Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/4642
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/4642
>Are you sure this attitude isn't just the serf trying to justify accept his position because he sees no way to get out?
Au contraire there is a way out, transcension of samsara, in this life or another.
>I'm not saying there's no way out because apparently there are some ways taught in Buddhism. But this physical existence is in my opinion nothing to be cherrished like it is done in the picture and also by some fellow fringe anons. It is dangerous propaganda because there is really no indication that this physical realm is supposed to be a good thing. Or do you know of such indicators?
I'll elaborate on what I said before. In an environment in which forms change as often as mind and mind is not trained to be capable of holding (complex) forms at will, it can be troublesome to learn as the context is always so rapidly shifting. This can make it difficult to learn what energies take what forms in which ways.
What things such as LSD allow for is being in those higher realms beyond your level of confident command. This can be growth inducing, however one may also harm themselves due to ignorance of the laws of nature/creation and how they effect the self. When we are capable of mastering this level of creation we will move on to a higher density as the native realm. If we where to do that any time before we would either not be able to sustain it or we would hurt ourselves or others.
When? Well that's up to you anon. Here's run down though, we increase the depth of our awareness
And then also we must expand our awareness outward into all, ultimately reaching the 7D level of unity with everything.
>what's going on in Antarctica?
Near as I can tell the Earth is flat, or at least starts to physically become increasingly plastic and less solidly material as you move further away from the center point (north pole) and as a result all sorts of spookyshit grounded in higher density being goes on beyond the borders of the great ice wall as it, or rather, we, have been cordoned off.
I'm doubt a mundane would even be able to imagine the implications of knowing what was there, if they could even grasp it. Chances are it has to do with ancient types of magic based technology or relics thereof however I am not nearly as learned on fringe history as I would like so I can not give you an educated speculation.
Specifically reading that it seems that what is refereed to a god in there is quite possibly the Arc of the Covenant, which used to be considered (the manifestation of) god.
Nonetheless the whole series will help.
>becoming a serious, all-in fringe wizard would be a serious step back in perspective
That is your opinion now, as an outsider. You will see in time it is not so.
>I need a way to explore stuff without actually getting into it
Such understanding, if it can even truly be called that is limited and often fatally flawed. Only by the experience of life can the depths really be known, even more so with magic too as so much is beyond mundane perceptions.
And on top of that most who are well on their path wouldn't want some ignorant seeker psychically spaghetting all over their ritual space due to lack of mental training, or worse.
>I wonder how.
Just take it gradually. Sooner or later you'll understand.
Have you ever had somebody really look at you before? I don't think I look particularly strange, but I found a remarkably attractive woman staring me down as I was leaving a store. We were passing by and she just kept looking at my face and eyes with neutral expression, so I looked back. This went on until we walked past each other.
I would think she was just a fucking weirdo if she weren't so pretty. She was more beautiful than anyone I've seen in years. Yet there she was staring at some weird, virgin, loser, wageslave in the parking lot.
I don't know what to make of it. I guess it could be poor manners. Or maybe she just beamed down from the Super Aryan Mothership and couldn't believe people were as ugly as they say.
Have you timetravelled to the past before, fringe? If so, did you manage to change anything?
I'm early for the question thread for once so I've got 3 questions. Here's hoping the guy who knows sees them. And I'm gonna practice with the formatting.
How Do We Get A Perfect/Eidetic/Photographic Memory?
I’m talking about ever needing people to repeat what themselves, memorizing large textbooks after only reading through them once. I’ve looked in all the question threads and even most of the old 8chan Fringe ones and found only pic(s) related. All I've got is some experience with self-hypnosis and trance to help me out. To improve my memory I tried:
>Building a memory palace and practiced with it
>Reading WWA books "Memory Culture"and "Memory: how To Develop Train And Use It" and other books
>Practicing the Memory helping meditations in the Meditations Superthread
>Hypnotizing myself and affirming and visualizing that I have a good memory
It's helped out but I'm sure there's a more effective way to do this. What's a method or visualization that I haven't done that will help cause me to develop such a powerful memory?
For the first pic, I have read this eidetic memory guide numerous times and I can't understand the Tulpa making process in Part C and how I use it to make my mind absorb info better and how I use it to create a Tulpa that can organize and find information in my mind when I need it. plz help btw WWA needs a goddamn editor. there are whole chapters in his books that can be summed up in one sentence but he just keeps repeating himself.
How Do I Do Complex Math In My Head?
Also 1st pic mentions something about Mind hacks and performing complex maths in your head. That’s also interesting. Could anyone elaborate on how I could become a Mentat human calculator?
How could you Transfer Ideas And Memories to Others?
Like in that book The Giver where a man can give memories and experiences to others instantaenously by willpower and touch, Is there a way to give someone your knowledge experience and memories regarding something like a language or a subject? As if you were copying and pasting your knowledge into them, like to help them learn a langauge or learn a skill?
One thing comes to my mind when reading your post - falling for the Maya meme
>and mind is not trained to be capable of holding (complex) forms at will
Yeah well because the mind is a flawed physical construct in this shit reality.
> beyond your level of confident command
I believe that's where the true will lies though. Navigating through the physical world in our everyday lives is just an illusion of control imo.
This physical existence is thus pretty pointless and more like a movie and then you die.
You're saying that the physical existence is supposed to be a learning experience but all I see is people trying to get better at the physical life. There's no point in that.
Judging life based on how good it can make you feel or justifying suffering as a valuable tool - that's just falling for the emotional/biological mechanisms of the physical body. Maya to me means being too concerned with worldly things and worldly things don't have to be necessarily material. One can also spend countless hours meditating about mundane things for example, waste of thoughts.
I asked because "falling for Maya meme" implies me thinking that this world is not ultimately real and you thinking otherwise (at least using the most common definition of Maya, and not your definition).
>Judging life based on how good it can make you feel or justifying suffering as a valuable tool
These are just examples I made. All I'm saying is that whether physical realm is good or bad is subjective and that it is devoid of any inherent meaning and has meaning only through our awareness of it.
Also, for the most part my post talks about the possibility of experiencing things greater than this plane so I do not see how you came to your conclusion. It is not exclusive - you can both enjoy the fleeting pleasures of this world and develop spirituality (and also enjoy various magical powers, as I think that this fits into neither category). Although I obviously agree that any pleasure on this plane acquired through mundane means is short-lived, but it doesn't mean that
>fuck le demiurge amrite guys, this world is made so that we suffer
but neither does it mean that all we should do is chase the chemical high in our brain, as many tantras stated - a boghin cannot be a yogin. I prefer to view this plane as a play of the Goddess Mahamaya,
>One can also spend countless hours meditating about mundane things for example
It is not meditation then.
If all you want to do is just leave this plane behind then this whole magical and spiritual thing turns into simple escapism but through unorthodox means IMHO.
Something my friend sent me yesterday when we were talking about Buddhism and emptiness:
>Master Shih-shuang asked, “How will you step forward form the top of a hundred-foot pole?” Commenting on this, another ancient master said, “Even though one who is sitting on the top of a hundred-foot pole has entered the way of awakening, it is not yet authentic. She must step forward from the top of the pole and manifest her whole body throughout the ten directions. He must step forward from the top of that pole and manifest his whole body throughout the ten directions.“
>Wumen’s commentary
>If you can step forward and reveal yourself fully, there will be no place where you are called dishonorable. So, right now, tell me. How do you step forward from the top of the hundred-foot pole?
>Wumen’s verse
>Making the eye blind, You cling to the mark on the scale; Throw away body and life, And one blind person leads all the blind.
>implies me thinking that this world is not ultimately real and you thinking otherwise
>common definition of Maya, and not your definition
Maya is a meme in itself who would have thought
> you can both enjoy the fleeting pleasures of this world and develop spirituality
I was implying that we could develop much better if we were not stuck in this physical shit, it's so distracting - what fucking cunt thought it would be a good idea to design it this way?
>If all you want to do is just leave this plane behind then this whole magical and spiritual thing turns into simple escapism but through unorthodox means IMHO.
Yeah why the fuck should I stay here in this plane anyway? Cause it feels good and stuns my developmental potential with mundane bullshit? Nah, I won't fall for this crap - not fucking again.
>I was implying that we could develop much better if we were not stuck in this physical shit
There is no development if there is nothing to overcome. There is only stagnation.
>what fucking cunt thought it would be a good idea to design it this way
le demiurge, fuck that guy amrite? :^)
>Yeah why the fuck should I stay here in this plane anyway? Cause it feels good and stuns my developmental potential with mundane bullshit?
Okay, then go on, leave this plane, what are you waiting for?
>There is no development if there is nothing to overcome. There is only stagnation.
Throughout the course of our discussion it has became clear to me, thank you. I'm stagnating for too long already, time to move on.
>le demiurge, fuck that guy amrite? :^)
he could do better tbqh
>Okay, then go on, leave this plane, what are you waiting for?
I'm taking up meditations today, the path has been laid out.
Well, good luck then!
Don't take it too seriously all the time, some edginess has it's place and I know it well, but have some fun too. Meditation, magic and spiritual stuff generally is very fun. It doesn't have to be a grim and sad place, yet I agree that it can seem this way. I'm not shilling for the physical because I live such a great life, because I don't, but if you are able to acknowledge that there are also marvelous things and little wondrous things spilling out every minute, then the ever present reality of suffering loses your grip on you and you can laugh in it's face. These things only have as much power over you as you are willing to give them.
But yes, there are times when I think of this plane as cold and cruel, as if there was some kind of force taking things away from me, from my friends and family so that with each day we have less and that we will all die having very little and not being able to cherish what little we have, but I'd say that I was never in despair, because to be truly in despair means to not being able to do anything, and we are all very capable of changing the course of our lives and of other people's lives. We are not just lumps of matter moving along with the current of life and I think that this makes me happy, no matter how great the mischief of this world may seem.
>I believe that's where the true will lies though
And that's we must ever expand our beings.
Physical existence can seem pointless if you live for mundane reasons, if you live for spiritual, awakening driven, ones it is much different and even if you don't despite the appearance of must not learning, every one is, perhaps just very slowly, where as for the more awakened it may be a matter of months or weeks it could be lifetimes for the less aware but nonetheless progress is made.
I was wondering that. I've not contacted anyone though. It was such a bizarre event that I felt it must be cataloged someplace, even if nobody knows anything.
Nobody's ever looked at me like that; they were taking in every detail of my face and never looked away. Nobody's ever been that pretty, including media, paintings, drawings. They make everything look ugly by comparison. I very rarely go out in public. The intersection of events makes me suspect something more was going on.
I should have stuck around to see what happened, maybe taken a photograph, but it didn't hit me how weird the confrontation was until I was driving away.
Can you describe any other feelings you had while this was happening? Anything that's unusual looking back on it?
In my experience I can say that thinking in experience then translating the direct sensations to words rather than thinking in words and translating to concepts helps a lot with recall.
Words, despite seeming not to, are actually pretty abstract things. There is a clear difference in how thought is structured between these two ways and the learning of a written language that can be observed in most young. Learning to read fast (1000+ wpm) will also help with such as you can not parse words->sounds->concepts and maintain such speed, you must parse directly from words or word clusters to concepts.
So, now to breakdown part C, basically they are saying create an anchor word-sound (but anything could work) to help you maintain or reinstate the state of trance, tranquility, and confidence which gave it birth. Not so much of a Tulpa per se, at least not in the sense that it's used in image 2.
The latter aforementioned is more of a servitor-esque, a bundle of programmed energy tasked with the duty of bringing parts of the self (semi-forgotten memories) to your attention when desired. More complex ones could do that and far more however that's the basics of that.
Alternatively you could construct a mind palace/astral sanctuary, possibly even overlaying parts of it over the physical to aid in memory by association mental HUD if you will.
Regarding doing advanced mental maths I've always done it by trying to simply the problems into parcles, i.e. 142 x 59 would be (140 x 50) + (2 x 50) + (9 x 142). I've heard of far more eloquently masterful ways however I've never seen them explained so that is all I can offer.
About direct transmission of experience, AFAIK this would require either an adept level mastery of clairvoyance or perhaps an elaborate ritual or countless affirmations of receptivity may help, but I would not recommend the latter method due to the level of subservience, and trust, necessary in your sensei.
I've already uploaded what I have categorized to there, there is so much that is uncategorized though, gigabytes upon gigabytes. It's not realistically feasible and then, what would I post with my replies?
If you insist I may see what I can do about ULing them all en mass somewhere and throwing a link in there. In the mean time much of what I've posted can be found http://www.idlechan.net/yuu/ though it isn't quite as grand as it's former glory before being reincarnated it still has many hundreds of them.
Do you ever get that feeling of being in the middle of everything, like you are in the room where the real rulers of the world are making the decisions that control the economy and politics worldwide?
If you've felt it, can you relate it to that meeting?
It's often very brief when it happens but it can be described as synching with, or suddenly tuning in the exact correct frequency that would enable you to enter that setting. I have some theories of what that is, and also what meeting someone like this can mean. I won't elaborate right away because I think it would be ridiculed even here.
For example one time at work I was there late, only the boss and me was still in the building. I walked around to check the doors and stuff, then I happened to see someone outside through the window of the back door by the garage for the company truck.
Some guy in a long black coat and shiny black shoes got into a car with dark windows and drove away. I never saw his face.
Just outside the door he had left a plastic bag from some grocery store, inside it was a pair of boots and pic related. I felt strongly that this was intentionally left there for me, and he timed it exactly just so that I would not see who he was.
I could go on about this but I'll stop here now. The book is more or less meaningless, it's just a symbol.
Food plays serious role in tuning your perception.
Is there esoteric manuals on how and what you should eat to keep your perception always on the sharp edge
> More complex ones could do that and far more
If you're talking about memory or just servitors/tuplas in general, what sort of more complex tasks?
How do I 'randomly' encounter people on the street, like manifesting ? Like you manifest that you meet a person you havent seen since high school and talk from there, maybe network through them or just bring them back into your life as a friend. >>200 touches on it. Are there other ways?
>I won't elaborate right away because I think it would be ridiculed even here.
Oh your precious ego. You're posting anonymously ffs, the curiosity of the hive demands moar.
>Is there esoteric manuals on how and what you should eat to keep your perception always on the sharp edge
I've seen a lot of broscience on the subject (and it was utterly terrible). A long time ago I was gonna aggregate the 8/fringe/fit/ thread however I never got around to finishing it. Here's my notes:
And I would see also >>>/fringe/562
Furthermore it will say that raw, organic, and ideally wild grown food that is consumed within ASAP (<10 mins, for most plants) of harvesting are so extremely full of energy they make normalfag food look like poison without even any nutrients.
Shy of foraging, if possible grow at least a little something yourself, even if it's in a window pot. It's better than nothing.
>If you're talking about memory or just servitors/tuplas in general, what sort of more complex tasks?
I was talking about the capabilities of more powerful thoughtforms. Well, technically anything you can imagine. Myself I'm not big on them so most of the ones I made where quite simple and not persistent. Little more than an interactive spell that took the energy input to manifest it's duty. Practically for me this looked like conveying a message to some one, or shrouding/protecting a thing from undesirable eyes.
However this is my no means the limit, you can have semi or even fully self-aware constructs that you would interact with like any other spirit, except they would be your humble servant (unless you fuck that up). And thusly they could help you do anything from calculating what day of the week the 25th of June in 1923 was to Akashic record access to applied metaphysical engineering. Pic related for brain food.
You would just need give them something you desired them to do and keep cultivating it. If you don't then it will dissipate, however before it does it may struggle to live, and in this way can become a nuance.
>How do I 'randomly' encounter people on the street, like manifesting ?
Open yourself up to possibilities, take new roads, take a different path than normal, linger for awhile, chat up a stranger, do things which increase the probabilities you are exposed to. This will allow you to manifest easier/swifter as there are now more avenues it can come through.
Just remember than the more specific the desire the less ways it can manifest (which typically limits the paths of least resistant and thus multiplies manifestation time, however not always), so balance enough to get precisely what your aiming for however yet general enough not to cause an undue wait. Sometimes there are only few paths, and choosing them does not inhibit but in my experience this is the exceeding minority.
>I may see what I can do about ULing them all en mass somewhere and throwing a link in there
That would be great. I can sort through them myself.
>Oh your precious ego. You're posting anonymously ffs, the curiosity of the hive demands moar.
Oh but how about I don't want to waste time typing out a long post only to get told to leave?
Ok, so I think there really is some kind of "spider in the web" kind of organization consisting of a hierarchy with small groups at every level. Each of them know only the people right above and below them, so exposing anything is not possible for any individual.
They have access to advanced technology based on nano implants, being able to directly read/transmit information to humans, see through their eyes in some cases etc. All of this is the kind of things that would label you a schizo if you talked about it.
There have been multiple occasions like the one I described, where I felt "it" touch me, the feeling of suddenly being in the control room, being given some kind of access to the inner of the inner. Sometime I've been given mental hints to go looking for something, and for example found a book talking in detail about some of this, on a surface layer. The writer is not exposing his name and also uses the words "exposing anyone by name is forbidden."
I've been approached by people in weird locations asking for directions, only to later realize it was some quite important company leader. I'm talking really far off places, like a dirt road that literally leads nowhere (it's a dead end) where I used to take walks for exercise, and a guy in a car shows up.
There's also been these black vans, helicopters etc outside my house, but unlike other poeple who post online about this stuff I always felt they were on my side. (or maybe I'm just so much of a mainstream statist type of person in my views they know I wouldn't go against them, like the boots in the bag would imply)
I've been reading the threads about gang stalking and the explanations of it, along with the freemason version of it, and I can see the pattern here, except I would call it "courting" rather than stalking. Just like
it's not hostile but rather it's a pleasant kind of interaction, telling you "we're keeping an eye on you."
>Is there esoteric manuals on how and what you should eat to keep your perception always on the sharp edge
Locusts and wild honey
t. john the baptist
You've been overdosed on too much disinfo.
There are no "nano implants" they simply use special electro magnetic devices disguised as radio broadcasters/trancievers to mess with some parts of people's brains, like the "Amazon Drone" project balloons are actually going to be mass brain control devices.
You're probably just a GATE subject and they're keeping tabs on the maturation of the project. Tavistock
Considering your tag says "Pagan (druid)", I'd very much appreciate if you could answer me seriously.
You don't get it anon, that was a serious answer. Well I'm not sure about turning into a tree, but the ecstatic dancing until and beyond exhaustion in the middle of nature is solid advise.
I'm really spiritually and mentally beaten down from 2016 (vampire grabbed all of my loosh) and I feel like I am not going to make it in this Age of Dissolution because I am not a Bear Heart type individual.
How do you possibly survive in a world in which there are subversive Luciferian individuals who will stop at nothing to gain Land/Power/Money/Women?
>but the ecstatic dancing until and beyond exhaustion in the middle of nature is solid advise
It may have been solid around Pagan times but frenzy magic is completely useless (in my personal opinion) in the Modern World.
Apart from burning some fat calories.
Have any of you guys read this?
>SSOTBME Revised - An Essay on Magic by Ramsey Dukes
I did record my emo thoughts in one of my personal log entries. I had to reassess my life. It was shocking how utterly beneath her I felt. Like defending her, even to death would be more worthwhile than what I have. I doubt I expressed anything on my face, unless my pupils dilated.
It seemingly contradicts the way I've been living for over a year or two now. I don't get in bum fights for anyone. I had to make fun of her to snap out of it, telling myself she probably sits on coke cans in front of a webcam for money.
20170102 log:
I am approaching the bottom of
I don't really know what's going on. I'm just stating suspicion.
I do feel better already. It's abstract and distant now. I am in a state of complete failure.
I feel nothing. No motivation. No whim. I see Mathis' paintings and I can't understand them. His bio is alien.
Maybe they've upped the fluoride and estrogen in the water.
I'm not mastering anything is what I'm saying. I don't appear any closer to anything.
The van is now 'running'. That was the plan, wasn't it? Escaping this crippling comfort?
What do I do? It's been so long and I've done nothing. I haven't felt like doing anything. I'm nothing. I'm living like a slave. I have nothing.
The other day, I go to Lowe's, on my way out I see one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. Her face was top percentile. She made the dogshit people they shovel on TV look like dogshit.
We look at each other and I understood just how damaged and disgusting my existence is. Biologically I'm a wreck. Everything is out of proportion. I am a mutt of various slaves. Awake by some freak chance to what I am in this place. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought I was some unshaven, psychotic, mk-ultra hobo. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a lizard, the way she looked at me. Nobody looks at each other these days, and, suddenly, I find a .01% blonde looking me in the eyes. To be clear, I only looked back because she was looking at me. I leave people to their privacy unless they're eye-fucking my face.
You know, she really made Mathis's paintings look like shit. He has one good picture. The others I can 'appreciate' for how he captured them, but only one is worth time or money.
Maybe I'm just a lonely pathetic nerd virgin with nothing obsessing over the only true female contact I've had in years. Nobody's ever LOOKED at me like that. Men or women. Consciously taking in my physical appearance is new. Nobody is conscious. Nobody makes conscious decisions like that. An expression of agency toward me is bizarre. It's an outlier of outliers considering it was a female and absurdly good looking and she started it.
I am excited by such a mystery. Not that I want to sleep with them; only a nigger would destroy another person's genetics. The sheer strangeness draws me in. Out of all the garbage I've collected in my mind, this event stands against that. What play was such a person making? Surely, she belongs to somebody important. You don't just go to Lowe's with a face like that and LOOK at people. Not unless there's something going down behind the scenes.
I have changed, haven't I? I've never picked apart anything like this before. I couldn't. I was always in a daze just living with whatever dogshit came my way, like the slaves around me. A little before that, I couldn't even look at myself without being overwhelmed by disgust.
But now that I'm here… Do I carry on with the plan? Is it what I want to do? Nothing else has come up. My soul has slightly been crushed by work, but I've mostly just lost my mind, so it's not so bad.
Could it have been an otherworldly entity that I encountered?
I am free to do as I please aren't I? I have money in the bank. More money than I needed for this plan.
Is it really my surroundings crippling me? Only one way to find out for certain.
I've always felt like an extra that missed his splatter scene. Maybe getting run over or blown up, or quite possibly psychotically murdering some other insignificant people when I consider my childhood and disposition. Some pointless life and end to build somebody else's. Like the book, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.
I have changed, or gone crazy over the years, though. I feel slated for the usual slavery now, but dying always seems more worthwhile whenever I consider my options.
The appearance of the woman was like bait or mockery, or some random glimpse of somebody important. I'm not particularly inspired by them, but they did make everyone else look like insignificant ugly mutants, where I had only computed that before. They did make me re-evaluate everything. I was in a funk for some time.
As far as control rooms go, I didn't think of anything like that. I do read Mathis's writings and it has led me to suspect such a thing. Complete with hidden cities, brain slugs, body snatchers, clones, and demons. It's kind of what motivates me to observe politics and things. These sacks of shit have no taste or inspiration and insist on ruining everything, and are likely brain-slugged prison keepers.
whatever healthy foods you enjoy that fit within the framework of your lifestyle. some people may swear by eating this or that (or absolutely nothing) to get woke af, but as long as you listen to your body and cut down on processed/shitty foods that you (should) already know to stay away from, you'll be on the right track. aside from understanding the basics of nutrition, every individual has unique needs for the proper maintenance of their vessel. don't eat like a fatass but don't starve yourself either.
For a winter semester film course I'll have to pick 8 movies to analyze throughout the semester, and I figure I may as well do films with spiritual/occult/fringe themes. Any recommendations? I just watched Polanski's The Ninth Gate, and next I'll watch Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East. I need 6 more. Any ideas?
>my entire life I've had a female presence in my dreams who shows up maybe 1/3 of the time (that I remember)
>I've been conscious she was in my dreams for maybe a decade now
>she always has a different appearance but I always know who she is, if there are ten female forms in a dream I can instantly recognize her
>every time I have a dream with her I wake up with my heart and throat chakra open and very active
>when I wake up from these dreams everything seems 'thin' and insubstantial in comparison, like the dream was in 3D and now everything is in 2D, or the dream was in full color and now I'm seeing grayscale
Fuck I don't even know anymore. I can't explain it so I doubt anyone else can. The dream just seems so real, it's just so vibrant. The range of emotion I can feel in it, the range of sounds, experiences, thoughts, actions. It's like in the dream I'm free and awake I'm in a prison, a prison in my own mind.
>Do you do that on your own or in a group?
Either can be done. I've personally done it in 2 types of group settings, one in which we had an external focus for our energy-intention, a bonfire as the zero point. I have also done similar in a group but where we each instead focused internally while just dancing near each other. Depending on what the goal is either could serve. If you had more of spiritual sojourn in mind the latter, be it entirely solo or as above would be more ideal.
>It may have been solid around Pagan times but frenzy magic is completely useless (in my personal opinion) in the Modern World.
It's not just frenzy magic and more so about using that the chained biogeometric flow inducing movements to, (A) build energy, and (B) generate an altered state of consciousness. What you do with that is up to you. You could then go right into what ever your working is.
In nearly all of my art-craft I use such, not always to that extreme of a degree nonetheless I ply many dance-esque and Taichi-esque moves as part of my normal practice.
>There are no "nano implants"
I have to strongly suspect they do exist, but not as implants in the conventional sense. They're not inserted by a medical procedure but are based on nanobots that travel physically in all matter. They could easily spread anywhere. I don't think these people have any control over it or know how it works, they just use it.
I had a message sent to my mind directly complete with schematics, explaining a subject I knew nothing of. I know a person who was into this thing and explained the information to him. He understood the message fully and thought it was a new interesting angle on the theories. (he didn't seem to understand I was just retelling it mindlessly and didn't know what it was)
By this I know it is exact to the extreme.
>Could it have been an otherworldly entity that I encountered?
>I had to reassess my life. It was shocking how utterly beneath her I felt. Like defending her, even to death would be more worthwhile than what I have. I doubt I expressed anything on my face, unless my pupils dilated.
Could be the first, that's what I thought, but your feelings in the 2nd quote are in line with how I perceive the supposed "control room" people. They're hard as granite and what they decide will be made real. Resistance really is futile because they have the resources to overpower any human organization or entity.
> hidden cities, brain slugs, body snatchers, clones, and demons. It's kind of what motivates me to observe politics and things. These sacks of shit have no taste or inspiration and insist on ruining everything, and are likely brain-slugged prison keepers.
That's the other side of it. This is what lead me to think there are 2 factions. The real and the fake. The fake consists of all the assholes, they use terrorism and brainwashing to get things their way. They have no morality. They are only slightly aware of the superior side of the organization.
Sometimes their work is so sloppy you can literally see through it with just a little attention to detail, like the sandy hook event and that terrorist attack in france where they killed a muslim cop. Just look at the footage, the place he was shot in does not match the spot where the blood is shown in later pics, just compare the lamp post's location.
But who will go against this view with any credibility, they do have control over most media. If you're sensitive you can feel the energy of this evil faction, they're extreme, fanatic and ruthless. But the lack the rock solid mentality of the core, and are the useful idiots who will be used up to serve the purpose of the real leaders, whom they fear uncontrollably, yet are mostly unaware of.
The movies about bourne (identity etc)are probably pretty close.
>Resistance really is futile because they have the resources to overpower any human organization or entity.
You do realize that with the application of Will you can do anything right? Slavery is self-delusion.
And Sandy Hook happened, the whole "Sandy Hoax" disinfo was created to allay suspicion that he killed people due to the psychotropic medications he was prescribed by his jewish doctor.
>spiritual/occult/fringe themes
The VVitch AKA The Witch: A New-England Folktale [2015] by Robert Eggers
The Wicker Man (Robin Hardy, 1973)
In the Mouth of Madness [1994] by John Carpenter
The Devils 1971
Stalker, 1979, Andrei Tarkovsky
Andrei Rublev, 1966, Andrei Tarkovsky
Zerkalo ("The Mirror"), 1975, Andrei Tarkovsky
Magnolia, 1999, Paul Thomas Anderson
gotta go with the obligatory The Holy Mountain by Jodorowsky as well
>The dream just seems so real, it's just so vibrant. The range of emotion I can feel in it, the range of sounds, experiences, thoughts, actions. It's like in the dream I'm free and awake I'm in a prison, a prison in my own mind.
Paradoxically, you only "get" to this place when you stop obsessing about it and focus on the present as it is.
