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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 2435
Share any and all dreams you've had lately
I've just been gardening lately.

Btw, it's best to just post this material on /astral/.

Oh well, adding this to the sticky.

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I'll go ahead with mine

>dream starts with me vacationing on tropical island

>wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt
>I'm there with a few people I know but I've rented my own house
>walk into living room and there's a bigass reptilian chick in a red wig starring at me
>can't tell she's a reptile despite the green skin and tail because dream logic
>think she's a hot redhead chick so I try putting the moves on her
>finally ask her why she was in my living room and she gets a nervous look
>rips her wig off and I notice she's a giant reptile
>"the reptilians have come for me!"
>try jumping out a window but I get stuck and she pulls me back inside
>starts beating my ass with an umbrella while doing an evil laugh
>bite her leg
>she gets pissed and stabs me in the stomach with the umbrella
>we keep battling it out with her poking me with and umbrella and me biting her legs
>eventually we both give up and call it a draw
>she puts her wig back on and we sit on the couch watching an episode of Friends
>beat up, holes all in my Hawaiian shirt
>she starts holding my hand
>aw yes
>cant remember anything beyond that point

Pic very much related
Do you think I could have scored?

Last night I dreamt I got an awkward boner at Olive Garden.

I woke up early and got back to sleeping since that results in the best dreams for me.
I dreamt of a girl who resembled a mixture of two girls I used to know with whom I conversed and when I gained lucidity I kissed her (with full knowledge that i was basically kissing myself. It was interesting because her lips felt very real and when we kissed I became aware of my physical body and even then felt my lips being touched. It's truly amazing what our brains can convince us of.

After that I sort of lost a bit of my focus and entered a hazed state, but she reemerged on the otherside of a mirror, which i forced myself through. I hugged her but it did not feel nearly as real as before and she sort of dissapeared in my arms

A little pathetic maybe to dream about that kind of stuff but it was interesting since it wasn't sexual (which it usually is) but more about closeness, something I haven't felt in a long time…


>kissing myself
>It's truly amazing what our brains can convince us of

So much fedora.

ProTip: that entity is not yourself, it's a separate being.


Then what kind of being would that be?

A sentient thoughtform or astral being or disincarnate person.

>walking through a grassy plain
>come across a dead human looking creature that looks as if its made out of wood and plants
>start to hear a ringing noise in my ear
>look back towards a hill and see another of the same creature looking at me
>ringing gets incredibly loud and I wake up

been trying to AP for a month. dreams continue to intensify. Last night realize I'm dreaming, begin to lucid dream. Super intense feeling as I try to AP while lucidly dreaming, felt like I was going to explode. Is this normal? Anyways, this shining blue megaman looking guy starts walking toward me. I pussy out and open my eyes.

Had a false awakening today. I basically went up and tried to turn the lights on, but they wouldn't. So i found my way through the darkness until i arrived at my prepping closet, where i pulled my dynamo flashlight out, then i woke up fo real, t'was weird mang

in my dream i was hanging out with a janitor at high school and talking with him about old video game emulators like psemu and virtual boy advanced and helping him with his iphone. then he was suddenly outside the window on a porch in front of like a bay or something in what looked like alaska in the snow and the cold and he was kermit the frog. i said “kermit what are you doing out there its far too cold” and he just looked at me like really really sad and then looked back out at the cold north and he was suddenly very very old with grey matted hair sitting naked in the snow. my grandma went outside and grabbed him and threw him at the window and i caught him and brought him to bed to warm him up, laying him down next to some guy i dont know. then i thought gee this would make an excellent movie and then i looked in the sink nearby and there were some books and graphic novels in water and food. then i ate a little bowl of melted chocolate and hackedup/threw up a bunch more pages and books into the sink and woke up.

right now im in engineering and i think thats like me helping the old janitor with his technology. i feel cold and isolate myself a lot until i make an effort to stop myself and i worry feeling hopeless that i might just grow old in the cold. then i feel as though every idea i ever have is shit and just regurgitating old material ive read or watched and is not worth it and that dream just kind of blasted me in the face with myself and i think it must be these 5htp pills

sorry for if it seems like rambling but i just woke up

I vividly dreamt that i was fucking my own decapitated body in the but. It felt real, as in I could feel the body but it was not hot or cold, only there …. what mean?

that means absolutely nothing, your brain is a meaningless psychotic mess and you are beyond saving

>I vividly dreamt that i was fucking my own decapitated body in the but. It felt real, as in I could feel the body but it was not hot or cold, only there …. what mean?

You can AP and fuck yourself while out of body you know.

>referencing the brain instead of the mind

*materialist detected*

I thought I was on /edgy/ reading this.

AP and LD are the same thing although with LD people are generally going to a plane where they are alone and it's basically singleplayer while AP they tend to connect with others and it's basically multiplayer.

I don't remember much of it now but I definitely went bowling with Jaden Smith.

Yes this.

I had a dream about being in Australia. I was sitting in a car and then i suddenly felt like something was above it. I got out of the car and saw a gorgeous floating silver ball. I tried talking to this silver ball then, it came closer and started to turn around me, making somesort of whale sound, but in shorter bursts. The silver ball looked like it had a protective bubble around it, while it's main body had a furry texture. A silver furball in fact. It was such a wonderful creature. We quickly became best friends.

But the moment turned into sadness because of me.
I was so curious and fascinated by this being that i tried touching it. It popped it's bubble and the silver furball fell on the ground. I tried to pick it up because i wanted to help Silverball, but when i tried, it's sharp teeths tried to bite me.

