17 replies
Is chemfag still alive?
38 replies
Book of Al-Anfal, verse 12 ( 8:12) - “I (Allah) will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
5- Book of Al-Baqara, verse 191 (2:191) - “Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out.”
6- Book of Al-Baqara, verse 193 (2:193) - “Fight them on until there is no more tumult and religion becomes that of Allah”
7- Book of Al-Tawba verse 29 (9:29) - "Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the last day… and fight People of the Book, (Christian and Jews) who do not accept the religion of truth (Islam) until they pay tribute (Jizyah tax) by hand, being inferior.”
335 replies
Continuation of
I don't hand that info out on whim.
It's the most secure line I use generally.
>How come you're not a white nationalist or national socialist?
They don't work. Humans are not capable of handling authority. Concentrated power merely serves to attract psychopaths.
When people gain power it corrupts them, almost invariably.
Human survival instinct creates the phenomenon known as greed. Greed causes authoritarian power to become malevolent almost without exception. Malevolence always comes to a bad end, and the cycle continues.
129 replies
I'm a happily married man, I have a White wife and many blonde children. However, Rockerz made me see the light, so I adopted a mestiza mistress. The sex is so much better. I've even had a 3 way with my blonde wife and my mestiza mistress. My wife is very much the submissive blonde slut as she watches me bareback my mestiza, I even force her to hold my BWC as I enter the mestiza pussy, afterwards, she licks my cum out of mestiza pussy and asshole.
Thank you King Rockerz. You made my life complete.
13 replies
help me name my gun /drama/
3 replies
Hey Mike, how's it going? Did you know you forgot you own birthday this year? You've must have been pretty busy lately huh? You know, life can be really difficult sometimes but when that happens we're there for you. I remember when you were young and your mother to you to all those counseling sessions to help try and figure out why you weren't able to make friends and why you didn't like social situations. I know you didn't like it, but she was just doing it because she loved you and wanted to help you. That's sort of the same reason I'm talking to you now. We all love you and just want you to get better, I know you don't trust anyone or anything but it's true. We need you here with us, please don't go. Please stop all of this, come back to us, I'm so sorry. I can't .
18 replies
How much longer will the DDOS against 8chan go on? I understand hotwheels already purged most of the boards where the pedo scum congegrated on and last i checked their /meta/ the degenerate scum was whining immensely about it on there, but right now 8chan is down again. It looks like it's coming sporadically online and then goes back offline again within a span of mere minutes.
Does anyone know what the fuck is even going on?
32 replies
8chon is kill
40 replies
Donate me some cryptocurrencies
BTC: 1D3QShibjTrjLteCQajitp2xE6zsgYKNDk
DOGE: DUAcrvNQS4oefvuqE9MuybAv5vYNU3t2gP
Donating will not get you extra board perks or access to
>>>/illuminati/, but it will help keep Fringechan alive…
40 replies
RIP 4chon
32 replies
Where did zoggerz go?
15 replies
Literally EVERY time you visit /drama/ the mentally ill pedonigger can be found as well spammming his inane cartoon drawings on here round the clock. Does the guy live here or something?
2 replies
ask Bor anything
← funny thing is, I just sounded out a word and decided to use that as my IRC name
man I miss those days
10 replies
FREEDOMBOARD meet up when?
7 replies
Is DeJenny even alive anymore or has she been put away in a mental institution or what?
Does anyone know what's happened to her?
6 replies
So either nobody actually does anything for your race on here or you're just fucking around. Smiley seems like the only person who is using magic for his race. After seeing what has happened to Europe with nonwhite invasions and other things, you should be doing something instead of posting shitty jpg's and jerking off to japanese cartoons. I've done my deeds for my race. I've spray painted graffiti and put pro white propaganda all around my city and have managed to get quite a few people to acknowledge the importance of their white folk. I'm moving to Seattle, which hopefully is more white than Central America. I'm going to join the Northwest Front, which hopefully is more pro-white than the Shitskin Dawn. It's pitiful seeing people who actually believe they are white nationalists and all they do is post on websites no fucking politician is going to see or anything. So will you please for the love of the White Race will you please get out and do something?
252 replies
Ask a 14 year old National Socialist Wizard who broke free from mental anguish at an early age. I believe I was lucky, the media is worse than what it used to be. Posting here and not on /b/ so I can use a trip to prevent impostors.
22 replies
ask the spammer anything
33 replies
where is smiler?
2 replies
The music thread on /fringe/ is broken again
("Your request looks automated")
9 replies
mfw smiley has schizophrenia
64 replies
We all remember that horrid photo of rockerz posted a while ago, he looked old, he looked fat, he looked like he'd been on a coke binge, all trace of his former twinkish good looks had disappeared, but he wasn't beaten, from the depths of obesity and middle age he vowed to come home, he vowed to beat the flab, and so the 4 week fat to fit program began, will he accomplish his goal? We he regain his good looks and lean body? or will be remain a fat middle aged blob, destiny is calling, make the choice rockerz, make the choice.
Post updates, photos and thoughts, leading to the final 4 week transformation comparison.
361 replies
Flags thread
Post your flags/tags here and I will add them to the board soon. Images will be rejected if they are too big.
35 replies
Who is this?
6 replies
I'm on
Linux Mint 17
now. I should be able to do a lot more shit I couldn't previously, maybe access my external-harddrive again, and use Skype.
7 replies
Can someone ask for me why I've been banned from wizardchan?
I just went on and got this message and I have no fucking idea why I'm banned at all.
I didn't break any rules.
wtf is this shit?
73 replies
New general suggestions thread
Post stuff you want happening here.
Any shitposting will be deleted. Do it in another thread.
22 replies
since 4chon is down, i guess this is my new home.
5 replies
I think I've found evidence that my Linux computer is either compromised by the NSA/Red hat or some of the packages are connecting to NSA/Red Hat servers. I've noticed some strange shit going on when I try to open certain websites in this python packagewebbrowser.
If you are a Linux user, try doing this:
Open terminal
type in python3, press enter.
type in import webbrowser, press enter.
type in webbrowser.open('http://google.com/'), press enter.
It works and opens in the web browser, but try doing it with these 2 websites:
or webbrowser.open('http://americandefenseparty.com/').
Do you get this weird error?
HTTP Error: Method Not Allowed
It looks like there is a secret blacklist of websites either on my computer or on a NSA server.
I've never had this error with any other websites except these 2.
Looks like the ZOG really fears revolutionary movements such as JB Campbell's Militia movement so much that they are blocking computer programs from seeing it.
Maybe I'm just paranoid. I'll need another Linux user trying the above instructions to confirm my suspicions.
Julian Assange: Debian Is Owned By The NSA
204 replies
1 reply
Can someone fix the fringe music thread, it won't let me post in there
("your request looks automated")
16 replies
You probably witnessed the start of 4chan shitting the bed a couple of days ago. Now you can take a look at what transpired on an emergency Skype meeting between Moot and his merry moderators just before it began. Enjoy!
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: Cracked sent me an email a few days ago
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: The same day Zoe issued her article, to be exact
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: They told me they are strong supporters of the Social Justice Movement, and are through sitting behind while the harassment goes on
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: They said if I didn't stop Gamergate on 4chan, they would write an article that "exposes" 4chan for the "true cesspit" it is. They're also going to basically get feminists to hack in and take down my site.
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: And coincidentally, I got a letter that threatened to lynch me in the streets, from a group of hackers who strongly support feminism.
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: A day before this, I went to see Anita speak at XOXO, and she was absolutely lovely. Behind the scenes, I got to have a word with her. We hit it off perfect, and we're now friends through online communication.
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: I told her my situation, and her advice was to get my mods to delete everything Gamergate on site.
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: I was reluctant, but after that day, I did what she said. You all remember the day I told you to delete Gamergate shit, we were convinced it would work.
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: But it didn't fucking work.
[9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: That hacker group is real btw.
[9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: They've been sending more letters to my house, and emails to my personal address.
[9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: Funny thing is, I still support them more than I do Gamergate.
[9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: So, that's why I'm so worried. I got Cracked making threats and a group threatening to take down my site.
[9/18/14 12:45 AM] moot: The two are very powerful, and can get done what they say they want to get done.
12 replies
Is 4chon kill? Haven't been able to reach it all day now
11 replies
Should we start advertising on /pol/ to bring in new users? The entirety of 4chan is being censored right now over this GamerGate shit, so quite a lot of users are looking for a new place to post.
8 replies
What's the life like in Fringe Mansion?
>totally not "/v/ mansion" clone
18 replies
Wizardchan lies in turmoil and chaos. Their admin, Glaive, has been unfairly stricken down by the nonvirgin proprietor, and many of the mods have quit out of loyalty.
If there was ever a good time to strike, the time is now.
1 reply
Why don't we delete the anime board?
No one ever posts there
11 replies
Pic related is from a game of solitaire and I got these cards lmao.
2 replies
Not sure if you all are aware, but on 4chon there is currently a trip fag war going on. This is the current bracket.
1 reply
I think putting all the questions in one thread is kinda dumb.