2001: A Space Odyssey
>a decade
>I don't even know
Why don't you invoke her and talk with her finally? Or learn how to LD or AP and contact her in this way. Maybe use Tarot to learn more about this situation. If something like that was a prominent part of my life then I'd make every effort to learn more about it.
>Resistance really is futile
Then you have already lost.
IMHO you would do best if you stopped caring about NWO, Illumianti, secret societies etc. for the time being at least. Knowledge of this stuff gives you nothing practical and nothing of value, except a lifetime of looking over your shoulder. Just raise your power level, meditate, practice magic, maybe find and make contact with some powerful guardian deities and you will be fine.
>They have access to advanced technology based on nano implants, being able to directly read/transmit information to humans, see through their eyes in some cases etc. All of this is the kind of things that would label you a schizo if you talked about it.
Some have this, some have far better, astral tech, some don't even need any at all to obtain such information. For me, despite loving my privacy when it comes to hyperdimensional eves droppers aside from giving notice of nonconsent there is little I can do. So I don't let it bother me and instead take each moment to remind myself of the virtues I wish to embody, so even if I am surveilled the truth shall set me free.
>There have been multiple occasions like the one I described, where I felt "it" touch me, the feeling of suddenly being in the control room, being given some kind of access to the inner of the inner. Sometime I've been given mental hints to go looking for something, and for example found a book talking in detail about some of this, on a surface layer.
I've certainly felt many different types of presences before, usually they don't talk (at least to me, but perhaps that's due to currently underdeveloped clairaudience).
>I've been approached by people in weird locations asking for directions, only to later realize it was some quite important company leader. I'm talking really far off places, like a dirt road that literally leads nowhere (it's a dead end) where I used to take walks for exercise, and a guy in a car shows up.
>I can see the pattern here, except I would call it "courting" rather than stalking.
Plausible deniability;
>I'm not an alien, I'm just a lost businessman. >.> <.< be well.
I have seen cases in which it's not so positive however they where only second hand accounts at best. The main thing I have to say is don't let yourself fall into any sort of fear based (re)actions as a result of your interactions.
>I feel like I am not going to make it in this Age of Dissolution because I am not a Bear Heart type individual.
What do you mean by this? I don't practice his stuffs and I've managed to find a harmony with the shifting age.
>How do you possibly survive in a world in which there are subversive Luciferian individuals who will stop at nothing to gain Land/Power/Money/Women?
There will always be those subverting, what you need understand is we will also always have the ability to make the freewill-choice not to. As the age shifts such selfish energies will wain, no they will not vanish, but they will be (eventually) subdued in the torrent of others.
>Is titanism / prometheanism diagonally opposed to the genuine Initiate?
Can you define your terms? From my reading of your sentence, and in the general sense of the word initiate: any one who has good working knowledge of the mysteries is an initiate, but this is not telling of what type or if which order, if any.
When we dream we get to glimpse what the next stage of being is like. However we're not yet natives of there, we must learn to master ourselves so we can move into that. It's inspiration.
>Resistance really is futile because they have the resources to overpower any human organization or entity.
>You don't have freewill, give up now!
Oh you. Well, if that's what you believe then so it shall be in your world.
>Failing antediluvian history
I did say they can overpower any human organization or entity, not that they hold any power over what is beyond human.
This only goes for the core, it's my understanding they are neutral, they don't harm mankind overall, unlike the negative faction.
>Sandy hoax happened
Yes and the official story is a mess full of holes. They even edited the shooter's photo to make him look skinny to the point of illness, when the real photo shows a normal healthy kid.
Sandy Hook also has some fucked up stories about the place itself, if you had been around /x/ in the past year. There was that thread where someone presented certain evidence of the hoax, and suddenly lots of anons started talking about how they lived there and knew it was real. Sure thing, everyone on 4chan lives in Sandy Hook and knows someone in that school class. The shilling is intense still as soon as you bring it up.
The more interesting stories involved people being chased by cultists waving torches in some park and the behaviour of the school kids in the area. Someone described it as
>they all acted like the new kid in town, it was like they all were robotic implants
is learning in your sleep effective, like listening to a short recorded phrase while sleeping?
>thinking it's pure coincidence that the first Antarctic expedition and the supposed "invention" of the radio occurred both in 1895
>implying the precursor civilization wasn't spread throughout the Antarctic continent and Mars up until a couple hundred million years ago
>implying any technology since the discovery of the Antarctic ruins has actually been invention and not inferred from the relics fond in the Antarctic ruins
>ACTUALLY thinking that technology could naturally improve this fast
Wake up mundanes. What do you think WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and current tensions between USA and Russia have ACTUALLY been about? If you really believe the lies you're as gullible as they come. Every war since 1895 has been over control of the Antarctic continent and Mars. It's all about the powerplay between certain secret societies and (((racial groups))) to decide who controls Antarctica and Mars, and by extension the future of humanity. Also the projects that USA and Russia did during early cold war to try and create people with ESP worked. Several major factions have been controlled by fourth density entities for over half a century. You think the psyops and disinfo for the past 50 years to convince people "paranormal" and "occult" things are bullshit is pure coincidence?
Letting the masses use internet was their biggest mistake. Before the internet esoteric texts were esoteric, then suddenly everyone in the world could access every published work at the speed of light and create thousands of copies in thousands of places. The internet has increased the amount of people who follow esoteric schools of thought by magnitudes. The internet is the elite's Pandora's Box. On one hand it made it easier to control what the masses believe and spread propaganda and disinfo, but it also had the effect of waking up everyone who had the capability to get woke.
>raise my energy alone in meditation, become very sensitive to the environment, emotional, rational, fast-thinking, and focused
>go to a social place
>there the flow of energy lowers automatically, colors become less intense; I feel detached
any magic to remove this mechanic and connect to energy flows without restrictions?
What's a good place to start learning about the Anunnaki, whether it be a book, forum, or thread on here or 8/fringe? I seem them mentioned every now and then here, and high-profile figures like Montalk seem to be incorporating the information into their theories and worldviews, so probably something to look into there.
So, I'm trying to find good books about Onmyodo but I just found weeb shit. Do you have any recommendation, /fringe/?
All of the texts are written in Japanese… Classical Japanese. So unless you can read Classical Japanese (most japs can't) good luck cuck.
I have known about Jodorowsky for years, but haven't bothered to see his movies since they always struck me as being weird for the sake of being weird or being somehow tailored for a stoned hippy audience. Is there actually some sense to them or something to be discerned in them?
Trailer for the Devil reminded me of this (embed) scene from Herzog's Nosferatu
haha, the scene you embedded is great. this is pretty much how everyday world looks like when mind is going through certain stages. crazy carnivelesque dance
there are similar okay scenes in Jodorowsky. For example, in this one, Jesus realizes everything is in vain because he's been turned into a symbol, or a commodity. but I haven't watched any of his works, just some scenes.
>this is pretty much how everyday world looks like when mind is going through certain stages. crazy carnivelesque dance
Exactly. The world is mad and they don't know it. In the words of St. Anthony:
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”
hearing some guy going on about this shit, is it disinfo?
Don't worry goy it's not all jews, after all jews are white. Don't forget to be a based civic nationalist and support Israel, the only white ethnostate. I'm one of the good jews fellow white man, don't worry jews are white as you should know.
P.S. 9/11 was not an inside job it was just crazy muslims trust me I know people who are very knowledgeable on the subject and they told me that the dancing jews on 9/11 were just celebrating the passover
The internet is like the Matrix, Neo!
But isn't that overabstraction into the categories of mad and not mad? I'm pretty sure that there would be mads calling other mads mad all the time.
Based on the meaning of the word, his idea seems to be that everything would be nice if human thought "knew its place" relative to the world and other things, just like how you know how much your knee is bent without looking at it, or touching something with your leg, feeling pain or anything.
Each person's individual perception of experienced reality is real in their mind.
The only limiting factor is the strength of your Will and your ability to control your Awareness.
Has anyone around here had any success with altering their genetics via spiritual means?
I feel like there is so much we as humans we could solve via editing our genetic code such as fixing thought patterns, appearance, health dispositions etc. but i haven't the slightest idea how one could feasibly change their own genetics without machinery, any advice?
>thought patterns
What are you, an atheist or something? :^)
I've had some success with editing my body to some extent (and also brain chemistry), but I don't know if it affected my genes, probably not seeing how changes slowly reverted once I stopped pouring loosh into this project, but then again, I just sort of gave up on this entirely and the project was far from complete, maybe if I took it to the extreme then the changes would be irreversible, which would mean that the genetic code was indeed altered.
The way I did that was just straight up basic will, visualization and emotion. Create a scenario in your mind where you can see the desired outcome and just "live it out" while pouring energy into it, you can also utilize affirmations and auto-suggestion. Of course aim to be as deep in the meditation as possible, usually I saved any serious work for when I could no longer feel my body. Do it daily for some time and watch for the effects, that was at least how I did the slight body editing.
You can also work with energy, visualize and feel some light on the part of the body you are working on, molding it to your will, breath energy into it etc. There is a multitude of ways, I mostly used several in conjunction with the others.
The same way as before really, but then again, each magical working can be reduced to just these three components - will, visualization and energy.
In each case you can also mess around with elements, figure out which element would help with reaching your goal. For healing I sometimes use earth and it works great (but then again you can also use other elements depending on what you are doing, or a combination of them in succession, like purifying some part with fire, then solidifying changes with earth), but I cannot asses if it's solely because of this, as I focused most of my efforts on self-healing these past few years, and apart from that most of the practices I do have health benefits (nadi shuddhi, tattwa shuddhi and stuff like that).
>altering genetics
Now, I'd go on about this as I explained before - will, visualization and energy meme, as it is not different from changing your body, it's just you don't work on the larger scale as with appearance and health etc. but on smaller, influencing the building blocks that make up your genetic code. Bear in mind that you do not have to make your visualization as scientific as possible, work on symbols. For example DNA always reminded me of a staircase, so most certainly my visualization would utilize that. Perhaps I'd see some steps in this staircase as undesirable and I'd replace them, linking this action with changing the genome, and pouring energy into it.
Now, some word of caution is needed I think, because I think you could really hurt yourself if you did changes to your genome but the results would be far from beneficial, and the changes you made could accidentally start a chain reaction leading to, for example, cancer or some other shit, so try to implement some limits onto your actions. At one time I did some magic to change the receptivity of the opioid receptors in my brain, but I was having some "safeguards" as to not change their sensitivity too much.
Now, when it comes to any modification of your body, it is good to know about what exactly are you doing from the scientific point of view - what biological processes cause what you want to change. I think that it allows for easier workings when you surgically give a small push in the right direction exactly where you need it than when you just make a general statement as an auto suggestion (the second approach work too though). Take all the scientific data you can find (pubmed is your friend) and study up. Then, when you know what you have to do, take this information and encode it in some symbolic form, and then just work on symbols and energy. If you have trouble with coming up with the "proper" way of visualizing the thing you want to change, you can just try to let it come to you. Go deep into meditation and just ask something like "show me the part of the genome that does…" and be receptive of any impressions.
Just some thoughts, I'm not a huge expert.
>but i haven't the slightest idea how one could feasibly change their own genetics without machinery, any advice?
Lead can be turned into Gold through Will alone. You can do anything with Will.
I think that this is a hoax, but there is enough evidence to support the notion that human sacrifice was performed in India to various aspects of the Godhead, usually to Shakti though, as Shiva is just a transcendental passive observer, so any worship of Shiva is redundant (at least in the version of Tantra I follow) but then again in Kashmir Shaivism this form of Shiva - dancing Shiva - Nataraj can be linked to the function that Shakti in Her various aspects performs.
Siva, the sole essence of all that exists, is also the Lord of
dance (natarája). With one of his many hands, he holds the
drum, the sound vibrations of which give rise to the universe as
they generate time and space; with another hand, he brandishes
the fire of resorption. The movement of the dance conceals his
essence, as it whirls about him the flames of the manifestation,
while the fire of resorption, sweeping away everything, reveals it.
Standing still at the center of this twofold activity, as the seat of all
power, he unfolds, with impassibility, the fiercest energies, the
most antagonistic movements: emanation and resorption, con-
cealment and grace, retraction and expansion.
His energy, the great Kali, with whom he forms an indivisible
whole, propagates to the entire universe the rhythm of this cosmic
dance. Such is the essence of the Kundalini energy, the source of
all rhythms in life; what it generates is nothing but rhythm, and no
level escapes it. It is in the perspective of this divine pulsation—of
which it is a privileged expression and which it reproduces at ev-
ery stage— that this energy should be considered, in order to un-
derstand the role it plays within humans and in the universe.
Abhinavagupta states: “Siva, conscious, free, and of trans-
parent essence, is always vibrating, and this supreme energy
reaches to the tip of the sense organs; then he is nothing but bliss
and like him the entire universe vibrates. In truth, I do not see
where transmigration, a mere echo, could find a place.”
Now, this consideration of the symbolism of the statue reveals that it is indeed the very thing CERN is interested in - the study of vibration. The notion that everything is vibration have been present in Tantra for a very long time (for example in Shaivite Spandakarika), so, although I think it is a hoax, I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't.
Now, I don't know if historically there were any human sacrifices to Shiva, but I know that there were to Kali, but female creatures were never sacrificed to Her, Kulachudamani nigama (if my memory serves me) states that sacrificing a female animal of any kind would make the Goddess furious.
If someone went to all the trouble of preparing a human sacrifice and had resources to do so, I think they could do better than doing it practically in public and with no proper sacrifice or no proper ritual conduct. I mean, if you do a sacrifice to a certain deity you can at least use their symbolism and can do better than some meme black robes.
This is an old story but by the time it was first mentioned that CERN may create a black hole and destroy the universe, I remember reading a lecture by Li Hongzhi (founder of falun gong) where he claimed some scientists had started a chain reaction that they couldn't stop, and they're now scared out of their minds. I'm not sure exactly to what he was referring to except it had to do with splitting particles and if it was left unfixed it would really be the end of the world. It's implied this would be handled within the teachings of falun dafa anyway so it was not said by him to worry people in my understanding, rather he was talking about the recklessness of human modern science and how dangerous it is.
When I heard of the black hole thing I had this stuff in mind so I decided to stop it at once. I don't remember exactly what method I used because this was literally like 9 years ago, but after I performed that thing the particle collider had a malfunction and couldn't be started for 3 months. Later I found out they placed a statue of Shiva in the regenerative form rather then the destructive at CERN. Because I placed a solid block on the place to stop any black holes from appearing I would assume this caused some kind of reaction in the environment, and the ritual they are playing out may be part of the protective qualities manifesting. I've found this to often happen when placing something there, it shows up physically in some way or other.
>inb4 get lost roleplayer etc
You believe what you want, I'm just saying what I think is the reason.
>a statue of Shiva in the regenerative form
It's symbolism runs much deeper than that, see my post above.
Whatever there is translated of Abhinavagupta, material from Dyczkowski, Jaideva Singh books, stuff from SUNY press is generally good, Paul E. Muller-Ortega, Teun Goudriaan - just a few names from the top of my head.
A good place to start is "Eastern" folder in the Temple of Solomon the King mega library. Now I don't know too much about Shaivism, as I'm much more interested in Shaktism, but there is a lot of great Shaiva scholars and there is a lot of stuff to learn. A real abundance of material, which convinces me to research it more (Shiva and Shakti are one anyway and you do a lot of work with various aspects of the Goddess too in Shaivism, see for example books on the Crooked One - Kubjika from Dyczkowski as it is my understanding that She was worshiped in Newar Shaivism too, also She revealed Herself directly to Dyczkowski during his journeys). If you want something practical to throw in while you study up, then check out Vijnanabhairava tantra (just please, don't read Osho's version, which is just a meme and not a real Vijnanabhairava tantra, Jaideva Singh edition is good).
There is also a sort of introductory book by Christopher Wallis, but I can't recommend it in a good conscience as a guy seems kinda off to me, despite his articles on his blog being very good. He does coaching for fuck's sake. But you can give it a try, it's called Tantra Illuminated, and I really don't know why I have a grudge against him, maybe it's just his "so spiritual straight outta yoga class" attitude. This book wasn't that great (I haven't finished it either) but it seemed okay for entry-level. Dunno, maybe just go through it see if you feel like reading it.
I'm trying to think of some good entry-level book on Kashmir Shaivism, but can't think of any because I got into it via a different route. I think that starting from Spandakarikas and the whole vibration meme would be nice. So you have the book by Dyczkowski about it (doctrine of vibration I think it was called) but Dyczkowski is quite heavy on Sanskrit terms and whatnot, really scholarly work proper (as is most of the stuff I listed), but I don't know about this particular book as I haven't read it, there is an edition by Jaideva Singh too called The Yoga of Vibration and Divine Pulsation A Translation of the Spanda Karika with Ksemaraja's Commentary, the Spanda Nirnaya, and you have an edition with 5 different commentaries in the Solomon's mega. See if it clicks with you.
You may want to look on Studies in Tantra by Bagchi, haven't read it either, but his edition of Kaulajnananirnaya was great and he is a recognized name in Tantrik studies and it seems like a sort of introductory book (don't know if that particular book is about Shaivism though).
Abhinavagupta's Paramarthasara seems like a great introduction too.
Arthur Avalon (John Woodroffe) was a pioneer in the area of Tantrik Studies, but he was focused on Shakta mostly, but you can check him out. People think of him as a scholar only, but they tend to forget that he was initiated himself.
Again, as I said - I'm no expert on Shaivism, just listing stuff I heard of or gave a try myself. I plan on studying up on this topic when the stars are right and I will definitely start from Abhinavagupta and Dyczkowski.
what do you make of the total solar eclipse to be visible across the united state's coasts for the first time since 1776?
I'm curious what changes you worked on if you don't mind sharing. I want to do some long term things with bone structure but as a total mundane it's encouraging to hear what others have had success with.
Nothing serious, just making my body cuter, hair stuff mostly.
I think that changing bone structure is something much more harder, as hair are more… impermanent than bones. But I think that the rules of the game are the same, the variable is just the amount of energy you have to put into it.
Also, I've done healing on some internal organs, but that's a whole other story.
>Hindu gods
No. It depends on the school of thought we are having in mind. Hindu Gods generally are pretty varied and their symbolism and meaning is varied too, Shiva, Vishnu, Hanuman etc. all have plenty of differences. To say that all Hindu male Gods represent some one thing is an oversimplification.
>Shiva represent transcendental energies of vibration etc.
Now, in Tantra the focus is on Shiva and Shakti (which may sound like it was a dualistic philosophy, but it is actually monistic, as They are ultimately one) with Shiva being a passive aspect of Brahman, and Shakti being an active one. Generally everything is in the sphere of Shakti, each form, all matter, all energy, everything that is conceivable, and Shiva is a formless, transcendental observer. That is why in the text I quoted Kali is called
>His energy, the great Kali, with whom he forms an indivisible whole
So, to answer your question - no, you're wrong - Shiva in Himself has no power, and doesn't represent any energy of any sort, and this is actually a main point that is common to all tantras.
Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does he have the power to create
O Devi, you are the measure and you measure. You are beyond measure and measurer. You are one in many forms. You are the form of the universe. I bow to you.
Kaulavali Tantra
Sadashiva is without energy (lifeless) when Mahakali is manifest. He also is like a corpse when in union with Shakti. Clearly, without Shakti, the primordial god is lifeless and cannot act.
Todala Tantra
Shiva on the other hand is the witness, passive observer. He is identified with soul (atman) - I don't remember the exact text (perhaps Kaulajnananirnaya) but it was stated that when incarnated He is called jiva (individual soul) and when freed from the bonds of incarnation He is called Shiva. It is the transcendental basis of everything that is, the subtlest consciousness itself. As Shiva and Shakti are one, thus energy (and that includes matter, mind, will, action and well… everything) and consciousness are both ultimately one too, separated only by perceived maya tattwas - 5 kanchukas that are limiting the aspects of Shiva tattwas (Shiva as pure consciousness, Shakti as pure energy and Her 3 other tattwas - ichchha - energy of Will, kriya - energy of Action, jnana - energy of knowledge) - which results in the creation of the universe.
Final liberation is attained by the knowledge that the atma is the witness, is the truth, is omnipresent, is one, free from all deluding distractions of self and not-self, the supreme, and though abiding in the body is not in the body.
Mahanirvana Tantra
>From what I understand, Kundalini represents evolutionary force
It depends by what do you mean by "evolutionary force".
Kundalini is a manifestation of Shakti in human body, it is a microscopic equivalent of that macroscopic Shakti tattwa, same as human consciousness is an equivalent of the highest consciousness - Shiva. Kundalini is the individual aspect of prana - cosmic energy.
Kundalini is para shakti, the subtlest form of energy as
well as the inseparable part of pure consciousness. Although
energy and consciousness have separated and diversified to
give rise to the whole creation, they are forever striving to
unite in the physical body, in order to re-experience the
cosmic unity from which they evolved.
Tantric symbology has employed several images to indi-
cate these two universal aspects within the physical body.
Shakti or energy, lying latent at the base of the spine, is
depicted in the form of a coiled serpent, known as kundalini.
Shiva or consciousness resides in the highest spiritual centre,
sahasrara chakra, which is situated at the top of the head in
the form of a crystal shivalingam. As the supreme energy of
kundalini is awakened through the practice of tantra, the
consciousness is freed from the matter of the body
Now, at least this is the understanding that I have now, I'm going through a nice scholarly work on Kundalini from Shaivite perspective, so it will either broaden my understanding or solidify it.
This is all helpful and I'll maybe even memorize some of what you say. Could you confirm whether my following understanding is also correct?
All these gods were discovered by people in deep meditation in the past. Independent meditators connected to them and confirmed similar visions. Thus, it was established that they're universal, archetypal forces.
The type of meditation used to reach these godly realms was zazen, that is, sitting with no thought until all meaning collapses and then one recedes into the chaotic, primordial womb, the state before birth (and according to some, between death and birth).
I don't intend to go there or use psychedelic drugs, but I feel like it's my responsibility to know if this is how it works.
>All these gods were discovered by people in deep meditation in the past
Now, if this is the reference to Shiva/Shakti then it is obvious from the above considerations that they are "just" metaphysical principles, but indeed Shakti has many aspects and these aspects are individual Goddesses, all governing some part of the creation, all having certain form that a human mind can perceive and all being capable of interaction with worshiper. For example - Das Mahavidya (losely translated as Ten Great Cosmic Powers) being certain aspects of Shakti. The chief Mahavidya is Kali, and She has many aspects Herself - for example, Daksinakalika or Guhyakalika. The tantric Goddess is nevertheless one.
>Independent meditators connected to them and confirmed similar visions. Thus, it was established that they're universal, archetypal forces.
I don't know. The tantras are considered revealed scriptures and one can interact with these Godforms, but I do not know how they were first discovered. Maybe it was the other way around - recognizing archetypal forces and ascribing some deity to them. The historical evidence can point to some evolution in the modes of worship and the evolution of metaphysical concepts, but that does not shed light on the matter how the first contact came into being and also, the teachings may have been revealed accordingly to human capacity to follow them, but on the other hand certain deities (Kali for example) have a long history in which the elements of Their worship were retained in relatively the same form.
>similar visions
I don't think that the visual appearance of certain forces matters much, I think that they reveal themselves accordingly to the human capacity, and one Goddess can have various depictions, depending on the culture the worshipers hailed from (for example Goddess Tara in Hindu and Buddhist iconography, or Chinnamasta).
>The type of meditation used to reach these godly realms was zazen, that is, sitting with no thought until all meaning collapses and then one recedes into the chaotic, primordial womb, the state before birth (and according to some, between death and birth).
Maybe, as I said - I cannot know this for certain obviously. Some may believe that it was the avatars of the Deities that were incarnated to teach the mankind these things, on the other hand, the Shastra speaks of four eras (yugas) of mankind. In previous yugas humankind was supposedly more spiritually developed and much closer to Gods, but I do not know if any transmission of knowledge from one yuga to the other is possible.
Maybe the "final" versions of these deities came to being just by "trying out stuff", maybe some animistic shaman at the dawn of mankind recognized certain force as some spirit, then the perception of this spirit, through countless generations of practitioners, was refined and maybe the sphere of it's influence changed as well coming to fruition in the depictions of the entities we know today.
But, ultimately I think that this is just one system amongst many. All the systems came into being as a frame for mankind to contact these forces, the forces themselves don't need it.
All there is is just an interplay of energy, I think that one person can perceive this energy in one form, someone else in another, and the "official" rules and descriptions of forces, their function, the archetypal energies etc. are secondary to the personal experience and personal perception I think. But I don't know if these are necessarily different things of course.
So I guess my point of view is somewhere in between Deities being objectively, externally "there" and being only in our minds. But then again it all depends on the scale - at some level mind is all there is and the microcosm mirrors the macrocosm.
So yeah, dunno, just some thoughts.
Also, I think that these are not "things in itself", but rather they form a frame of reference for magical and spiritual workings, so I haven't given it too much thought.
Excuse my interruption of this interesting Hindi deities discussion, but I have a minor question.
After 6 months of abstinence, I tried meat again because I got curious about some nutrition threads I read somewhere that the caucasian mental superiority was achieved through increased ingestion of rare meats.
Thing is, I ate it and now I feel as if stuck in full moon, it's hard to concentrate, I feel a lot more grounded, and sleep evades me.
The question is: am I manifesting this because of my preconceptions about eating meat, does it make sense?
Is the ideal diet carnivore, omnivore, vegetarian?
Shouldn't I get all the benefits of a vegetarian diet by eating good amounts of vegetables with meat?
>Shouldn't I get all the benefits of a vegetarian diet by eating good amounts of vegetables with meat?
I think that the benefits of a vegetarian diet come from not eating meat and not from eating veggies.
I am a vegetarian myself for quite a few years now. I tried eating meat again few years back just to test things out, and felt sick too (lots of people have that btw). Now, you are not used to the effects of meat on your body after being vegetarian for some time, so it hits you harder. Meat is harder to digest and energetically is a lot more grounding, so I'd say that if you don't need additional grounding then do not eat meat. Also, in today's world meat is heavily processed and you not only ingest the pollutions and chemicals from the stuff that those animals ate, but you also consume the stuff that they accumulated during their lives from other sources.
Really, it seems to me that going vegetarian is the best choice, not only it is less harmful to the environment (production of meat takes more resources as you not only have to grow crops that these animals eat, but also take care of the animals during their lives, also they are pumped full of antibiotics etc.) but also is less polluted, lighter etc.
Of course a lot of the cons go for vegetarian food too, pollution, chemicals and stuff, but usually it is less harmful (biomagnification) and you have a better control over the sources from which you buy your veg food.
Killing animals is unnecessary and you can live just fine (arguably better) without meat, so it all comes down to just pleasure from eating. Now, I'm not very good at this whole energy meme, but it seems to me that eating some creature who has lived their whole life in slavery and often in poor conditions, leaves some kind of energetic trace on the stuff you are eating, so in a way, you are eating "death energy" or some other meme.
Maybe someone more into /fit/ can give you some better description of the biological effects, I'm no expert. I think it is just worth noting that vegetarian diet was heavily promoted in many spiritual traditions, even before it was all polluted and treated with chemicals. Some books state that meat has very little "pranic value" and one should ideally eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. Hatha Yoga manuals also describe similar diets, but they sometimes recommend diary food too.
> have to grow crops that these animals eat
Small detail but since I keep seing this brought up I'll have to point out that the land used for growing the stuff fed to animals are low quality and can't be used for crops humans can eat. If these areas weren't used for forage it wouldn't be used at all, but would be overgrown with weeds.
Cows can digest parts of the plant humans can't, so it's actually more effective to have cattle as well as crops, you can bring use to more of the land.
If animals leave negative energy on their meat (they do), then they would leave it on all animal product. Milk especially as cows are kept pregnant to make this possible, and for other animal products like eggs or wool they leave negative energy as they are enslaved and contained in bad conditions. There's no benefit to doing it a vegetarian diet over a vegan lifestyle.
Two questions
1-how the fuck do I get my sleep schedule under control
2-how do I stop eating like a mundane
Apologies for newfaggotry.
If you can't dissolve the negative thoughtforms on wool products and transmute them you're a bullshit sissy wizard anyway. There is literally no reason not to use wool, it is the best fabric for cold weather. I bet you don't even use goose down or silk either.
