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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 1933
Schizophrenia is not real; made up disease to stop the awakening

>In spite of over a hundred years of research and many billions of dollars spent, we still have no clear evidence that schizophrenia and other related psychotic disorders are the result of a diseased brain. Considering the famous PET scan and MRI scan images of “schizophrenic” brains and the regular press releases of the latest discoveries of one particular abnormal brain feature or another, this statement is likely to come as a surprise to some, and disregarded as absurdity by others. And yet, anyone who takes a close look at the actual research will simply not be able to honestly say otherwise. And not only does the brain disease hypothesis remain unsubstantiated, it has been directly countered by very well established findings within the recovery research, it has demonstrated itself to be particularly harmful to those so diagnosed (often leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy), and is highly profitable to the pharmaceutical and psychiatric industries (which likely plays a major role in why it has remained so deeply entrenched in society for so many years, in spite of our inability to validate it).


>Schizophrenia is one of the great myths of our time.


>Schizophrenia is a state of mind, characterized by abstract, nonlinear thought patterns. It tends to coincide with unpredictable, nonconformist behavior, and thus is considered by many people to be a disease. This common belief illustrates a misunderstanding of schizophrenia, fueled by fear of the unknown.

>Schizophrenia is not a disease. Schizophrenia is a natural and healthy phenomenon which occurs in everyone, to varying degrees, and need not have the stigma of disease attached to it.



Please visit the above site if you hear voices. They are real; this site will explain how to prove it to others.

Also read this: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_psychotronicweapons08.htm

and check out all these other results: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Synthetic+telepathy

>With the most recent schizophrenia/psychosis recovery research, we discover increasing evidence that psychosis is not caused by a disease of the brain, but is perhaps best described as being a last ditch strategy of a desperate psyche to transcend an intolerable situation or dilemma. To better understand how this conclusion which is so contrary to the widespread understanding of psychosis has come about, it will help if we break down this discussion into a short series of questions and answers.


Is there anyone here who still believes in the lie of "schizophrenia"?

1. The brain scans thing is bullshit and even if it wasn't a difference at in the brains least amongst some subset of those called "schizophrenic" does not mean that so called "schizophrenics" are inferior.
2. Just because two "schizophrenics" put into the same room can't see the same things doesn't mean what they see is not completely real. This is just a matter of synchronization to the same planes.
3. /x/ tells everyone who hears some voices, sees some things, or otherwise experiences anything anomalous that it's just in their head and to go see a psychiatrist/doctor every single fucking time.
4. When some people behave in a stupid manner because "voices told me x" or "they wouldn't stop hurting me unless I did y" it's because they are gullible dumb asses who let demons fuck around with them and take advantage of them. Ignorance of the reality of demonic activity does not mean that everyone who awakens to higher consciousness (which is what so called schizophrenia really is) should be drugged and have their pineal gland destroyed etc.
5. Not everyone who sees and talks to entities you don't see is dangerous and just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there; how would you like it if we told you your own thoughts aren't real because they can't be heard or that you have no soul because it can't be detected or some other bullshit like that?

For everything else see:

I hope there isn't anyone here who seriously believes psychiatry/psychology lies still.

"The mystic and the schizophrenic find themselves in the same ocean, but whereas the mystic swims, the schizophrenic drowns."

>implying schizophrenia is not enlightenment misunderstood by other people and often the so called "sufferer" who awoke to higher awareness too early and doesn't know how to handle it
>implying your thoughts aren't real
>implying dreams don't take place in another plane of existence with varied levels of synchronization with the consciousness of others
>implying we are our bodies (pretty sure if you take a sample of my cells and grow it into another human being that person won't be me)
>implying quantum philosophy will not reveal in time the true nature of hyperdimensional reality
>implying just because someone else doesn't see or experience what you do means it's not real
>implying there aren't cases where certain things are experienced by multiple persons yet not experienced by others
>implying that the waking reality we are familiar with is not merely due to a very high (yet still imperfect) level of synchronization brought about by a ton of overlapping focus of many entities both seen and unseen
>implying magic isn't real and very useful and hasn't made my life much better in multiple ways since learning it
>implying Earth isn't a loosh farm and aliens and demons don't extract astral energy from us and deceive us many levels
>implying mind control isn't very advanced and telepathy has not already been demonstrated and various designs for devices that create artificial telepathy patented and revealed (though not to many)
>implying most of psychiatry isn't completely or mostly wrong nonsense made up by kikes to jew goyim out of shekels
>implying there isn't both an afterlife and a system of reincarnation and that you don't visit that afterlife everytime you sleep
>implying goa trance isn't superior music
>implying demonic possession isn't a real threat and serious concern
>implying all the pagan gods aren't real gods in some sense
>implying chaos is not the optimal reality
>implying you should not hail the pleiadians as the greatest ally of humans

I communicate telepathically every day with a group of aliens who have no respect for me and see me as entertainment. They answer none of my questions, call me names, and do not respect my free will. I see their ships often, and others have seen them too.

Needless to say, I have been called schizophrenic many times.

What aliens do you speak with? Care to share some of your conversations?

What race(s) are they? Could you take pics of the ships?


