1 reply
I kill for money.
I'm based in the US, but operate anywhere provided you pay enough.
The price listed here is my base rate. There are a number of factors that can influence the price, such as if the target is a politician, part of law enforcement, complexity of the hit, travel fees etc. Tell me what you have in mind, I'll give you an estimate, then we can barter or haggle. I take payment in BTC and drugs, if you have em (I like weed, molly, xanax, LSD and cocaine), and if you have services to offer in exchange, I'm open to ideas, just as long as there is at least a little bit of coin involved for me.
I don't use escrow, but I'll do half payment before, half afterwards. I'll send you a picture of the aftermath afterwards as confirmation before you send the second payment.
If you end up paying me half in drugs, half in BTC, the drugs have to be the last payment, BTC the first, cause I use the first payment for travel fees and most airlines don't accept xannie bars as payment.
If I agree with your cause I may give you a discount.
Hit me up at azteroth@sigaint.org if you're interested.
0 replies
I kill for money.
I'm based in the US, but operate anywhere provided you pay enough.
The price listed here is my base rate. There are a number of factors that can influence the price, such as if the target is a politician, part of law enforcement, complexity of the hit, travel fees etc. Tell me what you have in mind, I'll give you an estimate, then we can barter or haggle. I take payment in BTC and drugs, if you have em (I like weed, molly, xanax, LSD and cocaine), and if you have services to offer in exchange, I'm open to ideas, just as long as there is at least a little bit of coin involved for me.
I don't use escrow, but I'll do half payment before, half afterwards. I'll send you a picture of the aftermath afterwards as confirmation before you send the second payment.
If you end up paying me half in drugs, half in BTC, the drugs have to be the last payment, BTC the first, cause I use the first payment for travel fees and most airlines don't accept xannie bars as payment.
If I agree with your cause I may give you a discount.
Hit me up at azteroth@sigaint.org if you're interested.
35 replies
1 reply
Opinion on Freemasons?
13 replies
>"I've got good news sir! We've managed stabilize your daughter. It looks like she's going to make it! I will perform surgery on her in about twenty minutes. Don't worry, it's all going to be ok."
How do you respond?
2 replies
Tvojim očima je potreban mrak
2 replies
Go for it Smiley!
I'm about to link to stuff that is illegal!
Here's the illegal link:
In Canada that link is illegal.
Like all the snow, that sucks.
You know what you have to do smiley.
1 reply
Why does fringechan.org redirect to some faggot site?
7 replies
I found this forum from a link on BuzzFeed. What do you have against the Jewish people, may I ask?
0 replies
think about
1 reply
What is this?
3 replies
Have cat.
0 replies
testuje coś
71 replies
She so sexy
42 replies
Today my mom brought me to the place she intends to kick me out to and I saw it.
I'd have on shitty little room with no door and two windows letting in tons of light.
There'd be a television in the house right beside my shitty room which would annoy the fuck out of me and yet no internet.
I don't want to be there. I'm too dysfunctional and she doesn't want me around but why live there?
It would be $250 a month and for what?
A place to store food?
I can't take this. If I were to have a minimum wage job I'd be working 5 days a week for quite a great many hours and for what? To continue to live?
I'm so on the verge of suicide right now. I'd rather just be homeless but I'll need some gear to survive alright so I'm going to try to force my mom to get what I need… I need a bottle or two for holding water and some stuff to eat with and I need to sleep somewhere, maybe a life-straw or some kind of water filter thing so I can drink water from pretty much anywhere and live, and I'm going to need better clothing than what I have in order to keep stuff safely on me and say protected.
I'm thinking of just looking around the city for some abandoned place or some woodlot or something and I'm going to take a hammer and some nails and my string and stuff I'm going to take wood and build a little thing to sleep in and be safe.
Then I'll spend my whole day doing nothing but reading my books on a laptop I'll keep in a special case or something to protect which better be waterproof and everything and meditating and doing various occult practises and rituals.
I might steal a buggy and modify it so I can store stuff in it and push it around, stuff like food kept inside of 5-gallon containers, etc.
If I don't succeed in creating a tulpa soon or getting any powers then that's going to piss me off so much, I don't know. I need a tulpa so bad. I need help getting past these spiritual barriers I have, getting to the next level, and a thoughtform with powers beyond my own will be able to help me do that.
Maybe I'll meditate in public eventually for a very long time and leave a thing for people to put money in. I'll probably end up fasting a lot and whatever but fuck it – when I get out of meditation I'll go get some food and what not with the change they give me and recover long enough to continue again.
I'm really sick of everything. I don't want to work all week even if I could. I just want a very quiet place where I can be very alone and I can transcend.
If that guy on /ss/ would let me come to his place I'd do tons of work for him and I'd just sleep in a wooden box maybe with plexiglass parts and a screen to let in air. I don't mind working but not if my life becomes work, I'd prefer seasonal work or whatever, but I need long periods of time to be alone in silence.
If anyone wants an ornamental hermit I might become very powerful one day and bring you much luck and prosperity and health and incredible power – or you might just find me one day hanging in your backyard or something. Who knows. All I care about in this life is connecting to the divine and perfecting my spirit. Nothing else matters.
1 reply
2 replies
reminder that genetics don't matter to anyone if you have no money
4 replies
>1. Don't post something that'll get us sent to jail (CP).
>2. Create threads on topic.
>3. Don't spam.
2 replies
ethin, simply echin :)D
8 replies
7 replies
post replys in this thread
1 reply
why didnt frodo take the nazgul there
2 replies
I turned the TV on and nbc was on and I sat there in disgust as they honored jewish celebrities and prime ministers of Israel and made them look good
I cringed and died a little on the inside
3 replies
>tfw been here since 2013
>tfw pro white
>tfw wizard
>tfw spam every board with roleplaying and memes with smiley on a regular basis
>been doing this forever now
0 replies
I'm sorry you had to see this
0 replies
Spoiler Image
0 replies
webbity web :DDDDDDDD
0 replies
0 replies
benis in babin a D:::::::::DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
0 replies
12 replies
>walk into room
>see this
>what would you do?
2 replies
3 replies
Are you kidding me? Fringe is moving to 8chan and the library that I go to just decided to ban 8chan last week.
5 replies
>walk into a room
>see this
>wat do
14 replies
most body piercings
Brent Moffatt from Winnipeg, Canada, pierced himself with surgical needles to set a Guinness record for most body piercings, in Montreal, December 13, 2003. Moffatt inserted 900 needles into his legs to break his previous record of 702 piercings.
7 replies
/b/ in audio form
2 replies
>you will never have an argument on the internet where people don't end up saying that "x has y mental illness" and the discussion ends up becoming about who is supposedly mentally ill and why
>you will never know what it's like to argue with people before the obsessions pertaining to these made up psychiatric diagnosis came to be
>you will never have everyone stop being armchair psychologists
>you have been informally diagnosed with every mental illness imaginable by random people on the internet, all of them being absolutely convinced that you have whatever "mental illness" it is they read about on wikipedia with its vague list of horoscope-tier traits associated to the mental illness
When will it all end? When is a person just "awkward" and not "autistic"? When is a person "distracted" and not "ADHD"? When are you just a dumbass and not ….?
17 replies
Wizard / Shaman / Dream / Fringe Pics + Quotes
Heaven is the plane of the spiritual nature of God, earth the plane of the material nature of God, and hell that part of existence in which the nature of God (or good) is least powerful; the outer circumference of Deity.
— Manly P. Hall; Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
16 replies
>tfw no giant nephilim gf ;_;
life is suffering
9 replies
I am new here, how do I become an expert magic user like you guys? Where should I start? What things should I learn?
8 replies
James Randi thread? James Randi is the greatest mage ever.
Here is a glorious quote from him.
I wonder if he has more quotes like this? Hmmmm…
16 replies
>How do you think you are different than most people (your pros, cons)?
I am an occultist heavily influenced by chaos magick and hermeticism, a loner, and I have lots of experiences of things which fall way outside of the normal boundaries of mundane human experience. I am very much unlike anyone in my society. I do not care for the mundane masses and their petty concerns, I follow the path of illumination and endeavour to understand the sacred mysteries. People find my behaviour, manner of speech, beliefs etc. strange and often incomprehensible to them unless they have a fair amount of philosophical or theological training. I care primarily about personal power and self-development, I aim to perfect my mind, body, and soul while the degenerates everywhere continue to revel in their filth. I very obviously disdain most people because they are not worthy of respect and are just hedonistic animals ruled by the 666 beast nature and its passions. Their whole lives are meaningless, impotent, and inconsequential. It is the right of stellar men to rule over and dominate them. My cons are simply every weakness and vice I have as yet to vanquish from my being in order to attain total self-control and enlightened mind fully realized in the divine potentials. With every passing year my power over self, over nature, and lesser men grows. My greatest strength is my indomitable will to persist in my quest even when faced with great resistance coming from within and without. I will become worthy of my divine birthright, it is my will.
high score-o, low score-w, 62,55,70,72,65,60,53,68,62,40 | 55 70 35 20 30 male
4 replies
The Woman Who is Allergic to Modern Technology
For most people talking on a mobile phone, cooking dinner in the microwave or driving in a car is simply part of modern living in 21st century Britain. But completing any such tasks is impossible for Debbie Bird - because she is allergic to Cell Phones and Microwaves.
The 39-year-old is so sensitive to the electromagnetic field (emf) or 'smog' created by computers, mobile phones, microwave ovens and even some cars, that she develops a painful skin rash and her eyelids swell to three times their size if she goes near them. As a consequence, Mrs Bird, a health spa manager, has transformed her home into an EMF-free zone to try and stay healthy. 'I can no longer do things that I used to take for granted,' Mrs Bird said. "My day-to-day life has been seriously affected by EMF".
6 replies
When it comes crashing down, and it hurts inside.
You gotta take a stand, it don't help to hide.
If you hurt my friends then you hurt my pride,
I gotta be a man; I can't let it slide.
I am a real American.
Fight for the rights of every man.
I am a real American.
Fight for what's right, fight for your life!
Well, I feel strong about right and wrong,
And I don't take trouble for very long,
I got something deep inside of me.
Courage is the thing that keeps us free.
I am a real American.
Fight for the rights of every man.
I am a real American.
Fight for what's right, fight for your life!
9 replies
>that underweight feel that nobody can understand
13 replies
Tell me what your favourite occult / magical books are that helped you the most attain magical powers or inspiration to study and practise magic.
