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/chaos/ - Chaos

A board for chaos magick. 500 posts GET was acquired so it shall survive.
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 1 [Reply]
Hail Eris!

Edit: The board is proving to be extremely popular and probably will survive for some time… it could just be a fad that peaks out now and then dies later but we'll see.

Note: We should have a FAQ for chaos magic here in this sticky and a list of reading materials just like on /fringe/.


No. 527 [Reply]

Keep Eris images in the Eris thread though: >>345
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>implying the holocaust happened

Good goy. Let me guess, jews are our greatest allies too? Workers of the world unite! *heavy sarcasm implied*

It isn't hard to find pics of degenerate communists either.

>freedom to talk
>communist nation


>sleep with any women of any race.

Ewww why are you into bestiality?

>Picture of the master race, you are probs in this too HUEssein.

Picture of COINTELPRO Agents you mean.

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Kommunism is jewish

Thats why you kikes want to rape all culture, everything beautiful in the workd, destroy art, and turn everyone into slaves.

Kike detected

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chaos eye

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No. 1158 [Reply]
What if Eris isn't actually a separate goddess, but merely the darker aspect of Aphrodite (like what Kali is to Durga, or what Sekhmet is to Isis)?

It makes sense, because Aphrodite is a goddess of beauty, and apples are often used as a metaphor for beauty ("the apple of my eye").
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I think a better analogy would be Dracula. Based on a real person, but popular culture has turned him into an evil undead fiend with a spooky castle and hordes of undead minions, and most people are more familiar with the fictional Dracula than the real one. That's a perfect example of modern-day mythology, right there.

>not knowing that batman is real


There was a Batman vs. Dracula movie.

If Dracula was real, that means so is Batman.


If you want to think of Eris as an "aspect" of some other god, Aphrodite is a dumb way to go about it.

Tiamat makes much more sense (sumerian primordial female chaos demon)…and if we extrapolate what tiamat (as tehom) became to the jews, it's utterly fascinating.

Tehom is the ocean which existed prior to god's creation of the world in that mythos. In the chaoskampf theory of how the creation is to be interpreted, god "defeated" her in a "battle" where he basically spoke organisation into her (weird way to put it). That "ordered tehom" is the world.

Going even further, "tehom" as a word in jew-speak means "abyss", "sea", or "deep"…which has obvious similarity to greek "Bythos" – one of the various names of the all-high (or rather, profoundly deep) god of the gnostics.

Eris is a daughter of the abyss though. Tehom IS the abyss.

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No. 745 [Reply]
Post stories of how you found Eris ITT!

How did you find Goddess?

>be me

>really depressed
>decide to look into the occult
>looking at goetia, thelema, and wicca bullshit
>get this odd feeling to look up "chaos magick"
>look it up
>i'm hooked instantly
>became a pope
>Eris made me happy again through the power of Chaos
>i don't remember much else, I guess that's good
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You lucky son of a bitch. How was it?


It was great until she turned into my mom

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"Here [at the porch and entrance to Hades] dwells … lunatic Discordia [Eris] whose viperine hair is caught up with a headband soaked in blood." - Virgil, Aeneid 6.280

"And Nyx (Night) bare hateful Moros (Doom) and black Ker (Violent Death) and Thanatos (Death), and she bare Hypnos (Sleep) and the tribe of Oneiroi (Dreams). And again the goddess murky Nyx, though she lay with none, bare Momos (Blame) and painful Oizys (Misery), and the Hesperides … Also she bare the Moirai (Fates) and the ruthless avenging Keres (Death-Fates) … Also deadly Nyx bare Nemesis (Envy) to afflict mortal men, and after her, Apate (Deceit) and Philotes (Friendship) and hateful Geras (Old Age) and hard-hearted Eris (Strife)." - Hesiod, Theogony 211

"I have come to tell you that you are free. Many ages ago, My consciousness left man, that he might develop himself. I return to find this development approaching completion, but hindered by fear and by misunderstanding. You have built for yourselves psychic suits of armor, and clad in them, your vision is restricted, your movements are clumsy and painful, your skin is bruised, and your spirit is broiled in the sun. I am chaos. I am the substance from which your artists and scientists build rhythms. I am the spirit with which your children and clowns laugh in happy anarchy. I am chaos. I am alive, and I tell you that you are free." - Eris

*chaotic laughter*


>be around 15 or so

>passtime is watching fanimutations with friends and going through them frame by frame to find subliminal messages.
>TMST's French Erotic Film or Jesus H Christ vs. Colin Mocrie
>understand 99% of the funny little references TMST hid in the video.
>one frame: dopefish with the word "fnord" under it.
>lolwut is a fnord
>10000 hours of googling and some life experiences later: hail eris.

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No. 1167 [Reply]
I think a Discordian made this game.

You collect golden apples for health, and the first spell you get is a magic apple.

Now, I understand Discordianism didn't invent golden apples, and gold apples are traditionally considered a food of the gods, but there's more.
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>Population: 23

Why would the game designer care to point out how many people live in this village, unless it was a deliberate reference?

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There's a merchant who sells gold apples. He sells them for 5 gems apiece. Law of Fives.

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And you can't buy a single apple, you can only buy them in groups of five.

