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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 6300

This thread shall be all about thoughtforms. I am busy practising some things right now though so I'll edit this post at at a later time to actually turn it into a big guide on the subject. In the meanwhile I shall dump all my notes on thoughtforms below.

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Individual Creation of Entities in Western Hermeticism

This method of deliberate creation of Entities was described by Sadhu Mouni in his book Tarot: The Contemporary System of Hermetic Philosophy. Sadhu Mouni was a mystic pseudonym of an occult author and disciple of Ramana Maharshi. His books significantly influenced the occult milieu of Europe and America in the second half of the last century. He wrote in English and many believed that he was an Englishmen who immigrated to Australia toward the end of his life. Actually, he was Polish, born in 1898 in Warsaw. His actual name was Miecezyslav Sudowski. After the Second World War he immigrated to France and changed his name to Michael Sadau. He experienced a deep mystic conversion when he visited Sri Ramana in his ashram in India in 1949. It was then that he changed his name to Sadhu Mouni. He published seven books, which earned him a significant reputation. He spent the last years of his life in Melbourne, Australia, where he led a local theurgic group. In Tarot, he elaborately described a procedure for deliberately creating an Entity that can serve as a means of demonstrating desirable traits towards which the Entity can direct man.

The more components an Entity has, the stronger it is and the more powerful its effect. Those components can be: thinking component, which is an idea or decision that constitutes its basis, astral (which comes down to invested emotional energy) and ‘material’. Since it is difficult to create an Entity’s visible material body, practitioners tend to be satisfied with the ethereal body they create for it.

An Entity can be created with the purpose of influencing others (for instance, if we create it for a depressive person, the starting point or decision may be “X is calm, in a good mood, and full of optimism”) or with the purpose of affecting oneself, that is, the operator herself (to give an example, “I am persistent. Whatever I start, I complete owing to my persistency”).

You can create an astral body of such an Entity in the following manner. You can do it while seated, but it is more effective to do it in a lying position. Concentrate on your starting idea –or decision, which constitutes the backbone of your Entity. While you are concentrated in this way, contract all the muscles in your body powerfully, without moving any part of your body. Then imagine the Entity in the shape of a small thick cloud or of a ball of condensed fog above you. Gradually loosen the muscle tension and simultaneously visualize that neuromuscular energy flowing out of your body and into the Entity. Do this for about ten seconds, until you become completely relaxed.

One of the laws of creating phenomena in our subjective universe is that our energy automatically flows and pours into an image we keep in mind at the moment when energy is being discharged. You should repeat this process from time to time, for the Entity’s energy depends on the energy you invest in it.

In order to provide it with an ethereal body and by doing so make it more efficient, keep a glass of condensed milk or honey by your side while you are performing the previously described operation of pouring energy into it. The life energy of these fluids will serve as the basis for creating the Entity’s “ethereal body”.

I've been studying thoughtforms and making theories on them, thanks for posting this OP. Can't wait till' the full version.

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The Case of Philip

The method of a group of parapsychologists, members of the Toronto Society for Psychical Research, known in literature as The Case of Philip, may come closest to a scientific experimental approach in the deliberate creation of Entities. Dr. A.R.G.Owen was in charge of this experiment, which lasted for several months. The goal was to create an Entity that would manifest itself in the manner that spirits allegedly do in spiritualistic séances. What must be emphasized is that in the group of eight persons who participated in the experiment, not even one had previously demonstrated psychical powers of any kind, nor claimed to have them.

The group fabricated his biography in advance, before any manifestation of the “spir- it” took place. They named him Philip and imagined that he had lived in the time of Oliver Cromwell. He had a love affair with a beautiful gypsy and when his wife found out about it, she accused the girl of witchcraft. The gypsy was convicted and burned at the stake, whereas Phillip, tortured by guilt, committed suicide. Arbitrary details were added to his autobiography, so that his portrait was rather complete. The group met regularly in a house in the suburbs of Toronto, and the members attempted in the séances to invoke the spirit of Phillip as a person who had really existed. The experiment is elaborately depicted in the book Conjuring Philip, and showed the following:

In the course of several months there were no visible results, but one evening clear knocks were heard, typical of the spiritualistic séances. The group used the usual code: one knock meant “yes”, two knocks “no”. The Entity introduced himself as Philip and repeated the story they had fabricated for him in his messages. However, after a while, Philip got out of control and began giving information from his life that the group had nothing to do with. Later in the experiment, phenomena typical of successful séances occurred: the spiritualistic table moved through the room psychokinetically and levitated. This was recorded by a camera, with good lighting and in front of the studio audience. It was later shown on public television.

Not only did the group of experimenters produce results considered “paranormal” in their séance room, but they managed to repeat it later in other places (such as a TV studio) and with other tables. None of the members of the group tried to serve as a psychic— the whole group assumed this role. It turned out later that each combination of four persons of the original eight participants was enough to produce such phenomena. The members of the group were firmly convinced that Philip was a product of their imagination, not a spirit of a deceased person. In the summer of 1974, when the group took a longer break between meetings, some of its members reported strange and inexplicable psychokinetic occurences in their houses.

