Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/784
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/784
I've already asked this question but got no answer, so i'll post it again - i've figured out im not my thoughts, it was sort of an *aha!* moment. But i do not feel enlightenment, do not feel joy, bliss, love or anything like that.
Also, what does unconditional love have to do with enlightenment? I am trying to have love for myself and for other beings (in the sense that Love is promoting growth and positive things), and i feel really good, but i feel it is not the end goal. Enlightenment is the end goal right?
What are your opinions on Sikhism?
The tenets of the religion actually make a lot of sense to me, it's monotheistic but at the same time proposes there's a universal life force, similar to Tao, (Divine spark in everything), and believes in rebirths and pacifism.
What are your individual thoughts on the faith?
I'm currently struggling to choose between it, and Christianity, but see myself more on the Christian side.
I originally posted this on /rel/ in 2^3chan but the board is dead. Now reposted this because I used the wrong thread.
(Also, what's up with the auto nametags? I got philosopher, is this some sort of question mark detecting script?)
They can fill your entire diversity quota with just one employment.
Yo, I'm an artfag and I was wondering how I could incorporate occult shenanigans into drawing.
I figured I spend half my time drawing anyway, might as well try and combine it with the fringe business and what not, but I don't quite know how.
The only thing I can really think of is that a drawing would be able to function a sort of sigil, but I'd be glad to hear some specifics or any other methods.
Enlightment will come, you only need to accept it. In the end, you will get enlightment.
Is the moon natural or an artificial construct(some kind of spaceship/base/deathstar)? If it is, does that effect lunar magic in any way? Has anyone here tried remote viewing the moon/its insides?
Occult improving art:
>Learn automatic drawing/writing and incorporate it into your art.
>Learn some magical system and implement its symbolism into your works.
>Invoke ideas or beings and basically channel whole paintings (I suspect many surrealists worked in this way).
Art improving occult:
>Use drawing as a form of meditation, also look up mandalas
>Creating something akin to mandala/yantra which will then be used as a focus in meditation
>Get into deep trance and basically paint pictures in your mind (you can even make it 3D and walk within your painting). You can do the same in lucid dream.
Just a few ideas I got. These require various effort and amount of study before you can pull them off, but just find something you'd like to do and do it.
For me art is magic and magic is an art, so you being an artfag really comes a long way when it comes to the occult. I bet you'd have easier time thoughtforming and getting info from astral than your average mundane.
>I'm currently struggling to choose between it, and Christianity, but see myself more on the Christian side.
Why do you even choose sides? There are no sides. In the end siding with some "official" religion will be detrimental to you. Walk your own path.
>Man i don't understand anything you said.
You can't understand enlightenment because it is beyond logic. There is no point in talking about enlightenment. Although different people mean different things. For some being enlightened is equal to being mildly interested in the occult, to others it means achieving the ultimate knowledge of the Godhead/uniting with the All/achieving Godhood or Moksha or Buddhahood/being able to see beyond Maya etc. Take your pick.
You are only starting now. Don't worry what will come at the end of your journey (which is probably in another couple thousands births).
Is the Earth natural?
Why would the moon be artificial, or at least, more artificial than Earth?
Moon magic is real shit, no matter if moon is real or not.
Because the moon has strong influence over the Earth. Earth as we know it would not exist without the Moon, even science says so.
The way will show itself, live, live your life and all will happen. There is no time, there is no worry, all will happen.
Thanks. I'd follow your advice, but i lost the will to live. I can't enjoy anything anymore… Spirituality is my last ditch effort, i am starting to contemplate suicide. Maybe im being melodramatic, but this is just the way i see it, i don't know.
I don't know, I assume so but I could be wrong.
It has a lot of influence over the earth, there is a lot of material out there on the moon being basically a spaceship, or if it was natural, being modified to be a spaceship/base for reptilians or something. I don't know about science saying so being proof, I'm just curious
>Is there a way of achieving this?
I'm not a specialist because I know I'm not ready for that, but you may want to look into various traditions of Buddhism and/or Tantra. Although Tantra is more magic focused and have a lot more rituals concerned with gaining magical powers and not spiritual fulfillment (nevertheless, both have their place in the system).
>Spirituality is my last ditch effort, i am starting to contemplate suicide.
There are easier ways to help yourself than to achieve liberation (which, from this planes point of view, is kinda a cosmic suicide).
Start meditating and practicing magic with the focus mostly on emotional alchemy. If you will succeed you will be able to completely re-do yourself. If not then at least you will have a bit stronger connection to the occult in your next life.
Good luck.
I become lucid in my dreams sometimes, twice earlier, but lose control quite quickly, and have never had success at changing the scenery, it always either makes me lose control or I end up somewhere I did not intend, any pro tips for gaining more control?
Try looking at your hands when u realize you are dreaming. For some reason it seems to make everything sharper and more real (although the effect is short-lived).
Practicing deep meditation helps a lot both with achieving lucidity, dreams recall and control over dream.
I bet that each time you become lucid you are really excited, so, don't be. When you become lucid the best course of action during your first experiences is doing nothing, just observing the dream scenery, looking at hands, maybe meditating within your dream (mantra meditation in lucid dream was really really dope). It gets easier after some time, so practice in lucid dreaming is the best protip for you.
I've had many lucid dreams (at some point in time I could either LD or AP each night) but then again I wasted these opportunities spectacularly, so I may not have the best knowledge on subject there is.
>I bet that each time you become lucid you are really excited
Yep, spot on. Although earlier, when I realized I was in a dream, my first thought was basically to not get too excited so I don't spiral out and lose it. Easier said than done, though I did stay in control longer than normal that time. Guess I'll just keep getting those little bits in and try to make them better each time.
You may want to plan in advance when you go to sleep what are you going to do when you lucid dream, and then just try to execute it calmly instead of deciding on a whim that you want to, for example, go flying over New York or sth.
I always have a general idea of what I want to do next time I'm lucid, but I'll try making a more specific one and think about it before I sleep. Thanks Indigo.
No problem Iron, I wish I could be more helpful, but for me the only thing that helped for sure was practice.
Also, as I mentioned, meditation is very important. If you manage to keep your awareness in deep meditation when you don't feel your body it is that much easier to keep it when you are dreaming.
Maybe try meditating before sleep.
So I think I've been doing deep breathing (and therefore meditation) wrong.
When I try deep breathing, belly breathing, etc and consciously focus on breath I get tingling sensations soon after, on my face and hands, and sometimes a headache as well.
I just learned that these sensations are because of hyperventilation, even worse I would chase these sensations when meditating because I thought that implied it was working and they would get so strong that I would feel them engulf me and roll around my face kinda like pressure, the tingling and pressure, but that was just extreme hyperventilation wasn't it?
As in too little CO2 in the blood, which might not necessarily make me pass out if I don't breath fast, I just breath deeply enough that theres more O2 than CO2 in the blood.
Anyways I just read up on hyperventilation and linked it to that sensation I get when meditating, is this a correct asumption? Or is there a difference between the kind of tingling sensation you get when hyperventilating compared to a similar sensation when deep in meditation or whatever like I experienced?
I'm just confused now and don't know where to proceed further, novice meditator here.
What are the metaphysical implications of Cannabis and what role does it play in the magicians toolbox?
You don't get hyperventilation by breathing deep, but by breathing fast and deep, so the question is - how fast was your breath? Was it as fast as your "normal" breathing? If so then it's possible it was hyperventilation and you were doing it wrong - the point of meditation is to relax your body and keep mind focused. As you keep your attention on your breath and move it away from your physical body you should observe your breath slowing.
There are some meditations that give you fixed intervals of exhalation and inhalation (for example in-breath on the count of 6, holding your breath on the count of 3 and exhaling on the count of 6).
I can't remember the exact numbers and there are different systems as I prefer just observing my breath and not doing it on the count so maybe do some research if you want to do it this way
>don't know where to proceed further
Just take it slowly qtpie and it'll be okay. If you want to read something about meditations then the book I recommend is Osho's Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - it's a two part book, describing 112 meditation techniques, you are supposed to work with it gradually - you try one meditation for a few days and if it works for you you keep practicing it for a few months, if it doesn't you move to another.
So, to sum up, if you breath deeply and fast you get hyperventilation (I found out on my own skin when I was little and was learning to meditate all by myself), if you breath deeply and slowly that's where it's at fam ;^)
>what role does it play in the magicians toolbox?
It's a crutch, like any drug. Don't become too attached. Didn't use it much for magical purposes (Also, didn't use it much. Period.) so I can't really answer your questions but I've heard it makes feeling and manipulating energy easier.
What's the most effective relaxation ritual? The Golden Dawn offers one in that you let a golden ball of light rest at different points of your body, releasing tension. Since I believe that certain magicks are simply more than whether or not you believe in the outcome, I'm interested in knowing what would, functionally, be the best relaxation ritual (without the need of outside materials). However, I know that a lot of the shit pushed by the Golden Dawn is watered down and possibly disinfo.
My conjecture is that the color of the ball of light has a lot to do with it. Gold being the color associated with the Tipareth/Sol. Of all the nexuses, is this one the most relaxation-inducing? It's certainly the most balanced one.
I know with certainty that Mars (Geburah) is the least relaxing (so a red ball of light should effect you accordingly), and spending too much time in that sphere will make you a hot head.
So then, what about the alternatives?
My guesses for the most effective choices:
Blue ball of light – Jupiter (Chesed) – counterbalance of Mars (so it should be the most relaxing or at least sedative), benevolence, good government, abundance, cordiality. Probably the one to pick when you have too much energy and can't focus. Hell, even the color blue is said to have a sedative effect by normies (probably because it invokes the sphere of Jupiter).
Silver ball of light – Neptune (Chokmah) – Opposite of hard work and contracts (Saturn/Binah), spiritual, lethargy (could be good or bad), kindness. Also a portal deep into the subconscious mind. Probably the one to pick when you're stressed.
Both of these seem to have a component of calmness. However, both are on the pillar of beauty/mercy, so spending too much time there will make you unbalanced.
White ball of light – Uranus (Kether) – Rejuvenating energy. Insight provoking. At least this one is on the middle pillar. Probably the one to pick when you're tired but restless.
Well see the thing is from what I remember the last time I did that and had such strong sensations I was breathing deeply, but not fast, it was a kind of relaxed and prolonged inhalation followed by smooth and prolonged exhalation in a regular rythym.
Now I did some further research on these sensations and found this website that describes something called "bioenergetic breathing"
And the writer describes these sensations-
>Parasthesia simply means “altered sensation,” usually in the form of tingling that starts around the mouth, at the fingertips and in the toes. As it advances and spreads, it is usually accompanied by tetany — sustained but mild contraction of muscles. The hands and feet tend to “claw up,”
Which are what I experienced, the tetany being that feeling of pressure across my face I described in my post, likewise the "clawing" sensation. Furthermore the author is clear to distinguish these sensations and this style of breathing from actual hyperventilation and accompanying symptoms, though there is overlap on that front.
In this distinction, the author describes this tingling and tetany as the sensations of "qi".
>These symptoms are produced by an altered mind-body state, both physiological and psychological. The tetany is a consequence of some changes in blood chemistry. The tingling is the sensation of qi — when your hands are tingling fiercely with qi, it feels like you are holding balls of fire. It’s a very distinctive sensation, and a privilege to experience. I often explain to people that martial arts and yoga practitioners may study for their entire lives without knowing the sensation of qi, simply because they don’t breathe enough.
I'm not very knowledgeable on qi or energy work in general, so I don't know how much truth there is to these claims if any. I just want to know that if I do find myself doing deep breathing exercises, in steady rythym and sufficient depth of inhalation and exhalation that when these sensations of parasthesia come about they are there as a result of this "qi" or as a result of the meditation and not actually just hyperventilation or too much O2 and too little CO2 in the bloodstream as a result of breathing too deeply perhaps, even if the pace is normal.
For now though I'll attempt to meditate or do deep breathing exercises (if they aren't one and the same) with special attention paid to the rythym and speed of the breath so I dont find myself feeling any tingling nor any tetany that could be a result of hyperventilation.
Like I'll still try not to focus on anything but the sensations of the breath but I'll also try not to overdo it when it comes to the rythym, speed and depth of the breath and see how that changes anything in regards to the sensations of parasthesia.
2015 printing - though control
I'm having trouble remembering my thoughts on the first exercise, anyone have any tips to help?
When I feel on edge/tired I either let myself bathe in golden light ,as you already noted it's probably the most relaxing colour, or visualize myself lying on an infinite ocean of water, letting it carry me along the stream. To add water is the passive opposite of the active red fire so blue would certainly add to the effects of relaxing. You could also visualize the blue water absorbing your negative thoughts as worries visualized as red orbs being washed away and dissolved in the infinite ocean.
Has anyone here managed to put themselves into the state of "now"? I mean, for a few seconds at least, you lost the understanding of the concepts of the past and future?
I wish someone described to me how it feels like, so I'd know what I'm looking for. I've been trying for hundreds of hours and I just can't. Is this worth it to try some drugs to hopefully experience it?
If you managed to put yourself into some other special states of consciousness with meditation, please describe them too, and how did you think to achieve them.
>my path
tell 'em you're doing self improvement/health. don't have to mention spirit/wizardry at all
>And I realized then that its not about where I meditate, but to actually get started with it, consistency and habit, and that at this point it doesnt matter if I try to meditate outside, or while walking or at home, its all difficult and takes great effort all the same.
Ramp it up slowly and/or go on a retreat [vipassana is free] or leave if possible.
1 year ago, I was unable to focus my eyes for even 1 full second because of video games and stuff. I realised the tension/discomfort was pent-up energy as well as weakness of muscle/will.
I didn't say it was a waste of time.
sounds cool.
>Why do you even choose sides? There are no sides. In the end siding with some "official" religion will be detrimental to you. Walk your own path.
second this.
yes, because a lot of desire is compulsive, and meditation helps one act instead of react, meaning reduction of compulsive behavior.
I have little to no desire for sex aside from compulsion/conditioning. That said, there is enough of that.
>Thanks. I'd follow your advice, but i lost the will to live. I can't enjoy anything anymore… Spirituality is my last ditch effort, i am starting to contemplate suicide. Maybe im being melodramatic, but this is just the way i see it, i don't know.
I feel a lot of people have gone through that. Spirituality as an escape. It isn't an escape though; it's working and working until you realise god, maybe some resentment/depression along the way when you rise without love and self-love and feel like a puppet.
It's all you. You're able to make it all better, and able to call upon the love of the Divine to feel better.
Everything is a skill, including sustained enjoyment/hope.
Take it easy, don't burn out or you'll fall deep.
Meditate, find it from within/Divine, channel it out of the front of your heart and into the back however you imagine that happening.
Lust, just raise the energy to the heart or cycle it in the microcosmic orbit (through the front and back of the body/chakras, can store it in the belly/lower dantien).
hm… I would like to learn more about the colors/spheres, I think I'm ready to start using that soonish.
too much energy does produce that type of sensation.
I wondered once whether hyperventilation is actually a legit thing/unhealthy.
I'd just do it the way you say, taking it slow and steady and avoiding that until you feel comfortable being tingly.
I dunno. I can shut off my thoughts at which point I don't have much concept of anything.
Does that count?
It doesn't seem difficult for me but I've meditated a fair amount.
moved, not deleted. 750 posts is the limit.
So /fringe/, today I realized what it was that I felt when I first gave meditation a serious try despite knowing little about it, 5 or so years ago one day after school.
I just layed down on my bed and started breathihg deeply and in a few minutes or so I felt this incredible feeling overwhelm me, like a blissful and warm and overwhelming feeling, my head felt clear of thoughts it was so weird.
Naturally having never encountered this before and not knowing what it was I forced myself out of it, and almost regretted that immediately, and it took me a while before I was ready to try meditating again, I knew very little about it at that time, but I was never able to get that feeling of bliss and peacefulness back, no matter how many times I would meditate. And I eventually went through long period of not meditating, but I was never able to pin down exactly what it was I felt and how to feel it again.
Anyways today while reading some meditaiton article I finally found out what it was - Jhana.
>Jhanas are the blissfull altered states of mind one can enter during meditation. Jhana is also called ‘absorption’ or ‘ecstasy’. And that is exactly how it feels. During jhanas you are so completely absorbed into the object of meditation that all distinctions between the observer and the observed will cease to exist. It can give you great insight into reality and give a profound sense of bliss and joy.
This is without a doubt that sensation that I felt that day I tried meditating for the first time. So I'm asking now for advice on what do I do to reach this state again? I could never seem to be able to reach it after that one time, but that was when I was more inexperienced and lacking in knowledge and now that I finally know what its called and everything I wonder if it would not be easier now to attain Jhana again.
Will it just come naturally after I settle into the rythym of meditating again daily? A rythym I have not kept for almost 2 years now unfortunately, but I'm trying to ease into it again now.
Also this was the article I read if anyone wants to read it too, good advice for us novices and beginners https://bayart.org/2016/06/06/beginners-guide-to-meditation-for-everyone/
What is the will to live?
Is it the expectation of tommorow, the fears of what might happen or the expectations that will come?
Is it the reflection of yesterday? The melodramy of what happened or the memories left unchanged?
It is the here and now, the series of learning, the lessons to come.
Is it advised to follow the teachings of Satanism? I have seen mixed views on the topic. I came upon this site and it at least intrigues me, but I don't want to go down a path where I'll end up losing myself or something similar.
Jhana arises when tension (in the mind and body) ceases. Think of meditation like an unbinding of tension. A complete letting go.
When you are completely content in the present moment and thus free from the 5 hindrances (they're a Buddhist thing, if you're not familiar with that) is when Jhana 'arises'.
Basically there's not much you can do, except for meditate - regularly and properly.
Good news is that it shouldn't take too long. Even if you're starting from scratch 'reaching' 1st Jhana can be worked up to with a couple of months, (a year at best) of dedicated practice - from my experience.
In my honest opinion, I'd more then just simply advise you to follow the teachings of Spiritual Satanism. I'd urge you to do so. Have you also read the other pages, like the origins of Satanism? And the meaning behind the name Satan (Satanama)? And the myriad of other pages, such as how Christianity has gave its own corrupted twist on the definition of Satanism, etc.
The core of Satanism is about attaining Godhood; ascension and self empowerment. There are no strings attached, you'll only get tons of benefits. If you're from Aryan descent, the composition of your genetics and soul have their root in Satanism. We are direct descendants from this very race of Nordic extraterrestrials. Hitler himself and major occult proponents of The Third Reich are also Satanists, and many other iconic people of Aryan descent throughout our known history as well.
Unfortunately, Satanism has got a bad rep because of all the slanderous lies that have been spread that continues to this day, literal entire religions are devoted against it and denounce Satanism and its practices as the prime, ultimate form of evil. I'm not sure how redpilled you are, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots if you know the parties that are behind this.
Pics related, it's a reasonably well known fact that Voltaire was a Satanist.
The founding fathers were as well. And so were many others.
>Is Jhana better than drugs
Pretty much. Not only is there the bliss, equanimity, all that jazz when you're in Jhana; after you come out of Jhana there is a sort of 'afterglow'. Your mind feels vibrant and clear; it's extremely easy to focus and things, etc.
It's like the positive aspects of a bunch of drugs combined, without any of the negative stuff - plus it's always available.
>can you do astral projection and such when you are in it
Traditionally, being able to project a 'mind-made body' and other supranormal abilities are a fruit of Jhana.
However, you don't really need Jhana to be able to astral project, although if you're able to 'get' Jhana you pretty much have the relaxation and focus skills to also AP.
So, yes I guess.
makes sense, though, as a big fan of metal I wonder why they haven't started censoring it, since the majority of the lyrics of extreme metal deal with worshipping satan
I have heard about people who met spirit guides and other entities when they were in deep meditation.
Any guesses as to why a golden light is the most relaxing? To me, it represents warmth and security. Probably not the best thing when you've got too much energy. Then again, I guess you could work with elemental earth if that's the issue.
Thanks for the info anon, I'm going to try and reach the first Jhana again, after so many years.
>5 hindrances
I think I read something about that when I was just browsing wikipedia, I think I also recall one of those hindrances being Mara, the demon/personification of lust and desire that represents the kind of thoughts I had when trying meditation before, you can't focus on meditating because all you can think about is how much of a waste of time it is, you wont do it right and your better off looking at porn and for a while there I would give in to these thoughts and a dangerous habit arose by association- every time I would try or think about meditating I would be reminded of or start to feel the desire for watching porn instead and usually would give in to that hindrance, for several months, maybe a year now it plagued me, and hindered all of my spiritual progress.
I think it happened because after I somehow reached the first Jhana and felt so blissful and such a clear mind and even that afterglow you mentioned, despite forcing myself out of it out of irrational anxiety, I wanted to feel such bliss again but the short instant high you get from fapping turned out be easier to achieve than Jhana from meditating especially since back then I didnt know of Jhana and my entry into meditation was so abrupt in a way and without any guidance.
But the sensation of Jhana is much more pure and blissful and lasts for much longer, I can still remember it after like 4 or 5 years. And you dont feel like shit afterwards like I usually do when after fapping. But I was never able to reach it again and got demotivated and a self-destructive porn addiction slowly took over for years instead.
>although if you're able to 'get' Jhana you pretty much have the relaxation and focus skills to also AP.
That's good to know, part of why I'm also doing meditation is for OBE/AP/LD purposes as well, to build a strong foundation on which to carry out these attempts better.
I just hope I don't force myself out of it out of irrational anxiety and fear if I do achieve Jhana again, or feel an OBE happening. I've done this before when a WILD was spontenously forming around me, and I forced myself out of it, always regret doing so only after the fact.
Is anyone else prone to doing that? Forcing yourself out of these sudden sensations or out of a dream forming around you because it gets too intense and you panic, but regret it almost immediately afterwards? I gotta stop doing that.
I get that too. More often than not, when trying to WILD, the dream begins to form around me and I begin to initiate reality checks but the dream isn't stable enough yet. I just wake up completely.
>I heard it from Bear Heart that invoking the energies of Luna will actually make you more sexually feminine. So if you're male, Bear Heart would recommend bringing the energies of Lunar instead.
Hmm, I shall have to try this and report back. It was my understanding that the Luna(r) energies where inherently yin in nature, and balancing it was the Sol (yang) is the goal.
>Also, do you know if "Elohim-Gibor," the god of the Martian sphere, is actually Jewish, or that's just the same commonly given to him (since it directly translates as God of Gibor).
I am unsure.
>I need to read more on planetary magick, so forgive my ignorance.
There is no need to ask for forgiveness.
A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. - Bruce Lee
Also, it builds an archive for reference for others.
>I'm really interested in knowing more about the actual spirits of those realms.
You know… You can always just evoke them yourself and see.
>where can I read more about these orders of beings?
See >>>/ask/200
>I have a strong will to research the occult but i don't act on it because it doesn't really appear that often, it appears when i see some schoolgirl post something inspirational on her facebook wall for example, then the thought comes oh look at her acting all smart im just gonna plow through the whole fringe curriculum and i'll show everyone what a badass i am.
That is ego compelling you, that is why it waxes and wanes. Ego will not carry you into infinity. At best ego will take you to the 6th density.
When a man no longer has to work but he still exercises intensely to keep his body in good shape, when he no longer has to study but he seeks out higher knowledge of his own accord, when he overcomes his pathetic vices and addictions, and he sees through deceptions and practices the will to power then he will be ready. If we lose momentum, grow too complacent, turn away from our higher callings - then we will just be exterminated and our souls recycled. - Anon
>Anything I can do to help with my insomnia?
If you desire to remove it (and sleep normally) I would meditate "why do I have this experience?" If you would desire to remove the need to sleep, I would do lots of energy work like >>>/fringe/289
You can also experiment with alternative sleeping/resting styles, polyphasic, biphasic, etc. Just note, that you do not actually need to be unconscious ("sleeping") to rest and restore yourself.
>Admin can you check IP of anon?
I honestly should not even be entertaining this, but for transparency's sake, no it's not, not even close.
There are many different anons posting that you have accused of being Protagonist who are not, and are not proxies either. You're paranoid man, assuming every one who voices an opinion not praising you is Protagonist (or before it was Omran).
>[8/fringe/ Drama]
Anicca. Patience. While I do agree with y'all, I am not compelled to wallow in lower emotions to the point that I would complain about it.
>So what's the steps to be a Wizard?
Step 1 Breath
Step 2 Bring your attention to your breath
Step 3 Return your attention to your breath (it will most probably wander until you properly master it)
Step 4 Sense the energy that flows in/out and around your body
Step 5 Will/Intent/Manipulate this energy
Step 6 Free your mind of preconceived notions and conceptual limitations Anything is literally possible
Step 7 ???
Step 8 Profit
>A /fringe/ without me is like various other movements that got hijacked and lost its essence.
I will give you props for originally helping jump start /fringe/ on freedomboard, but tbh, even before the move to 8chan your presence was starting to lack in constructivity.
>Are you even redpilled on monarchies?
Such a system is only necessary for an unenlightened society, why would we, as awakened folk, ever aspire to build a mundane system?
>does IIH talk about the astrals senses
>I'm not the guy you think I am I just want you to stop sperging
He's a different anon, but one nonetheless tired of the drama.
>I was just talking to someone yesterday about how nice it is that there is a chan relevant to my interests that isn't non stop shit posting
It will quiet down.
>am I making a fool out of myself for asking smiley to calm down?
>Are you being paranoid and thinking everyone posting here is one specific person?
He is.
>Most of us came here to get away from this 8ch style shitposting nonsense
Agreed, me too.
>I hope something is done about it and this place doesn't turn just as cancer.
>>>/loosh/ is for shitposting, the other boards shall remain (as) pure (as possible)
>Not going to keep playing this game and shitting up this thread.
>you know I always hear about bad entities and the shit they do but no one talks about good entities.
STO entities can be really helpful, but due to the respect of freewill, don't intrude into your reality unless you call upon them. For that reason STS are far more prevalent in most mundane and neophyte's lives (as they didn't (usually) ask to be targeted).
>So whats the deal have they moved on to higher plains or are they just floating in the background doing something subtly so not to gather attention.
STO respects choice, they would not do something to possibly violate one's chance to make a choice. STS on the other hand does not care about you, only themselves.
>Is it possible to enchant personal items like a necklace or a pendant?
Of course. By subjecting it to an energy field it will start to cohere it's own field/consciousness based upon what was impressed upon it (even if it was subconscious, like a favored pocket watch, lucky charm, etc.).
>I humbly ask if someone could explain it to me in detail.
The aware way of doing it is gathering energy, imbueing it with intention, then impressing it into a physical object. Some are more receptive than others, for this reason crystals, water, resins, etc. are often used but anything can be used.
How you go about collecting the energy can be very simple (repeated creation of psiballs with a desire surrounding the object) to highly complex and or ritualistic (cerimonal high magic).
>Are there any books concerning planetary magick that include the often forgotten spheres of Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune?
I to am interested in this too.
O, Thoth deliver me this wisdom. Thank you.
>What do wizards who use planetary magic do most of the time, use the old 7 planets system or do you/they use the new planets aswell?
I do some planetary magic but it is not "most of the time" just some. I don't really exclusivly use the 7 sphere's system as there are other heavenly bodies I interact with, not all I know the names of. Sometimes a certain star/planet/heavenly sphere just calls to me so I include it.
>I suppose in the end it's about how one thinks and there's no better, isn't it?
I would say it's about what is most effective.
>Thoughts on these pages?
>Masonic misinfo or..?
I evoked Enki awhile back to see if he actually was this benelevent being of light or not, because everything I read said he was, but also everything required pledging one's soul to him as well… That seemed suspicious to me. So I evoked him for some answers, I didn't like the vib I got, he was short with me because I was not tributing him energy, repeatedly asking what I would give in exchange, when all I desired to know was some details of his being , a normal conversation, not a yaht or million bucks or anything big but I couldn't even get a straight answer.
>Enki's symbol is the Caduceus
I really got the idea he was was STS because other STOs I've communicated with acted nothing like that at all, they where very willing to help and indeed did pretty much instantly.
I will further comment on the devil archetype. There are numerious nature gods (such as Pan, Cernunnos, the Greenman, etc.) that got rolled into the Christian concept of the "devil".
Furthermore, despite my reservations on Enki, this is a very good write up on what's wrong with the God of the Bible/Abraham
>I have long hair; would cutting it all the way short be detrimental spiritually?
I would not advise it at all. I just wear it back in a pony tail most of the time, but especially when it's warm.
>The summer is coming, so yeah, it would be alot easier with shorter hair.
It can take years to grow your hair to it's proper length, don't be short sighted.
>how does ceremonial magic work?
When some one does a work the way-pattern they used to create said change is energized, when repeated it is strengthened, over time and with workings by others it can become an efficient path to achieve said goal.
The catch? You can't change it. This is why I don't really do that, I feel it's better to always be perfecting my workings (and thus self) rather than doing the same thing for a lifetime. The former seems more stagnation proof.
>How do i make my own rituals?
Easy. Do something, anything, then do the same again & again. Bonus points for making as many aspects of it the same each time (same day, time, astrological circumstances, etc.)
It can be anything, reciting a little poem with intention or showering while consciously clearing yourself. Of course it can be very intricate as well, but there is no hard requirements
Sorry, I'm not big on meanings of colours but my guess would be is because it's associated with our higher self/God spark/whatever and we feel safe in its embrace.
>the majority of the lyrics of extreme metal deal with worshipping satan
How many of them have any real spiritual message, and how many are just being edgy for the sake of edginess? Censoring black metal lyrics (censoring any lyrics for this matter) would make no sense - people who are against common religious paradigm can blow off steam without making any real change by listening to certain music genres and taking part in certain subcultures.
ugh fuck don't remind me of that album, what an overrated piece of shit, 3/10 at best
You dont seem to be forcing yourself out of it though, deliberately out of fear however.
Thats my problem, I have a tendency to do that.
Can you imagine the hilarity, to train and practice for hours or days on end to achieve something like a WILD or an OBE or Jhana only to then force yourself out of it when you actually start to enter one of these states because the intensity and the rush and sensations are too much and you cant handle it, but regret forcing yourself out of it almost immediately after doing so.
Since we're on the topic of Jhanas anyway, I'd recommend 'Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond' by Ajahn Brahm.
He's a Buddhist monk from the Theravada Thai Forest Tradition with a huge boner for Jhana. MBB is in my opinion one of the better books on Jhana. He talks about how to get into Jhana, how to 'traverse' Jhanas, and how to use them to end suffering. Good shit.
Anybody who is interested in Jhana should also google around a bit. There's a lot of good info on forums and what not - Dharmaoverground for example.
That aside, 'forcing' yourself out of Jhana is not unheard of. If anything it's quite common; people get excited and bail. It's kind of like having sex for the first time, where you end up jizzing in 2 seconds. After a couple of times it's not as 'scary' and you'll just ease into it.
>worshipping satan
Contrary to popular belief, spiritual Satanism is not about worshiping anything. Neither Satank/ENKI or any his Demons demand or require worship. The opposite is true in fact. They wish for you to abstain from worshiping any being. Worship is an unhealthy STS practice. Most modern blatant examples of worship is found in enormous quantities in the trilogy of Abrahamic religions. YHWH bathes in the loosh granted to him by all the prayer and copious amount of sacrifice done under his name. Satan is the polar opposite.
>as a big fan of metal I wonder why they haven't started censoring it
It depends on what is in the lyrics. Do most lyrics take the Christian depiction of Satan as their basis? Because if so, doing that only worsens the image of Satan in public mind and eye. It amplifies all the vile, false rhetoric and lies. This benefits those who oppose Satanism, of course. I'm not familiar with metal myself.
>>1608 made good points as well, though if the lyrics further extrapolate upon an untruthful depiction of Satan, this quite literally worsens the situation immensely on a global scale. After all, the lyrics work as affirmations, the more people listening to it, the more effect it has on The All.
Cool, thanks anon I'm going to read up on Jhanas more now, I'm so glad I finally have an understanding of what they are, and what they're called, it makes me feel like I was on the right track a few years ago now I just need to get back to it.
I think I'm gonna try also to get used to intense sensations like Jhana and stop forcing myself out of them no matter how many tries it takes, so that when it comes to OBE or Lucid dream attempts, I might be better prepared for what sensations come with them (like feeling light and almost floaty like I felt once when meditating a few months ago).
As I read through Satanism, I see that I'm required to make a blood pact with him. As far as I know those are dangerous, and red flags are popping up, but I can't help feel drawn towards this.
From what I know from the most popular branches of Buddhism; no, its not similar. From what I understand, popular/modern/mainstream Buddhism is about reaching 'Nirvana' by completely dissolving the ego, abolishing a wide array/spectrum of emotions, prohibiting attachment to things and other beings, not having most if any thought at all, silencing and killing of passions and desires, and some more backward principles.
If anyone feels that the path to enlightenment is absolute self mutilation, to the point where you stop existing because that seems to be the goal here, you ought to reanalyze what you're doing and the other spiritual paths that are laid out. Unless petrifying yourself is your thing, of course.
No, Satanism is not like Buddhism from my understanding. If so, there would be no need to (re-)introduce Satanism.
Satanism is not about abolishing your identity, stripping yourself of emotions, killing off desires or passion, or becoming a passive stone statue, an empty husk.
The blood pact is mostly a formality. You can undo your oath to Satanism, Satan would not prevent you from doing this. This is stated explicitly. Satanism places a great deal of value in personal choice and freedom. Satanism is not about milking you dry or stripping you of your rights. Its not about using you as a battery for energy. The blood pact is a sign of trust, an allegiance between you, Satan, his Demons, and all other Satanists. Blood pacts like these were common in times long ago, especially in the (secret) pagan lodges, circles and societies.
There's no need to rush it, or do it all. Get familiar with the material, use what you can, communicate with the Demons if you are able to, ask and investigate. Then again, there's no real loss, as you can undo it if you decide its not your thing. Satan will not interfere if you wish to distance yourself from him and Satanism on a whole.
>but I can't help feel drawn towards this.
If the material resonates strongly with you, chances are you were a Satanist your former life/lives. This is especially true if you feel strongly drawn towards Satanism and the information it presents. So I'd estimate that the chance that you were as fairly significant. Before the inquisition of the church, the massacre and mass genocide of the Gentile Pagan populace, the majority (if not all) of the Pagans were Satanic. We're talking millions of people here. Its not that much of a stretch that you were one of them.
>From what I understand
You understand incorrectly.
>If anyone feels that the path to enlightenment is absolute self mutilation, to the point where you stop existing because that seems to be the goal here
Buddha argued explicitly against these things.
You ought to educate yourself before you start spreading bullshit with your less than Wikipedia-tier level knowledge.
The main practice of spiritual satanism is meditation too right? Why even associate it with satanic entities if it's just meditation used for your own advancement?
>You understand incorrectly.
Buddhism seems to be incredibly broad with many different branches, thus I could only answer the question that was posed from my own perspective. And that I tried to do from a common one. I'm a Satanist, not a Buddhist.
>your less than Wikipedia-tier level knowledge.
I didn't look this up on Wikipedia before, but shall we?
>Nirvana (Sanskrit, also nirvāṇa; Pali: nibbana, nibbāna ) is the earliest and most common term used to describe the goal of the Buddhist path. The literal meaning is "blowing out" or "quenching. It is the ultimate spiritual goal in Buddhism and marks the soteriological release from rebirths in saṃsāra.
>Within the Buddhist tradition, this term has commonly been interpreted as the extinction of the "three fires", or "three poisons", passion, (raga), aversion (dvesha)' and ignorance (moha or avidyā). When these fires are extinguished, release from the cycle of rebirth (saṃsāra) is attained.
Is this not what I talked about? The stripping of emotions?
More on that 'passion' (raga) and 'aversion' (dvesha) [source: their respective wikipedia pages]
>Raga (Sanskrit, also rāga; Pali lobha; Tibetan: 'dod chags) is a Buddhist concept of character affliction or poison referring to any form of "greed, sensuality, lust, desire" or "attachment to a sensory object".
>It includes any form of desire including sexual desire and sensual passion, as well as attachments to, excitement over and pleasure derived from objects of the senses.
>Dvesha (Sanskrit, also dveṣa; Pali: dosa; Tibetan: zhe sdang) - is a Buddhist term that is translated as "hate, aversion".
To continue
>Nirvana has also been deemed in Buddhism to be identical with anatta (non-self) and sunyata (emptiness) states.[7][8] In time, with the development of Buddhist doctrine, other interpretations were given, such as the absence of the weaving (vana) of activity of the mind,[9] the elimination of desire, and escape from the woods, cq. the five skandhas or aggregates.
>Buddhist scholastic tradition identifies two types of nirvana: sopadhishesa-nirvana (nirvana with a remainder), and pari-nirvana or anupadhishesa-nirvana (nirvana without remainder, or final nirvana).
>Nirvana is also described in Buddhist texts as identical to anatta (anatman, non-self, lack of any self).[61][62][63] Anatta means there is no abiding self or soul in any being or a permanent essence in any thing.[64][65] This interpretation asserts that all reality is of dependent origination and a worldly construction of each human mind, therefore ultimately a delusion or ignorance.[64][66] In Buddhist thought, this must be overcome, states Martin Southwold, through "the realization of anatta, which is nirvana".[66]
>Nirvana in some Buddhist traditions is described as the realization of sunyata (emptiness or nothingness).[8] Madhyamika Buddhist texts call this as the middle point of all dualities (Middle Way), where all subject-object discrimination and polarities disappear, there is no conventional reality, and the only ultimate reality of emptiness is all that remains.[67]
I don't mean to shit on your beliefs, and I'm not saying Wikipedia is that accurate in its information, but I feel like what I said wasn't exactly bullshit, and certainly not 'sub-wikipedia tier'. Again, there's without a doubt many branches of Buddhism that I'm not aware of. I wouldn't be surprised if some esoteric branch is similar to Satanism.
>Buddha argued explicitly against these things.
I'd gladly hear more about this. Would you be able to link material to where he argued against what I outlined?
Read Joy of Satan and get your info from the source.
There are also other satanistic systems which can be considered spiritual, for example ONA. So if you want you might also check them out.
>enlightenment is absolute self mutilation
You were wrong there. Buddha, before liberation was living in all the pleasures of this world, then he became a hardcore ascetic and then he proposed that true understanding can only be achieved by following neither - the so called Middle Way.
I'm not an expert on Buddhism, but from what I know Spiritual Satanism =/= Buddhism, nevertheless your explanation of what Buddhism is seems a bit off.
Also, every magical system includes meditations and this doesn't invalidate the diversity of approach in those systems.
>Is this not what I talked about? The stripping of emotions?
No. I don't know what kind of backwards ass mental gymnastics you're going through where you take the extinction of the three poisons to equate 'becoming an emotional, empty stone husk'. Pursuing the 'holy life', as they call it, is a path of joy. A joy away from sensual pleasures. That's were Jhana comes in.
If you think what you just linked in somehow in accordance with your conception with Buddhism, I'm afraid your comprehension abilities aren't up too snuff.
You're misunderstanding terms and concepts.
>I don't mean to shit on your beliefs
I'm not a Buddhist. Shit away.
>I'd gladly hear more about this.
Again, here comes that lack of even a basic amount of knowledge. The concept of 'Middle Path' is a pretty basic and well know core tenant of Buddhism.
Lines like
>to the point where you stop existing because that seems to be the goal here
are also dead wrong. Buddha explicitly argues against annihilationism.
All these extremely common misconceptions are easily cleared up when one reads a good introductory text like 'What the Buddha taught' by Walpola Rahula.
Do you know any western monks who teach the more rare meditations such as kasina, asubha or the recollections?
All I can think of, of the top of my head, is the Pa-Auk Sayadaw- lineage. They teach kasina practice, 32 parts of the body meditation, metta, the whole she-bang.
I don't know of any specific western teachers of the top of my head, though.
'Theistic/spiritual satanism' was literally made up by a bunch of dudes in the 60's.
'Actual satan worshippers' is therefore a meaningless term. It's all just make believe for edgy emo kids.
most everything talked about on here was just made up by some dudes at some point. most of the shit on here is based on 'theosophy' and 'occultism' which are pretty recent as far as i know, like 19th/20th century
>pretty recent
There are systems which are ancient. For example one of the tantras I value the most comes from the 10th century, but there are other, far older.
Many teachings are universal and can be found throughout time and space in different cultures. Some of the first magicians were shamans, and shamanism is as old as human civilization itself.
Theosophy is full of disinfo, at least when it comes to the transmission of Eastern occult knowledge to the West.
So you are completely and utterly wrong, occultism isn't a recent development.
>I've heard before that longer hair makes you more sensitive to your environment.
I do agree.
>I am interested in knowing whether covering head with cap or beanie has any significant effect, especially in regards to protection from certain influences or energies.
I have not personally done this, but I was talking to a Sikh about hair and it wandered off into turbans and he said it helps him with psychic protection (though I'm not sure if it was because of enchantments or the actual physical item).
>How do i push thoughts away as described in Book Of Knowledge?
Energy goes where attention flows. By focusing your awareness upon something else you are pulled into that state of being, ergo all else that is not in harmony with that is moved away.
>Like my thought process is oh wait im thinking, lets push this thought away - which already is a thought.
And in that awareness you can return your attention to what you desire to be, in this case stillness, or observation of a non verbal thing (breath, visualization, etc.).
>I think that you actually don't have to do anything - thoughts go away and dissapear on their own
This can be the case, and through extended stillness one becomes more adept at realizing and returning to that state of being.
>but there's a paradox - as soon as you try doing nothing you've already did something.
In actuality you are not trying to do nothing, you are trying to be present and that is not a thought but an awareness of what currently is.
Eloberates well on the subject of being in the Eternal Now.
>Thoughts on this channel?
I listened to a few of the videos, he seems to know his stuff and his voice reminds me of Manly P. Hall. Overall seems like a good reference.
>so is the middle pillar ritual bad because of some jewish entities?
I'm not totally qualified to say as I have not done it, however my take on it, just from an application of metaphysical framework is that as long as you set down the limits and rules of your sacred space and the work you are preforming if they where STS and you set the boundaries to only allow STO I wouldn't worry about it.
>Is our moon an alien spaceship?
Possibly, I have not researched it enough to say with authority, however there are certainly a large number of 'coincidental' things about it… and then there is magic, in which is nothing but coincidence.
Some resources:
>If so, does that invalidate lunar themed magic?
I presume not, as it still exudes energy one can work with regardless so I think this point is moot.
>I've figured out that i am not my thoughts - it was an *aha!* sort of moment. I did feel a bit happier then but i don't enlightened. I don't feel joy, bliss and that kind of stuff.
Make to mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. - Adyashanti
See also >>>/fringe/197
>Are there more like, levels to enlightenment?
You could say that. Now that said, often the rending of illusion also results in the rending of suffering produced by it, depending on how much illusion remains (not that one would be aware of that) will indicate how close one is to God/Perfection/Love.
>Did the hermetic teachings fall into the wrong hands?
They fall into what ever hands seek knowledge, there is no universal limiter to say what it is to be used for, of course it will be leveraged by both good and evil.
>Watching the symbolism of some events leads me to believe that the world elite is into this stuff to the neck but the state of the world today makes them look like they're incredibly evil, so what happened?
The Kali Yuga. The age we are in, the astrological energies interpermeating Earth has resulted in an increase in a general trend of unconsciousness, and now we're swinging into consciousness.
>Did the wrong families win the magic war?
Kek, it's just the wheel of time, in a thousand years it shall be good that reigns.
>How is it possible to gain back control of earth?
It shall happen by itself all in good time, however if you desire to accelerate the process, embody higher consciousness and (energetically) rub off/awaken others as well.
>We have a very long time to prepare for something.
We have the time of our lives (assuming non-immortality) to grow our spirits.
Well the ultimate purpose of existence is to awaken to Godhead and while doing so, grow in a nonlinear way. But from a lesser perspective, to shape the world into a form appropriate for the present age, which allows for the former to be executed properly.
Mass awakening, and beyond that, collective conscious evolution and sculpting of physicality until it becomes more aetherial than material.
>The only logical conclusion that I have is that our galaxy will collide with another galaxy and star wars will be literally represented.
Technically it is possible, but I rather doubt it, it does not seem as though it would be an environment very well suited to spiritual growth.
>What peace talks could ever be possible when planets collide and stars engage in melee combat?
>planets collide and stars engage in melee combat
This too would also probably not happen due to the role electric charges play in orbital mechanics.
>We WILL meet another conscious and intelligent species and when we meet when these galaxies collide what will happen? Will our cultures and immune systems be compatible at any level what so ever or will consciousness be wiped out forever?
Insufficient data for meaningful answer.
>if our galaxies collide and no one survives what then?
That won't happen, freewill must be preserved to allow for growth, divine intervention would happen before the very reason of creation was extinguished.
>What's the most effective way to manifest a gf into my life?
Align your flesh's actions & align your mind's intentions. You can do all the magical workings in the world but if your physical actions are not in alignment then you will be fighting yourself, and vice versa.
>My social circle is very limited and I don't see a worthwhile way to improve on that for the next 6 months.
Just allow for synchronicity to flow through your life, take the road less traveled, the scenic route, the long way, if you feel pulled to go to a place then do so. Just be open, you may be surprised what manifests.
Forbearance is knowing that every event has its proper time. This builds tolerance for difficult situations and patience for events whose time has not yet come. The doors of opportunity open when time is right. Having forbearance means aligning with the pulse of synchronicity; rather than choosing which doors to force open, you choose which open doors to walk through. This requires faith in letting things fall into place, and awareness of opportunities when they arrive.
Last but not least, as with all magic, believe you can, if you believe you can not you are just as right (as you shall manifest what you hold to be true).
>How to create a tulpa gf?
Just make a tulpa and when crafting it program/intend it to be a romantic mate. If you're inquiring into how exactly, basically form a mass of energy, name it, set out a list of traits, qualities, appearances, etc. it shall have as a guideline (some what optional), then pour loosh into it, talk to it, pet it, interact with, it will grow and evolve over time, becoming increasingly tangible and sensible as you put more energy into it.
