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No. 4649
A Dzogchen-shaped hole in the culture

God is undead

It was not Nietzsche who killed God.

He was severely bruised by Copernicus, who found that the earth revolves around the sun, and so threw God out of heaven. He was emasculated by Darwin, who found that humans evolved from apes by accident, and so made the Creator redundant. He was blinded by Heisenberg, who found that the universe is inherently random, so even God could not see the future.

But it was consumerism that killed God. God’s job, before he died, was to provide form. If you want form, consumerism has a better product: 628 channels of high-definition digital entertainment; 13 million knick-knacks you can buy on e-Bay; 373 squintillion web pages full of dubious factoids. God fed on our desire for form; when we switched to mass entertainment, he finally died of starvation and neglect.

God’s carcass walks. Fundamentalism is driven by fear of emptiness. That uncanny fear artificially animates the mindless zombie. His colossal corpse, a blind idiot god, staggers across the earth, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Buddhism, by celebrating the inseparability of form and emptiness, can put the corpse of God to rest, and can dissolve the twin demons of fundamentalism and consumerism into thin air.
Stop-gap gods

The death of God left a hole in the heart of Western culture. We had used God as the source of meaning, purpose, value, ethics. Consumerism can provide endless form, but it cannot provide meaning. When we look for something beyond the superficial, it is desperate to distract us—“never mind that philosophical junk, here’s the new Britney Spears video!”

Various movements have tried to plug the hole by proposing new sources of meaning. Science, Progress, Reason, the march of History, Socialism, nationalism—somehow all were supposed to do God’s job. They couldn’t.

Nietzsche’s prophesy

Friedrich Nietzsche announced the death of God. Religious people responded by shooting the messenger—but Nietzsche, too, saw God’s demise as a potential disaster. He was first to face facts: God could no longer provide the ultimate source of meaning, because religion could no longer be taken seriously by educated Europeans.

Nietzsche had the courage to stare into the hole at the heart of our culture, and what he saw was emptiness. He saw that no stop-gap god, like Democracy, Compassion, or Enlightenment, could provide a replacement source of meaning. He saw that all values were ultimately null. He saw that there are no absolute truths. He saw that there can be no fundamental basis for ethics.

Nietzsche was far ahead of his time. He prophesied three possible reactions to the death of God, when the news eventually entered popular consciousness: nihilism, consumerism, and the “transvaluation of all values.”

Nihilism is the denial of form. It is the mistaken idea that because there is no ultimate truth, there is no truth at all; that because there is no ultimate purpose, our lives are pointless; that because there is no foundation for ethics, all acts are morally equal. Nihilism leads to rage or despair. If everything is meaningless, you might as well kill yourself—or everyone else. Nietzsche feared that when the death of God became generally recognized, people would fall into nihilism, which could potentially lead to total social breakdown. Western culture was built on Christian foundations, and when they fell out, there was nothing beneath: only emptiness. However, nihilism requires a perverse intellectual and moral courage that few possess. To be a nihilist, you must stare into the abyss of emptiness, and act on what you see there. Actual nihilists remain extremely rare.
safe entertainment is Nihilism Lite™

The second possible reaction Nietzsche saw was consumerism—the prophesy that has come to pass. Consumerism might be called “Nihilism Lite™.” To avoid squarely confronting the implications of emptiness, we distract ourselves with trivial entertainments. In the absence of any God who could inspire passionate commitment and acts of greatness, we accept mediocrity and are preoccupied with comfort and safety. Consumerism wrongly supposes that the death of God implies that there is no meaning beyond the mundane; it does not have the courage of true nihilism to see that the mundane is equally meaningless. Having lost the foundation for ethics, we have no motivation for moral courage. We adopt the ethics of the herd, in which one is moderately good, when not too inconvenient, because that is the way to get along with the herd—not because we are committed to coherent moral principles.

Consumerism’s insatiable hunger for novelty, for continually more form, has an edge of desperation. Consumption, like fundamentalist fervor, tries to cover up a fundamental anxiety: the fear of emptiness. We know that God is dead, but we refuse to deal with the news. Consumerism is hiding your head under the blankets in hopes that if you can’t see the nihilist zombie, it won’t eat you.

At the end of his working life, Nietzsche saw a third, hopeful possibility. He described it as the “transvaluation of all values” by a hypothetical “Superman.” Unfortunately, he did not have time to work this idea out, and it is not clear quite what he meant by it. Some of what he wrote seems clearly wrong. However, this possibility seems intriguingly similar, in some respects, to the Vajrayana Buddhist conception of enlightenment as nobility or heroism.