Not all the questions ever get answered in those threads, and if they do it's usually just one guy with a short answer that may or may not be helpful.
Plus it doesn't encourage a full talk and argument on the question that people can get into in depth which may help others who think they already understand the question.
There are always only the same 5 threads on the front page and barely any other topics get discussed. We have room for tons of threads right?
Anyways, I hope I don't get roped for this, but this is what I think anyways.
17 replies
Is smiley dead?
2 replies
malik quads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 replies
Where does Rockerz88 get all his pro-white things from? Like his flags, uniforms, etc
77 replies
This thread is intended to contain all honest challenges to duel other board users. Do not treat this thread lightly, this is life and death discussion. If accepted, meeting times and places can be arranged here and the results posted later.
My challenge to 'Rockerz88' still stands as I have yet to receive any committed response either way. *throws down gauntlet*
I expect no reply to the challenge again, just wish there to be a record that it was issued. Other challenges can be posted, I expect chemfag has some enemies.
11 replies
260 replies
Text comments you posted to YouTube have been identified as harassment towards another user, and have been deleted. As our Community Guidelines outline, YouTube is not a venue for things like predatory behaviour, stalking, threats, harassment, bullying or intimidation. There are no excuses for such behaviour and we will not accept it on our site.
Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your account.
For more information on YouTube's Community Guidelines and how they are enforced, please visit the Help Centre.
7 replies
7 replies
ok me n nigerian have desided 2 make a fan male adres 2 anser ur questions !!! we will repsond 2 all ur questions i PORMISE !!!!!!!!!!
master memer n nigeroian prinse
2 replies
your precious smiler is indeed a racemixer under the right circumstances
12 replies
525 replies
A short story
While there was only a few in the group, the group always believed in quality over quantity, one of the biggest dunces to be part of the group was a fat slob named David Michael Odinson, one of the lackey types, who drank alot and had a stupid swastika tattoo on his blubbery thigh. The squad had invited them to do some "white racial drinking" even though none of them drank, it was just a way to lure David in. The problem aroused quickly when Mr.Odinson brought his LGBT supporting mestiza girlfriend, you could see her unibrow from a fortnight away. The couple came in quite excited but the rest of them were serious since they knew they had to take out the trash. Ukko told Shirley (David's girlfriend) to come look at the TV because some special on TV was playing about Peru, he thought that would interest her since she looked like she was from there. As she was sitting in the couch the radical polish guy Justin Kalin takes a piece of rope and strangles her from behind, she didn't put much of a fight, but her cold and blue face made Zak Rockers a little erect (English Nationalist who came to help the group in the revolution). Zak took her in the back room, and shoved his penis in her cold dead body, from the other room all the guys could hear was "TAKE THE BWC, TAKE IT, YOU WERE BORN FOR THE BWC" before they could all comment on his strange behavior, the squad saw David Michael Odinson heading for the door saying "catch ya later bros, im goin to a nigger bar for the white race". They knew there was no time, Cameron the texas manson-weirdo national socialist took out a native-Indian flute and played a charm that only the tribe where David descended from could understand, David was mesmerized by charm, he walked like a zombie towards Commander Cameron, and he lured him all the way to the basement, where the beast was. The beast, was a 7 foot tall furious Australian skinhead named Richars Tinlsey, the group has him chained up there just in case there was something messy to be done, sort of like a rabbid dog. As Cameron stopped playing the charm, David woke up, the group quickly unleashed Richard, Richard tore into David's anal cavity and starting chewing, it was disgusting and bloody, the amount of feces coming out of David was a large sum, since he just had his girlfriend's mestiza food the night before. The mongrel was dead, Steven spit on him and said "take that you piece of shit yank NSM mystery blooded cunt". The rest of the group walked upstairs in disgust and happiness at the same time, the sounds of Zak Rockers giving the BWC to the dead mestiza was still being heard, and could even be heard from the Ural Mountians, where Justin's family resides.
49 replies
smiley is a samefagger
17 replies
Why the fuck is there a thread with an OP picture of an unclothed child on the frontpage of /fringe/?
Please delete that shit ASAP. It's indecent as fuck and also goes aginst global rule 1. This has no business being on freedomboard.
Thanks in advance
5 replies
17 replies
7 replies
4CHON CP RULE IN EFFECT - while the links in /meta/ stay working
IOW, don't look like this:
All 4chon rules suspended
24 replies
Wwhy is Rockerz is based?
7 replies
>Unique posters: 1,707
>mfw we're still pretty slow
Lurkers please start posting. I know there's a fuckton of you from /x/ but start conversation here jesus fuck /fringe/ is getting boring as hell.
2 replies
WHat vidya do you play?
3 replies
Are you feeling unnoticed as of late?
Come here and whore yourself out for a few fleeting moments where you can fool yourself into thinking someone cares about your existence.
Why aren't you paying attention to meeeeeee!
17 replies
I can't connect to /si/. Remove it from the top of the page >:(
25 replies
What mental disorders do you have?
-Major Depressive Disorder
-Manic Episodes -Bipolar Disorder (didn't show many symptoms)
-Social Phobia (extreme)
-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (few symptoms)
-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
-Generalized Anxiety Disorder
-Sexual Arousal Disorder
-Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
It doesn't show schizophrenia but it does ask for that.
10 replies
[12:56:49 AM] Fringe Wizard:
If you want a cult I'm already a part of a cult with several members that features aliens, magic, etc.
[1:09:13 AM] pizza:
Hm, no.
[1:09:19 AM] pizza:
I don't want to be a part of a cult. :D
[1:09:30 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Ok so what's with your profile description?
[1:09:44 AM] pizza:
What one?
[1:09:52 AM] Fringe Wizard:
"quark and I are starting a cult, pls join. quark is our god. call him on his skype and let him know. thank you bby"
[1:10:09 AM] pizza:
I said I was starting one,
[1:10:24 AM] Fringe Wizard:
If you start a cult you become part of the cult you started presumably.
[1:10:31 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Unless you intend to make a cult then abandon it for the lulz.
[1:10:32 AM] Fringe Wizard:
[1:10:32 AM] pizza:
Not to mention, it was a joke towards my friend Quark.
[1:10:47 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Ok sorry for bothering you mundane.
[1:11:01 AM] pizza:
Lol, you're good.
[1:11:23 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Good in general or anything specific?
[1:11:34 AM] pizza:
You're good in general :)
[1:11:52 AM] Fringe Wizard:
What inspires you to make this assessment?
[1:12:10 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Is this intuitively derived?
[1:12:35 AM] pizza:
It's a possibility.
[1:14:11 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Perhaps. Your data-set is rather small though as you only have this brief conversation to come to that conclusion. You would also have to come up with a moral system in which good and evil exist in order to assess where various person's you've met fall into the paradigm.
[1:15:01 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Do you have a clearly thought out morality or is it fuzz to you?
[1:15:39 AM] pizza:
Maybe, I believe everyone to be good upon first meeting them, then I decided whether they get to keep that status, in my own eyes of course, after I get to know them.
[1:15:54 AM] pizza:
It's just a possibility, though.
[1:16:11 AM] Fringe Wizard:
What maketh a person evil in your eyes?
[1:16:12 AM] pizza:
Or maybe, I just wanted you to shut the fuck up.
[1:16:19 AM] pizza:
[1:16:27 AM] pizza:
Nothing makes a person evil in my eyes.
[1:16:36 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Hmmm so you won't mind then that I'm a white supremacist?
[1:16:50 AM] Fringe Wizard:
[1:16:59 AM] pizza:
I would find you to be a fucking idiot.
[1:17:03 AM] pizza:
And that's about it.
[1:17:11 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Why? Have you really thought this out yet?
[1:17:27 AM] Fringe Wizard:
From where does this emotional programming you exhibit come from, do you know?
[1:17:40 AM] Fringe Wizard:
What is wrong with the notion of a superior race and inferior ones?
[1:17:55 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Perhaps you have an infantile mindset and believe in the just-world fallacy.
[1:18:03 AM] Fringe Wizard:
There is no equality.
[1:18:12 AM] Fringe Wizard:
We are all individuals, unique, not borg.
[1:18:54 AM] Fringe Wizard:
If you had a choice would you choose to be happy every day, forever tranquil, unmoved by the provocations of others?
[1:19:08 AM] pizza:
Did you really just tell me I think like an infant?
[1:19:34 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Not necessarily but the egalitarian mindset is very naive and childlike in many ways.
[1:20:52 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Doesn't have to be an infant, could be someone older, it takes awhile for people to question their programming and think from other perspectives and reject such obviously wrong notions as equality.
[1:21:18 AM] pizza:
The majority of us, are not unique. Most think the same, do the same, act the same, believe in the same fucking bullshit. Live the same goddamn lives, day in, and day out. so :)
[1:21:29 AM] Fringe Wizard:
There is also a big difference between common source / singularity / monad from which everything comes from and the divesrification and hierarchies that formed from it that some people fail to understand.
[1:21:46 AM] Fringe Wizard:
The only way you can say you aren't unique is through generalization.