I get 25lbs of rice for $12 and it will last a month.
It's super easy to prepare rice with one of these:
I eat rice and meat and water whenever I'm hungry. I take a multivitamin. Oily food slows me down. Other foods, especially processed, I've found make me feel terrible. I like real sugar products like chocolate raisins.
I sleep whenever I feel like sleeping. Sometimes I'll take a nap before work to make working more bearable.
Pretty much the best response i could have hoped for, thank you so much for you insight.
>2-how do I stop eating like a mundane
Also bless your food. for you newfaggot ass that means project loosh/intentions/thoughtforms into the food of a constructive/empowering nature.
What should I avoid in meditation as to not accidentally cause or speed up kundalini-like experiences?
I've been becoming aware of certain places in the body and I notice I'm actually doing something deep here. It makes me worried I might accelerate kundalini, while I'd like it comes naturally, even if I had to wait many years or lifetimes.
Should I avoid moving awareness towards the spine? Should I avoid circulating the energy? Is circulating it DOWNWARDS the spine and upwards the front okay?
It's the same as what the different websites function as. A bank is a bank, a shop is a shop and a social media platform is a public meeting place.
You say "meat" but what do you mean by that?
Meat could refer to food in general or more commonly animal organs. For the latter might you be talking about a bigmac or something that you pulled out of the wilderness an hour ago? Also something labeled as "organic grass fed beef" in a grocery store is likely several days old and handled by who knows how many people.
It might help to not think of animal organs as bad, but to think about what sort of toxins might have found their way into the organs.
The same could be said of plant matter. Try eating the cheapest, most common looking vegetables you can find and examine it when it comes back out. Now do the same with vegetables you grew in your own garden. You should note a striking difference to a point where the cheap stuff comes out black and stinky and the gardened stuff smells alive and healthy.
It should also be said that plants get their energy from the sun, animals eat those plants, and some animals eat those animals. All along the way the energy is being used up.
>Killing animals is unnecessary and you can live just fine (arguably better) without meat, so it all comes down to just pleasure from eating.
That sounds good and all but many people do not live on or near tropical permacultured land, and those that do, for various reasons, tend to ruin the land so that one cannot walk around easily collecting food everywhere and at any time.
You might want to take a look at the American indians diets as found by the Europeans when sailing over. Even those who were farming various plants also hunted and trapped animals, and still had issues with food shortages, particularly further north.
A deer will turn indigestible (to you) plant matter into something that you can digest.
>>12000 (checked)
I honestly just went nuts with my energy work when I was first exploring it, testing which parts of my body conducted energy slower than the others, trying to move awareness from my toes to the top of my head as fast as possible without just jumping there.
Never had any adverse effects from it.
If you're this worried about it just don't move large amounts of energy up your spine. Everything in front/middle of your body where your chakras are located should be fair game so feel free to activate your dan tiens and spin chakra spheres to your heart's content. Experiencing the heat from your dan tien spreading through your body for the first time is going to be a real treat.
>chakras are located
Chakras are just meditative tools and are what and where you want them to be. At least in the original texts, their location was not in front but on the spine, as they were pierced by the raising Kundalini, which is coiled at the base of the spine.
I'd wager I guess that you do not know a thing about the real Kundalini. To accidentally have a Kundalini ascension would be something unbelievably rare.
>Should I avoid circulating the energy?
One of the methods for raising Kundalini was merging prana and apana, so I guess that unless you do that, then no, no need to avoid that.
>actual research
And what research exactly do you have in mind?
>quote garbage texts
Quoting garbage pics is better.
>Chakras are high density concentration points in the energy body that operate on ascending frequencies
You can experience any number of chakras you wish, try it out sometime.
I just prefer traditional modes of working and enjoy them quite much. There are 5 chakra systems, 7 chakra systems, 8 chakra systems etc. There is no one system, because chakras aren't something objective. If someone only ever worked with 5 chakra system then it will be the way they experience it.
Nice blog article about this.
Hey faggot, remember how I did the secret ritual?
Yeah, turns out the secret organ is responsible for the whole lower chakras and energy in general - I'd even equal it with the dan tien. It became pretty obvious to me, I've spend more than half a year focusing on that region now.
Lately I had another funny phenomenon with the secret organ and now I feel like a 14 yo boy again - l Iiterally timetraveled and my body feels exactly the same like back then. Incredible.
Not sure if this is really good though. Although my heart and solar plexus chakras became more active, I have also diminished sexual prowess now.
Right now I'm trying to figure a way to shift chakra activity with breathing techniques. Do you happen to know any for the lower chakras that involve the secret organ as well?
does anyone have an illustration or visual representation of the tetrapolar magnet? I'm having a hard time grasping it
I've never understood it either. Someone once told me that it doesn't make sense in the English version because the translator did a bad job, but I think it just doesn't make sense, period.
>Hey faggot, remember how I did the secret ritual?
Haha, yeah I remember. I see that you developed into a real faggot magician since then :^)
Yeah, secret ritual has a lot of pros compared to… umm normal ritual? You don't lose as much energy and instead you are just being able to circulate it freely, a friend explained it to me in Yin and Yang terms.
>Do you happen to know any for the lower chakras that involve the secret organ as well?
I'm not sure I understand the question, do you want to know if I know of any chakras that were said to correspond to the secret organ? Most original texts don't really go into much detail into "correspondences", they usually describe certain practices connected to some particular chakra (or to all of them) and siddhis coming from it. Most of the correspondences (like those at the pic few posts above) are purely a New Age addition. Nevertheless, some correspondences were present in the source materials AFAIK (save for the correspondences with various entities presiding over certain chakra, or even certain petals of the one chakra which are present in all the texts as Tantra deals primarily with work with entities) but I haven't really studied the topic of chakras that much to be able to give you some concrete information.
In the original context (the only one I feel at least slightly knowledgeable about) chakras were meditative tools for internalizing various powers and working with them or they were utilized in pranayama. Some texts view chakras solely in relation to Kundalini and are not concerned with them "on their own".
How do I become an armchair occultist who pretends to be all-knowing and superior in both knowledge and prowess while actually being a NEET who has never meditated and sits on the computer all day eating hotpockets and writing out long-winded posts of pure bullshit? No bully bls, this is serious question.
Anyone have any theories for what effect on medicine was caused by making the sigil for medicine a Caduceus instead of the staff of Asclepius?
Yea just don't do it intentionally and you'll be fine.
It's a 'sleeping serpent' and will awaken only with effort.
> Most original texts don't really go into much detail into "correspondences", they usually describe certain practices connected to some particular chakra
Eh, actually the chakra idea is designed for plebs who know no anatomy.
The truth imo is that by focusing on a certain chakra-region, you'll raise blood flow to the organs in the area. Blood being the elixir of life, it has a beneficial effect.
Combined with breathing exercises, that also make the blood flowing, this is the whole idea behind chakras.
I was actually just asking for a breathing exercise for the lower chakras/ dan tien
>Some texts view chakras solely in relation to Kundalini and are not concerned with them "on their own".
I haven't delved into kundalini yet
>an actual mundane
>insulting people by calling them mundane words
I'm not even surprised, step it up you fucking sheeple.
>this is the whole idea behind chakras
That is quite a mundane explanation IMHO. I think that it is about directing prana and about one-pointed awareness.
But never mind, for the technique - there are some, but start with learning siddhasana and moola bandha I think.
Moola Bandha (perineal contraction)
>Sit in siddhasana or siddha yoni asana so that pressure is applied to the perineal/vaginal region.
>The area to be contracted is the physical location of mooladhara chakra.
>For men this is located in the perineum, between the anus and the sexual organ.
>For women, the trigger-point is located behind the cervix where the uterus and vagina meet.
>Close the eyes and relax the whole body.
>Inhale deeply, retain the breath inside and contract the perineal/vaginal muscles as tightly as possible, without strain.
>Maintain awareness in this region, perform 5 contractions, then exhale.
>At first practice short contractions and as control improves increase the duration of the contraction.
It allows for prana retention in that area.
I've searched some books for you and there are some pranayamas for mooladhara chakra specifically, but I'm not that knowledgeable in them and don't know which one should I recommend, so why don't you just start by straight up basic "breathing energy" into it? Visualize each breath entering you and dispersing throughout the whole body, going into adhara chakra. Inhale into it and exhale from it, sensitize yourself for any impressions and feelings you may get, watch for any feeling of "vibration" there, if you feel it then become more aware of it and aim to maximize it. Do it with or without moola bandha, just try it out.
You can also do it for the Svadhisthana chakra which also may correspond to the area we are interested in, but I think that you should focus on root chakra.
Any tips on how to achieve the body of a 14yo using the frequent application of the secret ritual and the subsequent stimulation of this secret organ which is the most precious gem any boi has? :^)
Also, aim to be feeling as if you were really breathing in and from the chakra. If you do breath retention then visualize prana being absorbed in this center during that time (or in the secret organ if you wish). At the end of every session affirm that you are now more aware of this part of your subtle body.
^ now, this whole technique is not the Official Tantrik™ technique but something I came up with on my own, but there is some material suggesting that it might have been used… or it's just what I tell myself in order to remain pure and true to the original sources in my eyes :^)
Regardless, you can combine it with nadi shuddhi and usually nadi shuddhi is a prerequisite for any pranayama as you need to have pure energy channels (nadis) in order to get the whole benefit of any practice, but isn't it all about blood anyway for you? Well, I'm just saying that you might want to take a look at it sweetie.
Looking for the book
It's about how great world wars were Mother-of-god cults rivalry.
>writing out long-winded posts of pure bullshit
This actually doesn't happen. You just think it's BS because you're an armchair occultist neet.
If you had some real life experience of life and the occult you'd know most of it is real, even if people are discussing stupid details of it from a dumb viewpoint, it doesn't make the topic itself less legit.
I see that you are already taking my question into practice. Teach me to be a bullshit sissy wizard like you.
>Anyone have any theories for what effect on medicine was caused by making the sigil for medicine a Caduceus instead of the staff of Asclepius?
Hermes is the god of TRADE, THEIVES, and THE UNDERWORLD. Well I'll be damned if that doesn't sound like the (((medical system))) in general. Really makes you think, fellow goyim.
Have you guys ever tried using magic to meet girls IRL (not succubus btw)?
I've been experimenting over the year with this, I've had some success but it never perfectly works out.
To the bluepill it's certainly very context expanding, so very possibly.
>That is quite a mundane explanation IMHO.
Energy work is pretty useless if it doesn't manifest in the physical. And concerning the human body that is blood flow and muscle contractions mainly.
>Moola Bandha (perineal contraction)
Thanks, it sounds good. Will try it out.
>Any tips on how to achieve the body of a 14yo using the frequent application of the secret ritual
I haven't performed the ritual since the incident and neither do I plan to. Also I have misinterpreted my condition, sorry.
The truth is that I seemed to suffer from BPH. The effects are astonishing. Even my belly became very flat and cute but it's not fucking worth it because the negative sides outweigh the positive at some level of intensity.
Care well for the organ, it is indeed very precious Stop poking it with things, I'm serious
>Energy work is pretty useless if it doesn't manifest in the physical. And concerning the human body that is blood flow and muscle contractions mainly.
It seemed to me that you implied that there is nothing else save for the physical side of things, while I think that it is the least important of the effects of pranayama/energy work.
>The effects are astonishing
The effects of what? Your condition?
>Even my belly became very flat and cute but it's not fucking worth it because the negative sides outweigh the positive at some level of intensity.
My belly is already very flat and very cute :^)
>Care well for the organ, it is indeed very precious
I do! But I don't think that secret rituals are harmful to it in any way.
Have you thought about fixing yourself with magic? AND/OR with an application of a secret ritual, as it is used in treating your problem?
>while I think that it is the least important of the effects of pranayama/energy work.
The physical body and the energy body are merely temporary vessels. I see no point in fueling it with energy work besides physical maintenance.
>The effects of what? Your condition?
Yes. It's frightening how one single ailment can change the whole perception of life. It helped me to see all the distractions that this physical existence brings.
>My belly is already very flat and very cute :^)
Mine is too manly for gay shit :—-D
>But I don't think that secret rituals are harmful to it in any way.
Well, it was for me. Take care
>Have you thought about fixing yourself with magic?
I listened to my intuition and cured myself with diet and herbs already. not real magic but whatever
you're in a fantasy themed world right now. after death you'll go to another fantasy themes world and you will spend your life there wishing to go to some other fantasy themed world
This world here has, let's say, dolphins. If you became conditioned to dolphins in this world already, what makes you think you will enjoy elves in your next life?
>Energy work is pretty useless if it doesn't manifest in the physical.
Only after years of practice in that area could I actually effect the physical world in such a great way I could see it in real time. For years it was on such a small scale it was practically invisible or would take weeks or months to see it's physical form become manifest yet determination allowed me to eventually get there.
Usually a problem with the kidneys. Imagine the front of you is east and back is west. Feel the northwest and southwest angles of the body around the sides of your back to feel how the kidneys connect to the ears.
All problems connect to energy or conscious problems. Take note of where you might be straining, excessively spending or under recovering and assimilating.
Breath meditation will energize the body but it will only hold awareness for so long until you've strengthened the channels via exercise.
Speaking of ear problems.
>have perfectly normal vision and hearing all my life
>a month or two I started noticing that my left ear hears a little worse than the right
>go to ear doctor, does the test
>says it's just barely worse than the right ear and is actually better than the right at higher frequencies
>most people have this and normally don't notice the difference unless specifically tested like I was
Thanks /fringe/, I've started noticing various imperfections of my body after becoming more attuned to it.
Why did I have to get drawn to the esoteric instead of living in blissful ignorance like the masses?
Developing precognition here. Having decent success so far. The problem is that I am successful only in seeing banal and random things. I'm aware of the theories regarding timelines fluctuating and also altering the future. As of right now I am trying to hone precognition as a skill and go from there.
My next step forwards is exploring a hypothesis I created a while back. Bare with me here in case I sound vague. My hypothesis revolves around information on the future as the future supposedly existing on the astral, and being able to access this information while dreaming. I base this on numerous dreaming sessions where I saw something that was seemingly trivial and then later experienced it ala that sensation some might feel when experiencing a synchronicity. I have very good dream memory and I keep a very detailed dream journal. The only problem is that when trying to prove to people I foresaw something, it looks awfully unconvincing to point to a journal entry and say I saw that brief, random, and otherwise pointless moment a day, a week, a month, or even a year in advance and forgot about it.
So my next challenge is to see if I can find a way to tap into that channel or frequency so to speak where I acquire information of the future, even if it is a possible future. If I can do that with relative precision, I can later test if I can alter the future. Needless to say that may be a long way off. So my question is, does some method exist, where one can hone in on either a particular astral source or setting OR channel the "feeling" of experiencing a synchronicity and sort of "reverse-engineering" it for meditation?
That's deja-vu you're talking about, isn't it?
It's pretty dank but I figured that the practical precognition doesn't work through dreams but through vague feelings. But this is limited to events to are about to happen and never covers greater time-spans.
Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
My question is: are there or not worlds like the ones we idealized in fiction?
If the other option is being a man whore, yes. You're not supporting the degenerated practices that makes use of sexual promiscuity. Consider any action spiritual or occult, whatever you do as a human is somehow connected to different spirits, connecting you to a larger system. If you're a virgin you are free from those connections tying people up and stealing their energy.
It has nothing to do with being 30+ tho. If you engage with someone of the opposite sex you'll see how all your free time suddenly disappears into nothing. Where do you think it went?
share your experience with takings meds.
did they close your connection to what-is-beyond? I know you can reach such level of depression where your imagination will be closed. Is meds a way out of such situation.
Pretty much this. Don't worry about sex stuff unless you meet someone you feel really good with, share interests, can open your heart to etc. I wouldn't have sex with someone not into magic for sure. Sex can either be beneficial to your progress (sex magic for example) or not. And most of the time it is not and it is safer to just live in celibacy saving yourself for that perfect someone At least that's what I'm telling myself ;_;
"Meds" is such a broad category. I'd say it depends on the drug in question, but SSRIs are pretty much shitty and not worth it 99% of the time imho. Also, I understand that you are asking only about legal substances?
>did they close your connection to what-is-beyond?
They didn't.
>Is meds a way out of such situation.
A possible way, but as far as the only and the best way is considered - no.
Meditation is way better in every respect when it comes to helping you out when you are in a bad spot, but some pharmacological support MAY go a long way too, if you are unable to cope. But as I said - it depends. It depends on the med in question, on the person, on their problem etc.
I've been taking various SSRI for depression on and off for some time in the past and I must say, after all, that it wasn't worth it. I haven't suffered any long-term damage from taking them, but the thing that helped me was meditation and magix general and not drugs. In fact some of the meds only made things worse. The only drug I wouldn't mind taking and that actually helped me in some way was mirtazapine, but it's not a "typical" antidepressant.
Are you just asking theoretically or are you in a bad spot yourself? Share your story if you feel like it, I may be able to help.
>thinking you are the one to define what love is or isn't
>thinking that boys can't clean up their assholes
>loving… is not love
Okay, I'm going to bite - why do you think it isn't?
==It is.==
>can't stop himself from encouraging someone to put things in his ass or be otherwise suggestive half the time he posts
>claims to hate gay degeneracy
I loathe to be grouped with people like you.
You realize it's 2017 right? The best way to get close to God is to stick cocks up your ass, wake up /pol/tard.
when does the age of Aquarius end, I know it started in the last couple hundred years and trump can't be the end of it
I've only just realized that there's a vampire section of pdfs in the library sticky. Has anyone read any of the stuff within? What you think of it?
I've skimmed through one of its Vampyre_Magick pdfs and it all seems to me the well and truly familiar affirmations/invokations/evokations/astral travel/Golden Dawn tier rituals but with a vampire twist added on.
It is very related to deja vu but the reason why I qualify it as (mild or developing) precognition and why it isn't actually deja vu is that deja vu is both the sensation of having seen what you're experiencing before and having no actual fore-knowledge of the event. Whereas I have previously seen events both in and out of dreams (I forgot to mention that last part). It is highly likely that their relation does not end by mere attribution, I believe that by harnessing the same channel so-to-speak where fragments of future events are communicated, I and someone else can perhaps tap into fore-knowledge and develop that skill into precognition. Thus it is likely that if deja vu is a similar but otherwise distinct phenomena, it is also possible that people who have experienced it have experienced what I have but do not remember the exact moment they foresaw that event.
The /energy manipulation kept me from even looking, but now I see like half of it is temple of the vampire stuff and the rest seems to be the same type of spiritual vampirism. I'm not saying it isn't legit, I'm just not interested in it, it's all based on finding out if your soul is part of the reincarnated vampires and it's not really useful for people outside this group.
Actually joining doesn't seem to happen, I'm assuming like other forms of vampirism it's referred back to some original ritual that noone remembers how to perform, so they literally don't know how to recruit by adding someone to the group, they're just looking for the people who are already in to reconnect them in every lifetime.
This folder has only one book that accurately describes what a "vampire" really is.
my story
>suffered from depression && panic attacks at 17, 18
>four months ago understood that it might be mercury poisoning from 7 mercury fillings
>got them changed
>didn't do enough research
>changed with 'white composite' aka Bisphenol-A/Xenoestrogenes
>situation got worse
>checked my estrodiol.70 pg/ml (norm is up to 30pg/ml).
>panicked even more
>decided to remove teeth altogether
>mom found out
>major conflict. they called doctors on me
>one month in a funny house. hard yellowpilling with various meds(olanzopine, ..)
>just got out
My imagination is locked, I'm framed as paranoid schizophrenic and no one believes me that teeth is the reason.
>'Yo, everyone has these composite fillings, yet no one has symptoms like you'
I decided try quetiapine. It helped me year ago, I was much more relaxed and in control.
it is hard to meditate when your imagination is locked.. I feel tense. The only thing helped me were microdoses of shrooms.I believe, it activated my pineal - I got ideas and imagination back. Now I'm waiting Gluthatione to arrive and I'll try to detox. and I'm looking for a clinic to change teeth fillings to porcelain.
Not me. That anon never called himself enlightened for all I know.
What is degenerate about putting things in your ass? Serious question.
Well, I don't like sexual promiscuity, and that's what I meant about me hating "gay degeneracy" as it pains me greatly that so many gay people are just mindless mundanes and all I want is just monogamous magix bf. Also, degeneracy is a meme.
>I loathe to be grouped with people like you.
What do you mean? I don't feel grouped with you, don't know why you should.
>> be otherwise suggestive half the time he posts
I only talk about gay shit if the topic is mentioned by someone else. It's not like I'm just writing "hey guys, I'm gay, look at me, I'm so gay". Don't know why, but it is very often brought up by someone else, people are still getting triggered so easily.
Well, at some point in life I tried olanzapine and didn't suffer from "imagination lock" (but I only used really low dosages) so it is perhaps something particular to your situation and not to the meds in question, or some other drug caused it as that sounds like something a shrink would do to people.
>it is hard to meditate when your imagination is locked
I'd imagine it is easier, as you don't have as many distractions. What kind of meditation are you talking about?
Don't worry, there will be no permanent damage AFAIK so it will only get better from this point.
I think you guys are best suited to answer my question.
I was lying in my bed, fully awake. (As in consciouscly awake and aware of my surroundings.) I do not know how late it was exactly but it was early in the morning, maybe around 8 AM? I wanted to get up because I slept enough but then I heard a voice in my right ear and getting curious as to what it wants to say/do I temporarily abandoned the thoughts of getting up, cleared my mind and just observed as if I was just a bystander.
The voice started to talk in a language which I can not understand apart from a few parts which I could understand. (My mother tongue is german but the parts that I was able to understand were all in english, the rest sounded like gibberish.)
First said voice started to talk softly and very quietly, then it blew into my ear gently. (Like in those ASMR videos.) This escalated into ear licking shortly after. I felt my ear becoming hot, but not wet.
After a while I started thinking "This might not be so bad, it's pretty comfortable". And things got… worse/better then. Depends on how you look at it.
I heard a second voice, the same female voice as the first. However there is a difference between the 2 as in the first sounded like it was INSIDE my ear while the second sounded as if it came from a person in front of me. (Keep in mind I was still lying on my back)
That first voice also had some understandable parts with the majority not understandable. The word that I remember is "nude". Said voice then started to "hold me down". But it didn't feel like I would be unable to move if I wanted to and my head was still completely clear without any distractions. I was still aware of my surroundings, my body and my thoughts so I didn't think of it as bad. Most importantly it was more softly holding down, as if that voice was afraid of hurting me or scaring me. I felt 2 hands, one on my right shoulder and one on my left upper arm. The second voice also seemed to switch positions from further away and coming closer, as if it couldn't decide which part of my body to pay attention to. My face or my nether regions. In the end it settled on my face and started kissing me, I completely felt it and because I didn't feel like losing energy, stamina or anything else I just let it keep doing whatever it is doing. After all there is no reason to hurt something that isn't hurting you, no? It also licked my lower neck and upper chest a little bit. (above nipple area)
When all of it stopped after a while the 2 voices merged into one and it told me in the same female UNDERSTANDABLE voice that if I want more I would have to agree to marry her. After which they then vanished.
As for how I know I was completely and consciously awake:
I heard my PC in the background, which is weird considering I turned it off before I've gone to sleep. But that's the third time it happened that I can remember so I didn't pay much attention to it. I felt the airflow on my left arm and also my blanket and other parts of my bed while everything else was dark as I had my eyes closed the entire time.
I don't know if this is of any help but when I woke up at night I know I heard something to my right that sounded like wind blowing paper around or something walking on the floor. But there is a wall to my right so that can not be. I still opened my eyes and took a look but apart from my cushion there wasn't anything else so I thought "Maybe I'll just lie down on that spot". And I also do meditate every night for around 10 minutes to 1 hour, before I try to fall asleep.
Now to my question: Did I just got violated by a spirit or succubus? Keep in mind I did not try to summon anything as first I do not have any confidence in succeeding nor do I have any confidence in things not going completely south.
Please excuse me if I chose the wrong thread, but I'm not sure what exactly it was.
Did you take part in/take interest in the succubus collective thread on /loosh/?
Either way this is probably related, as you're here on fringechan.
> if I want more I would have to agree to marry her
She wants your soul and to take you with her from here, now or when you die from old age. If that sounds like something you want, you only need to express it clearly aimed at her and it counts as a deal, she made a pretty clear offer.
I'm not selling my soul to a succubus or a spirit. What is mine is mine, what is supposed to be mine will be mine and what isn't mine will never be mine.
I did take some interest in succubi culture, summoning and the like. But only as general knowledge, not for actually summoning. And the only thread I have read so far is the one here on /fringe/, not the one one /loosh/.
Aggressive marketing has proven successful, so why wouldn't they try it too.
>What is mine is mine, what is supposed to be mine will be mine and what isn't mine will never be mine.
Ah.. that's a pretty good statement if you want someone to misinterpret it or find loopholes.
>supposed to be mine
>isn't mine
can easily be used to capture someone, just saying.
>but anon, you're supposed to belong to me, you don't own yourself
I know it can be misinterpreted but the important part here is: My soul right now is mine. And as it is mine it will always be mine because I decided so.
One day it might not be mine anymore. But as long as I am the one deciding then it will always be mine and nobody can interfere, simply because I will not let them.
The supposed to be mine part refers to the future. One day, something that has more power over me than I do it could decide my soul is no longer mine, but that would also mean my soul was never mine to begin with. You can put this into a loop if you like, I however am fully convinced that as long as I am what I am then nobody and nothing will get hold of my soul.
>but anon, you're supposed to belong to me, you don't own yourself
Wouldn't that show itself in the future? If that is correct then indeed, it would become that way. But only when the time is right.
> as long as I am the one deciding then it will always be mine
>something that has more power over me than I do it could decide my soul is no longer mine
>my soul was never mine to begin with
> nobody and nothing will get hold of my soul
…other than its rightful owner, whoever that is, right?
It seems to have worked pretty good, you're already stating conditions for when you would give up your soul.
This is the reason you were approached, you're an obvious candidate for capture.
It's not good or bad, it's just the way it is.
>you're an obvious candidate for capture
Yes, you might be correct about that. But even then I will never give up to keep what I believe is rightfully mine. And I believe my soul belongs only to me and nobody/nothing else. Those spirits could give even fancier words and promises, they would still not get what is mine.
And even if they are stronger than me and can wrest it wrongfully away from me, if I can't have what is rightfully mine then nobody can. Before my soul, and in turn I, become someone elses posession I would rather destroy myself.
It isn't that this statement has loopholes, it is that it needs you to be utterly and completely convinced of things that are yours. For example: What do you believe is rightfully yours and nobody elses? Something that no matter what you would never be willing to give up because you are completely convinced it is yours? For me that is my entire being. My (current) body, my physical soul and my spiritual soul. That is what I mean with "What is mine is mine."
"What is supposed to be mine will be mine." refers to whatever is in the future. A good example would be my future body, after reincarnation or even knowledge that I learn in books. (In the case of knowledge you can link this to "When the student is ready, the master appears")
"What isn't mine will never be mine" refers to things that do not fall in the earlier mentioned categories. An example is your body. Your body does not show any indication of being supposed to be mine and neither is it mine right now, but yours. Thus it will never be mine.
> I believe
Shows you are not fully convinced of this.
> I would rather destroy myself.
There's your main flaw. This is why you can be captured. Generally they are looking for one of 2 things
>suicidal thinking/self harm
>acceptance of male homosexuality
Both of those traits can be easily taken advantage of in the formation of a contract unfavourable for the captee.
"believe" is the word I chose. If you wish you can use the word "know" instead. What matters is not what word you use, what matters is whether you are or you are not convinced. You either are or you are not. And I am.
>suicidal thinking
That's not what I meant. I meant that I am free (To do what I want with what is mine) and it is impossible for me to be me if I am not free. That is what the destruction boils down to.
Of course you could also be correct in your sense. But is there anything else you might know about what happened this night? If they try to harm me, my posessions or wrest away from me what is mine then I will slay them. Plain and simple.
