11 replies
The 2015 gardening season has started and it time to plant the seeds of change. ITT we post our garden plans, tips, and experience, as we fight for the survival of our Race.
17 replies
Hello /ss/,
While browsing the internet, I came across something that sparked my interests. It was a way to modify a few microwave-oven transformers and build an arc welder. Of the many tutorials out there, i haven't had success. mostly because the materials they use are not meant for the application. After many trials, i have sourced the proper components to build an arc welder.
The way a transformer works is that the voltage and current going in is changed so that a different voltage and current go out. There are 2 coils of wire in a transformer they are called the primary winding and the secondary winding. to the primary winding power is connected and through the secondary winding power comes out. Power is equal to (Voltage x Amperage) and it is expressed as Watt.
As an example a (120V 15amp) or 2250Watt power supply that is connected to the primary winding, will come out of the secondary as 2250Watt but the voltage and amperage can be different it may be 45V and 50 amps.
There is a relation between the number of turns on the windings the voltage and amperage. The number of turns on the primary winding divides the voltage A. the voltage out of each turn of the secondary is equal to A.
An example 240V 15A to a transformer with 150 turns of wire in the primary winding= 240v / 150turns = 1.6V, now the secondary winding will have 40 turns, each turn will provide 1.6V therefore 1.6V x 40turns 64 volts will come out.
Now power still remains the same. 240 x 15 = 3600W, out of the secondary we get 3600W / 64volts = 56.25Amp
When you get the transformer it can put out 2000V and 0.9A, 100 turns on the primary each turn providing 1v and 2000 turns on the secondary.
first step is to prepare the transformers we open the transformers and remove everything except the primary windings.
Next we design the welder, we want 48V and 100A for a power supply of 240V and 20A. we need to know how many turns are on the primary coil, this will tell us how many turns to put on the secondary coil.
we can figure this out by estimating or by wrapping 1 turn of wire, energizing the transformer, and measuring the voltage. out of a big transformer I got 1.2v and from a small transformer I got 0.94v
Using 2 big transformers I would wrap 20 turns of wire on each transformer (48v / 1.2v / 2 transformer). if using the small transformers i would wrap 25 turns of wire on each transformer (48v / 0.94v / 2 transformers).
The wire used is very important, if the wire is too thin it will heat up too quick. to thick and you won't be able to fit it in the transformer. for this i have ordered 6 gauge magnet wire.
more to come soon…
3 replies
Anyone here have experience with EMP-proof metal containers?
If yes, how much layers of newspaper/aluminium foil and plastic bags did you use to protect and insulate the electronis inside the metal casing? I'll likely build a similar EMP-proof box to pic related soon
Some guy on a prepper blog also wrote that you can download all of wikipedia for 8gb and store it as an offline version on your usb stick, which mite b valuable during TEOTWAWKI
2 replies
Prepare for collapse, share your survival tips, talk about your homestead, discuss race war, guess when the happening is, share knowledge, etc. here.
1 reply
Hello /SS/,
Another project in the workshop is pottery. Clay can be formed into many useful items; bowls, pots, cups, jugs.
In the picture is clay, on the left a sample bowl in the center a chunk of clay and on the left dug clay.
92 replies
Hello SS,
I am in the process of planing the building of a cabinets. Although synthetic materials are less expensive and work just as well as natural wood, using natural wood is my cultural preference, it symbolizes our origins and our culture.
Anyways, before you start building with wood, you are going to need wood that can be used for building. I sourced some logs for free. Depending on where you are logs may or may not be available for free. If you find out where city work crews are cutting trees on a specific day, they might give you some. Online classified ads are also good places too look, they are advertized as 'free wood' or 'free firewood'.
To cut these logs I'll be using a combination of table saw and bow saw to mill the lumber. Today I have squared the ends of the log, In this thread I'll post the process of turning logs into lumber without very expensive equipment. The log I will be working on is L 19" x D 6.25"
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Has anyone here tried to make bread out of wood yet? I reckon it tastes like complete and utter shit but after TEOTWAWKI it's better than eating nothing at all
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>Essential Info for Building Off-Grid Houses
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How to kil meese at the age of 11
66 replies
It's time for a garden white man.
In this thread, post your garden tips plans and experiences as we fight for our Race. Don't forget the pictures.
2 replies
Sup /ss/,
I have acquired some rusty tools.
While looking for a way to clean them, I have read that white vinegar can be used to remove the rust. ITT i will try this.
First up is a rusty axe head.
I have filled a plastic container with white vinegar 10% acetic acid and placed the axe head in it. I will check back on it in 12 and then in 24 hours.