[1:21:55 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Everyone has a unique perspective on life, a unique set of experiences, etc.
[1:21:56 AM] pizza:
[1:22:11 AM] Fringe Wizard:
There are similarities but they remain an individual with their own life story and perspective.
[1:22:24 AM] pizza:
Sure, sure.
[1:22:25 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Nobody has the exact same experience of life or else they'd quite literally occupy the same body and mind.
[1:22:33 AM] Fringe Wizard:
This is just basic reasoning.
[1:23:11 AM] Fringe Wizard:
As humanity develops and expands their consciousness the array of possible experiences increases as well and the uniqueness of that individual grows.
[1:23:35 AM] pizza:
Oh my god. Shut the fuck up.
[1:23:44 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Only when their experience of reality becomes all encompassing and they become unified with The All then the individuality of that person is destroyed.
[1:23:54 AM] Fringe Wizard:
You appear agitated, why?
[1:24:02 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Do you enjoy this?
[1:25:01 AM] Fringe Wizard:
If you are having an experience right now of reality that you do not like why continue it? Why not begin the process of self-manifestation and attain a more desirable set of experiences and state of mind?
[1:25:13 AM] pizza:
I really hate to be "that" person, who doesn't want to actually have a meaningful conversation, but I just fucking woke up an hour ago. I'm waiting for this asshole to actually tell me where the fuck he is, and I don't give two shits about what you have rolling around in your obviously wonderful mind, because trust me. It seems quite amazing. But I just don't have the fucking mindset for this right now, seriously.
[1:26:23 AM] Fringe Wizard:
That's ok I will find other people to piss off on the internet today, this has been amusing for me, enjoy life.
[1:27:33 AM] pizza:
You are quite good at it, as I can tell. you haven't pissed me off. but you are a little pretentious in the way you fuck peoples minds. Thanks for fucking me over after only an hour of being away, I love it.
[1:27:36 AM] pizza:
<3 bye
[1:29:17 AM] pizza:
wait.. awake*
14 replies
Should I upgrade to Linux Mint 17?
I don't want to. It doesn't look like anything much has changed. It still seems pretty shit like it needs a lot of work.
I guess I'll have to delete all the random files on my computer and upload what I want to keep to mega.co.nz
18 replies
I'm writing an email to my dad. He's a complete bluepill libtard of the worst sort and gets irrational about this sort of stuff. Please help me perfect it, this is how it is so far:
Email Below
This is proof that meditation can heal the body of pretty much any ailment; cancer, gangrene, anything. I have other examples demonstrating this fact of variable credibility but this one's the best:
Tibetan Lama Phakyab Rinpoche using Tsa Lung meditation (as well as some mantras) to stop a case of advanced gangrene that pretty much killed his leg and would have killed him soon as well if he were to fail, but he succeeded, and his entire leg was regenerated.
Wim Hof proving he can use Tummo Meditation to reduce the effects of a powerful toxin injected into his body while observed by medical professionals:
I know of even more miraculous cases then these and the implications of this is enormous, it is proof that magic (as in mental influence, using the mind to influence reality) is a real phenomena.
If you want to delve even deeper into this and understand why this is even possible and to receive some insights into how then please read "The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot". The holographic paradigm has enormous implications for theoretical physics, metaphysics, theory of mind, the nature of the universe, etc.
You really should review all of this before you decide to criticize me on it, there are people in NASA and people with connections to reputable universities and scientific organizations who've been involved in this and understand it, don't believe me then check out the people who contributed to The Holographic Universe book and are cited in there. If it's too much for you to accept then it doesn't matter I provide this information to you for your benefit and to advance your understanding of what is possible in this universe.
9 replies
Thinking of temporarily making a joke board either called /schizo/ or spam which is purely for schizophrenic rants, spam, hardcore shitposting, etc. just a place for you to post anything you want without regard for sanity.
Which do you want more >>>/spam/ or >>>/schizo/ ?
I personally am leaning more towards /schizo/.
6 replies
make a timestamp smiley otherwise you are just another shitty persona
23 replies
Do halt, my friend! I present you these Four Questions of Inquiry!
Please do answer…
What are your personal beliefs?
What are your philosophical views?
What are your political views?
What are your influences?
8 replies
check my meme quads dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 replies
I suggest having gore on every frontpage all day.
26 replies
Unspoken Rules of Fringechan
Never shill for psychiatry.
Spoiler your degeneracy.
Don't pretend to be ☻ on /ask/.
Any others that you guys can think of?
18 replies
Does anyone actually believe smileyface guy is a racist?
21 replies
Should I provide new images of myself that aren't totally stupid or should I never ever post a new image of myself to the internet again?
What to do? What is the wiser decision?
7 replies
What is your view on science? Do you trust in science and/or scientists?
Can science dismiss supernatural beliefs?
Tell me everything you have on your mind…
14 replies
It seems sadcrab has an hero'd.
>All my feels
3 replies
[9:01:15 PM] SRS:
>tox is skype but with a tinfoil hat
[9:01:30 PM] Fringe Wizard:
[9:01:31 PM] Fringe Wizard:
ahahah holy shit
[9:01:33 PM] Fringe Wizard:
this is awesome
[9:01:47 PM] Fringe Wizard:
SRS, implying we won't all be tox soon and skype will be abandoned
[9:01:53 PM] Fringe Wizard:
fuck PRISM and the NSA
[9:01:53 PM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
>skype with less features and Stal is a developer
[9:02:00 PM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
I am legitimately more afraid of stal than the NSA
[9:02:02 PM] Fringe Wizard:
Stal actually develops tox?
[9:02:22 PM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
Yes. I went into a tox irc channel after I heard about it on /g/. I went to their deve channel
[9:02:26 PM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
and stal was there with +aop
[9:02:29 PM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
I nearly shat brix
[9:02:37 PM] Codename:
who's stal
[9:03:05 PM] Fringe Wizard:
Stal is the admin who runs freedomboard.kirara.ca / fringechan.org
[9:03:15 PM] Codename:
[9:03:38 PM] Fringe Wizard:
He's some chink who is an elite hacker and also messed with us on Minecraft many years ago…
[9:03:45 PM] SRS:
I don't care about surveillance
[9:03:49 PM] SRS:
i have nothing to hide
[9:03:56 PM] Fringe Wizard:
Bullshit excuse you know
[9:04:09 PM] Fringe Wizard:
you might have nothing to hide right now but then a change of the rules or something and suddenly you're on the ROPE list
[9:04:19 PM] Fringe Wizard:
don't assume that just because right now you're in the clear you always will be
[9:04:26 PM] SRS:
thr rope list is just a myth
[9:04:28 PM] SRS:
like santa
[9:04:30 PM] SRS:
or the nsa
[9:04:30 PM] Fringe Wizard:
shit from your past can come back to haunt you
[9:04:38 PM] Fringe Wizard:
no it's not it's a real list that I maintain SRS
[9:05:09 PM] SRS:
from my past?
[9:05:27 PM] SRS:
are they going to send surveillance equipment back in time to catch me breaking that window?
[9:05:42 PM] Fringe Wizard:
look something that you don't consider important right now, if you don't give a shit about privacy and just let them record everything, it can be used against you in the future what is so hard to get?
[9:05:50 PM] SRS:
Such as?
[9:05:50 PM] Fringe Wizard:
They don't need to send shit back in time
[9:05:54 PM] Fringe Wizard:
they've recorded everything for years now
[9:06:02 PM] SRS:
Please provide an example
[9:06:04 PM] Fringe Wizard:
all your phone calls, emails, skype conversations, are recorded in full
[9:06:08 PM] Fringe Wizard:
Skype is an example.
[9:06:08 PM] SRS:
[9:06:13 PM] SRS:
I have nothing to hide in them
[9:06:25 PM] SRS:
And nothing that could cause problems down the line
[9:06:32 PM] Fringe Wizard:
[9:06:37 PM] SRS:
ya rly
[9:06:45 PM] Fringe Wizard:
It could be something fucking stupid like piracy / copyright
[9:06:48 PM] Fringe Wizard:
or it could be social issues
[9:06:56 PM] Fringe Wizard:
you might think it's nothing
[9:07:00 PM] Fringe Wizard:
but it can get you fucked later on
[9:07:02 PM] SRS:
piracy copyright is still illegal
[9:07:33 PM] SRS:
like I said
[9:07:36 PM] SRS:
i have nothing to hide
[9:07:38 PM] Fringe Wizard:
Whatever I'm just going to post this conversation to /drama/ to mock you and I'll come back at you later maybe.
[9:08:00 PM] SRS:
You have something to worry about if you pirate, because piracy is illegal, which you knew
[9:08:16 PM] SRS:
and if illegal actions are what you are concerned about when it comes to surveillance
[9:08:21 PM] Fringe Wizard:
doesn't matter if something is legal right now though
[9:08:24 PM] Fringe Wizard:
if it's recorded
[9:08:26 PM] SRS:
then the government is right to have you surveilled
[9:08:27 PM] Fringe Wizard:
and becomes illegal later
[9:08:29 PM] Fringe Wizard:
you're fucked
[9:08:46 PM] SRS:
There's precedents that have been set that go against that notion
[9:09:04 PM] Fringe Wizard:
There are precedents which indicate the opposite as well.
