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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 8475
I'm really tired of magic not working for me.

I can't tulpamance, I can't do anything, except for a few instances of evocation where an entity appeared a shortwhile and left.

I also can't really AP anymore. I used to be able to but the more I've focused on it the harder it has become.

One of the biggest mindfucks for me is commanding my arm to move. It never fucking works. It just goes to show that there is something else at play here and I just don't fucking know how to access it.

How do I move an arm? I just do it. I can't fucking explain it.

I am angry at how mundane I am.

Please help.

Seriously in the last while I have actually become less magical and more powerless and it's just terrible. I can't get anything to happen.

Do easy stuff first and build on it.

Breath techniques, meditation, invocation, evocation, ritual.

Tulpas come from Tibetan monks describing thoughtforms which came about after years of practise so it's not surprising that not everyone can do it easily.

Follow the chaote method, if something doesn't work, don't do it, try something else, maybe come back to it later when you're more experienced.

For the arm stuff I think it just means you're not prone to self-hypnosis.

Have my library of material to look through… https://mega.co.nz/#F!C5wQ1JqZ!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqw

Have you read prometheus rising? If not you could try that and do the exercises at the end of each chapter. It's in the recommended folder.

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tell me about your evocation please. the entire story with all the info

also do you orgasm a lot?

also do you know about reality creation redux? (on montalk)


I recall reading in some chaos magick book about cycles of magical ability, I can't remember the book, it was one of the overly sciencey hard to read ones.

NO fuck the "EASY STUFF". I've been at this for years and I want to breakthrough but I'm up against a really hard concrete barrier I can't get past.

I am really bitter right now. I want to do amazing shit not just keep wasting my time but I can't fathom how it all works.

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>tell me about your evocation please. the entire story with all the info

I … entered a state of mind where anything is possible, a sort of very irrational mindset, and yet manage to maintain enough control to still focus my intent. I've evoked in different ways, once used a burning thoughtformed pentagram, and I've done other things. It's really hard to do this though and just a total mindfuck for me, I don't really know how I'm doing things.

>also do you orgasm a lot?

I don't know what an orgasm is even like.

>also do you know about reality creation redux? (on montalk)

Yes I've read that particular article many times over.


You need to do something of equal or greater force than the wall you're up against.

Do something drastic and life changing. Go live in the woods for three months under the conditions the ONA suggest or something. Spend days/weeks/months isolated and blindfolded.

Or you could devote this time to learning real world trades, pick up a new hobby, take a course in something and let the magic return on its own. Embrace the mundane and wait.

I think I'll just keep myself in a room in a blindfold and do my best to open my third eye without it going shut again. Hell maybe I'll do it here… or not…. fuck. Got to make vocal contact with the other side.

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sounds like maybe you have a loosh shortage? do you argue with yourself a lot (or perceived enemies/people you know) inside your own head?

and why have you never orgasmed?

What is your normal routine of practise and history of how it's changed?


There was an occultist or philosopher (I forget which, memory of studies are merging) who did this for months trying to figure shit out and went blind for a while from it.

At least he was dedicated.

I'm sure a few days wouldn't hurt though.

>sounds like maybe you have a loosh shortage?

Yeah probably I feel like I burn through emotion so fast trying to create thoughtforms of extreme complexity just to lose them all. Also sometimes I receive a connection where I end up getting impressions too fast to probably examine and comprehend them and I'm not sure if that's wasting loosh.

>do you argue with yourself a lot (or perceived enemies/people you know) inside your own head?

No my problems are two-fold:

1. I have an unbelievably strong sense of hearing that no matter how hard I blast loud music into my ears through my headphones can't dampen, so I am constantly receiving sounds. No matter what. If it gets quiet, I just hear sounds from further away, still with great clarity. This is distracting as fuck and I haven't the slightest clue how to not hear something other then to blast louder noises – but what I REALLY want is silence yet I can't block out noises from third density.
2. My emotions and thoughts often shut-down and it feels tiresome to think. My mind goes silent all the time BUT does not stop perceiving the surroundings. This agitates me very much, it is like a kind of torture, which makes me kick off my blankets and punch the air and stuff in frustration. I am constantly locked into this reality, unable to escape it, even though my mind can go silent easily and my every thought can be very deliberate I can't seem to power them up enough to really take me away mentally from where I am.

