/fringe/ Demon Hunting Guide
Everything you may want to know about demons.
What is a demon?
A demon is a kind of entity that is derived from a void substance. In its purest form it's like a heavy black ink, the opposite of radiant light. They all prey upon vice to sustain their existence and grow in power. When awakened you can see the demonic essence as like a black blood running from the blotted out eyes of demonically possessed. One report from a witch informs me that many in the plane of waking can be seen with this… the demonic essence is everywhere and influencing people to various degrees. Demons often cling to people like unseen parasites slowly siphoning them of astral energy and directing them towards activities that will release even more of the energy they like to feed upon. You can kill them off or at least drive them away by completely avoiding unclean thoughts and actions of the sorts that feed them or by cycling through emotions as a sort of way to cleanse yourself of unwanted entities starving them of the energy they need.
I categorize them into three main tiers which could be visualized as a pyramid because the ones at the top are far outnumbered by the ones at the bottom.
Tier 1: Demonic overlords
These are demons which prey upon multiple vices and are so powerful they can manipulate reality itself in the same manner as a very powerful lucid human wizard. They can change the weather, summon things, do powerful dark magic, change around the environment, and other such things. When a demonic overlord and another entity of very high powered will go into combat against each other reality starts ripping apart around them with the parts closest to them being shaped most strongly as they wish to project it and the other parts at the fringe of their focused will chaotically shifting / changing around as they struggle. Demonic overlords are the most dangerous sort of demon and the most capable of possession. Some of them have names and you may hear them tell of their name but be wary that any entity in the astral planes can call itself whatever it wants, it's just a way to identify oneself, or to deceive others at times. Multiple demons could have the same name too so just because one demon tells you its name is x doesn't mean it's the same demon as another demon with the same name.
Tier 2: Demons
These are regular demons and quite numerous. They are fairly developed and refined to prey upon usually one specific vice. Since each tier blends into the other though there would of course exist gradations between this tier and the higher and lower one where more complex predatory behaviour may be observed with them preying on more than one vice. The tier 2 set has many specific names for the different sorts of demons depending upon the sorts of behaviours they exhibit and the vices they prey upon. Demon that preys upon lust is a succubus for example. The tier 2 demons are very restricted in their actions / behaviour sets and have a hard time deviating from their specialized predatory behaviours. This makes them easier to slay or subdue if you understand the behaviour and its limitations.
Tier 3: Minions/Imps
These are the most common, the bacteria of the demon world. They have no specializations and are very weak. They are like deranged animals which can only hope to kill you physically and feast upon you but which have no magical power and can hardly deceive you. This tier of demons tends to be small in size (not always though), easily destroyed, and easily created and replaced. Demons start off like this before they grow in power, evolve, and climb up the demonic hierarchy. These demons, if ever they are successful in feeding, prey upon the weakest, most frightened, and least knowledgeable astral entities as well as each other. They may also feed off and originate out of negative astral energy randomly dispersed into the environment by higher beings like humans.
Should demons be treated with respect or kindness?
No. Never. They see it only as an opportunity to exploit you. Any kind of compassion shown to a demon makes you vulnerable and they will immediately take advantage of it. Demons will take everything they can from you and give you nothing in return. Demons are all very hostile and depending upon the type of predatory behaviour they exhibit will immediately begin their attack. Tier 3 demons will mostly attack you like a crazed wild animal would trying to claw at you, eat you, hack and slash at you, tear you apart, etc. and going into a frenzy. Smelling blood or the putrid smells of sickness may make even more frenzied, some will exhibit mob behaviour, others hunt in packs, and others might try to creep up on you then pounce or holdback a bit when other more powerful or more insanely suicidal battle enraged demons are present and they instead try to scavenge around and prey upon the already wounded. The tier 2 demons are much more complex with a far greater capacity for deceptive behaviour and some magic and how they behave depends upon the type (I'll describe that in another part). Tier 3 demons have a very strong aura where you can feel the pull they have on reality that can be felt over a very large distance the more powerful the demonic overlord is. A demonic overlord will immediately do everything in its power to kill or subvert every entity in the premises often bringing in many other demons into the fight that it summons and may fight other demonic overlords too to try to make them subservient and grow their own power. Lesser demons will be heavily influenced by the demonic overlord in a form of demonic mindcontrol where the will of every lesser demon under its control is totally subservient to the higher up demon. If you feel the aura / presence of a demonic overlord and aren't already very capable of fighting tier 1 and tier 2 demons you should immediately flee and planeshift away to escape before being killed, made subservient to it, or demon possessed.
What are the fallen & the corrupted?
The fallen are angels and ascendent beings who've been tainted by the demonic essence and have realigned themselves with demonic force. They are the most dangerous and extremely powerful beings in the astral planes, exceeding the capabilities of the demonic overlords, and very bad news for the angelic hierarchy. They are also extremely rare. Due to the very restrictive natures of demons and angels (they seem to have very limited free will both of them) they are rather predictable. A demon will always seek to act in accordance with the greatest evil it can manifest and an angel with the greatest good in serving creation. In the case of angels this can create situations where once in awhile an angel will sacrifice itself as it tries to act for the greater good.
Here is a conversation relating to angels;
Ancient – Be cautious around angels, they're not as benevolent as you might think.
The greater good rarely involves wizards or other powerful entities going about their own agenda's.
Wizard – So where does the greater good usually come from?
Also, do you think that angel or whatever it was, was a benevolent entity?
Ancient – In things being very neat, very orderly and very monotone.
It could be, I can't go on much.
Wizard – So the greater good is mundane?
Ancient – They see it simply as what benefits the most people.
It's often very mundane with the angels being the only beings of any real power left.
They're not nearly as chaotic or destructive as the demons however.
Wizard – Are there any entities that are basically inbetween them?
Also isn't chaos the wielding of both dark and light magic at once?
I guess it's wizards themselves that are inbetween.
Ancient – Everything exists between them.
One is chaos and destruction simply because that's what they are while the other is selfless, pure and very orderly about how they do things.
Wizard – What is the task of the ancients? You are an ancient right? What do you do besides hunt down wizards?
Ancient – We try to rarely fight with anything other than demons although conflicts do erupt. We hoard powerful magical artifacts and protect sentient life from the ravages of everyone else.
Where as the angels attempt to shape how that life evolves we do not.
The corrupted are non-angelic entities like humans and so on who have fallen to demon possession and become like the demons. Their vessels are taken over by demons and/or they become subservient to demons. For those who see the demonic essence runs heavily from their eyes constantly like a black blood. They may be kept imprisoned somewhere and used like batteries always made to suffer and be tortured like in a place which is like hell or they may be used as a remote proxy into our world to further the demonic agenda here in our world or also used as demonic soldiers in the astral wars. If you give yourself to the darkness you could become one of them. It is a terrible fate but at that point a person's mind is warped by the darkness so much he tends to revel in suffering and be like a madman.