[9:09:16 PM] SRS:
You will not be convicted of a crime committed when the action in question was legal at the time
[9:09:22 PM] SRS:
Name some if you would
[9:09:23 PM] Fringe Wizard:
Not necessarily.
[9:09:26 PM] Fringe Wizard:
Racemixing is legal right now
[9:09:29 PM] Fringe Wizard:
but later on when we take over
[9:09:33 PM] Fringe Wizard:
we're still going to kill you for racemixing
[9:09:54 PM] SRS:
Then it is you who is causing surveillance ot be an issue
[9:09:57 PM] SRS:
not anyone else
[9:09:59 PM] SRS:
i'd recommend suicide
[9:10:01 PM] Fringe Wizard:
lol stay mad
[9:10:17 PM] SRS:
it's quite simple really
[9:10:22 PM] SRS:
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear
[9:10:26 PM] Fringe Wizard:
>implying WNs won't take over the NSA servers and use them to hunt down every degenerate and race traitor and kill them all
[9:10:40 PM] SRS:
[9:10:43 PM] SRS:
[9:10:45 PM] SRS:
[9:10:48 PM] SRS:
[9:10:55 PM] SRS:
[9:10:57 PM] SRS:
[9:11:06 PM] SRS:
[9:11:10 PM] SRS:
>implying they will
[9:11:10 PM] Fringe Wizard:
My hands are traitors that must be chopped off.
[9:11:28 PM] JS:
we should have a wn FBI but instead of suits they where white ghost uniforms
2 replies
How do I join the Illuminati?
Pic related.
9 replies
Something strange happened while browsing /drama/. What could this be?
52 replies
For chemmy. :3
13 replies
I fought two people today who circled around me and one tried to come up from behind and the other from the front.
I just threw the first guy to come nearest first (front guy) then threw the other guy on top of him then held them both down.
It was pretty epic and afterwards they started saying to others in the vicinity that I had the power of 8 men, 16 legs, and I forget how many arms.
Was bretty ebic.
26 replies
What is the most sinister magical order that actually is known to possess and exercise real power?
Pic related is
Works of Darkness.
1 reply
Newfags are showing up and getting butthurt at everything on here if anyone is wondering about the sudden increase in asspained posters getting themselves worked up over everything.
It's hilarious how easily they give up their loosh and take everything personally.
Who brought them over?
2 replies
Fix this shit already please
4 replies
Flag test
Wow, alot of things happened the last time i visited this place, what the hell made the tides turn so dramaticly
Also the unique posters have risen significantly, that's good too.
5 replies
somebody deleted my scene girl thread where smiley and i were talking about scene womynz
now i gotta post them ALL ogre again soon… soon…
14 replies
We should make an /rp/ board for Roleplaying
…where everyone posting is required to roleplay as some character such as Greenpill, Indigopill, Bluepill, Schlomo the Merchant, Feel Guy, etc.
I think it would help us with our magical practises a ton because imagination is very important and very powerful and being able to roleplay well should assist our invocation skills and so on too.
Tripfags would be banned btw and posters would be encouraged to learn to roleplay a lot of different personalities and inventing new ones and creating OC around it would be encouraged too.
Every post you make would have to be in the context of some character and those who break suspension of disbelief would be banned too.
ITT: Lets discuss a roleplaying board.
15 replies
Remove/limit flags. They are removing anonymity. Their are people who stick with their flags and you can identify them easily, this is not good.
108 replies
ITT: We talk about /edgy/ on Omegle and see how dullfags react to us.
Are the people at fringechan /edgy/ a danger to society? (if you don't know what that is, look it up, and see for yourself)
Stranger 2: fringechan?
Stranger 2: i dont know what that is
Stranger 2: do you?
Stranger 1: What? Nooo
Stranger 2: hold up
Stranger 2: i will look it up right no
Stranger 2: wnow
Stranger 2: dont skip me
Stranger 2: plexz
Stranger 1: Okay
Stranger 2: wtf 0_o
Stranger 2: thats creepy shit]
Stranger 2: they are a danger
Stranger 2: Danger to society
Stranger 2 has disconnected
29 replies
11 replies
Dear Mod,
Nobody like the name fringe chan. Change it back to freedomboard.
Sincerely Potatoe.
PS:`magic is not real`
`>inb5 mundane`
8 replies
There are way too many Illuminati members commenting on Illuminati vids. The Illuminati just ain't the secret club it used to be any more ;_;. We've grown too much. Soon everyone will be illumined and the only way to feel special will be to be better at magic than everyone else. At least we got in relatively early before the rest of humanity so we got a good head start on them all in the magical arms race to come.
4 replies
RIP /si/
Does anyone miss that board?
2 replies
If you're going to do this kind of shit keep all the questions in one thread and just keep replying to your thread ffs.
38 replies
4chon is down again
325 replies
New Rockerz thread
(Last one was deleted by mods for some unknown reason.)
To recap:
>Arabian girl that lives in Sweden wants me to visit her and give her the BWC
>She has rape role play fantasies
>If I do meet her I will be making a sex tape and taking requests on what you want me to say/do during this tape
>In addition, any questions you want answered, feel free to ask and I'll be happy to answer. Unfortunately, the unanswered questions from the previous thread are now long forgotten
5 replies
[7:55:26 PM]
Damien flips:
Don't worry about the chat. The best things happens when you fly solo and keep to yourself I think
[7:55:55 PM]
Damien flips:
It does not matter what other people think, I am sure that you would agree with me on this.
[10:27:56 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I'm just tired of people going over the very basics we already know and the speculation and so on and want to get down to actually doing magic to enhance my cognitive capacities, make my life better, heal my sickness, etc.
[10:28:28 PM]
Damien flips:
I get what you are saying man, Just we look at things from a differnt perspective..
[10:28:35 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
We can sit around day after day mumbling about our theories of the fundamental nature of the universe but if we don't apply our metaphysics to practical matters it's all for nothing.
[10:29:00 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I like how Initiation Into Hermetics, the bulk of the book is actual practises.
[10:32:58 PM]
Damien flips:
When you understand the Human mind and ego. Magic is also a barrier
[10:36:33 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
[10:36:37 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
a barrier to what?
[10:36:41 PM]
Damien flips:
the mind
[10:36:45 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
How so?
[10:37:10 PM]
Damien flips:
Anything you try to obtain trhough you as in your ego your thought process is useless. To try and learn something, you already know everything
[10:37:12 PM]
Damien flips:
there is nothing to learn
[10:38:06 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Are you ranting about the omniscience principle of the all which we can take into in trances?
[10:38:28 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
'cause if you have a good technique for tapping into that shit and not losing the connection tell me and make sure also to tell me what colour my shirt is
[10:39:00 PM]
Damien flips:
You still don;t understand
[10:39:28 PM]
Damien flips:
Do you think I am a mundane ?
[10:39:37 PM]
Damien flips:
as you would say
[10:40:04 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Yeah you're pretty mundane and will remain as much until you can start actually doing magic.
[10:40:17 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Move beyond theory into application.
[10:40:56 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Have you personally read Initiation Into Hermetics yet? …or The Holographic Universe?
[10:42:00 PM]
Damien flips:
It is already applied, you need not do anything. I don't need to read anything, where do you think that information came from ? People right, I am people. I have seen everything and I can honestly say to you anything you think you know or try to obtain for an egotistical point of view is utterly useless
[10:45:19 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Whatever then, come back at me when you can actually heal people, teleport, fly around, etc.
[10:49:21 PM]
Damien flips:
Attaining enlightenment is not easy! It is a state in which one is completely free from desire for, and attachment to, things one likes, and also from aversion to, and hatred for what one doesn't like.
To develop the conditions within which this state may arise, one must follow the noble eightfold path, which is a guide to living in a manner that does not cause suffering to oneself or others.
Enlightenment is the total liberation from suffering that one discovers, also refereed to as nirvana and awakening. This explanation of Karma makes one thing very clear:
We are responsible for whatever happens in our lives.
[10:49:50 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Fuck buddhism, karma, and enlightenment.
[10:50:10 PM]
Damien flips:
So you want to suffer
[10:50:16 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I want to do magic.
[10:50:32 PM]
Damien flips:
You do magic in everything that you do.
[10:50:43 PM]
Damien flips:
You call me mundane yet you do not see what you do ?
[10:50:49 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I want to do profound magic, not just live my life like a mundane.
[10:51:05 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
You'll be mad jelly one day when I can actually do shit with my magic.
[10:51:26 PM]
Damien flips:
No one is mundane even the people who pretend to be mundane are just acting. Don;t you see its an act. You are GOD
[10:51:34 PM]
Damien flips:
What do you not understand about this ?
[10:51:46 PM]
Damien flips:
No I wont..
[10:51:56 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
It doesn't fucking matter if I'm god if I can't even use any god powers.