Philosophy at the heart of the culture

. . . philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct . . . academic scribbler of a few years back.
—Keynes (out of context)

Despite the vast proliferation of “isms,” there are only a handful of meaningfully different ways of thinking about life. Generally, they are produced—or at least first stated—by philosophers. Gradually these ideas work their way into the “thought soup” of popular culture. They become the girders and beams of the house of being. That is, we weave our lives, and the ways we experience living, around these few ideas.

Nietzsche was an academic philosopher. His ideas about the problem of nihilism are now a basic part of everyone’s way of thinking about the world—even though few people know their origin.

WOODY ALLEN: That's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it?

GIRL IN MUSEUM: Yes it is.

WOODY ALLEN: What does it say to you?

GIRL IN MUSEUM: It restates the negativeness of the universe, the hideous lonely emptiness of existence, nothingness, the predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity, like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void, with nothing but waste, horror, and degradation, forming a useless bleak straightjacket in a black absurd cosmos.

WOODY ALLEN: What are you doing Saturday night?

GIRL IN MUSEUM: Committing suicide.

WOODY ALLEN: What about Friday night?

In the 120 years since Nietzsche’s prophesy, many philosophers have wrestled with its implications. Currently, Western philosophy is at an acknowledged dead end: it has no answer for the problem Nietzsche announced. However, its exploration of the problem’s implications is, I think, highly relevant to the possible future role of Buddhism in Western culture. I can give only a brief and oversimplified version here:

• Nietzsche’s positive possibility—the transvaluation of values—has not been pursued seriously.
• Existentialism was a philosophical movement that was mainly concerned with the problem of nihilism. It tried to develop an alternative positive possibility, which it called “authenticity.” This proved to be unworkable and was abandoned.
• Existentialism lapsed into depression, and could only counsel gloomy acceptance of what it called “the Absurd”: that both belief in God and nihilism are untenable, but that there is no third alternative. This seemed obviously wrong, and existentialism was seen to have failed.
• Existentialism was replaced with postmodernism. Postmodernism observes that nihilism has not been the catastrophe it might have been. Life has gone on; Western civilization has not collapsed. So it seems safe to adopt Nihilism Lite™. Like the New Age, postmodernism refuses to deal with factual reality, insisting that all truth-claims are just a matter of perspective. Like consumerism and the New Age, it is obsessed with the trivial and silly, because it sees no way to judge importance. These three are all manifestations of the same strategy for avoiding a serious confrontation with the same problem: the emptiness of meaning.
• Postmodernism is widely seen to be a dead end; but no successor is in sight. Any way forward would have to deal directly with the apparent contradiction of the Absurd: that God is dead, with no replacement possible, but nihilism is clearly wrong.

The failure of philosophy is the failure of our culture as a whole. Our ideas about how to live, available in our thought-soup, make sense only if there is some ultimate source of meaning; but there is none. That leaves us without a positive mode of existence. Fundamentalism and consumerism, however problematic, seem the only options.

Nihilism, eternalism, and Buddhism

Buddhism never had a God. And, it claims not to have a nihilism problem.

Instead, Buddhism claims to have a powerful analysis of why theism and nihilism are both wrong, why both are attractive in some ways, and why the third alternative—nonduality—is hard to find. And it has concrete methods that it claims allow us to actualize that third alternative.

If that is true, and if Western philosophy is right that nihilism is a gaping hole in the heart of our culture, then it seems important to fit these pieces together.

The heart of Buddhist philosophy is the recognition that form is empty, and that emptiness is also form.

• “Eternalism” is the refusal to see the emptiness of form. “Eternalism” includes both belief in God, and belief in any “stopgap God” or other supposed source of ultimate meaning. Meaning itself is always empty: insubstantial, transitory, interactive, fragmentary, and ambiguous. This gives us freedom: open space.
• But emptiness is not non-existence. Nihilism—for Buddhism—is the refusal to see that emptiness is also form. The emptiness of meaning is not a problem. The ambiguity of purpose, value, and ethics is no cause for worry, much less despair. Meanings continually arise spontaneously. Their lack of any ultimate source does not make them any less real or compelling.

Because God never existed, the hole in Western culture is not God-shaped. Nietzsche stared into that hole and saw emptiness; but where there is emptiness, there is also form. Dzogchen is the non-duality of form and emptiness. There is a Dzogchen-shaped hole in the heart of our culture. Perhaps now we can put the puzzle piece in place.

(I say “Dzogchen” because I am a Nyingmapa. You could equally well substitute “Madhyamaka” or “Mahamudra.” What matters is their shared understanding of the ways we distort our existence by trying to separate form and emptiness.)

