
Masturbation is a meaningless indulgence. Masturbation harms your spiritual growth.
Quitting is hard, but not impossible. I hope this thread will serve as a motivation. Here are the rules, if you post in this thread:
1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread.
2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread.
3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged!
4) For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes.
As the starter of this thread, it would be unfair of me not to make a pledge. So starting now, I pledge four weeks.
>that feel when never masturbated and not sure what it even feels like but don't want to ever masturbate as I'd rather have actual sex with a woman one day… and just wait for now…
So I do this ritual where I make a thoughtform and have sex with it. It is usually comparable to sex with a person only everything shifts and changes shape and features.
When im done I get an intense afterglow that lasts close to an hour of all stresses leaving me, feels like a lot of painkillers with a mild vibration, feelsgoodman to just slump over and relax.
When the afterglow wears off im overflowing with loosh, and i can drop into the astral or do workings for longer than usual.
Used to use different thoughtforms now dedicating to one to see what happens. (hopefully it wont devolve into a tulpamancy fuck up story.)
Explain how this is a meaningless indulgence?
>>10896>Explain how this is a meaningless indulgence?What part of that story has anything to do with masturbation? Sex != masturbation.
>>10897What is the difference between fucking your mental construct and using hands?
>>10898If you're going to be that picky you might as well invoke oneist philosophy to say that everyone else around you is really just different expressions of yourself and that therefore all sex is "masturbation" but that would be fucking stupid so please don't.
>>10899I believe more that I am a creator based on my perception of reality and my subconscious either will everything into existence or bridges connections so I can perceive it.
What Im talking about it. using an extension of yourself in the physicality vs willing an extension of yourself into reality in the 4th density. What to you is the difference?

this is actually a thread i needed
thanks OP!
>pledging 6 months starting on june 1
>>10901God damn it beautiful women like this make me want to kill myself.
I guess I'm not allowed to participate because I never masturbate.

>>10902shes not even that beautiful…
or are you channeling the ghost of the supreme gentleman? ?!?
>>10898Thoughtforms are all part of the Source mind. We don't create thoughtforms, we merely discover them.

>>10908nah. you are wrong.
my imagination is infinite. i dunno about yours
or maybe youre right. so how do i make use of this 'source mind'? or am i using it right now?
Over a month without masturbation - for me, it's easy to not masturbate. However, it is difficult to stop watching porn.
I am getting there, though.
>>10894>Masturbation harms your spiritual growth.how exactly?
Pledging two months. Should be easy, I'm already on a streak and I get sex regularly soon.
Pledging two months. Should be easy, I'm already on a streak and I get sex regularly soon.
B b b but I masturbate to power sigils and other magickal things… may I do it for spiritual things and not for pleasure or am I going to have to charge these things by different means?
>>10907All these beautiful blondes always going after these obnoxious brutes. Women have something terribly wrong with their minds and should not be allowed to make decisions for themselves or they will keep picking degenerate partners instead of a supreme gentleman like me.
>>10908I don't think that distinction is meaningful at all.
I'll try a month. I only really do it out of boredom and because its an easy way to feel good. I went three weeks before with no particular goal and it made my dreams pretty cool.
>>108942 months
from today onward
I pledge 12 hours. Because I already jacked off twice today.
Is there any evidence that giving yourself an orgasm harms your spiritual growth? Apart from the fact that all the demiurge-worshipers say so. Srsly, every Abrahamic religion involves rites of genital mutilation for the express purpose of discouraging masturbation; I can cite you sources back to at least Maimonides, or even earlier, to Philo of Judea.
Keep this filthy, purple-pill NoFap cult off /fringe/.
>>10979You are addicted to masturbation. Don't you think that limits you in any way?
Today I learned there's more people on /fringe/ than I expected and there's a lot of us who fap here.
>>10979At least in my case - and in my others - you would have to have at least seven days without masturbation to get results.
I can give you my evidence, using myself as an example. Before I stopped masturbating, I was always in lower vibrations, my mind was all cluttered and foggy, I couldn't focus or concentrate upon anything, I was unsatisfied with everything I did, and nothing gave me pleasure but masturbation - and even it for a minute or two.
When I began celibacy through NoFap, after a week or two I could see the results. Here's both physical, mental and spiritual.
>Clarity of mind, no more brainfog>Easier to focus and concentrate>Increased satisfaction with life's little things, such as walks>More easier to remember and recall things>Less mood swings>Less social anxiety>More dreams, more vivid and can remember them>Easier to meditate>Higher state of mind, so higher vibrations>Easier to feel other people, more compassion>Increased creativityAlso, on this no-masturbation I had an intense meditation experience; I suddenly heated up, as if something in me had awaken.
And also, I've suddenly begun to have premonition dreams during this whole process.
I'm excited what new possibilities I have to grow as a spiritual person with all this!
>>10979Also, what about all the ascetics and monks who practice and have practiced celibacy?
>>10984I ALWAYS produce fuckloads of heat whenever I meditate to the point that if I'm ridiculously hot already from this summer heat I try to suppress a meditative mindset until it cools down a bit more. Getting some weird stuff happening as a result.
>>10986Well almost always actually, sometimes I've reached a dead-like state in which my body goes cold and clammy, but mostly I produce fuckloads of heat.
>>10986Are you doing tummo meditation? Basically, you 'fill' yourself with 'fire' - you heat up. It's a real thing.
Maybe put a cold blanket on yourself and see how hot you can make it. I believe some monk was recorded doing this, too.
>>10988Oh yeah, Tibetan monks have done tummo while meditating in the cold mountains.
>>10980Nope. I've experimented with NoFap; you get a rush of testosterone and then, after a week or so, it plunges precipitously, leaving you lethargic and effeminate.
Sexual energy is designed to be released. Sea otters will kill a baby seal and rape its decomposing corpse for weeks, just to vent their sex-drives. Humans are lucky enough to be blessed with hands. Nature designed us to either get a constant stream of sex with multiple women… or to masturbate. Only the flagellant, miserable slaves of the demiurge disagree, and they have nothing to show for their self-denial, except a higher incidence of child molestation and other sexual deviancy from their unnatural repression.
>>10990So by this logic I assume you masturbate once a week?

>>10990those deviants are sometimes victims of the demiiurge/alien god too
because they got circumsliced
>>10988>>10989I know about tummo but I'm actually just overclocking my mind as hard as I can by producing as elaborate, complex, and rapidly as I can as many thoughtforms as possible and a lot of heat tends to be produced in the process.
I don't even know how to fap ;_;.
…but oh well.
>>10998What are some complex/elaborate thoughtforms?
>>10990It must be released, but in a way you think. You could focus upon the sexual energy and turn it into creativity or strength or emotions. These can be useful in painting, or sports, or even arguments - sexual energy can become charisma, too!
Humans can be like hungry animals, wanting only to satisfy their urges; but men can do more. Study on sexual transmutation, if you haven't already. This is the practice I mentioned above.
Monks and ascetics have done this. Buddhists and Gnostics alike have done it. What have they achieved by giving up a hollow satisfaction?
You are saying we can only choose to satisfy our urges, when in fact we could turn them into more positive and useful things. Please, don't be a hungry animal.
This thread makes me want to fap to some qt aryan hotties. Fuck.
I guess I'll fap to charge one of the ten sigils I made and then I won't fap for leisure/pleasure for a month but I will masturbate once every week for magickal purposes such as charging thoughtforms/sigils. Good luck to everyone who pledged.
>>11007You could probably charge your sigils by focusing on them until they're the only thing you can perceive.
I barely fap because I have no sex drive.
I'm going to force myself to fap everyday for a month and we will compare notes.
>>11008Yeah but that usually takes hours, whereas fapping takes 20 minutes maximum.
>>11011I've had amazing success in sigils that I never charged.
I WILL BE FREE sigil in mental hospital, few hours later the fire alarm goes off opening the in/out doors.
>>11013Lol you told me about that in IRC AVOIDCHAOS. My sigils are two days old and none have worked yet… ;_; Btw some are very pro white.
>>11014Sup Sir Bor.
Have patience, some of my sigils had strong yet delayed success. They were generally manifested with a magical theme too which is a weird good confirmation.
On the other hand they might not be in line with your true intent. Maybe you haven't brainwashed yourself into ONAism enough yet.
>>11015Nah I wouldn't worry about it they're small things like "I will find many quarter dollars often" lol to help me with the Prometheus Rising quarter visualization technique. If it doesn't work its okay but if it does than hey, more quarters and other things for me. Mere practice with sigilization to do SOMETHING magickal. I'll spend more time with them tonight and see what I can do with them, like meditate on them, practice visualization with them, reach gnosis on them, etc
ONA is… on hold due to some technicalities. >>11013Since I'm in a materialist skeptic mood at the moment, there is the chance the girl I was with at the time set off the fire alarm to test me. The staff said it was a "mechanical error" but they could've been covering for her to avoid legal problems. When she came back in (she was the only one that actually escaped, I didn't know the doors were unlocked by fire alarms until she told me after) she seemed sad and wiped off part of "illuminatus" which was written on the whiteboard under a "A" and replaced it with "illuminada". Maybe I failed the test.
>>11016Back to rigid rule following mode, I'm under the impression you should only charge sigils once then destroy and/or forget them.
Have you found an asian girlfriend? >>11018If it's just for general training then it shouldn't matter.
>>11018No I do not want asians I think they are inferior to a ARYAN woman. But FUCK I never felt so retarded in my life. I just fapped but got caught in a fantasy and forgot to look at the sigil before and during orgasm. FUCK. And I'm the type of person who can only fap once a day ;_; jesus christ why must the white woman be so beautiful and seductive making me go away from my purpose of mastuebation?! fuuuuuuuuck
>>11001Extremely complex 4-dimensional sculptures with mechanical / rotating aspects with water running through them, hydraulic pipes, etc. just some colossal contraption vividly coloured and very elaborate in its design moving about you. Also obviously sentient thoughtforms (tulpas) and so on are going to be more complex. One thing I do is I visualize water just floating in my room and then from the water blob which is all splashy and constantly deforming I make two people (a man and a woman undine) come fourth and start dancing together elaborately, water splashing about them as they dance, watching them twirl around and so on. Another thing I do is make very complex paintings, drawings, etc. on a canvas of infinite size and keep adding to it and changing it around and then make new drawings from scratch and so on. Also if you go deep into trance you'll end up in full AP and can do even more crazy things there of incredible scale and so on.
I'll do a vid one day… 
I tried noFap a few times and the longest I went was about a month.
I always think it's a good idea to break habits, with fasting or nofapping or no drugging.
But I still jack off now, I just dont ejaculate. Not quite as pleasurable but you should never waste your seed.
I don't wanna pledge yet, I might do it again later though.
>>11009That sounds like a bad idea but I guess you've already fapped before so you're kind of "tainted" already and don't have to keep up a life-time no fap record like me.
I've started making sigils sort of but they all just look like scribbles. I just pick up a marker and start drawing what I feel represents the intention I want to put into synchronicity then I throw away the piece of cardboard, paperwrap, or plastic or whatever into the garbage and continue working for my food rations. I always forget what it was it represented so I guess that's good. I don't look at what I'm drawing when I draw it, I just feel it and visualize the intent, and then throw away the sigil thing and feel that my work is done.
I wonder if it's working or not but I can't remember what the sigils were for. It only takes seconds though and is just something I do while cleaning stuff up and I happen to find a marker.
>>11016Holy fuck I read your post and I see quarters perfectly clear and taste them and feel the coldness of the metal and see the fingerprints and grime on them… and this is all just thoughtforms brought into my mind by reading your post.
>tfw months of daily thoughtforming practise paying offNow I need to get the taste of quarters out of my mouth…

>>11017Holy fuck just finished reading your post and got a major psychic pinging tone.
>tfw each post I read in this thread is evoking some kind of profound magical phenomena>tfw colourful sparks around me too now 
>>11018>Have you found an asian girlfriend?Have you found ROPE yet to tie around your neck?
>>10894>>10894Until i have either a hot Gf or have achieved world dominance i will not touch my penis in sexual manner lest i forever get fat and exist in a grey & stale existence
>>10905There are two types of liars in this world. Those that say they haven't, and those that say they have quit.
I pledge 1 day of no fap-jaculating starting at the time of this post. when I succeed, I will return to pledge two days.
>>11031>tfw never fap>get 10/10 perfect GF who is the absolute perfect match for me and pretty much an extension of myself >>11032Are you new here or something? Some of us don't need to fap either because we don't feel the overwhelming compulsion or we can meet entities in the astral or through evocations which we can have sex with instead. Fapping is inferior activity for mundanes who can't into succubus.

I'm a pig, and I LOVE payoffs
When you rhyme with me, make sure to take a day off after
Cus I'll leave you confused and babbling
Bout Saturns rings being Kings satanistic bling blasters
Think faster if you wanna sing, cancer
I put no effort in - like when David slings at ya
But Goliath you're not, you're high off the pot
While I'm planning a plot
Quiet or not
To get this goys picture in a mug shot
Dying of blood rot
Don't shit me, your parents are NOT aryan
You've got some jew in you,
Some negro and… barbarian
You're high as a kike
You can smoke all that you like but
You'll never be fly on the mic
I'll leave you dead with your head on a pike
Goodbye innit, props to the Reich
>>11052You deleted your post
I rapped to a ghost
Oh no, fractures my whole image
Just remember I got pictures of you fapping to goats
We'll see who gets them clapping the most
Not you if yous invisible IS U A DUNCE OR WOT
>>11009Now that silly tangent is out of the way, I fapped today, didn't really enjoy it but I'll take, or give, one for the team anyway.
No that didn't rhyme on purpose, goddamn rap spirits 

monosyllabic raps are fun and hard
careful what you say online, you may end up on the run, dead, or even worse: locked up in scotland yard (where they keep the loch ness monster). loose lips sink ships so dont end up sleeping with the fishes like a fat mobster. chill out , just eat fish and chips, or if youre rich; turf and surf, aka steak and lobster. to stay on topic you all should remember, that fapping is such a destructive drowsiness distraction
so dont touch your member unless you yearn for decay. DONT TOUCH YOUR BONER <<<listen to this instruction. ok?
>all these spirits of rape possessing fringe wizards
top kek

>>11060The spirits are within me, part of my nature
It's clear by your style your communications don't aid ya
Either put in some thought and some structure for war or I'll make like a chick and evade ya for sure
Right now I'm fapping with furious force
My skills are still better than yours and my penis is wetter than yours gets when you stick it in whores
Your lyrics are like jizzing the littlest sauce
Meanwhile I make it rain when I come cus it pours
In Africa and certain parts of Asia, they call me a prophet, a saviour, rainmaker
I'm aimimg my dick at your eye and I don't mean those with retinas
It won't make you cry but it'll make it hard to detect a
Astral drive by, as I pass by I'll wreck ya
And won't leave evidence of your corpse, I'll digest ya
I'm raking in cream, you're fake, in a dream
Don't scream when I flush you away
(There's crocodiles in the sewer nigga)
And awake ya
Row row row your boat gently down the stream
My flows are ill, your flows are kill and you lack in self esteem
>>11061You had a good punchline in that
Fun times with rap
All fine with that
But I'm Neil Buchanan
And this is my art attack
Causing heart attacks, check your cardiac
It's hardly that
But fuck party rap
Eat, shit, fart and fap.
>>11021How do I imagine something that I haven't seen before?
>>11077If you're ruling out drugs then you're probably going to need AP, a lot of meditation, trance states or a floatation tank or something.
>>11064I'm pretty sure this used to say "rap"…
>>11073Construct it out of some mold and apply colours at random… everything in existence is just made out of basic geometric patterns and colours.
>internet was down for 5 days
>goes back this morning
>time to waste some mana
>after the deed is done, go imediatly to uni
>girl sees me, tells me "hey anon, you look pretty happy today"
>"Yeah I guess I am :^) "
Maybe we could devote our fapping to some kind of goddess and harness the energy that way.
>>11095B-but according to NoFap masturbating causes you to repel women.