16 replies
>not being fit
Enjoy being low test, slow, and not having the best body you can
>lifting info
There is running info in the dropboxes in the lifting info guide
12 replies
Reading is important, not just chans. You need to read books and study them to improve your mind. Which books have you recently read?
2 replies
DIY Tactical Scythe Tutorial and Demonstration
>EPISODE 5 of THE LOADOUT: I teach you how to build a tactical scythe using everyday objects. Then I teach you how to properly wield it when I brutally destroy a milk jug and other objects as well.
4 replies
What's your opinion on this, /ss/?
From the video description;
"Many people have asked me over the years about the "best" survival vehicle that I would choose. My response over the years has always been the same. A modern light weight mountain bike is my first choice. As gas prices continue to increase In California I find myself riding my mountain bike more often for utilitarian transportation and exercise. I can negotiate varying types of terrain quietly and efficiently. Modern mountain bikes are extremely reliable and dependable. Equipped with panniers and a luggage system I can carry food water and extra gear. I also ride with my backpack."
9 replies
What's your opinion on living in a camper, /ss/?
How would one go about doing it?
What's amazing is that you're able to get used ones here starting at roughly 1000 bucks. Sounds like a lot at first, but considering that you're basically buying a pre-built tiny house on four wheels it actually seems like a reasonable price.
Basically, the only thing you'd have to worry about is waste disposal, getting food, water, electricity and useable internet. You'd also need to find a more or less decent place to stay, preferably low-key so you won't have to bug out twice when SHTF. A redpilled aryan gf would help too so you won't be too bored and can make a pro-white family within your bugout settlement.
It's basically living like that one guy who built his own solar cabin in the rural US and made an e-book about it, only you wouldn't have to go through all the hassle and expenses of building a wooden cabin from the ground up. I don't know how insulated those things are for the winter months though. You could also conceal it with camo nets and build viable fortifications/early warning system in the surrounding area so would-be looters won't come too close to your hideout.
So what are your thoughts on this issue, /ss/? How should the problems pointed out above be tackled best? Would you want to live in an RV?
11 replies
I'm rather new to this community but I have been informed that there is a general desire to establish an isolated, physical community for those practicing magic and mysticism.
I share this desire, and over the last year or so a few of my irl friends and I have been planning such an undertaking. When we will break ground is an issue of some debate, though a reasonable estimate places the purchase of the land at 4-5 years from now. This is primarily because we are all college students without the funds necessary for such a project.
We have discussed various locations, infrastructure systems, agricultural schema, and social structures. Point being, we are actually relatively committed to this idea, and will at some point have the skills and knowledge necessary to pull it off.
However, one thing we could benefit from would be more people, more people would allow for greater efficiency and self-sufficiency, as well as a greater pooling of resources, and with the ultimate purpose of this project in mind, a greater pooling of ideas and knowledge and expertise of and pertaining to the occult.
This being said, this is a long way away, much can change in five years. Do not misunderstand me, this is no sure thing, but it is a possibility, a great one.
I would like to know the current status of any similar projects within this community, the number of people who are definitely interested in participating, the skills you could bring to the table (this is not terribly important so don't stress out if you aren't a master mechanic/farmer/wizard), and any questions you would have about this project.
Please note that should this discussion get off the ground and people express real interest in the project I will eventually require that all people who will definitely be living on the commune/homestead will need to meet all hopefuls in person. The most likely cause of an intentional community collapsing is social issues, I would have the potential for those problems brought out into the open and carefully considered before bringing anyone on board.
(short list of tasks to be completed before this can happen follows)
1. The creation of a document regarding the purpose of and guidelines/rules/laws of such a community, including the internal economic/social structure. (This will determine maximum population as well.)
2. Selection of a short list of countries and climates to be considered for settlement.
3. Pre-planning of all infrastructure/agriculture/materials required.
4. Narrow down to a handful of parcels of land.
5. Determine amount of money needed to buy land/materials.
6. Wait for that amount to be collectively held between all committed members.
7. Buy all necessary stuff, begin construction, move in, ect.
And of course recruitment would be happening during most of these steps.
5 replies
What are the best survivalism-related movies, /ss/?
64 replies
Full Playlist of ANTI-ZOG Garden Videos
(some are missing that were present on some of my older youtube channels that were shutdown due to censorship sadly but it still had some of the old vids there as well as the newest ones)
Coghlan's Folding Shovel
(Please nobody else post your videos or pictures in here, this is my thread where I'm going to post all my own videos, you can comment and make responses but keep your own stuff in other threads)
I have been very busy and there are many things I have done recently but not recorded.
I'll ask questions (for you guys to answer) in here as well sometimes.