>and why have you never orgasmed?

Maybe it's not possible for me? I've never had sex and my dick doesn't feel anything.

>What is your normal routine of practise and history of how it's changed?

I just do magic every opportunity I get and then read and read and read while the mundanes make noise. I want to kill all the mundanes around me until I finally have silence and shoot the birds and stuff too fuck.


Embrace what is holding you back. Embrace the noise. Transmutation is key.

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Godhuripa was a bird catcher from Disunagar. One day while catching some songbirds in the jungle, he met a yogin on his way into town to beg food. When the yogin saw him with his nets filled with tiny birds, the yogin asked why he was doing such a cruel thing. Godhuripa said “I know it’s wrong. I suppose the many evils of my past lives have forced me into this violent trade in order to live. I’m ashamed of this miserable existence, but its all I know how to do.”

In reply, the yogin said he’s only making his karma worse by plying this trade. Depressed, Godhuripa sat down under a tree and began to weep. He then looked at the yogin and begged for help. He released the songbirds from his net, and the yogin granted him initiation through a transfer of grace. Then the guru instructed him in the meditation that concentrates all attention on one dominant image, and he was to visualize all the sounds in the world as his memory of birdsong, until sound and birdsong become one.

Godhuripa meditated until all sound had become one sound, inseparable from emptiness. After 9 years, all the defilements of his perception vanished and he gained mahamudra-siddhi.

He remained in the world for another 100 years working for all sentient beings, and then, with 300 disciples, he arose bodily into the Paradise of the Dakinis.

Go to your local occult book and or rock store and ask about local esoteric groups.
you can only do so much alone, unless you are building disciples you have to go find peers and or masters.

I had a problem before where i would start to do great things, and then get timid and shy away from that area of magic.
Are you timid or apprehensive when you do working?

The noise has been nothing but a problem for me. Even with a constant noise my efforts are reduced – and with a variable noise it's even worse, the sudden loudness breaks trances and always draws my attention.

No. Fuck no. I hate being around others, I want to be alone.

I don't even understand you.


Have you tried using music to block out outside noises or does that break your trances too?

I have some nice chanting music on my mega:


Ear plugs could be another solution

>I don't know what an orgasm is even like.
toplel i should have guessed this earlier. all the nerds on here are sexually frustrated and their only outlet in life is "magic"

Yeah I got trance blasting away really loud right now and sometimes I put on multiple things of music at once to try and create a total racket of noise to block everything out.

I can't go into a deep trance though with this shit on. The deepest trances I can do only in silence.

I'm not "sexually frustrated". That would imply I have a sexual drive and no outlet for it. I simply don't have a desire for sex.

What you going to tell me next, that I have a great desire to money, and just fail at making it? No … plenty of opportunities to make money I've – afk fuck shit's going down

go to a titty bar and meet some degenerates

Then you can't do workings because your a NEET faggot who can't grow up and learn to appreciate his fellow man. You are mentally and spiritually stunted. You will not and can not progress until you get over yourself and crawl from the depths of your mothers basement.

Until you find the merit of making a friend/companion I promise you that you will not progress.

The world is an amazing place, maybe if you step outside and walk around a little you may find you don't even need magic to be fulfilled.

Confirmed for demiurge lacky.
You dont need to walk around, or leave your mothers basement or make friends, this world is a horrible place and you should make all possible attempts to escape


Obvious lover of the demiurge detected. Fuck off.


just do it faggot

If trips OP has to go to titty bar

Sorry but even with your trips I'd rather fucking an hero then defile myself in the way you suggest.

Seriously. My life would be over if I stooped that low. I would have no worth, there'd be no point in going on, I'm not doing it. Fuck your sex nonsense, I don't want to have sex.

what's it going to hurt

don't deny

come to the trip side

>what's it going to hurt

My purpose and dignity in life.

>don't deny

Deny what? Don't you mean "reject"?

>come to the trip side

No. I would kill you if you tried to do drag me to such a place and defile me like that.

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You know there's a reason why sex magick is the traditional secret in traditional secret societies.

Getting out and being social does good things to you, check Maslow's heirarchy of needs. Peak experiences (the top of the pyramid) are generally had by those who have fulfilled all the other needs. Peak experiences include magic.

