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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 10911
What would you do if you befriended one of the following:

1. A teenage Wiccan girl.

2. An edgy Satanist who always talks about worshipping demons despite not havng experience with any.

3. A demonologist who doesn't know what the goetia is.

4. A medium or spiritist who doesn't do actual rituals, just sits at a table with a white table cloth and says "Speak to me, spirits!"

5. An "occcultist" who always talks about it, but he's only read Peter Carroll because "everything else is dogmatic garbage, man!" He also tried to summon a spirit by simply staring into a mirror with a candle and the spirit's seal and then getting dissapointed when they don't get ghosts poppin out of the mirror and shit.

6. A pagan who wouldn't be caught dead with the Edda, but he claims himself to be a druid despite all knowledge preserved by the druids having been lost.

Would you teach them the ways of a proper occultist? Or would you leave them be and ignore them to preserve the sacred knowledge?
Also the #5 thinks he's a fucking hierophant because he can meditate and cast a sigil.

have tantric sex with the wiccan

why did you make this thread exactly? do you know people like this?? is the wiccan hot?

No just a quick little hypothetical questions survey. Sometimes I think /fringe/ is too uptight. I feel like it needs to have more casual discussion, but not enough to turn it into /x/, ya know?

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Use the Satanist for my own sinister schemes, and then dispose of him.

what is that object on the left. it is kawaii

>Sometimes I think /fringe/ is too uptight. I feel like it needs to have more casual discussion

true . i assumed those discussions happen on irc ??? (i dont go there much)

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Be gone from my presence filthy casual, only true dark lords of chaos allowed here!

>1. A teenage Wiccan girl.

Explain to her Wicca is the shittiest system of magic and get her introduced to real magick by giving her a copy of Initiation Into Hermetics.

>2. An edgy Satanist who always talks about worshipping demons despite not havng experience with any.

Get him to summon actual demons and kek when shit goes wrong for him afterwards as a result of him expressing his fears.

>3. A demonologist who doesn't know what the goetia is.

Goetia sucks anyways.

>4. A medium or spiritist who doesn't do actual rituals, just sits at a table with a white table cloth and says "Speak to me, spirits!"

Ritual is kind of a supporting process and not necessary for a really accomplished person but I think it would probable they aren't actually establishing contact with spirits. I'd have to get them to do evocations and also inform them on the trickiness of elementals.

>5. An "occcultist" who always talks about it, but he's only read Peter Carroll because "everything else is dogmatic garbage, man!" He also tried to summon a spirit by simply staring into a mirror with a candle and the spirit's seal and then getting dissapointed when they don't get ghosts poppin out of the mirror and shit.

Tell him to use a magic mirror painted black instead or some other methods.

>6. A pagan who wouldn't be caught dead with the Edda, but he claims himself to be a druid despite all knowledge preserved by the druids having been lost.

Give him links to http://www.sacred-texts.com/pag/index.htm and http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/

>Even if there ever were any Druidic documents, which seems unlikely they would not have survived after the Roman invasion. Although many Irish epics do in fact speak of the Druids, none of the Irish source literature is actually written by the Druids themselves.

Anyone who calls themself a druid today better have learnt the tradition verbally or he better go access the akashic records for that knowledge.


What perhaps most characterized the ancient Druids were the spells through which it was believed that they gained their magical powers.

They used to meet during a full moon night, near a sacred mound or grove, and if possible during a lighting storm. A circle with elements of the Dragon was traced upon the ground.

During the ritual, the priest held his wand high up in the air, while chanting a sequence of magical words loudly pronounced in each of the four directions. Incantation was a method used to summon the great Dragon from which they received their unusual powers. The power was a form of energy that moved through the Druid's body and enabled him to perform magic.

The serpent was, as in many other cultures recognized as a symbol of wisdom and strength.

The Celtic Druids used to pronounce,

"I am a Serpent. I am Druid."

No country in Europe is more associated with the serpent than Ireland.

Ancient sources tell the priests were capable of weather manipulations. During the Roman and Christian invasion of Britain, the Druids are said to have cast horrific spells, which resulted in severe climate changes such as heavy flooding and snowfalls.

This made it more difficult for the invaders to reach the island, although they finally overcame these obstacles. On the coastline of the Menai Strait, the soldiers became terrified and paralyzed as they watched the Druids casting spells upon them.

Tacitus related as follows:

"On the coastline, a line of warriors of the opposition was stationed, mainly made up of armed men, amongst them women, with their hair blowing in the wind, while they were carrying torches.

Druids were among them, shouting terrifying spells, their hands raised towards the heavens, which scared our soldiers so much that their limbs became paralyzed.

As a result, they remained stationary and were inquired. At the end of the battle, the Romans were victorious, and the holy oaks of the Druids were destroyed."

The Druids were also renowned soothsayers and they were familiar with the secrets of levitation.

It is therefore not particularly surprising that the locals, who were regularly, confronted with these "miracles" considered these Celtic priests to be true magicians, standing in direct communication with the ancient gods themselves.

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reminds me of the 'divine winds' which destroyed the mongololian fleets that tried to invade japan

japanese confirmed for master druids


>Incantation was a method used to summon the great Dragon from which they received their unusual powers. The power was a form of energy that moved through the Druid's body and enabled him to perform magic.

The Kundalini serpent?

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