There's a lot of really worthless books that disappoint when you've finally gone through it all but then there's some books by authors who clearly have advanced knowledge and you really benefit from them.
I've read hundreds of magic books and I really like Initiation Into Hermetics. I feel that reading all the other books helped flesh out my knowledge but the writings of Franz Bardon are what I ultimately return to as I understand the practises and comprehend the significance of them.
I also really liked The Science of Breath by William Walker Atkinson. That is a good book. I actually use the practises describe in there to fix my breathing and attain better health and more energy and to help unlock the latent higher powers of my mind.
There's others but I want to hear what you guys have read and been able to apply the knowledge or receive inspiration to strengthen your belief in magic.
I think this book here should pretty much be required reading for /x/: [redacted, apparently the url for this book has been banned by 4chan, wtf]
That one doesn't really tell you how to do anything but tells you why consciousness can indeed interact with the universe and influence everything in it and gave me a lot of good ideas for successful magical experiments I conducted. I feel it helped set me on the right path with avoiding a lot of nonsense.
Tom Montalk's site is also a very valuable resource for all truth seekers and aspiring wizards.
Also /fringe/ has lots of advanced practitioners there you can learn shit from.
Talk about occult books you derived actual benefit and inspiration and so on from in here.
2 replies
How I Found Peace with God
I was driving down a rural highway in north central Wisconsin that Autumn night, thoughts running wildly through my mind. "Why wasn't I dead?" I thought unbelievingly. I had fully intended to overdose on drugs and end my life just hours before. But after swallowing some one hundred assorted pills that I thought were pretty potent, I woke up surprised not only to find myself alive, but my head clear also. Didn't even catch a buzz!
As a senior in high school, I was hanging around with the wrong crowd, and heavily into the drug culture. My parents being divorced when I was young, I had tried living with both sets of parents and couldn't get along with either one. I didn't strike it off too well with girls either, so with one failed relationship after another, I had decided that death was preferable to life, thinking that somehow it would be a gateway to a better life.
But now I was confused, off balance. Overdosing on drugs seemed like the easiest most painless way of ending my life, and when I decided to finally go through with it, there was no turning back. The thought never occurred to me that I would not succeed. So there I was back in my car driving down a rural highway pondering what to do next. I remembered a junior high teacher once reading an article to our class about a guy who killed himself instantly by driving his car 55 mph into a telephone pole. That was it! It would be instantaneous; painless.
There was one problem, however. As I drove down this unfamiliar rural road somewhere north of Appleton (about 2 hours north of my home in Milwaukee), there were drainage ditches between the edge of the road and where the telephone poles were. I feared my car would never make it over the ditch.
Finally the road led through a small country town consisting of not much more than a bar and grocery store. But it was lit up with a few light poles on the gravel shoulder of the main highway. This was it. I backed the car up several hundred yards, and then floored it, racing towards one of the light poles. A glance at the speedometer read 85 mph just before impact. And then total darkness…… for maybe 10-15 seconds.
The sound of my car horn blaring woke me up…. again. Again I had failed. With nothing better to do, I decided to try and crawl out of the wreckage. The car was now upside down, but my driver-side window was missing, so I began to climb out. The people who were in the bar across the street rushed over and helped me the rest of the way out. One guy exclaimed to his buddies, "Wow! Check it out! He knocked down the light pole!" It was probably the most excitement that little town had seen in years. They called an ambulance and took me to a nearby hospital.
At the hospital they did some routine checks on me, but other than a few bruises, I had driven my car into a light pole 85 mph and walked away from it. The police were able to contact my father through my licenses plates. I was kept in the hospital overnight for observations, mostly out of concern for the drugs I had taken.
So I laid there in the hospital bed staring at the ceiling and wondering why I was alive. The thought had never occurred to me that I would not succeed in ending my life. Then it hit me. I did not have control over my own life. God did. It was not mine to take. This was not some tremendous revelation or anything like that, it was just something I had learned that day through practical experience. And it gave me comfort. I felt as if God was saying to me: "I have a purpose for your life, just wait." From that night on I never again had the desire to take my own life.
The next day confirmed my suspicions that God had been in control the whole time. First the sheriff's report from the "accident" came in. I learned that my car had gone right through the light pole shearing it out of the ground, and then continued up the road, veered off into a drainage ditch, hit a culvert that went underneath a driveway which upended the car and flipped it over three times finally coming to rest upside down. Wow! And I walked away from that! But wait, it gets better….
My dad says to me, "Let's go to the crash site on the way home." Ok I thought, why not? As we drive down the rural highway heading north out of Appleton, we come to the small town where I crashed the car. The name of the town: Freedom. We drive over to the place where the car finally came to rest: right in front of a big country church. As I look at that church and reflect on God's control over my life, my Dad says to me: "Hey, look at the name of that bar across the street." I turn around and look at it: The Crash Inn. My dad chuckles, and I feel like I'm in the twilight zone or something.
It's time to drive back to Milwaukee, but we decide to stop at the junk yard where they hauled my car. We ask the guy where the Torino is that they brought in this morning. The guy takes us to the car. He looks at the car, looks at me, and then asks, "Were you driving that car??" I nod in affirmant. The guy shakes his head in disbelief. "You see that car over there?" he says, pointing to a large wrecked car, "It's not half as smashed up as yours, but the guy driving that car didn't make it."
We walk over to what used to be my car. Totally demolished. The engine was pushed off its block, and half of it was in the passenger side front seat. The car basically crumpled when it took out the light pole. The guy said he couldn't even tow it, because the wheels and axles were bent. He had to use a flat-bed truck and lift it up there with a crane. After hauling it to the junk yard, he had to return a second time to pick up all the pieces. But the driver seat was still in tact. It was almost as if a protective bubble had been placed around it. I left there feeling like my life was worth something to God, and that he had me on this earth for some reason.
Going back to school, my whole outlook on life changed. I now had hope, believing that God had some purpose for my life. I had been brought up in church, and had been taught the Bible and the creeds of my Protestant denomination, but my faith was very "creedal" also: it didn't have much of an impact on my day to day life. So I went back to my old friends and my partying way of life.
But my attitude in school changed. I was enrolled in a specialty program in my senior year of high school majoring in business and marketing. With my new found self confidence, I excelled in the program, especially in demonstrating sales abilities. I won some awards in some city and state wide competitions, and purposed to graduate from high school and make a lot of money in sales. After graduating from high school, I quickly got certified and began to sell accident and health insurance door-to-door. I was doing great, and even sold a policy my first day on the field. But there was something missing, and I often felt guilty having "conned" someone to buy a policy that they probably didn't need and wasn't quite what they expected it to be.
So I got a job in a factory working a graveyard shift from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. three days on and three days off. It was a good hourly rate, and a lot of my buddies from high school were working there. It was boring work, and we all "got high" to help us make it through the long shifts. But I always saw it as temporary work, until I found a good sales job that I really liked. It allowed me some financial freedom, and I was able to rent a condominium with another friend. I was also able to buy a nice sports car. Life was great in many ways, I could now party as much as I wanted. But I was still empty and unsatisfied with my life. I knew there had to be more, and I just thought that if I could get a good job with the potential to advance in a career, then I would be happy.
After about a year out of high school and having worked at the factory for several months, I decided to get back into sales. This time I got a job selling educational books. It seemed like a more "worthy" product to be selling. But something inside of me said that I would not be happy doing this either if I didn't have God's blessing. So facing discouragement again, and having no where to go but forward, because I had already tried running away from my problems, and I had already tried exiting life and God wouldn't let me, I decided to try not getting high for a few days and just read the Bible, to try and understand what God's will was for my life.
This was July of 1979, and at that point I had been getting high on drugs by smoking marijuana every day for almost 4 years straight. As I read the Bible, and I don't even remember what exactly I was reading, I became acutely aware of my sins. I had always considered myself a Christian, and a good person. Even though I got high on drugs, I was no junkie. I mainly just smoked marijuana, and I rationalized my behavior as being no different than the casual social drinker of alcohol. It was just that one was legal and the other wasn't. But I thought the laws were wrong, not me.
But now two major sins in my life were staring me right in the face: one was my drug usage, and the other one was planning my life without considering what God wanted me to do with my life. Without even really understanding what the word "repentance" means, I saw myself in a different light, and knew that my sins were keeping me from knowing God's will. I immediately confessed my sins to God, and told him that I was not going to make any more decisions about my life until He told me what He wanted me to do.
What happened next is truly the miracle in my life, and words cannot come close to describing the inner transformation that occurred in me that summer day in 1979. First of all, a joy and peace flooded my being, such that I had never known could even exist in this life. It was the ultimate high, and it was from the Holy Spirit. It was so wonderful, that I took all my paraphernalia that I used to smoke pot and threw it into the dumpster outside our building. What I had found was so much better than drugs, that I never had a desire to get high on drugs again. I had finally walked out of the darkness and into the light. Jesus was the light, and I was now viewing things in the world in a completely new light. "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness." Jesus, John 8:12
Secondly, the words in the Bible now came alive. It was as if God was speaking directly to me through them, and indeed He was. The facts I had studied for years as a kid growing up in church now became part of a vibrant relationship with the living God, and with the Savior of the world Jesus Christ. Having never doubted the facts of Jesus life, death, and resurrection, they now came alive with fresh meaning. I read the entire New Testament in about two weeks: I just couldn't get enough of it. When I read verses like Romans 5:7-8 "Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us," I would just fall down and weep over the incredible love God was showing me through Christ.