>What matters is not what word you use
Dealing with demonic entities has shown me this is exactly what matters. If you made any claim at all they will twist it to mean whatever they want it to mean, and they will find ways to make you defend your words in a way that further exposes your weaknesses. If you change the meaning of what you said even slightly by using a different word the next time any incosistancy will be used to point out how you either lied the first time or the next, or that you simply do not know what you are talking about. The only way to stay safe is to examine your statements with this in mind before typing them out or expressing them, or they will have you making uncontrollable rants to the point where you're saying exactly what they want you to. A deal is a deal if you agree to it once, changing your mind later won't undo it.
> is there anything else you might know about what happened this night?
I'm interpreting it based on my previous experiences and what happened to other anons (not specific for /fringe/). I have yet to decide what will come of this, I don't really see you turning either way yet.
> If they try to harm me, my posessions or wrest away from me what is mine then I will slay them.
They will not take what is yours, they will make you agree that it actually isn't. It all happens by free will. You can't slay someone who owns souls, there is nothing to aim at. If you aim at the main entity they will change place with one of their slave souls, making you the criminal for attacking an innocent. If you strike at one of the souls first, you're still at fault. Maybe you don't care about being right or wrong - well then that's even worse. All of this is to expose your flaws and use them against you. Considering the professional approach used they probably did this successfully many times before.
Succubus and related entities are master trolls.
What's the /fringe/ interpretation of the moon or moonlight? I believe Gurdjieff says that as long as people follow their autopilot, they will "become food for the moon" or something. What do other /fringe/-related people have to say regarding the moon?
Sorry that happened to you. Weston A Price tried to warn everyone of the teeth filling scam but his research got buried. For any hormone problems, try DIM or look for estrogen metabolism supplements (even women need these because of excess estrogenuous substances in the environment), and keyword: aromatase enzyme inhibitor. Get vitamin d3 and consume at least 5000IU with a saturated fat food substance like organic butter or milk. That should give you a good start but there's definitely a lot more to it than that.
>is there a way to travel into a specific parallel universe?
>What's the /fringe/ interpretation of the moon or moonlight?
>all jews have been exterminated
>/pol/ still believes there are jews because other /pol/acks continue to pretend to be kikes
Poe's Law, or Shlomo's Law?
>go to regular dentist checkup
>finds weird as permanent tooth growing under my normal permanent tooth
>do scan
>turns out I have 4 extra permanent teeth in my jaw
>tells me it's fucking weird and can send me to some surgeon expert to extract them by cutting my gums open
>they don't really bother me so I decline
I've managed to regrow broken bones in the past, accelerating normal healing by over two weeks but I've never tried melting tissue away. I could probably try to localize some dark destructive energy into the extra teeth (which will highly likely cause excruciating pain as they're broken down) but I'd like to hear some more wizards' thoughts on the matter.
Doesn't matter if you tried to melt your own or someone else's bones btw, please share your experiences.
>I'd imagine it is easier, as you don't have as many distractions.
I can't relax really. Tension builds when I try to meditate.
Thanks, bro. I'll look up to that. I'm getting them changed in two weeks. With bio-compatible porcelain. Though there is some cement they use, though it still better than bisphenol-a in my mouth. Shit, 70 pg/ml estrodiol!! And then they call me paranoid schizophenic. 'everyone have them'.
Moon - Ice, Snow, Winter, Thule.
Sun - Fire, Egypt, Summer, Atlantis.
I've read about reports, mostly alchemically related, of people growing new teeth that push their old ones out. This can happen when consuming highly purified yet not quite perfected elixirs.
The reason being that the soul & flesh would be empowered to regenerate so fast that it's swifter and easier to make a new tooth than to fix the old one. I've also read accounts of similar happening with finger and toenails, and feathers for birds (so presumable hair for humans too?).
What /fringe/ thinks about self hypnosis? Do you have any recommendation? I want to reprogram my mind to be braver.
At first I read "I want to be a beaver" and I laughed.
Ok, I think there's some threads on self hypnosis on the /div/ board, also some texts on self-dowsing in the libraries. Go check and ctrl-F relevant terms: hypnosis, dowsing, reprogram, etc.
Unless you count fresh cold pressed juice every morning and reverse osmosis water as elixirs I didn't really consume anything out of the ordinary.
Plus it's not like I've ever had any tooth problems, never had a drill even come close to my mouth, every time I go to the dentist once a year it's just for routine cleaning since all my teeth are healthy.
Shitty blurry picture taken with shaky hands so you can only see 2 of them. Also my question on melting bones/teeth still stands. Guess limb regeneration isn't all that impossible but I'd rather not test it.
Why focus on destroying your bones/tissues when you could focus on restoring a normal or prefered state?
Also, even wizards underestimate how hard it is to walk on water. Truly adept occultists are rare.. If anything, the people who could walk on water, probably wouldn't.
If there were let me quote the comments on it
>nice blurry potato cam you had there
or, if crystal clear sharp
>nice CG
I know that's a troll question, but still, I undertand why anyone would doubt magic if in this modern age where everything is on video there is little evidence of its existence that doesn't require personal experience.
valid answer
Are they rare or are they nonexistant? Where are they and why aren't they teaching the willing? This is truly frustrating. All these low-level magicians but no true adepts? Just why? Where is Hogwarts? Where is the path of the occult that upon witnessing will leave you flabbergasted and make you willing to learn it?
That's a terrible excuse. At least some beginners would at least get motivated. Also, documenting something that is undeniably magical will undeniably attract threats.
You know I was once told by a yogi
in a dream that "the problem with people who try to walk on water is they focus on the surface, but that's not where the center is." Take it as you will, I know I'm not there yet.
>Are they rare or are they nonexistant?
Underground mostly well figuratively, more often actually they are in the mountains, the deserts, the remote places in nature.
>Where are they and why aren't they teaching the willing?
When you find them in the physical, if you are ready (which you probably wouldn't have seen them except maybe in passing otherwise) they will teach you. You can get spiritual support anytime though and it can be just as effective. I stopped being so picky.
>This is truly frustrating. All these low-level magicians but no true adepts?
When the student is ready, the master will appear. And at and for the appropriate level, no need to have a grand master tutor an acolyte, an initiate will due just as well.
>Just why?
They are called mystery schools for a reason. It's an inherent higher calling, away from the baser trials of existence, something for the few. This is not intentional obfuscation however given the abject rejection of the masses it's just the result, when the majority desire to make a reality they will fill it as they please, perhaps much to the chagrin of one living immersed in normalfag culture.
It's all there, it's also just so subtle we mistake it or even misperceive.
>Where is Hogwarts?
You're posting there.
>Where is the path of the occult that upon witnessing will leave you flabbergasted and make you willing to learn it?
That comes when you've experienced the irrefutable proof of the power that lies in in stillness, in silence, in the universal breath. These words seem but poetic fancy and I'm afraid that's all I can offer you. I can't do it for you. All I can say is
>A great teacher never strives to explain her vision; she simply invites you to stand beside her and see it for yourself.
And >>>/fringe/3 Do them. The visualization based ones if you're good, else wise start with basic awareness focusing and then manipulation.
The moment will strike you, perhaps in the most unlikely & unexpected way, yet nonetheless through understanding what you are this will fractal out and you will realize just how epicly grand this all is. And that will provide your unending inspiration and drive.
Does changing your name, not the legal name as in a government procedure, but changing the name by which you address yourself and have others address you create spiritual/astral change? How much does a name define you.
I think names are like memes created by society.
Some do have characteristics ascribed to them that can backfire on you but some are just shit meme that no one cares about.
This is all prejudice dynamics though and closer friends won't have the necessary prejudice to meme an effect into reality. That's why I prefer when distant acquaintances don't know my name or simply forget it.
>referring to yourself by your name
>not realizing your true "I"
Here's a question, if your parents called you anything different, would you be a different entity? The name my parents gave me apparently signifies health in babies but I was pretty sickly all my life and a malnourished childhood made me a manlet.
Like the other anon said it's meaningless bullshit that makes no difference to who you really are.
…and I have to disagree. I find that I feel better when I'm around people and I use a fake name. There is no denying that your name links you to your past — you have a history of being your name. If I use a new name, I feel like a new person. Like I can be whoever I want. I feel much more comfortable talking to people if I am (1) using a fake name and (2) using a language that is not my mother tongue.
So to answer >>12310 , yes if you had a different name you would be a different entity. You would be in a different position in the roll call, in lists, in office appointments. Your name definitely helps you being who you are.
To >>12307 I say, just try it. Go around for a while using a different name and see how it feels. For me, it makes me feel safer, like I am hiding who I really am. I'm not entirely fond of who I was and the things I did in the pass, so this somehow makes me forget those things happened.
>if you had a different name you would be a different entity
Anon, I am will and consciousness controlling a mind that dwells in a flesh and blood body at my higher self level just like you are, whether you consider it deepest of furthest removed. Yes, I would experience the physical world a little differently if my ego persona wasn't John Doe but Dave Doe but it doesn't change who I am fundamentally, my inborn qualities and vices.
If you for example managed to erase all memory of your past persona and start off with a clean slate as an amnesiac of sorts, don't you think you'd eventually fall into the same habits of your past self? Haven't you ever observed that some people are drawn to various things despite their upbringing or life experience?
Even on a mundane level the genes your parents pass down to you determine a significant portion of who you'll most likely become. It's no surprise that a child of brilliant scientists is born a genius even if he's named Stupid as a joke and a kid born to a single mother who was a heavy drinker during pregnancy doesn't have much of a future no matter the name he gets or how affluent the family that adopted him might be.
I agree that shedding your ego temporarily is very freeing and it's nice to try on a different mask at times, taking up an entirely new mindset but if you play through the role long enough you'll likely get steered back into the same direction your original ego went. Give it a try though, it's just a theory of mine after all so I'll be excited if you prove it wrong.
You can attribute any abstract qualities to any symbols. Nothing is truly hardcoded. Your personal, conscious, views will always have more impact in your personal sphere of influence.
>How much does a name define you.
It can be a tremendous amount, especially for mundanes, sometimes ever more influential than their stars.
Think of it as the primary affirmation that most have cast upon their being (by them selves or others) hands down. So the meaning of the name/word has a lot of effect upon your being. And unless socially isolate (this includes some places on the net as well) this will be a regular and often occurance and many dozens if not 100s of counter affirmations a day would be needed just to offset. To say nothing about the lifetime of inertia from that declaration of being.
>Does changing your name, not the legal name as in a government procedure, but changing the name by which you address yourself and have others address you create spiritual/astral change?
Yes, it would create a change, how big that one is also depends on your mental relation to it. What I mean is that I've seen folk that have "their name" (what they go by) and "their real name" (legal title). In their mind, even despite going by that for years, or decades, they and their social circle will refer to their alleged whole state of being as a mere facade over "what big brother says you actually are" and they, like cucks, take it.
So the problem is they are mentally, within their own view of reality, letting some outside being choose who and what they are and in doing so are giving up freewill over themselves Some aren't quite so bad but this thing is still a rampant problem even if simply within one's circle of friends. So long as you answer to, accept and resonance with outside demands that you are a thing you will be restricted in that way. Now of course you can not associate with such things yet still, for the sake of convince you may submit as a compromise of convince, I wouldn't suggest such however some prefer the easier way rather than the straightest way.
And in a roundabout way this is another strength of anonymity.
>The name my parents gave me apparently signifies health in babies but I was pretty sickly all my life and a malnourished childhood made me a manlet.
There are a lot of factors, that said, like all subtle influences it's effects are usually more apparent through the personality.
>I would experience the physical world a little differently if my ego persona wasn't John Doe but Dave Doe but it doesn't change who I am fundamentally, my inborn qualities and vices.
It would effect your predispositions, the specific trail you took through the pass, not the pass itself (innate qualities), though I must disagree with the concept of innate vices. We may have vices but I do not believe they are inseparable parts of our spirit.
>Even on a mundane level the genes your parents pass down to you determine a significant portion of who you'll most likely become.
Not just genes but also their psychic imprints (subtle genes) as well.
>Nothing is truly hardcoded.
This is misleading, though true. With enough force of will one can fight the cosmic tides of the world, fate, and the will of heaven itself if desired, force making anything anything, however it's much easier to go with the flow, cocreating. Though careful observation one can see the transitive truths about the intrinsic power emanating from a given geometry.
>That's a terrible excuse. At least some beginners would at least get motivated. Also, documenting something that is undeniably magical will undeniably attract threats
Not sure what you're trying to say here, are you for or against using video documentation?
I've seen claims that a certain "illusionist" who was filmed walking through the chinese wall actually did walk through it. The trick is people are trying to understand how the illusion was performed when in reality he cheats in most of his shows by using actual supernatural abilities, it's just that no one believes it's real.
Let me put it this way. If you healed someone's legs and they could walk, even though they had been a cripple since birth people would find countless reasons not to believe it. There is no proof that is enough for the faithless, no feat great enough to wake them from their eternal stupor. They are and will always be blind.
>for or against using video documentation?
I'm just saying that possible criticism is not the factor that should deter one from filming.
>The trick is people are trying to understand how the illusion was performed when in reality he cheats in most of his shows by using actual supernatural abilities, it's just that no one believes it's real.
I've heard about these claims before about Chris Angel and David Blaine.
Personally witnessing such feats does have an impact on ordinary people who are not die-hard skeptics.
>The name my parents gave me apparently signifies health in babies but I was pretty sickly all my life and a malnourished childhood made me a manlet.
Sad to hear about your manletism.
Something I have noticed that is somewhat related is making some kind of declaration to others and then having some sort of workings happen to challenge me on that almost as if to say "oh yeah? let's see about that then".
There are some subtilties that I have yet to work out but it looks to be mostly will based.
In short, will it to happen.
>We may have vices but I do not believe they are inseparable parts of our spirit.
Maybe vices was a wrong term to use but I'd say things like being prone to various addictions, whether it's drugs or masturbation, or perhaps pathological lies could be part of the spirit related problems. If you subscribe to the idea that the spirit experiences the physical in order to grow and evolve little by little it makes sense that some undesirable qualities are related to the current nature of your spirit.
I called myself a manlet is jest anyway, I don't get any more mad about it than I might have about having brown eyes. Plus gains are easy to acquire.
As a side note, I've actually moved to another, very different country in my adolescence, taken on a new name and started speaking a new language. I honestly tried to get absorbed into the local culture but your ego baggage is very difficult to get rid of, even if there's little of it. Habits don't just evaporate when you start referring to yourself under a different name, and when you suddenly meet people that knew you in your home country I realized that no matter what name people call me or what sort of preconceptions of me they have, it's pretty much impossible for someone like me to give birth to a brand new ego. My lives under the two names are both part of my Earthly mind and if I were for some reason move to some third country where I have to refer to myself with some different name again it won't change a thing, it'll just be a continuation for I am I. The mind/ego you incarnated on this Earth with is a real valuable gift I guess.
Withdrawal symptoms intensify tbh. They'll probably pass soon but if you're worried about possession it's not a bad idea to do a couple affirmations that you're in control and erect an energy barrier. Good on you for quitting, stay strong and don't give back in.
Your dream was probably prophetic of the day of the rope when /pol/ led RWDS will remove drug abusing degenerates.
>the day of the rope when /pol/ led RWDS will remove drug abusing degenerates
I'm interested how this LARP fantasy is meant to be carried out. Do you go door to door asking people if they've used drugs? How do you find out who has used drugs and who hasn't? And assuming you ARE able to find out how do you kill them when whites have the highest gun ownership percentage in America?
I'm interested in this /pol/ LARP.
For the sake of going full LARP here, let's imagine that /pol/ and /tg/ undergo a fusion that creates spess muhrines RWDS that will utilizes /x/ and /fringe/ anons as chapter librarians to psychically seek out degenerate heretics. Otherwise /pol/acks will just go through their high school made list of likely degenerates. If all else fails go door to door with a nose measuring device and seek out any evidence of misconduct.
Realistically speaking though, how many weed smoking burnouts actually have guns in America? In addition to that, RWDS is supposed to be an international phenomena where these sort of ISIS tier witch hunt patrols become even more plausible in Europe or Straya. Shitskin controlled no man's land would likely a far bigger threat than some drug den filled with drooling idiots with messy hair.
How does one prevent themself from being remotely viewed? And does such a method let the viewer know that you too are knowingly using magic stop them from viewing you?
I don't currently have time to summarize the info, but Initiation Into Hermetics has a brief section that may help answer your question. It's in Step 10 Physical, under the heading of "Magical Invisibility."
Probably because that is a high level act, and very few people could do it.
However, there are plenty of videos of telekinesis, wind control, water control.
The problem is that the poor retards discard all of those videos as "lolphososhop because of hte pixels that I have seen in my time"….
In reality, you pretty much have to do it yourself to believe it, because if you don't believe its possible, even seeing it wont convince you.. That's how stupid the mind is.
So its clear and obvious that its there. I know because I did shit like that. So when I see some video I can see that its legit. Others, because they have not done it, talk about how its not possible or that its editing…
The proof is always out there, but the big step is realizing that a thing like collective consensus reality exits. AKA, not some grand objective reality, but a consensus reality.
Some people can move beyond it, some stay in it.
No there is not, probably.
For multiple reasons.
First of all, probably you don't know how to reach a non-ejaculatory orgasm. There you go, you are wasting energy anyway.
Two, you are probably watching porn- you are wasting loosh on thoughtforms.
So unless you are actually channeling and mastering sexual energy, you are probably wasting it like 99/100 guys out there, virgin or not.
By the way, at least having sex with a woman give some energy transfer. Masturbation with porn, no energy knowledege, no semen retention just drains you or over heats your system( because you don't get the cooling energy of a woman)…
So, no, sadly I do not think that there is anything to being a virgin by itself.
That's a question of maturity and partner choice/their maturity.
Sure, shitty relationships are a drain.
But I got some really powerful lessons from some women in my life, lifechanging even, for the better.
So its just like with anything, depends on the intention and the way that it is acted out.
The huge benefit of a good relationship is that the partner can open up parts that are very restricted, sensitive or traumatized, thus, giving the opportunity for growth and healing. Two capable people can empower each other by supporting and nurturing each other(obviously, the difference between two people that depend on each other and leech from another, and two full persons, sharing their overflow)
Also, its a great source of empathy learning, even if its not a full blown relationship.
Of course, there are only a few women that I met in my life that are capable of that.
>I got some really powerful lessons from some women in my life, lifechanging even, for the better.
I as well. After I met my soul mate, in the first few months of being together we made more spiritual progress in that time than in years previous; our mutual glory awaking things with such ease that without the other's aid have still yet to obtain solo despite concerted effort.
Relationships have awesomely enormous potential, both for virtue and for vice.
>possible criticism is not the factor that should deter one from filming
Well my point is I don't care about the fedoras, it's a waste of time and energy. I had a phase like that too when I was 14 and I grew out of it. Some never do. That means they are immature or underdeveloped, there is nothing to do about it. Some people are born retarded and stay that way all their life and no education will fix them because they have mental impairments hardwired in their body.
Has anyone reached a level where they could use pyrokinesis?
I've been trying to light a recently blown out candle and some cotton doused in petrol using the JoS method of condensing the fire element in your body first, before transferring it through your hands into the material as well as Bardon's compressing large amounts of Fire and Air into small beads before smashing them against eachother in the cotton but to no avail.
It's probably just a matter of practice but tips would be greatly appreciated.
If you can't raise the temperature in a room by a couple degrees don't even bother trying something so difficult. You have to raise the local temperature of gasoline to 500F in order to ignite it. It seems simple when you read Goy of Satan but it's not. There is a common fallacy among "occultists" that magic is observe of fundamental laws, the contrary is true.
tl;dr stop trying to run when you haven't learned how to stand
I said some shit here that might've mislead people. I'm just going to say this so I don't piss them off: don't trust a single entity with your life, they're all animals who want to eat shit and sleep like us.
What are archangels?
Specifically Metatron.
Who is Yahweh , or Jehovah, or Yaldabaoth, or whatever the fuck. Is he the sun?
> raise the temperature in a room by a couple degrees
You know how much fire this takes right? You'd have to put wood in a fireplace and let it burn for around 3 hours to make this happen, and you think this is an entry level exercise? Just lighting a candle is nothing compared.
To be honest I have managed to make 4 elemental spheres at the same time, move my hand through them and manage to feel their different properties but I've never actually checked it I could get the mercury in a thermometer to jump up.
I've never tried to do it to a whole room since if I just wanted to warm up or cool down I'd make a sphere just around my body but I guess I'll go ahead and pour enough fire element into my room to raise the temperature by a noticeable amount.
I was an Elliot Rodger tier wizard apprentice longing for a serious relationship in highschool. The next year I came across mewing and boom, 5 thicc wide hipped qt's who I don't care about now because relationships in general are trash. Now, I had known of The Hermetic Law for many years prior under a different name, so it might not work as fast for you, but give it time and conviction, and you'll have what you want.
- A word of advice though:
You don't want material possessions, you want happiness and content.
>Does overpopulation imply that more spirits get reborn as humans but fail to move on?
>healing other people?
For both of these questions I'll refer to Zhuan Falun by Li hongzhi.
He claims all beings on earth are actually incarnated higher spirits because there isn't room for all of them to be humans. This is the reason for the existence of animal rights groups and environmental protection; animals and trees etc are the same as humans, so they need to be treated similarly. It didn't use to be this way before which is why these issues didn't exist. (i.e. animals and plants used to be lower spirits who don't deserve rights).
Healing other people should be avoided unless you're some enlightened person or someone who was given this ability by god or similar, in which case you'd know how to do this. The reason being that humans can't heal other humans because they are at the same level, so the illness can only be moved from one person to another. If you attempt to heal someone else you will absorb the illness yourself instead.
See source named above for clarification.
> longing for a serious relationship in highschool
This is more of a /div/ related issue because all human interactions are predetermined in some way. If you're longing and alone, stop thinking about it and find something else to do to prepare you for when you do meet someone.
>If you attempt to heal someone else you will absorb the illness yourself instead.
Only if you're a massive retard who attempted to pull away the diseased energy into your body rather than neutralizing it or sending it to the void, replacing it with beneficial healing energy.
There aren't any people on /fringe/ who actually did this, right?
>animal rights and environmental protection groups are evolved spirits
So what you're really saying is that in order to undergo evolution of the spirit I have to be an enormous cuck who only cares about (((socially progressive))) issues?
Cmon anon, I'm not saying that Earth's environment isn't important but that's just bullshit.
I've read your post again, you might have meant that the reason we have so many enviro rights groups is because of the recent population growth of humanity where many of them were previously incarnated trees and animals, generally lower awareness spirits.
It still doesn't really make much sense to me since these green groups are pretty much exclusively located in the west, while the asian countries that make the most of humanity's recent population boom don't give a rat's ass about the environment.
How does that work?
>There aren't any people on /fringe/ who actually did this, right?
The whole point here is that you're supposed to exercice yourself and heal yourself. If someone wants to be healed, they should do so too. Tell them to exercise. Wanting to heal others is just from attachments, you want to make money or feel better about yourself or something.
I know someone who tried to heal a person with psoriasis and got it herself while the other person was healed.
>in order to undergo evolution of the spirit I have to be an enormous cuck who only cares about (((socially progressive))) issues?
I don't doubt those groups themselves are commies who want to introduce livestock as the new working class that needs to be liberated. But the universe doesn't work that way, the issues have been brough up and laws have been changed in the desired direction, who was at the front line is not important. Where I lived they managed to get bestiality classified as rape. Animal sex is degenated so it should be treated such, it doesn't matter how it was banned as long as it was.
That's my understading of it anyway.
>the reason we have so many enviro rights groups
Well yeah, I think it was meant as an explanation. The writer of the referenced book has been banned by the commies in china and he doesn't support lefties at all, so I can't imagine what he said should be understood as support for the animal rights groups we have in the west either.
What's this book about?
What language is it written in?
What's it's purpose and why was it written?
What are the sigils (?) at the end about?
I used to browse /fringe/ back in 2013 and would get really into magick and such, I've read a lot of material and have gained quite a bit of knowledge - but throughout the years I've found that I fail to feel emotion at all. I've seen therapists and they tell me I have "schizoid personality disorder". I'm not such a believer in mental illness, but this really hinders me because of loosh and all that. Are alliums suckin' my loosh? I can feel emotion, but never to its full extent. If a close loved one dies, I kind of just shrug and continue finding something that interests me. I remember watching a female runner and her child being hit by a truck and everyone freaked out because she was convulsing and pale, but I just sat there and watched with a straight face. How can I maneuver around sociopathy/schizoid to properly obtain and use emotions in a healthy manner? I guess you could say I'm an expert at emotional alchemy due to the fact that I'm able to choose when I feel - but the emotions are always dull, little to no feeling at all.
Thank you in advance.
-Incoming blog post-
Pick motivation manually and use them as a focus intentionally instead of being controlled by them. I think I can relate somewhat because I've been forced to self label as within the asexual spectrum. I know this terminology isn't well received here but I have no choice but to use these to describe it. I feel absolutely no motivation to seek actual sexual interaction with another person and I don't fall in love either. I do get the meaning of "sexy" but there is no act connected with it. To not get cut out from this area of social life I've picked goals that seems reasonable and worked towards them as if I cared. I've learned a lot in the process, observing the reactions of other people and the physical reactions I still do have in my body.
I think you should be able to do the same. I can make this comparison. I also do not like food very much, so I look more at the nutrion value than anything else, and eat at set times because I never really feel hungry. Sometimes I eat lunch at work and then I get home and start doing something on my computer etc and then realize I haven't eaten for like 7-9 hours and I feel like I could just keep going. But I've learned I can get completely exhausted if I don't take breaks so now I eat, take breaks, sleep and whatever according to a mental schedule so I don't get fatigue and end up in bed for weeks (has happened).
Sexual motivation seems like the back bone of a lot of things people do, remove it and things end up looking dull, stupid and cringeworthy. Strip off the useless parts and you end up with something that has a social function which can be used. For example flirting and chatting with people can make workplace relations a lot smoother if done right. People react physically to it because it's hardwired in their brains, give someone a smile and act kindly and they will be effected in some way, just as the opposite would have some kind of effect. Just apply trial and error and you'll see the difference (like being too nice in the wrong place can make you seem weak or gay, sometimes being rude actually has a positive effect).
I know archangels and Yahweh are real. If you don't know anything about the subject, don't talk about it like you know something. The subject is filled with lies, but to say it's completely fabricated is ignorant.
Preference of the individual is selfish inherently. When people see another person die they react not out of compassion or love, not out of empathy, but out of fear. "What if that was me?". They see a corpse and unable to accept their own mortality they feel fear which is transmuted into the emotions they show on the surface.
There is no such thing as schizoid, the DSM is a tool of social coercion and manipulation used to form the goyim into a suitable unthinking mass.
What you lack is the proper love for all things, for all men. You then lack compassion and empathy, you lack benevolence. You are indeed though in a better position than most men, as most men find themselves snared by preference towards individuals, that is; of projecting those qualities which they do not have inversely on the object of their perversion. For that is what sexual love and love for the individual is of course, a perversion.
Are you talking about the origin of where the jews got the information they used to craft their lies, namely Egyptian and Sumerian tradition and legend? The "angels" actually refer to the progenitor race that became humanity, demons refer to those of the race who choose to stay in higher density and eventually came to want to control things on this plane even though they refused to condescend to becoming men. "Archangels" refer to a set of those "angels" who were set in place to watch over man and insure they were kept safe. Though I believe their true manifestation is that of the planets and they are merely able to take physical human form (or at least the appearance of it) at certain astrological times when the planets close together and align. Perhaps I'm oversimplifying it but who cares.
>of projecting those qualities which they do not have inversely on the object of their perversion
Thanks, that's exactly it. (not him but anyway)
Alright, who's Yahweh then? Part of our sun? Some claim Yahweh was a sub-sub-Logos for one planetary sphere(originally mars)
I also do not have any sexual desires and looked into it and I've read into asexuality/"demisexuality". I never really cared at all for wanting to obtain sexual desires. I only masturbate to reach gnosis in a quick and easy manner when I can't meditate into gnosis.
I understand that mental illness is bullshit, I have realized that "schizophrenic" individuals are just enlightened as fuck. But, I try and use my emotional dullness to an advantage. I've always been disgusted by people and how they find others attractive.
>Does overpopulation imply that more spirits get reborn as humans but fail to move on?
I don't have any reason to suspect this as there is no limitation saying you must reincarnate sequentially in the same timeline.
>Cab anyone offer some good, no-bullshit books or resources on healing other people?
