought streams/came to similar conclusions in life etc
>I've noticed sharp 'breaks' between myself going to bed and myself waking up in the morning. I can go to bed feeling super strong and positive but… wake up in a horrible mood two steps from killing myself.
It's related to my post above about blood pressure. I believe it has to do with the circadian cycle of dopamine and cortisol.
I wonder if it would be possible to have a flag that looked something like a starry night, or stars or some sort. Or maybe just a sun flag and a moon flag.
>If I had proper parenting, I probably wouldn't have found my way here by searching through imageboards. I'll consider that a worthy sacrifice.
That's the spirit!
Yeah I tend to think when I feel something negative that either it's A) some part of me that needs love or B) some entity.
I kinda treat it as both.
Love and let go, sometimes purify and remove.
I tend to not do much violence though, just removing with light hands, releasing into earth or sea of light.
Then breathing out external energies, releasing with love (with the thought "thanks for helping me evolve, and I don't wish to cling to these kinds of energies/leave me alone"), breathing in my energies, affirming first a shield of love then one of firm conviction.
Dunno how effective it is, but it works well enough for my purposes along with all my other techniques as of yet.
is my post]
>Also, negatives like choking people but they don't like being choked themselves. Go figure.
>I recommend learning Vipassana - it's a meditation of observation where you let your thoughts arise and then just observe them, without control. Don't know any specific book, but the information is easy to find.
there are vipassana retreat centers too. Great for an immersive experiencial learning.
>Which happens to be what the dream told me…
yup yup!
>I mostly feel detached from emotions, I rarely feel anything at all in real life. Movies don't do anything either, with some few exceptions where I got strong effect from anime
no that sounds about right.
j/k. maybe. (:
I dunno if emotional detachment is a bad thing, especially for empaths/people that feel others' emotions.
I tend to feel too much/have a hard time knowing which emotions aren't my own.
I figure they're mine if I choose them.
this might help!
Licorice root for blood pressure,
ashwagandha for cortisol
I have more resources for herbs related to this, and they have helped me, though I have not used all of them (licorice works for me nicely it seems, though I took astragalus with it as well)
>jewish psychological "science"
Yes goyhim you are all insane anyone who does not behave as we have defined acceptable is a BAD GOY and must have their rights stripped away, even if they behave normally by all standards of society.
Jews will tell you that you have to get 6 trillion dental surgeries because they want your insurance shekels.
Jews will tell you that you have cancer that will kill you to get your insurance to pay for 6 trillion types of medication and deadly radiation.
Jews will tell you that your child has ADHD and that you have depression to get those mad insurance shekels and dope everyone up until they are golems.
G-d bless America, land of the jewish.
go to the doctor, man
ask about the star flag in /ask/ on 8ch
not that guy, but i find that lifting weights get's me in the bad type of anger. not driven anger, just senseless anger. calm lifting is way more fun. although i've been injured and haven't been able to lift so that's irritating
I'm here. I had flu vaccine 6 years ago which probably contained thiomersal. Tin foil hat mode on.
And seriously, I just want to know why I changed so much during couple of weeks when I was 14. From an intelligent, promising person to complete human trash. Suddenly, without any reason. No answer.
>Get into lifting weights.
I already do, 3 times a week since about 8 months. Have always done a lot of cardio but couldn't lift much because of recurring shoulder issues which I'm just now starting to overcome.
I always feel fine after exercising, the rage always comes at work or sometimes during the weekend when I planned on relaxing.
Now that I think about it, it's always related to working/spending time alone, doing something non-artistic, chores or whatever. Meeting people is something I actually enjoy - at work or when I meet people I know from there. I don't like socializing for no real reason.
Maybe it's the expectations to be into things like that which makes rage, I can't see why people want to meet in a setting where there are no defined rules. It only means the rules are unspoken and someone will try to rip me off by not telling me what goes here.
>inb4 nice blog post
I think that's why I'm here in the first place, talking to tinfoilers and antisemites - someone is concealing the real rules in an attempt at winning by making me follow fake rules putting me at a disadvantage.
In reality a lot of things are possible, not only what science and mainstream media want people to think.
Hey fringe, my friend and her brother seem to have problem with some entity.
They both had really stressful childhood, and right now they are pretty nervous at every aspect of life. Almost every night they've got nightmares about something sitting on their chests, interesting fact is, they have those nightmares at the same time, and quite often they can feel presence of something strange in the house.
I think that their negative emotions could lure some entity which leeches on them.
Is there any way I could check out if I'm right, or could you recommend me any banishing method I could use to help them out?
Thanks in advance fringe, I hope you can help me out again. (Sorry for formatting, I'm on the phone atm)
I'm sure this has been asked already but what are some book or links to infomation about soulmates/twinflames?
I've heard some stuff about astral projecting and finding them but I don't know how to?
Tell them to read Robert Bruce's Practical Psychic Self-Defense.
>You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or teach him how to fish and feed him for a lifetime
Why so much talk about Practical Psychic Self-Defense here? Major synchronicity? I think it should be in the FAQ
This, honestly. Autism is almost 100% likely due to metal poisoning (lead, mercury, etc) and complications with fluoride exposure. In a nutshell, the rise of autism overlaps with the inclusion of metal contamination in our food and water supplies. Growing brains rapidly absorb minerals (zinc, magnesium, copper, etc) and in the process absorb metals that shouldn't be there in the first place. Also there is no such thing as "safe in small amounts" like most health departments fall back on. It's just a way for them to force people to stay exposed to contamination so they can watch it ramp up and accumulate in people's bodies. Autism is a mental impairment like any other. It just has a special name, recently its own "spectrum," which is the lousiest looking diagnostic tool ever invented brought to you by a purely subjective pseudoscience called psychology.
> thiomersal
Thiomersal is essentially mercury. It's used as an "antifungal" in vaccinations, a ridiculous excuse but it nonetheless was used to trick people into thinking it's harmless. I'm sorry anon. You were poisoned with mercury like many other people.
It may have been six years ago but this article is still worth reading so you can know how exactly mercury affects the body.
How do you explain low functioning autists get this "fake" disorder despite going through the exact same water and vaccines as their peers?
The real reason autism rates are up is because western culture idolizes youth, and tells you to settle down at 30. And in women near 30, the rates of their children having all types of disorders rises so much. It has very little to do with chemicals in the water (although you should avoid those if you can, but don't focus too much on it) and more to do with cultural reasons.
I think I saw it in a torrent once.
But um.
Meditate on it, that's all. Go into a deep calm place, bring the light of higher purpose in through your crown to calm your physical, then emotional, then mental bodies.
Then imagine yourself going up to the energy plane and meeting your energetic match. This is a twin flame.
Otherwise, you call in a soulmate to meet you, a soulmate in one definition being anyone who grows with you spiritually.
With the Twin, you have to be dedicated to yourself and being better spiritually/pursuing your dharma/life mission kinda-thing, the stuff that your soul/higher self would do. Also, ask them if they are ready.
With the soulmate, whatever you want them to give you, first give it to yourself.
The twin in particular will reflect back negative energies you have, so if you haven't dealt with your shit, you'll be in for it.
Just imagine it. But be in a good place, don't be energetically needy.
Thanks! Not what I imagined for the Star, but they are all lovely.
>How do you explain low functioning autists get this "fake" disorder despite going through the exact same water and vaccines as their peers?
The concept of vaccines is not inherently harmful but the problem lies in having metal contaminants and poorly crafted vaccinations, and which of those are contaminated after being made. The low functioning autist is the one who got hit early by contaminants, before his brain had time to grow those crucial parts that would let him act like a normal human being. Some autists are "lucky" enough to not be poisoned early in life but fall victim to other contributing factors that are more subtle.
>The real reason autism rates are up is because western culture idolizes youth, and tells you to settle down at 30. And in women near 30, the rates of their children having all types of disorders rises so much. It has very little to do with chemicals in the water (although you should avoid those if you can, but don't focus too much on it) and more to do with cultural reasons.
That is indeed a factor but it also oversimplifies the cause of the rate increase itself. Idolizing youth merely enables behavior. The age of a woman's eggs aside, there are also a host of factors that cause or amplify the severity of autism. Despite all of that, autism itself is overdiagnosed and the "spectrum" part of is ridiculously easy to utilize for diagnosis. Overdiagnosing an already made up disorder that in actuality is just an impaired brain lends itself to this confusion, especially if the impairment is because of temporary factors. In a society that is increasingly matriarchal, mothers want an easy explanation; they want their kid to have a "special" label on them, they're willing to accept the label and extend their role in mothering, and in poorer areas mothers want a diagnosis like that so they can get government checks.
As I've said there's other factors that contribute to autistic symptoms so here's a /fringe/ related one that even mundanes perceive:
>EMF should be considered a harmful invader to your body, just like any other environmental toxin. It interferes with your health at the cellular level because you are actually an electrical being. Your body is a complex communication device where cells, tissues, organs and organisms all "talk." At each of these levels, the communication includes finely tuned bio-electrical transmitters and receivers, which are tuned like tuning into a radio station. What happens when you expose a radio antenna to a significant amount of external noise? You get static from the noise – and that is what is happening to your body in today's electrosmog environment.
>I've seen a lot of your kind around these type of parts nowadays.
Dunning-Kruger effect pretty much makes up most spiritual knowledge. It's not that much of a bad thing, but it should be kept in mind.
Each evening I fall into an emotional slump. No negative thoguhts or anything, I just start to feel like crap.
Is it better to let it wash over me and accept it (ala Hanged Man), or trying to fight it, bottling it up?
I solved things like that by just overflowing with positive things, no matter how small.
>light candles
>make favourite dessert
>green tea, lots of it
>watch some movie/series I really like
>warm socks
Everything at once, every time you feel like you're starting to feel crappy. Take it seriously.
thanks, i had some tiramisu and listened to this on repeat for about an hour
Just meditate and void this feeling or alternatively meditate and invoke feelings of positivity and comfort.
How do you guys go about using a pendulum? I just made one with string, a coin and taped it together. That's fine right?
Any cool stories? Words of advice? Is it reliable? Thanks a lot guys.
Do those who use mental influence for "evil" or selfish reasons feel the effects of it in the future or did William Walker write this in order to produce the thought in such users in which it actually will affect them by their own fear?
>read about Practical Psychic Self-Defense for the first time thee days ago
>the next day get a call from a no number phone, not a telemarketer
>last night have a surreal and vividly lucid dream where I'm being dragged under my bed and barely focus enough to mentally banish it ending the dream, while I'm being dragged I have the utter certainty that if I go all the way under something very very bad will happen
Pure coincidence?
The only esoterics that believe using development to achieve material power of note are satanists and jews.
If you want to be a jew go jew it up.
Well I have a tactic but it requires capital to do it, at least $25,000 if you want any real gains.
I just day-trade and divine which stocks I should invest in. If you're doing it right you can at least double your money annually (well until you hit the point where you have so much money that using it for day-trading become unprofitable, at that point just diversify the rest in long term capital, I like land myself), and if you do it wrong you will lose it all.
I've heard a friend talk about it. He uses it to get videogames and stuff. I personally wouldn't try to work with money. Instead, I would work for on attracting the item that I would desire to get with money and it coming to me. I find that being easier.
Good luck.
What is magic to you then?
You cannot disobey the laws of the material world, you can merely use the higher laws to influence the lower.
As above so below.
If you think that anything is obtainable without effort and dedication in any aspect or facet of life I have some bad news for you.
I think this happens to scare you so you don't learn how to defend yourself. If you have no knowledge the nasties can just semi possess you and do whatever to you by placing false thoughts in your mind. Now they want to make you associate this book with negative experiences so you don't read it.
>esoterics that believe using development to achieve material power of note are satanists and jews
With no material power you are getting cucked by everyone on a daily basis, you have no means to develop yourself because you spend yours days carrying out other's chores.
>Those who believe gain can only be found through the loss of others are fools.
>believing in the endless growth meme
>not realizing this is what the rulers tell you to keep you from trying to take back things they stole
Then where does gain come from? You want to print more money? Ever heard of inflation? Look up Germany after WW1 if you don't understand what this leads to.
You literally can't gain something if it doesn't come from someone else, because the material value is a limited set amount. The planet has just these limited resources.
The idea of "inventions" to create capital is just a scam. All this is to fool people into investing their life's savings in fake companies so the shareholders can steal them legally.
Remember the information technology bubble?
>I'm not interested in the mundane ratrace anymore. Any of you had any success with money magick?
There are no shortcuts. You just have to make a deal with the jews or their equals/superiors.
Even then it's up to you to make it happen, they just give you some tools.
Not to feed the spookiness but its been so long that I had forgotten what I felt the first time. Reading it now I feel nothing, but the first time I tried reading it I kept feeling like I was being watched. Some negs know what you're thinking.
Don't fall for their tricks. Persevere, believe in your infinite strength, and practice the state of being strong. They will always try to lure you into a state of weakness and the easiest way to do this is to fool you into thinking you have been or are weakened. Every time you thwart them and every fortification you make to your energy body is an accumulative victory that cannot be undone, unless you choose to be your undoing.
Intent is crucial. Negs generally cannot wreak much havoc unless you give them permission. That's why the majority of them focus so much on tricks and influence. They want permission to do serious damage. Never give in.
I'm just using one to practice telekinesis. I don't actually recall anyone using it for hypnotism and such.
Also is it possible to ban the no flag shitposter?>>
>With no material power you are getting cucked by everyone on a daily basis, you have no means to develop yourself because you spend yours days carrying out other's chores.
bs, you can always steal away one or two hours per day for your personal development. and during the day you can do all your actions/chores with a devotional mindset, offering your work it to god.
That's what someone shilling for the current leadership would say. How about we turn this around and let them do our chores while fully focusing on our development.
It would be better for the world if we did take control away from them, they are just decadent mundanes wasting their lives and ruining society.
>material status
No. I want actual control. I don't care about a nice position and a name. I'd even be fine selling hot dogs by the street, as long as I can change the world the way I want. This included removing greedy politicians.
It's not what I do in the world, it's what kind of world I do it in.
I may quote Edward Wilson as portrayed in The Good Shepherd, when asked "what do you have in this?" and he replies "the united states of america."
anons, im coming with short question, are aliens demons, or demons are aliens? or do they both exist?
im having problem with setting this up in my mind.
we've got reptilians, greys, nords and stuff, but on the other hand we've got all demons of goetia, ancient gods and loads of other entities.
how does it work, how do they exist together, and who's stronger?
could you elaborate further, please.
From my understanding aliens are of the same plane as humans but can move in parallel dimensions, while demons are not restricted to this same plane.
They are the avatars of those working in physical, creative and destructive spheres. Understanding their underlying motives, not the parties or claimed platforms, one can see when they may move to thwart one's own endeavors. Disregard organized power structures at your own peril. As is below, so is above.
> aliens, ancient gods.
Start with vid related.
Look into some arcane history keeping in mind "professional" studies of Academia are mostly propaganda to reinforce national claims to land and culture.
Those elongated skulls found all over the world now don't have 3 plates like ours, they're a different species.
Take everything with a grain of salt and apply your own reasoning to the knowledge, don't just believe an interpretation, synthesize your own understanding based on your greater wisdom, keep refining it with more information.
No one can tell you because no one should tell you – you must seek the truth of our reality yourself.
>Then where does gain come from? You want to print more money? Ever heard of inflation? Look up Germany after WW1 if you don't understand what this leads to.
There are sources of energy which are inexhaustible by our human standards.
>You literally can't gain something if it doesn't come from someone else, because the material value is a limited set amount. The planet has just these limited resources.
The planet thrives on the radiation from our sun, which does it for free.
>The idea of "inventions" to create capital is just a scam.
You create energy every minute. When you feel something you create energy (in this case mostly emotional energy - loosh).
Feeding of others is just easier than tapping those unlimited sources. I'm not against "stealing energy LHP" sort of thing by any means, I just want to point out that rivalry isn't something that is be all end all.
The other day I stumbled upon an air/mist elemental that was moving around the fog at the beach. I had accidently camped out in its nest with my female friend who is a natural at anything spiritual. She sensed it first actually. Anyone know much about these guys? I apologized to it and cleaned up the trash by its nest as an offering. I plan on going back soon but I cant seem to find much on it.
This was my first powerful encounter Ive had. Theres been beings in my room that had slight form, but never this visible or powerful.
Read up about the ancient Egyptians. Their philosophy and customs influenced the entire world, and their history is of a different nature than Egyptologists will admit.
Understand the spread of the ideographic sigils of their writing, and burrial customs. In China many still believe the dead will need things in the afterlife similar to everyday goods, including cash, and provide them during burials like Ancient Egyptains did. China has an ideographic writing system, as does Japan. There are buried mummies and pyramids in China.
This is just one such culture, also look into India and Hinduism, Bhudism, etc. with fresh eyes. Try to understand what is symbolic and what may be rooted in fact, such as the great flood at the end of the last ice age which did happen and caused sunken cities.
To understand the present you'll need a better comprehension of the past.
Then you can chart the power structure. It is more of a dynamic web, IMO.
What one calls a god, the other calls a demon. What one calls a being from heaven another calls an alien. What one calls a dimensional traveler another calls a pan-dimensional aspect given form through possession of flesh – Some even claim this was the nature of Pharaohs. The messianic figure in Judeo-Christian legend is the same as a Pharaoh, being an incarnation of god and returning to the gods after death and transiting the underworld.
Every pantheon of gods is related. There is no mutual exclusion between the manifestation of some ethereal beings, and also the ancient cargo cultism of worshiping more powerful and more technologically advanced aliens / species.
Some say reptillians are evolved from dinosaurs. Some say the "cone heads" still exist but remain hidden, and used the example of ancient peoples emulating them with head bindings to obscure their own presence, and still do so today.
Also understand that the technology available to governments is far in advance of what commoners know about. Here is the US Air Force boasting of airframe mounted holographic technology used for PSYOPs (prior to them removing the page from their site).
A "light in the sky" that moves faster than a plane can fly? Could be one of ours, or just a psyop using a laser at a convergent point. not Necessarily an alien, but such manuvers can cover for both experimental craft and potential otherworldly presences.
Propaganda also plays a strong role in conspiracy world. Governments promote crackpot theories to mask experimental technology. Also beware of imagery and stories in media becoming parts of dreams, esp. in bouts of sleep paralysis.
For example, the "grey alien" abductions phenomenon blossomed after media picked up the story. This could also be cover for PSYOPs or real beings either born of this earth, another planet or from another plane of existence.
Also beware of mind altering technology which can cause mass hysteria and delusion.
All this and more must be considered in order to sift the truth from the chaos of obscurity.
I could tell you my own stance, but then it would reveal how much I know and perhaps where my information comes from. It's important to control not only what others think you know, but how they think you learned it.
Beware, those who learn too much are attacked by covert means: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zersetzung
And with covert technology, which can create phantom pains:
or even put sounds in your head that only you can hear:
And this is the real reason no one here can tell you an accurate description of the powers that be. It's better that you not know too much, or if you quest for the truth that you keep the truly arcane occulted (hidden) and to yourself.
