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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14546
Hello, my magical friends. I have three questions for you.
1) Are you planning to pass down the knowledge you accumulated over the years? (if you do,then what will be your method?)
2) Do you try to enlighten your normal friends (if you have normal friends)?
3) Did you have/had a teacher?
>1) Are you planning to pass down the knowledge you accumulated over the years? (if you do,then what will be your method?)
Everything we know is available through books, it's useless. I just tell people what books to read and practice and they go from there while asking me questions.

>2) Do you try to enlighten your normal friends (if you have normal friends)?

I only have one friend, and she's a christfag. I really don't feel like greenpilling her. She knows very well what I do so I'll just wait until she wants to seek more about the stuff.

>3) Did you have/had a teacher?

The Norse Gods, Eris mindfucked me and started my path in spirituality, and myself.

Do I get a cookie now?

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Thank you for answering. Here is your cookie, please be polite and leave some for the others

Bonus question. How long have you been practicing and what exactly made you interested in something so shunned by society?

All my life I've been practicing magick and I have no clue how I started. Guess I got bored one day and started reading about it.

I've always had social anxiety disorder and nobody ever liked the same things I do and never really had friends so I just avoid society.

>1) Are you planning to pass down the knowledge you accumulated over the years? (if you do,then what will be your method?)

Yeah. In the form of a book which I will keep revising in order to ensure it's packed with only the best information and which I will subject to review and further revision and updates. I also talk about magic with anyone who is receptive to it, both offline and online, and teach my wife about it and will teach all my children.

>2) Do you try to enlighten your normal friends (if you have normal friends)?

You mean mundanes? I don't believe in casting peals before swine and my understanding of magic is that EVERY THOUGHT effects the whole universe, albeit less focused thoughts weakly, and more concentrated and intense ones more strongly. I do not reveal anything of my magical workings to persons who will cast doubt upon them and in so doing add extra resistance to their manifestation which I really don't need getting in the way. Many occult texts, from Franz Bardon to Lobsang Rampa to William Walker Atkinson (at least in The Kybalion), advocate adhering to a certain amount of secrecy and silence. Now this does not mean I can not talk about the matter at all, write books, etc. but one must be careful about who one talks to about their personal magical endeavours which are still a WIP so their mental influence does not interfere with the goal and a certain amount of caution may also be pertinent in some cases where some mundanes respond with a fearful or persecutory nature towards what they do not understand and may condemn you for the practise of magic.

I am a very reclusive man but the people I do interact with (offline) are very often extraordinary people who have been synchronistically attracted into my life. In this regard you may consider them not "normal", but all the same most people have a very unique story behind their life and nobody is really "normal" other then I suppose the organic portals aka 2nd density animal men aka spiritless humans that create the background characters in this reality.

>3) Did you have/had a teacher?

No. I have read extensively on magic and continue to do so and have natural abilities and insight which gave me a peek into the divine reality strong enough to set me on the right path and give me direction. I have a very strong intuition which has guided me past all the tons of bullshit to the real stuff and have also had the privilege of witnessing miracles done by other wizards, reinforcing my faith and belief, and consequently increasing my magical ability at the same time.

I give book recommendations all the time but I'm still writing a book anyways because I need to put together all the ideas that make my magic work into one text. Also my book will itself include recommendations of further reading.

>all those degenerate ZOG cookies to poison the goyim with their excessive sugar and probably preservatives too

rope! rope! rope!

>le social anxiety disorder
>implying psychology is legit

I prefer to define myself in positive terms as a recluse who can handle interactions with people but prefers to be alone or in the company of my loyal wife and spends the majority of his time in the pursuit of higher learning and accomplishment.

The monks and hermits of the past who've lived the same way wouldn't have defined themselves as having a "disorder".

There is nothing wrong with our preference for solitude.

Society at present is really sick and going through its final death heaves.

1) To the world, a biography.
2) Yes, but my friends are more open-minded.
3) I've discussed and traded information with many people, but I was never taught.

Were you perhaps born in August, maybe even late July?

What made you believe in something that majority is considering fairytale?

I've realized the synchronicity.


Would you care to share what month you were born in?

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>Are you planning to pass down the knowledge you accumulated over the years?
It's a possibility. I myself am my own magnum opus, but I hope to enlighten people by writing or composing a physical one.

>Do you try to enlighten your normal friends?