Here I am using the shovel to saw a piece of wood to test out that capability. I am not sure if the shovel has any other functions besides sawing and digging. I was going to dig with it today but the sun has gone down and I prioritized some other tasks first such as watering my garden.
15 replies
How to Naturally Change Your Hair Color to Blonde
If you have dark blonde hair because of the fucking Frenchies/Italians (well that's for me anyways), here's how to get your hair back to that beautiful luxurious blonde. Btw you can't naturally change your eye color (I have green eyes, damn FRENCHIES) unless you use magick or eye contacts.
Use 4-6 lemons depending on hair type and put the juice in a spray bottle.
Spray the lemon juice in your hair and go in the sun for 1 hour for dark blonde hair and 3 hours for light blonde hair.
Rinse and condition.
Your welcome.
18 replies
ITT we share and assess each other's preparations for the coming Third World War which is unfolding right now in Ukraine, the middle east and the south china sea, among other regions of this ZOG-controlled planet.
As you are surely aware, there is a massive civil war going on in eastern Ukraine right now, so technically speaking WW3 has alreay begun.
The goal of this thread will be to assess our own chances of survival - Things like fallout sheltering, long-term food and water storage, bugout/bugin methods, security et al should all be discussed ITT for the sake of giving each other confidence and hightening our chances of surviving this conflict.
Some points to start at:
Do you have a bugout location?
How prepared are your family members?
Will you be able to withstand the mental torments of WW3?
I am eagerly awaiting your contributions.
0 replies
This is great information to know. A still can make drinkable water from nasty, undrinkable water… even sea water. It’s pretty amazing to think we could actually make this water drinkable and actually hydrate us in a survival situation. I can think of a few nasty water sources near me that I could use this still on and get safe water for my family.
0 replies
>How To Cook With A Thermos & A Few Recipes
"This information could be a great survival tool and a great frugal way to cook. I think this would be a great way to cook if you were camping and definitely a great backup way to cook if SHTF.
It’s Efficient – A thermos is the most fuel efficient way to cook. Period. It’s Easy – You don’t have to stand over the stove stirring food all day. It’s Healthy – Cook healthy whole grains without the time and trouble.
Check out how to cook in a thermos below. If you like it please share with your friends, I have been prepping for years and have only just realized you could cook this way."
9 replies
>If SHTF, Should You Head For The City Or Country?
Should you stay in the city or run to the woods? What if your house is burned down – do you find another place in town or head off to build a cabin? If you already have a bug out shelter, is it the best place to stay if society collapses for many years? Cities have many advantages over being in the woods.There are many people there that can help. There are already buildings you can stay in. A lot of people will leave the city.
Being in the woods though also has many advantages over being in the city. There’s more food available. There’s less likelihood of gangs and riots.
6 replies
Since this a hybrid of /edu/ and others… I need help. I'm supposed to write an argument paper, so what should I argue about? I was thinking of writing about magick but that'd just be rewriting thousands of magick books… maybe about race and how we are not all the same and the causes of racemixing? If I do that I need the text Smiley made about tge genetic differences between whites and blacks. Or how life is meaningless? Maybe how if the Abrahamic tales are true, that Satan is actually God? (satan created hell either from earth or nothingness, he prevented god's tyranny with one conversation, etc) I don't know, what should I write about?
12 replies
All my equipment keeps breaking. My shovel broke, I now have to use my survival shovel which is shit because it's short, my machete is all fucked up, and my head-light has stopped working… with the way my equipment fails me within hours of use it's hard for me to believe I'd survive collapse long with this shit.
Guys, test our your equipment, and be prepared for it to fail you. You'll find it's either impractical or shitty.
Pictured is my machete (it's not rust brown btw, I have no idea why the camera makes it look like that, there's a little rust in a few spots but it's mostly rust free yet camera makes the whole edge look orange even though in reality it's a silver colour) and my burnt out headlamp… the broken shovel is outside and I guess I can take a picture if someone wants.
ITT: Discuss your equipment breaking down and failing you.
4 replies
There is nothing like upcycling and recycling old stuff from around your house to make you feel awesome. When doing this you feel empowered because you can save a lot of money, time and hassle by not going to the stores and spending to much money on things you really don’t need.
12 replies
i poop on my plants to fertilize them
keep in mind i live in the city with many neighbors
7 replies
Hey folks. What's the best way to keep a netbook charged up when you're off the grid? Solar? Generator? Hiking to a library & plugging it in for a while?
I've got a few acres of land out in farm country I'm going to be developing this summer. Totally cool with roughing it for most things but I feel regular computer access would still be convenient
1 reply
Technology study,
hacking, cracking, HAM Radio, Programming, hardware and software.