[10:52:00 PM]
Damien flips:
Why would I be jelly ? I am not jelly of anyone or anything
[10:52:06 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
and I am NOT The All.
[10:52:09 PM]
Damien flips:
[10:52:33 PM]
Damien flips:
your heart beats ? Your blood flows, you open and close your hand. This is all Godly power
[10:52:49 PM]
Damien flips:
You just have named it in such ways that you think you understand what it is that you are doing
[10:53:01 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
>hurrr durrr I am enlightened by my basic philosophy
[10:53:19 PM]
Damien flips:
But you are….
[10:53:32 PM]
Damien flips:
However saying it and knowing it fringe is not the same
[10:53:35 PM]
Damien flips:
is it now?
[10:53:42 PM]
Damien flips:
You can say it but to know it
[10:53:50 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Obviously what I want to be doing is remote viewing, healing, manipulating fire, and all kinds of NOT MUNDANE EVERY DAY STUFF
[10:53:54 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I want to do the improbable.
[10:54:12 PM]
Damien flips:
I do all those things during dream states
[10:54:17 PM]
Damien flips:
and I did not aspire to do them
[10:54:30 PM]
Damien flips:
it comes with un learning
[10:54:32 PM]
Damien flips:
not learning
[10:55:25 PM]
Damien flips:
I really hope you do find it is that makes you happy, Although you have it already and do not see it.
[10:55:34 PM]
Damien flips:
To see it is to become not mundane.
[10:56:58 PM]
Damien flips:
you are trying to obtain things that you already obtain, in doing so you cloud your vision from outward experiences,
[10:57:42 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Sure thing, now what colour is my shirt right now?
[10:59:51 PM]
Damien flips:
How can I know the color of your shirt? I am in a normal state of consciousness, and what is your obsetion with shirt colors. I don;t claim to know the color of your shirt I never did. Nor as I told you before do I care what color your shirt is
[10:59:58 PM]
Damien flips:
let me ask you something
[11:00:08 PM]
Damien flips:
Say you obtained all the things you wanted to learn ok..
[11:00:21 PM]
Damien flips:
Then you live your life then die. Then what ?
[11:00:31 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
>implying I will die once I have all those magical powers
[11:00:49 PM]
Damien flips:
I assure you that you will pass, as in the thought of as yourself your ego
[11:00:53 PM]
Damien flips:
will change into something else
[11:01:00 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Some "god" that I am then.
[11:01:02 PM]
Damien flips:
this will happen regardless of what you learn
[11:01:06 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Can't even control my own destiny.
[11:01:08 PM]
Damien flips:
But you are
[11:01:11 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
[11:01:14 PM]
Damien flips:
you are just to blind to see it
[11:01:17 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
An actual god is in control of his own destiny.
[11:01:22 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
and you aren't a god either
[11:01:25 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
you're just delusional
[11:01:41 PM]
Damien flips:
Your destiny is not Gods.. As in what you think of as yourself.
[11:01:48 PM]
Damien flips:
Come on now you know this shit….
[11:01:53 PM]
Damien flips:
You are not what you trhink you are
[11:02:04 PM]
Damien flips:
you even know this you tell me to watch the holagraphic universe
[11:02:09 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Doesn't matter, I want to wear a glove that doesn't fucking suck.
[11:02:15 PM]
Damien flips:
hence you believe that you are a projection of God
[11:02:27 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Read / listen to it, there's nothing relating to the holographic universe worth watching
[11:02:30 PM]
Damien flips:
Well maybe next time you wil, But I change gloves all the time
[11:02:38 PM]
Damien flips:
I experience many gloves a night
[11:02:41 PM]
Damien flips:
its great
[11:02:47 PM]
Damien flips:
but this did not come with sigil and magic
[11:02:57 PM]
Damien flips:
this comes with the realization of the self
[11:03:18 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
How come you are unable to remote view my shirt? For a highly realized person it would be effortless.
[11:03:27 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
There have been guruus who've been able to tell people anything
[11:03:32 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
and answer all their questions instantly
[11:04:11 PM]
Damien flips:
There was never a guru who told or preadicted the future nor tried to remote view anyone EVER
[11:04:34 PM]
Damien flips:
this is not what interests a guru
[11:04:40 PM]
Damien flips:
This is meaningless
[11:05:10 PM]
Damien flips:
The real crime is that you wont admit you are God so you don;t really want to know the answer
[11:05:20 PM]
Damien flips:
because you do everything from letting you see the obvious.
[11:05:26 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
You're wrong.
[11:05:33 PM]
Damien flips:
So you are not God ?
[11:05:37 PM]
Damien flips:
Answer yes or no
[11:05:39 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
No about the guru thing.
[11:05:51 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Gurus have foretold the future and remote viewed peole before with high accuracy.
[11:06:14 PM]
Damien flips:
Can I ask you a question. Do you believe you are the God head pretending not to be ?
[11:06:21 PM]
Damien flips:
As in you are putting on an act
[11:06:39 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I believe that this question of whether or not I am god is irrelevant and I don't give a shit, I just want to do magic.
[11:06:56 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Also I've already stated multiple books
[11:07:00 PM]
Damien flips:
Again you make a mistake.
[11:07:04 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
which fully explain the idea of The All In All.
[11:07:17 PM]
Damien flips:
So then if you know this what else is there to know ??????
[11:07:18 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:07:26 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
[11:07:29 PM]
Damien flips:
If you realy knew it you would not care about anything else
[11:07:30 PM]
Damien flips:
at all
[11:07:40 PM]
Damien flips:
because you know for fact that you are the God head just as I know
[11:08:04 PM]
Damien flips:
I go from one experience to another and my thoughts on the situation are not worth even worrying about.
[11:08:31 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
[11:08:31 PM]
Damien flips:
Don;t you see that and you call me mundane..
[11:08:37 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
You are a mundane.
[11:08:44 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Merely realizing your god is pathetic and basic.
[11:09:06 PM]
Damien flips:
Well you won't be calling me mundane in my next reincarnation
[11:09:43 PM]
Damien flips:
You call me mundane.. You know my experiences my stories and you call me mundane..
[11:09:46 PM]
Damien flips:
Ok then
[11:10:13 PM]
Damien flips:
Go for you life I hope you realy do find it is that you are looking for. But never make the mistake of thinking I or anyone else would be jelly of you.
[11:10:13 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
If you can astral travel to me
[11:10:16 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
and pull me out of my body
[11:10:20 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I'll stop calling you a mundane
[11:10:25 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
as that would be one decent example of magical power
[11:10:31 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:10:40 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Also there will most definitely be people jelly of me.
[11:10:42 PM]
Damien flips:
we are in a density at the moment you know this
[11:10:48 PM]
Damien flips:
only such things can be done in trance and sleep states
[11:10:53 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
All densities overlap you know this right?
[11:10:54 PM]
Damien flips:
Stop asking me silly things
[11:11:04 PM]
Damien flips:
Ofcourse I do
[11:11:07 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
You will eventually be in a trance or sleeping some time later tonight.
[11:11:18 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
When you are, you could go astral travel to me, and pull me out of body.
[11:11:31 PM]
Damien flips:
I don't chose my experiences Last night I relived someone who was in the vietnam war
[11:11:46 PM]
Damien flips:
I even woke up and went back to sleep right back into the same dream
[11:12:03 PM]
Damien flips:
My goal is not to prove ANYTHING TO YOU my goal is to simply experience that in which I experience
[11:12:06 PM]
Damien flips:
Don;t you see that
[11:12:13 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Did you acquire any information about the Vietnam War which
[11:12:16 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
is rather obscure
[11:12:21 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
and which you have been able to confirm as accurate?
[11:12:42 PM]
Damien flips:
I know it is accurate… I know this for I know who I am and what experiences I have had
[11:12:50 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
If you have nothing to prove why do you talk to me? It's not just about proving, I already KNOW magic is real, it's about overcoming our inferior condition.
[11:13:20 PM]
Damien flips:
I talk to you just for the same reason I would post on /x/ or walk my dog or eat a sandwhich
[11:13:28 PM]
Damien flips:
for an experience that which I am doing at that time
[11:13:47 PM]
Damien flips:
Why do you eat ? Why do you do anything? Who makes up your thoughts you ?
[11:13:53 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
why are you afraid of having the experience of proving yourself then?
[11:13:59 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I eat to survive.
[11:14:03 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I do things to experience.
[11:14:04 PM]
Damien flips:
I am not afraid of anything..
[11:14:11 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
My thoughts are made up by my mind.
[11:14:19 PM]
Damien flips:
Thre is nothing to be afraid of in life
[11:14:20 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:14:28 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
You have apprehensions about proving yourself / are reluctant to do it and make up excuses not to.
[11:14:31 PM]
Damien flips:
your mind is not your mind…
[11:14:42 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Is too, I'm wearing it right now, so it's mine.
[11:14:59 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
…it shall remain mine until such time as it is discarded or stolen.
[11:15:03 PM]
Damien flips:
So you limit yourself to human then ?
[11:15:06 PM]
Damien flips:
really ?