Just be warned that if you do do this, after a time if you attempt to abandon it, self preservation mechanisms may result in you having to fight it to actually let go and move on. This may not be easy at all.
>What does this mean for bald people?
There seems to be 2 schools of esoteric use for hair, one is the (seemingly) more wide spread, and that is leave it, don't cut it, the other is to take it all off, as an exercise in sensory perception, so one must learn to master themselves even that much more to reach the same level.
I personally prefer the former.
>Thoughts on pic related?
Have not read, apologies. What little I do know is that the term Faustian bargain is derived from it, which means an agreement in which, despite getting what you desired, it was not in the way you desired it, and thusly leaves you unsatiated.
>How do I turn a tulpa who hates sex into one that loves sex?
You are their creator, their god, you can alter them however you please. It may not be easy, but with persistence you can impress your will and sculpt them as you desire.
>How do I accomplish this?
I would overwhelm her with your desire that she be/is X, eventually, as you are the source of her very existence, she shall conform.
>Do I send her into the planetary sphere of the moon?
That may help, though I can not speak to it's (in)effectiveness or not.
For those who read Franz Bardon and Joy of Satan: They say JoS stole from Bardon, but is this really the case? And what is superior/better? I don't like Bardon as a person at all…
So I was reading the meditative practices thread and all the suggested means of "getting more in tune" like paintbrushing and all that.
My question is, and I mean this in the most respectful and serious way possible, what is the difference between "improving your imaginative visualisation so that you can visualise with your developed minds eye metaphysical but fully real things like 'energy' and 'spirits'" and on the other hand… well… "withdrawing too deep into your own mind and consciously nurturing your own schizophrenic break with objective reality"?
Where does purely internal subjective mind-imagination end and external objective mind-sensing begin? The voices from the TV telling the hobo to shank the local mayor because he is the lizard-toad king of the gangster computer god are all real within his own realm but not real anywhere else. If all the practices are willing yourself to see and hear something then it kind of begs the question if that isn't all it does? Willing yourself to see and hear things that purely your own mind concocts?
And if so, that begs the most dangerous question of all. If it is all internal, then the entire field is just shared rewiring of the brain and a shared tripping-out session.
Swapping techniques for coaxing the mind to feel certain things or go on certain trips, all subjective, all imaginative, all non-real. Modding in video games into the mindOS.
I realise that comes off as pointed but I'm really not trying to poke holes in anything simply to poke holes, nor trying to be a jerk. This is just something that has troubled me in general with all of this stuff and the methods put out there for developing it. If I have nothing to worry about then there surely will be a good answer that I am ignorant to (which I fully accept there may be).
I'm very interested in all this, minds across the millennia probably wouldn't just waste their time writing tomes and logging experiences. But it's just as possible their desire for knowledge followed a subjective dead-end path and they were intellectually chasing their own mind-tails.
You'll have to prove it to yourself, no amount of reading of outside experiences will convince you, ultimately. Do consistent meditation in combination with certain exercises and practices to affect 'objective' reality. Create sigils and imbue them with intent, create thought forms to affect others or manifest (material?) things, and once you pass a certain treshold in terms of energy work, pick up telekinesis. There's plenty of ways to prove yourself that this isn't just schizophrenic self-fuckery (schizophrenia is by the way a meaningless term). Suspend your disbelief and dive head-in, start affecting 'objective' reality.
I haven't personally read any of his material, but from what I know Franz Bardon most got most of his knowledge from Satanic/nazi occult lodges, then ran off and started publicizing what he knew. I've read of multiple warnings that Bardon might've been 'guided' by malevolent extraterrestrials and that his work contains touches of Christianized influence.
>baiting this hard.
Not going to bite.
>Why even associate it with satanic entities if it's just meditation used for your own advancement?
From that perspective, why even associate with forums like these if you're just after meditation for self advancement. Associating with Satanic entities is no different then associating with entities like us, with one key difference. If you're a dedicated Satanist, these beings are directly working for you benefit. You should see them as direct family. You could even classify me as a Satanic entity. Either way, there are numerous benefits of working with Demons. You can call upon them for help, guidance, or other requests, and as you advance, you'll also get a guardian Demon assigned, one that will watch over you. Reuniting with your creator Gods, who's aim it is to liberate you and the rest of our species is only beneficial.
You know, i was gonna give the same advice for my self, just do something that affects if only a slight part of objective reality. But then, i wondered - does objective reality exist outside our minds?
>does objective reality exist outside our minds
From the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism that All is Mind – no, and even from the fact that we only have our own conscious experience of reality, objectivity isn't as its praised to be in contemporary science and society. But we have to to draw a line somewhere for communication' sake.
>How do i know if reality isn't just in my mind?
That's the catch, there's no way as far as I'm concerned, as everything is measured and experienced through consciousness. There's no way to 'take a peek outside' to determine the existence of something independent outside your subjective experience. Though personally I feel like staring to deep in this effect/concept will bear not many fruits.
"Yes, everything is subjective and derives from mental experience. Now lets move on." is the attitude I take myself.
Yeah you're right, there's really no other reality we will ever know except the one that's derived from our own experience.
What do we need to do though in order to affect reality the way we affect our dreams? Dreams are in our mind only, the Universe i believe is a dream dreamed by the All, or God if you prefer. Not literally, but i guess it's an analogy.
>not going to bite
You're not going to bite, because it's 100% undeniably true.
The 'Joy of Satan' memery is particularly pathetic in that regard in that it claims stuff that's so historically retarded and ignorant it's not even funny.
And why do such artificial divisions matter?
Define "occultism", because I don't have a very clear idea what you mean by the term.
>Does anyone have any recommendations on improving discipline?
Use it. Exercise your will, force yourself to do something, even if it's just a gentle yet persistent nudge, every application will help build it up.
>I always find myself thinking or looking at things that I know I shouldn't, and then I end up hating myself for it, and the cycle just repeats.
You can acknowledge that you desire not be be X, but try not to hate yourself for it.
>And what's worse is when I reach a point occasionally once a week where I have read all my dozens of useless tabs from 4chan/other sites and I have played as much vidya as I wanted to play, and I have recently fapped so have no desire to and I don't know what movie/anime/show to watch and I just sit there not knowing what to do with myself - and that would be the perfect time to try to meditate or read up on my fringe stuff/lucid dream/OBE pdf's but I get an overwhelming feeling like I can't, like I can't focus on that and so I put it off until later which obviously never comes.
Ejaculating consumes a lot of loosh, I've found it quite hard to push myself to read, meditate, work out, etc. or otherwise focus on anything that productive if I have spilled my seed recently.
>This sort of mental block towards going any further with my spirituality/meditation attempts, it's never been this bad before even when I just started meditating, but now its persistent and I feel mundane as fuck, the more months go by without even a single day of meditation and just chasing distraction the worse I feel physically and mentally, anxiety rises, stress rises, and these are all indications that I absolutely have to start meditating again but because its been so long since I did and since then I have this whole mental block about doing so I can't seem to get into it like I did before, even when I do manage once a month to try to meditate it feels forced or unnatural or whatever and more often I end up falling asleep, and then distracting myself with the things mentioned above for days more, chasing distraction after distraction, never feeling like its the right time to focus on spiritual studies/meditation and when I do find myself free of distraction I just feel like I can't do it.
Even if it's small, and feels forced or "unnatural" meditate, because the bottom line is, you are changing your nature, you are, by force of will, altering the very definition of your being.
>I'm in a total rut for over a year now /fringe/, where's the reset button?
Being a hermit may help. Like going off into the mountains for several weeks or months, without distractions of any kind, away from the psychic pollution of other people. If you can not do this I would suggest setting up wards around your room and start actively (re)programming the psychic atmosphere.
As within, so without. Alter how you treat yourself, groom yourself (brush your hair, clean yourself, etc.), dress yourself, tidy up your room, remove physical clutter, vacuum the floors, wash the walls, literally clean out the cobwebs/dust, organize your living space & HDDs.
>What happens to tulpas once you die?
Unless they find another source of energy they will dissipate. In theory they could turn into psychic vampires to sustain themselves. But they need energy some how, when you die your soul will do the same, as the flesh is no longer there to cohere it /feedback loop your energy through to maintain it.
If you could, by will alone, do that, then you would be an ascended being, and could maintain a tulpa after the release of the physical form.
>So, will my attention be insufficient to keep her alive once I've passed on into the astral?
That depends on your level of spiritual awareness at the time.
>Are tulpas part of your soul, or something?
Kinda, I went into this >>>/ask/1302
>I can feel the emotions and discomfort of my tulpa, but I can't feel emotions from foreign spirits that are channeled.
Your tulpa is much closer to you than another spirit would be, and if the spirit was a native of a higher density of existence, then they would posses great mastery over what sort of information they sent to you.
>Am I correct in thinking that the black heart chakra was the cause of my ailments and possibly what stooped me from negating sleep and being fatigued?
The darkness you saw/felt was stagnation, energy that was not flowing properly and was causing problems. And, yes, most likly resulted in those problems.
>pic is the colors i was using.
>Are there better ones?
For the normal chakras, they seem to work the best out of the one's I've tried. Gold or white also works well, but is more of a universal color than a specific chakra one.
>Can some one tell me what these colors do so I don't have to crash test each one?
The colors preside over the energies of the appropriate chakra, to see what that is look into what each types of energies each chakra governs. BoK has a pretty good over all description, see also things like >>>/library/154 ; >>>/library/156 ; >>>/library/162 & >>>/library/167
>or are there effects depended on the individuals perception on what the color represents and dose?
That has not been my experience.
>what are some meditations or rituals I can do to pass my exams well?
I would recommend the eidetic memory guide >>>/library/189 and otherwise using associative memory techniques such as a mind palace. You can also work with gods of knowledge/wisdom, like Thoth, Athena, etc.
>i think my friend may be possesed by an entity. he has a history of drug abuse and clinic time.
Drugs, especially when abused often lead to holes in the aura, which make people more susceptible to attack.
>any recommendations what to do if i want to help him regain free-will and control of his body and mind?
Depending on the level of entrenchment of the entity it may be as simple as working light through his body to remove blockages and heal his flesh and soul, or it may be nearer to a ritual exorcism.
>i already thaught him some chants about mother nature, she is a thing he loves.
Those would probably be a good start. Just be aware that it may not be an easy task, and to a mundane, it may appear as though you are hurting him, which could result in interference.
>Evocation/Invocation guides without ceremonial nonsense, please?
See >>>/ask/288
>How do I achieve Christ Consciousness ; Krishna Consciousness ; Buddah-Nature
See >>>/library/146 (book 1)
>And how can I get there from a complete degenerate perspective?
You may not be able to, though that's not to say you can't learn anything, it will just take *much* longer, lifetimes longer.
>what is the tree of life i know of it/roughly know what it is but i don't really fully understand
It's a conceptual map of the energy system of the soul.
>What are your opinions on Sikhism?
Satnam is quite a powerful word/mantra, I like it. Otherwise, not much knowledge thereof.
>What are your individual thoughts on the faith?
Insufficient data for meaningful answer.
>I'm currently struggling to choose between it, and Christianity, but see myself more on the Christian side.
I am not a singular any one thing, I am a harmonious mix of multitudes of different and systems, at the focal point of truth. I think limiting oneself to a single system is undesirable.
>(Also, what's up with the auto nametags? I got philosopher, is this some sort of question mark detecting script?)
Instead of Anonymous, on /fringe/ it's Seeker, on /library/ it's Librarian, on /arcane/ it's Revo/loosh/ionary, it is just a little bit of variety.
>Yo, I'm an artfag and I was wondering how I could incorporate occult shenanigans into drawing.
Draw with both left and right hands, learn the body & soul intelligence in each side and how the differ. Learn which one to wield and when. Let art flow through you without so much conscious direction. Imbue intention, emotion, energy into your art.
Check out the work of Paul Laffoley >>>/fringe/3328 he did interactive esoteric art. Quite interesting stuff.
>1) Why should I /nofap/?
Because it is a monumental waste of energy, a literal sacrifice of divinity at the alter of ephemeral pleasure.
>2) What does OP pic mean?
It is a representation of the cosmos, macro and micro. It is a mandala, a piece of Tibetan art, intricately laid down, then ritualistically destroyed, even it's very existence mimics the totality of existence, not just in the visual from the "completion" of it's assembly, but it's life and death, from start to finish.
>Is it normal for my desire to masturbate to lessen after I meditate?
Sometimes that desire is the result of the energy not being utilized, which in meditation you are doing just that. Sometimes one may try to meditate and a succubus will try to bring forth that desire so you don't meditate. It just depends.
Buddhism preaches that humans have no soul, no Atman. Therefore; that you don't actually exist as a soul-consciousness. What you perceive as yourself is just an illusion. That humans are just a recycling of the five elements and nothing more else. When a person comes to realize and believe this deeply and subconsciously - it causes a psychic wave that releases the power of the elements from the soul, causing the complete dissolution of existence upon your death. This is the Buddhist meaning of "Enlightenment."
"Nirvana" in Buddhism means - literal - Extinction. Buddhist teachings state that to Exist is suffering and that Existence has an end. That end is Extinction. To obtain Nirvana is to literally cease to exist. Lights out forever.
Through Satanism we know that existence does not have to end, unless you yourself are trapped within samsara - following the anti-life teachings of Buddhism for example - and do not work towards the advancement of the soul. Reaching the Magnum Opus (immortality) is the only way to escape the Samsaric cycle. The soul will eventually wither away on it's own from a lack of vril or through constant bombardment with anti-life teachings and working towards "Nirvana".
>Nirvana" in Buddhism means - literal - Extinction. Buddhist teachings state that to Exist is suffering and that Existence has an end. That end is Extinction. To obtain Nirvana is to literally cease to exist. Lights out forever
Come on now bro. How retarded are you. Let me say it again:
You are misunderstanding fundamental concepts.
How is it possible for such vile, disgusting, terrible human beings like the rothschild family to exist?
The only Buddhist entity that makes any sense is Mara (who is ironically, a demon in Buddhism). Mara is of desire and fulfilments of material existence. Buddha preaches that humans should have no desires. As a result of this, the energy of the elements that forms the soul will dissipate upon your death, the psychic aspects of the elements will fizzle out on the Astral and you will cease to exist. Desire and Will is what holds people and souls together and gives them (and life) meaning.
Mara is of existence and life. Buddha is of death and annihilation. Buddhism exists only to bring annihilation, destruction, demoralization and death upon life. Buddha is actually an evil character that preaches hatred for all life and the main purposes of life, what makes life worth living. Buddha preaches an evil doctrine that is identical to the evil doctrine the fictional Nazarene preaches on the Mount. This has also been noted by scholars. There is absolutely nothing soulful or spiritual about Buddhism, its annihilationist nihilism.
A paradox to note, this is why having Buddha statues is heretical in Buddhism - the form of Buddha, that of Gautama, is actually Mara. In other words, it is an existing being, thus the realm of Mara. Note as well that MA = water; RA = fire. The two elements that generate all of existence. It says a lot more that Buddhism is anti-existence since it is anti-Mara. The actual Buddha is literally nothing, total extinction.
"God" created the light and the darkness, the predator and prey, the warm and cold. In the perfection of creation it is necessary for the balance to maintain "terrible" humans as well as "good" humans. Without a family like the Rothschilds, you do not have anything to measure it against, so you would not know good from bad.
The second realization comes in knowing that man created morality, not God. You think of the family as bad based on your morality that was created for you and that you created for yourself. Realize that the members of the family has physical limitations and sickness that prevents them from reaching an awake state. They are completely controlled by greed and ego and spend most of their lives fulfilling out a scheme that was planned hundreds of years ago by their ancestors.
My personal belief is that people born in rich families either are young souls that need to learn simple life, or old souls that needs to learn humbleness.
What drives the elite to make people into slaves and cattle according to them is the excuse that people are zombies. In your case (>>1660) they are right. You must wake up before you can call them disgusting and make sure your house is clean first.
I'm not a buddhist, but studied it for a long time.
>You were wrong there. Buddha, before liberation was living in all the pleasures of this world, then he became a hardcore ascetic and then he proposed that true understanding can only be achieved by following neither - the so called Middle Way.
That's not what Middle Way means, but it is usually how it's presented in the West. If you want it in western philosophy terminology, Middle Way is an ontological concept, but is usually and falsely presented as an ethical one.
Buddha had a teacher that claimed that nothing exists at all, and by realizing this state of nothingness, He would attain Enlightenment. He conquered it but saw no freedom. Then He had a teacher that taught that everything existed absolutely, as part of an Ultimate Soul that encompasses all, and one had to meditate on it to achieve Enlightenment. He also conquered the practices, but found no freedom either. These beliefs and practices might lead to pleasurable future lives, but not to end of suffering.
He went on to conclude that it's both wrong to claim that nothing exists in absolute and that everything exists in absolute. Everything thus originates in dependence of a cycle of causality, and by realizing directly that things are absent of an inherent nature, one may break the cycle and get free of taking further births. Emptiness means this: everything is empty of self-existence, but not of existence at all.
Buddha kept teaching after He attained Enlightenment. He has taught others after His death, in other forms. His Enlightenment was announced to Him by the previous Buddha. Mahayana thinks He was already a Buddha since before his birth. A Buddha does not cease to exist by becoming a Buddha, He exists out of samsara and may still project bodies into it.
>To obtain Nirvana is to literally cease to exist
Nirvana is the cessation of mental afflictions, those that keep a person in suffering.
>this is why having Buddha statues is heretical in Buddhism
It's not, it's Holy and many rituals and meditations and done on the images, in ways that result in merit that may causally lead to the aforesaid liberation.
Nuh uh, I referenced to spirituality. I just don't support the complete denial of the self, will and desire since that is unnatural and inhuman.
I'm thinking of trying astral projection tonight but I'm very nervous. I know for a fact I'm going to be doing the LBRP of the Draco slayers but is there anything else I can/should do or be aware of to avoid anything nasty?
Is it possible to partake in sts and sto activities back and forth, or do people have to stick with one or the other?
Just try to maintain a positive state of vibration and not let the spooky stuff get to you when relaxing. If new age normies can do it without getting astrally raped then i'm sure us wizkids can manage.
Hay, I'm trying to use astral travailing/ remote viewing to see things in the present I've had successes but I would still like some advice on clarity it seems to take a lot of effort to focus on something that isn't just the general surroundings.
Any advice on clarity?
Is this just a practice thing or are there some techniques that would help?
What makes an artist paint a bird? Is this a dopamine-related itch? I suspect in order to want to paint all day, one has to experience especially strong itch. I want to understand and experience this itch too.
I do awareness meditation all waking minutes of my life. Making sure my reward system and brain in general is in peak condition is my utmost concern in life right now. However, I'm not anywhere near the state I imagine artists and other high-energy creative people are usually in.
Is there something I am missing? Did I use up all my potential passion and love in my teenage years, when I'd fap every day to hentai memes? Or maybe I wasn't born with it in the first place because my ancestors were simple-living creatures with moderate passion?
You'll tell me to use sigil to make myself more high-energy, but you see, I did! It didn't fulfill my wish, it just made me especially obsessed with researching ways on how to do it. I read on hormones all day and became a health nut, but I feel like I'm missing something, something simple.
One of my theories is that high-energy creative people who are passionate about their work have minds of children. Their neuropathways are wired to just act on the inspirations they get, instead of detaching and analyzing them. They live in the perpetual present + have high energy reserves.
I managed to rewire my habits to more healthy ones with logical tricks, but rewiring my whole sense of perception to be more present is a different kid of rewiring. How to do it? Do I actively punish myself for using my memory, or planning the future? Is this the way to rewire myself to only see present? I read that 3 African tribes can only perceive the present, and they're completely incompatible with the modern world.
Nah it's just people wanting to do what they want to do, I fap all day and still write a lot of music
So some Seekers here are into Satanism. Question for you: is praying to Satan profittable? Is he willing to help without tricks and risks?
1 - There isint only one Aha in life
2 - Unconditional love has to do whit freeing yourself from negative thoughts
Dramatic Example : You get stabbed A) I am grateful for being stabbed for I will finally get to experience death or B) Fuck you mother fucker im gonna die now
In the Norse view of the world the moon (Mani) is the male and sun (Sol) the female
Read the bagavad gita them some random books by Evola that tickle your fancy. It would hope I would do the trick if reading isint your think you could search Srila Prabhupada on youtube or the web but that is insightful at most unlike the bagavadgita
Here's a short stroty about Terrence. He's never written a book whitout cannabis so he decieded being in small isolated house somewhere in india to try just that. So he rolls a big joint and put's it near the door and then starts writing his book. After a few days he finishes and having done so he goes and fires up his big joint and once high decides to give his book a read. Soon after he realisises that this book is the worst book he has ever written so he scraps it and starts anew this time high.
if you achive the now state of mind you pratically have achived enlightenment
>>implying you can maintain this state of mind
>>don't have to mention spirit/wizardry at all
Song related : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEErsyxMzEw
Tibetan singing bowl.
here is my billo's 1st rundown of satanism
Insofar as I know there are 3 major streams
1) >>1599
2) Warlocks who use (abuse) demons to realise there will
3) The guy Jehovah made up to make himself look at-least somewhat good
A wise man will learn more from a fool than a fool will learn from a wise man
>>>Not going to keep playing this game and shitting up this thread.
When in rome do as the romans. If the romans are bad people you following them
will only bring more attention to the issue/inconsistency thus speeding up its repair
>>1621 :
Extrated from this book: https://archive.org/details/TheDoctrineOfAwakening
The original meaning of the term ascesis—from άσλέω, "to train"–was simply "training"
and, in a Roman sense, discipline, The corresponding Indo-Aryan term is tapas (tapa or
tapo in Pāli) and it has a like significance: except that, from the root tap, which means "to
be hot" or "to glow," it also contains the idea of an intensive concentration, of glowing,
almost of fire.
With the development of Western civilization, however, the term ascesis (or its
derivatives) has, as we know, taken on a particular meaning that differs from the original.
Not only has it assumed an exclusively religious sense, but from the general tone of the
faith that has come to predominate among Western peoples, a asceticism is bound up with
ideas of mortification of the flesh and of painful renunciation of the world: it has thus
come to represent the method that this faith usually advocates as the most suitable for
gaining "salvation"
and the reconciliation of man, weighed down by original sin, with his
Creator. As early as the beginnings of Christianity the name "ascetic"
was applied to those
who practiced mortification by flagellation of the body.
Thus, with the growth of modem civilization. all that asceticism stood for gradually
and inevitably became the object of strong dislike.
or nerds / roleplayers
>>How do i push thoughts away as described in Book Of Knowledge?
You don't push you let fall because every action has an equal and oposite reaction so by pushing your are in a way giving what you are trying to repel active power
>>The Kali Yuga. The age we are in, the astrological energies interpermeating Earth has resulted in an increase in a general trend of unconsciousness, and now we're swinging into consciousness.
apprarently an other ecceft of this age is that spiritual aspiriants cannot dispell materiality (buddism originated in this age contrary to Hellenistic religions who apprarently conversed whit god's and could clearly distinguish the logo's)
webm related
I am completely unlearnt in Hermeticism but Evola has a book on it I intend to read it when the time one day , here is the link : http://www.cakravartin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/Julius-Evola-Hermetic-Tradition.pdf
I hope you have a first hand experience of all history if you wish advance such a claim whit any defenitive credibility. My recommendation is to put the theory away beside the others and wait for proof as to witch is correct.
>>>I'm in a total rut for over a year now /fringe/, where's the reset button?
The reset button is in your back pocket.
Ask a freind to roll a dice out of your view and try and tell him the results. Alternativly you could try using a random number generator while not looking at the generated number until u try and guess
***I would hope It would
Are things such as the five elements, chakras, dan tiens, etc. actual metaphysical properties of the universe, or are they only taught to develop a useful mental-framework for interfacing with reality? I'm particularly interested in the elements
Just had somewhat of a personal realization and and as an extreme newbie, I wanted to post it here (I originally posted this on 8chan but I think I like it better here) to see if it's correct:
I've recently been visualizing my surroundings and the immediate rooms around them while meditating. Yesterday, I was meditating and "saw" in my mind's eye a dark figure outside of my door. Typically when I imagine things like this, I can just… stop imagining them, but this thing wouldn't go away. The same thing happened again while I was showering, with the presence just outside of my shower curtain. Correct me if I am wrong, but can I scientifically understand that these occurrences are my paranoia, while framing them in a magical belief system? In other words, can I "defeat" magically what I scientifically know to be paranoia, given a framework of belief in magic?
i wonder what STO people think about killing insects. Say I have a lot of fruit flies. Ideally I'd like to remove all insects from my house alive but in practice I can't easily do that.
So if I see a fruit fly and crush it is that bad/unloving?
I wonder.
'Cause they annoy me when they're on my monitor.
I am not really an STO, but a good point they should consider before answering you is that flies a have a very short life span anyway and being killed can provide a lot of "experience points" for spiritual evolution.
They say that the opposite of love isn't actually hate, but indifference. Is loving something the same thing as being polarized - in the sense where the basis of polarization revolves around what you love and against anything that threatens it? Therefore, is indifference merely a polarization where you're polarized against love? To depolarize, where does one stand when you have love and indifference as opposite ends?
Love = Complete Acceptance
Hate = Complete Repulsion
Indifference = Neutral
I believe you are a bit wrong.
>inb4 drugs
I'm going in the woods for a while and I was wondering if there are any rituals or anything that might help me have a encounter with the forest spirits.
just sit on the earth and call to them respectfully.
unless you have a firm relationship to them and the drugs you use the drugs will just get in the way.
This is going to sound stupid but how can I make money appear out of thin air? Or just one day wake up with $10k in my bank account or something
One would only ask something like this out of extreme desperation but its either that or doing these damn survey sites for measly 25c a survey.
Start tree hugging like a hippie
You can but you probably likely may not at the moment.In my view, there are two ways do do this : high level magic where you condense raw energy into matter or asking someone who has high level magic (entity) to help you.
>>the gods help those who help themselves
Now as for gaining money a simple sigil could go a long way. Energy follows the path of least resistance so if you just want 10k in your bank the bank could do an error put 10k and remove it 3mins later. So you should condition your affirmation.
>>I am reviving (allways affirm present) beneficial (unless you want early heirlooms) money that is mine to keep or spend as I please.
What if I were to wish it to appear in my room behind some books, in some random drawer, I wouldn't be materializing it per se but would it appear?
Like if I were to just one day be looking between or behind my books, inside my drawers and were to find a stack of hundred dollar bills, after willing it and making me believe its there and I just have to find it, would that work?
Sort of a power of intense focused suggestion thing? And who knows maybe I did hide a stack of hundreds somewhere and simply forgot about it and will "find" it again..
>these are the desperate measures of a poorfag neet
>would that work?
Of course. But it would be probably your own money that you placed there once.
You'd be better off roaming the city on this Saturday night to find money or a wallet that some drunkard lost. Public transport is also highly recommendable.
I've been walking the other day and listening to music envoking positive emotions.
During the song, I kept grabbing my hands together. I didn't understand why. It just felt comfortable like this, even though I never do that.
Then I felt something like a charge around my hands. As if air around them was heavier. It's like that feeling you get when you put finger between 2 magnets.
Whatever it is, I've been wondering how can I experiment with it or make use of that. If my body subconsciously wants me to grab my hands together, should I do it, or should I resist it?
Fruit, dried fruits, cereals, water purifier, fresh veggies, healthy oils, honeypot, various spices.
Sounds like energy flow to me, powered by emotion. Read New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce to get a hold of the idea (hardly 60 pages).
Now, to obeying your subconscious urges, you must still identify the source of the thought. But for something as harmless and interesting as allowing your energy to flow easily trough your body, I'd give it a go.
>But for something as harmless and interesting as allowing your energy to flow easily trough your body, I'd give it a go.
Thanks but it doesn't help me even the slightest bit. I want to know what is the reason behind this "energy". My theory is I'm getting extremely subtle shivers due to emotional high from the song. While it's so subtle it's not noticeable, it causes the urge to hold my hands together. And if I don't do it, I get the tingling in hands.
Now, the question is, how can I utilize that.
I did read New Energy Ways. I still don't know how I could apply tingling in hands to anything. Assuming he's talking about the same kind of tingling.
I read some research on frisson and on the kind of special hormone-releasing shivers that one gets after cold shower (they have smth to do with brown fat and muscle). But they're aren't giving me any ideas.
I think in the past, when people were more sensitive to things like that, you had all kinds of bored spiritual people meditating on their tinglings. I bet someone here has something to push me in the right direction
The full extent of energy work comes when you get to differentiate and identify the energy centers in your body - be it chakras, organs, sephiroths, whatever - and manipulate the input/output of energy on them, thus creating changes that transcend your physical body, into the astral, spiritual and mental counterparts.
Emotions provoke this different tinglings because they move more in the astral than the physical, but can be controlled just as any other kind of energy in your body. Of course, hands are a major tool in energy manipulation. You get high on music, channel the energy unto your hands, and transmute it into some energy you need/want/desire, via hand positions, holding gems/stones, etc.
Give it a try and do whatever makes more sense to you, after all that's "the way of least resistance" that you should be looking for.
>Give it a try and do whatever makes more sense to you, after all that's "the way of least resistance" that you should be looking for.
Way of the least resistance for me seems to be position of putting hands together, holding wrist with the other hand, or "amen"-like sign. I suspect our bodies are always trying to set themselves up to balance out some kind of electrical or vibrational tension.
>The full extent of energy work comes when you get to differentiate and identify the energy centers in your body - be it chakras, organs, sephiroths, whatever - and manipulate the input/output of energy on them, thus creating changes that transcend your physical body, into the astral, spiritual and mental counterparts.
I've repeatedly proven to myself that magic works and I have respect for people with spiritual mindset, however, I'm really tired of this kind of information. Absolutely all progress I've made on my spiritual path were results of very down-to-earth thinking. Maybe you have good intentions, but I read information you provide and it's just too ambiguous to be useful.
It would be better for me to ask whether someone here knows if these cheap polygrafs that measure galvanic skin response are worth anything, or they're scams. And whether they're useful at all to self-evaluate oneself. I've had the idea to buy one and experiment with it long ago, then I learned Scientology used to use such device, lol. I guess I wasn't the first one to consider biofeedback for meditation and rituals.
But then, nobody here or anywhere really talks about it. Is it because it's useless, or because people run from tangible spiritual experiments into theoretical philosophical babble
As down-to-Earth as it can be, I´ve found energy work to be a great tool of self control. I haven't measured my neurotransmitters on every organ, but after studying and meditating over the Tree of life, bioenergetic pathways, etc. I've worked on classifying every emotional and energetic input to certain areas of my body, so that it flows well, and when I need to call upon any specific emotional/mental state, I can do so by simply working my energy to said area. That's as down-to-Earth as I plan it to be, because from now on I'm working on transcending the material plane, but I'm just starting that work; you should be interested in beyond-physical implications, because there's where you´re going.
No spiritual new agy bullshit, no babbly theories. I study medicine, I know when I'm being exposed to biased info, poorly designed studies and outright bullshit. What I mentioned, I use it everyday and I am happier and stronger in about every way since I started; it might be one iteration of the million ways out there to use the energy flow in your body - nervous, chemical, electrical, whatever you believe it to be made of- if you're going to ask for proofs on such a subjective matter, you might as well go and make it yourself, because you won't be finding hard (and reliable) facts anywhere.
I want to buy some books off of amazon since I don't like using my nook. I know the kybalion is a good one to start with but there are a bunch of versions of it on there so I'm not sure which one to get. Any other recommendations?
>What are the metaphysical implications of Cannabis
It's a very Yin drug.
Hence, the associations with laziness and suggestibility. Many people also become temporarily gay/bi when high.
just want to get in touch with nature, theres nothing wrong with that.
How does one create an egregore and not a tulpa?
I've heard from one anon who apparently has experience with both foreign and created spirits that created spirits/tulpas produce emotions that are as strong as yours, whereas foreign ones/egregores (or at least foreign in the sense that it's not a part of your own unconscious mind) can also subtly indicate their feelings and intentions to you. I've also read that tulpas will, by default, have access to your thoughts. I can't say I really like this notion, as I want to have my thoughts to myself.
What do you do? Create an energetic body through visualization for the egregore? Kinda sounds like what you would do for a servitor–channel intention into something. Normies often describe creating tulpas by thinking about them a lot (without pouring loosh into an energetic ball above them). Maybe in so doing this creates a connection at the soul that otherwise wouldn't have happened.
Or is it that giving any idea made from scratch (by you alone) requires your own soul to furnish intelligence?
Obviously, if a bunch of people begin pouring thoughtforce into something, a collective egregore will arise that is not a part of any one person's soul.
Does anybody here have some major success with Law of Attraction? All these books saying literally all is possible and I don't see anyone claiming they become billionairs this way or anything like that. It's always some minor synchronicities in the testimonies. So I'm wondering is there someone here can backup by his experience that it's really exactly like it's presented in the books?
I wonder how much the redpill-type "gameplaying" is necessary in relationships.
as some guy, I've had an ideal of romance from a very young age, and I don't really have a clue of how to get it.
Sometimes it seems like I have to pretend to be something I'm not. Like… the last person I liked, I pursued for sexual reasons only at first, having closed my heart/been isolated and thinking "I'll do whatever with this girl and then go find a different one to love" (had had one in mind). Then I fell for her, got hurt in one way, started attracting her with kinda "The Way of the Superior Man"-esque things.
It didn't work out in the end and I got hurt worse, and I don't know what to do.
Because it seems that I'm supposed to pursue sex and then after a few times of that a relationship develops.
But I'd rather have an energetic/romantic bond before that, and maybe that's just because I'm a naive virgin.
Maybe I'm supposed to learn "game" and "attractiveness" and should just sleep with whomever I come across so long as their "spiritual enough" and I'll just make a heart connection with whomever and it's all ephemeral anyway and throwing away this old perception of mine isn't as empty/heart-rending as I used to think it was.
I mean, I had a bad feeling when I was left behind by the person I fell for, and in the end that was just something I had to accept. What am I clinging to this idea of sex as something special for?
I had my own failings of course, and this question can't be adequately answered by my own experience until I'm more established with my soul's traits expressed through my body. But I want it now. ):
And I want an answer to these feelings, whether they're valid or not, whether I'm just screwed up/stunted in my masculine growth and can/should grow in that (*somehow* despite not having much idea of where to go with that) and drop ideas where "I'm good as I am" in the sense of "I don't need to grow [in one area or another] to attract women I find attractive". I kinda do believe that, though I also believe that to maintain an attraction growth must be present.
I need to be more metaphysically/energetically present/grown in order to have a good frame of reference for this I think. A frame for "how much does all this mundane improvement stuff matter?" The answer seems to be "more than the metaphysical stuff" in terms of sex/relationships, but maybe that's just because I don't vibe strongly enough to attract the right people. Or maybe I do and I stopped working enough, because I did stop.
I don't know why anyone would want to be a billionaire though.
If you can manifest that much money you should have already obtained anything most people would want unless you're being unreasonably greedy or trying to buy an island/country or something
I have attachment issues. I mean, i never chase after a girl unless i really like her for some reason. Unless i have some sort of attraction. It's indescribable. Love is illogical and doesn't have some purpose, right?
That's nice, but as i said, i have attachment issues. It ended 2 months ago, and i still miss her. It ended because of my neediness, and now i would try it again but im afraid i'll be needy again and then she won't like me and boo hoo hoo…
How do i let her go? How do i sort out these psychological issues?
Also, what do you think about Alan Watts? He says that we are all already Enlightened, it's just that we don't see it. When you're aware of it, then you know. He also says that Meditation is not a path to enlightenment, because when you do anything to be enlightened, you already miss the fact that you already are enlightened.
So, you should do nothing. But, trying to do nothing is doing something.
I agree with Watts. I don't think magic has anything to do with Enlightenment. Then again, it depends on your definition of Enlightenment - if Enlightenment is gaining higher knowledge of the laws behind the physical world, then yes, magic does serve such purpose. If you want to merge with the Godhead, then magic doesn't really do anything.
Magic is just manipulating energies.
Is there any noted advantage to choking your astral attacker, presumably to death?
I haven't been attacked in a while, but from an early age I've reacted this same way to my attackers and for whatever reason it seems to work. I assume that the simplicity of a direct application also coincides in its effectiveness. I would post this in the dream thread but I'm more interested in knowing if there's any particular significance in a scenario like this:
Last night I immediately recognized that a threat had appeared in my dream. It took the form of a child, presumably because there were children present in the dream and it wanted to blend in. Despite its choice in appearance it demanded my attention and stood in front of me. As soon as I realized what I was really looking at, it transformed into a more monstrous form; its skin turned pale-yellow like a dying plant, its teeth multiplied and pointed outward, and it sprung at me. I immediately grabbed it by the throat and held it down. With nothing short of a death grip I was intent on never letting it go until it was dead. I have to admit that quite literally choking the life out of it - like all past attackers - gave me sick pleasure. My alarm woke me up before I could see it dead.
>pour tonnes of fire element with intent to make people more active and have more of a self preservation instinct
>sodomites get shot in America
>a bunch of people come out with anti-islam signs on the same day
This is a pretty good change compared to the I'll ride with you tag after the Sydney shooting.
I can't describe how good it feels to be capable of producing mass effect like that.
but that's a logical reaction, and even though people nowdays are braindead, even the most cucked of liberals acknowledge the sandnigger scum, a lot of people were probably planning to do it anyway, if you do have actual control over this stuff then pls kill merkel, sadiq khan and the whole rothschild family
I still can't wrap my head around how they elected an actual terrorist that wants them all dead as their mayor, what in the fuck is wrong with britbongs
I wonder what's the reason for this, why so many people are this retarded and why did my 16 year old brother get red pilled without me even needing to interfere
>Is the Earth natural?
As natural as one can get, at least that is my impression.
>Is there a way of achieving this [Godhead]?
This is only the ultimate end goal of all religions & spiritual practices. Every different belief I've encountered has a piece of the truth, some have better metaphors than others, but the fundamental problem is they all attempt to describe something which is beyond words.
Truth has nothing to do with words. Truth can be likened to the bright moon in the sky. Words, in this case, can be likened to a finger. The finger can point to the moon's location. However, the finger is not the moon. To look at the moon, it is necessary to gaze beyond the finger. - Anon
And to that end it is necessary to walk the path oneself. Where exactly the path is can be clearer or murkier depending on which particular philosophy you follow to. Due to that it is my firm belief that the best way to discern the way is to find the harmonic amalgamation of them all. Think of it like triangulating the moon (truth) by collecting many different fingers showing the way (perspectives), with only a small amount, especially if closely related to one another, it is more likely there will be an oversight error due to lack of bigger picture understanding that if you had (seeming) opposing view points which intersected.
If you go to >>>/fringe/193 you can see my full list, however the ones I found to be the most insightful (and in no particular order) are Gnosticism/Syncretism (like Santos Bonacci), Hermetism, Ayur Vedic wisdom, & Taoism. Not to say the rest aren't worth looking into, just that I believe the aforementioned hold the majority of the necessary information to provide a good base.
>i lost the will to live. I can't enjoy anything anymore… Spirituality is my last ditch effort, i am starting to contemplate suicide. Maybe im being melodramatic, but this is just the way i see it, i don't know.
I was once (kind of) there. I didn't see understand why I incarnated in this bit of time-space and so I sought to 'reroll' another incarnation. Needless to say every time I tried to leave there was synchronistic/divine intervention that prevented me from leaving, I was kicked back with the knowledge that there was a reason I was here, it wasn't just for me but for others, and I'm not leaving until it's done.
Several years later I really truly understood what was meant by that, and now where I am incarnated is not of particular importance to me, just so long as I'm growing spiritually, as that is the real reason for being.
>I become lucid in my dreams sometimes, twice earlier, but lose control quite quickly, and have never had success at changing the scenery, it always either makes me lose control or I end up somewhere I did not intend, any pro tips for gaining more control?
Practice & gradual change, try altering smaller things, the clothes you're wearing, the shape of a window, etc. Once you become more comfortable doing that you will not only have more precision in what you're doing but more confidence, you won't get super excited (thus altering your brainwave-state) it will be more normal.
>So I think I've been doing deep breathing (and therefore meditation) wrong.
>When I try deep breathing, belly breathing, etc and consciously focus on breath I get tingling sensations soon after, on my face and hands, and sometimes a headache as well.
Seems quite normal. The headache is probably just you adapting to the new level of energy present and over time will fade and not be painful in the slightest.
>I just learned that these sensations are because of hyperventilation, even worse I would chase these sensations when meditating because I thought that implied it was working and they would get so strong that I would feel them engulf me and roll around my face kinda like pressure, the tingling and pressure, but that was just extreme hyperventilation wasn't it?
How many seconds in/hold/out are you doing? I suppose this is also possible but you described definitely also a result of an increase in prana (and awareness thereof).
>Anyways I just read up on hyperventilation and linked it to that sensation I get when meditating, is this a correct asumption?
It may be partially, but without a more of a description on the type of tingling and/or what else there may be, it's hard to say. I will comment thusly though, when I actually try to hyperventilate myself I can feel the O2:CO2 levels changing and it's not really at all similar to the way energy feels to me.
>Or is there a difference between the kind of tingling sensation you get when hyperventilating compared to a similar sensation when deep in meditation or whatever like I experienced?
Depending on the type of breath and the type of meditative trance there can be many different sensations. Look up different types of yogic breaths and experiment with them.
>What are the metaphysical implications of Cannabis and what role does it play in the magicians toolbox?
In my experience it helps you sense energy, that is why many find music so pleasurable when high, they are riding the waves of loosh induced now that they are more sensitive to the currents. Through meditations while in this state it is possible to transfer the awareness it affords you temporarily into normal sober waking non-meditative consciousness; in this way it is a tool to accelerate the growth of your spirit.
However, many do not treat the substances in a sacred manner not really learning but merely there for the high/trip. This can (often) results in escapism and incentivize chasing of the altered state (addiction) through external means rather than internal.
>How to overcome the need for love and lust?
I shall start with lust, which is a state of being derived from the perceived need (and also separation) from another being, there is a desperate drive for connection with them, and even in the moment, in the heat of passion, a feeling that one must get it all now because it may not last. This is all untrue due to the all is one nature of reality, it is illusion.
Love, in the human sense, is a step or 2 above lust, but still rooted in illusion, that is why there is attachment, that is why there is pain/suffering when they leave die or otherwise leave you.
Love, in the divine sense, is the ultimate goal, it is the acknowledgment of the unity, that you are one regardless of where in time or space their flesh is compared to yours, that at any time you can reach out with your consciousness and touch their being, it is caring for and appreciating them regardless of circumstances. And should not be be striven to be overcome, only the lesser forms.
>What's the most effective relaxation ritual?
Me, being a fan of energy work is more visualization than anything, very little to do in the flesh. I would recommend starting with a shower in which you impregnate the water, as it runs across your flesh, with the intention of absorbing that which is disharmonic to your being, taking it away from you.
Then I would do chakra/antakarana clearing, once nearly perfectly clear (this will probably take less than an hour, certainly less than 2).
I would then take crystals/stones for the various chakras (crown can be exempted if you like) and lay down, setting the stones directly on your flesh (so take off your shirt and any other constricting clothing, I prefer naked), I set the root chakra stone right on my pelvic bone.
Relax into this for as long as you like. Optional, if you like you can set up a sacred space around you and or take a bath with charged water afterwards as well.
>I'm not very knowledgeable on qi or energy work in general, so I don't know how much truth there is to these claims if any.
It seems pretty accurate.
>For now though I'll attempt to meditate or do deep breathing exercises (if they aren't one and the same)
There are different types of them, some meditations are highly imaginative and don't focus too much on what the flesh is doing, some use the breath as a synch or use parts of the flesh to nudge energy along, some are almost entirely breath or flesh based (like the more physical yogas).
>I'm having trouble remembering my thoughts on the first exercise [In IIH], anyone have any tips to help?
Save practice, perhaps trying to gently shape the thoughts, or maybe recording them in freehand/freestyle on paper.
>Has anyone here managed to put themselves into the state of "now"? I mean, for a few seconds at least, you lost the understanding of the concepts of the past and future?
Of course. Being present is of utmost important to any application of freewill. Being so aware & in the moment that naught else exists besides what is present, a hyperawareness of what is (when compared to "normal" consciousness), a greatly increased clairsentient, -voyant, & -cognizant interface with energies is primarily how it is for me.
>I wish someone described to me how it feels like, so I'd know what I'm looking for. I've been trying for hundreds of hours and I just can't.
Perhaps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxVht5kELno will help you.
>Is this worth it to try some drugs to hopefully experience it?
Maybe, if you treat them with respect and don't abuse them.
>Is there a way to do ayahuasca without vomiting?
No idea mate, sorry.
>how to get better harsh vocals with magick?
I would imagine by strengthening the throat chakra would achieve these ends.
>why did you guys delete the old question thread?
>>>/ask/ is the archival board for that purpose. It is so it does not clutter up the catalog.
>What causes cannbis anxiety/parsnoia
Smoking a lot of cannabis
>how do i stop it
Stop smoking cannabis
I am now in a 5 days roll of renouncing lust. I have been plagued by Erectile Dysfunction and severe performance anxiety.
The thing is, I am getting extremely excitable. I picture myself fucking to go to sleep and keep remembering past sexual experiences with my ex. I don´t want her in my mind anymore. So, sometimes i imagine that i´m having sex with a girl of my college. Could this be prejudicial to me in some way? Am I sending my loosh to them? Am I coming closer to this imaginary reality by visualizing it in my third eye?
I have, for many years tried to abstain from masturbation. This time is the one that i have been most successful. Although I feel and see the results in my physical body, my mind and my soul, i´m tempted. I even thought about summoning a Succubus.
I believe that Ragajara, the being on the picture can help me in this journey.