>i'm including, MIT's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, a good introduction book
6 replies
I want to begin Self-Sufficiency now, so I want details on things I need to do/things I need to get in order to PREPARE. I'm unprepared as fuck. I have survival skills but can't get food unless I have a gun or bow becuase muh hunting skillz. I'm not that strong in the upper body but have EXTREMELY strong legs from skateboarding, running, and biking as a kid so I can run but I need to increase my stamina fom sitting inside all winter.
So what tools do I need? I can farm, hunt, and survive, I jst need toos and tips. Thanks in advance.
2 replies
Heil Hitler! NatSoc General thread. Starting with the greatest book, ever.
We must secure the existence of Our PEOPLE and a future for White children.
12 replies
Check this out /ss/
This immediately reminded me of you
>Where the Archetype of the Nordic “Wehrbauer" cultivates his native soil as well as his ancestral blood.
81 replies
Hello SS,
The old year has come to an end and the new year is born.
Recently a practice happening happened, an ice storm knocked out the electricity at the beginning of winter in the early hours of the morning, for 39 hours the electricity was out, the house began to cool. Luckily only one night was spent in the cold.
But, what if the electricity didn't come back on? what if it wouldn't come back on for the whole winter? Should I wait for emergency rescue? A generator was always in the back of my mind. But every year that passed with no emergency was a reason not to buy one. Fast-forward, a generator is bought, when the generator is needed how long will the fuel last? Will this be the disaster of our times that leads to a new age? In a post-modern world where liquid fuel will be a scarce commodity how will we survive? How will we build a new civilization? A bad start would be to build on the ruins of the old one.
I propose,
The White Power Farmstead
We must do as our ancestors did to obtain the wealth and power needed to retake this land. we shall live and eat together and prepare, alone we are not strong, but together we are the strongest.
I suggest 7 people, myself and six others men and women all with the desire to see our race survive through to the next millennium.
I have obtained a property with the house pictured located in Canada, if we can layout a viable plan then by 2016 we may be able to create the Freedomboard Homestead.
This year I will be building a washroom on the main floor, I also need to buy a pick up truck, and need a better paying job.
Things to Discuss
How will we make this happen?
7 replies
Daily carry thread.
4 replies
Hey /ss/ I've planted my anti-ZOG tomatoes but I need better staking solutions…
I've used tomato cages before and they were shit. The plants quickly outgrow them and the weight of the tomatoes causes the branches to snap when they are pressed against the tomato cage, causing damage to the plant. I've tried other ways of stacking them up but not very good. I'm going to use something different again this year but what? What is the best way for me to stake my tomatoes?
Pic related.
2 replies
Like Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay biscuits?
Make 'em yourself!
>So easy even Smileberg can do it
8 replies
Okay fuckers, I'm about done with this piece of shit society.
Post material related to survival in the wilderness and the best locations where that is possible.
2 replies
Wuz ur opinion on dis gaem /ss/
19 replies
I have not brushed my teeth in many months maybe a year.
However, today I was forced to leave my house and go visit some Polish deli thing today.
There I saw this toothpaste that was flouride free.
I do brush my teeth with my toothbrush and water but never use anything.
Anyways, I got one of the toothpastes.
They're called
Silca Herbal Toothpaste Dentifrice
and it says "With extracts of mint, camomile and calendula.
The whole thing is 100 ml total (3.4 fl.oz. U.S.)
Aqua, Hydrated Silica, Sorbitol, Propylene Glycol, Urea, Silica, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Xanthan Gum, Aroma, Mentha Piperita Leaf Oil, Titanium Dioxide, Sodium Saccharin, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Sodium Methylparaben, Tocopheryl Nicotinate, Cl 42090, CL 47005
I'd take a picture but not sure where the camera is right now and this is the product anyways depicted here.
1 reply
>22½ Uses for Emergency Mylar Space blankets
I carry 6 in my bug out bag and 2 in my car at all times. I know they can save lives when you get cold and Retains / Reflects 90% of Your Body Heat – Mildew Resistant – Will Not Crack or Shrink, making this one of the lightest ways to keep warm in an emergency.
0 replies
>How to Build a Root Cellar and Storm Shelter
This awesome root cellar is also a great storm shelter anyone can build for a very LOW price! This design is sealed so snakes, spiders and creepy crawlers away from your food stock.
Check out how to make this below and you will be surprised how easy and cheap this actually is to make and how much of an investment this would be to own. Not only for the food but a great storm shelter if you have o get to saftey.
1 reply
Post Survival Books ITT.
