>>9650Survivors from both their race and ours eventually met again, beginning with their re-education of our race in the arts of civilization and the ELIMINATION OF HUMAN SACRIFICE.
At least thee or four generations or different races of technologically advanced people are listed in the CELTIC MYTHOLOGY, with counterparts in other world myths, as well as our own primitive Earthbound race, which they (DANAAN and FOMORIAN) conquered with extreme ease and ruled over in peace for some time before being torn apart themselves by Civil War.
At one point, their fear of our potential to rival them caused them to disperse us over the Earth and 'confuse our speech' . Man became embroiled in their conflicts, which appear to have been between two central gods, political parties or races or combination thereof.
A second world conflagration, apparently nuclear, occurred at some later time (perhaps 4,000 year ago), which may have extended to our Moon and Mars, the latter a base of theirs for at least, the last 450,000 to half a million years if the historian Berossus' dating and that of the Cydonia complex are correct. The conflict went into abatement under terms, but never fully concluded.
Though communications between the space races and our own continued, they were severely curtailed and went underground. Man's civilization degenerated, his science becoming all but nonexistent for hundreds of years. The DANAAN (a collective convention-name to avoid confusion), always jealous of their technology and secrets, were demonized by the various religions that guarded the traditions established by them long ago, since corrupted by man through ignorance.
From active persecution by the Church of contactees between their race and ours in the Dark Ages, man progressed to the point that he dealt with the problem through ridicule or derision by Science instead, in time ascribing the space races to personifications of psychological projections (archetypes), bedtime fables, and sanitized surrogates such as fairies, the boogeyman and Santa Claus.
The DANAAN themselves are reported to be an aristocratic race of hunters, scientists and poets, preferring their privacy and able to make themselves invisible but keeping touch with the human race. Having fought wars of their own in the pat, they are opposed to them now. Their architecture is a marvel in mathematics and engineering beyond our own capacity to do anything more than appreciate.
'MUSIC' is their principal MAGIC - meaning the controlled use of sound waves HARMONICS to lift and move massive objects possibly up to and including planet sized bodies, though the technology probably has its limits. Their megaliths serve a variety of functions, being used for geodetic markers, recorders of mathematical measurements, observatories, and in some cases as military strongholds (at least at one time)
Everything about them is simultaneously simply but complex. Their graphics communicate on at least three levels at the same time, being pictorial, mathematical and verbal. The verbal also communicates on at least two levels at one, almost invariably incorporating puns and double entendres.
When they interact with man, it is through their dreams and in riddles, a pattern consistent with Yahweh in the Bible and a variety of identical gods in all cultures, seeming to prefer inspiring from behind the scenes to any kind of direct communication. When overt contact is necessary, they assume the guise of the Virgin Mary, the Corn Mother, angels, kachinas, or whatever is appropriate for that culture. There is a strong circumstantial evidence for this race's continual intervention on a number of levels in man's development from the crudely physical to the artistic, scientific and esoteric.
They cover their tracks with hypnosis and probably drugs or some other high technology, to cloud the memories of their visitants. Their rituals and ways of life derive from a worship of the harmony of nature and the mastery of the mind of man over it.
There has never been a time in mans history that these people were absent and nothing occurring in today's UFO and abduction phenomena has not been recorded throughout. The only difference today is that there is much more evidence of the encounters, and contact is becoming increasingly visible.
They mythical record the world over speaks of is a Golden Age in which man and the gods (angels) freely and openly interacted, and all such records have prophesied that a time would come when a new Golden Age would occur, all former secrets being revealed.
Given the tremendous increase of activity on the part of this ancient race, and especially its ongoing and intimately personal nature on a large scale it is not unreasonable to assume that we are presently undergoing the transition into that new Golden Age.
Enoch, 39:1 - "In those days shall the elect and holy race descend from the upper heavens, and their seed shall then be with the sons of men."
There is unquestionably a move on the part of the Danaan to unilaterally disarm the world's military forces. While the common man's reaction to nuclear or environmental threats may have been dulled into a coma, the Dannaan have not.
The frequently reported imagery of nuclear war seen by abductees makes sense, in that light. It would appear that the Danaan are working privately, on an individual grass roots bases, to inform people in opposition to the disinformation the government is spreading and they are in the process of disarming the greatest oppressive power block in the history of man, which is consistent with what they have always done.
Where the Danaan originated from is the question - not 'do they exist and that they are here.' For that, I have already explained and the answer - if you haven't figured it out yet - is 'yes' .
Evidence appears equally strong for their planet of origination being inside or outside our solar system, though simple logic would favor the former. The Danaan could have begun on Mars and moved to Earth in antiquity, the evidence being that the ruins on that planet are a half million years old, or Mars may merely be one of their bases.
Possible pole shifts on Earth further confuse the question of whether this race may have started on Mars or Venus. The demolished remains that comprise the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, mythically referred to as Tiamat, are another credible possibility.
Given our limited understanding of the planets, it is also possible that they came from an outer body in our system. An Upper, Lower, and Middle World being common to most mythologies, available myths can be read as indicating that a white race originally came to the Middle World of Earth from the Upper World of Venus, and established another colony of their own on (or in) the Lower Worlds of Mars, all of which have served as homes at various times.
It is possible that they came from Sirius l, Orion or the Pleiades, but the evidence of their use of three stage rockets in ancient Egypt would seem to indicate their technology at that time insufficient to navigate farther than the closest planets.
The ancient race could have originated within our system and later developed sufficient technology to conquer the stars, or come from beyond and suffered dire setback due to unforeseen catastrophe, having to rediscover their technology afterwards. Indeed, given the various American Indian legends of the gods weeping for their 'sunken Red Land' the multiple references to space as a vast ocean and numerous occult connections, it is likely that Mars was the original 'island' of Atlantis that 'sank beneath the waves', with the name LATER apply to any similar global catastrophe which followed on our own planet.
We know just as little about where this race is presently based. Mars, as well as the moon, seem to be active bases. Evidence strongly indicates that they may be living beneath the surface of Mars and probably have for a long time.
It is time for all truths to be revealed. Fear is born out of ignorance and knowledge dispels fear. Questions have been sufficiently studied to make its conclusions known.
First CIA Director Rear Admiral Hillenkoetter, who was in on the entire study from the very beginning, stated in his opinion in 1960 that:
"THE PUBLIC HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW. It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings… through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense."
If there was once reason to withhold information regarding UFOs from the public, it has since operated to our own detriment to continue doing so.
The vacuum of ignorance has led people to speculate on the ugliest possible conspiracy scenarios, or to find dangerous if not actively hostile alien beings behind the phenomenon where none exist.
"IT IS SELF EVIDENT THAT THE PUBLIC BE TOLD THE TRUTH", Carl Jung wrote to Donald Keyhold, "because ultimately it will nevertheless come to light. There can hardly be any greater shock than the H-bomb and yet everybody knows of it without fainting."
Timothy Good said,
"Our leaders are presented with an awesome dilemma.
Such an admission would lead to a deluge of questions, some of which simply cannot be answered without disclosing vital defense interests; alarming casing of missing aircraft; abductions; genetic experiments; and bizarre cases that will remain beyond our comprehension for centuries to come.
In this respect I am fully in sympathy with the current official policy."
The best we can expect of the government, on this matter, is that they open all of its files and assume a cooperative attitude with researchers and press - in other words, the secret government be abolished and a genuine democracy be restored.