I have one picture of one of their ships, but it's from a distance. I'll find it and post it in a separate post

I don't know what race, they don't answer any of my questions.
They sound human, but you can do anything with telepathy.

It's a group of like 4-5 females that I mainly communicate with (and they have beautiful "voices"
We don't really have "conversations." They use me for entertainment, and just all around disrespect me. Like I'll think "all realities exist simultaneously, so I had sex with them already". Then they'll be like "It did" or "When?" "Hell yeah" and then say "No it won't" (really angry sounding, like telepathy can kinds send feelings too). They see that as entertainment. I know, it's stupid, but I'm working on it.

They don't "tell me the secrets of the universe" and shit. They've never told me anything close to that. A moment ago one of them said "Big dick." They're entertained if I get aroused. But mostly, they'll tell me I'm complaining, if I think something that they don't like, they'll say "DONT." Or if I think something they'll be like "Realllly?". Or I'll do something and they'll say "Sad." I'll give them /some/ credit, because sometimes they'll be like "Don't worry," even though after that I just realize I'm being told not to worry by someone who has no respect for me or my free will.

And by not respecting my free will, I mean:
They monitor all my thoughts, and comment on them (usually in a rude/condescending/arrogant manner), even if I ask them not to.
They come into my dreams, and comment on my thoughts /in my dreams/, without my permission as well.

My experience isn't really interesting, just pretty irritating and sad.

Actually, cant post the picture till I get home, because I'm on my phone and the browse for pictures button doesn't work.

They're exactly like the ones in this video though. Not everyone in these ships has your best interests in mind.


Same guy here.

I recently started connecting with the Arcturians. (by the way, the aliens that I communicate with told me "DONT." when I decided to type this).

The Arcturians are wonderful, incredibly loving beings. Although I haven't "spoken" with them yet, I can feel their energy very strong when I connect with them. I've asked the for healings, advice, to download me information, and they've happily done all of it. The energy I get from them is much higher frequency then these aliens who I talk to now (by the way, when i wrote that last sentence, some guy said "Yeah" in a really jealous/angry way). The aliens who I talk to now /frequently/ send me negative vibes (which you can actually feel). The Arcturians would never do that. They're here to help us in every way (one of these females said "Really?" when I wrote that)

I really suggest you guys connect with them.


The girl in that video is an Arcturian starseed, she's not just bullshitting around


Here's the picture (I was also told not to post this)
pulled it off my facebook since it wasn't on my phone anymore

It's the little white ball in the middle

>>2028 girl in that video is an Arcturian starseed

any nip slips?


I wish

How do you actually connect with them and receive help?

Can you ask your present group of alien tormentors to try and fuck around with me btw?


Just watching the video connects you to them (she says in the video that they will connect strongly to everyone who watches)
I suggest watching the entire video

And TRUST ME, you /DO NOT/ want to do that

File: 1388557647244.png (1.21 MB, 794x767, 1387813751204.png)
>that feel when the aliens we know and that pilot those ufos are all different races of humans that developed before us and they're all closely related to us, some of them being perfected individuals of the otherwise degenerate races of man currently living numerously on the surface of Earth, in third density
>that feel when the sun is present upon many planes beside the one we're familiar with
>that feel when life is a dream and we are in the dream of god and we are gods in turn (as above, so below; as below, so above)
>that feel when you only become immortal when visions of a higher plane are before you and no longer is you desire to live within this physical body so strong
>that feel when the world is destroyed and regenerated again within a short time cycle and new species are easily recreated anew by the ancients who restore our planet again
>that feel when the apocalypse is soon at hand and we live in an exciting age
>that feel when the ignorant chaff shall die and be sent to a place better suited for their accelerated development
>that feel when all the religions carry seeds of the truth but degenerated more & more over time with the more ancient ones, especially hermeticism, being best preserved
>that feel when such grotesque tragedies happen to some in this life who, kept ignorant of the truth, cling to and perpetuate such misery as deranges the mind and makes them wish to forget
>that feel when when at the end of this kali yuga the beginning of a golden age of man shall soon be at hand


>believes she's a starseed
>not bullshitting

Pick one.

>that close-mindedness

Well shit better watch the video then.

>And TRUST ME, you /DO NOT/ want to do that

I'd be delighted to have a bunch of alium trolls trying to troll me 24/7. It'll be an amazing troll-off and I'll win.

same guy here

no, you wouldn't

I have a big update on the situation

>go to grandmothers

>she starts describing psychic experiences
>discover she's naturally clairvoyant/claircognizant
>instruct her on how to use clairvoyance
>she does a reading on my alien situation
>sees a fork in the road, one where the road becomes black and ends, one where it's a brilliant golden light
>the road that ends, she sees a picture of me in the hospital, sick and dying
>the golden road, she sees me happy, with a great job, and peace
>finds out that the aliens are trying to kill me
>they've been messing with me the whole time because I've been weak
and believed their lies
>tells me that they never did anything to me, I just believed they did
>tells me to connect with God directly, and remember nothing comes between me and God
>start doing this
>aliens literally tell me "DONT" when I think about the infinite security of the Creator
>they tell me "DONT" when connecting to the Arcturians, the Hathors, 5,6,&7th dimensional Feline beings, Ascended Masters, and all the councils of the light in the galaxy
>connect to a council, and decide to report them to the galactic authorities
>they tell me "DONT" the whole time
>confirmed for evil aliens
>they no longer have any control over me. they never did, I have always been in control of myself. Their game is to have me seek peace externally
>when I think, "I'm going internal", they say "DONT"

>no, you wouldn't

I'm masochistic. Yes I would. There might be better things still, but I still would like to be potentially tortured to death by aliums. Other nicer aliums are obviously better but even hostile aliums that just do nothing but fuck around with me and harass me is better than no aliums.

