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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2369
What are the best /fringe/-approved spells and magic casts?
What exactly do you mean by "magic casts"?

I'm not really into spellcasting myself.

I can see it as potentially useful but I don't think its effects are well sustained without mindfulness.

The reason being that when you invoke (or evoke) whatever it was you intended, it may indeed work for the time-being, but you can just as well compromise your work again later without meaning to.

Observing the principles of reality manifestation are a good way to arrange events in your life to your favour.

Now, if you want to do a spell for something very specific, like a temporary contact with an entity that might be worthwhile but I forget if any of the techniques I myself favour even qualify as spellcasting.

Going by wikipedia here…

>A spell, charm, or incantation is a set of words, spoken or unspoken (prayer). Casting a spell is considered by its user to invoke some magical effect. Historical attestations exist for the use of some variety of incantations in many cultures around the world. Pharmakeia is often the vehicle for binding someone with a spell with and without uttered words. Often binding someone with a spell by the use of spoken word formulas involves the use of evocation.

I personally have used incantations and charms to great effect. There are some nice mantras being posted in the /fringe/ music thread right now btw.

Are there any survival-related spells? Like lighting a candle on fire or something? That would come in very handy when SHTF.

There is tummo meditation to produce inner-body heat and there are chi energy fire hands which you can light shit on fire with and there are invocations and trances you can do to turn off pain or go berzerk or enhance your perception and so on.

Also a lot of magic for healing the body but if you don't do it right it can backfire on you and undermine your health.

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