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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2044
My model of reality is thus:

Each conscious entity constructs reality itself. You can think of this reality construction as bubbles of awareness and creation centred around each entity. Every one of these entities is in a web of possibilities and gathers focus. When bubbles overlap they become denser and more stable and their wills limit each other. Waking reality is the way it is because our collective conscious's are limiting each other severely. The dreamscape is deeper reality and in its fringes are more malleable but it also more out of focus. The power of each conscious entity is not the same. Evolution & experience & suffering lead one towards greater spiritual transcendence. It is possible to overpower others and reality and to engage in psychic warfare. You can deceive others and control them and exploit them or reveal truth to them and guide them. Always be wary of deceivers. With an extremely high level of power gained through lucidity and awareness you can transcend into 4th density reality and manipulate the 3rd density at the same. Doing this will give you a momentary advantage over others however it will also break their illusions and allow them to grow in power too. If you want to retain control over others you must manipulate them subtly and keep them in ignorance of the higher reality. I personally don't want to enslave my fellow pro-white resistors though so I'm telling what needs to be known and hope more of you can see through the deception and grow in power too.

Any questions?

(Above text dated Fri 01 Feb 2013 09:53:03 AM EST)
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The Nature Of Reality

This reality consists of physical reality (space, matter, energy, and the laws of physics) and consciousness. It is clear there is a link between the two. By simply willing it to happen, we can make our bodies move, interacting with and changing physical reality. If you pick up an object, you are using consciousness to manipulate physical reality. It is also clear that physical reality can affect consciousness. If your body is injured, you consciously experience pain. If you stand near a flame, you consciously experience the sensation of heat. This suggests that one is subjective to the other and therefore exists from the other. Mainstream, contemporary science would have us believe that consciousness arises from physical reality. However, scientists have no evidence for this. All they know is that there is a link between a brain and consciousness. That only proves that there is a link; it makes no indiciation of which arises from which.

The closest thing to a physical explanation for consciousness we have is neurons. However, neurons control our entire central nervous system, not just our brain, and they are still there when we are unconscious while sleeping. Our brains make our bodies breathe even when we are not thinking about it and even while we sleep. Our brains turn information from photons into visual images. They do a lot of things that we are not consciously responsible for. Neurons are the basis of a body's central nervous system, not of consciousness. The only evidence that a brain or neurons are responsible for consciousness is that there is a link between the two and there is no other physical explanation for consciousness. However, there does not have to be a physical explanation for consciousness if consciousness is not subjective to physical reality. We already know that consciousness can affect physical reality. We also know that we dream and essentially create our own realities in our minds. There is no reason to doubt that this can be taken to a further level. There is no evidence, logical or empirical, that physical reality can create something as complex and perfect as consciousness, but we already know that consciousness can create anything it wants within its own thoughts. This suggests that this physical reality is subjective to consciousness and is essentially a collective dream of all consciousness experiencing it. We do not exist within the Universe; rather, the Universe exists within us.

Objective reality is basically two things: Consciousness and time. However, time is not really a thing, so it might be more correct to say that reality is only consciousness. Time is simply something that passes. It is objective. It cannot be sped up or slowed down and you cannot travel back in time. Those all suggest manipulating time relative to time; that is defining something in terms of itself, but nothing can be subjective to itself. That leaves consciousness. Each conscious entity is objective and can be seen as a quantum of consciousness.

That realization answers what, to many people, is the biggest and most important question there is: What is the purpose of the Universe? The Universe is consciousness creating for itself an environment for experience. This also solves the question of whether or not we live in a computer simulation: Physical reality arises from consciousness, not the other way around, meaning that a computer simulation that mimics consciousness does not actually create consciousness.

We are objective. We are responsible for this entire reality. We can manipulate it however we want as long as we do not violate the free will of any other consciousness. We can even change the nature of physical reality if we all collectively agree to. And since we are objective, and physical reality is subjective, it is clear that physical reality is temporary (though we'll always create another when one ends) but we, consciousness, are not. We exist forever. What is objective cannot cease to exist. You can also consider that if we, consciousness, die, what are the chances that this finite time right now, our current lifetime, out of all infinite time, is the time we exist? That would be finite out of infinity, which is infinitely close to 0 chance. We clearly exist forever.