>>11066there may be crocodiles in the sewer, but doesnt matter, cuz your flow is manure. when i fap i unleash the sticky batter
all over your mommas face, i know you was the guy posting ALI-G, before. and now you got a spoilerd picture of some ugly jew whore? nigger plz you try to battle me? get out of here with that cursed race. born nation wreckers. baby dicks they love to filet. i spit that hot fire as the dj drops the base. oh yeah nice dubs by the way. i bring bobby fischer chess style. you stuck playin checkers
although i admit some parts are pretty fly… like astral drive bys, and coating my 3rd eye, but you aint no prophet or savior with such lewd behavior. so settle down kid cuz i just chill and get high - sometimes skry, and just now i did see. a vision, i did. i saw it so clearly: your soul is a yid
>>11069i love dat red snapper cuz im the maniacal mad fapper. cherry pie makes me wanna die, and be reborn right after. to enact the last 2 digits of your post would really feel divine… with something metaphysical, or summoned from infernal regions, get on the altar now bitch its time to get physical.. or perhaps actual orgies in a rothschild mansion loaded up with champagne bottles and nubile young blonde models… that too would be just fine. puddems' ass really is the most…it drives me mental man, but anyway im done… shout out to the ghost of the supreme gentle man!

my flows are weak cuz i just woke up you know, interacted with mundanes and got head pains from spittin too much bomb ass flow the night befo'. although i cant complain cuz now im smokin on that sticky 'dro. i love to lurk this board and be a magician, but not the kind like david blain.
. pic related, a jew, to please that other rhyme saying foe in this thread. of that jew pussy i would definitely be slaying fo' sho'.let me explain: lay her down in her demonic bed. dark incantations in my ears, spooky shit we would be displaying. even french kissing. bust a nut up inside the womb, raise a mixed raced baby, teach him wizardy; on your tomb he would be pissing

>>11100Sticky batter doesn't matter to me
Wherever it's aimed
As long as it's not in my face
And I'm not getting blamed
That's a nice ass you posted
But it won't be on your dick
I'd give you tips with chicks
But you're far too bitch to switch
Up your style, 8 mile up in this shit
Everybody in the F-R-I-N-G-E
Put your hands in the air now and follow me
Now while he stands tough
Notice that this man does not have the loosh touch
That's a flip on your checker chess shit
Which you bit, from eminem, adding bobby fisher to make it a clever unique diss
Crowley (chess skills) sure was a prophet and he was much more lewd than me
But me, I want a profit, gonna set up shit like scientology
Just pointing out whether or not I can spit sicker
I sure can molest beats quicker than a pedophile vicor
All shit aside nice dubs and trips yourself
But don't trip on this tripwire, blow up and jizz yourself.
>>11102Your flow is so missmatched I can't even diss that
How long did the first post take, it's obvious your shits planned well
I guess it's ok kid
I freestyle on a daily basis
But you're smoking too much weed if what you posted originally seemed like a bomb ass flow
You bombed, and then your ass flowed.
At least you got jenkem heads for fans though
And when the shit hits em
They're like masochistic victims
Always begging for more, encore, spray some more
I'll even open my mouth yo

yea im talkin bout copulating with kikes, nigga, infernal mating
much funner than grabbing your fat cock on lonely nights and masterbating
as long as you train her well (get rid of dat attitude from hell) then things will surely turn out swell. try to find one with big tits, nose job, and a voice that aint so grating. end up with a computer brained autistic kid, with an ego thats self fellating. like a new laptop. 'dude youre getting a dell'. oh yeah also he will be self hating
take your perfect genes and play bartender. take some cognac, ice cubes, piss, and mix it in the sink. ha ha. you can call me bender, cuz i got style like a drunken robot. these raps i say to you are the thoughts of the aryan lineage ender. grab these flows, you can not. the gates of my mind the rap spirits may now have permission to enter. like leet krew aiming duelies at a target. perfect aim, hittin it dead center, the fuck you gonna do?. nigga someone set us up the bomb, those were counter strike references by the way. now go find a jewess and call her your babys mom
>>11106Opening up to rap spirits?
Beware the rhymers curse
You can end up rhyming silent
Making situations worse
You might be sitting there reciting
While they're crying round your hearse
Not even aware you're dead yet
Even when you're buried in the dirt

>>11104never really liked eminem, prefer sage francis, but chess references are quite common
sage also goes by xaul xan, im such a fan. oh god. time to decrypt my music collection and listen to some bomb trax. its ok i got this. ill leave the door unlocked - gotta remember to let your mom in. you strait up burned me with that chess reference, you boob. like crowley and his chess so holy… when he styled all over blackburn. competition like that makes my stomach churn (im talkin bout a game, the video is probably on youtube!)
>>11106I'm bowing out for now dude
I gotta get some sleep
Maybe I'll get some jew chick
To get to screwing in my dreams
I suggest you check out /chaos/
Cus this thread is way off track
Not on the first page though
Check third post one page back
>>11109Dat cellulite. Sage francis is pretty dope, I'd suggest payday monsanto for some full on tinfoil anti-zionist rap. I love his style most of all though, not overly clean rough but smooth shit.
>>11111Check em.

>>11111i know which thread do you refer
and nice pents, aka repeating integers
you follower of perfect language syntax
me? i prefer to relax, sit back, enter a trance, and let weird situations occur. for once i made a post with no racial slurs. this thread, with my posting style, i magically enhance. while youre sleepin im creepin on mystery planes, entertaining random brains and of course green pilling the mundanes.

dont touch your thing to any of the bitches in this thread. no matter how much it itches, that compulsion in your little head
cuz youll lose some jing, which is one of the 3 treasures. try not to engage in "solitary pleasures", aka fluid expulsion
or else youll never be a great wizard beyond measure, like a mystery druid or vulcan (the god)
youll just be posin as a wannabe, dabblin, fraud
>>11109why is your music collection encrypted?

>>11118i lock down everything cuz i stay noided ,like mc ride. this fact cant be denied. these habitual thoughts be scary, yo.
virtual spies wanna get wise to my perfect tastes. or perhaps get a glimpse into my folders full of copy pastes. those were just a couple of hypothetical scenarios, of course. also, of my all massive amounts of piracy i have zero amounts of remorse. pic unrelated, 10/10 spic, the movie from dusk til dawn is the source
>>11034I got boners today but didn't fap. just a couple hours from the 24 hour mark. learning how to move that built-up energy up to just below my navel.
the first thing I notice that when I don't fap for a day or two I find it much easier to make or maintain eye contact when interacting with women I don't know. not that i consciously struggle to make eye contact, quit the opposite. it's more like I can't fight the urge to break eye contact when women look into my eyes after I fap. inb5betaasfuck.
it's stupidly weird. I'm starting to understand what that "drive" or "energy" is that is lost, and I'm always running on half-capacity or even less than that.
when I fap I unconsciously feel like they *know* I've denied them my seed or my loosh by wasting it on 60Hz visage of T&A on my screen.
it must be my imagination, but it seems that when you let yourself fill with that energy, they sense it and want a piece of it and are willing to become subservient to you in order to get some. I think of it sort of like how women show a little skin or titty and because of that, men are just a little more willing to go out of their way for them.
on that note, can someone enlighten me on the magical implications of letting your (hypothetical) qt gf swallow your jism?
aside from the energy loss on your end, what are the implications for her and what of female orgasms and masturbation? can energy be created or acquired from sex, a la karezza or sex magick?

>that feel when no lust to fight against, no urge to fap, no great battle of wills with my dick
How do I increase my sex drive or whatever so I have an urge to fap when I can then fight against?
What's with all this talk of racemixing? Only pathetic betas racemix, ones that couldn't get themselves a woman of their own race. You are genetic garbage if you get yourself involved in racemixing.

>>11130>jewesses>attractiveAre you a nigger? The woman you're posting looks like the kind of woman a nigger is attracted to.
>>11130I can't get aroused and I can't feel anything down there.

>>11131>>11132gosh you guys are no fun allowed. fat ass, thin waist, big tits are like divine ratios or sacred geometry
got my mind feelin like its in the clouds. vision blurred i need serious optometry. to speak seriously though i would never impregnate a kike demon from hell, or any woman for that matter, since within me the gnostic viewpoint is still alive and well; more lives on this planet is more food for the demiurge and his archons. copulation is akin to ringing the dinner bell.
>>11133>fat assYep you're a negroid sodomite monkey.

>>11135sodomite or not, i'd munch dat ass like an aussie eats shrimp on the barby and jars of vegemite. the smell and sight of these 2 heavenly holes would really set my mind alight, while givin the old lickin..
confusing me for one of the blacks? the only thing we got in common is that we both love thick thighs, and i dont only mean kentucky fried chicken
>>11137dump all your pr0nz in /b/ plz mus fap to my sigils

my foe was right, my rhymes, too much forethought went into from the top of my head
i abandoned spontaneity's essence. my anger has currently left me seeing red
like a commie flag, BLOOD MOON, or a full one at least (resembling a womans round ass. on the pic related one i would like to feast. careful with jew hollywood culture though, or youll end up with HIV, hepatitis, or herpes at least, fo sho. after that you better be prepared to RIP in piece. then its time to to let your soul essence flow, from your shell of a body… or as DEVO says: we are here to go)

>>11138while ur chargin sigils, for your dead sperms i be holdin candle light vigils
also my porn folder sux, so go to 4chan,turn off adblock, and give the owner some more jew bux.
i recommend /gif/ or maybe /hc/, because the .webm feature is sure to make you drain your balls in a jiff, verily. then in the muck will be your mojo aka jing energy. thanks to the little kike named moot, your loosh levels have now gone kapoot into hands of your enemy
>>11122passed the 24 hour mark. now for 2 days nofap. I'm going to fibonacci this bitch.

>>11137So you like to have shit all your tongue and love the smell of shit do you? Absolutely revolting.
>>10963Fucked up as a result of my SO's porn blog. The goal remains, with increasing determination resulting from the proof that my volition was not enough before.
Lets get up and go at it again.
>smirk I just fucked a succubus while grabbing her tits from two positions for quite awhile awhile… does that mean I have failed? I never masturbated, just had sex with the succubus, until my dick was hurting as I seemed to have infinite unstoppable arousal.
Every time I do this I always get about a week or two in and then end up cumming in a dream. What do?
Its called self restraint
>perfectly calm pledging thirty minutes, starting now
>>11177 here again
I have failed everyone ITT
I thought I could do it but as soon as I saw I got dubs I came instantly
I'll try again next week, this time I'm going all out. No more half-hour, I'm going for a whole day.
I'm serious this time. I can do it guys! We'll all make it together.
>>11157How does that work? Do you physically cum?
>>11179>How does that work?Just go into 4th density, find succubus, fug her.
>Do you physically cum?Yes but… the physics are all weird and it's hard to explain. Reality gets very very strange when fucking a succubus.

>>11178Around dubs, excitation ensues!
OP here:
I've heard lots of convincing arguments that masturbation is healthy and beneficial; I've decided to revise my original claim to a more specific one.
COMPULSIVE masturbation is indulgence and an addiction. If you must masturbate, you should still take occasional pledges of no-masturbation just to prove to yourself that you're in control of your own body functions.

>>11190Are you really in control of your bodily functions? Do you test your stomach periodically in it's ability to break down macro nutrients by forcing it not to? Do you squeeze your sphincter tight when you need to defecate just to prove that you still can?
>>11190Those studies are bullshit and fail to acknowledge what is lost. Celibate monks achieve miracles while fapping mundanes do not. Jews want everyone to be degenerate so they produce study after study saying fapping is OK but it's not.
Read this:
http://antisex.info/en/go.htmEspecially this:
http://antisex.info/en/contin.htmAlso keep in mind that fapping is a behaviour which only filthy mundanes engage in because they aren't creative and powerful enough to summon a succubus. I would never have sex with my hands when I can just have sex with a succubus or other metaphysical entity instead.

>>11206yessss. jews want everyone to be degenerate like them (also they want everyone to be circumkiked like them too)
they really are demons mostly
>>10901omg dude. that girl is so hot. i bought my ex some of those same socks. i love knee high/thigh high socks on chicks.
im pledging 4 weeks boys
this is exactly what i needed
i am going strong
will be in this thread now and then to post my status and how i am feeling
one love
>>11196The fact that you think masturbation is as fundamental to a healthy body as digestion and pooping just shows how far-gone in your addiction you really are.
>I'm not an addict, I can quit whatever I want! GRRR.The people responding with hostility are the ones who need this thread the most.

>>11143huy it's me again. Made it past my first 24 hours and made it two more days as of today.
I am experiencing the symptoms of fap-jaculation withdrawl.
I feel manic. knees week, balls are heavy. mom's spaghetti.
pic related. when I stare at tits now, if I choose not to indulge in them I don't get a boner. but my balls ache and my prostate feels like it's holding back a megavolcanic eruption. how do i moved energy from chakras
also I feel a little depressed sometimes. even a little moody. it feels like i'm alive again.
my libido hasn't increased or decreased. but i feel like I have to pee a lot. I have never done this before.

>>11285omg naked tits. didnt you know about the post above yours?
im losing grey matter over here. as for the chakra thing: focus, visualization, and breath
>>11285Since I'm forbidden from fapping, pictures like this just make me think of all the ways I'd use my tongue…
>>11285>>11289>>11290Why do you idiots post about this stuff and engage in these thoughts while doing a no fap challenge like wtf?
>tfw seeing these photos and not even slightly aroused, completely desensitized, no fucks given 
>>11291cuz im not starting the no fap challenge til sunday (june 1)
the other guy is self sabotaging himself subconsciously
im like freud up in here
>>11295You know I actually got aroused for once, and really really hard, while watching a gardening video and watching some blonde haired aryan woman garden. Porn and all these stupid pictures you guys post I just… it doesn't do anything for me. It seems like I only get aroused now by abstract non-sexual things. …

>>11302did you release some fluids from your boner?
do you have the link to this video?
what if this is really has something to do with your childhood (like what if you were molested in a flower garden and dont remember it ha ha sorry im still being like freud up in here)
>>11308Holy shit looking at your image everything started shaking so hard left and right as if there was an earthquake but there is not one. I feel unwell, haven't had enough food today… ;_;
No of course not. I don't fap I just ignored my boner.
The video is on
I think that idea if stupid. Personally if anyone ever were to molest me I'd kill them.

>>11310cuz all those ppl are demon posessed maybe? the bald dude is called 'illuminati gatekeeper' all the time on 4chan. most celebrites have to take photos with him (and submit to his jewish depraved mind), if they want to make it in hollyweird. just a theory
also LOL i just watched that video, it was pretty hot. especially the end when she lifts up her dress to piss on those plants
>>11313So nobody even knows who this guy is yet he shows up in pictures with all the famous people?
I never pay attention to non-jew conspiracies but this has really piqued my interest… maybe there is something going on here.
>>11316whoops forgot to spoiler. sorry
>>11316Oh so he's a known figure. Well maybe he's not that important then.
>>11318>>11316Oh holy shit reading the comments… something really weird is up with this guy. It's like he can fuck whoever he wants in the world. He must be capable of advanced mind control and crushes the will of anyone around him to fuck them.
>>11320This guy must be a master hypnotist who has decided to use his power to rape everyone in the world he wants to rape and get away with it.
OP here:
I have a confession. Just a minute ago, the stress was too great, and I whipped out a favorite vibe and rubbed it on my clit for a few seconds. Not enough to give me an orgasm, though it's still a transgression. Maybe I should add a few days as a penalty…

>>11323HI, I`m [redacted]! Firstly I have to admit that Yes I replied to you because you`re a female anon, `tis an awesome thing to see! Don`t feel intimidated because I`m not one of those stereotypical guys. If anything, I`ll be the one in the kitchen =D.
but seriously though: keep vibrating that clit til you cum
also you might as well stick that vibe up your cooter and keep it there. restart your 1 month pledge on june 1
(USER IS A CUCKOLD FEMINIST AND PROBABLY DELIGHTS IN RECEIVING THIS BAN) >>11325[redacted] what do you think you are doing
>>11325How about if I make it to the end of June, I'll throw a big party on the astral and you can use me like a blow up doll. You'd like that, wouldn't you?

>>11326i dont think or do, i just B (it stands for Brian)
>>11328look at you. how will you make it to july if you keep thinking about being used like a blow up doll? in your fantasies are there cocks in every hole?
might as well just vibe like crazy now until june 1. do it til the batteries run out.
>:D (_)_)llllllllllllllD ~~~ (~_^)
>>11330You don't have to try so hard.
>>11335You should thank him for all that loosh.
>>11345I'm not thanking anyone until after the party.

