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Discuss the jews etc.
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File: 1402999002277.jpg (65.97 KB, 499x445, Lol holohoax.jpg)
No. 2363
17 year old white American here.
In history class should I openly deny the Holohoax?

Indoctrinator: muh 6,000,000
Me: Wasn't that statistic invented for propaganda reasons in the Soviet Union.
Indoctrinator: jews were gassed then cremated
Me: That seems inefficient
not without citations & references and the ability to be a good public speaker

If you don't have the citations and you can't articulate yourself properly then don't, I'd rather you didn't make all truthers look like idiots in the process of making yourself look like an idiot.

I am good at articulating when talking about politics and history. Although it pains me sometimes not having enough information; like not having points for points to have a solid argument.

Your argument needs to be bulletproof and you need to have memorized the information, otherwise don't do it.

Believe me when you get shown up to not know what you are talking about there is no coming back. Remember literally everyone will be against so you need to have an answer to every possible accusation.

Maybe leave it until you are best prepared. It is a larger undertaking than you might think.

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