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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14241
Eleven Benefits of Sexual Abstinence

I posted this on my website www.brahmacharya.net but I decided to share a part of it here with this wonderful community. These benefits are based on my own personal experience and that of other celibates. It is important to know that to experience these benefits you must be chaste in thought as well. Mental chastity is very important.

Courage/Fearlessness - Fear reduces a lot. It’ll become hard for you to be scared, even of dangerous things. In a dangerous situation, you’ll be aware of the risk but you will also be able to deal with it carefully instead of panicking and worsening the situation. You will start to feel what real masculinity is like.

Better Eyes - Eyesight improves considerably with the practice. And it’s not just the sight that improves but also the endurance of the eyes. You can then spend hours in front of your computer without your vision getting fuzzy and/or your eyes getting tired. In ancient times they used to say that “masturbation causes blindness”. It’s an exaggeration but there is a connection between the two. The floaters around the eyes also reduce or disappear completely.

Blissfulness/Contentment – You will start to feel bliss, which will cause dispassion and distaste for sensual pleasures. Sometimes the bliss is so great that you lose interest in everything around you. To increase this bliss it’s best to practice self-inquiry (hold the I thought-feeling) as taught by Ramana Maharshi. The bliss is similar to the pleasure you get from sexual activity but more refined (subtler). It’s better because it’s continuous, and has an invigorating effect on the body.

Better Memory – You will find it easier to remember things and you will also remember memories which you had long forgotten. Never mind old memories, you will also start to remember dreams which you had a long time ago. The mind will become much sharper.

Better Immunity – The energy reserves of your body are much higher now so the body will find it easier to deal with illnesses. It may happen that illnesses actually increase in the beginning with the practice, probably because of the body healing itself from ailments, but all will be better in time.

Lack of worry – Your worries reduce greatly. You will actually start to find it difficult to worry because you feel perfect or close to perfect. This will give you a sense of security enabling you to deal with difficult situations without worrying.

Intuition/Spontaneous Understanding – The mind becomes incredibly sharp and able to grasp things easily. You’ll start to understand things intuitively without thinking about them. The answers will come to you naturally on their own.

Suppleness – The body will become more supple and flexible. Notice how flexible young children are? They haven’t wasted their vital force as much as adults and so their bodies are strong and supple.

Calmness – An indescribable inner calm develops. You will develop the virtue of patience quite naturally.

Confidence - You’ll develop vigor and confidence. Shyness leaves you and you feel comfortable with yourself. The increased confidence can easily make one conceited so be careful.

Lack of Anger/Irritability – The greater the bliss, the greater the inner peace. The blissful feeling makes it nearly impossible to get angry. Suddenly everything’s fine. Nothing bothers you anymore.

See Also:
White Men, Renounce Porn

Pic possibly related.
I'm fucking tired of always masturbating when i try not to. How to annihilate sex drive? How to beat lust?

>How to annihilate sex drive
Keep yourself busy with hobbies, the less time you have available, the less chance of looking at porn. In my experience, doing exercise and being tired reduces sexual thoughts.

I'm going to reveal to you the #1 secret to overcome pornography addiction.

But what if you're having shreksual thoughts all of a sudden?

Dismiss them. Don't let the seeds of the lust grow, once it grow it'll be very hard to fight them. Forget about them when they have just appeared.

I'm 100% celibate but my eyes are shit and I have floaters. I intend to fix it with magic though since every other means have failed.

I wish I had a sex drive so I could just use it for something else. Any drive you have like that you can channel it into something else.

O. Seems to work. Thanks

Read the excerpt from The Science of Breath in the other thread on this same topic.

Try emotional alchemty to turn your lust into anger and anger into mana

Is ejaculating the problem or is sex the problem. If ejaculating is the problem (most ancient scriptures said it was) then you can still do sex but just not finish

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Dang 5 star post OP.

I have been sexually abstinent for 40 days now and I have already experienced most of these.

Courage, Lack of Worry, Calmness, Confidence, Lack of Anger all come about after a few weeks.

I heard the bliss part takes a bit longer though.

Depends. Ejaculating is the worst part. But, orgasming without using tantric techniques is also bad. Also, of course, masturbating, but there's already a thread that's dedicated to discussing that. And so is having sex without love. In decreasing levels of magnitude, these will all drain/throw off your energetic body. Which will then trickle down, so to speak, to your actual emotional, psychological, and physical well being.

I concur. Started off with nofap, and now I'm like, "why have sex at all unless it's with someone really special using tantric techniques/ for procreation?".

Other people get depressed/irritable cuz they haven't gotten any in a few days. I stay super level headed, calm, and usually happy because I haven't gotten some in much longer (my life is far from perfect, so trust me it's not that). This pretty much proves that sex is used as a drug by most people, without them realizing it.

In fact, it mirrors my recent experiences detoxing from cannabis use quite well. Given the extent to which I'm more capable not smoking, I find it hard to remember why I did in the first place. But at least I knew that was a drug, and was making a conscious decision to use it. We've all been programmed (probably by Jews and illuminati working in tandem, but let's not go there - basically via mainstream media and culture) not to even realize it when it comes to sex and masturbation.

Zinc plays a role in eyesight and sexual fluids.

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