The thing is, i´m currently in the first practices on Bardons Book. Can I start meddling with Godforms already? Do I have the power to summon a Succubus and don´t screw things up? Should I?
I have heard that not all Succubi are inherently evil. How do I summon a Good/Neutral one. I wil be very clear. ==I can´t fuck.== I feel the desire and I can cum while masturbating to porn. But as soon as I penetrate, I go soft. My penis is kind of ¨numb¨. I just want to have a normal sex life. Maybe a good sexual spirit might be of help.
I won´t touch myself tough. That is decided.
>The thing is, I am getting extremely excitable.
Your sexual energy needs an outlet.
>But as soon as I penetrate, I go soft. My penis is kind of ¨numb¨. I just want to have a normal sex life. Maybe a good sexual spirit might be of help.
Read the Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia which is in the initiate folder under supplements. It contains techniques which if you utilize what Energy Work teaches, it will allow you to restore your virility among many other things. As I said, your sexual energy needs an outlet and what better way than channeling it into a permanent reservoir like the Multi-Orgasmic Man teaches?
As a word of encouragement, once you begin learning to be Multi-Orgasmic via non-ejaculatory orgasms or at least the Cool Draw, you will feel increasingly less lustful and you will know what to do when your arousal steals your attention. As an added bonus, your sexual energy is directly tied to your creativity so once you harness it, then permanently store it, you will regain and exceed what creativity you once and ever had.
Addendum: this is also taught in Cultivating Male Sexual Energy but I felt that The Multi-Orgasmic Man was more direct. However, Cultivating Male Sexual Energy is elaborate and thorough. If you want answers fast, Multi-Orgasmic Man gives you them right away but Cultivating Male Sexual Energy delves further into those answers.
Here's what you might be missing - sexual transmutation. Sexual energy is the most powerful creative force in the world. The most basic, powerful human desire comes from sex, and powerful desire prompts all human action. So learn to harness and transmute your sexual energy, combine that with a strong will, and then you will become a great artist.
Read this: http://www.sacred-texts.com/nth/tgr/tgr16.htm
Some people waste their energy on fapping, and others bottle it up by becoming celibate and hating their lust. But great artists, scientists, etc sublimate and channel this strong primal desire into higher spiritual pursuits. When they are painting a bird, they are literally having sex through that bird. I believe this is the main difference between normal people and great artists. I don't want to sound like I'm preaching, but this was a revelation to me as an artist.
Woah, didn´t expected to get answers that fast. Manky thanks.
So, let me ask another thing. I´ve been reading Evolas ¨The Yoga of Power¨. I also noticed that there is the ¨Convict Conditioning¨ books on the Initiate folder. Yoga is mainly concerned with practice… Does a similar text exist, but concerning Hatha Yoga?
I hold the belief that while maintaining celibacy I can ¨throw the energy up¨ and awaken the upper chakras.
How could one awaken kundalini? Thats the main question. I would realy like a practical manual with lots of illustrations about the exercises.
Again, many thanks.
>How could one awaken kundalini? Thats the main question.
That sounds like a very general question so unless you meant to specify, it could mean, "how do I use my chi?" To be clear I'm not nitpicking how you asked, just making trying to see if I can answer your question. As described in Cultivating Male Sexual Energy, Kundalini is analogous to chi also known as prana:
>Taoist cultivation of sexual energy cannot be understood until the Chinese concept of "chi" is clear. Chi, also known as prana, the warm current, Kundalini power, or the electro-magnetic life force, is very difficult to describe because this life energy is invisible and cannot be seen. (pg. 12 or 46 in pdf)
>He notes that mind, breath and sexual function are interconnected. The spiritual aim of the yogi is to "carry his seed high." This seed releases pranic energies, also known as the Kundalini power, rising up the spine to higher chakras or centers of spiritual function. (55/ pdf 90)
In Multi-Orgasmic Man but expanded upon in Cultivating Male Sexual Energy:
>Remember to touch your tongue to your palate to allow this energy to come down through the Front Channel to the navel, where it can be safely stored. In the past, many teachers of Eastern sexuality taught students how to draw energy up to their brain without teaching them how to bring it back down again. This resulted in what has been call the Kundalini syndrome. The Taoists knew the importance of completing the circle. Anytime you feel like you have too much energy, inhale to your abdomen, and as your exhale, bring the energy all the way down to your toes and the soles of your feet (see figure 14). ( pdf 36).
It sounds like you need to read these and you will also discover why Mantak Chia found it necessary to combine his knowledge of Taoism because he had some serious concerns about Kundalini yoga:
>The young Mantak Chia felt, however, that Kundalini Yoga produced too much heat and could be dangerous and so he later combined it with elements of Taoist practice, which had cooling effects.
Basically, both compliment each other so your study of it should already come in handy as Mantak's techniques show you how to balance the heat of Kundalini. (pg 11 pdf of Cultivating Male Sexual Energy)
>I would realy like a practical manual with lots of illustrations about the exercises.
Both books have these.
You have my interest. Taoist practice is one of my interests, seeing that the author combines this with Indian knowledge amuses me and makes me wanna read the books.
But I haven´t mentioned why i need Hatha yoga so bad. There is another problem within me. I am not a single bit flexible, and my spine is really crooked. (Scoliosis.) I wanna be flexible in my body because ¨as above, so below¨. That is why I wanna a Hatha Yoga Manual. Does those books have these? I will read them anyway, but since i have a lot of free time, Im going to practice meditation, yoga and do the steps of Franz Bardon Initiation. Sometimes these will overlap.
Once more, many thanks. I´m grateful, because you are helping me. Thanks for leading the way.
How do I stop getting so easily influenced by everything?
It gets so bad that I can't recognize my own personality, my perception of the world and opinions changes, even my own physical appearance changes.
I've struggled with this for as long as I can remember.
If I try to fight these thoughts I become extremely stressed out, and if I relax, I am still influenced without me even realising it.
Firstly, discipline yourself to practice constant awareness and self-observation in everyday life. Whenever you notice you are not aware of what's influencing you, return your mind to a state of awareness, EVEN if you have to do this 200 times an hour. Ingrain the concept of "awareness" into your conciousness. Use affirmations in daily life, and repeat them every night as you go to sleep. Become awareness. Life awareness is no different from meditation, and actual meditation will help you realize this.
Always maintain positive energy and a warm, loving outlook. Do not hate what's influencing you. Do not hate yourself for being influenced. Do not fall into negativity. Love and accept everything, yourself, and your influences. If you need to repeat positive energy and love affirmations, do so. For me personally, accepting my influences with love has greatly reduced their power over me.
For added effect, perform a physical ritual, such as the LBRP banishing ritual, to remove your influences. Or visualize a shield/bubble of white light around you, repelling everything negative and detrimental. Or create an entity/thoughtform and impregnate them with your affirmation.
Also, playing around with your personality might help you realize your true self, and the arbitrariness of personality. Read the Arcane Formulas if you have not already. Get to know your true self, independent of thoughts and emotions. An exercise I read in some old book said, choose two random, completely different and complex personalities, with totally opposing opinions/worldviews, and switch between one and the other every day for a week, thoughts and all.
i've been reading "Mastering Astral Projection in 90 Days" by Robert Bruce, and have been doing the techniques in said book. I'm still in the first week, and I've been having success with his energy body stimulation work. However, it is REALLY difficult, and i can feel myself working very very hard when I'm doing it. It feels as if my brain is hurting when I do these exercises due to how hard i'm working to achieve the results.
Should I be having such a level or difficulty so early on? Should I look into other methods for astral travel, or am I on the right track?
Regarding ED and performance anxiety.
Sure, there can be many causes, but consider this:
The problem with masturbation is not exactly masturbation itself. The bigger problem is the fact that when you do it, you are always thinking or looking at something else. It can be porn, it can be a fantasy about something.
The point is, you are always mixing up the energy. You are using imaginative energy to stimulate your sexual centers. This is a bad long term strategy, this leads to ED, anxiety and so on.
You can try curing it this way:
Start practicing a different kind of masturbation. From now on, when you masturbate, have no images, no porn going on in your head, no ex girlfriends, nothing. IT IS YOUR TIME. As gay as it sounds, you need to get in touch with yourself. You have to learn to get arroused simply by touching yourself, rubbing yourself, being gentle with yourself.
As you might notice, at first, your dick will not react. That is because you have associated sexuality with the IDEA of sex. That is why your dick goes limp when you get inside. You are wired to react to the IDEA of intimacy, not intimacy itself.
You have to rewire this thing, by praticing masturbation where you only think about what is happening right now, the sensations, how it feels, and so on. The same goes on having sex- you have to let go and fully surrender to the experience, without conceptualizing about sex. There is a saying that " you can think about having sex with a woman before, and after having sex, but never during".
If you look in to this, I am sure you will fix it, I did it myself. You can learn the non-ejaculatory orgasm as well, that will give you more control.
TLDR: Basing your sexual energy, on intellectual, visual, external stimulation rewires you to be unable to feel and express pure sexuality.
Australians don't care about world politics past the American comedy shows and our biased media that sucks Abdul's dick and bashes anything that resembles nationalism. For me it's a huge victory but I doubt I can actually magically assassinate anyone but Sadiq.
Energy work, which is basically what you'll be going through in the first weeks of that book is useful through a range of magical practices, keep at it.
It wasn't particularly difficult for me from what I remember but it's basically effortless at this point so it WILL get easier with practice, same with any rudimentary exercise like clearing your mind.
some very insightful essays, maybe it is just Arcane Formulas repacked but i think Atkinson isn't very detailed about the Self
>This is without a doubt that sensation that I felt that day I tried meditating for the first time. So I'm asking now for advice on what do I do to reach this state again?
Opensess, don't be afraid, don't have exepctations, don't try to force it, just simply be.
>Will it just come naturally after I settle into the rythym of meditating again daily?
>Is it advised to follow the teachings of Satanism?
I personally do not do vows or oaths and would personally recommend against it as well, but otherwise, much of the energy work/meditations are solid, though there are some inconsistencies see >>>/fringe/349 for that reason I also explored other avenues to try to rectify the information
>I don't want to go down a path where I'll end up losing myself or something similar.
Well, depending on what you define as the self… if you define it as the ego (or the form you are), that is something that will happen regardless of which spiritual path you walk.
>Any guesses as to why a golden light is the most relaxing?
It seems to be associated with love, but I'm really not sure otherwise.
>I just hope I don't force myself out of it out of irrational anxiety and fear if I do achieve Jhana again, or feel an OBE happening. I've done this before when a WILD was spontenously forming around me, and I forced myself out of it, always regret doing so only after the fact.
>Is anyone else prone to doing that? Forcing yourself out of these sudden sensations or out of a dream forming around you because it gets too intense and you panic
It is due to fear (of the unknown), release your anxiety. It may be a slow and gradual process, every moment is a step further.
>After all, the lyrics work as affirmations, the more people listening to it, the more effect it has on The All.
This is very important. Music mind control is a very prevalent tide in collective consciousness, and one many are not even aware of. Affirmations all by themselves can be powerful, but when coupled with emotional energy and repeated often through your mind, it is quite impactful on your individuated awareness and what you radiate out to other people.
>As I read through Satanism, I see that I'm required to make a blood pact with him.
And that is why I never partook in such.
>As far as I know those are dangerous, and red flags are popping up
They can be and I felt the same way, so I took what could be used, the meditations and the like (which are mostly the same as many other philosophies) and experimented around with them without any sort of oath.
>The main practice of spiritual satanism is meditation too right?
Seems to be.
>Why even associate it with satanic entities if it's just meditation used for your own advancement?
Perhaps if one felt compelled to, I tried evoking a couple of them, I didn't care much for what I got so I left it be.
>Theistic Satanism is a meme anyway.
>It has 0 historical basis.
>implying memes can not be historical
>What is kek
>What is gondala
>For those who read Franz Bardon and Joy of Satan: They say JoS stole from Bardon, but is this really the case?
It seems to be more so that JoS stole from yogic teachings primarly, with some of their own flavoring as well.
>And what is superior/better?
I personally learn more towards eastern techniques, the energy work seems a better way than much of the western abstractive ways (although bardon has a minimal amount of that, still), but the bottom line is, what ever works best for you.
>So I was reading the meditative practices thread and all the suggested means of "getting more in tune" like paintbrushing and all that.
>My question is, and I mean this in the most respectful and serious way possible, what is the difference between "improving your imaginative visualisation so that you can visualise with your developed minds eye metaphysical but fully real things like 'energy' and 'spirits'" and on the other hand… well… "withdrawing too deep into your own mind and consciously nurturing your own schizophrenic break with objective reality"?
As long as one remains rooted and capable of interacting with all realms they exist in there is no problem, it's simply additional options for interfacing with reality.
Some, like those with traumas, may use it as escapism method, and that can lead to denial of the physical realm, which is not healthy but so long as one maintains balance there is no problem.
>Where does purely internal subjective mind-imagination end and external objective mind-sensing begin?
There isn't anything purely subjective as all is one, if anything is capable of being sensed, it exists. Now one may be projecting their awareness somewhere removed from the localized environment…
>The voices from the TV telling the hobo to shank the local mayor because he is the lizard-toad king of the gangster computer god are all real within his own realm but not real anywhere else.
or seemingly more often in cases such as this, information is being projected into their awareness via exotic means (be it psychic or tech-brain interfaces). However the above statement about being rooted in oneself apply here, if one applies reasoning to all information such will never happen as it, though may actually be true, it is (often) not in the best interest of that soul's life path to act upon it and even if fighting the STS was the goal of that incarnation there are more effective ways of enacting that.
>If all the practices are willing yourself to see and hear something then it kind of begs the question if that isn't all it does?
By exercising the imagination one trains their capacity to sense the subtle vibrations in varying patterns but they also exercise their ability to cohere energy into those patterns. It is just as important for receiving as sending.
>Willing yourself to see and hear things that purely your own mind concocts?
This is where discernment between your essence and that of others and the rest of reality comes in, and also understanding of the metaphysical laws which govern said interactions comes in, allowing for one to make sense of what they perceive and apply it in a useful way.
>And if so, that begs the most dangerous question of all. If it is all internal, then the entire field is just shared rewiring of the brain and a shared tripping-out session. Swapping techniques for coaxing the mind to feel certain things or go on certain trips, all subjective, all imaginative, all non-real. Modding in video games into the mindOS.
Even if all the sculpting was within the psyche of an individual, the changes will be reflected in their flesh, aura, and overall health, as within so without. By perfecting the mind, by bringing it into a state of love and peace you will radiate that, a literal healing soothing aura exuded from your being.
Also by going through the process yourself you can help accelerate others through the same. And it's not just about reaching that space of unshakable peace, it's about becoming one. Divine peace despite the varitible storm of emotions, thoughts, and energies present in world is a necessary prerequisite to being able to rise above the unconscious torrential flux and consciously choose your state of be-ing.
>I realise that comes off as pointed but I'm really not trying to poke holes in anything simply to poke holes, nor trying to be a jerk.
You need not apologize, a critical mind is very important, lest one be deceived. Your method is not wrong, just your presumptions.
>How did people like Franz Bardon obtain all that knowledge?
Probably how most of us did, intuition, reading/talking to others about it, reasoning on what data was collected and what experiences where had. Well, I presume, not that I knew him personally.
Also, see:
>does objective reality exist outside our minds?
Objective reality is the physical realm, it is that which one can use fleshly senses to perceive and interact with, for this reason many believe this to be the only thing that is "real", however because the material is not all that exists, this is not true. Beyond that, things still has an existence independent of the observer but it would require training of the consciousness to be able to discern, these are called transjective.
Now it is possible for a transjective thing to exist, but only temporarily, for mere moments or minutes, and while it is capable of being sensed by another being, it may not be, and thusly is sometimes called subjective. The longer something exists the more likely another will sense it, like sensitive friend sensing your tulpa.
>Let me rephrase - the physical world is made out of energy (waves) which our brain interprets through the five senses. Thus we have reality.
And the clair-voyant/sentient/cognizant/audiant six sense (if developed).
>How do i know if reality isn't just in my mind?
All is in the mind of God, and if you can achieve flawless union with the all that is true, however until you reach that level of consciousness "your" mind is but a small part of the totality. It can be demonstrated that reality exists in addition to the piece of consciousness that you are; notice how reality responds when you exert your will to alter something totally within your domain (like your mind) compared to something within the co-creative domain of society. You will notice that others are (even if subconsciously) exerting their will to shape/hold reality in a certain way and, while it is possible to alter the current of the collective consciousness, it is different (until you reach that Godlike union with the object in question).
How much influence does the time of constructing a magical instrument have on its effective scope of usage? Say I constructed a wand during a day which heavily corresponded with elemental earth. Would this particular wand be extremely effective in rituals involving earth?
again, I don't see how one can spend a billion dollars on desires unlesss they were greedy
Let go by letting go. Realise the enrgy that attracts you and create it within yourself/connect to an archetype/god that allows you to have that at will. that worked for me. Also develop a love/attachment to yourself/soul mb so you an hold youself.
Watts has an interesting idea. seesm legit
the other guy is right, but cannabis heigtens perception of energy and stuff. so you get to a point where youre being more aware of energies and also it has its own energies and also it can cause holes in your aura which lets in more energies. basically you get overloadded. and more aware of yourself and possible discomfort if you don't like yourself/yuour life.>>3474
read the image title. it was relevant to the post i n a way.
> i need Hatha yoga so bad. T
do work-stufdy at a yoga center near you if you can. easier than book learning and free. otherwise look up the ashtanga primary series abd idk what you can learn about getting into the poses but there should be tips if you look up each one indicidually.
>>What is gondala
i know kek is frog god but what is gondala?
>but what is gondala?
Total shot in the dark here but I wouldn't be surprised if he's an alien caricature trying to learn how to harness meme power.
Thanks. Although, i kinda saw what the problem was - i didn't really miss her for her, this was some kind of selfish love. Like, i seek to use her in order to prove to myself that i am loving, that i am good with girls, etc.
But a new problem arises. I don't find any girls attractive. I mean, i do, physically, but i don't have that drive to go and get 'em.
Is this because i fap? Do i lack initiative (the fire element)? Or maybe im right about them having no real substance… I mean, the girls nowadays are no fun at all!
If it fits according to your system of belief, yes it would be. Remember anon the universe is mental, if you believe constructing a wand on a particular day that resonates with the earth element, it will be so according to your will.
>Is this because i fap? Do i lack initiative (the fire element)? Or maybe im right about them having no real substance… I mean, the girls nowadays are no fun at all!
The first is most likely, but the second and third are likely too. Sometimes the interesting ones pop up when you stop looking. Sometimes you gotta look in the right place.
>Sometimes the interesting ones pop up when you stop looking
I've noticed this happens occasionally. Thanks
So is the universe completely mental or completely dependant on the hermetic principles or is it a bit of both?
>a bit of both
basic principles, shifting guidelines, and the will inside oneself/All that shifts those guidelines, from what I understand.
Is the Science Behind Miracles a good book for someone who has read the basics, but not gotten very far into the occult or should I wait till later to read it?
So, I've seen people here say that they can turn off their thoughts at will. I'd like to know if it applies only to meditation, or whether you can function normally all day without thoughts whatsoever.
Are there any resources on not being noticed if you have prominant magick about you? I have strong potential but have been paranoid about "awakening" it because of worry regarding others with malicious intentions who may notice me.
Four things.
1. Affirm your safety and security [in the present tense].
2. Craft invisibility thought forms
3. Work on strengthening your aura, program it to repel negativity and malevolent beings.
4. Don't worry and 'expect' beings to find you out. That will only pull them in your sphere of reality by law of attraction.
Either how, you'll have to wake and work on that potential regardless of dangers. Otherwise stagnation will occur and parts of that potential you speak will whither by the day.
Great argument, please come again.
The reason you are on this imageboard even is because of the law of attraction. Any wizard on this board can prove the validity of the effect of energies aligning, the principle of attracting and repulsing energies, the law of attraction; no matter the label, its a fundamental basis.
>Craft invisibility thought forms
Would this be a sort of persistent spell? You don't give it awareness like a tulpa right? Is the amount of them that can be had at a time only limited by my own concentration? Do they just dissipate if they are forgotten about?
>What's a good jumping off point for alchemy?
And know this, what energy is present, will by virtue of its mere existence, will cohere reality into a form harmonic with it. And the higher density of energy the faster this change will take place.
Alchemy, as it is classically spoken of is as much of an internal process as an external one. The same process as the perfection of the temple and the achievement of immortality is used in creating the (actual physical) gold from lead, via a highly concentrated form of those energies, which is oft called the philosopher's stone.
Goes into it in regards to the flesh. In regards to the latter see & references:
P.S. Fulcanelli is highly recommended.
>Yeah you're right, there's really no other reality we will ever know except the one that's derived from our own experience.
>What do we need to do though in order to affect reality the way we affect our dreams?
You can, and I, have shared astral "dream" experiences with people.
>Dreams are in our mind only
All is mind, our awareness is the true definition of our being.
>the Universe i believe is a dream dreamed by the All, or God if you prefer.
I agree, we all exist within the imagination of God.
>Define "occultism", because I don't have a very clear idea what you mean by the term.
Occult means hidden. Occultism, the -ism is the belief or following of that which is (hidden), the subtle energies that create reality, magic.
>How is it possible for such vile, disgusting, terrible human beings like the rothschild family to exist?
Darkness can not exist without Light, contrast must exist so a freewill choice can be made. Now the balance of such… waxes and wanes with the ages, but within creation, both must eternally be.
>I'm thinking of trying astral projection tonight but I'm very nervous.
Calm your nerves or you may not even leave your body. You need to be able to accept what you observer without feeling the need to mechanically re-act.
>I know for a fact I'm going to be doing the LBRP of the Draco slayers but is there anything else I can/should do or be aware of to avoid anything nasty?
I would recommend
But honestly just setting your intent and not succumbing to irrational fear should more than enough.
>Is it possible to partake in sts and sto activities back and forth
Yes but…
>or do people have to stick with one or the other?
To further refine your being it is necessary to polarize your being to one or other other, else you'll remain in the same density you are in until you do. Only purer vibrations (be they love or fear) are able to transcend.
>Hay, I'm trying to use astral travailing/remote viewing to see things in the present I've had successes but I would still like some advice on clarity it seems to take a lot of effort to focus on something that isn't just the general surroundings.
>Any advice on clarity?
Practice practice practice. I'm still hardly a master, but I can percieve much clearer now that I could a year ago (in which it was predominately clairsentience and not much clairvoyance at all).
>Is this just a practice thing or are there some techniques that would help?
From what I've heard doing visualizative exercises such as >>>/fringe/7 , >>>/fringe/15 & >>>/fringe/16 tbh I have not been that diligent in doing them, but what I can say is that through actually exercising my intuition/imaginative senses when doing actual magic it has increased in clarity, so it stands to reason the above would be effective. It is just I mainly prefer to do real workings as my 'practice.'
>What makes an artist paint a bird?
The desire to express something. To be struck by inspiration.
>Is this a dopamine-related itch? I suspect in order to want to paint all day, one has to experience especially strong itch. I want to understand and experience this itch too.
Only on occasion do I draw/paint/write (like articles for my thread)/etc. but when I'm inspired and often it's completed quite swiftly, I can't really force myself to create, it just does not work that way; I'm always unsatisfied if I try.
>I do awareness meditation all waking minutes of my life. Making sure my reward system and brain in general is in peak condition is my utmost concern in life right now. However, I'm not anywhere near the state I imagine artists and other high-energy creative people are usually in.
>Is there something I am missing?
I think the key is channeling, be it an entity, a piece of collective consciousness, or God himself.
>Did I use up all my potential passion and love in my teenage years, when I'd fap every day to hentai memes?
Until you are dead there always exists the possibility to salvage this life. Though it may take effort and time to restore what was lost, never believe it to be impossible.
>Or maybe I wasn't born with it in the first place because my ancestors were simple-living creatures with moderate passion?
Perhaps, perhaps your higherself had other things planned for you in this life (that is not to say you can not shortcut your way to a higher state of being or otherwise exert your freewill otherwise, it just means your predispositions are X).
>You'll tell me to use sigil to make myself more high-energy, but you see, I did! It didn't fulfill my wish, it just made me especially obsessed with researching ways on how to do it.
Sounds like step one to me.
>I read on hormones all day and became a health nut, but I feel like I'm missing something, something simple.
But then again, perhaps you desire is not higher energy but rather the state of being that comes with that. Like people thinking they desire money because they actually desire what they believe the money will afford them.
Go straight for manifesting the root of your desire.
>One of my theories is that high-energy creative people who are passionate about their work have minds of children.
YES. You hit it, and passion, is extremely important, find your passions, find your inexhaustible stream of energy.
>Their neuropathways are wired to just act on the inspirations they get, instead of detaching and analyzing them.
A bit of both is necessary, but (re)maintaining that state of neuroplasticity (rapid childlike change) is very important.
>I managed to rewire my habits to more healthy ones with logical tricks, but rewiring my whole sense of perception to be more present is a different kid of rewiring. How to do it?
One step at a time, one affirmation at a time, literally moment by moment shaping your being into what you desire it to be, in every way.
I would first decide what exactly it is you (the awareness) desire to be (experience), this is the question you really need to ask yourself. It is extremely deep and not as simple a question as it may seem, nor one that could likely be answered in a matter of minuets or even days.
Part of our past programming of being includes may limitations, many we don't even realize we have and until we rout them all out, despite the obvious answer of "unconditional divine love", how exactly that manifests is legion.
>Do I actively punish myself for using my memory, or planning the future?
No, but you don't need to live in ego or be removed from the present moment in majority either.
>Is this the way to rewire myself to only see present?
Practice, as one exercises certain neuropathways they are reinforced.
>I read that 3 African tribes can only perceive the present, and they're completely incompatible with the modern world.
That actually seems to be most of them actually, see the linguistical & behavior analysis in >>>/arcane/3
The problem is they can never not be present, selectively planning/crafting the future can be very advantageous, and is a trait that Aryans have literally evolved to leverage, due to winter mandating it, as opposed to in Africa where it does not exist and they can literally live moment to moment their whole lives without any regard for next month or year.
This is what allows culture and society to thrive, and should not be shunned, merely balanced. The problem is in it's current state it is out of balance in the other way; not being present enough, people often live entirely in the future or worse, the past.
>Where is the Spear of destiny?
I'm curious too.
My intellect says it's probably sequestered under the Vatican, my intuition says otherwise, perhaps south america, but either way I feel it's certainly hidden.
>Are things such as the five elements, chakras, dan tiens, etc. actual metaphysical properties of the universe, or are they only taught to develop a useful mental-framework for interfacing with reality? I'm particularly interested in the elements
The Greek elements are based upon sacred geometry, which you can see manifest in reality at every level including atomic:
The Taoist elements, I can't speak for, they seem quite different and not just the Greek ones with different names.
Regarding the chakras/dan tiens, see >>>/ask/614
Near as I can tell, it's just a useful way of working with the energy, I don't actually suppose we'll get to the actual true form of what is going on until we're being of pure energy.
What I mean is, by a correct understanding of the Hermetic Laws, you can actually start understanding what some people call "The Law of Attraction".
The problem is that the concept of "Law of Attraction" has been corrupted by the New Age.
For many years now I have caught myself suddenly looking at my watch, phone, computerclock or other clock etc. at 1:37. At least two or three times a week. After some research I found that 137 is considered a very magical number. So what is the meaning of this?
It means your mentally/energetically aligned with a certain (band of) frequencies, attracting your consciousness to their corresponding numbers and cycles. That is what is making you look at the clock. What is attributed to these bands of frequencies you can (often) find out by finding out the meaning of the numbers/cycles when it outs itself looking at the clock.
It is usually seen as a good sign, considering your attuning to a certain quality or attribute, most of the time something along the lines of spiritual development. Try to find out if people you know, or on the internet, or anywhere, seem to experience the same synchronicities.
From my experience, its highly context related and most of the time tailored to something personal.
>Just had somewhat of a personal realization and and as an extreme newbie, I wanted to post it here (I originally posted this on 8chan but I think I like it better here) to see if it's correct:
>I've recently been visualizing my surroundings and the immediate rooms around them while meditating. Yesterday, I was meditating and "saw" in my mind's eye a dark figure outside of my door. Typically when I imagine things like this, I can just… stop imagining them, but this thing wouldn't go away.
Sometimes what you imagine is just your mind cohering energy in a certain form, and once you stop (assuming it did not have inertia (e.g. was not a persistent effort over time) it dissipates rather rapidly, however if it had an existence independent of your awareness and you just sensed it then of course you turning your attention away would not remove it from existence.
>The same thing happened again while I was showering, with the presence just outside of my shower curtain. Correct me if I am wrong, but can I scientifically understand that these occurrences are my paranoia, while framing them in a magical belief system?
While I suppose it could be self created thoughtforms I somewhat suspect not.
Regarding paranoia, it can only induce fear in you if you choose to be in that state of being (or if by unawareness you let something else choose for you).
>In other words, can I "defeat" magically what I scientifically know to be paranoia, given a framework of belief in magic?
Elect to vibrate to a consciously chosen emotional state, one independent of what you experience.
>i wonder what STO people think about killing insects. Say I have a lot of fruit flies. Ideally I'd like to remove all insects from my house alive but in practice I can't easily do that.
>So if I see a fruit fly and crush it is that bad/unloving?
There is certainly more STO ways of dealing with them (setting up barriers, magical or physical, or attractors to keep them away) I wouldn't worry too much about it, because the bottom line is, you have the ability to exert your freewill, and all those who lack the awareness to do something about it are fair game.
Obviously you should (as a STO being) use your power to try to maximize the potential of this, the amount of will you would be compromising by bug control is minuscule if any. I've had some success with simply projecting energy shield around myself to keep them away and ascending should be your primary goal, which is an energy mastery thing any how.
>They say that the opposite of love isn't actually hate, but indifference.
The opposite of love is fear, or the lack of love.
>Is loving something the same thing as being polarized […] around what you love and against anything that threatens it?
No, because you can love your enemy (project that energy at them), even as you defend yourself with lethal force.
>I'm going in the woods for a while and I was wondering if there are any rituals or anything that might help me have a encounter with the forest spirits.
Get into a trance state, and ask to meet the spirits that reside there, declare your peaceful intentions and that you desire to commune with them, be still & perceive.
>This is going to sound stupid but how can I make money appear out of thin air?
You would have to be quite advanced at energy work to be able to instantly craft physicality from pure energy instantly. Honestly by the time you could do that you would not need money, you could just poof food or anything else you needed into existence.
And along the way to that level of mastery you would already long be able to manifest all that you needed into your realm by biasing the probabilities (of getting that job, of finding the right person to talk to, etc.)
>Or just one day wake up with $10k in my bank account or something
Possibly, though finding a winning lottery ticket is perhaps more probably than a bank error or using your reality bending powers to bias your chances at the casino.
>What should a Wizard always keep in his kitchen?
>In terms of food, ofc
Organic, of course, fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, lentils, spices, apple cider vinegar (great for alkalizing), methylsulfonylmethane (aka MSM, great for decalcifying), if you wanna get fancy you could have something to vortex or otherwise geometrically shape your water to revitalize it.
>I've been walking the other day and listening to music envoking positive emotions.
>During the song, I kept grabbing my hands together. I didn't understand why. It just felt comfortable like this, even though I never do that.
Energy flows through the hands (and feet), by keeping them together this flow is built up and concentrated.
>Then I felt something like a charge around my hands. As if air around them was heavier. It's like that feeling you get when you put finger between 2 magnets.
You experienced part of the power of mudras.
>Whatever it is, I've been wondering how can I experiment with it or make use of that. If my body subconsciously wants me to grab my hands together, should I do it, or should I resist it?
I would go with the flow, eventually you shall intellectually learn to discern what the different forms and ways the differing biogeometry effects the energy.
>>But for something as harmless and interesting as allowing your energy to flow easily trough your body, I'd give it a go.
>Thanks but it doesn't help me even the slightest bit. I want to know what is the reason behind this "energy".
That is only the ultimate question, the question of what/why spirit/God is.
>My theory is I'm getting extremely subtle shivers due to emotional high from the song.
Correct, emotional energy is extremely powerful.
>While it's so subtle it's not noticeable
And it's so subtle some go a whole lifetime without this realization.
>it causes the urge to hold my hands together. And if I don't do it, I get the tingling in hands.
You actually would, it just is less intense ergo far subtler and thusly it would be required to be more aware to notice it.
>Now, the question is, how can I utilize that.
It is energy/loosh, like any other, impress it with will and cast it into reality to be/manifest your desires.
>I did read New Energy Ways. Assuming he's talking about the same kind of tingling.
>I suspect our bodies are always trying to set themselves up to balance out some kind of electrical or vibrational tension.
This is often true, and we, in our egoic thinking override our intuition.
>>The full extent of energy work comes when you get to differentiate and identify the energy centers in your body […]
>I'm really tired of this kind of information. Absolutely all progress I've made on my spiritual path were results of very down-to-earth thinking […] it's just too ambiguous to be useful.
I know your feel bro, I was once there as well. The flaw with this approach is you're trying to understand magic, a (w)holistic thing, within a left brained perspective, or pieces perspective. Due to the all encompassing nature of magic it is necessary to look at it in total to really understand.
But I digress, to attempt to bridge the gap I would recommend practicing moving this energy around, willing it to be in one hand, then the other, then in your foot, then in your heart, etc. If you need help visualizing it flowing in addition to feeling it can be helpful. Eventually you will realize that the previously assumed limits where mere perceptorial ones things such as what anon said will make much more sense.
Alternatively you can just jump in and embrace it approaching it from a right brained perspective (though using both are necessary to effectivly wield it).
>It would be better for me to ask whether someone here knows if these cheap polygrafs that measure galvanic skin response are worth anything, or they're scams. And whether they're useful at all to self-evaluate oneself.
I don't know, but in my experience, trying to physically quantify this energy is usually a fruitless endeavor. One can at best, measure the effects of the energy, but I have yet to find a way to measure the energy itself. And such fruits may take some time to become manifest, which really can make it troublesome to get an accurate read with anything save intuition.
>I've had the idea to buy one and experiment with it long ago, then I learned Scientology used to use such device, lol. I guess I wasn't the first one to consider biofeedback for meditation and rituals.
I've heard of such, never seen one IRL though.
>But then, nobody here or anywhere really talks about it. Is it because it's useless, or because people run from tangible spiritual experiments into theoretical philosophical babble
Not really that we run from it but it becomes self evident after a time, and…
You have to take seriously the notion that understand the universe is your personal responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding. - Terence McKenna
A great teacher never strives to explain her vision; she simply invites you to stand beside her and see it for yourself. - Rev. R. Inman
These things is inherently extremely personal and so personally internalizing it is necessary. Furthermore
Unbelief in one thing springs from blind belief in another. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
When belief is tied to ego-based identity, anyone challenging that belief will be perceived by the ego as an attack upon its own existence, and the response can be quite nasty. - Montalk
Sometimes people don't want to hear truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Can limit mundanes from accepting even blatant physical proof. I find it best, when greenpilling people, to simply give energy demonstrations and/or heal them.
So basically to manifest something it has to coincide with your true higher ideals, what are these true higher ideals? Is material wealth or earthly pleasures considered bad or something?
I wonder how much you can actually judge it, to get to the final conclusion that you need to change something you have to have at least a tiny bit of judgement, if it's bad you need to change it, if you recognise it as neutral then what's the point in doing anything?
>so is the normal middle pillar ritual bad due to some jewish entities?
Generally anything the jews have interacted with has been perverted. A good example would be how they took the LBRP and turned it into this:
> In this way this befouled ritual can act as an entangling snare. The ritual even it this
weakest of forms gives “some” sense of protection although it is more like a labeling
which says “hands off” this human belongs to some of the most vampiric and truly evil
intelligences in the form of Hebrew deities which are used to “seal” the pentagrams which
are supposed to protect you but only place their mark on you, like you where a lunch
box with powerful names on it saying to most other spirits this is mine to eat not yours. In
return for spreading this magical disease if the form of this LBRP the Hebrew deities
allow high level members of the illuminati the energetic leftovers from their feedings.
Because of this, I'm personally averse to most qaballah (((kaballah))) study material because the jews had their hands on it for so long. As a result, it's on the bottom of my list of things to look at. However, I'll it revisit later with a lot of precaution and discrimination.
Fun fact: on wikipedia there's two separate articles; one for the Hermetic Qabalah and the other for (((Kabbalah)))
What happens when we die? Is there any way to have control over the moments after it happens to get a better outcome?
>I want to buy some books off of amazon since I don't like using my nook.
There are only a few ereaders I like, I have not used a nook, though I can make an assumptions about most of them due to their technology, let me guess, the EMF bothers you? Some of the more high tech ereaders are like that, especially when they started implemented "real" mobile OSs and LCD screens their EMF strength goes way up.
Old devices, especially those that do not actually update the screen unless you flip a page are much better, and only then just power themselves on for 0.2 seconds to do that. While most mobile devices bother me, those are actually just fine. Another added benefit is because they are older, they are cheaper too.
>I know the kybalion is a good one to start with but there are a bunch of versions of it on there so I'm not sure which one to get. Any other recommendations?
The one I have/recommend is in the Neophyte's Gold Library >>>/library/1
>How does one create an egregore and not a tulpa?
In my experience, the defining difference between the two is level of awareness & level of complexity of their soul. There are blurry lines between what exactly they are, but given that a tulpa is lesser on the scale, any thoughtform would pretty much pass through that level to reach egregorhood.
>I've heard from one anon who apparently has experience with both foreign and created spirits that created spirits/tulpas produce emotions that are as strong as yours, whereas foreign ones/egregores (or at least foreign in the sense that it's not a part of your own unconscious mind) can also subtly indicate their feelings and intentions to you.
You can make a thoughtform (even pretulpa level) separate from your soul if you know what you are doing when you start. It's just often most novices, who aren't even neophyte level, yet made tulpas didn't (due to simple ignorance and the path of least resistance).
>I've also read that tulpas will, by default, have access to your thoughts.
Only if you granted access.
>What do you do? Create an energetic body through visualization for the egregore?
>Kinda sounds like what you would do for a servitor–channel intention into something.
Basically the same, just keep pouring energy into it until it reaches desired level of awareness.
>Normies often describe creating tulpas by thinking about them a lot (without pouring loosh into an energetic ball above them). Maybe in so doing this creates a connection at the soul that otherwise wouldn't have happened.
Perhaps through unawareness the connection is made, but by any initiate it should be a trivial matter to discern and avoid (if desired).
>Or is it that giving any idea made from scratch (by you alone) requires your own soul to furnish intelligence?
The intelligence/consciousness in inherent in the energy, in all energy, everywhere. When collected/concentrated to a certain density it becomes self aware, depending on the quality/type of energy determines it's attributes and how. The more energy it has, the more freewill/awareness it posses.
>Obviously, if a bunch of people begin pouring thoughtforce into something, a collective egregore will arise that is not a part of any one person's soul.
Yes, and often in that case it's anchored on a sigil/image/name (like ebola-chan). If you where the sole creator of such you could perhaps use the actual sensation of the energy as the anchor, though the aforementioned will certainly help.
>Does anybody here have some major success with Law of Attraction?
>All these books saying literally all is possible and I don't see anyone claiming they become billionairs this way
I don't desire a bajallion dollars, it is my desire to become completely realized with/as God, to join in active conscious union with all of creation and the force of creation, to help others along the path as I move into that, to be immortal realized in this fleshly form so I can most effectively transcend into my body of light in this lifetime, to bring unity based technology to the world, to aid in the raising of consciousness upon this world in this time, to bring healing and love wheresoever I tread and to be that living proof of the reality of God, that which is the birthright of all.
And to that end, I manifest/attract external circumstances which aid in the furthering of that goal, the increasing awareness of my being, and the ability to heal & illuminate folk along the way. Sometimes that means I have money, sometimes it means I have the things money would afford, but other times I don't need anything but my own being. There have been times in which I didn't have two dimes to rub together, yet I still could enacted tremendous change and healing in the world, and when money was required, it was brought into my life.
All that I required was provided, exactly when I needed it (or right before). I don't worry about things, I just have faith, and hold the love of God in my breast.
>It's always some minor synchronicities in the testimonies. So I'm wondering is there someone here can backup by his experience that it's really exactly like it's presented in the books?
As within, so without. Alter your mind, alter the projection of that energy into the physical. And yes, without a doubt, I have seen the resultant effects of such it my realm.
>did the holocaust happen?
No, or at least not the Jewish one so commonly spoken about. And actually calling it a holocaust is a misnomer too, because that means to be consumed by fire, and the closest thing to that was perpetuated by the allies, thrice. With the (fire) bombing of Dresden (Germany) and also Nagasaki & Hiroshima.
Now that is not to say that folk didn't die in the camps, they did but it was far from intentional or a plan enacted out, it was mainly due to disease and also allied bombing of the supply lines resulting in lack of resources to fight it and also additional starvation.
See also >>>/arcane/175
>I wonder how much the redpill-type "gameplaying" is necessary in relationships.
Ideally, relationships should be founded on spiritual-energetic-emotional-mental bonds, not on fleshly lust, which most are now-a-days, and only occasionally form deeper ties later. It's not uncommon for marriages to not even be that deep, hence the absurd divorce rates…
>Sometimes it seems like I have to pretend to be something I'm not. Like… the last person I liked, I pursued for sexual reasons only at first, having closed my heart/been isolated and thinking "I'll do whatever with this girl and then go find a different one to love" (had had one in mind). Then I fell for her, got hurt in one way, started attracting her with kinda "The Way of the Superior Man"-esque things.
>It didn't work out in the end and I got hurt worse, and I don't know what to do.
Be true to yourself, first and foremost. If you are not, if you use deception, the person they are attracted to will not be the true you, and either you will end up living a lie (which aside from feeling bad is not healthy, mentally or physically) or when you do reveal your true self they will feel shocked or even betrayed.
>Because it seems that I'm supposed to pursue sex and then after a few times of that a relationship develops.
>Supposed to
Gee I wonder who says that…
Call me traditionalist, old fashioned, etc. but you should be comfortable with them long before y'all get your knickers tied together.
>But I'd rather have an energetic/romantic bond before that, and maybe that's just because I'm a naive virgin.
That is the way nature intended, the way it's been upheld for millennial, because it works. And no, it's not nativity, it's the call of your inner self.
I, long ago, ignored that as well, instead opting for the way "courtship" is played in contemporary times, and I was, rightfully, turned off. I felt as though if there was not that deep connection I didn't even want the fleshly one, it just left me feeling more empty than before
>Maybe I'm supposed to learn "game" and "attractiveness" and should just sleep with whomever I come across so long as their "spiritual enough" and I'll just make a heart connection with whomever
It is totally possible to have a deep spiritual heart to heart connection with people before sexual bonding and indeed even to folk you have no intention sexing at all. Until you sublimate your lust, the latter can actually feel better as there is nothing but love
>What am I clinging to this idea of sex as something special for?
Sexual union is only the single most sacred thing one can do in the flesh, you're desire to cling to that idea because the core of your being knows this.
>A frame for "how much does all this mundane improvement stuff matter?" The answer seems to be "more than the metaphysical stuff" in terms of sex/relationships
It matters a lot, though I wouldn't go so far as to say more, both are equally important as one is the mutual reflection of the other. Through sexual union is (one way) to immortality, but it must be understood for what it is, not just a ephemeral pleasure button.
>maybe that's just because I don't vibe strongly enough to attract the right people.
That matters, perhaps it's just you are not consistent enough…
>Or maybe I do and I stopped working enough, because I did stop.
…perhaps you just need to remain in that state for more time for it to manifest.
>as some guy, I've had an ideal of romance from a very young age, and I don't really have a clue of how to get it.
Embody your ideal, embody the divine, you will attract that which you set your heart out to. When I spiritually declared myself done with simply fleshly lust based relationships, despite on occasion turning down pussy, in large, what happened was the quality of those who came into my life greatly increased. You are your only limit, be true to your desires anon, and have faith.
After starting simple pre-sleep meditations I have changed suddenly, my dreams are more vivid and easy to remember. I no more have interest in things normies enjoy, these activities feel like wasting time and energy. Seeing and hearing TV/radio makes me feel ill. I am in good mood all day.
After just two days I almost completly control my thoughts during meditation, only thing that bothered me was thoughtforms replaying extremelly annoying 'music' normies listen to, on the second day I found a way to mute them almost instantly, because incinerating them in fire did nothing to them, it also voids thoughts that bother me.
I also spotted a dream symbol that seems important: ruins of bridge in a forest, it relates to what I started I think.
Is this amount of progress satisfying? what more could I do to become better?
Is there really one truth? One truth, that will lead to enlightenment, when experienced and realized?
Is there one, simple thing you can do that leads to Union with God? Is it meditation?
What kind of meditation would be best for this?
How do I Let go by letting go. Realise the enrgy that attracts you and create it within yourself/connect to an archetype/god that allows you to have that at will. that worked for me. Also develop a love/attachment to yourself/soul mb so you an hold youself?
Hello people please read my question as someone who loves to read tons of books and lores, yet this is my first time actually tring somethin.
i want to evoke lucifer and build a student/teacher relationship with him in the course of self improvement and psychic awakening, but every 'mainstream' occult site has this Lesser Solomon feeling that i must evoke archangels as well first or some shit, or ether have an over complicated 'system' or tools and requirements. (ej build a hug ass altar in a far away desert land).
Is there a better and more practical way to evoke Lu?
Also, what sigil do i use? i have found it 3 so far. are they kinda meaningless and intended only for eh… cultural adaptations or is there a difference?
>only thing that bothered me was thoughtforms replaying extremelly annoying 'music' normies listen to
I can relate to this so strongly, every time I go to the gym and I have to listen to their radio I feel like tearing my fucking ears off to stop the invasive music.
I'd say try building a consistent mental sanctuary/playground to hone all 5 senses as your next goal but what you do is up to you. You could also try superimposing your visualization onto the physical world or just start meditating with your eyes open.