I now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God had saved me, not just from a suicide attempt, but He had truly saved me from my sins, and that I was now going to be with Him in eternity: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
Since I had dedicated my life to God, I decided to go back to school and study the Bible. I studied the Bible for a number of years, and then served in full-time ministries in various parts of the world. But I have also learned that one does not have to be professional Christian minister to be serving God. You can serve God as a minister wherever you are in many different ways. Today my business is providing healthy food, and I seek to serve God in that task to the best of my ability. The Bible says, and modern studies even confirm, that a "joyful heart is good medicine." The Bible has much to say about good health, and most of it is not related to our physical bodies. Our spiritual and emotional state has more to do with our health than our modern rationalistic society and medical system would care to admit. So if you are seeking better health, don't just look at your physical symptoms. Look to the Great Physician, and healer of your soul, and give your heart to Christ for true peace with God. Then you will discover true health and life! Any health product, medicine, or natural cures are worthless if you don't know God and His incredible love for you, and understand His will for your life. They only deal with your physical body, and not your spiritual need to be at peace with God. The best part is that His offer of eternal life is free for you, because he already paid the price of your sins through the blood of his Son. Discover God's incredible love for you today! He created you as a special person, to know His love for you and to have you share His love with others. I pray for you reading this right now, "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith–that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17-19
Brian Shilhavy
5 replies
They always:
>don't know what magic is actually about, if pressed they may claim they've read magic books, but they as of yet have never told me which specific ones
>if they were to tell, it would probably be something retarded like wicca, scepdicks look at the retards and just dismiss everything that way
>herp a derp about "supernatural" or other such terms being impossibilities, even when the wizards in the thread never ever used those words
>strawman and make up stuff
>will never let you demonstrate anything to them, even when you ask them to get in a livestream with you or something
>get really angry at the thought magic could exist and call wizards mentally ill
>refuse to read any articles, books, or other stuff you post
>refuse to practise any techniques you describe
>make unreasonable demands or seem to assume that any wizard is a god that can do anything, don't understand we work on specific talents, and can't do stuff we haven't practised to be able to do
>always rant about fucking Harry Potter as if that had anything to do with magic
It's aggravating. I think the only way to deal with these people is to develop a type of magic that can be used to physically cause pain to them until they request you stop shocking or burning or whatever them and admit magic is real. Anything else they are experts at ignoring you, dodging questions, strawmanning, yelling insults, etc. and never letting you try to show them anything.
140 replies
1 reply
>go to wizardchan
>thought it was another fringe/occult based board, I didn't read the description
>read more posts
>why hasn't it dawned on me
>sudden realization
>tfw I'm an idiot
thanks for subscribing to my blog :^)
13 replies
tyr thread
46 replies
Pedo/hebo thread. Who pedo here?
Let's have a poll.
What's the youngest girl you have had sex with?
What's the youngest girl you would have sex with?
How old are you?
No illegal images please.
4 replies
6 replies
Hey everyone,
I have just returned from a several years long aesthetic retreat and am afraid that I've lost track of everyone in our community. The last I was around, this site had just been created, and we were mostly posting on 4chon /azg/ and /new/. Can someone fill me in on what happened? I went to the old site and /new/ seemed inhabited by more leftists than usual. I think I'm in the right place here, yes? Are we still talking about grills a la /r9k/ or what?
Nice to see you all again though none the less. Hope everyone is well. Although I was a very avid posted, I was always anonymous. I'm now struggling to make sense of my return to normal society, but the growth I experienced was immense. I will elaborate in /astral/ soon :)
39 replies
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
7 replies
This song has good instrumentals so I'm just going to keep music I can't find to download
in this thread
3 replies
Look at me
I'm the captain now
13 replies
>get a friend
>first one in YEARS
>it's a grill
>talks about cuddling
>me: "I've never cuddled before.."
>her: "You're missing out."
>me: "I have no one to cuddle with though……."
>her: "Oh"
and the tears start falling again
6 replies
Drink Mead!
General drinking thread. Grab a horn and get WASTED like your viking ancestors.
1 reply
Have you seen this? What is being done to the country?
The current power Putin has made this database
where you can find detailed information about every resident in the territory of Russia. I checked, and found their data removed, and all that I do that. And then you never know who is out there looking for …
0 replies
Only one problem with it…
If you're in the USA, you can't have one.
1 reply
we are here to drink beer and laugh at the odds and live out our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us
8 replies
Continue to seek the light. Carpe lucem.
21 replies
Alright /b/, this fine young female is advocating the genocide of white males, and she works at the Middlesex MA District Attorneys office. According to our native lawfag, her clear demonstration of bias is a grounds for termination AND an investigation into every single case she handled in any capacity. Additionally, linking her name to her calls for white genocide will forever consign her to minimum wage jobs and womyns studies departments. Our task is to put pressure on the DA and the DA's office in order to blow this story up.
Full name: Priya Alika Elias
Info Dump:
Her LinkedIn:
Her Twitter (Set to private now that she's aware of how screwed she is):
The Middlesex DA's twitter:
Screencap of the tweet that started it all
How to file a complaint with the DA office
Free online fax website
DA Office phone number:
>(617) 728-8750
How to:
To officially submit a complaint requires either faxing an actual letter (see above) or calling by phone (see above). Several barred lawyers have already sent complaints from their law firms and so have many anons. Notably, any white men who've had cases worked on by Priya now have cause to sue the DA, something with their defense attorneys will be happy to exploit. At this point, tweeting en masse about this event will do wonders to expose the story and make it so the DA office cannot simply brush aside the story, though submitting complaints will also be helpful.
We have an opportunity to teach anti-white racists a lesson, that they need to abide by the same standards they have forced white males to abide by, that they cannot "joke" about white genocide, and that expressing anti-white racism is not going to be tolerated, so let's make it happen.
1 reply
sheeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiittt nigga
34 replies
I went outside today, it was absolutely horrifying and I feel sick and my heart is still pounding, I was so scared of being seen and I NEVER go outside and I'm pretty sure the sun burnt my pale white skin too and is threatening to turn me into a nigger…
I hate being around people and I hate being outside and I'm normally awake during the night because I hate days.
I so badly wanted to be invisible and I'm going to take a serious look into invisibility spells now.
In the meanwhile…
Check out what I did for the Führer!
I wanted to do more but I was so scared, even if I weren't going to draw stuff outside, I normally never ever go outside.
When I finally got home I went to my bed and practically broke down temporarily and just focused hard on numbers and tried to count but I couldn't count right, I kept losing count and jumping ahead by a hundred or more and getting my count all wrong.
Argh. Anyways, here it is.
13 replies
Oh my god you gotta try this.
1. Find a metal spoon. Tea spoons work but try to get a normal metal one.
2. Get a lighter with a big flame.
3. Get duct tape and wrap it around the spoon for 4-6 layers.
4. Heat up the spoon, really hot, or for 2 minutes over the flame.
5. Go to a faucet and turn on cold water at full force. Has to be cold.
6. Hold the spoon directly under the faucet.
7. Shit bricks.
8. Post results below.
1 reply
yay i am no longer b& 4 cp
0 replies
1 reply
"Nice try Kiddo. If I wanted to play games with somebody, I log onto my Steam account and check out the latest releases."
"Nothing personal kid, but you and I aren't just meant to be together."
>Soon there is nothing left but the trees, the moonlight and the wind, and the wind blows over the empty night plains without a trench coat tail to gentle sway in motion with the cold night's breeze.
>*You can -hear- the Fedora'd gentleman's last words to you echo inside your mind….
>"It's nothing personal, kid. You and I just wasn't mean to be together"
>After what seems like an hour of quiet reflection, the trolling Tinder wimmin retreat back into the comfort of All-Girls Headquarters, to muse and share laughter with their sisters.
>Refusing to give into further introspection at the spot where they last saw their Compatriot turn ethereal to explore other Realms of Existence.. Tinderrette #1 and #2 don their sweaters and head for the warmth and familiar comfort of All-Girls HQ…
>It will be a long night of reflection, for them. For a while yet. For a while yet.
*Strong howling gust of wind blows strongly against the naked trees, rustling bare branches*
You see the Robot's face looking down at you from the Face of the Moon.. and once more, you can hear him "say"…
>"Nice try, Kiddo."
9 replies
Goodnight fringechan.
Goodnight wizards of all labels.
Goodnight mundanes.
Goodnight degenerates.
Goodnight kikes.
Goodnight goodnight MUDs.
Goodnight Smileberg.
Goodnight stal.
Goodnight goodnight goodnight goodnight goodnight goodnight goodnight goodnight
9 replies
Rarity is WHITE, RED-PILLED & simply fabulous darling. Pony merchandise thread.
4 replies
Coming back
1 reply
Mundanes can't triforce. No copy pasting either.
∆ ∆
0 replies
They said hold your hood up high!
Raise your rope up in the air!
For the white race we shall die!
5 replies
Le emoji faec
6 replies
People of earth, give me your loosh. I need to create a spirit bomb to help the Belgians defeat the US in the worldcup.
0 replies
Find me a copy of this fucking game
2 replies
ITT post ur favrit movies
50 replies
I didn't expect to see so much ignorance on the /fringe/ board.
I thought it was a known fact that race, culture, nationalism, is all just divide and conquer. I mean even the people who hate the evil "racists" are unknowingly continuing the cycle of ignorance.
Being an individual means you are indivisible. You can't be divided and controlled, unless you foolishly identify with your race, nation, culture, religion or ego. Then you can be manipulated like a puppet. All someone has to do is pull your emotional strings and they got you.
15 replies
14 replies
Which pill do you swallow?
3 replies
Hitler didn't have ulterior motives. Influences larger than him used him to further their goals. Somebody funded Hitler. All I am saying is that as a result of Hitler's actions Israel was formed, the six million was taught in schools and national socialism and white pride was demonized along with traditions and moral standards. This leads to the further degeneration of society by the indulgence of hedonistic behavior, such as with the gays. It also led to multiculturalism being forced on all of the west, with anyone who objects being labelled a 'racist' or a 'nazi', which are now powerful hateful statements thanks to the stigma attached to them by the media because of the Nazi's actions.
Maybe Hitler did have a noble goal, but in the grand scheme of things he was controlled and used for a reason. Again I'm not saying i have all the answers, but there obviously some sense in what I am saying.
108 replies
New aryan women thread
Old one is bugged ("Your request looks automated")
1 reply
'nuff sad
6 replies
Post pictures that give off the wizard vibe/look
4 replies
>A while back a guy gave me a card to join the KKK
>yesterday I and some comrades went to his house
>when we got there 5 guys surrounded his house and I went to the door
>his wife answered and I asked to speak to her husband
>a minute later he comes to the door
>I pull out a .357 Sig and shoot him in the face
>his wife goes into a rage
>I point the pistol at her face and tell her to settle the fuck down
>I hear a door open around back and then a shot rang out
>she starts bawling
>I hit her with my pistol and threaten to shoot her
>I tell Jamal to search the house as I know he has a decent sized family
>5 minutes later he finds 2 teenaged girls
>the wife is sobbing as she asks why we are doing this
>I kindly explain that her husband was a racist and we can't have counterrevolutionary types running around
>she protests saying he just had an interest in history
>is that so?
>I ask Jose to search the place for racist materials
>first a WW2 book on Hitler shows up
>then a DVD on neonazis in America
>finally I find a white cross button
>what is this I ask
>I don't know replys the wife
>well maybe he was just into history
>anyways we should probably give your husband and son a burial
>she crys
>don't do that, dig instead
>time passes and she finally gets it dug
>not big enough make the hole bigger
>is it for me too??