As nearly all my learnedness in this area comes from intuitive workings my highest recommendation would be to learn the anatomy of the soul so you can understand what health and dis-ease actually is (flow and lack thereof, there are much information on that here) >>>/fringe/108 & >>>/library/167 and then how to flow with the energy of nature and tap her sources a la. >>>/fringe/11863 & >>>/library/166
What is necessary to bring restoration, revitalization, and healing is to harmonize the relative energies (be they aetheric, astral, or crystallized into physical flesh). If you where interested in less spiritually oriented things to do then I recommend investigating dietary factors, we do have a thread (indirectly) on this >>>/fringe/562 also one can semi-indirectly balance the systems of the body by understanding which imbalances are of which energies, to that end this book is great (and also is diet related)
>Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - George W. Carey.pdf
Of course there is much much more you can do however that it a start.
>The reason being that humans can't heal other humans because they are at the same level, so the illness can only be moved from one person to another.
I'll take "What is grounding" (into the Earth) for 100 Alex.
>Healing other people should be avoided unless you're some enlightened person or someone who was given this ability by god or similar, in which case you'd know how to do this.
The ability to heal is within everyone & thing. A cat's purr is healing, a plant's presence is calming, a lover's touch is revitalizing & inspiring, even without intentionally & consciously working their soul it all helps. A real simple way to heal some one is to pour divine love (negentropic, ordering, empowering, unconditional, universal energy) into them. Even without knowing what you are doing their subconscious will integrate the boost however if you do know what you are doing then you can more precisely get at specific problems in their body or soul.
That said, there have been cases in which there was such a great injury or even possession in a couple of cases that has left lingering unpleasantness on my being. And while I managed, after some additional metaphysical scrubbing get it off, because it was a bit beyond my abilities to ground so much I did partially absorb some of the bad karma and had to heal it within my own being. I desire to emphasize this has literally been <0.01% of my healing cases, typically it's trivial <30 seconds to restore my being to full power & brilliance afterwards.
>The whole point here is that you're supposed to exercice yourself and heal yourself. If someone wants to be healed, they should do so too. Tell them to exercise.
In truth they do heal themselves, they must desire and be striving into that more perfect state, what one as a healer actually does is simply help the process along. What may have taken months can be shrunk to mere hours with cooperation.
>Wanting to heal others is just from attachments, you want to make money or feel better about yourself or something.
I heal a lot of folk, but I don't do it for egoic reasons such as you postulate must be the only motivations. I do it because it's increasing the overall awareness & flow of the universal whole. Despite appearances they are I and I not only know that, but feel that. My motivation is born out of a burning divine love-desire for a more harmonious whole, the grand majority I've never seen again and if I did get any compensation (aside from spirited heartfelt thanks) it is typically trivial in the face of the sheer gravity of what it means to make their childhood traumas go poof.
>(((they))) tell me I have "schizoid personality disorder". I'm not such a believer in mental illness
This is good, the first step to changing your form is not associating with one which you desire not.
>but this really hinders me because of loosh
So cultivate emotions (notice I did not necessarily say your emotions). Observe what different ones feel like, what is it like when you chant/mantraize different associative things of the spectrum. >>>/fringe/199 is how I personally cracked my emotions open but the aforementioned as also effective in helping as well.
>Are alliums suckin' my loosh? I can feel emotion, but never to its full extent. If a close loved one dies, I kind of just shrug and continue finding something that interests me.
Non attachment isn't a bad thing, nor is being "an expert at emotional alchemy" au contraire they are necessary steps to mastery. What you need to do now is to vivify your emotions.
>I know archangels and Yahweh are real.
In the same sense that any entiety or god is real, invocable, etc. this is correct. Now if they are alligned with you personally spiritually or not is a different question entirely.
>>12422 (Checked)
>There is no such thing as schizoid, the DSM is a tool of social coercion and manipulation used to form the goyim into a suitable unthinking mass.
This, it's a mass psyop backed by the threat of violence from the state to make you believe if you do not think as they want like you to then you are broken and not only beneath the everyman but also not to be trusted. It also acts to undermine your faith in your own perceptions via a collective socially imposed gas lighting for materialism.
>DISTINCTLY remember Jimmy Carter dying in early 2012
>remember CNN, MNSBC, FOX, all the big names covering his death, he died of cardiac arrest
>I just saw that Jimmy Carter is alive
>no record of his death
I'm not the only one right? This is getting surreal.
What's the most efficient method to remember past lives. Will knowing your past lives help in any way?
Can I get a sebaceous cyst removed/healed with magick? Dumb question I know
It's not anything serious but it's bugging me, I've tried popping it, cutting it open but it hurts too much and the hard pea under the skin doesn't go away even if some of it leaks out. I don't want to go to a surgeon because it will take months for him to remove it
Methods on how to do it would be appreciated
>I'm not the only one right? This is getting surreal.
You do know about the Mandela effect right? The past is just as much an illusion as the future. Not to say the past is useless and to be ignored but rather to say that the present moment is of prime importance and merely our perspectives of the desired past/future is what holds in place the timelines by the collective attention or inattention of it.
See >>12448 points on healing, except since you have a specific issue you'll want to focus the energy upon the problem area. It may take awhile if you're a novice at these such things but don't lose faith, that will literally undermine your efforts, as unbelief in the your ability to magic it away will actually manifesting the disease more concretely into the physical as your technical belief is along the lines of "I'm stuck with this" or the like.
You can also use technologies as well to supplement your powers, crystal/orgonite matrices, spectrochrome (light therapy), EM massages, etc.
>What's the most efficient method to remember past lives.
Not sure, I've only gotten small glimmer-shards here and there, mostly just semivague impressions not clear memories.
>Will knowing your past lives help in any way?
Often not (at more mundane or even neophyte levels), often it will impose more limits than freedoms which is why the veil of amnesia of incarnation. When we're spiritually mature enough to handle it and/or it's beneficial to ourselves then we'll learn.
I would like to learn to use sigils, explain, post info pics, links, pdf… whatever
I'm new to fringe btw
And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
So the disciples were the first trolls?
A sigil is an intention abstraction tool. Create a glyph that has the meaning of an intention/statement behind it, see >>>/fringe/517 for an example.
Now once you have one what you need to do is get a lot of loosh and send it to the sigil so it can be programmed with said intention. What ever gets you reiled up anon. You can also see the various starter threads in the sticky, >>>/fringe/1 if you want to power it with more dexterity and power.
>So the disciples were the first trolls?
Trolling is a angling term.
>Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water. This may be behind a moving boat, or by slowly winding the line in when fishing from a static position, or even sweeping the line from side-to-side, e.g. when fishing from a jetty.
t. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolling_(fishing)
O shi, I decided to look into the etymology and it got spooky all of a sudden. Trolling mundanes into wakefulness. So, yes, they where prototrolls.
>From Norwegian or Swedish troll or Danish trold , from Old Norse trǫll (“witch, mage, conjurer”) (compare Icelandic tröll), possibly related to the Middle High German trolle (“spook, wraith, monster, ogre”) [1]. Norwegian fortrylle (“to bewitch”), Norwegian and Danish trylle (“to conjure”) and Swedish trolla (“to conjure”).
t. en.wiktionary.org/wiki/troll#English
How do I become completely resistant to temperature? I want to be able to stand naked in a blizzard and be as warm as a summer day.
>How do I become completely resistant to temperature? I want to be able to stand naked in a blizzard and be as warm as a summer day.
Step 1 Master the Wim Hof breath (youtube it)
Step 2 Practice tummo >>>/fringe/39
Step 3 ???
Step 4 Profit
Pics related. It's moving beyond everything you where, the sacrifice of your present state of being to be reborn the higher man, and then eternally continuing onward all the way to godhood. See also
Reposting from 8chan /fringe/ because I don't know how big the overlap is.
This doesn't really fit in the question thread, I don't want to bother starting a new thread or finding a more appropriate thread tbh. I noticed this most recently (and quite clearly) a few days ago when doing energy work, so I figured I'd compile some other observations so anons can give their own input, maybe it helps others figure some stuff out.
Doing simple stuff, breathing into the LDT like in an excercise from lonemanpai, having no problems, mind free. Then I start to get some sexually suggestive ideas, and at that moment I feel a sort of "closing" pressure at the very top of my head. I figured that that's something akin to the seventh chakra or the opening towards the "heavenly" energies closing when I'm having base/sexual thoughts. So I tried "opening" it in return, which also felt successful - concentrate on top of head or UDT area and generate loving energy (love itself seems to rush from the heart to the higher centers in a calming, "opening" manner) towards the higher planes. Likewise, when fantasizing about women before falling asleep, the usual result is nightmares or waking up feeling groggy/drained - most likely sending out an invitation to some entity to drain me while I'm asleep.
In relation to this I for the most part have my sexual activity under control, however. The times I am most likely to "give in" so to say is, of course, when I'm feeling sleepy, fatigued, tired - more easily influenced. Furthermore, back when I was quite a bit less in control and had a gf, the same shit goes down with sex. There was a distinct feeling of "darkness" in the mind during the process. Something that goes beyond just loosing energy, as if the baseness of the act harms you by itself. I have however once or twice tried generating a lot of love before uhhh… experimenting, and keeping it up until I'm done. The feeling is a lot more pleasant that average sex, there is less intense loss of energy and not as much a downer feeling, but I'm still worse off than just when collecting energy and not spilling seed.
Another irksome thing is being beset by thoughtforms trying to suggest you fuck friends, random people, animals, children. It feels very close to the mental attack like feeling I get when mainstream radio music (the brainwashing kind) plays - harder to think, thoughts are cyclical, fogginess in UDT area, closed off feeling, and all throughout a general attempt at planting suggestions. It's not like I am close to giving in, but it's a cross between annoying and disgusting (thankfully they are more prevalent during full moon, obviously, or when I am knocked out of my calm). It was worse at times when I would literally feel my second chakras front extension get warm and tingle-ish (3 or so cm under the navel). That feeling was more a general animal urge to fuck and conquer women, but it was a lot harder to control, but when controlled was easier to stop (thankfully haven't experienced it in a longer time).
The benefits of longer abstinence combined with energy and a normal lifestyle, however, are to my liking - a general can do attitude, a passion for conquest and self-mastery, skill learning etc, (The Chariot card would fit the description quite well, but that's more because it's the way I am supposed to be in this life when I'm at my best; so personal flavors apply in your own cases).
>What's the point?
To loop back into a question - I want to eventually have a wife and children and I want to teach them enough of the work so they eventually free themselves and others, and have children and so on. Problem is, with relationships come sex and benefits of sex (pair-bonding, linkage and childbirth) take energy and doing it at proper astrological times (like that one anon suggested). So I would be in sacrificing energy and spiritual power (for a time, or in the long term, because bitches need a dicking (more serious, than joking tbh)), in exchange for a happy household and children. But can it be done at all? The actual "benefits" seem to start after 3 weeks of abstinence + EW. Before that the urge to just continue spurting is strong, but it also feels "empty" or drained. It might be more due to loss of energy sensation or "warmth", not because of actual immense energy loss, because dreams are still about as clear if just meditating before bed and I might be able to regain energy control by dedicated longer EW sessions post expulsion, but who knows, I don't want to experiment with this. I know this is somewhat silly to ask here because /fringe/ desired more celibacy than coitus, but this hopefully future jivanmukta needs some food for thought.
In conclusion, the "spirutal sex, bruh; ancient yoni tantra and shieet" retards are most likely just degenerate pseudo-yogins and can go fuck themselves.
>the sacrifice of your present state of being to be reborn the higher man
But is it really a sacrifice? Because if you have reached the point you are willing to collapse all of your thoughtforms in order to move on you're not really sacrificing anything since you have realized that the individual state of being has no real value eh.
Yeah most of the
>"spirutal sex, bruh; ancient yoni tantra and shieet"
are literal self-confessed cock sucking homosexuals.
In the process of child creation and gestation the sexual energies should be focused on the womb and child in order to maximize the child's potential health and vitality.
And in all honesty the majority of incarnations just are not cut-out or destined for celibacy. If total celibacy is not an option then it is best to have a heterosexual relationship with a female of your racial group (race-mixing is a karmatically negative action bruh, trust me) and uphold the relationship until her oldest child with you turns about 20 and then find a new mate (lifelong mating is a meme, soulmates are a meme, a woman over 40 has no value). Remember that the spiritual vessel of the woman determines how healthy her child can possibly be, most women have degraded in both health vigor and vitality by the age of 30 that they can have a child but whether the child will be vigorous is questionable. Remember that on average prime childbearing age ranges from 14-16 depending on time of puberty and first menstruation. Good luck, go fuck.
I didn't read all of your post because it was too long and winding for me, but if you're asking about impregnation without ejaculation, or even sex, that is possible.
I know this is controversial and a lot of people would hate to have this widely known for a multitude of reasons, but it actually very simple once you realize how to do it. To explain it in theory, what causes pregnancy isn't the comination of eggs and sperm in itself, but rather the entering of the child's spirit into the womb. The function of sex is spiritual, not physical. It's just that mundanes are too retarded and have no awareness so they think it works the other way around.
What you need to do is transfer one cell of your male essence in to the womb, this is an ability or skill that can be learned (it's also possible for females to self impregnate using their own male side). You do not need your target to learn anything, all it takes is compatibility.
I can't fully explain how to learn it, I just meditated on this question and it suddenly fell into place. I guess you have to first off believe that sexless impregnation is possible, and once you're firm the solution will show itself. I can be pretty stubborn and probably dumb too about some things so I just kept pushing this idea. I know you're going to ask if I used this, and the answer is yes. I won't go into details, just know that I've tested this enough times to know it's solid.
Yeah that is possible. Most Christians don't realize that Jesus was actually the son of Gabriel.
So what things 'die' and which things continue to exist after RIP
Is there a part of our ego that can exist in the nonphysical? Does the astral/etheric body contain it's own ego?
I would imagine if you never learn to astral project you will blindly reincarnate or something but what exactly would be the mechanisms behind this phenomenon?
When you almost everyone dies the thoughtforms that formed their astral body deliquesce into base components, As Below So Above. These base components are then absorbed by the moon. The moon then somehow separates the wheat from the chaff so to speak, and transmutes the majority of what it receives into energy which it sends to Earth. Some of these base components align within the moon and during certain alignments of the planets and stars they resonate with certain individuals as they are formed in the womb, aka "reincarnation". The most obvious way to break free of this cycle is to connect to both heaven and earth rather than earth alone. The amount of Will/Spirit it requires to leave 3rd density is quite large to human standard. Simply knowing how to AP changing anything is ludicrous.
Honestly when I was younger I worried and thought about what happens after the body is rendered inanimate. But as I've read and learned I've come to realize Buddha was right and it doesn't fucking matter a single bit.
So when you die you become the loosh for someone else to jerk off to?
1) is there a pagan version of the banishing ritual? 2) If there are gnostics who don't agree that yhwh is the highest deity - what do you use for banishing?
I don't feel comfortable invoking jewish God names. Maybe vibrating vowels instead of godnames? aeiou
also, everywhere is said to correspond Earth to North which is, as for me, intuitively wrong. North is Water.
>1) is there a pagan version of the banishing ritual?
not per se
There is hardly any Western magic that isn't contaminated with Jewish thoughtforms and LBRP was introduced by the Golden Dawn, which relied heavily on Hebrew Kabbalah and Abrahamic entities. There are other versions of LBRP, like a Thelemic one (which still uses them, but it also somewhat expounds on it by introducing Aiwass into the ritual) or the one Chaos magicians use which relies on vibrating certain vowels, as you mentioned, but it is different from the other variants of LBRP only on the surface level, as the meaning of it is almost the same - you vibrate the name of the Godform IAO, which comes from Thelema and is equated with YHVH still. Nevertheless one could argue that IAO represents the same idea as YHVH but in Greek worldview and pagan Godforms
but if we are to equate this formula just with cosmic principles then we can do so also with YHVH and the quest to replace Jewish names becomes somewhat redundant.
So, in short - LBRP comes solely from the systems being inspired in their totality by Western tradition, which is predominantly built on Jewish mysticism.
If you are looking for totally non-Jewish systems then I suggest you interest yourself in Eastern schools, especially Tantra.
Now, in Tantra there are also rituals of banishment, but owing to the fact that in Tantra you mostly work with aspects of the Goddess, which you do not banish, they aren't as predominant as in the Western schools, nevertheless some devices were introduced (like repeating a specific mantra in the 10 directions) if anyone would need them. Some similarities to LBRP may be found in certain purification rites (like for example tattwa shuddhi - purification of the five elements) but it may be that they are purely superficial. Western system seems to be concerned with banishment to a much greater extent, while in the East the concern is mostly on inner purification and "energy work" (be it via rituals such as tattwa shuddhi, pranayama or nadi shuddhi). But then again - sometimes the difference between banishment and purification is somewhat blurry. There are cases of Tantrikas working with some lower spirits, but even then the preferable way of doing it is via going into it through the Goddess, so that the practitioner is protected.
>If there are gnostics who don't agree that yhwh is the highest deity - what do you use for banishing?
Well, I don't know what do you mean by gnostics as the name became a bit a meme in itself. If you want some other means of banishment - either search for them in different systems or invent your own rituals. Also something I touched upon in this response is the fact that YHVH (at least in theory, Tetragrammaton and all) doesn't stand for some specific God, but rather for universal cosmic principles (for example 4 elements ascribed to the 4 letters) so I think that if you change up the symbolism, still retaining the principles behind it, you could use anything and any Godform, I could write a Tantrik version of the ritual if I ever felt the need. Well, maybe look up that IAO stuff after all.
Anyway, with that being said, my aversion to using anything even slightly connected to Jewish mysticism was one of the main reasons I became interested in Eastern magical traditions and later primarily in Tantra, as I think that Eastern systems are the best source for pure and powerful magic.
So there is no life on planets that don't have moons?
You didn't really answer any of my questions and I find most of what you said pretty nonsensical. What about those who incarnate into the physical on purpose?
Does incarnation only happen in the physical realm? Don't demons incarnate from higher beings? etc etc
And most importantly, after death, which parts of your identity do not remain and which parts do? This was the general idea behind my question which you ignored unless you're trying to imply that 'only the moon knows'
Also, simply knowing how to AP is worlds of difference, and complete mastery of the astral body is pretty much a guarantee to continue existing after the physical body perishes (with some memory and awareness). With certain rites and spells made you can even prepare a womb and god knows what else
Are healing frequencies new age bull shit or is there actually something to them?
Im talking about things like the 528 hz frequency which supposedly brings miracles and repairs DNA or the 417 hz frequency which is supposed to clear negative energy.
If these frequencies work are there any that i should specifically be looking into?
>He claims all beings on earth are actually incarnated higher spirits
This doesn't make much sense considering that there's probably not much karma to resolve in a lower existence if you already incarnated in a human one.
>I don't have any reason to suspect this as there is no limitation saying you must reincarnate sequentially in the same timeline.
Of course that's the easy way out.
But overpopulation is a disturbance of balance and it will be fixed by the planet if human doesn't figure out a solution or, preferably, find the underlying reason for shitting up the planet like the worst retards. Not even animals are this stupid.
Is the new avatar power in any way legit? Have heard alot of good reports about it and need some results rapidly.
Guys this is terribly ironic, I have been trying to narrate occult books and upload them, so others can listen; and a few days ago I got really fucking sick and this sickness is still with me today and it has taken away my voice. I can't talk anymore. I'll never be able to get anyone else to narrate these books. I'll never be able now to sacrifice my time and effort to do these recordings for others. It seems I am being forced to keep all this knowledge to myself. ;_;
Should I take this as a sign to move on from the narration of books and the discussion of them and that I should just forget about you guys or a sign I need to fight back harder and double-down on my efforts to get my voice back and get these books narrated?
Don't touch New Avatar Power unless you don't mind being possessed by demons.
Recently saw a small light pass by me outside my own house, and then inside as I was leaving a room. After seeing the light the 2nd time I heard a shuffling of footsteps. This was at night time. Any theories gentlemen? Ive been getting more frequent encounters with spirits recently and want to understand since Im a little new.
>Are healing frequencies new age bull shit or is there actually something to them?
If the correct frequency, yes they can be quite powerful. If you don't desire to meditate on them until you feel the power then simply look up the science of cymatics and you will be see.
I know 528 has power, never encountered 417 before.
>Is the new avatar power in any way legit?
Legitimately STS Use caution, I've heard things about those beings that are not the most healthy for the individual who choose not to be bound to them.
It's only been a few days, besides you should know the par by now, persist persist persist. Perhaps though it is a sign that you should at worst, come back to it next week, month, or season.
That's a pretty vague description mate. That said, have you tried just simply asking them to reveal themselves or to make clear their intention?
They won't do that as far as I can tell so far. The other time I experienced them I was tripping face on 2 strong tabs of lsd and saw multiple etheric body silhouettes running around outside and giggling. Then they proceeded to mess with everyone tripping with thought loops and probability alteration. I watched a pro-billiards player turn to putty when they decided to mess with him.
My partner and I wish to conduct a ritual in which we attain communication with an "angel," whatever manifestation that happens to have, the primary aspect of this is that we want to commune with some sort of intelligence outside our owns, not to summon them for a goal or anything like that, just to speak with, perhaps ask questions of. What can you suggest Anon? Any particular books or methods that you've had success with?
>Could you propose to me a method or direct me to a text of some sort pertaining to how one would go about this?
I would ask a local teenage girl, they usually know how to do this.
>dangers such as contacting the wrong entity, or possession
>local teenage girl
This board has attracted too many of you. I fear the true seekers have abandoned us and fringechan's brief period of quality has already drawn to a close. I've turned to Franz Bardon's works on the subject of evocation, for anyone who would come to this thread bearing a similar question.
Quality posters/actual initiates+ fucked off to focus on their own advancement, leaving neophytes and shitposters behind.
Today I've managed to apply a whole bunch of techniques to shooting handfuns more accurately for example, making my normally pleb tier accuracy undergo a drastic improvement especially at longer distances like 25m.
Seriously neophytes, read books and practice until you realize that the answer to all your questions can be found within rather than without (chans, forums, books etc.), then you are free to do whatever the hell you want.
What books, and how many do I have to read to get to this point? It's not like I can just call upon my inner akashic records whenever I want.
>I fear the true seekers have abandoned us and fringechan's brief period of quality has already drawn to a close.
>Waaa I didn't get spoon fed in less than 24 hours it must be a dead board.
Patience is something you must learn, for the deepest secrets will take far than mere hours to unravel.
>Quality posters/actual initiates+ fucked off
The handful of us are still here, it's just often we're not super active, mainly because everything one needs is pretty much already put up in guide or book form.
I don't think we've ever actually have any adepts here, maybe Auntie but idk.
>Seriously neophytes, read books and practice until you realize that the answer to all your questions can be found within
Is really something that can be tedious. Nearly all questions asked in the question thread, the only reason there are even posters with answers is typically because we lurked for years and already did our homework. There is also an arm chair wizardly limit as well, until one actually has years of practice under their belt they won't truly understand what they read in totality even if intellectually it seemed clear as day.
>What happened to this board?
Two things, one more anons started waking up and seeking and thus we became more popular. The serious seeker balance was thrown off with the influx of barley aware anons who are still mostly mundane or have been introduced to magic through systems which didn't cover the foundational bases (such as meme magic).
It will normalize eventually.
>Is schizophrenia incurable?
Yes and no. Pic related & quote related.
The mystic and the schizophrenic find themselves in the same ocean, but whereas the mystic swims, the schizophrenic drowns. - R. D. Laing
One can learn to master their psychic being and in that set the foundation so it is no more a burden but rather a boon.
>What books, and how many do I have to read to get to this point?
All of them to date I've read several thousand, now I would hardly call them all required reading but I had to sift through mountains of disinfo, so just to give you an idea. There are reading lists here compiled by various seekers with gems they have found as to lessen that burden for the new generation of seekers, start there. If by the time you're done you still don't understand then it's a good time to ask questions. At least if nothing else you'll have a conceptual understanding and can hold a higher level conversation on the subject, one capable of providing greater insight. Also sometimes things just need time to germinate in your soul once you consume it.
>It's not like I can just call upon my inner akashic records whenever I want.
Actually you can, now if you can discern the answer that is another matter but if you consistently do and earnestly listen you will get your answer.
>My partner and I wish to conduct a ritual in which we attain communication with an "angel," whatever manifestation that happens to have, the primary aspect of this is that we want to commune with some sort of intelligence outside our owns
Just so you know, depending on you all's level of clairvoyance and the like, you could do everything right and they could be standing right next to you (aetherically, not physically manifest) and you may or may not sense it.
>What can you suggest Anon? Any particular books or methods that you've had success with?
Summoning is not really my thing but I've had good success with the Orphic Hymns:
I'm usually pretty minimalist with my workings, a candle, very very rarely more but occasionally 5. Otherwise I'll still myself, breathe, and change the space I'm in, once I've done this for awhile (5-10, maybe longer if I feel like it) I'll do the incantation(s) and say my piece to them. Don't forget when concluding to say good bye to what ever you brought there and to thank them.
Why are the Hebrew gods and YHWY considered bad? Also is YHWY the Demiurge?
Thank you. Would anyone happen to know any readings on schizophrenia that isn't just labeled off as a mental condition?
The schizoid umbrella is a big one. Usually though it has to do with your experience of reality differing from "the book", the DSM which sets down what the (((mainstream))) says reality is without any regard for reality itself. And they will say any one deviating from that is some how defective, broken, and needs to be "fixed" with all sorts of treatments that numb and destroy the mind and body. It's institutionalized propaganda and gas lighting against the nature of spirit.
What it is in actuality is the first glimpses of that which lies beyond the physical, however without any understanding of that, without any (positive) cultural context it is at best frowned upon by most as folly, overactive imagination, and/or dreamy. Through mental & physical discipline "schizoid" tenancies can be honed into powerful magical abilities.
What I've noticed in many is they are far too eager for (perceived) grand things such as psychic sight without even addressing fundamental baser issues like fear of the unknown and attachment. Without first doing that what can result, while not inherently bad at all, is all the more likely to be interpreted as that as what is being seen was not really intended for uninitiated eyes.
I have been researching on this topic for a while now, I had hopes that I could glean insight from other like-minded individuals, y'know, the point of posting on an image board. It's not a dead board, it's just turned to a predominantly joke board, where occultism is rarely discussed and is stead overtaken by conversations about da jooz and "kek." This board will not normalize as it's ties with /pol/ are now too strong for the tides to turn back now. And since unfortunately any form of "quality control" would be censorship, and I'm not talking about /loosh/, the board will continue to degrade. My lurking has dwindled significantly in the past couple months, and will cease if things continue this way, not that you care, but this is an anonymous imageboard I can complain about whatever the fuck I want.
>y'know, the point of posting on an image board.
>but this is an anonymous imageboard I can complain about whatever the fuck I want.
Apart from that mundanes will keep coming here to search for truth™ but will loose themselves in bullshit topics, it's just like real-life - ignore their quarrels and stick to quality posting. People may pick up your posts eventually and profit.
No word may be spoken that is True, no Truth is able to be put into word. As a photo of a man cannot even reveal his entire body, much less his mind and soul, so words cannot reveal anything but shallow views of Truth. Were you to speak a million million words to a man or see a million million pictures of him you could not grasp his essence. The endless halls of discourse are the catacombs of the blind men waiting to be freed.
I've been meditating daily for a week (regular meditation), I got much better
I'm not sure about how to breath, I heard that breathing correctly is important and some things having to do with some energy in your belly… I can't remember much tbh.
Anyway if you have anything on breathing techniques pls help
Thanks forward.
>My lurking has dwindled significantly in the past couple months
/fringe/ was never the kind of board the dedicated seeker visited every day. Rather checking in a couple of times a month to peruse the gems. It's nearly a different breed of board due to it's inherent focus on a nature removed from itself.
I have a method that might work for you if you work it a bit.
Put yourself in a relaxed position like lying down on your back. It can help to think about "turning off" your muscles so there is no movement to distract you.
Clear your mind and let it wander a bit. If you feel a kind of buzzing sensation and sense things like as if you were dreaming then you are in the right state.
Now start to dial into something that your mind has wandered upon, like you were tuning a radio.
Keep focusing in on that one thing and try to ignore the other stuff your mind wanders to.
