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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 4293


Whatever you can think of, it will be manifested, exactly as you think of it.

The problem is with thinking of that object or event as it really is. A mere phantom image of a thing won't cause it to be materialized.

If you were to focus on anything long enough and apply to it every property it needs to become materialized into this reality it will be made manifest before you. You can literally will objects, entities, and other things into existence as absolutely fucking amazing as that sounds to you.

If you focus on an object such as a candle and you hold it in your mind you can manipulate its flame, ignite and put out the flame repeatedly, move the candle around, etc.

You achieve this by very deep meditation, extreme focus, and changing of beliefs.

If you don't believe you can do something, if there is any doubt or limitation subconsciously or consciously, it won't work.

When you actually succeed in doing magic you have no doubt about it. It just happened and there's no question about it, you WILLED it into being.

It is important to understand what the will is though. What is the will and how do you will something to be?

>"Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done."

This is what the will is and how you apply it. Use your emotions as the fuel.

With this basic knowledge of the principles of magic you can create your own rituals and other magical works spontaneously that uniquely speak to your own mental programming and become a master of your own reality.

This is my present theory anyways.

Regards, a /fringe/ wizard.
Anyone going to give me feedback on this theory? I could be totally wrong and this is just stupid.

I think another part that I left out is making sure to surround yourself with the correct mental influences so you aren't held back by the will of other beings.

You can manipulate reality, but reality is programmed… to allow you to manipulate it.

For some reason the way you say this sounds so sinister. Why? What dark secret are you holding back?

I don't know, OP, I'm just some guy on an imageboard. Nice digits btw.

sounds fine OP

The test would be to materialize some object.
I don't think it's possible directly. I speculate that an astral form, fully conceived, would remain astral.

I do believe it is possible though.

Bardon seems to have knowledge of this, he hints at it in The Practice of Magical Evocation. It's inaccessible to me now though, I haven't completed the prerequisite steps of IIH (1-8), so I cannot say more.

>tulpas eventually become visible to others, if allowed to do so
>thoughtforms should be programmable with any attribute, until they are solid
>tons of stories in the past about the materialization and dematerialization of objects

>tulpas eventually become visible to others, if allowed to do so
Still astral. Visibility can be achieved through mental impressions. Unless they can manipulate physical objects directly and easily, they're not physical.
I'd consider visibility to a camera to be more authoritative, it would show physical light is interacting with the entity.

>thoughtforms should be programmable with any attribute, until they are solid

Solid to you is very different from solid to everything.

>tons of stories in the past about the materialization and dematerialization of objects

Hmm. I remember a couple. I'm not sure now. Knowing how materialization works in the astral planes perhaps it's not so stupid.
Neither of us are strong enough yet, in any case.

By the way, was this example from experience?
>If you focus on an object such as a candle and you hold it in your mind you can manipulate its flame, ignite and put out the flame repeatedly, move the candle around, etc.

>By the way, was this example from experience?

Not quite but I have done stuff with flames, mostly petting them with my hand, and not being burned by them.

Alright, I've been working on that, which is why I ask.

Just so you know, the flames left a black soot on my hand, but they didn't actually burn my hand.

Also I pick up hot coals that are glowing and nothing happens.

It requires a certain mental state where you just do it and don't fear it I think.

You'll know if you're doing it wrong if you feel the burning heat too much.

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