1. One must acquire the right philosophical mindset. Be open-minded and ready to experience these life transformations that will lead you to higher consciousness. Consider the nature of your thoughts and of reality.
2. Raise lucidity. You must see clearly with your mind's eye and to this your mind must become very powerful. Meditate, focus, change your thinking, improve your perception. Eventually one will awaken the third eye and achieve ascension but the first step is get the fog out of your mind. See the astral and become well acquianted with it, see clearly the thoughtforms you shape, you must develop the capacity to perceive the higher reality or you are like a blind man. You can not work magic when you are blind to what you are working with, not effectively anyways.
3. Raise your energy. Understand etheric and astral energy. Cultivate it, acquire it, shape it, use it to carry out your will. Emotion is astral energy and etheric energy is life energy. Etheric energy is a less refined version of astral energy. Astral energy is very powerful and not something to be disregarded. Reason and emotion coupled together where reason directs emotion and emotion empowers reason will make your will stronger.
4. Apply your will to produce magical effects. You can engineer synchronicity, invoke and evoke entities, create thoughtforms, use telepathy, dowsing, and a variety of psychic powers. Very advanced magic can be done in the astral planes especially and training certain powers there will make it easier to them here though the collective will of the many consciousness focused upon Earth limits your own greatly. Breaking your programming can help.
5. Augmentation. At some point you will be able to reprogram and extend the powers of mind to become something far greater than what you currently are. On an astral level you can create new scripts, edit your personality, access memory complexs far greater than what you alone know, and merge consciousness. One example would be creating a tulpa then later on becoming one with that tulpa and inheriting all the powers and memories and so on of that tulpa. A tulpa is a very advanced sentient astral being created from programmed thoughtforms.
Your ascension to the next level will be complete when you have the capacity to permanently see into the higher reality, master synchronicity, etc. The invisible will be made visible to you, you will walk in two worlds at once, a spiritwalker of sorts. Through familiar spirits and other such things you will be able to work incredible magic. Your third eye will be wide open and your mind will be very powerful.
——– will expand this a fuckload later, do not share until it's complete, this is just a general outline of the third draft of my magic guide and does not yet go into the details of every little thing you can do ——–
"What you refer to as water mind is what Musashi refers to when he talks about the void. "Cut from the void." What is really happening is you are manually integrating your conscious and subconscious mind, removing the inhibition generated by your consciousness/ego and the doubts/fears/distractions attached to that identity so that the enormous force of instinct/subconsciousness that defines the subconscious and links you to the rest of existence can act through you, increasingly undiluted. It is a great way to get perspective and for someone with a generally weak will to generate an elevated level of willpower/influence over reality around them. However, a truly developed mind/spiritual will inevitably integrates the strong points of that mental state into their normal headpsace, quieting the chaos of their own internal space so as not to inhibit the natural, honest expression of that 'greater inner voice' that our untrained/limited/poisoned consciousness inhibits and stifles. In truth, when you are wise, you will never leave what you call 'watermind' entirely."
Magic Guide 4.0 – The Intentionally Short Guide
To do magic one must control the mind and utilize the full power of the subconscious.
The first skill a wizard needs is a matter of focus and clarity.
You must learn to keep your mind clear of invasive thoughts, keep it silent, meditate.
Thoughts includes awareness of the body, visual impressions, auditory ones, dialogs, emotions, controlling your responses to things, etc.
You want to be able to control that at all so you can thoughtform very deliberately then, shifting your focus only to what you need.
Another aspect is the primal one. You want to learn to go deep into the mind to work at higher levels of reality so you can do more profound things with your mind. Effective magic requires you go to a place in your mind where "anything is possible" and you learn to embrace emotion and to drop beliefs which hinder your work.
Imagination is key. What you imagine is real. It's just that you're so heavily locked into a pattern / habit of imagining things that it comes so naturally and yet this whole reality is a projection of your own consciousness, time is a projection of consciousness, etc. Your body is imagined, everything is. So you want to get in control and imagine different things into being.
Hmmmm what else. You need to expand the consciousness and get control over things you couldn't originally. You need to know how to induce trances, trances are essential, and miracles can be made possible while in the theta state of mind.
tl;dr learning to will, to focus, to keep clear, to believe, to control responses, to project, to form, to shift attention, to imagine, to tap into the power of the subconscious, etc.
It's all pretty basic practises you can do all the time.
Anything else I should add here?