>>11335only seems like i am trying, its really just typing. plz dont call me a tryhard ur damaging one of my ego masks
>>11345jokes on you cuz i fapped like 4x times yesterday so how could i have any loosh left over huh
ps this planet is owned, so saying 'thanks for the loosh' is like a chicken in a factory farm saying to another chicken "i ate some of your seeds, fag".
because in the end all the chickens will come home to roost. i think this colloquialism means death, aka being harvested by the archons aka farmers aka CEOs of the chicken factory corporation 
>>11352apologies for my bad language. the colloquialism has more to do with law of attraction than death ( i just looked it up)
but my usage still apt if you think that we, as a collective mind, created the archons
>The older fuller form was curses are like chickens; they always come home to roost, meaning that your offensive words or actions are likely at some point to rebound on you. The idea goes back to Chaucer, though he expressed it rather differently in The Parson’s Tale, around 1390, writing that curses are like “a bird that returns again to his own nest”.>Various versions are recorded down the years, but chickens appeared on the scene only in the nineteenth century, in Robert Southey’s oriental epic poem The Curse of Kehama of 1810. The image of farm chickens going out to forage during the day but coming back to the safety of the hen-house at dusk would have been familiar to his readers. It’s easy to find examples from then on, such as the one in Roughing it in the Bush, Or, Life in Canada, by Susanna Moodie, of 1852: “The next time the old woman commences her reprobate conduct, tell her to hold her tongue, and mind her own business, for curses, like chickens, come home to roost.” That form is still common, mainly in North America.During the nineteenth century, the proverb was abbreviated to its modern form. An early example was in the Wisconsin Patriot on 10 November 1855: “Barstow has always been a belter, and he need not complain to find his chickens coming home to roost.”

>>11358tldr the archons are our curse
or, our cons…(piracy)
>>11361Reminds me of this quote from the Black Iron Prison:
>"What you call the CON is simply theConspiracy you are all in on, against yourselves."
>>10894I'm good for sex though right?

(_)_)llllllllllD~~~~~ NOW!
>>11383Wow that fucking pic. They really are intentionally going after the most sleazy, trashy, degenerate stuff they can present with her. It's ridiculous. Fugging jews.
>>11325Requesting this poster be ROPED.
Should I delete all the porn in here and put an end to the subversives who are very obviously trying to encourage people to masturbate contrary to the supposed intent of this thread?
This is a thread about celibacy and avoiding masturbation and has more pornography and horniness in it than the rest of /fringe/ combined.
>>11432No. It tests everyone's determination.
>>11433I think it makes a joke out of this whole thing and this thread is actually being used as an excuse to encourage masturbation in some kind of successful application of reverse psychology.
If that's what this thread is really about it then it's going to be moved to
>>>/b/ as it doesn't belong on /fringe/.
This is getting really cancerous.
>>11434NO. If one were truly devoted into their pledge, they'd feel nothing of it.
Removed about half of the cancer in this thread and banned the individual throwing out names trying to get himself or someone else doxxed.
Also of note: some of the individuals in this thread have very severe MPD and appear to switch genders and identities very easily… I don't even–
Thanks, admin, for the spoilers. I would still remove the posts and images completely.
There shouldn't be porn on a board NOT dedicated to it anyways. Don't we have /b/ for that?
>>11433>>11435People show determination when they stay away from porn sites. Is this a porn site? No.
Please don't shove it on a site/board where it doesn't belong.
>>11442B-b-b-b-but muh freedom of speech :(

pledgin two weeks
get rid of all this degenerate filth in this thread
>>11472>viking with horns on the helmet 
testing to see if im banned
also that
>>11399 image shouldnt have been spoilered; it was a screenshot from a disney channel show lol
>>11473Where did the whole "vikings with horns" thing come from anyway?
Christian propaganda to make them look like devils? Or are we just always confusing them with some other pagan people who did wear horned helmets?
I pledge five weeks starting right now.
>>11485No, actualy viking lore, painted pictures, and helmets we recovered from them.
Please google your question before posting it.

>>11485who cares
vikings were devils and savige rapist niggers from 1000 years ago.
but their magic seemed pretty cool. runes and stuff.
stop talking abuot vikings. they dont exist anymore. everyone works in a cubicle now
our viking anscestors are weeping while we die out here on these streets.
pic related. modern day nordic man
sorry for saying 'who cares' by the way. attitude like that is like a virus. "its oh so wonderful to care. to love. to cull. to share…" douglas P… i just posted the link to this song in /b/ as a diedication to smiley. but who cares lol. >>11488Autism.
>>11489Yeah, Galdr and rune stuff is really cool.
Also agreeing that Vikings were cunts. Movies and cartoons always hype them up as these badass barbarian raiders, but really, they were weak cowards who only attacked easy targets like farms and monasteries. Once European Christians started fighting back, Scandinavia was Christian within a century. Asatru is a joke of a religion.

>>11488>Please google your question before posting it.Fuck off google shill.
Regards, DuckDuckGo shill.

failed my 7 month pledge on the first day lol. starting over… NOW! this time its for real

^^also taking a 7 month pledge for not going on 4chan, since its a time sink and only leads to more fapping
..and sometimes hilarity (pic related)

>>11285fibonacci golden apple guy here again. Today would've been the completion of my 3rd day.
however I had tempted myself to the edge a little too much, and the moment I let my level of arousal escape my focus was the moment that I came. I now have a mild headache and feel numb now that the energy has left me.
It wasn't a depressive moment, but rather a marker for overcoming the addiction that built up in me over the years.
I know now that I have more control over my orgasm and arousal than ever before. the energy and the mental sharpness is like nothing I've experienced since I have been fapping all these years.
Yesterday I began reading books by Mantak Chia about cultivating and circulating sexual energy in the Taoist manner, and this is what has been helping me to learn to control my orgasm and subsequent "urge" to ejaculate.
I recognize that there is no such urge to ejaculate, it's a voluntary compulsion we indulge in at our own expense, like most drugs or alcohol. Culture has programmed this urge into us to subjugate our mind to the loosh funnel that they turned our women into.
I pledge another 6 days which is the sum total of days that I had made it before. (1+2+3)
I will continue to spiral out and increase my jing/loosh/prana etc.
also my sincerest apologies for cancer and filth. I posted breasts because all the cool kids were doing it.
>>11535>I posted breasts because all the cool kids were doing it.Falling for peer pressure eh? *sigh*
Guys you will never be able to honor your pledge until you can free yourself from the idea of fapping. As long as the need haunts you your just stressing yourself. Think of it like quitting smoking, you either force yourself to quit and its hard and you crave it because it is all you think about. Or you perish the idea of smoking in such a way that you no longer think of it or have a particular desire to do so. LBRP, and think of the idea of fapping as a thought form preying on your loosh. Banish that shit yo. Then quit for life or to whatever suits your needs.

>>11535>>11548theres nothing wrong with breasts. theyre not cancer and filth
i love the earth because it is an orb that gives life
i love breasts because they are orbs that give life (milk energy which grows the brain)
only jews arabs and christfags are prudes. this leads to everyone having their penis circumsliced because 'sex is bad'
also nubile young nuns go their whole lives with no pleasure because the lord is watching or whatever. damn i wanna fuck a [hot] nun
>>11561>theres nothing wrong with breasts. theyre not cancer and filthYeah sure thing and there's nothing wrong with assholes and penises and vaginas too.
>only jews arabs and christfags are prudes. this leads to everyone having their penis circumsliced because 'sex is bad'Fuck off degenerate. I am none of those things and intensely despise you degenerates. You don't have to adopt some stupid jew religion to embrace asceticism.

>>11562well thats true, but even ascetics can still appreciate a good pair of tits
p.s. everyone should race mix, this will bring decay, death, and destruction sooner: leading to the end of this 'degenerate' age.
i call this the day of cosmic rope. or maybe a turning of the hourglass. but still i can appreciate a good pair of tits without clinging to them (idolatry of forms)
its just like seeing a sunrise or an aurora borealis
>>11566Fuck you I'm never going to racemix and I'm going to maintain absolute purity while the rest of the world destroys itself. Someone needs to repopulate after the collapse and that will be me and my superior Nordic genetics.
>>11567>superior>weakest practitioners due to resistances>stunting humanity spiritually by spreading shit nord anti-mage genes. 
>>11567well then get a nordic wife with big tits so she can feed your offspring and they can be tall, strong, with big brains
^if you dont do the above then you are handicapping your kids.
you will lose to a big breasted jewish cow. they usually have autistic offspring who dabble in that globalist banking magick. also i doubt there will be an 'after the collapse.' everything will be irradiated like the movie The Road. also those kikes at jewgle and fecesbook are probably secretly investing money into off world colonization as i type this
>>11562Celibacy is unnatural. Sex is a healthy way to reinforce a loving relationship with your wife or husband. It's a family value. If you think that's "degeneracy" you're a brainwashed anti-family shill.
>You don't have to adopt some stupid jew religion to embrace asceticismIt doesn't matter how antisemitic or antizionist you claim to be. If you adopt their values, you're doing their work.

>>11571>those kikes at jewgle and fecesbook >autistic offspring who dabble in that globalist banking magickTrying WAY too hard, man. Is this you?

>>11573im on stolen internet so i can say things like this
a mundane proper syntax word follower can not under stand it. perhaps it is you who is the shill who just got me to admit something… well well well. i dont try i just type
now please, i was trying to have a serious discussion
<i bet this guys mom had giant tits >>11574>a mundane proper syntax word follower can not under stand it. perhaps it is you who is the shill Being over-defensive is just gonna dig you deeper.

>>11576man is a beast of prey. the beast of prey conquers countries, pounds great grounds by the subjugation of other subjugators, forms states, and organizes civilizations in order to enjoy his booty in peace.
attack and defense
suffering and struggle
victory and defeat
domination and servitude; all sealed with blood. this is the entire history of the human race
>>11562I think the major disagreement in this thread is what is the endgoal of nofap and what people expect from it.
I agree that attempting to master orgasm control at the gate of temptation is possibly more difficult for most people than simply staying away from it altogether, but I managed a week without orgasming with the taoist methods of orgasm control.
This is the longest nofap (or I should say no ejaculation) I've ever done since fapping was a thing for me c. age 13. I'm the same guy doing the fibonacci 1+1+2+3 etc. days and I found it to be a great way to enter nofap.
>>11572>Celibacy is unnatural. Sex is a healthy way to reinforce a loving relationship with your wife or husband. It's a family value. If you think that's "degeneracy" you're a brainwashed anti-family shill.This is mostly true. There's no reason any non-mundane couldn't master their orgasm and stop ejaculation and still keep their loosh like a celibate. This is exactly the Taoist method.
At the same time, if the life of ascetic monk appeals to you most, and your greatest priority is strictly mastery of the wizardly disciplines, then go for it.
Women and relationships are a complex field to navigate and perhaps some people shouldn't spread themselves thin trying to understand it.
Celibacy is a dead simple way of cultivating loosh without falling prey to ejaculation or having energy imbalances but is far from the only option.
>>11566agree that there is nothing wrong with boobs but some have objected to it on the grounds that they were tempted by them.
Do impotent men have magical powers or a lack of orgone?
Reich's orgone boxes cured impotency
>>11584I think lack of sexual potency = lack of loosh. Restraining sexual potency and transmuting it into loosh is completely different to impotence.
Goy who doesn't normally fap and pledged to fap everyday to compare notes here, and I think I need to develop sexual potency in order to harvest the loosh from it because I didn't notice any magical improvement during lack of arousal times. I've actually had negative thoughtforms sabotage my sex drive in the past which led to this and I think it did more harm than good.
Yet willing
yourself to transmute sexual energy into loosh is obviously something worthwhile.
>>11572There's a thin line between healthy and unhealthy in every instance and case, in my view.
Having a strong attachment or aversion to sex is harmful. We are still sexual beings; however, sexual energy can be used in many ways, from procreation to meditation. Celibacy and sex life are both options for those who want them.
However, I would still advise everyone to stop watching porn because it can cause some serious harm to your brain and well-being.
I would propose a no-porn month for people here; masturbation is allowed, but no porn. See what the results are, they have benefited me for sure.
>>11588>masturbation is allowed, but no pornThat's great, actually.
It would help exercise powers of imagination and visualization. Pornography stunts those things. When you masturbate to pornography, you're basically idolizing someone else's conception of beauty, rather than envisioning your own.

>found a bit of interesting text while browsing around. i think Lord Smileyberg is a master of transmuting his energy into a solar (tummo) body. praise him.There are many asleep pseudo-esotericists and pseudo-occultists in this sorrowful world in which we live who dream they have awakened, not understanding that the sleep of the consciousness still has them in its claws and that inside themselves there are vengeful shadows lying in wait for them.
Those poor people think they are enlightened and renounce sex, without first having worked in the Ninth Sphere, without having achieved the Second Birth (the creation of the Solar Bodies).
Mystical pride is a characteristic of the Pharisee-ic inner condition; those who think they are Initiates, holy and wise, without first having manufactured the Solar Bodies, without ever having worked in the Ninth Sphere, end up renouncing sex and developing the abominable Kundabuffer Organ.
Those sincerely mistaken people are very difficult to put right; they feel themselves to have transcended everything, they think they are Gods, and yet they have not even laid a foot on the first rung of the Holy Ladder…
>>11590>>11588you are still losing jing energy though, if you cum.
or orgone/loosh.
>>11582temptation + discipline = ???*
i think they call this 'dialectics'
true will IMO* >>11590
>When you masturbate to pornography, you're basically idolizing someone else's disturbing sexual fantasies, rather than envisioning your own.fix'd
>>11149Made a bet with myself, fought as hard as I could but still lost said bet. Long story short, starting over. Pledge Two months from now. I don't know why I keep failing, but it's good to document my history like this. It should offer some great motivation, and if it's too regular of a thing, i'll get fed up very soon and go on another long streak.

>that picthose are all ashkenazi jews. "Ashkenazi" means "German". They haven't a drop of semitic blood in their veins, being descended from a strain of Turkish-Mongoloid converts who immigrated to Germany and miscegenated heavily with the native population.
notice how all the pretty jewish girls in Hollywood like Natalie Portman and Scarlet Johansson (talk about a Germanic name) don't look even remotely Middle-Eastern. Real jewish girls look more like pic related.
>>11572Who "brainwashed" me then when I know nobody in person that holds my view, I developed my view independently of anyone else, and it is at odds with the norms of today?
If anything you are the brainwashed one degenerate.
>It doesn't matter how antisemitic or antizionist you claim to be. If you adopt their values, you're doing their work.Pfft jews are sexual degenerates.
>>11599All of those jewesses are horrifying. Get the fuck out of here kike.

How Holy Men dealt with Great TemptationIt is well-known by many holy men and women of God, that the holier one is and the more pious one strives to be, the more the Devil will seek to tempt you. This was no different than many of the great saints we venerate today. I will profile three of these saints in this posting, and show how they were tempted, and how they dealt with it. These men are Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, and Saint Benedict.
Saint Francis of Assisi knew well the temptations of the body and how they interfered with the desires of the soul. Because the body is made to carry burdens, and sometimes is sluggish and needs to be beaten, St. Francis called it Brother Ass. In his early years in the 1200s, Francis was often tempted, sometimes almost unbearably. To overcome this temptation, he sometimes rolled around in the snow. This must have an effect similar to getting a cold shower, except it is probably a lot colder. When there was no snow and St. Francis was strongly tempted, he would throw himself onto thorn bushes. This would tear his skin and cause him to bleed. St. Francis understood the dangers of temptation, and avoided them at all costs.
From the book "A History of the Church: from the birth of Christ to the present time", written in 1834 by Charles A. Goodrich, the author describes the lengths to which St. Bernard of Clairvaux would go to avoid temptation. It states: "Such was his austerity, that happening one day to fix his eyes on a female face, he immediately reflected that this was a temptation, and running to a pond, he leaped up to his neck into the water, which was of an icy coldness, to punish himself and vanquish the enemy."
St. Benedict, the founder of Western monastic life, was also tempted thoroughly by the Devil. Yet, with grace, he was able to overcome his tempter. The following information was found on EWTN.com's website, and is quoted from "Lives of Saints", Published by John J. Crawley & Co., Inc:
Benedict, like the Desert Fathers, had to struggle with temptations of the flesh and the devil. One of these struggles is described by Gregory. "On a certain day when he was alone the tempter presented himself. A small dark bird, commonly called a blackbird, began to fly around his face and came so near him that, if he had wished, he could have seized it with his hand. But on his making the sign of the cross, the bird flew away. Then followed a violent temptation of the flesh, such as he had never before experienced. The evil spirit brought before his imagination a woman whom he had formerly seen, and inflamed his heart with such vehement desire at the memory of her that he had very great difficulty in repressing it. He was almost overcome and thought of leaving his solitude. Suddenly, however, with the help of divine grace, he found the strength he needed. Seeing near at hand a thick growth of briars and nettles, he stripped off his habit and cast himself into the midst of them and plunged and tossed about until his whole body was lacerated. Thus, through those bodily wounds, he cured the wounds of his soul." Never again was he troubled in the same way.
As the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaria Escriva said, "To defend his purity, Saint Francis of Assisi rolled in the snow, Saint Benedict threw himself into a thorn bush, Saint Bernard plunged into an icy pond… You…, what have you done?"
http://holymotherchurch.blogspot.ca/2007/02/how-holy-men-dealt-with-great.html 
does anyone here have a golden body? or rainbow body?
smiley.. how many bodies do you have?
theres a hermetist on 4chan who talks about gurdjieff and the fourth way/ four bodies of man
and then i remembered this bit of text i read in 'secret cyphers of the ufo nauts'
>Other adepti have raised themselves beyond the human condition and, as Ascended Masters are at once our ancestors, benefactors and an indicator of what we, as humans can become. Hitler met the “New Man” and was frightened by him. He was neither Aryan nor German, but the Georgian Mystic G.I. Gurdjieff.below is a bit of text i read on a taoist website…
Through inner alchemy processes, one refines immaterial (sexual energy essence and healthy positive energy) generated from material (physical body) and sources of Earth, nature, planets, and the universe. A practitioner can become energetically 'pregnant.' By intention one can create and nurture a crystalized energy 'foetus' (using the physical analogy). With loving attention and care via the upper hierarchy of meditation practices-Lesser, Greater and Greatest Kan and Li, and Sealing of the Five Senses-one feeds, transfers consciousness and trains this energy body to grow like a healthy child.
The goal is to have time to accomplish the energetic refinement and crystalization of one's true spiritual self, referred to as the 'Golden Light Body' (Golden is a reference to the high value accorded to this attainment, not necessarily its permanent color). It doesn't happen by whim or chance. It takes time, patience and commitment. Therefore, Taoists value a healthy, happy, emotionally balanced life and longevity to support feeling good and to be willing to persevere with this higher inner alchemy process. The process is further refined in the practices of the Congress of Heaven and Earth and then the Reunion of Heaven and Man. The Golden Light Body is one's immortal vehicle for spiritual freedom and independence. It transcends the limits of the physical world of time and space-while still living in the here and now. The goal can be attained and experienced in this lifetime. It is the ultimate meaning and purpose of life!
>>11603this guy knows whats up. hollyweird loves to promote the slav and mixed jewesses.
that or … plastic surgery disasters!
(p.s. i got that picture from /tv/; the hollywood obsessed board of 4chan. i used to love the absurdist culture of that place. now its all just cunny, girls feet, and bane shit posting )>>11606i just used the pic to get a rise out of you. we are dark soul mates
i live in the land of degenerates, check the flag.
you think youre surrounded by mundanes? HAH!
>>11603They've all got that evil bitch feminist parasite look to them that tells me they are highly materialistic and will make any man that falls for them very miserable.