How to protect or hide yourself from the demons?
There are many ways. Remember that all demons are astral predators. You (or your companions) attract them to you with vice. Do not give into vice, restrain yourself, and you will be invisible to the demons. You won't be safe if you merely avoid acting on your thoughts btw, merely having unclean thoughts lights them up to you and attracts them to you like a moth to a light or a predator after a scent. If you maintain absolutely purity of thought and stay the path of virtue then they may still happen upon you at random or because someone else attracted them near or because you're in a place which is being targeted at the time for demonic invasion but you reduce the chances of encounter. What sorts of demons you are most likely to encounter depends upon the sort of negative astral energy you are giving off / which sinful thoughts you and others are having. Some places where certain vices take place very often will be frequented by demons of specific sorts too looking to feed off of the astral energy given off. Brothels will be surrounded by succubus, places of despair by pathos, places of greed by goblins, etc.
Demons can be killed (banished), sometimes driven away by releases of certain energies or intense light they hate, and made subservient to you, drained of the energy that sustains them, and you can fuck up the demonic mind so it stops functioning as was its nature before the modifications. Most of this is done through magic which employs the use of etheric and astral energy. Killing them with any weapons including melee weapons, guns, explosives, strangulation, shoving them off of cliffs, random objects in the environment, etc. can all be used to slay them. Slaying them in this physical manner in reality only banishes them from the plane you are on though much like when you are slain in the astral planes and this sends you to another plane then. Presumably the demon is "sent back to hell" after you have killed it, hell being any plane overrun with demons where they take refuge in.
A related conversation mentioning banishment (when he says "you and your kind" he refers to wizards fyi);
Ancient – You and your kind are volatile and power hungry, when you believe that doing torturous acts to each other will give you more power your uninvited guests become a blessing.
Wizard hasn't heeded my warning about returning to life.
Wizard – Well your warning sure is hard to get.
Ancient – What's difficult about it? If you continue down this path you'll kill yourself. If you don't manage to do it I or another like me will do you in.
Wizard – Btw, I think one of my demons died or left, then a succubus demon came but I've been working on killing that one because I have no need of it.
Ancient – I've been watching wizard.
Wizard – What happened to them?
Ancient – It got lost.
Wizard – Hmmm I wonder if it latched onto this other guy. I noticed someone snarl at me unexpectedly. Maybe not. Probably not.
Ancient – Wizard has confused banishing something with killing it.
Wizard – How do you know the difference?
Ancient – One is simply pushing it away along a different dimension, the other end's it's existance.
Wizard – Wouldn't the former be the same as the later?
Ancient – You can crush things out of existance.
Wizard – When it leaves one dimension it "ceases to exist" in the dimension it
was pushed out of?
Ancient – It does but it can return and often times will.
You can break, shatter and destroy anything. Life is no different.
When wizard dies he'll never reach the other plane.
The different types of (Tier 2) Demons:
Most are based off of a specific sin / vice and others I'm not so sure but they do find a way to disturb people and cause problems. The names given are descriptive and you can call the different types of demons whatever you want but I just try to give them a name that most fits what I observe.
• Succubus – female demon of lust, tries to seduce men, lives off of the sexual energy they give off of. Also tears you apart when having sex with you and is very sadistic; you will regret ever falling for one of these.
• Incubus – same as above but male and seduces women.
• Abominations & grotesques – hideous demons which create a sense of disgust, prey upon gluttony and vanity and fear of diseases and such. They are extremely nightmarish freaks of the demon world.
• Pathos / Shades – preys upon despair and pity. They suck the joy out of life and make you horribly depressed. They appear as a black shroud like a fog and tend to linger nearby their target without ever getting close trying to drive the target to suicide and hopelessness. Likes to linger around places full of depressed people, astral battlefields (especially in the aftermath of the main fighting when everyone is weary and mourning the dead). Similar to the popular depiction of "Death" or what are called "Death Eaters" in J.K. Rowling's books.
• Stalkers – a sort of demon which usually takes a familiar form based on what it reads in the minds of its target but looks deranged and clearly isn't the person it looks like and which feeds upon madness and paranoia. They will follow you around everywhere unrelentingly and are very hard to run away from (sometimes you can lose them though). They never attack until you panic and just can't take their presence anymore. If you hit them, throw chairs at them, break things on them, etc. they will be unphased by such attacks and still stare you down and give you the creepiest vibes imaginable. They will sneak behind you, sneak around you so that for example you might open a door and they're right fucking there infront of you, stand in your way and laugh evily, taunt you, brush up against you when you aren't looking, and continuously provoke you until you snap.
• ???
• ???
More to be described later.
How to summon a demon?
To summon a demon simply have non-virtuous thoughts of the sort the demon is attracted to and increase the intensity of these thoughts. This will draw them to you. Likewise if you actually do those things it'll bring them to you as well. If you do this in the astral planes you see them. If you do this in the waking they prefer to stay invisible to you (unless you are awakened enough to detect them) and passively feed off of you as you are unaware of them. You can then try to trick the demon in various ways to reveal itself or to make it your captive. It is very hard to trick a demon, demons usually trick wizards. You can offer yourself up as a vessel for a demon and they will gladly take over or share your body with you (and try to wrestle away as much control over your body vessel as they can). Demons are impulsive and unrestrained unless very powerful, they immediately exploit whatever they can, and they will try to give you nothing in return. Don't bother promising anything to a demon as they never keep up promises and will just take what they can without giving back. The only way to get anything worthwhile out of a demon is to trap them then torture them to death cutting off their energy supply forcing them to take much more desperate actions to try to free themselves such as actually doing magical favours for you with what energy they do have in limited supply. At first they'll try to nudge / urge you to towards thoughts and actions which will empower them. Failing that they become more desperate and may plead with you; show it no mercy at all. They may then act upon others they can influence to get you to engage in situations which will release them attracting certain scenarios to you. For example a succubus after failing to try to get you to have sexual thoughts and masturbate or look at porn will eventually step up its game some more in a last ditch effort to save itself by attracting women to you. Even then do not give in if you want to this battle with the demon with yourself gaining more than it takes in the end! Ignore their advances and let the demon try even harder to do anything it can to save itself. The succubus will try to attract more women to you and make them fall in love with you more intensely maybe even try to rape you or seduce you. Don't give in no matter what, you don't have to reject these women, but you must not engage in any kind of sexual release until the succubus is destroyed! If your will slips you will regret it and the demon will be empowered and you will lose out in the end then. Once finally the succubus is defeated and gone you may reap the benefits of your success and feel pride in your accomplishment and strength of will.
Reasons why someone might summon a demon:
• As the ultimate test of willpower, courage, and virtue.
• To study and become acquainted with demons before banishing them again.
• To try to learn esoteric knowledge from them (very difficult to do as they are liers and usually too deranged or too focused on preying upon you to talk about esoteric things, only way to learn anything from them might be to discern from the lies what must be truth, one really should just deal with other entities when wanting to learn esoteric things)
• To give up oneself as a vessel for demonic control because of a wilfull choice to align themselves with and probably be sacrificed to the darkness.