[11:15:14 PM]
Damien flips:
you are the mundane
[11:15:15 PM]
Damien flips:
not me
[11:15:21 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
butthurt mundane
[11:15:24 PM]
Damien flips:
I am not my mind I know this
[11:15:29 PM]
Damien flips:
ok.. then
[11:15:29 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
No shit.
[11:15:33 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I still own this mind though.
[11:15:36 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
It's my property.
[11:15:39 PM]
Damien flips:
No you don;t
[11:15:41 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Yes I do.
[11:15:44 PM]
Damien flips:
you don't own anything
[11:15:46 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I'm currently use it thus I own it.
[11:15:46 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:15:52 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I also own this body.
[11:15:52 PM]
Damien flips:
do you think you own anything in your room ?
[11:15:57 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
[11:16:03 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
As I have claim to some of the stuff in there.
[11:16:14 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
My ownership over those things won't be permanent but in the present I do own them.
[11:16:23 PM]
Damien flips:
You don't own anything this is the ego.. The ego can never obtain ANYTHING
[11:16:24 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:16:29 PM]
Damien flips:
including your body
[11:16:33 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
>hating on egos
[11:16:36 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
>not accepting your ego
[11:16:42 PM]
Damien flips:
so if you can;t obtain your body how can you obtain anything else ?
[11:16:53 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I have obtained it by possessing it.
[11:17:00 PM]
Damien flips:
You only think you posses it
[11:17:04 PM]
Damien flips:
you don't
[11:17:05 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
but I do in fact.
[11:17:14 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I own a mind and a body.
[11:17:15 PM]
Damien flips:
It is an illusion…
[11:17:21 PM]
Damien flips:
No you don't
[11:17:24 PM]
Damien flips:
no one does
[11:17:32 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Doesn't matter if it's an illusion or not, that's rather subjective what is an "illusion".
[11:17:33 PM]
Damien flips:
they take on the mind to give illusion of duality
[11:17:53 PM]
Damien flips:
You ask me if I had the holographic universe and you do not understand the concept
[11:18:02 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
You obviously have not read it.
[11:18:10 PM]
Damien flips:
ok fringe..
[11:18:21 PM]
Damien flips:
Do you think I am trying to upset you ?
[11:18:32 PM]
Damien flips:
or do you think that I say there things to hurt your fealings ?
[11:18:33 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
No you're not into that obviously.
[11:18:42 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
You're the type that never wants to offend.
[11:18:44 PM]
Damien flips:
Thank you as long as you know that
[11:18:51 PM]
Damien flips:
Thank you
[11:18:57 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
That's really an insult.
[11:19:04 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I'm saying you're a pansy basically.
[11:19:19 PM]
Damien flips:
If that is what you think then that is what you think….
[11:19:22 PM]
Damien flips:
I can;t change it
[11:19:32 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
>not wanting to step on any toes
[11:19:40 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:19:43 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:20:17 PM]
Damien flips:
On a side note try appeal your ban on 4chan. Because I appealed and it got accepted
[11:20:22 PM]
Damien flips:
well my wife wrote the appeal
[11:20:29 PM]
Damien flips:
they know there mods are fucked
[11:20:30 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
If you realized non-duality fully you would realize the divine paradox and find the opposite in each polarity
[11:20:41 PM]
Damien flips:
I do
[11:20:51 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
then why are you afraid to offend or cause harm?
[11:21:00 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Anger is the same as love, harm is the same as helping.
[11:21:03 PM]
Damien flips:
Because this affect your next experience
[11:21:09 PM]
Damien flips:
it is
[11:21:17 PM]
Damien flips:
but I understand the process of reincarnation
[11:21:41 PM]
Damien flips:
karma works like a level breaker in like street fighter you build it up then use it
[11:21:46 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I bet you're previously stated that time is an illusion arising from something more fundamental
[11:21:56 PM]
Damien flips:
you know it is
[11:21:59 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
understanding that and also going along with the texts in The Book of Knowledge
[11:22:01 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
[11:22:06 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
at least one other book I've read
[11:22:13 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
then "reincarnation" can't really take place
[11:22:14 PM]
Damien flips:
forget books
[11:22:25 PM]
Damien flips:
It does take palce I know it does
[11:22:28 PM]
Damien flips:
You don;t
[11:22:34 PM]
Damien flips:
you question even me about it
[11:22:36 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Well you've got a contradiction there.
[11:22:45 PM]
Damien flips:
do you know what book I get my information from
[11:22:53 PM]
Damien flips:
and I have seen it on many times
[11:23:28 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
From The Book of Knowledge:
[11:23:28 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Reincarnation: I was informed by The One that speaking about this subject would only cause strife, so I will keep it brief. You might have seen references earlier in the book to past lives, etc. The issue of reincarnation is extremely complex. Because time doesn’t exist, and all things are One, the idea of reincarnation essentially becomes moot. Ask your Higher-Self about this issue, because the explanation is too complex to grasp by reading about it. You have to experience the reality in order to know it.
[11:23:44 PM]
Damien flips:
This is the only book I read.
[11:23:47 PM]
Damien flips:
The Akashic Book
Sometimes a physical book is the starting point for the perception of the Akashic Book. The Akashic Book contains deep knowledge, in a language you cant read but do understand. It is so profound, so omniscient, it contains exactly the right wisdom for you at this moment. The book tends to materialize and dematerialize during the experience. Suddenly it's gone, then it pops back into existence. The book seems to be written in light. The Akashic book can overlap with a physical book, but it reveals meanings you have never seen before, like a new layer of meaning is shining through the physical book.
[11:24:20 PM]
Damien flips:
Why would I read earthly books when I have read this one and seen it been added to
[11:25:06 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
because it takes a lot of effort to access the akashic records or get ahold of an astral book and you'll find plenty of relevant and useful knowledge in books written here in third density
[11:25:38 PM]
Damien flips:
But after I have seen this book none other are worthy of even picking up
[11:28:26 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Apparently it doesn't even contain instructions for you to unlock your subconscious or achieve dual consciousness.
[11:28:30 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Why don't you work on that?
[11:29:03 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Those who have dual consciousness are constantly online btw, that is, constantly in the astral.
[11:29:07 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Even while awake.
[11:29:43 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
[11:34:06 PM]
Damien flips:
In the end it makes no difference what I say nor what you say. You know this correct. I post to help people find the right way or at least comfort in life. If you truly do want to get into the magic why not practice it instead of talking to mundanes such as myself online. You do know if you cut yourself of from everything this is when things are most effective
[11:36:03 PM]
Damien flips:
Hey can I do your Numerology reading ?
[11:36:05 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:36:38 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
How do you even do that?
[11:36:57 PM]
Damien flips:
It is quite simple man it requirse no divination
[11:37:05 PM]
Damien flips:
I just need your birth date thats it
[11:37:13 PM]
Damien flips:
I will post the pages in my thread
[11:37:22 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:37:43 PM]
Damien flips:
but give me your real birth day here you don;t have to post a pic
[11:38:09 PM]
Damien flips:
I only say that so I dont get trolls
[11:38:15 PM]
Damien flips:
What is your birth dare
[11:38:18 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I don't want to post a birthdate.
[11:38:26 PM]
Damien flips:
Fringe man..
[11:38:28 PM]
Damien flips:
do it here
[11:38:36 PM]
Damien flips:
do you realy think I can do anything with your birthdate
[11:38:39 PM]
Damien flips:
wtf dude
[11:38:47 PM]
Damien flips:
are you serious
[11:39:17 PM]
Damien flips:
here is my bday march/15/1983
[11:39:21 PM]
Damien flips:
why is that so hard ?
[11:39:49 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I'm more concerned that Skype is monitored by PRISM which is part of the NSA and that I am currently under investigation for comments related to the recent Elliot Rodger stuff.
[11:40:08 PM]
Damien flips:
Fuck the CIA
[11:40:09 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
So it's not just you and me reading this conversation.
[11:40:21 PM]
Damien flips:
I extract dmt from trees man
[11:40:23 PM]
Damien flips:
who cares
[11:40:28 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:40:30 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:40:31 PM]
Damien flips:
no fear
[11:40:35 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Nobody cares if you do drugs, ZOG only pretends to be against drugs.
[11:41:14 PM]
Damien flips:
fringe you are loco man if you think CIA are onto you you really think they want your fucking birthdate dude wtf
[11:41:19 PM]
Damien flips:
that is something ATSU would say
[11:41:33 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I've had police visit me and I've had FBI agents interview people who've talked to me before
[11:41:33 PM]
Damien flips:
CIA does not give a fuck about your bday
[11:41:38 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
including STI who is the admin of 4chon.net
[11:41:51 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I'm a well known white supremacist and they do investigate me.
[11:42:01 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:42:09 PM]
Damien flips:
are you even being serious
[11:42:12 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:42:23 PM]
Damien flips:
YOU think you are a white supremacist ?
[11:42:38 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Of course I am, there is no equality, everything manifests itself in a hierarchy
[11:42:50 PM]
Damien flips:
man I thought you were someone who understood shit… You think color of skin MATTTERS
[11:42:51 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
as such there must be superior and inferior races.