Do you consider still btw that maybe these aliums are still rusing you? Aliums are well known for pulling off the most elaborate deceptions.

How the heck are you even capable of connecting to a 7th density being btw? Also don't 7th density beings lose all distinctness and all become one identically merged thing?

You manage to connect with a lot of extremely high level entities apparently…

How do I connect with aliums good or bad?

>Do you consider still btw that maybe these aliums are still rusing you?

No, not at all. They know I have found my power, and they are afraid of me. They tell me to not feel my power, or to connect to benevolent beings, or to transmute my negative emotions. They are just negative, and it's cool. I just laugh at them now.

>How the heck are you even capable of connecting to a 7th density being btw? Also don't 7th density beings lose all distinctness and all become one identically merged thing

It's the same as connecting to any other being on any level. Your intention to connect to the being, will connect you to that being. Just a thought. The 7th density being that I connect to is a Lion being named Bakaal. All you have to do, is think about his name, and then feel an invitation open up deep within yourself. Be receptive to his light and love. Just be open. You may or may not hear anything (probably not), but you'll feel it. Then you can talk to him, and ask him to help you with things.

You can use this process to connect with any other beings. If you don't feel their light/love, don't trust it.

I would suggest connecting to the Arcturians. Watch the video I posted above about it. Watch the whole video. They are beings of tremendous love, and you will never be used by them. You can trust them with your life.

You don't want to connect to bad aliens. Trust me brother.

>Also don't 7th density beings lose all distinctness and all become one identically merged thing

I think so, yes. They are group souls at that point. I don't know if Bakaal is a group soul (don't think so), but I never asked him.

Here's a video where James Gilliland (I highly suggest you watch more of his stuff/get his books) talks about higher dimensional feline beings. In particular, this one 5th dimensional feline female named Bagit (connect with her if you want, she's incredible)


Aren't they group souls in 6th density though and at 7th density they're just united with The All / God?

What the heck makes any of these hyperdimensional beings feline?

>that feel when can't easily connect with other entities, takes a lot of effort just to evoke a very lowly astral entity


>Aren't they group souls in 6th density though and at 7th density they're just united with The All / God?

From my understanding, they could well all be group souls in the 7th. There's more dimensions then the 7th though (goes up to 12, then then 13th void dimension, then you go up an octave and start over) so I don't think they're completely united yet.

>What the heck makes any of these hyperdimensional beings feline?

I don't think they have form in the 7th, but if they stepped down to like the 4th or 5th, they would look cat like

>that feel when can't easily connect with other entities, takes a lot of effort just to evoke a very lowly astral entity

It's easy. All these beings in the higher densities are completely, super telepathic. If you think about them, they hear you. Always. So after you think about them, just invite/welcome them into your heart. Feel their love and their light. That's all it takes. Once you feel their light, you're connected, and you can begin to dialogue with them, ask them for help, whatever you'd like.

Socrates’ Daimon

The first written data on contact with a positive Entity in Western culture come from Socrates. He mentions an Entity who manifested itself as an inner voice and guided him through life. These words of Socrates are preserved in extant documents: “The favor of the gods has given me a marvelous gift, which has never left me since my childhood. It is a voice which, when it makes itself heard, deters me from what I am about to do and never urges me on.” The inner voice came from a spiritual Entity whom Socrates called his Daimon. Later, a word with negative connotations was derived from this name – “demon”. Daimon unerringly guided Socrates through life’s troubles and finally sent him to his death in a state of complete calmness and peacefulness. Hence, Socrates’ conduct has been for ages an example of sublime morality for many. Socrates did not hide from his environment the voice that instructed him to act wisely. He would often pause, listen to what his Daimon had to say, and act accordingly. He usually informed men he had discourse with of the content of the message.

Official psychiatry of today would probably classify Socrates’ experiences as audible hallucinations. He perceived the voice of Daimon as something angelic or divine, apart from his being, which had a pure motive to guide him through life along the correct path. Socrates’ critics and opponents laughed at his statements about Daimon’s voice, because it advised him in less important situations, but did not say a word during his arrest and trial. Socrates answered:

“That prophetic voice, the voice of divinity, has recently appeared very often and warned me even concerning most trivial things when I was going to do something wrong. Now, as you can see, the thing that could be considered the greatest evil happened. Yet that godly voice did not object neither this morning when I left home, nor when I came to this trial, nor at any point in my apology as I intended to say something. In other cases it would stop me in the middle of a sentence. How do I explain it? Well, this is how: I reckon that what happened to me, happened as a good thing. We, who believe that death is something evil, can never understand it.”

