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/astral/ - Astral Travels

Explorations of the higher mental planes.
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 1 [Reply]
This board is dedicated to astral travelling and astral projection. Go into a trance and post your astral travels here. Meet others in the astral and interact with them too. Share achievements. You didn't see nothing goy.

No. 1060 [Reply]
Hey /astral/. If you want to have spiritual discussion with people that are like you, come to our chatroom.

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is it filled with people who openly say they think magic is a joke like the fringe skype?

where is that chat room?

Just so you know, a lot of the people in the /fringe/ skype, are cancer that don't even browse this site or who browse it for the "lolcows" who they then post to cwcki forum or whatever the fuck it's called. Just ignore them, there are real wizards there too, but we're always a minority no matter where we are.

It's too dead.

lol why does this website exist? To ruse people?

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No. 851 [Reply]
I have been interested in the astral for a few months now and have attempted to access several times. I have decided that I am now ready to make a persistent, serious effort.

I have not read any books on the subject and I am not currently interested in theory; I would prefer to experience it first-hand before reading the explanations others offer.

I make attempts at night before I go to bed and in the morning when I wake up. It is much easier to concentrate now that I have broken my masturbation addiction (actually pretty easy to go 'cold turkey').
After relaxing my body for 5 minutes, I try to 'get up' out of my body. What follows is gentle pressure in my lower forehead, and a vibration which covers my entire body. If I lose concentration, parts of my body might twitch. I can only hold this for about 5 seconds before it cuts out.

Here are my questions: Is what I am doing so far correct? If so how should I proceed? Otherwise, what am I doing wrong?

I will accept all advice and recommended literature, though I would prefer for the literature to be practical rather than metaphysical.
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I don't understand why people a photo like this and go "she's pretty, but she'd be better if she were a TOTAL ASS-MONSTER"
>trolling everyone in the room while they started ranting about "/pol/"

So wait, the Astral's 4chan in space?


I want my ignorance back.

This looks better than the OP pic.

You're probably a negroid.

>So wait, the Astral's 4chan in space?

No you idiot. The astral is the Mental Planes, it's where thoughts happen, and I bring the 4chan into the astral myself by going around trolling others in the astral.

In the astral you will find everything though, it is not just one very limited thing like some people imagine, it's literally EVERYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE AND MORE.

What's the name of the woman in the picture

No. 1086 [Reply]
"project life command" is the shit if you want to learn and understand real telekinesis
>Already Proven In Non-Recorded Tests

This is what worries me most with most forms of magick.

As far as I am concerned I stay with the more practical forms of the supernatural. Telekinesis is a waste of time.

>page 80 on parapsychology

Man this book is shit. I'd rather astral project.

> At the time I had made my first big
discovery (October 1994), had I known you at
the time and your quest for evidence and proof,
I would have hot tailed it to your city to
collect the money. As the abilit
ies are not constant and it's been years since I have done
any of them, I am going to perfect them
before attempting to go public. Though the
money isn't important to me, anyone that can
perfect their abilities
first using Project
Life-Command, feel free to collect the one
million dollars from James Randi and mention
this file if you feel it filled in any missing
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

>Zombie Syndrome:
An obsession with murder for the
pure enjoyment and pride that an
innocent life was killed by your personal invo
lvement in helping to make it happen. First
stage is ask
ing where meat comes from and then accepting the answer "
we are natural
born killers and it's in our nature to kill
" and eating processed meat. Second stage is
eating freshly slaughtered animals in which
you have to drain the blood or remove the
head. Third stage is when you buy a gun and th
ink about going hunting or tell stories
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 587 [Reply]
Has anyone here read the Emerald Tablets? I remember that some of the text gave you like secret "cheat codes" to ascend to really high levels in the astral by just saying a few words.

Not sure if anybody tried that yet.

Here is the text:

I think the good stuff is on the chapter "Secret of Secrets".
I will read them and get back to you.

The Kybalion sums it up nicely

well there's this..
>When ye have released the self from the body,
rise to the outermost bounds of your earth-plane.
Speak ye the word Dor-E-Lil-La.

