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Esoteric Wizardry
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Everything will be fire. | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 16905
When I was on vacation with my extended family, my step-cousin picked up a small stone with a swastika etched on it. This was one stone out of many that he just happened to stumble upon, and I swear to Christ that I did not do it. I have etched swastikas into stones before, so I could attribute the matter to a lapse of memory that I didn't even notice (although I always take great pains to avoid such shenanigans being discovered by the people around me) but the carving and the stone looked identical to one I had did and left weeks earlier in another state. Is there a magical explanation for this?
Law of synchronicity anon.

Seeming coincidences like the one you described happen all the time.

Someone please make an ebola-chan thread on here so we can post all information and so for it and help /pol/ learn magic.

How old do you think the swastika carving was? Maybe it was hundreds or thousands of years old?

There's a book in the mega all about swastikas btw.

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I wouldn't be able to tell. Like I said, the carving looked identical to one I had did.

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