Keep making posts like this. The amount you are pissing me off with your talk of sex is going to generate so much loosh for me I'll end up achieving my goals just out of anger and defiance and determination to show you to be wrong. I DO NOT WANT SEX.

That's not how loosh works. It'd just generate loosh for him.


Forget about sex.

When was your first "sexual" experience?

Was it consensual? How young were you?

fucking do it already

Nope you're the one who doesn't know how loosh works. Provoking emotional reactions in others cause a generation of loosh but that loosh energy does not necessarily have to be directed at the poster whose actions were the catalyst for that instance of loosh generation. Your average mundane will surely waste it all over the place but not everyone works like that.

>Forget about sex.

…then why are you asking questions on the topic you're telling me to forget about?

>When was your first "sexual" experience?


>Was it consensual? How young were you?

Never had sex and never will if I'm lucky.

It would be over. You have no idea. That would be the last fucking straw. After that, blood will be shed.


I meant sexual as in kissing, touching a girls ass, getting touched.

Have you ever had an erection?

>I meant sexual as in kissing, touching a girls ass, getting touched.

Never even held hands with a female and the number of times I've even said anything at all to a female (not including my mom) is so few that I remember each time.

>Have you ever had an erection?


>It would be over. You have no idea. That would be the last fucking straw. After that, blood will be shed.

stop being such a pussy

This isn't about being a pussy. I can cleave massive cuts through my body and not give a fuck. I could also beat the shit out of you.

It's about defilement. You are asking me to do something abhorrent and disgusting.

You are delusional. You speak of defilement as though you are most pure and ascended and know the value of such things.

1/10 because if you are actually that hardcore into the occult you wouldn't be such a shitty wizard.

What did you read crowley and latch on the to idea that you have to limit yourself at everyturn? I bet before your evocations you pledged away all material wealth, physical pleasures, and substances to make some lesser thoughtform half heartily appear.

You are mundane because you self limit to such an extent that nothing some internet strangers can do can help you.

Especially with you being a /edgy/ cunt talking about blood being spilled because you make assumptions on how defilement works. Your a full Seraphim Knight bro no doubt a being of pure light.

>What did you read crowley and latch on the to idea that you have to limit yourself at everyturn? I bet before your evocations you pledged away all material wealth, physical pleasures, and substances to make some lesser thoughtform half heartily appear.

not the guy youre responding to but where does crowley mention/advocate this?

>You are delusional. You speak of defilement as though you are most pure and ascended and know the value of such things.

Unlike you, I have never, not even once, defiled myself in a sexual manner. I'm never changing that.

>1/10 because if you are actually that hardcore into the occult you wouldn't be such a shitty wizard.

>What did you read crowley and latch on the to idea that you have to limit yourself at everyturn? I bet before your evocations you pledged away all material wealth, physical pleasures, and substances to make some lesser thoughtform half heartily appear.

Do you realize that Thelema it notorious for degenerate sex magick and rampant hedonism? Fuck Crowley. Also in my evocations I didn't pledge fucking anything away, I simply willed them into my presence.

>You are mundane because you self limit to such an extent that nothing some internet strangers can do can help you.


>Especially with you being a /edgy/ cunt talking about blood being spilled because you make assumptions on how defilement works. Your a full Seraphim Knight bro no doubt a being of pure light.

If I ever have sex in any manner then it's over and I may as well start anew with a new incarnation. My intentions are to pass this entire life having not defiled myself not even once. You're already fapped surely so what does it matter to you?

He's just fucking with us.

Go to a strip club to test your resolve, if nothing else. If your will is so strong you'll be able to sit there unaffected as the naked woman grinds all over you.

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>going to a den full of etheric parasites

>admitting you are too weak willed to resist their temptations in close proximity

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>implying temptations, rather than disgust

strip clubs are shit, and for lames

if you want to give smiley advice on ladies, then tell him to manifest a fringe female (like jack parsons did with his enochian workings)

try not to die though!

>advice on ladies

That isn't my intention at all. I'm saying test your strength of will by putting yourself out of the comfort zone. Hell, go to a brothel if you really want to prove yourself. If you need woman advice, Descartes has said all there is to know on the matter.

What's the point of this degenerate bullshit?

