OP, if you don't mind, could I read as well?
I have an experimental method I want to try out, and get some feedback.
>>5174>So how would anyone describe this community?The discussion is much better than /x/. You don't get skeptics telling you you're lying and saying everything you've ever done didn't even happen.
I read every post because there's almost always something useful.
We're tolerant of differing views, if they are explicable. Disagreement means there's something to learn.
There's no point checking here more than once a day. I prefer to wait until I have something to say or do. Check back a few pages, some threads may still be active. It's fine to bump from page 10 if you have something to add.
I have a thread on page 4 that's still going, I am just waiting for results to post. I like being able to start something, get suggestions, and return a week later to revise and discuss some more.