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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 6084
I have an idea…

So you probably all have seen the "Boy Sees Heaven, Comes Back!" and things like that on JewTube, right? Well, we know most people who are close to death experience the astral planes. So is this phenomena of people dying, and supposedly going to heaven just experiencing the astral? I understand why they'd say its heaven, because of their religous beliefs and because of how beautiful and colorful the astral is and such. What do you guys think?
Yes it's OBVIOUSLY the astral. There are a lot of places which are very nice in the astral and can be regarded as heaven and a lot of places which are hell-like and places which are in-between.

Did you know that ardent atheists actually astral project themselves into a black void of nothing btw until they eventually realize they are somewhere and they still exist and then start to find their way out of that black void to end up exploring the astral properly?

Same goes for the people who claim to see hell, they just went to a hell-ish plane. Maybe this is where the heaven/hell stuff came from…

Yes indeed. Everyone in the astral is just taken to wherever their thoughts take them. So everyone gets confirmation bias of their beliefs then until they start to take a look at the bigger picture and take into account contradictory accounts and from all of that get a clearer picture of what's actually going on.


> 'in the time of Christ there was a village named Hell. It was a village on the outskirts of very high land, and outside the village there was a quaking bog which was smoking hot and with a continual stench of sulphur fumes and brimstone. If a person was accused of something he was brought to the village of Hell so that he could endure the ordeal of passing through Hell - passing through the smoking bog of sulphur and brimstone - in the belief that if he was guilty the heat would overcome him and he would fall to the ground and be burned up by the heat of the bog. But if he was innocent, or if he had enough money to bribe the priests in charge of the place so that they could put a coating on his feet, then he could go all the way through the bog and emerge safely on the other side, then he would be considered as an innocent man. We get the same thing now, don't we, with the way justice is often bought and the innocent get imprisoned while the - guilty go free.'


I finally understand christfags now, it makes perfect sense. And I'm guessing God was somebody they met in the astral who demanded their loosh. It makes perfect fucking sense.

Yes. Also the majority of people "hearing god's voice" or "meeting god in a vision" are getting trolled by elementals or other beings who are purely after their loosh.

So far,

>Heaven and hell = astral planes

>God = a troll who now has a shit ton of loosh
>Christ = most likely the man who saw god


>Christ AP'd while being crucified and went to astral, which caused christianity


I think regarding Christ it would be best to read the Stellar man. It seems he was an advanced hermetic wizard.


There's a section out of that book which is quoted here: http://montalk.net/gnosis/187/mosaic-abuse-of-demiurgic-technology

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Jesus is also a chaos wizard, quote related:

There I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer and believe that ye have received it, it shall be yours. Jesus of Nazareth

Kind of like a sigil. Create one, and if you believe in it and send, it'll be received. Chaos really IS everything.

I just want to point out something that rather pissed me off today on /x/.

Sometimes people take YCOR way too far.

There are two things to consider.

1. Even though we are to apply metaphysics to transcend the demiurge and all that, in the meanwhile, while we remain locked in place by the laws of the material world we must keep our bodies in good health and if we don't have the privilege of a healthy body this will be a major hindrance to overcome. Such people generally need outside help before they are powerful enough to help themselves. I'm sick of seeing YCOR faggots on /x/ blaming absolutely everything on individuals who get crushed by the conditions of this existence and can't help themselves up. They have no idea what positive forces have been doing to get them to where they are or that every human must be nurtured in some way before he can grow to be physically and spiritually independent enough to control his own destiny.
2. We must contend with the influences of others. This isn't a lucid dream / being on your own plane in the astral where you can just do whatever you want with no resistance. The thoughts / beliefs – mental influences of others count and bear down upon us. This is why wizards typically (if not always) become hermits and live alone and even do things like change their name and cut ties with people and try to just drop out of the collective reality as much as possible while they're developing their powers before they come back into it.

Fuck I hate the YCOR idiots on /x/ who say "you chose this life, everything is your fault, etc."

You can prove them wrong by making a tulpa. Ask the tulpa "did you choose this life"? Obviously it did not, you chose the life for it, you made it on a whim. We are nothing more than tulpas ourselves, made at the whim of a higher being. SOME people chose their lives and purposefully incarnate into this world but not all.

>he was a buddhist

>he went to india

>he went to japan

>he was a tulpa

>he was appolonius of tyana

>he was a hermetic wizard

>he was an invention of the flavian dynasty

>he was some jew who stole the name of the O.T. god (what they say in the talmud)

>hes burning in a pool of feces! (also in talmud)

>hes made up based on osiris, dionysus, etc etc

>he was an alien

>he was made up by paul, who was the real wizard

>he was a usurpur of john the baptist

>he was god, who became man (avatar??)

honestly is there anything else about jesus?

theres more to be said about him than hitler! (the jewish 1 testicled tranny drug addict cousin fucker who escaped to antartica in a ufo)

p.s. is astral travel the most important thing a beginning fringe wizard should be working on? (serious question). i have already stopp fapping to get my energy level up

i read something like that last night by neville goddard who was quoting william blake.