• To try to get demons to destroy your enemies.
• Out of a masochistic self-destructive desire to bring harm upon oneself spiritually, mentally, and possibly physically.
Reasons why you should not summon a demon:
Although I have already covered reasons why one might summon a demon there are several very important considerations why not to do so.
1. All demons are astral parasites. None of their power comes from within, they rely upon entities like you to survive and grow in power. They can not produce astral energy themselves. This means the true power is within you and other beings and that you only need to learn to harness your own power to your own benefit. Relying upon a demon to do things for you makes you spiritually weak / handicapped and keeps you from ascending higher and learning to do these things for yourself.
That said demons can draw upon multiple sources of energy besides you allowing them to have the power of multiple entities all drawn into themselves. It's not just you specifically they'll prey upon, they will also prey upon anyone else they can. This however brings up a second point.
2. You too can engage in energy vampirism and steal / siphon off astral energy from other people. So you don't need a powerful demon to gain that power for yourself too. You can also do something demons won't; you can get people to give off their energy freely to you in a manner which isn't just completely parasitic but is positive in orientation. You can make use of energies the demons can not directly make use of. So once again you shouldn't rely upon a demon here.
Another consideration is simply the very high risks to your soul and your mind. Do you really want to take them?
3. You could end up demonically possessed, deranged, warped, corrupted, etc. by the demonic influence.
4. You could lose your struggle with them and be drained of a lot of astral energy making it harder to go back to the astral planes for awhile and leaving you in a state of emotional deadness. They will screw you over completely if they can and give you nothing.
5. You lose your time engaging in unnecessary fights with demons that wouldn't have been an issue had you not summoned them. You probably already have enough battles with them as is just encountering them at random in the astral planes and elsewhere without bringing them here intentionally.
You may also want to be considerate of others,
6. They could just ignore you completely after the summoning and move onto another target nearby. If you intended them to attack a certain enemy of yours they may just as well end up attacking a friend. Demons can create a lot of chaos and will not obey you unless absolutely forced to do so and will create trouble for others too.
7. Worst case scenario: Our whole plane could fall to demonic control and turn into a Hell especially if a very powerful demon is brought over which can then bring over other demons and begin the demonic invasion of our world.
This is version 1 of Fringe Wizard's Guide to Demons & Demon Hunting. Everything here is based off of years of personal experience, observation, and sometimes the shared experiences and writings of others which correlate with my own. More updates will come in the future!
Guide stats:
7 pages
3,898 words
Characters (no spaces) 17,883
Characters (with spaces) 21,674
Paragraphs 90
Lines 292
Time to write it about 6 hours
This is the demons guide I've been talking about awhile ago, finally I've written up the first draft here.
What I drew from this:
Don't masturbate and you'll get laid.
>>157All joking aside, being raped by a succubus while awake is not nice. Bitch didn't even finish me off
What can and can't be considered vice?
I can make demons bow down to me. I've read and respected this guide, however I have different thoughts on it. Thank you for writing such a long and detailed post OP.
>>152You are saying that thinking/doing acts will draw demons to you based on what they are.
If you do/think things that are not demonic can they draw other astral/spiritual entities that are not demons to aid you? Someone should start an astral crew where they go around killing these things while fucking women and doing other heroic stuff, probably good karma.
>>163Everything has its opposites and negative and positive way of doing the same thing. Love/lust, Caution/cowardice, Reservation/sloth, etc.
>>168Odd, I don't necessarily support the concept of Karma, it's one of the issues I have with montalk's writings.
However you make me realize I've described something that sounds sort of like a karmic system where you do something and it attracts more of that thing to you.
http://5chon.net/fringe/res/381.htmlI think the law of polarity, law of opposites, and law of dynamic balance relate to this.
>If you do/think things that are not demonic can they draw other astral/spiritual entities that are not demons to aid you?Not sure. Sometimes other entities when you meet up with them you can group together to do things but I think that angels and such, probably out of some respect for freewill, or maybe not wanting to hinder our development by doing things for us, or just being too busy with other things don't seem to come along and help. I've heard one has to request their help too though or they don't come. Angelic entities seem rather rare but extremely powerful to me, most entities appear to be rather neutral or chaotic in alignment, but that doesn't mean these neutral & chaotic entities can't help you with spiritual matters. It probably depends where you go too. Go to hell-like plane and it'll be infested with demons, likewise there must be sanctuaries and heavenly places with angelic beings everywhere.
>Someone should start an astral crew where they go around killing these things while fucking women and doing other heroic stuff, probably good karma.These already exist in great abundance but no harm in starting another. Merely killing them just pushes them to a different plane though.
>>170Any good newbie tips? Haven't even been to astral planes yet, still trying to get to it. Only went to ethereal on accident before.
Would there be anything i should know once i venture to the astral? How would i even defend myself against such demons. Could i say manifest a sword i could carry with me and enchant it with certain properties like acid or flames?
Is their demon weapons i could steal?
Just trying to get a bigger picture so im not shitting my pants and instantly going back into my body once i see a demon or something.
>>172>Any good newbie tips? Haven't even been to astral planes yet, still trying to get to it. Only went to ethereal on accident before.>Would there be anything i should know once i venture to the astral?Yes there are many things to know but I'll have to write in length upon them another time. The most important things would concern astral navigation, astral magic, astral energy, and how entities behave and how you could gain their favour or defeat them.
>How would i even defend myself against such demons. Could i say manifest a sword i could carry with me and enchant it with certain properties like acid or flames?It would not be wise to do so unless you've secured for yourself a huge supply of astral energy. You run out and you're going to be disconnected. It is better to simply look around for a weapon already there and equip yourself with it. You could forge and enchant weapons in the astral planes though. I'd use a gun although they are not always very reliable (can jam, might have no ammo, magic may be used to disable them, can be damaged, etc.). If you find a gun you should probably test it a couple times to see it's working correctly. You can also use rocks, sticks, swords, knives, bows, garden tools, and any assortment of other weapons.
>Is their demon weapons i could steal?Yes there are. If you slay a demon you could perhaps steal its amulets, armour, weapons, etc. if it has any. The corrupting force of such things may be of concern though; use of demonic weaponry and other tools may warp your mind and compel you to do things that'll frighten you later in a more sober state of mind.
>Just trying to get a bigger picture so im not shitting my pants and instantly going back into my body once i see a demon or something.Try to find another entity to talk to that hopefully will follow you around on your journey or you can just follow someone else around too. Keep in mind that like people in the waking not everyone is going to want to be around you and may ignore you, be annoyed by you, walk away from you, etc. Hopefully at some point you'll meet someone friendly to hang out with. Sometimes other entities will also tell you that they know you and may call you by some name or title you might not know btw and othertimes people experience a "knowing" about a place or person where they inexplicably know this person, thing, place, etc. without knowing why (exactly same as "Source Amnesia"). One guy who experiences this a lot keeps calling it "dream knowledge".