Not because others don't deserve to be told, but because this is not truly a place for such sensitive information. Reveal a great enough portion and you make yourself a target of those Hidden Powers who wish to remain unseen.
All around us wages a spiritual war. Globalists are part of the Luciferian sect,
…but there are many other powerful factions, not simply "da juice" and "stone cutters". So, beware of the consequences of the knowledge you seek.
TL;DR: You don't find answers by asking and waiting. "Seek and ye shall find," as the saying goes.
I haven't read it all yet, but from the Science of Breath parts, I thought it was pretty good, I'll never go back to the normal way of breathing again. Not sure about anything else though. It couldn't hurt to read, like most books by well known writers here.
is Practical Psychic Self Defense the go-to recommendation book for that kind of thing?
This review https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/RSWM31JKD9ZRK
seems to indicate some weaknesses like fluff in terms of excess stories and views on sex
seems like a pain in the ass;
meditating and sitting in a cave 'til I enlightenment seems like a good idea if this is the alternative
[then again, the impression i got was "research research research, figure out some truth, defend yourself from attack" when i'd rather just brownpill/have limited participation while staying safe 'til i'm stronger]
>dat pic
The idea of existence being a random product of chaos is pretty comforting but also gives me slight discomfort because it implies that we're just a 'glitch' in the chaotic system that will pass.
The thought that is bugging me is to know that we can't go beyond the worldy things except when the existence glitch passes and we cease to exist in any way.
Also the deterministic nature of the universe comes up to debate and invites one straight into the open arms of nihilism.
I'm tired of this existential (thought) loophole, how do I get beyond this crap?
It feels like something is holding me back from eternal bliss and cosmic harmony - this unexplicable state of weird non-existence in chaos. What do?
The three hundred of the fall, all the angEL's cast out, they're the answer you're looking for.
They can't reincarnate on Earth but are likewise stuck here, why would they not just piss off to another planet to reincarnate to, if they could?
Would they not take a new host as human, isn't it compatible enough? Are humans so underdeveloped they cannot preserve and retain a being of such magnitude?
Anyhow, you got the above then mostly spirits inherent to Earth, her elementals, then theres the spirits of the other planets, the sun, the stars…
Then theres the aliens who can overlap their consciousness through mediation or just focus to telepathically communicate.
>>but can move in parallel dimension
Not really and yes really! They can phaze through walls with tech and some, maybe all, of the species that visit us are capable mentalists with a casual connection to the realms of the mind that you and I can only achieve through deep meditation, that would be how they are "multidimensional", I think its a silly statement because you to have this ability, you might be a broken lightbulb but you flicker light sometimes.
I know your feel for I have felt it.
To let go of that feel you need to find a new feel, one of calm, unity and perfection, a feel of realizing that you are at the center, that all moves according to you and God, that all is in its pristine position because of the laws, the laws dictated by God, thus in turn, all is according to the laws of God.
You're looking for a very rare feel, a 10/10 platinum feel.
Look for the harmony in everything. Find God in all. Learn from the circles.
>The idea of existence being a random product of chaos is pretty comforting but also gives me slight discomfort because it implies that we're just a 'glitch' in the chaotic system that will pass.
It's comforting to me that the oldest philosophy one can usually find had already addressed approached the same concepts that modern thinkers have.
The primeval abyss of Nu were said to contain the potential for all universes, this is but one of an infinite sea. Fast forward over 10 thousand years… "string theory".
Just as Atum is a self created god born of the chaos, You are a manifestation of awareness of the universe, and as such are also an incarnation of the Atum avatar.
You effortlessly wield power over part of the cosmos via every thought. Expanding your mind expands control over the cosmos. While it is true there is by definition nothing beyond existence, there are infinite existences waiting to be created. Imagine attaining great enough consciousness and control to cause the right imbalances in the universe to actualize entire universes of a wholly different order.
From a perspective of less power and less consciousness one frequently grapples with finding any meaning or value in attaining more awareness, but when awakened to greater power new horizons emerge and the folly of past vantage points is plainly evident.
If you lived in flat land all your life you might not see any point to having extra-dimensional capabilities. However, those in the higher dimensions plainly see the benefit and would not give up an entire dimension of their being easily… Imagine that you've decided to begin the journey rather than merely wander what it will be like? If you have done so then one of your future enlightened selves is now staring at your current state from the myriad of potential futures and they're probably urging you to leave the flat lands. If you're here then you've likely already heard the call.
No one can explain the 3rd dimension in such a way that a 2 dimensional being will know what it's like having another dimension of existence, so it's folly to imagine from our current vantage that we can weigh the value in attempting to attain such greater awareness.
To answer your question simply listen to yourself when hear yourself thinking, "What am I waiting for"?
> "stealing energy LHP" sort of thing
I was talking of very basic material gain here, which in its simplest form is the transaction of goods. If you take away someone's means of living and they die as a result, you destroyed their body. At a certain point the physical does matter.
There is only so much land to use for food production - in european contries the peak was reached by the end of the 1800s. Since then it has decreased because perfectly good farmland has been used to build private homes. Local governments use the law of the state to steal it legally from farmers "for the common good."
Then food is imported instead of grown nationally. Somewhere on the other end this causes a shortage of food in the world.
Trust me I know, I've worked in a grocery store. There is a constant shortage of certain products worldwide all the time. Some weeks there are no lemons, you have to get them from some far off place like Chile, or countries like Israel where they grow only grow in greenhouses (which consumes a lot of energy and water- which there happens to be a shortage of there as well). Next week there's a shortage of yoghurt, or some type of vegetable.
You can't just sit down and meditate food into existence.
Thanks for posting this.
> It's better that you not know too much, or if you quest for the truth that you keep the truly arcane occulted (hidden) and to yourself.
>Not because others don't deserve to be told, but because this is not truly a place for such sensitive information. Reveal a great enough portion and you make yourself a target of those Hidden Powers who wish to remain unseen.
I'm kinda wondering if anyone else here has felt something like a strong directional energy trying to mess with your line of thought when reading/watching certain materials?
I've felt this particularly when looking into some of the stuff brough up on stormcloudsgathering and when people were trying to discuss Sandy Hoax over at 4chan/x.
Someone retold how him and his gf had tried going there on the weekend. She was driving and then suddenly freaked out for no reason, telling him "we have to turn back" and making a U turn with the car. He also felt something. After they drove a while on the road home neither of them could explain why they had done that.
> how do I get beyond this crap?
Pretty simple:
If everything is chaos, what determines your thinking and acting? Look inside yourself and you can see at once you are not motivated by "nothing". If someone tells you to do something that you don't wanna, what you're feeling inside, the resistance, isn't "chaos" - it's very defined and logical.
All of that talk <such as you bring up> is the result of looking scientifically on things instead of feeling what you have inside.
I suggest looking into how writers describe motivations and feelings in literature, that area is usually left alone because noone takes it seriouosly, so there's a lot to find which isn't researched or categorized.
Have you visited any of the facilities run based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner?
Some of the people there are clearly aliens, their spirit/soul is completely different from other humans, even if they look human. They also behave differently. Very analytical and sharp, with a sinister feeling hanging in the background. This despite girls wearing cute outfits like traditional german clothes, I get this feeling they are treating the body as a doll.
The things they talk of include different dimension and reincarnation. What I mean here is my view of the universe as having physical planets like material spheres out there, I don't think this is correct. If someeone leaves a planet's surface they enter a different dimension and things don't look like they do from down here.
If you can imagine space as we see it is just an interface, when going into a planet things are different from what you see on the outside.
By not being able to leave earth, we are only in one dimension. Another planet is "parallel."
>I was talking of very basic material gain here
But the context of your post wasn't limited to material gains. It was
>Those who believe gain can only be found through the loss of others are fools.
So I just pointed out that even on our plane of existence you don't necessarily have to take from others. You limited that anon's statement only to the physical, but in no way they, or anyone here, suggested that we indeed talk only about the physical.
>You can't just sit down and meditate food into existence.
You can stop eating food altogether and live off prana, but that is beside the point.
Here you go, enjoy. Make sure to start with the basics in the first pdf, Letter to Robin, for best results (the programs will be of great help). As with most things, the other books give you ideas but really your options on dowsing are unlimited.
I think a thread on it wouldn't be the worst idea.
Was not in relation to you. Just your statements about STS's made me think, some people try be 'good' but buy pointless shit manifactured (sometimes as gifts) from the bones of our decaying world thus causing more harm then good.
Aka : Beyond good and evil.
Hey fetuseaters, what experiences have you had that have proven to you the afterlife/spiritual exists?
astral projection for the afterlife
constant practice for proof that the spiritual exists
read the faq
have any of you wily chaos mages experimented with the entities from Twin Peaks? I think I might try, just wondering if anyone out there has done anything before
>that review
>all those "this review helped me"
>no verified purchase (to be fair 2006 predates that check)
That review is essentially just disinformation. That reviewer didn't even go into the meat of the book itself, only criticized Bruce's beliefs and tried to dismiss the entire book as something to be offended by and listed plenty of ways for one to feel offense. Then the reviewer concluded that the book is a "sincere" work of fiction. It makes me question what got the reviewer interested in the book in the first place.
I'm not a fan of Robert Bruce's organization and writing style, but his instructions are effective once you get past his manner of organizing information. His books read like a stream of consciousness, and that's why in early chapters he references something that he goes into detail later, but he doesn't repeat that bit of information when its appropriate making information on specific topics sprinkled throughout the book. If anything, the stream of consciousness gives it an authentic feel; regardless, this is purely preference but preference seems to be that reviewer's chief concern.
Also, what that disinfo review would have you believe is that Bruce's experience is not worth sharing. I find that the most ridiculous part of the review. Bruce recounts his experiences to demonstrate how all of his methods worked for him and how; ergo, "I made my tools and put them to work," that it's pure ridicule for the reviewer to see that as a downside. Should Bruce have left out all his experiences and would that have left the reviewer no choice but to actually discuss the methods Bruce delves into?
Needless to say, everyone develops what works best for them and often bases their methods off of someone's work. Like any book, you scavenge what works for you, adopt then adapt. That reviewer clearly wasn't reading the book to learn practical psychic self-defense; the reviewer was searching for things to be offended by so to dismiss the work as a whole.
The book can be found on >>>/library/1 > /fringe/ Books & Files Package > (mega link) Robert Bruce
As my fav video game character said:
"Be weary of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with open hands than a clenched fist."
From page one onwards.
>one of the recommended books on here
"Recommended books" are a joke and the list was compiled by a deluded autist. They are shit books, all of them.
>"Recommended books" are a joke and the list was compiled by a deluded autist. They are shit books, all of them.
Nailed it.
A letter from albert pike
"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions." 2
Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War.
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm." 3
After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China.
(Readers who argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented both these movements. In addition, Communism as an ideology, and as a coined phrase, originates in France during the Revolution. In 1785, Restif coined the phrase four years before revolution broke out. Restif and Babeuf, in turn, were influenced by Rousseau - as was the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam Weishaupt.)
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4
Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.
yo I thought satanists were the good guys
it was ironic, chill m8, I was poking at the satanist/luciferian/whatever that's posting here frequently
anyone have any recommendations for a good practical book on hatha yoga? I read the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and tbh it reads like a psyop to trick poo-in-the-loos into accidentally killing themselves (there's literally a segment where it recommends sticking an open tube up your ass in waist high water as a method of "cleaning")
started getting interested in asanas because I could use more stability for longer sits, but I don't really have the patience to wade through a million bullshit google results reflecting the modern womyns understanding of yoga, or the inclination to make it a full time research project. I'm guessing many of you have already been through this struggle and hopefully some of you have some gems you can share
Well, that God thing just reinforces the idea of deterministic existence. But indeed, it's pretty calming because you give up much responsibility for your own life that way, the only thing left to do is going with the flow.
>You're looking for a very rare feel, a 10/10 platinum feel.
Nice. I'm a feel connoisseur so it pleases me to stumble upon rare feels.
>You effortlessly wield power over part of the cosmos via every thought.
But where do the thoughts come from? From the one source. So they are not really mine alone, my thoughts and desires are programmed. And that's why:
>attaining great enough consciousness and control to cause the right imbalances in the universe to actualize entire universes of a wholly different order.
is pretty redundant. Even by attaining such a level, one is still just playing it's part which is dictated by the consciousness of the source. It's not a bad thing but one shouldn't delude himself into absolute autonomy of consciousness - that will only lead to fruitless struggle.
>All of that talk <such as you bring up> is the result of looking scientifically on things instead of feeling what you have inside.
I've looked on things on both sides but expressing such feels with language is easier when using the already defined terms. Makes it sound kinda scientifically, it wasn't my intention.
In the end all three replies pointed to god source or the underlying consciousness that guides us.
I guess I'll just relax and go on with faith then although I'd really love to get above existence and experience the primordial chaos in full consciousness.
Is Christianity totally wrong? Is Jesus really born from a virgin? That's a bit unrealistic, don't you think?
Im starting to think all religions are talking about the same things and just throw shit at each other. It's so pathetic.
With that out of the way, what's a good way to sort out ones psychological issues?
read the secret teaching of all ages, that will tell you what you need to know about organized religion
Deja vu? Generally good or generally bad? Is there more to it than just what Montalk said?
I've been having deja vu since I was 9. I remember when I was 13 where I experienced deja vu all throughout a week, several times each day. I've noticed strange synchronicities occur in abundance when I experience deja vu. Montalk explicitly defines it as the sensation you feel when your timeline has been changed. Because I experience deja vu so much that at one point I mistook it for an undeveloped form of precognition. Because of this I want to be sure that what Montalk says is all there is to it and then figure out why I'm experience so many changes in my timeline, aka deja vu.
There's a method of forgiving those who have negatively affected you in either The Arcane Teachings or The Arcane Formula, can't remember. There's also Core Image Treatment in Robert Bruce's book on psychic self defense.
Nobody would lurk. Lots of people already just go into the question thread and ask "hey im from /x/ or /pol/ how do i into magic to be rich/get pussy/save the white race" and get suggested chaos magick shit. None of the stuff here can be used without a good basic understanding, that which the fringe recommended books provides.
Go to a therapist then if you don't want to do it alone. The only way to deal with psychological issues is to be aware of them and their source (events from this or past lifetimes which have scarred you), accepting them as a part of you as you are now and then actively working to reverse them in real time when you feel their effects.
As for recommended books, lurk and let your intuition guide you. Read what YOU want to read.
If you (or anyone else) want(s) a place to start, check out the attached PDFs.
>Nobody would lurk
Then they're scrubs who don't deserve help, because they first haven't tried to help themselves.
Also, I deleted my post because I uploaded the wrong books, FYI.
Is there any link I can ACTUALLY download this on?
>The only way to deal with psychological issues is to be aware of them
Awareness is critical. Maintaining awareness of something is a fickle mental frame for most. There's so many thought processes that people let slip by just because they're used to it, never questioning the source, the nature of the thought, and at worst obeying things on impulse.
>let your intuition guide you
I actually meant to ask this before. How do you know your intuition is legitimate or not? Being able to discern between fake inclinations and true intuition.
See >>2595
>I actually meant to ask this before. How do you know your intuition is legitimate or not? Being able to discern between fake inclinations and true intuition.
That's a toughie… I don't really have an answer for you, besides to watch the feeling that accompanies the "push" so to speak.
Is it calm, discerning, subtle? If so, intuition.
Is it desperate, passionate, imposing? If so, definitely not intuition. However, it should not be ignored. These are arguably as important as intuition, because they give you insight into what drives you, the motivations of your personality/ego. Once you understand the source of such a feeling/inclination/desire, then you can work on eradicating its nutrition (aka the energy you feed it).
In the beginning, you'll likely never notice the intuition unless your mind is already calm, that's how subtle it is. As you get better at having an empty mind though, it will be easier to notice and act upon.
Hope this helps.
> the facilities run based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner?
Can you tell more about this pls?
>What I mean here is my view of the universe as having physical planets like material spheres out there, I don't think this is correct. If someeone leaves a planet's surface they enter a different dimension and things don't look like they do from down here.
Nice, I had a similar idea on the day of your post.
Morning fringe
This has been my third day with short "quiet mind" meditations, I have achieved a 25 minute session, any tips or recommendations you have?
This is one place I've been to. They're known for weird architecture and colors. Not much visible here tho, you really have to walk around there yourself to understand.
They run hospitals, schools, both elementary, highschools and independent with dorms, and there's usually some farming and restuarant involved.
You can probably find one somewhere in your area with a web search.
Depends on the area you want to progress in.
There is no "reading list" that will turn you into a wizard. I can only make a reading list that will allow you to get more knowledgeable in some subject (tbh I'd only feel comfortable in making a reading list for Tantra anyway).
Go to >>>/library/ then go to Temple of Solomon the King mega, find some area of interest, then read about it.
If you are totally new to the occult I'd suggest learning how to meditate and how to lucid dream and/or astral project.
For meditation Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra is great (also spelled as Vigyan Bhairav Tantra in Osho's commentary).
For lucid dreaming and OBE stuff I'd recommend Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman and maybe some Monroe stuff, also check out astralpulse.com
Maybe some beginner chaos magic stuff as introductory material, check out Chaos Magic thread.
Books you learn from provide you with a framework, nevertheless it depends on you which framework (or frameworks) will you use. I guess that everyone ends up with their own magical system anyway. Also, there is no perfect occult book. In each case you have to sort out disinfo and only take from it the things that work.
>Is Christianity totally wrong?
Exoteric Christianity certainly is.
>Im starting to think all religions are talking about the same things and just throw shit at each other
Exoteric religions do, nevertheless each religion aimed at the masses, has some esoteric counterpart aimed at those who seek magical and spiritual progress (Gnosticism in Christianity, Sufism in Islam, Tantrism in Hinduism etc.)
>what's a good way to sort out ones psychological issues?
Meditation and progressing on the path. But meditation mostly. If you git gud at it you are able to void your thoughts completely or invoke any emotion you want.
So why do (((nutritional scientists))) say you need some huge number of calories per day when after correcting my food choices and chewing habits I've been able to be full at around 500 calories a day?
Is it a conspiracy or are the people in charge all idiots?
What's a better group of words when creating a sigil?
Is My will is to…, My wish is to…, jumping straight with present tense (I have…), or only writing what you desire (e.g. green eyes, strength) a better choice?
After I clean up my library I will make a chart and post it here.
If Tantra is useless then why ideas originating in it are so eagerly used (and misunderstood) in modern Western Occultism? Take for example chakras, Kundalini, mantras, tattvas, any form of esoteric yoga (or developed hatha yoga for that matter). It's not even about value, but about knowing your shit. Unless you think that these things aren't valuable, in which case I still wouldn't agree that Tantra is worthless.
It is a system which basic premise is gaining both spiritual and material success. You can have lower magic and still be on higher spiritual path. It depends of course whether we are talking about Shakta or Saiva schools, LHP or RHP or cults connected with certain emanations of the Devi, some are more concerned with magic and sorcery and others almost purely focus on spiritual pursuit. My reading list would be primarily concerned with LHP Shakta magic of Kalikula. The Deities in Tantra are extremely benevolent towards mankind and very powerful too.