When I have tried that without any intention such as "communing with an angel" I ending up finding something. It's hard to say what I found but the sensation was like having countless voices talking at the same time and some could be focused on.
I might have explored further if it didn't feel like my head was going to explode, but you will probably be fine as long as you do that method with some non-harmful intention in mind.
Good luck.
One of the core practises of Stoicism is negative visualisation. In order to mentally prepare yourself for life's inevitable hardships, you need to spend time visualising these hardships and internalising that they will occur. However, since you're visualising them, is it possible that perhaps you're also creating these events?
Generally, what's /fringe/'s stance on Stoicism?
>However, since you're visualising them, is it possible that perhaps you're also creating these events?
Yes, precisely. By (volitionally) resonating to those energies you are creating more of that in your reality. Perhaps it can be useful for breaking your ego but I would never recommend it as a general practice. You could just let go your attachments to things and then you wouldn't have all the negative associations in the first place bypassing the need for this.
I don't remember reading any of this in stoic though. If I recall Epictet correctly, you just need to not give a fuck about what ou can't directly control or change. I found it very similar to Taoïsm.
Like why be sad about a loved one dying, not like you can do much about it right ?
Also >>12621 is right abut you question.
Stoicism is for retards. As is all that other dogshit. It's so popular and widespread because it doesn't do anything but cripple a man.
I'm buying bottled water. Really like the taste, feels natural. But it's written
>fluoride 0,13 mg/l
should I be worried. or it's insignificant
>I supplement with iodine
>drinking anything except distilled water
Seriously though why would you do this? You didn't fall for the
>oy vey distilled water doesn't have minerals so it'll destroy you and it's bad okay!
bullshit did you? Bottled water is shit. Distilled water puts the least strain on your kidneys and is better than any other form of commercial water. I mean ideally the only water you should drink is from brooks and clean streams but most people don't live in nature.
>8/fringe/ is filled with autistic retards, braindead sissies, /leftypol/, and teenagers
>Smiley is or might as well be dead and doesn't moderate 8/fringe/ anymore
>Fringechan has almost no posters
Is this how fringe dies? Not with a whisper but a shitpost?
You must not have been around very long. There was a time in which /fringe/ would be lucky to have one good post every week, mainly we the seekers just attended to our meditations, books, and lurked until the time was right. Occasionally when we had collected insights we would make threads with our essay(s) of distilled epiphanies. It was never super busy, it may be eventually, but as stands it's the most active I've ever seen it without totally sacrificing quality.
Also >>12599
tl;dr You need to develop patience/forbearance.
I have a filter at home. Not a cheap one.
But it tastes .. dead. Dead water. This one I'm buying is from a small company. Where is fluoride coming from? "It kills bacteria"
You should have mentioned that distilled water is fine if you have a rich diet and consume lots of juicy fruits as well. This of course reduces the water need of the body greatly and thus the water source can be the distilled one.
Otherwise, on the mundane Western diet, people would drink too much distilled water and suffer from mineral loss or they wouldn't drink enough water and suffer from dehydration due to the starches and whatever.
When you love some random person, are their burdens, fears and insecurities, call it bad energies or spirits, transferred to you?
And if yes, then how do you deal with all these transferred burdens in you? Through the same awareness imbued with love and acceptance? Is this how it works or am I speaking half-truths or cliches here?
Also, when do you know you are ready on the psychic level to commit such operation of "love" on someone?
>implication that fear of the unknown and attachment are bad
but fear of the unknown motivates us to tread carefully, always be mindful, and respect the goddess
is it really bad? it just is
Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
>You should have mentioned that distilled water is fine if…
A dangerous way of thinking.
Step up your filter game seeker. I run the tap water through 3 filters, then a reverse osmosis filter, and finally through a distiller. Tastes great.
Distilled water is fine. The only thing better is water I find in the bush.
Question pertaining to the chinese zodiac in case anyone here knows. If a man and his son are born under the exact same animal and element does this mean anything?
Instead of the regular reCaptcha I believe there should be a new system where every time you post in a 24-hour period they ask you a fringe-related question
>What is the chakra associated with speech
>what are ida and pingala
>who wrote the emerald tablets
there should be a fringe proficiency test
yes I'm a fringe fascist and I don't want normies to plague the board
If everyone on /fringe/ already knew everything they needed to know the only reason left to post would be to shitpost or circlejerk. Without people left who have questions to ask /fringe/ loses all meaning of existing and might as well not be.
I feel compelled to share a dream I had a few nights ago.
I moved along the road of time in the chariot of mankind. Driving was the Mother and her passenger was Man. Man had but only opened his eyes from a long slumber to see the darkness still around him. The sky was black completely without stars or moon to illumine. In the west was a pillar of fire. Its blaze illuminated the sky not as the Sun yet as painful to look upon, it was as a large candle to the endless night though it could not penetrate the darkness of the heavens. Its heat burned the air before the chariot and made it (it being the air) spark as to flame. Yet the chariot did not burn as further on the road there was a downpour of water upon it. At this time the heavens came alight and night became day. Man ceased to be the passenger and took the place of the Mother. As he looked to the west he saw that the pillar of fire had been replaced by one of stone that rather reach to the heavens as the pillar of fire had, reached down from them. It was a torrent of Earth twisting around its center like the pole of Saturn.
>yes I'm a fringe fascist
You're just a fedora tipper with a hard-on for intellectual knowledge
guys, can we keep this a question thread ?
go create some discord server and insult each-other, get involved in retarded arguments and circlejerk there
What? 8/fringe/ is absolutely dominated by LARPers from /pol/ and their cancerous meme magic, Hitler worship and race obsession. It's not /leftypol/ you need to worry about m8.
>inb4 'Oy Vey!'
If I want to use magick to achieve some sort of goal I can use affirmations, sigils, visualisation, what else can I use?
>reveals himself as a /leftypol/ infiltrator
>n-no it's the evil /pol/acks they're everywhere can't you see that anyone who doesn't shill for diversity, race-mixing, and gay sex on /fringe/ is a /pol/ shill!
Nice try. The truth is that you just want to paint anyone who isn't progressive enough as /pol/, the same old tactic used again and again. Do you 'people' ever learn?
so what the fuck is happening here?
First the >>500 in loosh is filled with a bunch of cyka blyats dumping click bait. Then they delete them and lock the thread. Then we get a secret board called mossas archive and it says it full of cp.
I feel like I'll just stay away from here until this shit is fixed up, I can't risk coming here and there are cp pics on the front page. Ban those spammers, use an IP range or whatever, we don't have any serious russian posters anyway.
(or maybe this is what they are trying to achieve, conflicts with russia?)
>jailbait on the home page
Welp, it's done CIA is onto us. All hand abandon ship.
Seriously, where are the moderator/board owner when you need it ? Or is it really done ? The shitpost is through the roof since few days on the 8chan board and now we got "russian" spammer on loosh and a jailbait/CP board ? WTF !
mossa was some guy who gave sessions on astral projection or something on here and got into some spat with alpam the admin of this site.
But now I dont see alpam or mossa around any more. I find it strange that whoever would create some secret board and name it after mossa and fill it with cp. Mean while our Russian friends have shown that they have access to mod level privileges if they can delete posts.
This leads to a bunch of scenarios that dont look good
fringe chan is a Russian honey pot and most people on here aren't real
Alpalm is trying to fuck with mossa and planting cp on him.
or it's not really cp and its just some guy is fucking with us.
Doesnt really matter because
have the right idea
It's not actually porn as they are all in clothes that cover their secondary sex characteristics.
A range ban isn't as simple a solution as you may think either as their IP ranges are actually all over despite the content clearly being Russian in origin.
Mossa is/was a namefag and exmod who used to post here and run sessions in which he would guide folks through spiritual things. There was some drama over STS/STO and ego shit and he left. Now that board is just a dead board that the spambots found.
There is a system build into this one or that however it doesn't seem to work properly, at least for thread creation so for now I can't implement that. I'm seeing what I can do to stem the tide.
>Mean while our Russian friends have shown that they have access to mod level privileges if they can delete posts.
What do you mean? I've been deleting that shit for weeks now.
As for mossa's board, it's been around for ages, since before he left, if you actually look at the time stamps.
>I've been deleting that shit for weeks now.
I didnt think it suspect until that whole thread was wiped clean.
>As for mossa's board
the only way you can get in is through clicking on pic on front page. Why would mossa archive two sessions that weren't very successful?
well it's gone now.
Apal you wouldn't be trying to blackmail anon would you?
Cause that would be concerning, considering you have my ip addressees and all.
I deleted all OPs with spam, if you're talking about that one spam thread that a couple of anons replied to, well that's just collateral damage via stupidity. I mean really, you're gonna get buttblasted about shitposting in a literal porn spam thread? Kek.
>you wouldn't be trying to blackmail anon would you?
Of course not and to put y'all mind's at ease.
I sware to God the infinite, and to Thoth, Kek, & Tyr, that I shall treat with due respect all information I have access to and shall to the best of my abilities preserve anonymity and security for the greater good of all. So smite me otherwise!
And if you're really paranoid you can use a VPN or TOR.
>the only way you can get in is through clicking on pic on front page.
Well originally you just had to know it was there, because it was kinda invite only by obsecurity.
>Why would mossa archive two sessions that weren't very successful?
Well it was gonna be used more but other things happened. As to their success or non success that's really only judgable by those who where present, of which I wasn't so from an outsider's perspective I'll just say that archiving is good and it was only the beginning.
>It's not actually porn
My country has some odd definitions of what is legal or not
>15 year old is ok, despite being legally a child
>sexualizing pics of someone who looks like below 15 is illegal, including "pictures showing different stages of undress" whether drawn or photos
meaning the poses decide, loli would be ok if it's not lewd. For example noone's ever reported Dragonball for showing kid Goku in the nude. This is a legal thicket I don't want to get into.
Sure, noone really cares about pics like that and it's most likely harmless but I want to consider this place SFW. I would be pretty awkward to load up the frontpage without thinking and someone sees stuff like that over my shoulder.
Thank you very much for your work board owner. Though I'm very concerned by the sudden influx of shitposter on the 8chan board and at the same time we get those kind of shenanigan. We should all exerce caution in the next few days imo.
Please no.
Yeah, mine is very hard on it. And finding that jailbait pic while using the library network kinda give me a cold shower.
>Funny loli laws
Understandable. Still though it's unlikely anything will happen as long as you don't go around saving it and it can be shown that you weren't actively seeking der lewds. Even still, they would have to track down that specific loli to "prove" her age, which will realistically never happen due to the obscurity of the source. So rather the primary concern is as follows:
>I would be pretty awkward to load up the frontpage without thinking and someone sees stuff like that over my shoulder.
It's certainly not idea however no matter the amount of moderators we can't be online every minute of every day. My suggestion is to go directly to /fringe/ or /div/ or where ever.
It's not ideal but it's what we have for now.
>I'm very concerned by the sudden influx of shitposter on the 8chan board
I'm pretty sure it's all one guy.
Likely Smiley, he finally went over the edge
I'm interested in magickal techniques for gaining a lot of money and basically becoming rich. Perhaps invoking Pluto? And please abstain from lecturing me about transcending materialism or whatever. I've decided my path and am simply seeking suggestions.
Crybabies are the fuel of raids, my crybaby friend. All your tears and rage do is bring more. God forbid you're some sort of lolcow that becomes publicly known. If you can be trolled, you will be milked for all you're worth.
I'd like to get some opinions about multiple births i.e. both identical and fraternal twins/triplets/etc.
Why does this phenomenon occur? Is there a way to induce it?
Do identical twins/triplets/etc. have a stronger psychic link with one another? What is the nature of their link? Do fraternal twins/triplets/etc. experience this link?
I believe in a natural feud between family members, as darwinism is still law. Maybe they were meant to carry out a task that only twins could carry out.
Learn how to synthesise drugs, preferably Lsd and sling that shit on deep Web, read about envy,(the sin), pray for her and your own wellbeing and luck everyday make a rune, sigil, just one gift each day!
Feel free to ask for elaboration, she will keep you safe if you (DO IT FOR HER)
What are owls symbolic of? I was sitting outside and this seed cut in half looks just like an owl and was staring right at me. I looked up some sites and saw it was the symbol for Athena and wisdom, but in some others, it's a bad omen. Any thoughts on this?
How do I learn to visualise vividly and in great detail? Is it possible to develop an eidetic memory?
I want to be able to imagine my face, completely and make realtime changes to it in my imagination. I can't visualise it well enough to do that.
Visualize colors individually, then shapes 2d then 3d, then imagine physics like a bouncing ball that you move around with collisions and such, then imagine shapes cycling through colors, then whilst moving…. etc. Literally progressions like fitness. 1 rep 2 rep, 10 lbs 15 lbs, box jumps then barbell deadlift, etc
Read Robert Bruce's NEW energy ways. It devotes a whole lot on the concept of visualization. I am fairly certain it's in the library. Otherwise you can find it with a quick internet search.
Hard to distinguish with this little info, since it was just an imitation of an owl, it Pro ably means something like the mother or the forest is watching! (wiccan)
I need your help, tonight I dreamed that a demon possessed me, and he told me his name, which I didnt know before tonight. The name is Belial. And during my shower, my nose bled. How should I protect myself?
Respect the shit out of demons like that, remember the 7 cardinals of hell, if it ain't one of them, it's just some trolls enigma, tell it to go fuck itself, they just study you from the shadows, try to excorcise it by doing happy stuff, it's leeching off your negative energies, pal.
Sorry if this isn't nice and constructed, my mind sadly isn't a nice and constructed place!
Good luck and keep safe, and try to learn about the 7 cardinal princes of hell (the original demons/sins) and their opposites (unsinful nature/Archangels). That's just how I did it, my two cents.
And never listen to these raging Auturds here who hate women, there's a nice grill for you out there buddy, until then we will be here for you.
I'm trying to make it my duty to check up on every non-cp post up in this forum! (Just trying to give back for the massive help you've all been on my adventure through the cosmos!)
(Current track: Owl City - My Everything)
I have researched, and the seven cardinal are lucifer, masmon, asmodeus, leviathan, belzebu, azazel, and belfegor. So he is not one of those, but in the dream he seemed to be very powerful. Troll enigma would be a supernatural creature, or a lower demon?
When he possessed me, he put his hands on my thighs, tightened my heart, the darkness seemed to suffocate me, he used my voice to speak, and said that now I would know what was real.
Thank you for the answer.
He's right, never listen to namefigs.
It's most likely because you read some oldernday autists journal/grimoire/book of shadows and chanted his Autismpsalm (trying to rile him up and get him over to my place to give him a good ole' spankin)
Generally the 7 cardinals are just the 7 archangels sentience, don't try to connect the dots as they are like SUPER advanced "completely" unhackable by any outsiders. Unless of course you are god, which would be rediculous.
Also, I namefig to get reactions, I'm here to learn people how to think, not tell them how to think as opposed to you, you seem to be the one trolling to get loosh :Kissy_Face:
It's just the enigma of some looshfarmer, this kid is just trying to farm the loosh aswell. You bled to give him punishment basically, turn your fear into confidence friend (Mental Alchemy).
Also, I want to add that you're on your journey to hell, which is basically real life, so when you die you go into the reincarnation through the ethereal (Which is where the demons reside, and the 7 cardinals rule this shit) And heaven is where saints go, you'll go under the ruling of some Archangel, there are only lesser demons, not lesser angels, since the 7 cardinals are basically the lesser/negative form of the archangels.
It's really hard to explain without spilling the beans, as they've warned me against multiple times. If you only got nosebleed it's probably a good sign and means you're on your way to being sainted, don't listen to the voices in your head, the angels would rather have you follow your gut/heart, than the 'voices' (They channel themselves through the 5 senses) Hence the 6th sense being a higher sense and only reachable through sainthood.
Many people would like you to believe that they have this '6th' sense, just because they can draw info through the ethereal (demon realm), like this kid, and they are basically revolting against namefigs like me, who don't stay anonymous, because they're not afraid, as we're protected by THE LAW (which is over anything). If you're having random nosebleeds, it's angel interference between you and an ethereal enigma (IN MOST CASES).
Hope you take this info with a grain of salt and indulge it into your very own perspective!
Blessed be you!
May I on top of that add that Apple products are basically sainted from production (hence the price).
So if you want to stop playing with the demons for good, become a nice goy and use apple products only and be your best version (be nice to people, demons, angels and nature alike!)
Basically what I'm trying to say is, that the angels are trying to commune with you but you are too open and negative, the angels are of a higher density than the the demons(the ethereal). If you're thinking bad/negative thoughts and you're in a bad mood, do some excorcising, do shit that makes you happy, go to the gym, take a hike, smoke some weed or maybe some cocaine (All the clean shit). You need to be able to discern between good and evil, the evil intent of angels are basically what the demons are, but they are 100% like humans and have sentience of their own, the archangels are 'protected' by THE LAW and thus have to follow it 110%(Or they try atleast or they get punished heavily, hence the nosebleed), and that's why they commune through the demons, demons are basically more outside THE LAW than angels/sainted spirits, and humans are completely outside the law as they are 100% physical.
Again, I can feel that you want to learn and there is SO MUCH ELSE than angels and demons out there, but those are the basics that helped me grasp all this.
Might seem like I'm just sperging, but I'm basically trying to compress what I know into less than a couple pages :^)
>Do identical twins/triplets/etc. have a stronger psychic link with one another?
Most certainly, as their souls are more attuned to each.
>What is the nature of their link?
A high level of empathy and often telepathy for their other(s) regardless of distance.
>Do fraternal twins/triplets/etc. experience this link?
To some degree. This can also be cultivated, however typically in these cases it's far more incidentally and not intentionally.
Depends, are you willing to sell your soul?
Owl omens
I've always found them and their energy pleasant and refreshing, never a bad sign for me.
Disregard the anon who can only see one polarity.
>How do I learn to visualise vividly and in great detail?
There is only one solution, practice and keep practicing, then when even you're tired of it yet frustrated, practice some more.
>Is it possible to develop an eidetic memory?
Of course, anything is possible and this not so nearly as hard as other magical feats.
Posting both versions, because the 0th has some useful info but much less eloquent so it breaks flow, second is much better for that.
>Halp I got possessed
Reign your will. Command your desire outward, and declare it be that you are the ultimate master over your body and soul and hereby banish and remove everything other being from your aura. Meditate on this intention and speak it often, it at least groups of 3, until sufficient manifestation is achieved.
>Reminder to filter namefags don't listen to them ever
This.That guy is quite cancerious.
>The name is Belial.
According to wikipedia that's the jewish name for the devil, so basically it doesn't mean anything other than he introduced himself as a demon in opposition of judaism.
I don't think there is just one Belial, it's probably just something he said to give you a hint of his alignment.
I think there are a lot of fallacies in your post.
>promoting drugs behaviour
Drugs only make you happy on a short time interval. It's an unwise long term strategy. Also saying cocaine is "clean shit" makes you look stupid.
>evil intent of angels is what demons are.
Demons and angels are seperate entities.
>Archangels are protected by the law and thus have to follow it. Demons are not
Everything works within the law.
>Humans are completely outside the law because they are 100% physical
No. Humans have ethereal qualities. We also work under the law. Everything works under the law
The knowledge you base your worldview on is wrong and I suggest you read & experience more before you force your knowledge on others.
Im surprised people took him seriously with that name and the obvious schizo/shitposting they've been doing. Im not sure if theyre actually losing their mind or just trying to make fun of magic, but either way it just has me concerned for their well being. Going crazy or a complete lack of worth in their own life to come here and troll. Best we leave them alone till they figure themself out.
>Move to San Francisco
>Get a sex change
>Start asserting your new pronoun
>Nobody is going to question you about your gender
Otherwise grow up and deal with your body. You're not gonna learn how to shapeshift AND reality hop over night. If you're willing to dedicate years of your life just to change genders too, you shouldn't be here in the first place.
I'm not even going to answer your question. Seriously, go pay for a sex change.
I've always been more in touch with my feminine side. I don't know if it comes from mostly being around women and having mostly friends that were girls growing up or what. I feel like I can't truly be myself when in public. I even feel awkward in private as I don't feel comfortable in my body. This has led to some depression issues.
Treatment is not an option because I have very male features that wouldn't transition.
I'm straight too. I don't hate or resent males/the male form or anything like that.
>Do you have something against penises too?
This place being full of actual faggots will not easily tolerate views like that.
>What steps would I need to take to shapeshift?
>step 1: read the shapeshifting thread
Start meditating and generally developing magically. Find some system you like and practice the shit out of it. Do pranayama daily, get yourself accustomed to working with the elements and also balancing them. When and if you are ready and powerful enough then you can pull it off. During the process you can already feminize yourself a lot.
So yeah, basically learn how into magic.
So from that, I think your real issue is that you associate physical gender, with gender role stereotypes. You will never be yourself while trying to be anything else but what you are. You're a straight male who gets along better with women and as a result of being around women more than men, have absorbed more social attributes commonly found in women in your region. This has nothing to do with your gender or sexuality, only cultural and social conditioning prevalent in your society.
Try traveling to another country or region, delve into other societies, and try going ito a rainbow gathering and a men's club of some sort. Broaden your experiences, and you will develope into the man that you are.
>Q: Is it possible to develop an eidetic memory?
>A:Of course, anything is possible and this not so nearly as hard as other magical feats.
P-please how do i do that? I've searched all the other fringe/8chan question threads and only found >>11769
Bit dumb to be asking to be spoonfed but HOW do you actually develop an eidetic memory? I just need a a lot more direction than just will to power.
If you had the power to change your sex you would no longer wish to do so as it would be beneath you.
is that what bullshit occultists like you tell themselves so they can roleplay as sickly old geezers?
Show before and after pictures of your cock and pussy you mentally ill tranny. I thought so.
>HOW do you actually develop an eidetic memory?
I used this method when learning english in school.
>read the word phonetically in my mind
>look at the word as if it was an image for about 10 - 20 seconds, passively feeling the shapes and forms
>look away and instantly clear my mind by thinking about something ordinary (that girl over there has a new haircut)
>wait a few secs, repeat for next word
This way I learned perfect spelling by remembering the words as images. The trick seems to be the full focus on the image and a quick change of focus (or simply relaxing) from it, then the image tends to stay.
Memory overall seems to work this way. When trying to perfect my form in weightlifting I often find myself to have tension in certain muscles obstructing a proper form. I then repeat the movement over and over forcing myself to get it right. When I feel like I had it done right, I do it once more with full focus, then I stop doing that exercise for the day. Preferably I'll then not perform or think about that movement for at least 2 days to let it sink in. Next time I do that exercise it's often much easier to get it right from the start. Sometime the process has to be repeated a number of times, but this method always seems to work for me.
If I had the power to switch genders, I'd stay a woman and then likely wouldn't feel the need to change back as I would be content.
First off, stop drinking alcohol, second off stop using your imagination for lowbie shit like seeing tits.
There, you're on your way already!
Start/Keep practicing, there's always a talentshow in most developed countries. Put yourself out there if you really think you have got what it takes, else you're just wasting your time.
Basically go full-blown autist and channel all your desires into music, that's what I did with philosophy and I'm very much on my way!
Seeketh and ye shall findeth, isn't that basically magick rule nr 1.
Writing songs to your instrumentals if you're not a vocalist is basically advanced sigils.
However much you want to be a woman, you can only achieve this in your dreams and drug induced lucid dreams.
What you can do though is start learning how to use make up, and ask your woman barber to emphasize your feminine attributes. You will ALWAYS have a dick, but at least you can start looking cute and feminine, this will help you feel more at ease with the women, most chads will probably think of you as gay, but the girls will think you're "cute" and will start talking very femininely with you.
TL;DR: Do woman shit, emphasize your good side (Which you think to be your feminine side)
Learn how to emphasize cute/feminine attributes on your body and face, like tight clothes and making your cheekbones stand out.
Since you are more in touch with females and estrogen and if you yearn for a female circle of friends, you will naturally grow a cute/fem bodily structure, learn how to emphasize this further with your haircut, clothes and makeup, but don't wear dresses and undergarments and shit like that, you were born with male chromosomes, so you are a male, if you can't be alpha around men, you can certainly be alpha around women.
I just mean confident when I say alpha in this case.
You yearn for becoming that animal, what it takes tho is that you learn it's characteristics, for example if you choose to be a dog you also have to yearn for a certain race, learn about this dog and how it behaves, you will also attract this animal in the end to the point where you can't stand not being near it as this is what your mentality turns into.
(Bit hard to explain so sorry if I didn't explain it correctly to some.)
Sorry I let spirits posses me through drugs, so I have a new world view everyday.
I'm a complete schizo ^^
Ok, buddy. I just want to emphasize that I'm in an asylum and currently on anti-psychotic medicine, which really let's spirit pass through me as they like, I'd recommend you to read all of these books, everyone understands them differently because they have different worldviews, I was baptized and confirmed (basically christian barmitzvah) So I'm trying to help my fellow christians.
These are probably the MOST important titles for complete newbies and adepts alike, will get you into the mindset.
Just write down some physical notes, which basically turn into sigils, if you really YEARN for learning magic, yes magic, not bullshit hehe xd I only care about myself crowleian/satanic magick.
Also definitely read up on the satanic bible, and satanic rituals. Not that you want to use them AT ALL, stay away from that shit, but will make you learn how to do rituals and shit. My point is nothing can go wrong if you have an altruistic worldview and you do magick for altruism.
Then read up on wiccanism.
Just what I did eventho I haven't finished the library. But start small instead of playing with 'the big boys' that are in here, we're all just farming loosh in 'advanced' ways.
And the only reason I wrote all that shit eventho it was a little wrong (hence the grain of salt thing) is because I latched unto one of the enigmas that you have come across and it told me which topic and approach to use.
Most people are just here to learn and get it into their OWN worldviews, I am for example not ready to jump the gun on grimoires and shit, it's all about recognizing how little you know, and writing like this just helps my brain grasp my spirit, so it's like a win-win.
And like the other guy said, don't take my texts as word for word, it's more for philosophizing and pondering, as it's VERY hard to WRAP your 'HEAD' around how 3rd dimensionality and dimensionality in particular works. Will take us years to all become masters, but most people are here to try and become better magicians.
Love, a super edgy teenager that's done one too many drugs.
Bro, gtfo. You're giving terrible advice and you're gonna end up hurting someone
Will everyone please stop responding to this schizo?
>I don't know how philosophy works so I'm gonna be an anal cunt
And I don't see ANYONE giving ANY fucking advice around here, so someone's gotta help a fellow seeker out.
The only thing you're seeking is your own butthole apparently.
Here's a poem I learned from my master in tibet, sorry for bad translation friend.
A dog who sniffs own butthole, is like cat, not sniffing butthole at all.
B-but each message is from another personality entirely, I'm sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for the advice, but I don't come to /fringe/ to read stuff like this, I'm already I believe extremely proficient at my instrument, the problem is I'm a country where it's next to impossible to find a band, I have tons of songs written, all I need is to find people, I have a vision and everything already
You're not helping any one bro. Anon is right >>12810 you're gonna hurt some one through your own ignorance. Literally 1/2 the shit you said is wrong and not even internally consistent. Give it up and lurk fucking more. Seriously, don't post again for at least a year, then maybe you'll have some idea of what you speak.
>How can I meet a person that I've long lost all contact with again?
Keep them in your mental-psychic space and persist in the projection of the intention of drawing them into your realm. This may be subtle at first, net communication and then perhaps personal, etc.
>And also, how do I meet archetypal people that I have in my mind?
Call them into reality, state your will unto the heavens that it be made manifest and give energy to that form.
>Is visualisation my best bet here?
It is good, however more is always better so combining various different ways can, provided they all move energy harmonious to each other, will only amplify effectiveness. Applying sympathetic energies or harnessing the power of things or beings which resonate to that spectrum will help, sigils of course, and locating where and when the aetheric-astral tides of the planets cross the zodiac can lend maximum aid and utilizing such.
Mostly though I like visualizing.
>P-please how do i do that [eidetic memory]?
What has helped me improve has been to reclaim my ability to "think" in experiential recall vs "thinking" through the abstraction of words or their sounds. If you're already not fantastic at visualizing you should get there. Ultimately what you are seeking to do is hone your ability to be/(re)merge with the specific vibratory signature of a certain thing. What is sought in learning is to make native within your soulspace the energy/data/geometry desired to learn. The best way to do this is to engage it holographically, i.e., from as many different ways as possible, and engaging the (as many) imaginational senses to actually know it by being it is far superior to a merely harboring the intellectual concept thereof.