>>173I see, I should try and stay away from demonic objects as i don't want my mind to be warped by such things.
Your saying it'll take quite a bit of astral energy to manifest a sword and say give it a property.
Now is this a one time, I use a shit ton of energy that may disconnect me an drain me. But i can keep the sword
Or does it work by how long i have it manifested, so i create it and it takes energy from me as its still in existance?
"the most important things would concern astral navigation, astral magic, astral energy, and how entities behave and how you could gain their favour or defeat them."
Do you have any places i could read about this?
Also about astral projection. Im at the point that i know how to project, i know how it should feel(sorta), Lye on back, try and clear mind, melt away from your body and have intent to project and just think of something and keep it as the only thing on your mind and relax.
Now is their any other things i could do to help me achieve this? i've heard citrus fruit, Taking a cold shower beforehand and focus it mainly on your head.
Is their sigils or ways i can contact someone to help me out. I don't want to use any evil rituals or demons possessing me or anything like that.
>>177>I see, I should try and stay away from demonic objects as i don't want my mind to be warped by such things.It can cause you to turn on your companions, to become a lot more savage and wild, to gibber and go insane, to think dark thoughts, etc.
>Your saying it'll take quite a bit of astral energy to manifest a sword and say give it a property.Depends where you are and how much the will of others contradict you. If you can do it with ease either so can they or you're desynchronized and not in a very well shared realm.
>Now is this a one time, I use a shit ton of energy that may disconnect me an drain me. But i can keep the swordI don't know how you're going to find your way back to that place to get it back. Also all etheric constructs / thoughtforms disintegrate after awhile when not given enough energy to sustain itself, it's similar to how tulpamancing works.
>Or does it work by how long i have it manifested, so i create it and it takes energy from me as its still in existance?Look into creation of thoughtforms and you'll have your answer. I wouldn't waste much energy upon creating a weapon from magic though because you'll probably lose it. Maybe you can find a way to take a weapon with you wherever you go though much like how people appear into the astral planes with clothes on.
>"the most important things would concern astral navigation, astral magic, astral energy, and how entities behave and how you could gain their favour or defeat them."
>Do you have any places i could read about this?Montalk has some good material on astral energy. I am unaware of any sources on astral navigation, magic, and the behaviour of entities. Those things are probably best learned in the astral planes or by bringing an entity here or making a tulpa to teach you it all?
>Also about astral projection. Im at the point that i know how to project, i know how it should feel(sorta), Lye on back, try and clear mind, melt away from your body and have intent to project and just think of something and keep it as the only thing on your mind and relax.I think it's important to emphasize seeing with your mind's eye. Words and so on seem to hold you here, you want to think with sight.
>Now is their any other things i could do to help me achieve this? i've heard citrus fruit, Taking a cold shower beforehand and focus it mainly on your head.It's the citric acid in citrus fruit that helps btw.
>Is their sigils or ways i can contact someone to help me out. I don't want to use any evil rituals or demons possessing me or anything like that.I don't know about sigils and runes these are things I need to look into myself. I know someone posted a thing about runes awhile back I shall have to review that later. I think a tulpa would be the most helpful thing ever for learning magic and esoteric concepts.
>>178That's a good idea "Finding a weapon and trying to figure out how to make it follow you" Reading that makes me feel as if i know how to do it, Without really knowing at all.
Seeing with your minds eye, I had a child who talked to his spirit guide or so he says, gave me this advice
think of a peaceful field with no pollution or city nearby think of how peaceful it would be think of that while you project just dont think really hard but let it be the only thing on your mind
I've been trying to use words less and visualize things while practicing. I can't count visualized though everytime a number comes up im almost forced to say it, So im a ways away. Visualizing is a bit hard for me.
>TulpaI know they are essentially imaginary friends you create to hold knowledge. Not sure how to create one and i'd rather stay away from breaking my mind into pieces until i get a better understanding on the matter.
Thanks for all the help, really appreciate it. I guess best thing to do is practice practice practice
>>179>think of a peaceful field with no pollution or city nearby think of how peaceful it would be think of that while you project just dont think really hard but let it be the only thing on your mindHmmm a lot of people go to a place like that and it's just a canvas world. I don't think of anything in particular I just look and see and whatever comes to me I let it draw me in. I don't yearn for peace at all if anything I appreciate chaos far more. I'd say just see with your mind and look for whatever comes and let yourself be taken in by it. A desynchronized "canvas world" isn't necessarily a place you want to go unless you want to be alone and play God. In such a place it might be said that all knowledge comes from the self; it would be better instead to seek it out from outside of the self, to communicate with other entities, to be synchronized with higher reality. However you could just as well end up at a place with grass that is synchronized too.
>I know they are essentially imaginary friends you create to hold knowledge. Not sure how to create one and i'd rather stay away from breaking my mind into pieces until i get a better understanding on the matter.It doesn't break your mind into pieces and they aren't imaginary friends. If you want you can create the basic thoughtform then invite an entity into it. It doesn't have to be an entirely artificial being.
That said I'm trying to find ways to bring over entities entirely not of my own creation.
Maybe I'll just create one too.
Either way they're helpful to have around.
>>197I See, then i think i should learn how to create a tulpa. May help me quite a bit with astral projection.
Would you know how to create one? I'm currently looking into the creation of thought forms as that seems to be the direction i should be heading.
>>200The creation of thoughtforms is indeed what you should be focused upon.
I know how to make one but until I have a tulpa that doesn't wander off on me and actually stays around I'm not sure what to tell others to make the perfect tulpa.
>>152You've really made me eager to go in the astral, and just fucking learning all I can. Practicing magic, self defense, getting greater knowledge, and then just making a tulpa that has its form like a big fucking king lion and then going out with a sword / bow and going to hunt demons, probably with other friends I make. Just fucking slaughter them all, going "madman" while hunting them, making them afraid, making them remember my name and spreading it to the other planes so that when I come there in the event of my death - then they will know who I am, my name, and either respect me or get afraid of me. I really want to experience peace with the friendly enities too tough, maybe seduce a female entity. But most of all, going carnage.
Question: What happens if I go barbarian in the astral? Like killing&raping&try to control areas?
Also, when I get tired of that - or tired of a certain plane - can I just try to kill myself in the astral? Like snapping my own neck or killing myself with a weapon like a gun or a sword pushed into my heart by myself and then do I get transferred to another plane?
Also, can't I just will myself to another plane?
PPS: Can you try to like.. Mind control a lesser entity?
Thank you Sir! I'm a really good hearted person, I do good things everyday and I would only like to experience that kind of carnage to gain self-insight, and for some joy/pleasure actually too. But hope you don't get the wrong idea of me.
Again, thanks. Appreciate if you answer me!