Not to me.
There are no easy ways here anon and everyone has their own truths and what's worse some people try to claim that their system of magic is the only real one which is completely false. Research a bunch of systems, pick one that resonates with you and delve deeper into its practices.
I'm not a satanist so I hope Alpam will answer this in detail but I'd probably look at what demons correspond to the 4 elements and use them in the same manner as in the Golden Dawn ritual. As to evoking Lucifer you could either physically draw a circle and one of his sigils in the middle or do it mentally, tracing the figures using a ritual knife or your finger if you're edgy enough.
After that you say what comes to mind while visualizing the entity appearing within your circle. As to what sigil you use is up to you, use the one that you feel resonates most strongly with Lucifer. Also he may not appear the first time you call him, you may have to utter the same words multiple times before he appears.
>what more could I do to become better?
Write down the time every time you ask yourself this question. After long enough time you'll notice the patterns according to which it arises. Don't judge this thought (wondering how to become better) as bad or as good. Just stay aware of it.
You'll probably have thoughts of expecting that this method will make you better. If they arise, just stay aware of them too. When you wonder how to become better, you're thinking of the future, you're not in the present.
PS: Anger at normies is a thought like any other. You must stay aware of it
(and the thought that getting angry at normies is good or bad is also just a thought).
justanother method of seeing what energies are affecting us all.
so it depends on how much you wnt to know and utilize.
>How do I Let go by letting go. Realise the enrgy that attracts you and create it within yourself/connect to an archetype/god that allows you to have that at will. that worked for me. Also develop a love/attachment to yourself/soul mb so you an hold youself?
Concentrate on the feeling you get from this person. The feeling is caused by a mix of their energy and your reaction to their energy.
So feel that feeling (or one similar that makes you feel good), imagine it's coming from a divine archetype, bring that into you from your back into whatever chakra you want (your heart maybe, if your emotions are heart-based. they are probably also root chakra based, she brings you comfort, you get dependent on that [based on what you said]).
Realise you have potential for all things and that feeling, you can vibe that out into the world, it's a feeling you love, and you can portray that or portray the soul-vibe that attracts that feeling to you in the form of another person.
in addition, focus on yourself astrally.
that is, imagine looking at yourself. This seals up the energy you leak into the person when you think of them.
so when you catch yourself thinking of them, breathe out all that is not-you, breathe in all that is you.
take it easy, take it slow, sustainable effort is the name of the game when it comes to becoming stable in yourself and not needing another person to become that stability. which is what attachment is, at a deep level
When meditating, in my mind's eye I see/hear a secondary type of thoughts. It's like there's a dream playing somewhere deep in my head at all times, and sometimes I can observe outlines of it. It consists of random lines of dialogue and random scenes with not much connection. It feels as if my brain had access to movie database of all movies in the world and was presenting me the stream of random 2-3 second cuts.
It reminds me of what I see during shallow sleep, on the edge of being conscious.
Anyone here meditated on that or researched it?
Use a sigil to program yourself to stay mindfull at all times. If you do it properly, from time to time a thought should arise that reminds you to stay mindful. By being mindful of subconscious beliefs, you'll not act on them. If you don't act on them, mind will get rid of them to save space.
If you use a sigil to deconstruct subconscious beliefs, the same thing will happen - you'll start getting reminder to be mindful, so you can use either
>I'm not a satanist so I hope Alpam will answer this in detail
im new to the fringe section of the chans so i dont know the tripsfags, but will stick here in hopes i get your customs.
>Use the one that you feel resonates most strongly with Lucifer. Also he may not appear the first time you call him, you may have to utter the same words multiple times before he appears.
>you could either physically draw a circle and one of his sigils in the middle or do it mentally, tracing the figures using a ritual knife.
Thanks anon, really.
>or your finger if you're edgy enough.
I was almost positive that this was just /pol/ before I saw the URL. This is why we don't help people who talk about "meme magic"
On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with having fun and not taking yourself too seriously.
Advertising this board, however, is a big mistake.
I believe it is a nationalist socialist symbol, which would make sense with the other things that person has posted.
Most of my dreams feel like daydreaming in reality. I literally dream of me lying and intensively thinking about philosophical ideas (with zero mindfulness I think, it's a dream after all).
Then, I also have dreams of doing mindful meditation… without becoming mindful of the fact I'm dreaming. It's absolutely ridiculous.
And it makes me consider the idea that dreams use the exact same mechanism as not-mindful thinking during the day. The only difference is certain structures are dampened in the dream.
I didn't make this up, but I forgot where I read it. The sun symbolizes the self, Jesus Christ, Osiris, the ego, etc. A black sun represents a person's "soul" tainted by prejudice, hate and fear.
Many natsoc teenage types, especially prevalent in imageboards, see this symbol and think it's edgy and cool. In reality it represents failure as a magician. Failure in the Great Work, also known as transmutiation into gold (also a symbol for the sun) from the point of view of alchemy.
In fact, it's quite the opposite. The sun (gold) turned black, the color of Saturn and lead. Death and the ultimate limitation of the self.
Those seemingly random images are called hypnagogic hallucinations. It's basically the inner dialogue of your subconscious.
With practice you can sort of guide it. Without becoming completelly aware of it (as that will shut it up), think of a person while you observe these hallucinations and you will see/hear something related to them. It's hard, but I think there's potential for divination there (although other methods of divination are much more straightforward).
so the main method of manifestation is impressing your will on the sub-conscious, do you guys do anything else for manifestations? any rituals?
So far what I got from it is it's just important to know what role saturn plays in your life so you don't fuck up, the other planets don't pose a risk and predicting your every day life seems like a boring way to live
i'd say know what the planets and retrogrades do and that's it.
Yea no need to know everything but I'm sure I could use more knowledghe anyway
I suppose that makes sense.
I guess gods work like the force then, it can be incarnated into a person yet exist everywhere at the same time.
I can't find "The complete book of demonolatry" by S. Connolly anywhere, can someone recommend me an alternative?
Can anyone tell me about Ley Lines?
I'm not sure if it's because, I'm not looking in the right places, but I find it very hard to find any sort of useful information!
What are Ley Lines, do they have anything to do with magic, is it aliens, what are they good for, what does "they do"?
I hope I'm posting this in the right thread, I'm new to this site, so sorry if i chose the wrong place to post.
Do you know this webpage?
It's a site were second hand bookshops from different countries, upload the titles they have in stock and you can (of course) order from there.
Just stick around here, 8/fringe/ has gone to shit and Smiley went way off the rails.
You must be thinking about philosophical ideas a lot in your daily life then anon, that's quite commendable.
The rituals themselves don't matter as much your unshakable belief in them. For example if you chose to use just simple autosuggestion to change your mind in some way like get of anxiety or become more social or whatever, you just have to place yourself in a joyful mindset as if your wish already manifested into reality. Sure it probably won't manifest on your first session of however many minutes but you will make it after faking it.
>The rituals themselves don't matter as much your unshakable belief in them.
I thought of that but don't you have to impress your sub-conscious in some way?
>You must be thinking about philosophical ideas a lot in your daily life then anon, that's quite commendable.
I doubt it's a good thing. Sometimes I wake up from a dream with this weird, unhealthy sense of restlessness. Have you ever experienced something like this? It's an obsessive, feverish feeling. It's usually when I wake up for 10 seconds in the morning hours, before the waking hour, to change position I'm in. After 10 seconds I fall asleep and it's as if I was sliding down into this intensive thinking again. It's something like having a nightmare, except there's nothing scary… just me talking to myself with my thoughts. Expressing something I can never remember to some dummy projection in a light-dream state.
Your reasoning is fair. I'm glad to see that you felt unease associated with archangels and the Lesser Solomon material. This, in combination with your desire to unite with Lucifer, tells me quite something about you. However, you might have more luck by summoning a Demon of Lucifer instead of himself. Here is a list of demons and their corresponding attributes and potential uses (look for the header 'Intellect/wisdom/knowledge): http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HELP.html
Use the following resources to read on how to actually evoke said demon.
Some things to keep in mind; if you're just starting out and haven't opened your astral senses yet, it might be hard for you to perceive them. Try to pick up subtle clues. Secondly, if you decide to become a Spiritual Satanist, a guardian demon will eventually get assigned to you and greatly assist you in empowering yourself. After all, the goal of Spiritual Satanism is to empower ones self and to attain immortality and Godhood.
>Hello people please read my question as someone who loves to read tons of books and lores
Then definitely read the majority of the http://joyofsatan.org/ site, as its roots are the ancient and original faith of the Gentile races.
>Also, what sigil do i use?
As for Satan, see: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html
>tearing my fucking ears off to stop the invasive music.
I can highly relate to this as well. The patterns and sounds this kinds of music produces are highly obnoxious and probably meant to lower your vibration and keep in you a lulled state of mind, alongside with the mostly mind-numbing mundane lyrics keeping the human race spiritually encased in ZOG's preferred cage.
>physically draw a circle
I don't recommend circles when evoking Satanic beings, this would only prevent a proper evocation as it limits the being being evoked.
Check my post on that -> >>>/ask/223
>im new to the fringe section of the chans so i dont know the tripsfags
I host/own the site, that's why I'm namefagging. It helps when people know fringechan is not abandoned, administration/technical/financial-wise.
Some questions about affirmations:
1.How often and how many times should one perform affirmations for optimum results? I'm worried that I'm being too persistent with some of my affirmations, causing them to not manifest.
2. Would it be more effective to transform the affirmation into a mantra, just as outlined in Liber Null?
3. Does performing affirmations in a gnostic state, such as during or after meditation, increase their efficiency?
4. Should affirmations/mantras be said aloud, or is subvocalization enough?
what do you guys think about this vid?
It seems there are a lot of conflicting opinions on this subject, since a lot of people say that you should in fact strengthen the thought of the thing you want manifesting by visualisation and employing emotion during visualisation
I know this will be a shot in the dark, but do the names "Sungrimoth" (or "Zungrimoth") and "Malazok" mean anything to one of you guys? If so I'd appreciate some sources to look into. Or just any information about them in general.
I've had so many dreams last night. Keeping it short, one was about escaping from some sort of laboratory where they conduct experiments, so i took a bus to some city, next was an operation on my friend, next was me smoking three joints of marijuana. I don't smoke that much in reality, last time was 3 months ago but i only took 2 hits from a joint since im super sensitive.
That aside, i looked it up, the first two were about me having to abandon some old habit or aspect of life that is limiting me. The marijuana smoking denotes me trying to numb some psychological pain, trying to escape from reality.
But the truth is, i've just somewhat cured my self from mild depression with Arcane Formulas. Maybe i haven't really cured my self?
Maybe it's up to me to interpret the dreams instead of a dream dictionary?
From the amazon book page:
>kaballa illustration on the front of the book
>" It even delves into the depths of Demonolatry sex magick, necromancy, blood rites, and blood sacrifice."
It all sounds a little edgy, and thus far seems to have little to do with Satanic Demons as I know.
Then when going through the first few pages of the book:
>""Unfortunately Demon Worship has never been socially acceptable practice"
>"What is Demonolatry? It is quite literally - 'the worship of Demons.'"
Satanic Demons don't want worship - in fact, Satan condemns any form of worship.
>can someone recommend me an alternative?
You will find al you need and more at http://www.joyofsatan.org/
Also refer to my other post(s), like >>1835 for more information.
>Can anyone tell me about Ley Lines?
Ley Lines related to the Earth's natural energy grids.
>what are they good for, what does "they do"?
Read the following resources if you are interested about the topic:
>do they have anything to do with magic, is it aliens
It doesn't seem there is any inherent involvement with aliens in this case.
>I hope I'm posting this in the right thread, I'm new to this site, so sorry if i chose the wrong place to post.
You chose the correct site and thread. Welcome, newfriend.
Repetition is what gives your sub consciousness a long lasting impression. You won't run to macdonalds after seeing a single ad on goyvision (hopefully), but if you live your life surrounded with ads for junkfood you'd be more inclined to consider it.
It's actually one of the popular techniques of lucid dreaming to wake up a few hours before morning and go back to sleep after a little while. I can only assume that's what's happening in your case.
>Where the hell do I go from here?
up again, down again, again and again, for eternity, until you're stably up
Also, more on listening to your body:
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies. - Friedrich Nietzsche
>I have attachment issues. I mean, i never chase after a girl unless i really like her for some reason. Unless i have some sort of attraction. It's indescribable.
I would describe that as the sensation of energetic cords flowing from & pulling your chakras to hers. If one is not sensetive enough to feel this it just feels like a general attraction or desire to be near or touching.
>Love is illogical and doesn't have some purpose, right?
I would say it obeys a higher logic, one not grounded in the physical, so it seems to be illogical. The higher order logic & purpose is that through cultivation of both the yin and the yang qualities of the various sorts of energy one reaches a higher state of being, one closer to the divine.
When one is open to (even if it's on a semiconscious level) moving into that state and another like being enters their reality they start an energy exchange. Now energy is exchanged all the time between all people, but this is a deeper level, as most have highly guarded beings due to the programming of the ego, but I digress. When this happens their consciousness start cultivating each other, one half providing in preponderance what the other is lacking and vise versa.
Now that said, of course this can be done solo, but as I see the path of least resistance to be cultivation with a partner.
>That's nice, but as i said, i have attachment issues.
Attempt to have not expectations of things, or circumstances in which if X does not happen or Y does that you will allow yourself to be upset. Now I know this is a lot easier said than done… But it is nonetheless the ideal state.
Unattached unconditional love.
>It ended 2 months ago, and i still miss her.
And it may take time for you to fully release, transforming one's being rarely happens overnight.
>It ended because of my neediness, and now i would try it again but im afraid
And as long as you let fear rule you, you shall be limited. Release yourself anon.
>How do i let her go?
By realizing what the interactions/circumstances afforded to you allowed you to do (learn X).
>How do i sort out these psychological issues?
Be thankful for that, for any any all opportunities provided. Suffering highlights where growth is to be had. Perhaps, in time you shall be together again, but do not cling to that, embrace the present moment, live life to its fullest.
What you need shall be made manifest in your life, everything, despite the lack of understanding in the moment, is a gateway to something even grander.
>Also, what do you think about Alan Watts?
He's alright. Not that magical from what I've seen, though he does possess some piercing insight.
>He says that we are all already Enlightened, it's just that we don't see it.
In a way that is kind of true, in that our higherselves are, and we are one with it, and so too are we one with God, and we just are not aware of the totality of our being.
>He also says that Meditation is not a path to enlightenment, because when you do anything to be enlightened, you already miss the fact that you already are enlightened.
Er… meditation is the way to become aware of thyself, awareness is key to enlightenment. The above statement is wrong.
>So, you should do nothing. But, trying to do nothing is doing something.
In a way that is correct though. In the stillness is the truth of God to be found. And by acting through the awareness of stillness and unity can great change be effected, in yourself or in the world.
>I agree with Watts. I don't think magic has anything to do with Enlightenment.
Somewhat. You can be quite magical (in terms of power wielded) yet very unenlightened, and through being enlightened one may be able to understand the magical laws, but only through the actual application of such will said power be able to be truly leveraged.
>Then again, it depends on your definition of Enlightenment
I use the one >>>/fringe/197
>If you want to merge with the Godhead, then magic doesn't really do anything.
I disagree, totally. To become one with God one must be able to create as God does, wielding all the tools with the same level of divine clarity and precision as the infinite. The ability to do such is a literal prerequisite to flawless union with the all.
>Magic is just manipulating energies.
Yes, buth are required.
>Are anyone on this board who are familiar with The Universal Gnostic Fellowship?
I've heard the name before once or twice, but I'm not really familiar.
>What causes cannbis anxiety/parsnoia how do i stop it
If I had to guess I would say it's part of the current collective consciousness and the fact exploring one's own being is considered (highly) illegal in many places.
I would either be in a place where you have minimal influences and/or know you are safe. Additional conditioning on your mind would certainly be of benefit as well (e.g. affirmations to that end).
>Besides things like love, you would need money for the majority of things you want in life
No anon, you what one requires is the things money typically allows them to obtain, the necessary things (for most) are food, shelter, etc. these things can be obtained (legally) without money.
Ask and ye shall receive, no, seriously, try it. Smile, remain in love, have faith, be persistent, and if your intuition pulls you somewhere off the beaten path do not be afraid to follow it – you may even surprise yourself at how effective it is. As stands I presently live without money (or extremely minimal amounts) and have been for this whole year thus far. Between barter, trade, and not infrequent gifts, I do well.
>Is there any noted advantage to choking your astral attacker, presumably to death?
In comparison to…?
Personally I would just vibrationally repel them, but if you are STS that won't work and some kind of offense would be needed. I am rather unqualified for advising you on such.
All I can offer is theory, some speculative and some general. The speculative half is, the throat contains the core of expression, if you stifle their ability to declare their will… And in general, and the law states that the one with the stronger will, desire, and/or awareness shall prevail. Either way, let the fires of passion (be they of love or hatred) burn and fuel your drive to manifesting your will.
>I have to admit that quite literally choking the life out of it - like all past attackers - gave me sick pleasure.
You may wish to dive into your being to see why this is. Assuming you are not STS, if so carry on.
>I am now in a 5 days roll of renouncing lust.
Amazing things happen after the first month or two, keep it up.
>So, sometimes i imagine that i´m having sex with a girl of my college. Could this be prejudicial to me in some way?
You are spending time and immense energy focusing upon making reality in which you are imagining.
>Am I sending my loosh to them?
Yes, and this is part of psychic sexual seduction (albeit it depends on their level of consciousness).
>Am I coming closer to this imaginary reality by visualizing it in my third eye?
That's how it works, however because it is a reality which includes another specific being it is subject to their will as well. Generally the path of least resistance involves just doing such in generic as to allow another one manifesting the same align up with you, where as if you pick out a specific person their will may not be in line with yours.
>The thing is, i´m currently in the first practices on Bardons Book.
>Can I start meddling with Godforms already?
If you would like to… Depending on which types you interact with is really the determining factor or if, in my opinion, you should. That said, because you are still just starting out, I wouldn't expect much conscious awareness of their influence until you become more energetically sensitive.
>Do I have the power to summon a Succubus and don´t screw things up?
That… depends on you, I would presume not given what you detailed and also you historic lusty tendencies (and indulging in lust is never good), however maybe you'll find a really loving one and she'll be good for you, who knows.
>Should I?
Do you desire to have something using your loosh? Or do you desire to command all of your energy yourself?
>I have heard that not all Succubi are inherently evil. How do I summon a Good/Neutral one.
*shrugs* Ask the universe.
>I hold the belief that while maintaining celibacy I can ¨throw the energy up¨ and awaken the upper chakras.
That's basically what the Daoists say.
>How could one awaken kundalini?
>How do I stop getting so easily influenced by everything?
Increase, and exert, your awareness.
>It gets so bad that I can't recognize my own personality, my perception of the world and opinions changes, even my own physical appearance changes.
Decide what you desire to be, and then when ever you notice you are not in line with said desire, change yourself in the direction until you embody what you desire.
>I am still influenced without me even realising it.
This is the case on every level, the only difference is to what extent it takes place. For even ascended beings have parts of their being they are not totally aware of, it's just humans have a lot lot more.
The nook I'm using is an older one, so I'm not sure if its emf or what but I can read for 30 minutes or so at a time without it bothering my eyes. I think its more that it just doesn't feel like a book and its hard to keep the lines of text in order. Also it does this weird shit whenever I'm trying to read some real /fringe/ stuff where it will randomly skip around pages and scroll up and down a lot, but when I read something like Koontz or some mundane instructional everything works fine. Maybe my nook is haunted.
Thank You! I'm looking forward to reading about it, looks much "better" than what I found myself : )
Seeking enlightenment, masturbation, opening chakras, browsing /jp/, there's no difference between these activities. All you have to do is to be constantly aware of everything that arises. That's it. If you don't know where you're going or what to do, just stay aware of the thoughts that accompany these feelings. Whatever you feel reading my post here, watch this reaction of yours and be aware of it. Your response, in your head, or written down here, must be watched. If thoughts arise that observing everything like that is bad idea or good idea, just stay aware of these.
>Ask and ye shall receive, no, seriously, try it. Smile, remain in love, have faith, be persistent, and if your intuition pulls you somewhere off the beaten path do not be afraid to follow it – you may even surprise yourself at how effective it is. As stands I presently live without money (or extremely minimal amounts) and have been for this whole year thus far. Between barter, trade, and not infrequent gifts, I do well.
Wondering how to manifest a house to live in… seems like money/skills would help.
Certainly the skills.
What do you think of killing mosquitoes, tiny insects/fruit flies? The former causes harm, the latter annoyance.
i'd read the idea that with unconditional love/
non attachment,
that in higher realms one would /could
choose to be monogamous without expecting their partner to be so.
>Be true to yourself, first and foremost. If you are not, if you use deception, the person they are attracted to will not be the true you, and either you will end up living a lie (which aside from feeling bad is not healthy, mentally or physically) or when you do reveal your true self they will feel shocked or even betrayed.
Yeah. It's not that I was pretending to be something that I'm not, but trying to be something that I want to be but am not yet. Dunno how to be a man, and I've gotten disheartened with changing myself when I didn't get what I wanted externally from it. I did receive a good deal of love, but also a fair deal of "abandonment" from myself and the person I was attracting when I didn't manage to be consistent [somewhat due to going back to live at an energetically suffocating place].
Also, I kind of have to pretend to be something I'm not so I can become that. Like, I'm not good at flirting, being attractive, playing, touching. So I adopt a persona that can be somewhat those things, maybe a little cockier than I might be normally. I don't know what the difference between that and "me" is.
I guess it's fine so long as I wouldn't mind playing that often, so long as I can love that role.
>I, long ago, ignored that as well, instead opting for the way "courtship" is played in contemporary times, and I was, rightfully, turned off. I felt as though if there was not that deep connection I didn't even want the fleshly one, it just left me feeling more empty than before
But I assume you gained valuable flirting skills.
Which I don't have, and feel that that is a fair part of what kept me from being with the person I'd wanted.
Maybe I can try doing that without the emptiness… somehow.
She has emotional barriers that aren't as fully present when she's physically attracted.
I'd tried directly going for her heart, but I wasn't enough at the time I guess.
Partly she held onto her past, partly couldn't see past preconception, partly… I wasn't enough.
Some questions about affirmations:
1.It's a matter of not "lusting for results". If you find yourself obsessing over magical results, you need to find an additional hobby (unrelated to magic) and let manifestation happen on its own terms.
2. There's no definite answer. Find what works best for you. Literaly. Experiment and find out.
3. It is the only time when they are supposed to work.
4. You get out as much as you put in. You don't always need to go all out, but the bigger the impression you make on yourself, the more effective it will be.
Go play a sport or something and take your mind off magic after a spell if you want it to work faster.
Your problems are mundane, not magical. Get your life in order (studies, job, sex life, friendships, family issues, social stuff in general…). When that is sorted out, then you approach magic, not the other way around.
>What's the end goal of "The Arcane Formulas"?
Conscious Egohood
>Is W.W. Atkinson even worth the study?
>what's some alternative material?
Anything serious will always require mastery in the art of dreaming (lucid dreaming, astral projection).
>(Also, who are the ones in my flag, kek?)
poor knowledge of French or pseudo-french
Any material and technique is fine. The mere intent can be powerful enough. It's a natural ability, there is nothing 'special' about it.
>>(Also, who are the ones in my flag, kek?)
>poor knowledge of French or pseudo-french
Literally: Anonymous without frontiers, or more accurately Anonymous without boarders, a play on Militaires Sans Frontières from MGS.
Check PDF's attached, here is a HTML version of the second PDF: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/astral_dynamics/astral_dynamics.htm (much easier to read and on the eyes)
They are both about astral projection and not lucid dreaming, though they are very comprehensive and go about every detail - you won't miss anything.
Important is to know that your energy body should be somewhat operational if you want an efficient temporary departure from your body. You will effectively create an energetic vehicle for you to enter and navigate the astral with, temporarily transferring (part) of your consciousness to said body/vehicle, or what the author of the PDF's I linked calls the "mind split", hence having a basis in energy work being quite essential.
I also skimmed through the PDF's >>1855 linked, though they both make no direct reference to the importance of the energy work as a foundation, considering the mechanical workings of astral projection. Don't get me wrong however, the PDF's in anon's post seem reasonable as well, especially the 66 techniques one even though it lacks mentioning the mechanical core. Imho, its not so much about the projection method, but rather having a proper functioning energy body.
It's a pretty low energy pathway to manifestation but it's good for internal changes. I would rather evoke entities or create thoughtforms for anything complex.
How to unconditional love?
Isn't this also subject to the laws of rhythm? It's something i don't get, if we can mentally transmute one mental state to another, why even mention Rhythm? The pendulum goes from love to hate, but if you transmute hate to love, it's like you destroyed the action of Rhythm, which was stated as unstoppable and indestructible.
Learn bhakti yoga
My resources on bhakti, haven't read the books yet, but in "audio" folder you have lectures on Narada Bhakti Sutra and in "notes" you have notes corresponding to each lecture. Haven't gone through the full course yet, but the first 3 or so lectures were pretty cool.
And regarding your question about the law of Rhythm - I've never really cared about the hermetic laws, just read Kybalion and Arcane Teachings and went on my own way, so my view isn't the "official hermetic™ view" but just my personal opinion.
When you realize your true self (so called higher self, atman etc.) then you can act according to your own will.
Also, wasn't there in Kybalion or Arcane Teachings something about raising above the swing of pendulum and not being swept along with it?
I think that unconditional love can't be directed at anything "earthly" (for the lack of better word), because anything "earthly" is, to some extent, "contaminated" (again, for the lack of better word) with your own desires and no matter how pure your love, for example, for a person is, it isn't unconditional. It's explained nicely in the intro to the course or in the first lecture.
>Also, wasn't there in Kybalion something about rising above the swing of the pendulum
Bingo. It's in Arcane Formulas. That's what i've been trying for like 2 months now and i feel like it would make it so much easier to deal with emotions, problems, etc. but i just can't get it. Sometimes i think i do, but i get swept by the pendulum again. I realize i am not the personality, that i am Will and Awareness, but i don't feel the power and control over my emotions.
Furthermore, if i say that i am not the personality, isn't this the personality saying it is not the personality? The mind saying it is not the mind? When one says, i am not the personality, and becomes calm, who is it that became calm and is not the personality? This is the persona. When one says, i am not my thoughts, isn't this the mind saying it is not the mind?
Maybe what you need is practice? Do you meditate?
Indeed, you are right. That's why what you need is not just saying to yourself that you are not personality etc. but actually realizing this. It can happen spontaneously, but the easiest method for making this happen would be in meditation. That's how I and many others came to this realization.
Also, just saying with your mind that you are not your mind actually promotes this change in consciousness, so it's not totally without it's merit.
Posting the intro notes to the course on bhakti if you are interested in unconditional love.
Well, i inquired for unconditional love because i didn't think Egohood is that easy to achieve so maybe i needed something else.
About meditation, yes, i've started meditating but the problem is i don't know what to do. I easliy paralyze my body, to the point i don't know where it's borders are, also i feel light, etc.
What do i do next to get this realization? If i needed to still my body to detach from it, perhaps i need to still my emotions and thoughts?
Oh, I thought you were genuinely interested in unconditional love. That is a rarity indeed.
Try observing your thoughts and emotions without any attachment to them. Don't try to silence them, just observe them come and go without affecting you. Then, inquire who you are, who is observing your thoughts?
You may want to research such techniques as Vipassana, which is basically what I wrote - meditation of observation, but maybe you will find it explained more clearly.
I'm afraid I may not be the best person to help you - simply because I've had it far too easy to control and disattach myself from thoughts and emotions to know the struggle. Maybe I had a harder time with this in previous incarnations.
I would also suggest invoking various feelings and basically just playing around with it.
Maybe other anons will have some better ideas, but for me meditations (both vipassana and silencing thoughts) and just being in this state of no-mind did the trick.
And also, there are many people saying that Atkinson is garbage-tier (me included). If I were you I wouldn't focus too much on his works, just get the general idea from Kybalion and the Arcane Teaching/Formulas and find something else to study.
I am already aware of how bad the act of mastubating is, but how about sex in general?
I have a girlfriend, and I don't see us doing "Sex Magic" at least for now… Is sex with the opposite genre also bad?
I don't think so. Following my intuition on this, is kissing your girlfriend bad? No, of course not, it's just an expression of love. If you love someone and she loves you back that is energy reciprocated, right?
Same with sex, only sex is energy exchange at a much more deep and intimate level. But the important thing is to do it out of love. If you do it for physical pleasure, it's bad - Christians would call it Lust. As Montalk would put it, it's merely for your own purpose, it is STS polarity, while on the other hand, if you have Love, then you give energy which is given back. Emotional attachment is what makes sex an actual sacred act between two people. I've heard it's way better with Love. It is funny, i am talking about something i have never experienced, but it does make a lot of sense.
>sex with the opposite genre
I wonder what genre I am, and what genres are opposite. Horror and Comedy (movies, plays, books) would probably be opposite genres.
Punk and Church music?
>How to unconditional love?
I dunno, but as for bhakti, what I tried to do was always beam a "weak"/stable (the strength that one could uphold all day), detached, magnanimous love, in all actions, as if devoted to x. Whether x is higher self of someone, or god, or what-have-you.
So clean with love in your heart, wake and open your heart, exercise with love. Etc.
Hay guys I need some help.
I've herd of something called the akashic records and would like to first of know is it real?
If so what dose it in tale such as is it just your past and future or is it the universes or is it just a record of people and animals past experiences?
How dose one use it / access it?
If not any recommendations for speeding up the development of skills understanding them and the scope of there use besides just trial and error?
Also what's a good method for practicing physical skills fast but with out having to physical practicing them?
Is it also possible to become a conduit for high amp and voltages of electricity at will with out becoming kill or needing to be connected to a power source like a power outlet?
Also so is this possible to control other things like air water and fire?
How would you do this?
Thanks in advance /fringe/
Tired of fapping away my loosh to pornography. Any advice on how you guys conquered your lust?
Hey. You sound like a very knowledgable anon. I'm merely just getting started with these things but I'm a massive hedonist and I just don't fucking feel good enough. The pleasure I give to my partners and the pleasure I receive, there is a mountain of difference between them. I DO love giving pleasure, but I want to feel good too. I had had this Multi-Orgasmic Man book for a while but never really read much of it other than skimming through. I really want to believe it works but is it really, definitely real and does it really, absolutely, definitely work and can I have multiple orgasms as a man and not feel drained but instead, rejuvenated by them? This is a thing of great importance to me and I think if used properly, could REALLY kickstart my magick career. Thanks a lot for the response in advance. Have a great one.
Treating severe diseases or if I had tried to regrow my limbs I'd use just about everything I know, not just autosuggestion. I've also found that anything that relates other people doesn't happen just from autosuggestion.
>I've herd of something called the akashic records and would like to first of know is it real?
About as real as your mind but far more real than your grammar.
As far as I know you can see just about everything possible there, this includes past and possible futures.
>How dose one use it / access it?
Astral project and will yourself there.
>Also what's a good method for practicing physical skills fast but with out having to physical practicing them?
Do you mean exceeding your physical abilities? There's been stories of people doing crazy shit under adrenaline like moving cars around so I'd say learn how to infuse your body with the fire element with the intent of forcing your body into pumping adrenaline into your blood.
>Is it also possible to become a conduit for high amp and voltages of electricity at will with out becoming kill or needing to be connected to a power source like a power outlet?
Some people reported being able to affect electrical appliances like street light with their will but I don't remember anyone trying to put a fork into a powerpoint and telling us about it.
>Also so is this possible to control other things like air water and fire? How would you do this?
Personally I've used the air element to summon gusts of wind. Book of Knowledge I think has a method where a wizard has so much faith into his will manifesting that he can instantaneously change the weather without screwing with the elements.
>I've also found that anything that relates other people doesn't happen just from autosuggestion.
you mean influencing others? I'm not sure why it wouldn't happen since autosuggestion is just a slower way to impress your subconscious than a direct ritual
You're correct but if for example someone tried to autosuggest "I am a very lovable person", the change in how people treat him won't be immediate.
My neighbor has 2 big dogs that bark all the time. They stick them outside for long periods of every day and just let them bark. I can also hear them bark inside their house. Our houses are very close together and this disrupts my peace of mind and disrupts my attempts at meditation. Moving isn't an option since I'm not renting, I didn't know the neighbors dogs would be this annoying when we got the house and it was a good deal. I have spoken to the man 3 times already about it. I have bought one of those boxes that emits high pitched sounds that only dogs can hear, triggered by their barking, and that worked great at first but then they became immune to it. I don't want to call the cops and then forever have to deal with that, our houses are too close together to want to have a neighbor that is looking for revenge. I don't want to hurt the dogs either as much as they drive me insane. So what can I do? Is there some kind of animal charming I can learn to make them be quiet? A certain way to word a sigil? Some kind of influence I can send to the neighbor to treat his dogs better? Animals usually love me, but these dogs are set off by everything. Its been 6 months and they still snarl and slam into the fence everytime I step into my back yard. Its very strange. Pretty mundane problem but mundane solutions have failed so I need to take it up a notch.
how do you guys know if you've been cursed and how do you remove curses? this shit is especially troubling to me because it seems like you have to do an actual ritual for once for the curse to be removed unlike manifestation where you can use emotion and visualisation
There is a saying that if you change your perspective the whole world changes
I tried to distance myself from bad events in the world, I stopped visiting /pol/ and visited it only a few times since solely out of habit
Is not knowing what is going on in the world actually to my benefit? Is it just a method of "ignorance is bliss" or is there something more to it? Does my perspective really have an impact on the world?
Sometimes more, sometimes less. Sometimes its sporadic but all throughout the day and night. The dogs are outside most of the day. I have been wary of getting any authorities involved since the only thing separating our houses is a driveway and I don't want him retaliating over it.
I might not be getting something, but it's pretty clear that to manifest something you need to use emotion and visualisation, so obviously you imagine how happy you are when you are at your desired outcome, I don't see how it's possible to be neutral about it, automatically happy = good
Not that I'm aware of but then again ESP and remote viewing hasn't been officially proven either.
Not very convincing but I guess one word is better than nothing. Thanks anyway.
- Threefold Law
- Law of Return
- New-Age Karma
These, like many other beliefs in the new-age ecosphere and neo-wiccan/neo-pagan culture, are corruptions of pre-existing, ancient concepts. Toxic thoughtforms, designed to ensnare you within self-restraining constrictions. The user willingly swallowing poison, voluntarily shackling himself simply by subscribing to these belief systems. Actively manifesting undesired outcomes by solely inviting these curses. Because that's what these are; curses. Energy is steered by will, meaning that other beings can return you a favor or avenge any damage done, but this is not predetermined in one way or another. Its solely determined by will.
>Is it possible to evade karma?
Banish the above thought forms from your reality. Stop letting them affect you; don't power them, unsubscribe your belief to them. In the end, these thought forms were conceived by nefarious beings trying to trap us, by making us passive and not resist oppression, by not taking matters in our own hands. Thus, the inherent design of these thought forms (and plenty others - but that is outside of the scope of this reply) is nothing but of malicious mean. The more people that believe in them, the greater effect they will impose on our reality.
That said, that's not to say to be a dick to everyone. You still are an altruistic being, and (senselessly) damaging others leads to inherent degeneration of the self.
May I ask, what is it that you need to do, or have done, that you feel like you need to avoid said karma for? Because I see people worrying about 'karma' for evoking succubi, casting love spells, manifesting money and other completely normal things. Don't worry about these, you are free to do so. There's no astral police out there to slap your butt. Unless you ask them to come over, by subscribing to 'karma'..
>May I ask, what is it that you need to do, or have done, that you feel like you need to avoid said karma for?
nothing for now, just curious, but considering the law of return, isn't it true that what you put out there returns to you? The reason I believe it is because things manifest from what you put out there and they return to you in a physical form
>That said, that's not to say to be a dick to everyone. You still are an altruistic being, and (senselessly) damaging others leads to inherent degeneration of the self.
your playing by your own rules.
>law of return
new age bullshit
Karma is just cause and effect. Nothing can escape law of karma, but it's true that in some cases you can get away with hurting others and not having any repercussions.
For example if someone killed you in your previous life and wasn't punished for this then, would you kill their current incarnation, you wouldn't create more karma for yourself.
Another way is to cut ties with the act. Some say that our attachment (especially emotions) to the act create karma, not the act itself. What is meant is that by, for example, dwelling in negativity and hurting other people would in return cause harm to you (as you would act like a magnet for negativity). On the other hand if you would completely disattach from the act of hurting other people you would suffer no (or at least far less) karmic backlash.
Indeed, there are people, so called psychopaths, who can commit terrible atrocities without batting an eye. Maybe, they are there to balance out karmic debts? Who would be better suited for the job than a person who, with their murderous acts, doesn't create karmic debts?
Or so I've heard.
I don't know, it's just some theories I've seen in some books. I was never interested much in mechanics of karma, so I don't know if it's true or not. I confess - this notion certainly has it's appeal to me, but I'm afraid it's bullshit.
I can check in tantras and other Hindu scriptures for an answer, but right now I have other matters to attend to.
Or maybe some Buddhist can give us their perspective - isn't it true that no attachments = no karma?
In breathing, yogis call it Prana. Bardon calls it Electromagnetic Fluid. There is also the Chi Energy, the Vital Force, the Mana, or the Mind Power.
My question is, are they all the same energy presenting themselfs by diferent terms, or are they diferent energies used for diferent things but coming from the same source of energy?
I'm not saying the sites magic or too be investigated. I'm just asking if there is a legitimate deeper meaning behind the whats wrote.
I know too little about systems using different energy than prana (and maybe about prana as well) to answer this question. I wondered about that too. There are some differences between characteristics of these energies leading me to believe that they are not identical (or that this energy is not something "objective" - i.e. depending on the system used it has different characteristics).
For example in Taoist practice there is yin and yang chi and this division is something absent in prana. But, prana originates in Hindu scriptures and there (especially in tantras) the accent is on non-duality. For example, in Western occultism there are male and female aspects too (fire and water), male (fire) being active and female (water) being passive but in Tantra it is seemingly reversed - Shiva (depicted as male god) is passive and Shakti (depicted as female goddess) is active. Of course Shiva and Shakti are essentially in unity. But male/female doesn't translate directly into Shiva/Shakti. Shiva is formless consciousness (without any characteristics) and Shakti is consciousness in form (also, in potentiality - power), thus Shiva is neither male nor female and both male/female belong to the sphere of Shakti (along with everything else - Action, Will, Knowledge etc.).
I wouldn't be surprised if the same would go for yin and yang chi, being unified in one current - prana. But that's just my personal opinion (more like speculation) as I don't know much about chi. It may very well be a completely different energy.
Also, from Tantrik perspective - all energy is Shakti, be it prana, chi, vril etc.
I believe that certain energies are in fact different - compare loosh to prana, loosh being only the emotive power, prana being the life-sustaining force.
so to answer the question
>are they all the same energy presenting themselfs by diferent terms, or are they diferent energies used for diferent things but coming from the same source of energy?
I'd say that certain energies are in fact the same, just under different names, while others are different. Nevertheless it depends on what level are we considering these energies - on some level there is always some unifying principle.
The fact that we can only subjectively describe these energies doesn't help either.
Also, there is a multitude of different energies as everything is energy.
In fact, the more I think of it, the more I'm convinced that all those energy systems are just tools - that there is some one, nameless cosmic energy-field, and various systems aren't "the truth" but more like a guideline to harnessing this one cosmic energy. The prana doesn't exist, chi doesn't exist etc. They don't exist as a thing in themselves, but rather as a tool for practitioner to get in touch with this energy-field. This would explain the differences, but then again - it's just my speculation.
Could you elaborate?
>Prana and Vril are just vague broad terms.
>proceeds to write vague broad post
Also, can't speak for vril, but prana is well defined and certainly not a vague term.
As for it being broad - what do you expect from something which is a universal life force? It is broad and it's applications are broad too. And if you mean that the usage of prana in various scriptures is somewhat blurred - what do you expect after over 3000 years of prana being studied in the East?
Quite frequently I see and feel like the world was melting, or was just a rubber membrane collapsing under itself, it lasts for very short periods of time, about 1/3 second. It happens about once a week, sometimes every two weeks. What could it be, is it just a normal hallucination? During meditation I frequently work on third eye.
And deja vu, after a meeting with large group of people known to me, that lasted for four days, they all had intense and often deja vu. This seems quite interesting to me.
I also have success with attracting small events, like getting hidden random number generation to output what I want, Seems also that it is true that after visualising the desired it should be forgotten, thinking about it interrupts the process.
>getting hidden random number generation to output what I want
I've been getting pretty good at that myself. Practicing it while playing WoW and rolling for loot when in a party, I got 30 in a row the other night, across multiple group instances. I had to tone it down so people wouldn't think I was cheating.
>is a grave mistake and stems from narrow-minded armchair 'occultism'.
And again, people make assumptions about me despite not knowing anything about me or my practice. It's getting boring.
Okay, now when we have ad hominem behind us lets go to the actual arguments.
I haven't said anything about
>Jing - Nadi
>Shen - Bindu
I wrote that if chi is equal to prana, then yin and yang chi are something which doesn't have it's equivalent in prana.
>I wouldn't be surprised if the same would go for yin and yang chi, being unified in one current - prana.
Which you yourself confirm in your post
>Chi - Prana
Furthermore, you didn't specify why you consider prana to be vague and broad. Also, in prana system you have five "winds" in the body.
>Jing - Nadi
Also, from what I can tell - Jing is some kind of energy, right? Nadi is a pathway for energy, not some distinct kind of energy (of course counting out the fact that everything is energy). Bindu is also not energy.
>Go study for yourself.
After some time of breathing, my throat gets sore on the exhalation. I've done a research on throat pain while meditating and found something about blocked chakras. What can it be considering it does not happen when I hum on the exhalation?
>In fact, the more I think of it, the more I'm convinced that all those energy systems are just tools - that there is some one, nameless cosmic energy-field, and various systems aren't "the truth" but more like a guideline to harnessing this one cosmic energy. The prana doesn't exist, chi doesn't exist etc. They don't exist as a thing in themselves, but rather as a tool for practitioner to get in touch with this energy-field. This would explain the differences, but then again - it's just my speculation.
This. This is what I have been thinking all along!
Thank you for pointing out some interesting facts.
learn symbols learn what ALL the occult symbology means. Ah dot is the representation of a soul. Did you know that reader? Everything means something even the lines.
Does anyone else here use their emotions to make a living by creating anything? I can only have so much emotions in a day, which is really restraining me. I want to work on my stuff most of the day, but after a few hours my dopamine and serotonin must be all depleted. At some point music becomes boring and I feel mental fog. I stop giving a fuck, and browse memes, reddit, or binge watch mindless shit for all day, feeling like I could die right now and it'd be fine. After some time or a sleep, at the morning I start working like a madman. It's like there are 2 of me: the high-energy inspired one, and one who gave up on everything.
I use the following methods to rejunevate. I'm writing this stuff here with hope you share your methods too. Or perhaps you know some tricks of creative workers from the past?
- 8 hour sleep (the best)
- cold shower (powerful)
- yerba mate with green tea (powerful)
- red lentils with curcumin and pepper (powerful)
- limiting fap to once/twice a month (average)
- no thought meditation for half an hour (average)
- exercise (shitty)
- nap during the day (shitty)
I feel like certain food combinations, like lentils, could be the key, but I get contradictory results with the same meals. Sometimes they rejunevate me, sometimes they make me lazy. I eat healthy all the time, but I wish my body would tell me when does it need what type of food.
I just wanted to add, the reason I don't mention any drugs except yerba and green tea is that for literally everything else I've tried, I have to pay later 2x as much. For example, coffee or microdosing LSD fucks up the baseline mood and energy, and in the end you're not gaining anything. Properly prepared mixtures made of yerba with green tea, curcumin, pepper and spirulina affect emotional state by like 20% by eg. making music sound better, and you can sip on it like every second day and you never get tolerance or fucked up baseline
lamb of god all of it. be humbled my son. ghost walking if we wanna get specific.
1, 2, 3
Do you remember when word was bond, a fleeting promise in the light of the dawn.
Barren December under a falling sky, the end of days and a reason to die.
Obliteration never looked so divine.
Holding your breath for the moment in time
You lived through hell, now you're trying to die
The skin is healed but you're bleeding inside
Shots fired just to numb the pain
There's no one left to save
Night blind on the shining path
Ghost walking in the aftermath
Hypnotized, 60 cycle hum
The broken cadence of a distant drum
21 to 1 I'm liking the odds
A blood junkie with a lightning rod
A dirty rig and a heavenly nod
And still you wind up nowhere
Obliteration never looked so divine
Holding your breath for the moment in time
This is not a question, and neither does it seem to be a response to a question. Take it to >>>/loosh/ – don't post this here (or the music thread considering the content?). Yes, this is a warning.
Much better metal bands have had lyrics related to esotericism than lamb of god, this is babby's first metal band
hi anon. i was trying to respond to this
also this anon>>3829
I wanted to make the point out that all metal
seems to pull inspiration from jachin. I
should have just said that. I also just
really like the band. I respect the rules i
am just kinda dumb. I post too quickly.
meditate. imagine what your higher self looks like. Keep something important by your bed. go to sleep. some claim they can do this awake.
outside of spirits merely masquerading as the dead why is necromancy considered bad?
>how much influence do other people's thoughts have over your life?
Your question is a bit too general but I will try to answer it as broadly as possible.
Generally it depends on the nature of the thoughts themselves. Consider what actions you've learned that your thoughts can cause and remember that mundane or not, people can tap into that realm of power without knowing it. Focusing on someone and sending negativity may manifest in a multitude of ways and can have various affects if they don't know what they're really doing. Remember that we're not directly in control of people because of free will. But exerting force(s) onto others can act as a type of influence. The way I would explain this is showcased in Robert Bruce's Practical Psychic Self-Defense.
