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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 5857
Curing a Toothache Spiritually

Okay /fringe/, I recently have had a toothache and I think this is a good time to take advantage of it and try to cure it spiritually. I will post notes on what helped it heal and what made it worse, so if any of you guys get a toothache this thread should help you. I will post notes labeled 'Attempt #x' of what I did and my results, along with the time of day. Hope I can figure it out.
So as I woke up this morning, my toothache was hurting severely, so I spent my morning trying to find ways to heal it, here are my results.

First thing first, do not, I repeat, DO NOT meditate on the toothache. If you meditate directly on the pain it makes it hurt like a bitch. If you want to meditate for temporary healing, meditate on something other than the pain. Everything else had no effect, but one worked out for me. For about 10 minutes of relief, visualize a very powerful vacuum sucking the pain out of your tooth. Imagine the pain in your tooth is a black rubber band. I then imagined pulling the bands until they snapped, that relieved the pain for a bit. Also just imagine healing energy in your tooth while doing this, it should result in 10+ minutes of relief.

A note
Also, I know there are tons of ways to heal yourself but this is something usually only cured by a dentist, so I want to find a healthy spiritual way to heal it. If in the end it does work, then I'll have a way of healing it again and others can too. If it doesn't, oh well, I tried.

Oh yeah, Orajel works fine too :^)

orajel sucks it makes your mouth numb and you still feel the pain just in a slightly dulled way.

if you want pain relief take some opiates.

brush moar, go to dentist get your cavities fixed and any other shit.

i find meditating on the toothache, in the sense of observing the pain sensations arising and subsiding, very effective. that said when i get a toothache it makes my entire skull hurt so it's hard generating the will to meditate

Can I use this as the Fringe Experiments thread? I've got my own experiments going on and I want to post about them. I'll label them as Fringe Exp #1 and so on.

>create a sigil using this method: http://pastebin.com/WcK8wLF1
>modified in this way:

[6:48:09 AM] him: Try this
[6:48:17 AM] him: Write down the coordinates
[6:48:32 AM] him: Mash the numbers and letters together to make a sigil out of them
[6:48:54 AM] him: Then focus on the place on the map and the impression that it gives you
[6:49:06 AM] him: Focus this impression into the sigil
[6:49:14 AM] him: Affirm that it is linked to the location
[6:49:24 AM] him: Affirm that using it will bring you to the location

I made this sigil in this manner, attached a couple things to it, it's supposed to bring me to a place and then a person I have in mind.

So I spent ALL DAY just focusing on this sigil and putting energy into it and trying to go but there's a lot of light and noise and distractions but none-the-less here's the effects my sigilwork had:

>eyes were flickering absurdly fast, the only way I can really explain this, is in that scene in The Matrix here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRs8DgV1cDE

>hear rain and muffled voices, even though weather conditions of that sort aren't present where I'm at right now
>as I keep trying to focus on the sigil tons of thoughtforms keep coming from it, mostly characters like one would expect in various comics
>body heats up considerably

I have the sigil imprinted in my mind but I have to wait for better conditions here before I can really go in deep and actually project because there's so much noise and distractions in this house.

I did my standard numbers counting astral projection method but this time I enhanced it.

I see the numbers counting up, without thinking about it at all, AND I moved the counter and shrunk it WHILE seeing tons of other thoughtforms come up at random with each tick.

This resulted in an insanely complex and beautiful astral art slideshow and I would think about and describe each art piece I saw as quickly as I could as one piece of art then another could come into view.

Sometimes I paused the timer to look at a piece of astral art much longer.

I also saw some things which were in motion, such a neon-lights woman doing some kind of erotic dance thing.

The counter got up to over 200 increments btw and could have kept on going forever and I spent hours watching this stuff.

Massive overheating eventually occurred later.

Go ahead

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