>>11611 i got palindrome dubs
>my culture is like this picture. only replace the spooky face with an even spookier face of a different race… KANYE WEST! >>11609You make me think of some of my powers I want to push to the limit on film just to see what amazing shit I can pull off with them. I'm currently in the process of some magical work which must be done in secret right now though.
>>11611Everyone of them has a fake smile / smirk, an evil intention behind that look, they look as if they are ready to attack or as if there is some trauma behind them which has not left them soft but rather twisted. Look at that one with the brown slightly reddish hair, blue eyes, and pink lips who is 3rd from the right. She looks she has a thousand yard stare. Bitch in the bottom-right looks like she's about to slap someone. Bitch in the top-right looks like she's bored and bitchy and probably has her mind full with trashy thoughts. The blonde one with the white bra looks like a slut. All of them seem predatory, untrustworthy, and unapproachable.

>>11614so kanyes head would be floating, and instead of SI it would say YO
>local news: sports, celebrities, weather. repeat. also today i saw some jew advocating for a calorie tax (so you pay a tax on every calorie now… no hoarding food)pic related; its where i live lol. i hear cars and trucks honking all day. and mundanes driving their scooters. dual cupholders full of extra large sodas… the horror
this line was satire 
>>11616well i bet a lot of them have had surgery. so i wouldnt put too much thought into physgionomy. ( i think thats how its spelled. study of peoples character from their faces? video would be more accurate anyway. theyre just pics)
i gotta go. got mundanes bothering me
>>11601The thing with porn/masturbation is that when you stop, your brain will start making up excuses to lure you into relapsing.
This is same with ex-alcoholics and ex-smokers.
"Just this once, you have been dry for only an one day, you can start it again," or, "Just a little peek, it doesn't hurt you if you see a quick picture of porn."

>>11665yup ths is true yup. this is why i post temping pics. to instill discipline in you weaklings.
>>11615i wanna know about the secret magick. i need to know
>>11608thats rough man
Trying again: 2 weeks.
>>11603Hahaha holy shit, bitch look like a fuckin' Minecraft villager
Feh… I've failed. It looks like 4-5 days is my limit right now… Just gave myself three wonderful orgasms. But at least I was having positive, healthy fantasies: Consensual missionary sex with the man I love. You don't even want to know what I usually fantasize about…
So, partial success? I won't say I succeeded, but I think I can say I'm improving. I've gained a bit of self esteem from the exercise.
Aaand, there's orgasm number five. <3
>>11682>i'm a girl btw pls give me attention XD 
WHERES SMILEY. I WANNA CONVERSATION/LEARN ABOUT GOLDEN, RAINBOW, AND SUBTLE BODIES. ALSO ABOUT SOUL COMPLEXES>>11682>You don't even want to know what I usually fantasize about…take us into the deepest darkest recesses of your mind please. this is anonymous
>>11690Don't post in a thread about sexuality if you're gonna sperg out every time someone mentions having a vagina.
>>11706requesting usual thoughts while masterpating
Honestly, I've seen this thread a couple times but always ignored it. I rarely post on here anyways. I really do have a problem with masturbation.
I pledge my life, and nothing less.
>>11708It's not white knighting, it's you being an irritating /b/tard.
>>11665No your brain doesn't do that. You've literally created an extra thoughtform you call "your brain" which acts/thinks independently of you and forces thoughts into your mind. Banish that fucker and restore the purity of your thoughts. All is mind.
>>11666>i wanna know about the secret magick. i need to knowI'm just healing myself. It's all healing-related. For some reason though some weird shit has happened, I've healed some parts of my body that had problems for a very long time, and suddenly new problems have developed in other spots that have never had problems before. I started getting bleeding in the left nostril for several days for no apparent reason despite humid weather and good hydration, now I got this cold sore on my lips that's growing pretty big after a couple days of very bloody and cracked lips. It doesn't make sense, it's like I can so far only move sickness around my body, and I have the feeling that all these problems effecting my body are purely metaphysical as there is really no physical explanation for this as my diet and other factors are all controlled and perfect.
Stop using this thread as an excuse to post your degenerate pictures btw.

You are all so pathetic. You can barely go days without masturbating. If you exercised that drive you have to masturbate into something else you'd literally fucking rip your soul out of your body. If you are chained somewhere long enough and you can't get out of those chains but you really fucking want out really damned intensely you will reach a point where the chains just fall off and you escape.
Don't masturbate. Drive yourself crazy with desire but don't ever touch yourself. Focus all that energy into something greater, transcend your inferior animal like nature. You will accomplish great things if you do.
I challenge you if you like to make a /b/ thread and do all that you can to tempt me there. My will is iron. You can not bend me. All temptation will only be transmuted into power.
I fucking HATE pornography. I'm pretty sure it has left my sexuality in a horridly compromised state.
I need to heal from the neurological, and possibly physical damage I have accumulated from over 10+ years of excessive porn+masturbating.
I pledge MY LIFE for noporn, and 30 days for nofap. I really want to master how to have orgasms without ejaculation.
>>11720Please, whoever posted this please elaborate on this. How does one gain complete peace and control? The stupid dissenting voices and tempters are non fucking stop. It's a rare instance that my mind is truly quieted.
How does one banish a thought-form they didn't even realize they've created?

>>11722>that last lineso you want us to browse our hot pix folders, so that we ourselves are tempted to mastrb8?
im on to you.
ps: what stuff are you tempted by?
>>11721>that last lineok
>>11720>that last linethe person you're responding to probably didnt create shit, consciously. they were conditioned by the modern world so they are really a non-thinking product off the demiurgic super store shelf
aka a Factory Farmed Fapper (666)
>tl;dr everyone was born to be mundane. this website is a rebel outpost. now answer my questions in /ask/ please (the ones attached to the picture of americans) ALL IS MIND, you say… IMO all is SOUL! and soul itself is infinite imagination + karma (volitional formations) patterns + vibration / attraction + …other stuff. like the kabbalah and stuff :). also feels.
the mind is conditioning. the media thinks of us as pavlovs dogs, and goyim, and human resources
montalk says the demiurge is the world soul, but what if it is the oldest soul that copies the younger souls? like a lame big brother
the demiurge is also big brother from the novel 1984. also i saw an astral spider and ugly nigger succubi face as i tried to post this. do you think the demiurge could just be the most powerful spirit around? his mind just got fried from being alive too long? now he wants us to be like him… my mind feels fried from marifuana and fapping. and disobeying proper language syntax conditioned instructions
maybe demiurge came from saturn back when saturn used to be a star.theres tons of saturn symbolism in the world.. that would make him pretty old. big bad demiurge. good thing we got the sun demiurge to fight him.
being a demiurge must be hard work. i hope we dont all have to be the demiurge in the future… but if demiurge is really just the 'world soul' projected by the logos (as montalk says) then how do we beat it ? and after that… how do we beat the logos?!
and if the logos and demiurge aren't conscious beings, then how do we obtain power from the hierarchy of most powerful conscious beings (like aliens, skinwalkers, wizards.. etc)
are all these questions a distraction? (playing into the demiurges hands)
or are we learning about the deepest mysteries now.
do holy books keep you bound to physicality? would you throw all your books away if you had a guru who had maximum siddhi power?
how can we meet gurus?
logos means words btw. i read it on wikipedia. so if we master our inner words and talking (or arguing with invisible entities), and then master our physical bodies [relaxing and going into a trance], does that mean we win against the logos and demiurge? you dont have to answer any of my questions btw. im gonna go read tao te ching and go with the flow, instead of fapping. or maybe reading is a curse, like that 14 year old anon said in another thread (about.. what was it… i forgot cuz no grey matter cuz of too much fapping. source :
>>11284 )
ps my bro read in a chi book that fapping leads to bad dreams. and i think that bad dreams correspond to bad waking states too. also i got mundanes assaulting me from all angles . probably cuz i fapped recently… or is that a conditioning?(believing bad things will happen after i fap)
or a weaking of energy? …too much mystery?
sorry for the rambling and annoying posting style by the way. maybe i should move this post somewhere else, like the toilet 
>>11726its not false information, its
Hypothesis +
Postulation +
Informations = hypostumations
>>11720It's not a thoughtform, it's your rewired brain. You know why people can't get off by watching 'soft' porn after years?
Porn-indulged brain needs to maintain a certain level of dopamine and adrenaline, a HIGH level of them, which can be achieved by watching more and more hardcore porn.
This is why most porn addicts move from 'soft' to 'hardcore' after years of porn consumption, and soon they realize they cannot reach the dopamine/adrenaline level their porn-addicted brains DESIRE to have.
Then follows depression, social anxiety, mind-fog, EDs and so on.
Porn addiction is REAL. It's not a thoughtform. It's a real, self-destructive addiction.
Do read more:
http://yourbrainonporn.com/>>11724Do read my link above. It will explain your condition.
NoFAP will offer some programs you can install to ensure porn-free internet for you.
>>11725I tell you, I am quite capable of thinking. I am sure we share the same interests — and different opinions — in our wizardly journey of life.
>>11725Also, I want to give my views on your questions. I'm this guy
I leave the first ones unsanswered, for I do not believe in demiurge.
>are all these questions a distraction? (playing into the demiurges hands)Questions are not a distraction, but answers can definitely be. You need to weigh your OWN beliefs and OTHER PEOPLE'S beliefs and see, what is the truth.
You can discard old beliefs if they are not compatible with new beliefs. Like in science, old theories are thrown away because new discoveries and results overrule them, and a new theory is made.
>or are we learning about the deepest mysteries now.Possibly. It might be that we are given more views and opinions that might be useless or useful to us.
As mentioned above, weigh them carefully.
Only you can save yourself.
>do holy books keep you bound to physicality? Yes and no. If you are attached to them, as in "I cannot live without this, if I leave it, it will make me feel bad', then yes, you are bound.
If you are not attached to them and their teachings, then you
are good.
>would you throw all your books away if you had a guru who had maximum siddhi power?
>how can we meet gurus?Possibly in the west, possibly in the east. Possibly in our neighbourhood, or maybe we are gurus?
What do you mean by a guru?
>would you throw all your books away if you had a guru who had maximum siddhi power?IF he could prove it to me first.
>>11737>It's not a thoughtform, it's your rewired brain. You know why people can't get off by watching 'soft' porn after years?It IS a thoughtform though. Don't fool him. This is a mental universe and you can banish that shit if you apply the metaphysics of thoughtforms to it.
The Invisible Influences and
Transcendence books in the sticky are extrmely relevant to this.
Will address read of your post + the other posts in this thread properly later, going to bed. In the meanwhile at least take a little look at those two books I mentioned.
>>11748I will have a look at them, thank you for informing me.
>>11748Link to the Transcendance pdf in the sticky is no longer viable.
I love pledging not to masturbate just so that I can then break that promise to myself one day and it feels really great when you build up that hornyness. Once during one of these breaks I went to whores and she nearly choked with how much I came in her mouth and it was no problem to come a second time while fucking her.
If you just outright give it up then it's not going to be as exciting, you'll eventually get used to it and have what the nofappers call a flatline.
There's gotta be some risk to it to keep things interesting, personally when I do these things I pledge to stop masturbating but then I go to camwhores anyways and just not masturbate. Sometimes I start masturbating without using my hands by rubbing my dick against my pants somehow. I find it much more enjoyable than using hands, can last for hours and especially on psychedelics its the best thing.
So all in all I've found this whole nofapping thing to be just a way to make masturbation better in the end. Also you have very different mindsets while you are horny and immediately after ejaculating, both have good sides to them and worth experiencing from time to time.
I've also had some strange experiences relating to this whole fapstainment, some years ago when I first did it I used to fantasize in my mind about having sex with women that I could see, eg. on a bus. It seemed to me that the women would react to my thoughts, but this was just consistent with the psychotic episode I was going through, then I assumed that the fapstainment was increasing dopamine in my brain which was contributing to some kind of erotomanic psychosis. At one point I studied every day in a library for some exams and I was so horny that a lot of the time I would space off and start fantasizing about sex and I'm pretty sure I came close to coming with just fantasies there and there were some funny occurrences there too. Once while I was fantasizing hard this one kid sitting in the next reading booth to me just stands up and starts masturbating furiously…
And then one day some librarian escorts someone to the reading place there and I hear the librarian saying something like "Here you can read if it's possible to concentrate at all in here anymore…".
But eh, I was having an episode, having suddenly quit all drugs including alcohol and tobacco and with nothing else than sexuality to provide me with enjoyment. Back then I figured there was no privacy and that everyone knew everything, but I rationalized that there must be some rules to what people are consciously allowed to know so that at least there's nothing prosecutable about thoughts so I could go as far with them as I wished. Or really I was trying to provoke someone to break the "rules". It was a fun time at the very least. Maybe y'all have some non-psychiatric explanation for it all. I live with similar experiences/beliefs to this day even though I'm taking neurolepts, although hardly ever as exciting as it was back then.
>>11761Forgot to add: I also get like obsessive compulsive intrusive thoughts relating to sex whenever I'm in contact with another human being(sometimes animals too). It doesn't matter whether I'm sexually attracted to them or not, they can be old, young, whichever gender or even related to me. I don't know if that's just me or if that comes with having a male brain… Personally I feel a bit hypersexualized or overly sensitive to this stuff, I can get hard very easily and randomly by just being in the presence of somewhat attractive females. Could it be some kind of side effect of too much masturbating and such?
I don't think I masturbate that much, as a kid I did masturbate like at least once a day pretty much, sometimes I even masturbated on the back of a car while my dad and his friend were driving.
But much less these days, although that might be caused by the medication.
What are the benefits of no fap?
Not doing well. Pledging another 2 weeks…starting Monday.

reading this now myself

>>11535GoldenAppleFibonacci guy again.
Tomorrow will be the completion of day 6 of no-ejaculation since my last fuckup. I will return and pledge 8 days tomorrow.
I've gone through all of the withdrawl symptoms again. I've managed to withhold my ejac orgasm completely in that time, but I notice that it's become tiresome to do so. I now wholly avoid temptation and arousal that doesn't involve a live woman simply because digital facsimiles are not tempting anymore, even though I can keep myself from ejaculating indefinitely. It's just a flat-out huge energy drain.
Perhaps I've seen for myself how much better it is with increased energies that I can't turn back to the old ways.
There's a buzzing in my brain that I constantly keep draining back down to my below-the-navel point using the methods as taught by Mantak Chia. Lots of energy welling up inside. Trying to avoid "kundalini syndrome."
>>11764Benefits of no-fap so far: EXTREMELY vivid dreams lately. I took a nap earlier today and began to feel the electro "whoosh" that comes with astral projecting/obe but was unable to yank myself out of the body. Never projected before, but have willed and felt that sensation twice in my lifetime.
the more mundane benefits is that nofap resets your brain's dopamine sensitivity. This explains the withdrawl symptoms I experienced: moodiness for one
Similar to how fasting resets your body's sensitivity to insulin and changes your metabolism, simply "fasting" from an addiction like fapping lets you begin to enjoy things you simply became bored of.
To me, music I used to listen to in my teen years is now more vivid, enjoyable and intense as if it were the first time I were listening to it. It's very enjoyable in a way that it hasn't been for years.
At the gym, I can do a lot more reps and have broken a couple personal records in the past two weeks. I feel like I have more muscle tone now.
My skin is clear and bright. The whites of my eyes are very white, not bloodshot anymore.
Additionally, seeing my gf turns me on more than ever before, and it seems like she's more turned on lately too, like she can sense the energy inside. Boner knob is cranked all the way to 11. I'm inspired to do more for her, to love her since I've learned that my sex drive is completely in my control - the "shackles" that another anon mentioned seem to have fallen off. I'm waiting til we have a chance to do it and exchange energies with each other.
in general I just feel like I have more energy and motivation to do things now, like I now have access to all of this inner vitality I never knew I had.
>>11771Weeks are too long to pledge IMHO if your spirit or will are weak as mine were, if your sex drive and cravings are extremely high, or if you aren't convinced of the benefits of nofap.
If anyone here keeps breaking their pledges, try smaller pledges (1 day) and start right now. Come back in 24 hours and see how you do, then double that time. Come back successfully, double the time you pledged last and so on. that's how I started and how I'm doing it so far.
Pay attention to how you feel inside and out. Whether it is the magic of Placebos or truly the growth of your inner reservoir of energy, who knows. Try it and see for yourself.