I just now noticed this board doesn't have any names haha. Here is The Ultimate Preparedness Manual.
8 replies
I have citizenship in an EU country and the possibility to acquire citizenship in a second, so I can basically go anywhere in the EU.
Anyway here is my idea, I want to get a rucksack, sleep pack, some savings and maybe a bicycle (or I can just steal one when I need it to survive) and just wander around Europe.
I am not talking about becoming a typical backpacker, but mostly wandering around the countryside, sleeping in abandoned buildings and barns, and sleeping in fields. I can carry around a netbook and use internet and power when it is available to me, but most of the time I won't be wired. In winter I can head to the hills of Spain and stay there, or try to settle down in Eastern Europe (cheap cost of living, opportunities for English speakers and freelance programmers, low requirements due to shittiness of the area so I dont have to compete with people with university degrees).
I guess I could bathe in lakes?
I'll have some savings, and I can do freelance programming and teach English in Eastern Europe or something (for a number of reasons I've been thinking of going to Romania to teach English) when I need dosh.
Has anyone done this before? I am afraid to try this though.
Someone I know has been living as a drifter, but I am not sure I am a good fit for it and I am a quite reserved individual. I don't want to get stuck in a situation that I can't pull myself out of when I want to.
0 replies
(NaturalNews) Spring is in the air, which means the sweet essences of flowering citrus, leafy greens and other fresh fare are soon to follow. But for some people, joining in on this bountiful chorus with their own vegetable or herb gardens might sound too intimidating, or they're not exactly sure where to start. If this is you, the following tips will help simplify the learning curve and get you on track to reaping your own delightful harvest right from your own backyard.
Learn more:
5 replies
Rocket stoves work better than conventional three stone cooking fires or wood cooking stoves by taking advantage of a super-heated combustion chamber that draws more and more pre-heated air from below as the fire gets hotter and hotter. This principle is the same in modern, highly efficient, high-dollar, sealed wood and pellet stoves. It is also why they seem to be able to burn much longer on far less wood. When maximum efficiency is reached, the fire will be so hot that it burns the fuel nearly completely leaving little smoke. Respective of the smoke, it is drawn through the hot flame and effectively re-burned so that minimal emissions are released by the stove. Many enjoy experimenting with various designs to try and get the optimum efficiency. A simple Google search for “rocket stoves” will yield thousands of examples, pictures, plans, and videos. Mastering the construction of improvised rocket stoves will yield both an excellent skill for your survival portfolio and a useful camp stove on the cheap.
10 replies
What are your thoughts on EMP protection/grounding? Do you actually protect any of your prepper electronic gear like this?
I actually do have a metal box similiar to the one in this article, but opinion seems divided on whether or not one needs to also ground said boxes in order for the protection to be sufficient.
What'd ya think /ss/?
2 replies
In this episode – Dakota fire holes, campfire cooking, wild edibles (stinging nettle, trametes versicolor, thistles & primrose) fern tendrils, lichen, daedaleopsis confragosa, fomes fomentarius, fire from magnifying glasses, amazing feats of accuracy, enteridium lycoperdon, how to find flint, how to make pot hangers & shoutouts!
0 replies
An adult diaper is used to help plants grow. The new "super soil" cuts watering amounts, and times, in half, and can grow seeds up to 10 days without any extra water at all.
1 reply
What is ur opinion on dis movie /ss/
1 reply
"You need something to do? Here’s something to do — get involved in local food production efforts. Look in the newspaper, pay attention to your local community. There might be a community garden in your town or city, and you might able to rent a plot. It’s as though we were starving to death, but there’s a drug/poison that hides the feeling of hunger and makes one obese and diabetic.
It’s not that hard to grow food. Mostly potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, corn for flour and polenta, beets, winter squash, tree fruits that grow well in your area, onions and garlic. You can dry squash for winter storage like the Indians did. She said that potatoes are very high in protein; moreso than stuff like corn or barley.
Get involved in things that everyone is concerned about. 90% of life is just showing up, people."
0 replies
>Natural Homemade Fly Spray Recipe
This Natural Homemade Fly Spray Recipe works and is so cheap to make… Keep those pesky fly’s at bay this spring/summer.
Fly spray in the stores cost about 4 bucks a tin, in that tin there are copious amounts of harmful chemicals and aerosols that can harm your lungs if breathed in. That statement here should concern you, It certainly concerns me.
I found a great article that shows you how to make your own fly spray with NO harmful chemicals but all natural ingredients that keeps the fly’s away from you and your pets … Check it out below :)
9 replies
I need a full body massage. Mainly by back, legs and feet
0 replies
What weapons would you take with you into shtf if you could have just about anything on you?
