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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 4031
Schizophrenics are the Third Eye Awakened Wizard Master Race

I shall clearly explain to you why this is:

Most people are afraid of schizophrenics because they see and experience things not usually apparent to the senses of others.

…but why feel this way towards it?

Most people (telepaths & mind readers aside) don't hear your inner-voice every day and they don't see the images that go through your mind or know the feelings and so on in there.

A so called "schizophrenic" experience thoughtforms more intensely than anyone else does. There thoughts are more clear, stronger, more substantial – they have a more powerful mind than most.

The problem is with controlling your thoughts when they are this powerful.

Those whose minds are clouded by so much mental fog, whose thoughts are barely manifest, who hardly think – what you think doesn't matter much and is quite irrelevant. Your thoughts never overpower you.

In a better society "schizophrenics" would not be ostracised and destroyed the way they are in ours. They would instead become shamans or fulfil other such roles suiting their nature and would be appreciated for their spiritual insights and their visions.

Drugging people because they hear voices, see things, have invisible friends, etc. and filling them with fear and so on is a really shitty thing to do to them. Literally when you instil fear into a schizo about the experiences he is having you ruin them. They should be taught to control and to understand the experience from a magical perspective. Then their powerful mind will not be their own destruction but rather a great advantage.

If you feed negative thoughtforms / demons with the same energy that gave rise to them they continue to torment you. You need to either use other thoughtforms to combat them or cut off their energy supply and wait for them to fade away, preferably both.

It is also important to make distinctions about the various levels of shared experience one is having. Sometimes something is only part of the reality of say two people, or a small group, or just a single individual. The other stuff is mostly apart of the reality of everyone in this waking plane we're familiar with. It is useful to understand the different densities and to tell apart what is third density phenomena and what is fourth density or higher.

Just because one person experiences something does not mean it's "not real", that it's made up, etc.

EVERYTHING has a basis. Everything is real in some sense and connected. It may not be properly understood at the times the relations between phenomena or the higher nature of a thing but you certainly don't help by telling people they just made shit up and that their experiences aren't real and whatever else typical materialist paradigm bullshit the pavlovian dogs of today spew all over the place.

I wish that people would recognize the potential of schizophrenics to develop their minds and achieve greater mental feats than the more consciously suppressed individuals who experience their thoughts so dimly. You want to know what ascension and expanding of consciousness is all about? It's about having a more powerful mind, experiencing more closeness to the divine reality, and experiencing reality deeply and vividly and having all that fog and all those barriers peeled away.

Please stop perpetuating the myth of schizophrenia and falling for common psychiatric delusions around it. They are just more highly consciously evolved beings than most. Some destroy themselves, get lost in delusion, become very troubled, and become very tormented but that's not the way it has to be. If you believe yourself to be developing schizophrenic symptoms just be more careful about what and how you think and prepare yourself spiritually for the ascension process. You do not have to fear, fear will be the seeds of your destruction.
Gustav Theodor Fechner

Although psychological and parapsychological phenomena are as old as the homo sapiens, until the middle of the nineteenth century psychology was considered a branch of philosophy without a specifically defined area of research. In 1860, German physicist and philosopher Fechner published his work “Elements of Psychophysics”, which signifies the foundation of psychology as an independent science. In this way, he came to belong to a small group of prominent persons whom historians call fathers of scientific psychology. The other side of Fechner’s personality remained in shadow, and was discovered only recently. In addition to being a prominent physicist, Fechner was also an authentic mystic of the kind that is rare in the West. He is significant with regard to the subject of this book because he described in detail his experiences with Entities, especially the Entities of the vegetative world, and gave a very clear vision of man’s spiritual evolution, whose highest stage is the life of man’s True Being in the spheres in which he goes after the death of his physical body. At the beginning of his career, Fechner was a professor of physics at the University of Leipcig, where he earned a reputation as a scientist ready to sacrifice himself for science. He was obsessed with the idea of discovering a legitimate relationship between sensory stimuli and the human mind. This obsession arose from his inborn sensitivity to subtle levels of his own inner world, which could justifiably be called shamanic. While examining the characteristics of the so-called consecutive images (images that remain on the retina for some time after cessation of physical stimuli), Fechner would look at the sun for long periods of time. This led to a sudden eye disorder, and he almost went blind.