>>11761>>11762Wow you are such a degenerate freak hedonist. So much masturbation and drugs and sex. You shouldn't even be regarded as a human you're so consumed by basic instincts like some filthy animal.
>inb4 you just start masturbating to my words… >>11737>Porn addiction is REAL. It's not a thoughtform. It's a real, self-destructive addiction.Materialist filth detected. Porn addiction is a thoughtform and thoughtforms are REAL.
>>11764Learning not to depend upon the pleasures of the flesh to maintain a mental state, transcending the physical world, and coming closer to the divine realms; these are the benefits of no fap.
>>11772You should have started with The Invisible Influences as it precedes Transcendence.

>>11775everythings a thought form
perhaps the uber thoughtform (demiurge) has shaped this world into a mundane paradise? the person you are responding to has been conditioned to unconsciously make these thought forms, just by living on this gay earth
>>11775Materialist in what meaning? Economic or philosophical?
I do my best to not be an economical one, for that kind of life is suffering. Hedonism and seeking happiness outside yourself is not beneficial. I think so in this moment.
I do not adhere to materialist philosphy. However, are not brain and mind connected? Does not one affect the another?
Explain me why an addiction is a thoughtform, and do explain what you mean by a thoughtform.
>>11779An interesting picture with thought-provoking points; I do agree that free will is an illusion.
Our world is too economically materialistic, self-centered and ignorant. It takes someone or something strong to change the nature of modern human.
This world is what it is. We humans are the cause of our own suffering.
>>11774Oh not only that, I'm also a friend of jews and a cultural marxist even though it's a made up term that doesn't really mean anything.
It must suck for you to be on the losing side of all this.
Anyways, you don't need to be so ashamed about your perversions, let them bloom!
>>11782>free will is an illusion.That's only somewhat accurate.
"free will" is a concept relative to our limited understanding of the conscious experience from within the physical realm.
it's not that free will is an illusion, or that it's even real, it's that the concept of free will could only exist in the vacuum of consciousness perceiving itself in myriad fragments. The concept "free will" describes something correctly, but it doesn't describe the big picture.
whether there is free will or not is irrelevant. we should instead ask ourselves if consciousness exists and whether or not nofap can expand our consciousness.
it can definitely help >>11787NoFap can help. Soon fifty days without masturbation. My mind is more clear and I am happier; it was horrible that the porn images 'spun' in my head even when I wasn't watching it. Now they don't bother me anymore.
I have yet to realize how free I am, how my mind is more purer and body doesn't crave that much.
NoFap is a must try, if anything.
(I still need to defeat my skepticism; there's the evidence but I want to rationalize it, dismiss it, forget it. But I cannot do that. I feel I've taken the red pill, but it hasn't affected me yet.)
>>11787Also, I feel consciousness is linked to the brain, a product of it. When the body dies, and thus the brain dies, the consciousness dies.
I kind of hope I am wrong.
>>11790So you have not yet read The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot then?
>>11796Cannot say I have. Is it rational?
>>11810Fine then. Thanks for recommendation!
>>11811Also read the Kybalion and Initiation into Hermetics (first edition is scientifically outdated, get the third edition) if you haven't already.
Okay after numerous week of nocum but fap, i pledge 1 week of nofap and noporn
Also, do anyone know about the taoist methode to orgasm without ejaculating ?
>>11812I am currently reading The Kybalion and Hermetica.
Anyways, will report my thoughts after I read The Holographic Universe. It will take some time.

>>11773golden apple fibonacci guy back again, haven't splooged my loosh. pledging 8 days now. next stop 13 days
>>11851here's one of Mantak Chia's books that cover this method.
http://www.slideshare.net/mantakchia/mantak-chia-taoist-secrets-of-loveLook for some of the meditations that involve circulating jing to the head then back downward. after some practice you will be able to do this without thinking too much.
I have not personally reached the point of non-ejaculatory orgasm but I have been able to withhold my spunk during my no-ejacs which is good enough for me so far.
>>11855That comic… Such truth.
Robert Anton Wilson says that scientific reviews regularly suppress "inconvenient" findings, and that they're just as dogmatic and agenda-driven as any religion.
>>11812>first edition is scientifically outdated, get the third editionIf that book has absolutely anything of value it will not get outdated. Basics of reality, especially coming from someone who was supposed to be a wise god, do not get "outdated".
If in the first edition Hermes called atoms the smallest particle in the universe, and now we know of quarks, then that should show right there that the book holds nothing of value. I'm betting the third edition speaks of quantum effects now when the first didn't.
This always happens, people will always push their bullshit out of the reaches and domain of science to no end.
Just remember, just because we do not understand something, more specifically quantum mechanics, does not mean that something magical or supernatural is going on. When a scientists states "we don't know whats going on" or "this is unexplainable" always put a ", yet" or a "for now" at the end of these statements.

Guys I'm going 3 days without fap and I'm about to give in. What do? I am not really feeling the euphoria yet. Anyone have articles on spiritual no fap energy that can motivate me?
>>11860Whatever you do, keep yourself occupied. The main reason for masturbation is because you have nothing else to do. If you're stuck and can't find something to do, drop and give me 50 push-ups.
>>11860lel, I can go a week without even thinking about it.

>>11861>The main reason for masturbation is because you have nothing else to do"idle hands are the Devil's playthings"
>>11857I have the third edition only and I haven't seen any reference either to atoms or to quantum so I don't know what you guys are talking about. I also don't recall anything science-based.
>>11811That guy you're responding to there isn't even me. You basically just got the recommendation from two different people.
>>11857It could be that all of our supernatural experiences are only makings of our brain, which in my opinion would be terrific!
We don't know much about how it works. To add, people only use a small percent of their brain.
>>11869I know, but I didn't word it as I really intended. Mind me.
>>11857What are the differences between the first and third?
If I remember right the first edition references the ether, which was then abandoned as a concept by the scientific community because it was no longer necessary to explain light. It's still useful in the context of magic to explain a number of things.
There was nothing about atoms, but even if there was, atom simply means indivisible unit. What we call atoms are not atomic, we know now they're divisible.
I would be extremely surprised if there was quantum anything in the third edition, it wasn't that kind of book.
Also, it's a Hermetic text, but it's not written by Hermes.
Can you try reading things before judging them?
Failed after one week after my Aunt commited suicide and I was in stress and needed some distraction
Trying again, one month
>>11857>This always happens, people will always push their bullshit out of the reaches and domain of science to no end.This is why astrology is bullshit. Old-world astrology is based on the premise that there are seven astral bodies that orbit the Earth, whose positions in the sky have supernatural influences on us.
Of course, once scientists started discovering new planets (Uranus, Neptune, etc.), the astrologists of the day added these new planets to the roster, and neatly revised their history, making nips and tucks to make the old literature forward-compatible with the new paradigm.
The important thing to note, of course, is that astrologists didn't discover these new planets themselves. They merely adopted the discoveries of scientists in a desperate bid to stay relevant.
In before "m-mundane…" the battlecry of the intellectually inept. You know, it's possible to believe in magic without drinking the kool-aid of ten thousand year old superstition.
>>11895Ancient astrologers knew those planets existed, but it is said that only the visible planets have any effect.
The astrologers that molded a new kind don't really matter.
>>11909Do you have a source? I ask out of interest, not an intention to call you out.

>>10894I'm on 110 days.
All I can say is it is soooo important to accelerating spiritual development and self improvement, also for inspiring creativity. My lifes done a 180 since I started. Its hard at first, but after the first 3 weeks, shit gets pretty easy.
I have faith in all of you, don't give up. Nofap is 100% worth it and you will see its worth it if you keep going.
>>11909Bullshit, do you even know how world-shaking it was when Uranus was discovered in the 19th century?
[spoiler]pun totally intended[/spoiler]
Didn't fap, but I came in my sleep god dammit.

Is it cheating if I wear a chastity belt, /fringe/?
>>11937From what I've heard from BDSM-loving friends (in before hurrrdegenerate), male chastity devices are actually very easy to escape from and are mostly for show.
>>11939eh, you can usually pull your dick out of them if you're soft, but a well-fitted one will trap your balls pretty good, so you can't actually take it off. when you're actually hard and want to pull out, it's impossible.
if semen retention is what you're going for, a chastity cage might actually work pretty well, since it will almost certainly prevent nocturnal emissions if it's sized right.
Is semen retention the point of no-fap? I don't really understand not masturbating if it's not a fetish thing.
>mfw people are actually resorting to chastity belts and all this silly stuff not to fap while I never fap and it's effortless
Takes more effort to fap than not to.
>>11486Failed. Retrying, I'll go with three weeks this time.
>>11951You're might be a low-testosterone untermensch. For real men, the sex drive is like a physical compulsion that takes willpower to overcome.

pledging 20 days. i even deleted all my hot ass porn videos. damn they were hot
whenever i wanna touch myself from now on i will think of this creature on the left
Was planning on committing to this today, but went for a final go..
To make sure I wasn't going to trick myself again, I deleted my entire 16GB+ porn stash.
3 weeks! Let's do this right.
>>12027Well today I've been really aroused and had intense boners for hours but I've still not fapped.
>>12037>>12090I could never delete my porn. There's so much shit in there and most of it you can't even find online.
I will be stopping for a while. As far as how long, who knows.
>>12101I have almost no porn and most of the porn that is around is kept for purposes of a non-sexual nature… such as for shocking, or trolling, and so on. Even so I still deleted like half of what little porn I had perhaps 6 months ago.
I've got a gif of a corpse being fucked and I've got some images where females are nude but not of a sexual nature and I have some occult stuff with nudity in it.
If someone found the porn I have it mostly could be explained away.
Maybe I should delete a bit more of it.
>I've got a gif of a corpse being fucked
>>11945>Is semen retention the point of no-fap?No, not at all. Masturbation is still masturbation, even if you don't orgasm.
The point is that masturbation is a waste of time and energy. It's a compulsive habit, like nail-biting or videogame addiction.
>>12184Well, clearly, NoFap adherents ascribe more benefits to not masturbating than just less time wasted. They talk about all sorts of positive hormonal or even spiritual changes linked to abstinence. Which is clearly what this thread is about.
I know there are mystics in India who claim that semen retention confers spiritual powers; they've even developed methods of having orgasms without ejaculating for that purpose.
I think you might be the only one who regards the point of NoFap as only the elimination of a bad habit akin to nail-biting.
I'm on day 6, about to go to bed.
Honestly, besides fleeting moments when I'm about to fall asleep/just waking up, it hasn't been terribly difficult. I think my flatline started immediately.
The thought that giving up porn to make the real thing that much more amazing is what is motivating me. I am sick of pixelated men, I want the actual meat.
>>12189Are you a woman? Most of the consensus about flatlines and how tough not masturbating is and for how long is aimed at men, I think. It probably does not apply very well to women.
I'm just assuming you're not gay, because none of the gay men I've met have had any trouble getting all the cock they want.
Now I'm wondering how many of the people in this thread talking about how easy this is are actually girls. Because, yes, not having much testosterone will probably mean you have less difficulty abstaining from masturbation.
Inb4 some equalist doofus says there's no difference between male and female libidos.
Requesting for help.
I used to fap bi-daily, now i am trying to stop and in the last two weeks i fapped only once.
The problem is that i don't absolutelty know how to do shit like telekinetic masturbation or sex with astral thoughtforms.
can you guys give me tips for finding some relief?
>>12201Can't help you with relief but what I do is the transfer of sexual energy to other parts of myself which was posted somewhere in this thread.
It was in the magic of breathing if I remember right.
If you're absolutely desperate look up the succubus summoning thread.
>>12201Do you mean sexual relief?
If yes, have you tried converting your sexual energy into something else?
>>12205>>12212Yes, sexual relief.
Can you explain me the converting/transfering energy things, please? I would leave the succubus summoning as a last chance, since i am not fully aware of the risks. You know, everyone says different shit about succubi and i should study a bit of demonology before making an opinion, just to be sure of what am i doing.
Speaking personally, I haven't found a correlation between masturbation and creativity/concentration/etc. I've had periods of my life where I was wanking every single day & still getting all sorts of things done.
What I have found affects me, is spending too much time thinking about masturbation, one way or the other. IE, getting totally wrapped up in these hedonistic pleasure fantasies, or in the idea of being this totally abstinent & disciplined monk-like character.
Both extremes feel the same to me. I seem to function best when it's an occasional, take-it-or-leave-it thing that I don't look forward to or stress out about after.
>>12193I'm a gay male, and it's not access to the real thing that is the problem. It's the fact that my brain has become so entrenched in internet pornography and PMO that I essentially have porn-induced ED. Shit sucks.
>>12231I feel you, bro. I was horrified when my head became so clouded and nothing could bring me any satisfaction. And I lived like that for about a year and half!
My condition has improved a lot thanks to NoFap.
>>12232Show me how, first. I swear I'll do it right after you. C'mon.
>>12234Note the flag.
Just ignore him, he's an edgy neo-nazi Aspertru.
>>12236The fuck are you talking about? Almost EVERYONE here is a racist, hates homosexuality, etc
>>12237If everyone agrees with you then why are you constantly starting arguments in every thread you post in?
>>12239I don't start arguments. I'm just saying homosexuality is pointless hedonism that serves no purpose. Sex is for REPRODUCTION and homosexuality is for cowards who won't produce more White children. They are anti-white no matter the race or beliefs because they will never do their job and make more white babies.
Btw the flag is for ODINISTS, you're thinking of the White Nationalist flag.
>>12217I need to practice more to give further insight, but…
… when you feel aroused, you could sit around or lie down in a comfortable position and then watch yourself. Feel how the sexual arousal burns your from inside.
Do not try to shun it. Do not touch yourself. Just feel the sensations inside your body.
The arousal should sooner or later die out. If not, you might want to do some sports or go to cold shower. Just don't masturbate!
I feel that when you don't give to the temptation, you'll feel more energized and confident.
>>12240>They are anti-white no matter the race or beliefs because they will never do their job and make more white babies.
>no matter the race … make more white babiesAre you retarded? Did that actually make sense in your head?
>>12237I don't. I like gays and boylove and always support all members of the human race.
What's all this garbage?
Back to the purpose of the thread; I am pledging a month.
>>12240>I don't start argumentsIsn't that an argument in itself?
"You're argumentative."
"No I'm not!"
Oh gracious, what folly!
>>12241Thanks bro, this is some good start.
I won't give up.
anyway after two weeks of almost no fapping (only fap was after first week) i noticed a strange thing.
I am less intersted in porn or sex, even if sometimes some images pop out on my screen, i don't feel the urge i would have felt before. This does not mean i have no temptation to fap at all, but it's less than i expected and for now i am still able to handle it.
Does anyone had my same experience?
And for you too discussing about gay people and shit, go fuck yourselves elsewhere please. We are trying to stay in topic here.
>>11855>pledging 8 days>next stop 13 daysThat word…it doesn't mean what you think it means.
Failed. Came in sleep.
Pledging 1 week.
>>12250Yeah, I've felt that sexual images don't arouse me as much, if I happen to stumble upon it.
I think it is normal; for most people the results of NoFap will appear in week or two since starting. Some might benefit even from a single day.
I am just so happy that my head doesn't display porn when I close my eyes.
>>12254Nocturnal emission doesn't count as a relapse.
I don't know if you can stop them but you're not deliberately ejaculating, so that's why it doesn't count… it's a natural function.
>>12201I exclusively telekinetically fap and have sex with astral thoughtforms …
and in a few instances by simply projecting out of body and then turning around and having sex with physical body.
You're going to have to practise constant thoughtforming and thoughtcontrol and do the first steps in IIH's practise section and listen to the threads here on /fringe/ about thoughtforming and meditation.
>>12293>and in a few instances by simply projecting out of body and then turning around and having sex with physical bodyoh gosh.
How was it?
You should have pretended it was someone else's dick.