In the astral I'd equip myself with…
>robes, vest, etc. in order to carry clips and grenades (including smoke and frag)
>a staff which can be used for beating them, walking around, getting into things, and fitting a blade onto its end to use as a spear
>a blade which is used like a knife or put onto the end of the staff
>a rifle or shotgun or assault rifle, some primary weapon basically, equipped with a bayonet as well would be nice but I can also bash them to death with the stock of the rifle
>a sidearm such as a handgun or revolver
Shit works for me pretty well in the astral.
I don't really have a serious need for a shovel in the astral but I'd have one for SHTF in 3rd density.
I try to kill enemies all the time with melee weapons so as not to waste ammo or make too much noise. Often times I find I end up at very close range with enemies so a lot of the time even if there are guns involved you fight up close.
Smoke grenades are good for making a machine gun nest or what have you unable to see where you are so you can run up a hill or other such defensive position and hopefully not get shot so you can get up closer and start to throw grenades into their trenches or other positions, shoot them up close, etc. or you can just use it to cross a street and not be seen by a sniper or to escape etc.
I usually take stuff of the corpses of enemies as well.
2 replies
so /ss/ what jobs lend themselves well to homesteading?
7 replies
Would a trained dog be a asset or a liability when tshtf?
3 replies
Hello SS,
I'm in the process of building a rocket stove.
What a rocket stove does is, it concentrates the heat of a fire so it can deliver it directly to what you are cooking. It is more efficient than a camp fire. I will be using these cans and cardboard container to build it. it will be covered in concrete afterwards.
10 replies
I want to start the white nigger movement.
Basically we get white males to act like niggers and draw attention to the bullshit in the american system. What I mean is basically we'll have no money and be on welfare, or something like that. And we'll just draw attention to how ridiculous our 'justice' system is to the poor and rich. While also drawing attention to how the situation is for white males.
I'd like to form some kind of white male commune where we disregard the law, not in a major sense, like stock piling weapons or anything, but in a minor sense. Like not having health insurance. And then have no money when the government comes to fine us.
I think the white male angle is important. MRA types draw attention to how men are attacked and demonized, but white males get all that and more. And much of feminism seems to exist to destroy/disempower white males.
It could also be a critical first step in the rehabilitation of the white male. I guess it could be open to other americans, but there would need to be a clear focus on white male issues. Would probably be better without women. At least in the beginning. Or maybe we could have a resident comfort girl or something. Either that or big gay pile once in awhile. I'd rather have the comfort girl.
1 reply
>Mental Health in a Catastrophe – Will You Fall apart?
Imagine a scenario, that all of your physical preps have been successful. You have enough food to sustain you in the months ahead, any physical wounds are healing and you are feeling secure about the months ahead in regards to surviving. However you have no idea what to expect, your routine is unpredictable, nothing will be the same. Your children are asking you questions that you cant answer. Are you ready for that ? Or can anyone ever be ready for that ?
Is there any point to surviving physically if you and your family end up being mentally broken?
1 reply
>9 Tips for Buying Property With Little or No Money
These 9 tips for buying property with little or no money could change your life in so many ways!
I am always on the look out for great deals on land or properties to bug out to. I never know whats a good deal tho. hey say if it’s to good to be true it probably is! Thats why I did some research and looked at many articles and found this great article from our old time friends over at backdoorsurvival.com.
We as preppers dream of the day we can say “I own my own land, I can build, grow a garden and live off the grid” Well, I do anyway lol. Gaye, wants this for us all too, that’s why she spend some time seeking permission from a published author that want’s the same thing too.
I am not saying you can go buy land or property right away with these tips, but they certainly can help.. Check the original article out…
1 reply
>How To Grow Giant Tomatoes
Learn how to grow giant tomatoes and get more food for your buck!
This way of growing the biggest tomatoes can be used for your own pleasure and for emergency situations, just like the image above a 2lb tomatoes is just huge! You could use these giant tomatoes to can and provide you with a lot of tomato goodness all year round!
As it’s the time to start seeding your veggies for spring, you may want to take some of these tips into consideration when choosing the seeds and when growing them.
If you decide to try this, please send me some of your photos… we all would love to see them. Get the info and tips below:
0 replies
>8 Great Micro-Houses
Look at these micro homes and see if you could live in one or maybe even build one! This is becoming the latest thing in the prepping world!