That leaves the question of what happens to us when our body dies. Since we are objective, obviously when our body dies we break free, but then what? That I can't say for sure, but my leaning is that we go to some sort of astral plane until we decide to be born into a new life. There we can interact with other consciousness, and perhaps create physical reality more freely kind of like in our dreams. But this is mostly speculation/theory on my part, I don't really have any solid proof for it.

That leaves us as gods. If we master our own will, we can accomplish anything. If your will is strong enough, you can do anything you want to physical reality as long as it does not violate the free will of another consciousness. Strength is a choice. Power is a choice. Understanding is power. Will is power. Godhood awaits those who understand.


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Reality ☻ 03/27/13 (Wed) 19:47:29 No.610:

There is a considerable difference between subscribed beliefs, approximate beliefs, and actual subconscious belief.

Subscribed belief is just saying or espousing a belief which is not held deeply and may conflict with what is actually felt. This is most apparent in people who go join a church or something and say they are x adherent of religion without really understanding or believing it. They may contradict their subscribed beliefs easily and not even know them to the full extent. Subscribed beliefs are just thinks people say they believe basically.

Approximate beliefs are well examined and seem the most true to a person. They are fully fleshed out and understood but are limited due to a disconnection with things / not being able to taken into account all variables / limited knowledge and experience, etc. These are what people consciously believe. They may say that they believe this thing or they may deny it for some reason or keep quiet about it too. Approximate belief is basically a "best guess" at something or "what seems most probable considering the facts I know".

Subconscious belief is what you actually believe to the fullest and deepest extent. It is fully understood and all encompassing and forms the basis of the reality you experience. It is very hard to examine subconscious belief and can only be interacted with indirectly most of the time. It is also very hard to change, it has certain constructs embedded deeply into it, and they are very complex. Maybe things like gravity, time, etc. is embedded here.

Only through changing subconscious belief can you change reality itself HOWEVER then it conflicts with others. Wherever there is interaction or overlap between the conscious realms of entities there must be agreement or one will overwrite the other. To change reality itself you must get out of their focus as much as possible and then overpower what you can't escape. This is VERY HARD TO DO and pretty much shifts you out of the same timeline/plane/whatever as you were previously on and puts you on another. It creates splits in reality, sometimes extremely subtle, and in perhaps some rare cases very extreme.

milo!CFJsAXJGfk 03/27/13 (Wed) 20:09:33 No.611>>612:

>Only through changing subconscious belief can you change reality itself HOWEVER then it conflicts with others. Wherever there is interaction or overlap between the conscious realms of entities there must be agreement or one will overwrite the other. To change reality itself you must get out of their focus as much as possible and then overpower what you can't escape. This is VERY HARD TO DO and pretty much shifts you out of the same timeline/plane/whatever as you were previously on and puts you on another. It creates splits in reality, sometimes extremely subtle, and in perhaps some rare cases very extreme.

Mostly true, if a little negative, from a psychological standpoint.

Not really true from a metaphysical standpoint. Putting the determinism debate aside, you change reality with every breath that you take. You don't have to look at reality in a dualistic way, as something outside of you, but neither should you view it as something contingent solely upon your mental makeup. Unless you're a solipsist or follower of Berkeley. :-)

☻ 03/27/13 (Wed) 20:57:23 No.612>>615:


This is my reply to the guy in the dream journal thread but he isn't responding I guess.

Anonymous 03/27/13 (Wed) 21:10:40 No.615>>621>>622:


There is nothing to say to you
You're generalizing beliefs in a way like Freud generalizing the consciousness, it's fluff to help you understand it directed toward your end goal, which the completely unsubstantiated notion that our thoughts create reality

With the last paragraph you're literally trying to rationalize the most effective way to be insane
A schizo can fully believe with every ounce of himself, that he is jesus
It doesn't change a god damn thing

There's no easy way out, smiley

Anonymous 03/27/13 (Wed) 21:27:53 No.618:

I found a way to connect both of our theories
Read my post in the existence is a myth thread then read

It's possible to completely control our reality at this very moment, but there is an objective reality
The only way to control that would be to be the god of it
From there, in theory it would be just like subjective reality selection. Except it would be objective

☻ 03/27/13 (Wed) 22:29:21 No.621:


What does it mean to be Jesus?