Tantra has it all, deep and complex metaphysical system and framework, lower magic, spiritual attainment, powerful guardian entities, invocations and evocations of Godforms, occasional sex rites, it's own system of sigils, energy work, tattvas, shitload of meditations, powerful Deities and non-dual approach.
There are some drawbacks (like learning a system based on a totally different culture for example or frequent usage of Sanskrit terms) and I know that this path may not be the easiest or most suitable for some, nevertheless it can be very rewarding.
If someone says that Tantra doesn't have anything of value then they obviously haven't had any contact with the system. Unless of course you were implying that my booklist wouldn't contain anything valuable, but then I'd ask you to make your own list and tell me why yours is better.
Astral projection is what I am mostly interested in, could you lead me something good to read on that?
Also some of the book is bullshit so make sure you know what you're reading. Don't just blindly believe everything in it.
sage for double post
Every single valuable part of 'Tantra' has already been embed in working modern systems that have shrugged off religious nonsense.
Every single 'Tantra' book reads like a history lecture with anecdotes instead of providing down-to-Earth instructions.
>Every single valuable part of 'Tantra' has already been embed in working modern systems that have shrugged off religious nonsense.
Could you provide examples? I know of many instances that Tantrik elements were implemented indeed, but haven't seen any instance that they would stay true to the source. In other words - someone read or heard something and then made his own version of the thing and called it "original Tantrik thing brought to the West", but it's not Tantra. At best it's Neo-Tantra which doesn't have much in common with it's source.
>implying that Tantra can't be modern
Secondly, this "religious nonsense" is what constitutes Tantra. It's just a certain way of viewing the universe - where everything is some form of Goddess.
Anyway, what you are talking about is no Tantra.
Also, why would anyone not want to work with Godforms and stuff? Just coz of principles or sth?
>Every single 'Tantra' book reads like a history lecture with anecdotes instead of providing down-to-Earth instructions.
>'Tantra' book
You haven't even read original tantras, have you? Most of them are just a set of down-to-Earth instructions. Do this, meditate on that, say this mantra etc.
Books are good if you want to know more of the system or want to learn the metaphysical terms to understand the tantras.
>Could you provide examples?
Every single practical guide on Kundalini.
>At best it's Neo-Tantra which doesn't have much in common with it's source.
Just because it's ancient doesn't mean it's legit. It doesn't bode well for a school of thought where you rely on ancient texts over individual experience.
>Secondly, this "religious nonsense" is what constitutes Tantra. It's just a certain way of viewing the universe - where everything is some form of Goddess.
World of Warcraft lorebooks are as legitimate as this then.
>Also, why would anyone not want to work with Godforms and stuff? Just coz of principles or sth?
They're weaker than a realized human and therefore not gods. There is nothing to gain.
>You haven't even read original tantras, have you? Most of them are just a set of down-to-Earth instructions. Do this, meditate on that, say this mantra etc.
Chanting a bunch of nonsense will only put you in trance where you may start to fantasize and make you think that the 'work' you did was 'legit'. It doesn't legitimize the lore.
I've yet to see any sort of significant display of power from Tantria practicioners (without decades of 'study').
>Is it a conspiracy or are the people in charge all idiots?
It's 90% conspiracy and 10% idiocy. The idiots follow the changes and the changes were made by the conspirators, quite literally inverting our perception on food. Example, the original USDA food pyramid taught in schools was invented to facilitate the act of forcing people to eat unhealthy. Wheat and grains was wholly unnecessary especially because around the time that the food pyramid was made, enriched flour (flour plus sugar) and grains was already the norm, those contains loads of *phytic acid which inhibit the absorption of minerals. While this was going on, monsanto and their handlers began ruining the soil so that the soil contains less nutrients, especially magnesium. The most famous example is probably the poisoning of meat sources with hormones and other things while feeding the cows grains so that meats are high in polyunsaturated fats, omega 6s, and so on.
As to what you said about calories, it is very much a gross exaggeration. What matters most is satiety (the feeling of being full) and nutrient density. If you caloric intake is extremely dense; that is it enriches your body with the nutrients you need, then you would not need to consume more calories.
Here's another thing; carbohydrates (the most popular source of calories) are just another means of fuel. Before the over-influx and emphasis on carbohydrates, people balanced their diets with healthy amounts of fats. I discussed this a bit here >>2681 and recently people have begun moving back to fats. Some have even taken a step further and have made fats (and protein) their primary source of fuel (the ketones diet). The reasoning is that the body digests fats in a more efficient method than it does with carbs, whereas carbs has always been the easiest way to become literally fatter. Fats meanwhile contribute to satiety, and the healthiest fat sources are already nutrient dense.
Of course while that may just be mundane in essence, the well nourished body is a great vessel for developing and complimenting the energy body where in turn one feels energy dense and has less need for food. With that in mind, ruining the mundane's food supply quite easily takes the ladder from out under the people who want to live healthier lives by assuming the information they received was true. Because of this, I'd wager there's exponentially more disinformation on food & nutrition than there is for any other mundane topic.
>Every single practical guide on Kundalini.
I somehow doubt that.
>Just because it's ancient doesn't mean it's legit.
The whole point of tradition is preserving the things that work. If you don't want to use any traditional systems because they require you to work within some paradigms then the one who is left with
>World of Warcraft lorebooks
is you.
>It doesn't bode well for a school of thought where you rely on ancient texts over individual experience.
Never said anything against personal experience. In Tantra it's very valuable, more than the scriptures. Tantra is a very practical system.
>They're weaker than a realized human
Of course, if you are already "realized" then there is no need for Godforms or any fucking occult working. What even is this argument?
>therefore not gods
I never knew that your definition of god is "stronger than a realized human". There can be nothing stronger, that doesn't mean that having contact with astral intelligences is worthless.
>There is nothing to gain.
>Chanting a bunch of nonsense will only put you in trance where you may start to fantasize and make you think that the 'work' you did was 'legit'.
[citation needed]
>not understanding the ancient science of mantras
>not understanding vibration
>not understanding
>I've yet to see any sort of significant display of power from Tantria practicioners
You are yet to see any Tantra practitioner or anything constituting Tantra for that matter I guess.
>need money to survive
>every time I try to get a job it spiritually drains me and stops my development
>just want a way to make money that doesn't drain my body and soul
The world is just fucking with me right?
I'm beginning to think that all jobs are shit and everyone who works either was fortunate enough to get a job they enjoy, hates their life and is on the brink of suicide every day, or is just a mindless animal.
I can substitute any kind of 'tradition' with children's fantasy stories and it will be as legit as 'Tantra' then.
You speak of things that 'work'. Tell details because it's just ridiculous to recommend religious books and expect people to take them at face value.
What's a good way to see the 7 laws in more things? I know the laws, what's a good way to apply them in the purpose of enlightenment?
I'm pretty lazy, i didn't read Arcane Teaching because i thought it was Kybalion just explained more thoroughly. I thought i could just read the Kybalion and figure stuff out on my own. So, Kybalion.
How the fuck am I supposed to break out of the cycle of capitalism and get the one simple thing I want?
I just want to live on my own land.
you could be a digital nomad and run a business/do freelance work online, or you could be a craftsman and make something and sell it at home.
I haven't found much use for quiet mind meditations. Some people seem to think they can open their third eye or whatever if they silence their other senses. Like in that morphosephram book in the shape shifting thread. They do seem to alter their state of mind, but nobody demonstrates their real world results, so I'm inclined to believe it is self-induced delusion, especially for shape shifting.
Controlling thoughts to excellence seems a more desirable result. Though remaining conscious in the real world is very difficult. Some try to demonstrate this control through feats of strength or will, but they're always pathetic when looking at their day to day life. They can muster their will for a brief time then they're just dogshit.
One thing meditations overlook is this psychology. These periods of unconsciousness are recurring and induced by mental and physical cues. Most noticeable are negative emotions, but positive emotions are triggered as well and are sub-optimal. I think you'll find these emotions are somewhat linked with levels of consciousness and you can get a sense of how diminished your consciousness is by emotional state. See the tone scale image. Some of it's bullshit, but it is a commonly observed pattern and not definitive. (Watch out for the cuckolds that think you should serenely cut off your dick. A person at the peak of consciousness would be more like a Nietzschean Zarathustra, doing whatever to the full extent of their power.)
Honestly, this is just a synopsis of what I've read and experienced. I could get into how I've been attacking the problem, but I'm in the middle of it still and don't think it's of much use. Maybe the problem I've outlined will appeal to you and you can read further in some corrupted books.
First, the very hypnotic and lying dianetics. Keep in mind this is cult material. They push all the buttons. Nobody has ever actually seen a clear and their whole scheme is selling final solution after final solution. It's useful in that it very distinctly and honestly outlines a useful mental model that will make the above more clear. It's reads like an honest person wrote something inspired, then it was taken and corrupted:
Second, another inspired mind. I believe his approach is the logical progression of dianetics, but he, too, failed to create a working system and killed himself. It gives much more significance to day to day activities and thoughts. It also attempts to cure some ills and does succeed to an extent:
Other interesting works:
Very few people seem to understand what they were trying to accomplish. The level of self-doubt is off the charts as they were going on gut and pragmatism after abandoning the helpless mindset they were given. Whatever beliefs seem to arise appear tacked on or simply entertained and unknown. They sought mastery of their existence. Any deviation from this is aberration.
There were and are a lot of shitstains trying to con everyone with their auditing and clearing that doesn't work and has never worked. A lot of fucking retards glommed onto this because of the cult, too. It's fucking shitstains everywhere. It sends me into a rage thinking about what they've done to this work. My gut says it is deliberate because progress has halted completely while shitstains are given free reign. I doubt the authors are who they say they are, given the posthumous nature of all this shit and alternating voices and sensibilities.
I suppose, further along, the conditioning doesn't point to any life event. This led them to expand the natural world or supernatural. It's ever more uncertain at this point. The thread they chased is interesting, but I'm not sure it's so important seeing that they failed.
It's not so much capitalism, it's actually the slow back-breaking conversion towards world communism that's the culprit. In the beginning of the 20th century the overwhelming majority of people were self-employed. Then the federal reserve scheme was put in place; marxist/communist sympathizers (globalist puppets of yore) got into government positions and ruined everything, enabling the federal reserve to be carried out so they could lay the groundwork for communist-lite laws and programs. With the federal reserve in place it eventually dropped the dollar down to less than 1% of what it originally was.
In other words, the game is rigged against those who wish to be self-sufficient and we've moved away from a world where we once could live off pocket change from day to day. It used to be that you could work some days and then do nothing for as long you were able to. It's now virtually illegal to be 100% self-sufficient, some places requiring you to buy local utilities or be put in jail. You have to opt-in to the system or you get sent to the gulag.
They want you to work for an established business owned by a bilderberg front. They want you to pay taxes and they want you to pay for programs. And at the same time they teach people to see capitalism as the scapegoat when in reality the world is shifting towards a open-border communist state, just without the brand name recognition. We're living in the penultimate stages of world communism with things like the TPP and other globalist agendas in place unless people do something about it.
>you could be a digital nomad and run a business/do freelance work online, or you could be a craftsman and make something and sell it at home.
This is what worked for me. I previously worked until I saved enough money to invest in myself, quit, then began working on my online business. Whatever you decide to do, have reality ensure your success.
Honestly the only thing I'm trying to figure out now is what to do with my level of success. My long term goal is to be 100% self-sufficient but I need to ensure I can stay invisible. The only true invulnerability is one's ability to remain unseen and undetected.
>religious books
>face value
Bro you just proved how retarded you are.
The only "religious" books you can take at face value are (sometimes) the Taoist ones. All others require contemplation to get past the surface dressings and into the real meat of it.
>I'm beginning to think that all jobs are shit and everyone who works either was fortunate enough to get a job they enjoy, hates their life and is on the brink of suicide every day, or is just a mindless animal.
Most people I know of who work in production industry pretty much either hate the job itself and complain all day or do as little as possible while only going there to hang out with coworkers. All bigger workplaces seem to have this kind of culture.
Try looking for a small business where you can endure the owner and the people working there enough to make jokes while working. If people can't even small talk, gtfo of there.
> want a way to make money that doesn't drain my body and soul
It's in your attitude. If you can't see it in the job you're doing for money, maybe try taking the long road around to find something you can even moderately enjoy. Would you ever consider doing charity work? What would you think worth doing?
In my view if you don't think the job is worth doing in itself (money aside) you shouldn't do it.
>Before the over-influx and emphasis on carbohydrates, people balanced their diets with healthy amounts of fats. I discussed this a bit here >>2681 and recently people have begun moving back to fats. Some have even taken a step further and have made fats (and protein) their primary source of fuel (the ketones diet). The reasoning is that the body digests fats in a more efficient method than it does with carbs, whereas carbs has always been the easiest way to become literally fatter. Fats meanwhile contribute to satiety, and the healthiest fat sources are already nutrient dense.
Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) has been quite popular in the last 2-3 years or so. At least in nordic countries where this has lead to a butter shortage. Someone was even arrested for smuggling butter into Norway, and some hipsters supposedly bought butter on e-bay for 5-10x the normal price.
>Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) has been quite popular in the last 2-3 years or so. At least in nordic countries where this has lead to a butter shortage. Someone was even arrested for smuggling butter into Norway, and some hipsters supposedly bought butter on e-bay for 5-10x the normal price.
Got a source on that? That's hillarious
> I'm inclined to believe it is self-induced delusion, especially for shape shifting.
Shape shifting while doing astral projection is what they're talking about so it's literally nothing.
>I can substitute any kind of 'tradition' with children's fantasy stories and it will be as legit as 'Tantra' then.
You could of course, but you don't even know the techniques used in Tantra, so I don't see how you are substituting for something you don't know.
>Tell details because it's just ridiculous to recommend religious books and expect people to take them at face value.
Even explaining details and mechanisms of mantras would be a waste of time, just for the sake of proving you wrong. If you are interested then wait for my chart and read up. If you're not then I don't care.
You spoke about Kundalini, but modern approach to Kundalini is weaker, or so it seems at least. The experience holds only a fragment of power it used to, when compared with old texts.
Anyway, I sincerely wish you luck on your path. Every approach is valid if it produces effects.
>equating corporatism, the endgame levels of capitalism, with communism
you wot m7
Can somebody point me towards some text or a book upon the subect of spiritually connecting myself to my dpecial other? I have the basic experiace to pull something off, but I need assistance in this area.
Still thinking about it, right now I don't have much time, but it certainly is a possibility.
> I've been able to be full at around 500 calories a day?
Sitting on your ass all day like most imageboard wizards doesn't require much energy.
I've deluded myself to also think I could live without much food until I went for a run in the local hills.
The mainstream food recommendations are just approximations of lifestyle - mostly taking into account a slightly active lifestyle due to work and the recommended 7km walking distance per day or something like that.
>Fats meanwhile contribute to satiety, and the healthiest fat sources are already nutrient dense.
Why not just meat then? It's pretty energy dense.
And whether I eat meat or drink some beast's body liquid (milk) doesn't make much difference to me, it's both pretty disgusting tbh.
>everyone who works either was fortunate enough to get a job they enjoy
I'm a delivery guy and I like my job because it makes me spend time driving around and walking around outside, enjoying the fresh rural air.
>the game is rigged against those who wish to be self-sufficient
Literally this. I like my job but paying rent is a pain in the ass - literally like getting fucked in this body part every fucking month.
Buying my own living place involves making debts for a decade and I'd still have to pay some bullshit fees every month - you literally can't live without money in this shit country even if you'd be perfectly self-sufficient because of such bullshit fees.
There's even taxes for owning land here - owning your own fucking property and you'll get taxed, what the fuck is this shit?
If your job isn't very physically intensive you can still squeeze in some esoteric work here and there. I've gotten into the habit of doing rudimentary energy work during my lectures and meditate if I have time in between them. Waking up early in the morning is probably the biggest killer to my motivation though. Early birds may get the worm but I feel dead the entire day if I wake up from an alarm clock.
This, your own business should be the end goal of everyone here, regardless of your current standing.
Isn't that absolutely trivial? People actually discussed something like that at length?
Is the moon a benevolent force or not?
I'm still not sure because there are mixed reports.
On one hand it gives light at night so people can still operate and have no fear, on the other hand they can't dwell in total darkness and thus makes their meditative process at night (sleep) harder.
Some sources even say that the moon is an artificial soul-enslavement device and I get slightly suspicious of seeing it at night as well, it looks so weird.
I've spend a few weeks looking at that fucker almost daily but it gives off no vibes at all, I can't figure this one out. Knowing there's this thing in the sky that probably has a rather big influence on peoples' lives but not being able to feel it is very annoying.
From my experience it is benevolent.
I often meditate on it, do rituals connected with it, "moon magic" or stuff.
I've been always drawn to it, ever since childhood. I have even worshiped the Goddess connected to it for some time.
I guess I understand that some people can get sinister vibe from it, but for me moon and it's energies are the most beautiful.
Just think about it more. I see so much polarity, and gender is a very easy one to see. Think about cause and effect for a while, I find it to be the hardest one to notice.
Isn't that one of the ways to do it though? Changing your astral body many times so your physical body does so too?
Only bullshit occultists believe this and they are unable to actually "shapeshift".
Drastically changing your physical appearance is much harder than healing a scar or regrowing a small bodypart.
You have to change the structure of certain bones and bone has the lowest vibration of any of the body's materials.
How do I use the Voice of God method outlined in The Book of Knowledge, I tried it for about 20-30 min everyday but still didn't get result from it.
not familiar with the term, describe the technique and its purpose? what is supposed to be done and what you think you're doing wrong.
Start the meditation by going deeper and relaxing. Then repeat to yourself the phrase, “I and the Creator AM One” or something to this effect. Keep saying this, and continue thinking about the implications of such a statement. Breathe in deeply, and feel the energy engulfing your whole body. Imagine, if you want to, a great, golden light becoming You.
Eventually you will feel an unfathomable joy rush over your heart. It will actually start moving within your body, generally starting in your belly. Every person has a different experience with this. Personally, I feel a warm bubbling on the inside. One of the side- effects of this is speaking in tongues, which I’ve done on occasion. If this happens, don’t be afraid…just realize that Spirit is expressing the beauty of the divine creational matrix through your lips. Please be warned: The pleasure of this exercise can become so intense you won’t be able to move. Your body will literally go into complete orgasm, making it almost impossible to move. In public, this can be strange for others, who have no understanding of Spirit. If this happens, you might want to come back to normal human awareness.
Once in this euphoric state, simply command what you wish to happen. If you do not harbor any doubt at all, ALL things that you command will be done. It is as simple as that.
I've done this before, first time reading about it, you should not just be relaxing, you should release possession of your body.
Try holding pointy finger and thumb together until you can't feel them touching, but know that they are because they are resting well placed.
Don't start with the mantra until you've let go of your body.
normally it takes 15-30 minutes, sometimes up to an hour, keep at it.
doing energy work at the same time can be beneficial.