Not actively, no. They have all the information if they want to know, and they are free to choose.

>Did you have/had a teacher?

Not really, but I regard many people from Buddha to Jesus to Baudelaire to Talbot as teachers, of sort.

>How long have you been practicing and what exactly made you interested in something so shunned by society?

I began this year. First I read a lot about Buddhism and it felt right, but I wanted more. I wanted more knowledge, to know God and perfect myself. I am still a neophyte but I am growing, if bit lazily.

Laziness is my vice. It will be fixed.

>What made you believe in something that majority is considering fairytale?

I merely felt there was something more to our existence. There are so many 'paranormal' cases that science refuses to answer, or cannot. Evidence is standing in front of us, but people cover their eyes.

Material science is good for material knowing, but how can such science understand the spirit and soul!

Occultism is our spiritual science, we being the researchers. One day we will be remembered for our contribution to sciences when the spiritual revolution will come and shift this world's materialist paradigm into something better!

After I became a wizard I turned more quiet and contemplating, quite anti-social if I am allowed to use that term. Consequently it followed that people began to ask me why I had became quiet or why I am not acting social. I have always explained myself, telling that I prefer being alone and that it's better to speak a word well-spoken than speak without saying anything.

Still they think I have 'problems' and continue with their questions. How many times do I have to repeat myself? I am happier now! Let me have my freedom you so advocate!

It is a great hypocrisy in our time to promote freedom of 'lifestyles' and individuality when a person cannot live how he wants to and do what he wants to. The society and its dogmas are always there to remind you how 'wrong' your way of living is.

Bah, humbug!

>1) Are you planning to pass down the knowledge you accumulated over the years? (if you do,then what will be your method?)
If someone approaches me with genuine interest, maybe, but otherwise I find most of my success away from other 'chaotic' beings (namely most of humanity)

>2) Do you try to enlighten your normal friends (if you have normal friends)?

Pretty much as stated above, I don't really speak with many people as most interactions put my brain in a fog. However, A natural trait of mine is to often ramble and leave a 'part' of myself in everything I communicate in a serious manner. In a way this enlightens people in small ways if they 'see beyond the words'.

3) Did you have/had a teacher?
Not particularly outside of the Woman that appeared in my dreams since I was around 8. It was a rare recurring thing at first, but she gradually began to communicate, never in 'words' even though I could hear it and feel it, like a vibration. As far as looks, every time I 'saw' her, I couldn't make out color, the background was always too bright (I say background because the area didn't feel very real, as if she was the only 'real' thing there).I just know she was female because of the motherly, nurturing feeling that she gave off.

>How long have you been practicing and what exactly made you interested in something so shunned by society?

Counting from when my dreams started, just over a decade. However I just began to study and get into the 'practice' of it on a material level about 2-3 years ago. I was delighted when I found the extensive library and community here, the last couple months have been very fruitful. And it was basically my dreams leading to a growing interest in the occult and enlightenment. I have always kept my distance from others for obvious reasons, so I never much cared for 'society'.

>What made you believe in something that majority is considering fairytale?

Outside of my dream experiences, I often came face to face with many paranormal things (ghosts, poltergeists [my fault because overactive and uncontrolled energy use as a child], and other things of the like). That and after I called bullshit on every religion I found, I sensed there was something 'under the surface' and have been digging for the "'absolute truth'" ever since.

1), yep, it's a constant thing with existing in peace with your surroundings
2)Fuckin' right I do
3) Kinda sorta/ nothing direct, but a point in a direction once in awhile

Also, I'm LOVING all the big dick /fringe/ wizurd comments.
>yeah fuck the mudnanes
>I'mma enlighten u with my work
>I am magnum opus

Top fucking kek this is like 4chan but a massive dick measuring contest


You trying to curse me? [paranoia intensifies]

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>I merely felt there was something more to our existence. There are so many 'paranormal' cases that science refuses to answer, or cannot. Evidence is standing in front of us, but people cover their eyes.

My feeling has been different in that I wasn't aware of any paranormal stuff happening in our reality but couldn't make sense of the world with the standard explanations given by the masses. I was in a very deep existential despair but my dreams were showing me something different and I felt that the standard materialist world-view didn't make any fucking sense because it was incomplete and left too much unanswered. I assumed the universe either had to be totally irrational in which case I may as well plunge my mind into madness and think whatever I want because the whole existence is totally crazy to begin with and anything would be possible OR there had to be an explanation which was complete and resolved all paradoxes, all opposites, and represented a complete and total system and the materialist paradigm based in linear time obviously does not do this.