How can we be sure to pronounce it correctly? They should've written it with international pronunciation letters.

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No. 1045 [Reply]
Serious question. I want out of the third density.
Either become a Jivanmukta with dual-consciousness or complete Mahasamādhi.

It takes a lot of effort to create a sustained second energy body but I will do it myself eventually after I'm done reading and perfecting some other stuff. I'm delaying on doing it because of the risks of getting lost, I want to know how to fully navigate 4D beforehand.



Just wait until Earth ascends, should be within your lifetime. Then you won't even have to commit suicide.

Remember that the third density is the essence of God imbued in physicality and not to work against the ebb and flow of the universe because we have many lessons to learn still.

Is it possible to suicide suddenly while astral projecting before losing the link?

Hypothesis: strap explosives to yourself, astral project, boom.

Would you remain in the astral plane?

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No. 1011 [Reply]
I have been trying to project consistently or months now, and I get so close, the closest I have gotten I actually heard an entity say hello to me and saw an outline of it, but I still havent done it. It is the most IRRITATING thing in the world, I dont understand what I am doing wrong. I fully relax my body and start to see outlines, light, etc. Vibrations come and I can eventually feel my body project out of my physical one, yet my head and upper part of my body stay intact and I basically end up with a partial projection. I am trying to keep my cool but it is getting increasingly hard.

Can you guys help me with the last stage of projection? Have any of you been stuck here before? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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astral dynamics is outdated, the guy wrote a second book that is a step by step exercise guide to AP'ing


if you want a good tip, try to get a nap in the afternoon of 2-3 hours, then go to bed at 11-12PM, I don't have any meditation practice but if I focus my mind a little I have a very big chance of reaching the trance state you need to project with the usual kinesthesic and auditory hallucinations and energy surge in your body

What is IIH?

introduction into hermetics

I think he meant Initiation into Hermetics.

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No. 1087 [Reply]
Hi. So, I've been interested in astral projection and everything, started the meditations and all. The thing is, a lot of people say, that when you're in sleep paralysis, you tend to see some spooky shit. What concerns me is that I think, there's an 'evil' (idk how else call it) spirit in this room, because probably (I'm not 100 percent sure) a person was killed in my room.

Last year I think I had a contact with that spirit. It was unpleasant and scary. One night (I don't know if I imagined or it was true) I talked to it, I think I saw it but not really (I'm not sure how to explain). But after that night I don't feel it's presence anymore. BUT I'm still not sure if it's safe to try astral projecting in this room?
As safe as anywhere else.

Thank you for your answer!

Try astral projecting with another person you trust so he'll look out for you

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No. 1091 [Reply]
I have come today to ask about astral projection, and a possible crossover I had into another "plane" for lack of a better word.

My first plea is for Reading material related to AP'ing.

I'd really like some one to pick apart a recent experience from this year, and give their thoughts.

It's a short story, but i've never experienced any thing like it again.
Starting off, I know what sleep paralysis is. I've heard that you see and hear strange things while under said condition, and it's chalked up to some kind of chemical reaction.

But what about your entire head vibrating? I woke up one morning from an extremely deep sleep with the words "teleportation" and "human transit" in my mind. I want to say they were whispered in my ear. but I know better. It was in my mind. centered in my forehead but in the back half of my skull. Apon realizing i was awake, and could think, I noticed every thing seemed numb… and off. I tried to get up and couldn't. And it was at that moment that i noticed the shaking. At first i thought it was an earthquake, but Florida has no quakes. And that is when I realized it wasn't the room shaking.. it was a vibration. INSIDE my head. It persisted for about 5-10 seconds and slowly died down, and i remember going back to sleep and waking up again some time later with a full recollection of what happened.

Please offer insight. It's very important to me.