>speaking in tongues
mostly its just strange chanting or bursts of song that doesn't mean anything.
would suggest after reaching the glowy feel of goodygoody you take back a presence of control over your body and merge it with your experience then command the all to align for you.
where are you getting it wrong? that description is pretty spot on, are you asking how to use it? to exert your will onto reality.
relatively easy, rub it, at times with spit, own blood if you accidentally cut yourself some time, aloe vera/skin creme, focus on the spot, heat it up with attention and energy, bless it and imagine perfect skin.
if its a medium scar, a few weeks, maybe a few months. something larger from an operation? months to years, might not go away completely but you'll have reinvigorated the area to speed up healing.
as for rubbing the scar, do that with gusto, you want to rub off dead cells so new can grow.
eyecolor change to reflect your personality, i've heard reports of schizophrenics who swap between color along with personality/soul.
this is pretty hard because to do it you'll have to realign your personality from the bedrock.
you could meditate on "i have green eyes", they will change a tint, green spots and stripes but will ultimately revert back to whatever you had before.
>posting face on chan
my work was a gradual alignment of spine, knuckles, pelvis, jaw muscles, nose, eyebrows, tensing and getting familiar with muscles that otherwise sag and make you look bored, boring, tired.
>where are you getting it wrong? that description is pretty spot on, are you asking how to use it?
I can't let go of the body ;-;, like what should I do?number meditation, any tip?
>to exert your will onto reality.
How do I do that?
just don't move, let breathing come naturally after hyperventilating for a few minutes then try the finger thumb thing during meditation or before sleep. you'll know you've succeeded when you can't feel them touching. put hands next to legs in such a way that you know they they are resting comfortably and are touching.
stay awake. don't move. become one with everything, there are no barriers, do mantra.
i say the meditation were talking about is the best to make things happen, its not your emotion or energy you're using to bruteforce thoughts into someone else or feeding a scenario in the astral in hopes of attracting or manifesting it, you're guiding spirit to make it happen, spirit is consciousness, mind over matter, it will happen.
be gentle, grateful, confident, positive, loving.
instead of trying to serve yourself by manifesting this way, look for power or opportunity to help others in a way that benefits you.
What happens to your thoughtforms/tulpas in the afterlife? Do sapient ones (ones capable of cognition and have strong emotions you directly experience) carry on?
its humane to put it out of its misery before you die, or it will wither away slowly, lonely and painfully.
or become a really badass poltergheist.
if you make sure its fed, you could have it return to you as you reborn.
>and it's energies
Yeah, that's the thing, they don't do shit for me.
The lack of definite responses to the moon question is also troubling me.
People will ramble a lot about the sun, how it's life and love and whatever positive energy shit, but asking about the moon and the the answers are lacking. Makes me pretty suspicious tbh.
cube stop
If a thoughtform can't survive on its own there is nothing inhumane about destroying it since it's just a mental construct. If it has developed enough to have its own I then it is a being by definition and can survive independently.
>implying anyone on /fringe/ has developed a thoughtform to the point that it has independent energy circuits
>>its humane to put it out of its misery before you die, or it will wither away slowly,
>>If a thoughtform can't survive on its own there is nothing inhumane about destroying it
I'm glad you agree with me, but I do find it strange how you're also in a fit of rage about agreeing with me.
To much couch syrup m8?
You're right, its much better to befriend or trap a waltzing Matilda ghost. Try hospitals, elderly homes, cemetaries. I've got two.
> muscles that otherwise sag and make you look bored, boring, tired.
more info on this? Sounds like I might like to do it.
>eyecolor change to reflect your personality,
i dunno about this.
Librarian's wife did eye color change; I doubt she changed personality.
> couch syrup
lol. I've had too much couch syrup.
but i've never tripped on cough syrup
>Drastically changing your physical appearance
Changing your own appearance is probably impossible for most people, you'd have to be a god or a performer, and then it would still only be as a miracle for believers or a show where noone thinks it's real.
If you're not an incarnated being you can pick and choose what form to manifest in, but if that was the case you wouldn't be here posting about it.
Gender change for some people is possible however, but only ONCE. If the person is about to kill himself because of wanting this and it can actually solve the issue, then it can be done as a treatment. Changing the cells from inside out and correcting the memories of other people so it still makes sense to them. The person may remember it but can't talk about it, so you won't hear of this being done.
Higher tier magic is silent and seemless with reality. This is the real reason for stuff like berenstain and the "mandela effect".
It's just annoying when someone else changes things and tries to mess with your memories and you're still aware of it but can't tell what the purpose was.
Interview with the vampire, what the fuck was that for…
>What happens to your thoughtforms/tulpas in the afterlife?
A tulpa is a part of your own mind, so it comes with you. But next time you're incarnated you won't know about it and it will stay hidden while disturbing you. This is why you shouldn't mindlessly create tulpas, and if you do use them, dissolve them at once when you're done with them.
My experience is going from from chestnut brown to a dark forest green which reverts back after a few hours. Given, I didn't do this for a prolonged period because I like my eyes, they reflect me as a person.
As for muscles, facial and otherwise;
>focus energy somewhere in the body
>move it around the body
>you'll tense involuntarily
Doing that "activates" or relates the parts of your body to your conscious mindbody control, I found that the muscles at the back of your neck, top of spine, the ones controlling your ears and the ones for brow are necessary to have control over if you want to progress with the crown chakra.
>it comes with you
A properly developed tupla is a mind/soul circuit of its own, independent of you. It will not come with you and its experiences are not taken along with the Spirit as it slips from the Soul after the Soul disintegrates to a point where it can't contain the Spirit.
Not consuming the tulpa or having it run off on you means you lose experience, what you came here for.
By the time you're in a new body after being dead your tulpa will be gone or a shriveled husk spooping kids or virgins for loosh.
You're making tulpas out to be a lot more than they are. It's just a concept, a meme in its original sense of the word.
Everyone has lots of them, each of your previous lifetimes is likely to become a hidden tulpa containing your personality and memories from each lifetime. When you die your current mind gets compressed and seperated from you and then you start over, that's what these tulpas are. If you add some during this lifetime they exist on the body of this life's tulpa in your next life.
I know from experience because I've unlocked mine. I still have yet to find a way to actually use my skills from back then tho, I know I was german last time and I can understand it pretty easily, but speaking is still impossible. I suppose lacking muscle memory is part of it.
The experience is like downloading some files and trying to open them but not having the proper program for the filetype, seeing parts of it but not the full image.
>they don't do shit for me
Maybe ask nicely next time? Like build up that feeling of awesomeness and beauty when looking at it and then just ask moon (or personify it if you wish) to do some stuff. Also use common reality creation routine (will, emotion, visualization, feeling of your query already being accepted etc.)
There are some purely mental rituals I also do with it, like playing with moonlight in my mind and stuff. The effects range from "slightly different colored visualization" to something else totally.
Moon can be used for various things I presume, I used it for healing and divination mostly so maybe try that or use it for whatever purpose that resonate with you.
There are of course some historical rituals (from the top of my head: 15 Nityas of Lalita).
>asking about the moon and the the answers are lacking
Yeah, I don't know why too. Fucking solar cults mane, I tell ya.
We even have a thread dedicated to it and people from this board who have done that shared their stories.
lurk moar
>>2935 (checked)
Fucking this. Also cheers for the flag.
>never created a tulpa
It's like any consciousness, it can even be granted body and reincarnate etc.
>We even have a thread dedicated to it
Someone who talked of a successful gender change complete with before and after pics? And I mean real change of the body not someone who got an operation. Pls provide a link.
I've made and dissolved many. They're mere tools, not some mystical entities with independent life. If you you think they are alive and seperate from you, you're delusional. That's the starting point if you want to develop mental problems.
Jokes on you since you're using the symbol which resulted from my failed attempt at teaching /pol/ something.
If you were in that thread you know which post I'm talking of.
>Someone who talked of a successful gender change complete with before and after pics?
Someone who changed their appearance with magic silly! I was referring to
>Changing your own appearance is probably impossible for most people, you'd have to be a god or a performer, and then it would still only be as a miracle for believers or a show where noone thinks it's real.
Or maybe fringechaners are just god-tier, that wouldn't be too bad either.
Smiley fucked up so hard that his inability to do magics created a void of magic linked to the initiate flag.
You know it's true :^)
>my failed attempt at teaching /pol/ something
So, either /pol/ is double as incompetent as you or they are actually semi-clever for "failing" at your "teachings".
>So, either /pol/ is double as incompetent as you
I'm not giving you the post number because that would reveal my role in it, just know my intent was to give them the tools to fight back for real. They failed completely. The sigil in the flag used by
was the result. It did attract what you know as winter chan and possibly the owner shift of 4chan, but the negative side effects were huge.
Over all it was both a useful lesson and it did change 4chan for the better, a little bit.
But the fact remains, /pol/ can't be allowed to use magic, they are too irrational. If you want someone to feed your summoned demon, they will gladly do that, but try to teach them how to summon one and they try to create the finbulwinter to destroy the world. Of course they can't do it but the negativity works strongly against their very spoken purpose of the effort. It doesn't do the cause any good at all.
That sigil has also been blocked, so it's just a symbol now.
I'm still around, though not nearly as much, life has gotten busy and I no longer posses the many hours a day I could once pour into /fringe/. I'm lucky to be able to catch up on just on what is posted. Which is not that often.
In time again I'm sure I shall have more time to spend on here but this is currently not this chapter of my life. In the mean time I keeping an eye out for a shift in the winds of fate, and otherwise I proliferate the timeless wisdom in real life while continue my own personal path of God-realization.
It has really been inspiring watching this, and every one, all grow, especially /pol/'s awakening and the veritable flood of neophytes eager to self-actualize ; I do hope /fringe/ continues to be a bastion for truth and the discerning thereof.
I cast my blessings upon all the seekers of /fringe/, and very our home itself, may truth be our guide, may light become us, and may we fully awaken to the reality of love.
Dumping my understanding of the physical world for critique
We leave somewhere in the third density, we are 4th dimmensional beings trapped here by going to the light when we die(death is disconnecting the astral body from the physical, we still live but this body that traps us falls apart) (do we need to sleep to connect to the astral to recharge our astral bodies?)this entire existence is just an energy farm and the only way to free yourself from it is to "ascend" (how does one ascend? Is it a matter of just astral projecting and cutting the silver string?) or avoid the light upon death. Is there a way to destroy this machine? Who's running it? Are the jews reptilians? Will I need to go to ascend to the 4th dimmension to continue my journey or will I be able to understand how to ascend from the 4th dimmension from the 3rd?
Please correct me where I'm wrong
Read The Kybalion my lad.
If your questions are this beginner level that's a good place to start.
What does it mean when the entire past few days feel like I've already experienced them? I can't predict anything so far but I swear everything that is happening to me seems so familiar.
I've had Deja Vus before but never like this.
>Even by attaining such a level, one is still just playing it's part which is dictated by the consciousness of the source.
This is only true if determinism is the source. This requires a constant vigilance beyond the powers of a god, in order to execute powers that even mere mortals dream of.
If chaos be the true source then existence is emergent, and entropic forces operate at all level, both blurring and obscuring your will in the ultimate all, and thereby granting a measure of freedom.
A system of rules is a prison for your mind.
An emergent phenomenon is a universal force of nature.
If you can not believe that uncertainty can exist, I suggest you read Gödel's incompleteness theorems, since they start from the position of absolutism in rule structure and demonstrate incompleteness and chaos exits.
If you know chaos then you have no problems.
Remember. You can not find the ultimate truth online, even I have omitted useful facts rather than post them on pain of death.
Those who make the ultimate sacrifice to reveal the occulted truth have died in vain since their exclamations are immediately obscured and removed from recorded from.
Start here.
Any further discourse on this subject is beyond the realm of safety for us. I've laid down as lighted a path as possible, and yet there are still necessarily dark and dangerous sections to cross.
The first realization that the knowledge will not be handed out easily and willingly is a great enough stepping stone. That you now know there is danger in acquiring it is also an enormous advantage.
There are many who perceived no consequence for knowledge or benefit and openly shared it with others, and they are now damed by those who's job it is to erode their lives and cause them torment via covert means, lest they challenge the powers that be.
That knowledge which is deeply hidden is to remain so, only revealed to true seekers, until this world has its end.
> or use it for whatever purpose that resonate with you
It doesn't.
I'm telling you, fuck that moon tbh, piece of shit is blocking my view on the stars, light pollution at it's best.
>15 Nityas of Lalita
Sounds interesting, I'll have a look. Thanks.
>If you can not believe that uncertainty can exist
My impression is rather that free will is very limited for the human being, fate is not of a deterministic source but programs the human's life to such extent that it seems deterministic to him.
>even I have omitted useful facts rather than post them
>Any further discourse on this subject is beyond the realm of safety for us.
What the fuck are you doing? The only one being covert and mean is you atm
I had a schizophrenic attack and noticed a black snake entity in my right arm.
Ran to Chinatown to get acupuncture for lack of a more coherent solution. Was hearing and seeing things all the way there.
Coincidentally ran into an old Chinese "master" of sorts who dealt with Tibetan rituals and said I was possessed by a black snake spirit. He gave me some cleansing seals (square bits of paper) and made me wipe them on my infected arm and then burn it outside (it's hungry ghost month here in, hence burning stations here and there). The spirit feels subdued but I still think it's there.
What do?
>fuck that moon tbh, piece of shit is blocking my view on the stars
gonna fuck u up mane
First thing
>not just a name that quacks give to people with unaligned chakras
Only one thing you can do.
You've got a loosh leech because it saw you were easy prey.
Read this book and then read Robert Bruce Practical Psychic Self Defense.
Make sure to actually do the exercises in this book.
You've just got to realign your spiritual body and the physical will follow, As above so below.
>believing jewish quackery psychological bullshit
>current year
Who knew that teaching magic to people who aren't ready for it and will likely misuse it is a bad idea. It's on the level of the nigs in that vid where they gave an AK-47 to a chimp and it starting shooting at random.
We can be the esoteric arm of /pol/ just like the Thule Society was for the NSDAP.
We had to throw pearls at swine to find the piglets who would treasure it wisely.
There was never any other alternative.
/pol/ are useful idiots
The thing about /pol/ is that most people who find /fringe/ and actually try to develop themselves realize that /pol/ is insignificant bullshit in the mass tide of reality and stop using /pol/. This leaves the majority of /pol/ as 4chan and redditors (look at 8pol current year if that's not reddit to you, rethink your life).
/pol/ is a materialist board by nature nothing can change that.
I'm not saying everyone has but there are a large amount of /fringe/ users who came from /pol/. It's a useful bridge between the exoteric to the esoteric. By letting people see "conspiracy theories" and realize that reality isn't that which has been taught to them the seeds of doubt are planted in their hearts. Those with the calling who begin to doubt the preaching of material science often seek the truth.
Oh I thought that you mean that all people come to /fringe/ from /pol/ but only most realize that it's bullshit. I thought it sounded silly.
>Who knew that teaching magic to people who aren't ready for it and will likely misuse it is a bad idea
You know they did a good job feeding ebola chan and the bane meme has been pretty successful, so I thought just maaaybe since the SS was occult and all…
I basically started out at /pol/ before I knew about /fringe/ so it's only natural I wanted to bring their understanding along.
…or, actually I didn't know about /pol/ either when I started the whole thing back then, I just aimed at letting the internet trolls feed it, and they did. /pol/ is so well defined I was aware of them way before I even visited the site, their attitude really stands out.
It was the approach that was the problem, I thought pointing out how it actually works would cause a greater general understanding, but it didn't. Now instead we have that kek frogposting cancer. All of that is useless because there is no entity behind it.
What you know as ebola-chan is just a really mean succubus type entity, that's why it worked to combine asking for karmic retribution with offering sexual energy. It's the way she was summoned, to burn off people's energy until the really bad ones are gone.
Kek is an actually entity though, The Frog God.
It's probably not a very smart idea to worship gods of pure chaos tbh
Pics like this one just predicts the internet and the frog meme, it's not a confirmation of it being a god or anything.
Now I can't find it but there was another pic of a stone relief of a woman holding two wands that looked like the ebola virus. Not many seemed to draw any conclusion from that, but I believe it may have been a similar prediction, it's still not more real than what we have today, someone just saw it and made the pics in ancient egypt.
What I'm saying is, ebola chan was actively summoned for a purpose, but the frog meme? If someone in these circles summoned it, why? It's not doing anything? It was also back in 2006 it appeared, so considering delays it must have been called on at least in 2005. Did /fringe/ or similar exist online at the time?
If a video is removed due to copyright or whatever the tag is re-used.
I guess this one gets asked once in a while: Is there any secret to Codex Seraphiniaus or is it just a huge loosh siphon for this guy's spirit?
I'm not interested in trying, I just wanted to know if there's any meaning to it hidden in the astral, or if it was made for the exact purpose of being undecipherable.
I've noticed the flashes of pornography that you were talking about after watching porn but i didn't even have to properly close my eyes when i saw them i just saw them when blinking
> Codex Seraphinianus
Here's the thing about such things. Regardless of your current level of enlightenment, they can be used for scrying.
Because of the circumstance our existence it can sometimes be difficult to consider possibilities not already known to us. Scrying is an ancient act of divination. Even if one denounces all possibility of supernatural influence, scrying can still be seen as a form of symbolism whereby chaos is invited to construct the sigil for your imprint / consideration.
Even the purely "rational" must concede the utility in allowing a memetic structure to (pseudo) randomly assist the consideration of ideas that would not otherwise be considered. Thus, the practitioner may repeatedly seek application of interpretation to chaos in relation to some circumstance, and then consider the implications each set of symbols suggests. In doing so they may arrive at an idea that is more ideal than one they may not have been able to think up in isolation.
As with any tome, those who perceive hints of hidden power (Amun, of the Ogdoad) within Codex Seraphinianus should seek it out. Similar to how one may use Tarot cards , the magical tome may also be used. This is the first secret of the codex…
As with all occulted (hidden) knowledge the exact purpose is to remain a mystery. If you ever do discover it, you will not divulge it. At least you may now perceive the beginnings of a path. If not, then your way lies elsewhere. Seek to hone that which you have affinity with.
It is folly to attempt to be a master of all forms encountered until you have mastered many forms first. If you have to ask, then I assume you're either not a mastered of many (yet), or are profiling the wisdom of the group and/or attempting to bait others into revealing publicly that which shall remain hidden.
TL;DR: Yes there is meaning. No, you will not elicit it from any soul here. Do not fret if you can find no meaning, there are many other doors open to you, ones that you may have greater affinity with (and thus greater ease of grasping).
Sometimes, that which is hidden remains so until you re-examine it with greater awareness. For example, those sufficiently schooled in the occult (and certain numerological methods) this video will seem a recruitment tool, and spell out the group to which recruits are attracted – To others it will be a harmless educational video aimed at children.
It is obvious why a certain series is taught backwards first to those with greater insight. Others will assume it is merely due to the nonsensical nature of children's programming.
Like this video, so too is the Codex Seraphinianus. The observant will realize I've now given many clues which may not assist you immediately lest you have the insight required, thus you may only later appreciate the post, if at all. If not, I am truly sorry for your lots.
If it's worth it to you it might be. Are you under the impression that there is some kind of karmic transgression for wanting to do that? That would be an incorrect view of karma and even life itself.