>don't be ridiculous
>just dig
>finally its finished
>ask Mohammad to bring over the girls
>the wife starts begging not to shoot them
>I say I'm not arguing with you people and pull out my pistol and shoot her
>the girls start crying and begging for us to spare their lives
>then one says she isn't even an adult
>I kindly explain if she would read the Talmud she would know 12 is the age a female is an adult then I shoot here right between the eyes
>the youngest takes off running and I empty my magazine but somehow manage to miss
>then Mohammad aims a M1A and shoots her a few times
>I walk over to her and notice shes still alive
>I kneel down and whisper best regards /edgy/
7 replies
Is there anything worse than this?
14 replies
>be hungry
>stop at nice american fast food restaraunt to get a sandwich
>girl at counter is an exgirlfriend that I dated 2 years ago
>shes finally old enough to drive and work a job
>shes happy to see me and asks how I am
>tfw alpha as fuck
>tfw when eating a delicious sandwich while thinking how cool it is to openly be a pedo
get on my level wizards
5 replies
I see walmart's got a new greeter
16 replies
Can someone make a good ISIS banner? Here are my shitty attempts.
2 replies
What is wrong with reCaptchas lately? Why are they ALWAYS just numbers on people's doors now? WTF? Is this some kind of preparation for the FEMA camps we're all going to be in soon?
11 replies
I always liked this quote, makes me feel better about my western European heritage.
2 replies
Discuss /b/.
7 replies
Meanwhile on omegle…
1 reply
2 replies
>tfw a song describes your troubles so perfectly that you want to cry
>Although it's not my color, I'm feeling mighty blue
>I've got a lot of trouble and I'll tell it all to you
>I'm certainly clean disgusted, with life and that's a fact
>Because my hair is woolly and because my color's black
>I had my face enameled; I had things fixed up right
>I passed a tree where two doves started making love that night
>They stopped and looked me over, I saw my pity soon
>When both those birds said "Good am lord. Look at the coon! Look at the coon! Look at the coon!"
>Coon, coon, coon. I wish my color would fade.
>Coon, coon, coon. I'd like a different shade!
>Coon, coon, coon. Morning, night, and noon.
>Coon, coon, coon. I wish I was a white man, instead of a coon, coon, coon!
The chorus really gets to me every time ;_;
2 replies
do your worst /b/
2 replies
Ce sentiment quand pas de GF Francaise.
21 replies
do it or die
21 replies
If you want to do wizardly things, talk about wizardly stuff, or just want to talk join #stormchan on mibbit.com
9 replies
I found myself a PDF combining program that looks promising. Might finally get all my PDFs for that book about reincarnation I have combined into one book.
6 replies
So is there any imageboards out there that are somewhat a good userbase and shit? I only browse 4chan, here, stormchan, and that's about it. I'm getting pretty bored, so what are some good boards on 4chan? I post only on /x/ and /s4s/, I go to /pol/ when there is news, go to /v/ when a new game is out, and go to /b/ when absolutely bored. I heard of Krautchan but I can't into another language and its pretty much german 4chan. I don't go to wizardchan, looks like the same old shit and I'm not a beta virginfag so I wouldn't fit in. I just need something new, I'm getting bored as fuck.
5 replies
I am really fucking depressed about World War III happening right now.
20 replies
Oh you're still on the "Green Pill" stuff. Why haven't you taken the bread of life, yet /b/?
11 replies
General self-improvement thread. I intend to fix my shit up so I have a lot of questions.
> can I use vinegar to regenerate my skin and what other stuff can I use to get perfect skin and repair all the damage to my skin, removing moles and other crap
> is there anything I can wash my hair in to improve the condition of my hair… I never ever use shampoo or conditioner for anything and only rarely once in awhile use soap on my hair
0 replies
>le feel when the speed of freedomboard is so sanic fast lately I've got hundreds of posts to read now and I'm practising so much magic constantly and having such awesome mindblowing transcendental experiences every day so that's why I'm falling behind on reading every post on here
4 replies
13 replies
I have created a new 14 Words!
We must preserve all races and a future for cute lolis and jailbait.
21 replies
My sister has betrayed her race, I saw her kissing this ridiculously chad/gangster looking Asian today, it is my duty to kill her or otherwise disrupt and end this abominable relationship please advise next course of action
24 replies
ALT + 2063 = Chaosphere
☼ Hail Eris! ☼
7 replies
hope this works
5 replies
What do you guys think of conducting psy-ops on your own children where you make a certain something that actually doesn't matter a fuck really taboo and trick your children into being rebellious by getting involved into it so they end up not doing real harm to themselves by embracing actual degeneracy?
Like you could trick them into thinking they're being super edgy rebels by getting mad at them and advising them never to look at comics and when they do you punish them and so if they ever reach an edgy phase in their life they express their edginess by reading comics.
I personally never misbehaved as a child when young or as a teen and never "rebelled" against my parents and my mom says I've been an outstanding young man. So I think it's just shitty parenting that leads to these stupid "phases" that some kids get caught up in. However if you guys are worried such a phase will ever happen with your children because you don't have it in you to manage their behaviour properly I think this tricky idea might work well.
0 replies
Goodnight, FringeChan.
14 replies
I have herpes; wat do.
I never even had sex.
4 replies
new death grips album new death grips album how u guys like it?
20 replies
What country is safest from the muslim/nigger/spick/arab flood?
17 replies
Does anyone here identify as an autist? I don't mean the psychiatric kind but the silly manchild obsessed with shitposting and stupid cartoons kind.
4 replies
When do the feels usually come to you?
Pic related is prime time for feels for me. Laying in bed.
10 replies
Can someone give me a shit ton of deep philosophical questions? I keep trying to go on a site that says "65 Deep Philosophical Questions" but it won't load so feel free to copy/paste that… anyways ask me many philosophical questions please.
9 replies
Discuss /b/.
13 replies
Is fringechan a bad influence on me? I can't talk to anyone now without them thinking I'm a nazi or a racist.
5 replies
Poor health is some major fucking bullshit. So much time fucking wasted because of sickness. Am I just total garbage or is there any way for me to fix this? I got the diet, fitness, etc. downpat but something's obviously off still.
I'm sick right now and my skin was getting better for awhile but now it's going to shit and coming back with a vengeance.
4 replies
There exists absolutely no equality between individuals and therefore no equality between races. Everything is manifested in hierarchy. There can only be superiors and inferiors. If you were equal, you'd be identical to the person being compared to, and yet you are not. We aren't clones, so we're not equal. Egalitarians are stupid fucking morons out out of touch with reality who can't into basic reasoning like this.
Blacks are superior because:
- succeed at reproducing, unlike defective albino mutants
- black men are actual men, not autistic losers like white males
- blacks aren't passive aggressive bitches, they're ready for confrontation and don't take any bullshit
- traditional african religion such as Obeah, Voodoo, etc. is very powerful religion that actually deals with spirits that have a real influence in this world and has powerful magic unlike spiritually castrated white man's religion
- blacks are better at sports
- blacks have been mistreated by all other races very badly but still survive to this day because we're hardly like that
- the future is always looking blacker, hue-mans are taking back what belongs to them and removing the freakish white race from existence
- whites themselves support their own extermination and attack the few individuals in their own race that just want to live alone amongst their own kind
- white race is sick, mentally unstable, and spiritually deprived
The white race wants to die out and I'm glad to support them in their choice. They submit all their women to superior BBC and their infertile beta men do nothing at all but let us kill them and silence them. All remnants of the white race must be exterminated and whites themselves are digging their own grave the most. We're correcting a terrible mistake in the history of Hue-manity by wiping out the degenerate white race.
4 replies
I want to make my hair a lighter shade of blonde how do I do it?
I don't know fuck all about changing hair colour or how it's done.
My hair is blonde but I want it to be even blonder so I can imitate the ideal better and be admired more by my fellow white nationalists.
I am male btw.
4 replies
Should we switch to using this?
20 replies
Post anything you want in here, I can't remember what the fuck this video is, so ummm hmmm we'll see.
13 replies
Notification Details
savageman bang and 6 others
Commented on: Wow putting that terrorist known as nelson mandela in the video, bunch of brainwashed morons.
commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly - Yesterday 15:56
Wow putting that terrorist known as nelson mandela in the video, bunch of brainwashed morons.
#ProudToPlay: Celebrating equality for all athletes
xXedgez's profile photoJack McHugh's profile photoLolo the Unicorn's profile photo
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Sophia Pena
Yesterday 17:42
lewis Fox
Yesterday 17:56
Seriously what.
Yesterday 17:59
You people dont know the black guy. Nelson mandela at the end….
Madison Hopkins
Yesterday 18:04
Wtf? How is he an terrorist? He helped civil rights…
Austin L
Yesterday 18:08
Dude what is wrong with you. Mandala was a civil rights activist. Not a terrorist. In the past he did do some destructive things with explosives, but he didn't kill one person with those.
Yesterday 18:08
+Madison Hopkins Yes by fucking necklacing africans creating a genocide of his own kind in africa. Why do you think many countries marked him as a terrorist
Yesterday 18:18
+TheKingraptor724 lol your troll attempt made my day lol
Hermaeus Mora
Yesterday 18:19
Yeah he helped get civil rights…but that's where most people stop the story then. They don't mention how Mandela set idly by and watched the racism and violence against whites that continues to this day.
Edithe Drummer
Yesterday 18:29
+Austin L Thank you! Someone who knows who he actually was.
Yesterday 18:33
+Sophia Pena nelson mandela did have quite dark beginnings, he supported bombings and killings of whites. although he himself was not very involved in terrorist acts he however did have nasty rhetoric and he did have connections to people who did perform such actions. the american government actually used to list him as a terrorist. however later, perhaps a change of heart, or the onset of wisdom he did promote peace and human rights.
so a hero or terrorist, depends on which part of his life you look at.
Yesterday 18:43
wow theking your really stupid aren't you, you must be brainwashed for something like that, not us.
Nemo Umbranox
Yesterday 18:45
Funny how nobody ever complains about the terrorism that the USA has regularly engaged in for decades.
Chris Smith
Yesterday 18:48
Yesterday 18:51
Wow you all know nothing of mandela, brainwashed.
Terence Barry
Yesterday 19:07
Terrorist ?
So You Agree With Apartheid then ?