In his representation of the experiments with Philip, Dr. Joel Whitton points out a significant element. The group caused emotional regression deliberately, thus creating a childish atmosphere. They would sing children’s songs and deliberately talk like children. In such regressive states, Whitton claims, thoughts receive a magical character.

Tibetan Yoga: Tulkus And Tulpas

Deliberate creation of Entities is elaborated with most precision in the magical operations of Tibetan yoga. It is based on thousand-year-old concepts of Oriental philosophy according to which matter is condensed and crystallized psychic energy. Gods, demons and the whole universe are only illusions created by the human spirit – they come from it and return to it, states Evans-Wentz. Since human spirit creates the world of phenomena, it is capable of creating any desired object. In the process of creation, a desired and visualized object is endowed with palpable existence. There are two discernable approaches in this field. One of them is identification with a previously imagined and elaborately visualized ideal, which resembles the assumption of “God forms” in the tradition of the magical organization Golden Dawn. The second procedure is similar to creation of “familiar spirit” and homunculus in Western magic.

The first approach is simple. The Yogi should create in his mind a divine being – an embodiment of divine virtues: infinite love and compassion for other beings, profound wisdom, moderation and self-control in behavior, impartiality and tolerance for suffering, etc. Such visualization is repeated until a very clear picture of such a divine being is created in the mind of the practitioner. Then he begins the second phase of the magical operation – assimilation and identification with that being. Once the feeling of oneness is there, the yogi makes permanent efforts to move, speak, behave and think like the divinity.

Many writers have discovered that during the writing of a novel where they become profoundly identified with their fabricated personalities, heroes had a tendency to become independent, get out of control and begin living their lives independently of the already conceived plot. The most prolific American science fiction author, Ray Bradbury, was so fascinated by this phenomenon, which occurred many times during the writing of his novels, that he used it as the theme of his novel The Martian Chronicles. In it, he depicts an encounter of visitors to Mars with personalities from classical literature who have somehow acquired a corporeal existence on Mars.

The second approach is more complex and requires efforts over a long period of time. It is creation of tulkus and tulpas. By means of sharpened visualization it is possible to create a thought form in human shape, which is called tulpa. If reflective concentration is intense enough during a long period, and if it is supported by strong will, often by energy invested by a lot of people, such a form ceases to be a phantasm and incarnates as a normal human being, receives a palpable physical body and an appropriate personality. In that case, it is called tulku or the “phantom body”.

A child born in this way at first sight does not differ from other children. Yet it is usually a personification of a previously deceased person or a divine being or demon. By repeating this process, according to Geoffrey Ashe in his book The Ancient Wisdom, a chain of tulku-personalities who are identical in many aspects, although they can develop differently, is created. This process lies at the basis of the long succession of Dalai Lamas. In other cases it is also believed that tulku is a reincarnation of a previously existing person, while it, in its turn, was the reincarnation of a personality that preceded it, and so the sequence stretches back to a prominent person who lived in the past.

Several persons wrote about these phenomena. The most famous among them is Dr. Alexandra David-Neel, the celebrated researcher of Tibet. She depicted the Tibetan way of life, their customs and especially their practice of magic in her book Magic and Mystery in Tibet (1967), where she documented her claims thoroughly.

Alexandra David-Neel and Lama Yongden write about the artificially created Entities in their common work The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects: »The Tibetans distinguish between tulkus and tulpas. The tulkus are men and women, apparently living normal lives like our own. Tulpas are more or less ephemeral creations which may take different forms: man, animal, tree, rock, etc., at the will of the magician who created them, and behave like the being whose forms they happen to have. These tulpas coexist with their creator and can be seen simultaneously with him. In some cases they may survive him, or, during his life, free themselves from his domina- tion and attain a certain independence. The tulku, on the contrary, is the incarnation of a lasting energy directed by an individual with the object of continuing a given kind of activity after his death. The tulku does not coexist with his ancestor.

Dr. David-Neel spent considerable time in Tibet and was fascinated by many experiences. The greatest riddle of all, she states in her book, was the creation of tulpas, which was based on the secret knowledge of Tibetan adepts. She claims that the phantom beings described by Tibetans, and the apparitions she had a chance to see, have little resemblance to the apparitions which appear during spiritualistic séances. She wrote that while camped in the Tibetan highlands, she was visited by a painter she knew from a previous stay in Lhasa. The man was obsessed with one of the many Tibetan gods. For years he had meditated daily on the deity and painted its image many times. As he entered the camp, Dr.David-Neel claimed she saw a misty representation of the god hovering behind him.