>>212>You've really made me eager to go in the astral, and just fucking learning all I can. Practicing magic, self defense, getting greater knowledge, and then just making a tulpa that has its form like a big fucking king lion and then going out with a sword / bow and going to hunt demons, probably with other friends I make. Just fucking slaughter them all, going "madman" while hunting them, making them afraid, making them remember my name and spreading it to the other planes so that when I come there in the event of my death - then they will know who I am, my name, and either respect me or get afraid of me. I really want to experience peace with the friendly enities too tough, maybe seduce a female entity. But most of all, going carnage.If you want to be quite successful in creating a lot of carnage you'll need some very good allies on your side and a lot of knowledge and power. There's no reason really to think you will gain notoriety or far surpass the capabilities of much more ascendent entities; not that you can't try though.
>Question: What happens if I go barbarian in the astral? Like killing&raping&try to control areas?Depends where you do it. The possible reactions can be varied immensely. If you try to rape someone they might respond with a massive outburst of energy utterly disconnecting you from the astral planes (happens to a lot of people) or they might wanted to have sex with you anyways and just accept it or if you are more powerful than them you might overpower them (though another entity could also come along and fuck you up, and some enitities when under attack basically send out an SOS for help). If you try to control an area it may become contested by other factions and lead to very massive hyperdimensional wars or if it's not a very important and interesting area you might be able to peacefully build something of interest there mostly undisturbed. If you go around killing, others might fight back, or they might be totally indifferent to you killing them, or they may planeshift away, or they could try to run from you, or they may use magic upon you, or try to capture you, etc.
>Also, when I get tired of that - or tired of a certain plane - can I just try to kill myself in the astral? Like snapping my own neck or killing myself with a weapon like a gun or a sword pushed into my heart by myself and then do I get transferred to another plane?You could or you could also try to use a portal to go somewhere else in the plane or magic.
>Also, can't I just will myself to another plane?Yes you can do this. May take awhile to figure it out or you might have it figured out pretty quick.
>PPS: Can you try to like.. Mind control a lesser entity?Yes you can do this but when doing this there's also a strong potential for it to be reversed or for parts of their mind to rub off on you.
>Thank you Sir! I'm a really good hearted person, I do good things everyday and I would only like to experience that kind of carnage to gain self-insight, and for some joy/pleasure actually too. But hope you don't get the wrong idea of me.I don't really see anything wrong with it. You can think of some planes as being like Valhalla where warriors go specifically to fight each other and triumph in battle. You might end up trolling some entities who weren't looking for a fight but oh well.
>>213Sincerely, thank you for the answers. If I manage to go to the astral - What's the first thing you'd recommend me to do?
And I really need some advice on the suicide thing to planeshift before some demon tries to mind hack me or something, I shouldn't be afraid to die in the astral r-right..?
When you project, do you see everything from your eyes? Like how you experience a dream?
What's the difference between Ethereal and Astral projection and how do I know which one I have? I've read you can die in real life during an ethereal projection if you get killed or something… That's not true right?
Would chakras be something I should try to activate/open more for the projectioning? Does it have pro/cons?
Again, thank you alot.
Also, is there food in the astral that you can eat? If so, does it taste different/good/bad? Been wondering that for quite a bit..
>>216>Sincerely, thank you for the answers. If I manage to go to the astral - What's the first thing you'd recommend me to do?Do what I always try to do; find someone to talk about esoteric things or to show you amazing things. A lot of my time I'm just searching around for knowledge from other entities.
>And I really need some advice on the suicide thing to planeshift before some demon tries to mind hack me or something, I shouldn't be afraid to die in the astral r-right..?Yeah don't be afraid of death, especially not death by physical means (like guns, explosions, knives, etc.).
Keep in mind this quote
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.):
"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.".
>When you project, do you see everything from your eyes? Like how you experience a dream?You see from the eyes but your senses of things will be heightened, everything more clear, more beautiful, etc. More paranormal senses may come into play.
>What's the difference between Ethereal and Astral projection and how do I know which one I have? I've read you can die in real life during an ethereal projection if you get killed or something… That's not true right?I've never heard the term "Ethereal Projection" used before. I suppose it just means going to 4th density whereas astral projection means going to 5th density. We're on 3rd density right now btw. Each density blends into each other and going higher up involves expansion of consciousness, reality becoming more responsive to thought, etc.
>Would chakras be something I should try to activate/open more for the projectioning? Does it have pro/cons?Not sure. I don't know of any cons really though so might as well learn about them and make good use of them though the chakras of people probably open up and strengthen without them realizing it through study but rather as a natural occurrence. Understanding the process would allow you to exert more control over it though so it's still worthwhile to understand it.
>Again, thank you alot.>>218Yes there is. I ate a blueberry bagel out in the astral planes. It was pretty good. Not all food out there is good tasting though, just like not all food is tasty in the waking. You can just walk into some store and starting eating food there at random until someone kicks you out oftentimes nobody will notice or care though unless you do it right in front of staff or the astral store owner or something.
>>220How do I engage in suchs conversations? " Hey my name is """"" and I come from """ first time projecting etc, would you mind telling me some helpful things that I can do during my visit here? Yeah, nothing happens to my when I die, all I will feel is pain and then "respawn" in another plane. Will the though " Take me back to my body" with the emotion/intent for me to wake up be enough for me to.. well, wake up? Oh okay, people stated that ethereal projection will kill you if your away from your body too long.. Like how you can get lost like in insidious. Okay, I thought chakras would be some magic amplifiers but oh well. Sounds exciting when you can have food from another plane haha, might be some good delicious things out there..
Hi, very nice guide.
I was reading the comments and i find it very interesting, so many things that i din't know about Astral.
You should make a Guide for Astral.
Let me see if i understand. I have some questions.
So, when dying in astral you just respawn in some other place like in video games?
What are the most dangerous things that can happen to you while astral projecting?
When some stronger entitie captures you does it means you are lost? Like, you wont be able to go back to your body? And if they capture you, how to escape?
i've heard there are some very powerful beings that can disconnect you from your physicall body, are there a lot of these entities? I mean, if they have enough power to do it would they do it just for the lulz? Because it would be terrible to be walking in the astral and then some of these beings appear and disconnect you.
So if you shouldn't fear death in astral, then can i just go leeroy some demons and fight em 1v10? Because, if you are going to respawn anyways then i can do it right? Or what can happen if i do it? I still dont get it.
(By leeroy i mean attacking em)
How many times can you die in astral? I mean, let's say you die 5 times in one day (While the physicall body is sleeping) and you lack of energy you just wake up? What about if you are very low of energy already and then some strong entitie go and suck your energy? What would happen? Do you return to your body or you die or what?
Thank you.
>>225Not op, but i do know that when you get drained of your energy and then wake up, you suppose to feel drained. Drained of your emotions, and feel weak almost.