See the library under this directory: fringe books & files package\Robert Bruce\Robert Bruce - Practical Psychic Self-Defense.pdf
Although its focus is on negative entities, in some cases someone's desire to hurt you can cause negative entities to come at you at the behest of your tormenter.
I have a feeling I'm explaining this incorrectly or at least partially incorrect but I am sure I've read this scenario somewhere. But even if I explained that wrong I stand by Robert Bruce's book of self-defense. It's exactly the type of book I was hoping to find when I first started all of this and I consider it an extremely important read.
>You aren't concerned about the heavy fluoride content in tea?
Fluoride is just one of very many real dangers, anon. It's mentioned often because it grew to become a popular meme, not because it's worse than other stuff you could find in your food every day. We're so far gone in the corporate disinformation, that some fluoride in white tea is the least of our problems. And if I had 3000 $, first thing I'd do would be to buy proper filter for water.
I was invited to initiate on the DeMolay order.
I don't know anything about the order, what should i expect?
>three abilities/skills a wizard should train before anything else?
emotional alchemy, meditation, lucid dreaming
>requesting Indigo Pill material
You have a whole board full of materials and you're still waiting to be spoonfed?
There is no "indigo pill" canon. Well, there is (check out the pills thread) but I've read maybe 2-3 books from it (read a few pages from the rest of them and decided it wasn't for me) and still post with an indigo pill flag. Moreover, some books in there I am against and would not recommend them to anyone, because I don't like Jewish/Christian entities and they work with them.
It's not about what books you read, but how you use the knowledge.
Also, don't become too attached to the pill meme. It's just another label.
Check out AstralPulse forums.
When it comes to Robert Bruce I don't really know whether to recommend him or not.
You see - energy work is not necessary for astral projection. I didn't need it to project, others did not too. Monroe, who was first in the modern West to speak openly about his OOBE experiences didn't do any energy work.
On the other hand - I know that energy work is important generally, even if it's not a per-requisite for projection.
So, if I were you I'd check Astral Pulse forums and maybe a small pdf called Phasing Primer, both are quite mundane, nevertheless the techniques work.
Also, can someone maybe explain to me, why almost everyone here recommends energy work as a per-requisite for astral projection, while it is quite easy to do it without it? I'm just a bit curious.
I agree with the three abilities but as a side note I want to add that a starting wizard should develop a fairly solid moral ground to stand on. While I certainly believe that emotional alchemy is important, crafting yourself into the ideal version of your person is an equally important thing. If you're getting into magick because you have a list of people from highschool that bullied you and you want to curse them, your spiritual progress will probably stop around about silencing your mind. Cultivate positive character qualities.
I believe Kybalion and the Arcane Teaching had something about the subject, but I didn't learn it from the books but rather learned it by myself even before I started on the occult path so I'm not the best person to recommend you something to read.
>starting wizard should develop a fairly solid moral ground to stand on
Morality is something subjective. I don't really see a point in dabbling with ethics, do what thou wilt and all that good stuff.
Also, morality is something evolving our entire lives, not to mention that one can be an accomplished magician while not being very concerned with it.
>crafting yourself into the ideal version of your person is an equally important thing
Agreed, but that doesn't imply ethics. Or, should I say, an ideal version of yourself may not necessarily be "moral" judging by others.
>your spiritual progress will probably stop around about silencing your mind
It depends. I wrote some posts above how one can possibly (at this point it's just speculations) minimize creation of karma even doing cruel things to others.
Also, indigo pilled neophyte wasn't asking about spirituality, but rather about magic.
>Cultivate positive character qualities.
Or don't. It doesn't matter too much in my opinion. Positive qualities still bind you further to the physical though.
Good and evil are also just labels, one can transcend them. Not to mention that there are purely LHP organizations out there.
So, to sum up - I don't believe that ethics should play vital role in the progress and one certainly can become powerful without them. Seeing how that poster is interested in indigo pill mentality I'd guess they don't care about morality either.
For me spiritual progress isn't directly linked to the side I currently play on - good vs evil and all that stuff, but rather my ability to choose neither and transcend them.
You can do cruel acts, you can hurt people. How bad karma is worse than good karma? It's still the same thing, more bondage, so I thoroughly disagree that
>your spiritual progress will probably stop around about silencing your mind
What is Unconditional Love actually? Someone directed me to Bhakti Yoga but it said a bunch of stuff about deity worship and a lot of eastern terminology that's hard to wrap my head around.
One guess is that unconditional love doesn't even need an object, since it is unconditional. But if it is not directed at anything, how can it be even defined?
I'm confident energy work has no real purpose. Perhaps you could heal your wound 20% faster after a few years of training. Awareness meditation would be the time better spent. It has tangible effects. Also, doing anything that requires intuitive no-thought "flow" state.
Maybe energy work is good for the types who have brain wired in special way. If you don't do it since childhood, then I'd say there's no use for you to begin dealing with this shit
It was me who posted these materials. I also posted an intro to the course, have you read it? It's explained there >>1864
>One guess is that unconditional love doesn't even need an object
>a bunch of stuff about deity worship
Unconditional love cannot be directed at anything from this physical world, since to any object of your love you have also attached your desires, no matter how pure that love is so it would not be unconditional. Unless you are already enlightened of course. That's why in bhakti yoga practices you direct love at some God.
I guess you wouldn't need an object for that, but who would be able to love nothing with all his self?
>a lot of eastern terminology
The terminology is explained, it's not like anyone wants you to know Sanskrit to benefit from this. All I can say is once you get used to it, it won't be a problem.
Well, I wouldn't go so far as to state that it's useless, but I was able to do many things without energy work.
>Maybe energy work is good for the types who have brain wired in special way.
Yeah, I thought about that too, but isn't energy a basis for everything?
With that being said - I don't feel a need to do any energy work, and even when I was doing it I didn't really get me much benefits.
Just wanted to hear someone else's opinion. Normally, for example with chakras, visualizations suffice for me, but my visualizations have always been extremely vivid.
I can visualize energy and with good effects, but I don't really quite *feel* it (apart from certain situations like for example AP exit), like described in Bruce's books. Despite that, it has never been a problem.
Directing love at any god won't change anything. It would be the exact same thing as love for anything else. It's love with an agenda kept in mind. Even if unconscious.
Case closed then. A two thousand years old branch of yoga proved ineffective by some anonymous guy on an esoteric imageboard.
You don't understand the concept of bhakti, read the pdf I posted (it's only 2 pages).
>Bhakti, in its highest form, referred to as “parama prema” (supreme love), transcends love; it is limitless and infinite love. No matter how intense the conventional love is, it’s not bhakti. Love, either physical or emotional, is based on a sense of incompleteness, a sense of need, however little that need may be. Bhakti, on the other hand, transcends the mind. It relates to one’s true self, which is sat-cit-ananda (eternal, unlimited, consciousness). This bhakti is called “para bhakti”.
>Para bhakti is not something you can practice because in reality it is the goal or the point of arrival. Para bhakti is enlightenment!
>but I was able to do many things without energy work.
For example? Everybody who talks about energy work always talk vaguely about it, including Bruce.
If you stop your thoughts and enter flow state in the area you're skilled in, entities, information, music, ideas will start appearing out of nowhere. You can just tell this path works. Almost anybody can reproduce its effects.
But if you do energy work…??? I don't know, you can make your forehead or big toe tingle at will? You digest food 20% faster (maybe at the cost of the lost nutrients?). I just don't get why one should deal with it. I suspect the energy work and chakras are artifacts from the past when people were way more sensitive to their bodies. And even then, only some specific bloodlines had bodies and brains wired to utilize energy work.
>Everybody who talks about energy work
I just wrote that I make do WITHOUT energy work just fine.
>chakras are artifacts
Chakras aren't there arbitrarily. One creates chakras. In tantras, from where the concept originates, all practices with chakras were formulated in a prescriptive way, not descriptive - i.e. "visualize an eight petaled lotus in the center of the forehead" etc.
It's all semantics. It's difficult to communicate about any of this using language.
>Para bhakti is not something you can practice because in reality it is the goal or the point of arrival.
Word 'goal' or 'point of arrival' implies there's some desired mind state or point in time one is striving for. These are wrong words and bad translation of the whatever teaching.
On the other hand, supposedly there are people who """achieved""" it, and without drugs or operation on the brain. I don't get how one can affect the self when already caught up in the self. Once you experience the sense of self for the first time, you can't escape it, because any actions and desires to escape the self STRENGTHENS the self. When you practice zen meditation, it's obvious that more or less conscious parts of you assume you're doing it for the sake of the self, and they even give you dopamine for it.
>because any actions and desires to escape the self STRENGTHENS the self
You deny the possibility of enlightenment?
I don't claim it's easy. It's probably the most difficult thing in the world, nevertheless it is possible. It may be paradoxical, what of it? No one is able to grasp with his mind the state of no-mind, nor what exactly is enlightenment. If you could you would already be enlightened.
Nevertheless there are ways, and bhakti yoga is one of them.
Although I never was much interested in the mechanics of it. I guess you would need to let go of any attachments, even the desire to be enlightened to become enlightened.
Also, some time ago I told someone that I don't really want to be enlightened. They replied that it's good, because if I would, I'd never be.
If we could all read each others minds we wouldn't need this board now would we
Not an esoteric question but: How do you people live normally after learning all of this? Magick has become the center focus of all of my goals. One of my only life goals is to achieve enlightenment. I can't stand working a mundane job anymore, nor could I imagine owning a house. It all feels very materialistic to me. I feel like my mind and spirit should be the center of my reality, not my car or my job. I'd like to carry everything I need on my person, and thus I've considered being homeless just to get away from these mundane things. Do monasteries still exist? How far can you go on money you come across through magick?
Monasteries still exist, if you don't mind living like a Christian monk. Maybe you could strike up a deal with the head monk so you don't have to do Christian rituals (under rituals i mean singing the mass or whatever) but even if you did, practicing magic there would be taken as disrespect by the monks there. It has it's perks though, the monks there make their own wine, cheese and bread and that's what they live off.
But then again, if you've just started, it's not necessary to abandon everything. And even if you do abandon everything at a high level of spiritual progress, i don't think it would bring you that much closer to enlightenment. The mind is more important - you could have a car, a job, but still live a spiritual life, what's important is how you regard those things. Imagine, what if you really need a car to help someone at a given moment?
I might couchsurf and use will to convince people to let me stay or something. I wouldn't want to associate myself with those Christian monasteries.
I know I don't have to abandon everything, but I feel like it is what I should do. I have no attachment to any of it. I already live pretty minimalist but I'd prefer to have near nothing at all. I feel that my objects take too much attention away from my studying. Preferably I'd like to get to a point where I can manifest objects I need, but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.
As for helping people, I shouldn't set my life up just to help others. There may come times where I need a truck to carry something large, but is it worth the time and effort I'd have to put in to owning and storing the truck? I feel the same way about owning a house or anything else. I might buy a motorcycle for transportation, but then I would need to deal with insurance and storing it and maintenance. The cons outweigh the pros.
Define what you mean by "white" and "black" magic.
Regardless of your answer not sticking to one path and widening your horizons is always better imho.
I realize my definitions are different from the common definitions
I should of defined with my question
White as in magic that is constructive and builds up.
Black magic as in what breaks down and corrodes things.
seeing as man is a microcosm to the universal macrocosm I think it would be only natural to be well verse in both creative and destructive forces in imitation of the universe building up and breaking down.
What's the reason to forgetting the ritual and not expecting anything? Like for visualisation and faith and emotion I understand but why do you have to forget it afterwards for it to manifest?
>it would be only natural to be well verse in both creative and destructive forces
That's also what I'm thinking. Both life and death are needed.
I used to be homeless for a long time and drifted from couch to couch/slept outside. It mostly sucks to be honest. I have fond memories of some of the fun things that happened then but the day to day of it can be very stressful. You would rarely have privacy and quiet while couch surfing. I have a house now and its nice to not have to find a new place to go every week or even day.
Do people think this is legit?
I wonder to what degree it is true.
>Morality is something subjective.
I think it gives a wizard a sense of identity, a grounding of sorts. I'd say it's a beneficial thing to have in a whirlwind of experiences he's about to be plunged in. When I constantly reminded myself that my ultimate goal was remembering this incarnation after I died and ascending into a high state of being my progress seemed to have gone smoother than now that I have grown some Earthly goals in relation to magick.
>an ideal version of yourself may not necessarily be "moral" judging by others
That may be right by our society today, but we can agree that some universally desirable qualities one should develop like bravery, kindness to your friends, wisdom and humility? I doubt anyone would be crazy enough to make the case that a cowardly, impulsively angry at everyone idiot who boasts about his non existent abilities on an esoteric board is an example of someone's ideal.
>minimize creation of karma even doing cruel things to others.
I'm not disputing that, doing actions without any form of attachment is the sure way to avoid any baggage or backlash.
What I'm specifically referencing is people getting into the esoteric with some specific "unworthy" for a lack of a better word purpose, but likely due to that purpose being unworthy their efforts are fruitless, they first talk about it on the question thread asking for advice and in a few months they make a thread saying how magic is bullshit and we're all LARPers. This is my theory anyway.
>So, to sum up - I don't believe that ethics should play vital role in the progress and one certainly can become powerful without them.
I'm not bashing the LHP by any means you know. I know that you Indigo pills are in it simply for self empowerment and that's still a worthier goal than simply exacting petty revenge or some other mundane nonsense like that. Those are the sort of people I've had in mind.
Wait till your ego winds down, and when you achieve inner balance you will see things with new eyes.
You seem to be suffering of the mad magician syndrome, and after stimulating your upper centers a bit, the others have become unstable, deconstructing the order things should follow.
If you want to go far, let go of those haughty dreams, and come down to Earth once more. You're not Merlin, you're not a d'jinn, you are a human being, stuck in this level of existence for reasons still unknown to you. As any solid structure, you must build from the foundations to the top, or you'll end up crumbling when trials come.
Work your chakras, meditations, from the most basic to the highest; weaving it with a profound discipline of BEING HAPPY - that's right, a good magician is a happy one -, utilizing the several means of happiness provided by the human existence. Here we must draw the line between pleasure and happiness; here YOU must draw that line and realize what's good for you, your compass being how authentically happy you are with what you're doing.
Work from the foundations, anon, one step at the time. Be happy, and the rest will follow, with no effort.
>my progress seemed to have gone smoother than now that I have grown some Earthly goals in relation to magick
One can have both, there is no need to choose one or the other in my opinion.
>but we can agree that some universally desirable qualities one should develop like bravery, kindness to your friends, wisdom and humility?
Maybe we can, but it isn't unthinkable that someone may not care about these traits. For example humility, one could have self-esteem problems and for them the ideal would be a strong sense of pride, or someone for whom pride gives more power than humility.
Kindness to friends - one could not have friends, only accomplices (or neither), like being in some sort of "business agreement". I want to digress, but personally I don't feel the need to have friends, or to surround myself with people who like me and I may like them back. For me relationships with other people are kind of like that - strictly need oriented - if I don't need anything from a given person I don't keep in contact with them. Also, I think that everyone works in this way - if your friend would have nothing to offer to you, no matter how little and how subtle that might be, would you still be friends? If you disagree then please tell me why - I have given up on finding a friend long ago. Why would I desire kindness to friends in my situation? With that being said I don't want to pose as some sort of edgelord, because I'm not one. I generally try to avoid hurting people and treat them with kindness instead or preferably leave them to themselves (or it's just a view I have of myself anyway). Someone may think that other people are a waste of time (and in most cases would probably be right) and not desire kindness to (nonexistent) friends.
The only trait I would agree with is wisdom, but it's because the occult IS wisdom, so someone not wanting to be wise would not study the occult.
>What I'm specifically referencing is people getting into the esoteric with some specific "unworthy" for a lack of a better word purpose
Who are we to judge what purpose is worthy or unworthy to "general public"? I can only judge it for myself.
Getting into occultism for "unworthy" reasons would still be better than not getting at all. It is my belief that when a soul is ready for this kind of teachings, then it will find a way to hear them. However low and need-oriented that way might be.
>likely due to that purpose being unworthy their efforts are fruitless
I don't know about that. If a person is willing to learn and is committed to the cause then why would they fail? Of course, I think that people who get into the occult "just for fun" or for some mundane reason which is likely to resolve itself are more likely to "drop out" from magical college, but if they keep their initial drive then I don't see why they wouldn't go further.
>I'm not bashing the LHP by any means you know
I apologize then for misunderstanding you, I thought you are one of those people who try to enforce their view of what is right or wrong on others and push the agenda that "people who have different opinions than me cannot into magic".
I'm looking for a good resource on sigils, specifically about the best way to word things for maximum effect and minimizing unintended effects that happen from wording things incorrectly.
I don't know my purpose here. I doubt I'm depressed, but I feel like I could even kill myself today and it would be fine. Whatever happens, all is one anyway and will always be.
I'm torn between experiencing serenity and anxiety. I think the anxiety is there because I'm not sure if I'm right. I'm 23, and by not paying attention to my future whatsoever, I'm burning all the bridges. Believing that spending all day staring at a wall is right must be a bit disrespectful to all the people in the world doing… anything at all.
All I have is a subtle feeling of serenity during meditation and the this faint sensation that all is fine and will always be.
What is your question exactly?
I've kind of been in this state before. I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for most of my life (I've largely "fixed" this problem now with meditation and magic) and at some point in time I've been in a similar state to one you're describing.
To put it simply - it's a trap. Several years ago when I got back to spirituality and meditation I quickly found myself in a state similar to an "ego meltdown". Not a complete one of course. Soon I realized nothing really mattered, after all I was already one with God (or the All, whatever you wanna call it) and from depression-fueled stagnation I drifted to "fake enlightenment" stagnation. Neither is right in my opinion.
You are not one with universe or whatever. I mean you are - in true non-dual reality - you are and you always have been, but unless you've transcended the illusions of this plane such statements are far-fetched. In potentiality you already are enlightened and can bend the world to your will, right? But unless you realize this potential you have nothing and you can reincarnate billions of times and not get any closer to the ultimate reality.
If you sincerely apply yourself to meditation you can do it. After all, there are meditation techniques in which one stares unblinkingly at, for example, wall clearing ones mind of all thoughts and achieving an altered state of consciousness. If I remember correctly Osho in his "lectures" claimed that Ouspensky used this method too.
It is my belief that one can turn any situation, no matter how undesirable it may seem, to ones advantage.
>I don't know my purpose here
Most of us don't either.
> I can't stand working a mundane job anymore, nor could I imagine owning a house.
>I have given up on finding a friend long ago. Why would I desire kindness to friends in my situation?
It is not unusual to distance yourself from society and it's rules of the game for people like us. Only this way we can do our own thing and evolve ourselves.
Friends are usually mundane and don't follow the path of enlightenment, they stay with the social norms of society and often want you to adapt to these as well - they may feel insecure if you act on your own all the time, but you have to, there's no other way.
Once you cross a certain point in your development, such things will not really concern you anymore because you will do whatever you want to do.
>I don't know my purpose here. I doubt I'm depressed, but I feel like I could even kill myself today and it would be fine.
I came to the conclusion that humanity's purpose is to be a part of planet Earth.
In this biological bodies of ours, we are parts of the ecosystem and hardly survive outside of this planet.
The question is what are the exact functions of our species and what is the function of Gaia in the kosmos. Whatever it is, you have to support Gaia's cause or leave.
>and by not paying attention to my future whatsoever, I'm burning all the bridges.
Again, distance from society is favorable for your development, I think anyone here is a bridge burning pro.
>Believing that spending all day staring at a wall is right must be a bit disrespectful to all the people in the world doing… anything at all.
It would be disrespectful to halt your development. People will remain mundanes forever if people like us don't push the boundaries of evolution.
>It would be disrespectful to halt your development.
I'm not sure whether not doing anything can be called development.
In my experience, every stage of my life served the purpose of the higher self. I have not figured out yet where the journey goes but every single action and non-action(if such a thing even exists) of my life is perfectly aligned and serves a purpose. Sometimes it's awkward to experience this huge synchronistic cluster because I don't really now the higher purpose of it.
Distancing yourself from society(friends) but accepting it's opinion on wall-staring isn't exactly efficient imho. If my intuition is telling me to stare at a wall, then I will fucking do that, it seems even impossible to go against such fate.
Now you're not the original poster of this issue - feeling unsure about non-action.
Can you please elaborate why you feel this way?
Is it your conscience? Or society's conscience maybe? Please explain
>feeling unsure about non-action
By non-action I understand "wasting time".
Of course non-action can lead to some benefits as I wrote in >>1969 about staring at a wall, but is it really non-action as defined (by me) as "wasting time"? I would rather classify it as action, although many meditations are centered around not doing anything or thinking anything, meditation itself is an activity that is sure to bare fruits.
>Is it your conscience?
I've wasted (and still do) too much time in this life to not be opposed to the idea.
You wrote:
>every stage of my life served the purpose of the higher self
and I agree to that, but surely there are quicker ways to learn needed lessons. If not, why are we even bothering with with the occult, if even living mundane life would be aligned with our higher selves?
If everything is alright as it is why grow and develop?
as I wrote
>It is my belief that one can turn any situation, no matter how undesirable it may seem, to ones advantage.
This implies action. Non-action would leave one in an undesirable state forever.
So yes, I am opposed to non-action, because without action nothing can be accomplished. I define action (for the purpose of this post) as making change. If non-action brings some kind of realization (and thus change) then the act of realizing is itself an action and we can take some other path than non-action to reach it, thus not wasting time.
But actually this question is about predestination not about non-action, is it not?
>it seems even impossible to go against such fate
I don't believe my fate is set in stone, do you?
>I've wasted (and still do) too much time in this life to not be opposed to the idea
Well, you can adapt conscience as taught by society or you make your own conscience (which may be free from any rules if you choose so)
> If not, why are we even bothering with with the occult, if even living mundane life would be aligned with our higher selves?
Well, that's the joke. Mundane life is not aligned with the higher selves of individuals like us.
The quicker way would be to follow your intuition without doubt. Unfortunately it's not easy to distinguish intuition from everyday bullshit without practice.
>By non-action I understand "wasting time".
>If everything is alright as it is why grow and develop?
Of course conscious action and will is needed in life, but the subconscious dictates all these things.
We need to distinguish such things when we discuss this topic. I assume you're talking about taking action in form of "sending signals to your body".
Yeah sure, we're not vegetables and need to do that, but choosing these actions is not really necessary. Most often they are already chosen for us by the higher self. Just listening to intuition will allow you to find out what actions to take.
>I don't believe my fate is set in stone, do you?
My observations of my life indicate that fate is inescapable. Maybe that's just because I always follow my intuition.
It's literally not fucking possible for me to go against fate, even sitting here and formulating this post is part of it. Doesn't even blow my mind anymore as it used to, I'm slowly accepting this whole fate thing.
But anytime I become aware of this fate, I wonder where it all goes.
Now I notice that I have mentioned "intuition" pretty often. But it really fuels my whole life tbh.
How did you get out of this "fake ego meltdown" state, though?
It's possible that in order to protect my ego, I subconsciously affirmed myself that I don't have to fulfill any of my human natural desires to be happy in life. As a result, I feel no need to enter relationships or achieve anything in life.
The idea really offends me, which makes me think that it's true. It's very possible all of Buddhism and any kind of eastern spiritualism is based on this psychological disorder. People who chase after material possessions are actually right, while most of us here on this board have huge problems with ego
>you make your own conscience
I know and I do, how is that relevant?
>Yeah sure, we're not vegetables and need to do that, but choosing these actions is not really necessary.
Well, of course, but we are not talking about conscious action vs action based on intuition, but any action vs non-action, are we not? I recognize the importance of intuition.
>Well, that's the joke. Mundane life is not aligned with the higher selves of individuals like us.
>The quicker way would be to follow your intuition without doubt.
So what does the intuition of mundane people tell them?
> I assume you're talking about taking action in form of "sending signals to your body".
I defined what I understand by action in my previous post. I never wrote anything which would imply me excluding actions on the mental plane and focusing only on "sending signals to my body", where are you coming from with this?
>unfortunately it's not easy to distinguish intuition from everyday bullshit without practice.
But you automatically assumed that it's intuition that made that anon to want to observe the wall and not "everyday bullshit".
>I'm slowly accepting this whole fate thing
Can't say I agree with anything you wrote regarding fate, but well, good luck I guess.
>How did you get out of this "fake ego meltdown" state, though?
It wasn't complete and with time the ego rebuilt itself, maybe not in the same form as it was before, but still, I regressed to living pretty mundane life. When I came back to spirituality again I came via different route (magic).
>It's possible that in order to protect my ego, I subconsciously affirmed myself that I don't have to fulfill any of my human natural desires to be happy in life.
Anyway, even if it's true, it's actually a good thing. Even if done for wrong reasons.
>It's very possible all of Buddhism and any kind of eastern spiritualism is based on this psychological disorder
Not every Eastern system requires you to live as a recluse and also I disagree that it's a psychological disorder, on the contrary - to me it seems that chasing after material possessions is a disorder.
>People who chase after material possessions are actually right
Why would they be? What does it matter if you die with a full wallet or an empty one? There are things which are eternal and that can change not only this life, but affect every following one. Material possessions aren't one of them.
>most of us here on this board have huge problems with ego
If I have, I'm not aware of it. In fact following this path brought me nothing but happiness, satisfaction and the feeling of self-realization. I finally found a place where I belong - this is that kind of feeling.
With that being said - you need not abandon material possessions if you want to do magic and stuff. I don't think anyone here lives as an ascetic (if anything because there aren't many opportunities to live like that), but there is a difference between using things and being enamored by them.
And as for no need to achieve anything in life - in my opinion, as I already stated, it is wrong. I don't want to achieve anything in my mundane life, sure, but life is such a vast thing! It's not just limited to working, eating, shitting, sleeping and fucking. Mundane people seem to do almost exclusively that. I can't live like that, it's not for me. Perhaps it's not for you either? If that's the case, then the sense of lack while living mundane life will slowly eat you away.
>One can have both
I know but it's just a personal observation.
>one could have self-esteem problems and for them the ideal would be a strong sense of pride
Oh absolutely, everyone has their unique set of problems which is why I believe they should transmute whatever undesired traits into what they could see in the ideal version of themselves.
>For me relationships with other people are kind of like that - strictly need oriented
I find myself doing the same thing actually. Getting through uni is borderline impossible without the help of others for anyone so we seem to have formed friendship groups which are more like business syndicates/think tanks. Despite that we greatly enjoy each others' company which is part of the reason why we grouped up.
>if your friend would have nothing to offer to you, no matter how little and how subtle that might be, would you still be friends?
That's a very utilitarian view you've got. Would you consider entertainment like movies and vidya being enhanced when consumed with a friend something that makes him worthwhile? I'd say so but as far as magic goes, I find it very pleasant to surround myself with good people and "feel their good vibe" by chatting or working with them.
>I generally try to avoid hurting people and treat them with kindness instead or preferably leave them to themselves
This is the sort of moral ground I meant in my original post. The way you view yourself and define your persona.
>Someone may think that other people are a waste of time (and in most cases would probably be right) and not desire kindness to (nonexistent) friends.
Sure but I'm a moralfag who's gone out of his way to cure the flu of random strangers on the bus I take. It doesn't benefit me in any direct way but I enjoy doing it. Although every now and then I get greatly disappointed in mundanes and mentally tell them to fuck off though I can't stay mad for them any longer than I'd stay mad at a pet taking a shit on the carpet.
>Who are we to judge what purpose is worthy or unworthy to "general public"?
I didn't mean unworthy by human standards, I meant whatever standards the All or whatever decides that a person is ready to start developing themselves and is led towards the material or people that may help him. In any case I believe it would be unwise to advertise magic to anyone listening. If a person is ready a path of synchronicities will lead him to the right place. Who are we to haste anyone's destiny?
>If a person is willing to learn and is committed to the cause then why would they fail?
I wonder, do people have any limits of how far they can develop themselves in any given incarnation or is it all like an all you can develop buffet of magic for anyone even remotely ready. What are your thoughts?
>I know and I do, how is that relevant?
Because "waste of time" is often defined by society's standards. Falling for it's memes is not really favorable.
Having your own opinion is the fringe way, but I'm glad that you are aware of it
>But you automatically assumed that it's intuition that made that anon to want to observe the wall and not "everyday bullshit".
Yes, maybe it was foolish of me.
Does drinking alcohol harm your spiritual progress? It should be fine if I do it in moderation and don't forget my spiritual practices right? I still want to have fun with mundanes and live a somewhat mundane life, but I can put that aside if it will stop me from progressing.
You're right. I can barely feel the lower chakras, I usually go top to bottom. But I don't see why I have to restrict myself as just a human being. Thrice Great Hermes, albeit through several lives, achieved enlightenment. I want to do so under any means possible, because I can't stand living in a "dream." Reality is beyond this, and I want to have access to it. I'm willing to sacrifice material things in this dream if it breaks the cycle of reincarnation. But I suppose it will all play itself out if I'm meant to ascend in this lifetime.
Soul alchemy?
I assumed the way to live a longer lifespan (physically) was to reverse apoptosis through healing and matter manipulation. Although I haven't read this anywhere, this would just be my way of doing it.
Don't we basically live in the astral already? "We" being our higher selves/spirits? I would like to keep my ego if possible but if spirit stays through reincarnation than I guess that's all that matters.
It feels pretty good to be slowly, gradually, inch by inch be making some progress, However small.
I've always meditated on and off, but for little under the last month, I've managed to consistently get 20 minutes in. My mind still goes absolutely apeshit and won't stop talking, but I understand there's no easy answer for that. It's just a matter of disengaging and not beating yourself up when it happens.
The question I want to ask is a matter of some troubleshooting; For the past two or so days during my meditation my brow chakra becomes incredibly active, and from there I'm hit by waves of vertigo and nausea. It gets bad enough that I've needed to bail on the meditation completely, it's very unpleasant and lingers throughout the rest of the day.
Can anyone explain exactly what's happening and/or a way to minimize these symptoms? It could be anything and I worry I'm doing something wrong
>I believe they should transmute whatever undesired traits into what they could see in the ideal version of themselves.
>Getting through uni is borderline impossible without the help of others
It is possible, it's hard that's all. I feel you m8y, don't even get me started on my uni.
>I wonder, do people have any limits of how far they can develop themselves in any given incarnation or is it all like an all you can develop buffet of magic for anyone even remotely ready. What are your thoughts?
Enlightenment can come in a day, or even instantaneously. But maybe that's just the merit of hard work in previous incarnation?
Nevertheless, I think that there are no barriers and one could possibly achieve anything they want within one incarnation, however that really seems unlikely.
So… I think it's possible but not very probable. There seems to be limits, but they are rather something particular to a given individual and not something set in stone and I think that one can raise above them.
>Does drinking alcohol harm your spiritual progress?
If you believe it does, then yes :^)
Even if it does, why not use magic no reduce this effect? But then again - why drink at all then.
From my experience it's detrimental to such areas as LD/AP, intuition, visualization and anything requiring strong will . It basically dumbs you down for some time and binds you more to your physical body. It doesn't do any permanent damage though so indulge yourself if you want.
Also, what do you mean by "spiritual progress"?
>achieved enlightenment. I want to do so under any means possible
To become enlightened you must get rid yourself of every attachment, even the desire to become enlightened. It's quite troublesome thing - the enlightenment.
I was just wondering the permanent side effects, since I've been looking at eastern and "new age" lifestyles where they abstain from things that generally harm the body. I don't want to fuck myself up or permanently mentally damage myself in case this is the life I'm supposed to become enlightened in.
By "spiritual progress" I mean getting closer to the oneness/God. My desire to be enlightened mostly comes from the desire to stay alive in the astral after physical death. This comes from one of WWA books where he talks about how the ego enters a deep sleep and doesn't wake up if it's not ready to leave the physical or something. Either way, writing it out has made me realize it's just my way of saying "I don't want to die" which I should get over.
Dizzyness and pressure headaches are common symptoms of "opening your third eye". I've heard not being well grounded can exacerbate these symptoms so when they spring up, try the following:
1. go outside barefoot, stand on the grass, close your eyes and face the sun.
2. Breath slowly in a relaxed manner and use your mind to direct the energy in the your head down your body and out your feet into the earth.
3. Use whatever visualizations, sense of feel and body movements you want to facilitate your focus.
>It's possible that in order to protect my ego, I subconsciously affirmed myself that I don't have to fulfill any of my human natural desires to be happy in life. As a result, I feel no need to enter relationships or achieve anything in life.
>This idea really offends me
That last bit is important. This is a very easy trap to fall into. I fell into it for many years and still clawing my way out.
For me personally, something I've only recently come to realize is that this trap is set by having a Service-to-Self mindset, but then losing or denying any sense of value in material things. Having lost any sense of positive value in material things, all I was left with was the ego damaging burdens they brought, so naturally I chose hermitage (aka neetdom).
The only solution to this is for me to either:
A. Gain a sense of personal value for the material things
B. View the ego damaging burden as an opportunity for personal growth; training
C. Adopt a Service-to-Others mindset
B is the most pertinent one for myself and likely the most pertinent for the types that frequent these sorts of boards. Isn't it funny that we will dive headlong into "manifesting our wills" to attempt influencing people, objects and events, yet we never consider using those same skills to transmute the negative emotions and alter the negative thoughts we have towards material things, work, school, relationships, family, friends, responsibilities, and so forth?
>It's very possible all of Buddhism and any kind of eastern spiritualism is based on this psychological disorder. People who chase after material possessions are actually right, while most of us here on this board have huge problems with ego
I would say it is not Buddhism's fault that some (primarily westerners) use it as a place to hide from thier egos. Life in the monastary is not easy and any who join one thinking that it would be a respite from the burdens of the material world won't last. Monks actually do a lot of work all in the service of their temples and they spend quite a bit of time raising money to maintain their way of life. Nobody gets away from having to pay the bills somehow!
it would basically be to stay in the astral when you die and have a longer time to achieve hat you want to achieve
But staying in the astral after I die is what I want. After that I figure it's just a different life. And if my other goals are mundane, then I can't achieve those after death.
Actually, to avoid asking mundane questions that only I can really answer:
How can I ask my higher self about what would be best for me? I feel like I've lost sight of what my "end goal" of my magick work was, and I could use help re-aligning my mundane path as well. Is there any specific way to meditate that would help?
I have meditated on many questions I am troubled with and still not found an answer, even for months.
What do you mean when you say you meditated on some questions? You thought about them, not meditated. You can't meditate on a thought, unless you treat eg. awareness of the position of body in space as a type of thought.
>B is the most pertinent one for myself and likely the most pertinent for the types that frequent these sorts of boards. Isn't it funny that we will dive headlong into "manifesting our wills" to attempt influencing people, objects and events, yet we never consider using those same skills to transmute the negative emotions and alter the negative thoughts we have towards material things, work, school, relationships, family, friends, responsibilities, and so forth?
It's the opposite for me, it was so easy for me to change all my views and emotions, but actually manifesting something is quite hard, now the reason might actually be my sub-conscious beliefs about what's possible and what isn't
Whats a good goetic spirit for a first summoning?
Also, is there anything to be aware of before attempting?
I suspect the only hindrance out of the 5 that makes me unable to enter the first jhana is sloth-torpor.
Apparently the antidote is to look at one's life, or one's meditation, with a 'beginner's, childlike mind'.
I wonder how do I achieve it. Is this a matter of affirmation? Repeating the phrase that "I have beginner's mind" 1000 times, especially during emotionally charged moments? Or "I have beginner's mind" sigil?
Full text of the antidote:
>"Sloth and torpor is overcome by rousing energy. Energy is always available but few know how to turn on the switch, as it were. Setting a goal, a reasonable goal, is a wise and effective way to generate energy, as is deliberately developing interest in the task at hand. A young child has a natural interest, and consequent energy, because its world is so new. Thus, if one can learn to look at one's life, or one's meditation, with a 'beginner's mind' one can see ever new angles and fresh possibilities which keep one distant from sloth and torpor, alive and energetic. Similarly, one can develop delight in whatever one is doing by training one's perception to see the beautiful in the ordinary, thereby generating the interest which avoids the half-death that is sloth and torpor. […] Sloth and torpor is a common problem which can creep up and smother one slowly. A skilful meditator keeps a sharp look-out for the first signs of sloth and torpor and is thus able to spot its approach and take evasive action before it's too late. Like coming to a fork in a road, one can take that mental path leading away from sloth and torpor."
I'm in my twenties and I haven't cried since I was maybe 10 years old. I have a lot of anxiety that I believe is attributed to emotional trauma that was bottled down each time it happened. Now I'm an emotional wreck who is controlled by his emotions. A few days ago, a recurring memory of a situation in the past where I was being yelled at by a stranger came up again. So, I focused hard on it and kept telling myself that it wasn't my fault it happened. I started feeling a strange sensation in my head, like my ears were opening up and and soft pallete started to rise and then I started crying because I felt so happy. I guess I am too hard on myself and that affirmation must have finally allowed me to forgive myself. Did I hit the mark on this one and can I do this with more repressed emotions? Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
Reasuring yourself that it's not your fault is pretty much on point, honestly it's kind of weird seeing people act on their emotions for me, but my problem is not feeling much emotion at all I guess
I got bored while playing on an Ark: Survival Evolved server and started telling stories and upsetting the mundanes and then I went all-out and did magick on them and two of them were high as fuck and I became high as fuck when I psychically connected to them and then I spent hours barely being able to type out anything correctly and rambling about Eris and random other shit until I was driven off the server by panicked mundanes who collectively came together to start reporting me and get me to go away as they were chimping out after as I was causing all sorts of chaos.
Any tips on how not to become high af when doing psychic shit on people who are high af themselves?
I was so fucking high and I've never been high before but god damn when I connected to them it hit me so harddd…
Vitalize the fuck out of them and then change their thinking patterns that made them depressed to begin with.
I'm this anon, I haven't made any progress nor gotten any further with meditation after maybe 1-3 days after making this post and having that realization, where I tried to start it up again.
No I just returned to my distractions, to putting it off, to "not feeling like it".
I realized why though, I think its because I felt like for the first time that my meditation practice was on the right track, and I had a general sense of what to do and everything, so I must have felt like I could put it on hold, do other things, get lost in distraction again, I can always return to the practice when I want to.
The last time this sort of thinking took hold it took many months for me to even meditate even once a day again, I can't allow that kind of waste of time and distraction to happen again, whats the best way to overcome this mindset?
You connect to them and then you fill them with the love of life which causes their whole etheric body to be energized very strongly to adhere to the archetypal astral form. You remove distortions, attachments, and negative programming that screw with the perfect form of the person and they become healthier and look beautiful and so on which reflects the depression going away and them becoming beautiful inside and out., As within; so without.
How you connect to them is through intense imagination, intention, and strong emotions. You will have to develop yourself psychically and I recommend all of Franz Bardon's books for the basic lay-out of what you need to do, and then all the other books as supplementary reading to flesh out what is only briefly talked about by Bardon.
I'm on my 6th day of no fap, I'm heavily considering summoning a succubus.
whats the pros of continuing and the cons of the succubus.
that made me fucking lol after remembering what miscegenation means, being mixed race myself
Do as the mundanes do.
>Keep Meditating
>Keep it up for 30 odd days until you've formed a habit and don't need to expend willpower on it anymore.
Well I guess I was just thinking with less outside influence then. What can I do to find my real purpose?
In my internal debate of trying to find a soft spot between a mundane and wizards life, I've come to realize that I have no idea why I practice magick. I know it exists, but I don't know what I could use it for that is actual improvement that leads to a goal and not just "hey I can read peoples emotions now." I need a direction soon before I just go back into full mundane.
Remote viewing was one of the first 'occult' skills I picked up, and having studied it quite well, I think I can help.
There are multiple forms of remote viewing but I think the most viable ones are CRV (controlled remote viewing) and SRV (scientific remote viewing). The differences are marginal however, as SRV derives from CRV. In both of these forms of remote viewing, you remote view a 'blind' target - meaning you know practically nothing about the target. This is to minimize the conscious noise and interference.
>Are there any books on remote viewing?
The PDF attached is one of the best works, if not the best, on CRV, written by the acclaimed remote viewer Daz Smith. The book is not only well written, but also highly structured with plentiful examples and visual representations. You will fly through the pages, and I'd recommend anyone on /fringe/ to read it.
>How do i start remote viewing?
I started out with the SRV videos and practices, they are very straight forward and almost guaranteed to work. Check the following link: http://farsight.org/SRV/index.html
You only really have to follow 'video lesson 1 - Ideograms and Probing' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGw9gHfSEwM) to get a rough understanding of the protocols.
Then just pick a random link from target pool A (http://www.farsight.org/sponsors/PoolA/jumbledpoollistA.html) and save the link somewhere. Obviously don't open the link yet, as you're supposed to view these targets blind in both SRV and CRV. After that, just get some paper and pen and start following the protocols as outlined in either the PDF or in the video tutorials of farsight!
Pics related, its my very first time of doing remote viewing under SRV protocols. My target was: http://farsight.org/sponsors/PoolA/t74.html
The building I picked up was most likely the bridge of the ship in my target image. On the second pic 'hoog gebouw' means 'high building', I think that was the only thing I wrote in Dutch (if you can read my handwriting at all, that is)
Either how, good luck!
Thanks for all the information and examples, this is extremely helpful
If after 6 miserable days you're thinking of succubi, then you have energy leaks and all this abstinence is worth nothing.
The abstinence of physical orgasms is a valuable thing by itself, but the inability to keep your mind and emotions devoid of desire will greatly hinder your progress towards any goal you've set when you started this (a.k.a. I don't fucking know why you're doing this).
If you're building desire-force to successfully summon a succubi, I guess the longer you build it up the more chances of success, as sexual frustration is a great bait for those.
If you are doing this for the right reasons (not draining energy and nutrients that are needed for a healthy mind and body), then there's no real limit to the time. Your body will drain the excess alone, via wet dreams (place some wards so that no negative entity abuses your unconscious state of dream and drains you) or little drains when you piss.
Cons of a succubus: if it becomes attached to you it will continue to drain you beyond your control. Other than that they can be pretty civil.
bump for interest, I've always wondered what happens to the constellations the egyptians and greeks couldn't see because of the Earth geometrical properties.
Hear my calling, Lucid Dreamers of Fringe!
I've pretty recently started trying to have a Lucid Dreams, and better dream memory (I can't barely remember anything about my dreams, besides sometimes a person or a small detail or place). So I have a few questions;
1) Is more then one Reality Check a bad thing? I have a "reality check routine" wich goes something like this: 1. Ask myself if I'm dreaming; 2. Look at my hands looking for something out of the ordinary; 3. Try to push my fingers through my palm; 4. Be aware of my surroundings; 5. Either pitch myself, or try to do something impossible.
Is this good, or is it too much?
2) I'm not doing anything like "WILD" Method or anything, just doing reality checks, and trying to remembers the dreams with a journal. Is this not enough to actually start developing myself in LD?
3) Is there something else besides Reality Checks and Meditation before bed that I can do to speed up the process? How long do you think it might take till I get satisfying results?
If I can't even do that then I am worse than mundane
It's such a shameful feeling, especially since I was so far ahead (relatively) in my spiritual practice not too long ago
Right now the memories of that time is the only thing thats keeping me going, knowing that I do have the capability to achieve those things, if I just can summon up the willpower to make it a daily habit again, if I can push through this shitty mindset and laziness I've acquired.
>I can't barely remember anything about my dreams
> trying to remembers the dreams with a journal. Is this not enough to actually start developing myself in LD?
Stick with the journaling.. I've been keeping a journal habitually for approaching 2 weeks and I've gone from remembering some of 1 dream to remembering up to 3. Even if it doesn't seem like you remember much now still write it down. Just today as I was writing the bit I could remember I was suddenly hit with a flash of memory from a whole section before it and that led to remembering a another section before that.
I'm just beginning this myself so I can't offer much regarding your other questions, but I do heavily endorse journalism as one of the most fundamental exercises for novices. It cross trains so many foundational skills: memory, discipline, intent, will. It id also like a affirmation to your subconscious to pay more attention and some argue an effective means of communicating to your guides that you're desiring more training.
1) I rarely used reality checks and still got to LD, so I can't really answer that. I think I'd rather stick with one - to make it more powerful as a habit - I mean, when you want to do a RC I think it would be more meaningful if you only used one method, I think it would become lodged into your subconscious more easily, but a wider variety could have their merit too, I'm not sure. Maybe make one RC your primary one, and perform others only when you feel like it or something like that.
2) Journal is very helpful, when I stopped using mine (because I'm a lazy cunt) my dream recall was much worse.
>Is this not enough to actually start developing myself in LD?
I think it's enough. By the way, how many LDs have you had so far?
3) Affirmation and auto-suggestion. That's mostly how I got to LD - I was telling myself before bed that I will be lucid dreaming and I willed it and so it was (or that I retain my consciousness in a dream, stuff like that generally). Another method I used was meditating as falling asleep and getting into deep trance in which your body is asleep but your mind isn't and you are conscious still. You can get into either LD or AP from that point and I used it primarily for the former.
>How long do you think it might take till I get satisfying results?
Depends only on you. You could have a satisfying result tonight for all I know.
We have a whole thread about it, and we discussed in it whether colors have any inherent meaning or not. Personally, I don't think they do. Read the thread and make your own mind.
>You can get into either LD or AP from that point and I used it primarily for the former.
I meant latter.
>We have a whole thread about it, and we discussed in it whether colors have any inherent meaning or not.
I meant a thread about colors.
Sorry guise, I'm a mess today it seems :^)
I have two things bugging my mind.
1- Some 2 months ago I wanted to get some cool crystal to boost my energy work, and out of the blue, a beautiful green quartz crystal - the size of a tangerine, a bit cloudy but still beautiful - appeared in my nightstand. I didn't ask for it, and nobody has said anything like "Hey you like that quartz I got you?" or anything. It just appeared there.