Now what?

Nothing I have said here is new. Both Japanese Buddhist and Western philosophers have recognized the relevance of nonduality to the Western problem of nihilism for most of a century. They have written many books on the subject. Yet they have failed to influence either Buddhist or Western philosophy—much less the general culture. That is because they write in dense technical language. To understand them, you need to have studied both Buddhist and Western philosophy in depth. To be useful, the insight has to be available to people who have no interest in either.

Our culture fails to provide ways of thinking about life that do not implicitly assume an ultimate source of life-meaning. Buddhism has such tools, but they have not yet made the leap into the global thought-soup.

Perhaps we need a stealth Dharma effort, aiming particularly to resolve this problem.


Protip: There is no creator

ProTip: There are creators.

it's real in my mind

Protip: there has been recent discoveries of gravity ripples in the universe which virtually proves the Big Bang theory.

and that proves multiple creators how? Wouldn't that be more evidence of monotheism?

It doesn't prove creators, it denied them. The ripples were studied and have shown that something small has exploded and emitted mass amounts of matter. Which is, in essence; the big bang, you stupid fucking christfag.

>it's real in my mind

The whole universe is a mental creation anon.


"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental." — The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that "All is Mind." It explains that THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of "The Material Universe"; the "Phenomena of Life"; "Matter"; "Energy"; and, in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT, which in itself is UNKNOWABLE and UNDEFINABLE, but which may be considered and thought of as AN UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND. It also explains that all the phenomenal world or universe is simply a Mental Creation of THE ALL, subject to the Laws of Created Things, and that the universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its existence in the Mind of THE ALL, in which Mind we "live and move and have our being." This Principle, by establishing the Mental Nature of the Universe, easily explains all of the varied mental and psychic phenomena that occupy such a large portion of the public attention, and which, without such explanation, are non-understandable and defy scientific treatment. An understanding of this great hermetic Principle of Mentalism enables the individual to readily grasp the laws of the Mental Universe, and to apply the same to his well-being and advancement. The Hermetic Student is enabled to apply intelligently the great Mental Laws, instead of using them in a haphazard manner. With tire Master-Key in his possession, the student may unlock the many doors of the mental and psychic temple of knowledge, and enter the same freely and intelligently. This Principle explains the true nature of "Energy," "Power," and "Matter," and why and how all these are subordinate to the Mastery of Mind. One of the old Hermetic Masters wrote, long ages ago: "He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery." And these words are as true to-day as at the time they were first written. Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple.


ProTip: The Big Bang Theory only tells us about what happened at the start of the universe and is NOT AN ACTUAL EXPLANATION OF HOW THE UNIVERSE CAME INTO BEING.

Are you seriously this much of a tard?

Everyone is involved in the process of creation… and at the same time, nothing is ever created.


>It doesn't prove creators, it denied them.

No it doesn't.

How am I a tard for understanding that The Big Bang is only about the conditions at the beginning of the universe and is unable to speculate as to what preceded them / what was the ultimate cause of our universe being existent.

Did you know you're living in a hologram btw?

File: 1395897001477.gif (392.9 KB, 640x360, 1395694296732.gif)
>the Big Bang created the universe
>masses of big ass rocks didnt fling into eachother, creating planets, moons, and asteroids
>the projection of everything didn't cause any blackholes or things of that nature

>ur livin in a halagwam btw lelelelele xd :))))))

Pic related.

nothing tarded about that anon's post.

are you one of those "I believe in science" fags?

>implying you aren't doing scientific things every millisecond of your life
Why, yes baby. I ever do so belive in sciene.

File: 1395897242392.jpg (63.65 KB, 699x244, 1392495938005.jpg)
Wow you really need to study philosophy and get over your silly scientism. Pic related.


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>actually embodying the beliefs described in pic related

Are you just trolling us anon?

I'm not an atheist. I just don't belive in a higher power, its perfectly clear how it is invalid in the modern world.

>using the term "brain" in a context like that

*materialist scum detected*

You should be more sensitive to the words you use and say "mind" instead to reflect upon a more accurate conception of the mental universe you live in.

>I'm not an atheist. I just don't belive in a higher power, its perfectly clear how it is invalid in the modern world.

The fuck are you trying to tell me here?

Insane "metaphysicians" ITT

you really need to check yourselves

Why is there a purpose of a god now a days. Nothing. We have scientists to discover new things, we have farmers to make food, we have doctors to heal, etc etc etc. If there is a god he isn't worth jack shit

What's a mundane like you even doing here?