You also agree with the Genocide of the Zulu Nation by the Imperialists from Europe. What a very sad individual you must be.
I pity you. Salaam
jeremy geneva
Yesterday 19:10
+TheKingraptor724 "Wow you all know nothing of mandela, brainwashed."
Any person who does not view Mandela as a hero of civil rights and equality is a racist, simple as that. You're accusing a man - who grew up in a country where black people were less worthy than dogs - of terrorism, while he never actually killed a person. Do you know how silly that sounds? Even Thatcher realised her statements were a disgrace to the UK, so why can't you? Because you are .. a racist.
Yesterday 19:13
+jeremy geneva He supported the idea to have tires put around people's necks and then fill them with oil and burn the people alive. You are a sick fuck if you support the man you dumb ass.
Abu Hassan
Yesterday 19:20
Thanks for standing up against the Pink Hand.
AntiZOG Gardener
Yesterday 19:30
+jeremy geneva
I hope you get a rubber tire put around your neck and set on fire nigger-lover.
AntiZOG Gardener
Yesterday 19:32
+Terence Barry
I agree with apartheid but not the genocide of the Zulu Nation. I think it was a big mistake to go into Africa and attack niggers in their homeland. Niggers should have Africa for themselves but niggers do not belong in Europe or other White Nations. You can also have Haiti, Jamaiaca, and a couple other black nations that are basically all niggers but Canada, USA, Australia, etc. are for whites. As for South Africa I consider that contested land – it shall have to be settled with a fight. If the whites win they keep it and South Africa is a white nation and if we lose then all whites should go to white nations and South Africa shall fall into ruins as niggers take over.
Yesterday 19:40
How disrespectful.
Yesterday 19:40
+jeremy geneva There are several facts to consider about Mandela that betray this myth of being a man of peace and goodwill. When he was arrested at his Rivonia hideout near Johannesburg, a huge amount of munitions and bomb-making equipment was confiscated. This included 210,000 hand grenades, 48,000 anti-personnel mines, 1,500 time devices, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate [rough enough for 41 Oklahoma City bombs], 21,6 tons of aluminium powder and 1 ton of black powder. Most don't want to hear this, but he was definitley not "peaceful."
^Read up kids.
Corncob Porkpie
Yesterday 19:42
You have to understand that this isn't nelson mandela's fault because, for starters, he's dead.
Andrea Rodríguez
Yesterday 19:46
you are a weird ass little bitch
savageman bang
Yesterday 19:47
Even if it's true, really think about it, he was born in a racist society against black people he seen black people burned, killed and discriminated against just because of their skin color, so he retaliated in the same way, but later in his life he realized that was the wrong way to go about it. So he started to promote peace which was a better way.
Alex Smith
Yesterday 19:47
How fucking dare you
Yesterday 19:48
th Shutup mandela can go suck a dick.
Lolo the Unicorn
Yesterday 19:56
+savageman bang ^^^^^^^^^ very good and true. ♥
Yesterday 19:59
+savageman bang Nelson Mandela was a part of the Soviet Union and tried to establish a Marxist-like dictatorship onto South Africa. Furthermore, when the discovery of Diamonds had happened in Africa, he was all for the blood diamond trade. Nelson Mandela used slaves in this case. To add onto that, Nelson Mandela sold these diamonds to big company's instead of using it to help out his country. That money he profited on was for the South African Communist party. Thank God he's dead and he's burning in hell.
Jack McHugh
Yesterday 19:59
Everyone makes mistakes. When a group of people are oppressed, it is only human to want to seek revenge on your oppressor. Mandela went to jail for over half his life, and came back a changed man. He ended the apartheid and was and amazing leader. People who are saying that the whites were being discriminated are wrong, Europeans conquered lands of other people. They made people their slaves. Only one group of "white people" has been heavily discriminated is the Irish. They were thought to be savages and were sold as slaves in the Caribbean. Apart from that there is not much else. Also Mandela was not a terrorist, the US government regarded him a one for a short while when he supported communist Cuba, but made peace with him shortly afterwards. What you people are saying is factually incorrect, disrespectful, and disgusting towards a man awarded a Nobel peace prize
Ethan Buck
Yesterday 20:32
Using violence against an institution of violence is not terrorism. Government is terrorism, it is Government that uses coercion against innocents.
Fuck the State.
Ryan Fang
Yesterday 20:46
Moral duality. For example, gandhi. He was an adulterer. But we shouldn't overlook the great things he did though. Same goes for Mandela.
Brendan Harris
Yesterday 20:47
+Sophia Pena He murdered hundreds of people. Seriously. That he's honoured as some champion of human rights is just baffling.
Kaust Shroff
Yesterday 21:41
Ur literally the stupidest person everrrrrr!!!!! When 99% of the world agrees that Mandela was great and you don't, then there is clearly something wrong with U!!!!
Yesterday 21:41
+Kaust Shroff Yeah is everyone is brainwashed by the media
Kaust Shroff
Yesterday 21:45
Its people like who are brainwashed idiot. Get out of your fantasy world.
Rosemary Sullivan
Yesterday 21:53
Cwocrsbs c.f. ndn
Gctdhgghdhhgdhk :) dgdhi :) cufhfdudydg f2f ugh hfghjohhdydudhruf
Xitlali Herrera
Yesterday 23:19
Stop looking for arguments to start and get a life, would you.
Yesterday 23:24
+Xitlali Herrera Shut ya thot ass up hoe
Gen. Gaby Esper
Yesterday 23:53
+CakeMaster check your grammer son
+TheKingraptor724 good lord what a troll you are.
Trini Estrada
He is a person to look up to and for you to call him a terrorist you are racist
Lol For you to sympathize with a terrorist just because he is Black makes you a 'racist' !
Sergio Gonzalez Brito
+TheKingraptor724 You know, when your all point is "You are all brainwashed", you lose your point. We know which one is the legacy of Mandala, we he could stop a war between white and black. That is a fact, you can look it anywhere. You are not given any information to prove your point, you are only saying that we are brainwhased idiots, so i have to call your post a fallacy.
katsura monser
I don't think you have a Nobel Peace Prize
Are you kidding me? Are you really kidding me? You have to be. Nelson Mandela was pretty much the complete opposite of a terrorist. Nelson Mandela fought for black people's rights, without offending any white people. Amazing. If that makes him a terrorist, then what the hell are you. Because, let me say something right now dude, Nelson Mandela was a better person than you will ever be. Now, who's the brainwashed moron? ;)
The chosen 1
Don't listen to these slaves.
Nelson was a great guy but he did do a bit of violent protesting aka blowing up bill boards etc
Bideau Guillaume
Nelson Mandela is a good man. So shut.
+ProfessorGaming your the idiot nelson Mandela was branded as a terrorist in his pursuit for his agenda. By south Africa and the whole world. Read up and learn.
meme master
To all these mouthbreathing retards in the comments, Mandela was a fucking terrorist who targeted people on christmas in order to get as many deaths as possible. He would put tires around people's necks and light them on fire. HURR DURR HE WAS A SIBIL RYTS AGDIVISD HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
ok then
AntiZOG Gardener
+savageman bang
You have no idea just how ridiculously brainwashed and stupid your reasoning is.
AntiZOG Gardener
You are the brainwashed fucking moron. I need to put a tire around your neck and set it on fire so I can have praises sung about me.
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3 replies
If you read this thread you must phone one of your parents and tell them you just killed a man while drinking and driving. You used their car, its totalled and the victims family is going to sue you and them.
Lastly you are going to prison, theres no way you can pay the bail which is set high and you might be looking at life because its a 2nd offence you just never told them its happened before.
Post results here and good luck!
27 replies
>A rope is a group of plies, yarns or strands which are twisted or braided together in order to combine them into a larger and stronger form.
7 replies
Help was dragged to nut house without consent, I dont associate with the strawman but they're retarded corrupt soulless madmen. HELP what do I do lawfully so they release me faggots
2 replies
[Update] [Auto] This thread has been pruned or deleted
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Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:08:07 No.549658401▶
>>549658476 >>549658618 >>549658637 >>549658823 >>549659142 >>549660185 >>549660205 >>549660262 >>549660284 >>549660408 >>549660493 >>549660503 >>549660605 >>549660927 >>549661364 >>549661840 >>549662325 >>549662648 >>549663154 >>549663227 >>549664302 >>549666315 >>549666409 >>549669153 >>549669667 >>549672426
Ask someone who knew Justin Bourque a.k.a Maple Rambo, anything
Anonymous (ID: oaWMdzsN) 06/05/14(Thu)02:08:52 No.549658476▶
>>549658542 >>549658792
>>549658401 (OP)
why did he go loko
Anonymous (ID: 8M28YoaO) 06/05/14(Thu)02:09:23 No.549658542▶
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)02:10:00 No.549658618▶
>>549658401 (OP)
How many people has he had sex with?
Anonymous (ID: twpfpxyi) 06/05/14(Thu)02:10:09 No.549658637▶
>>549658401 (OP)
what was he like and how well did you know him?
Anonymous (ID: p4UCAcOI) 06/05/14(Thu)02:10:16 No.549658645▶
will you join his army? are you part of the Syrup Liberation Front?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:11:32 No.549658792▶
He was pretty into conspiracies and the lot. Thought Canada may become a police state, hated cops, loved guns. Pretty sure if he was an American he'd be a huge pro 2nd amendment supporter .
Not sure his reason for going crazy though, he just might have snapped.
Anonymous (ID: ogT6Gu+v) 06/05/14(Thu)02:11:43 No.549658823▶
>>549658401 (OP)
Any idea why he's going around shooting people?
I haven't been actually reading the shit people post, so if everyone already knows why just ignore this.
Anonymous (ID: duwt16Dj) 06/05/14(Thu)02:14:28 No.549659142▶
>>549658401 (OP)
>>549658401 (OP)
Do you have a Ouija board?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:15:12 No.549659229▶
>>549659854 >>549659912 >>549660057 >>549661458 >>549663896
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No idea
He hung out with the same people as me, didn't talk with him much on a personal level, but I have gotten drunk with him and he can't handle his tequila
I am part of the Liberal Syrup Militia
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:18:28 No.549659640▶
He's not dead…yet and I couldn't care less if I talked to him again, so unless I am gonna have transdimensional phone sex with marilyn monroe I won't need one.
Anonymous (ID: bM7FzTrv) 06/05/14(Thu)02:20:07 No.549659854▶
>>549660263 >>549669691
He looks like Canadian trailer trash.
