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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 16396
What do /fringe/ users think of this?


I find some of these profiles hilarious. Go through them and screencap any ones that stand out.
Only the Indians look legitimate from that picture.

I don't like how most of the questions are about love and relationships. Admittedly, I do ask some complicated questions about love when I use I-Ching, but the majority of my questions are not like that.

Love, in a way, is a method of stasis: when you are loved, you don't feel the need to change, and when you are not, you want to reach for the endgame. I think that the whole "Virgin at the age of 30 = WIZARD" might be true, for when you are still a virgin at that age, you stop caring (or perhaps you never did care), leaving your mind open to better things.

Goes to show that 99.999% of occultists, mystics, and spiritualists are full of shit. That's probably why there's so much useless woo-woo nonsense floating around, and why so many 'occultists' are even worse off than people who don't believe in magic.

>judging them on presentation alone
>not actually testing them

Problem is here they want money for this.

*Thelemite detected*


This guy at least looks healthy and pretty legit.

Holy shit what is that glowing thing in middle of his forehead?

File: 1409607434722.jpg (17.73 KB, 202x376, pleb.jpg)
*Wiccan Detected*

Trips confirm.
I know that Rampa may not be 100% accurate but most of what he wrote about lines up even with Law of One/RA and Seth Material, which were clearly channeled from 5d or higher.

And he said pretty plainly that to charge for psychic services was bad karma. Or maybe I'm misremembering. I'll need to look back into that. Still, that suggests that most of these are full of it. True psychics would do your reading and have a donation set up for them, so you were not forced into it before even getting a reading.

Especially if most of the questions are about love; you could easily fake your way through that with a baseline level of intelligence.

Who's gonna pay to find out?

>suggesting most of these psychics are fake b/c of charging money up front

Me. Just realized that's actually a fallacious argument. They could well be gifted, but working in a system where karma is denied or never even discussed. Of course, imo that wouldn't make it any less real, but they may not even have the sense to avoid taking on karmatic burdens. Plus, if they're legitimately helping people at the same time it could wash out.

Or, it could even be just something Rampa was saying because he was taught that way. Buddhists are very dogmatic and their strict adherence to sometimes unexplained/unjustified rules is frustrating at the very least. I believe this is even touched on in IIH at some point.


+ this


That is the mark of Satan.

lol, those messages on the side, very myspace

It looked to me like some Hindu letter.

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