>Chances some entity hidden in it can drain energy as I energy-work with it?
2- Two nights ago I felt somewhat frustrated, and went to sleep. Falling asleep was a pain but my mind was racing because I felt this lightheadedness, focused on my temples. I've always grinded teeth, and I'm used to feel this tension on my jaw, but it was all gone - I told myself that maybe it was the muscle feeling good because I finally got it relaxed; but I couldn't sleep and felt this emotional overflow… I meditated some 30 minutes and finally fell asleep around 3 am.
Thing is that next day when I woke up the lightheadedness was still there, and as I energy-worked through the day I felt this "horns" of energy flowing from my temples.
This night I had trouble sleeping again, thanks to the same mind racing.
>Just wtf, any ideas?
>out of the blue, a beautiful green quartz crystal […] appeared in my nightstand
I was in the same situation.
After my grandfather died a rosary appeared on my nightstand during the night. I think he put it there, to give me an absolute proof of the existence of supernatural, because at the time I was denying it. He was clairvoyant, a seer and a remarkable person, very powerful. Never used the rosary though, as I'm not Christian. I think he was a Gnostic Christian Mystic of sorts.
As for your crystal - I doubt that it was placed for malevolent reasons.
Maybe use meditation/divination or whatnot to establish whether that's the case? Feel the crystal and observe how you react, or ask your higher self or any deity you may have relationship with to answer your question and see how it goes.
I don't know, I don't do energy work.
I can't get into the fucking flow when writing my MA thesis because of lack of interest and knowledge.
How do I force myself into the flow despite lack of interest and knowledge? They're necessary components of the flow.
Meditation and flow is almost the same thing. Right now the benefits of my meditation practice are being undone because of this situation. Frustration and stress are eating on my emotional body.
But then again you're Indigo Pill… how can I trust that story's not made up and that the NWO planted it there for me to find?
Won't you be nice to a fellow Seeker and tell me if that's the case?
I already explained how I fit indigo pill archetype and what do I think of NWO at least two times.
>lurk moar
1. I'm all about self-empowerment, that's why I picked this flag and also I like the color. There's more to it, but suffice to say it's not because I'm an edgelord, but because I value power. Or maybe I just wanted to mock greenpills who see NWO agents around every corner :^)
And also, I never thought such a thing would matter. It's just a flag.
2. I don't care about NWO.
>how can I trust that story's not made up
How can you trust anything on the Internet for that matter?
>and that the NWO planted it there for me to find?
You finding this quartz crystal is the most important thing in ushering the New World Order! We can't do it otherwise for some strange reason, everybody was very surprised when we realized this (you should've seen the old Rothschild's face haha).
>Won't you be nice to a fellow Seeker and tell me if that's the case?
What does it matter what I say? If I lied there then why wouldn't I now?
For what it's worth - that story is true, I have no connections to NWO. If such a thing even exists.
Also, if I wanted to convince you to use the crystal why would I fabricate a story only to post it as a indigo pill? And I never said anything like "Yes, go for it!" I encouraged you to investigate it yourself.
Hahahaha take it easy bro, I was just joking with the meme.
Indigo is quite a made up color anyway, isn't it? It's just some deep blue… tho it reminds me of a easter egg in Fable, the dye Indigo Montoya labeled "This is indigo dye of the rare Montoya genus. You have crushed its flowers. Prepare to dye"
>Hahahaha take it easy bro, I was just joking with the meme.
I didn't get it, I look like a fool now. Look what have you done! Now I will be a laughingstock for
my masonic comrades :c
>Indigo is quite a made up color anyway, isn't it? It's just some deep blue…
What do you mean made up?
Allways after I manifest or influence a few things succesfully, a negative time comes. Various objects can be broken, and undesired situations happen (see below), but I do not give up to the negative emotions arising from them. It feels like paying for using this ability, could this come from malicious entity, or something hidden in my unonscious affects me?
What happened just in one day after extensive usage of influencing: An electric air compressor was running nearby, suddenly I visualised it exploding, I tried to stop the visualisation, but just three seconds later a rubber pipe has bursted loudly, good thing it was not the tank. I saw an image of a hand cut between the fingers, which disgusted me, that was a few days ago, and today when I was using a saw it flew out of my hand accidentaly and cut my hand just like on the image. Accidental manifestation must be stopped, how can I cancel visualisation that will inevitably lead to manifestaion? Is preventing it in first place the only option?
How did your manifestation game get this strong? Curious tbh, to have it manifest after only 3 seconds seems incredible to me
Start little, just like very little.
Hang a feather or a match with fine thread from a lamp, and focus on it, moving it with your Mind's Hands. You may not get results in… weeks, but eventually you'll be able to make it rock lightly, then swing harder, and who knows, then you can take it to the next level and move heavier objects.
Of course, this requires you to have some level of advancement in energy work, concentration, visualization and such.
Don't push yourself too hard, and don't drop it for the apparent initial lack of results.
Fucked up man, have you tried "rewinding" them and changing the outcome? I know 3 seconds doesn't seem like a lot of time to do that mental process, but maybe that one was just a premonition,nothing to be done about it.
Yes I have thought about this being a premonition and it seems very likely, I felt the need to get away from the compressor when I saw it exploding, this seems to be the best answer.
I also feel that this nasty grinder stone will break into pieces inevitably, sending extremelly fast debris around, The worst part is that someone will be using it, and my warnings are to be ignored by them.
Maybe you're just well attuned to your surroundings and you are aware of the Causes, making the Effects apparent to you.
With that in mind, you can suggest a regular maintenance or quality check of said grinder stone - given there's time to make it. If it goes well and some malfunction is discovered, you might get credit as that worried guy that happens to be right, giving you some "authority" when you get these feelings again.
Definitely, our perception of time is only limited by the amount of data we can process; if you manage to broaden your input channels you can get the perception of slower or even stopped time. What I've found useful for this purpose is being self-aware… I know one gets to listen to that very often in this place, but it's just that.
What are the implications of a nocturnal lifestyle?
My new part-time job will be at night and I want to adapt a new sleep-wake cycle.
I plan to sleep before work, then rise at midnight and later enjoy some morning sun after work so I won't get sun deficiency.
On my days off, I want to stay awake at night as well to maintain a regular sleeping schedule so that I can hopefully maintain mental health.
But this is just mundane preparation.
What really bothers me are the occult implications:
-Where can I get my life energy from at night? I want to avoid any black magic
-Can I use the moon for some neat occult practices? or is that a trap?
-Will I have to deal with demons? Any non-LHP books on that?
It feels weird because I have spend my depressive years sleepless and now that I adopted a healthy lifestyle at daylight, I have to return to the night again. This time I am mentally stable though and this is a nice little opportunity to become more in touch with the less physical.
Please recommend books that deal with night-time but which aren't edgy LHP or cosplayer shit.
How can I make my manifesting more effective? Does it all depend on my sub-conscious beliefs or do some other factors come into play? Right now it's pretty random, I'd say about 35% success rate, How can I improve on this?
Also note: The method for manifestation I use is simple visualisation and adding emotion to that visualisation and then afterwards forgetting about it
Practice makes perfect.
You can also try some meditations from >>3 that help visualization. Try #12 and #13 for example.
>How do I visualize things more clearly, instead of the hazy barely visible things I see now?
Seriously, it just improves with experience. You can't force it, so keep your expectations in check and just keep meditating every day. Understand that your ability to quiet the mind and your ability to focus on a single thing will affect your ability to effectively visualize,
So I recommend that in addition to meditations where you explicitly practice visualization you cross train with meditation where you explicitly do not train visualization.
> a nocturnal lifestyle?
I would say there is nothing wrong with this. I have lived nocturnally, and find I have more energy than I did in my diurnal cycles.
> sun deficiency.
You don't even need an hour of sunlight to get the maximum benefits from it. You CAN live without the sun completely, and you will go through certain changes (I think the vampire myth is partially based on this).
The human body is infinitely adaptable - and it has adapted to the sun. We think these conditions are normal and necessary, but I think we can perform as well, or better without. What will man do, when we become a space-faring species? I visualize darkened living spaces in spaceships voyaging far from any sun.
> Where can I get my life energy from at night?
All your energy comes from the sun and planet and the universe. It does not matter if the sun's behind the planet or not. Other people do drain you, if you get around too many low energy people, but at night, this aspect is well reduced, the weak people being in bed or locked away watching mind-numbing reality television.
> Can I use the moon for some neat occult practices?
> Will I have to deal with demons?
Whether you deal with demons does not depend on whether or not the sun's behind the planet.
The vast depth of mythology that includes the third eye - say that darkness is what brings the light forth.
Jesus in the dark cave after his death, before becoming resurrected. Birth, coming from the darkness.
The Tibetan mage, Milarepa, gaining his powers after meditating in a pitch-black rock cage that he had to build and sit in, until he saw visions.
The dark 'coffin' in the great pyramid that was meant for healing according to the Ra material.
"Many spiritual traditions have used Dark Room techniques in the pursuit of enlightenment. In Europe, the dark room often appeared in underground form as a network of tunnels, in Egypt as the Pyramids, in Rome as the catacombs, and by the Essenes, near the Dead Sea in Israel, as caves. In the Taoist tradition caves have been used throughout the ages for higher level practices." — Mantak Chia, Dark Room Enlightenment
(This isn't something they do for a few days, but for weeks at a time)
> The darkness is your friend.
If you know how to meditate for long periods of time you''ll be no stranger to feeling bored to the point it becomes unbearable. Apply that perseverance to whatever it is you have to do. Do it methodically, not emotionally. Write something shitty, then rewrite it better once and again until it's good.
If it's a chore, don't try to approach it as something pleasurable and then complain it's not. Suffer through it.
Has anybody ever seen pic related? Can you tell me what it is? Even if it just resembles something else.
What are the different possibilities for an afterlife or whatever happens when our bodies die? Is it possible to pick which one I like the most to go to? I don't want to reincarnate here.
Energy is in everything as everything is energy. "Energy Work" is an application of it. Just as there are special snowflakes that learned to do things intuitively, and once they've taken the greenpill they learn they already learned how to do certain things, and they match those with the names they've read elsewhere. Even in your own examples you are defining an application for energy work, then you juxtaposed it with something that does indeed involve energy but through an application you approve of. Please learn to properly differentiate, or rather; properly identify these applications and their uses because otherwise saying, "I'm confident energy work has no real purpose," may lead to misinformation.
It is a sigil and you're only feeding it lush while trying to uselessly decipher it.
It is possible that you made it yourself and you want newfags to charge it for you.
Conscious reincarnation is an advanced stage in the soul transmigration. In the common human life you'll polarize yourself towards certain tendencies and ambiances, that will determine your karma, and when the time comes for your soul to take upon a new body, it will tend to places/families/bodies that vibrate in a frequency similar to that you attuned yourself while living. Short story: live like you want to live and you'll continue to live that way even in other lives if you polarize yourself strongly enough.
Hey guys, I have a problem and I wonder maybe someone can give me a protip or whatever.
I ask about meditation techniques/rituals or whatever that can give one pleasure.
Right now I'm going through an opiate withdrawal (4th day, been doing drugs for 4 years, with a few months of detox about a year ago) and it feels like hell. Can't eat, can't sleep, can't move but can't stay in one place either. The only thing that gives me just a slight relief is meditation, it was never really my forte, but I can still get into a trance easily, even in my current state, without much hussle, but the problem is concentration and I can't stay in this state very long.
Normally I'd do some self-healing rituals/meditations (I was using them previously to keep my body healthy despite my lifestyle) but I don't have neither the concentration, nor the energy to do so. I feel completely empty and depressed as fuck. Today I spent most of the day fantasizing about drugs and dwelling in memories of the "good times". It fucking makes me sick.
Right now I don't even know if I really want to quit doing drugs. I think it would be easier if I had some meditation or whatever to replace the feeling of being high on opiates, I feel slight bliss when meditating and I've always have, but this is no match compared to an opiate high. Nothing gives me satisfaction, and it has been like that for a very long time, even before I started doing drugs. The only thing that ever mattered to me was magic and now I don't even have that because of overall lack of energy, concentration and willpower.
So, let me rephrase my question (sorry if I worded this post like a retard, it's not easy atm to write cohesively) - do you have any ideas to achieve high, without using chemicals? I have a few ideas (invocation among others) but I'd like to hear your opinions if you have any.
If you don't want to help me in this endeavor for whatever reason than I'd really appreciate anything really that could give me a relief. I'm also happy I could share this somewhere.
Also, I'm quitting cigarettes, fapping and sugar because if I have to suffer I might as well end it all in one big blaze of suffering and self-loathing.
>inb4 degenerate kill yourself
I know.
Update: music seems to give me at least a little bit of power, dunno if I can use this little bit of energy to make a change but I will try.
What I do to achieve "high" feelings:
> Drink tea as hot as I can, adding some ginger powder or pepper into it. Different teas might produce different states. Honey's good too.
> Sun bathing with some moderate volume binaural beats playing in my headphones.
> Proper breathing, given I'm in open space. If I do it for some 30 minutes the feeling grows stronger.
If you think music helps, abuse that. Check the Fringe Music Thread in the catalog if you're running out of bands.
Even if your body doesn't want to, some exercise will do wonders once you can do it.
Sunbath would be nice for my cold shivers, but there is no sun and it's raining at the moment. Breathing as a part of meditation helps I guess.
>if you're running out of bands
I don't wanna sound like an elitist or something but not going to happen, I'm a huge music autist with hundreds of gigabytes of music. I'm also a regular contributor to the music thread. Right now I'm trying to drown my sensory input in a wall of dark ambient, with pretty good results. Vidrel is nice atmospheric ambient, I like the feeling I get from listening to such music - like being taken far away to some other world.
Also, listening to very negative or suicidal music while I'm feeling down seems to have the opposite effect - giving me energy instead of siphoning it away.
Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it! If I sound like an elitist cunt then I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
>Even if your body doesn't want to, some exercise will do wonders once you can do it.
Sorry for double post, but I forgot - any specific exercises you have in mind?
Few words on emotional alchemy. I feel like I'm scratching the surface of something important. I wonder what do you have to say about this.
During meditation I noticed stress and anxiety (eg. experienced the day before job interview) and sexual sensations are oddly connected. It's as if they shared a lot of the same neurotransmitters.
When you think about it, sex is a lot like stressing, almost hurting each other. It's like tingling someone or oneself. Then, the final release is scratching the build up of the itch. Stressing out about things to come utilize the same mechanism, with the only difference being the psychological context is different. So if you have an anxiety problem, a trick you can use is to start interpreting the arising stress as pleasurable itching. The horrible problem that used to stir you up becomes somewhat sexual and enjoyable in nature.
I'm wondering if it's the path to achieving nondual perception of happiness/unhappiness or merely turning anxiety into a fetish?
I'm >>2066 and I just read your post >>2061
If I were you, I think the one and only way out is to manipulate your deep-rooted beliefs about emotions that arise in you. My idea sounds ridiculous at first, especially if you're in a lot of pain, but bare with me. Pain, however bad, is painful because you perceive it as bad. There are people who have accidentally wired themselves to perceive unhappiness "incorrectly" in childhood. In most extreme cases, they become masochists.
It should give you some glimpse into what it means that all is mind.
Some less extreme example is cold showers. I read they were very healthy and so decided to experiment. At first they were painful for me, but I used magic to change the context and after a few months I'd definitely compare freezing shower to sexual pleasure. There are a lot of people who discover this stuff by accident, and then they're anxious to bring it up in social situations.
I think the only way out for you is to sit down and concentrate on your pain as it arises. Force yourself to change the context, because all is perspective. You are a slave of negative connotations you have with the word pain, that were imprinted on your neural structures since childhood. Deconstruct them. Yes, I'm telling you to become insane. This is magic. Your only enemy are feelings of doubt that will arise about what I told you. If you smile at them, and keep embracing the pain you'll transform this pain in all its intensity into the pleasure. The true hell is no emotion at all. Pain, anxiety are equal to happiness and bliss
New here, I want to prove to myself that this is real with something easy. I want to create a small object in my room somewhere.
Can someone give me a technique for creating an object?
Or if i'm being naive, could you tell me some books i should read or practices i should try related to object creating?
Right on point! I've been thinking about it today to be honest. Actually I've been masochistic as a child, if I'm already coming out with my life and whatnot I can tell this bit too. I mean, I can control pain. I was raised in a Catholic family and even though my parents weren't very orthodox, nor strict, I was. When I was a child and my sexual urges started to grow, as it is only natural, I rejected it and strived to control it.
The only way I knew how was via self-inflicted violence. Think flagellation but with a chain, also exposing my body to the extreme cold and some other fun stuff. It worked. Soon I began to control my emotions, my desires and my pain. I can definitely make myself view pain as something pleasant. The thing is… The process is kinda scary. It is a cold thing, deep inside. I was drawn to it, my entire life. To this cold nothingness. It didn't sound so cringy in my head I swear That's why I think I started doing drugs to get away from this fucking edginess because I surely don't appreciate it. If I answer this call, what will be left of me? Would it still be human?
Also, the pain isn't the worst. The worst is feeling that nothing really matters, the feeling of hopelessness. Deep down I feel that I detest this world with all my heart, but at the same time I wonder what right do I have to feel this way. The world have been very kind to me, it's not it's fault that I turned out like this.
But I think that it's only right to use whatever tools I have at my disposal. If I won't be able to sleep tonight I will try to remember this skill, of finding pleasure in pain.
Anyway, thank you, you kinda confirmed what was going through my head these past few days.
Maybe look for things about sculpture? :^)
Now for real - creating some object from thin air isn't something you could do as a beginner. If you want some sort of proof look up sigils, it's the easiest thing and brings results.
>new here
>something easy
>manifesting physical objects through the formation and accumulation of a dense cluster of mass requiring massive amounts of energy
That's not particularly easy, newfriend. Unless you want to rely on external being helping you out, you won't be able to do this out of the blue, unless you've made heaps of progress in previous lifetimes and have attained a master degree in energy work. You're better off picking something genuinely easy, such as probability manipulation, or sigil magick if you want real quick results. Though thought forming is easy as well, really.
Remember that time is not linear and that you are able to jump and shift from timelines. I have never done this, and I assume that this is no easy task. Also, I'm sure there are techniques in the 'Book of Knowledge' by anonymous that will greatly help you with this, it also covers time travel.
I have created a thought form that does exactly this. It accelerates time at workdays and slows it down at the weekends. Basically, just like any thought form creating procedure, affirm and program it with the intent that you want time slowed at X days, or whatever you deem to be fit. As long as you affirm it in the present tense. Also try to be more in the now, and be aware of what you are doing. Be keen on forming memories and recalling these. The more activities you do a day, the more memories you will have and the longer it will seem in retrospect.
Besides that, I strongly wonder if this perceived illusion of time is actually accelerating at a collective level on a global scale. Everyone notes how times seems to be going faster all the time - never slower. The other answer being related to age, of course. What does /fringe/ think?
pic unrelated.
I've told some asshole Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn leader that his newly made course in magic is bullshit and that no one should buy it. I did this publically. Im afraid i pissed him off, what if he decides to attack me (magically)?
He puts egyptian pictures on his fb profile, put his job as rosicrucian imperator, honestly i don't like him one bit. He doesn't seem magical at all, he seems to try so hard to fit into the profile of a wizard, it starts looking like a fucking subculture, like goths or metalheads. There are a lot of people like this.
So what do i do if he actually attacks me? Im not skilled in ceremonial magic at all, not like him, if he's serious about being the master of this order.
You mean simply jumping to a timeline where I will definitely pass?
I was more thinking about some technique that will simply make my exam look better in his eyes. It's just that I am unsure if I will pass even if he is already pretty lenient.
I strongly advocate the idea to consider pain as inseparable part of pleasure. One makes the other possible. However, I get the idea you go about it the wrong way. I sense it from the way you describe things and specifically your mention of cold nothingness.
I feel like you're getting caught and being pushed astray by certain structures in your mind. The nothingness is cold for you because of your subconscious programs. For someone else it is warm. For yet someone else it's neither cold or warm. Another example, you're scared of meaninglessness. Someone else will feel not fear but great deal of joy as he observes meaningless illusions falling apart.
It's all actually very simple: Sometimes pleasure arises. Sometimes displeasure arises. That's it. You just consider and appreciate the arising displeasure. After a while your whole relationship to displeasure, and reality in general, changes.
If you go about things this way, there's no cold nothingness. There's no romanticizing of pain or pleasure. It's very important! Going out of the way to romanticize pain or experiencing a sense of superiority over others are all silly programs that everyone has to go through. But if you stay mindful, you'll go more efficiently about all this.
The correct way of going about pain or anxiety is to just let it happen.
There is a park near my home with a war memorial at the entrance. The memorial is long with skinny, square,brick columns (1x3 ) the columns are of varying heights. In the back of the park there is a tall pillar like stone with a symbol etched into it, this slab is surrounded/circled by many boulders. Are my community planners wizards or what?
Being mindful of eg. anxiety at some point causes sense of wonder and fascination, I noticed. Instead of getting hypnotized by it and getting caught in the daydream of anxiety, you become somewhat happy that you get it. I started of thinking of it as a stimulant, like a shot of coffee that my brains gives me to deal with a problem. If you start thinking about anxiety in these patterns, after some time you can get high off anxiety. Music starts to sound better. Other times I just sit and ride the waves of anxiety with tongue sticked out in concentration.
You know that feeling when you don't deal with anything sexual in nature for weeks and then you suddenly see some picture or interact with a girl? You get a pleasurable feeling that is incredibly like anxiety, or even PAIN! Yes, pain! If you dissect it well enough, it's like something stirring you, some sharp blade sinking in your chest, but in a good way. It's making you restless and increases your blood pressure, changes breathing, changes temperature of your body. Sounds like anxiety, doesn't it?
Pain, anxiety, uneasiness, all kinds of suffering are there to help you. Take them and use them, and enjoy just how bizzare this whole thing is.
*columns are also aligned in a straight line with varying space in between
Your answers are very wise, thank you. But I'm not sure I am. Isn't what you write pretty much a short course in Buddhist doctrine by the way?
You also got dubs which pretty much confirms what you wrote :^)
Anyway, I went into meditation, got into light trance and started to feel pain and build it up even more and at the same time accepting it and forcing myself to take pleasure in it. Also, some "negative" (viewed from society viewpoint) emotions arose, like rage and hatred-flavored determination, but it was good, because it gave me some source of energy. Then I started some visualizations as I often do when I meditate and since I was going all out on this edgy shit and I read a bit on necromancy beforehand, I visualized a skull. It bit my lips and I was confused. It plunged me into some state of neither pleasure nor pain for a brief moment. It was about an hour ago, pain is not a problem anymore, but the restlessness remains.
>The correct way of going about pain or anxiety is to just let it happen.
You see, that's where I have problem with what you write. It is wise, and I know all of you wrote to be true. Even beside you getting dubs :^) I just don't feel ready. I didn't get into magic and stuff to be enlightened or whatever. My reasons are very low, I confess, for the time being I've only used magic for personal gain, for making my life easier and for my amusement. I want power, I want to make things happen, things that are marvelous or terrible, but magical nevertheless. That's like… the opposite of letting things happen to me!
>That's not particularly easy, newfriend. Unless you want to rely on external being helping you out
Don't you have to have really well developed astral senses to get any benefits from summoning? I haven't ever tried summoning btw
Martial arts have their effect, discipline works wonders in the mind.
But if you're not in range of some good dojo you can always do some yoga/gym in a way that it fills your empty hours.
I myself do some yoga on a mat laid on the floor of my studio every other day. I add some lunges, crouches and cardio; and walk if any trip is less than 5 km.
You shouldn't care, for what you say, he seems to be some new agy fag; when you give him the credit - even the remote chance - of harming you, you are opening the door to a lot of possibilities that involve just that. Straightforward negate that possibility.
I'm going to try to keep this question short and concise.
What exactly is aura and how can someone learn to use/master it, what can it be used for, and how does it differ from other things like energy manipulation and such?
>Are my community planners wizards or what?
How many Freemasons still legitimately practice magic is debatable, but they do clearly have a lot of influence in the construction of both public and private structures.
If you're interested in the potential occult meanings behind the design and decoration of architecture, I suggest checking out halfasheep's channel.
Tips on grounding and on awareness?
Also before I explain my ordeal I need clarification, is being grounded also the same thing as being aware? The reason why I ask that is because I've heard both terms used in the same context. Perhaps being grounded uses awareness as a pre-requisite? If my guessing is way off then hence my confusion.
In any case I know for sure that my main problem is awareness because for some reason i feel that it is fleeting. As this problem has persisted I have made progress improving it but now I feel I need help specifically for that so I can return to a state of awareness that I am comfortable with.
Let me describe what I am dealing with right now. My awareness has dwindled to the point where I am more automatic in my movement and actions and yet I don't necessarily perceive them. I feel as if I have to constantly remind myself I'm "aware" and in the past I never had this problem. To illustrate, my awareness in the past was like an automated and continuous check where at all times I felt connected and perceiving me, my surroundings, and focused with no effort. Nowadays I feel detached like the only thing that exists is what is in front of me and sometimes it feels as if it's not there if I do not bother focusing on it. The need to use the word detached may be why I regard awareness and grounding as similar.
On the flipside I feel inexplicably unmoved by this abstract problem and even most recently I have begun to un-alarmed by most things. It feels like it would be a waste to react in a manner that is otherwise. My mood is like a blunt cheerfulness. More peculiar is that I have had no impedement in my day-to-day activities and may even be exceeding my usual performance so-to-speak. Still, what matters most to me right now is that I can effortlessly keep awareness going. Because at least that way I can free up my focus and not feel like I'm drifting into unconscious existence.
I drew it mindlessly while talking on the phone. I have no idea what its purpose is.
As I understand it, "being grounded" means being in between the two pillars of mercy and severity. Being free of polarization and free of your ego. Your ego is a part of you, but in the case of most people it's the part that makes most decisions in their lives.
One good way of grounding yourself (described by Plato or Socrates) is to defend both sides of an argument with your whole unwavering conviction.
Find someone in the morning and try to convince them to vote for Hillary Clinton. You are now a HC voter.
Find someone in the evening and try to convince them to vote for Donald Trump. You are now a Trump voter.
Now go home, have a shower and laugh at the whole thing. You're now grounded.
Do this with as many dichotomies you can identify in your daily lives. Notice how most people would give their metaphorical lives defending one side or the other. You want to escape that need. That need is dictated by the ego.
Do what you think is right, but don't get the ego involved in it.
Also this channel is very much recommended.
Please watch all the videos in order from the beginning. You won't be disappointed. Also don't bother with the paid programs. It's pretty much the same stuff.
Sorry for the double post. I didn't finish reading your comment before answering.
You sound like you need two things: mindful meditation and getting a girlfriend or a new job. Let me explain.
Mindful meditation is pretty clear why. You need to train that ability to focus on the now, be present and aware. The second thing, getting a girlfriend, I recommend it to you because by heavily involving yourself emotionally in something you will probably snap out of that apathy. If you already have a girlfriend, look for a different job or otherwise do something that requires you to invest emotionally and personally, where failure would be painful.
not who you were conversing with but i just wanted to say that this is an interesting way of thinking
had a talk with someone several years ago wherein i divulged to her that i felt awful for eating plants because they were beautiful and just trying to grow. i felt that eating them made me a murderer and also felt that the more compassionate choice, in some ways, would be to murder myself. made life hard because i am the chef of the household and could hardly chop basil from the garden without freaking out
anyway she informed me that my way of thinking was black and white - ie, death is evil, while life is good - and asked me to reconsider placing these value judgements on pain and pleasure, and to stop thinking that all growth is "holy" and all decomposition is "unholy". it sounds so simple but she illuminated me for a moment and now i no longer feel so wretched for consuming. i can observe the truth of this in the natural world, death and life mingle with each other, new roots under wet fall leaves.
everything is just ouroboros just swallowing itself anyway, pain and pleasure are part of the ride. feeling good isn't always healthy and feeling bad is sometimes helpful. sorry to jump in but maybe this will help somebody, i don't know. peace
I want to get into tarot cards, any experienced tarot card readers have any recommendations when it comes to picking out a deck?
Take copious amounts of niacinamide (vitamin b3) and vitamin c (like 2+grams b3, & 2-4 grams every 2-4 hours of C) for withdrawal symptoms
Ok so yesterday I was giving this a thought.
"Be self-aware" doesn't look like a clear instruction.
Step by step, you could have it like this: In just about every moment, ask yourself "Who, where, when am I?" These will be kind of constant in time "Myself, in this place and this time". At this stage their usefulness might not be clear. Then ask yourself "Why and how am I", this opens the perception to a lot of reasons usually taken for granted; this life is not taken for granted so anything in it shouldn't either.
This should come out as a reflex at some point; observe and analyze yourself. It increases the "density" of information you receive, thus increasing the "timeness" of time in your perception.
Once this is mastered, you can begin to contemplate the holographic universe around you, not only asking "Who, where, when, why and how?" but adding the "Who not, where not, when not, why not and how not?". This further expands the experience of time, and should be strengthened by visualizations and meditation, to enrich its depth.
Even the meditation around this subject should bring enlightenment of its benefits and properties, to the experience of time and being overall.
Does anyone have any experience with muscle twitches? I have a problem where my muscles will just twitch slightly out of nowhere and I don't know the cause of it. Because of it, I've developed anxiety and dread going out. I don't know if the anxiety caused the twitching, or if the twitching caused the anxiety. Any answer will be greatly appreciated.
try grounding your energy. you could do this literally by putting your bare feet on the earth and more figuratively by upping your workout routine.
i too had the anxiety shakes for years, they seemed to emanate from my solar plexus and radiate outwards, or sometimes they were localized in my legs, face etc. i read something in a castaneda book about twitches being excess energy in the astral body. some of his stuff is bunk but that little gem helped me, i started to learn to breathe through the twitches.
direct your ki through whatever spot on your body is twitching and that should "'unblock" the energy for you. nothing fancy, just use your minds eye to visualize your energy unknotting itself, and keep breathing deeply and slowly to stay calm. also be mindful of the substances you take, if any - especially caffeine
there's nothing to fear other than your own anxiety, seeker, just remind yourself that you are safe. perhaps something else is troubling you which you haven’t dealt with in conscious terms, hence the seemingly baseless anxiety
Not to be obtuse, but why are you experiencing so much anxiety over muscle twitches?
It is not the muscle twitches your anxious about, but you're fear of embarrassment or something.
Truthfully, I have no clue what could be causing muscle twitches. Spasms from low electrolytes? Who knows. They have however revealed an aspect of your ego that you want to protect. I'd take the opportunity to work on that.
Thank you for this answer. I have quit taking caffeine and sugar and I don't notice a difference in the twitching, but it has helped me in quieting my mind. I've been getting into energy work recently as well, and I sorta had this guess as well and I'll be including this into my routine. Thanks again.
Obtuse away my friend! You hit the nail with the fear of embarrassment. The anxiety comes from growing up with these twitches, and being fearful of what the other kids would think of me. I was always an outcast and wondered why I never had any friends, but I attributed it to the twitching and hated myself for it. Although now, I know better, but it's still taking me some time to recover from all those years of self hatred.
Not /fringe/ in the slightest, bit check out the audiobook version of Infinite Jest. It deals with addiction pretty fantastically. David Foster Wallace was on that dope train and is pretty aware of the hell that sobriety after experiencing the temporary nirvana state that opiates bring.
can one visit a parallel universe astrally not in the sense of universe hopping taking the place of another you but in the sense of meeting or seeing an alternate self.
I got your back anon. I have had a similar issue for most of my life. It's a tad different in that I startle incredibly easy and it is involuntary, or at least seems that way. Whenever something happens that brings me out of a state of concentration or tension (e.g. a relatively loud noise or something quickly appearing in my vision), my body jumps a little each time.
Sometimes I feel anxious about it in certain situations, but the feeling of embarrassment it causes doesn't bother me anymore. I've just learned to accept it and work on trying to fix it through intuitive, magick-based methods. Things like exercising your will over the condition, shifting your focus, stabilizing your breathing and heart-rate, are all simple things I've employed with varying degrees of effectiveness.
Thoughts on John Michael Greer? Is it disinfo? The first two pages match up with what I've learned from /fringe/ and the beginner readings pretty well. He talks about fays, elementals, etc, but reveals that they are focused on the etheric which makes sense with how Franz Bardon described elementals (but in the astral).
Anyone else getting random subtle euphoric highs sometimes? I just can't crack down the pattern according to which they arise.
For example, now it's 10 PM for me, and the euphoric feeling starts to creep in. Tingly happy feeling in stomach/chest. Music sounds great and all, but why now? There is no reason, and I should be going to sleep now.
My serotonin and dopamine receptors must be very confused and release things at the weirdest times.
Maybe you get euphoric, not by some phony God's blessing but because you're enlightened by your own intelligence :^)
>Another method I used was meditating as falling asleep and getting into deep trance in which your body is asleep but your mind isn't and you are conscious still. You can get into either LD or AP from that point and I used it primarily for the former.
How can I do that? Meditate into trance I mean, though isn't this basically a WILD technique anyways? Just curious to know the difference.
>You can get into either LD or AP from that point and I used it primarily for the former.
How will you know if the above method succeeds that if you are in a LD or AP, does that depend more on technique or intent?
I've had a few LD's - none with WILD yet, but no AP's so I don't know this.
I have some trouble with my thoughts. When I feel like I'm actually saying something in my mind, I get a little tension in my throat, but my mind is constantly flooded with thoughts that seem to be located near my forehead and they don't seem to be my own thoughts. Any thoughts on what's going on?
A footnote from the article I missed
>Bioenergetic breathing is technically hyperventilation — the physiology is similar — but they are not meaningfully equivalent. The context and the result are quite different. Hyperventilation strongly implies panicky and uncontrolled fast, shallow breathing. In striking contrast, bioenergetic breathing is willful and deliberate, slower and much deeper than anything that would ever be described as hyperventilation clinically, or by anyone.
>For instance, I know a nurse who heads a class 1 trauma nursing team (they deal with extreme trauma’s from all over British Columbia). She routinely witnesses, diagnoses and deals with patients who are certainly hyperventiling in the usual sense: panicked, rapid, shallow breathing. She has seen many people become convinced by the resulting tetany that they are — I am not making this up — actually dying!
>The subjective experience of bioenergetic breathing is dramatically different, and someone doing it would never be identified as a hyperventilator, anymore than someone playing golf would be mistaken for someone attacking innocent bystanders with a club. It’s all about the intention
I guess that clears things up rather well.
>isn't this basically a WILD technique anyways?
It is, I think. I don't really know the terminology so I just ended up describing what I mean.
>How will you know if the above method succeeds that if you are in a LD or AP, does that depend more on technique or intent?
LD and AP aren't totally different phenomena, but there are some symptoms that can point to AP rather than LD.
It is possible to get from AP exit to LD, from my experience it suffices to loose oneself in some visualizations or thoughts instead of using will (and/or some exit technique) to exit body. Although one time I was just lying there, doing nothing and I got out of body all the same. My perspective shifted a bit and I started to see my room despite having my eyes covered with a piece of cloth. I didn't notice though until later.
I used to have AP symptoms each night, but my journeys were short and not very fruitful, so there is something I still need to learn in this area.
Lately I can't even sleep at all.
Check my trips :^)
Also, it is possible to get into AP from LD, although it is a bit tricky, because it is easy to end up LDing ABOUT astral projection and not getting the real thing.
I want to increase my intellectual abilities like reasoning and memory. What's the most effective way to achieve that?
Learn to play just one piece on violin. Take a drink of matcha with yerba mate, take a microdose of LSD and start playing the violin. Repeat every day (lsd every four days, matcha every day/every second day). You'll notice strong effects of improved cognition after 2 weeks
Of course I told you to learn just one piece because it's all you need. But you can naturally practice more. Saying "learn to play violin" triggers ego because it sounds hard and only like every 500th person would listen to such demanding advice. Saying "learn to play just one favorite song" doesn't make the ego defend itself
Thanks guys for responses, gonna definitely check out the book and I already knew about vitamin C, but it didn't have much effect on me (although I wasn't strictly mega dosing, because I didn't supply myself with pure chemical grade vit C and using the one bought from drug store isn't very economical).
I feel better with each day, the only real downside is restlessness and trouble sleeping. I miss my dreams. Not even LD/AP but ordinary dreams. I hope my dream cycle will fix itself (or I will fix it, whatever).
Also, some theory I have - it might be possible that opiates make AP much easier, especially for long-term junkies, because one is used to the effects and the body gets knocked off but the mind stays conscious, which is prerequisite for an exit. Anyway, it's a crutch and nothing else.
Funny story. Last few days I've been very strongly desiring anything that can take me away from this reality. I met my old friend and it turns out he's a psychonaut now, which means I have an unlimited supply of weed and psychedelics (and pretty much anything if I ask, but he won't get me opiates because he knows me). Funny how the universe works.
Question - what do you think about psychedelics and magic? I sticked to the "feeling good" drugs because I didn't want to be deluded. I've always thought that metaphysical experiences are better when achieved by one's own will and merit than by some chemical compound, but that's a very "black and white" point of view I guess.
>Learn to play just one piece on violin. Take a drink of matcha with yerba mate, take a microdose of LSD and start playing the violin. Repeat every day (lsd every four days, matcha every day/every second day). You'll notice strong effects of improved cognition after 2 weeks
Not that guy, But can you elaborate a smidge on your reasoning behind the recommendation?
/psy/ is only good for changing perspectives, they're tools, but like a knife in inexperienced hands, it's easy to do more harm than good. Do research on erowid.org on exact substances and tentative dosing margins. Always, always start light, as in every time you try something new, if not for your unknowable reaction to some new substance, but for the fact that drug dealers are generally terrible at actually selling what they are selling.
If you're after a high like an opiate addict, just do opiates. I'd wager that the reality for a temporarily sober needle pusher is pretty ok compared to the stark and surreal reality of someone who binges on psychedelic drugs.
>because it is easy to end up LDing ABOUT astral projection and not getting the real thing.
That could be all that OBE's and AP's are though..
I want to investigate that further but I've done really shitty in getting myself into that direction, but I really want to find a genuine difference between LD's and AP's, the former which I said I've only have very few and the latter which I've had none yet.
Anyways I'm not such a skeptic about it, personally I subscribe to the theory that LD's, OBE's and AP's are all separate, distinct events and states that the mind reaches through different focus levels of consciousness, but I have no experience myself with that yet.
And yeah the method you described seems really similar to the WILD method, where you reach a mind awake body asleep state, where there may or may not be sleep paralysis involved and from there you are in a LD.
I'll second this.
As someone who used /psy/ carelessly in his youth and having known countless others who did as well, the negative effects of psychedelic drugs are very serious. Everyone in our group developed severe problems related to anxiety a couple years after our abusive periods. I struggled with intense bouts of anxiety and though I've made a lot of progress since then, slight twinges still linger. Truth is, I got off easy as I didn't not indulge as much as much as my friends had. Their anxiety was so severe they regularly experienced panic attacks. This led most of them into benzo addictions which exacerbated their conditions in innumerable ways.
In the end, everyone did "make it through" and are living okay lives as far as I know since I grew apart from them many years ago, but everyone of the personalities were drastically altered from the experiences and not necessarily for the better.
Having said that, I'm not here to shit on psychedelics. Like anon said, they are a specialized tool meant for a specific job. As is often the case though, when you teach a person how to use a hammer, all problems begin to look like nails.
I do find the trend of microdosing to be very interesting. I would love to experiment with it if I actually had a means to obtain psychedelics I could reliably portion into micro doses, but I am concerned that my past may have "ruined" me.
The fact that stuff like LSD can cause long-term anxiety gives me idea that it erodes the ability to be mindful? So it lowers your intelligence and awareness like alcohol, opiates, or weed?
I mean, they're often like monkeys or zombies, they experience cognitive dissonance and can't consider big picture, their thought patterns seem very simple, get triggered easily, get swayed by emotions and are often extremists. They're the exact opposite of being mindful of the thoughts. I'd like to try LSD, but these observations discourage me. On the other hand, maybe they were like this before they tried?
>The fact that stuff like LSD can cause long-term anxiety gives me idea that it erodes the ability to be mindful? So it lowers your intelligence and awareness like alcohol, opiates, or weed?
No, not necessarily. It seems like you misunderstood what I said. What I was pointing out is that abusing psychedelics, by taking to lard or doses and doing it to frequently, can manifest powerful negative effects years after you've taken them. I saw this happen with myself and all of the people who abused psychedelics in my group of friends. I've also heard the same from doctors who specialize in addictive drug treatment; that the negative effects come many years after the use.
The reason I feel compelled to emphasize this is because the use od psych can be so damn amazing. My friends and I used to jokingly refer to it as a vacation. It really is a trip, man, heh. At extreme dosages, they essentially push your brain into overdrive. The speed at which you think cannot be adequately described in words. Psychedelics are popularly characterized by visual hallucinations, but visual hallucinations are far from the primary or arguably the most engrossing experiences while on them. You will just feel incredible. All your troubles are a thing of a past. You can effortlessly confront all your pscyhological/emotional hang ups. It is these sorts of experiences that have people "joining the cult" of psychedelics. Plenty of people take them and have these great experiences and feel changed for the better.
I was one of those people. But after seeing what happened to me and my friends, I wonder how many people have been negatively affected by their use, but never realize it because the trip is so fun and those negative effects don't show up until years later. I'm only harping on it so people know what they are getting into. Keep the doses low and keep the use infrequent and you should not have any severe issues unless you already have a mental illness.
The whole pill stuff is a great loss of time, I'd advise you to leave those terms for the memetic fags.
"Green pill" would be a person - on the Path - that cares for others; namely Service to Others (STO), trying to instruct and guide those around him in the measure of their understanding to achieve enlightenment.
"Indigo pill" would be a person - again, walking the Path - that cares mostly for his own benefit, and who would ally with the evil entities that supposedly govern this world via the New World Order to do so. It is mostly a Service to Self (STS) entity, and as such shouldn't be trusted to help others altruistically.
And please stop using the pill lenguaje, its kinda retarded. To illustrate this, I've attached this file.
I did something like this and found a lottery ticket on the ground for the next Friday. Sadly I got no prize.
Video related:
Whole channel very recommended.
Throw away all your crystals and books. It's your only task, your only objective in life from now on.
Now go.
>The opposite of love is fear
In a certain philosophical or spiritual sense yes, but strictly speaking, in accordance with the law of polarity, the opposite of love is hate, since these are the two emotions that reveal themselves to be a different degree of the same thing (directly and sometimes spontaneously transmutable between each other).
Please go back to /pol/ or leave this weak minded racist nonsense there before you come here. You speak from a place of high polarization and are blinded by fear and hatred.
If you had the ability to create things out of pure energy, money is the last thing I would create. There's too many factors involved that could be your undoing. You might use the same serial code for all of the bills, for example.
But he is right you know?
I don't know about Jews, but their entities (including Christian and Muslim ones) are malevolent towards mankind.
You say it makes you see the world from a different perspective and it improves your well-being, but then you say years after it causes anxiety. I don't understand how it happens, it's contradictory.
I always understood psychedelics provide one glimpse into nonduality. And there, anxiety kinda loses meaning. And after such a trip, it changes how one approaches anxiety for the better. But now you say that after the years it actually causes anxiety so strong that you can't deal with it by being mindful??
Do you experience scrambled thoughts, ADHD, can't concentrate, have difficulty grasping ideas that you could before the psychedelics? These can be causes of anxiety. I'm just interested how it works that it induces anxiety
>I'm just interested how it works that it induces anxiety
If you overindulge in psychedelics you can get your brain fucked.
Purely mundane explanation but dopamine builds up the longer one stay's awake. Perhaps you should consider channeling that "euphoria" into a source of loosh you can draw from later, aka making the most of a good time.
>you will never again have the opportunity to make a euphoric reference on fringechan
Must feel good, friend
Because you specified your forehead and described other symptoms, I would wager you have a thoughtform stuck in you, literally giving you intrusive thoughts. There are many ways you can deal with this starting with the book (name escapes me at the moment) in the Occult Seed pack, Robert Bruces practical psychic self-defense book, and the GOODS LBRP, and more.
>If you overindulge in psychedelics you can get your brain fucked.
I know in-depth how amphetamines, alcohol or opiates destroy the brain because I studied neurotransmitters at some point on my path. Psychedelics, however, work differently.
I know well the psychological profile and thought patterns of meth head or alcoholic. In plain words, they're dumb and have ADHD. But I don't know how psychedelic abuser thinks or acts. I've never really seen one, in real life or on the Internet (or I wasn't aware of it when it happened). Are there medical reports somewhere of people diagnosed with abuse of lsd or shrooms? Are there places on the Internet where LSD abusers express their thoughts and problems? Wherever I look, people always take all kinds of disgusting drugs on the side, other than psychedelics. Generally if someone takes psychedelics, he takes all kinds of garbage.
What does it mean to have "brain fucked" by psychedelics? Do you begin to have intrusive thoughts, hear voices? Hallucinations? So it's basically schizophrenia? It would mean LSD actually elevates the dopamine levels instead of depleting them, like opiates or amphetamines
Has anyone ever read this book? Its free online and imo its pretty interesting. Wanted to have a discussion on it.
Anyway, heres my questions.
What are the significance in using candles for rituals/meditation? I heard incense conjures the feeling of calmness only if your body adapts to it while your meditating. so pretty much its using your sense of smell to manipulate the feeling of meditation?
Iv been meditating for a couple years, and I noticed that my dreams are if not every time lucid af is there a reason for this?
Im also an artist and learned how to enter a meditative state while drawing, pretty much go in auto pilot and just go with the flow. its pretty crazy what we can do with just a couple years of experience.
Whenever I usually meditate I use the energy from the earth from the bottom of my spine and rise it all the way to the tip of my head cycling thru my chakras, usually in a torus kinda field, is this correct?
I have a slight sunken chest on one side. It's a deformity which causes my ribcage to sink inwards slightly. It looks like the image but is a milder case.