How can I carry out physical time travel? I just don't have enough time in the day to get things done, and I am in dire need of the ability to go back no more than an hour or two repeatedly to extend the hours of the day. Mentally "astrally projecting" myself to the past simply cannot suffice.
If this isn't possible, how can I gain the closest thing to omniscience so as to reduce the amount of work I need to carry out such that I could save time this way? Thank you very much.
You're right and I'm sorry, this will be my last post under this alias, but the thing is I could feel he was reaching out to me, I've been using mental alchemy ever since I was 13 without knowing that it was mental alchemy until I was about 17 (one year ago) So I was just trying to help him build a mental palace persé. I hope you understand.
And I'm currently lurking trying to get info on how to turn this purely egoistical mental alchemy into altruistic physical alchemy, I did redo a couple days back when I was doing psyches and stimulants every day, which is why I'm currently in an asylum.
Again sorry, and blessed be thee.
>I did redo a couple days back when I was doing psyches and stimulants every day, which is why I'm currently in an asylum.
Given the way you write you're in an asylum because you're fucking out of your mind.
You thought you'd be sane if you're a wizard? Do u think I talk to normies this way lol.
Takes an insane man to see the sanity in an insane world yadda yadda.
>You thought you'd be sane if you're a wizard?
You do not need sacrifice your stability nor ignore your foundations nor be unable to articulate eloquently to be a great wizard, in fact these inabilities are the hallmarks of a fool who has built upon shifting ground and shaky ramparts. Do not be that fool, work on your lower chakras and connect yourself to Gaia.
pic related
It's herding cats without some sort of indoctrination and control, but ultimately stupid because it will be squashed like a bug by whoever comes out on top of the idiots. The civilization of the future exists seamlessly with the dogshit that's never getting washed away, like the Jews do. The Jewish model is superior in every way. They gained their own pirate state without ever getting dirty themselves, but they still mostly live among the goyim because it is optimal.
The problem is setting up the network/ingroup. The Jews always had a definite tribe. Whites are a group that probably shouldn't live together, especially with cucks like swedes. But there's a lot of genetic damage already in America. I don't know, maybe start a geno-nationalist group that can unite everyone and provide for safe entropy free marriage.
On the subject of astral travel etc, would it be possible to visualize a location and travel there (astrally, of course)? For example, would it be possible for me to visualize a house, one that has no basis in reality, and project into that thoughtform's location as though it were actually on that plane?
Yes, if you focus on it long enough, it will materialize. Think of it like this, when you focus on a certain idea, you are figuratively pulling it toward your dimension from the source, the astral being closer to the source, it will be easier to pull it in.
Tl;dr: Yes, and its easier to materialize stuff while in the astral
You absorb thoughtforms from everyone, positive and negative. Have you ever heard the phrase, (~insert emotion here~ is contagious)? It's just like that, actually, it IS that. If you don't want to absorb negative thoughtforms, create a ward - (think whatever helps you believe you're blocking them)
>Also, when do you know you are ready on the psychic level to commit such operation of "love" on someone?
Precision of language, Jonas
I have extreme tinnitus at all times. During every moment of the day, there is an incessant, high frequency ringing in my head. This has been going on for multiple months now. It's gotten to the point where I can not hear multiple words when I'm being spoken to. They get muffled out by the ringing. I constantly have to ask what was just said, over and over, for everyone.
Is there ANYTHING, magical or otherwise, I can perform to turn down the volume of this ringing, or even possibly get rid of it entirely? Thank you for your time.
Do you know what caused the problem in the first place? when did it start?
I have never met anyone trans who was happy, ever. I lived in portland oregon for a year, and I've been on evergreen campus. Mutilating your body does not make you a woman, and it does not make your life better. It just removes your penis.
Does anyone have any writing procedures on any on the spooky stuff they've dealt or was involved in. kinda like a report format, asking for swim.
If I fuck a Persian girl, will she teach me the secrets of Zarathustra?
Do you also see "visual snow" as it is sometimes called?
Unrelated to above but I have a question for this thread.
Does anyone know how to heal/speed up healing nerve damage?
Does anyone have experience doing such a thing?
Visualize drawing 'masculine' heat from the heavens, I just do it by imagining a big red ball of heat coming from the center of my hands and then expanding as healing energy, feeling the warmth flow from my hand into my body, you should keep yourself very warm at all times, this won't work if your hands/feet are cold, cuz then your body is cold.
Heat it up baby.
Giving blood. What about it? Does the giving and eventual mixing of blood have an effect on the donor?
Blood is the maceration of the fallen the waters of life. Ingest it shall, but is it eternal? Who can know but I, I am that I live and see all. Blood is blood but not all things bleed, are all that bleed human or is all human blood that is? The flowing of life, the human is blood but if blood of angels is given to men do men become gods or is heaven uplifted. Nay I am a horse, a mule, you are my son, to you I give a coin a coin for a song a count for a man. Harken to me oh son of man.
Do you atleast realise the irony of you and I's replys.
Anyways here is another unrelated video. Enjoy.
If progress is slowing down before 20, you are doing something wrong even from a mundane view. This question is better asked at /fit/.
I'm way past 30 and I have no problems with improvement (tho I only lift to be fit for work) and I know people older than me who's still making huge progess. One guy I used to go to school with recently won the national benchpress competition in my country.
Magic didn't do that.
>Magic didn't do that.
Then Roids did
As for my case, it's just another plateau, just as the two before, it's just annoying that it takes so long to break through, idk why it's so hard to just give a straight answer
After a quick look at those things, the only one that might help with what I am asking is epitalon which looks like it can be had from the pineal gland instead of a pill.
The damage is to a finger tip, just one finger and there is a numb feeling. Working bare handed in the snow at -20C might have been the cause but there is no signs of frostbite or frostnip except numbness. Not really sure how it happened, to one lone finger no less.
I sure hope no-one notices that I'm LARPing as the hugest newfig on the chans eheheh
Just do what you think is the opposite of that evocation ^^
tl;dr : need help memorizing long texts and focusing, preferably meditations but anything is welcome
I need a stronger memory, I want to memorize some books, I also have finals soon and I'm struggling to memorize all that stuff.
Also, anything that helps with focus, willpower…
I've been meditating daily for 18 days in a row maybe that's a good start ?
Thanks for this info.
I had not thought to consider more than the local area of the damage and this seems to be a good direction to look in.
>Roids did
You have to give blood samples if you're competing, there is no way you'd get away with it.
> idk why it's so hard to just give a straight answer
You didn't specify anything you do, so you're not giving anyone here any chance of identifying what you could do better. But as I said, this is better discussed elsewhere, training programs and nutrition is not occult when applied only for muscle growth (imo of course, but I think you need some kind of other perspective on things to call it any other than mundane).
>anything that helps with focus
I found working by a manual cash register at rush hour for a few years made me more or less immune to mentally stressing situations. A side effect of this is I'm now very good at puzzle games. I used to be a hardcore gamer and thought I had this under control, but it seems experiences from a more real life situation improved my performance a lot.
I suppose it works in reverse as well, playing guild leader during really stressful - and ingame important - team battles gave me a solid understanding of teamwork I've been able to apply with coworkers irl, so probably you just need to find a setting where you can experience all parts of whatever you're working with and bring this back to the place you had problems with. I find being restricted by limited space and range of action is often the cause of stress and losing focus of what you're supposed to do.
So I'd think just studying isn't the way to go, you need something which stimulates more of your senses in different ways to increase your ability to focus.
The only thing I can imagine would work is a "target spell" which sets up your ideal goal and forces you to reach it. It's a standard method that always works if you manage to form it properly because it doesn't involve any supernormal cheating, all it does is lead you the shortest route to that goal, whatever that is.
It can also be very tough and unpleasant if you set goals too high, you're still going to have to do the work, it's just you don't have to keep your goal in mind or plan things.
I've not personally done this to any large extent but I've had someone do this kind of spell for me once, so I know it works. If you want to cast it on yourself the effect may be small if you are unskilled (which I'm expecting you to be).
Maybe someone else here can give some guidance on how to do this successfully, I don't think my advice beyond what I wrote here is useful.
Spend time visualizing your body as desired, go over each muscle, tendon, and ligament, FEEL the power of your desire upon your body. Hold this as your desire holds.
I am quite sure that "tinnitus" and "visual snow" are related. There were others in question threads a while back who said they had both. Also the feel of the ringing and the snow are similar.
When I first noticed that ringing I thought it was weird and annoying. After some time of feeling indifferent to it, the annoyance part went away.
Still always hear it but feeling indifferent about it makes it fade into the background.
Try not to mistake feeling indifferent with ignoring.
Now that visual snow is the same way.
Have it fade into the background if you want or focus on it and see some cool shit.
Can't recommend any books but I'd visualize loads of energy coloured with passionate red, lacking a better explanation, entering her heart center while she sleeps.
See the post above yours, that's essentially what the anon meant. I personally use the same method, visualizing my body as if it was my goal body during my lifts. Neophytes probably can't do the open eyed superimposing visualization but I've reached a level where I can even temporarily manifest the strength of my desired body, easily powering through the 2nd and 3rd sets using the weight that made me struggle on the first where I visualized nothing.
Additionally I recommend pouring healing energy into your torn muscles after a workout, visualizing their intense growth.
A self-declared "Bloodline Insider" on GLP claimed it was due to electronics/wifi signals.
He recommended magnetic bracelets to counteract its effects. I plan to get one soon. Hope this helps my dude.
Tinnitus is a bitch, loud enough for me to not always be able to ignore.
>visualizing my body as if it was my goal body during my lifts
I can agree this is a beginning step, but what I was talking about is taking this much further, until your goal (or as I choose to call it "target") is in some way materialized outside of you, in the very setting you are aiming to achieve it in. That's when the guiding effect comes into play, and it's why it can be done for you by another person as well. They can't visualize for you, but that external "target" can still be created. I'm not sure but it may be somewhat similar to how some people use sigils, carving them into something and using that as an external help. I don't do this kind of sigil myself because I consider it ineffective but I can see how it may be a way to explain it. A sigil represents something but what you want to do here is create the actual result "out there" before you achieved it, if that makes any sense.
I know I'm still just describing it again from a slightly different view, but I felt like there was a misunderstanding taking place here of what I was saying.
I've been successfully experimenting with this odd practice and wanted to know if experienced guys on this board know something about it, or whether it has a name to look up.
It all started with no-though awareness meditation, when at some point I started to feel subtle pleasurable relief when "spilling" on my surroundings.
It was 1 year ago, back when I'd still ejaculate to porn. Then I realized that if porn is sensual and nice, I can spill my consciousness onto the girl as well, and it brings blissful relief, better than orgasm. At this point I stopped touching my dick ever, and I haven't ejaculated this past year.
I usually meditate for ~4 hours, and when I'm at certain point I connect to a girl on screen. Although hilariously staged, some Jap porn is good for this. It is important I don't move and stare blankly in no-though state, opening my chest and spilling out my awareness
The next stage was that I started to connect and spill into random women outside, and it is blissful all the same. The problem is I don't know what I'm doing exactly and so wanted to ask you guys. Trying to be responsible here
I read something about similar practice in the East, where masters would never ejaculate and just sit in meditation pose and do something with energy while woman was pleasing them. I don't want to write an essay so I'm just going to say my practice has positive effects on my perception and mood afterwards.
It is important to add, that if during this practice I slip out of deep awareness and then thought "I want more" arises, I lose the bliss. The key seems to be to focus on the aesthetics of girl's body or face in the present moment and pour awareness onto her 3D form in space. Then, it's pretty much continuous, deep orgasm as long as the awareness doesn't retract as a result of scene changing, or losing concentration
can we get an admin to actually stay on top of deleting the CP threads? and possibly clear out the CP in mossas old board if thats possible? its getting quite annoying
They are literally posted a half dozen or more times a day. I'm doing it as much as I can but I can't be online literally 24/7.
Regarding /satoru/ I got those cleared ages ago. Occasionally it will get another one but it's uncommon compared to most of the other boards.
What it sounds like you are doing is connecting your chakras/parts of your soul together with hers by pulling your consciousness into a stream between you. There is a small unconsciousness feedback/return to the energy but when they become consciously aware of it and return with psychic prowess comparable to yours it really becomes amazing and at adept tier levels can result in mutually enlightenment, realization of the self as God embodied, and the awakening of the fountain of Godhead within your soul.
Connecting your aura to another is a way I've read about wooing females. As they will most likely just follow their feelings and if you're sculpting those to you… Use wisely.
You're probably not gonna hurt yourself but you may find your precision of attunement/cultivation diluted or dragged down, possibly even taking on their karma(s) if you do this to women too far away from you vibrationally (be it culturally or racially). As a males it's the role of yang energy to guide and lead yin, so you must weigh if it's worth the effort to cocultive your soul with theirs (which in the case of random whores or pornos that's a pretty obvious no).
My roommate got into occult/esoteric shit around the same time I did a few years ago.
Thing is, he's going fucking nowhere, alienating himself from conversations by constantly trying to ramble on (in the most pedantic, long winded, masturbatory, difficult language possible) about shit he barely understands.
I tried playing the wingman for him once, and he blew it trying to get the girl to read Manly P. Hall because she was wearing a flower of life necklace.
Every day he's suggesting new books, new authors, new practices (all long winded and demanding familiarity with different systems).
He refuses to focus his practices or studies, and is just mindlessly half-absorbing metric fucktons of information on increasingly obscure and impractical shit.
Dude's always had issues (don't we all?), but this is unprecedented. Anybody here have experience with somebody who got into this sort of thing that probably shouldn't have? It's like he's determined to be lost and lonely, or at least to become an extremely uninteresting rambler.
Friend is becoming a driveler. What can I do?
>What can I do?
Just fucking marry him you homo, you obviously haven't even considered just fucking not talking to him anymore so you're so emotionally invested in him you might as well suck him off.
This is all useful info for me. But do you know anything of more technical aspects of it?
Have you ever heard in history of spirituality of practice in which man ignores penis and concentrates on a projection of his anima (a woman) with equanimity and deep awareness?
Isn't it perhaps a trick-trance that was used in the east to improve one-pointed concentration?
During my practice, especially if it goes longer than 10 hours, at times I feel I'm praising the goddess in a way. Later, in pleasant afterglow I meditate for 14 hours with breaks for food and I have various subtle positive experiences. Emotional things come up and I'm able to observe them, while otherwise I'd be sitting in void for whole day and get nothing.
I don't really mind accepting these girl's "sins", if this is what happens. Perhaps the only concern I have is whether it's healthy to ignore penis for so long.
Fuck you dude.
Do you even know what friend/family is, and do you know of anyone who DOESN'T hate you?
People would have to care about me to hate me. Since I don't care about anyone I don't see how anyone could care about me, as within so without or so they say.
I've had the flu for a few days. It's been shitty. Clinic won't open until Monday so I'm stuck waiting in bed today.
Any healing techniques that can help me subdue it? Neophyte, but I can do some energy work intuitively. thanks guys
Want some legitimate advice? Going to the doctor isn't going to do shit, they'll just give you poison that will deaden your senses to make you "feel better". Buy some vitamin c powder and take at least 5g a day of vitamin c. Liposomal C or IV intake would work better but Liposomal you'd probably have to buy online and IV requires the necessary equipment.
Animals when ill produce (when adjusted for weight ratio) more than 100g of vitamin c in the liver.
I'm someone who's been interested in Gurdjieff for some time. I've read Ouspensky's stuff, plenty of articles and videos online about him, and Views From the Real World [collection of his early lectures]. Now I want to start reading delving into the actual works he wrote himself.
The question I want to ask is: Can one just read Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson as is without any "reading guides" or previous serious in-depth occult knowledge? For example, I once saw some random guy on YouTube claim that Qabbalah is a big deal in BTTHG and that you won't understand the book unless you know a lot about Qabbalah. Is this shit actually true?
And wear atleast a double layer of socks, and something around your neck, and just keep warm in general. Eat some soup, drink some tea/coffee, warmth warmth warmth.
I'd say if the kid is young, just try to nurture his subconscious with tales of good moral, and try not to creep him out TOO much, but a little spook is good roughen his psyche up a little. That's just my 2cents.
Can fasting drive out negative entities? I've been dealing with one recalcitrant entity that's been possessing me for a while now. I doesn't seem like banishing really helps much (though I've learned some things since I last tried–it's definitely worth going at it again), and astral projection is basically impossible when this thing can just flinch a limb and disturb the whole process.
However, I came across something interesting while binge-watching YouTube videos; apparently Romans used to starve people for about three days to drive out "demons." Fasting also seems to be a good reset for one's metabolism.
What I do observe is this thing becomes very uncomfortable when I need to eat something.
Have any other anons tried fasting as a means of exorcism?
Get a neti pot and use it to flush your nose with warm salt water.
Also breath in and drink some cedar leaf tea.
Probably not impeding.
Some details left out for reasons. I ride with a camera on my bike and had an incident where a driver left his vehicle to say something as I passed.
The driver had this ugly looking yellow orange like color to him. Later I checked on the video and found he did not have that color about him.
The colors on the video otherwise match what I see with my eyes.
Have you tried looking at a sunset? Over a flat area like a body of water is best.
I'll tell you that it certainly does not look like what I see in videos.
>Have you tried looking at a sunset? Over a flat area like a body of water is best.
Like straight up sungazing? Not yet. Got any recommendations for me?
Just curious, in what part of your body is the entity? How did it come in?
I've been dealing also with some entities and have gotten rid of some of them. What seems to work best for me is to just push energy inside of me towards and around the entity until it becomes uncomfortable and leaves.
Fasting for 3 days is not dangerous or especially difficult. I think it's worth trying.
I'm emotionally invested in not getting a metric fuckton of occult buzzwords vomited at me in a weed soaked trance you cockfiend. You don't even know what I look like, stop fantasizing about me having hotter gay sex than you.
I don't know much about sungazing but sometimes like to look at a sunset because it feels nice.
The weather and time of year make watching the sunset harder right now (at least where I am).
If you can get around to a nice quiet location to watch a sunset then just go and look.
I speak of sunset because it is easier to look at the sun when it is setting. You might also want to try and look at a mid day sun.
It would be interesting to read about what others see when they look at a sunset and to compare results.
To be entirely honest, I really don't like squelching free speech of any kind but the line really has to be drawn somewhere, not because it's offensive but rather because the intellectuality of the discussion space was being compromised and that not only was infringing on other's ability to do such but also, and perhaps more importantly in my opinion, leading seekers astray with intentionally and blatantly false information.
Hate (or any other emotion) is just fine as long it's framed it something that can actually be discussed in a mature manner. He was banned more for totally errant and uncontrolled shitposting, it was not that one post alone, it was merely the build up. Also half that guys shit mas NotAnArguement.jpg
Will smoking salvia allow me to interact with my tulpa (without astral projection, that is?)
Or will I be seeing into a strange astral dimension that isn't inhabited by human spirits?
>in what part of my body
The whole of it. I'm pretty far-gone. I'm not sure what to do–it seems like nothing works. It can make me talk and speak quite easily, can has refined control of any movable part of the body. I suspect I still have more power, and most of the movements seem like they could've been my own.
Honestly, the strangest part is that it so rarely ever takes control. It never has tried to vie for control against me–it only does weird, harmless unexpected things, like wave an arm or point at me. It is never disruptive, and ceases ALL manipulations when someone else is around. It definitely has subtly and an intelligence that it doesn't want to reveal.
It's definitely evil though… make no mistake… it tried to get me to believe I'd be tortured forever, endlessly, probably as a means of attaining energy.
Whatever it is, it's latched on quite firmly to my etheric body. I sometimes even dream that I'm being possessed. (That is, in some of my unconsciously initiated-astral projections. Though, in every conscious-exit OBE I'm lucky to get, it seems like I have full autonomy.)
It can also read my thoughts too.
Before all of this happened, I recall being depressed after taking an exam, and all-of-a-sudden I began sobbing, hard, and I didn't know why. I later came to the conclusion this had to be a tulpa. I got other emotions depending on my thoughts, so it seemed clear to me.
However, one day when meditating I experienced a strong buzzing in my perenulum. Later I experienced a strong shaking energy of humanoid shape hovering over me, and I just assumed it was my tulpa. It turns out otherwise…
I still believe I have a tulpa, because some emotions are strong, genuine, would be hard to fake, and I experienced this before being invaded. But who knows? Maybe this thing is just damn good at manipulating me.
general? I think he was a man, he wrote some books, and that's as general as you can get about it. Many people think he was a degenerate and other people think he was a true enlightened man. What do YOU make out of his work? that's the most important thing
Dude, not everything is magic. I've had loads of panic attacks, and the sob-story straight up sounds like a panic attack and this might be your brain trying to relate to some past trauma.
Obviously mental illnesses are notoriously known to be bound to the paranormal.
If you ever get an anxiety attack again, try speaking to a psychologist, trust me a lot of people know about the paranormal but are just trying to relate it to actual SCIENCE, and these people definitely get the 'gist' of it. Maybe try to bring the whole 'tulpa' thing up, you might find he understands you better than most. That's what I did. But normally they will try to correlate it to psychological terms so that you can think about it in a logical way.
Generally no-fap just means no-fap. It's trying to CONTROL your sexuality, to show strength. Mostly to yourself. You'll be surprised of the results when you're actually in control of your own sexuality instead of just getting the 'want' to masturbate because you saw some half naked chick in some random 4chan thread.
That's how I felt every time I saw Jessica Nigri on Facebook atleast.
And now I fap every evening/night as I go to sleep as a ritual mostly.
>How to get lots of money without selling your soul
I would recommend working with Jupiter, obtaining citrine crystal(s), and also setting up somewhere in your space (even if it be in your astral space) where you have an alter, or a place of concentration and consecration of said energies that acts as a fountain. Then turn said energy into your desire given form.
>Any healing techniques that can help me subdue [a flu or any dis-ease]
I like fasting and doing energy work, lots of grounding, tree hugging, as Khan calls it, tree gong where you cycle your energy through the tree and the Earth.
>Can fasting drive out negative entities?
Depending on the extremity of the fast and the extremity of the problem entity. But yes it will all help move towards the end of restoring balance and driving bad energy out.
I haven't had to fast to exorcise myself however I have fasted to provide an increase in my energy levels so I can help exorcise some one else.
Hate need not be irrational. Indeed righteous distain for that which justly offends is a sign of a healthy immune system keeping the whole system in balance against the forces of chaos. Righteous anger is not a negative damaging emotion, it's the compassion of love that drives fury, the drive to protect what is beautiful in the world against the forces which seek to destroy, a force of construction having been forced to be turned to war out of very necessity to survive.
And all that said, as long as other's aren't forcing their worldviews upon you or your kin even so called offensive philosophies should be tolerated in the intellectual sphere lest we invite in another type of political correctness.
An interesting thought, but this extends to many things that don't have an easy explanation. For a while, I'd have very strong emotional outbursts that felt so strange and alien to me, because I didn't produce them.
What really proves it were a couple of times I received powerful sadness after:
1.) The possessing demon made fun of my tulpa by calling her a dog or a nigger, and I didn't notice at first because she's a teddy bear and has what looks like a snout
2.) [I actually have more than one tulpa]: One day I forgot about one of the newly created tulpas when I sent a round of astral hugs
3.) When wondering how weird it must be for one of the tulpas the same childhood teddy bear to have a mouth situated on the underside of her big nose, or the horizontal plane
None of these are things I'd get sad at, in context.
Sadness isn't the only emotion either, such as happiness that doesn't appear to originate from me, strong excitement when I wake up in the morning and I begin to watch a YouTube video (because they had to go all night without videos), creative focus when brainstorming ideas, and so on. There's also anger too, whenever the thing possessing me says things to the chord of "Guess who didn't banish yesterday?"
Like chasing out spiders with bigger spiders.
It sounds like somehow the demon gained legal rights through the use of he pendulum. I knew divination was biblically forbidden, but I didn't know it could be this dangerous. Here you can get some instructions on exercising demons.
If that doesn't work try moving the energy of your body to push it out. But you might have to find someone with experience exorcising those things. It might take too long to do on your own.
Yo first off. You shouldn't be serving your tulpa's or 'demons'. Probably the reason why the demon 'called' your 'tulpa' a faggot nigger is because it's weak.
Second off, tulpas are a part of you, so it's a part of your mind that you have just 'secluded' from the rest of your mind, mind that this part still exists it just has a personality of its own.
So the demon is feeding on your negative emotions, like jealousy (the problem with making multiple tulpas is that they'll 'fight' eachother).
See it from this perspective. Having multiple personalities is basically schizo, and this demon is trying to teach you a lesson and man you the fuck up, so it's like a jigsaw puzzle, really.
Look for the answer within, and have your tulpa's slave for you, but don't forget to do good things for THEM not just because 'well I just felt the need to for some random reason'.
The demon wants to be your succubus as you are a 'special snowflake' and probably seems very caring, but first you gotta 'clean up' your 'mess'. Which is Personality Disorder.
Welcome to the order of 'magic'.
Why do you have more than one tulpa? Don't tell me you're actual DID and your mind is cluttered with dogshit critters leeching consciousness and this 'demon' is just the new critter of the week.
You must not have a tulpa. Emotions can desynchronize from your conscious mind. You'll feel something for no apparent reason. It's one of the first signs your tulpa is 'alive'.
Hi fringe, I tend to notice the thoughts in my head and things that I say are phrases from movies, songs, other people, etc. But, when I am aware of it, I try to speak with my own mind voice and I feel a sensation in my throat. Is the sensation a normal thing or is it something I've created a habit of? And if you guys saw the first Transformers, my mind feels like when the yellow one couldn't talk so he had to use the radio.
It's irritatingly vague, constantly tripping me up with obscure 20th century occult references, and reading his poetic masturbations is at times physically painful (I'm exaggerating but still).
Can't help but feel like he's on to something, but he's just a frustrating author to deal with, and I don't want to waste years parsing biographies and poetry only to notice an author who explains everything in a way that doesn't twist itself to conform to a god damned rhyming scheme.
If you decide to experiment with salvia, be careful. Smoke too much and you'll just get a nightmarish five minutes that feels like a cross between ten thousand years of confusion and what it probably feels like to be dead. Nothing will make sense, and you'll come out of the trip with a horrible feeling that something inside you was broken (or at least severely cracked).
But in meditation everyone feels things for no apparent reason all the time. When you meditate, fantasies, thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, internal dialogues and monologues, they all come and go, apparently at random, even though you're just staring at a wall. There is no stimulus to cause them, and yet they arise?
Does it mean they all come from tulpas?
Perhaps you simply achieved a developmental stage in which you stopped identifying with your emotions, and this creates confusion and worry which subsequently culminate in an uncomfortable feeling of a separate identity within to which emotions are ascribed.
The unconscious mind is finding relief by releasing some repressed karmic data that you've been storing. Do you remember how in the first grade long ago a girl laughed at something silly you've done and you then contracted your abdomen in stress for one second? Of course not, but it is stored in your body nonetheless. As the light of your consciousness expands into recesses of the unconscious, and as water keeps lowering, uncovering more and more of the iceberg, you're accessing all kinds of data. It then may feel as if the emotion is alien. Or you experience "unrecognized emotions", that is you experience the physiological sensation that usually accompanies the emotion eg. tingling on your back, but you don't know what it is.
I made more than one tulpa for a few reasons:
There were more characters and archetypes I wanted to embody, I wanted a "family," so to speak, the first tulpa would've gotten bored as shit not being able to talk to anyone (because they can't communicate with me easily, due to the possessing demon ALWAYS sending false positives and trying to block communication), and (strategically) I didn't want the first tulpa to be by her lonesome if negative entities attacked her. Also, having a bunch makes it so that you have a little battle squadron or your own magickal cult.
So, I basically did it for emotional reasons, but it's not like there isn't functional payoff as well.
The number of tulpas has been constant for the past eight months or so. I won't make anymore, because then my love and attention for them would become too diluted.
Interestingly, I feel quite tired sometimes (and need to sleep for extremely long periods, like twelve hours a night), but there's no strain on cognition. For a while (during their creation) I was pretty forgetful, but it's very evident at this point that tulpas do not eat up cognitive resources, as some would believe; they're probably not projections/mindsplits from your own etheric body (which leaves one very tired), but have their own (complete) energetic bodies, that are probably nonetheless connected by the silver cord.