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)02:20:40 No.549659912▶
>can't handle his tequila
Puking or was he acting like an asshole?
Anonymous (ID: zvKm/hQj) 06/05/14(Thu)02:20:57 No.549659945▶
Has he talked about doing this in the past?
Anonymous (ID: oaWMdzsN) 06/05/14(Thu)02:21:01 No.549659953▶
i see. well that explains alot, thanks
also, let me guess, he was into drugs?
Anonymous (ID: p4UCAcOI) 06/05/14(Thu)02:21:29 No.549660004▶
what level of education does he have?
Anonymous (ID: duwt16Dj) 06/05/14(Thu)02:21:52 No.549660057▶
Do you own a candle?
Anonymous (ID: 62kDE161) 06/05/14(Thu)02:23:03 No.549660185▶
Knew? Why past tense…?
>>549658401 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: 6tXvLaBM) 06/05/14(Thu)02:23:14 No.549660205▶
>>549660768 >>549663117
>>549658401 (OP)
what's your name?
Anonymous (ID: rXMUHliz) 06/05/14(Thu)02:23:39 No.549660262▶
>>549658401 (OP)
Best question yet.
>How were you acquainted with him?
inb4 that's not the shooter
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:23:39 No.549660263▶
>>549660330 >>549660557
He is, pretty much anyone in these photos.
Ya but not sure are far down the rabbit hole
Pretty sure he graduated Highschool
Yes, but only for anal play purposes
Anonymous (ID: UBxT3jLS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:23:47 No.549660284▶
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>>549658401 (OP)
How many times have you guys been out for a rip brah?
Anonymous (ID: duwt16Dj) 06/05/14(Thu)02:24:18 No.549660330▶
see you SooN
Anonymous (ID: IvFqAmzP) 06/05/14(Thu)02:24:47 No.549660395▶
Is this him?
Anonymous (ID: iMw7Zib4) 06/05/14(Thu)02:24:55 No.549660408▶
>>549658401 (OP)
Did you ever suck his dick?
Anonymous (ID: k6juqR1X) 06/05/14(Thu)02:25:32 No.549660493▶
>>549658401 (OP)
how many firearms does he own? what's his manifesto? also did you guys have a club house in pinehurst?
Anonymous (ID: qd6RZ75S) 06/05/14(Thu)02:25:35 No.549660503▶
>>549658401 (OP)
Does he always wear camo?
Anonymous (ID: Z8R5Ix9Z) 06/05/14(Thu)02:25:59 No.549660557▶
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>candle? for anal play purposes
Anonymous (ID: hq1g8+l/) 06/05/14(Thu)02:26:20 No.549660582▶
Anonymous (ID: 2ubAzAUM) 06/05/14(Thu)02:26:31 No.549660605▶
>>549658401 (OP)
were you his creatine supplier?
Anonymous (ID: l+7Q7/yE) 06/05/14(Thu)02:26:41 No.549660630▶
Doesn't look much like it
Unfortunately, coming from someone who lives in Louisiana, I'm pretty sure Justin Bourque is a common name. I think I even went to school with one
Anonymous (ID: p4UCAcOI) 06/05/14(Thu)02:27:11 No.549660685▶
>>549661176 >>549661359
did you clean the guns with him?
get a little oil on yourself?
have to stay late to put everything away with him?
no one ever question the two guys having fun together with guns?
what else will he do to protect your secret?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:27:49 No.549660768▶
Nickname is Biscuit
Like I said he hung with some of the same people as me
I'll be waiting with cheese and crackers anon
Anonymous (ID: qd6RZ75S) 06/05/14(Thu)02:28:51 No.549660892▶
You should bring your friend on here
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)02:29:10 No.549660927▶
>>549658401 (OP)
Is Bourque a btard?
Anonymous (ID: hq1g8+l/) 06/05/14(Thu)02:29:46 No.549660989▶
How come you're not out fighting brothers in arm's style like a tru hombrea you faggit loser
Anonymous (ID: BZBUTq0r) 06/05/14(Thu)02:29:48 No.549660991▶
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>mfw OP is the actually the shooter
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:29:53 No.549661000▶
>>549661131 >>549661297 >>549661435
Don't Know
Don't Know
Anonymous (ID: qd6RZ75S) 06/05/14(Thu)02:31:07 No.549661131▶
nice trips, anon. OR SHOULD I SAY MAPLE RAMBO!
oh and do you know where he could be hiding?
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)02:31:29 No.549661176▶
inb4 I love my dead gay son!
Anonymous (ID: hq1g8+l/) 06/05/14(Thu)02:32:27 No.549661297▶
triple 0's means your lying you son of'a bitch where is he jidf
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:33:11 No.549661359▶
No idea
Because I am a faggit loser in your words and I like some fucking pussy actually don't like killing people
Anonymous (ID: IMOfRIOj) 06/05/14(Thu)02:33:13 No.549661364▶
>>549661868 >>549674838
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>>549658401 (OP)
Do you think the cops will bust the just?
Anonymous (ID: k6juqR1X) 06/05/14(Thu)02:33:47 No.549661435▶
trips confirm faggot is hiding with Bourque
Anonymous (ID: G9pgNtvf) 06/05/14(Thu)02:33:55 No.549661458▶
>>549661868 >>549669386
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Why did he bring a shotgun to a party? Were you hunting or is this normal Canadian behavior?
On a side note, he has terrible fucking discipline with his gun. I'm astounded he hasn't accidentally offed himself yet. Its a sad commentary on what shit tier shots LEOs are if they can't deal with him.
Anonymous (ID: bM7FzTrv) 06/05/14(Thu)02:34:41 No.549661524▶
Why is he such a pussy coward?
Anonymous (ID: 27zKSYh5) 06/05/14(Thu)02:36:12 No.549661693▶
Do you live where this is going down?
Anonymous (ID: n/YDtD7w) 06/05/14(Thu)02:37:22 No.549661840▶
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>>549658401 (OP)
did they catch up to him yet ? from living in NB i know its mostly forests. and i know the cops are dumb. so if he planned it out who knows
picture is one of his FB shares which all share the same anti government control theme
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:37:39 No.549661868▶
>>549662125 >>549663587
Lot of wooded areas in moncton and he's wearing camo, so maybe the woods?
I don't know what a jidf is
I fucking hope so and ventilate him in the process
He probably hunts so ya has a hunting shotgun, brought what he could
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:39:02 No.549662038▶
Dunno maybe just because he is a pussy coward
I live 20 minutes away from the city
Anonymous (ID: G9pgNtvf) 06/05/14(Thu)02:39:47 No.549662125▶
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>I don't know what a jidf is.
Sure, Sure and I bet you've never even heard of the Mossad ehh Saul?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:41:17 No.549662296▶
Dude I don't know who you are or what you are trying to do, but it is funny as hell I love you man
Anonymous (ID: IMOfRIOj) 06/05/14(Thu)02:41:27 No.549662325▶
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>>549658401 (OP)
Do you think he will kill moar and set a high score? Will he an hero?
Anonymous (ID: GTTwJ5Wk) 06/05/14(Thu)02:42:20 No.549662421▶
>>549662789 >>549663712
What a shitty friend you are to the Hero of Canada.
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)02:42:51 No.549662476▶
Are you worried that this incident will turn Canada into a police state faster?
Anonymous (ID: divbnOtk) 06/05/14(Thu)02:43:05 No.549662506▶
>>549662693 >>549662703
Do you have his phone number OP, send him a message / ring him and tell him to get on /b/ and do an ama RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Anonymous (ID: bM7FzTrv) 06/05/14(Thu)02:43:22 No.549662542▶
>>549662789 >>549663827
As a fellow Canadian, are you hoping he is caught as I am?
Anonymous (ID: Jy72DFGW) 06/05/14(Thu)02:44:11 No.549662648▶
>>549658401 (OP)
Is strawberries and nutella good?
Anonymous (ID: GTTwJ5Wk) 06/05/14(Thu)02:44:12 No.549662651▶
Seems you're lying but can't hide it. Tell us more, liberal faggot.
Anonymous (ID: IMOfRIOj) 06/05/14(Thu)02:44:41 No.549662693▶
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Fucking this
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)02:44:46 No.549662703▶
are you fucking retarded?
Anonymous (ID: G9pgNtvf) 06/05/14(Thu)02:45:20 No.549662787▶
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>Dude I don't know who you are or what you are trying to do
That makes two of us.
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:45:20 No.549662789▶
>>549662928 >>549663434 >>549670497
I don't want him to an hero I wanna hear that he was blasted by the mounties and ended up like swisscheese. I hope his score ends where it is
Not his friend just knew him
No, canada and police state don't even belong in the same sentence
Anonymous (ID: NO+h4xuR) 06/05/14(Thu)02:46:26 No.549662928▶
I'm not even Canadian and I can't wait until they drop his ass.
Anonymous (ID: divbnOtk) 06/05/14(Thu)02:47:30 No.549663020▶
are you really this much of a faggot?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:47:43 No.549663048▶
I would say yes
I like cock, isn't that OP's place in the world?
Dude keep it up
Same here
Anonymous (ID: 0sM/g8YJ) 06/05/14(Thu)02:47:57 No.549663081▶
>>549663217 >>549663398
whats up with the megadeth lyrics?
Anonymous (ID: mPc2FZDq) 06/05/14(Thu)02:48:09 No.549663114 ▶
Did he say sorry evertime he shot someone and how indifferent do you feel about the situation
Anonymous (ID: yrbD+iLw) 06/05/14(Thu)02:48:10 No.549663117 ▶
It's him. OP this is Justin right here he's going to be looking for you
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:48:29 No.549663154 ▶
>>549663398 >>549670947
>>549658401 (OP)
Why haven't you joined him in his heroic battle against the ZOG?
Anonymous (ID: n/YDtD7w) 06/05/14(Thu)02:49:03 No.549663217 ▶
hes a fucking new brunswicker thats what up with the megadeth
Anonymous (ID: 0sM/g8YJ) 06/05/14(Thu)02:49:06 No.549663227 ▶
>>549658401 (OP)
and OP, are you his friend on facebook?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:50:40 No.549663398 ▶
>>549663154 (You)
I imagine he's a Megadeath fan and thought it was prolific or some shit
I hope so he wouldn't be a very good Canadian otherwise
Great I will have a beer and the police waiting
I don't follow his values
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)02:50:57 No.549663434 ▶
>>549663607 >>549663865
>No, canada and police state don't even belong in the same sentence
Oh? Is that what you WANT us to believe?
