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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 5045
Who controls the Wicca movement ?

Vivianne Crowley

>Vivianne Crowley is an author, university lecturer, psychologist, and a High Priestess and teacher of the Wiccan religion.

>She founded the Wicca Study Group in London in 1988,[1] and became secretary of the Pagan Federation the same year.[2] Vivianne Crowley was described as "very influential in recent developments in Wicca… She has more of less captained the bringing together of the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions through the process of cross-initiation


>Vivianne is a direct relative of the English occultist and mystic, Aleister Crowley

>Chris (Christopher) Crowley is a Wiccan High Priest. He is a published author, vice president of the Pagan Federation and co-runs London's popular Wicca study Group.

Was crowley a wiccan? I always thought he was a hermetic

wasn't he a fag?

Maybe, what does that have to do with fringe though?

He was bisexual

Crowley doesn't really strike me as a respectable male. Irregardless of his putting the wang in the pooper.

File: 1396313919253.jpg (31.51 KB, 480x445, homepage.jpg)
No you idiot he was neither. He was a Thelemite. He founded the religion of Thelema.

All thelemites are faggots.

I thought it was an aghoric sort of practice
where he did repulsive things to destroy his personality

sorry, never really read any of his works.

I've read Book of the Law and it was just a whole bunch of useless wankery and I've reviewed some other Thelema stuff and my conclusion: they suck.

Just came across thos thread, and yes Thelema and some of Crowley's work is shit


My point of posting this is, Both, Thelema and Wicca organizations are headed by people who are also probably member of Scottish- rite controlled freemasonry (in this case from the same family even).

Aleister Crowley bullshit organization is very influential in Hollywood obviously.
But it was always the question wether he and his organization has links to traditional freemasonic organizations aka `the illuminati`(which is really the vatican).

For example there is very strong evidence that the founder of Jehovas Withnesses was motivated by high ranking freemasonry.

Some say they took over most christian churches, specifically targeting protestant organizations in order to bring them back under the command of the pope without them knowing it.

Wicca is the worst and Thelema is pretty shit too. I'd also throw in Voodoo but I guess it would be unfair as I haven't really looked deep into Voodoo, still, it's made by niggers and niggers suck at everything.


>"the joint international commission took a significant step forward with regard to the very sensitive question of the method to be followed in re-establishing full communion between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, an issue which has frequently embittered relations between Catholics and Orthodox. The commission has laid the doctrinal foundations for a positive solution to this problem on the basis of the doctrine of sister Churches.."

>"It must always be clear, when the expression sister Churches is used in this proper sense, that the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Universal Church is not sister but mother of all the particular Churches."

- Joseph Card. Ratzinger


No one controls it, it's like asking who controls science.

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