I am sorry Silverball… I am so sorry… ;_;

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flim flam the dream, sam

Yesterday I dreamt a bunch, out of which the following was the most interesting

>be at a magical gathering of some occult fraternity

>a ring of magicians
>I step into the ring
>they start to do their thing
>my head starts to sting, as if it was being shocked with electricity
>tell myself not to fight it and enjoy it instead
>it suddenly becomes a pleasant sensation
>feel my head get energized
>a mage levitates me back to my bed

Today I bought melatonin. Will be interesting to see what may come.

I took melatonin for a few days non-stop and I could FEEL everything around me more intensely and unfortunately I am surrounded by people that HATE ME and so when I felt the anger repeatedly it was overwhelming and I tried to commit suicide right in front of them.

So after that I stopped melatonin.

I think it increases sensitivity to astral energies and you might want to be careful about that. You ought to do it when you are either isolated or have good or neutral people around you but not people that will psychically devour you.

I wonder what it would be like to do melatonin and then to feel someone's love… :(

Anyone else get dreams of getting close to having sex or having sex, but not finishing? I used to get them a lot as a teenager, wonder what it means

>wonder what it means

>hurrr durrr dreams are symbolic

Start interpreting your waking reality before you start applying symbolism to dreams.

>as a teenager
>implying those dreams have anything to do with the present

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He dreamt that from his heart was radiating the light of the sun and the moon, symbolizing that from that very moment until the end of his life, Dakpo Rinpoche would not experience any need for sleep, but would instead transform all his sleep into the clear luminosity.

Having explained the many significances of Dakpo Rinpoche's dream, Milarepa noted all the auspicious predictions in it for his future.

"However," he said, "although it is very auspicious, and a good omen for the future, you must again learn not to become attached to the dream, or to develop expectations from the dream. Nothing can be so positive that it could not turn negative if we hope or expect."

In the same way, Milarepa advised Dakpo Rinpoche not to take any negative dreams seriously either. All negative or painful dreams are illusions, not real. If we can see them as they are, and avoid becoming attached to their negative meanings, they become positive things for us and enrich us for further development on the spiritual path. "So," Milarepa advised Gampopa, "you must learn to see the negative dreams as illusion and not to take them seriously, nor should you become attached to the meanings of positive dreams; that is the practice of the yogi."

How am I implying that at all?

That sounds like nonsense to me.

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lots of things do (especially on this internet website!)

>According to contemporary Dzogchen teachers Namkhai Norbu, Lopön Tenzin Namdak and Tenzin Wangyal, the perceived reality and the phenomenal world are considered to be ultimately "unreal" — an "illusion" (refer Mahamaya): a dream, a phantasmagoria, a thoughtform. All appearances and phenomena are a dream or thoughtform, inter- and intra- reflecting and refracting jewels and mirrors of possibility and potentiality, "arising in relationships" or "dependent co-arising". It is held by these lineages and due to the realisations of the sadhana, that the dream of life and regular nightly dreams are not dissimilar, and that in their quintessential nature are non-dual. The non-essential difference between the general dreaming state and the general waking experience is that the latter is generally more concrete and linked with attachments, samskara and skandha; whereas, standard non-lucid dreaming is ephemeral and transient, and generally culturally reinforced as baseless and empty. In Dream Yoga, living may become the dream, and the dream may become the living. Progressing the sadhana may be metaphorically likened to living the scientific hypothesis of a resolved superposition. The resolved superposition being a mindstream conflation of Dharmakaya with Shunyata and Indra's net. The entwined Mantrayana lineages of Nyingmapa, Bonpo, Ngagpa and Mahasiddha are saturated with trance and dream transmissions of teachings, doctrine, etcetera that transcend constructs of time, place and space, these are often called "whispered traditions" and terma. Refer Lucid living.

>Also according to this teaching, there is a correspondence between the states of sleep and dream and our experiences when we die. After experiences of intermediate state of bardo an individual comes out of it, a new karmic illusion is created and another existence begins. Taking stock of store consciousness is the spontaneous perpetuant and fuel of the transmigration process.

>internet website!

Are there any other kinds of websites? Redundant.

intranet websites

>discover many profound things, make a note to remember
>wake up, forget almost all of it

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I dreamt some proper weird shit yesternight, i think that BigMac my parents brought me from le city which was already over one day old influenced my emotions during said dream. These things always make me feel tired as fuck, fucking posion ZOGfood.

Said dream involved me being held down by multiple unidentified intruders who skimmed through my hard drive as i was helplessly watching them from a couple of meters away. I managed to break free at one point and dispensed a whole can of pepper spray directly into the eyes of the intruder staring at my PC screen, to no effect. He was completely immune, showed no direct response to my attack and didn't even fucking blink. I needlessly continued to push down the dispense button on my pepper spray can, only for the dream to end at some point and for me to wake up quite distraught indeed from that experience.

Wasn't the first time this theme appeared either, i often dream of losing valuable data and other posessions or my OS being compromised/hacked in one way or the other. Probably a subconscious issue or something, i don't know.

>eating the McJew

I had a dream Smiley and I were shopping for wizardly things also farm equipment. I asked him how to pronounce Plediean (however the fuck you spell it) aliens and he said he didn't know and just sound it out. I kept calling them "aryan aliens" and he had literally zero emotions. Really fucking weird dream…

I had a few dreams this morning. In one I was at a beach, apparently part of Disneyland, wearing a hooded robe and running around making sand angels. Many people had fun watching my hijinks. I then entered an arcade and loitered around as the place was closed up for the night.

In another dream, I am walking along bridge made from an empty shipping container. A female I knew once is walking with me, I grab her and carry on when the bridge collapses and most people fall. The two of us cling on for dear life.

