Wave Beaming HarassmentMicrowave/scalar targeting/harassment is another component of abductions. In my own life, my boyfriend Tom and I experienced this while living in Fort Lauderdale Florida, both in his apartment and my own which we would later jointly share. The situation was so bad that it was causing headaches, lethargy, impaired mental state, and even disrupted sleep and nightmares. The dull aching in my head and disrupted sleep state was especially distressing for me being that I normally don’t have issues with headaches, as a lot of other people apparently do, and I very much enjoy my sleep! Tom has a little gadget that detects electronic signals and he was able to determine that the electronic wave size matched that of cell phone/microwaves. But it turned out to be a lot more than just random cell phone wave pollution, as I will show in a second.
Because of the debilitating mental and physical effects these microwave/cell phone waves were having on us, up went the electrically grounded, aluminum Mylar sheeting on some of the walls. We purchased the Mylar “space blankets” (emergency blankets) for camping that anybody can buy for $2.99 at their local sporting goods store, and Tom already had the wires and alligator clips on hand to ground them electrically into the wall sockets. And while I was dismayed at the prospect of how this would cause my apartment to look – forget the idea of cool decorating when your walls are lined in Mylar – we had no choice in the matter. The situation was that bad.
Two main walls of my apartment had to have this Mylar sheeting, because those were the angles that the waves were getting us from. The third wall was shared with our next door neighbor. And we couldn’t do anything about the fourth wall in the kitchen, or the kitchen area in general, because of the way things were set up. That was alright though, the most important area was where we slept, worked on the computer, and did our reading, writing and research. From the first night that we buffered the apartment with the Mylar the disrupted sleep and nightmares stopped. I slept calmly and peacefully, was headache-free, and back to my usual energetic self, able to focus clearly. I can’t imagine if Tom didn’t have awareness about this and didn’t have the electronic gadget to detect the waves, or the knowledge of what to do about it all. How many other people are being targeted like this every day, effectively being put out of commission…due to lack of awareness?
But what’s even more interesting is the experiment that Tom performed back when he lived in his own apartment, where he used his signal detector to determine a) that there were waves beaming in, and b) where they were beamed in the apartment. Then he got on the floor, sandwiching himself between the stove and the counter to hide. Giving it a few minutes he finally got back up and checked around with the signal detector.
There were no microwaves coming in anymore.
However, within several minutes of being back up and moving around his apartment, the signals came back, as indicated by the detector. It was like he was being “triangulated.”
Now, what are the implications of that? This is showing that these are “smart signals”, with an intelligent source driving them. It means that it wasn’t just random cell phone pollution. They were definitely being beamed by somebody or something, and for a specific reason…and only when that “something” could sense Tom’s presence moving around in the apartment.
Another experiment involved determining the source angle for where the waves were coming in, putting up Mylar sheeting, then waiting for about a day or two and checking again.
The signals had shifted now, attempting to go around where they were being blocked. So again, proving there’s an intelligent source behind the signal, whether automated technology or actual humans.
Microwaves being beamed at abduction targets seems to be a classic harassment tactic that I’ve encountered when doing research, but we don’t have to be victims of it. People have no idea what just a couple of three dollar sheets of Mylar can do. I’ve read cases where people had to keep periodically moving once the harassers located them and resumed their beam attacks. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A noteworthy must-read for further information on this subject would be the following, which also includes links for where to obtain the signal detector mentioned here.