When a tulpa acquires enough life strength to be able to play the role of a real being, it has a tendency to free itself from the control of its creator. Tibetans compare the process with the behavior of a child matured in its mother’s womb, now capable of living separated from her body, who at a certain moment has a natural tendency to leave its mother’s womb. In Tibet, stories about phantom beings that become disobedient and about the struggle between the magicians and the beings they have created are not unusual. They can seriously hurt and even kill their creator. Dr. David- Neel heard stories from Tibetan sorcerers about tulpas that were sent to accomplish a certain mission, yet after its completion would not return to their creator, but continued to wander as half-conscious and dangerous beings. The same thing can happen when a tulpa’s creator dies before the tulpa is dissolved. At the moment of the creator’s death a tulpa usually either abruptly vanishes or gradually disappears, just like a body does when left without food. On the other hand, there are tulpas created with the intention of outliving their creator, which they do.

Mrs. David-Neel posed the question of whether we should accept such stories as true, or whether we should discard them as products of exuberant imagination. She was so intrigued by this phenomenon that she studied Tibetan teachings about tulpas and eventually decided to create one for herself. To this end, she visualized a cheerful brown-robed monk, based loosely on Friar Tuck in the Robin Hood legends. After weeks of effort, the imaginary monk became so vivid that he appeared to her as if he were physically present – an induced hallucination.

She describes what happened, which may not provide the experiment with a “certain degree of success”, but was a truly fascinating experience that cannot leave many feeling indifferent. Here is what it looked like.

In order to avoid being influenced by the forms of lamaistic divinities she would see daily on pictures, she chose for her experiment a funny and joyful personality in the form of a fat monk of small stature. Then, in isolation, she concentrated on him daily and performed the necessary rituals. She does not specify the rituals. His form took shape gradually, became more solid and looked alive. He became something like a guest in her house. After some time she set out on a journey with her servants, with the fat phantom monk as a member of their group. Although they traveled on horses, the illusory creature persevered. She could see him from time to time during the journey, and she no longer had to think about him in order for him to appear. He performed various activities she did not request. She perceived him mainly optically, but several times she felt his clothes touching her, and once felt the touch of his hand on her shoulder.

His appearance, imagined at the beginning of the process of creation, changed gradually. The fat monk with round cheeks was becoming ever slimmer, while his face acquired a shrewd and evil expression. He became imprudent and started to cause trouble. He obviously got out of Dr David-Neel’s control. Once a shepherd brought butter to her tent, saw him and believed that he was seeing a real lama. The tulpa’s presence started to make her feel nervous and after some time turned into a nightmare. Since she was about to travel to Lhasa, where she was supposed to be calm and undisturbed, she decided to get rid of him. She claims in her book that she had managed to do so only after six months of great exertion. The tulpa she had created clung to life with all his might. She completed the depiction of the experience with these words: “There is nothing strange about the fact that I have created my own hallucination. What is interesting is that others also saw that reflective form at moments when it materialized.”

This process is not limited only to the creation of humanoid beings. Dr David-Neel states unequivocally: “A phantom horse trots and neighs. The phantom rider who rides it can get off his beast, speak with travelers on the road, and behave in every way like a real person. A phantom house will shelter real travelers, and so on.” (With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet)

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Franz Bardon

Franz Bardon was born in the village Opava, in today’s Czech Republic, as the youngest of thirteen children. He spent his childhood and youth there, but not much is known about those periods in his life. Between 1920 and 1930 he earned a reputation as a magician in Germany, by performing on stages throughout the land under the name Frabato. That was also the title of his unfinished novel, Frabato, the Magician, published after his death.

Although Bardon claimed not to have been a member of any occult group, information from true connoisseurs indicates that he was a member of the most famous magic organi- zation in Germany, Saturn Fraternity. When Hitler, who himself was a member of the black-magic order of Tula, came into power, Nazis began to actively persecute and imprison masons and members of all occult societies. Bardon was sent to jail in the beginning of 1942. Some of his disciples assert that Hitler had promised him a high position in the country’s hierarchy if he helped him win the war with his magic, but that Bardon refused. We must treat such stories with caution, for they follow all famous occultists. It would only be natural if Bardon had refused to serve Hitler’s war plans because in his past lives, according to stories spread by his close associates, he was St. Germain and Nostradamus, and before that Apolonius of Tyana, Lao Tse and no other than mythical Hermes Trismegistos.

After the war, Bardon came back to the Czech Republic and continued to teach small groups of disciples. When his books were published in the West during the 1950’s, individuals drawn to his teachings started to visit him in Opava, where he lived at the time. The communist government had no more understanding for such activities than the Nazis, and Bardon was sent to prison again in 1958, where he died the same year.

Franz Bardon is relatively unknown as a magician in the broader occult milieu, although in the narrow circles of his followers he enjoys a reputation greater even than that of Eliphas Levi, Blavatska and Crowley. He made an exceptional effort to provide his followers with the most complete guidelines available without having personal contact with a Master. He made magical procedures public in his books: Initiation Into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to the True Quabbalah. Some of the instructions were previously unknown in occult circles, for, according to Bardon, they were jealously guarded among the most elevated adepts. However, their true value cannot be determined without a practical test.