>>223No that's a bad way to go about things. For one it's hard to reference the plane you come from and I doubt you'd do it in that manner. For another naming yourself first to them gives them power over you according to
>Law of Names>Knowing the complete and true name of an object, being, or process gives one complete control over it. This works because a name is a definition (yes, even "Harold", "Marie", "Kunte", and "Jasmine" were at one time) as well as a contagion link, and an association (if you call something the same name over and over, that name becomes associated with the thing). This also works, because knowing the complete and true name of something or someone means that you have achieved a complete understanding of its or their nature. This is why, in most pre-industrial cultures, people are given "secret names", as well as "public names", and why the sharing of a secret name is such an act of trust—because the secret name is considered to be very close to, if not identical with, the person's true name.The other thing is your attitude there. They're not likely to respond well to it. Do not think in terms of meeting some dipshit in a city in our present time; it's more like contacting a potentially hostile tribe, or talking to a monk, or meeting with someone who could shoot you at any moment.
This is how I go about meeting with entities:
1. Observe them from a distance or stare them down or pretend not to be looking at them while walking around them.
2. If they seem friendly and approachable then proceed with a simple greeting or something to get their attention and see how they respond.
3. Ask them if you can follow along or if they'd like to follow you or if you can sit down and talk or whatever, basically team up.
4. If they appear hostile either walk away and look for some other entity or denounce them or get into a fight with them. Sometimes threatening them or use of magic can help.
5. If they tolerate your presence then you can talk to them, tell them things, ask them questions, help them and receive help, etc.
6. If they're quite friendly or attracted to you then you can maybe play games with them, cuddle, or whatever else.
Be careful what you tell entities, always assess threats, and be expectant of anything. No entity is beholden to you, they can become annoyed or they may ignore you or they may fuck around with you. Trying to be nice may upset them especially if the niceties are not genuine or they don't like your attitude or whatever. Entities are extremely varied in their behaviour. Sometimes they might be very naive and stupid themselves. A lot of times they may be complete assholes. Others can be very tolerant and understanding. Some are mostly interested in fun and tricks and fooling around with people. There's no one behavioural set.
>>225>So, when dying in astral you just respawn in some other place like in video games?No. It's not like respawns in video games. It's more like taking your disc out and putting in a whole different game where the new one is loaded instantly. It's not just another place in the same astral plane, you get pushed out into a different plane altogether.
>What are the most dangerous things that can happen to you while astral projecting?Losing control of your mind / possession. Are you talking about dangers that follow you into the waking though or just dangers in the astral planes? I assume you're talking about stuff that can fuck you up when you wake up. You can wake up really sore and tired or possessed. You could maybe experience nosebleeds but I'm not sure if that has more to do with how dry the air is in your house. We seem to have a natural built in mechanism to disconnect at anytime before any real serious damage takes place. Any damage done to your body is indirect and probably by influencing things on the etheric level.
>When some stronger entitie captures you does it means you are lost? Like, you wont be able to go back to your body? And if they capture you, how to escape?No not likely. I've been captured before. It's too easy to escape though, just a matter of suicide or some other entity coming along and killing you or willing yourself to disconnect. For them to hold a dreamwalker captive they'd have to not just physically capture them but exert control over their mind preventing them doing what they need to do to escape. Even if they do that though if their astral energy levels are depleted they will still end up disconnected. How many people here on third density Earth die in their sleep? Not very many; this shows it's very hard for you to be held indefinitely in the astral planes. However I have heard of people who've been lost in other planes for years before coming back here as if no time had passed; like one person told me 2 years of life (and not condensed into a timelapse btw but experienced fully and drawn out over every day and night of those 2 years) had passed when they died and the next thing they knew they were 2 years younger again except they had 2 years of memories now. Imagine having a chance to learn and experience things for 2 years… then become younger again; suddenly you'd have all this extra knowledge and as far as anyone else can tell you learned it all in an instance.
>i've heard there are some very powerful beings that can disconnect you from your physicall body, are there a lot of these entities?Do you mean astral entities going around pulling people out of their bodies or do you mean entities severing the link between body and soul? The later is very rare to the point I've never come across one of them. The former is much more common and something any dreamwalker can potentially do.
>I mean, if they have enough power to do it would they do it just for the lulz? Because it would be terrible to be walking in the astral and then some of these beings appear and disconnect you.If you get disconnected from the astral planes you just go back to your third density body / wake up.
>So if you shouldn't fear death in astral, then can i just go leeroy some demons and fight em 1v10? Because, if you are going to respawn anyways then i can do it right? Or what can happen if i do it? I still dont get it.You could but demons are very dangerous. You might want to just fight random other entities instead, like shoot up an astral city or something. If you die in the astral planes you'll planeshift to another. Demons are really bad though because they can do more than just kill you.
>(By leeroy i mean attacking em)Yes I know basically a suicide run. You can do that.
>How many times can you die in astral? I mean, let's say you die 5 times in one day (While the physicall body is sleeping) and you lack of energy you just wake up?Depends how much astral energy is lost with each death, how much you had to begin with, how fast you replenish your astral energy, and whether or not you get more astral energy while in the astral planes through various means. You could if you wanted to do so for the lulz and if amnesia doesn't stop you repeatedly kill yourself over & over & over so you planeshift again & again & again.
>What about if you are very low of energy already and then some strong entitie go and suck your energy? What would happen? Do you return to your body or you die or what?You return to your body and wake up feeling numb emotionally.
>>284So basically my names Daniel, should I call myself something like "The Wise Executioner" ? Also, Im swedish, do I talk english or swedish with those entities?? So if I meet a female can i just approach and smile and try to small talk like "hey, whats up, how are you doin" etc? Do I feel pain when I get killed? Also, when you die in the astral plane you basically respawn, but in another plane instantly, but with a small amnesia so you might maybe not remember how you died etc? Is there anyway I could contact you through Email? Because I really need someone who has knowledge in these things.. Can't find anyone else on the internet who is helpful now a days.. :/
>>286>So basically my names Daniel, should I call myself something like "The Wise Executioner" ?Maybe if you want to be laughed at and harassed for talking shit. Just don't call yourself anything. A lot of entities that visit Earth (not on third density but higher density Earth) refuse to name themselves and will say things like "I'm whoever you want me to be" or "names are meaningless".
>Also, Im swedish, do I talk english or swedish with those entities??If you use telepathy you'll be understood. If you talk they might understand you or they might not.
>So if I meet a female can i just approach and smile and try to small talk like "hey, whats up, how are you doin" etc?I don't know why you'd waste time with small talk. You should probably pay more attention to what is not said then what is said; read body language, vibes, etc. If you want to talk say whatever you please without reserve.
>Do I feel pain when I get killed?Depends how you are killed. If you aren't killed in an instant; yes.
>Also, when you die in the astral plane you basically respawn, but in another plane instantly, but with a small amnesia so you might maybe not remember how you died etc?Yes you planeshift to a different plane instantly. If it doesn't seem to happen instantly it's because it's taking you awhile to die like maybe you're laying out on the ground with eyes closed bleeding out or something but as soon as you're dead it happens instantly. Amnesia tends to happen and can be varied in strength. Sometimes you remember everything other times not much at all. If you do get amnesia some things might also make you recall what was going on before you died if they remind you.