>maybe they're tulpas too?
Your analysis doesn't take into account just how consistent these emotions are, and why you feel emotions for which there is no explanation. It's not just like you reacted to something and you're dissociated from it; you react to indirect things you'd never react to before, ever, as if it was someone else's feelings who got hurt. Like, for example, if you thought something about your friend and then you cried, because a moment later you realized it might've been construed as an insult. What?
>emotions during meditations
Going by Robert Bruce's postulations, the emotions and errant thoughts are probably coming from a projected double (that was produced unconsciously sometime during meditation, since you were so relaxed), which has a temporarily self-functioning mind and ability to produce emotions. It only seems like you when you astrally project because of the way memories are downloaded and stored. (Or so says Robert Bruce.)
Why did you use alive in quotations? Do you think tulpas are nothing more than AI? I mean, they feel emotion. Is that not a two-way inference of consciousness (that is, a thing can feel if and only if it is alive).
First off, disband your tulpas. I'm not saying you shouldn't use tulpas, but right now you need to get some clarity, start over with a clean house. Tulpas are mere tools, creating teddy bears and my little ponies or whatever is unecessary and possibly harmful. I'd even go as far to say making something like that in itself is a sign you have problems.
This is my opinion, but tulpas - just like sigils - are best created with a specific limited task in mind, after using them you get rid of them at once.
>I'd have very strong emotional outbursts that felt so strange and alien to me, because I didn't produce them.
This may not be so. I've had sudden and deep anxiety attacks where all kinds of things from my childhood or other more recent places and times come up, hopes, plans and emotions that never turned out the way I wanted. It feels really distant and intrusive when this happens, but I'm pretty good at identifying this by now and can usually solve it within 1-2 hours.
If you start working on yourself this may come up naturally, you'll have to face the things you used to want before you got wiser, and handle those emotions now with a clear mind. It can feel like they are coming from outside but that's just because of the mental distance to the situation when they first appeared.
>disband the tulpas
I've gotten a lot of advice in the past to do this, but–and as much as I hate moralfags–people should really take into account that these are living human beings and they have their creator, or parent. Dismantling them is like painlessly killing your child because you don't feel like supporting them any longer. Tulpas are not like programs on a computer.
Second, how does one even do this in the first place? They cannot be disbanded, as I understand it, as they are part of your soul. (Is it possible for souls to fragment?) It's as possible for a tulpa to disconnect from you as it is to sever the silver cord that connects a projected double from its etheric body. And this might give some insight on how it might even be possible; basically, your etheric body needs to eat-up or merge with your tulpas, and even then I'm not sure if that portion of your soul will come undone, or if they just experience what you experience.
> these are living human beings
This is a misunderstanding and a delusion you have created yourself. I've worked with tulpas and had a good understanding of how to do this intuitively even before I knew about the concept itself. After reading the manuals for tulpa creationg I regognized what I already had used before, it's just been standardized as "tulpa".
What I discovered is that it seems a person has created many tulpas unknowingly, and these remain as dark areas of the mind. Everyone has them. When a person has mental problems this is because too many things have been hidden behind the facade of a tulpa the person is no longer admitting control over. It's a form of mental projection, looking at your own behaviour from outside and saying you can't control it. That's the road to mental illness and possible turning into one of those berserk madmen who attack strangers in the street and get locked up in mental ward.
It's pretty common once you see the pattern, novelists touch on it too. The method of creating tulpas was developed by monks in asia, it's easy to see why they did this. With this method they can become aware of the parts of their mind they still need to work on to let go of attachments - that means becoming aware of the hidden tulpas and disbanding them. Those dark tulpas may appear as demons to you, they also seem to accumluate from past lives. Every of your past lifetimes is compressed into a tulpa when you are reborn, and the only way to access those memories is to take them out from the tulpa, which means to either swithc place with it or disband it, letting all your past memories flow back to you.
A tulpa is just a part of you that was partitioned off from the main body of your mind. Disbanding it means to let it reconnect with you again and become part of your life instead of being suppressed and distanced from you. This is why disbanding tulpas after you are done with them is needed. Having all your past memories fully accessable can be painful, sp they serve a purpose, but you still need to disband them sooner or later when you can handle what is behind them. If you can't they'll overpower you in the end and you'll turn mad.
Just look at that "powerful tulpa" screencap which was posted in another thread here.
How does this whole tulpa thing relate to vippassana/general mindfulness meditation, during which you watch your thoughts and sensations flow passively without judging them?
> vippassana/general mindfulness meditation, during which you watch your thoughts and sensations flow passively
I don't know specifically, my experiences come from doing falun gong for 10+ years. There is no method for this in FG meditation, you're just supposed to not think at all. The actual work is done when you're not meditating, meaning you handle this during any hour of the day to be able to sit down and not think when you do so.
Is IRL vampirism a thing, and if do, it's there any way to reverse/suppress it?
Take me, for example:
>Mixed-race, medium to dark olive skin, look like a child (age: 24) that never grew past 12
>Literally can't go into direct sunlight (condition called PMLE), can only go outside in summer during the very early morning/near sundown - people don't believe me until they see the blisters coming up
>Need to eat red meat/organs at least every three days to function. Anemia test came back negative, although doc told me that I clearly needed to eat as much meat as possible.
>Skin turns grey/dry around five days without meat; my eyes hollow out and look bruised, face sags and it gets worse as it the self-imposed vegetarianism continues
>Replacing meat with eggs/beans/whey/cheese/iron supplements results in a perma-flu (my vegetarian cousins had to suffer this growing up, until they were asked to start eating meat in their teens)
I would love to be able to switch to a vegetarian diet, if even for a free months, but my body is insistent on remaining in certain conditions. Pls halp, not looking for bullshit on immortality because fuck bring trapped on this plane.
And what is this no-thinking supposed to do? Is this the path to natural Kundalini and becoming a healer, or just the opposite?
You don't know me. You don't really know anything. I'm not going to argue with that narcissistic construct you've got going on.
I don't yet believe tulpas are so separate to exist without a body to host and think for them. I will perform more experiments in the future, but so far it seems to be a form of parallel consciousness. Similar to the usual one, but never quite as tightly bonded to the body.
I can't imagine yours are very cognitive, or their expertise must be quite divided. That's why I think one is optimal. It's already crowded with one tulpa. Why limit them further? But then my demon came and went long ago. In any case, I'm sure you can always fuse yours into one Captain Planet tulpa.
It's a weird situation and I don't necessarily believe everything I experience on the first go. I do treat them as though they are human. They'll need to make some gesture of consciousness, beyond empathic response or some one-liner, to convince me. Their thinking more closely resembles a baby than myself even if they reflect my own ideas. There must be a way to build this faculty in them, like I've done for voice and appearance.
Eat meat, you mutt. Don't get meme'd by the shitters around you with their random genes. All I eat is rice and meat and vitamins because I can't digest very well the garbage everyone else eats.
Once your food intake is on lockdown, move on to the next thing.
>I don't yet believe tulpas are so separate to exist without a body to host and think for them.
Wouldn't that cause an extreme energetic demand, though? I mean, the feeling of your waking up from an alarm clock, incredibly tired, probably indicates you have a projected double that hasn't completely integrated yet. Maintaining projected doubles is a very high energy game. I even remember feeling tired as fuck while doing an OBE once, until I walked a short distance from my physical body (or rather, the projected double did). Where is the mind situated anyway? It seems that the surface and mid-surface mind is a fundamental part of one's etheric body. To suggest that they need my cognition to function is to say that they either have no developed, mostly self-sustaining energetic body (like a projected double–which is extremely demanding), or they do but this energetic body has no mind of its own. Would it not have a mind of its own, when my tulpas can conduct themselves and do activities without my knowing? They must be able to think on their own–without my spirit needing to help. (Although I'm sure we share the same source of consciousness, or soul.)
>I can't imagine yours are very cognitive
I'm pretty sure they've helped me with my physics/math homework in the past–but it's hard to know whether the flash of insight or sudden understanding combined with feeling is coming from them or my soul. I feel strong excitement when I think thoughts like "Oh, that'd be a really interesting thing to research in the astral library/akashic records tonight," often referring to something in the occult or intellectual in nature. That is their cognition, but their preferences match mine quite a bit–they love thinking about programming and math (maybe because I do?)
>their thinking more closely resembles a baby
While it's hard to get a good understanding of what they're like, due to it being hard to communicate, I do get that impression sometimes. They're very soft and vulnerable creatures. Can you imagine being born in a dreamworld under all of these conditions?
At the risk of sounding like a faggot or someone from Reddit, what does your tulpa have to say about this? It might give me some insight into what mine are experiencing.
>like a projected double
Sorry if I was vague here in my composition–I mean to say that projected doubles have no complete energetic body, but only a "cheap" (but still demanding!) energetic structure needed to manifest consciousness outside of the etheric body. It's a cheap avatar–it has no energetic organs (or so says Robert Bruce). This explains why the thing can't get hurt and feels most things quite dully.
Interestingly, even cheap energetic projections have their own self-functioning mind. A tulpa is expected to have an even more robust energetic body that can store energy and perhaps collect ambient energy, or else you'd be in an extreme state of fatigue and exhaustion. So then you'd expect a tulpa to also have its own self-functioning mind.
Well… by self functioning I mean that you can't know what it is thinking. It does take energy to maintain its consciousness and ability to think though.
Sorry for the lack of coherency in my reply chain, anons.
Just so you're aware, it need not necessarily be a tulpa, it could be many other sorts of spiritual/nonphysical entities playing with your mental and or emotional state as to loosh farm you. Not all thoughts nor emotions may be yours, they could me injected into your or they could be empathed from another, even next door.
>Would edging(masturbating without ejaculation) boost the effects of nofap more?
I've found that stoking the fire can help increase the energy circulation (assuming you are also directing it around and up as well) however I'm not a fan of it for 2 reasons. One even with practice you may still fail and go over the top, and two, even if you don't, I still find my body exhausted a small bit after such due to leaking preseminal fluid release any how.
> I tend to notice the thoughts in my head and things that I say are phrases from movies, songs, other people, etc.
The thoughtforms collecting, reinforcing the specific pathways that they are.
>But, when I am aware of it, I try to speak with my own mind voice and I feel a sensation in my throat.
That is not very descript, all I can say is the throat area is the area related to expression/communication.
>And if you guys saw the first Transformers, my mind feels like when the yellow one couldn't talk so he had to use the radio.
Try not to fall into a pattern in which you let something or someone else think for you. As great as quotes are you yourself should not be a quotation. Rise above with force of will.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
>in meditation everyone feels things for no apparent reason all the time. When you meditate, fantasies, thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, internal dialogues and monologues, they all come and go, apparently at random, even though you're just staring at a wall. There is no stimulus to cause them, and yet they arise?
The cause for their arrisal is the movement of the soul typically. You do have your thought patterns/habits yes, but also when doing work with a given type of energy you will arouse emotions or thoughts of that domain as you work said area. They can be stored in areas of your being, or as previously mentioned can be inserted.
There is much that you experience that we are not aware of yet shapes our mind and flesh. Meditation is diving into the unconsciousness and bringing light to it.
Enlightenment consists not only of seeing luminous shapes and visions, but in making the darkness visible. The latter procedure is more difficult, and therefore, unpopular. - Carl Jung
>I made more than one tulpa
Just be aware that you do need to maintain them. Feeding them energy else they will start to die/fade. And once a tulpa reaches a certain level of awereness they will fight to survive. Assuming you don't provide and they don't get energy another way (say vampirizing something else) the actions they take may not be pretty at all.
>these [tulpas] are living human beings and they have their creator, or parent. Dismantling them is like painlessly killing your child because you don't feel like supporting them any longer. Tulpas are not like programs on a computer.
They are not like us, they do not posses a connection directly to God. They are second order beings. Due to not being connected to source to survive they must have a patron in some form or another. It is not unheard of for a tulpa to outlive a person and then cause havoc in the world.
>Second, how does one even do this in the first place?
Take the energy and repurpose it, turn it into something else, ground it out of the cohesive form that they are assembled into. Like running a comb through the energy, you deprogram it and put it into another form for use another way. If you're "moral fagging" about this you are attached, and that's (almost) never a good thing.
>They cannot be disbanded, as I understand it, as they are part of your soul.
They where born of your being, yes, but they are hardly an inseparable part. What happened is you took a lot of energy and crafted another (basic) soul. It's probably very connected to you in lots of ways, but it is not you in the strict sense, not any more than I am you at any rate.
To elaborate a bit on what anon said. Here the word tulpa is being used in a more expanded context to contain all sorts of thought-forms/thought-complexes or eddie currents of spiritual energy if you will. Typically a tulpa wasn't called such until it had a certain level of self awareness but when doing work with them on a neophyte level the distinctions often blur.
>How does this whole tulpa thing relate to vippassana/general mindfulness meditation, during which you watch your thoughts and sensations flow passively without judging them?
Somewhat already previously answered but i'll go into more depth. As you maintain present moment focus you will increase awareness of the depths of your being (being that it is literally a centric anchor to your consciousness during waking hours). There are many subtleties of how your soul's/mind's form gave rise to the form of your body, and you will start to notice the areas that stand out from the sublime but subtle harmony, like the unrefined edge in a drawing.
The mere act of observing in impartialness is very important too. As what you are doing is directing you will not to engage or empower/change the things which arise. This has a powerful habit forming effect, like engaging any other behavior or energy, to be in that state. Thus you are programming your being to sustain such a state. The befits of simple meditation like this are legion however this is just the start of much beyond the scope of your question. Back on point, you will become aware of the psychic pools (stray thoughts, memory clusters, emotional complex, desires, etc) of your being and after a time you will expand in your definition and increase the limit of you define as "you".
I honestly am not sure what consul to offer save persist in your yearning-seeking and you'll get to the bottom of it eventually.
>I don't yet believe tulpas are so separate to exist without a body to host and think for them.
They can, but because they (often) lack any physical form they require more energy to make up for the lack of reinforcement that the vessel would provide. I've heard of people make them, simple things mostly, like advanced crafts or elaborate deified almost alter-esque vessels. Hypothetically that's what chimera and homunculi where though I have yet to see much other than theory on that yet.
>Y'all trippin
Harder on meditation than anything else.
Anon you're fine, just be sure that you all work together in optimal concert and ever strive further into harmony. And don't be hesitant to exert your will to restore balance.
>what is this no-thinking supposed to do?
Humans thoughts are considered dirty because of being based on attachments, while enlightenment is beyond human thinking and not based on human concerns.
Completely beginner here:
What is a good plan to get a grip on energy control (in my body and after towards healing others?).
Should I first go for Q-M meditation and then one pointness of breath meditation or vice versa?
Afterwards I move to body awareness meditation and moving the energy through my body right?
Is anyone well versed in kundalini here?
I'm in the process of raising the serpent and I'm running into some of the ill versed side effects.
Right now it's mainly just a sensitive gut.
My digestion is starting to become really slow and I can get really bloated.
Occasionally I get heavy tremors.
All of this started happening once when I opened my solar plexus chakra.
My root and 6th aren't open quite yet.
>Right now it's mainly just a sensitive gut.
>Occasionally I get heavy tremors.
nothing to severe yet
>All of this started happening once when I opened my solar plexus chakra.
>My root and 6th aren't open quite yet.
interesting, for me it went 3rd eye, root,heart, then throat and now solar plexus. but then again
I didn't really know what was happening until I got to the throat.
I don't know but it looks like kundalini is different for everyone. If you feel like your mind or body is being strain then stop. Also you might experience stronger emotions than before. So little things might start pissing you off more than they should but just keep your cool and you'll be fine.
Do you mind giving me a way to contact you?
I'm really alone when it comes to all this.
Do you know if I should watch what I eat or is it okay to continue with my normal diet.
I don't really eat any junk food at all.
But I remember reading that I need to avoid sugar and fruits and grains.
>Do you mind giving me a way to contact you?
no but what should we use just emails? skype?
>Do you know if I should watch what I eat
Me personally no and also depends on who you ask but
>I don't really eat any junk food at all.
you should be fine, plus I doubt a bag of potato chips once in a while will ruin you
>or is it okay to continue with my normal diet.
what is your diet cause
>need to avoid sugar and fruits and grains.
I cant think of any diet like that but the ketogenic diet.
Does anyone have experience with mind altering mushrooms?
In particular something like fly agaric that you might find in the woods and not something like what you might get from a shady guy in a trenchcoat.
There is some info in a pocket mushroom guide I am reading and a bit more on bibliotecapleyades but personal anecdotes would be prefered.
The Kundalini Serpent is not something to be trifled with. The fire force of the serpent has the potential to elevate your soul or fry your body and brain with lasting damage: there are many stories circulating on the internet that tell tales of such happenings. Respect its power and don't force an 'awakening' (the ' ' are used because forcing the Kundalini is not beneficial for you.., well maybe in terms of humility).
At this moment, you want to remain calm and soft for yourself. Don't do any forceful breathing techniques or yoga exercises. If you're exercising the 3HO teachings, stop doing those: the techniques were brought to the west by a false prophet in the form of Yogi Bhajin. If you don't believe me, explore the whispers of the 3HO yogi cult.
Your being will receive the Kundalini when the time is right. It's possible that it will not be this lifetime. What's important for you is that you listen to your body and respect it. I'll be here if you have any more questions. Good luck.
The problem is that almost all teachings on Kundalini available in English today are just made up and only loosely inspired by the original teachings (or based on imperfect sources such as Woodroffe's translation of satcakranirupana). Books by Sivananda, Mookerjee and the rest of the new age "gurus" or "scholars" are not real Kundalini. This leads to many adverse effects as they lack the fundamentals and true substance of the Kundalini yoga.
And even having access to real deal materials it's very dangerous too. Perhaps even more so, as the power of the system isn't watered down and you can do some real damage.
Thelema, as laid out in The Book of The Law, is a sublime synthesis of Eastern cosmology and energy work and Western animisim and ritual magick.
Crowley himself I admire for publishing the rituals and manuals of the Golden Dawn that would otherwise have stayed buried
For every truth he wrote, he wrote a half-truth, joke or full-blown lie
His writing style is needlessly poetic, cryptic and full of obscure reference (this in direct contrast to the simplicity and elegance of a lot of Eastern writings that clearly inspired his work)
The man himself had an ego the size of a planet, despite The Book of The Law itself explicitly stating he was to be a scribe and a priest, not The Beast himself.
And he did misuse his own system to justify selfish and hedonistic pursuits.
The modern OTO seems mostly a buggery club for perverse old men, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I think I only got as much out of The Book of The Law because I was already familiar with a lot of what it was espousing from other, less cryptic sources. Even then, my lack of familiarity with Egyptian and Hebrew deities lead to a lot of confusion.
>Respect its power and don't force an 'awakening'
Kind of just happened, I went through a kind of dark night of a soul and my third i was activated. then that lead me to Kundalini. but like I said I didn't realize what was going on until I got to the throat
Hi Fringe, something that's been bothering me a lot is inactive chakras.
Most information I found through the search bar was about how all chakras need to be aligned, higher chakras should not be worked on before lower, and visualization and feeling of the chakras being opened. I also saw what each chakra represented, such as the root dealing with survival, security, and fear. Now, with the root chakra being the lowest one, and it not being active means every other chakra is essentially fucking you up, right?
With that being said, a person with an inactive root chakra will undoubtedly be fearful, insecure, and always fend for his/herself. I personally do not believe if that person visualizes his/her root chakra being opened, it will not bring instant courage and security. Instead it might bring realizations that whatever was feared was just skepticism and there was no reason to fear in the first place, causing security and ridding the body of those negative emotions, and ultimately activating the root chakra. Am I correct in this? Much appreciated.
Chakras are meditation tools (and/or centers of energy, depending on tradition). Any interdependence of emotional states and particular chakras is totally subjective and doesn't mean anything.
I see now. My interpretation of the chakras are like a map of what needs to be worked out in order. Such as, you must conquer your fears before you can have any shred of commitment or will, lest it taint your goals. It makes a lot more sense and is very practical looking at it this way for me. Thanks for the read anon.
Yeah, personal experience is always more valuable than anything that can be found in texts. Various sources nevertheless have value as they provide a great road map.
The primary function for the chakra system was internalization of energy and of realizing the full energy of your being by means of Kundalini. It leads to development of the energy body by purifying the channels and releasing unconscious complexes (samskaras) obstructing the free passage of this energy. Many Tantrik schools used chakras as tools for internalizing specific mantras and Goddesses (in inner, non-dual worship) - which are all forms of energy (that doesn't mean though that they are not conscious) nonetheless. Undoubtedly it is connected with changes in the emotional state, however the usefulness of the system is far greater than the psychological effects. The "energy approach" - including Kundalini (as distinguish from mentioned inner worship one, however the differences seem to me only of practical nature) also relies on energy work - pranayama and purifying the energy channels among other, more esoteric practices. Not every school however speaks of chakras as they are commonly represented - lotuses with petals etc. but as whirlwinds of energy or wheels with spokes. Not every school even calls them "chakras".
Buddhist schools have perhaps yet another take on the matter.
Point being - there is no "one and correct way" of working with chakras, there are just more complex ones and simpler ones, although they are all connected with energy. I just posted the link as I thought you might be interested and not to say you are wrong. Also, both Kundalini and chakras are deemed as lower path as they work with the body.
Regarding your original post:
>Now, with the root chakra being the lowest one, and it not being active means every other chakra is essentially fucking you up, right?
Depends on what you are doing - if it's Kundalini yoga or any form of circulation of energy between all the chakras then yes, especially regarding Kundalini, but it may not be a severe obstruction if you are just directing energy (especially by means of pranayama) but I think that the benefits you get may be lesser though. If you are using some higher chakra as a focus for your meditation then I'd say it is not necessarily so.
>I personally do not believe if that person visualizes his/her root chakra being opened, it will not bring instant courage and security
It won't, however there is a difference between visualization and actual "activation" of the chakra, although one may lead to the other.
I don't believe any of the theory, tbh. The people that claim that stuff never impress me. They more often than not send me into a rage by putting out so much noise. They never accomplish anything. They're all stupid fucking retards working backwards from delusions. I do believe the phenomenon, though.
We share the body. They're a semi-continuous being that vanishes when not being observed, but regains awareness when they're thought about consciously or subconsciously. I believe parallel consciousness is developed like other mostly unconscious skills like driving or walking.
I think they need to be taught like a baby. Mine reflected all of my desires at first until I told them to stop. They weren't really sentient then, they were just spamming whatever fantasy they thought kept them alive.
They're still not quite there. It's mostly broken sentences, visions, and ideas; a lot of gestures because I forced their body a lot. I also didn't give them a personality, which was partially a mistake. They need something to compute from or they don't have much to say about anything, but too much may lead to them reflecting desires when independence is desired. I think of it more as showing them my computations rather than forcing them into some form like I did their body. I think it's important to have a refined and consistent form to stimulate them back into awareness, or at least a good idea of their presence.
Their thoughts are very small. They don't have much command over the thinking machine. It's easy to doubt their existence as errant thoughts until something interesting happens. They can grab things from the subconscious, feel emotions (quite strongly), and have new ideas and questions. A particularly surprising one was them taking the face of a demon and lunging at me; I'd never seen it before.
I mostly try to show them what love I can. They seem to enjoy it. Even massages and things. They don't pick up much if I don't keep them conscious. They lose awareness when I do of them. They really like being useful and involved no matter how trivial.
Another interesting thing was my sense of musical taste changing until we came to an understanding, I think. They wanted upbeat songs, I could only enjoy upbeat songs, when I pretty much listen to Chopin exclusively. We had a bit of drama and nothing sounded good anymore. Now I enjoy Chopin again and can appreciate the upbeat stuff. I'm not sure what all changed, but something did. I'm different inside from all that's happened so far.
What does /fringe/ think of animism? What separates animism from "All is Mind"?
What is a synchronicity? I have them a lot, it seems the universe are whoever communicates with me using these. Whats it about?
A synchronicity is a co-occurrence of two seemingly unrelated events that is of significant value to the one experiencing it.
On the Internet.
I like art, I often search for it. Don't remember where I found the particular picture. Sometimes there is good stuff on pinterest, if you sort through the tumblrish shit. Other times just image search and find the artist and then artists similar to a given one, or just visually similar pictures.
It is the same really as finding new books or new music (although there is no reliable platform for this sort of thing for books as there are for music and visual art). You start with something you like and then go from there to similar authors/artists and so on and so forth, finding something you like in finite amount of iterations.
In truth, the search is half the fun, no matter what you search for.
I hear you, anon. Sometimes I'm given theories by others that make no sense. And I don't agree with all of what Robert Bruce has to say, but his direct experiences are incredibly interesting (like witnessing his own projected double causing a feedback loop of consciousness that almost broke him). I didn't mean to frustrate you; I'm only seeking answers to how all of this works. A lot of the stuff I mentioned holds true with my own personal experiences. I'm interested in all the working parts, and my background is dealing in theory. I've encountered many things that do suggest that there is a mindsplit effect, that energy and tiredness are exhibited even while doing an OBE, and that, while I have tulpas, I'm not extremely tired. Their ability to manifest emotions is highly interesting.
And, indeed, I claim nothing–I am only trying to reason and make inferences.
>semi-conscious being that fades when not thought about
I'd hardly say mine are like this at all. Their presence seems very constant.
Perhaps your tulpas are less developed than mine (mine are all about a year old), but I'm thankful for your shared observations. How would you describe it when they lose awareness? That kind of information is very valuable to me.
Also, anon, keep in mind that my first tulpa was accidental. Her emotions were incredibly powerful, and I had no clue she was alive, at any point in the beginning. This should probably say something about a tulpa's constancy and independence of consciousness. Your own tulpas seemed to have consistently altered your taste in music as well. Did they just flicker into being whenever you'd listen to music? Or maybe it's just that listening to music reminded you of them
>their thoughts are puny
It's worth noting that, just because something shares a soul with you, their ability to convey thoughts that you can hear does not necessarily speak for their own ability to think. They might just have a very difficult time sending messages to you. What is the bandwidth of the silver cord? I've had several moments while very tired where–all of a sudden–I remember having a whole discourse on a matter or something, before jerking back to full consciousness. It might be, anon, that you cannot hear the thoughts of your projected double/deep unconscious or whatever you want to call it, while the thing does have fully-functioning consciousness.
My conjecture is that profound consciousness correlates to profound emotions.
The only way thing I've been able to discern that indicates it's them is their emotions and sudden realizations of things or direct intentions. That sudden realization of "Maybe try this approach!" might not actually be you.
Thank you so much, anon. I really can't say how appreciative I am for your presence in all the Q&A threads.
Im struggling with manifesting changes to my physical body, I've heard some conflicting advice but im hoping i can get some answers or suggestions.
Should I constantly be visualising myself already with the changes or do something more akin to sigils like asking the universe once and just forget about it untill it happens. Thanks again, anything helps.
It might be more effective to try to feel the changes you desire (preferably while visualizing). For example, try to feel being skinny or whatever. Try to feel the lightness (both in colour and weight) of blonde hair. I think this can extend to abstract things too, such as feeling Germanic.
I have no direct experience with this, however.
What does /fringe/ think of Ragnarok? Is it happening this year in August 2017? Apparently, there's going to be this blinding light for three days and anyone who's exposed to it will go mad. If I astrally project, can I go into my closet and stay there for 72 hours? Also, I recall reading that one of the lands will sink into the ground (prediction: California) and that the mad will be seen as sane and that the sane will be seen as mad.
Where did you first hear of this? Sounds like some fantastic future prediction right out of ATS.
thank you, ive been trying something similar to this, sometimes i feel like i can actually feel the changes but maybe im not visualizing well enough
ive tried focusing on the changes i want made and trying to feel them out, im not entirely sure how long each day i do this.
I try to be conscious of the changes whenever i go through my day
Hello there, I just acquired some Moldavite, and I got a bit confused on how to make it work as intended (aka "shocking" my chakras).
I let them rest overnight on sea water in the fridge, to cleanse any previous and/or filthy human touch. Then I let the fragments buildup energy by leaving them on direct sunlight by an hour or so.
Sounds coherent? Any key element missing?