Taken from: The Invisible Influences by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski

( dl link can be found here: http://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/2.html )

>Schizophrenia is a natural and healthy phenomenon
So the fact that my best friend thinks that I plotted to betray him and that my cousin thinks my grandparents poison him is a good thing?

Shut the fuck up smiley

>So the fact that my best friend thinks that I plotted to betray him and that my cousin thinks my grandparents poison him is a good thing?

That's what happens when you lose control of le third eye and get misled by demons.

>Shut the fuck up smiley

Just because some of the schizo master race malfunction doesn't mean they all suck.

>A Nonexistent Disease
>by Lawrence Stevens, J.D.

The word "schizophrenia" has a scientific sound that seems to give it inherent credibility and a charisma that seems to dazzle people. In his book Molecules of the Mind - The Brave New Science of Molecular Psychology, University of Maryland journalism professor Jon Franklin calls schizophrenia and depression "the two classic forms of mental illness" (Dell Publishing Co., 1987, p. 119). According to the cover article in the July 6, 1992 Time magazine, schizophrenia is the "most devilish of mental illnesses" (p. 53). This Time magazine article says "fully a quarter of the nation's hospital beds are occupied by schizophrenia patients" (p. 55). Books and articles like these and the facts to which they refer (such as a quarter of hospital beds being occupied by so-called schizophrenics) delude most people into believing there really is a disease called schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is one of the great myths of our time.
In his book Schizophrenia - The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry, psychiatry professor Thomas S. Szasz, M.D., says "There is, in short, no such thing as schizophrenia" (Syracuse University Press, 1988, p. 191). In the Epilogue of their book Schizophrenia - Medical Diagnosis or Moral Verdict?, Theodore R. Sarbin, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz who spent three years working in mental hospitals, and James C. Mancuso, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the State University of New York at Albany, say: "We have come to the end of our journey. Among other things, we have tried to establish that the schizophrenia model of unwanted conduct lacks credibility. The analysis directs us ineluctably to the conclusion that schizophrenia is a myth" (Pergamon Press, 1980, p. 221). In his book Against Therapy, published in 1988, Jeffrey Masson, Ph.D., a psychoanalyst, says "There is a heightened awareness of the dangers inherent in labeling somebody with a disease category like schizophrenia, and many people are beginning to realize that there is no such entity" (Atheneum, p. 2). Rather than being a bona-fide disease, so-called schizophrenia is a nonspecific category which includes almost everything a human being can do, think, or feel that is greatly disliked by other people or by the so-called schizophrenics themselves. There are few so-called mental illnesses that have not at one time or another been called schizophrenia. Because schizophrenia is a term that covers just about everything a person can think or do which people greatly dislike, it is hard to define objectively. Typically, definitions of schizophrenia are vague or inconsistent with each other. For example, when I asked a physician who was the Assistant Superintendent of a state mental hospital to define the term schizophrenia for me, he with all seriousness replied "split personality - that's the most popular definition." In contrast, a pamphlet published by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill titled "What Is Schizophrenia?" says "Schizophrenia is not a split personality". In her book Schiz-o-phre-nia: Straight Talk for Family and Friends, published in 1985, Maryellen Walsh says "Schizophrenia is one of the most misunderstood diseases on the planet. Most people think that it means having a split personality. Most people are wrong. Schizophrenia is not a splitting of the personality into multiple parts" (Warner Books, p. 41). The American Psychiatric Association's (APA's) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Second Edition), also known as DSM-II, published in 1968, defined schizophrenia as "characteristic disturbances of thinking, mood, or behavior" (p. 33). A difficulty with such a definition is it is so broad just about anything people dislike or consider abnormal, i.e., any so-called mental illness, can fit within it. In the Foreword to DSM-II, Ernest M. Gruenberg, M.D., D.P.H., Chairman of the American Psychiatric Association's Committee on Nomenclature, said: "Consider, for example, the mental disorder labeled in the Manual as 'schizophrenia,' … Even if it had tried, the Committee could not establish agreement about what this disorder is" (p. ix). The third edition of the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published in 1980, commonly called DSM-III, was also quite candid about the vagueness of the term. It said: "The limits of the concept of Schizophrenia are unclear" (p. 181). The revision published in 1987, DSM-III-R, contains a similar statement: "It should be noted that no single feature is invariably present or seen only in Schizophrenia" (p. 188). DSM-III-R also says this about a related diagnosis, Schizoaffective Disorder: "The term Schizoaffective Disorder has been used in many different ways since it was first introduced as a subtype of Schizophrenia, and represents one of the most confusing and controversial concepts in psychiatric nosology" (p. 208).

Particularly noteworthy in today's prevailing intellectual climate in which mental illness is considered to have biological or chemical causes is what DSM-III-R, says about such physical causes of this catch-all concept of schizophrenia: It says a diagnosis of schizophrenia "is made only when it cannot be established that an organic factor initiated and maintained the disturbance" (p. 187). Underscoring this definition of "schizophrenia" as non-biological is the 1987 edition of The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, which says a (so-called) diagnosis of schizophrenia is made only when the behavior in question is "not due to organic mental disorder" (p. 1532).