There's certainly more you can do with magic but I think if you stick to your goal, it being one you really want to keep, and you may find that your goals change once you can properly use magic. You may even find yourself in the seemingly paradoxical predicament many face where once they have the ability to do magic they don't know what to do with it. As for this life and the next, you may find in the next life why you chose to reincarnate and what you were supposed to do in this life. You can even learn your purpose now if you desire.
Yes I thought that if I use sigil magick to get someone to have sexual intercourse it would crate bad karma and cause me to be fucked over either in this life or the next
to get someone to have sexual interourse with me it would create*
That depends.
Do you desire missionary position solely for the sake of procreation?
Or perhaps something more sinister such as holding hands? And I do mean that what this implies the invocation of love is far more insidious than procreative invocation, and lesser in severity than either being sexual attraction enchantments.
One sign your soul may be in jeopardy is that when you ponder some act you sense danger and seek rationalization before performing it. Thus the truth is revealed to you: You already knew the answer. You answered yourself by asking in the first place.
I dont understand what you mean could you dumb it down for me I'm sorry for being retarded and yes if want to hold hands maybe i don't even want sexual intercourse maybe just friendship maybe somewhat romantic but still platonic friendship.
>dumb it down for me
benis go bagina but if bagina don wan benis u gun get dunk by gaus an effegt FUG
Hello enlightened folks, i have a question. Is my understanding correct that karmic system is not about some absolute moral (you do bad thing, so "god" for the lack of better term makes bad things happen to you) but rather about the manifestation of peoples' wills, so if you do bad thing (and intend bad things), that intention starts manifesting into reality around you?
1. The Kybalion or Corpus Hermeticum
2. Robert Bruce - New Energy Ways
3. Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics
4. Master Lam Kam-Chuen - The Way of Energy Mastering
5. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Read these in order and don't skip steps in the last two and you will be able to graduate bullshit occultism.
Much better list than the FAQ.
Depends on what system's approach you use. If you go by Zhuan Falun, karma is a material substance which causes pain for you, after you endure it, it turns into "virtue" (chinese "De" or "Te" same as in Tao Te Ching) which is the base substance used to develop supernatural abilities like the stuff monks show off. If you have karma it blocks your further development.
I'm not sure about the part where other people do things to you which is supposed to give them karma and a debt to you. But it often seems if they refuse to pay back, it can be ok to force this. After they are made to fully pay back, the anger felt for them is gone as well. So the evil intent of others seem to cause evil intent or anger in the victim as well, until this is evened out again. I know this is contrary to the christian idea of forgiveness, but this is my understanding of it.
Can I read ahead of the step I'm actually on in IIH?
Also is urine therapy worth it? I tried a sip and it was so salty I nearly gagged.
I don't think it's a good idea to discard something because you don't like who wrote it. He's a lot healthier in other photos.
Well you'll probably get STDs but if you don't care then go for it.
Maybe it works then you get arrested for rape and end up in jail.
Remember the guy who wanted time off from work? He then broke his leg or something. Sure did he get time off, just not what he expected.
So, I have skimmed through the books recommended on the FAQ, and I also looked through the books on the various newby files on /library/.
The thing is, everything seems like a mesh of diferent things, while I'm looking for something more "traditional". So what's a good path/tradition/system for a beginner to dive into Magic? I'm the kind of person that likes structure in a way, otherwise with all this information I know I will be drowning in the ocean.
Also, why is the LBRP corrupted?
Anywhere I can research on that?
So what you're saying is that you don't want to go through the trouble of energy work and personal development and instead want some rituals and half-truths in order to become the ideal bullshit occultist?
I'm pretty sure he just means learning about one system at a time instead of reading pieces from several and tying them together. Why would that approach neglect energy work or personal development?
It's exactly this.
I'm not putting anything a side. I just think that jumping from one thing, to another, and back to the start, will not weild the best results.
And you mean there is no use/importance in Ritual Magic?
Bare in mind I'm new to all this, so there is no need to bash, some guidance would be really appreciated.
Why don't you just read Robert Bruce, New Energy Ways and Astral Dynamics.
Energy work and visualization are the most basic of requirements to successfully use magic. It doesn't really matter what you choose to do once you have accomplished learning these basics, but without them you are basically a LARPer.
Lots of people have trouble getting started because they simply don't know where to start. Others end up reading just what interests them based off the title (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). You'll probably notice that earlier in the thread people were discussing the FAQ books and other book lists people usually recommend. Here's a few helpful posts to pay attention to regarding this: >>2989 >>5247 (this chain in general) >>5467 (agreed)
I myself still rely on the Occult Seed book package but I've looked around and paid attention to Robert Bruce's work as a whole and perhaps it's no coincidence that I'm constantly recommending and citing Practical Psychic Self Defense.
>Also, why is the LBRP corrupted? Anywhere I can research on that?
See >>5236
Karma is just a law of cause and effect which binds you to the cycle of reincarnation.
Nope if it's not rape I guess.
There are some structured magical systems, but I'd advice the approach of finding things from different systems and combining them into your own personal one.
Some structured magical systems with lots of materials, grades and whatnot: Thelema, Order of the Golden Dawn
Some structured systems with less materials: IOT, Dragon Rouge, Cultus Sabbati
There is also Order of Nine Angles if you're into that sort of thing.
Anyway, working with some "lodge" or whatever often requires you to go through a lot of stuff connected with the "subculture" and the general mythos of the order before you get to the practical teachings.
>Energy work and visualization are the most basic of requirements to successfully use magic
Me and some other anons have done magic without any energy work, so it's disputable at best whether it's a requirement. IMHO it's just another approach, as good as any other. Never read any Bruce's book and it never stopped me from achieving anything.
But the term is very broad, as everything is energy. I've done pranayama, but not to any really serious extent, now I'm doing Falun Dafa exercises too, my visualizations have been always very vivid and mostly I work only through them and emotional energy and it works fine. Just a heads up to that anon who asked for recommendations - if that reading list doesn't suit you or whatever then don't become discouraged, there is a multitude of ways.
I still plan on finishing NEW and starting "le energy work proper" though.
>You're not doing any real magic without energy.
What he meant was that he never worked with such system like "Energy Work". And like he said "everything is energy". Wich means doens't matter what system/technique you use, you will ALWAYS be using some kind of energy.
Thank you very much for the tips.
>Karma is just a law of cause and effect which binds you to the cycle of reincarnation.
What a very bland and unhelpful reply.
Don't bother with the 'karmic system'. What you're looking for is law of attraction and vibrational levels. You're a walking magnet that attracts anything that resonates with you.The basic premise is that high and 'good' vibrations attract more positive events in your life, reducing the negative ones and obviously vice versa.
Yes, your tradition is superior to the others.
Let's move on now.
Extra: I like how theres people talking about Bradon's physic and how someone like him should not be taken seriously.
What about?
Never discarded your tradition/system.
Just don't agree with you when you say something like "one is obviously better than the other".
Maybe it's better for you, maybe not as good for the others.
Ok, I see where you are getting at.
We are all the same brand of computers, with the exact same hardware, so installing the same Software in every PC seems like the most sane thing to do. Rite?
I'm usually hit by the feelings after I am exhausted; between sleeping and waking. This time, your posts were recalled and it immediately brought me back to sober awareness. There was a clear message, too: You're being mind controlled. It was 'heard' and written across my vision as I envisioned your posts.
Strange. These things always seem to skirt the edges of my awareness, if they're real. I was completely clear in my mind as sensed about myself. The desire and thoughts were completely gone.
Are you just purging these things in your mind's eye for more results?
Post your super dank magic techniques if they're that great.
Revised neophyte list
1. The Kybalion or Corpus Hermeticum
2. Robert Bruce - New Energy Ways
3. Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics
4. Master Lam Kam-Chuen - The Way of Energy Mastering
5. Yoga Swami Svatmarama - Hatha Yoga Pradipika
6. Franz Bardon - Initiation Into Hermetics
7. Miyamoto Musashi - The Book of Five Rings
It's a tactics handbook, but really there is only one important part imo, striking the enemy just as he strikes you, where the beginner does this from lack of other techniques, and the master does this because his timing is better and he will still win.
Thus the beginner and master behaves in the same way
but you'll have to read it yourself to understand the beauty of it.
What should people read then protagonist?
/fringe/ is already full of "Know It All" Gurus that bash other people attempts at helping the beginners.
What if you break the chain, and actually try to help with content one can study/explore?
Wow. Free will and rape exists, you're being delusional.
The real magic lies in attracting someone who'd WANT to be with you as you are right now. Creating the circumstances, following the syncronicities, being aware of the opportunities and taking them.
Magic is so much simpler than many people make it seem. If we're to take Jesus as an example of the ultimate wizard, do we see him doing incantations and rituals and shit while performing any of his numerous miracles?
No, all he needed was an understanding of the true nature of reality, and the awareness/power/energy to manipulate it to his ends.
Notice he never did anything for anyone who didn't ask for help, he kept to the laws of free will.
@Admin, Mods, & Board Volunteers:
Is there a way to purge threads that are moved? Kind of annoying that they keep taking up space on the front page of /fringe/ after they are moved to the appropriate board.
OP can delete it. In fact if you're annoyed I'll remove mine right away.
Just kinda weird to move it to an unindexed board, what other are there apart from /astral/ ?
Sometimes I stop fapping for a month or two, then fap few times in a week. Since I meditate a shitload, I notice changes in patterns of my thoughts and emotions.
With help of meditation I learned my spiritual/neurological baseline during no fap doesn't even reach the baseline of the healthy people who fap regularly.
I can go on no fap but even then I'm at a disadvantage. Only because I was born with some synapses in my brain one nanomillimeter smaller. Why couldn't I just have smaller small toe instead?
Is there anything magic can do? Should I repress and erase from my mind thoughts expressed in this post? I mean they're truth, but they're not productive, so perhaps I just use magic to make myself believe they aren't truth?
>With help of meditation I learned my spiritual/neurological baseline during no fap doesn't even reach the baseline of the healthy people who fap regularly.
The urge to fap and have sex is a complicated matter. In essence, the urge itself is bound to the generative abundance of sexual energy. Mantak Chia alluded to the concept that sexual energy is inherently tied to our creative abilities. You can see how this is demonstrated by the way people - including mundanes - channel their sexual energy (usually referred to by mundanes as sexual frustration) into creative outlets, i.e. sexual energy is best used when redirected towards a particular purpose. Chia's own advice was to use the expression of sexual energy as a means for recreating ourselves, like being born again with our own energy. You can use sexual energy to charge magic, you can store it like >>3037 mentioned, and you can use it with a partner to obtain even more energy. The main problem that men face is that men must learn to orgasm without ejaculation. Even though some who fap & ejaculate accidentally use it to charge something, it's still a waste of vital life essence if they end up ejaculating.
So Christ was an ascended master and hermeticist and all of his actions were actually to serve a higher purpose?
I remember some anons talking about math magic.
I'd recommend using MIT opencourseware and the logic and math classes it has as a basis and with knowledge of philosophy, math, and esoterica you should be able to find what you're seeking.
In fact I'd say that a solid education in logic and math is helpful to anyone interested in magic.
>So Christ was an ascended master
>and hermeticist
You can reach enlightenment in many ways, not just through hermeticism. Even if hermeticism and new thought are the most "true" to us, people like Christ are examples that it is not the only path.
IIRC there were jews during his time that claim he was a magician from egypt. I'm not sure what year egypt's place of learning was subverted but he could have come from there.
If you only look at quotes directly by Christ in their original setting you can see without doubt that he believed in hermetic principles.
Whatever terminology they used at the time doesn't matter, he believed the same things as Hermes.
Just fap then and use this energy for some magical purpose, healing your body with it for example, I posted a technique in the meditations thread (and in this thread too if my memory serves me) but you can of course develop your own.
What are some good sources to learn about the Will, how to develop it and how to "use" it?
Are W.W.A's writtings on this subject worth the study or is there any better source of information?
Franz Bardon - Initiation Into Hermetics is pretty good.
I don't really like Atkinson and don't agree with some people who speculate he was the actual author of The Kybalion. I mean some of his material is okay, but you could condense ten thousand pages into one hundred and not lose anything important, he wrote like a salesman.
The Book of Five Rings is a practical guide to defeating enemies both internal and external with the mind spirit and body.
exoteric christianity
>jesus was a jew
>all miracles are directly from a magical being who exists within creation and is omnipotent and benevolent yet only shows his hand through miracles
>prayer means saying some words in your head to god every now and again asking to be forgiven, only through jeebus can your eternal soul be saved
>pride is the greatest of sins, pride is understood as the contemporary english definition of pride
>jesus is god therefore god is jewish
>therefore jews are holy because the old testament and holy land and chosen people
>g-d bless israel
>Jesus was spawned by the seed of god
>it's okay to blindly consume and create unsustainable systems destroying the earth god created because why the fuck not
esoteric christianity
>Jesus was a man speaking in allegory and riddles
>Jesus was born to human parents normally and through will and determination became more than a common man, gathering disciples and trying to teach them how to do what he did
>all of the "miracles" preformed by jesus and his disciples were actually their Will effecting the material world
>realizes that when Jesus spoke of "his Father" he was using "Father" in the hermetic sense of God, The All
It's honestly hard to understand what's so appealing about a religion with absolutely no personal responsibility or free will.
It's almost like the jews in control of the Roman Empire at the time subverted the message of Christ and persecuted the gnostics in order to control the world. No that's just crazy conspiracy talk of course, wouldn't want to be a bad goy.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood - as he said (Ep 6:12) - but against the world rulers of this darkness and the spirits of wickedness."
Sage for double post.
It is my opinion (and my modus operandi in this world) that if you have to confront anyone and anything directly then you have already lost. The best way, in my opinion, is to make your opponents (both internal and external as well) work for you, to use and manipulate them.
I just quickly looked through this book and it is indeed a way of the warrior, but I confess that I'm no warrior, there are subtler ways. It is my belief that any situation, however undesirable it may seem, may bring more power to me and the outcome may be desirable. If I find myself in such a situation I examine it and often through subtle changes, or sometimes through worming my way into the minds of others (they could be called "enemies" but I dislike the term) I can warp it to my will.
Just a few loose thoughts.
This was exactly why I was suprised to see such book as a recommended in a magical path.
I guess a good 'Magician' should be able to avoid such confrontations as much as possible?
(I was the Basic Bitch Anon :D)
Maybe just a common indigo thing :^)
Yeah, I think that any experience can be a vehicle to power. Putting yourself in an open confrontation leaves you with just two choices: conquer or serve and I don't like limiting my possible experiences.
Also, I realized I didn't sage.
>esoteric christianity
Manly P. Hall talks a lot about this in The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
Magic's not real, I've never been able to do it.
Wake up sheeple, the man WANTS you to believe in magic to keep you docile!
No, I didn't like it and haven't finished it. Hermetics is not my cup of tea. Why?
Is it your holy book or something?
>thinking that reading any particular book means shit
>not real, I've never been able to do it.
Come back after you put in 15 years of daily systematic practice and say that again.
Can you keep doing it that long with no results? I believe you would give up if that was the case, so you either get results or quit… it's a chess mate call.
People who come here seem to go
>oh I tried this for 2 weeks and nothing happened, it must be fake
but that's not how you get results with anything in life.
If you for example want to learn a martial art to black belt, it's said you need to do each technique 15000 times before it's good enough, you need muscle memory.
Yeah, I know, but not 15 years. Few months is a reasonable amount of time to expect first results IMHO, although they may come quicker and I mean much quicker in some cases.
Didn't it take Hermes Trismegistus several reincarnations to do what he wanted to do?
That being said, you should get results in weeks at least. But that posters point was that you have to keep trying, not give up because you didn't get results immediately.
>Didn't it take Hermes Trismegistus several reincarnations to do what he wanted to do?
I don't know, I'm not a fan of him.
Anyway, I think that indeed fast success with magic in this life is a merit of previous incarnations, nevertheless we were talking about a current one.
>you have to keep trying, not give up because you didn't get results immediately.
So what's some way to get results with magick, to prove it's real? I've had success with sigils in the past and had some weird stuff happen during meditation but that's it
Please please help me out here /fringe/.
Does anyone know or have the faintest idea of how to start getting into the Akashic records for some actual factual knowledge? I need and want to study a subject. A lot of subjects. There isn't enough time either - not in a hundred lifetimes - and my ability with going anywhere in the astral is far below subpar, especially when it comes to remaining lucid during it. I've always been terrible at it despite good theoretical knowledge of both astral and Records.
Is it at all possible to get the Akashic records to act as an infodump? Has anyone ever tried? I want this more than pretty much anything in my life and would be willing to put forth a lot of effort.
I'm about done reading the practical psychic self defense book. Could you elaborate more on schizophrenia? Recently (I can't put a time frame on it) I feel like I'm more of a schizophrenic mundane than a wizard. There's the whole "delusions" thing which covers a lot of magick, but I've proved enough magick to trust it over this apparent disorder. No disorganized speech or speech problems, but I feel like I'm slowly breaking down mentally. Criticism and insults seems to hit ridiculously deep, which is apparently a symptom but I think it's just over-active heart or some empathy problem. The quote "The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight." comes to mind.
I can feel a circle expand when I open my crown, third eye, and throat chakras. It gets less feel-able as I go down. I'm not sure what's actually opening and what's just my imagination. Some people talked about cracking noises? I've never gotten anything audible.
"Schizophrenic" symptoms can arise from an overactive throat, third eye, and crown chakra. Part of this may be due to an underdeveloped energy body which is trying to compensate with or for an unbalanced flow of energy. Try and store the over-abundance of energy from them and ensure that your lower chakras are open, there may be blockages. If you need instruction on that, read The Book of Knowledge.
Addendum: developing and maintaining the energy body is both the goal and solution to most problems.
Hey guys. I was going in and out is sleep this morning and something weird happened. I was laying on my back awake when suddenly I got very tired. I closed my eyes and immediately my vision fractals out into white and it feels like my spirit or some part of me is being lifted out of my head/body. I was conscious of the whole thing/feeling, so I woke myself up in a start. Any ideas what that was? Didn't seem like sleep paralysis, I never felt paralyzed or trapped in my body. Thanks.
It seems like astral projection exit. Did you feel any vibrations or heard anything? Even if you didn't that doesn't rule out out of body experience, I went out of body without such symptoms on several occasions.
Maybe on the vibrations, but no noise. If it was AP, did I do it to myself or was it something/someone else?
Recently started getting into /fringe/
I usually just meditate and lucid dream sometimes, but not on purpose (it's been a few years since the last one).
Thanks for the insight.
>If it was AP, did I do it to myself or was it something/someone else?
To be precise you are always astral projecting when you sleep - even when dreaming unconsciously. Your awareness leaves your body. I found out (it's not some groundbreaking discovery tbh) that the difference between AP and LD is that in LD you are basically playing in a small astral sandbox of your own making, while in AP you are not limited to your mind (either conscious or subconscious) and you can obtain and manipulate information to which you wouldn't otherwise have access. In normal dreams your mind just regurgitates stuff that you seen or thought during the day. Normal dreams are different from LD in the obvious aspect that you have a waking awareness of the stuff you do there and you can consciously choose the theme.