I wish I had emotions ;_;.

that lack of feels when schizoid

had a dream last night that some sort of fucked up rabid dogs started attacking people in front of me, I'm pretty sure I killed one of them though, eventually this resulted in an apocalypse and I remember in the next "scene" of my dream I was in some post-apocalyptic ruin of a town, and there were large mechanized walking robots roaming along with soldiers in futuristic tech-gear, they were passing me and I lied down to play possum, as one of them passed me they said "That one's dead" or something like that. I then remember eventually finding a group of US soldiers fighting an enemy from a building they were posted/held up at. That's all of that portion of the dream I remember.


ron paul its happening.jpg

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Last night I had a dream my mother, father, sister, and my mother's boyfriend were all together. This is extremely unlikely, because of the distance between everyone and because the relationships of my mother and father. My father started hitting on my mom, and it was pretty offensive to her boyfriend. I've always imagined her boyfriend as a weak, semi-man. He left the room in the dream and said "I feel like a fifth wheel." My dad kept saying things to try to get with my mom again, but I stepped in and said "dad, really. Leave it alone, I think you need to leave." And he got really violent. He started doing the furious almost hitting you type motion, and making rage noises. I started telling my sister to call the cops. I heard her start calling and all of a sudden blacked out. I woke up in the same place I was originally sitting in, and my dad said "check out my new phone." And tossed me my phone with a new case on it "the color looks like the blue one with the case, right?" I said some bullshit about "dad this is my phone." And then woke up.

I was meditating as deeply as I ever had the night before. Woke up crying, but instantly stopped and saved the energy.

I find myself in a place that was both indoors and outdoors. There were these huge walls made of wooden, three-level flea market shelves, full of various items.
There was this competition going on. The contestants began their race by sliding down this slide, though I cannot remember what it was made of. However, it looked very un-slide like with bumpy surface somewhat resembling car wheels.
I see from distance my sister competing first. Someone laughs at her running style.
I climb the shelves, with difficulties. The announcer says I have half a second time to show up or I’ll be dismissed. I barely manage to climb up and the announcer sees me. He welcomes me on the show and an invisible audience cheers at me.
The shelves wobble and some men have to hold them from falling over. I go to wrong direction first, but then turn. One of the men tells me I might be too tall to compete, though he lets me. There are a lot of PSX games on the last shelf before the starting line.
The race starts. First thing to do is to go on Facebook and ‘like’ one video and one status update. I like this Touhou video and then some random status update. I ask my sister if I did it correctly, she first refuses to answer but then tells me I did right.
I run around aimlessly. No idea where to go. I am told I need to go see a hillbilly and ask if I can be his friend. I should also play a cello with him.
I am teleported to my family’s plantation. I pass the plantation and enter a field. There’s a man sitting on a stool and a woman who sits on the edge of a stone well.
I introduce myself to the man, he says his name is ‘something November’. I have to ask him to repeat many times, and then I tell him I have a hard time hearing, ‘ear impairment’.
I go introduce myself to the woman but she turns into a fly and goes away. Huh.

I go back to the man and ask him about ‘a Red Bill’. He asks if I meant a pill, but I tell I meant a bill. He turns into grass, only his face being made of flesh.
He tells me I can’t be his friend.
I ask him of the red pill. He chases me out of the field and tells me I’m already there. (?)
I am suddenly eating grass and dramatically walking away from the man and occasionally looking at him. He goes to sleep on the grass, still being made of grass. Huh again.
So I’m on the plantation. There’s a forest path to my right and a hill to my left. I climb up the hill and pass through vegetation.
It’s my parents’ house and front lawn. I go to our front door and hear and see this odd thing coming from their gate. It looks like two floating eye balls with some white spinning parts and red shoes.
I open our front door and go inside. I see a chicken inside.
Then a dog comes and tries to bite me. I start calling him a cute dog and he calms down.
He’s a pretty cool dog.
Then the door opens and a man comes in. I ask him if he’s a postman. He denies. He goes further inside.
We’re in the bathroom. I tell him that magic is real and that there are different planes and worlds I want to explore with magic. He looks very skeptical.
Then, we hear this ominous sound. We bash through the window and fly to my grandparents’ house. (It’s in our neighbor.)
The man tells me he has been watching me. Then the thing that made the sound starts chasing us and shoots the man. He dramatically tells me to escape.
I start flickering from universe to another, sometimes warping into a school of decaying fishes, sometimes a moving blob of slime. Then I am suddenly in safari and there are thousands of animals running around. The thing comes and attacks me, but a bolt of lightning comes and destroys him.
Suddenly I am in this burnt down house, and I notice something.
I’m a rabbit.

Sorry if there are mistakes, I had to write it quickly because I'm busy.

Red Bill and November…

I had a pretty interesting dream, I'll try and summarise it. It started out in the middle of a orchard or farm and I was walking towards this house during a bright sunny day. When I got close to the house, this older woman came out and beckoned me towards her. She led me to where the crops were growing and we both keeled down and she explained to be about the crops and the earth. We then went inside and she told me pretty much about homesteading and the importance of family (She really stressed that). At that point I left the house and went through the woods and that's where my dream ended.

The dream was pretty self explanatory but I wonder if the older woman means anything.

I had a dream last night that has was with Henry the 8th but it was not during his reign but modern times and he was still alive but very old about 400 years old all i can remember.

It's a sign you should stop being a commie antifa faggot and embrace absolute monarchy.

Nice dubs

Not really a dream but just something, vision I have when astral projecting or anything else.