The great mystic, William Blake, wrote almost two hundred years ago, "What seems to be, is, to those to whom it seems to be and is productive of the most dreadful consequences to those to whom it seems to be." Now, at first, this mystical gem seems a bit involved, or at best to be a play on words; but it is nothing of the kind. Listen to it carefully. "What seems to be, is, to those to whom it seems to be." That is certainly clear enough. It is a simple truth about the law of assumption, and a warning of the consequences of its misuse. The author of the Epistle to the Romans declared in the fourteenth chapter, "I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclearn."

>(the jewish 1 testicled tranny drug addict cousin fucker who escaped to antartica in a ufo)

You forgot several other things like a supposed scat fetish and him being gay and I think they even claimed he was part nigger.

>p.s. is astral travel the most important thing a beginning fringe wizard should be working on?

Yeah. I'd say so.

>The author of the Epistle to the Romans declared in the fourteenth chapter, "I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclearn."

That's Left Hand Path as fuck.

Are you saying Hitler wasn't the greatest man, ever?

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No not at all. Heil Hitler!


person who posted the rainbow body pic here. i dunno enough about hitler really (due to historical revisionism ), but his speeches were p good.


oh yeah. also he was into the occult and had a mandrake root (probably true )

oh yeah

and he comes as Kalki too, btw


>mandrake root

What's that?

Another claim is that he's a reincarnation of Klingzor the Sorcerer or whatever that Jap said he was.

Something off Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

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if you read Law & Promise, he busts out lots of good quotes from different people.

"only god will gods accept as company"

will do

i saw it(back when i used to watch tv) on this history channel show called "hitler and the occult"


You know how when you're in the astral planes thought takes you anywhere and if you think about your body it takes you back to your body and you get disconnected?

Well in Buddhism to escape the cycle of reincarnation we're supposed to let go of every attachment.

Maybe what happens is when we die we can stay in the astral a long while until some kind of attachment to this life brings us back when we think about it!

Maybe the key is to never ever think about physicality again after you die, so you never get brought back here?

Is this a stupid idea? What do you think?

i havent Ap'd yet, but in this book im reading it says that you get re-incarnated because youre attracted to the kundalini/tigle energy of a fertilized ovum. (bliss of inner fire pdf)

also, beginning / completion stage vajrayana tantra seems pretty radical. they are becoming buddhas (like us???)

How does this energy appear to us in the astral?

One time I was in the astral and I very nearly got sucked in by the very strong force of something but I held onto a tree and slowly and with great effort pulled myself away from this thing as electrical energy would shoot out of it. It was like a blackhole thing which formed near an electric generator during a storm in the astral.

i havent been on th astral but lama yeshe describes it as a moon-like orb pulsating with red/white energy

The entire astral is different in each plane. Don't take a person's word for it; words are words unless you put them to practice.

thx for the advice.

i'll practice… tomorrow

>tfw my only enemies are drowsiness and distraction (and maybe a cum-draining succubus or 2)

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I must wonder if the crows, at least some of them, are being influenced by some wizards because the intelligence and behaviour they exhibit is really abnormal for many species. Maybe some shamans felt a particularly strong affinity to them in the past and now watch over the world through the eyes of the crows they control. Also Odin had some crows, maybe it's Odin that has something to do with this.

Succubi are a type of demon, if you have been fapping frequently, don't do it, you are wasting your energy and giving it to the succubus. Read the demon hunting guide and everything before you enter.

>implying retarded squaking and flying into windows, and scaring away the badass sandpipers are smart

They attack shit and take down creatures that should be physically superior to them and come up with incredible schemes to work together to steal food and do other things.

They're at least as intelligent as niggers I think.

All birds are sneaky and shit like that, they all steal food. When I was in Australia, there was this seagull that had a chocolate ice cream cone and literraly a swarm of birds followed it. They are like niggers, they chase the one with the good shit.

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>crow using 3 tools in sequence correctly

>First non-human example of an animal correctly using 3 tools in sequence without training.

i prefer pigeons though…

>Marpa gave his son Dharma Dode the exceptional and secret phowa empowerment and pith instructions to transfer consciousness into the recently expired body of an ordinary human being.

Dharma Dode was critically wounded in an horrific horse riding accident. As Dharma Dode lay dying, Marpa gave him the pith i
nstructions on the exceptional transference of consciousness.
No appropriate recently deceased human corpse could be found, so Dharma Dode transferred his consciousness into a newly deceased pigeon with the direct pith instructions from Marpa. Marpa’s other students present saw many miraculous signs and all saw Dharma Dode in the form Hevajra.
Marpa sent the pigeon to India to a charnel ground where the recently deceased body of a 16-year-old boy was to be burned. Dharma Dode transferred his consciousness from the pigeon into the boy’s dead body and that boy appeared to come to life again. “Tipu” means pigeon. This phowa lineage was thus temporarily lost as the lineage could only be given once orally from guru to student and it had already been given the once to Dharma Dode.
Tipupa became a student of Naropa and Maitripa and received all of the formless dakini teachings from them.
When Rechungpa came to India, Naropa had already gone to Khechara, so Rechungpa received the rest of the formless dakini teachings from Tipupa, brought them back to Tibet and gave them to Milarepa. This formless dakini lineage is thus Naro, Tipupa, Rechungpa and Milarepa.


i wont(fap anymore) and i will (read everything)

also i found pic related on a website called cichlidlovers, but i read it as "child lovers"

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