Just proving your assertions that you are above all this lowly sex shit. The only excuse for not doing it is the knowledge you would fail because you're a horny, sexually repressed bastard.

I don't want to look at or be in proximity to them.

I will not fail but I will acquire the stigma of having even been in such a place once — even if I do nothing but sit there in absolute disgust and tell them all what degenerates they are until they kick me out.

>acquire the stigma of having even been in such a place

OH NO! People you have never met might know you went to a titty bar? This would ruin your non-existent reputation. You already incarnated into this filthy place, that is stigma enough for one life-cycle. If you don't drag yourself to the bottom you'll never see what you're climbing away from. I did a lot of those degenerate activities while never losing sight of my destination. I still do from time to time, to remind myself of the reason for struggling. You'll hear accusations of jealousy or 'not knowing what you miss out on' until you have been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and threw up on it. Regenerated degenerates are the best tool to combat degeneracy, not holier-than-thou preaching from atop your high horse about how you never sank as low as those dirty goyim. We are all neck deep in shit and you attack people for letting their heads drop from fatigue every now and then. Shared or similar experiences make you someone they can relate to, you'd be surprised how many are consciously aware of the crushing emptiness that pervades their lives. They need a figure to aspire to, a person who went through the same crap and came out better for it.

Or you can rationalize this as me coming up with an excuse for degenerate years in my youth. It doesn't matter, I knew what I was doing. I went in to find what was keeping people there and found that it was mainly the lack of positive role models encouraging them to leave.

Fuck you I just want to live a pure and wholesome life free of degeneracy.



{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Xi-Theta}


This is the Holy Hexagram.
Plunge from the height, O God, and interlock with
Plunge from the height, O Man, and interlock with
The Red Triangle is the descending tongue of grace;
the Blue Triangle is the ascending tongue of
This Interchange, the Double Gift of Tongues, the
Word of Double Power-ABRAHADABRA!-is
the sign of the GREAT WORK, for the GREAT
WORK is accomplished in Silence. And behold is
not that Word equal to Cheth, that is Cancer.
whose Sigil is {Cancer}?
This Work also eats up itself, accomplishes its own
end, nourishes the worker, leaves no seed, is per-
fect in itself.
Little children, love one another!

Look around you, does it seem even remotely possible? You work with what you get, play the hand you have been dealt. It sucks, yeah. Does that mean you stop? No. Keep going no matter what, there is no escape from the degrading times we live in except to plow through. If you can join in with the path of others you might even have a little fun while you're at it. Nobody is saying you have to race to the bottom, as long as you keep your head above water you can tread on the others less fortunate than you to get out eventually. Pretending it doesn't exist is no solution, go live in a cave if you want but the degeneracy will only grow stronger in your absence.

Strong leadership can keep even the most unruly goyim in line.

>Look around you, does it seem even remotely possible?

Yes in fact it does. Maybe I don't live in such a terrible degenerate shithole as you? I'm surrounded by Amish, we have arranged marriages, we have good morals, etc.

>You work with what you get, play the hand you have been dealt. It sucks, yeah. Does that mean you stop? No. Keep going no matter what, there is no escape from the degrading times we live in except to plow through. If you can join in with the path of others you might even have a little fun while you're at it. Nobody is saying you have to race to the bottom, as long as you keep your head above water you can tread on the others less fortunate than you to get out eventually. Pretending it doesn't exist is no solution, go live in a cave if you want but the degeneracy will only grow stronger in your absence.

If I want to fight degeneracy then I sure as fuck am not doing it by wasting time at places where degenerates gather.

>Strong leadership can keep even the most unruly goyim in line.

…or I can just make plans to kill and hypnotize them out of their degeneracy.

are you 12? Who the fuck cares about degeneracy? Fucking jesus dude, if you can't handle other people making decisions about their life, and even believing that arranged marriages are good, you need some fucking help

Smiley logic:

>WHITES MASTER RACE, ANYONE WHO DISSAPROVES IS DEGENERATE (although i'm anti-color but I'm not degenerate because you know MUH WHITE POWA)

>people CANNOT make choices for themselves
>you CANNOT have sex because normies are fags, anyone who has sex is a filthy monkey and is a sex goblin
>there hasn't been any degenerate whites
>i hate the average girl, must be blonde hair blue eyes and look like she's from 1700 with pale skin
I could go on.