Pay attention to this, fuckheads. America is being liquidated. Canada and northern Europe are going to be the next global emigration targets. Powers that be are making sure our new cages are going to be ready for us.
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:52:19 No.549663587 ▶
>>549663865 >>549664903 >>549670947
You don't even know who the fucking JIDF are? Man you are a bluepilled fucking moron. No wonder you haven't joined his heroic fight.
Anonymous (ID: c3TF1bJc) 06/05/14(Thu)02:52:29 No.549663607 ▶
Canada is americanizing themselves very fast. It is an oligarchy though, like the USA, not a police state. (or maybe a plutocracy)
Anonymous (ID: 27zKSYh5) 06/05/14(Thu)02:53:11 No.549663689 ▶
Where the fuck is Rowsdower when you need him?
Anonymous (ID: ZcziB2oS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:53:13 No.549663694 ▶
>>549663865 >>549668872
is he now or has he ever been a member of a communist party?
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:53:23 No.549663712 ▶
>>549670947 >>549671042
I doubt he's an actual person probably just an organic portal / agent of the matrix.
Anonymous (ID: HDO+lEfM) 06/05/14(Thu)02:53:29 No.549663720 ▶
did you see this coming at all?
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:54:24 No.549663827 ▶
>>549664357 >>549666593 >>549670947
What a fucking faggot you are. Canadian here, I'd fucking join him and start blasting everyone away I could if he'd hand me a gun. Moralfags get the fuck off of /b/
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:54:43 No.549663865 ▶
>>549663587 (You)
No never bothered and I am sure as hell not going to now
SHHH don't tell them that
Then I will gladly be a bluepilled fucking moron
no idea
Anonymous (ID: OkJT7f/3) 06/05/14(Thu)02:54:59 No.549663896 ▶
is he a fan of the game Metal Gear Solid? Is Solid Snake one of his personal heros?
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:55:53 No.549664002 ▶
>>549664265 >>549664325 >>549664427 >>549664991 >>549665340 >>549670947 >>549673891
>I don't follow his values
Who cares? World needs depopulation. I'll kill for any reason at all and kill anyone except pro-whites, I'll never shoot a white supremacist, but anyone else I'll kill.
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)02:57:29 No.549664186 ▶
Yeah, "police state" is a bit dramatic. I'm sure you know what I'm getting at if you don't take it literally.
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)02:58:16 No.549664265 ▶
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>>549664002 (You)
Anonymous (ID: O3vmJJSw) 06/05/14(Thu)02:58:31 No.549664302 ▶
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>>549658401 (OP)
Do you think he will try to pull a Despres and go through the Maine border?
Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 06/05/14(Thu)02:58:40 No.549664325 ▶
>>549664002 (You)
Anonymous (ID: ZcziB2oS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:58:40 No.549664326 ▶
OP do you come here often? are you taken aback by all the badass edginess you are reading?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)02:58:59 No.549664357 ▶
>>549664682 >>549664870
>>549663827 (You)
Nope though I haven't seen him in a year or so
Uhuh sure buddy your little nurf gun probably couldn't hurt a puppy, hope you enjoy your summer kid.
I'm guessing he does an amazing cosplay of him
Ya remember buddy summer is only a few short months get that white anger out while you can
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)02:59:06 No.549664367 ▶
>>549665041 >>549670947
Go to /new/ and get properly redpilled you have no idea. At least, for the sake of critical thinking and to test your intelligence, open yourself to all of their arguments and let them present their worldview and converse with them. When you've reviewed all the facts, heard all the arguments, and either dismissed them or accepted them then you can say you were a critically minded person who is intelligent enough to review all sides of an argument and figure things out for yourself without having to resort to intentional ignorance and censorship.
You obviously don't know shit about the jews and have a lot to learn.
Anonymous (ID: 6Ak0Osqe) 06/05/14(Thu)02:59:34 No.549664427 ▶
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>>549664002 (You)
Watch the edge there kid
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:01:46 No.549664682 ▶
>>549665041 >>549665061 >>549670947
I'm a white supremacist and not at all a child and preparing myself for race war. I just need to finish arming up and soon I will be in the news next. Fuck your condescension.
Fuck off KIKE. You will see that I am the Supreme Gentleman before long.
Anonymous (ID: OkJT7f/3) 06/05/14(Thu)03:03:23 No.549664870 ▶
Is it over?
inb4: Nothing is over!
but seriously, how rural is that place? Will it be difficult to track him down?
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)03:03:41 No.549664903 ▶
>>549665092 >>549665593
>>549663587 (You)
JIDF? The "hactivist" group?
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:03:41 No.549664904 ▶
>>549665593 >>549670947
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Bourque is a hero and a wonderful agent of Chaos! Hail him! May Eris bless his epic struggle!
Anonymous (ID: G9pgNtvf) 06/05/14(Thu)03:04:25 No.549664991 ▶
>>549665526 >>549666070
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>>549664002 (You)
How about a gay and/or transvestite white supremacist?
How about a Nazi with down syndrome?
What about a KKK member who's also a closet furry and likes to cosplay as Princess Celestia from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:04:52 No.549665041 ▶
>>549664682 (You)
>>549664367 (You)
No idea
No I've lurked for about 6 years posted threads here and there. Nothing new to me
Can't wait to see you on the news I will make sure I have popcorn
No I don't know much about them except for everything my jewish sleazebag of a father taught me, nor do I really care.
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)03:05:04 No.549665061 ▶
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>>549664682 (You)
Coming soon to your neighborhood, Mr. wannabe badass. lmfao
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:05:19 No.549665092 ▶
>>549665653 >>549670947 >>549672024
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The propaganda/shill/etc. group that constantly infiltrates places like here and shutsdown absolutely anyone that is critical of the parasite jew.
Pic related, typical JIDF shill poster.
Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 06/05/14(Thu)03:07:33 No.549665340 ▶
>>549664002 (You)
Then get the fuck off of /b/ and kill some people, you edgy cunt. No one is fucking stopping you.
As for OP, it's messed up that you actually knew this guy. I'm from P.E.I., hoping they catch this nutcase. From his Facebook he looked pretty insane.
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:09:09 No.549665526 ▶
>>549666070 >>549666150 >>549670947
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>How about a gay and/or transvestite white supremacist?
Would kill them.
>How about a Nazi with down syndrome?
Would kill them too. Downies aren't humans.
>What about a KKK member who's also a closet furry and likes to cosplay as Princess Celestia from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
Would plan to kill him but would first try to encourage him to attack the ZOG and get himself sacrificed in combat that way but if that fails then just kill him.
These people you mention aren't true white supremacists, they don't actually serve the 14 words, they are individuals like pic related. They make a mockery of white supremacism.
Fuck can't post the pic for some stupid reason so posting a different one that's not even related. The pic I tried to post is the one about the uniform fetishists / cosplayers pretend Nazis.
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:09:44 No.549665593 ▶
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>>549664904 (You)
Moncton's not all that rural, but it does have a lot of woods and rural areas in it and around it
Never really has interested in hacktivists, but I think they are kinda necessary the world always needs chaos I just won't partake in it
ya no
Anonymous (ID: aFhQzg5L) 06/05/14(Thu)03:10:13 No.549665651 ▶
This thread ==f
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)03:10:13 No.549665653 ▶
>>549665092 (You)
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:11:54 No.549665863 [This post has been deleted] ▶
>Can't wait to see you on the news I will make sure I have popcorn
Now that's the proper attitude.
>No I don't know much about them except for everything my jewish sleazebag of a father taught me, nor do I really care.
Oh so you are a kike yourself. Well that must be a pretty heavy redpill for you to take to know a jew personally and see how vile they are like that.
That's ok I'm prepared. If they want to force things early then everything is ready to go and I will detonate the door as they come in then go to the places I've selected as targets and attack them and try to beat Breivik's highscore. Will start a big fire for lulz too.
Anonymous (ID: G9pgNtvf) 06/05/14(Thu)03:13:42 No.549666070 ▶
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>>549665526 (You)
>These people you mention aren't true white supremacists, they don't actually serve the 14 words.
You show me where in Mein Kampf Hitler says that I can't dress up like a magical Alicorn Princess!
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:14:06 No.549666105 ▶
>>549666825 >>549667429 >>549670947
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>Then get the fuck off of /b/ and kill some people, you edgy cunt. No one is fucking stopping you.
It takes time to prepare the perfect happening. How old was Breivik when he began? I am working on it, but a great work of art like that, doesn't happen over night.
>As for OP, it's messed up that you actually knew this guy. I'm from P.E.I., hoping they catch this nutcase. From his Facebook he looked pretty insane.
Wow is this how you actually think? You're pathetic. You should acknowledge his courage and heroism properly.
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)03:14:16 No.549666127 ▶
>>549665863 (You)
Try not to cut yourself on all that edginess. Have a great summer, young lad.
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)03:14:30 No.549666150 ▶
>>549666505 >>549668141
>>549665526 (You)
What do you think about the scientific evidence showing that all living humans have lineage in Africa? All of us have ancestors. What do you think about all humans, all animals, being related?
Anonymous (ID: ZcziB2oS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:15:49 No.549666296 ▶
for the love of god op dont start having half your answers being to our "white supremacist" spergs.
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:15:54 No.549666304 ▶
>>549666745 >>549670947
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Watch this vid it explains JIDF mentality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dDtRtGdcZA
Anonymous (ID: H0WUmhd7) 06/05/14(Thu)03:15:57 No.549666315 ▶
>>549658401 (OP)
whats his ass taste like?
Anonymous (ID: fH9IP9/M) 06/05/14(Thu)03:16:49 No.549666409 ▶
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>>549658401 (OP)
OP are you the driver or the passenger?
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:17:43 No.549666494 ▶
>>549666840 >>549667153 >>549670947
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Well Mein Kampf doesn't cover that specific instance of degeneracy but I think we can review a broader number of source texts describing the values of the National Socialist movement to understand that My Little Pony is a kosher conspiracy to ensure you never reproduce.
Anonymous (ID: G9pgNtvf) 06/05/14(Thu)03:17:47 No.549666505 ▶
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Evolution is a Jew conspiracy meant to undermine our religious faith so that we'll abandon our hunt for the Arc of the Covenant.
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:18:23 No.549666565 ▶
They're the only ones asking
no idea I'm guessing shit?