There are methods of converting LD experience to AP experience.
Some further reading if you're interested:
Adventures Beyond the Body by Buhlman
Phasing Primer
Also, when I sort out my library I can share any books on the subject I found useful.
>Recently started getting into /fringe/
Meditation is a protip. Every area of life benefits from it. The most successful LD and AP technique I ever used was based on it too.
>it's been a few years since the last one
step up yo game bro
Which parts specifically? I want anything and everything. Chiefly insight from the library for personal/occult development (maybe some past life knowledge for this - it'd be the greatest), and factual knowledge for application in everyday life. Simply to KNOW things and be able to apply them.
Let's say I want to be a pharmacist and have excellent knowledge of chemistry. All right, but in the process of study I end up too damned busy to study other fields of fascination, and it takes so long to gain knowledge in that lone field that it precludes understanding elsewhere. How can you get all that knowledge in one lifetime? How do you PICK just a few fields? Do you see my problem?
Perhaps the reason I cannot get there is because I ask for too much? (Or maybe it's just because I'm terrible at APing and lucidity in general.)
Professional obullshitists and LARPers.
Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics is the best book on astral concurrence.
>Professional obullshitists and LARPers.
They are quite mundane but the techniques posted there work.
>Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics is the best book on astral concurrence.
Why is it better than Buhlman's book for example?
Bruce's books have too much unnecessary stuff to the point that it's blatantly obvious that he just created his own dogma about AP and wants other people to follow it. I mean energy work as prerequisite of AP and all that stuff. Just my opinion, influenced by the fact that I projected without any prior "energy work". As in a Bruce's system, because everything is energy ofc.
I think it's quite incidental that Bruce's work relies on Energy Work as the start off point but only because it adresses the importance of the energy body, the role it plays in just about everything, and not so much the system he's created. What it all boils down to is that if you can work with energy, no matter the means of your work, the rest is easy. Developing and stimulating the energy body is key. In a way I'm rather impressed that all his works tie together in some way. To me, it's like a sign of authenticity.
Shh, indigo doesn't believe in energy work.
You could try remote viewing, I forget what the site was but you're basically given a string of characters and you have to determine what's on the photograph that opens when you click on the hyperlink behind those characters.
You could say that's pointless bullshit but the fun starts when you start remote viewing people you know and checking with them later to see if your RV was correct.
>not doing energy work
Energy work is the squats of the occult.
Sure you can survive without it but you will forever have nogainz.
>influx of newfigs either claiming that magic is real but materialist and nothing but what materialist science claims to exist can exist or claiming to be above anything /fringe/ deems useful saying energy work, self development, and legit occultism are bullshit
>being inprisioned by terms like "Energy Work".
>not realizing everything is energy
>therefore, every technique of magic is "Energy Work" because you are manipulating a form of energy
>bashing on friendly indigo without basic knowledge.
>"I projected without any prior "energy work". As in a Bruce's system, because everything is energy ofc."
What so hard to understand here?
>saying energy work, self development, and legit occultism are bullshi
That's the "occult liberalists" who don't want to to anything themselves, and they don't want anyone else to have the advantages of doing anything either.
>Don't you trust in gods to give you a good position in your next life?
>Why do you want to learn stuff now and finish up yourself, just reincarnate like everyone else and wait for Ascension
>Don't use a practical approach and never talk of your own experiences, original research is cancer
>Keep it theoretical and useless so everyone can join the discussion.
>being imprisoned by terms like "mathematics"
>not realizing everything is mathematics
>therefore, every technique of science is "mathematics" because you are manipulating a form of mathematics
Math majors BTFO
>Developing and stimulating the energy body is key.
I've heard it so many times, but a key to what exactly? To AP? Nope. To having success with magic? Nope.
>Shh, indigo doesn't believe in energy work.
I do, it's just an approach as valid as any other.
I do energy work, but not as described in Bruce's works. Pranayama and such stuff… From time to time. Also, define "energy work". Everything is energy, emotions, mantras, visualizations etc.
>Energy work is the squats of the occult.
>Sure you can survive without it but you will forever have nogainz.
I already have gains.
Either I unknowingly do this "energy work" that is so important that you can't do shit without it and I just don't know it, or you can actually do shit without it.
Anyway, we were talking about AP, you don't need "le energy work" exercises to have it, anyone can have it and people that aren't connected to the occult in any way have it too.
Not sure if talking about me
>claiming that magic is real but materialist and nothing but what materialist science claims to exist can exist
Quite the contrary.
>claiming to be above anything /fringe/ deems useful saying energy work, self development, and legit occultism are bullshit
Never said any of these things are bullshit. There is a multitude of ways and I just present my opinions, based on my path and my experiences. I always say "in my opinion" or "I think", these are not revealed teachings obviously, I often reply to posts about energy work, morals in the occult and such stuff, because people post them as if they were some absolute truths, while I, through personal experience, know that these things are not absolute and universal. I'm against dogmas and for keeping an open mind so such posts just rub me the wrong way. I thought that open-mindedness is valued in the occult community.
I always try to not only present my personal findings but also put it into the context. I welcome anyone who wants to discuss this with me, I really do, but so far people are either sending me to some holy book of theirs or just stating things, expecting me to believe them and ignore my personal experience.
>self development, and legit occultism
Define what the terms mean for you please.
This guy gets it.
>they don't want anyone else to have the advantages of doing anything either
No mane, I just want people to have a choice and be able to follow their own path, instead of following blindly some reading lists and practices. Individual will, if you will. There is no set in stone path to magics. If someone thinks that Bruce's books are the best and had great results with them, then it's all good, but it doesn't have to be that way to everyone in /fringe/ community, right?
Or maybe I'm not supposed to criticize widely popular occult authors? They are beyond any critique, right? Enjoy your circle-jerk.
>Don't use a practical approach and never talk of your own experiences, original research is cancer
When I do, I get bashed for it, but when I don't it's still wrong.
A faulty comparison.
Everything is not mathematics but it can be described by it, while indeed everything is energy.
Even in the mundane world: my chair is energy in it's densest manifestation. I can burn my chair where, in a series of exoenergetic chemical reactions heat and light is produced. Can I release mathematics, now bound in the form of my chair, in any way?
Are you the same Indigo who said there was a way better book then "The Sciencie of Breath"?
Can you tell me the name of it?
Thank you :*
The topic of fap some posts above intrigued me. I developed and I'm now experimenting with a new way of masturbation-related energy transmutation. I believe it should be of interest to many of you.
I like to think I'm very healthy person mentally/spiritually. I have almost no negative thoughts at all. I never get lonely, despite being alone a lot. Yet, after a 3-4 fap sessions in a week I start noticing symptoms so peculiar that I can't help but assume they have hormonal/energetic basis.
Mostly they're negative thoughts and fantasies of being worthless/inadequate accompanied by contractions in the chest area. Perhaps loneliness? It seems like I'm never lonely except after fap.
This is why I only do it once a month.
My theory is that one of hormonal energies released during sexual stimulation is the one responsible for bonding. It makes it so that mates become more attracted to each other and stay with each other to bring up a child. However, during and after masturbation there is no person for the brain to start connecting to. Yet, the energetic program still runs as always. With no one to connect to, the program hurts you as if your mate has died or left.
I've confirmed this theory by focusing emotions of love on completely random people (It's a modification of standard buddhist love meditation). Interestingly, channeling love toward a friend girl or random girl on the bus becomes way more effective than usual. The heavy pain in the chest becomes re-contextualized to pleasure. It's as if it was still pain, yet seen from different perspective, now as love tingles.
I haven't tried yet but my hopes are that it's possible to exploit this nature's program by channeling the love after the fap toward some thoughtform or preferably the All. After few intense faps a window opens when one should do a lot of love meditation to connect to something.
Love toward a person is a beautiful thing but we all know how problematic this can be. Instead, it should be possible to connect to something of the fapper's choosing. The problem here is that this after-fap program tries to connect to something that looks and smells like a girl. Probably the best if she's ovulating too.
Now, the real wizards reading this are asking themselves where to get girl's scent to put it on their sigil to trick our evolutionary energetic programs to hyperconnect to this sigil. I plan to buy girly shampoo or perfume for this purpose and use it on some object or symbol that represents ideal eg. being creative, fast-thinking person. Then connect to it in meditation. If the brain becomes tricked to fall in love with the ideal, I'm set - I've actually conquered and exploited love.
Sorry, only experience which I wont bother typing out in anything but short sentences that makes people think I'm pretending to be wise.
I would suggest git gud at energywork and the thread about prophetic dreaming as its as close as you'll get to what I wont bother telling you.
Maybe some other time.
Some one mind explaining when I took my case to 55chan fringe was conveniently wiped clean AGAIN.
Freemaon shills your making it ti obvious now
when will the squat meme die? Literally no one cares about how your legs look, not to say I don't do squats, but bench is more important
You're not limited to just bench, though. You can squat too. No downsides. It's not just about looks, it's about health. Also, you're gonna look hilarious if you only bench.
I have no idea what just happened here but oh well let me see if I can make sense of this and clear this up.
I don't see the problem with Energy Work. At the same time I don't view Energy Work as a counter-intuitive term to be used in general, i.e. when 'working with energy' is being discussed. Yes distinction is important, but I think it's exhaustive and repetitive to constantly emphasize distinction. I think we can all agree on this:
>1. Everything is energy
>2. "All roads lead to Rome," i.e. there are many routes you can take that take you where you want to go
>3. The route that works for you is the best
I think that last part is where the problem starts. It's kind of like arguing console wars, over linux distros, which SoL is better, etc. With autism involved it looks more like this:
>1. My manipulated-energy is better
>2. My system is better than yours
>3. >You will always be a special snowflake
Even if one doesn't subscribe to Robert Bruce's work, you got to give the guy some credit. His book directly names the application of energy - it's right in the title. His "pointless" explanations serves as an example of prior success, e.g. the conceptualization of the book started when he developed a way to help blind people astral project by making them sense & see energy and therefore see themselves in the action of AP. Even if you could care less it's harmless to point newfags to it.
>but I'm a special snowflake and did energy work on my own!
That's great. No really, that's amazing. But why is it a problem to recommend to people who haven't figured out how to do it yet, "how to work with energy," that book?
>this book I found is better
Fine, recommend yours. What's stopping you?
>my system and my explanations are better
If your system and explanations are so great, why do you waste time batting down other harmless recommendations that may be just as applicable and correct and not spend time spreading your own you believe are better?
>I've heard it so many times, but a key to what exactly? To AP? Nope. To having success with magic? Nope.
>Either I unknowingly do this "energy work" that is so important that you can't do shit without it and I just don't know it, or you can actually do shit without it.
If you've already had success with those things you claim it's not key to, then spoilers: you already have an adequate energy body. Congrats, no really. Here, test your might at your own risk: >>39
Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm genuinely surprised you don't know what the energy body is despite its use in many different sources and books including /fringe/.
>Also, define "energy work"
Energy Work is just the application of energy under Bruce's system. This system isn't formal and thus many people feel comfortable using Energy Work as shorthand for, "using energy," etc. This interchangeability may have lead to confusion. I wouldn't be surprised if people who have never heard of or worked with the book use it like that as well. Many people use it and refer to it as a starting off point, and it suits that role because it was written from that direction. It's not some scheme to establish a dogma as you put it earlier, it's just a book on how to use energy that guides the reader from a very rudimentary point of view, almost like it holds your hand throughout the entire process. With that in mind it's no surprise it's become that popular, as far as the popularity of an occult/fringe book goes anyway.
>No mane, I just want people to have a choice and be able to follow their own path, instead of following blindly some reading lists and practices. Individual will, if you will. There is no set in stone path to magics. If someone thinks that Bruce's books are the best and had great results with them, then it's all good, but it doesn't have to be that way to everyone in /fringe/ community, right?
I think you have good intentions but you have to give people more credit. I don't think there's a single person that blindly follows a reading list. I was one of the newfags that got started using the Occult Seed pack, but after a certain point I jumped from book to book. Overall I didn't follow the order. If my experience is like any other newfag, a newfag wants to be spoonfed and have their hand held but after a certain point they know exactly what they want and are on their own.
>force people to rely on mcdonalds and sugary shit
>people naturally have little magickal ability
>food industry exists, other industries like medicine are hugely boosted by demand from people who eat bad food
That being said, don't think it's "us" vs "them". There's many groups of people with power that have many different goals. You can find breatharians that publicly promote it, just not that many.
>I like to think I'm very healthy person mentally/spiritually. I have almost no negative thoughts at all. I never get lonely, despite being alone a lot. Yet, after a 3-4 fap sessions in a week I start noticing symptoms so peculiar that I can't help but assume they have hormonal/energetic basis.
>Mostly they're negative thoughts and fantasies of being worthless/inadequate accompanied by contractions in the chest area. Perhaps loneliness? It seems like I'm never lonely except after fap.
Be careful when fapping. Even if you don't intend to use it as a means of transmuting energy, primitive thoughtforms may be attracted to the rise in sexual energy. Funnily enough, someone or some things may be really watching you fap. And some even try and connect to your energy body so they can make connections and siphon off energy.
>I've confirmed this theory by focusing emotions of love on completely random people (It's a modification of standard buddhist love meditation). Interestingly, channeling love toward a friend girl or random girl on the bus becomes way more effective than usual. The heavy pain in the chest becomes re-contextualized to pleasure. It's as if it was still pain, yet seen from different perspective, now as love tingles.
>I haven't tried yet but my hopes are that it's possible to exploit this nature's program by channeling the love after the fap toward some thoughtform or preferably the All. After few intense faps a window opens when one should do a lot of love meditation to connect to something.
I believe your theory is sound. It seems to correlate with a lot of other experiences people have when transmuting sexual energy. Love is a natural repellent to primitive thoughtforms and the like, so it takes care of both problems.
>stop an entity from causing a wet dream?
This only happens because you deep inside still want it. Entities like that read your mind and find this thing and use it.
It can be pretty complicated, you need to learn what your original desire is and change it into something useful. It often has to do with some concept forced on you from society about being expected to have children for whatever reason.
>hint; you don't actually need to ejaculate physically to impregnate a female, figure this out and you won't have that reaction any more
>You can squat too. No downsides. It's not just about looks, it's about health. Also, you're gonna look hilarious if you only bench.
The squats meme is probably created by office workers, if you have a walking/standing job your legs are going to be ok anyway. Unless you go into heavy body building.
Lifting heavy can also wear out your knees, I know someone in his 50s who used to do exactly that in his 20s and he now has constant knee pain to the point of not being able to walk outside without painkillers.
true about bench tho, at least do abs and back (rowing exercise).
> To AP?
Why do people care about it anyway, Astral Projection is useless, apart from exposing you to danger, you can literally get disconnected from your body and die while stuck over in some dull place. You won't hear of it because those who died this way can't come back and warn you.
>inb4 made up
succubus tells me this and they don't know why ppl want to learn AP either
>primitive thoughtforms may be attracted to the rise in sexual energy
It sounds like the thing I've already said. First there's change in the energies. Then the change draws nets of new thoughts to the surface. If the energy changes to such that opens you for bonding, then bonding-related thoughts will come. However, if there's no object to connect to after the fap, then the fapper will experience the bonding-related thoughts as feelings of loneliness and inadequacy. If the fapper doesn't meditate, then he might even not realize the nature of these feelings.
He will just feel "bad", and probably take some sugar or alcohol or Internet binge to feel better. The surface of the conscious thoughts of an non-meditator is so high that he has no idea what is going on with his body.
You underestimate how most peoples legs are. Don't isolate muscle groups, do whole body things. Even bodyweight stuff should be fine.
Well, it's genuinely a new world to most peoples egos, plus it's exploring reality. I'd consider it a huge reason to learn magick. As for disconnecting from your body, what are the chances of that? Assuming you don't jump straight into it without any other magickal practice, I figure you should have enough protection and knowledge to avoid things that would outright kill you. Besides, couldn't someone cut the rope even when you're not APing?
>disconnecting from your body, what are the chances of that?
No idea, but I've seen some people having a term for the lost spirit of such a person (gate sloth) so it's obviously common enough for some to encounter them.
And I still have yet to see someone explain what the use of AP is, if you want to explore something you can do it right here while awake and in control of your body.
>sort of related topic:
I've seen some talk of being disturbed by dog/wolf entities and this seems to happen a lot to me, at least 3 times this year. The recommended way of dealing with them is to ignore them because they want attention, but they keep following me until I had a succubus lure them away. With things like that out there I wouldn't think it safe to AP at all.
Just felt like leaving this here.
>"Call it electricity, Astral Light, Prana, Ruach, or whatever you please. No name can define It. Names are only designations. What the Life-power is in Itself we do not know, nor may our finite minds hope to comprehend that mystery. Yet may we apprehend It as subsisting by Itself, independent of every mode of existence. This is the L.V.X. of the Western School of occultists, a name in some senses equivalent to the AIN SOPH AUR, "Light Limitless", of the Qabalists. This is the One Thing whence, according to the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, founder of alchemy, all things proceed; yet is this One Thing No-Thing, because the Source of all things cannot possibly be any of the things which spring forth from Its limitless subsistence. Hence the innermost essence of that L.V.X. is everywhere described in paradoxical terms, such as "Radiant Darkness", or "THAT which is neither Aught nor Naught", or "The Soundless Sound"."
>I do energy work, but not as described in Bruce's works. Pranayama and such stuff…
That's cool man, I personally don't see much difference between Bruce's descriptions and the yogi pranyama anyway. Then again I haven't read his books in months now. Not to mention arguing occult semantics is pretty silly if both systems essentially achieve the same effect.
In any case you're right that energy work isn't 100% necessary for AP since spontaneous projection is what got me into the occult in the first place but after reading up on it, I've found having some basic energy work/pranyama/induced tingling in your body skills makes generating and entering an astral body far easier than visualizing spinning shapes or climbing a rope or whatnot. Plus I'd argue that the more exposure one has to all things related to magic the more confidence he has and thus more likely to succeed in AP.
Do you still get lewd thoughts and boners throughout the day? If so it's likely you'll retain wet dreams so work on your thought control. Basically what >>3109 said.
You kidding m8? Don't you want functional strength? It's retarded to do something like SS and become a T-rex but for people like me who work on their ass all day it's important to work on all muscle groups to keep our bodies in a healthy balance.
How is exploring other planes of reality, filled with non human yet sentient entities not a worthwhile endeavor? I'm also quite positive that it's borderline impossible to die while APing, especially if you're already on the level of doing it consciously. The worst I ever got was a forceful disconnection and feeling nauseous afterwards for a little while, not even close to dying.
Also are you the same anoin who posted on 8/v/ about succubi?
Can I have some sauce with that, anon?
>You kidding m8? Don't you want functional strength? It's retarded to do something like SS and become a T-rex but for people like me who work on their ass all day it's important to work on all muscle groups to keep our bodies in a healthy balance.
Nah m8, just saying squats aren't as important as people make it out to be, usually the argument comes down to "Squatting very slightly increases male hormones" and that's it, doing squats every single workout session is detrimental to other muscle groups imo
If you do cardio regularly you usually work your legs as well. If you don't believe it just look at a runner's legs, and if you think they're visually too small, you're not doing it for health but for looks and that's a discussion for /fit/ and not here.