Micro homes or tiny houses are small, cheap easy to build yourself and quite often sought after by all. I personally am building a tiny house… i call it my man cave. Its an 8 x 8 and I love the thing and its not even built yet. You can see what I have done and what is still to be done here…
Tiny houses are a practical way to get debt free and live the minimalist life. Easy to get off the grid, easy to heat and cool. The only thing I would obviously find difficult would be the lack of space… but with everything in life there are sacrifices to to be made to get ahead in life. Check out these stunning micro homes …
1 reply
>Long Term Water Solutions when Bugging In
When you bug in, you will need a lot of water stored or access to a source of half decent water to survive. When you bug out, some say that it is harder to secure and find water.
If I am completely honest with you, I still have no clue honestly if we will be bugging out or staying put, I read this article about long term water solutions when you are staying put and found it very interesting and I would like to share it with you guys!
There are several aspects to water that you should consider if your long term plans are to bug in at your current location. Many of these solutions can also be put into place if you have a secondary location to which you will travel in the event of a crisis.
Read the original article and be sure you don’t make the mistake and not have any water when bugging in. Believe it or not, a lot of people still believe that the water will still be flowing from the faucets when SHTF.
1 reply
>How to Build a Self Watering Rain Gutter Grow System
Having a garden is every preppers dream. Some are more fortunate than others and have a lot of land to grow what ever they like! I have a small back yard and only can dedicate a small quarter to my food garden. (We have dogs)
Watering even a small garden can be a chore, some of us just forget or literally have a hose ban stopping us from doing so in the height of summer.
This awesome DIY project utilizes the use of rain gutters and 5 gallon buckets to help your garden grow. The great thing about this project is when it rains your garden gets watered so you don’t have to. Also you can connect a hose to a water tank and water your garden when it isn’t raining. Check out the project.
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Not straight shota. :(
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• Slingshot
• Compound Bow
• Crossbow
• Throwing Axe
• Throwing Knife
• Tomahawk
• Something else?
I am thinking I really should get a slingshot.
I have a compound bow but I'm really fucked because I'm low on arrows, arrows get damaged and destroyed or lost easily, and I don't know how to make new arrows (can anyone help me with that?).
With a slingshot I'll never run out of ammo because I can just use bits of gravel and stuff.
A crossbow is nice but those bolts will run out, it's slow to fire, etc.
I also can't shoot all that accurately due to shaky hands so just using a slingshot might be better for me. I'll probably never be a sniper.
What ranged weapon would you want for shtf/Ragnarök/etc.?
19 replies
What do you guys think of creating a semi-nomadic white nationalist movement in order to overcome the problems relating to housing and land being way too fucking expensive?
Lets face it, except for some of us who are doing well and in good health and very motivated and so on, and even amongst people of that category…. most of us will be working a long while before we can buy a fucking place to live and get to work on having children and other things.
What's worse too is that this way of living is really unhealthy and weakens us.
Why don't we all just live out of cars or something and maybe occupy abandoned homes for awhile and just keep moving on?
We could learn survivalist skills, maybe find work mostly off the tables to do for food and extra money that we need, and just keep moving around stealing internet at libraries and whatever.
It won't cost us much to get some solar panels and all the survival equipment we need to carry with us. We'll live without a lot of frivolous crap and just bring our laptops around with us in cases and carry big backpacks and be the ultimate hobos.
There are even women that would find this way of living acceptable and come along with us and have children and so on and we could exploit social services too when they pity us to get ourselves even better provisions.
Nobody can stop us if we want to live this way. We will have more exercise, better quality air (indoor air is really bad for us).
The best thing is that since we can be constantly mobile and just pick up and leave from one location and go to another we can go to where jobs are, we can go visit and network with other white nationalists in the country, we can visit anyone's homestead if someone has one and help with farming like we can do WWOOFing and such. We should also have plenty of time then to hang out in public libraries or other WiFi spots and download more books and sites and stuff for us to read on our own and to spread the redpill online and so on.
I don't like living the way I am right now and the more I think about it becoming a hobo white nationalist might be a really good idea. I don't even really need anyone else to go along with my plan, I'll probably end up doing it first regardless of what others do, and then I will maybe inspire others.
Our movement is pretty fucked because we can't network very well with each other and we can't resist the ZOG very effectively will tied down to some location. If we just wander the country going wherever we want to go and leaving pro-white graffiti in our wake and surviving out there right now using both what ever benefits the infrastructure and concerned people can offer as well as our own survivalist skills when the shit really does hit the fan we will be strong, healthy, mobile, and prepared to fight and kill like nobody else.
What do you think of Hobo White Nationalism? We'd just have to become familiar with all the safeplaces that would give us temporary haven to camp out on and we could totally bypass the ZOG system in many ways. We'll be kind of like gypsies I guess but with a higher purpose (saving our race) and probably no thieving unless we get really low on funds and become desperate for some reason to eat.