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No. 1080 [Reply]
Hello /astral/, first time poster here. I've been interested in ap for quite a while, i've tried it many times but I always got distracted; so i started medtation some months ago. I used to do it once before i sleep, and after I wake up, but lately I just do it once before I sleep as a sort of "release" for all my thoughts of the day. I hadn't tried astral projection since I started meditation because I wanted to have a clear and honest reason for meditation, not just doing it to learn how to AP and then stop doing it. anyway, i've been trying to AP these last few nights, and I seem to reach a phase where I feel a sudden pressure change, and my ears feel blocked (think flying in an aeroplane) but since that never happened to me before, I kind of panicked and thought "OH GOD ITS HAPPENING OMGWTFBBQ" and snapped out of it. do you suggest I stop and keep meditating to completely clear my mind or keep trying to AP so as to get over my fear of the whole pressure change thing? i would appreciate any advice. thanks!
Currently in the middle of an AP-athon that has lasted 24 hours so far, just came down for water and food as I haven't consumed anything in all that time, going back to the astral now… once I'm done with all this I might help you OP. Lately I keep talking to random entities and I also succeeded in successfully reading a whole page off of some book in the astral but it wasn't an interesting book.

Being able to AP on demand takes time, it took me 9 months to be able to project successfully, I practiced 3 things: Focusing/meditation, getting rid of fear (fear of death that is) (I did that through death meditation) and visualization (one simple exercise is trying to visualize symbols and numbers with your minds eye WITHOUT saying the number/symbol).

I advice you to meditate and get into a deep meditative state and find your center, meditate both in the morning and night, actually meditate as much as you can, one of the best medidation sessions I had was when I tried meditating when I was feeling depressed.

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No. 888 [Reply]
How do you astral project (the correct way).

Also, fuck you, Bor. Trips get.
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Do you drink flouride?

No. Not even fluoride in my toothpaste.

Do You Know that 80% of Chronic Degenerative Diseases Originate in The Mouth?

Tooth health plays an important role in overall health.

Conditions such as,

• gum disease
• cavities
• bad breath
• digestive distress
• even heart disease and diabetes,

…indicate that there are biochemical imbalances in the mouth and throughout the body.

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Thanks, man.

Sounds like lucid dreaming. Are you sure it's not lucid dreaming?

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No. 1064 [Reply]
how do i get a gf on the astral plane?
Fuck off you disgusting piece of shit.

People like you who are so fucking deluded that you think that a woman with somehow bring you happiness deserve to die.

Women are vapid adult children who you should stay away from if you hope to achieve happiness.

You need to understand this.

You sound bitter.

Well the first step OP is to figure out how to maintain contact with entities in the astral planes. So many times I've fallen in love out there with the perfect girl just to lose contact with her and never find her again out there in the great expanse of the astral… ;_;

No. 139 [Reply]
For a very long time I just wandered around some buildings and locked for a locker with a certain key combination on it that apparently contained a lot of stuff of mine that would appreciate in value immensely over the years and make me fairly wealthy. I had also observed at one point a whole bunch of women doing stretches and stuff in some room.

I also visited some woman with red hair who had a baby with her also with red hair… but I still have to confirm who it is.

Later on I got on a bike that was mine, is coloured red, and has a motor (so I can pedal or use the motor) to go fast and drove it on a highway with some other bikers following another guy with a dark-violet coloured bike nicknamed "nightmare". I eventually followed him to his house, which was really big and wealthy with round-turret parts and stuff, definitely a house in excess of 1 million dollars worth. I then asked him for directions to home and he didn't really know which way I would have to go and so I disconnected from the astral awhile later.

Some interesting objects I observed:
• A water bottle with fluids in it similar to what you'd see in a lava lamp
• locks with 3 number combinations on them
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Spent the greater part of my time in some place with many cows and a lot of shit and practically sinking into and covered in smelly cow manure. Eventually got the fuck out of that place and took a bath somewhere and then proceeded to some other shitty job. Was a really shitty astral trip.

Next time I decided to go to the astral much more cool shit happened. Explored around some places, was wearing some fancy socks, met a blonde haired woman that another entity said her name was Ingrid (never got the name specifically from her) and I wonder if she's actually a woman I know. Got into an argument with some old woman who wanted blonde haired people to bred out of existence and told her I wouldn't let that happen and basically started harassing the fuck out of her trying to make her angry as distressed as possible with great success until she ran away.