>be in some sort of exotic planet

>all there is on the planet is steppe and one big road.
>I stand in the middle of the road, the road goes further on my left and right
>the sides of the road are at my front and back
>the sides are sloped upwards, so the road is lower than the pedestrian(?) sideways
>the road, slopes and pedestrian sideways are all made of one material, namely white marble
>every piece of marble is the exact same size, one by one meter
>the road is around 50-100 meters wide and infinitly long, it goes all around the planet.
>the planet is uninhabited or atleast very, very lowly populated.
>I stand on the road, one side of the sky is night, other side is day, there is a non-clear boundry between the day and night, but I can see stars on both parts nevertheless.
>next to me is a humble, 1m65, central asian (Kazakh?) girl from around 16-17 years old, black hair, laughs but not looks at me
>there is an older man, 50-100 meter away from me, looking suspicious at me
>that's it

I constantly think of this, don't know why

Since I stopped using cannabis the dreams have come back, and they are increasingly vivid as I detox more fully.

1: In a car with my best friend of all time. He's been dead irl for about 5 years, but I don't think I'll find anyone with whom I can be quite that close again. I can hope though. It's really icy and snowed over everywhere, but not necessarily snowing at the time. Regardless, the roads are all slippery and we're going through an alleyway between 2-4 story buildings which is relatively wide and has a few parking spaces on the outskirts. This is a perfect place to mess around via drifting if you are really skilled, but way too narrow for the average driver. We're just passing through, and right as we come up on the exit part which links back up with the main road, which is a downtown area, there's some jackass going the other way drifting, who almost totals his car by throwing it sideways into a wall. Security manages to come and yell at him pretty quick, because he stops for a little bit, clearly understanding he almost messed up hard.

As our car comes up to the stoplight which lets us out of this alleyway area, I somehow come to be outside the car, no longer in the passenger seat. As I'm taking the few steps toward getting back in, I notice my friend's about to do something crazy as well. There's a slight incline to the path, and he's waiting for the light to change so that he can jump his car off this incline on top of the 4-6 story building opposite the street. Physically impossible in mundane existence of course, but it seemed very possible at the time.

Before I manage to get in the car, the light turns green, and wouldn't you know it, he manages to get up to the perfect speed in no time and land on top of the building he was aiming for, but with a pretty serious jolt upon landing. I realize that I wasn't in the car because he didn't want to risk my life too, given that he was about to do some stupid shit (one of those things you just "know" in a dream). But, he made it, and myself and other spectators whom I wasn't previously aware of run over and climb up ladders to the top of the building to check out the aftermath. A couple others had gotten there before I did, and were already tending to him. Somehow, he was only bruised and mostly fine, though somewhat in shock. A couple of the onlookers were people that I've known and maybe even hung out with a few times together with this friend, back in the day. Strange to encounter them there, but it didn't seem too farfetched at the time. One random person had even managed to get cellphone video of the jump.

Having gotten him out of the car and verified his non-urgent health status, the mood was actually pretty calm. My friend, still groggy, said something along the lines of "I'll never get off probation if I don't stop doing shit like this". Random onlookers dispersed, but all the people I recognized were still there, and knew security was about to come, but for some reason also realized they were impotent in this situation. Part of it was because none of us were going to say anything, and indeed, when they came and started asking my friend's name, nobody said anything at first, and then some joke answer came from someone. I think they basically left us alone with the understanding we would get off the top of the building soon. They definitely didn't keep bothering us. This is about where the memory of the dream fades.

2: In a classroom, not even university style, but more like grade school, with all of 20- something people in it. But the students are all my age; 18-25 or so. Only person I recognize is a girl I've recently had feelings for, and at least *was* friends with irl, before I learned of her talking negatively about me behind my back, which totally changed my perception of her and has driven a wedge between us. We haven't really tackled the issue irl though because of the elephant in the room. However, everyone there seemed in the right place and familiar, as if this class was a regular meeting and certainly not the first time we had been there. The teacher seemed not apathetic, but very hands-off; we could do practically whatever we wanted with some base instructions which I don't recall. If we did something else, it was almost always on us, except for certain infractions I guess. So basically we were there to learn. Much like in college, if you don't feel like learning nobody's gonna stop you from just messing around, as long as you're not disruptive to others.

She manages to commit one of these infractions (not sure what she did) and starts to get written up by the teacher. There was an implication that the teachers revolved or changed every week. I ask her what happened in the nicest way possible, and she seems frustrated, but not with me. She explains that this is gonna be number 132, which strikes me as a large number of infractions and also a very specific number (was she keeping track?). She also says this instructor, named Randy, knew and was friends with her parents so she wouldn't be able to escape their anger the next morning when they talk about what happened (which is still unclear). I.e. she wouldn't be able to hide it from them because he would definitely tell them directly.

It becomes immediately clear to me that she was acting out about something else that happened in her life, and trying to take the frustration out/ get attention in doing so. I guess she was successful, since it didn't take long for me to approach her about the incident. The instructor was still kinda hovering over her desk, or close to it, when we had the conversation, having just filled out her write-up for it. None of the other 'students' seemed to be paying attention to our conversation or even the write-up, necessarily. They were out-of-frame at the time, but definitely not perturbed by it, just minding their own business.

Then things are back to pretty much normal, with the two of us back at our desks (nobody else had gotten up in the meantime). Teacher is at the front again, where you might expect them. Most everyone's playing on nintendo DS-type systems, some type of game. I inquire as to whether that's what we're supposed to be doing at the time, since I had kind of gotten caught up in the whole misbehavior incident. It seemed a little silly to just be playing here on mini-consoles when we could be learning. Someone (not sure if it was the teacher) affirms we are indeed just playing at the time. I guess it was a free period of sorts, but it came to mind that perhaps the free period was given as a way to distract the others from the incident, or to help them forget about it. That may or may not make sense, since I don't recall anyone ever being upset by it or even paying attention, but then again I don't remember the incident itself. It could've been something pretty bad.

