I shall lay out my newest theory on magic right here:
You can only do things because you believe you canAll of us are hypnotized into this present pattern of existence but that's to stop us from breaking the pattern or creating new ones?
Move your arm right now. If you were able to do it, it's because you believe you can.
Please right now this very moment check each thing you can do. Can you open your mouth? Can you look around? Can you speak?
Check each thing you know you can do at present and tell me do you believe it? Do you believe you can do all these things.
You will find that each thing you can do, you do in fact believe it.
If you were hypnotized successfully though, you might not be able to move your arm, no matter how much you try. Something happened in your subconscious that stopped you from doing it.
Look at all the various techniques used in magic and consider this video right now:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI1i-pUxASwThis guy seems like such a new age kook but I've found the statements in that video to make perfect sense as I've continued to try and understand everything when he talks about "permission slips".
I think visualization is a worthy pursuit of its own virtue as the ability to see with the mind's eye enhances ones ability to think greatly and opens up a great deal of wonderful things.
There's more going on here though. We need to do our strongest to withdraw from the current sensations and distractions of maya and learn to recreate in the mind each aspect of a thing. It's a lot of hard work and we keep lapse backing into the delusions because there's so many distractions, so much shit distracting us from our pursuit. Yet if we build up new metaphysical structures successfully and change our beliefs we should be able to unlock new channels of experience.
It's still down to a lot of imagination but I fucked something up you see and that's why I'm sad. I had to go deeper, I had to change more, and it is incredibly hard for me to change my beliefs. Every breath is a belief, every moment I feel present here is a belief, everything is defined by my beliefs and I've only had so far the short glimpses of the beyond that can happen if I really commit myself to it.
So my goal right now is to get my tabs closed again, get my sleep as much of it as I can, work out the "negative karma" which I now realize I have literally accumulated but not by being immoral or whatever shit people think it's actually pure causality. I have just not been spiritually disciplined and have continuously lapsed back into the same old patterns and beliefs after only momentary enlightenment.
I denied the existence of karma for so long because people were pushing the most bullshit wrong ideas about it to me making me reject it now I know better, I have attuned more deeply into what is going on.
The pursuit of ascent has been long and hard but it's a spiral it seems with me, yet an upward spiral. I seem to build myself up and then crash, but then I realize more, and I go a little higher each time.
I need to unlock myself more deeply and permanently.
When I am ready again and have recovered from this sleep deprivation and weariness which has exhausted me in the present it's time to READ MORE, lapse into distraction less, and push harder to enable my ascent.