I killed a whole bunch of white wolves with a beat up, bent, butcher's knife or machete or whatever it was in one hand and a rusty sword like thing in the other hand and I piled up their corpses.

This being after spending some time on a small farm in some village somewhere.

I saw the surroundings very clearly and I guess the buildings looked pretty European.


Wrote this down somewhere, need to go find it and copypaste it here.


I found a computer in the astral planes and ran some program on it and it said "God is dead" and then "Google is God".

I also found a skateboard and tried skateboarding but didn't do so well.

Some Japanese girl teased me when I dropped a whole bunch of coins on the ground. When I looked at my coins btw and started collecting them some were American and some were Czech and some were Canadian and I'm not sure if there were coins from a few other countries too. I don't even–

Later on I spent awhile sitting in front of some fish aquariums watching them.

>infiltrate a synagogue
>overhear discussion of spiderman becoming antisemitic
>loudly claim he has had a dose of reality and become jew aware
>get dragged out shouting that jews own the banks, media and government
>sit down by the door adjusting my shoe as jews flood out
>one is handing out leaflets, approaches me with a wicked smile
>holds leaflet against my nose and it explodes
>I laugh at him and his failed assassination attempt
>stand up, hail victory and give a roman salute
>march around the corner and come across a lot of old friends and acquaintances wearing red, white and black
>they greet me with salutes and hails, I tell them what happened
>I am informed that I am bleeding, check reflection in a window
>laugh it off and crack jokes with my comrades

I was in the astral planes looking around a store that was like half a book store and have a general store with all sorts of random stuff in it and I was looking around for a sling and at one point I said "where is the jew at" and some other guy near me, apparently a different jew, got really offended that I said "jew" and called me anti-semitic and got into an argument with me where I was just explaining I wanted to know where this guy was at and it shouldn't make me an anti-semite just for calling him a jew…

Also when I looked around at the books I couldn't find a nice book to read. I wanted some occult books to read but most of it wasn't related or was just New Age garbage.

I asked the librarian there for certain books and she wasn't really helpful.

Eventually I just left the astral.

Oh and at one point some guy had me like throw some gem stones around but I threw them too hard and they hit the wall and he sighed.

Not sure what he was getting at there with those stones, maybe he wanted to do divination, I don't know.

No. 321 [Reply]
hello everyone.
pretty new here. i actually have never visited this plane of which you speak, but i am trying and feel that im getting close.

my question is…is there a risk associated with venturing into this dimension? I read a lot about beings you all encounter, can they harm me?

furthermore, is this travel damaging to my mental health? will i start to disassociate from my physical attention?
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Reincarnation is pretty accurate man. Read this thread: >>>/fringe/2860

Depends on what daemons.

Kakodaimon =/= Agathodaimon

Interestingly, the author of the book from which the interlife portion of that model comes (Ian Lawton) has recently written a book called Supersoul, where he essentially replaces the linear reincarnation model with a nonlinear model, where each incarnation of the supersoul is an independent personality gathering insight for the collective simultaneously. It's pretty interesting, and goes well with the model Seth proposed along with Monroe's I/There concept

Do you somehow think that explaining an idea will do any good to someone saying that the idea has no place in reality?

funny you say that, Mr. Wizard. My dreams have been speaking to me and I think that I do hijack the bodies.
Because the bodies end up in the news the next day. Could just be coincidence. Skepticism is healthy. But they've been telling me for a while and I don't see it stopping. i should really start keeping a log. I'll keep you posted, I guess.

The Funny Bitch Idiots are following me though. The complete Bitch Idiots followed me years ago. We will see….

No. 1014 [Reply]
>inb4 I have seeded the multiverse with my lineage
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I wonder where that tumblrette got her knowledge from, does she speak from "experience" or did she read it up by some influential person.

Provur is not Smiley. Provur is some 14 year old.

I have information that Provur is in fact working with the NSA to record individuals activities on edgy by posing as a little boy.

Share such information, please.

You will have to contact his NSA handler directly for that info.

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