I ask the guy sitting next to me to turn his sound down because the music on his game was somewhat obnoxiously loud. He complies with no fuss. This is when I woke up.

Since dream #2 happened right before I woke up for the morning, the symbolism seemed pretty blatant and obvious. She's younger than me and still mostly mundane, so I never pursued her so much as befriended her and did my best to greenpill. I think the greenpill at least partially took. It seems to me this infraction is a thinly-veiled metaphor for her pushing me away irl because of turbulence in her other affairs, which I know nothing about and could be me taking too much from the dream. But instinctively I strongly believe that's not the case and that the dream simply parallels reality. The reason I never perceived the infraction in the dream being that she disrespected me behind my back, so I had to be told about it from mutual acquaintances (irl, that is).

Some of what she had said should have been very hurtful, but my chakras are much stronger these days and I couldn't help but feel disappointed that she would do that rather than personally hurt. Especially since what she said was in direct contradiction to how she had acted towards me, which cast an air of phoniness over her in my mind. Still undecided as to whether she's fake or really good at hiding her own troubles. She rarely *seems* upset when I see her, but that's only happened a few times since the shittalking in question.

No clue about what was going on in the first dream. Both dreams seemed semi-lucid, in that I was definitely doing what I wanted to do, but not necessarily full-out manipulating reality. Then again, maybe my actions in the dreams simply lined up with what I'd normally do. Either way, both dreams had way more people in them than any other dream I'd ever had, lucid or not. Have to wonder whether they were projections of my own or actually parts of those other entities.

Interesting stuff; I love actually having dreams.

Me. Apologies for using irl; I will use ime (for in mundane existence) in the future. Musta been kinda groggy still. Force of habit *bows head in shame*

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Last night I posted on /x/ and saw 666. Which is suppose to be a sorta warning.

When I went to sleep I had a dream of taking a test and not having enough time to complete it, even though I knew all the answers. I was crying over how I didn't have enough time, so the teacher allowed me to continue. Some more stuff happened in between but eventually I was a my house and I heard a noise coming from the bathroom, I looked out the room's window and I saw a demon staring at me through his sunglasses. I stared for awhile but got a bit scared and ran outside.

I just kept walking, found a house that had a neon sign that said "FREE (something)" couldn't really recall. I avoided it, thinking the demon would be there.

That is it, I think I know what it means in my life. I was trying a new method of meditation taught by the Tibetans and I think my dream was telling me I am not ready for it. I'm usually not ready for any of this occult shit ever since I had a schizo breakdown. I have to take it really slow.

Alright here's one from this year that I found really cool.

>WWII or so, out on the frozen lake in autumn, soldiers including me being cut out of the freezing ice as they froze overnight from a long battle at the lakeside, both russian and german in fact, theres one going around helping russians out of ice and listening to what they say and translating it for the germans as if their comrades had abandoned them, one german soldier had his entire hand frozen in ice and he just carved through the ice to free it, whereas I sort of took the part of other frozen soldiers and when they found me and I slurred or whispered something that could help he translated it and we got on our feet, finally I'm again a russian being helped out of ice and whisper something unintelligble to me but apparently it meant counter attack soon, and we all rushed to get out of the frozen ice lake and back behind the tree line, I'm a german soldier again on the lake and get helped up and see everyone rushing back so I follow and ask and yell for a rifle but right away we hear fire from across the lake and everyone just rushes into the treeline, as I'm running I wonder why they didnt attack sooner but its probably because we were still thawing and helping both german and russians out of the frozen lake, we're running and trying to take cover behind trees, but the russians across the lake seem to be shooting both germans and russians that we're just saved, nowhere seems safe, I run over to a tree as shots miss and hit the dirt around me by mere inches, lots of men get hit, I realize this tree I'm standing behind won't do, and I run some more, barely avoiding getting hit, manage to run behind a large hill at our base, the autumn forest and trees and leaves contrasting with the white frozen lake and the large hill across the lake where the fire is coming from, I just try to not get hit and manuever crazily to our hill, but I'm still exposed a bit to their snipers which I manage to make out their shillouhetes at the top, and roll a few times down the base of the hill to get out of their line of fire, everyone is panicking and the few that have rifles are afraid to pop up their heads and aim, i'm just laying prone against the autumn leaves.

Damn its times like these I'm thankful that I decided to keep a dream journal and jot down any dreams that were cool and interesting to me. I didn't remember this one until I re-read it just now and slowly all the imagery, the sounds, even the feelings slightly came back to me. Incredible.

Anyone itt do any dream storming? Wake up really early and go out and about till you start to get sleepy then set a gentle alarm clock with a 5 to 10 minute snooze. Every snooze cycle is a decently long semi lucid or lucid dream you can choose to continue the old dream or start a new one. After 3 hours or so of doing this reality and dream will blur pretty bad so try not to do it all day. It's a good technique if you suck at lucid dreaming and you want to practice and if you like vivid crazy dreams. You can remember them all pretty well too. Whenever I get out of /fringe/ stuff I like to do this to get my visualization back up to par.

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So last night i had another weird dream.
I had a dream where on my chest down the middle where small cuts and above my nipples were cuts too.
Now the dream was me just doing the average shit i do but u had the constant fear of of moving too much and my chest for just rip open.
Near the end of the dream i was speaking to my mother and i was telling her about it and i showed her but the cut above my left nipple was healed now a scar.
Then i woke up…

Take your time. All movement, be it slow or fast, is, nevertheless, movement forward. If you have questions, do ask them on the question thread.

Could you tell me what method you've learned? I'd wish to have a look on it.