>are you 12?

No, are you?

>Who the fuck cares about degeneracy?

I DO. It's ruining my nation and filling up this planet with filth.

>Fucking jesus dude, if you can't handle other people making decisions about their life, and even believing that arranged marriages are good, you need some fucking help

That's a bullshit justification for your degeneracy. "making decisions about their life". Well I make the decision to kill all degenerates.

>WHITES MASTER RACE, ANYONE WHO DISSAPROVES IS DEGENERATE (although i'm anti-color but I'm not degenerate because you know MUH WHITE POWA)

No anyone who disagrees that whites are the master race is an anti-white most likely but they might not be a degenerate in some cases. Most likely they are a degenerate too though.

>people CANNOT make choices for themselves

They can but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be killed for making the wrong choices.

>you CANNOT have sex because normies are fags, anyone who has sex is a filthy monkey and is a sex goblin

Sex fiend you mean you lustful sodomite.

>there hasn't been any degenerate whites

Ummm noo. The vast majority of the white race has degenerated and needs to be killed off. There is a sea of degenerate whites that need to die.

>i hate the average girl, must be blonde hair blue eyes and look like she's from 1700 with pale skin

ahahaha you must be butthurt I rejected you then for not having Nordic phenotype.


What about them?


There are exceptions but they are behind a LOT of things.


Everyone is crazy who is lost in maya.

>if someone doesn't believe master race they're anti-white
>you're anti-mud
>they're anti-white

>if someone doesn't believe master race they're anti-white

Most likely yes.

>you're anti-mud

Indeed I am.

>they're anti-white




Stay mad degenerate.

I'm not mad. I've actually been laughing because I've stolen your loosh about 3 times, and that's just today.

Keep taking bait, smiles

Fucking loosh thief not again.

SO it seems you've fallen into one of my traps YET AGAIN! I've given you the chance to recollect yourself and make you realize I'm baiting you by giving you the most ridiculous posts, yet you still took it!. But alas, I hold no remorse. For I am, and always shall be…



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I have been rused! Oh my loosh!

I did this a LOT and still do it to this day, albeit less. Can you give me details on this? How much loosh does it drain?

its connected to law of attraction (and reality creation redux article on montalk)

here listen to this



Oh there you are. You're needed on >>>/chaos/ !!

Anon, I have it worse. I think I lost much of my power. It's coming back or not I do not know but there is definitely improvement from these past years.

astral projection becomes much much easier if you instead of using loose guides on the internet from posters like "just imagine the number one and you'll do it" choose to use the astral dynamics exercise book: http://worldtracker.org/media/library/Metaphysics%20&%20Spirituality/Robert%20Bruce%20MASTERING%20ASTRAL%20PROJECTION.pdf

I bought a copy because its easier to work with exercise books if you can write and feel them, at least for me.

if you're having problems with tulpamancy, you lack the extreme dedication needed to create such an entity, which means you probobly dont need to be doing it at this moment, instead focus on creating thoughtforms for various things like manipulating traffick signals or something, or getting dubs. then work from there.

I cant remember the guide I used for thoughtforms, but that might help you

>If you don't drag yourself to the bottom you'll never see what you're climbing away from.

That's very deep. Thanks for making me feel better about myself and my lot in life I've been dealt with.

I am much the same as you I suppose although my degeneracy was/is entirely limited to self-degeneracy, fapping/porn etc and not experiences with others, but being carried away by lust and fantasy and desires and the like, in my own self-delusional state.

Though if I could I would strongly wish to have never gotten on this path, if I could have had low libido and found most or all porn disgusting or only browsed and fapped rarely or not at all, but your post has made me realize that at the very least I have been to the (near) bottom, and all I saw was more bottom, one can only sink ever deeper and into more degeneracy if he does not stop and look back and review his position in life.

Still, its dangerous, you can very easily lose yourself in degeneracy and if you have the means you can even take it further and engage in degenerate acts with others, which brings the risk of harm via STD's/abuse etc. You also run the risk of forgetting what it is you wanted to accomplish in life, your sober and sane goals and hobbies co-opted by the degenerate and sensual.

It is ultimately an unfulfilling and crude life.

How large are your balls?


>Go live in the woods for three months under the conditions the ONA suggest

Can I have this info?

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