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Hey /ss/ would it be a good idea for me to get headphones that are less noticeable which I can plug into a laptop or other device to play around and possibly to communicate with others during shtf?
I currently have a turtle-beach headset which is nice and I wear it all the time BUT if I were to go out in public or to become a hobo and go to libraries and stuff I think it would be better that my headphones don't take up much space for me in my backpack, I have a reduced weight to carry around, etc.
I also think I saw some tiny headphones before that you put in your ear and it blocks out all noise which is something I really want!
21 replies
Hey /ss/ I am badly in need of good instruction on how to combat depression and suicidal impulses for this happening and to just bury my past and move on… you know psychological shit.
I feel pathetic and need to stop self-harming, stop trying to an hero and thinking about it, and have the motivation to survive.
I don't ever want to get up from bed and I hate every day of my life. Living under ZOG has utterly crushed my soul.
Yet it is my duty to survive and to fight the enemy. My misery needs to be put aside to serve this higher nobler goal.
If you don't have good ideas btw please just say so and move on without posting in this thread. I'm not interested in hearing stuff I could have easily thought up of myself.
6 replies
>go out to get this balaclava I saw that was really good and that I wanted
>there was a whole bunch of them there just 2 days ago
>get there
>all of them are fucking gone
>go to KW Army Surplus store
>there balaclavas suck and I might as we just keep the one I have (which isn't good)
>other then ducktape I got nothing of value that will help me survive
This is my survival plan:
I need to construct a sled which can pulled across snow as well as have wheels attached so it can move across roads and terrain like that.
I need a bunch of dufflebags, containers, etc. to fill up with food, ammo, weapons, clothing, etc. to put on the sled and I need a bigger backpack then what I currently have to carry more stuff on my back.
I need better pants and top that is very hardy, can be washed out, etc. that I can count on during the collapse to not tear on me and that I can use to store extra stuff in.
I need a better knife because I lost my previous 2 knives somehow and my current one I have is too dull to actually whittle a stick with (I tried).
I need some kind of containers for holding water and cooking food in and that I can use over a fire.
I need a fuckload of stuff still…
I need to have all this shit ready and bug-out now aka become homeless for say 7 days and see how I do then come back home and adjust plans and stuff.
A lot of stuff they sell at the stores for like camping is absolute crap btw and I'd be embarrassed to even have any of it. I don't know why they don't sell more serious equipment. It seems like whenever there is some high quality shit though people buy it up so fast it's gone in days.
1 reply
I just found this site today /ss/…
I like it.
You can make a webpage into a pdf with this by putting the webpage url, it lets you remove elements quickly like empty spaces or images and stuff like that, and then you can print.
If you want to keep some offline copies of some articles printed out this will help you!
This way you can preserve some of the knowledge of the internet in another way.
If your memory sticks, hard-drives, computers, etc. are damaged somehow then you might at least preserve your printed out knowledge for awhile hopefully.
3 replies
What is worse loneliness or dealing with other people?
The Alfather says in the Havamal that it is better to walk alone than in the company of fools, but loneliness can really eat away at the soul and debilitate one's self. Well it seems to in my case, though it could be other things that weigh down on me. :(
Being a loner has it's own strengths as well as weaknesses, but the loneliness can really get to you.
People seem like a liability and relationships of any sort unsustainable much of the time. I guess it depends on the types of people.
Are the risks involved worth the benefit of some human contact, bonding and cooperation?
Plus there is the issue of how people are today in modern America. I think part of it may be the area I live in and my race that has me feeling this way and thinking about this.
I wish it was easier and cheaper to just be drunk and stuff most of the time. But then once you are drunk then what do you do?
Part of me is very unfulfilled and unhappy.
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Anyone here shoot guns?
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> How To Make A Chapin Bucket Irrigation Kit For Cheap
The Chapin Bucket Irrigation System is a great way to water your plants / vegetable garden evenly and efficiently. It is so simple I am surprised these are not in every garden.
This method of irrigation saves water and is more efficient, great if SHTF because water will be your most valuable assets. It would be wise to have a system already set up that’s low cost and low maintenance that uses less water. Check out why you need to build one.
0 replies
>How to Make a Healing Poultice From Forageable Materials
A poultice, also called cataplasm, is a soft moist mass, often heated and medicated, that is spread on cloth over the skin to treat an aching, inflamed, or painful part of the body. It can be used on wounds such as cuts. It can also be a porous solid filled with solvent used to remove stains from porous stone such as marble or granite.
Knowing how to make one for wilderness survival could help save your or a group member’s life..The great thing about these is they are all natural.
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