>Why is there a purpose of a god now a days. Nothing.

Various concepts of god help explain the universe and why it is. It answers very fundamental questions about genesis.

>We have scientists to discover new things, we have farmers to make food, we have doctors to heal, etc etc etc. If there is a god he isn't worth jack shit

The All is indifferent. We reside within it's mind.

There are other entities we can call deities though which can help us though and which can take an interest in our lives and act to help or hinder us.

There's also the Demiurge which is the world soul. When you manipulate the demiurge you can do anything to reconfigure matter.

All of these are useful concepts.

You need to read this: http://montalk.net/science/163/intelligent-design

I'm not reading any of your brainwashing verbal diarreah.

Intelligent Design

God designs what only God can design. The rest is delegated to lesser beings who design lesser things. In being the greatest being of all, God therefore designed only the greatest things of all, that which cannot be created by any other being in existence. That thing is existence itself.

Lesser beings design only what lesser beings can design. Those beneath them lack the ability to create the same, and those above them would be interfering with the purpose of Creation if they denied lesser beings the opportunity to advance through exploration of their own potential.

Therefore higher beings don’t interfere with what is only for lower beings to do, and lower beings can’t interfere with what only higher beings can do. Therefore everything is designed only by the lowest order of intelligence that can design it. Therefore God did not design everything in existence.

God designed existence but does not micromanage it. Through the freewill and intelligence of conscious beings inhabiting that existence, existence continues designing itself. God is both beyond existence as a singular infinite being who created it, and within existence as the total plurality of finite beings experiencing it. This is about an infinite being exploring its infinite potential through an infinity of finite beings1.


Again, everything is designed only by the lowest order of intelligence that can design it. Your car did not come together solely by natural causes, nor was it assembled by God, rather it was built by humans.

Some things are completely the products of nature. Nature is the lowest intelligence of all since it is simply the framework of matter, energy, and spacetime that operates according to the rigid laws of physics2. Some higher being must have designed those laws, but that higher being did not design everything that resulted as a consequence. Thus if a rock is stirred by the wind and falls off a cliff then splits in two upon hitting the ground, the two halves were not designed by the higher being, rather it was blindly “designed” by nature through the convergence of deterministic factors that lead to it splitting in a certain way.

Modern science attempts to explain everything as the convergence of deterministic factors. Life is just the deterministic consequence of atoms coming together to form molecules, and those molecules deterministically combining to form DNA, and so on. But as quantum physics has shown, not everything is deterministic. The laws of physics alone are not enough to account for everything that happens. For instance, nothing of science can predict when exactly a radioactive particle will decay. Some mysterious factor originating outside the physical universe determines the timing. This mysterious factor cannot be found within the physical, thus it is metaphysical. And so the the existence of God is proven through the inability of atheism and scientific materialism to offer up material causes for quantum processes.

What is Life?

What separates an inert chemical from a living organism? Where does life begin? It begins when nondeterminism enters the picture. Chemicals combine according to known laws, and chemical reactions can be predicted to perfection because nature blindly obeys its programming without the freewill to deviate. But when a system of atoms and molecules becomes complex and sensitive enough that quantum processes at the subatomic level begin influencing big changes on the macroscopic scale, that is when factors outside the physical universe start influencing processes within the physical universe. That is when the transcendent infinite God, or at least an infinitesimal extension, penetrates into the physical universe and begins locally influencing it.

This forms the tiniest seed of life. Life within this universe arises when soul (the metaphysical system) couples to body (the physical system). This coupling happens via quantum processes that allow injection of the metaphysical into the physical. Both the physical and metaphysical then grow in complexity through a mutual feedback loop whereby a more complex body enriches the spectrum of experience available, and the resulting growth in consciousness allows for greater influencing of the physical system toward more complex states.

Random Mutation

If nature were the sole driving force behind evolution, then natural selection and random mutation would be the only ways in which species can advance. Those ways do indeed occur; in a situation of survival, the strong survive, and thus the species becomes stronger over time. And natural factors like cosmic rays can disrupt DNA to create mutants with a survival advantage. Such random mutations are shots in the dark, however. There are too many harmful mutations possible versus healthy ones to account for the successful evolution of species toward stronger and healthier ones.

There are countless more ways to break something than to fix it. Mutations are entropic and destructive unless guided by an intelligence that can drastically cut down on the number of attempts needed to reach success. Something is needed to shape the probability of mutations toward those that are healthy and have purpose.