Anonymous 03/27/13 (Wed) 22:34:40 No.622>>627:


you seem to possess the objectivity required to rule out the ideas of those gifted with mental spectrum outside of the norm. please inform how you came across this endlessly sought after artifact

☻ 03/27/13 (Wed) 23:00:12 No.623>>627:

Our thoughts don't create reality. They are reality.

Anonymous 03/27/13 (Wed) 23:21:24 No.624>>625:

Smiley, I kept trying to post a new link to a site but I think it is banned here?

3rd attempt:

It is a bit like montalk.

Anonymous 03/27/13 (Wed) 23:23:04 No.625>>628:


Yay, it posted. I guess I'm just disallowed from making new threads here.

Anonymous 03/27/13 (Wed) 23:29:45 No.627>>632>>637:


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic


There's a difference between an objective, relative and subjective reality
The only way this would be true is if your used relative logic to become god, gaining an objective perspective

I can explain the blueprints of it, but you wont really get it unless you ask

milo!CFJsAXJGfk 03/27/13 (Wed) 23:31:05 No.628:


>I guess I'm just disallowed from making new threads here.

There's nothing on our end here. If you're having any particular problems with the site, let us know in /meta/ or IRC.

Anonymous 03/28/13 (Thu) 00:52:05 No.632>>634:


i sense where you're going with this, but sense is too loose a foundation

Anonymous 03/28/13 (Thu) 04:18:13 No.634>>638:

There are two realities
Objective: the outside perspective of reality
And the relative: reality as it applies to a single perspective

The relative reality tells you that, since you only experience from your experience, it's the only one that matters. It basically leads to, like I've said ad infinitum: gaining power

You are your mind (your mind is consciousness and will is the byproduct of consciousness), when the world and the people in it conform with your will, they can literally be said to become you

This would end in having a perspective that encompasses everything, ie an objective perspective. The perspective of god

Just like you can do subjective (ie in your mind)reality selection now, you'd theoretically be able to do objective reality selection then

Something else interesting, but not necessary to read:
Like a relative reality equates being "selfish", an objective reality equates looking out for the greater good/the good of all. But at the same time the mind of the objective perspective, which consists of all minds, would be considered insane. For One to make all minds conform to a greater mind would be nothing short of holy. This is another point where the relative meets the objective. There are more

Anonymous 03/28/13 (Thu) 04:21:35 No.635>>639:

There's so much more to say, and different ways to explain it
So if you have any questions or whatever, feel free to ask

Anonymous 03/28/13 (Thu) 05:43:09 No.637>>641:


Whatever the "objective reality" is we do not experience it directly. We only experience the subjective reality. Only the subjective reality as such seems to matter then. The objective reality is beyond our reach.

Anonymous 03/28/13 (Thu) 05:49:59 No.638>>641:


I think that's pointless. Yeah, you become God, but you certainly haven't replaced God, just gained the perspective of God. You change nothing in becoming God. God is simply too all encompassing to matter. God is irrelevant. You can not change anything when you become the whole and your perspective is that of the whole. You must have a perspective which is limited if you are to change anything.

Anonymous 03/28/13 (Thu) 05:54:12 No.639>>641:


Why do you have goals set upon becoming God instead of just carving out your own little bubble in this reality? Why do you think we were created/generated as individualized entities to begin with?

Anonymous 03/28/13 (Thu) 06:19:12 No.641>>651>>660:


The point is to get yourself to a relative reality first


God is unconscious
The point is to give him consciousness through yourself, if you can


Because that's the point of life, nature is driven by the necessity to become more powerful and conscious
More godlike

The likelihood of achieving godhood is minimal but I still have to attempt it
Achieving relative reality (they call this Godhead) is a huge accomplishment in and of itself

Anonymous 03/28/13 (Thu) 22:41:00 No.651>>656:


Nature is driven by the need to evolve, to become pure and perfect itself perpetually

If you define evolution as your "God" then i'm fine with your statement, otherwise it's just judeo-christian nonsense

Anonymous 03/29/13 (Fri) 00:26:27 No.656>>661:


You obviously haven't read anything I've written

Anonymous 03/29/13 (Fri) 03:01:42 No.660>>662:


>Because that's the point of life, nature is driven by the necessity to become more powerful and conscious
>More godlike

Nature seems to achieve equilibrium and for each species to find its niche in its environment though. Only humans seem to destabilize this equilibrium and go beyond it. Evolution should create harmony right? Are we like viruses or something more?

