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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 14739
Well I ran across mention of orgone energy. And lately I have been playing with Tesla's cosmic energy collector. And I came to realize they are the same thing.

Tesla's cosmic energy collector is this. Take a capacitor, run a wire from one connection to the ground/earth. Wire the other connection to an insulated piece of metal put up high off the ground (higher the better). The insulated metal will collect positively charged particles, while the earth is negatively charged. I did this using a coil of insulated wire for the positive side. It does work. It charged my capacitor at a rate that would equal 1 volt every 2 hours. Ya not much but it does work. I see it as a motionless static charge collector.

Then you have orgone devices which are metal (and sometime crystals) incased in resin (an insulator).

Your body does act as a capacitor. And if your bare feet touch the ground….You become Tesla's device.

So does anyone else see the connection here?

Some reference to Tesla's cosmic energy collector. Seems he just proved free energy was available, but this device was not practical. He later made a device that was, but that design is a mystery. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tesla/lostjournals/lostjournals07.htm[1]
If you can see auras you should read Lobsang Rampa's You Forever book and you should also read The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot and most importantly you should try to remote view my aura right now and report on what you see and also just tell me about your aura viewings in general.


You fucked your link up.

OP what do you use this device for exactly?

Being able to see auras is easy as fuck. Check out this link and wam you can do it too http://youtu.be/aYlb_XtNP7c

to see wtf tesla was up to, cant get it to work right though.

this is eye-color fatigue, not aura gazing

I thought so myself at first but then after seeing my own aura as greenish-blue, and asking someone else what color my aura was and getting the same answer I was pretty convinced. Im sorry but its not eye color gazing.

File: 1406893869941.jpg (77.39 KB, 634x420, orangutans friend 6.jpg)

I've heard a women once who claimed she could see auras on trees an humans she was one of my moms friends. That was years ago.

She now lost her ability to speak an can't go anywhere without the guidance of a care taker because of an ever worsening mental disorder.

that's too bad man, my friend's grandfather could see auras as well (but only his own and plants) he died at 80 something from natural causes. I dont think there is a relation between health and being able to view auras.

Greenish-blue is the typical impression one gets from eye-color fatigue dude.

You can't see the aura, sorry.

Lobsang Rampa is a better source.

Aether "orgone" energy fields are also found within some geometric shapes, like Pyramids. Remember to face one side parallel to the true Magnetic North, but that's easily done with a compass and Google Maps. Just make sure your Pyramid is large enough; the volume of what you want energized cannot exceed 5% of the total volume within the Pyramid.

I've also read that a drawing of a pyramid can even vortex aether, but I haven't tested that one yet and it probably has to be incredibly precise.

Brings a new mystery with the Pyramids built around the world, doesn't it?

What exactly may I use this for?

Wish I remembered now this one video I've seen with tons of pyramids in it everywhere.

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