Anonymous (ID: g6GVco3P) 06/05/14(Thu)03:18:37 No.549666593 ▶
>>549666927 >>549667227 >>549668141
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>>549663827 (You)
Die faggot. Maple Rambo looks like some fuckwad
loser who couldn't handle the stress of finding out
that his girlfriend got laid off from Tim Horton's and that he was going to have another year of
no NHL because he didn't pay his cable bill.
By the way..New Brunswick is still on dial-up right?
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)03:20:05 No.549666745 ▶
>>549666304 (You)
goddammit that was a waste of time
Anonymous (ID: OkJT7f/3) 06/05/14(Thu)03:21:05 No.549666825 ▶
>>549667049 >>549668141
>>549666105 (You)
just read about him on wiki. surrendered to the cops when they came = total faggot
Anonymous (ID: G9pgNtvf) 06/05/14(Thu)03:21:11 No.549666840 ▶
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>>549666494 (You)
Have you ever watched My Little Pony?
You'd like it. There's only one nigger and they make her live in the forest.
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:22:03 No.549666927 ▶
Nah I have Bell's fibre op
Anonymous (ID: BZBUTq0r) 06/05/14(Thu)03:23:12 No.549667049 ▶
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>on the way to trial for biggest mass murdering in history
>like a fucking boss
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)03:24:26 No.549667153 ▶
>>549668141 >>549668587
>>549666494 (You)
Autism detected
Anonymous (ID: dOwadxb7) 06/05/14(Thu)03:25:11 No.549667227 ▶
tim horton's got good coffee yo
Anonymous (ID: y/99LEtB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:27:10 No.549667429 ▶
>>549667816 >>549667873 >>549668294
>>549666105 (You)
Just reported you to your local police department, enjoy faggot.
Anonymous (ID: SaX8sRdv) 06/05/14(Thu)03:27:52 No.549667517 ▶
OP i'm moving to Moncton in a few months, should I be afraid of others like him?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:28:08 No.549667552 ▶
Ya, what do American's have Dunken Donuts?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:29:45 No.549667694 ▶
No this is literally the biggest thing to happen there ever. There are a few murders and the Bauhaus gang, but they keep to Albert county, it is pretty damn safe except tonight
Anonymous (ID: raygg0Zf) 06/05/14(Thu)03:31:00 No.549667816 ▶
>I reported you to your local police department
>your local police department
Yeah no.
Anonymous (ID: fH9IP9/M) 06/05/14(Thu)03:31:12 No.549667835 ▶
>>549668065 >>549668421
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Is it true that the real tragedy here is not the loss of human lives but the slaughtering of manners and decency?
As I understand it, there have been no reports of a single "I'm sorry" being used by either the hero of Canada or by law enforcement.
What a shame, what a shame.
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)03:31:33 No.549667873 ▶
I just took some screen grabs and emailed them to the Department of Homeland Security.
>tfw Department of Homeland Security can still get you even in Canada.
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:33:17 No.549668065 ▶
it is a true shame, I am sorry that you had to hear about that.
Anonymous (ID: y/99LEtB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:33:41 No.549668106 ▶
The idiot doesn't cover his tracks very well. Wasn't hard.
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:34:08 No.549668141 ▶
>>549668426 >>549668550 >>549668945 >>549670053 >>549670213 >>549670947 >>549671818
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It's possible I'm older than you.
Out of Africa is wrong, the multi-regional hypothesis of human origins is correct, as for all animals being related no fucking shit. All living organisms on Earth trace back lineage to something from the ocean at some point and before that "star dust" and so on. Also fundamentally the universe is a hologram which is infinitely interconnected.
Non-whites still don't belong in white nations and some of us want to fight for the interests of our own race rather than being pathetic cuckold race traitor ethnomasochists. It doesn't even matter that niggers are inferior – superior or inferior races, they don't belong in the same nation as us.
I've been blocked by some janitor btw and will be banned soon enough so last post in this thread sadly. 4chan has no free speech not even on /b/ and I ain't even going to do any shit this year or any years now unless provoked by the party van. So no immediate threats.
It's funny because I am very much expecting the usual ban message which says that "no trolling outside of /b/" yet I AM ON FUCKING /b/ YOU STUPID CUNTS
Fuck off evolution is the very reason races aren't equal. It's more likely jewish fairy tales about the kike on the stick will promote egalitarian bullshit. Christianity is an anti-white slave religion made by the jew to destroy the goyim and make them subserviant to the jew.
Get the fuck off of /b/ if you don't even worship mass killers. Dorner, Breivik, Cho, Lanza, etc. are all heros!
stay mad kike
All the trolling he did afterwards made up for it and he's now enjoying a vacation in a Norwegian prison (he even has a computer in there!)
No I have not and will not.
*ponyfucker detected*
I can't believe these newfags don't even hail Breivik, keeper of the highscore. It's like /b/ is turning into nothing but a den of normies with facebook accounts.
Anonymous (ID: LjY/ZmYT) 06/05/14(Thu)03:34:48 No.549668207 ▶
Do you know if he was Jewish or hated Israel?
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:35:44 No.549668294 ▶
Ok you're responsible for their deaths though you fucking moralfag if they actually show up. Nothing will happen if they stay away though, nothing for decades potentially will ever come out of me. How does it feel knowing you forced this to take place prematurely? I'm pretty sure I'm a subject of some kind of mind control program anyways and they've been prepping me for this or they'd have stopped me long ago, I'm pretty much just an MK Ultra Assassin. They likely won't show up.
Of course there's no fucking way you could even know what my supposed local police department is, what country I live in, or any other details. I'm just humouring you.
Mods don't be dicks to me. I may express myself however I want on here. None of this is serious threats, I can't be fucked to actually leave my parent's basement.
Anonymous (ID: Z78obfN/) 06/05/14(Thu)03:37:03 No.549668412 ▶
>>549668552 >>549668565
Was he ever dating anyone? Do you think that he might still be a virgin?
I'm wondering if he was inspired by Elliot Rodger.
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:37:09 No.549668421 ▶
>>549668865 >>549670947
Good job filing false police reports then. Maybe you will be arrested for wasting their time. They've already been monitoring me for years and interviewed lots of people about me and I haven't done shit.
Anonymous (ID: HVnw57r9) 06/05/14(Thu)03:37:13 No.549668426 ▶
Is he a tinfoil hat /pol/esmoker like this guy?
>>549668141 (You)
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)03:38:24 No.549668550 ▶
>>549668141 (You)
Nope, not pony fucker.
That picture says:
>Never attract a white wife
Well, neither will you since you're a fat, autistic, basement-dwelling neckbeard.
btw I'm brown (First Nations) and I'm married to a white woman. Umad bro?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:38:25 No.549668552 ▶
Don't really know, I think he had a girlfriend
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:38:38 No.549668565 ▶
>>549668728 >>549668828 >>549670008 >>549670947
This is something we must know.
Is he pro-white? Does he fight the jew?
Is he a Supreme Gentleman?
(inb4 4chan mods finally ban me, they're taking awhile, or maybe they'll rethink it and just leave me be for once but knowing what libshits run this place it's not likely)
Anonymous (ID: +9CQm1E4) 06/05/14(Thu)03:38:50 No.549668587 ▶
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>Defends my little pony
>Autism detected
The irony
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:40:11 No.549668720 ▶
>>549669040 >>549669125 >>549669349 >>549669450 >>549670947
Autism is a jew psychiatric lie. Basement-dwelling neckbeard I am indeed. I am not fat though, I have exercise equipment down here.
>btw I'm brown (First Nations) and I'm married to a white woman. Umad bro?
Yeah I mad you fucking race traitor. Why couldn't you just keep your Amerindian race pure? Fuck. Day of The Rope will get you!
Anonymous (ID: Z78obfN/) 06/05/14(Thu)03:40:16 No.549668728 ▶
>>549668565 (You)
>>549668565 (You)
You drunk or something, bro?
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:41:18 No.549668828 ▶
>>549669157 >>549670360 >>549670947
>>549668565 (You)
I don't know if he is a white supremacist or pro white, but he is racist
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:41:47 No.549668863 ▶
>>549669051 >>549670947
No I do not engage in such degenerate activities. I have not talked to any people in an offline context in any meaningful manner in years though, rarely go outside, and have been trolling the internet for many years so my thought processes may seem alien to a normie like you.
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)03:41:47 No.549668865 ▶
>>549668421 (You)
Terrorist threats aren't false reports you autist. They'll be seeing ya real soon.
Anonymous (ID: sSMSnifY) 06/05/14(Thu)03:41:52 No.549668872 ▶
I thought this for a sec as he obviously looks like a modern Che Guevara, but no, his facebook says he was libertarian
Anonymous (ID: OkJT7f/3) 06/05/14(Thu)03:42:49 No.549668945 ▶
>>549669086 >>549669418
Any idea what the "greater plan" was suppose to be? It sounded like he wants "end the police state", but the logic doesn't make sense.
1:Acquire weapons
2:Shoot a few cops
4:profit/end police state
>>549668141 (You)
Trolling how? Unless he pulled off a Law Abiding Citizen "it's gonna be biblical" style masterplan, it sounds like he is just another fuck-up who watched a movie and decided to try to copy it. I'm an American, so a guy shooting up a place really doesn't impress me that much.
>Real political rebels don't an hero like lord-commander beta Elliot Roger or punk out like the Aurora, CO Joker.
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:43:01 No.549668967 ▶
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Anonymous (ID: ZcziB2oS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:43:42 No.549669040 ▶
>>549668720 (You)
>"it was a misdiagnosis, mom!"
Anonymous (ID: 5WMjMC9C) 06/05/14(Thu)03:43:52 No.549669051 ▶
>>549668863 (You)
Well then fuck off back to Wizardchan, my neckbearded friend.
Anonymous (ID: wFuLcCTB) 06/05/14(Thu)03:44:12 No.549669086 ▶
No idea
Anonymous (ID: cP3P/H6V) 06/05/14(Thu)03:44:34 No.549669125 ▶
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>>549668720 (You)
>day of the rope
Anonymous (ID: k2WqZcbz) 06/05/14(Thu)03:44:53 No.549669153 ▶
>>549658401 (OP)
where can we listen to something live about this horseshit? Not the fuckin' Colorado feed. Any live news stream, radio stream, anything from Mapleland?
Anonymous (ID: yKt4V0xS) 06/05/14(Thu)03:44:55 No.549669157 ▶
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i dunno what to make this thread about so i guess ill make a new music thread because the one on fringe is too big
post music!!!
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