It negatively impacts my physical stamina, and I worry it can't be good for my breath/energy work either. Is there anything I could do to expand my ribcage outwards to improve my lung capacity?
I'm only familar with the Taoist system and energy work right now, Since it's the only hammer I have everything looks like a nail. Got any ideas for me?
Breathing is cool but there is more to life :^)
The volume of air you breath in and out doesn't translate to the power/energy/whatever. Work with what you have and you will get the results all the same.
The Science of Breath talks about this. Only the bottom ribs are connected to cartilage and can be expanded. Just practice proper breathing as demonstrated in the book and you should be fine.
Alternatively, if it really bothers you so much learn how into shapeshifting and stuff and fix your body via magic.
lately (past month) when i'm a good frame of mind for long enough, this nice, ambient tingly sensation spawns in my forehead. it makes me feel so happy, what is it?
You sure d like someone working on your penis, don't ya? :^)
Yh, the thread is pretty cool. The easiest method of affecting your physical body is via autosuggestion - getting really deep into trance and influencing your subconscious. You can also thoughtform your desired appearance and force your astral and etheric bodies to change accordingly, the physical will follow.
Regarding Asanas;
I recently decided to start a meditation practice (Never really meditated for longer then 5 very unstable minutes…), and after my first real attempt yesterday before sleep, I got worried about somethings.
I don't really feel confortable in Half-Lotus, so I decided to go for Vajra (or Dragon, if you are a AC fanboy). The thing is, this Asana is probably the only pose I feel confortable right at the beginning, but after just one minute, my feet start to burn, and after a while it goes numb. It's also very hard to get up for a while after this burning sensation begins. I am worried that I might be doing something wrong, that I might be stopping the blood flow or something. I also have a slight burning on my back If I keep it straight for a while.
So, what I want to know, should I stop and maybe change my posture (Wich I wanted to be the last option, since I can't really find any that make me feel confortable)? Should I persist, and the numbness and burning will go away?
* Pic obviously related *)
Use magics to get your dick worked on qt!
We used to sit like that all the time on karate. Yeah, at first it hurts like a bitch and then you go numb. It's normal, you will get used to it.
Be tough you sissypants! :^)
Just kidding, personally I didn't like it very much, and prefer some asanas that don't put as much strain on my knees and legs.
Tbh I even prefer Virasana (the Hero pose). If you are stretched enough it can be quite comfortable because you have your butt on the ground to support you. You also look like a total qt fuckboi.
Totally, I meant "worked on" like sex and stuff, not u reshaping your pee-pee :^)
Or u can reshape it. "Accept yourself as you are" is a mantra of the weak. Or wise. I don't know yet. It depends probably.
>We used to sit like that all the time on karate.
I know that feel, I almost wished someone would do something stupid so that we could get out of that damn pose and do some pushups as collective punishment.
Yeah and our sensei tried really hard to be a wise teacher and talked some bullshit about life and stuff and morals etc.
He was a sweet guy.
> It depends probably
like almost everything.
there are natural rhythms and all, may as well work with them when it's not necessary to do otherwise so as not to split one's energy in as many directions.
> perhaps i have to accept my body how it is
I mean, a downcurve is supposed to be nice for hitting it from the back/gspot and all.
>In the common human life you'll polarize yourself towards certain tendencies and ambiances, that will determine your karma, and when the time comes for your soul to take upon a new body, it will tend to places/families/bodies that vibrate in a frequency similar to that you attuned yourself while living. Short story: live like you want to live and you'll continue to live that way even in other lives if you polarize yourself strongly enough.
I assumed/figured this myself.
>Conscious reincarnation is an advanced stage in the soul transmigration.
Wonder what that involves. Choosing karma/life?
People say one's soul chose to be incarnated in x body to do this or that, (apparently I came here to make use of my talents for healing) or learn this or that lesson.
This is a big thing on opiate withdrawal symptoms.
I was pretty wrong on dosages, from memory.
15-75g vit c in several doses.
Buy some magnesium ascorbate or sodium ascorbate on amazon or something.
But. You're probably over the hardest part already.
Good luck (:
>But. You're probably over the hardest part already.
Damn right. 11th day clean. I still have trouble falling asleep but all in all I feel pretty good. Tbh I really expected I would feel much worse - with post-opiate depression and mental dependency, but it's okay, dunno maybe it's because I have a pretty firm grasp on emotional alchemy and I meditate and stuff. Also, after everything I went through my psyche feels invincible tbh.
My motivation is still shit, but at least now I do something constructive with my life. I started meditating regularly, doing magic more often, reading lots of different stuff, learning Tarot, working on getting back to LD and AP and some other things but I need to keep them secret for now I guess, while before I just meditated like… whenever and only did some magic when the circumstances forced me to. Feels pretty good. I relearn the importance of having a scheduled approach and keeping a diary.
If I succeed I will have some great opportunities to change some things in my life and in my environment, and if not I will at least learn something and succeed next time :^)
Fuck, I shouldn't have said "IF".Think nothing of it, I WILL succeed ya hear me subconsciousness?!
Nevertheless, I'm saving that guide to withdrawal, might come in handy if I ever get back to opiates
Each day I feel more powerful.
>Good luck (:
Thanks! You're a sweetie c:
I feel like that posture is harder. I feel the pain (in the same spot as before) right at the beginning.
I'm just going to man up and keep pushing myself on Vajra. And yes, It is exactly the same pose you do on Karate classes.
Let's just hope the numbness doesn't cause any serious damage. Thank you for the reply kind indigo!
You make me feel weak, OP, yet very proud.
I can't even stop with the hashish. Not even two complete days clean, and already fell for it.
>I'm just going to man up and keep pushing myself on Vajra.
Don't push too hard! I doubt that you can hurt yourself (we used to sit like that for ages on karate) but I'm afraid nonetheless. Take it easy and don't strain yourself.
Maybe perform some stretching exercises and warming up before you sit in an asana?
>Let's just hope the numbness doesn't cause any serious damage.
It shouldn't, sometimes when I couldn't sleep I would sleep in some strange position and my whole arm would have problems with circulation and would be numb for hours and it didn't do any damage.
>Thank you for the reply kind indigo!
>very proud
You guys make me smile and are the best! c:
>I can't even stop with the hashish. Not even two complete days clean, and already fell for it.
I think if I stayed in my apartment it would be much harder. I came back to my rural hometown and am staying with family atm. Clean air, fresh food, little air pollution, little light pollution and I can finally see the stars!
I could still do opiates here ofc, but it's easier to not do them here than not do them in my solitary apartment, alone in a big city.
So… if it really bothers you then maybe change your environment, if you can. And if it doesn't then it's not a problem, right? :^)
I would help you if I could. I don't want to act as if I'm an expert on quitting drugs, because I'm not, but if you have any questions which you think might help you in your situation then I'd be happy to help.
Or I can send some sobriety-flavored loosh your way :^)
Anyway good luck!
>I recently decided to start a meditation practice (Never really meditated for longer then 5 very unstable minutes…), and after my first real attempt yesterday before sleep, I got worried about somethings.
Don't worry about your posture so much. It is secondary to training the mind and often serves as little more than a distraction to new meditate rs. To clarify, I have nothing against practicing yoga and recommend your continued practice of it for your health's sake. It can be useful in meditation practice after more experience where entering a meditative state while enduring the physical strain of the postures offers its own benefits.
However, since you mentioned struggling to meditate for even 5 minutes, I suggest you supplement your yoga practice with physically less straining postures when you meditate. For example, the taoist tradition generally have you meditating in a chair. Heck, I think Bardon even recommends starting off by lying down in Intro to Hermetics Some of my most powerful meditative experiences have been while lying down.
Point I'm trying to make is meditation practice is worth doing no matter how you do it.
Learning to meditate while lying on the back can also be useful later for astral projection.
It's the easiest position, because all your muscles can be relaxed totally.
On the other hand, breathing and stuff feels just *different* while lying down compared to sitting in some asana.
Is it?
I didn't have one for a long time but it's easier to get invited to events/things there by people I don't know well but would like to know better or host things that I would enjoy going to.
Like a business owner I have invites me to events they think I'd be interested in, but I'm sure he wouldn't do that if it weren't as easy as a click because he doesn't always respond to texts (hasn't at all from what I know of him lol). His gf that I also know is the same tho she responds to texts usually.
I definitely feel like I'm missing out a bit on mundane life by not having kikebook, but I think it's a safe trade for my privacy and staying away from negative thinking. Normal mundane life is appealing if you're not a part of it, but it's really empty in reality. I never felt happy on that site, I always felt like I was an underachiever because others would post great things (obviously that's all they would post so it's unrepresentative of real life.)
The idea is to become such a great person to be around that people will go out of their way to invite you out and message you, even if it's not just a click away. Besides, most things that get made on sites like facebook are really shallow events that don't mean anything, and you would be better to replace them with things you enjoy more.
I was thinking about it some more, maybe use a thick blanket and do Vajrasana on it? It should help a bit I think.
>how much of a hack/not real crowley was?
Was he? There are accounts of him invoking entities to physical appearance. He certainly was very knowledgeable in every area of magic that his time had to offer. He was an accomplished ceremonial magician, he used Enochian magic with more success than anyone else ever have, he started his own mystical system which operates to this day. He inspired countless magicians and provided them with a path to accomplishment.
I don't really understand why people hate on Crowley. He was edgy, sure, but that doesn't make him any less skilled.
>manipulating any form of random number generator,
just tried to use random.org to get 100 from 1-100. 50 tries, nada.
I've gotten it to work for a different number within 20 tries before, but yeah I don't know what I'm doing. Tried force of will this time, usually do intuition.
yeah it's all energy and when it's negative it's because it's too much or blocked or rejected somehow. or antithetical to one's being.
Release, let flow, love and let go, recall one's own energies/shield/aura of light. ez
a sigil you made
or idk
>on't you have to have really well developed astral senses to get any benefits from summoning?
no, but you might in order to interact with the summoning better.
Mine aren't "really well developed" or anything but I can feel vibes and communicate psychically a bit. Probably practiced in other lifetimes.
Grounding. Clove, ginger, turmeric (+ pepper).
Holy basil.
Earthing. Sitting on earth, putting your feet into it, drawing in dat yin/earth.
>is being grounded also the same thing as being aware
I'd say no.
Grounded is like… solid, like…
not manic.
Happy is grounded, high is ungrounded.
So like… taking something to the extreme is ungrounded. Like faking enjoyment of something and getting into it in a false sense, or extreme reactions. That's ungrounded.
Like I see a meme and I'd usually go "heh" but ungrounded I could be like "YEAH THAT'S GREAT oh wait I'm being weird I wouldn't normally like this that much."
Use of something is grounded, but addiction to it is ungrounded.
Ungrounded is like taking something to the extreme, but it doesn't correspond with "reality" here.
It's taking something and running away with it and your ideas about it, making assumptions on your own/going too far.
Grounded is being in your body, not floating around in your own world.
try this too>>4187
As I understand there are alternate realities going on constantly and we can go there whenever.
what the other guy said.
Also though, try to ease the tension in your throat if it's negative. It may be blocked energy, in any case.
I heard the -el angels [Archangels are some] are negative. But I don't know that they are.
And people I know have called on them, and Librarian seems to, according to the last q thread.
>channeling that "euphoria" into a source of loosh you can draw from later, aka making the most of a good time.
how does one do that? Like an imaginary/astral reservoir?
Or put it into a crystal?
Either way I'd be concerned with energy leakage.
I know a guy who's screwed up on psychs. The only drug I know he does besides that is weed. But he did drink before/maybe does on occasion, and smokes cigs on occasion too.
He's been weird the whole time I knew him.
Everything makes sense to him in a weird way like he sees things/realises things often, and explains the way he sees things in a way that makes sorta sense but is nonsense. Kinda how much magical talk is, of course, but he's not grounded in reality.
Once he was convinced his higher self told him about how the gov was going to emit a wave on all media that kills people/makes 'em zombies/braindead.
He thought he was Shiva, thought he was possessed by Shiva.
Stuff. You know. At the time it was easy to believe him because he was more experienced in the occult than I was, but I know better now and disbelieve what he says by default/don't hang out with him now that he's gotten more significantly crazy from more psychedelic usage.
> it's the only hammer I have everything looks like a nail.
I just realised what you said looks to be the source of this
"Baader-Meinhof is the phenomenon where one happens upon some obscure piece of information—often an unfamiliar word or name—and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often repeatedly."
But yeah after going on vipassana I recommended it for like everything.
Like meditation and energy work.
It applies to everything/is the groundwork.
what the other guy said.
I'd think of it as "good frame of mind = heart chakra being open" which allows the energy to flow upward to your 3rd eye.
what's AC/Dragon pose?
>I think it's a safe trade for my privacy and staying away from negative thinking.
I've given up on privacy/assume everything I do online is tracked anyway. NSA mang.
I don't post much on fb, and try not to spend much time there. I unfollow anyone who posts things I don't like/negative things, but I don't let it affect me much anyway.
As for mundanes… I'd say at least half of my friends on there are more advanced than I am.
The guy I mentioned that invites me to stuff is probably better with energy than I will be for at least a year.
And yeah, being that great of a person would be good, but I don't know if I'd be invited to the events this person hosts otherwise.
The "people I barely know" on there are the advanced channelers/reiki people/psychics/akashic readers or whatever.
Their events are fun, even the more "mundane" ones (: plenty non mundane tho.
As for feeling bad about myself because of comparing to others, that's long been out of my system, aside from when I feel it keeps me from getting something I want (love of one person in my case, pointless though, she's not someone I should like, nor will I once I've got someone else. I've let her go energetically/emotionally but she's around and causes some of the same feelings as before)
So if anything I simply take inspiration and not envy of others. I don't think of myself as better or worse off, just elsewhere than others.
Long time lurker very appreciative of the collective effort of everyone here; this is a tremendous resource.
I'm looking to make the leap from armchair to practicing. I have read the kybalion and am chewing through energy work by Robert Bruce. Beginning daily and nightly G.O.O.D.S banishing ritual. Still struggling with temptation,scheduling etc. Just to give you an impression of what stage I'm at.
My question is pertaining to diet.
I have an extremely active lifestyle. Run 8k multiple times a week. Lift 3-4 days a week. Rock climb and kayak as well as hike on weekends all on top of studying full time at uni. I have a high calorie diet and a quick metabolism so my major obstacle in progressing is food among other things.
I've read in threads that the recommended diet is organized in order to ween the student off of meat and onto fruit and vegetables with the intent of eventually living off of prana or something comparable using techniques like sun gazing.
I understand the vital need for developing the energy body but can I do that along with still consuming meat? I live in Western Australia and the Kangaroo meat and seafood is very fresh and practically caught in the wild in much more natural fashion than commercial meat in the U.S. Is it a case of still bad just better or is it just bad?
>TL;DR Can I develop my energy body along with eating fresh untainted meat/ carbohydrate sources?
Vipassana says watch it. Observe the emotion dispassionately. Let it float away/move on.
So, theoretically it's a bubble of emotion/imprint on you that's getting in the way. Not necessarily an easy way to get over it, but you can try to meditate somewhere people do so regularly, or with a group, or do energywork beforehand, or sit in nature, or take something to calm yourself, or whatever.
But the important thing is to go slowly/build a sustainable practice. So go hard for as long as possible for x amount of time (say, 5 minutes) and then maybe go more lightly for some more time, then go do whatever. Burning out will only cause setbacks.
As for apathy, I know no reliable way. Maybe try caffeine or cacao as a crutch, maybe do it after something fun (maybe sing/dance to music you like).
Distraction, I find is kind of like a an overstimulated part of myself.
When I did vipassana and looked at the part of me that was distracted, I found that it was actually anxious, had a hard time looking at anything for long out of some kind of fear or something.
>can I do that along with still consuming meat?
You won't sense it as well/progress as quickly but your active lifestyle offsets that to a degree.
Still bad just better. Bless your food/pour energy into it with intention of doing something for you; that should make it better. Channel it from the divine.
>Kangaroo meat
I didn't know people ate that lol.
It'd be better to stay away from it. It carries negative energies (coming from somethings death) and will lower your vibration, keeping you "grounded" so to say, if that doesn't come across as too new-age-y. You could bless it if you're worried.
I just recently stopped eating meat and it's surprisingly easy. You just need to be a bit more aware of what goes into your body, which is really a blessing more than a curse.
I did end up getting that reading, I asked
"is he right about most things, and are his rituals good for me?"
Answer was something like.
"no. no because… he can see a lot of things, but they're not grounded in the physical realm. [and things look very different when they ground, so] While he can catch things… there's a discrepancy. What's true for him isn't necessarily true for you. His rituals are good for him. They're not bad for you but you should find your own rituals. Use them to find your own/align those with what you bring to the world."
Death is a part of life, if you hide from it, you hide from a part of yourself. Nothing good ever comes from deceiving ones self.
Why would you stop eating meat? Meat good.
Hey Alpam, in
you recommend not trying to achieve Christ Consciousness, but Librarian mentions it in his ritual,the 12th ray of Christ Consciousness
So I wonder why it's good/bad.
I assume it's fine for me, in any case.
I've used Jesus in fearful times/nightmares to ward things off before I knew of wizardry.
Not sure whether that had a negative impact on me overall but I figure there should be a good version of the entity if there's a negative one?
Or is that just wishful thinking.
I'd just think that the entities people think are good should have some good reflection to be called upon, or at least that one could ask one's guides and higher self to keep the negative ones out and ask for anyone they'd recommend to help with whatever.
[wew tangent]
For me I get negative vibes from it.
I feel worse/sad from consuming the negative karma/energy, digest/poop worse, have less energy/feel sleepy/less aware.
These effects are universal.
It's not hiding from death, but maybe from unnecessary death.
I'm sure if I hunted and ate the animal myself I wouldn't mind eating it on occasion.
Meat may be tasty but I wouldn't say good.
Our digestive systems aren't designed for it, or so I've read in several places that seem to have logical arguments based on our anatomy compared to other animals, as well as the diet of the closest apes.
So yeah. Meat is "fine" in the sense you can do whatever you want, but it's not "good" in the senses of spiritually productive, and will likely hold back anyone who isn't significantly developed.
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if that person would otherwise become ungrounded.
Hello, so I am still shakey on how much you can really do with magic, however I believe I am good at energy manipulation, I'vebeen absorbing the heat I feel on my skin as energy and use it to cool myself.
So I was wondering what else I could manipulate like this, and where I should go from here.
Oh and anything about the air? I feel as if I have an affinity towards it.
Death is part of life, but that does not mean you have to encourage it. I don't want to come across as preachy, but when you watch enough documentaries on where meat and dairy really comes from (there's no perfect farms where animals are happy even when being killed) you lose the ability to tolerate it. Even if meat was healthy I couldn't go back to it now, knowing what it carries with it.
When I do that sort of stuff, I've found that for me it works better to just know that it happened, rather than wanting it to happen, I try to replicate the satisfied feeling success with something like that gives, some days it works better than others, not sure if others do it differently though
Yes Kangaroo is quite good and they are considered rodents here. It's common for utes (Aussie for truck) and 4x4s to have roo bars in order to protect your car as you drive through country roads, many people have died from a kangaroo crashing through the window.
I'll look into it. I'm assuming I need an instructor/ yogi of reputable character to do so.
Gotcha. I think i need to ride out through the transition. I tried it for a week and a half but I had second thoughts because of how it affected my recovery time. Time to git gud.
I'll give it a week or two and continue research then i might come back with a diet plan and ask advice etc.
I'm watching Bear Heart's video on the Illuminati women he met in G.O.O.D.S thread. I've got wind in my sails let's get on it.
Welcome to the family qt :^)
>my major obstacle in progressing is food
When you're hungry - eat. There is nothing more to it. Personally I don't eat meat and I'd encourage anyone to do the same, but I don't think eating meat would be a huge setback. It may, or may not, affect you negatively, but if you have eaten it your whole life you won't even notice.
>Run 8k multiple times a week. Lift 3-4 days a week. Rock climb and kayak as well as hike on weekends all on top of studying full time at uni.
Respect. Your body must love you.
>the intent of eventually living off of prana or something comparable using techniques like sun gazing.
We are living off prana right now. We just use food as a vehicle for it. You can't force that change, it comes naturally. I've read of an account of one Aghori Tantrika who was doing sadhana to Mahakali in wilderness. With each week he was eating less and less, then he ate only fruits, then only drank water. Later he told his apprentice that it was all natural for him and he did this not because he wanted to, but because he felt like it.
>I understand the vital need for developing the energy body
I don't. Sometime ago in this thread I had a conversation with some anon who was like me - no energy work, still good results. Maybe we are just wired in some special way Specialsnowflakeism hard I know or we just call energy work differently. Tbh I tried energy work as described by Bruce, because everything is energy, therefore everything is energy work, just because everyone is so hyped about it and only time I was actually able to feel anything significant (apart from tingling in the general area of forehead/3rd eye, because I've been getting that a lot ever since childhood) was during astral projection exit. On the other hand it seems to me that I'm that one percent about which Robert Bruce talks about in the beginning of his NEW - we actually "see" what we visualize. But well, I don't know how others work and will never know.
So… for me everything is visualization based and even when I use prana or fuck around with chakras it's not like described in Bruce's methods.
Dunno, just writing it so that you know there can be a diversity of approach. Read about different systems and maybe you will find "the system" for you. Or just freestyle and incorporate different systems into something new. Ultimately you can only trust yourself.
>Can I develop my energy body along with eating fresh untainted meat/ carbohydrate sources?
You could develop anything even while drinking poison everyday.
Good luck :^)
>>2181 (checked)
Trips of 3s and as far as I'm aware the third aussie poster on /fringe/.
Synchronicity intensifies.
>If it really bothers you then maybe change your environment.
I wanted to go out, but I can't really leave my apartment in my current state. Had a recent surgery and still recovering… But nothing very serious, and I'm healing fast!
>If you have any questions…
I don't think I have any kindOP. The thing is, I am aware of how bad smoking is influencing me, but I seem too weak to just put an end to it. And for some reason, I swear I don't even have to do anything for it to come into my hands without me moving. Like some annoying little demon, forcing itself towards me! \':
>Lying down.
Followed the advice and lying on the floor with a mat, had amazing results, twice. It really does feel different when breathing deeply.
Thank you both for the help!
(Also, the loosh is more then welcome :'3 )
>what's AC/Dragon pose?
AC - A. Crowley
Dragon Pose - Liber E Vel Exercitiorum
Fuck, one of my lower chakras is blocked.
My anal region is tense and blood flow to penis reduced
It also affects my thinking - my mind is constantly restless. Makes me feel like a fucking mundane again because I hardly connect to my intuition.
This is the worst thing I experienced in a while.
Is this the root chakra? How do I fix this shit effectively?
I should add that my lower abdominal region is also kinda tense, so I suspect it might be the sacral chakra as well.
I'm not sure
Listen carefully and conceal this knowledge, for it is the root of many sacred yogic texts.
First, get into a light trance and start the ritual via stimulating your secret centers with visualizations. When you feel completely relaxed, and all the tension has gone, you must apply an object in shape similar to Shiva linga, made from an auspicious materials to the area of your body that ancient yogis called "guhya", that's where the stimulation of the root chakra is the most effective. If you feel any pain, you may have to postpone the ritual or invoke the Apas tattwa (you can use sacred oils for that).
If you do this just right you will stimulate your root chakra like never before and the flow of blood to your penis will certainly be increased. You may also experience a very strong and overwhelming bliss, but don't be afraid, it's completely natural!
This meditation gives great power and siddhis, in similar manner you can also work on your throat chakra.
You can find the examples of the workings on the web.
>you must apply an object in shape similar to Shiva linga, made from an auspicious materials to the area of your body that ancient yogis called "guhya"
I do not understand this part, can you explain please?
>I thought so.
Suuuure :^)
This guy gets it! A powerful ritual indeed!
Anyway, for real now, chakras aren't something that is objectively there, it's just something you create yourself in your energy body. Originally it was done for specific meditative purposes, today too more or less.
if you are interested
On the other hand if you believed strongly enough that chakras exist and can be indicative of illnesses or whatever then it may be so.
Personally I've never experienced chakras as something that would change with my physical condition so I can't really help, but maybe try some general healing rituals and see if it works.
Also some usual meditation and stuff should help you relax. How bad is your pee-pee? Can you get it up?
It can be something serious, but I hope I'm mistaken.
>Suuuure :^)
My problems started with the secret practice tbh
I don't know what happened, no pain involved.
> Can you get it up?
Yes, but it doesn't reach full 100% power mode like before. Also needs stimulation to stay up.
How completely and utterly lewd . I hope you get better soon!
Anyway, I may be able to help. I know some pretty powerful healing rituals and I could perform them for you…
Alas! I need to visually know the object of the ritual! If you have any means of capturing the affected area, do it and post it here.
The best effects are if I could see the very activity that lead to this state! :^)
Okay, enough of jokes this is no laughing matter!
If I were you I'd still seek mundane help apart from magics. Ask on /cuteboys/ if anyone had the same problems after the ritual. It may be unrelated, but if anyone knows about such things is them!
Now to the magic part - how deep are you into the occult? Do you meditate? How advanced are you?
I can provide you with some simple mental healing rituals if you don't know any.
First tell me about your experiences with the occult, meditation etc. it's different to explain things to a complete newfriend than to an old one.
Don't worry if you are new to this rabbit's hole, everyone starts somewhere qt3.14
Also, the worst case scenario - you should visit doctor and explain the situation, it could be something serious. But first ask /cb/ and do magic healing and stuff and we will see.
I experience frustration caused by people around me who aren't mindful. I'm mindful of my frustration and I'm aware that this frustration won't change anything, and is therefore pointless. Also, there are more mindful people and entities above me, and I've been as unmindful as them in the past. However, I can't just ignore unmindful people and their actions, especially if they have power over me (eg. boss, co-workers). Do you know some techniques of dealing with them? Or perhaps hyperfocus and attention during interaction with them is enough?
It's the most difficult to interact with people who get swayed by emotions a lot. People with a lot of weird political/mammalian mental viruses are difficult too.
Perhaps I should improve my speaking ability, although it's not even bad. It's just that, one has to be really good at speaking to interact with these people properly, no to mention help them. They have weirdly structured brain because of nurture and nature, or their neurons are controlled by their gut bacteria and they often only register memes that impact their ego, positively or negatively. If you're not super clever with words and body language, they'll eat you.
If I'm on some stimulants like l-theanine with coffee, I feel like I think and speak better. Must be some weak dopamine stimulation. I wish I could be this way all the time. Meditation improves my mindfulness and focus, but I don't know about processing speed and cleverness with words.
>I experience frustration caused by people around me who aren't mindful.
Heheh. This makes me laugh a bit because you're in a trap I only managed to notice a couple of days ago.
So. You pride yourself on your perceived mindfulness and let these people for their perceived lack of mindfulness frustrate and bother you so much.
If something outside your control can bug you so much…Are you really, honestly as mindful as you're claiming to be? The way forward and through that is acceptance. You're not going to like it but try to accept them as they are and let go of wanting them to be different. You're making yourself suffer, not them. If you MUST do something, Try sending them some positive energy through your heart chakra. Just a bit, too much can make a situation worse.
In terms of upgrading your mental RAM, you sound like you're pretty into science as well. Have you heard of Dual N-Back training? It's about the least fun thing in the world but if you stick with it, It's been shown to improve your IQ a little bit. I've noticed it gives me a little bit of a mental 'pump' that makes expression easier. Goes well with the stims too.
I don't know if it'll help you but I've reached a point where I know what reaction a person will have whenever I say anything. It's entirely automatic and stops me from being bothered people the shit people say.
For example I was on onegle for kicks today and when I revealed my moonman racist ways the stranger started insulting me. All I could do was smile due to how predictable it was and naturally that made him even more angry.
I don't know if this is what allowed me to have this understanding but every now and then I visualize my heart chakra activating in its beautiful green glow and connecting with other people's heart chakras, forming a kind of network of understanding and giving me glimpses of their joys and sorrows.
Like the taoist said, understand the differences between you and others and learn what makes different types of people tick. I use learn loosely since you'll gain an instinctive understanding but I hope you understand what I mean.
So basically you were trolling, and then you weren't surprised when the person you trolled got angry.
I think you need to take a step back and take your own head out of your ass, if your 'empathetic' ability amounts to "Hey I can say offensive things and I bet the person I talk to will be offended" then all I can say is wew fucking lad.
Honestly familia, what the fuck.
>t's about the least fun thing in the world but if you stick with it, It's been shown to improve your IQ a little bit.
Hey, you don't think like a wizard at all. You go on no-fap and reward yourself with fap or lewd pictures for doing very well on dual n-back. For example, getting to dual 3-back 100% is the first fap. Then you fap if you can do 4-back few 4 times in a row 100%.
If you're on few week no fap, your subconscious brain will quickly learn what to do. "Oh, you mean I'll get a chance to spread my genes if I do well on this silly game? m8 you should have told me from the start. I'm quadrupling my processing power, brb I'm on the way to dual 1000-back, "
I just said that I thought races have inherent differences in terms of intelligence which is supported by quite a bit of research.
Some people react well and are happy to listen to my ramblings with the occasional links but others not so much, unsurprisingly ameriburgers are more likely to get their panties in a twist about it.
But yeah I'm just an ebin troll ex de, familia smh lmao etc.
/r/occult may be more to your liking, oh enlightened one.
What are the best occult books about the magical systems of indigenous people around the world? I read secret science behind miracles and am half way through way of the shaman.
>way of the shaman
Cool book. I remember converting it to a readable pdf, it's still full of typos I think.
>magical systems of indigenous people around the world
It is speculated that Tantra is a mix between shamanistic matriarchal cults of indigenous inhabitants of India and the ritualistic patriarchal systems brought by Aryans.
Anyway Shakta Tantrism, even after millenniums of evolution, is the closest thing you can get to learning the primal magical system of the Hindus. The best entry level book would be Kali Kaula by Jan Fries. It's cohesive and beautifully written, one of a few books that actually made a difference in my education.
He also wrote some other books, also kinda primal in nature (like some Celtic stuff and something else, don't remember but it could be connected to draconian mysteries or stuff like that).
Speaking of draconian mysteries - Typhonian Thelema explores the topics of original Goddesses of mankind (because the first cults were almost exclusively feminine and lunar) so you might give it a try, I guess I'd recommend The Magickal Revival by Kenneth Grant.
Other than that - I really don't know. Maybe try some Babylonian stuff, but can't really recommend any specific book.
If the masses start believing that intelligence is determined and there's very strong correlation between intelligence and genetics, then it will become truth. This is the most obvious tenent of magic. The closer to natural laws, placebo has less power, but generally it works exactly like this.
More self-aware and educated people know about correlation between intelligence and genetics anyway. It's the less aware people who are the problem. These who were taught from pop music videos they need to snort coke on a yacht with girls to not be depressed and blow themselves up on the airports. They can't see the big picture. If people keep succeeding at dealing with their emotional problems, then the topic of correlation between intelligence and genetics will become less and less controversial. Right now you can't give people ideas. They are controlled by their emotions and given right circumstances, they would kill you and your family in sleep in the name of some random ideal they constructed for themselves to deal with existential fear. Like, I don't know, psychotic nostalgia for Renaissance Italy or Roman Empire or Quran or being oppressed and fighting for social justice.
I asked on 8ch already but here again:
Does someone have the pdf with ONA stories/poems? I had it once but I can't find it on google anymore. Thanks.
There's a really cool dude called Osho that has a lot of interesting things to say about meditation, enlightenment, and life in general. You should check him out.
That out of the way, i am trying to observe my thoughts. I have truly suceeded, and to some extent, i have distanced my self from the mind as a witness, as an observer, rather than a doer. The question is, ever since i've been doing this i have a wierd feeling in my stomach, and all the mental activity makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable.
I know that in observing there is no mental activity, but look, a random thought comes up, then my mind says this is a thought i should just observe it and then i realize this too is a thought, then i actually do observe it rather than thinking about it - and it falls into nothingness. Yet i still feel some discomfort, and as i've said, a wierd feeling in my stomach. If i had to describe it, i'd say it's something restless, a restless heat. Btw really sucks that you removed my flag
>what is library
Wasted double dubs
Osho was cool indeed! First book about meditations I've read (well not to the end) was his Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. It wasn't a book but a transcript of his lectures to be precise.
Sadly I don't know how to help you :(
No problem! You may also check out Exu book for some Voodoo shenanigans but I'm no expert on such matters and I don't know if it's the best entry-level book out there. I just heard it's pretty cool.
Also you may want to scout mega libraries, there should be at least some stuff that is within your area of interest.
>But yeah I'm just an ebin troll ex de, familia smh lmao etc.
But that's exactly what you are. There's nothing magical about what you're doing at all unless you're "le master loosh farm man".
You're really trying to be overly deep here because what you're doing is hilariously basic, and something any human being can do, while trying to prop it up as some great power.
>I just said that I thought races have inherent differences in terms of intelligence which is supported by quite a bit of research.
Again, view first post.
>Some people react well and are happy to listen to my ramblings with the occasional links but others not so much, unsurprisingly ameriburgers are more likely to get their panties in a twist about it.
Wow, people have a wide variety of reaction to things? And you can probably figure out what it will be based on their culture? We got a master here holy shit.
>/r/occult may be more to your liking, oh enlightened one.
It's so ironic you'd say this.
How exactly does the italics command work? I don't understand what to type, using [ ] and [/ ] isn't working.
Since I increased my efforts in study of magick I started getting those ear tones which happen only in left ear, minor hallucinations like small flashes of light and other things like moving people persisting for a fraction of second, these symptoms have grown in strenght and frequency since I started reading Chasing Phantoms included in one of book packages.
Just a moment ago I tried to go to sleep, an ear tone started, it lasted for about 10 seconds, then in my mind I heard many graspings of air like if someone was suffocating, suddenly after I felt very weak and drained, drugged almost, trying to overcome it resulted in fear for unknown cause. This seems very interesting, what do you think about this?
Personally, I suppose it is too much work on third eye combined with my paranoid mind. I could attract/create negative thoughtforms accidentaly. So I answered myself here, someone in similar situation may find this useful.
>That out of the way, i am trying to observe my thoughts. I have truly suceeded, and to some extent, i have distanced my self from the mind as a witness, as an observer, rather than a doer. The question is, ever since i've been doing this i have a wierd feeling in my stomach, and all the mental activity makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable.
Banishing ritual?
I've read that some magicians use extreme physical pain as a way to alter their state of mind for better magic use.
Is this actually true and what are some good methods ?
As someone who's had migraines at least once a month during the last year I can assure you it alters your state of mind but I can't imagine this has any positive effects if self inflicted.
Any positive effect I had from this was because the mental tension causing the problem in the first place wore off with time and I'm a lot clearer now.
If you want to do it as a cleansing thing, try doing the double lotus position for 1-2 hours and I can guarantee it will be extremely painful if you're new to this with stiff legs.
It is true, I used to utilize it to some extent. Basically you can use any strong stimulus for magic and pain certainly is strong.
If you cut yourself you can also use blood as a source of power for rituals (think blood pacts etc), and it certainly is a powerhouse, because blood is life. Just be weary because you also bind yourself to the spell/whatever by using your blood.
I don't really want to talk about it, but suffice to say that it is possible. You can also use it in some sort of self-metamorphosis technique when you punish your body for doing things you don't want it to.
It reminds me of Liber vel Jugorum from Thelema.
If you are masochistic then it helps a lot. Extreme pain or discomfort can bring a state of catharsis and it was to this end I used it mostly. Like, you feel pain and feed from it and it brings you ecstasy.
Even if you are not masochistic then some good ol' self mutilation can allow you to get in the control of your body and mind.
You can also combine it with sex magic if you're into that sort of thing.
As for the methods - get creative. I'd advice something that won't leave permanent traces, unless ofc you like scars and stuff then go for it.
Some methods I used were flagellation with a chain, cutting and punching myself. The technique that was most useful and left almost no traces was punching myself (with a fist with one knuckle "left out" I thing you get what I mean). You find some vital spots (like muscles on your legs and arms and the like) and punch the fuck out of them and your mind is carried away in the pleasure/pain ecstasy which can be lead to interesting meditative states.
I discourage the practice though, there are far easier methods of achieving trances or whatever. Although I got quite a bit from it - a firm grasp on my emotions which led to emotional alchemy and control over body and pain. I think it was something I had to go through in order to fix myself, like a catharsis or stuff. I haven't done it in a long long time and never plan to do it again, so take from that what you will.
You can use pain as a source of power, a method of achieving trance or ecstasy or a stick with which you beat your subconscious so that it conforms to your will.
I cut myself with heaven's blade,
inside the wound I found my wings.
Sorry anon, I just keep making the same mistake by jumping the gun and trying to redpill those who aren't ready.
I wonder if it's at all possible to create a sentence charged with the intent of halting the emotional half of peoples' minds that seems to be in control.
I thought it was just quotation marks.
>Since I increased my efforts in study of magick I started getting those ear tones which happen only in left ear, minor hallucinations like small flashes of light and other things like moving people persisting for a fraction of second, these symptoms have grown in strenght and frequency since I started reading Chasing Phantoms included in one of book packages.
Those still happen to me from time to time. I've noted that while the ringing seemingly happens at random a lot of the time, it also happens right as I start reading something like an esoteric book or opening an important looking thread.
From what I understand, it could be a sort of alarm that signals something attempting to influence you. Be on your guard for sudden bouts of drowsiness and observe your internal monologue and emotions carefully when you hear ringing in your ear.
I've sometimes used pain to rid myself of particularly nasty bad habits. What I found to work is a non distracting pain like a headache but one that is barely registrable yet constant. If you inflict your minor injury during or right after indulging in your habit, the pain will become associated with it and will make it less likely for you to revert back to it.
I'm certainly not saying that it's be best way to go, just that it is a way.
>How can a Mundane go through all this impractical, non-beginner tier and full of talk list of books?
By not reading them :^)
Seriously, no one and nothing can ever teach you anything, the knowledge is in yourself. It's just a matter of going deeper within.
What I would suggest to a beginner is not sticking to any "recommended reading list" (as if it ever turned anyone into a magician), just explore various systems for yourself. If you find something that just clicks with you then stick to it. If you don't then create your own system by harnessing your own ideas and making them work (or borrowing things that make sense for you from other systems). I suspect that in the end everyone ends up with their own personal magical system anyway.
In my opinion meditation and self-knowledge are the keys. Lucid dreaming and astral projection are also skills that come very much in handy (and they are fun too!).
Learn how to change yourself, learn how to change the world, get the power and use it, it rightfully belongs to the ones who dare to take it.
Also, the question is very hard. It's just a matter of personal preference. I've read many times that Tantra is a highway to power and that one can possibly attain just in one day of practice! Well, that wasn't a case for me. It's very subjective. In my opinion it's all about making your own path and only ever listening to oneself.
Quads are rightfully mine coz I dare to take them!
If you can charge your intentions by ejaculating, then why can't all the basement betas who fap all day to women get any?
I started off with only one book, Zhuan Falun by Li Hongzhi, a qi gong book. I've since skimmed lots of the recommended literature but this first one is still what I fall back on.
Even if they actively fantasize about getting laid and not only about a good fap, they are still trapped in a viewpoint that their thoughts can't change their environment, which basically counteracts whatever intent they may have. So, disbelief is the first thing.
Secondly, as far as I know, such people live in NEET mentality that they can't be with anyone, so they actively thoughtform their own loneliness.
It may vary, depending on a person, but these are two reasons I came up with.
Maybe this is just me, but I've found the intent of a spell to be very reliant on what tense was used when forming the intent.
In some cases I had a very firm image of what result I wanted (because I was upset and determined to fix something at once) and it was done exactly like I expected.
In some other cases I unintentionally used an intent formed as "I will do it this way", placing success in the future rather than present.
The result wasn't a failure but it didn't do what I had expected. What I'm talking of here is the kind of guidance spell which will make sure something will work out in a certain way, clearing the area allowing me to fulfill something within a near future.
The result was I learned the necessary skills needed to be able to do what I had intended as the result of the spell, the result didn't show up. Of course now I can see the possibility of this and understand maybe my forming the intent wrongly was the result of lacking information of the real situation.
Right now I don't see a path where an actual forming of the original intended result is possible.
I suppose this can be described as similar to the concept of the "veil of ignorance"; I can only make decisions based on a limited knowledge of the result of said decision. After the result has manifested I may have to revise my original intent.
>Maybe this is just me, but I've found the intent of a spell to be very reliant on what tense was used when forming the intent.
Well, usually I don't even use words in spells.
If I do (in some autosuggestions for example) I always use present tense.
Using visuals and just feeling the desired outcome proved to be more effective to me than using words, but it's just me.
>Apparently the antidote is to look at one's life, or one's meditation, with a 'beginner's, childlike mind'.
>I wonder how do I achieve it. Is this a matter of affirmation?
>Repeating the phrase that "I have beginner's mind" 1000 times
Repeating something 1000 times is certainly not a beginner/child-like thing to do! That would defeat the purpose of the exercise.
Try to look at things again with a fresh and innocent interest and try not to assume too much about anything. Doing new and different things will help too.
Really good read and it makes a lot of sense. Shame he gets a lot of flack for having a direct writing style. Some people are so easily triggered that they conflate blunt honesty with arrogance or sarcasm. I really appreciate people who write in that tone.
>So, we’ve barely scratched the surface of this subject. No, I’m not kidding. It’s really complex, as you can gather by taking a look at the scholarly literature, like Dory Heilijgers-Seelen’s work, or Gudrun Bühnemann's. It takes uncommon patience and focus to even read such work, let alone produce it. So here’s what I hope will be the result of this post: some humility. A few less claims to authority when it comes to really esoteric subjects. Maybe a few less yoga teachers trying to tell their students what the chakras are all about. Heck, I’m humbled by the complexity of the original sources, and that’s with twelve years of Sanskrit under my belt.
I wonder what him and others will discover as time goes on. Even mundane people are fascinated by the concept of chakras.
Seeking more information about some experiences I had, not sure what else to call them besides group gnosis events but I'll try to describe it
It's happened twice to me, in both cases I was in a group of about 10-15 people just chatting and being social and all effort just dissolved away, everything flowed naturally with everyone reacting immediately and spontaneously with no disharmony. It was like this magical feeling came over us and I could tell it wasn't just me because people started laughing giddily and glancing at each other knowingly, though no one openly acknowledged it (just seemed unnecessary to do so I guess)
Ive never been to mass or any other religious group ritual but I imagine based on what people have said that this is more or less the effect they try to induce
Anyone have any knowledge of this or writings could point me to? I want to learn how to induce this effect in my everyday life. I realize it's probably a lot easier to do in a more controlled group ritual setting but still there must be ways of conducting myself to increase the chances of these events occuring in natural settings.
Seems like the best place to start researching this is in church writings on liturgy and I'll probably dive into that soon, but I figured I'd leave this here in case anyone has some knowledge of this
I've been trying to astral project for a while now but I just can't seem to do it. Anyone have any tips?
It doesn't depend on the time.
When I just loose myself in the visualization and I feel that the object of my desire is already mine then I stop. It depends on your skills.
>Really good read and it makes a lot of sense
Yeah! Sadly I can't say the same for his book on Tantra. Maybe it's just not my cup of tea as he focused mostly on spiritual side of Shaivism and I'm all about magical Shaktism. He just seemed, well, very new agey "straight outta yoga class" etc. The opposite of this article tbh.
>I wonder what him and others will discover as time goes on
There already are many discoveries but it's not widely known, save for the scholars of Tantra. Western occultists have been borrowing bits and pieces from the Eastern systems for over a hundred years but they never quite got it right so it's better to learn straight from the source.
It happened to me on several occasions on parties. Yeah, everything seemed to flow naturally, we experienced synchronicites and hive mind I sometimes had with my friends was more pronounced. No one was very magical at the time though, so perhaps it just happened, right mix of mood, spontaneity and alcohol. Never tried to replicate the feeling because it never seemed very advantageous to me, sure it was fun, but actively trying to strengthen my connection to others isn't like me :^)
What methods of projection did you use?
Some resources, the Astral Pulse forums are great, sometimes more mundane, sometimes less but the techniques work and there is no bigger repository of experiences and tutorials on the web, the pdf I linked is a bit mundane too, but it works nevertheless.
Also, meditation and trancing helps a lot.
I usually just know it will work, 100% certainty when I get it right.
Holding that image firm I draw the sigil on the ground (just using my foot on a dirt road) and then I get a feeling like it "clicked into place". Then I erase the sigil at once and walk home.
It's always been successful when I've done it like this.
I'm the anon that had the problem with the neighbors barking dogs. Sometime after I posted here looking for solutions I tried asking him to take them in and he flipped out, wanted to fight me. I then decided to try putting myself into a future(but from my perspective, present) tense where they moved and I am feeling glad about it, whenever the situation would cross my mind. Days later there was a for rent sign in their front yard and they started packing their shit and leaving. They no longer live there as of this weekend. It worked great and compared to other things I have done or tried to do was very easy and had fast and clean results. Just wanted to share what I did in case any other lurkers here have a problem that needs fixed.
I have some questions concerning psychedelic substances.
I've experimented sparingly with LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, and from what I've observed, they seem to pull the user out of Saturnian consciousness and provide him with an experience that is polarized towards certain primordial forces.
For example, LSD appears to be primarily solar, being that it promotes a very fixed and balanced sense of Apollonian awareness. The mushrooms, on the other hand, seem far more lunar and mercurial as they immerse the user in a very fluid experience without a strong sense of self-awareness.
Aside from these observations, however, I've noticed some distinctly magical (ie realty bending) aspects to these experiences that still mildly perplex me, which brings me to my questions.
Where does the psychedelic experience fit into occult pursuits, and how exactly do the metaphysical effects differ between substances?
My trips have for sure had a significant positive impact on my esoteric development, but I'm inclined to believe that excessive usage of these substances would ultimately be detrimental. Is this a valid assumption?