Notice that the term “random” in “random mutation” simply means it is something that science cannot predict or explain. The same term is used in physics when referring to quantum jumps, which are also said to be random. Sometimes randomness stems from lack of information about the actual physical cause; other times randomness stems from the cause being nondeterministic and nonphysical. Science refuses to distinguish between these in an effort to pin everything on material causes and turn a blind eye to everything metaphysical.

The Driving Forces of Evolution

So some “random” mutations may in fact be intelligently guided mutations. This does not mean that, as Creationists believe, God is the sole intelligent designer of all life. That is because lesser beings are capable of driving evolution. What lesser beings?

Nature, the lowest and least conscious being of all, could drive a small component of evolution but not all of it due to the sheer improbability that purely random factors can produce something as complex as the human being from primordial microorganisms within the time span of several billion years. Also, no life processes can continue solely via mechanical deterministic factors, thus something beyond nature takes part in life, and therefore nature alone likewise cannot produce complex living beings like ourselves.

The next higher intelligence would be the consciousness of the species, whether that of the individual member of that species, or some collective consciousness or group soul unique to that species. If consciousness can couple to the body due to its complexity, then why not a group consciousness that couples to the greater ensemble of members of that species? This would be an intelligence with some level of purpose and intent since its own growth is at stake, and that would shape the types of “random” mutations that occur. Probability can be bent so strongly that irreducibly complex structures may form that are otherwise too complex to be formed solely by nature. If telekinetics can bend spoons and move objects with their minds, consciousness can influence genetics. For those familiar with occult principles, the physical is patterned after etheric structures, and the latter is what is molded by consciousness. If the consciousness outgrows its bodily form, an impulse could arise that drives a rapid series of purposeful mutations toward a more suitable form.

The next higher intelligence would be direct intervention by advanced beings through genetic engineering. Even if life evolves by default through a bootstrapping process whereby the evolving consciousness evolves the bodily form of its species, that does not mean species cannot also be modified or created by other species through genetic engineering. Further, even if it were extremely improbable for life to arise on a planet, such that according to calculations earth is virtually the only planet that ought to have life, the fact that we can and will achieve interstellar space travel and master genetic engineering means one world can seed life on another, meaning we ourselves are likely seeded, modified, or created by those from other worlds who matured before us. Thus sentient life in one place in the universe can spread to other places, multiplying life exponentially, and offsetting whatever dismal chances of life are allotted by the most pessimistic of scientific calculations. In other words, sentient life spreading life elsewhere is not taken into account by the Drake Equation or any other traditional science calculations.

Examples of Intelligent Intervention

Humans are most certainly the products of purposeful genetic engineering by various alien factions, although these aliens more likely modified or combined existing species instead of creating humanity from scratch. A few other species like cats and pigs are also odd enough in their characteristics and rapid appearance in history to warrant suspicion of having been genetically engineered. Other species on earth evolved on their own through natural and self-directed intelligent evolution. God is the watchmaker who set it all into motion and then experiences it, intervening theistically only when nothing else can.

Between the theistic view of Creationists and the atheistic view of Darwinians lies a whole spectrum of in-betweens where the truth is more likely found than at either extreme. Lloyd Pye and William Bramley make good cases for alien intervention in human evolution and history. Bruce Lipton explains how our own consciousness can modify our DNA through epigenetic processes. I strongly recommend everyone check out their works.


With all these options available and evidence pointing to different causes for different examples, the greatest error would be sticking solely to one explanation as the cause of everything. To believe that aliens designed all life on earth is an error. To believe that all life arises from purely physical causes is an error. To believe all life-forms were created as they are by God is an error. To believe all life evolves itself morphogenetically without external interference is an error. The truth is a combination of all of these, depending on the case.


1 The formal term for this philosophy is Panentheism. ↩

2 The term “nature” used in this article refers to an omnipresent computer-like intelligence that goes by the following names in other sources: Word/Logos (Bible, Greeks, Ra Material), P’tah (Egyptians), Malkuth (Kabbalah), Ormethion / First Density (Cassiopaeans), Artifact (Philip K. Dick), Demiurge (Greeks and Gnostics), and Base Level Consciousness (my older writings). ↩


File: 1395898751873.jpg (36.78 KB, 480x640, r3DdyUF.jpg)
>I'm not reading any of your brainwashing verbal diarreah.

That typical open-mindedness and critical thinking so characteristic of the euphoric fedora man.

I actually don't even know what euphoria means (and could care less) and I hate fedora fags.


Do you want some lemonade?

>Euphoria is an emotional and mental state defined as a sense of great elation and well being.

Protip: nobody fucking knows that shit objectively

ProTip: There is no objectivity.

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