Was mean to >>16160


Semi-inadvertently did this last night, but without the alarm clock. I am >>16111, and since I've not yet fully detoxed from cannabis I wake up several times, gently in the night. I read about your method before going to sleep, and then managed to string together 3 crazy vivid but not quite lucid dreams by just gently drifting back into sleep when I would awake instead of trying to get up, use the bathroom, etc. There was a shared plotline but different characters in different scenes.

Towards the end I met a couple great brunettes and hung out with them in a college dorm; one of them was the most loving and intimate experience I may have ever had. I now understand why one person on here (not itt) said that "human love is a pathetic excuse for the real thing". The first one, we mostly just talked about stuff. A little while later, met the second (hung out with various people in between).

We cuddled, I think we kissed a few times but nothing crude or lusty like making out. We held each other as close as is possible. She had the softest, smoothest skin that made the whole experience somewhat unreal, but I don't think this was a lucid dream per se. One of them ended up sleeping on the top bunk of my bed (for some reason this 2 person dorm had two bunk beds, go figure). I believe it was the one who had gotten intimate with me. I believe I went to sleep too, which kind of escapes me. I had always figured you couldn't sleep in a dream/astral. Debunked.

After waking up at one point, the one I was more intimate with asked me to go to her graduation and sit next to her mother. I was a bit taken aback, and being wishy-washy about it, saying that someone had invited me to do something and I couldn't remember what it was. This was true. Looking back on it, if it was truly lucid I probably would have just said okay, because it seems to be rather uncompassionate of me to have denied her this honor.

However, as I said this, I see the other girl sitting on my top bunk, and I recall that she was the one who had invited me to do something, but I still couldn't remember what it was. I had kinda lost track of her amidst other stuff that had happened in between; there was probably like 10-15 different people hanging out at various points in our dorm suite of four rooms. And I was very well-liked and popular so individuals, both familiar from earlier in the scene and unfamiliar, kept talking to me. She was looking over at me and this girl, trying on her graduation gown.

For a split second, I was like "oh damn shes gonna be mad/upset" but then, she wasn't. I think she could tell that graduation gown girl was making me happy. Then I remember trying to figure out the names and contact info of these two girls so I could find them again. I took out my smartphone(lel)left the room for the hallway and tried to find the info. Not sure if I was looking for a contact page or just using some sort of astral-divination. At one point I briefly glanced down at it and there was a page with notes of what we had done and the girls names. But these other people kept talking to me and I'm like "come on, hold up a sec". Distracted me from actually getting the info and for some reason I navigated away from that page. Right around there is about when I woke up. Or maybe shortly afterward, but that was the most interesting and significant part of it all. Plus, if I typed out the details from beginning to end it would probably be longer than this whole thread is.

Woke up feeling amazing. Pretty sure there was literally a smile on my face.

Wondering if these women were
a)other astral entities/people
b)projections of my consciousness
c)minor devis (I'm rather certain I've encountered one before, but as soon as she touched me on the knee the experience of overwhelming divine love shot me back to mundane existence)

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I've had a lot of tangled-up dreams lately, unfortunately i keep forgetting them after a day or so (which should be normal) but there's a lot of ominous imagery and violence in general involved as of lately. Last peaceful dream i had was probably some time back. Also lots of references to my personal past overall, as if my pineal conciousness was trying to tell me something very specific about it for some reason.

Today my mom woke me up through her usual bickering around 1am, i then fell asleep again until 3.30am and dreamt all kinds of shit during that time.

In my dream, i was on my bike and strolled through a place vaguely resembling the city i live in (which is a very frequent and recurring theme in almost all of the dreams i can vividly remember), but with slight geometrical changes and a heavy 19th century flair added to most of the buildings and landmarks i came across. The christian churches contained within also looked "different" in their own way from the RL examples. It was like some kind of parallel dimension.

I then parked my bike in front of some random store, which seemed oddly situated at the upmost point of a stone alley right within the aforementioned labyrinthine 19th century-era architecture. Arriving there i met my parents, who were basically asking what i was doing there, to which i replied with some defensive statements. When two qt3.14's went into the store my mother implied that she personally knew them and could introduce me to them proper, an offer which i declined under the false claim of being in a hurry.

I then proceeded to cruise around a bit more, until i reached a semi-overgrown suburban area with a fence running through it. Upon discovering a hole within said fence, i entered and parked my bike at the side. The property owner didn't notice me at first. After a while i managed to sneak into a kind of bare concrete structure, presumably some kind of construction site, looked like a house in the making.

After conversing with some of the people in there (all of them males), i managed to convince a few of them that i was working on said construction site. Like two of them didn't believe me though, and i then proceeded to have a political conversation with them.

At some point the property owner entered the site and i then decided to cut it short. I again left under false pretenses and jumped out of a hole which would later be covered with a window once construction was finished. On the yard itself there were approximately three women, all of them were wearing traditional long skirts and had equally long, blonde and straight hair. They seemed immensely folkish in nature.

The property owner yelled some words after me and sent some kind of arab guy to chase after me and the women. One of the women began to kneel in front of him and intended to beg him for forgiveness. Infuriated by this, i began to yell myself. My approximate words i can still remember went like this: "You do not kneel in front of him! You are a free and germanic woman! Preserve your honour! You hear me?!"

When it was evident he wouldn't heed my warning and would physically harm her i whipped out some kind of air-powered device, ran into his direction and made him back off from her. We proceeded to get into a physical astral fight, which i won.

Then there was a horse that came literally out of nowhere, which i used to escape from the compound as more and more thugs were swarming the yard i was standing in. The horse jumped into the concrete structure one last time, and we left by jumping through a finished window, shattering it in the process. Various apocalyptic and semi-fatalist concepts were flying through my mind as this action transpired in slowmotion.