>>12250Same Anon reporting.
Today is my 7h day of nofap.
Yesterday at a barbecue i picked up a girl, we kissed a few times but nothing more.
Guys, till this morning the urge to fap was tremendous and i felt like exploding, but i did not give in.
I hope this will really serve for something.
>I feel embarrassed about this, I just did it because I could and I wanted to see if it was possible,
Why though? I would totally suck my own dick IRL if I could, just to see what it felt like.
Of course, sucking your own dick is, like, the most literal meaning possible of the word "homosexual".
>>12372Na, sucking off another dude would contain the energies of two entities. Two entities of energy composition that do not meld very easily with one another, usually.
Sucking yourself off is like high-level masterbation.
Though like any interpretation, this is just a perception, a half-truth.

>>11855Fibonacci guy again. I'm back. Time for 13 days.
Avoiding fapping and ejaculation is the single simplest, stupidest, easiest way I've ever improved myself. I'm sure they put the "masturbation is good" meme out there as a way to keep the mundanes mundane.
Now every time I see a tantalizing image or a woman's body that arouses the root, I can reabsorb that sexual energy like nothing.
Also I've been reading through this site. I highly recommend perusing it in addition to Mantak Chia's work.
http://sacred-sex.org/introduction.htmlOne more thing: I'm a little saddened by how badly women are affected by chronic and frequent masturbation and their subsequent disconnect from the masculine when they jolt their nerves in that way.
I've only recently learned of this problem in my research about sex magick and masturbation. Women can't admit very easily that they do it because it's perceived as an advertisement of their willingness to take it in every hole. They prefer to hide behind our culture's perception of them as non-horny creatures and lie on sex surveys about the frequency and duration of their fap sessions.
Masturbation is why we have degeneracy like Tumblr and its rampant liberal feminisms, porn, hatred of men and civilization and all of that other bullshit. Fears caused by masturbation.
Their liberty is their prison. So much unnecessary negativity and sadness is caused by it, and it just feels like a problem we've been unaware of as a society. Where will it end and how? By cultivating ourselves?
>>12352I'm this guy, I lasted about a day.
>>12383In an effort to get back on track I'm going to do the fibonacci method and hope I get results like you.
Wish me luck!
>>11608… fapped to nigh every depravity on the net.
can i still find redemption?
what is grace, virginity? modesty? an innocent mind?
>>11739> I do not believe in demiurge.post discarded completely
Getting in on this. Pledge 2 weeks. If I make it to July I'll attempt a whole month.
Let's see how THIS makes me feel.
>>12465hey weird, i was gonna make a 2 week pledge today and post using the pirate flag
weird. guess i'll do it tomorrow lol
Except masturbation is essential for spiritual progress because it stimulates your kundalini. By not masturbating you are lowering your bioelectricity,this is a huge disinfo thread.
>>12470nice buzzwords, faggot.
Care to elaborate or just drop jingles and hope people dance to the tune?
>he thinks "kundalini" is a buzzwordnice try reptillian jew disinfo shill agent provocateur. go pimp the agenda of the Grays and their Demiurge master somewhere else.
June 17 to July 1st
3weeks… again..
>3weeks… again..That's 2 weeks.
>>12470False. Ejaculation is always a negative thing. However, masturbation, when done tantrically, without ejaculation, can be beneficial, if you are practicing energy circulation techniques and not doing it to porn or anything.
>>12491>>12491Unless its for procreation, otherwise, one should refrain from ejaculation as much as possible.
Tfw I fap all the time and have no spiritual issues.
If you think it will harm you, it will. Just have no worries mon.
I do all sorts of things and my magick is still good. Fap, drink the carbonated jew, eat lots of jew food because hey there's no stopping them, cut myself a lot, etc and am still good at the magicz.
Just stop worrying "hindering" activities and just fucking do it, you giys are wasting your time not fapping when you could do something magickal but NO you gotta worry about not fapping. Smh.
Just do it faggots and stop worrying about these things.
>>12493Fapping will not stop you from getting good at magic or spiritually developing yourself. but semen retention can accelerate spiritual development 100x EASILY. I was a spiritualfag and made some good progress in 2 years time. I learned about semen retention and nofap and decided to try it out.
I'm 150 days in, and I've made more progress than I made in 2 years. Theres a reason many ancient cultures consider semen retention crucial to being the strongest version of yourself. Semen is vital life force energy. It is made of the energy that runs the universe.
Fapping is a useless habit that is usually only done by those with low self esteem. Unless done in tantric practice. You sound like a shill
I just don't want to fap and I don't care what you degenerates say I'm never going to start fapping.
>>12499With you on that. Once you break the habit, you even stop thinking about fapping. Its a habit programmed into us to drain our energy.
>>12495>You sound like a shillThis is what EVERY so-called "wizard" says when he sees something he doesn't want to believe. Justa' sayin. I don't gove two fucks if it speeds anything up, I fapped since I was 11 and have no probs whatsoever. I obtained the password to /illuminati/ magickally as well (sent thoughtform to gather info). In fact, when yoy orgasm your thoughts come to an extreme halt and you reach a state of hypnosis. Whatever you think during orgasm is important as your thoughts are clear. Fapping also makes you calm and I fap before rituals and meditation and it helps ton.
Say whatever you want to say about what I just said, just keep holding yourselves back by worrying about what hinders your spirituality. Hey guys, breathing causes alien thoughts to come into your brain! EVERYONE STOP BREAHING RIGHT THE FUCK NAO IT HINDERS YOU OMG!!!!!!¡¡~~~~~~~~
>>12502Nah, its just easy to pick up on the stylometry of a shill once you learn how to. Not saying you are, but you write like one. Whatever, if you want to drain your vital life energy if you think it helps you in rituals, then cool. I feel like a sack of shit when I do, so I stick to tantra and abstain from ejaculation as much as possible.
Semen is vital. It is what makes men men. The more you have, the stronger you are, the more willpower you have. If you were a true wizard you'd understand how important semen is. Masturbation and ejaculation are not the same, mind you.
>>12503Good for you. It's different for everyone else. It literally makes no difference if I fap or not before rituals or meditation, orgasm just helps a lot to clear the thoughts. If I want willpower etc, I'll will it, not rely on my mudane body fluids. I hate EVERY BIT of physicality and give two fucks less about what semen does. My magick works, and that's all I care about. I've never had a backfre. Ever. Although I'm not saying I will never get backfired I'm sure I will it's just hilarious, this thread.
I'd make better posts but I'm in a mental fog from being tired, my mother is in labor, the electric jew is on, and I'm bleeding like a motherfucker.
>>12504>>12502If you want to survive in this world you cant hate the physical.. gotta balance the physical and spiritual and realize they're one in the same. you came here for a reason, you chose this. dont hate it man
>>12505>you came here for a reasonTrue.
>you chose this.Not true.
>you didn't choose this.How so?
>>12495this post inspired me
>>12502did you post the password on fringe? something like 'gift from the akashic' or something?
gimme the steps on how you did this!
i will fap in celebration while thinking of you
>>12502>implying we should keep partaking of the breathing jew if we can stop it
>not achieving Inedia, then reaching a state through void meditation where you no longer have to breath air >>12482whoops thanks for the catch.
June 18th to July 9th
>>12502Well, whats the password?
give a hint
(USER WAS ROPED FOR LEAKING SECRETS) >>12557Seriously? It wasn't even the real one
>>12566Real or not real it had to be suppressed.
>>12566Is /illuminati really that provocative as a board? Whats it all about?
>>12566Is /illuminati really that provocative as a board? Whats it all about?
I'm working on trying a thoughtform password retrieval but so far its only given me duds.
>>12569Nothing goyim, move along now.
>>12569As far as you're concerned, nothing of importance.
That is what you're supposed to believe. >>12573
>whycantiholdallthisedge.jpg >>12575Oh don't worry nothing edgy going on here.
>>11762I can relate to the intrusive thoughts. Glad to hear it from another source.

>>10894“The first time you see a woman naked will not be like you imagined. There will be no love, no trust, no intimacy. You won’t even be in the same room as her.
You won’t get to smile as she undresses you and you undress her. You won’t get to calm her nerves with nerves of your own. You won’t get to kiss her, feeling her lips and the edge of her tongue. You won’t get to brush your fingers over the lace of her bra or count her ribs or feel her heartbeat.
The first time you see a woman naked you will be sitting in front of a computer screen watching someone play at intimacy and perform at sex. She will contort her body to please everyone in the room but her. You will watch this woman who is not a woman, pixelated and filtered and customized. She will come ready-made, like an order at a restaurant. The man on the screen will be bigger than you, rougher than you. He will teach you how to talk to her. He will teach you where to put your hands and he will teach you what you’re supposed to like. He will teach you to take what is yours.
You must unlearn this. You must unlearn this twisted sense of love. You must unlearn the definition of pleasure and intimacy you are being taught. Kill this idea of love, this idea of entitlement, this way of scarring one another.”
Anyone got any advice on accelerating my magical development, shit's taking awhile, and I feel like I'm in a "magical arms race" to beat a whole lot of other wizards at getting good.
Stuff that I think could help potentially:
- I need to create a persistent thoughtform that doesn't go away and stays around which I can use as an information bank and thus have perfect memory
- need to manipulate time in order to heal the body and enhance the speed at which I think
- need to overcome all the obstacles of my environment, tons of noise and very great heat, etc. that are fucking up my life and preventing me from meditating and developing my magic and so on
All I care about is magic and I am NEET so it's all I do all day long, if I just had the right stuff in place, I could probably become a master wizard really fast.
>>12803Also: requesting any thoughtforms or other things anyone wants to send to me in order to assist in these goals.
Will send radiant light orbs also to whoever wants one. If you don't receive I will try making a new one and sending it also and keep repeating until it finally actually gets to you.
>>11758Well I have the book. I guess I'll upload it onto mega tomorrow.

>>12803>to beat a whole lot of other wizards at getting good.Man, you don't need to beat other wizards, just try and achieve your goals. Good luck.
> need to overcome all the obstacles of my environment, tons of noiseI know this feel far too good. I hate noise.

I pledge one week. I've never gone even that long without fapping before, so I'll keep my goal small for starters.
While I'm at it, I pledge one week of abstinence from caffeine and alcohol too.

>>12875ERrrhhhh but caffeine gives you headaches if you don't get any! Coca Cola is healthy, it said so on the news channel!

>>12804I will send you some toughtform that you can use to heal yourself and others. No need to manipulate time and works like a charm. I also got it sent to me.
Send me an orb, I like them.
I think I might be a lifelong succubus casualty or something…
Or well, maybe that's horseshit. But it hints in the right direction anyways, even if I may not fully grokked that whole succubus concept quite yet.
Well I discovered internet like at age 8 or something. i got into BDSM and other fetish shit etc when i was like 11. I've been fapping every day since roughly age 12, am now in my 20's.
The pattern goes deep. Should I just scribble up a sigil 'it is not my will to be an antisocial masturbator' or something? I've considered that but thought it could backfire in one way or another. Because I'm so emotionally invested in the result. And I would likely be using masturbation to achieve gnosis for charging the sigil etc
I've spent a lot of time fapping high on amphetamines and cannabis. And chainsmoking rolled tobacco.
Yadda yadda /lifestory
But maybe someone has some insight…
Saging because ya
pledging 6 days
>>12944>tobaccoeew you got bad taste. just stop touching your cock
>>12944>Should I just scribble up a sigil 'it is not my will to be an antisocial masturbator' or something?Never phrase directions to your subconscious in the negative. Your subconscious edits out words like "not".
>>13048At least it's rolled and not cigarettes, there's a pretty big difference, you can smoke roll ups indoors without completely stinking out the place with smoke.
>>12944You're a little like me although I didn't start on the bdsm as young, you just need to find a girlfriend and your libido will return to liking "normal" things.
>>10894Until the end of July. However long that is.
Starting no cap july when I wake.

>>13051>>13511im the third one in for july i guess
i have the feeling you guys did this pledge at the beginning of june, and failed like me
I pledge not to stoop to my primal urges of masturbation until (at the very least) the first of August.
So, ever since stopping, I've noticed that I have been having a lot more wet dreams.
I have also noticed that my temptation to look at porn again, masturbate and various other things have started to rise within me again.
Do I fight all of this?
If so, what do I do to eliminate these thoughts and temptations from my mind?
>>10984>you would have to have at least seven days without masturbation to get results.I can't even remember the last time I went 7 days without fapping at least once.
>>13522>Do I fight all of this?Yes. Every opportunity to strengthen your will like this will lead to you doing miracles eventually if you win. Don't let yourself fail.
>If so, what do I do to eliminate these thoughts and temptations from my mind?Anything you can think of. I used a wide variety of thoughtforms to counter it, you can also try to absorb yourself entirely in something else and stay focused only on that thing, etc.
One important practise from IIH and which is essential to your magical development is to focus completely on the task at hand and not deviate at all. Whether this be gardening, working, reading through a book, whatever; you must stick to it and not let other thoughts intrude. You become wholly immersed in what you do.
What happens if you all of a sudden get hard and get wet with no contact? The penis is lubricating itself for sex but I haven't even thought about anything arousing?
Literally got hard as a rock in a matter of seconds while reading through some of my review notes on mathematical formulas and had to shift myself so it was uncomfortable to get a hard on. I could feel a strangely powerful force vibrating through my body, almost as if my brain/spirit was flooding my system with neuropeptides/energy. It's been 9 days.
I also had a resistance session where I looked at nude pictures for 20 minutes to discipline myself a couple of days ago
>>13522Let the sensations roam all over your body. Just observe them get stronger but do not act upon them.
How to eliminate them? Just watch. Don't force them to go away - this is harmful in a long run. When you just let them roam, they will stop, (and turn possibly into other energy).
>>13565Are you sure you didn't you push against something? You can also get erect without thinking about anything.
I don't do nor recommend doing any resistance sessions because you'll only mess up your brain chemistry by arousing the brain.
Stop watching porn, even if it's two or 10 or 20 minutes - you can discipline yourself without watching it as mentioned above.
>>13590Well I guess what he's doing is like a smoker looking at a cigarette and resisting the urge to smoke. Except he's looking at porn and resisting to urge to masturbate. It's like an extra-tough challenge to train the will and resist temptation by putting temptation right in front of you and then successfully resisting it. Someone who ignores temptation for a long while might still cave again when it comes back to them. So I kind of applaud his effort really. If he can look at nude bodies for say a few hours and stay in control of himself and not give into lust, not fap, not even think sexually charged thoughts; then he has mastered himself and can probably put away the porn after that and never come back to it and be brought under its influence again.
>>13595The goal should be though to get off it completely. After say like an hour of viewing porn and not getting aroused and not thinking a single sexual thought he'll have essentially mastered a form meditative practice and conquered temptation/lust. After that he should just avoid it completely then and focus on better things with his time now that he is lust free.