>Is there anyway I could contact you through Email? Because I really need someone who has knowledge in these things.. Can't find anyone else on the internet who is helpful now a days.. :/You could but I check this site far more than I do email.
>>294So " My name is not as important as my intention of being here. " will that do? Telepathy? Look at someone, concentrate and basically talk in my little voice in the back of my head and direct it at that entity?
Okay, so I could just upfront say "Wanna have sex?" haha? Should I really fear the thought of dying in the astral,,?
Hmm okay thanks, the thought of lying somewhere dying in another plane is a little funny yet disturbing.
I read a while ago that if you basically just think " I wanna be back in my body" you'll get thrown back in your body in an instant, is that true? Atleast with the right willpower and intent? Like if you're scared or something like that?
Oh okay, guess I'll continue to post here! :)
>It's not just another place in the same astral plane, you get pushed out into a different plane altogether.So, let's say, if i make some friends in some plane and then one of them die or i die, i wont be able to meet em anymore?
So, if you kill some entitie, he cant come back and take revenge right? Cause he is in a total different plane.
Knowing this, it sounds like there aren't "Clans" or "Big groups" in some plane, because when they die they never meet again, or i'm wrong?
>You could but demons are very dangerous. You might want to just fight random other entities insteadHow to know when it is a demon or not? How do they look like?
If you are going to have a fist fight with some astral entitie, who would win? The one with more skill on fighting? Or can someone be stronger (More muscles) than other one? I think this is a stupid question but i'm curious lol.
If someone cuts your leg/arm can you regenerate that part? Or you just bleed till death? If you cant and you are dying slowly while suffering, how to suicide if you have no weapons with you?
>>152Not op, When you go into another plane, its not as if you never get to see who you where hanging out with ever again, and its not as if the demons you kill could never come back. Its just a pain in the ass because you have to get back to that plane again if you wanted to see them again. essentially find them again.
>>298I think you can just try to.. Break your own neck or take a stone and drive it in your skull if you're desperate like if your 1v1 and the other one is a fucking overlord haha.. or a fallen angel because then I'd have to kill myself literally anyway I can. Or you can just try to will yourself to die/planeshift :) I've read that you can look at your hands and concentrate on them and then try to spin around and you'll planeshift, not sure if that works though. Or you can try to fly the fuck away from the situation :/ But it actually think that the astral planes has Clans seeing that there are entities that are teaming up. And Demons could come back to the plane and revenge on you if they succeed or even wants to/cares to, but it'll be very difficult for them though. Not OP between. Wanna trade email's and chat about AP'ing / related stuff? Would appreciate to have someone to talk to haha..
>>302>>303Well, it seems like the astral has tons of millions of planes right? I find it annoying, if i build some castle or something in some plane and if i die, it will be a pain to go back to the castle right? I dont like that lol.
Also, if you are just energy, then why do you feel pain just as in 3rd density? Do your astral body has nerves?
Uhm, when you are killed in the astral, it's the same as you die in 3d? I mean, someone has to shoot you in the brain or in the hearth to totally die? Do you still have brain and hearth in the astral body? even blood? The one who was teaching me about the astral looks like he knows nothing, he never told me about this lol
Another question, the "ghosts" (Souls from dead people from planet earth) who are in the planet annoying people etc, where do they "live"? In wich plane?
As an example, if you appear in the plane "A", and you are walking on this planet in the astral, and you meet ghosts from that plane (A) and hen you suicide and go again to the planet but this time you are in the plane "B", you see different ghosts? You dot get to see the ghosts from the plane "A"?
Saying this, there are many and many and many of spirits right? why is the astral made like this? you never get to see and know everything lol
>>304>>303I forgot
>Wanna trade email's and chat about AP'ing / related stuff? Would appreciate to have someone to talk to haha.I dont use msn or anything like that, if you want i can add you on facebook lol.
>>304very new to astral projection thing myself and have no one to talk to about it.
I think for planes shifting. You just need to figure out a way of travel, a way to get back.
Not sure as im new, could you say create a tiny little magical pebble, grain of sand something that when you die, drops in the current plane on the ground, and then when you go to the next plain, You could focus on this pebble to then planeshift to it?
So I got a few questions if you don't mind.
1. When your in the Astral could you help a friend get in the Astral? (Like helping him pull his Astral body out etc.)
2. How does the Astral magic system work or w.e it is called?
3. Could you spare with other entities or people you know? like without death and such?
4. Is there any bad side effects to your physical body for Astral Projecting?
>>296>So " My name is not as important as my intention of being here. " will that do? Telepathy? Look at someone, concentrate and basically talk in my little voice in the back of my head and direct it at that entity?Not even that. Just think thoughts in your mind like usual and carefully progress to moving your lips to make actual vocalizations. If you feel any pull that is disconnecting you from the astral planes stop and think the words you want to say. You won't even notice the transition; one moment you're thinking thoughts the next you're saying them. It's such a subtle transition.
>Okay, so I could just upfront say "Wanna have sex?" haha? Should I really fear the thought of dying in the astral,,?You could but you might be attacked or you might get exactly what you want…
>Hmm okay thanks, the thought of lying somewhere dying in another plane is a little funny yet disturbing.It is an elightening experience.
>I read a while ago that if you basically just think " I wanna be back in my body" you'll get thrown back in your body in an instant, is that true? Atleast with the right willpower and intent? Like if you're scared or something like that?Yes although sometimes you will be held there against your will kept from returning to your body immediately.
>>298>So, let's say, if i make some friends in some plane and then one of them die or i die, i wont be able to meet em anymore?Probably not. I have great difficulty finding my friends in the astral planes again after being slain.
>So, if you kill some entitie, he cant come back and take revenge right? Cause he is in a total different plane.>Knowing this, it sounds like there aren't "Clans" or "Big groups" in some plane, because when they die they never meet again, or i'm wrong?They can come back but it is very difficult for them to do so and most won't bother. At the very least it'll take them quite awhile to find their way back if they do try. Clans and other groups of massive size, including entire nations and planetary coalitions, do form out in the astral planes; usually created by entities that are native to those planes though, not so much dreamwalkers like us who only temporarily visit.
>How to know when it is a demon or not? How do they look like?Demons are extremely diverse in appearance. The main indicator that they are demons is their behaviour is demented, they make have this black essence to them, and they are predatory and disturbed in nature.
>If you are going to have a fist fight with some astral entitie, who would win? The one with more skill on fighting? Or can someone be stronger (More muscles) than other one? I think this is a stupid question but i'm curious lol.It depends on skill, strength, and whether they resort to magic and willpower.
>If someone cuts your leg/arm can you regenerate that part?Not without a considerable expenditure of energy.