>The likelihood of achieving godhood is minimal but I still have to attempt it

Understood. I wonder if there'll be a desynchronization if you do this though. You might end up achieving your goal in your own timeline and at least from your perspective becoming God but maybe from anothers, such as myself, that won't be apparent.

>Achieving relative reality (they call this Godhead) is a huge accomplishment in and of itself

I guess relative reality is a good goal then. What exactly is relative reality though? Is this where you construct reality yourself?

Anonymous 03/29/13 (Fri) 03:02:43 No.661:


He's butthurt about what terms are used.

Anonymous 03/29/13 (Fri) 04:48:55 No.662>>664>>665:


You bring up a good point about humans destabilizing things
First of all: who really knows how much we've fucked our environment, how much of what they tell us is alarmist bs?
And second, a lot of the waste is created by this current system. If the human race were united, capitalism would no longer hold back progress
Solar energy and such would be a reality by now

>from your perspective becoming God but maybe from anothers, such as myself, that won't be apparent.

Then that would make me insane?
Maybe didn't get what I meant by god

>I guess relative reality is a good goal then. What exactly is relative reality though? Is this where you construct reality yourself?

Again… you're just not getting it
>And the relative: reality as it applies to a single perspective
So first there is science, and then there is technology
Technology is applied science

I've explained this already but, you only experience from one experience
What is good for that experience is good. What is bad for that experience is bad

Like I said already, this results in one making himself more powerful, which, if he does it right, ends in one becoming god

This is about as simple as it gets

Anonymous 03/29/13 (Fri) 09:21:54 No.664>>680:


>And second, a lot of the waste is created by this current system. If the human race were united, capitalism would no longer hold back progress

Yeah right. The situation would be more like that of a whole bunch of rabbits rapidly overpopulating, growing sick, and dying off in massive number. The NWO is holding us back, uniting "the human race" is destroying it.

>Solar energy and such would be a reality by now

Why? We'd just be burdened with so many muds civilization would collapse.

Anonymous 03/29/13 (Fri) 09:31:19 No.665>>680:


>Then that would make me insane?
>Maybe didn't get what I meant by god

No. What I am talking about is MWI or MMI. We don't all live in the same reality for anymore than one instance. This is why other people can die but from your own perspective you're immortal. It's some quantum shit and nothing about you being insane. Reality itself is "insane".

>Again… you're just not getting it


I did read.

>So first there is science, and then there is technology

>Technology is applied science

>I've explained this already but, you only experience from one experience

>What is good for that experience is good. What is bad for that experience is bad

>Like I said already, this results in one making himself more powerful, which, if he >does it right, ends in one becoming god

>This is about as simple as it gets

…one big non-statement based in purely straight-forward logic. Do you think existence is logical?

crack 03/29/13 (Fri) 17:04:34 No.680:


I'm not sure you know what united means
When I say something, try to see how it's right so I don't need to tell you

Does united mean equal? Would a united people let themselves become overpopulated?


God damn you are a fucking idiot
Schrodinger's cat does not work in fucking reality, something can be anything (from a perspective's point of view), but not everything
And, in actuality, outside of perspective, it is 1 definite thing

Quantum physics is half a fucking theory, if you studied it whatsoever, you'd know this
To us, the chemical has a 50% chance of becoming radioactive because we can't determine the exact location and velocity of particles, but even though we can't determine it, each particle has a definite location and velocity

The world exists outside of your mind, there is a reason why the world is becoming less and less chaotic as time passes. We are discovering more and more the reality that we live in


Not one of my own reality models but very similar in that the OP it ascribes a dream-like quality to all existence like I do:

Let me start by saying no one can ever give you a accurate interpretation on your dreams. If you want to know the meaning you have to ask your subconscious, this takes time and practice whilst being lucid or Astral.Iwant to talk about the different types of dream and altered states of consciousness that I have experienced and what real entities look like, although they do seem to be able to change form.

