I'm afraid the universe is benevolent and love is more fundamental.
I've been trying to think of a way to do harm onto others without it coming back at myself but it seems almost impossible.
I want to bask myself in hatred and other such feelings because I am so fond of them. I like to hate and to mope and to experience the negative emotions. I get no joy out of it but am compelled to swim in them.
The only problem is it appears to fracture my mind further, to degenerate my body, and to weaken me. Why does this happen? Why can't I bask in feelings of suffering and disgust and whatever else I want to feel without it changing my form and weakening me?
I can only get stronger through love. The universe demands that I radiate love and virtue very strongly and rewards me with health, vitality, and a stronger mind.
It should also be apparent that the creative, generative principle comes first before the destructive, degenerative principle. Nothing can be destroyed without first having been nurtured to its height. Nothing can be put to rest without first having been put into motion.
There appears to be an imbalance in the universe that is in favour of love and creation. It is unstoppable.
This pisses me off though. I don't care about suffering and love and so on. What I want is a totally different thing – to break away limitations – to attain boundless freedoms. The only ethical imperative should be to be free of restrictions.
How do I overcome the demands of the universe for me to love?
This universe isn't edgy enough for me.
Didn't even read the entire post; all I'm saying is look at Buddhists. They're all loving and they even pray to themselves and pray for wicked people. I see Tibetan Buddhists as /fringe/'s role models, not some hateful idiot lol
Personally I do not loave in such emotions; if you look at the Theory of Health thread you'll see a pic of how negative emotions effect your body. Good emotions all the time equals better well being. I tried being edgy like you, Smiley, but it just made me even more depressed and such a sadfuck. Then I studied Buddhism and that made me happier, then I converted to Odinism and I'm happier then ever. Be kind and see kindness returned to you, be hateful and expect hate and things returned to you. It's not even karma it's common sense. If you're nice to someone they'll be more likely to help you, befriend you, etc but if you're hateful all the time you're just gonna be a sad lonely frog.
>>14587Btw should I read your entire post OP if I missed out on the complete topic? Sorry I'm trying to think whether I should study runes or what; waiting for mundanes to go to bed.
>>14587That's not even how I meant it though. You're thinking of it returning to you. Well it doesn't even take time to come back to, it's literally instant-karma, with immediate repercussions for every moment you dwell in a negative mindset.
You can btw do stuff like kill people and get away with it but only if you do it with a lot of love at the same time and unfortunately the more intense your love when carrying out any intentions, there seems to be a corresponding increase in receptivity to impressions from the other person.
So for example if one wants to use magic to make another person kill themselves, you can, but you will feel them doing it. When you take control of their body through mental influence, you will feel the feelings of their body… also once they're dead whose to say their spirit won't come after you?
My best guess is that one must condition themselves to be very selective in what they are receptive to and what they block out and maybe some kind of circumvention of the law may be accomplished and then I can succeed in black magick. How the fuck are LHP magicians succeeding in cursing others? I know that Obeahmen can do it because Obeahmen only act on the request of other persons and the people who request them to do it are the ones that bear the negative karma. That way an Obeahman can do all sorts of black magick and not suffer at all for it, because they are only the medium, and it's the person asking them to do the magic for them that bear the burden of instigator.
>>14590Yeah you should. I'm trying to understand how LHP black magicians avoid the rebounding of their curses and so on.
Also this isn't supposed to be a hurr durrr you get what you put out mundane thing, it's more concerned with metaphysical law, it seems that if you're going to say beat someone to death using totally mundane means you can get away with it easier then killing them explicitly with magic.
The Universe and Magic and Emotions work kind of like a mix between Green Lantern and Star Wars. You can manifest emotions and feelings into power like the various lantern corps, but negative emotions are corrupting like the dark side.
Right now you're looking at this whole situation from a perspective of self which is why you shall fail time and time again. It's not all about you. There's a larger picture going on and you idly sit by and waste time wondering why it isn't set for your standards. What you want isn't freedom. You just want to get what you desire, and hope the world keeps turning for you. There are other beings out there created by the same universe that you inhabit. Do you just expect them to go along with what you want just because you say so? Would you change for them because they say so?
>tl:dr Get ova yoself beesh
>>14594Fuck you. Maybe I just need to develop a deep-seated aversion to health so that when I think negative thoughts I become healthier as a consequence. "oh shit, no… why am I so angry and just keep getting better! This isn't what I wanted at all!" and in this way trick myself into staying strong and healthy while engaged in hatred. Kind of like that one guy who was a bug-chaser who had gay with hundreds of aids-infected faggots but could never ever get infected himself despite wanting it so bad so he eventually committed suicide, top kek.
You are huge moron if you think I'm not aware there's other entities in this universe such as yourself that get in the way of my master plan and need to be exterminated however it's not other entities that are even the problem here. I just want to sit in my room alone being edgy and radiating hate and being masochistic but it seems I can't do it without unintended side-effects.
>What you want isn't freedom. You just want to get what you desire, and hope the world keeps turning for you.That's what freedom is you idiot. Freedom from consequences. Godhead doesn't have to answer to anyone, it does whatever the fuck it wants, even the impossible.
tl;dr fuck you, I'm the only thing that matters, my ego's dick is bigger than yours muthafuccka, I didn't ask for this, why do they poisecute me so?