Bardon was acquainted with Tibetan mysticism, or at least with the works of Dr.Alexandra David-Neel, whose words he cites in several places. He mentions data which a careful reader can spot in her already mentioned book; for instance, the magical diagrams kilihor and the inner fire tummo, which by controlling, Tibetan adepts manage to dry a wet shirt on their bodies while they meditate in open space, exposed to very low temperatures.

In his first book, Initiation Into Hermetics, which is actually an elaborate description of tarot’s first arcane, Bardon describes in detail four methods for creating elementaries; that is, Entities with artificially made material bodies. Although he calls his method secret, and adds that it is revealed to readers for the first time, if we consider the final outcome, his method resembles the creation of tulpas in Tibetan yoga.

You will probably be surprised by the details I will quote as well as with assertions regarding the reality of the procedure, for it does not differ from the magical practice of medieval magicians Paracelsus and Agrippa.

Imitating God’s act of Adam’s creation, the practitioner should mix in warm water two thirds of clay with one third of bee wax. If natural wax is not available, stearin or similar materials, used for making candles, can be used instead. From this agglomeration, a figure or doll should be formed in a desired shape. The human shape is most common. While the figure is still warm, it must be pierced from the head downward with a long sharpened object. Now the cavity should be filled with the fluids’ condenser (on how to make it, see Bardon’s book) the opening closed to prevent the condenser from leaking.

If the magician desires to create the Entity for his own personal aims, he should place a small cotton ball immersed in his own “prime material” — a few drops of blood or semen — at the bottom of the cavity. Only after doing this should he pour the fluids’ condenser on top of it and close the cavity.

If the Entity is made for someone else, the practitioner should not mix his own “prime material” with the fluids’ condenser, for this could put him in danger. The person for whom the Entity is made could influence the magician in a destructive way.

Upon finishing this, the practitioner should hold the figure in his left hand and rub it gently with his right hand, passing his life energy onto it. Then he should blow on it as if to resurrect it. The doll must receive a name and the magician should address it loudly by the name several times. Religiously inclined practitioners may perform a baptizing ritual, similar to the one performed on children in the church, and name the doll on that occasion, but that complicated procedure is not necessary.

Then the practitioner visualizes filling his own body with the earth element while inhaling, and then directing it through one of his hands or solar plexus at the figure and filling its body with that element approximately from the feet to the genitals. He should focus entirely on specific characteristics of the earth element, such as gravity, palpability and the like, all the while feeling that the earth element will remain stable and constantly manifest itself. The practitioner should do the same with the water element, filling the stomach area of the figure in his mind. Next is the air element, concentrated in the chest area, and the fire element in the head.

When this is done, the practitioner can rest assured that the astral body of the Entity has been created. His own astral body will remain in contact with the figure through an invisible, astral bond. The process can be repeated several times to increase the Entity’s efficiency.

At the next stage, the practitioner focuses on creation of the Entity’s mental body. He should imagine his mental body as if it were made of the finest ethereal substance, and with his spiritual eye see it enveloping the doll’s whole figure. In its head, all essential spiritual traits should be imagined and deliberately deepened by means of focused meditation. If the magician is not focused on specific wishes, he can concentrate on four specific spiritual traits: will, intellect, emotions and mind and then deepen them by meditation. Once sure that the figure is sufficiently full and capable of producing the desired results, he will proceed to the act of introducing life into the Entity.

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By means of visualization, the practitioner accumulates in his right hand the amount of light from the universe that makes his hand shine as though it were red-hot. Then he takes the doll in his left hand and places his radiating right hand ten to fifteen centimeters above it. Next, he should exhale his warm breath onto the area of the doll’s bellybutton and say its name aloud. While doing this, he imagines the light coming out of his right hand and entering the Entity’s body, and at the same time, his right hand becoming paler, as if it were losing energy, which transfers to the doll. When he exhales his warm breath directly at the Entity’s bellybutton for the first time, he must imagine the Entity’s heart starting to beat and blood starting to circulate in its body. The practitioner’s imagination must be so powerful as to enable him to feel life in the doll quite clearly, almost physically. During the seventh exhalation, the light in his right hand should disappear entirely, for it is now transferred into the Entity’s body. Now the Entity’s astral body is alive and vibrating. During the eighth exhalation, with which he imports breath into the doll, he should imagine that the figure accepts his breath and begins to breathe normally on its own. During the ninth breath, he should call the Entity’s name and immediately after shout loudly and ecstatically: “Live! Live! Live!” In his mind he must feel certain that, according to the natural law of analogy, he has created a new, perfect being.

In case the practitioner does not want to give the Entity a task right away, he should wrap it in a piece of real silk, which is used in magic as the best insulating material. He should keep the doll in a suitable place, to which others have no access, so that no one has an opportunity to touch it.