The day before i also watched a korean movie where some guy got thrown out of a similiar unfinished building, so maybe that had something to do with it. Or maybe it didn't, who the fuck knows lel.

Anyway, the dream then cut to black and i woke up and was like "wtf was this again" and now i'm sitting here at almost 5am. Lal.

Fuck i need some breakfast now

Yeah it was the Dzogchen meditation people use to obtain rainbow body.

Thank you!

I had a dream where I was fighting a witch. We were both flying now and then on these castle towers. I couldn't cast magic but I was good at avoiding the witch's spells. I then escaped and I was on a ship. However, a yellow cyclops rose from the sea and smashed our ship. I managed to escape.

Then I were in an unknown city with only my shorts on. This man, I believe he was a Muslim, was looking and pointing at me and telling his son never to become like me. (He probably meant my nakedness.) I then went into an apartment where one of my sisters were. The apartment was real messy and I apparently had bills to pay.

Escaping the mansion and its strange characters and unusual fluctuations of character and focus, I went off with my now vaguely remembered acquaintance. He was a boy like I was at the time. We were walking in an unfamiliar countryside resembling different geographical locations and terrains per rectangular area of variation- between these lots of randomized land were a network of roads. Some of these lots of land contained housing areas, others large lots of forestry resembling forestry from the Rockies in western alberta/eastern BC, desert areas similar to Southern California, some snowy areas, a waterpark, etc. I was walking up a road with my temporary companion, and when we got to the top of this steep road we saw a giant panther walking on the sidewalk looking straight ahead. We both had a momentary panic, and then resumed walking, seeing as how we were in its line of sight and it did not attack us. We pass the panther (Whom I now feel was a passive sentient dream character, and not a suddenly imagined thread) and head towards the forestry resembling british columbian wooded areas. It appears to be a bike/ski path depending upon a season. I decided we should not take our bikes we suddenly had in our possession on the trail, as many areas were steep declines followed by sharp turns. We continued on and took a detour through a water-park type area. We walked past small shacks here and there that appeared to house the mechanical parts that allowed the various attractions to work. We passed by a pool of water where the side closest to us looked to be running downstream away from us- this was an illusion. It was actually a U-shaped slide with high powered jets on the side closest to us that launched participants into the pool (which also appeared to be a wave pool)
I felt like I hallucinated before realizing it was a slide and kept walking with my companion. We go through a LARGE swimming pool area with a walking path going through it. Outside of this walking path was deeper waters that swimmers could completely submerge themselves in. There were swimmers every 5-7 feet from eachother, although population density likely varied depending upon sections of the pool. We reached the other side, and my companion was showing me pictures he took underwater. There was a picture facing me that indicated I was no longer wearing clothing at the time of the picture. I felt uncomfortable that my companion photographed me nude as I was unfamiliar with the occurrence- had this happened in waking reality I would have calmed my qualm due to my aspiration to adjust myself to nudity in the form of living in a nudist community for some time.

This is the first occurrence recorded where lack of clothing has not caused me to attain lucidity. I'm dismissing the trigger as inconsistent and observing my dreams to take note of other lucid triggers in the hope to encourage the occurrences.

Take melatonin once you find yourself a lover. Easy as that.

>easy as that

Requires a fuckload of things to actually be able to meet with a woman, cultivate love with them, etc.

If you're into this board you shouldn't have a problem with accomplishing things that aren't easy.

I am struggling with very poor health not due to diet or exercise or any such mundane concerns, I am extremely determined, but it may yet be years before I have conquered this shit and can worry about things like finances or cultivating social relationships or whatever. Right now I'm just focused on mere survival and acquisition of magical knowledge and practise.

I come from a fucked up family situation and a lot of abuse, I do not have "fertile grounds" for my self-development, so things that are easy for you are a huge fucking struggle for me. If I overcome this shit though it'll be easy cruising through everything else though. Thing is I will probably miss out on that window to ever develop an intimate relationship with opposite gender or do any of that shit while I am still struggling to fix my body and mind. My best hopes are that at a later time I can reach such a level of development as to become a shapeshifter and to return even an old and useless body to a state of youth and virility.

I shall share my experience with my dreams. This is the most recent one that I can remember.
>Girl above me
>Weird looking face
>Eyes different sizes and oval/oblong
>She strangles me
>She wants me dead apparently
>I take me fingers and dig deep into her eyes
>I gouge out her eyes
>She screams
>I get on top of her
>I start strangling?



>Beating people up with an umbrella then becoming friends


I was driving around with a young child trying to escape something in a gray city.

When I look up I saw a fantastical sky battle between aliens in spacecraft with lasers. They make the only colours in the dream.

Eventually we make it to a hill top and watch the battle unfold and in the distance are two gigantic spacecraft/fortresses? Fighting against each other while the fighters fly around.

Please file a healing request at

It would give me great joy to personally help alleviate your suffering but alas I am only starting to learn Reiki and have not yet been attuned. If you have a preference, you can even select from prayer, shamanic/spiritual, and straight up reiki. Free and without risk, though if you are satisfied and able to contribute a donation it would be considered dishonorable not to.

There's no need to delay your progress when there are people able and willing to help.

I have to start writing my dreams down again, sometimes they're so long

lately they've been featuring people that used to be in my life back around middle school to high school times

In that case, good luck and may your determination show merit.