>>13595>>13596It is safe to look at a cigarette from distance, but why? Because the cigarette is not lit and not enjoyed! But how can you do that with porn? When he sees porn, he's already lit the cigarette and enjoying it! I cannot see how such action can possibly help him.
Just because he thinks it won't affect him, does not mean it won't.
Unlike smoke, porn doesn't need to be inhaled to cause damage. And unlike drugs, it doesn't need to be inserted. In fact, a mere peek - a mere sight! - of it will affect your brain chemistry! And what will two-times ten minutes do to you if even a small dose will hurt you? And what will - dear! - happen if you consume porn for one hour?
That's too many cigarettes if even one is too much.
Watching porn makes you produce dopamine that rewires your brain and makes you an addict. This happens with all drugs, caffeine included.
Now, now, most folks on Fringechan seem to avert the idea that something as this can happen (because material does not exist for them). But I wish people will listen to me.
Your body is a vessel to enlightenment and you should take care of it, as Buddha said. It might be a garment, a temporary one, but you should take care of it. Otherwise it'll close doors for you, and then what will you do?
Better way to 'look at the cigarette and resisting it' is to watch your own temptations arising and vanishing. This way you're not engulfing yourself with the drug but fighting the it. Watching yourself trains your mind and body because you're telling yourself, "This shall pass. I shall not succumb."
It's like how Buddhists deal with anger. Instead of acting immediately, they focus on their anger and what sensations it cause. Then they meet it with kindness and compassion, and transmute the anger into something more positive and constructive.
IN SHORT; it is - in my view - more useful to focus on your sensations with mindfulness than to indulge yourself with the drug you are trying to get rid of.
I have spoken.
pleding 1 month of no fap and no 4chan
>>13548>>13589I appreciate the feedback.
I already feel more confident in my abilities in self control and manipulation of bodily energy.

>>13619I am also going to pledge this. 4chan shouldn't be hard to quit, I already go days/weeks without it. There are many better places on the net than 4chan.
Guys, I can't stop masturbating, and every time I do it (it's been daily at this point) I fap to something morally worse.

>>13718>tfw go so deep eventually end up fapping to the thought of not being able to stop fapping to increasingly degrading pornThis is not a path I would wish upon anyone.
>installing software to block porn instead of using willpower
>not alchemically transmuting addiction into mental strength like your Higher Self obviously intended when it got you hooked on pornfilthy casual
How about stay of the computer/phone etc for a month and only masturbate if you feel the desire coming up from within your own body and mind. Get rid of the images and be with yourself undistracted.
>>13791You can do that even if you get the program.
The thing is that the program is there to get you started but you won't benefit from it if you don't do anything.
Transmutation is important, I have spoken of it earlier. But the program won't transmute your addiction - you will!
It's like getting a book about losing weight. Sure the book will be useful, but you can't lose weight by reading - you need to do it yourself.
I ask you to give your own personal experiences and tips on transmutation for future use. Sure we have the main thread on it, but I want to hear your part, please.
Let's help these people.
If anyone is interested I used le auto-suggestion thing in Initiation Into Hermetics with the exact phrase of "I have not the desire to look at porn." and it became true.
Eliminate the desire itself with subconscious programming and soon porn will not interest you at all.
>>13865Ermm "I have no desire to look at porn."
Apparently subconscious can't handle "nots".
>>13866Wait a moment…
I don't know.
Maybe my subconscious can handle a not thrown in there?

I pledge a week then, along with 10-30 min meditation a day to counter the effects of withdrawal and better help rid myself of this pathetic and frustrating addiction.
2 and a half weeks now
I got morning wood for the first time in forever. Thinking much more clearly, 5'o clock shadow is darker and fuller, dreams are more vivid and just generally look better.
Still a bit of a challenge to not pound it. Everytime I feel like it, I start doing sprints at the track a few minutes from my house and bodyweight exercises.
is there any truth in this
I've been masturbating daily and I don't feel anything bad?
>>14002Since when have you been masturbating daily?
You have no brain-fog, no fatigue, no emotional numbness, no loss of enjoying things?
I fap daily (not the other guy) and I have no problems.
Only when I'm working in the farm for hours straight.
>emotional numbness
Hell no.
>loss of enjoying things

No-fap is a load of crap. Sorry guys.
>>14033>Sorry guys.But on the plus side, nofap being a load of crap would mean a person could jerk themselves silly every day with no fear.
>>14033If it's an elaborate lie, I am still glad that I don't have brain fog anymore and that porn images don't appear to to my mind when I close my eyes.
That was horrifying and I am happy it doesn't happen anymore.
>>14036If nofap works for you, that's good. Really. People toss around "placebo effect" like it's some sort of insult, but isn't one of the major recurrent tenets of fringe thinking the idea that materialist science isn't the be-all end-all, and that your subjective perception is in fact the basis of your reality?
That's fair enough, but over spiritualistic fags are probably worse than overly materialistic people. Denying the material aspects of the world is just as fallacious.
I think the bottom paragraph of that pic sums it up brilliantly. Most of us are mature enough to decide how much is too much.
I also don't hold people in high esteem who pat themselves on the back for shit like this as if it's some huge achievement and then act like snobs about it.
>>14033Doesn't talk about the Taoist or Tantric view of sexual energy at all.
>b-but placeboexactly
Got time to jerk, got time to work.
>>14038I agree with you there. In my view, there's an unfortunate and almost Gnostic 'trend' here to loathe all material and deny its effects on you.

So everytime I try to not masturbate, I get a headache after about 2 days.
This is suffering. Is it really worth it?
>>14038Sexual energy is an actual energy which can be repurposed and used for much more important things than the pure hedonism and waste that is fapping. You shouldn't fap at all, use that precious energy for much more important works.

>>14048*undercover worshipper of the demiurge detected*

I think the cosmos is beautiful. Can you blame for that?
>>14053I read that headaches could be withdrawal symptoms. I didn't have them. Try keep the streak going and see how you feel in couple more days.

Ok so has anyone here actually gone more than a year of celibacy?
Is there any effects at all ANY? I just want to know if its worth it. I keep going from celibacy to jacking off constantly because they both seem to have advantages and disadvantages.
>>14082I'll inform you in nine months. I'm on my third month and…
I feel more lucid and intelligent, and there's a lot of creative energy inside me. I can remember things I have read more easily, I have more vivid dreams and feel more happy and confident than before - I don't care as much as what people think of me. It's their problem, not mine, isn't it?
I don't suffer from brain-fog anymore, except if I sleep to much. My 'normal state' of mind is not meh anymore, but more aware and curious.
I was skeptic and there's a lot of things (broscience, and YourBrainOnPorn) I don't believe in about NoFap, but I've benefited a lot and am satisfied that I made this choice.

>>14075I KNEW IT. Google is a tool of the demiurge and also the chosen (chosen by the demiurge).
>>14082>Ok so has anyone here actually gone more than a year of celibacy?I've done a whole life-time.
>Is there any effects at all ANY? I just want to know if its worth it. I keep going from celibacy to jacking off constantly because they both seem to have advantages and disadvantages.I have no idea what I would be like if I were to masturbate but but much energy is wasted upon lust and I am growing in power very fast.

>>14092Interesting but I need more people who have went at least a year to tell me what they think. How many people actually manage this? I have been flirting with this celibacy thing for too long and am thinking of just going all the way with it this time.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbxk3qX6YLsVid is a little misleading, but basically celibacy is used in all religious contexts to channel the energy from your root chakra to the higher ones, making enlightenment very easy.
>>139549 days later with no porn binging or fapping and just one fap in the shower.
I must say I can definitely feel how strong of an addiction to porn there is. You get cravings for gods sake to just sit there mindlessly fapping and edging away till you fap wait a bit and do it again.
Though for me to keep strong it helps that I have already tried and failed to quit porn binging many,many times and each time I went back I didnt feel much different, it was just the same - binge, edge, fap, feel shame then fap some more the next day.
I'm starting to think that one reason I am getting thoughts of just browsing porn when something stresses me or if I'm even bored is because I've basically been doing it for so long that I've forgotten what it's like to not binge and fap to porn daily.
Though I have been 100% more productive these past days than I would have been if It was just the same old fapping and porn. And the fact that I lasted so long without a daily porn session is a good motivator to keep going for now and continue my meditating at least once a day for 15 min thing too.
The effect of the reproductive organs upon the general health is too well known to be discussed at length here, but we may be permitted to say that with the reproductive organs in a weakened condition the entire system feels the reflex action and suffers sympathetically. The Complete Breath produces a rhythm which is Nature's own plan for keeping this important part of the system in normal condition, and, from the first, it will be noticed that the reproductive functions are strengthened and vitalized, thus, by sympathetic reflex action, giving tone to the whole system. By this, we do not mean that the lower sex impulses will be roused; far from it. The Yogis are advocates of continence and chastity, and have learned to control the animal passions. But sexual control does not mean sexual weakness, and the Yogi teachings are that the man or woman whose reproductive organism is normal and healthy, will have a stronger will with which to control himself or herself. The Yogi believes that much of the perversion of this wonderful part of the system comes from a lack of normal health, and results from a morbid rather than a normal condition of these organs. A little careful consideration of this question will prove that the Yogi teachings are right.
The effect of the reproductive organs upon the general health is too well known to be discussed at length here, but we may be permitted to say that with the reproductive organs in a weakened condition the entire system feels the reflex action and suffers sympathetically. The Complete Breath produces a rhythm which is Nature's own plan for keeping this important part of the system in normal condi- tion, and, from the first, it will be noticed that the reproductive functions are strengthened and vitalized, thus, by sympathetic reflex action, giving tone to the whole system. By this, we do not mean that the lower sex impulses will be roused; far from it. The Yogis are advocates of continence and chastity, and have learned to control the animal passions. But sexual control does not mean sexual weakness, and the Yogi teachings are that the man or woman whose reproductive organism is normal and healthy, will have a stronger will with which to control himself or herself. The Yogi believes that much of the perversion of this wonderful part of the system comes from a lack of normal health, and results from a morbid rather than a normal condition of these organs. A little careful consideration of this question will prove that the Yogi teachings are right.
This is not the place to discuss the subject fully, but the Yogis know that sex-energy may be conserved and used for the development of the body and mind of the individual, instead of being dissipated in unnatural excesses as is the wont of so many uninformed people. By special request we will give in this book one of the favourite Yogi exercises for this purpose. But whether or not the student wishes to adopt the Yogi theories of continence and clean-living, he or she will find that the Complete Breath will do more to restore health to this part of the system than anything else ever tried. Remember, now, we mean normal health, not undue development. The sensualist will find that normal means a lessening of desire rather than an increase; the weakened man or woman will find a toning up and a relief from the weakness which has heretofore depressed him or her. We do not wish to be misunderstood or misquoted on this subject. The Yogi's ideal is a body strong in all its parts, under the control of a masterful and developed Will, animated by high ideals.
In the practice of the Complete Breath, during inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and exerts a gentle pressure upon the liver, stomach, and other organs, which in connection with the rhythm of the lungs acts as a gentle massage of these organs and stimulates their actions, and encourages normal functioning. Each inhalation aids in this internal exercise, and assists in causing a normal circulation to the organs of nutrition and elimination. In High or Mid Breathing the organs lose the benefit accruing from this internal massage.
The Western world is paying much attention to Physical Culture just now, which is a good thing. But in their enthusiasm they must not forget that the exercise of the external muscles is not everything. The internal organs also need exercise, and Nature's plan for the exercise is proper breathing. The diaphragm is Nature's principal instrument for this internal exercise. Its motion vibrates the important organs of nutrition and elimination, and massages and kneads them at each inhalation and exhalation, forcing blood into them, and then squeezing it out, and imparting a general tone to the organs. Any organ or part of the body which is not exercised gradually atrophies and refuses to function properly, and lack of the in- ternal exercise afforded by the diaphragmatic action leads to diseased organs. The Complete Breath gives the proper motion to the diaphragm, as well as exercising the middle and upper chest. It is indeed "complete " in its action.
From the standpoint of Western physiology alone, without reference to the Oriental philosophies and science, this Yogi system of Complete Breathing is of vital importance to every man, woman, and child who wishes to acquire health and keep it. Its very simplicity keeps thousands from seriously considering it, while they spend fortunes in seeking health through complicated and expensive " systems." Health knocks at their door and they answer not. Verily the stone which the builders reject is the real cornerstone of the Temple of Health.
4 weeks pledged to abstinence of self-indulgence
>>14153fookin lost. I re-pledge the entire month.
>>14222Sexual drive is a form of energy. USE IT. Take that huge desire to fap and turn it into a huge desire to grow in metaphysical power.
>Take that huge desire to fap Oh to be 17 again.
>>14242Real talk - I'm not even attempting nofap, and I still only think to jerk off once or twice a week. I wonder what the esoteric interpretation of different people having different amounts of sex drive is…
I come here not to pledge in abstaining from masturbation. That doesn’t mean i wont take breaks from fapping.
I find that edging (prolonged masturbation by delaying orgasm) along with passive intent can literally illuminate the naval nightlight.
I remember Allen Watts used to fuck his wife for like 5 hours at a time.Just a bearded Buddhist and broad kindling bundled loosh.
In the first fiddy pages of Book 1 of the illuminatus trilogy there is a hippie guy showing a chick tantric sex. He instructs her to sit on his lap of his erection; and to sit still and not lust for climax. The girl has a skyking orgasm and sees a beautiful light. this was the girls redpill.
>>14249I'd speculate that it could show a lack of vital energy, but really I think it's just male hormones dipping. I barely get hard unless I'm with a woman in sex mode; masturbation takes serious effort to get things started.
>>14256And by barely I mean never, literally. Damn my constant non committal habit.
>>14256>just male hormones dippingCould be, but for me it's just a lack of interest in masturbation, specifically. Pretty much every attractive girl I meet gets that part of my mind scheming up banging-related scenarios.
I haven't masturbated all month and I feel my sex drive diminishing. Am I becoming a womanly child?
>>14224Ok, gonna try that. I changed it to happiness once then normal lust came back again and it overwhelmed me..
>>14274Sex drive diminishing doesn't mean you're getting feminine. If you start having manboobs, softer skin or getting emotional or other feminine stuff then maybe yes and, if you are overweight, it may be because your fat turns the testosterone you gain from not faping into estrogens or some stuff like that.
>>11761spiritless inferior degenerate pls go
I've always been soft-bodied and mostly hairless. Maybe I have low testosterone and that's why my libido is so low.
I pledge not to fap until I find the other half of me again.
I love, love, there is and always has been only one, our true other half.
And you will know who they are, when you first set your eyes on them, in not lust nor admiration of beauty or any other such things.
But an instinctual knowing full of love and energy.
No matter how long it takes, no substitute is a fraction of powerful as knowing you will meet the other part of you, and laying in that bed of energy and love, and to know, to know that everything will come together in the end.

I've actually been doing a noFap since Monday.
So I pledge from now to the 18th of August, or 4 weeks from the 21st.
>no gf
>no pussy prospects in the near future
>Lets Do this.