There had to be things which are infinite, absolute, eternal, and uncreated. My parents however and every freaking person I ever would come across had no answers at all and everyone I'd talk to online for years seemed to believe with absolute faith in the materialist paradigm, thinking anything outside of what is taught at a highschool level understanding of reality is nonsense. They didn't make sense though, they seemed to think they're so smart (and they still do, every fedora thinks he's absolutely right because muh pop scientists while not actually being to argue for shit), and I wondered if I was just really stupid and there was something I didn't get and sometimes I would cry and on really bad days hurt myself.

Some guy on imageboards though a few years ago on /b/ said some vague shit to me about me being the universe, "I am the universe", and said I'd forget that statement and it wouldn't make sense to me. However I didn't forget it at all, I became obsessed with it, because something about the way he conveyed the message to me suggested superior knowledge on his part. I couldn't find answers still though so it would keep falling into the back of my mind just to resurface again later.

Eventually I was introduced to montalk and started reading that site obsessively and later I found The Kybalion after someone on here posted the 7 hermetic axioms. My memory and health was sadly really shit from years of despair and severe depression and suicidal ideation and all that, but all the same, I stayed the path because absolutely nothing else mattered to me and I wanted to kill myself (only reason I didn't was I was afraid). I didn't give a shit about anything else in life and was extremely depressed, really hated everyone, was very cowardly and afraid and could never really sleep. Somehow though after reading The Kybalion as well as a lot of other random material presented on /fringe/ again & again & again the ideas sunk in and my shitty memory was able to remember it all. I finally was beginning to grasp the nature of what that one guy said years earlier about me being the universe and to acquire a complete understanding of reality that actually made sense because it was whole. There was no mysterious gap in my understanding, no questions like "what came before the big bang"? Instead I had a solution to reality which contained the beginning in the end, where every point in space is the centre of the universe, the infinite could properly be grasped, and the unfolding of everything that is could be comprehended.

This along with seeing some anonymous wizards do magic was finally beating out the years of doubt in me (though I kept wondering if they were tricking me at first). My previously atheistic, materialist, nihilistic, depressed mindset was fading away slowly. I was thinking about magic every day and wondering how it works, how to do it myself, etc.

I had to dig through thousands of articles, reading all day every day, searching through all the bullshit. It feels like I went through all the garbage first before coming across the real gems, like I had really bad luck in finding all the shitty information first, but at least this gave me a fairly comprehensive overview of practically every religion and silly occult idea in the process. Now I feel that the essential knowledge, the most untainted by disinformation and misunderstanding, has condensed in this place and that other seekers who happen to stumble onto /fringe/ will have a shorter path before them in finding the truth then those of us who had to dig through the garbage for years to find it.

Somewhere along the way I became a true believer and slided out of agnosticism. Now I am recovering mentally, physically, and spiritually from the immense suffering I spent so many years in thanks to the incredible ignorance and neglect of my parents and everyone I've ever known until starting to find actual wizards to talk to online. I feel that I have been in a state of continuous improvement now for at least a year and have a very optimistic outlook now for myself as I believe that even the stuff that's supposedly things you can't change, we can in fact overcome, and do away with. I think if it weren't for meeting some wizards online I would have degenerated into such a sickly and weak state that in a few more years I would have died in my room alone and with my spirit completely crushed by the merciless existence that dominated my life back then.

As a result of my experiences in life I am very determined now to develop siddhis and to wage war upon the consensus reality. The suffering I endured was not acceptable at all and could have been prevented with spiritual knowledge had it been given to me early in life. My goal is to cause so much chaos and high strangeness in the world that the materialist mindset is shattered and abandoned and becomes something which is ridiculed and mocked the same way idealism has been for so long in the present age. I intend to accomplish my goals by breaking down the veil between the higher realm and this one, effectively plunging us all back into the dreamtime. I will bring into this world any strange entities that seem impossible to the unilluminated mind; aliens, demons, the creatures of folk-tales, etc. it doesn't matter what it is I want to let it into our world through any means possible. I want to create more hauntings, make more reality pockets in this world in which strange anomalies may arise, and create oddities that make people question the nature of this reality. I want to see if I can get a spaceship to land in a football stadium when millions are watching and for very obviously non-human entities to come out of the ship and announce "ALL THINGS ARE IMAGINED, IMAGINED THINGS ARE REAL". The people who banish the paranormal from this world piss me off, like those people who try to make ghosts and other things go away, that really upsets me because I never experienced any paranormal occurrences throughout my entire childhood due to how rare people have made them by exorcising and banishing and doubting it all away.