>used to remember dreams every night
>start studying occult and remember like 1 dream a month

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>On a military base of some sort, chilling outside of a barracks as people do exercises nearby
>A boxy, almost shipping crate-like UFO comes over the treeline, flying like a confused moth darting and spinning wildly as it makes its way over all of us
>Me and the man nearest me both book it the fuck out of there as the thing lands near the closeby platoon
>I see large, armed brown skinned entities getting off and facing the group of men who stand and watch in confusion
>Rather than run impotently I crawl under a nearby trailer and watch as the men are brought aboard the vessel
>The aliens begin to comb the area for stragglers
>I see a pair of feet walking in front of me by the building, only a few feet away
>They stop right as they're walking by my location, then slowly turn and face
>Oh shit oh shit, wake up
>Close my eyes and will myself to wake up

Pretty intense dream. It's the only one I can clearly remember lately.

I had a dream. It was really snowy there and that I sunk under an icy lake. I saw Hugo (the video game character), too. I think I saw the password and account to /illuminati/, but I cannot bring to my mind what it was. It was some nonsensical word with Bs and Ls… something like, blltlblt.

The red symbols glow.

The box beckons your wish.

I have never once tried to wake up from a dream but many times have I struggled with all my will not to wake up and be returned to my physical body ;_;.

My dream last night ended with me looking at a huge collection of Hoodoo books on a dock in some neighborhood. These books were soaked with water, yet I could flip the pages as if they were unaffected by water. I had my knife as well with me.
I think this dream might be reference to Atlantis or Atlantian magic. There was also something about a canine I thought but that far back is getting fuzzy (no pun).

Maybe I must find this yellow book on magic.

I was on a deserted island. I then got myself a boat and saw myself enter a level, like in video games overworld maps.
The level was dark as it was night. I was hanging on metal tubes, trying to sneak somewhere.
However, some light saw me and firebeams were shot at me. I tried to escape but I might have slipped and fallen to sea that was beneath me.

I was standing in an area with a great pit between two platforms, me being on the other platform.
I crossed the pit and entered an elevator. I was then teleported, because all happened in a blink of an eye.
I was now in a hallway, lit with red light and decorated with red tapestry, and there was a cash in
front of me. I went there and there was an elderly woman there. I was naked, and I told that
I am naked as naked as a human can be. She looked at me curiously and said that we should
meet in some location in a city that I do not know.

Now, I was in this grassy area with birches. Cliffs surrounded me. I was a primitive man and was walking with a loincloth around my waist.
I had a nest shared with other people (possibly my sisters). I was walking down a road between the cliffs when I heard a noise coming from a grove to my left.
I became afraid and tried to return to my nest.
Then, I was suddenly in a dirt area. A group of giant bulls were rushing towards me, and I evaded them before their trampling feet crushed me.
One of the great bulls began to chase me, and I escaped it by climbing on a crane's treads.
However, the bull took the crane by its sheave and tried to take it down.

I was driving a car and I was told take some tablets to my school. I think they were Thoth's tablets.
When I got to school, I entered the elevator. However, the elevator teleported above me to the third floor but I didn't move with it.
Some teachers were trying to fix the elevator. I then notice that I had forgot the tablets.
I returned to my car but there were no tablets there.

I was walking in my city's streets and I came across an elderly woman who told me about something.
Whenever I tried to left she came up with something more to say. I then left and circled around this building.
I came across the woman again but decided to enter a mall. There was nothing but sugar and flour products.

Also, when I woke up, I saw a calendar with face on it looking at me. When I realized it, it disappeared.

I faintly remember that I was lying on the floor of my room, before my clothing drawer, and my groin hurt for some reason, (I might have ejaculated in my dream, no wet dreams though.)

The second dream I were in some apartments stairway, and a bee came to me. A door in front of me opened and a threatening voice told me to come calmly inside. I was told to go inside some cell but instead I went in the persons computer room and saw some Toy Story PC-discs lying on his desk. I then entered the cell and there was someone there with me. Then I saw a crudely drawn picture in front of me. There was some cartoon character watching the cell.

A few moments of brief lucidity last night, which has been scarce these last months.


>fly into sky
>realize that I'm pulling an Icarus and starting to wake up
>wake up without opening eyes
>enter the dream again
>conjure a ball of light, which soon transforms into a ball of toiletpaper
>levitate the ball between my hands
>it drops whenever I lose focus and the more I focus the more it ascends
>lose lucidity
>dream about mundane shit

I had a brief moment of lucidity too. When I realized I was dreaming, I felt as if I was breaking apart. I tried to keep myself lucid by pinching myself but alas, it didn't help.


It started out as a lucid dream. I was falling and tumbling through pitch black space, then suddenly I appeared in front of three beings who emitted such a strong green light that I couldn't make out any features. They were insanely huge, I could see them watching down over the universe, which was as big as a small living room compared to these beings. One of them spoke to me, and told me in a gentle voice that "You're not even close to be ready yet". Then I had a false awakening, where I woke up in my mom's house that I moved out of years ago. I told my mom about the cool dream I had, but she and my sisters were very quick to tell me that my dream was stupid and meant nothing, and that I should stop thinking and talking about it. I told them fuck no I thought it was a cool dream and I don't care what you think. After that things got weird. They house started to slowly turn darker, but I didn't pay it any mind. I then sat down and watched TV with my mom, and she turned to a channel where some animal was being tortured to death and torn to shreds. I asked her why the hell she wanted to watch that, and when I turned to look at her she had this angry and intense look on her face, and at that moment I realized that she wasn't my mother. The second after I woke up for real.

I thought it was a pretty cool dream, that my dream would try to dismiss and make me forget about my lucid dream. I honestly don't know what to make of it.

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That's something! I remembering reading from Reddit that some guy who had used drugs met the Greys. They were surprised to see him and said, "You're not supposed to be here yet," or something along those lines.

Keeping a dream journal?
I mean literally write down anything you remember immediately upon waking. sometimes my entries are just a single detail, like one last week is just "driving". if I do that for a week I slowly start remembering more and more.

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