If he immediately wants to give the Entity a certain task, he should place it in front of him, while imagining it as a miniature human being and tell it which task it should perform. The Entity’s gender, clothes, and appearance (whether beautiful or ugly) is left entirely to the practitioner’s imagination. Bardon contends that after a long period of use, the Entity’s astral and mental body become concentrated to such an extent, that it becomes visible even to persons who are not specially trained. However, he advises that this being performs its job unnoticed. In the beginning, the being will perform mental, then astral tasks, and finally, tasks that cause change in the material environment. The task that the Entity should perform must be given to it at the time of its creation. It is difficult to impart new traits to it later. Therefore, before he creates the Entity, the practitioner must write an elaborate plan of activities, in which everything is treated and described in great detail.

Sometimes the Entity’s capability for action can develop to a high degree, but it should not be allowed any freedom beyond that which has been imagined for it in advance. It must be limited to its field of action, so that it always returns to its wax figure upon com- pleting a task. The Entity’s life and death should continuously be in the practitioner’s hands. Destroying its physical figure or pouring out the fluid condenser will lead to its death and disintegration.

If the Entity is being sent to perform a certain task, its physical wax body must be uncovered, that is, the silk in which it is normally wrapped must be removed. When it is back from its task, it must be wrapped immediately in silk again.

The Entity’s life must not be abruptly terminated, for it could harm the practitioner. The reason for this is the fact that the source of the activated force lies in the practitioner. This is especially true if the Entity has reached the stage where it can cause serious physical effects, such as a heart attack, nervous breakdown or paralysis. Franz Bardon recommends two methods for protecting practitioners, one of which I will describe here.

The process of the Entity’s elimination resembles what happens when a man dies. Take the figure with your left hand, writes Bardon, and imagine it breathing with its astral body. You should feel the movements of its breath and the blood circulating in it. Now imagine your right hand being filled with dark-purple akasha. Direct the akasha at the Entity’s heart as if you were sending lightning. By doing this, you will kill it. Its heart will stop, and so will its breathing. In your thoughts, pull out the mental body from the figure. You can do this because the connection between the astral and mental body was severed by the stroke of akasha. As soon as you imagine the mental body outside of the figure, disperse it, again with your imagination, into the Universal Light, imagining it as steam disap- pearing into the air. Now proceed to the elimination of the four elements, imagining them, one by one, vanishing like steam in the Universal Light. Begin with the fire element in the figure’s head, continue with the air element in its chest, water element in the abdomen and finally, the earth element in the legs and the genital area.

The next thing the practitioner should do is pluck the doll’s head off, and open the cavity in its middle. Then he should pour the fluid condenser onto a piece of absorbent paper and subsequently burn it. The doll itself can later be used for a new Entity, but it is wiser to destroy it completely by burning it or burying it in a desolate place.

Whether you accept this text describing Bardon’s procedure as actually possible, as a product of imagination or as a deliberate deceit, depends solely on you. It is quite probable that rationally inclined persons will treat it with criticism or mockery. Yet I know that, quite some time ago, several persons applied Bardon’s guidelines, but I am not acquainted with the results.

I wrote these data in order to show you how versatile and broad the practice in this area is, and at the same time because serious persons, who deserve our trust, mention similar data.

Chapter 13: Thought Forms

Thought Forms are condensed psychic packets of intelligence that can perform a number of operations. Since all matter is composed of thought anyway, a thought form, with enough patience and attention, can literally take on a life of its own.

Let me share with you a personal experience regarding thought forms.

After reading about thought forms, and becoming obsessed with the idea of fashioning my own, I decided to invent, in my mind, an incredibly powerful being that could be used to bring advantages to my life. While this idea seemed good at first, over time, the being I created took on a life of its own. Because I had infused it with so much power, and created it so that it was “all- powerful”, it tried to turn on me. It tried to control me, to make me worship it, as a means to absorb energy. Realizing this, I quickly waged a war against it until it was completely dissipated.

Thought Forms are dangerous to work with unless you are creating them from a place of pure love. They can suck up the emotions of others and mutate into very nasty creations. They can even manifest in physical reality and attack you. I don’t need to mention how dangerous it can be when massive groups of individuals energize a negative thought form. It happens on a frightening level, even to the point where certain higher dimensional beings have literally had to step into our sphere of awareness and restrain the madness we are creating.

Most people are not aware that many of the religious icons they encounter are in fact highly energized thought forms, which have, through years of manifestation, acquired incredible power. Fortunately, thought forms cannot overcome the power of The One. All humans are sustained by The One, and are protected by its light when we reconnect. Another important note- –The One wants everyone to know this—is that many (not all) alien encounters are a result of thought forms spawned by our sub-consciousness. I have been told that some will receive this news with aggravation. Do not feel this way. Simply realize that these encounters are a part of you, not outside of you.

