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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 5168

fringe. I'm new here, so forgive me for being rude, but do you you like tarot readings? X has too many of them at any given time, so I was wondering if this community would like a tarot thread?

I won't ask for much. Hell. If you don't want tarot readers here I can packup and skip town.

I like this place. If someone can give me the run-down of how it works here maybe I can become an active member too.
This is a place for wizardy, I'm sure half the people here can read tarot.

I figured this place would be small, but it looks void of sentient life.

Skipping town it is!


>Chasing away new posters

No, I'm not. I'm just saying we mostly know tarot, he shoulddefinetly stay.

Meh, might as well ask a question, I'lldropmy info for anything you might need.

>Name: Provur

>Age: 14
>Zodiac Sign: Gemini
>Question: How's April gonna go for me?
>A number if you need one: 7


I'll stick around.
You people seem alright. I'll have to get used to the emptiness here. Is there times of day where activity spikes? Looks like this place doesn't gather much attention…

I'll do readings soon. Just getting relaxed.
Any info you want to share that you feel is important to you and the reading.
Check back in the morning. I ain't going anywhere.

So how would anyone describe this community?

He reason we don't post often is because we're either in the astral, meditating, doing rituals, etc etc. Around 11:00pm EST there is increase of traffic.

Sounds fun!

Maybe I can finally grasp the concept of ritual work here.
Thanks for the heads up.

No prob, read the sticky for more info on the occult and our works.

OP, if you don't mind, could I read as well?

I have an experimental method I want to try out, and get some feedback.

>So how would anyone describe this community?

The discussion is much better than /x/. You don't get skeptics telling you you're lying and saying everything you've ever done didn't even happen.
I read every post because there's almost always something useful.
We're tolerant of differing views, if they are explicable. Disagreement means there's something to learn.

There's no point checking here more than once a day. I prefer to wait until I have something to say or do. Check back a few pages, some threads may still be active. It's fine to bump from page 10 if you have something to add.

I have a thread on page 4 that's still going, I am just waiting for results to post. I like being able to start something, get suggestions, and return a week later to revise and discuss some more.

No I hate tarot and I think it's so popular because it's vague bullshit anyone can do without having to actually meditate for a long time and practise real magic.

Gibes tarot reading anyways.

wow rude?

Who cares? The only posters that matter are actual wizards. Anything else just gets in the way, unless it's an aspiring wizard who really wants to dedicate himself to magic.

Getting shit done > more important than talking a lot of shit

>guy who does tarot readings all the time asking another dude to do a tarot reading for him

Aw yes that delicious loosh. I'm going to take this with me to the astral planes.

We READ and practise a lot. Just look at all the material in the sticky.

This right here.

OP answer me these questions:

1. What do you need to do divination with tarot?
2. How does it all work and how elaborate is your entire magical work?
3. Do you rely upon the intervention of spirits or you own ability to connect with and trace out the threads of the future?
4. How do you avoid accidentally preventing a future manifestation, considering the various rules of reality creation, and how when one reacts to a future vision they tend to accidentally create an alternate timeline at that moment?


So where did you come from OP

Haha I jacked a thread on x. Thought this wants going to go much. Glad to see this community rock.

From x. Saw fringe awhile back during the frater threads and thought "another x project". Then in my months of frustration(quality plummeting has no ends) I found a like here. Checked it out. Liked the direct approach to discussion.

A deck with a table, maybe a candle for calm moments.

Honestly its not that elaborate at all. Its very simple. Because of this simplicity I allow it to just go with the flow. I can't care too much(right now) about how it works, so long as it's efficient and it works.

I do the invocation of higher forces found in te accompanying booklet. As I understand it I'm basically empowering myself. So no ghostly spirits.
On that note I'm very intuitive, impressionable if you will. I dance the dance.

Well I don't worry about outcomes. The universe is hysterical like that, it simply isn't effected. Or if it is, it is all part of the plan.
It is fate that brought me and a querent together.

No obligations in cyberspace.
I'd like experimental divination. I've been playing around with the idea of musical divination. Maybe I'll post it here when I've cleaned it out.

I've gotta learn a bit of the domain culture. It's clear to e that this place operates a bit differently than the Chan.
Reading incoming…

April's looking pretty great. All positive cards.

4 of Swords, Truce
Ace of Wands
4 of Cups, Luxury

>A deck with a table, maybe a candle for calm moments.

I meant what do you require of a person you want to read?

Preferably a name to identify with, and a question.
The deeper the question the better.
Any other information is just filler for accuracy(as in it gives me a feel of who you are).

Ok interesting. I am doing a series of experiments right now relating to connectivity and trying to establish a psychic connection with a person. One thing I intend to try is psychic pinging where one simply pings a person by thinking about and projecting to them and they should be able to hear the disruption in their etheric field around them. I also obviously want to go to a person and meet up with them in the astral to go on a journey. So it's interesting to hear about how you establish connectivity / synchronisation.

My research continues…

Provus, here is your experimental reading. Tell us how your April goes.

>After weeks of sailing treacherous, uncharted waters, Captain Commander Vitus Bering and his men saw the clouds part one day to reveal a frightening chaos of snow-covered peaks.

Provur* :)

So far so good. I'll report in each week.


Asses near future, particularly in regards to pitfalls in pursuit of goals and current strengths.


To be exact, I've gotten away with no homework today (disinfo kike history), I got two bucks on the road, and I'm writing a book on my occult studies.

I hate my life

tell me something

You've given me fuck all to go off of, but I DONT CARE

Here's your reading:
>When this strain of music sounded, all the things that Ghost had shown him, came upon his mind; he softened more and more; and thought that if he could have listened to it often, years ago, he might have cultivated the kindnesses of life for his own happiness with his own hands, without resorting to the sexton's spade that buried Jacob Marley.

>I like this place

kill yourself faggot

lol why u so mad tho?

Thanks for the loosh.

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