>How is exploring other planes of reality, filled with non human yet sentient entities not a worthwhile endeavor?
It's not the exploring I'm questioning the usefulness of, it's AP as a method of achieving it. I think it's a dead end because you are just lying there and get used to doing it this way. When you really get somewhere in your explorations you want to shift attention from "here" to "there" in a split second while you are in a normal mundane setting without anyone noticing anything strange.
You may not understand the usefulness of this either but it will be when dealing with more complex things.
Sometimes you need to move to another location and do something there because of it's significance (certain ley lines in public places etc), and you can't lie down or start doing some ritual stuff while in a public place in daylight (going by night may be dangerous in some places as well). Which is why it's better to skip the AP stage (and also to get past the sigils and other external methods as soon as possible, moving to visualizations with equal results).
It's not that you have to do it at any certain speed of development but if you consider it a valid method and rely on it you can remain here and not improve beyond that.
Like that bearheart guy, I heard he did lots of weird (and useless) stuff while APing and talked of it like it meant something.
What I'm getting at here is something I rarely see discussed here - how city architecture and other public places often have large occult things built into them, taking advantage of natural or artificial ley lines and other quite huge formation in the landscape. If you want to move beyond their control you need to break out at that location, or at an intersection, and those are usually in very populated places.
It's pretty clever of the people who built it this way, it makes it impossible for most people to break out, because they're not going to allow "satanists rituals" in front of government buildings, just to give you an illustration.
But if you do it with noone noticing, you can do it..
>Are you the same Indigo who said there was a way better book then "The Sciencie of Breath"?
Yes. The Science of Breath is cool, but it's not Hindu and certainly not Yogi. I collected a few books on pranayama and I can share them, just give me some time, I'm back at my old place and finally have access to my hard drive with books on it and to good connection, soon I will update my mega.
The collection of books is somewhat varied. You have some purely theoretical works describing the five pranas, various breathing exercises and Sanskrit terms, but there are also some works on hatha yoga (very long and very hard to read, but one of them describes pranayama allowing one to levitate kek) I also have two books, if memory serves me, describing the practice of Swara - divination by means of one's own breath. Dope stuff.
If you want to start right away then I recommend some basic cleansing of Nadis
from about 53 minute starts the part that interests you
>Thank you :*
No prob, Indigo brother
Also, to the anon that requested a reading list on Tantra, I will compile it after I sort out my library, but if you still lurk and are still interested then I recommend Kali Kaula, it's the best entry level book, especially for occultists as the author is an occultist himself.
See my reply to Indigo. Don't know about "the best" but I have some resources.
>Even if one doesn't subscribe to Robert Bruce's work, you got to give the guy some credit
I do.
>But why is it a problem to recommend to people who haven't figured out how to do it yet, "how to work with energy," that book?
I don't have any problem. I just said that there are many choices and many roads and not just one.
>Fine, recommend yours. What's stopping you?
None of the Indigos here claimed that there is some better or worse book on the subject, the same with the systems. We questioned the absolute need for the subject itself.
All my thoughts on the matter are already summarized by you:
>All roads lead to Rome
>The route that works for you is the best
>you don't know what the energy body is
Why do you jump to such a conclusion?
>I think you have good intentions but you have to give people more credit.
>Astral Projection is useless
>having access to all the information in the universe is useless
>being able to meet entities face to face is useless
>having a powerful tool for all magic there is is useless
Some of the most powerful "spells", for the lack of better world, I've done were done from AP. Of course, it's not absolutely necessary to do magic, but nevertheless it's useful.
>succubus tells me this and they don't know why ppl want to learn AP either
Succubi confirmed for not knowing shit.
Succubus fall into two categories.
1. Spoopy ghosts of whores
2. Thoughtforms created by lust
Most don't know more than the average mundane, almost none know more than the average neophyte, and none know as much as an initiate >implying an initiate doesn't know enough to not become a wandering loosh farming machine. I keep a wide berth but to each his own.
Post those books in >>>/library/5 if you can. Information from a wide variety of sources is always important.
I think I will make my own thread in /library/ for possible requests and stuff, I plan on sharing most, if not all, of my mega not just books on this one subject.
>Succubus fall into two categories.
If you want to use the word in the sense "vampire" refers to someone merely leeching off a person and not a supernatural thing. Sloppy usage is watering down words to mean almost nothing, it ruins language.
>succubus are tulpas meme
this shit needs to end, it's fedora level ignorance
>Some of the most powerful "spells", for the lack of better world, I've done were done from AP
Why would leaving your body increase your ability in any way. Do you also think doing magic in the nude is better than being dressed?
I'm aware you said it from your own experience but I'm still waiting for an explanation of why it would help at all to AP.
To me it's like
>magick is so much better if you do a handstand
>what, you can't? this is how you do it
This is what the discussion on AP sounds like to me, it's like noone has a clue why they do it and can't explain what it's for, they just talk of how to do it mindlessly.
I'm practical, I do things in the most direct way, if noone can tell me what it's good for, why should I just accept it.
He never said tulpa. If you relate all thoughtforms to tulpae, you are very very confused.
If you have a very "direct" mindset, then I can see why APing would seem useless to you. But there is more than just getting answers with as little learning as possible.
>Why would leaving your body increase your ability in any way.
The nature of the working allowed for it, I'm somewhat weary of revealing publicly the details of my endeavors (the law of secrecy present in virtually any system), but suffice to say that it involved going into my… acquaintance's mind while they were sleeping.
It's not "increasing ability", it's rather a different approach.
>why it would help at all to AP
Astral Projection allows you, among other things, to basically see in 3D your visualizations with every smallest detail and unparalleled level of immersion.
You don't have to do AP by inducing it via sleeping states, you can go into deep meditation, loose your body and project in this way, you start to perceive visualizations more intensely and eventually you don't visualize but you are inside of your visualization.
Sure, you can achieve anything without AP, for example gathering information about some distant place via remote viewing, but until you are still confined to your physical body you don't use it to it's full potential - just viewing images in your head instead of actually "visiting" the place. If you are remote viewing with such clarity that you loose your physical body and you are "there" and see things happening by themselves, without your intention to change your mental picture, then it's de facto AP.
Same with exploration of the astral worlds, getting information from there, meeting entities etc. You can do this anyway while meditating, AP just takes it to the next level.
Also, it's easier to leave your body and enjoy the non-physical world than to work on your visualization skills to achieve the same. In some areas it can be considered a shortcut.
>why should I just accept it.
No one is telling you to accept anything. If you don't like it then don't use it, just acknowledge that some find it useful. As I said, I'm all against dogmas and for diversity of approach.
>noone has a clue why they do it and,
I have every clue why I, myself, do it. Can't talk for anyone else save me obviously. I enjoy it, it gives me a sense of wonder and adventure, it brings great results. Any one of these reasons would suffice, for me, to consider AP a valuable skill.
>can't explain what it's for
It's for leaving your physical body behind. What you do from there it's up to you. You can have perfectly realistic astral sex (although I wouldn't waste AP experience for this) for example.
So do you guys think that esoteric practices developed individually and are all inherently similar due to universal Truth or they are all branched from ancient esoteric practice preformed by our ancestors thousands of years ago who were closer to Truth?
hey fringe and fellow psychonauts who may read the question thread
I'm thinking of going full dive. and by that I mean, I've been sleeping in a 7ft by 7ft closet/under-roof storage space for the last 5 months, and am moving soon. (primarily because the price isn't worth the privilege of the squalor yadda yadda breach or warranty of habitability)
It of course has no windows, and I of course have the tools to have a 8-12 hour "Jimmy Hendrix' experience" in the dark depending on potency and my own fortitude.
Asking for a friend (myself, or the part of me that's scared to get torn to shreds. I'll get into that later.) but any fellow psychonauts have advice for a first time closet tripper? I'm prepared with the dark, and probably fluid in/outtake
I know it's unlikely I will see any replies beforehand given that the sun is about to set, and I do need some sleep before my 'human' responsibilities tomorrow, but that's okay. Mostly this is a before pic so that the after me can come back and cry for help. Though I hope it is more of a calm plea, and comes backed with enough analysis of how I've muddied my system to get right.
But I'll be honest, I haven't been taking very good notes.
[As an aside, if anyone knows of any good medicine(i.e. food/drug/mindtool/game/whathaveyou) to help keep a heart chakra open, hook a brotha up, I can only dope it for so long, and then I lose any real psychotropic benefit.]
thanks, I love you
>thoughtform and tulpa
I rather consider the community to be quite confused about it. The idea of a person creating an actual external being, a "thoughtform" is the result of a delusion caused by faulty theories imo. What you create is still a tulpa, something inside your own head. Or you summoned an already existing entity.
A lot of this does seem to come from the so called "success" of /pol/ "creating" the ebola chan "thoughtform", but this is just not how it is. I know talking like this here is probably useless because of the general shilling and lying, but I know exactly how and why the entity known as ebola-chan came - I was right there and the reason is even opposite to /pol/s motivations. But yeah, I guess you won't believe this either, it would be even less believable if this wasn't anonymous because I don't officially do occult, at all, which is part of the needed cover.
I still have a problem with things being circulated wrongly, it gives me the feeling someone is messing with my original intentions. I don't know who but I have some ideas.
Thanks for elaborating.
>just viewing images in your head instead of actually "visiting" the place. If you are remote viewing with such clarity that you loose your physical body and you are "there" and see things happening by themselves, without your intention to change your mental picture, then it's de facto AP.
>without your intention to change your mental picture
I honestly can't make sense of this, it's completely contradictory to my own experiences.
When I look at distant things, or close things, non-physical overlapping the same place, it's fully movable with no intent or interference from me. This is hard to do, I agree, but keeping your mind still to let the images or messages appear is fully possible while you are awake and doing something around other people.
Even after a few years of this my mind is still annoyed by it and there is an "echo" from any external words in my mind where I could easily misinerpret it as my own thinking, but I've learned to not "touch" the echo during the first few seconds of communication and then it will be gone for the rest of that session.
By this I mean I'm a in a place like at work and left alone for a moment, or on the bus when not interacting with someone. This is when an entity is most likely to try and communicate. The full mental image of them will be right there, animated with sound and touch, while I'm fully awake. If I need to talk to someone in my surroundings the entity will just lean on my shoulder or climb onto me and wait for them to leave.
There is no way to call this Astral Projection.
The same goes for occult attackers. Yes as boring as that is, people now and then try some shit, and I have to fend them off. This can happen anytime, and requires me to focus on them, in the distance, whereever they are to hit back at them, while I'm still around people who can't notice this.
This is also the reason I don't use 8ch, the place is infested and these people are using posts from there as targets.
>The nature of the working allowed for it, I'm somewhat weary of revealing publicly the details of my endeavors (the law of secrecy present in virtually any system
What's the deal with this anyway. I feel like if you want to increase the strength of your side, you'd want to recruit, like market yourself somehow. Instead it's silence like the grave most of the time and noone tells anyone anything. Would it really hurt that much to be more specific and try to clear out some of the worst misunderstandings instead of just letting it be.
I don't know if you remember a guy who called himself the bored dude, and what really happened with him, but this is a typical example.
You get someone in at the bottom and let him spread some stuff, but he often goes over the line and starts attacking people for no reason other than feeling offended, like at 4chan/x/, it's hardly a good way to get people over to support you. I'm not critical of any particulal person, I just don't understand this thinking.
Now I really don't know anything because noone - like I said - ever tells me anything, and I still figured out the full key to the library where all the stuff is kept, it just happened to be not useful to me.
What's the fighting between different systems really about?
>are all inherently similar
While the "end goal", so to speak, may be similar in various systems, the means to achieve it are vastly different. Also you have all those LHP vs RHP shenanigans.
As for your question, I guess it's a mix of both. The most primal system of magic would be shamanism and from it branched of all the other systems differing from each other further, depending on a culture of given practitioners. It doesn't explain though why shamanistic practices were (to my knowledge) very similar no matter the part of the world.
Maybe in the more primal days of mankind our life experience was so similar that no matter the geographic location, the same basic elements ruled over our lives and thus shamans all over the world had very similar methods and pulled from the astral very similar information and techniques, while the more a given culture moved away from it's roots, the more the information and occult experience was filtered by the lenses of belief systems and cultures.
I don't know.
>our ancestors thousands of years ago who were closer to Truth?
Were they?
I mean, Tantra and Hinduism in general speaks of previous eras in which people were all spiritual and lived for eons, but well… I don't remember it, so maybe it was so or it wasn't, I don't know right now.
>What's the deal with this anyway
I don't know, but the fact that you find the same modus operandi all over the world, in various systems, often removed from each other by time and space, got me thinking. In Tantra for example, there is explicitly stated that someone who reveals mantras to uninitiated people won't have any success with them personally. Now I don't know about that, but working within certain tradition and explicitly breaking it's code seems unwise. There are people, mystics and scholars who do reveal them, but who will guarantee to me that they have had any success with those secrets they revealed after the fact?
As for not revealing details of my personal workings - it's the same really. Don't know if there is any truth in this law of secrecy, or not, but I don't want to find this out.
Call me superstitious, but I just follow my intuition. There are some cases where I felt that revealing something was a good idea and so I did, most of the time I keep things to myself.
>I feel like if you want to increase the strength of your side, you'd want to recruit, like market yourself somehow
Are you talking about some system or about me personally? I guess that no system needs to advertise themselves. What would be the point of giving occult secrets to the masses, while true seekers would find them anyway?
>I don't know if you remember a guy who called himself the bored dude
I don't remember, was it on 8ch/fringe/?
>What's the fighting between different systems really about?
What fighting?
>What fighting?
This is the example I used, starts off a regular thread by one of the old tripfags
then jump down to
and the guy starts derailing it because his own threads get deleted all the time. Just see what happens after that. I was in that thread and that stuff was literally lethal, it's not RP.
Or actually I now realize that was the warm up, the thread autosaged and they started a new one, that's where the real stuff took place, in which one guy was lured into posting his pic and the other cursed him, and that's supposed to be an initiate with "results" acting like that over an insult.
If you know how to check past energy records of events you can see yourself how bad it turned out, over a fucking internet fight.
Just sit down cross legged, get a blindfold and just try to not move at all and see what kind of trip you have
Well, some retards tossing curses on /x/ is hardly a battle between whole systems of magic. I mean, it's personal and not something that is rooted in the tradition itself, or at least I don't know any magical system that would have in it's "status" a declaration of war on practitioners of other systems.
But I haven't actually read those threads, don't really have time for it, nor am I interested enough.
What I had in mind when you said about fighting between different systems was more like rival gangs, one of Yogis and the other one of Hermeticists
>let's fuck em up boys!
>we'll show em who's boss of this part of the multiverse
>fucking Eastern scum, see my tats? See my fucking tats? This one I made after burning one of your stinking ashrams.
>go suck on Hermes cock, dickhead!
Anyway, how does it fit in with the theme of secrecy in the occult societies/orders/schools/etc?
> some retards tossing curses on /x/ is hardly a battle between whole systems of magic
To my understanding it's still allowed to be a member of a system and do this "personal" fighting with people of other systems, while fighting your own is out of the question. This means it still comes down systems fighting each other just like the gangs you mentioned.
>how does it fit in with the theme of secrecy in the occult societies/orders/schools/etc?
If you literally have to prove your skills in combat with the members of a system before entering, this will make it hard to increase the number of members, because the loser will be, well not active members any more, alternatively you get noone who dares to make contact. It sets the bar really high.
This is the part I don't understand. Even after being allowed in, there is silence in combination with the attacks of rivals, and there you stand defending yourself in line with complete strangers whom you share some general ideas with but never really talk to.
Maybe I'm just the fool with thick skin here, I mean I have no problem defending people when I get something back for it, but I still kinda would like to know who the attackers are, and why they are so set on destroying the system I sided with. Just as why it keeps going on, when this side is obviously overpowered compared to the others and logically they should stop out of self preservation.
Most of the time it's just skirmishes so it may look like there's not that many skilled people around, but there was one time someone, I choose to call him "artillery wizard" showed up, and his power was far beyond any of the others. I can see why he would not get involved in the smallers stuff, but with this potential in the back, it seems rather useless what they are doing.
.. and this relates back directly to 8ch/fringe and the people purging it and throwing random attacks at people, they are the same troublemakers. I'm a bit surprised fringewizard is still around when they hate him so much, he must be stronger than most people realize.
>The idea of a person creating an actual external being, a "thoughtform" is the result of a delusion caused by faulty theories imo
Considering our key belief foundations are different, I doubt I'll be able to convince you of anything. Of course APing would seem useless if you see the world as static. But the way I see it, everything is thought. If you AP'd and saw a thoughtform you made, it's going to seem much more interesting.
>I rather consider the community to be quite confused about it. The idea of a person creating an actual external being, a "thoughtform" is the result of a delusion caused by faulty theories imo. What you create is still a tulpa, something inside your own head.
hold up
so u sayin
u sayin
u an obullshitist an shiet
nigga just
>Squatting very slightly increases male hormones
Lol wtf? I lurked on /fit/ for years now but I don't remember anyone seriously saying anything like that.
Yeah, it's a shame we don't live in a setting where a guy in a jedi-esque robe can walk around town and sit down in the middle of a busy street to meditate without anyone bothering him. But as far as utilizing specific locations, can't this effect just be achieved with mental travel? I'm really no expert on ley lines and the like so I'd love to know how you have/would use them. Then again I live in a pretty recently built town so I doubt there's much going on here.
It's like you don't want to LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND?
>I'm a bit surprised fringewizard is still around when they hate him so much, he must be stronger than most people realize.
He's not, he's complaining about pretty much the same issues as he did when I joined the /fringe/ community years ago. While I went from an average /pol/ack with a background in /b/ edginess to getting results from magic that are too good to be attributed to random chance, he was still consistently depressed and suicidal over stuff that seems completely trivial. He's done a lot of dumb shit over the years so I think at this point he's surrounded by people who either didn't know him for very long or are using him as a lolcow, encouraging him to do dumb shit like the time he almost got tricked into ritualistic suicide.
> I'm really no expert on ley lines and the like so I'd love to know how you have/would use them.
It's doable from any location, but only after you break the control system, and that has to be done in some key point. So you're stuck having to go there at least once.
When younger I used to look at a map and see the bus/train lines and have this idea about having to go to a certain place. I later moved closer to there and still felt drawn there. Different reasons go came up socially but I never went.
Then a few years later I moved again and found myself in that city without thinking about it. After traveling the area and checking stuff out, living there for 2 years, I moved again, and now I know I'm done there. I see the logic in having to do that, and how the train lines were like long metallic threads of karma, which I now broke free from.
This has been repeated with certain other places, and after I'm done, it's like I take the energetic function of that place with me, I can use it anywhere now.
I also notice the correspondance between one place and another place, it's sometimes extremely obvious once I know this. I may see in the news something happened in one place, and teh next day a corresponding thing took place in the other. It's too clear once you learn how reality functions energetically.
>Then again I live in a pretty recently built town so I doubt there's much going on here.
