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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1402912141787.jpg (2.11 MB, 1800x2400, vigilant_Citizen.jpg)
No. 12387
Reminder that the "Illuminati messages in pop culture" meme was popularized by Vigilant Citizen, a known "kosher" viral marketing campaign for the music industry.
Well damn about time this bullshit get called out like this.

i had this same idea (pop cultural conspiracy engineering) a while back in 2011, figured someone else had already thought of it [technically i figured someone stole the idea from my brain but same difference]

good find on the info tho, should entertain some friends

File: 1402946346147.png (42.06 KB, 336x327, 1402597698023.png)
Wait so vigilant citizen is just there to up music video views or something?

Also, what is the controversy he was talking about on the icke forums? It seems like everyone hates every single conspiracy forum for one reason or another.

yes but for what purpose?

>jews, check

>hollywood, check
>freemasonic symbols, check
>predicting stuff, check
>programing the masses, check

To create a matrix of belief reinforced through materialism. Most people who hear or read a little about magic and the Illuminati take on a superficial context relating to these ideas. People dismiss it either consciously or subconciously and, regardless of which a person does, they will be caught in the web being laid out. They either accept materialism through opposition to the absurdity of what is being presented in such a specific, distilled context. Or they accept materialism by linking these "spiritual phenomena" to pop culture icons; giving credence to the power such people possess, regardless of it's truth or lack of it.

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