1. Normal dream state. This is your mind creating everything you see from the environment you navigate to the people you interact with. This is where most people learn to lucid dream. Although people strive to become lucid, After a while it does become boring. Kind of like playing an offline game.

2. Astral planes. Here you interact with what could be people dreaming and or entities appearing as humans. Here you can only interact with your environment not manipulate it. Some people will say this is the same as the normal dream state but anyone experienced with lucid dreaming would know the difference.

3. Astral projection. This is unlike any dream state it looks physical but there will always be markings on your walls runes or symbols, even patterns rotating. While astral projecting everything seems to move almost like grass blowing in the wind.You will not see your body,anyone who says otherwise is lying. You will always know you are becoming Astral because you enter the state where you were sleeping. For me it is my room. Astral projection is not for everyone. You will almost always come into contact with entities before you leave the first room. I often see the same entities around my house. Here there is no language just body movements and facial gestures that seem to say more than words. It takes time to learn how to move here it feels like the gravity is pulling you towards the ground.

All the states above you seem to enter as your ego. Who you perceive yourself to be.

4. The most intense state of consciousness. Which can only be reached by mind altering substances. My choice DMT. Here I have learnt that all the other states of consciousness I listed above are just thoughts of these beings or being although there is usually more than one. I asked the question who is God. They laughed and said "you are". Which means you all are as well. We are literally a thought or dream of something else. Which would explain dreams where you are someone else. The entities seem to be made of little light particles here almost always with multiple heads. Rather than describing it I will find a picture that best portrays these things.

Also forgot to mention this is all just a dream as well. Funny how time seems to pass when there is none.


Personally I think his distinction between astral planes and astral projection is retarded but I guess he means to say that in one instance he projects to the Astral Earth and in the other instances to completely unrelated Astral Planes probably at random.

Post your reality models in here /fringe/. Basically, what your concept of reality is.

Since my previous models are rather out-of-date I'll probably write a new one in awhile but most of what I said I think I still see things the same.

>Strength is a choice. Power is a choice. Understanding is power. Will is power. Godhood awaits those who understand.
Power and the will to use it. Every time a person gains power they set their sights even higher. I could be king of the ants right now, at this very moment. I could lord over them and control every minute detail of their lives. Of course, I don't care to.
If I were omnipotent, reality to me would be no different from a grand lucid dream. There is no point in any of it, if that were the case I might as well be alone. I'd either do nothing at all or split off my consciousness, starting everything all over again.
Why does power become so unnattractive the moment the path to it becomes known?

>Why does power become so unnattractive the moment the path to it becomes known?

It's one of those paradoxes. Very much like how when one is ready to die they are simultaneously ready to really live.

51. Universes in Universes

The universe is really a dream. Everything else we have spoken about, and all the planes of our universe, exist only in this universe, this dream, and so only matter while we are here. Eventually we will leave this dream.

A dream is a closed system which exists due to the awareness of the creator of the dream. The creator of the dream is called God. Our universe, and all its planes, are a dream of God.

We also create universes, of which we are the God. Every time you dream at night, or daydream, or think any thought at all, you are creating a new universe. Every thought is a new universe. It exists for the amount of time you are thinking about it, then when your awareness moves to something else it ceases to exist. This is how thinking works. All thoughts are universes, because a universe is any closed system in which there is awareness (or just any closed system, but if there was no awareness then it wouldn't exist, since nothing would be aware of it.)

There is nothing outside of awareness. In fact, there can't be. Nothing can be outside of God by definition, so when God creates a universe it is created inside of himself, so to speak. When you dream, the dream is inside of you, but at the same time it is a different reality and a different universe to this universe. It is a universe in a universe.