Before constructing a thought form, I must say that it would be wise for you to only do so with loving intentions. Otherwise, you might accidently wreak havoc on yourself.

Step 1) Decide what it is you want your thought form to do. Be specific.
Step 2) Build the thought form in your mind. Employ your increased imaginative abilities, until you can literally “see” it in your mind. You might also be able to “hear” it.
Step 3) Input the thoughts you want the thought form to have…"help others, love, forgiveness, mercy, happiness, friendship, healing, compassion.” This helps the thought form remain positive.
Step 4) Input the thought form’s mission or purpose. Be specific. For example, you could tell your thought form to “Locate cancer and remove it from my entire body.”
Step 6) Give your creation parameters to work within. For example, you could say, “Remove all cancer without harming the body.”
Step 7) Give it tools to use. For example, you could grant it a container with unlimited capacity to place the cancer cells in. Avoid harmful tools like “sharp objects” or “energy weapons.”
Step 8) Give it energy and verbal support. Tell your creation that it is "Invulnerable to everything but my command" and has “unlimited energy to accomplish your task, unless I take it away.”
Step 9) Refine the input. You could say, “You have unlimited capacity to absorb anything without doing harm and unlimited capacity, until I say otherwise, so that all tasks will be accomplished.”
Step 10) Refine yet again. Say, “You have unlimited agility.” You can use this to protect you thought form. You can say, “While removing cancer from the body, you may use agility to avoid white blood cells.”
Step 11) Finally, re-emphasize. Say, “Complete your task without causing any sort of harm, except for the cancer cells. Only destroy cancer cells.”
Step 12) Set a time limit. Tell your thought form, “Once your task is done, return to the nothingness from which you came.” Once again, tell the thought form about its mission commands.

You are done.

This is a technique I use. However, you can be creative. Just be warned; your thought form might appear physically at random times, unless you de-energize it. It can even appear to unsuspecting family members, which, while it can be quite amusing if harmless, is utterly dreadful to behold if negative. Thought forms will often enter the dreams and daily lives of people you know unless you are careful.

Have fun with this one!

(excerpt above from The Book of Knowledge)

>Because I had infused it with so much power, and created it so that it was “all- powerful”, it tried to turn on me. It tried to control me, to make me worship it, as a means to absorb energy. Realizing this, I quickly waged a war against it until it was completely dissipated.


I'm going to create a thoughtform to kill jews!

story about a negro jew tulpa forcer


Thanks for this! I have a question… Can I say to my thoughtform something like "take bad energy away from others and transform it to good energy for me"? Is it possible?

Why the fuck would you use a tulpa to do that when you can do it yourself quite easily?

You could do that… you could also use an orgone energy device for that purpose.


Link, plz.

There's the Emotional Alchemy thread I wrote but this isn't shit I learned out of a text it's shit I learned out of experience.

Take someone's hate and turn it into a source of whatever other emotion you want. Astral energy can be converted to any pattern/form/vibration/whatever.

You can train for this through stuff like pain pleasure reversal for example. Eventually you can have total control of how you perceive shit and how you're going to feel.

It's hard to explain. I just choose how I want to react to someone. If they are angry I don't have to be angry, I can absorb all their anger and turn it into love if I want and keep it for myself or give some back, whatever.

Just something you got to practise. I'm not really sure how it's done, you just do it.

Like seriously all emotions are useful to me and if I wanted to I could gain control over everyone in a room by how they're feeling towards me. If I wanted them all angry, I could piss them all off through psychic influence, or I could do whatever else I want. A person can hardly even fight me if they're going to be emotionally involved. Only way for them to fight me could be to not feel or to stay incredibly focused so their astral energy is being given a form and isn't just raw energy.

Anyone who feels feels carelessly because they aren't conscious enough to stay in control of their feels is open to manipulation.

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Lobsang Rampa on Thoughtforms

The negro family were sad that I was going to leave, but overjoyed that for once in my life I was going to have a comfortable journey. It was so difficult to get them to accept money. In the end we shared it between us! "There is one thing," said the friendly negro women. "You knew this money would come as it was for a good purpose. Did you send what you called a 'thought form' for it?"

"No," I answered, "it must have been accomplished by a source far removed from this world."

She looked puzzled. "You said that you would tell us about thought forms before you left. Will you have time now?"

"Yes," I replied. "Sit down, and I will tell you a story." She sat and folded her hands. Her husband turned out the light and sat back in his chair as I began to speak:

"By the burning sands, amid the grey stone buildings with the glaring sun overhead, the small group of men wended their way through the narrow streets. After a few minutes they stopped at a shabby looking doorway, knocked and entered. A few muttered sentences were uttered, and then the men were handed torches, which spluttered and sent drops of resin around. Slowly they made their way through corridors, getting lower and lower into the sands of Egypt. The atmosphere was cloying, sickly. It seeped into the nostrils, nauseating by the manner in which it clung to the mucous membrane.

