>>8576Ok. Well first off, even if the loosh farming thing is legit on some level, most people are being tricked into emotionally stunting themselves and creating an artificial loosh shortage.
You're not supposed to block emotions. You cause problems doing that, it's like blocking chakras, your emotions are supposed to flow out into the universe and arrange things for you all the time.
By choosing not to react, you are missing out on opportunities to produce loosh, while fearing the other person is going to steal it.
Here's a secret that's been held back from you. You know with a funny joke how sometimes you have to not laugh in order for others not to notice you? Yet in private later on you can think about it and laugh without waking people up or whatever?
Well there's no use in suppressing your emotions unless you go back to the events of the day at a later time and release those emotions. The only reason to do this at a later time is so that you can achieve a better focus perhaps for a specific goal.
If you are focused enough and have a very powerful mind for it, you could potentially work this magic even as you are posting, and releasing the emotions all at the same time.
You're wasting away your potential though by suppressing emotion.
Another thing – you're being duped into behaving like a 2nd order being when in reality you're a 1st order being with a direct connection to god and thus an infinite supply of loosh.
Loosh farming is worthless unless you're putting it into thoughtforms. If you don't have a tulpa or something which you're dumping your energy into, you're wasting your time. Normally such thoughtforms should be able to even give you instructions or impulses on what exactly to do to help them grow.
"When you experience a negative emotion and do not let it out or convert it into something positive, it becomes a thoughtform parasite, an auric leak, and a spiritual burden. To have become angry in the first place is okay, but to remain so in a non-constructive way must have arisen from some illusory component in your view of the world. In other words, because your perception of a situation was not based entirely on truth, you became angry, stayed angry, and did nothing about it except ignore and repress it. Your illusory perception combined with the resulting negative emotional energy forms, by definition, a thoughtform, except it is one closely attached to your soul. In this article, such an entity will be called an internal thoughtform. It has a conduit leading back to the core of your soul and siphons energy from your emotional reservoir, becoming bloated in the process as long as you continue repressing it."See how you're supposed to let out negative emotions? Why do you think we have /edgy/? Why do you think we regularly criticize New Agers and the thought police who try to make us be happy all the time? Why does the Matrix Control System promote this kind of attitude all the time?
That emotion is useful but not if you're preventing yourself from generating emotions in the first place. You should actually aspire to let out every sad, edgy, etc. thought in some way and then let go of it or transform it. Suppressing it does you no good.
"While God’s supply of emotional energy is infinite, your rate to receive such energy is not. Therefore, any leak in your loosh reservoir such as one caused by an internal thoughtform generated from repressed emotions will take away from your influx of energy. The more repressed emotions you have, the more auric leaks you have, and the less loosh energy you can use for yourself."Also…
"Static emotions cannot be tapped by the matrix, although they are still detrimental in altering your behavior like a stuck rudder on a ship. One’s emotions remain static only as long as they are out of one’s present conscious focus. Remember that internal thoughtforms are their own loosh reservoirs, feeding off your reservoir which in turn is filled by God. You may think of these thoughtforms as bloated sacks of loosh just waiting to burst. To access these reservoirs, the matrix must open them with a perceptual key so that your consciousness focuses upon them, opening the floodgates and unleashing an explosion of dynamic emotion which bursts into the ether and is collected by the matrix."and…
"Not learning a lesson or repressing an emotion are very similar because both lead to no growth of being. Awareness and understanding are necessary to grow one’s level of being, and without conscious processing of emotions and the lessons they teach, growth does not occur. In the case of not yet having learned a lesson, there is no stimulus for growth, and with repressed emotions, growth is artificially squelched. Both of these create demand for and vulnerability against further matrix manipulations in order to provide the opportunity for learning lessons."and…
"While possible to observe the mistakes of others and therefore gain their learning lesson for ourselves, unexpected tests attempting to push our buttons or those which we must absolutely experience can arise at any moment. Fact of the matter is that if your level of being is insufficient to remain unaffected by the trigger, if you have yet to learn the lesson potentially provided to you by this negative experience, then you will experience negative emotions. To try and stop cold such emotions leads to repression, which is the problem that many people experience when they force themselves to be nice and happy every moment of every day. Repressed emotions resurface later in a twisted and magnified form and can lead to all kinds of psychological problems, even health problems if repression is lengthy and severe."Oh and another thing. Wherever your consciousness goes, whatever you dwell upon, or read, or engage with – energy is expended. You're only going to conserve it by staying completely focused in the present and transforming it to the right form.
"In cases where all else fails and negative emotions cannot be transformed, they must still be released – anything but repressed. Temporary release of any unconverted negative emotion can be as simple as screaming or slamming your fist upon the table, or gentle like writing or exercising, even crying. This is strictly for cases where there is no constructive way of acting upon that emotion — in other words, no external problem to solve. If someone else is violating your freewill and you feel an upsurge of emotion urging you to defend yourself, then that emotion is best employed for that purpose.When succumbing to an emotional trigger, you must release the negative emotion to prevent it from becoming an internal thoughtform, then later learn from that trigger and understand why it set you off. If it did so because it keyed into an internal thoughtform, then you’ve found one to work on. If it affected you because of some hole in your perception, then contemplate and learn the lesson so that it will not have to be repeated."Key part right here btw:
"Now, it may seem from the foregoing discussion that the point of emotional management is to become unemotional and unresponsive to the world. This is totally false. The goal of emotional management, and any esoteric work for that matter, is to decouple one’s internal state from one’s external behavior. In other words, it is the point of emotional management to make your internal perceptions, thoughts, and especially emotional state independent of your external experiences and behaviors. Where is the division line between internal and external? The line resides between the real you and everything else.""Make no mistake about it — emotions are vital because they are fuel. They help you accomplish things which your level of being up to that point could no do, therefore causing it to grow. As stated before, the purpose of emotional management is not to become unemotional or unresponsive but rather to make internal states independent of external, and also to help transform negative emotions into positive ones. With increasing growth of being, one’s emotions become increasingly one’s own rather than mechanical responses to external stimuli.""It should be clear that those earlier on the learning path will have more negative emotional experiences than those more advanced. There is no judgment implied – everyone is where they should be and it is pointless to envy another because judging oneself by another’s standards is illogical (the grass is always greener on the other side). People who pretend to be more advanced by being less emotional suffer from the fact that they are passive, for they lack the being and understanding necessary to otherwise fuel their actions, which translates to an apparent lack of willpower. Hence, it is okay to feel negative emotions, as they first alert you to the presence of a learning opportunity, and can help develop your understanding and fuel your actions as long as you practice being self-aware and try to see the objective truth of the situation."Summary in next post.