Contrast this with a statement by psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., in his book Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual, published in 1988. He says "Schizophrenia is a brain disease, now definitely known to be such" (Harper & Row, p. 5). Of course, if schizophrenia is a brain disease, then it is organic. However, the official definition of schizophrenia maintained and published by the American Psychiatric Association in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for many years specifically excluded organically caused conditions from the definition of schizophrenia. Not until the publication of DSM-IV in 1994 was the exclusion for biologically caused conditions removed from the definition of schizophrenia. In Surviving Schizophrenia, Dr. Torrey acknowledges "the prevailing psychoanalytic and family interaction theories of schizophrenia which were prevalent in American psychiatry" (p. 149) which would seem to account for this.
In the November 10, 1988 issue of Nature, genetic researcher Eric S. Lander of Harvard University and M.I.T. summarized the situation this way: "The late US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart declared in a celebrated obscenity case that, although he could not rigorously define pornography, 'I know it when I see it'. Psychiatrists are in much the same position concerning the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Some 80 years after the term was coined to describe a devastating condition involving a mental split among the functions of thought, emotion and behaviour, there remains no universally accepted definition of schizophrenia" (p. 105).

According to Dr. Torrey in his book Surviving Schizophrenia, so-called schizophrenia includes several widely divergent personality types. Included among them are paranoid schizophrenics, who have "delusions and/or hallucinations" that are either "persecutory" or "grandiose"; hebephrenic schizophrenics, in whom "well-developed delusions are usually absent"; catatonic schizophrenics who tend to be characterized by "posturing, rigidity, stupor, and often mutism" or, in other words, sitting around in a motionless, nonreactive state (in contrast to paranoid schizophrenics who tend to be suspicious and jumpy); and simple schizophrenics, who exhibit a "loss of interest and initiative" like the catatonic schizophrenics (though not as severe) and unlike the paranoid schizophrenics have an "absence of delusions or hallucinations" (p. 77). The 1968 edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-II, indicates a person who is very happy (experiences "pronounced elation") may be defined as schizophrenic for this reason ("Schizophrenia, schizo-affective type, excited") or very unhappy ("Schizophrenia, schizo-affective type, depressed")(p. 35), and the 1987 edition, DSM-III-R, indicates a person can be "diagnosed" as schizophrenic because he displays neither happiness nor sadness ("no signs of affective expression")(p. 189), which Dr. Torrey in his book calls simple schizophrenia ("blunting of emotions")(p. 77). According to psychiatry professor Jonas Robitscher, J.D., M.D., in his book The Powers of Psychiatry, people who cycle back and forth between happiness and sadness, the so-called manic-depressives or suffers of "bipolar mood disorder", may also be called schizophrenic: "Many cases that are diagnosed as schizophrenia in the United States would be diagnosed as manic-depressive illness in England or Western Europe" (Houghton Mifflin, 1980, p. 165.) So the supposed "symptoms" or defining characteristics of "schizophrenia" are broad indeed, defining people as having some kind of schizophrenia because they have delusions or do not, hallucinate or do not, are jumpy or catatonic, are happy, sad, or neither happy nor sad, or cycling back and forth between happiness and sadness. Since no physical causes of "schizophrenia" have been found, as we'll soon see, this "disease" can be defined only in terms of its "symptoms", which as you can see are what might be called ubiquitous. As attorney Bruce Ennis says in his book Prisoners of Psychiatry: "schizophrenia is such an all-inclusive term and covers such a large range of behavior that there are few people who could not, at one time or another, be considered schizophrenic" (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972, p. 22). People who are obsessed with certain thoughts or who feel compelled to perform certain behaviors, such as washing their hands repeatedly, are usually considered to be suffering from a separate psychiatric disease called "obsessive-compulsive disorder". However, people with obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors have also been called schizophrenic (e.g., by Dr. Torrey in his book Surviving Schizophrenia, pp. 115-116).

In Surviving Schizophrenia, Dr. Torrey quite candidly concedes the impossibility of defining what "schizophrenia" is. He says: "The definitions of most diseases of mankind has been accomplished. … In almost all diseases there is something which can be seen or measured, and this can be used to define the disease and separate it from nondisease states. Not so with schizophrenia! To date we have no single thing which can be measured and from which we can then say: Yes, that is schizophrenia. Because of this, the definition of the disease is a source of great confusion and debate" (p. 73). What puzzles me is how to reconcile this statement of Dr. Torrey's with another he makes in the same book, which I quoted above and which appears more fully as follows: "Schizophrenia is a brain disease, now definitely known to be such. It is a real scientific and biological entity, as clearly as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and cancer are scientific and biological entities" (p. 5). How can it be known schizophrenia is a brain disease when we do not know what schizophrenia is?