I will elaborate. Whenever you think something, your thought exists, but where does it exist? It is existent in your awareness, and it only exists because you are thinking it. Your awareness created it. This then, is a new universe. You created it to work out a problem, or to experience something. This new universe attempts to do what it was created for and from this you intend to learn something. However, we can only create very weak and not particularly useful universes, since we are already so limited in this one. We don't have enough awareness to make a very complicated universe, so we just make very simple ones, and they don't work very well. It's better not to get answers from thoughts therefore, since they are of our own creation, and so can't tell us something we don't already know. The best source for knowledge or inspiration is something in this universe, or better: from the one above (from God.)

So anyway, God created a universe (the one we are in) with a thought, and he wanted to experience it so he created life forms and lent his awareness to each one. Each one of us does our own thing and we have our own opinions, but the awareness in you, your consciousness, is God. We are all God, he's playing all of us at the same time. But pretty much everything in this universe has awareness, including rocks and planets, and suns. They just have awareness in a different way to us humans. God is in everything. Everything is awareness.

Most of us have had the experience of lucid dreams, which are common in childhood. A lucid dream is when you are dreaming and then suddenly you are aware that you are dreaming. You remember who you are, but you are still in the dream. At this point it becomes possible to control the dream, and since it is a dream, you can make anything happen. Before you are lucid you are running around in some dream story, thinking that you are this dream character, but when you become lucid you remember yourself and stop acting.

The experience of lucid dreams is the same experience as the true "awakening" in this dream also. We are all running around playing dream characters of our own creation, and we have forgotten who we really are. When awakened we understand we are really God, and since we now understand we are just in a dream, we can do fun things, such as make water turn into wine, etc.

But there's more! God is also in a dream, of another God. Everything is dreams (since I'm using the word dream for any closed system of awareness.) So the journey does not end here.

So when we awaken from this dream and transcend, we will be able to create new universes according to our desires, and play around like this until we get bored and decide to transcend again.

The only reason we are here is because of desire. Actually our existence as an individual (which becomes less and less, until we reach the highest God) is only a chain of desires. If you didn't want anything, you wouldn't be here. There is a method for enlightenment, called the Path of Renunciation, which teaches you to become enlightened by not wanting anything. But the problem with this is that even wanting to become enlightened, or wanting to not want, is desire. All that person is really doing is thinking so much about enlightenment that they attract it (since they are adjusting their tuning to it and therefore attracting it), they haven't really stopped their desires, only focused them. Not desiring is not something we can do at this stage, else we wouldn't be here. Focusing your awareness on something does attract it, in the same way that matter attracts matter (gravity), but it also works for concepts and more sophisticated ideas. Matter is just a concept.


If God knows everything there is to know,
Then I ask: how can God learn or grow?
If you knew all that was and all that will be,
Then how can any decision you make be free?
If you were everything and everything was you,
Then there would be nothing for you to do;
And there we find God, in this very position,
Imprisoned by the power of his own condition,
But there is a way to escape from this net,
All that God would have to do is forget,
Forget what He was and in ignorance find
Choice and free will, from confusion of mind;
And so God created a plane of limitation,
That confusing place we call creation,
A place of ignorance where we're free to choose,
Free to make mistakes and free to lose;
For only a being who knows not what is true
Has the free will to choose what to do;
Through us God can live, think, feel and see,
And experience He knew, but now He can be;
Yet though we've forgotten where we come from,
The closer we get, the happier we become,
With control of awareness you can return,
But you have less choice the more you learn;
Each mortal longs for the infinite's touch,
Yet the infinite longs to know not so much;


>Each mortal longs for the infinite's touch,
>Yet the infinite longs to know not so much;

The Hermetic Teachings are that not only is everything in constant movement and vibration, but that the "differences" between the various manifestations of the universal power are due entirely to the varying rate and mode of vibrations. Not only this, but that even THE ALL, in itself, manifests a constant vibration of such an infinite degree of intensity and rapid motion that it may be practically considered as at rest, the teachers directing the attention of the students to the fact that even on the physical plane a rapidly moving object (such as a revolving wheel) seems to be at rest. The Teachings are to the effect that Spirit is at one end of the Pole of Vibration, the other Pole being certain extremely gross forms of Matter. Between these two poles are millions upon millions of different rates and modes of vibration.


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