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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2832
I have realized that helping others is rather important to my own self-development.

I will explain this concept as simply as I can in as few words as possible.

When you help others, you are focusing your mental efforts on solving problems which makes you better at improving your own condition in turn.

The practice it gives you and the going over of basics with others reinforces the foundation upon which your own more advanced works are built upon.

If you waste time trying to undermine others or getting caught up in petty conflicts you won't be able to work on yourself as much in this way.

So I find that to become a greater wizard myself I am benefited by helping others along the path.
Oh and another thing… you can learn a lot by helping others.

When you try again & again to help others you find even better solutions and make improvements to your knowledge and practice.

Nice dubs bro. mirin'

this reminds me, does anyone else think that Zyzz was an avatar of some kind of God? He legitimately had a positive impact on millions of young men(which contributed to a portion of those peoepl's spiritual growth) before dying young in his prime, short-lived, influenced, and was looked up to and revered by a myriad of people, I don't know, seems godlike to me.

We're all aspects of the Source, so technically yeah he was.

But he was just a guy who posted fitness advice on a small internet forum, him reaching tens of thousands of stretching it. Millions? That's just stupid.

What he did was great, but it doesn't mean he's someone special.

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I think of Daddy Howard as an avatar of butthurt.(NICE PRO-WHITE TRIPS BRO)

>I find that to become a greater wizard myself I am benefited by helping others along the path.
I found that as I crystallize my knowledge into a more concise form that is easy to converse with it has helped me get a better understanding of it as well.

>When you help others, you are focusing your mental efforts on solving problems which makes you better at improving your own condition in turn.
I'm not disagreeing with you but it's better to start in reverse. Helping yourself will focus your mental efforts on problems solving and allow you to better help others. I'm not talking about you specifically but a person shouldn't be going around trying to help others if they don't know how to help themselves first.

I totally believe that zyzz was something other than the person. HE DIRECTLY SAYS IN A VIDEO "I am not zyzz, zyzz is a spirit brah. I am Az(iz) zyzz took over me brah."


I had said this a long time ago and hoped that it hadn't fallen on deaf ears. He actually inspired me greatly in my physical endeavors and I felt like he was with me. I didn't know about him till after he died, but to me he wasn't dead at all. The name itself is intriguing when looking at it from a much higher perspective, but you could definitely feel the purity and willingness to help others. Coming from /fit/ he may be regarded in a certain regard, but it would be a lie to say that he hasn't touched many people.

Well that's why I said you help people with basics which you've already got down pat while personally working on more advanced stuff.

Kind of like a person a grade-ahead helping a person doing last year's courses.

Is that how you would like to be taught?
Imagine you are at college and the professor is just one semester ahead of you, do you think he is really going to properly equipped to fully explain the topics involved, how they interconnect and then answer all your questions on top of that? I guarantee it wouldn't be long before you ask a question he can't answer. then what? he's either going to admit he doesn't know which and make you doubt everything he has said up to this point or he's going to start making things up (speculating)

Our understanding of magic is on the fringe of human understanding. Nobody is a master.

I think there are masters, just not here.
Help from someone a grade ahead is much better than help from peers, and that's better than no help at all. That's assuming the student has the sense not to believe everything they're told. If not they're fucked.

>I think there are masters, just not here.

I am really doubtful of this. If they exist they probably are staying secret or they are the ones who are fucking everything up from behind the scenes.

>Help from someone a grade ahead is much better than help from peers, and that's better than no help at all. That's assuming the student has the sense not to believe everything they're told. If not they're fucked.


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