[11:42:51 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:43:03 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
No color of skin doesn't matter, race matters, which is a lot more than mere skin.
[11:43:26 PM]
Damien flips:
say you are serious about that ………. Because if you are I am not even going to try and talk to you anymore someone with these values just does not understand ANTYHING
[11:43:27 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
>being this bluepilled
[11:43:38 PM]
Damien flips:
go say you are being serious
[11:43:47 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
all this butthurt
[11:43:55 PM]
Damien flips:
are you being serious ?
[11:44:05 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Do you even read fringechan?
[11:44:19 PM]
Damien flips:
No I don't read anything people write I just post things
[11:44:28 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
That explains your ignorance then…
[11:44:36 PM]
Damien flips:
ok man look.
[11:44:57 PM]
Damien flips:
I am sorry that I offended you in anyway . Just asked and wanted to do your numerology as you can seee I was doing for other anons…
[11:45:00 PM]
Damien flips:
anyway peace man
[11:45:31 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
What form of numerology is this and what's it even for?
[11:46:09 PM]
Damien flips:
Look at my post. It is just numerology
[11:46:29 PM]
Damien flips:
Surely you know what this is……
[11:46:50 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I know of one variant of numerology which Rosicrucians used.
[11:47:04 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
>tfw my number is 741, same as Lucifer
[11:48:28 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:48:50 PM]
Damien flips:
I can't believe you think you are a white neo nazi or wahteva that is weird man
[11:50:11 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
I am a clusterfuck of very strange ideas.
[11:50:44 PM]
Damien flips:
Ok yeh….. I will leave hyou to it you sound very conflicted
[11:52:57 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
If you had a more reasonable assessment of the ideas running through my mind you'd be more disturbed with my radical green Ted Kacyznski type ideas and my desire to erradicate all sentient life from the physical planes or break the veil either way to stop the process of reincarnation. I support mass depopulation and many of the goals attributed to the Illuminati.
[11:53:27 PM]
Damien flips:
all that sort of thing is not reliant
[11:53:28 PM]
Damien flips:
nothing is
[11:53:32 PM]
Damien flips:
nothing matters
[11:53:37 PM]
Damien flips:
including skin color
[11:53:40 PM]
Damien flips:
you should learn that
[11:53:40 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
It matters enough to you to cause butthurt.
[11:53:45 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Also it's not fucking skin color.
[11:53:50 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
An albino nigger is still a nigger.
[11:54:02 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Stop reducing race to mere skin colour, it's a lot more than that.
[11:54:08 PM]
Damien flips:
We are all the same fringe
[11:54:12 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Absolutely not.
[11:54:16 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
We are all individuals and unique.
[11:54:18 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Not the same.
[11:54:25 PM]
Damien flips:
you don;t have any more right to anything on earth just as everyone else
[11:54:33 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
You sound like a communist.
[11:54:41 PM]
Damien flips:
I mean we are all the same as in
[11:54:43 PM]
Damien flips:
we are all god
[11:54:46 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
Rights don't even exist, there is only will and the power to use it.
[11:54:48 PM]
Damien flips:
not talking earthly shit
[11:54:50 PM]
Damien flips:
come on now
[11:54:53 PM]
Damien flips:
anyway dude
[11:54:55 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:55:12 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
See you later then for another round of butthurt.
[11:55:26 PM]
Damien flips:
fringe I am not your enemy nor am I butthurt…..
[11:55:29 PM]
Fringe Wizard:
>inb4 denial, not angry, etc.
[11:55:34 PM]
Damien flips:
[11:55:40 PM]
Damien flips:
ok cya next time for some buthurt then
15 replies
I vow not to make another post on here until I finish reading one of my books!
I have too many books and have been
putting off reading them too long!
Will also ignore IRC / Skype / Etc.
…and if I have a headache and can't read I'm going to meditate to clear that shit then get back to fucking reading!
Any idle talk and other distractions are only holding me back from what I really need to be doing in life!
*begins reading*
1 reply
Do you think he will be back?
3 replies
good site
20 replies
[2:09:47 AM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
Does the idea of ceasing to exist scare you, fringe
[2:09:59 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Ermmm, is Columbia located in South Carolina, or is a country in South America?
[2:10:04 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
More importantly
[2:10:10 AM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
Colombia is the country
[2:10:13 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
does the idea of dicks all around you scare you fringe?
[2:10:13 AM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
Columbia is the district
[2:10:24 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
Yes Fringe
[2:10:37 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
the Distric of Columbias kings bury their wives alive
[2:10:41 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
its an annual ritual
[2:10:51 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
it draws a lot of tourists
[2:10:53 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Does this happen in the present age still?
[2:10:54 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
back to the dicks
[2:11:02 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
imagine the afterlife as being a sea of dicks
[2:11:02 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
[2:11:04 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
[2:11:11 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Is Colombia a present day monarchy?
[2:11:24 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
dicks packed so tight that they form a solid mass
[2:11:29 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
you are trapped in these dicks
[2:11:32 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
unable to breath think or see
[2:11:49 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
even move under the crushing weight of these phalluses
[2:11:54 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
and heres the deal
[2:11:56 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
they are all alive
[2:11:59 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
warm and moist
[2:11:59 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Dogfucker if that happened it would just result in a plane shift pretty quick.
[2:12:05 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
and pulsing with blood
[2:12:11 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
and you just lie there for eternity
[2:12:24 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
they only thing keeping you company being the throbbing of the dicks
[2:12:27 AM] Fringe Wizard:
If you lie in one place for eternity then you always planeshift.
[2:12:29 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
Thats the afterlife fringe
[2:12:41 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
and it doesnt matter what god you worship or how many puppies you murder
[2:12:44 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
were all going there
[2:12:49 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
each of us exactly the same
[2:13:08 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
We are but so much excremement passing through the bowels of the world
[2:13:15 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
and landing right on top of a pile of dicks
[2:13:35 AM] Fringe Wizard:
What if we're already under the metaphorical pile of dicks?
[2:13:54 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
I dunno man
[2:13:57 AM] Fringe Wizard:
All those dicks piled up on you would act as a sensory deprivation chamber
[2:14:00 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
stuff like that keeps me up at night
[2:14:09 AM] Fringe Wizard:
and you'd end up experiencing this reality then
[2:14:18 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
What if we ARE the dicks
[2:14:31 AM] Fringe Wizard:
We are dicks dreaming that we are humans.
[2:14:49 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
From dicks we came
[2:14:54 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
and to dicks we shall return
[2:14:59 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
ashes to ashes
[2:15:02 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
dust to dust
[2:15:05 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
que sera sera
[2:15:37 AM] Fringe Wizard:
it's all for dick that we struggle in vain
[2:15:54 AM] Fringe Wizard:
everything comes to dick
[2:16:10 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
"I dick therefore I am"
[2:16:20 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Give her the D.
[2:16:21 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
-"The D" Descartes
[2:17:24 AM] Fringe Wizard:
>yfw all the niggers mumbling "muh dick" have been trying to conveal a great philosophical truth to us all this time
[2:17:32 AM] Fringe Wizard:
[2:17:46 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
[2:17:54 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
how do you reconcile your redpill beliefs
[2:18:04 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
with the fact that blacks are on average far more greenpilled than whites
[2:18:09 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
"What up G"
[2:18:16 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
the G originally meant "God"
[2:18:22 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
before it meant gangsta
[2:18:32 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
it was a reference to pantheism
[2:18:40 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
the fact that everyone is in their own way god
[2:18:46 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
or rather
[2:18:57 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
everyone and everything is just a form that the godhead has taken
[2:19:03 AM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
Glittersnatch is actually right
[2:19:04 AM] Fringe Wizard:
As in the principle of correspondence wherein every lesser things contains also the greater thing?
[2:19:11 AM] Fringe Wizard:
and every greater thing the lesser thing?
[2:19:13 AM] Learningcode (Jew) ♂ ✡:
G means god from the nation of gods and earths where the black man is god
[2:19:47 AM] Fringe Wizard:
I wonder if there are any whites that summon UFOs…
[2:20:28 AM] Fringe Wizard:
I wish I wasn't banned from 4chan right now so I could start a thread on /x/ about nigger magicians vs white wizards.
[2:20:48 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
Also fringe
[2:20:52 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
Sun Ra
[2:20:59 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
if his personal journals are to be believed
[2:21:07 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
was the first human being to make contact with aliums
[2:21:09 AM] Sacred (Injun Mutt) ♂ ☻:
Oh my god that dick conversation was glorious.
[2:21:12 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
the very first abductee
[2:21:41 AM] Fringe Wizard:
Who is Sun Ra? The Egyptian pharaophs were caucasoid with nordic features.
[2:21:58 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
Sun Ra is the stage name of a jazz musician
[2:22:04 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
I forget his real name
[2:22:11 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
even his family and friends called him Sun Ra
[2:22:21 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
he wrote a lot of music about greenpilled topics
[2:22:29 AM] Fringe Wizard:
this nigger http://www.chartattack.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/sun-ra-1.jpg
[2:22:33 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
and talked frequently about his contact with extra terrestrials
[2:22:42 AM] Dogfucker (Degenerate) ♀ ☻:
[2:23:30 AM] Fringe Wizard:
>all these magical niggers
13 replies
Why am I the way I am and why do I have the beliefs I do?