He subsequently withdrew from the world and spent his days in his room with a black mask over his eyes, withstanding spiritual suffering that seemed like it would never end. His spiritual experiences resemble in many aspects experiences shamans go through in their self-imposed initiation, which mystics call “the black night of the soul”. He had terrible nightmares and difficulties eating and drinking. He could not bear the presence of other people. After several years, Fechner gradually regained his eyesight. It was followed by a new, much wider and keener perception. Through it he entered the world of higher experience, which he presented in his works. He was fascinated by the discovery that plants have souls. He described their forms and behaviors in great detail in his book “Nana or the Soul-Life of Plants”. He also depicted his spiritual experiences, which were severely criticized in academic circles. Due to the negative reaction of his colleges, Fechner published his mystical works under the pseudonym of Dr. Mises. His newly awakened higher perception led him to abandon physics and begin teaching philosophy. For reasons that are not difficult to comprehend, he did not share most of his experiences with his students, but he did describe them in books. He asserted that the physical body and the psyche are just two sides of one reality. The psyche is a subtle entity which has material form, whereas the body is just a vehicle through which the psyche manifests itself. Not only do plants have souls, wrote Fechner, but they breathe, emit odor, blossom, breed, and feel, and those functions manifest not only via biological, but via psychic processes as well. Plants react to their environment with extreme sensitivity. Fechner’s ideas were later confirmed in a dramatic way by the work of the celebrated botanist Luther Burbank. Burbank revealed to his intimate friends his non-scientific, yet amazingly effective method of guiding the development of plants. When he wanted his plants to develop in a direction that was not common or natural for their kind, he would kneel on the ground and talk to them. He was sure that he was communicating with them telepathically. He explained to the famous yogi Paramahansa Yogananda how he managed to grow a cactus without spikes in only three generations, an undertaking that took other botanists years of devoted work: “When I was performing experiments with cactuses, I would often talk to them, creating vibrations of love. I would tell them: “You shouldn’t fear anything, you shouldn’t defend yourselves with spikes. I will protect you.”

Fechner researched the soul-life of plants, but his interests did not end there. His next step was to publish books “Comparative Anatomy of the Angels” and “Book of Life After Death”. In the latter, Fechner presents the idea that human beings go through three stages: the first, from conception to birth, is the state of continuous deep sleep. The second is a half-awake state which humans call everyday earthly life. The third stage, which represents true life, begins after the death of the physical body. He conceived of evolution as a continuous process that leads from one-cell organisms to angels, whom we can call the highest Entities in the context of this book. Angels have spherical forms and are capable of seeing the force of gravity just like humans can see light. They use light symbols rather than sounds to communicate.

What is most important for us is that Fechner, as the forerunner of the urbane shamans of the twentieth century, had direct experiences with Entities on different evolutionary levels – from angels, like Swedenborg, to plant Entities. Fechner wrote: “Plants participate in the cosmic soul of life, and, indeed, they have their own souls. They live, breathe, emit perfumes, bloom, propagate and are beautiful, partly, surely, for their own sakes…Their psyche is not concentrated in a nervous system or brain, but diffused through all their parts.”

Terence Mckenna - Schizophrenic or Shamanic?


>He explained to the famous yogi Paramahansa Yogananda how he managed to grow a cactus without spikes in only three generations, an undertaking that took other botanists years of devoted work: “When I was performing experiments with cactuses, I would often talk to them, creating vibrations of love. I would tell them: “You shouldn’t fear anything, you shouldn’t defend yourselves with spikes. I will protect you.”
I have a pet cactus, and often I will actually physically pet it and/or otherwise give it love. And I've noticed the spikes have seem to have gotten softer over time.

I just finished reading Anastasia by Vladimir Megré. It talked a lot about conscious communication with plants (e.g., telling them what ails you so they can produce a cure).

I'll have to pull out my green thumb this spring, for magic!(for science!)

Nice. You should take a lot of notes like me and do some youtube vids later talking about your experiments and how they went. This is an epic undertaking.

At the risk of anonymously making myself out to be a buffoon, I'd like to make note of Strassman's findings of higher concentrations of DMT within the brain matter (I cannot recall if it was in the brain tissue or cerebrospinal fluid) of schizophrenics. He hypothesized that it may cause a prolonged psychoactive effect. Perhaps there's a connection? Perhaps you all know of the connection, and I'm merely catching up? All I can say is that I'd agree with that hypothesis, and that DMT appears to be intrinsic to a lot of psychological psychedelic phenomena of the human experience.

This should go into the greenpills thread too.