"There was hardly a glimmer of light here except that which came from the torch bearers, the torch bearers who moved along at the head of the small procession. As they went further into the underground chamber the smell became stronger, the smell of Frankincense, of Myrrh, and of strange exotic herbs from the Orient. There was also the odour of death, of decay, and of decaying vegetation.

"Against the far wall was a collection of canopic jars containing the hearts and entrails of the people who were being embalmed. They were carefully labelled with the exact contents and with the date of sealing. These the procession passed with hardly a shudder, and went on past the baths of Nitre in which bodies were immersed for ninety days. Even now bodies were floating in these baths, and every so often an attendant would come along and push the body under with a long pole and turn it over. With scarcely a glance at these floating bodies, the procession went on into the inner chamber. There, resting upon planks of sweet smelling wood, was the body of the dead Pharaoh, wrapped tightly with linen bandages, powdered well with sweet smelling herbs, and anointed with unguents.

"The men entered, and four bearers took the body and turned it about, and put it in a light wooden shell which had been standing against a wall. Then, raising it to shoulder height, they turned and followed the torch bearers out of the underground room, past the baths of nitre, out of the rooms of the embalmers of Egypt. Nearer the surface the body was taken to another room where dim daylight filtered in. Here it was taken out of the crude wooden shell and placed in another one the exact shape of the body. The hands were placed across the breast and tightly bound with bandages. A papyrus was tied to them giving the history of the dead man.

"Here, days later, the priests of Osiris, of Isis, and of Horus came. Here they chanted their prelitinary prayers conducting the soul through the Underworld. Here, too, the sorcerers and the magicians of old Egypt prepared their Thought Forms, Thought Forms which would guard the body of the dead man and prevent vandals from breaking into the tomb and disturbing his peace.

"Throughout the land of Egypt were proclamations of the penalties which would befall any who violated the tomb. The sentence: first the tongue of the violator would be torn out, and then his hands would be severed at the wrists. A few days later he would be disembowelled, and buried to the neck in the hot sand where he would live out the few short hours of life.

"The tomb of Tutankhamen made history because of the curse which fell upon those who violated that tomb. All the people who entered the tomb of Tutankhamen died or suffered mysterious, incurable illnesses.

"The priests of Egypt had a science which had been lost to the present - day world, the science of creating Thought Forms to do tasks which are beyond the skill of the human body. But that science need not have been lost, because anyone with a little practice, with a little perseverance, can make a thought form which will act for good or for bad.

"Who was the poet who wrote: 'I am the captain of my soul'? That man uttered a great truth, perhaps greater than he knew, for Man is indeed the captain of his soul. Western people have contemplated material things, mechanical things, anything to do with the mundane world. They have tried to explore Space, but they have failed to explore the deepest mystery of all - - - the sub - consciousness of Man, for Man is nine - tenths sub - conscious, which means that only one - tenth of Man is conscious. Only one - tenth of man's potential is subject to his volitional commands. If a man can be one and one - half - tenths conscious, then that man is a genius, but geniuses upon Earth are geniuses in one direction only. Often they are very deficient in other lines.

"The Egyptians in the days of the Pharaohs well knew the power of the sub - conscious. They buried their Plaaraohs in deep tombs, and with their arts, with their knowledge of humanity, they made spells. They made Thought Forms which guarded the tombs of the dead Pharaohs and prevented intruders from entering, under penalty of dire disease.

Making thoughtforms

"But you can make Thought. Forms which will do good, but make sure they are for good because a Thought Form cannot tell good from evil. It will do cither but the evil Thought Form in the end will wreak vengeance on its creator.

"The story of Aladdin is actually the story of a Thought Form which was conjured up. It is based upon one of the old Chinese legends, legends which are literally true.

"Imagination is the greatest force upon Earth. Imagination, unfortunately, is badly named. If one uses the word 'in - flation' one automatically thinks of a frustrated person given to neurotic tendencies, and yet nothing could be further from the truth. All great artists, all great painters, 'great writers too, have to have a brilliant, controlled imagination, otherwise they could not visualize the finished thing that they are attempting to create.

"If we in everyday life would harness imagination, then we could achieve what we now regard as miracles. We may, for example, have a loved one who is suffering from some illness, some illness for which as yet medical science has no cure. That person can be cured if one makes a Thought Form, which will get in touch with the Overself of the sick person, and help that Overself to materialize to create new parts. Thus, a person who is suffering from a diabetic condition could, with proper help, re - create the damaged parts of the pancreas which caused the disease.

"How can we create a Thought Form? Well, it is easy. We will go into that now. One must first decide what one wants to accomplish, and be sure that it is for good. Then one must call the imagination into play, one must visualize exactly the result which one wants to achieve. Supposing a person is ill with an organ invaded by disease. If we are going to make a Thought Form which will help, we must exactly visualize that person standing before us. We must try to visualize the afflicted organ. Having the afflicted organ pictorially before us, we must visualize it gradually healing, and we must impart a positive affirmation. So, we make this Thought Form by visualizing the person, we imagine the Thought Form standing beside the afflicted person and with super - normal powers reaching inside the body of that sick person, and with a healing touch causing the disease to disappear.