Intredasting. Must be a Discordian.

Note well that Discordianism was a popular religion for independent programmers, hackers, developers, and other such folks…

You think this game has discordian influence? There's a MUD called 3K where 1/3 of the in-game world is ruled by Eris, and most of the game's universe echos with a sort of old-school discordian whimsy.

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No. 345 [Reply]
Post all your Eris pictures in here.
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Why the fuck can I not post with a golden apple on here?


Cuz you're a PC.

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No. 1200 [Reply]
Chaos Magic in a Nutshell

In Chaos Magic we treat Belief as a Tool of Magic, rather than as an end in itself.

Hassan I Sabbah: -‘Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted.’ - (Attributed to the Old Man of the Mountains.)

Psychology: -Thoughts are not Facts. Belief attracts Confirmation. - (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and Positive Thinking).

Chaos Magic: -Nothing has Ultimate Truth. Anything Remains Possible. NUTARP! - (We prefer the precision of V–Prime language and thought. After all, nothing really ‘is’ anything else.)

Of course in a probability based universe such as this, some things remain more possible than others. Fortunately we can precisely calculate how much probability distortion a given act of magic will produce using the following equations of magic: -

I'd love to join the arcane academy but I dont have the money

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No. 445 [Reply]

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Simplest and best way is to think very intensively of a place you want to be and eventually you will be astral projected out of your body. Ignore any vibrations btw, do not get too excited or scared or so on, as that will probably wreck your AP and cause you to return to your body.

Read this >>>/fringe/691

how do I escape this reality? I mean full blown rejection of everything, God, demiurge, karma, reincarnation, astral planes(regardless of how high the density) . I want freedom from it all. I want tranquility. I want Solitude. I want rest. how do I break free from everything?

Void meditation. Tons of it.

How do I into /illuminati/

Forget using remote viewing to get the login info for that board, use it to get the admin login info and cause Chaos?

No. 1197 [Reply]
Why isn't /chaos/ merged into /edgy/?
/chaos/ has a point, eight of them in fact, though I'm not sure what any of them are. /edgy/ is just for sharp cuts.

If any boards should be merged, maybe /anime/ & /si/ could go well together.

Why haven't you deleted /si/ yet and listed some other board in its place?

The purposes of /chaos/ and /edgy/ have grown extremely divergent, one being focused on chaos magick, the other on edginess and LHP.

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No. 1188 [Reply]
I seriously hope you fags are teaching people chaos magick in the ebola threads
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damn ebola-chan's got a nice figure

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No. 1182 [Reply]
Couples are wholes and not wholes, what agrees disagrees, the concordant is discordant. From all things one and from one all things.

–Heraclitus of Ephesus
We are all one but some of us are also two.

One and none and fun.

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No. 1179 [Reply]
I just want to apologise for everything I have done. The way things have turned out was not my intention or what I had planned. Many mistakes were made and I still don't know how some of it happened.

I still wish you all the best of luck down the correct path and hope to meet you at our destination, yet I realise my works are insufficient to aid anyone other than me (something which they aren't very good at either) and we are probably better off if I stay away from everything as much as possible.

So sorry freedomboard, I really did my best for you, it simply wasn't enough. Sieg Heil, Eris!
I don't understand what's the matter for you?

What exactly are you apologizing for?

Did I miss something?

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No. 1173 [Reply]

.. :)

It's from this crippled retard who has a blog and all he does is diss chaos magick and paganism saying how it's full of kiddy fiddlers and shit and spreading disinformation. We should curse him and kill him.

No. 1171 [Reply]
I utilized many many magickal methods to access this board. Remote mindreading only gave back gibberish that didn't work. Astral plane walking resulted in nothing.

I used non-astral meditation, some new technique. Asking the energies of the world itself.

And there is was. Whispering "kaos".

So i typed it in. It didn't work. So I typed "chaos" and came here. Is this the board that is talked about here

Because that was what I wanted to achieve. Currently this is my finest magical achievement, better yet to the proof I had to deliver for /illuminati/. I'll practice earth energy meditation more often.
Nope but you're one step closer, you've found our semi-secret chaos magic board.

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No. 1162 [Reply]
In Chinese occult theory, everything is governed by five fundamental metaphysical forces. Similar to the western concept of the four elements, there are five Wu Xing elements which are earth, metal, water, wood, and fire.

The elements are cyclical. Earth creates Metal, Metal creates Water, Water creates Wood, Wood creates Fire. Fire creates Earth, and the cycle repeats.

Earth: Yin/Yang balance
Metal: mostly Yin
Water: fully Yin
Wood: mostly Yang
Fire: fully Yang

This is relevant to Discordianism, because it corresponds to the law of fives. In fact, it corresponds to the five seasons on the Discordian calendar. Dig this:

Chaos: Disorder/Order balance
Discord: mostly Disorder
Confusion: fully Disorder
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I prefer the Akasha, Prithvi, Tejas, Vayu, Apas system. (Akasha + Earth, Fire, Air, Water).


Check this out.

Also this is probably obvious, but the five Discordian days of the week are the five senses.

Prickle = touch
Sweet = taste
Boom = sound
Pungent = smell
Orange = sight

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