The truth is that the label schizophrenia, like the labels pornography or mental illness, indicates disapproval of that to which the label is applied and nothing more. Like "mental illness" or pornography, "schizophrenia" does not exist in the sense that cancer and heart disease exist but exists only in the sense that good and bad exist. As with all other so-called mental illnesses, a diagnosis of "schizophrenia" is a reflection of the speaker's or "diagnostician's" values or ideas about how a person "should" be, often coupled with the false (or at least unproven) assumption that the disapproved thinking, emotions, or behavior results from a biological abnormality. Considering the many ways it has been used, it's clear "schizophrenia" has no particular meaning other than "I dislike it." Because of this, I lose some of my respect for mental health professionals when I hear them use the word schizophrenia in a way that indicates they think it is a real disease. I do this for the same reason I would lose respect for someone's perceptiveness or intellectual integrity after hearing him or her admire the emperor's new clothes. While the layman definition of schizophrenia, internally inconsistent, may make some sense, using the term "schizophrenia" in a way that indicates the speaker thinks it is a real disease is tantamount to admitting he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Many mental health "professionals" and other "scientific" researchers do however persist in believing "schizophrenia" is a real disease. They are like the crowds of people observing the emperor's new clothes, unable or unwilling to see the truth because so many others before them have said it is real. A glance through the articles listed under "Schizophrenia" in Index Medicus, an index of medical periodicals, reveals how widespread the schizophrenia myth has become. And because these "scientists" believe "schizophrenia" is a real disease, they try to find physical causes for it. As psychiatrist William Glasser, M.D., says in his book Positive Addiction, published in 1976: "Schizophrenia sounds so much like a disease that prominent scientists delude themselves into searching for its cure" (Harper & Row, p. 18). This is a silly endeavor, because these supposedly prominent scientists can't define "schizophrenia" and accordingly don't know what they are looking for.

According to three Stanford University psychiatry professors, "two hypotheses have dominated the search for a biological substrate of schizophrenia." They say these two theories are the transmethylation hypothesis of schizophrenia and the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. (Jack D. Barchas, M.D., et al., "Biogenic Amine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia", appearing in Psychopharmacology: From Theory to Practice, Oxford University Press, 1977, p. 100.) The transmethylation hypothesis was based on the idea that "schizophrenia" might be caused by "aberrant formation of methylated amines" similar to the hallucinogenic pleasure drug mescaline in the metabolism of so-called schizophrenics. After reviewing various attempts to verify this theory, they conclude: "More than two decades after the introduction of the transmethylation hypothesis, no conclusions can be drawn about its relevance to or involvement in schizophrenia" (p. 107).

Columbia University psychiatry professor Jerrold S. Maxmen, M.D., succinctly describes the second major biological theory of so-called schizophrenia, the dopamine hypothesis, in his book The New Psychiatry, published in 1985: "…many psychiatrists believe that schizophrenia involves excessive activity in the dopamine-receptor system…the schizophrenic's symptoms result partially from receptors being overwhelmed by dopamine" (Mentor, pp. 142 & 154). But in the article by three Stanford University psychiatry professors I referred to above they say "direct confirmation that dopamine is involved in schizophrenia continues to elude investigators" (p. 112). In 1987 in his book Molecules of the Mind Professor Jon Franklin says "The dopamine hypothesis, in short, was wrong" (p. 114).

In that same book, Professor Franklin aptly describes efforts to find other biological causes of so-called schizophrenia: "As always, schizophrenia was the index disease. During the 1940s and 1950s, hundreds of scientists occupied themselves at one time and another with testing samples of schizophrenics' bodily reactions and fluids. They tested skin conductivity, cultured skin cells, analyzed blood, saliva, and sweat, and stared reflectively into test tubes of schizophrenic urine. The result of all this was a continuing series of announcements that this or that difference had been found. One early researcher, for instance, claimed to have isolated a substance from the urine of schizophrenics that made spiders weave cockeyed webs. Another group thought that the blood of schizophrenics contained a faulty metabolite of adrenaline that caused hallucinations. Still another proposed that the disease was caused by a vitamin deficiency. Such developments made great newspaper stories, which generally hinted, or predicted outright, that the enigma of schizophrenia had finally been solved. Unfortunately, in light of close scrutiny none of the discoveries held water" (p. 172).

Other efforts to prove a biological basis for so-called schizophrenia have involved brain-scans of pairs of identical twins when only one is a supposed schizophrenic. They do indeed show the so-called schizophrenic has brain damage his identical twin lacks. The flaw in these studies is the so-called schizophrenic has inevitably been given brain-damaging drugs called neuroleptics as a so-called treatment for his so-called schizophrenia. It is these brain-damaging drugs, not so-called schizophrenia, that have caused the brain damage. Anyone "treated" with these drugs will have such brain damage. Damaging the brains of people eccentric, obnoxious, imaginative, or mentally disabled enough to be called schizophrenic with drugs (erroneously) believed to have antischizophrenic properties is one of the saddest and most indefensible consequences of today's widespread belief in the myth of schizophrenia.

In The New Harvard Guide to Psychiatry, published in 1988, Seymour S. Kety, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience in Psychiatry, and Steven Matthysse, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychobiology, both of Harvard Medical School, say "an impartial reading of the recent literature does not provide the hoped-for clarification of the catecholamine hypotheses, nor does compelling evidence emerge for other biological differences that may characterize the brains of patients with mental disease" (Harvard University Press, p. 148).

