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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14112
Has magick ever gotten you a gf?

Or a lot of cash?
A gf, YES. Well I'm not dating her but we're into eachother a lot. We flirt. We hang out a lot. We hug and smooch :3. I prayed to freya for love and for life to be less depressing and she gave me the opportunity to meet this amazing aryan woman. She's everything I want. Blonde hair, blue eyes, emo/scene but not in a degenerate way, energetic, funny, smart, and so on. I thought I was asking myself too much about what I wanted as a partner but freya gave me the shit I want and better. I really don't do magick. I'm a religious person. Hail the gods.

Cash is useless.

This should be in the obvious question thread too.

Have fun in the >>>/grave/


sounds like Freya sent you a friend-zone

>Has magick ever gotten you a gf?


>Or a lot of cash?

Yes. WIP though.

Nah. She's talked about marriage with me. Like, marrying me.

It'll happen.

>Cash is useless

Whitetrash detected

How am I white trash for thinking cash is useless?

Btw it's pathetic to let a piece of paper rule the world.

You can't think of a single use for money? Are you fucking retarded?

What good is there? I can just farm all of food. Healthy, non-toxic, etc. and I can just build shit with wood. What do you think your ancestors did? Did they go to stores? Hell no. They built the shit themselves and provided their own food. Like I do.

A piece of paper rules your life? Are you fucking retarded?

The point is, that cash is not useless and it is a form of power.

Well no shit. It's pathetic how a mere piece of paper rules the entire fucking world like it does.

Most money doesn't even exist in paper form and is just electronic numbers now. Money is really just a quantification of power.

I need money to buy myself land to do all that shit and you'll need money to ensure your offspring can get a hold of land to do all that shit. Also to get guns and electronics and other items.

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