I'm a fucking anomaly and I'm not sure anyone can make sense of me.
Anyone have any theories?
I don't feel like I should be an anomaly.
I think everyone should think like me yet they don't, they are all very much at odds with my way of thinking.
Also while we're at it — why is egalitarianism so fucking popular these days and why isn't there massive support for monarchy?
…and why is the "right" side of politics losing so fucking hard to the "left" all the time?
1 reply
I think we need a seperate sticky with GIGANTIC (bigger than the average ==red text==) red letters saying "PUT QUESTIONS IN QUESTION THREAD" because for some reason these retards don't read the first post, they just skip it for some goddamned reason. Everyone should read all the contents in the sticky before posting on /fringe/ goddamn we're getting more n00bs by the day.
16 replies
Oy vey
better run
10 replies
I have just begun reading the actual practise part of
Initiation Into Hermetics
for the first time and I have two things to say.
I already do these things, despite never having read them before, and already have quite a mastery over parts I've read.
This is impressively concise, the book appears to be of great practical value to magical development, and the author appears to me to be effectively reaching out to the very heart of the matter without any delusions present in other books I've read.
I think I'm going to really like and appreciate this book when I'm done with it. I should probably film demonstrations of each part of the book as I go through it – this will be easy for me, I'm already really advanced by default, as if I had already attained these powers in a previous incarnation and have carried them over into this life.
I am currently on page 77.
Btw, while reading through the breathing part, I thought it would be like the Book of Knowledge and it would have stuff I couldn't do. I was pleasantly surprised that was not so. I had a completely clogged nostrils and I decided to imbue what little I could intake with the idea that my nostrils would become clear and I would take in more air easily. Shortly afterwards I ended up sneezing and my nostrils were cleared and now I can breath fine through both nostrils. Epic success.
5 replies
I have a request that chaimfag proves that he is a chemist and synthesizes the blue meth you seen in breaking bad lol
dont wimp out you cunt
13 replies
I made a pilgrimage to 4chon today to see what state the site is in and it's now mostly spam and there was like 1 other poster there that I tried to talk to a bit but he was incoherent and rather deranged, unable to do anything but shitpost, and it was pretty sad.
It's a skeleton of a site now with only a few very hollow posters who I guess just can't let go of the memories they've had and still keep posting in vain, even as everyone else has left the site.
Truly a post-apocalyptic imageboard.
All that remains is the anti-germanics spammer, the lolbutthurt spammer, the duck guy, the kike on a stick spammer, and a few homosexual or cuckold or other types of very messed up degenerates.
10 replies
So, I've been given the instructions to write a memoir for school, I wanted something about a philosopher or a famous magickian like Uncle Al, was going to do Hitler but the kikes said I can't ;_;. Should I write about Aleister Crowley or who else? Any philosopher/occultist should be fine.
5 replies
>that feel when "seen" but not responded to
God damn I just want someone to talk to. Any lonelyfags out there?
2 replies
Hope you enjoyed the raid, courtesy of Ol Chemmie!!!
24 replies
Who is permabanning? Why!?
All bans removed, this is bullshit.
9 replies
Anybody else despise of the NSA? This is pretty much how it goes: they're the mast'as and we're the slaves picking cotton for them, the cotton being the shills they post. What I would do to remove them… no matter how many votes the "Stop the NSA" petition gets they won't stop. You literraly have no internet freedom. I've read they can't do anything besides slow your internet down to a turtle speed (i got a page showing i reached my download cap for this month… when it's only 11 days after the new cap and it never showed this before) and report you to the police. Their purpose is to "secure the future" and that translation is "enslave the future". Supposedly they are looking for terrorists and things when they haven't found shit. If they are the good guys how come they are banned from every MMO game online? That's because they do what they do illegally, without permission from anyone, they just do whatever they feel like. They're doing more illegal things then anybody on the internet combined! Fuck NSA.
0 replies
/x/ is down right now, fuck
59 replies
21 replies
Someone take the test so I feel better.
>Your points: 56. A normal result is 15 to 65 points.
>>In general, you are more prone to schizophrenia than 31512 people who have passed the test in the last 30 days.
1 reply
What would you guys think about a /r9k/ board?
I know a lot of people randomly dump their greentexts of what happened today, we could have [f9k], or Fringe9000. We could discuss wizardly greentexts, even daily life greentexts, and give others feedback. We would also have to implement the OC script.
12 replies
>1. Don't post something that'll get us sent to jail (CP).
9 replies
ITT: We decide to leave this imageboard for no reason other then to piss off smiley.
9 replies
Post banners in here!
Pic related is typical astral meetup.
1 reply
11 replies
Anyone here consider themselves a Smileyist?
10 replies
What can we do to attract Jewish posters to our chan?
33 replies
Is /illuminati/ down for anyone else?
Chosen does not work for me.
1 reply
Does anyone else wonder if they're surrounded by organic portals?
I think my parents are.
I said this before and got criticized by leva for saying it but I am thinking it again today.
They aren't real people. There is something very off about them and their behaviour, I can't relate to them at all, they don't seem genuine to me.
They also never talk to me and never answer my questions so that just makes things worse really as far as the disconnect is concerned, it's really hard to talk to them, and their behaviour seems to indicate to me they lack any true awareness.
They really seem like crudely programmed characters and I hate them intensely.
I get the feeling like … how to explain.
Think of a situation where you've got some detached observers, say some scientists, and they are not reacting to the behaviour of the subjects they are studying but directing it all the same.
It's hard to explain but I feel really deep alienation from them and would not ever voluntarily associate with them or have anything to do with them if not for these fuckers having created the vessel that imprisons me.
I am seriously an anomaly that doesn't fit in with my family at all who seem barely conscious to me.
I don't like it.
1 reply
>Just about everyone on fringe is an idiot. Occultist hipsters falling over themselves to sound cutting edge. "LOOSH HEY GUYS I HEARD THIS WORD LOOSH AND I USE SIGILS".
>Kids muddying the waters for everyone else. What's worse, they're all such predictable and irredeemable bores about it.
I'd have said "thanks for the loosh" but the mods would just ban me again.
4 replies
21 replies
White pride worldwide!
What part of the world are you from? /int/ thread
6 replies
What I don't realize is why they prevent you from practicing every religion, I just don't get. I should be able to be a member of The Church of Satan and I should be allowed to be a pope in Italy. There's no rules against religion, but every fucking Christian has to shove
down your throat. I've read the Bible, and I like Jesus's teachings, real or not. They're good morals. But it's not the morals that are wrong with Christianity, it's the fucking people. So what if the bible says you can't be in another religion? I should be able to be apart of every organization, religion, and mystic practice there is. It's not just Christians either, most blind-faith people are like that. That's why I like the occult. Religion is faith, the occult is reason, knowledge, and power. I guess it's just me but goddamn do I wish I could be a part of everything without having to keep things hidden. I guess this is why they call it "the occult". Who the fuck knows it just pisses me off.
Posting cats because why the fuck not?
10 replies
4 replies
ITT: We discuss making a Fringechan RPG that is part of the boards itself.
I have an ebic idea for /grave/.
If you post on /grave/ every once in awhile a random ghost script should respond to you and when the ghost appears you can engage it in a battle with a bunch of different moves by responding with certain commands and the battle would use randomness and maybe you can have skills that you level up too.
We could make fringechan into an imageboard RPG!
9 replies
that feel when nothing to complain about except lack of /illuminati/ chosen password
0 replies
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Twig_Error_Syntax' with message 'Unexpected tag name "f" (expecting closing tag for the "for" tag defined near line 127) in "post_form.html" at line 127' in /opt/web/freedomboard.kirara.ca/inc/lib/Twig/Parser.php:178 Stack trace: #0 /opt/web/freedomboard.kirara.ca/inc/lib/Twig/TokenParser/For.php(48): Twig_Parser->subparse(Array) #1 /opt/web/freedomboard.kirara.ca/inc/lib/Twig/Parser.php(191): Twig_TokenParser_For->parse(Object(Twig_Token)) #2 /opt/web/freedomboard.kirara.ca/inc/lib/Twig/Parser.php(99): Twig_Parser->subparse(NULL, false) #3 /opt/web/freedomboard.kirara.ca/inc/lib/Twig/Environment.php(487): Twig_Parser->parse(Object(Twig_TokenStream)) #4 /opt/web/freedomboard.kirara.ca/inc/lib/Twig/Environment.php(537): Twig_Environment->parse(Object(Twig_TokenStream)) #5 /opt/web/freedomboard.kirara.ca/inc/lib/Twig/Environment.php(331): Twig_Environment->compileSource('
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318 replies
Greetings fellow Aryans.
6 replies
Permission to delete all the threads on /illuminati/ that don't serve the purpose of that board?
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