Any theories or speculations are more than appreciated.
Can't help you with the archetypal nature of the substances, but I would agree on your categorization of LSD as more solar, and mushrooms as more lunar. My experience was very similar.
Regarding the usage for esoteric means, I do have to say that every time I used them (2 times lsd, 1 time mushroom, each about a year apart) I had great epiphanies and understandings.
However, the way that I did it, looking back, was very careful and considerate. So my results are nothing but beneficial. My friend however, seemed to have some bad trips. The main difference that I saw between us, is that he had no intent(at least that I would know of), and his trips went in to weird paranoia states.
This led me to believe that the fact that I was pretty clear about my intent before the each trip made them beneficial to me.
However, out of instinct and consideration, I would never consider using them on a frequent basis. Don Juan Matus talked about that these substances are dangerous, and that they usually have to be given to the "stupid" to snap them out of it. I might not be as radical, but I can see where he is coming from.
I think they work in the simple way of turning on more connections, like some scientists discovered. That can be a good thing, if you know your goal, and you use the window of opportunity to find some stuff out, heal yourself and so on. That is kinda shittty, if you get lost and just establish some bullshit connections.
I am planing of taking some this summer again, it has been a few years now. I never had as much esoteric knowledege and experience like I have now, so I want to ask some specific questions and do some experiments on that.
Also, fundamentally, I think these substances show what is possible, but using them all the time is a simple crutch problem.
I've recently been given a sigil from dubious sources for evoking.
What are the worst-case outcome that can happen if i summon with it?
That you fall asleep in the illusions that evoking things is good or bad or that you are tempted to make a choice that gives you a quick fix of satisfaction for your desires.
Stay cynical and question everything.
I absolutely agree about the importance of intent.
I went into my most recent (and largest dosage) mushroom experience very casually without any real purpose in mind, and that lack of focus sent me spiraling into a "bad trip" and I could clearly tell that I was being punished for not approaching the mushroom with enough reverence.
In the end, however, I'm still largely grateful for the experience, because I came out of it more healed and with more wisdom than any prior psychedelic journey. Looking back I'm pretty confident that it was necessary for me to brave my way through my own worst nightmare in order to learn what I did about myself and the universe. It was essentially a very intense Nigredo, and was aptly followed by an incredibly blissful Albedo.
In that regard I don't think a "bad trip" is an inherently bad thing, but I definitely agree that these substances should be used carefully and one should be wary of imprinting themselves with harmful perspectives in the states they evoke.
Here. I've started doing the Cultivating Male Energy exercises. In the first three times I've already was able to observe the rise and fall of the testes. I'm in the first one, the one where you breath air into the balls.
But unfortunately, I'm fapping again. Today I didn't do it, but yesterday and before i did.
Feeling I was a Little low on energy I've done a meditation focusing on the muladhara chakra, breathing in and repeating OM 108 times, using a japamala to count.
Is this helpful in some way to the daoist practices?
Can someone help me with the fapping problem?
Cultivating sexual energy increases lust. Of course.
Raise the energy, circulate it. Pour it through your heart or store it in your belly/lower dantien.
When trying to AP, and flowing energy into my third eye. it starts getting incredibly bright and my eyelids start trying to open themselves against my will, anyone have anything similar happen?
Um. I just do the Microcosmic Orbit/envision it flowing up my back to my head, then (with tongue touching roof of mouth, perineum flexed) down the front and into the lower dantien.
I don't have much of a specific technique but Mantak Chia stuff has it… I don't recall where though.
I know The Multi-Orgasmic Man is where I learned to draw the energy up, and the cool draw in the Cultivating Male Sexual Energy book is the basic thing.
Then for MCO, it's probably explained in Awaken Healing Light of the Tao, or in any case, definitely in the pdf contained in http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/108.html
this thread. (control+f pdf)
My patience is running thin with the amount of disinfo, pseudo-wisdom and other crap perpetually propagated on 'occult' communities.
Commanding pure power is something none of these worthless 'spiritual teachers' you see everywhere are capable of beyond their cults and none of these 'magic books' ever teach in full and comprehensible detail. Knowledge seems to be severely fragmented to the point where one specific teaching can't effectively and quickly lead to the developments of true abilities like major telekinesis. I do not accept rumors such as Tibetan monks or Indian hobo yogis having any kind of significant abilities. There is also nothing special about pranic nourishment - it is just the default, non-degenerate diet.
Also, legit knowledge of power doesn't include rubbish. No mysticism, no mythology, no philosophy, no 'history', no culture, no Tarot, no Kabala, no rituals, no altars, no robes, no incense, no sigils, no memes and other junk that keeps polluting the mind by installing artificial limitations and toxic thoughts.
It was never a question of possibility, but of probability. As it is now, there are plenty of low level magic users who keep on circling in the same pool and deluding themselves and their students into thinking they've reached the pinnacle of their evolution.
Cool. Do you think reading The Multi Orgasmic Man still necessary after reading Cultivating Male Sexual energy?
What did you expect? Anyone who found anything worthwhile wouldn't shitpost on an imageboard about it. Be the first ever if you care.
>no sigils, no memes
You don't seem to understand the potential of these. Sigils are among the oldest and most well known forms of communication with non physical entities, they naturally know how to read them and know what to look for.
Apart from that sigils can be used to control massive things if formed correctly with the right mindset in the right context. It's the perfect "user interface."
Disregarding memes as "rubbish" is an equally huge mistake. Instead of having to tell people something every time as an order inside an organization you control when you want something done, which in itself is pretty limited, you can, with the help of correctly designed memes, control the everyday acts of entire populations with no effort at all, apart from the initial designing and spreading of the meme.
You seem to lack of in-depth understanding of the things you criticize.
If all the books and discussion about them are worthless then how am I supposed to learn enough to achieve greatness? I'm not being cheeky, if you got some better way I would love to know it.
Whats the surest/easiest way to have a paranormal experience?
During my 7 days nofap I've was able to experience selflessness during meditation and seen a pink brainy thing while doing 3rd eye opening breathing. When I opened my real eyes it was still there and I've freaked out and interrupted the procedure for fear of having permanent hallucinations.
But its been almost a month now and I'm starting to rationalize…
If you have so much trouble just talk to your higher self.the book of knowledge has a chapter on it which can be found on /library/
I grow my own mushrooms and eat them once or twice a month. I love taking them and just walking into nature, it feels so wonderful to walk around the forest and talk to them, and just stop to look the ants doing their stuff so diligently. Reminds me that the world is not always people and confusion and chaos and human societies.
On the other hand, I believe it is possible to achieve a certain level of "understanding" with meditation and other "sober" practices, but it seems to take a long of time. I guess me and other people prefer to take drugs rather than work for years to achieve the same feeling-
>I guess me and other people prefer to take drugs rather than work for years to achieve the same feeling
Huh, I never did psychedelics (only sticked to "feels good" drugs) for the very reason that I wanted to achieve some higher state of consciousness by my own efforts. I think that in the long run it's more beneficial, but I don't have anything against drugs obviously.
My friend is soon taking LSD for the first time, do you have any advices for him or for me (I'll most likely be baby sitting him during the trip)?
Since i read here that NAP names are for Hebrew entities or creatures which are STS , and many other books talk about writing around your circle of protection certa
in names of god, which names are safe to be used for protection? Could i use Jesuschrist as a name for this? Or perhaps entities such as St. George which is used by Bearheart?
>I am forced to do this work all by myself while being surrounded by vermin and people who are content with the status-quo.
Again I don't know what you expect. Most who finds some sort of power in this kind of stuff will immediately go and use it to their advantage without telling anyone, or at least starting a cult with this new information. This isn't some kind of secret club and anything that's in public record, as in anything you can find online, are recordings from people who never actually "made it". Either become a shitposter or a namefaggot who think they know something. By the time someone makes a 12 step program of /fringe/ material, it's too late anyway. You're either the guy who looks for gold on his own, or you're one of the lemmings who come after someone else strikes gold.
>Comparable to side wheels on a bike at best. An evolved being is above this.
Because if you're following
>Ruthless ambition for greatness
you shouldn't be worried about using methods that are "below you", if they get the job done they are good enough. You're not really "ruthless" if you care about what method to use based on some dogmatic idea of your own greatness.
> I am forced to do this work all by myself while being surrounded by vermin and people who are content with the status-quo.
Funny. I every time I start threads it causes lots of rage and rarely any support. I would have remembered you from your tone if you had been there.
>Funny. I every time I start threads it causes lots of rage and rarely any support. I would have remembered you from your tone if you had been there.
You know smiley, most posters start wondering if anything you say about magick is true considering you still struggle with mundane shit
There's a meditation in the meditations thread that makes a poltergeist throw things at you.
That might work, though it might be dangerous.
Plenty of other dangerous stupid things.
You could also try divination with cards, tarot or oracle cards. That's pretty easy.
You could get a reiki session or attunement and feel energy more strongly if you don't.
You could find someone and play with them energetically.
For him: be in a good mindset, meditate beforehand if possible, have a purpose for the trip if possible. Be heart-centered if possible.
Well, I'm not a heavy tripper but this is what helped me.
No idea about sitting, never did it, never had it done.
Maybe devise something to keep your friend rooted in reality if things go south.
Like a bad trip of mine made me wonder if everything was my hallucination and I was in a coma from this or that NDE I went through, things like that.
So for me I'd have maybe said "you're okay, you're on earth, you've done this or that, you're not being punished, you're not in purgatory, you're not whatever."
Now though, I can hold on mostly fine, having gotten over a lot of the silly fears/not caring if I'm already dead or not taking responsibility for silly things I might think I might have done and am being punished for, knowing it's an illusion and worst case, the sin is spread amongst all beings and we're waking up to the higher planes of reality where that doesn't exist.
That's a good question. I've used Jesus to good protection effect in dreams, having been raised Catholic and having had that faith. Works for me but I haven't worked with summoning entities, just bringing in archetypal god/angel-energies.
Not him but the answer is to just look within yourself and follow your intuition.
Books can describe techniques in general terms like how to create protective shields or create weapons in the astral as manifestations of your will in order to remove entities that try to fuck with you but every wizard knows intuitively how to do it because the old trope of "do what feels right to you" works throughout your path.
Another example is the fire element stuff in the IIH. The book gives basic instructions on how to invoke it but I have found through practice that on cold, stormy days like today, creating a sphere of the fire element around your body is more effective at warming me up than just filling my body with the stuff. I can only assume that this is because at the edges of your elemental constructs they leak out somewhat. This further leads me to assume that in order to make things levitate I will need to envelop them in the air element rather than just fill them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you need an analytical, scientific mindset when doing wizardry in order to broaden your understanding. All the grimoires in the world won't help you if you can't form your own conclusions.
My first advice would be to make sure your friend is absolutely relaxed. If you have plenty of LSD, you can start with 50mg (usually half a blotter) to 1) make sure he won't freak out under the effect and 2) make sure that the substance is indeed LSD and not something else being passed as acid (nbomes or DOB for example)
I think the best place to try these things is nature, being there are very few threatening things that you can freak out about. For instance in your house you've got people, tv, clutter, and generally an abundance of negative thoughtforms. Nature is quite balanced and peaceful, it is a good place to start. Swimming under the effect of LSD is amazing, and 50mg will not take you too far away from reality.
Make sure you guys have sugar around, it is really nice to eat a muffin or cake when you are high on LSD. Also get a collection of his favorite music, he will probably enjoy listening to them again under a different mindset and discover things he hadn't noticed before on every song.
I agree to a certain extent about drugs being a "shortcut", kinda like "Hey let's see what can i achieve with meditation and hard work" and once you see where you want to go,you work hard to get there without the use of drugs.
I smoke weed on a regular basis because it is the only drug (save certain strong SSRIs) that makes me happy with myself and everything, and makes me want to enjoy life and help other people. Usually i'm in a depressed mood and I don't feel like talking to anyone or even leaving my house, and smoking weed lifts a heavy weight off my shoulders, it makes me want to jump, to do cartwheels, to approach women and tell them how beautiful they are and how beautiful life is.
I don't know how many years would it take for me to reach such a state of mind without the aid of these substances…
Is this community so small there can only be one person using each rank/symbol? What is then the point of anonymity, if you think this way?
Or do you imply noone else besides me and fringe wizard considers themselves at the skill level to use this rank? Is this why I so rarely see any rank symbols? You're all fedoras or neophytes with an inferiority complex and need to hide this by using a rankless ideological symbol instead?
Meditation is something that I will obviously do! :*
But I never tried or even studyed anything about Thoughtforms…
Look up for "Sacred Geometry" o know the details of symbolism of all platonic solids if you want to know more.
About that particular image it's merely speculation but I see an hexagon, wich usually represents creation and upside triangle wich represents masculinity.
A hexagram(not directly present in the image) is sometimes interpreted as sexual act with the upside and downside triangles representing respectvely the male and female genitals. Comparing your picture to more "complete" version like the Metatron's cube the biggest straight lines missing are the ones that represent the downside triangle. So that picture could represent the lack of femininity.
But honestly that's just a mere speculation and there is not much to analise there.
>Is this community so small there can only be one person using each rank/symbol?
Pretty much yes for most flags.
We all know that the only one using "Montalk(classic)" is the Librarian and there are 1 or 2 using "Wizard(satanist)" flag and one of them is Alpam.
There are like 2 or 3 using "Wizard(Chaos Magician)" flag and 2 of them sometimes switch to "Wizad(Erisian)" to shitpost.
"Anon" has the most users because they don't bother to change it and every other flag has 0, 1 or (rarely) 2 users.
Swich to "Anon" flag if you anonimity. and those ranks are as ideological and meaningful as any other flag symbol.
BTW you can't trick us Smiley :^) We know it's you
Is it worth trying to continue with the practices in "Way of the Shaman"? I already had to go out and make a rattle for the first practices, now I need to have some empty wilderness to spend a day in and another person who has also read the book. There is no wilderness around me that isn't someone else's property and the odds of finding someone who has read this book are low.
Should I just ignore the suggestion and do it without another person?
If one had the power to do so, wouldn't that person spend that on making his life better?
Completely ceasing to exist is impossible as there are higher powers maintaining your existence. Causing your own death is actually simple but it would be a really bad idea to try. Can I assume that you are suffering a deep emotional or physical pain? If so, I advise you to make a question of how to deal with your particular problem instead.
That question is so broad that I can only answer it with an equally broad answer: "Do what thy Will". Google that sentence if you don't know the deeper meaning behind it.
Since you are so good at concentration maybe astral projection could be somenthing fun and meaningful for you to do, but that's just my personal opinion.
"Magical Use Of Thought Forms" is the most complete book about thougtforms I have found so far. You can find it here: >>>/library/1 under "Dark Tablarium".
There is also a short very resumed instruction I made here: >>396
Enveloping and filling, I'd probably try both at the same time.
I wonder if that makes it less effective.
Makes me wanna post using the Initiate flag.
I've been sticking to 1 flag for the most part lately.
You seem correct.
And ooh when I looked for the initiate flag I found one I wanna use that I haven't seen before~
Tried to send you some loosh yesterday after reading the message but was stoned, so dunno if I didn't fuck it up. Especially because I fell asleep during the process. Tbh sobriety is a way to go when meditating/doing magics or whatever for me.
Thoughtforming is just thinking really, but in a specific way and with specific intensity. Yeah, magical use of thoughtforms has great exercises but I didn't like the theory part.
The easiest method of thoughtforming - imagine something you want to happen, pour emotions into it, concentrate on it. Congratz you have created a thoughtform.
Servitors and tulpas are also thoughtforms.
>He's not Canadian.
Maybe Smiley actually managed to teleport himself to his dwarf gf to rape her, you never know.
Still haven't figured out that "pour emotions" that everyone talks about, because I'm still on my early development. :)
But I do plan on studying that soon enough, know where I can look for that specificaly?
- -
My trip yesterday only started kicking like 4 hours later (don't even know why, it was realy good acid).
I even went for a walk at night, nothing. Listened to music, nothing. Meditated but nothing very special. And then I went to bed.
I had the most awesome "Counsciousness Elevation" (for lack of a better term) I could ever think of. (Maybe your loosh worked?? :*)
Thank you all for being so kind! :)
I don't really understand the hype around shrooms. Fungi are seriously ayys, just check out their DNA, and their goals are unclear, at least to me. The only time I did shrooms started off fair, until it was clear that I had invited a shroom entity to hangout behind the scenes by tripping on shrooms. I wouldn't have a problem with this, but it started implanting the idea into my head that I should grow my own mushrooms and invite my more sober friends to try them. I felt like I couldn't gather the real intent behind this entity despite the questions I asked either.
So… I was in a certain mood (a bit confused and angry) a while back and I did a spell. I simply asked "explain the whole lot to me." Basically.
Then when I was half awake in the morning I got some words into my mind. Now I can't remember the exact words because they wre nonsense. One of them was "Rihanna." Anyway I typed them into google and new I was looking for something that was supposed to be in the list. I think the 5th or 6th hit had a PDF right there.
So what is this?
Smells like bullshit just by reading the
part. If this book does what it claims, then people should refer it to people they know on their own. That's what the RAW in my says at least.
How should I understand the fact that adaptogen herbs like ginseng have positive psychoactive effect "for free"? Usually you've got to pay for high of stimulants or depressants in some way. There's always some crash, hangover, depletion, tolerance. I always believed swing to the right must be countered by swing to the left.
Whether it's coffee, LSD, alcohol, listening to songs, or even watching porn online or having sex, one has to pay back for breaking the balance in some way. Stuff like ginseng or l-theanine, rhiodola rosea all feel like a philosopher's stone in that they give you (weak) high supposedly for free. Where is the hook?
To give more specific example. Usually I sleep 9 hours and feel confused for a while at the morning. With ginseng I wake up refreshed after about 7 hours 30 min. When ginseng stops working, I go back to 9 hours of sleep. There's no crash or anything. And at times it feels as noticeable as coffee 24/7.
It makes me wonder so much because it conflicts with my belief about artificial ways of altering one's consciousness. That in the end everything must be paid for eventually and there's no such thing as free healthy high.
>I made the twinflames flag for twinflames
Thanks (:
though, I haven't managed to stay with one of my twins yet.
>Still haven't figured out that "pour emotions"
Easy, just make yourself feel the emotions you want associated with it. Feeling of gratitude, feeling of determination, satisfaction, that kinda stuff.
Though I'm sure someone else could elaborate better since I haven't read the book.
Hmm… I wonder what their goal is.
I eat plenty of shrooms (nonpsychedelic)
>That's like saying that you are going to pay in some way for eating healthy.
Ginseng works like coffee but all day for months.
Coffee works for 1 hour, causes crash, and has really bad tolerance build-up.
Don't you see something just not quite right here?
Okay then. My life has been a lie. Apparently there are psychoactive substances that have no negative effects and I'm stupid for not taking them. I discovered mainly ginseng for now. What else is there?
350mg panax ginseng radicis extractum siccum once a day, for 30 days. At least 3 month breaks just in case, but some people take it more often and apparently it still works?
Yes, I wanted to microdose LSD or shrooms. However, I have no connections. I don't know about dark net. Even if I somehow made it without getting caught, what if it's laced or something else?
Well I suppose you could bathe the sponges and blots in gasoline or something but I doubt you'd get refered to such a dealer if you give your new friend an honest smile.
>It's legal until you water it.
pretty sure you can be put under surveillance for suspicion to commit illegal activities
like buying 500lbs of fertilizer isn't illegal but unless you have a big farm you're going to get watched for it
Discrete packages.
It's not like they front "PSYCHEDELIC MYCELIUM" along with the stamp for ads.
>Still haven't figured out that "pour emotions" that everyone talks about, because I'm still on my early development. :)
Just feel the emotions. Imagine some situation for example, imagine how would you feel in it (or how you want to feel in it) and actually feel it. It is also the simplest (and arguably the best) method of emotion alchemy too. If you git gud enough you will be able to invoke certain feelings instantaneously.
Quite like this >>2299 anon said
>Though I'm sure someone else could elaborate better since I haven't read the book.
There is not much to elaborate on tbh as far as practice goes.
In my opinion the magical use of thoughtforms isn't the best as far as practical, simple and down-to-earth uses are concerned. It teaches you lots of other stuff though and aims to boost your visualization capabilities, so it's very worthwhile. The exercises regarding the astral temple in it are nothing though compared to Rowe's "Short Course in Scrying". In it you create a whole world and work to experience it in your astral body and also fill it with some living creations. Dope stuff, started working on it.
Anyway, I think that if you want to work with your emotions (and I think that it is necessary, some claim that all magic is focused emotion) then I'd recommend "The Law and the Promise" by Goddard. It gives strong WWA vibe which I don't like, but it described fairly cohesively a method of reality manipulation via thoughtforming which is very basic, fun and effective. Give it a go if you'd like.
Got to go do my meditations and go to sleep. It was a very fun, action-oriented day, but I didn't have much time to do any studying though :(
I guess I just don't want it badly enough right now, because I can't be bothered to fuck with darknet and bitcoins. I guess I'd have to set up a lot of shit.
I also wonder if perhaps music will sound worse after psychedelic experience. I spend a lot of time with it and I wouldn't like to ruin it
oh, no friend. on weed, shrooms (which i recommend) and acid you'll feel each vibration in your soul and every note stirs an emotion.
after a couple of times its a skill you'll have developed to know it sober.
you'll be alble to channel the music like energy through the body, every sound unique, if you've also into kundalini you can translate it into movement.
Why are so many people on these boards treating drugs like it's some normal thing to do?
Not only is it illegal in most places, it also damages your body and more specifically your brain in all sorts of ways.
>Source: I had a room mate who did hash, mushrooms, pills, whatever. He turned out completely fucked in the head and had to drop out. Took him years to recover. He later got into body building instead.
If you feel you have a need for drugs, you have some serious issues to deal with, and this is not the solution. All you're doing is running from whatever you should be doing.
Do you consume alcohol from time to time?
Because you drink, are you an alcoholist? Is casual drinking ruining your life, setting you in debt, alienating your family & friends, ruining your life?
Drugs are a tool, like music and incense.
It is THE tool for expanding your mind.
Not everyone is in need to abuse going from cleaning to anorexia to TV, an addict.
Because most people here are millennials or at least young and the media is full of pro-drug propaganda.
I don't think it's terrible to do drugs, but if you're doing them to not be bored, then that's terrible. I'll drink and smoke just a little bit socially, and I do psychedelics alone. I think since drugs alter your state of mind and consciousness, they can be used to assist in magick, but only as a kick in the right direction. Eventually you should be able to induce the high without needing the drugs.
I think it's about balance. It's not good for you, but it can help in the rare occasion. You should always be thinking "can I stop using this today and be fine" and do long streaks of sobriety.
>i think the people who are okay with drugs are just millennials
>but not me, i do drugs and its ok
> Is casual drinking ruining your life, setting you in debt, alienating your family & friends, ruining your life?
Basically, yes.
Well not me personally, I don't drink, but I knew people who even drank themselves to death by "casual" drinking.
You don't need to add substances to change your state of awareness, anything your body/brain can use can be produced in the proper non-harmful quantity internally by your own body.
Have you ever been really in love? Been nervous or excited? Any strong emotional experiences can produce these results completely without external substances.
>but I don't have anyone to love etc
You can visualize and produce the same results. Once you learn how to project this on other people you will find most will give you a telepathic emotional feedback, even if they are completely unaware of this function and do it unintentionally.
I practice this on strangers all the time, trying to see some positive side of another person and sending them a positive feeling accordingly. Doing this with some care can completely change a social environment from tense to relaxed and friendly, and you can make someone feel in love with you as well if you want.
Luciferianism is one path towards enlightenment.
Literally means to light up, light, Luciferianism, light bringer.
Connections can be drawn to Kundalini, which is the end results of all paths if one is pure or dedicated enough to channel it.
You can, but it's not as interesting and nothing will broaden your perspective like weed or shrooming, they tear the conditioning down and let's you see a horizon full of color and opportunity that years of meditation and contemplation MIGHT grant.
Lucifer, lightbringer*
Disregard all scripture, the rulers want you stupid.
To have the light is to be enlightened, it is to be like a god amongst cattle with the doors in the heavens for you to view and pass through.
> it also damages your body and more specifically your brain in all sorts of ways.
This is only partially true. You're generally correct but it definitely depends on the drug, how much you take, and how nourished your body is. For instance, I would never dose on anything without gaining an understanding of what nutrients it uses as a resource. Most people assume that the drug functions as needed and never supplement in general. The truth is that the more powerful the drug, the more nutrients are expended as it takes affect. People who take it more often than they should and before their body has recovered from prior uses end up wasting away; ergo, they're abusing drugs with or without realizing it.
The reason why shrooms and LSD get a safer rating than most is because (at least with shrooms), shrooms for the most part supply what they expend. Psilocin uses the serotonin receptors to take affect. Therefore, as long as your serotonin receptors are in good shape you should be fine.
>You don't need to add substances to change your state of awareness, anything your body/brain can use can be produced in the proper non-harmful quantity internally by your own body.
I completely agree. Although it's fun to skip ahead so-to-speak. Whatever good experiences I do have, I try to use the memory of those positive experiences and replicate them. It's fun to play with the mood in a setting.
There are only results and not results.
Egyptians used a variety of drugs, cocain amongst them.
>the land of kush
Siberian shamans drink reindeerspecialbrew and visit the astral.
Amazon, Datura, DMT, mushrooms, peyote
Middle eastern Sufi chew kat and smoke hasch.
However you look at it various drugs have been used to alter states of mind worldwide by practitioners of the art, each drugs raises your vibration in a different way for different purposes, being steadfast of mind is not denying extrasensory experience, it is having the mental fortitude of using without abusing.
To be a great practitioner is to be able to be the calm in the introduced storm, in any way this storm presents itself, and guide the lightning.
Say no to needles but accept what the Earth is offering you
I implore you to reconsider your stance on drugs if you want to not just progress like an avalanche but progress at all.
>being steadfast of mind is not denying extrasensory experience, it is having the mental fortitude of using without abusing.
This reasoning is just an excuse to not take control and abandon something keeping you from getting there. I never told anyone to not have experiences, real experiences.
>but progress at all
There is no progress in using drugs, unless you want to progress downwards.
>each drugs raises your vibration in a different way for different purposes
That's not what "raising vibration" usually means, you're redefining the concept to suit your addiction.
When using a drug you're not fully in control of your body or your mind. Using them as some kind of exercise in control is a flawed argument. The real issue is not falling for the drug to begin with.
I thoroughly disagree.
What makes you think experiences on drugs are any less real?
>>When using a drug you're not fully in control of your body or your mind
Depends on how good a wizard you are.
Drugs kickstart spirituality, a few puffs of green and you'll feel energy like its molten rock through your limbs, directing it effortlessly to create the most powerful thoughtforms, power to change or reinvent yourself or experience a deeper level of introspection, clear energetic pathways of blocks, shrooms and you'll reach insights you would never have otherwise, sitting on a rock and finding youself, finding acceptance and love of yourself and all around, being one with the forest and world around you, have elaborate discussions with spirits like you would your girlfriend at the morning table, LSD could have you physically interact with the universe through thought or allow telepathy.
You do as you wish.
Look goy Judeo-Christian values say all drugs (except alcohol and tobacco of course these are kosher) are bad and will send you to hell.
Get with the program or go to hell, G-d help your goy-soul.
>That's not what "raising vibration" usually means, you're redefining the concept to suit your addiction.
No I mean in the most literal sense, drugs are chemicals, bindings, of very high frequency, they, while active, makes you vibrate according to their frequencies. Plants evolved over millennia containing certain chemicals that can be used for the very purpose of raising your vibration, making your body assimilate its vibration for a while.
DMT is of so high frequency it dislodges the soul and spirit to the realms closest to the other side, allowing you to take back wisdom and love or terror depending on success or not. Success depending on how you navigate the storm, therefore to properly utilize drugs you must have extreme mental fortitude.
I do not recommend mundanes drugs. Most would go mad.
>>This reasoning is just an excuse to not take control and abandon something keeping you from getting there.
In some way i agree with this, it is a faulty answer to my statement but I agree, drugs can be an excuse to not take control, it can keep you down, if you abuse, or use improperly.
Out of curiousity, where is "there"? Are you saying we're all heading towards the same goal, isn't this an opposition to what you adviced me earlier, "my path/goal"?
Further, not all paths are the same, some must stumble, others fall entirely, walk around in the dark woods or off a cliff before they reach the peak.
>>There is no progress in using drugs, unless you want to progress downwards.
>>Using them as some kind of exercise in control is a flawed argument.
Never stated this. I said they let you experience, what you draw from your experience depends solely on yourself.
>>When using a drug you're not fully in control of your body or your mind
Again, depends on how good of a wizard you are, you could be tripping balls and then decide you've had enough, breathe in light and out foreign influences and be sober within five minutes.
>> The real issue is not falling for the drug to begin with.
Some sort of fallacy.
>why do i bother
Because I owed you. We're even now wheather you decide to take something to heart from this conversation or not.
> finding acceptance and love of yourself and all around, being one with the forest and world around you, have elaborate discussions with spirits like you would your girlfriend at the morning table
I already do this with no drugs. Which is the reason I persist in my claim they are not needed.
>Out of curiousity, where is "there"? Are you saying we're all heading towards the same goal, isn't this an opposition to what you adviced me earlier, "my path/goal"?
I recognize fully everyone has their own goal, but there are similarities, at least in the beginning stages. Of course it wasn't me who found your question, I only applied a method to narrow it down a bit.
>about the rest
You know Gandhi was living in celibate but he used to sleep with 2 girls in his bed, in his own words "to resist the tempation."
How did he resist something, if he brought them there? He should have resisted even bringing them.
Maybe I misunderstood what you were talking of. Above was an example of something similar.
>>why do i bother
Right. ;)
I'm here for the practice mostly, it's more a matter of seeing what works and what don't, I don't consider it a service so don't think about it.
How would I go about feeding an egregore without losing my own loosh?
I need to make a god more powerful.
I've been online way longer than chans, I'll do what I want on my internet.
Judging by your flag, if it's Kek you are talking about he is already very powerful as he is now.
You can feed egregores with random astral creatures you capture but that would be Service To Self/Left Hand Path if you care about that.
Animal sacrifice.
Work it into a terror and slit it's throat while channeling it's energy to desired entity.
Make a seal/sigil for the entity in metal (scatters more than it can attract) and submerge the solid pepe shape in a shallow tub of blood.
Let stand for a few days.
It's what the Jews did, blood libel, what NWO does now in the groove, what pagans used to do, what Jews & Muslims still do through "Kosher" slaughter and chanting, tieing the energy to their corrupted practitioners of God/All.
Can you use it? Really, really use it?
Do you make a sigil of the roach, roll it with flow in a trance, inhale not just the matter but essence and direct the exhale?
Cool rant, you're right.
There are however properties to certainaterials, say, for example silk, which insulates against etheric energy, wear a hat of silk and you won't be able to connect to others nor they you, a robe of silk and you won't leak loosh, blanket while sleeping and your soul can't leave the body for astral travels nor can entities fuck you with dreams, succubi won't reach you etc.
There's lots of bullshit but most things are complementary tools and fulfill a purpose.
Yeah, your body is trying to reflect in rhe material what is going on in the ethereal, it's trying to do a mudra, a lock, locking or focusing energy to, in this case you're trying to look with your eyes towards your third.
Relax and let it happen, it'll increase the power and focus by a lot.
Get me the resources for a 3x3 meter sigil, 9 cm thick, the lines in wrought metal, form filled with a mix of wax, epoxy, buckets of blood aligned with purpose of sigil at time of the animals death, chips of quarts, crystals at key points, meditated with to heal after cutting and to implant intent and a few buckets of various metal filings and I'll give you what you want, for a price..
Any non-bullshit guides/information on creating a egregore/tulpa that won't leave me a husk drained of all loosh?
Manifesting reality? Law of attraction?
With a 30% success rate you ought to be happy, pouring energy into a scenario in the astral promotes the coming of said event but only if things align to allow it.
The more emotion and energy you tie to x person doing or going y the more likely it is to pull the strings of their subconscious to meet someone or fall over a rock down a cliff.
More energy. More emotion. The right emotion for the scenario.
Do energy work prior to thoughtforming.
Raise Kundalini, draw energy from breath in a circuit to legs to lower spine to heart while channeling male energy from the sun down the crown, let it merge at heart chakra and direct energy from heart, from within your aura/soul to the thoughtform.
Trick is keeping the three circuits flowing strong enough to feel a pulse of warmth.
That's why weed, which also boosts energy.
No. Willpower directs energy, emotion is energy. In its various forms it's still more raw concentrated power, and easier to connect and tie to, than thought energy which is the skeleton of the thoughtform while emotion is the breath of life.
Another good thing is to manifest from the point of view that -thing- has already happened and you will attract it into your reality.
Willpower can only be properly utilized if you're doing service to others, in unity with the universe, in a flow that doesn't break.
Service to self breaks the flow.
It's part of the cleansing ritual, it's more than just puking and tripping, even for mundanes because of it.
Gold contains elements of yellow and white, third chakra is stability and comfort in self, white light is all other colors, balance and perfection.
Gold is also a material manifestation of spirit, highest frequency, consciousness, God/All.
My friend keeps telling me that when he's depressed zodiac gods keep feeding off of him. He himself knows it sounds strange but he refuses to call them anything else. He's had problems with negs in the past so I know he's had real trouble, but this just sounds bizarre so I'm wondering if I can ask for general input on this.
>pic related is my reaction imagining the Olympians themselves kicking him while he's feeling down
Good thing you put that table back, or I'd have had to do it.
Nah it's not that hard. Buy a bitcoin on some site thru depositing in a bank or using bitcoin atm or something is the most complicated thing.
It does take some time/research, but it's pretty easy overall. I'd just go with ordering spores and growing em.
& there's one guy who sells extracts in alcohol which is nice.
>See David Icke on the subject.
what does he say? in brief?
pretty sure it's determined by when an admin comes in and archives this thread, that there isn't a cap or not one that will be reached.
It's 'supposed' to cap at 750 like 8ch did, but that's just for convenience.
Any plant has an entity association, especially so for the psychoactive ones.
Sacred herb. Invoke/Evoke Santa Maria, treat it as sacred, breathe in with a 3-split inhale, dedicated to Father [higher self] Son [self] Holy Spirit [divine spark]. See if that doesn't make you trip hard.
cool. prob not gonna do that since I do similar already, but interesting.
wew. Silk, huh. I should try that.
oh, hm. I get that when people are doing reiki on me. I start radiating heat and eyelids fluttering with eyes upward. Interesting.
Because they want easy solutions that require no work or study. We seriously need quality control to stop this board from becoming 8ch's fringe, or even worse, 4chan's /x/.
I think the FAQ needs to be more blatant. It's really easy to skip over the red text. The sticky post should act as an introduction instead of a bunch of links.
How to quit smoking marijuana cold turkey?
Also, best energy working system for a beginner to heal the body and spark activity?
Lastly, what's a good fruits/veggie guideline diet which takes into account vitamins and macros?
Thanks /fringe/, many blessings upon all our houses.
>Also, best energy working system for a beginner to heal the body and spark activity?
In a sense all invocation is evocation, coming from within because the mental and emotional realms are internal, they come from within yourself.
That said, there is a difference in thought and imagery generated by your personal sphere of influence and that radiated off others internal, through ones internal to the heart and external.
Evocation is summoning parts of your own essence, Invocation summoning parts of others essence by bridging two entities aura/soul to exchange information.
>emotions, thought, consciousness, higher energies, how do they work?
Distinguish between yourself and that which is not and interface with it.
To go beyond the internal to the external to the internal of others, to connect and be with someone or all else.
requesting thread doesn't lock until i'm done patching up that which hasn't been answered.
Buddhism is a higher truth which is currently beyond your state of mind but yes you are right, and yes it is anathema to "Satanism" in the sense that the latter seeks worldly domination and the other spiritual release from worldly bounds.
Buddhism is a quick route to the final goal, assimilation back into the God/All, unification with that which was before it ruptured in an implosion/explosion of energy which later degraded into matter.
Buddhism sidesteps the reality of the material/Demiurge, your view of Buddhism sets aside MARA, combination of Spirit & Matter which is spirit experiencing matter to instead be with only Spirit and disregard matter.
Buddhism is a STS path of discarding the evolution of your collective conscious, a spirit seeking nirvana is a piece breaking free to diminish the power of the collective to attain personal release/freedom.
I'm not arguing for either, at times I want a kingdom at times I seek release from suffering which is desire and strife for my kingdom to manifest.
Middle path is good. To reincarnate in order to help others reach unity with God. Chances are you'll lose yourself in a cycle of reincarnation, the risk of attaining Karma to be so heavily invested in the welfare of your kingdom that you may never again connect with God.
The middle path is staying put with the collective until they together transcend all perceived boundaries as Spirits in the material in order to, as a collective, unite as a single multifaceted being that has come to know that there is nothing left in the material for them.
An ascended collected consciousness in this way is far more powerful than a single soul seeking personal Godhood.
or something.
>is praying to Satan
>praying to Satan
Could a satanist define this for me? According to my research Satan means Adversary, that which you must struggle against, strife and equates to the material/demiurge.
The Demiurge is not a conscious entity, it is void of Spirit.
Making a blood oath to "Satan" is to bind yourself further to the material and distance yourself from Spirit and Spiritualism.
Why not acknowledge both?
So… I've read the beginning of Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics and he described the human body as being composed of;
But here; https://gnosticteachings.org/courses/alchemy/3071-the-elements-in-spiritual-growth.html
It's described as;
Sex=Water (At least in this one they agree.)
They also disagree in the order the elements came into being with akasha-fire-water-air-earth for Bardon and akasha-air-water-fire-earth here.
Which one is right? Bardon seems more congruent to me because 1)The chest is associated with air in the chakra system. 2)His explanation seems more reasonable to me.
Hard to say, /fringe/ Gnostic's promises of power and enlightenment didn't really interest me since I was well above the level he was speaking of, that's why I never looked into that site.
Either way Bardon's teachings resonate quite strongly with me while gnosticism doesn't really do it for me. I'm sure there's some merit to their teachings but Bardon's active and passive elements explanation makes sense to me.
I was wondering why in a single day there were more than 50 news posts.
For goodness sake man, can't you reply to multiple people in a single post?
Oooo… I can relate to that feel.
Do not fear anything that comes at you, you are infinitely more powerful. Try not to indulge to much in the process but fuck 'em up good, tear them limb from limb, make it fear as you punch a hand through the chest and crush its heart while incinerating it in a pure blinding inferno of energy and (unless its to putrid) assimilating the choking blood coughing entity.
This goes for all astral travel, if something tries to fuck with you rip of its legs and fuck it with them.
Relate your third chakra (chakras in general for better control) to the platonic solids, pyramid pointing up directing energy from root to heart or top in normal circumstances, if you want to be swayed by nothing make your third (yellow) a sphere rotating slowly on a vertical axis along the spine, encase it in a shield of light, imbue that "I DO NOT SWAY ACCORDING TO OTHERS".
Never mind,I believe the answer lies in the end of the text.
>Audience: In the Taoist or Chinese Alchemy there is first the Wuchi, and Prakriti, then there are five elements being fire, metal, wood, earth, water. So does Wuchi make the sixth element? Are wood and metal different types of elements?
>Instructor: So the question is about how Chinese Alchemy or Daoism breaks down the manifestation and expression of these images. In Daoist Alchemy if you study how it is laid out it is exactly the same as Kabbalah. It is only slightly different and it is mostly a psychological point of view, but it is expressed essential in the same way. The way we decided to explain it today is slightly simplified, because it is already a lot to understand. It is complicated. We are trying to present it in a way that we can use practically in our moment to moment work.
Different systems use different elaborations. Guess I will have to learn more to understand.
C'mon, Tripp… You're polluting the thread.
Nice Trips of 7 btw.
Fucked up the tripcode and name.
Was planning to do a little prank with you for you to use tripcodes, so no one could impersonate you. My bad.
TLDR on David's very good video on the subject and personal input
The moon is a by far older geoid than earth, nasa crashed a satellite on it and it rang like a bell, absorbing the impact gradually, indicating that it's hollow with a coat of denser material than is on the surface, see reinforced metal sphere a few km beneath the normal rocky surface, nasa test samples confirm moon is a lot older than thought, African tribes have ancient tales of a deity linked to enki and reptilians moving the moon from outside this galaxy to here for whatever reason.
Nippon myths concern their creator God living on the moon, coming down here to do stuff then moving back.
It's unclear for the most part but we have clues.
It's unlikely that it was moved into place the last time they had contact with humanity, 6000-12000 years ago, it's unlikely it's the same visitors who moved the moon as such an advanced species would not make use of human slave labor or rockets of fire as described in texts.
It's probable that it was done 200 000 - 600 000 years ago matching the date of the gold mines scattered over africa.
I'll be off once I've answered what hasn't been.
Why would you see me tripfag? Aren't I enough of an obnoxious bloated cunt merely by namefagging? Mby UD like me to join your club?
I don't want nor need because even if someone wanted to he could not as evidenced by you spilling your spagetthi here and now.
Europeans have no such myths of the moon as they were created or tampered with long after the moon was moved here.
It also acts as a reciever for the Saturn rings broadcasting setup.
Back in two hours to finish the rest.
Don't close the thread please, give me a day and there will be no want for reposting the questions in the next thread.
There is no such thing as "the past".
The best thing you can do is to read the 9 books in the FAQ.
I'd recommend weaning gradually over a week or two to decrease daily dose and frequency of ingestion, and then stopping completely.
Step one is to develop the strong desire to actually stop smoking, and increasing willpower based off of that. Could be done concurrently with the weaning phase.
During the withdrawal, work out, take adaptogens (maca works wonders, maybe rhodiola), some herbal teas and/or tinctures to calm you down and help you sleep.
Having things to do that aren't too important but will keep your attention is a massive help. If you're sitting around bored it will make it seem like forever, and you're more likely to relapse. Tire yourself out during the day if possible (again, working out and/or intellectual pursuits)
It's really not so bad, though largely dependent on how much you smoke. 3 days that are rather unpleasant, and maybe a week or so of just being irritable. You stabilize pretty quickly after that.
Good luck.
holy basil is an adaptogen that I have heard used specifically for quitting marijuana.
energy working? maybe the 8 brocades. good health-based qigong.
a channeled entity suggested imagining it as a heavy disc spinning and deflecting things.
is that pic representing 'moral' decay, then purification of self, then enlightenment/kundalini?
Hello people. I've been getting this feeling and this constant comments about my body that I'd like some insight on.
I like my body, it's well-built, handsome, does the work and adapts well to almost everything I throw at it.
The body itself is not the problem, is my great unconscious clinging to it. I feel both irritated and frightened to leave it in any way.
I sure can make something out of energy work and the flow of energy around it, but shifting my awareness - inside or outside of it - has been the stone I've kept stumbling upon.
I want to know, what would you advise to some particularly grounded person? What techniques have worked better for you on releasing awareness?
Drugs? Pain? A particular sport?
My first experience where I know I astral projected I was on cocaine and mdma.
I don't recommend that, though; it seems rather harmful/a result of overloading the body.
Maybe try to go to a place where you can feel a large piece of selenite. (like a 50+ lb slab) Either a crystal healer or a selenite mine like http://www.crystallinephoenix.com/
which I actually don't know where that is…
or one in mexico.
or other high vibration stones, and/or stones for 3rd eye/crown
(my "ew" referred to the pic)
By that token, can you give me a crash course on what Weed expends? I used to be able to do it all the time but it started to give me anxiety/cause problems communicating. If I knew what the fuel source was might be able to use it again
>can you give me a crash course on what Weed expends?
I'm really sorry to say but I don't think I can give you one. Part of this is because I've personally had no interest in weed, not because I don't approve or disapprove of it but I've had no interest in using it myself. Let me see if I can point you in the right direction.
Examine.com is one of the first places I go for broad, general, and well-sourced information on supplements. Although they're still in the early phases of aggregating information, so some pages are really small. Despite that, their page on marijuana seems to be one of the biggest on their site.
>I used to be able to do it all the time but it started to give me anxiety/cause problems communicating. If I knew what the fuel source was might be able to use it again
I'll reiterate that there's a challenge in creatiing a crash course because now that I've looked over their Marijuana page, it shows that it affects over 11 neurological systems in the brain, and this is due to the two forms of THC but moreso the different cannabinoids. Their sub-sections on Anxiety and Stress and Memory and Learning should help you out. I suggest reading those and then estimating how heavy your usage of it was. Heavy usage, like most drugs, seems to be the biggest risk factor and where most problems associated with marijuana arise. My recommendation is to focus on finding a way to return to baseline levels - pre-tolerance or pre-usage levels.
Because of Marijuana's affect on glutaminergic transmission, I suggest supplementing with L-glutamine and the best way to do this is with a protein powder. Because of the other amino acids found in these powders you will incidentally take a shotgun approach to supplementation and address marijuana's affect on serotonin and glycinergic receptors.
I suggest sunwarrior because they don't use soy protein isolate which is harmful: http://www.westonaprice.org/soy-alert/
NOTE: It says in the summary free glutamic acid is MSG but that's not the same thing as L-glutamine.
General info on l-glutamine: https://draxe.com/l-glutamine-benefits-side-effects-dosage/
Because of Marijuana's affect on cholinergic transmission, you'll want a choline supplement. Unfortunately labdoor doesn't have a category on that. An easy way to get it is through eggs. Use your best judgement and whatever works best for you. For general health purposes, use labdoor to find a magnesium supplement that works best.
P.S. if you want a long read on general nutrition, this article is one of the best comprehensive ones out there:
Lately I've been smoking more weed then ever, but just for fun with friends and not ya know… magically. Sometimes it gives me quite strong experiences and helps me with magic but some other times it just makes all magic or meditation harder and I'm caught up in illusions.
Anyway, I prefer to meditate and stuff when sober, it's just some other quality of experience.