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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 9538
This is just a suggestion of self-advancement newcomers can undergo so they can set themselves a goal. When you don't have a specific path it tends to get odd and very messy so this shall act as a beginner's guide to the occult called "The Sevenfold Path of /fringe/".

I - Neophyte/Aspiring Wizard
As a neophyte you need to understand what magic is and how it works. You need to study and do some simple practices before seriously going into the occult. I want you to understand what you're taking up, to make sure you really want to dedicate yourself to our works, and so on. We're not pushing any beliefs on you, you can be whatever you want. /fringe/ is a place where even Satanists and Christians get along and have the same goal of /fringe/ (mentioned later). Suggested reading: Everything in the sticky (>>2), The Kybalion[1], Liber Null & Psychonaut[2], Advanced Magick for Beginners[3], Visual Magick by Jan Fries[4], Introduction to Sorcery[5], Pocket Guide to Chaos Magick[6], and anything you're interested in learning. We here at /fringe/ study and practice Chaos Magick, which is the paradigm of paradigms. We switch beliefs for the benefit of us all, practice those beliefs, shared what worked, and profit. If you don't like reading, well, you aren't worthy of the occult because that's a big part of it. Cast a sigil for reading as your first test :^)
Goals of a neophyte:
-Read everything we suggest for you
-Don't be afraid to >>>/ask/ Smiley a question or drop one off in the question thread (there are no stupid questions!)
-Practice meditation and other occult practices you think you're capable of
-Practice the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram[7] and make your own banishing ritual
-Participate in things you can. If you don't know, don't bother. If someone asks you something you don't know, simply say "I haven't a fucking clue." because you'll gain more respect that way instead of acting like you know something
-cleanse and activate your chakras

II - Initiate/Novice
At this stage you should be putting a lot into practice. Doing rituals, practicing visualization, getting started to AP, doing lots of beginner sorcery, and writing essays on your findings. Don't worry if you're not good at this stage, practice makes perfect. Be sure to participate in experiments and be a part of the community, everyone should be apart of the community. Be sure to have a notepad or something and write notes, and copy/paste the important threads into an archive, you never know when we might get shut down. You shouldn't find a sturdy path (like a practice or religion) as of now, just keep studying, practicing, and sharing your findings. Please don't repeat threads.
Goals of the Novice
-practice anything you'd like
-do sorcery often
-learn something new that takes a while, such as a form of divination
-post your results
-begin with AP, don't worry if you don't get it for a while it takes practice
-start things such as visualization, and other important techniques

III - Adept (First Degree)
At this point you should have a steady paradigm, but be sure to remember to switch paradigms often when you feel like it. This could be a full blown religion or something like yoga. Whatever it is, stick to it, trust me on this one. It gets crazy without one and you get less motivated. Now study each paradigm, share your results. You should be able to undergo various practices such as, but not limited to, astral projection, invocation of a deity, gnosis, several sorcery techniques (it doesn't matter whether you fail or succeed, as long as you understand and can do it), self hypnosis (or trance), and other things. You should be a steady poster on /fringe/ and have a lot of threads here. Adepts should also give advice and help Neophytes and Initiates in any way possible.
Goals of the Adept, First Degree
-have a steady paradigm, study and practice it, post your results
-keep doing what you've been doing, which is meditation, studying everything, AP, etc

IV - Adept (Second Degree)
Once you reach Adept Second Degree you should be able to do a lot of things. Plain and simple. Keep doing our goal.

V - Wizard
While we are all wizards, Neophyte and Adept alike, this rank is when you understand a lot of things. You are able to visualize fine, AP, pyrokinesis/telekinesis or anything you've picked up, gnosis, you should've done a lot of rituals and experienced a lot, posted many threads here, so on. This could take a long time to get to this stage. Don't worry, Neophytes could be better at something than Wizards most of the time. A Wizard should have perfect understanding of many spiritual things, he's seen some shit. This could also be called the Buddha stage or Enlightened Wizard or something, but Wizard is more simple and cool. At this stage you know a LOT, and teach/preach others the way of the occult.

Citations and other shit
[1] - http://www.hermetics.org/pdf/kybalion.pdf
[2] - http://zalbarath666.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/peter-j-carroll-liber-null-psychonaut.pdf
[3] - http://www.krizma-ebooks.com/books/Advanced%20Magick%20for%20Beginners.pdf
[4] - http://lukriss.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/jan-fries-visual-magick.pdf
[5] - http://www.philhine.org.uk/writings/rit_sorceryintro.html
[6] - http://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/religion.occult.new_age/occult_library/Pocket_Guide_to_Chaos_Magick.pdf
[7] - http://www.wikihow.com/Perform-the-Lesser-Banishing-Ritual-of-the-Pentagram

(If I missed anything I want Smiley to add and edit this please)

>If you don't like reading, well, you aren't worthy of the occult because that's a big part of it.

Because no pre-literate society ever had any mystical experiences at all.

We're in 2014. You read that post and anybody who comes here reads posts.


That hardly means that reading a library's worth of books is essential to metaphysical knowledge.

You gotta be kidding me. It doesn't matter, when you're reading essays here or books you gotta read in order to understand the basics. How did you start the occult? I'm sure you read a lot.

> I want you to understand what you're taking up, to make sure you really want to dedicate yourself to our works, and so on.

I'd rather trick them into doing magick even if they don't know what they're getting themselves into. It's still important to understand what magic is about to be proficient and clear-minded about it though.

>We're not pushing any beliefs on you, you can be whatever you want.

This statement is faggotry that undermines itself.

>/fringe/ is a place where even Satanists and Christians get along and have the same goal of /fringe/ (mentioned later).

I'd say the biggest adversary groups are Thelemites and Chaos Magicians or Thelemites and Hermeticists. It doesn't matter either way, we're mostly chaos magicians, and the whole purpose of our work is self-improvement, connection with the divine, becoming like gods, realizing higher truths, having amazing and experiences, and having more power to act with to do as we will in this world.

> If you don't like reading, well, you aren't worthy of the occult because that's a big part of it. Cast a sigil for reading as your first test :^)

Maybe once we start doing videos these illiterate faggots can just listen in and get started with magical works that way.

>(there are no stupid questions!)

There most certainly are… but they'll be answered too.

>not forcing them all to read this: >>>/chaos/418

( specifically the intro part, which explains how magic is even possible, and why we do it )


I started with my own thoughts, dreams and experiences. I read a little, and I ended up back at my own thoughts, dreams and experiences.

>using fringechan domain

Question: does this mean that wizards are something different than "psychics"? I'm interested in trying to develop psychic skills like clairvoyance or telekinesis, but not so much (at least at this point) in using rituals, sigils, runes, objects, etc. My thinking is probably misguided here.

> rituals, sigils, runes, objects, etc.

Except for ritual I don't do any of that shit… well I have a candle because I want to do pyromancy, but obviously you need a source of fire for that shit. I also concentrate on objects sometimes when inducing trances, but that's just fucking anything at random in my environment, and requires nothing special. As for ritual my definition of ritual is incredibly lose. Brushing your teeth is a ritual. Pushing back your hair can be a ritual. Spinning in a circle and clapping your hands can be a ritaul. I use very simple things as rituals by connecting the physical actions to metaphysical things. aka I do this shit and I will invoke this shit by association, that sort of stuff.

Where the hell is Tier 3? Wat.

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It depends on the wizard doing it; personally I prefer ceremonial magick more than anything else.

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I posted the wrong one I suppose.

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