Grim reaper – 1 month ago (edited)

I am sorry but he does need a mental evaluation, and if the laws he is talking about applies to him then it should apply to any Native American too. If you living in North America or whatever you wish to call it you have to obey its laws whether you like it or not, the same for any country you staying in. The way he is acting is that he is above the law and sorry but with that privilege that he is acting on if he has it he can do whatever he wants. The way he is acting in court proves that he needs some mental check done no offence to anyone, even if he thinks he has these laws he should at least hold his tongue properly during court unless he wishes to violate the law on the property he stands. I am thinking schizo but am not sure, been around one or two in my life. With which what he is speaking, he can basically become a cannibal and say well he was near me, I was hungry. If you expect to live off the grid at least obey the law so you do not get placed back on it. I can respect what he was wanting to do and what he is doing, but I also can see how some of what he was doing is a bit wrong well by our laws, and he is living on this land and should act according to those laws. I know most can't see my point of view and I understand if you disagree with me, everyone has their right to their opinion.

AntiZOG Gardener – 4 hours ago

Fuck off you psychiatric shill, mental illness is a fiction, especially schizophrenia. Stop spreading those myths around. Read this: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/4031.html

Also read this: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/1933.html

(rest of conversation I'll continue with Grim Reaper's responses in greentext and mine in plain text)

>I lived with a crazed shizo most of my life 16 years of it you can say it is fake all you want but when someone chops up your pets, or drinks stuff that is not there, or runs down the road with a screwdriver naked and you have to sleep in the car til she calms down, and that person is always claiming they are god, and they are trying to stab you with a screwdriver among many many other adventures, breaking down your door while you are sleeping to try to kill you,you will not say it is fake if you had to deal with someone who could go off any minute and do that.

Well I am that someone. I am regarded by a lot of people as schizophrenic. I've also attacked people at times and nearly murdered my parents on a couple of occassions and done other strange things people can't understand and hurt myself and so on. What you need to understand though is that this is REAL, it is not fake, I am actually a wizard and practise magic. You shouldn't give into fear like that. I see that someone you lived with gave you a hard time for 16 years but not everyone that gets this ridiculous label of "schizophrenic" applied to them will do those things. I think you are justified in restraining a person like that and trying to help them but DRUGS WON'T HELP and you should know this as you apparently dealt with this for 16 years and I bet you they probably tried to administer drugs to this person at some point right? Obviously it never got better so there you go drugs and psychiatry don't fucking work.

Btw I am around a lot of people also regarded as schizophrenic who are like me but I've never been attacked by any of them and I don't fear being around them at all. It's more mundanes that should fear I suppose. You are a mundane aren't you?

>We would have to send her to the mental hospital she would get a change of meds and it would be alright for a little while, and this scarred me quite well.

Well this just proves what I'm saying. Psychiatry, mental hospitals, the drugs, all that shit doesn't work. For all you know it could have made things worse – at best it only gave temporary relief – then she lapsed back into the problematic behaviours. So called "schizophrenics" are really wizards with natural magical talent and just need to control it and they don't get the proper guidance and occult training for this. We are "dreaming while awake", "living in two worlds at once", that's how I'd explain it.

>If you wish to claim it is this third eye nonsense then go right ahead because it isn't, it is very fucking frightening, and you will be on the edge of your seat your entire life with that person, and trust me when you hear a thud in the middle of the night you will be awake and ready to run. Do not tell me it is not a mental illness you deal with that for over half your life you will find out it is.

I see the walls melt away before my eyes and see into other worlds, see metaphysical entities that appear and disappear, have awesome visions every night and throughout the day, see crazy fractcals and beautiful things. You might think it's all a mental illness but you fail to understand the mental nature of the universe. "All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." – The Kybalion. Reality is transient and can be shared to variable degree. When other people see the same thing as me they know my magic is legit. Not everything can be shared so easily though and for someone who isn't so aware it must be hard to accept that magic is real but hopefully one day you will have an experience which blows away your doubts. You need some miracles to open you up to this. I suggest reading The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot for now.

>It is not this third eye bullshit where is the scientific tangible proof, besides that one webpage, I have lived with it, seeing shit and hearing shit is ok with me but cooking food from dish soap and sponges, disemboweling my pets while they are alive, trying to set on me to smother me when I was about 4, is not fine and is definitely not the goddamn third eye opening.

Well yeah those are some of the occupational hazards of wizardry gone awry. I would like to make something clear to you btw. The so called "third eye" is really better referred to as the "mind's eye" and is simply the ability to see mental imagery imposed over reality. So awakening the third eye/mind's eye is a matter of increasing the lucidity with which one sees and experiences thoughtforms.