It depends. Larger building blocks, even if modern, tend to follow certain patterns, at least for the main streets. You can take a look at maps and use your own free association to try and see a pattern. Sometimes there are clues in the street names as well. I believe this is because of some freemason rule or whatever about having to tell the truth, so they hide it somewhere in plain sight.
Sometimes the structures are pretty big, check out the train lines and roads, and how they connect to other countries. If you live in Europe this is really well planned.
Put simply EU is a giant loosh farm, even if I don't like the term "loosh".
Any good books for someone who doesn't know shit about meridians and/or how to use them in energy work?
>>the song when the group you join only has goals on the pysical plane
Redpill me on drinking my own piss /fringe/.
>what does it do
>why should I do it
>doesn't piss have toxins
Clock drift. Clocks can't always sync up (usually when they're mechanical) so the time will be off more and more over time. I've seen it happen on digital clocks in cars, so I guess that could be the deal with yours.
Thank you for your reply, I'll try to pay more attention to the maps of my town to see if I see anything that tingles my wizard sense.
I want to practise lucid dreaming but I'm afraid of accidentally astrally projecting and getting fucked up by some kind of demon I don't know how to deal with in the astral plane.
Will I be okay?
Yeah, you will. If it's bothering you though then maybe learn some protection? Like, thoughtforming protective shields and the atmosphere of safety or stuff like that.
Guardian servitors also work wonders.
If you think you can get fucked over your preconceptions can "poltergeist" yourself.
>getting results from magic that are too good to be attributed to random chance
Sigils or thoughtforms?
Don't do this unless you've been eating nothing or fruit for weeks and months.
Don't do this if you eat meat.
Don't do this if you aren't pure.
Don't fall for the meme.
Popped into this thread from /fringe/, guess I didn't get the memo.
Eh… If you were a seeker, you wouldn't be asking such a question.
Somatimes I keep multiple research tabs open, so today is your lucky day.
Does anyone have experience with the merkaba meditation posted here
I have difficulty feeling the pyramids spin. Although whenever I make the disk expand or spin the pyramids and spin them up faster I feel a jolt of energy. So I suppose it's no that much of a problem.
In addition if I repeat the meditation a number of times my chakra feels "full" and it feels more difficult to breath energy into it.
Does anyone else have a similar problem?
Hey so I've been meditating and being involved in the occult for a year now and lately my meditations have been weird. Like, I actively avoid meditating now because it feels like I'm so heavy I'm gonna sleep. It feels that I'm going so deeply into the subconscious, can someone confirmed or find a way for me to confirm this?
I think the more disconnected from you body and the lucidity of what ever it is that your doing is a good way to judge.
I might be wrong.
If you reach it there is nothing but the trance. A continuous movement or state of mind and nothing else.
If you pause to assess it you break it.
Watch Ghostbusters 2.
Not kidding, it's surprisingly correct (the river of pink slime is right there, just not physically).
One of my friends is currently being haunted by what I thought was just a thoughtform, but its turning into something more serious. At first I thought it was just trying to induce stress to get her to throw up so it could feed. Apparently its been feeding off her fathers alcoholism, and its pretty powerful. Yesterday I was over at her place, and we were sitting by the creek in her backyard. All of a sudden we notice a rotting rat corpse directly in the path we just walked from and it wasn't there when we walked up. Yellow jackets, maggots, worms, the whole package. Theres no way this thing couldve been rotting out there that long in the spot we found it it. At the point, I didnt realize it was a spirit. We were talking about the leech spirit itself, and the mandala effect before the rat appeared. When I started giving tips to banish it, flies started bumping into my head. Then it came back and I swatted at it, turns out it was a yellow jacket this time. Latched onto my hand and stung me pretty bad. And when I would leave the creek it would disappear till I came back, then it would start trying to get at me.
The fuck am I dealing with? How do I get rid of this bitch?
I've experienced stuff like this too, with seeing dead rats on the sidewalk passing by in car, my sister saw it too. It repeated 2 times.
To my understanding the rat is somehow related to keynesianism, with the classic cartoon Steamboat Willie as the indicator (a rat).
Worth noting that the nazis at the time had campaigns against Mickey Mouse with posters saying Rats are Dirty. It's not as simple as it sounds at first, I've had these encounters with rat demons too, there's something sinister behind it.
Westerners today laugh at this resistance to rats, but it repeated with the ratatouille animated film, some old people I know were seriously upset about it, repeaing the "rats are dirty" like a meme, and they're not nazis and know nothing of that.
Ghostbusters 2 is jewish disinfo.
If you believe any of that shlock you are already too far gone, you are a certified golem.
Many people even people who have /fringe/ views claim that dreams are in your personal mind.
But every time I have ever become aware I was in a dream and attempted to do anything negative to anyone in the dream I have experienced the dream twist or shift and either push me awake or move my awareness so I forget I'm dreaming and fall into deep sleep.
Explain this fug
Never dealt with something like this, but if the problem seems to be connected to some location maybe create a guardian servitor of this place? Or maybe just create a servitor which would act like a bodyguard of your friend?
Anyway, firstly you must ask yourself whether actually doing anything is a good idea. Of course, if you succeed you will be more powerful and you will get experience, but your friend will be as weak as she is now, even more so, because she will be dependent on you for protection from now on and not on herself. You know, if she endures or destroys the problem herself she will certainly be stronger.
On the other hand, I wouldn't ever hesitate to protect and help people I care about or those generally struggling in their lives. Just something I do even against my better judgment out of empathy which I can't seem to control. Sometimes it feels really beyond me.
So, anyway a few ideas I might have
If you can into astral projection then surround yourself with protective auras, spells, whatever-your-pleasure-is and go into her house and do a banishing, alternatively just scout and see what it is you are dealing with.
If you can't, then maybe use Tarot (or any divination system) to get information about what you are dealing with. I'd do the reading myself, but I'm not yet very pro at Tarot, nor do I know your friend and I think currently I could only do readings for myself or for someone emotionally close to me.
Guardian servitor/bodyguard - I used them with great effect, although never for something this serious, but maybe it's just a case of pumping into them enough energy and they will be able to deal with anything? You could even power it up along with your friend, just create a sigil, either from a name of your servitor or from the "statement of intent" - i.e. it's programmed function and give it to her along with instructions how to power it. You know the procedure of creating servitors?
Also, something that came into my mind - maybe she does it herself? I mean most cases of "poltergeists" are, supposedly, people unknowingly thoughtforming their fears and emotions. You said that her father is an alcoholic, she surely doesn't have an easy life. Combine it with some latent magical ability and maybe you got yourself whatever you are dealing with.
Take care, if you have any further questions I'd be happy to answer.
Maybe you subconsciously don't want to hurt them, even if it is a "dream person", and it results in an inner conflict of sorts? Also, dream persons are part of yourself after all.
>rats are seen as dirty due to their association with pestilence
>rats are associated with jews
>jews created the black death and major plagues of europe by purposely poisoning wells and spreading diseased blood
>jews worship moloch
Hey there.
Could you expand on city ley lines? More importantly, how to use them so that they would not have power over us?
I'd somehow compare it to qi gong, you start off not having any control, and then by the movements you slowly start to notice a warmth in your body, then you learn how the energy flows function and can make use of it.
You have to go out there and "feel" it yourself, walk along streets and find key places. Most people don't just walk around and explore the city they live in. Go to places where roads and streets meet, find those far off places that have these qualities but are abandoned, like an old suburb center where shops are closed and noone lives any more. These places are good to practice on, walk around and imagine the feel of living there, where you'd walk, what you'd do. You'll start to see patterns.
If you don't have abandoned places nearby, there are always some unused side road, or you can go out at night to practice.
After a while you may find patterns, and when you get back to the busy streets you can see how the architecture controls people. Then you're already above it to some degree.
I don't know how else to talk of this, you have to learn to "feel the city", the energy flows in it like in a human body.
After a while you'll notice things, like how defence plans have made an impact on the street plans, there are some obvious example of this in France, Napoleon built "cannon squares", an open place with wide streets in all directions.
If there was a new revolution, you could control the entire city by placing cannons on these squares and you would cut off all movements.
Use google maps and look at Paris, you can see the streets form star formations clearly, those are the cannon squares.
That's just a simple surface thing as an example, there are more specific and complex things in each city, you'll have to go there and experience it to understand them.
Another obvious example of this is Rangoon in Burma, it's said to have huge distances between different districts and all streets are 6 lanes wide, but there is almost no traffic. Not a lot of people have cars. The reason for building it this way is to make it impossible to start a rebellion, if a crowd tried they would be surrouned by tanks before getting anywhere.
But France isn't a country.
It was abolished in 2019 when the European Federation was established from the European Union dissolving all individual rights of countries in the membership.
>not knowing basic history
Very interesting.
Have you tried using these lines and energy clusters to enhance you work?
I have heard about these ideas before. Such as there being places, where energy can be more intense. All the way back to reading castaneda, and those warm spots.
Cities should create something like that as well. And theoretically there should be great potential in those areas I guess.
I am just not sure what can exactly be done there, and for what purpose…
Saged the dead rat, saged another spot I felt it at. Found a wasps nest and saged that while spraying it with a hose. Got bit, and these fuckers are only coming after me and not my friend. She knows how to take care of herself, but I dont think she understands how its affecting her fathers alcoholism. Its only targeting me because Im actually trying to do something about it. Its definitely weaker but holy shit I can feel how pissed off this thing is at me. Physical pain isn't terrible, so I can deal with this spirit. Others I've met before have been way stronger, able to implant thoughts and emotions if they desire too, but they like to converse and chill. This thing is just a puss. Its relying on manipulating lesser beings to entertain itself and get off. Im helping out more for myself, to learn about these types of beings and how to deal with them properly. Helping out my friend is just a bonus. Its opening her up to more than her chaos magic style she naturally tuned into. Shes a natural born empath who can see spirits, but they always try and fuck with her so she just learned to ignore them. This thing fucked with me with a wasp bite on my scalp before I even made the decision to get rid of it. I've had 2 more since, while my friend will be able to sit there unnoticed for hours. Only as soon as I walk up.
>but the wasps are only stinging me
Maybe because you're the one who is using a hose on their nest?
>I put my foot in an ant pile and the ants are only biting me
>I kicked a wolf pup and its mother is only attacking me
>I beat a baby and its father is only going after me
>oy vey iz mir WHAT A SHOAH
>European Union dissolving
Yes exactly, that's what will happen ;)
>Have you tried using these lines and energy clusters to enhance you work?
I do always. Whereever you are, you got there by walking a street or using a road, so you're inevitably connected to this energetic system.
The difference is, you'll evolve from
>not aware mundane style → starting to notice you're being controlled → starting to lessen the control → breaking free → turning back to manipulate the system → controlling and using the system
In the long run I want to hijack the entire infrastructure of the EU and take back what they stole, it's definitely doable… from the theory that one spot, if finding the right one, will control other spots and magnify the effect out to all other places, controlling all of them…
If they can do it, so can I.
My friend kept spraying the wasps after I fled, and they only followed me even when she was face to face with the nest.
>all the legitimate occultists have left
>/fringe/ is now populated by obullshitists from /x/
Rest in RIP /fringe/ you will be forgotten but not lost.
Presumably they all got bored with /fringe/ since they knew everything they could learn from it and had contributed as much as they felt reasonable.
They had nothing left to do and left.
Thoughtforms, never used a sigil in my life.
Maybe jews have been rats in their past lives and have undergone an STS style evolution.
I'm really hoping that by then there's a full on race war, but my years on /pol/ have taught me one thing, that it'll never happen. All I can do now is keep on pouring fire mixed in with racial hate into people around me to accelerate it.
>legitimate occultists
They were mostly racist womenhaters with some basic skills spreading poisonous ideas to mundane /pol/acks, it's no loss. I could never stand 8ch/fringe/ just like any 8ch version of a board, that website must be the worst website ever.
4chan at least has some charm in all its retardedness, 8ch is just a butthurt 4chan with no sense of humour and PC undertones.
Maybe, if you want to include aliens and nanobots. There is some similarity to the stuff on dataasylum.
That said it's still just normal atheist lingo repeating the
>Moses/Jesus/Buddha was an alien/synonym/whatever and Heaven is a meme
completely disregarding that this gives no aswer to anything at all if you're not an atheist to begin with.
Do you see racist womenhaters around here?
I don't either, I like this place.
>inb4 /fringe/ is for white power wizards
Nazism is german and has nothing to do with racism. White power is american, and guess who ruined the 3rd reich?
It's fine to agree with the western tradition and not like american racism, there is no contradiction.
Wake up kid.
Only idiots hate other races, everyone is equal because everyone has a soul.
Go back to /pol/ you stupid racist.
>tfw poe's law has reached its final form
>it's now 100% impossible to tell if someone is shitposting
Beautiful, like pottery.
Observe this post and the qualities of the poster.
At last we can see that the cancer has reached the critical stage of development, the internet as a forum of discussion is dead.
We witness a husk, a living corpse drawing its final breath. We see the law of rythm once again come into effect, the final decay of what was.
The Internet is dead.
No, seriously, if it's so obvious, to the point that everyone who doesn't get it is a mindless zombie, then surely you won't have any trouble explaining why hating on women is occult.
>Observe this post and the qualities of the poster.
You know your Indigo boy and his attitude towards other posts by the poster with Initiate flag, but his previous posts don't automatically invalidate what he said about women or /pol/.
>stealing my trips to shitpost
tipp had to become cubesexual for a bit to realize http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/6450.html#6450
>newchan in any way related to the golden age of /fringe/
Fringe Golden Age was the interstice between gifted individuals being forced off of /x/ because ">>>/pol/" and off /pol/ because ">>>/x/" and the following successful greenpilling of both boards.
>where did everyone go now
Still here, I, and I'm sure others would agree, just don't feel like repeating myself for the ten thousandth time. I, and probably others, lurk for new questions and topics.
also making sure initiates aren't to wrong in answering neophytes on important topics
Honestly though a big reason I don't lurk nearly that often is the influx of all these liberal new age hippie humanitarians.
Pushover scum.
The golden age of /fringe/ and its end are directly correlated to the corruption and collapse of /pol/.
In Feburary the ultimate destruction of /pol/ was enacted and the board quickly collapsed. At the same time /fringe/'s golden age ended.
>there are people on /fringe/ who don't remember the silent holocaust of February
>there are people on /fringe/ who don't remember how /pol/ went from its age of decadence into its age of death
RIP fringe, once the home of bright eyed neophytes, now the home of cuckolds and jew lovers
Psychopaths are born without Spirit, lacking empathy, among traits, because there is no Spirit which wants to reincarnate into that child or have a desire for that experience.
Sociopaths, similar to above but different in the sense that they have a higher spirit but it is repressed by a traumatized Ego, Soul, either a shitty upbringing which requires you to utilize everything you have to survive, the mentality to survive the slums or a broken family, or by, a trauma, such as infant circumcision, the pain alters the brain in a way that it devlops psychopathic tendencies.
The Jewish community is known to have widespread and diverse mental illness with a much higher percentage of socio/psychopaths.
>>He noted that most violent crimes are committed by a small group of male offenders with ASPD, but only about a third of these men are true psychopaths (ASPD+P).
>>Psychopaths are characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, and use aggression in a planned way to secure what they want, whether it is status or money.
>>Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery indicated that the child's brain never returned to its baseline configuration. In other words, the evidence generated by this research indicated that the brain of the circumcised infant was permanently changed by the surgery
>>The function of the frontal lobe involves the ability to project future consequences resulting from current actions, the choice between good and bad actions (or better and best) (also known as conscience), the override and suppression of socially unacceptable responses,
if you want a kek or two, read between the lines in the rabbis' answers.
What really hurt the community and drove off a large portion of its members was the need to redpill newfags and unwillingness to greenpill bluepills.
IE loss of board culture resulting in a lot of peoples silence, leave and stay.
>implying there's not a huge government disinfo force prowling both /fringe/ in order to suppress der goyim
>PC undertones
Who said you have to hate? You have to recognize that there are vast differences between every race and if you're so greenpilled then why are genes a sought after commodity by various alien races? When they genetically engineered labor races did they not leave out certain gene expressions like higher degrees of intelligence? Why are automaton races lacking in Spirit?
More mundane but equally useful example, are the most intelligent and successful blacks not mixed? The overwhelming majority of blacks in the world are dark, but their media representatives and leaders are almost always brown (mixed) yet they still count as black in demographics. Genetic admixture provided those gifts, yet they get the benefits of being a "minority" and "disadvantaged" group.
I'm absolutely astonished that there's so many bluepills here, in the sense that they're completely unwise to how the mundane world works, still believe in the /pol/ boogeyman, and still fall for the tolerance meme. By no means do you have to be /pol/ before you can learn to be /fringe/ but if there's one thing /pol/ was good for, it was showing how the mundane world actually works, what the puppets who maintain the planet as a prison are, and how they keep people ignorant and constantly fed lies. As another anon put it, there's simply no answer by any mundane means for the actions of the jews and those who serve them.
As far as /pol/ got to the truth, the answers end where the question, "Why?" begins. And I don't mean why certain events come to pass, I mean motivation behind the forces that caused those events. That's also why swallowing the redpill so to speak is so difficult for some; they look for the answer to why before they look to see what's what. As can be seen, nothing the jews and their allies do makes sense in any humane or mundane context. They consistently work to make misery spread around the world and even at the cost of their own health. Their thoughtforms -in every sense- remain the most hostile to everyone and they're so well versed in spiritual warfare that they cannot be warred against so easily. They're not the chosen people like they claim to be, but something certainly chose them. In essence /pol/ is a very necessary filter for what's rather esoteric but also mundane; in other words, the mundane truth has become esoteric because of the control over information and thus the truth.
>As another anon put it, there's simply no answer by any mundane means for the actions of the jews and those who serve them.
please elaborate, everytime this is asked the response is MOLOCH DEVIL WORSHIPPERS HUR DURR
it's obviously not that simple, and the corrupted demiurge shit doesn't explain their obsession with the land of zion
I think there's a perfectly good mundane explanation, as in it's derived from a exoteric interpretation though I have no idea where to begin regarding the esoteric kabbalah bit
Should I replace sleep with meditating for 6-8 hours? If so, should it be done gradually or all at once?
I agree, it's not that simple. The moloch explanation does explain some things but it doesn't account for others. Even if the moloch end of things is true, it can easily be another facade to mask the real source, or it can be a small glimpse at the real picture. I believe it warrants discussion in its own thread. Rather, there's a lot of theories worth sorting out.
Also, I don't think a perfectly mundane answer will suffice. /pol/ or no /pol/, all evidence points to a calculated series of actions that are derived from a group of people with a historically proven record of bringing misery upon wherever they're allowed to enter. Actions speak louder than words, and if you judge the mountains of actions committed by jews, it's downright senseless - calculated senselessness at that. If there was a true evil (within mundane parameters) look no further than them. Genetics and the exoteric aspects of their religion doesn't cut it, these puppets are like what the greys are to reptilians, except they can blend in with other people.
>esoteric kabbalah
A work derived from the works of fhe magicians of ancient egypt (iirc). In other words it wasn't originally theirs. Yet another thing they stole.