Belief in biological causes of so-called mental illness, including schizophrenia, comes not from science but from wishful thinking or from desire to avoid coming to terms with the experiential/environmental causes of people's misbehavior or distress. The repeated failure of efforts to find biological causes of so-called schizophrenia suggests "schizophrenia" belongs only in the category of socially/culturally unacceptable thinking or behavior rather than in the category of biology or "disease" where many people place it.

I knew it. It's just like ADHD and Aspergers. the jewish discoverer of ADHD later admitted it was a fraud.


You guys are fucking idiots. The 'schizophrenia is not a disease, hurr, the pharma Jew!!' shit reminds me that you guys are sheltered children who think they're Gandalf.

Maybe if you'd known someone with schizophrenia or if you've actually witnessed a psychotic episode you wouldn't be so fond of it. They are rambling and delusional. No, not enlightenment-tier delusional, no NOT divine madness. It isn't visionary and it isn't religious ecstasy.

It is horrible dementia. The person will think that there is a conspiracy against him or that his family members have been replaced. It is violent, perverse, and sad. They will pace around the house at three in the morning, cleaning and scrubbing, yelling at everybody else to do the same.

It isn't fucking enlightenment. It is delusion and hallucination. And yes, there are some Jews with high connections who run entire industries, but most Jews are nice people.

And yes, pharma is evil and psychiatry is corrupt, but to say that mental illness doesn't even EXIST is ridiculous.

Sorry, but I'm leaving this board forever. All of you are chaotes who have now actual skill and can't do anything but cast a sigil. Bye fuckfaces.

>most Jews are nice people
>I'm leaving this board forever

Good riddance.

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>sheltered children who think they're Gandalf.

*tips fedora*

>Maybe if you'd known someone with schizophrenia or if you've actually witnessed a psychotic episode you wouldn't be so fond of it.

Can I count myself and my fellow wizards?

Whoever ( >>12960 ) is, has only contributed one post ( the one you just read ) to the board, and that's it. Their presence = non-existent. It's probably some bluepill that wondered in and started reading for awhile.

This poster leaving = makes no difference at all whatsoever as they never contributed fuck all to the board.

lel they're also from [REDACTED]

>All of you are chaotes who have now actual skill and can't do anything but cast a sigil.

This is definitely not a true claim btw.(USER WAS ROPED FOR THIS POST)

A few days ago I was standing outside at night looking up at the stars feeling a sense of frustration, like I was on the edge of attaining power or an epiphany but not quite getting there because of self-doubt. So I addressed my "higher self" for guidance: "Show me something I need to see…"
Then I leaned against my car, looked up to the sky, and had the first UFO experience of my entire life at that moment. What looked exactly like a star - a white orb - whizzing through the air at a speed that was probably 3x that of a typical plane. Scared the shit out of me, but I guess I know not to doubt myself anymore.

Don't dox people. You're a mod, you should know better than that.


That's paranoid schizophrenia, there's more than one type yaknow. Also some paranoid schizophrenia can lead to schizo-enlightenment, mine did. The heightened state I went into increased my visual thinking skills, my ability to read peoples vibes, the thoughts of what other people were thinking allowed me to read minds etc. The group that I was paranoid about were also psychics and I'm 90% sure they were real.

He's right tho.

Schizophrenia is real, the symptoms of schizophrenia are such that they grab the crazies, but as well, the enlightened ones.

He didn't really dox him, a lot of people potentially live in that area, and since the poster has only one post we don't who the fuck it is. There'd have to be a lot more posts for us to know who it was.



Demon possession and negative etheric entity attachments and disruptive or strange behaviour incomprehensible to other people, sure, but it's not some mental illness like the shrinks say.

The whole of psychiatry and DSM is literally just a way to wage subversive internal war upon the population, fucking them up in a couple ways:

- by having a "mental illness for everyone" where anyone can identify with some symptoms and start believing they have the mental illness thus digging themselves deeper into a problem that didn't have to exist from the start
- and by drugging and destroying the population in numerous ways with psychiatric drugs and ridiculous ineffective treatments

Refuse to participate in the mental illness myth. It is all wrong.

Just saying but I sent a couple white radiant orbs to several /fringe/ posters in the last few days. Maybe you saw one of my orbs? If it had a radiant quality to it then it was probably one I made.

Huh? I'm the guy who posted that. I DO have more than one post. I mostly lurk, but I definitely post here. That mod is pulling shit out of his ass.

Actually, I've had more than one post. I've been posting here for about four months. Perhaps it's because I'm using a phone instead of a computer. I don't appreciate doxxes either way though so fuck you. Your word was redacted, but I live in San Francisco, yes. Big secret.

Also, just because I believe that mental illness exist doesn't mean that I am bluepilled by any means. I distrust Jews but that doesn't mean I'm going to generalize them with a blanket statement. I've been an occultist for about a year now. So fuck you.

I'm not sure. It wasn't really any more radiant than a star in the night sky, and it was far off. It looked almost identical except it was moving. Maybe you could try sending another to me personally somehow?

You said you were leaving and you're back already lel. I pretended to doc you to see if you really left. Lolbutthurt.