If you are not properly disciplined with your thoughts and you have this kind of lucidity it can lead to a great deal of confusion and mistakes happening. The majority of so called "schizophrenics" have 0 occult / magical training. In another society they'd have been identified as potential shamans and receive the proper training but in this one people just jump to "it's a mental illness" and then do things to the person which actually doesn't help (as you know, the drugs / etc. ultimately didn't turn things around). A person with a much less lucid mind can easily think whatever they want without problems resulting but someone with such a powerful mind must be very careful what thoughts they think and practise discernment and try to stay in touch with the consensus reality or at least recognize what is only visible to them and not to others. When one fails to understand that discrepancies exist between their experience of reality and another person's then bad things can happen like the stuff you've had to deal with.

>I loved that person to death but it was a relief when that person died because I had a daughter coming into this world and I had no idea how I would protect her from that person. I have had enough abuse for a lifetime, and I am still living my life in a virtual hell, I had to deal with my father beating my mother when I was born til the person who was a schizo came in the picture, then for 16 years I had to deal with that person, and also a few other abusive people in my life.

Well that's shit. My experiences with others who've got the "schizo" label is very different. Some people have problems but I insist that the drugs / psychiatry doesn't fix it.

>I have been through the worst parts of hell, and I am still roasting, I have seen many things and I can tell you right now that is bullshit about a 3rd eye. Tell me what you think about seizures, because I have died once because of one, and let me tell you on the other side there is nothing but a black warm fuzzy void, no flames, no angels, nothing.

When the physical body dies one is immersed in the astral planes (the mental planes). Your thoughts take you where you expect to go. For a person whose subconscious beliefs are "there's just a void waiting for me" THAT is exactly where you will go and that is EXACTLY what you experienced! All you did was go to a part of the astral planes where you're immersed in an empty void. Eventually though if you stayed long enough you'd probably have figured something was odd, realized you're still experiencing something, come to the conclusion that you aren't actually dead yet, and started to devise a way out of your predicament. At some point you'd either reincarnate or you'd start imagining things and the act of imagining would bring you out into new parts of the astral for new experiences.

In the astral can be found anything that can be imagined.

>Your kind is the reason why people end up dead, if I was to set down by her and be like it is ok her third eye is opening I would have been killed by her, I would be dead 10 times over by now if that was possible actually probably more than that.

Well it wouldn't be "opening" because obviously with her it's already wide the fuck open. The stuff that she is resonating with though and the lack of discipline / thought control fucked her up. When you see into the 4th density (physicality is 3rd density, etheric is 4th, astral is 5th, each density blends into each other) the beliefs you have and also that of others (we all psychically influence each other) you've got to be careful to figure out what is what and to not create imaginal constructs which cause harm and desynchronization. Where desynchronization occurs discrepancies between your experience of reality and that of others around you grow which leads to stuff like drinking water out of a glass that appears empty to others. You have to keep on top of those things and be very discerning.

>Also do not push the topic any further, I have been nice thus far, I am a laid back person, a person who can take most shit that is dished out. When it comes to this, I am dead serious with it do not call me a liar, and do not try to replace my hell with a fantasy fairytale.

I believe that you have been through some shit personally in your life and it was not pleasant but I insist that psychiatry and drugs aren't the solution and the understanding of what's going on with this supposed "mental illness" is off. Also you should be aware that while your personal experiences with individuals deemed "schizophrenic" has been terrible there's a lot of people who've been declared schizophrenic who don't create trouble for others and even who manage to get through life pretty well. If one is prone to falling into trances without meaning to and desynchronizes with the consensus reality very often it's not good to drive… so a lot of us can't drive… but oh well.

>I do not lie I may make errors but I am willing to correct them if someone points them out and tells me where I went wrong, but what you did was try and turn my hell into a lovely fucking paradise of oh it is her 3rd eye, and all you did was infuriate me with it, as I said I am normally a laid back person, someone who jokes around, who can take troll comment with a smile, but when someone calls me a liar like you just did, I will not take it lying down.

I don't think most of what you are saying are lies. I think most of what you've said is true and I have no reason to doubt you. My problem with people using the label "schizophrenia" and supporting psychiatry doesn't really mean there aren't people that get out of control, have to be restrained, create trouble for others, etc. my issue is with people thinking this is some "mental illness" when it's a whole lot more than just that and thinking that psychiatry has any legitimacy in dealing with this when it's clear they FAIL and aren't effective at curbing problematic behaviour.

>Do not try to push it any further, because I was as nice as I could be in the last comment, I will not be held accountable for my actions from here on out if you push it.

I'm not intimidated. I am a wizard after all. So good luck with doing any kind of harm to me.

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