I tell ANYONE about magic no matter what their intentions are because I want a more magical world to live in. I don't care if they intend to use it for "bad things", we need more people practising magic, and making the consensus reality unstable. I hope in the future we'll be seeing lots of videos getting uploaded on youtube or liveleak or whatever showing strange events like wizards flying around in the air, walking through fire and not being burned, magic battles taking place, etc. and more people are thus forced to see through the illusion of maya. The whole consciousness of humanity will be awakened again to their divine nature and remember who they are, life on Earth will be indistinguishable from life in the astral planes eventually. The veil will be broken.

That's my goal and I'm sticking to it.

May or April?

Stop trying to narrow it down. Why do you even want to know this?

You have my condolences and respect.

I didn't really care about philosophy or occult or anything like this until this year, so I am a newcomer to this all. As mentioned, I began to felt that there was more than materialism or naturalism could answer.

I haven't had much experiences myself, though I've heard once my dead grandmother speak something behind me, and I've heard ghost music. I also have seen the future in my dreams - I've forget the dreams but when the event occurs, I recall it.

Now I have a serious brain fog that makes it difficult to understand or remember anything, my days are spent in a hazy state but I'm doing sigils and visualization practices to overcome it.

I am still working to become a true believer. I will do it. It is a leap into the unknown.

I don't have an ultimate goal yet, but I want to perfect myself and hopefully exist in the astral so that I can continue practicing and helping others.

*I've forgot

>ghost music

I hear this. Sometimes it increases in frequency to once every few days and then sometimes it goes away for months and I wonder if it'll ever come back and eventually it one day makes a come back. It's always the same song and it's nothing like any song played by any radios and it's not like the songs one gets "stuck in their head" where it sort of loops but you're not really hearing it. No this song is different. I HEAR it clearly, audibly, and it is a sort of heavenly music with a quality to it that is only matched by the music you may hear in the astral planes… except I hear this while awake and in the physical planes. There is no apparent source for it and so far I've only heard it while in my bedroom, sometimes at night, sometimes during the day. It is one of those events that makes me incredibly excited and happy because I feel closer to the divine reality then, feel that the veil is loosening when something like that gets through.

>Now I have a serious brain fog that makes it difficult to understand or remember anything, my days are spent in a hazy state but I'm doing sigils and visualization practices to overcome it.


Good ideas – autosuggestion also should help – and the vid I posted is an audiobook for one of the New Thought books contained in that mega folder in the /fringe/ sticky and is all about memory.

Seems like a lot of people seriously joined the path of wizardry this year including myself.

> Are you planning to pass down the knowledge you accumulated over the years?

All depends on how much factual knowledge I accumulate that's not been previously recorded. I'm not a skilled writer so I doubt I'll be making a grimoire like others here

>Do you try to enlighten your normal friends?

I did once and realized that if they don't feel the attraction towards the occult there's no point in talking to them about it. Main reason most of us are here is because one day we felt a passionate desire to know more of the occult and somehow ended up researching deeper and deeper into it. Their time will come, maybe in the next life but it will.

>Did you have/had a teacher?

No teacher apart from the more adept wizards here answering my questions in the questions threads.
IIH has been sufficient so far.

It's a trivial matter, but I'd like to know.

regarding that youtube video you posted, will it help me memorizing hundreds of pages from my med school books?

You can make a tulpa that stores perfectly all the memory of books that you've only glanced at and you can also attain a type of memory where you can recall anything picture perfect and just look with your mind's eyes at the pages again when you need to see them again.

I want to thank you for informing me about autosuggestion. I feel better but I still need to work on that. Thanks man!

I use auto-suggestion all the time, it's the lazy man's magic, all you got to do is say that shit 40 times while really tired and really feel it and it's a done deal basically. Initiation Into Hermetics covers auto-suggestion and pretty much every other occult book does too such as those by William Walker Atkinson.

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