"At all times we must speak to the Thought Form which we have created in a firm, positive voice. There must not at any time be any suspicion of negativeness, nor of in decision. We must speak in the simplest possible language and in the most direct manner possible. We must speak to it as we would speak to a very backward child, because this Thought Form has no reason and can accept only a direct command or a simple statement.

"There may be a sore on some organ, and we must say to that Thought Form: 'You will now heal such - and - such an organ. The tissue is knitting together.' You would have to repeat that several times dally, and if you visuallze your Thought Form actually going to work, then it will indeed go to work. It worked with the Egyptians, and it can work with present - day people.

"There are many authenticated instances of tombs being haunted by a shadowy figure. That is because either the dead persons, or others, have thought so hard that they have actually made a figure of ectoplasm. The Egyptians in the days of the Pharaohs buried the embalmed body of the Pharaoh, but they adopted extreme measures so that their Thought Forms would be vivified even after thousands of years. They slew slaves slowly, painfully, telling the slaves that they would get relief from pain in the after - world if in dying they provided the necessary substance with which to make a substantial Thought Form. Archaeological records have long substantiated hauntings and curses in tombs, and all these things are merely the outcome of absolutely natural, absolutely normal laws.

"Thought Forms can be made by anyone at all with just a little practice, but you must first at all times concentrate upon good in your Thought Forms -because if you try to make an evil form, then assuredly that Thought Form will turn upon you and cause you the gravest harm perhaps in the physical, in the mental, or in the astral state."

Source: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/mistic/lobsang_rampa/ramstory3.htm

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>imagination is the greatest force upon the earth

fuck yeah..

"In 1898 a struggling author, named Morgan Robertson, concocted a novel about a fabulous Atlantic liner, far larger than any that had ever been built. Robertson loaded his ship with rich and complacent people and then wrecked it one cold April night on an iceberg. This somehow showed the futility of everything, and in fact, the book was called 'FUTILITY' when it appeared that year, published by the firm of M. F. Mansfield.

"Fourteen years later a British shipping company, named the White Star Line, built a steamer remarkably like the one in Robertson's novel. The new liner was 66,000 tons displacement; Robertson's was 70,000 tons.

"The real ship was 882.5 feet long; the fictional one was 800 feet. Both could carry 21about 3,000 people, and both had enough lifeboats for only a fraction of this number. But, then this didn't seem to matter because both were labelled 'unshakable!' "On April 19, 1912, the real ship left Southampton on her maiden voyage to New York. Her cargo included a priceless copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and a list of passengers collectively worth $250 million dollars. On her way over she, too, struck an iceberg and went down on a cold April night.

"Robertson called his ship the Titan; the White Star Line called its ship the Titanic." Had Morgan Robertson known that Imagining Creates Reality, that today's fiction is tomorrow's fact, would he have written the novel Futility? "In the moment of the tragic catastrophe," writes Schopenhauer, "the conviction becomes more distinct to us than ever that life is a bad dream from which we have to awake." And the bad dream is caused by the imaginal activity of sleeping humanity.

Imaginal activities may be remote from their manifestation and unobserved events are only appearance. Causation as seen in this tragedy is elsewhere in space-time. Far off from the scene of action, invisible to all, was Robertson's imaginal activity, like a scientist in a control-room directing his guided missile through Space-Time.

Mod note: I fixed your post.

That's pretty awesome synchronicity.

>Avoid harmful tools like “sharp objects” or “energy weapons.”
If your aim is healing, otherwise there's no reason. Fear and your fear will be validated. Have faith and your faith will be validated.

Because having someone else do the work for you is easier than doing it yourself?

>It is based on thousand-year-old concepts of Oriental philosophy according to which matter is condensed and crystallized psychic energy

Mind my ignorance, but are you basing this off of Taoism, or is this a concept in Vedic thought aswell?

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I think that's from the book The Invisible Influences and I can't be fucked to spend the time to answer your question because really it doesn't matter to me, I'm not a historian, I'm just a chaos magician who goes and seeks out knowledge and makes it work for him. Doesn't matter where it came from, all that matters is if it empowers me to do my will or not.

Also, it's an idea common to many different philosophies in many places and times, and one that makes good sense and aligns with my own experiences.

Thought Forms.

Thought-forms are concentrated thought waves or thought-bodies usually projected from the mind by, concentrated thought and Will, and which, when coming in contact with others, have almost as great an effect upon them as if the sender were present in person exerting his Will and mind upon the person or persons. Occultists who have acquired concentration and focalization are often able to send forth thought-forms of so high a degree of power and strength that they produce upon others the mental impression that the sender, himself, is actually present in person, so strong is the impression created. In some of the methods which we shall now describe, the production of these thought-forms will be described.

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