Masturbation and porn has ruined so much of my life, its taken all my time, concentration and mana to be able to maintain my simple life.
Im pledging I, from this day forward will NEVER, masturbate again. No touching, no fantasies, no porn, no ejaculation. Only taking care of my body, studying, and learning higher spiritual depth the way the oracles of Greece taught.
I pledge as a warrior on my sacred honor that Masturbation will never consume my life anymore. And hence forth I will be strong, brave, composed, and in control of my lower desires.
Hail the Warfarher, Hail the Lover. Hail a new day with sexual control, and spiritual growth on the warrior's path.
I pledge a week starting next week. Also does scratching your balls or dick count?
>>14499the struggle is real my friend, I have the same problem.
The easiest way that I've found to TRANSFORM (rather than suppress) the sexual urge is to use vocalizing/breathing exercises in anywhere from a light to deep meditative state to transmute that sexual energy into pure energy for use by the Magician.
Method 1
This method is primarily used to calm the erection, sexual urge, and transmute some sexual energy quickly. Not used for the compilation of larger amounts of energy.
-Sit in a meditative position. Full lotus, Seiza, or western style in a chair. It is also very important to keep ones back straight.
-Be sure to breathe correctly. Stomach goes out upon inhale, and in upon exhale.
-Expel all air from lungs, sinus, mouth, and throat.
-Inhale 100% of lung capacity through nose in a timely and relaxed manner while mentally reciting the mantra "Ham" pronounced ("h-om"). Stomach goes out upon inhale, once bottom of the lungs are full inhale to the chest. After the lungs are full to capacity, push stomach outward to open bronchi and nadis.
-Hold at least 4 sec. You may feel some interesting sensation.
-Press tongue to back of front teeth at roof of mouth to create an internal circuit of energy carried by breath.
-Perform a pressurized exhale with tongue in the mentioned position, creating an elongated "S" sound. The energy will rise from the testicles/root chakra area, through the spine, to the crown.
-Before running out of breath, finish the "S" sound with an explosive "SA" (pronounced "S-AH")
-Upon "SA", energy is sent to the heart chakra, or center, and distributed to the chakras. from the chakras, to the nadis, and from the nadis to the rest of the subtle being of the magician.
the practitioner may feel a sort of light headed, headache sensation which is normal. this exercise helps to save ones sexual energy and use it to awaken the consciousness and cultivate willpower in the individual, as well as calming an erection.
>>14660 cont
Esoteric Exercise of Pranayama for Men
- The disciple places himself in a chair or on the floor with his face directed towards the East.
- The chest, neck, and head should be in a straight or vertical line. Do not lean your body to the front, to the back or to one side. The palms of the hands should rest on your legs in a very natural position.
- The mind of the disciple should be directed towards his Innermost
- Close your eyes so that the matters from the physical world do not distract you.
- Cover or close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. Mentally vocalize the mantra “TON.”* At the same time inhale slowly through the cavity of your left nostril.
- Now, close the left nostril with the index finger of your right hand. Hold your breath; retain your breath. Mentally send the Prana to the root chakra (in the coccyx, the small bone at the lower extremity of the spinal column) in order to awaken the Kundalini and mentally pronounce the mantra “SA.”
- Now exhale slowly from the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”
- Now close the left nostril with your index finger.
- Inhale the Prana through the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” Close both of your nostrils with your index finger and your thumb and retain the breath. Mentally vocalize the mantra “RA.” Send the Prana to the magnetic center of the coccyx in order to awaken the Kundalini.
- Exhale slowly through the left nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”
- This constitutes one complete pranayama.
- Repeat this complete process six more times (twice a day at dusk and dawn).
- The devotee will kneel on the ground.
- Once he is on the ground the devotee places the palms of his hands on the floor, the thumbs of the two hands together.
- Prostrated on the ground, with his body inclined forward, with his head facing the East, and filled with supreme veneration he then places his forehead on his hands, Egyptian style.
- Next, with his powerfully creative word, the disciple vocalizes the mantra “RA,” the mantra of the Egyptians. This mantra “RA” is vocalized by prolonging the sound of its two letters, as follows: RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaa. Vocalize the mantra seven times.
Esoteric Exercise of Pranayama for Women
- The disciple places herself in a chair or on the floor with her face directed towards the East.
- The chest, neck, and head should be in a straight or vertical line. Do not lean your body to the front, to the back or to one side. The palms of the hands should rest on your legs in a very natural position.
- The mind of the disciple should be directed towards her Innermost
- Close your eyes so that the matters of the physical world do not distract you.
- Cover or close the left nostril with the index finger of your right hand. Mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” At the same time inhale slowly through the cavity of the right nostril.
- Now, close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. Hold your breath; retain your breath. Mentally send the Prana to the root chakra situated in the coccyx, (the small bone at the lower extremity of the spinal column) to awaken the Kundalini and mentally pronounce the mantra “SA.”
- Now exhale slowly from the left nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”
- Next, close the right nostril with the thumb.
- Inhale the life, the Prana through the left nostril, mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” Close both of your nostrils with the index finger and the thumb and retain the breath and mentally vocalize the mantra “RA.” Send the Prana to the magnetic center of the coccyx in order to awaken the Kundalini.
- Exhale slowly through the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”
- This constitutes one complete pranayama.
- Repeat this complete process six more times (twice a day at dusk and dawn).
- The devotee will kneel on the ground.
- Once she is on the ground the devotee then places the palms of her hands on the floor, the thumbs of the two hands together.
- Prostrated on the ground, with her body inclined forward, with her head facing the East, and filled with supreme veneration, she then places her forehead on her hands, Egyptian style.
- Next, with her powerful creative word, the disciple vocalizes the Mantra “RA,” the mantra of the Egyptians. This mantra “RA” is vocalized by prolonging the sound of its two letters, as follows: RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaa. Vocalize the mantra seven times.
>These two exercises are used for the awakening and strengthening of the Kundalini in the conventional human through the cycling of sexual energy. I can personally attest to their effectiveness. Boy this is really difficult. I somehow managed to last a week when I stumbled onto this thread but now find it difficult to go a day without fapping (edging) and no more than 2-3 without orgasm.
It seems like I have a high libido and huge sexual drive but the root of that all stems from my current porn addiction which I'm hoping to overcome as I slowly begin to realize that the past few years of my life I have all but stunted my spiritual growth in the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure. A neverending cycle of fapping and porn that I find difficult to break, I wasn't even aware of the possibility that this was an addiction until at least a year ago.
I'm asking what methods or techniques work best to supress your libido and desires for porn? I try with meditation but cannot focus, I struggle to even make a full week of meditating.
I realize through sheer willpower alone I may not overcome this, when I get the urge to do so it is almost difficult to back off and I sometimes do and just edge for hours trying to summon the will to just stop but I eventually after a few days or hours end up giving in.
I regret it all righ after immediately and wonder to myself where is this clarity and sense of mind when the urge strikes? Is it possible to meditate in a way that you are given a clarity of mind equal to that which is felt immediately after masturbating? It subsides almost soon after though, and the cycle repeats again.
Even now as I write this I may truly feel this way but in a day or less I could just again give in to the urge and go fap again. Even though by now, after so many years i find myself getting sick of this cycle and just wishing I had a low libido and sex drive so I can focus on helping myself spiritually.
Anyone else with a similar problem? Any tips? It's been 2 days now and reading this thread is helping again to keep me away from returning to a delusional fapping state, for now at least.
>>14702Read Initiation Into Hermetics and read the various New Thought books.

>>14702I was in your position and too I decided that I had had enough.
It's true; when you begin to crave it is difficult to stop yourself. However it is not impossible. Try these: when you get the desire, shut your computer. Go to jog or do some push-ups. If possible, go take a cold shower. You can try to sit down and focus on your desire. Don't touch yourself! Just feel the desire - what does it feel like? Where is it? Why is it?
If you live in a city, go outside so that there are a lot of people around you. Then just wait until the desire fades out.
Read this
>>13730, I use this so I don't spend time on useless websites (4Chan, online game sites). You can use it to block most of the porn sites but it won't cure you. You cure you.
You can do it. I'm soon on my fourth month of celibacy. I still crave but I can control myself more. You can do it.
Here's some Plato for you.

I pledge the entire month of August.
>>11608One week because of these guys. I love fapping to little 2D loli buttholes, but I can do without it. Also, soda for a week. I got back onto the habit, so I need to kick it again. This is starting now of course. It is currently 4:44 AM EST.
>>14720I did and it made me sad that I must not fap + I need to get a wife.
Either pledge eternity or nothing at all. You should only reach orgasm deep within your wife.
>>14774>>14777Nah you don't need a wife, a lot of people do this thing solo because they know having a partner will just keep perpetuating their desires and lust. Not only that but, where are you going to find someone who is also practicing chastity and not just trying to fuck you for their amusement?
First, we must cultivate chastity within ourselves and then when we are fully in alignment with our spiritual goal and are ready to have sex that is pure, our twin flames will reveal themselves to us.
>>14782Alright. You're probably more experience with this than I am, but it did say that we need a partner to get to heaven in the video.
>>14773ewww don't use my wizard hat and make posts like that
>>14783Like I said, when you are ready your twin flame will appear. Do you think they will appear when you are full of desire and lust? It would be a disaster.
so some of us pledge an amount of time, and compile that energy and willpower that is so useful and easily transmuted. then we just spill it and waste it? what?

Day 8 or 9
Porn now seems
Disgusting to watch to me. Any kind of porn i get a pit in my stomach.
The urge to masturbate is gone, i do tantric exercises in the morning.
I havent orgasmed in 12 days. I feel excilent. Masturbation is a tool of the jew to oppress us, sap our stregnth and mana.
>>14822Good thing that I've sworn off women, sex, marriage, etc. I just need to swear off lust and I'll see what I can do.
>>14842Holy shit, yeah get on that. You're just hurting yourself by still lusting over women. Sex is a desire that can never be fulfilled. It's like a Dog with no teeth chewing on a bone. He might feel like he's getting pleasure from it because he sees the bone is bleeding, but he doesn't realize that it's seeping from his own mouth.
Some of you guys speak with a strange cult-like certainty in thinking orgasms are the bane of your existence. By all means, condemn wasteful lust, but don't confuse lust with sexuality. I think sex is and was always meant to be an experience rooted in deep, true love, just as any form of intimacy. Materialist culture has convinced vast amounts of people that sex is a base desire that "needs" to be satisfied, which I think is abominable. Sex is no more a need than a smartphone - only a need if you construct that assumption yourself. I think nature "blessed" us with sexual impulses and orgasm as a way to surrender to the love between two people, a form of mysticism.
Day 3
The urges have grown intensely. I can feel every waking part of my bod longing for release. I have started to lose control of my thinking. My mind is slowly trying to convince me to masturbate. This is hell.
>>13730Actually I read that its more like the brain is craving dopmanine but is desentisized to it because you keep releasing loads of it daily in brief yet quick succession, or if edging you have a longer dopaminine release but spread out over hours.
Regardless all this does is make you seek out ever different types of porn once you get too desentisized to one thing.
And I assume this is the same reason why for now for me it is difficult to find and feel joy in the simplest things, random moments where something clicks and you feel good for a bit, or when there is a rainstorm or pleasing view of trees and the sway of wind on a sunny yet dry day, a particular beautiful song lyric or melody that takes your breath away or just makes you feel good in the way the singer expressed her voice and I can still appreciate these things as they happen or when I see them but it is noticeably harder to feel something deep and instilling within upon these moments unlike many years ago.
And I suppose this is why I seem to have just abandoned most of my hobbies and interests, even something I usually get great pleasure from- drawing. Instead I find myself glued to the PC browsing porn site after site, usually tumblrs with specific fetishes so theres like a never ending stream of images and videos to fap to. I used to love and endlessly seek to create, whether a drawing or small arts and crafts and funny poses and scenarios with all my various star wars figures and scale military toys I use for drawing inspiration and reference, or even create new experiences for myself in numerous videogames and try my hand at any world or map editors and just create something new, or experience a new experience. But lately I've gone from creating to mindlessly consuming.
The few times when I tried and actually did meditate daily I sort of felt those sensations again, like the dopamine levels were balanced and stable and sensitive again so "the little things" in life brought joy and appreciation again. There was calm.
I suppose the longer I stay without porn binging and the longer I stay meditating the more things will return to normal and it is a difficult undertaking as the allure of the endless porn stream a few clicks away is ever enticing and it would be easy to just give and I sometimes even got that "high rush" feeling from doing that but ultimately it is self-destructive behavior and of course it "feels" good but its all illusionary, as soon as I orgasm I cease whatever I was doing, cleanup and feel ashamed and disappointed that I ended up doing the very thing I am trying to stop again.
I don't want to stay in such a delusional state though, and I don't this wall of text I'm typing to mean nothing as I return to the previous shameful behavior all over again.
I feel for everyone else who is suffering the same as I am, this is not something you would wish voluntarily to fall into.
What's funny is that despite the depth of degeneracy I may fall into, after all that delusion and senseless lust I still feel and desire for female companionship, and feel that the only bond of love I could share could only ever be with a woman. In those moments of self-reflection it helps me further to try and correct my path away from this unfortunate fork in the road I've strayed into.
>>14973Oh and I almost forgot.
I pledge a month.

>>14828>update week 1 day 2 I have not only lost the urge to look at porn, but masturbation entirely is gone. This period must be what yourbrainonporn.com calls "flatlining" where zero libido exists.
Currently, Ive just deleted all the last of my porn "collection", and now am begining a new life with incredible motivation and determination.
This is extremely hard as i still have the urge to masturbate in bed both before sleep and after awakening. I will have to think up a method of preventing both orgasm and arousal, maybe new pajamas—- think later on this subject.
See you in a week.
>>14998I keep thinking of ginger girls, that bright orange pubic hair. Makes it so tempting to rub one out. Maybe I'll just find a hot redhead to release myself in.
I used to fap daily since I was in Middle School. Did it to everything imaginable porn-wise. I think getting off to bestiality of an underage girl was the lowest point. I was in HS when that was going on (before they banned bestiality sometime in like the late 2000s).
Then, as of last year, it went away. I go days without fapping, sometimes weeks. And it's only to softcore/ecchi/erotic images. Rarely even nude. I rarely have urges to do it as well. I don't save videos either (Other than Ariel Rebel's only BJ vid, as she was always my favorite).
I have been much more focused spiritually since then. Porn does disintegrate spiritual growth. I believe promiscuity does as well.
That, and my current year and a half of sobriety from drugs and alcohol, more confidence and outgoing attitudes, different perceptions and a change in my thinking, stopped militant atheism and returned to Christ - All came from a divine intervention, as I'd say.
The urges will go away as you focus more on your spiritual journey and the road of truth and knowledge. It happens like an epiphany, like a shock of "that's it!" and wonderfully you change for the better.
Good luck bros.
>>14999Blonde girls for me. I still keep a non nude photo of one girl ive slept with that has it

>>14974Well that didn't last long.
I need to change how I plan to go about this.

>>14998Update again
I relapsed, it seems that porn was always a crutch for problems in my life that i had been having for a very long time. From an abusive mother to an abusive girlfriend. Ad to the general abuse one recieves just from vititing chan4.
Its always been a hard struggle for me recently, but now more than ever. I feel like domehow I will mvwe be able to achive my goals. That masturbation is harming my spirtual growth so much that i wont ever be able to ahive my dreams of what i want possible. And, I feel like masturbation, and really my own lust and lack of it is what is harming me. From the dispising of women which comes from having a mentally ill mother who abused me for 23 years, to all the women in my life who have also abused me it feels like i am a slave to women whom hate me.
But really i am a slave to my own desires, and mastering them, beating this…. Hunger for sex and for someone in my life whom I can say that I truely love. Its like the worst hunger ive ever had and it judt wont recede and its deprived my brain and my body of essencial mutrients for so long.
I remember still when I was a 14 year old, and i when I saw a pair of tits i instantly grew hard. Now, only the most sick and depraved porn will get me off.
Before I relapsed, I had motivation to get through life, to finish school. To really do somthing eith my time in life. But when i relapsed i felt this deep hunger that took over my ability to reason, and i just had to have my fill of what i needed. Its like theres a horrible monster that im slowly trying to starve to death, and the monster is inside of me and all i can do is ignore its torture of my own body inside my body. Its worse than being posessed by a damn demon.
I felt a horrible tinge go through the right side of my brain, i knew that the dopamine receptors that i had painfully rebuilt.
That before my relapse women felt and looked lovely to me, i felt like i needed them and they completed me. I honestly felt like I had some sort of purpose with them. And that i could approach a woman and have a good time with her talking to her and enjoying her and maybe falling in love.
But because of my mentally ill mother and my abusive girlfriend i snapped. And now its all gone, i felt it all go away with some kind of painful electric shock to my right side of my skull and then i felt a terrible branching sensation in the rit side of my head like my brain was being rewired,
And now i feel just blackness, emptiness and death.
I need to keep trying, masturbation and open jewified sexuality has destroyed so much of my life and the lives of the entire planet. I knew the gods are counting on me to suceeed and i cant allow this pathetic practice to dominate my life one moment more.
Question to discuss: Favorite porno?
Stranger: Thats hard
You: Porn is disgusting and degenerate.
Stranger: my favorite porstar is brittany amber
You: I am an ascetic and renounce lust.
Stranger: a what?
You: An ascetic.
You: Do you know what Ascetic monks are?
Stranger: Well my religon lets me do what i want as long as i dont hurt no one
Stranger: sooo
Stranger: or myself
Stranger: or nature
You: It's a philosophy not a religion.
Stranger: Well
Stranger: your a pussy
You: It is concerned also with the development of the mind and the soul.
You: How am I a pussy?
Stranger: You dont like to watch people fuck
You: >Asceticism
Asceticism is a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from various worldly pleasures, often with the aim of pursuing spiritual goals. Many religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and some Christian groups include practices that involve restraint with respect to actions of body, speech, and mind. The founders and earliest practitioners of these religions lived extremely austere lifestyles, refraining from sensual pleasures and the accumulation of material wealth. They practised asceticism not as a rejection of the enjoyment of life, or because the practices themselves are virtuous, but as an aid in the pursuit of physical and metaphysical health. They eschewed worldy pleasures and led an abstemious lifestyle.
Stranger: holy shit
Stranger: tldr
Stranger has disconnected.
>>14773I must admit something. I did do it three days in. I wish to break this now. I have gone without doing it since Thursday, and I hope to make it one week without doing so. Wish me luck. I'm still drinking soda/pop though.