I think maybe the solution to this is maintain a very happy and manic mindset while thinking edgy thoughts. This way I can do edgy stuff and circumvent the other problems. Besides, what's edgier than a madman smiling and going about his day all giddy while thinking about stabbing everyone he sees and setting little children on fire for example?
e.g. I could go up to someone and be like "hi how are you, good day today?" while thinking in my thoughts of grabbing the guy and kneeing him in the stomach, smashing his head on a table, pulling out a knife and carving words into his body, and taking a piss on his corpse. Then I can think about, while still smiling and very happy, what fund it would be to cut off one of my fingers and eat it and to drive a nearby car into a crowd of people then get out and roll around on their corpse laughing and cutting myself and imagining the cuts healing up too as I do this, and people looking in utter terror at the deranged awakened madman with demonic powers. Then I may think about how god made so much suffering in the world and sing praises to god, thanking him over and over, while pouring boiling water over myself (in mind) and feeling the burning of it while my body rapidly regenerates. I will thank god for dead children, for raped women, for my shitty childhood, and all the other evils and love him so much for it all. I will convulse about the place screaming nonsense and rejoicing. Oh how I'd love to be hurt more, to see whatever things I've been attached to ripped away, to see anyone I cared about die and to be humiliated and tortured more and to spend years carving away messages into a wall for no good reason and then burning it all down before anyone may know of what great works I set myself to for so long… then I will wander into a stream and sit there under the water, drowning but unable to really drown, emerging again when someone finds me in there. Then I will talk to them and announce I am the dark spirit of the river and I ask the man who finds me what dark deeds he wants me to do for him in this world, and finding what sinful wishes he wants me to grant him, I will set myself to the work and kill and inflict suffering for him while staying my mind in pure bliss and happiness at the same time as throughout this whole edgy ordeal. I will form a sigil for the man to call upon me again and tell him to spread the word about me, so that others may also call on me, and some who ask for me I will set for them sinister challenges to be fulfilled in order to be granted the pleasures of hell.
Oh dear I'm getting carried away here.
Hmmm this makes me think if I can love all the sinister and evil things in this world along with the good things perhaps my power will be even greater as a result, just like those men who meditate over corpses or who who eat bad food but make it taste good by changing their perception while also eating good food but making it taste bad… a glorious vision of power and edginess unfolds before me.
>>14645Hmmm Montalk's Emotional Management article itself says not to suppress negative emotions or they just linger and cause bad health.
Hatred confirmed good for us, when let out.
Haters unite in hatred!
>>14646There's a great difference between feeling negative emotions and acting upon them.
I was like you once, op.
When I was filled with the anger of nothing, that made me enjoy anger at everything.
Its a drug, anger is incredibly addictive.
Various things helped me overcome this addiction, meditation, weed, reading the sticky, accepting that I needed to make myself "pure" and to fix my physical body to fix my mind.
Just try this, when ever you get angry, roll-over it.
Pass through it like you are a river, and it is but a stone that you need to pay no attention to what so ever.
Ignore it, and turn the power of ignoring the anger into happiness at yourself for doing so.
>>14646Just because Tom Montalk said it doesn't mean you should believe it you fucking sheep.
>>14657Behead this heretic who insults our prophet! Montalk is ALWAYS right!
>>14655This thread was about feeling negative emotions from the start and not acting upon them. It was based around the idea that if you feel a negative emotion or think the corresponding thoughts, it brings harm to your body and mind, even if you don't do any physical actions.
>>14656>Just try this, when ever you get angry, roll-over it.>Pass through it like you are a river, and it is but a stone that you need to pay no attention to what so ever.>Ignore it, and turn the power of ignoring the anger into happiness at yourself for doing so.…but this implies I get angry for reasons. I just decide I'm going to be angry and do it. Otherwise I'd literally never get angry at anything, because it's not natural for me to be angry. I have to choose to be angry in order to be angry, otherwise I'm just super fucking passive.
If for some reason I didn't want the anger, it would just vanish in that very moment I decide it should be gone, albeit with a little residual effect lingering in the body (takes a little while for the adrenaline to work its way out and the heart-beat to calm and so on).
I'm not really an angry person at all which is maybe why I choose to be angry and try to cultivate the quality. Maybe for a person who actually gets angry at shit without trying feels differently about it.
>>14668I am sorry then, I understood you wrong. When you said the part about 'letting hatred out' I thought you meant a physical action.
>>14666Even about National Socialists?
There is no "you". It's a complete lie and a petty illusion at best.
The fact that "you" experience consequences to your hate is simple because you are just hating another part of yourself.
If your stomach suddenly had the illusion that he was an individual agent that could "control" the human body he would say "Fuck you body, I don't need to digest SHIT" and then the body would wither and die because of the stomach's ignorance.
You are free to experience as much negativity as you want. But, if "you" want "freedom" all entities must be free. That is love.
>>14721So how come black magicians have techniques to get away with what they do and often or at least sometimes succeed?
>>14728They'll experience the consequences in this life or the next.
>>14736Bullshit. Karma can't just accumulate like that, it's instant.
>>14743Then it appears instantly manifested with a delay.