After I posted this I went back outside to check out the night sky again, and saw three more of these star-like orbs just nonchalantly flying across the sky in a straight line. This is neat and all, but does anyone have input on what these are? I was doing some intensive third eye meditation earlier today, could these be spirits I'm seeing?

Let me clarify: three separate events of orbs flying by, each one going at about twice the speed of any usual aircraft I see above my house. I watched them for quite a while as they went along and disappeared far off in the distance. Some were further away and dimmer than others. They each traveled pretty invariably in a straight line like an aircraft heading towards a destination.

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I have had similar experiences. One time me and my greenpill friend were at the park around 10-11ish pm and we could see all the stars out. I pointed out a moving star (which I assumed was a satellite) and asked him if he saw that. He said yes. As we watched it, it made a ~60 degree turn and left a blue trail behind it, like fire almost.

I have also seen orbs in the sky several times. I live in a city with the highest sightings of bigfoot in the world and also a hell of a lot of UFO sightings. This city is Chilliwack, located approximately 1.5 hours drive away from Vancouver, Canada. Coincidentally, this city briefly held the world record for most churches per capita and also allegedly boasts the cleanest water in the world (low fluoridation - also Nestle water bottling facilities are half an hour away in Hope).

One time I smoke a tiny bit of pot (2-3 puffs from a bong) and stepped outside for a cigarette. The time was 11:22pm (dat numerology) and, feeling frustrated with my life and all the shit I've seen that made me consider my own sanity, I looked up at the sky and BEGGED for a sign to verify my sanity. I sparked my cigarette, and I shit you not, I looked over to the Orion constellation and I saw three orange orbs rotating clockwise, slowing moving west. My heart was RACING instantly and I felt a surge of love, like whatever the hell that was was letting me know it heard me.

About 2 minutes later, the orbs disappeared. They did seem to be connected as when they were rotating they were perfectly synchronized. To answer your question though, I have no idea what the fuck is going on up there - only that I have observed it and acknowledged that things like this exist.

I think my problem is that I had read too much Montalk. The moment I saw that first orb I almost had a panic attack thinking "Oh shit I'm about to get my ass probed by aliums." I don't know, maybe it was benevolent, along with the others. Or maybe all of them are just one that I've seen multiple times. I made a request last night that if I do happen to have a guardian spirit or something like that, that I would like to meet it. But for the time being I also requested that whatever these flying orbs are, they keep their distance and don't intrude in my life, because I still don't know their nature.

"Being absolutely calm and dispassionate about what you see can reduce contamination of the signal by your own energies. Non-anticipation likewise keeps you out of the way of yourself and what you receive. It’s the excitable, manic, anticipatory, wishfully thinking folks that, if they are unfortunate enough to be ‘blessed’ with clairvoyance, end up building a schizophrenic hell for themselves and wind up merely staring into a mirror of their own insanity."

– Tom Montalk, http://montalk.net/notes/psychomantium

Spirits can't even be seen man: http://montalk.net/about/212/glossary#spirit

The soul can be seen though though.

Dude if they even respect your requests they're probably nice. The hostile shit would surely just disregard your requests and go after you.


I skimmed through the first page and looked at the pics (what I do for every book about two days before I actually read it) but it looks alright. Usually I don't take the sites with plain background color and text seriously but that looks cool. Added to greenpill bookmarks.

>I'm leaving this board FOREVER
>*makes another post*

That site got to me when it said something along the lines of "since the holistic reality is faaar greater than the relative reality, one can become the toy of the other or worse"

Fuck man, just made me think of how childish we are compared to the greater reality. I always thought this way but the word "toy" hit me for some reason. It's as if there reality was so great they just play with us like we do ants.

The severity of or situation our pain our strife means nothing to them.

Hallucinatory 'voices' shaped by local culture. In the U.S.A., voices are harsh and threatening while those heard by schizophrenics in Africa and India tend to be more benign and playful.


I was diagnosed with Schizotypal PD, which is essentially lite Schizophrenia. An alternative name is "Latent Schizophrenia". My favorite alternative name for it, according to Wikipedia, is "Pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia". So scary! Give me a fucking break.

To be honest, I fucking love my life, and I don't want it to change. I'm happy all the time, and all the time I'm alone and isolating, reading esoteric materials and so forth. I don't consider it a disorder at all. The only thing that sucks is the paranoia, but I find I'm 90% right about my paranoid thinking. It's like I can subconsciously pick up subtle energies that are harmful, and thus react upon them. Currently I think my managers at work are trying to get me to quit. Either way I have a plan here.

Though, Schizophrenia is a big deal in the Psych industry and Govt. Thinking about playing the shit up to get disability checks so I can spend my time perfecting my Alchemy and learning new languages. My parents also do support this. It helps I was also 5150/320'd 2 years ago, which apparently pushes you to the top for disability money. I see a disability lady at a place called OVR, but no doubt I'll be talking about getting into the underground base in Dulce, NM to see the Reptoids and Greys, and of course "Nightmare Hall". I think it's real, but I do also still laugh at the thought of it at the same time. If I can "impress" that bitch and get a 'Severely disabled" rating, then mystic NEET life for me.

tl;dr - Play it to your advantage, fuck society.


tfw friendzoned by ayyy lmao


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