>Or you just bleed till death? If you cant and you are dying slowly while suffering, how to suicide if you have no weapons with you?You can suicide just by willing it or by finding some physical means to do it.
>>303>Wanna trade email's and chat about AP'ing / related stuff? Would appreciate to have someone to talk to haha..What's wrong with having your convserations here… At least copypaste your email conversations over to here so we can review them.
>>304>Well, it seems like the astral has tons of millions of planes right? I find it annoying, if i build some castle or something in some plane and if i die, it will be a pain to go back to the castle right? I dont like that lol.I imagine it would take you FOREVER to build a castle. You'd have to already know how to revisit that plane over & over just to get your castle built. The astral planes are infinite number and ever expanding.
>Also, if you are just energy, then why do you feel pain just as in 3rd density? Do your astral body has nerves?Pain is a sort of energy.
>Uhm, when you are killed in the astral, it's the same as you die in 3d? I mean, someone has to shoot you in the brain or in the hearth to totally die? Do you still have brain and hearth in the astral body? even blood? The one who was teaching me about the astral looks like he knows nothing, he never told me about this lolYes you have blood and organs and all that. You can use magic to heal yourself or dull pain or do other effects though.
>Another question, the "ghosts" (Souls from dead people from planet earth) who are in the planet annoying people etc, where do they "live"? In wich plane?I don't think they live in a specific plane. Everyone who dies just sort of goes wherever their thoughts takes them.
>As an example, if you appear in the plane "A", and you are walking on this planet in the astral, and you meet ghosts from that plane (A) and hen you suicide and go again to the planet but this time you are in the plane "B", you see different ghosts? You dot get to see the ghosts from the plane "A"?If you go to a different plane the only entities you'll see from the original plane you were in would be ones that also by chance or intention happened to go there too after you planeshifted.
>Saying this, there are many and many and many of spirits right? why is the astral made like this? you never get to see and know everything lolThere's an infinity of them. Consciousness begets consciousness and keeps expanding out indefinitely and exponentially. If you look at how numbers count up when done exponentially you get an idea for just how unimaginably vast the multiverse is. Only thing that seems to limit the growth of it are parasitic 2nd order beings especially demons.
>>306>You just need to figure out a way of travel, a way to get back.I'm working on this. I'm an experienced astral projector but bad at astral navigation due to never having wanted previously to go a specific plane. My assumption is that drawing a symbol such as a sigil or something in the astral planes could be used as an anchor point for teleportation (provided your memory of it doesn't get fucked).
>>338>So I got a few questions if you don't mind.>1. When your in the Astral could you help a friend get in the Astral? (Like helping him pull his Astral body out etc.)Yes but only if you visit 4th/5th density Earth aka Astral Earth.
>2. How does the Astral magic system work or w.e it is called?It utilizes astral energy. It is basically emotional energy. If you waste your astral energy too much you become emotionally numb and it fucks with your mind.
Read my picture. You basically use will power, thoughtforms, and emotion to do magic.
>3. Could you spare with other entities or people you know? like without death and such?Yes you could. You can also do stuff like create golems or other creatures and have them fight each other or use them to fight by proxy.
>4. Is there any bad side effects to your physical body for Astral Projecting?Soreness, fatigue, not feeling very rested, and feeling emotionally dead can be the consequences of astral projecting and getting fucked up on the astral level. You can wake up feeling all tired out from all the running around you do in the astral and what not. If you want to take it easy I'd suggest finding a nice village, making a garden and stuff, and mostly just chilling out in your astral house with your astral friends / astral wife / etc.
Btw, whoever asked about where the dead go, they go to a random plane on the 5th density.
Can you give us some Astral stories/experiences :D? pleasepleasepleaseplease
I'd like to ask a few stuffs:
Do these demons just randomly appear and harrass people?
Do they appear even if you're just chillin in a quiet village?
What if I'm living in a house that is possibly haunted, can those entities in my house interfere with my AP?
Do you not recommend APing to anxious and depressed people?
I used to use demons for masochistic pleasure, which spawned from demons. Drawing them towards me in a cycle until I realized just what the fuck was happening. The very moment I stopped giving into them my entire life, mind, everything, changed.
But don't think I got nothing out of it, they'd stick around and exchange secrets and knowledge or help me attempt rituals or enter certain states of mind if I willingly gave into them. I realized eventually I didn't need them, and began to see what they were dragging me into.
I became a completely different person the moment I got rid of them all, which scares me because it means they had been there for a long time, and I wasn't the type of person they were leading me to believe I was.
>>714I recall trying to AP while depressed and in a certain state of mind. It never worked, one time I eventually got to a state where I saw my room in vivid detail for only a few seconds, the perspective was above my bed and when I looked to the side of my bed, a black hunched over humanoid was there, it looked like it was made from pure moving black mass. I then started to feel things being driven through my hands and things wrapping around my wrist and got up immediately, it was practically preventing me from entering an AP state. Shit was insane, yo.
>>726Depression = low astral energy, usually because a demon is fucking around with you stealing it all.
Not enough astral energy = can't astral project effectively or end up in the lower planes if you do pull it off
>>152You mentioned feeding off of other peoples energy. How do you do that?
>>884Get them to direct their energy towards you then just siphon it.
It's as simple as provoking feelings in them.
You describe the astral as being very physical. Is it as limited as real life? Can you fly, or would that sort of thing take a lot of energy?
Also, is it easy to disconnect and wake up?
>>1733>You describe the astral as being very physical. Is it as limited as real life?No it's not. It depends what plane you go to. Even this physical plane is likely an astral plane just with a lot of stability and very constraining rules.
>Can you fly, or would that sort of thing take a lot of energy?You can. It's easier in some places than others.
>Also, is it easy to disconnect and wake up?Yes. The challenge is with staying connected. If it were hard to disconnect, I'd just quit this life and stay in the astral.
I'm thinking of making a astral weapon before I get to the astral, you know just in case, and wondered A. How to do it B. How to keep from losing it once I get to the astral C. How to empower it in a Godly way and D. If you can even make a astral weapon, without being in the astral.
What I got from this thread…
>kill all demons on sight or planeshift
>do not negotiate, they will take everything and give you nothing in return
>do not talk to them
>stay away from fights
I have a question on actually fighting demons, what is it like? How does one fight in the astral? Is it like a physical fight?
can you write a simple step by step explanation on how to enter the astral plane? I can lucid dream but have had 0 success in astral projection. Thank you.
>>9556Lucid dreaming is same as AP. Just when you're lucid go connect to another plane to share experiences with others.
>>9566is it possible to meet other humans while APing? like other humans who are APing at the same time.
>>284>implyings straight out of Eragon >>1706What would one use astral energy for?
>>5384Also use them like they would use you. Torture them and trap them and siphon their astral energy and use their desperation in order to use what is left of their astral energy to get them to do things for you. Then just kill them off because they're demons.
Would the entities of the Goetia be considered demons?