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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 1934
Occult hierarchy 2.0:

0. The mundanes – vast majority of people who either are afraid of, completely ignorant of, or disbelieving of the occult. They refuse to even begin the path of illumination.
1. The dabblers – the majority of those who take a momentary interest in the occult, many people who visit /x/, etc. These people only dabble in the occult, maybe try a few things, but they aren't very dedicated and are too preoccupied with other priorities they have to achieve any real success.
2. The deluded – people who for whatever reason pressed on very far but got lost along the way. They either form self-defeating mindsets which keep them from progressing (such as hyperskepticism), or they cling strongly to some incorrect and limiting beliefs/disinfo, or their identity/status becomes too invested in the occult so they put up a facade of superiority or knowing or mysteriousness but it's all bullshit and they're lost.
3. The accidentals – people who because of natural ability or the influence of some other entity randomly end up pulling off or otherwise witnessing something paranormal. Due to a lack of true understanding they never progress beyond this and may assume they've just gone crazy or that they've seen some shit.
4. The fallen – occultists who finally broke past the initial barriers of self-development only to make a fatal or semi-fatal mistake which causes them to lose their will, lose control, kill themselves off, etc. They become possessed or become an energy source for some other being or whatever. Some of them are trapped in a rigid hierarchy where their masters feed off of them and limit them and they don't know it.
5. The illumined – The elite few occultists who succeed & become very powerful. At this point of development they have undergone a complete transformation of the self. They are capable of great things & are very aware. They are more concerned with what happens in higher planes of existence than the mundane.

>implying those who merely have incidental / accidental experience of magic & related phenomena can get to the point of becoming fallen unless that accident was what made them become fallen. The fallen know what they're doing / what they do is not an accident, but they make bad choices.
Check this out as well /fringe/: http://seapagan.org/pagan-hierarchy/

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I'm on the third tier of that chart. Score!

I think perhaps you're next step is to work on 'your' ego.

Yes he needs to cultivate his ego more to make it bigger and stronger. Good suggestion anon.

I'm an accidental. Learned how to do energy manipulation accidentally while watching many Kung Fu movies.

Isn't number 3 a must? I mean, the shear "coincidence" of you being into the occult is not coincidence. A natural ability, as in you noticed something and decided to investigate which brought you here. Or influence, you were guided in the right direction, as in, you were given small hints that manifested into what is.

Well I've had a natural ability for astral projection / lucid dreams and have been constantly experiencing reality differently from other people. A lot of people have vague dreams if any at all and something like AP is rare as fuck for them. So they think what they're more familiar with is real… but I feel differently. The astral is more real because it is more vivid, more complex, more beautiful, less limited, etc. while the physical reality feels like a simulation in comparison. When we play computer games, they don't measure up to our waking experience, and in my case the waking just doesn't measure up to the astral at all.


Stuff like… neophyte, adept, etc. what are they?

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If you look at that pic, you will see that the norse faith itself is seemingly descended from animism.

Metapedia describes animism as a particular spirit-based faith of indigenous people, which it ranks lower than "civilized people" within the schematic of civilizational progression. (An arbitrary term in my opinion, but yeah.)

Imo this animist inheritance can also be seen in the norse faith's notion of "spirits of the ancestors" and the pagan conception of the earth being a living organic system as a whole itself.

Maybe the ancient proto-aryo-european germanics really were greenpilled as fuck and could see wide past the third density realm, and that's where that notion of "spirits in everything" came from in the first place.

Begs the question how and when they lost all of that knowledge though.

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What's the best way to move from being a filthy dabbler peasant to a true practitioner?

…by practicing regularly? Like really how else would you do it

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Well, duh. The question is what do you practice? Finding a path through all the bullshit that leads to something real isn't a simple task. They don't call this shit "occult" for nothing.

>astral projection
>cleanse/open your chakras
>strengthen your clairvoyance/clairaudio skills
>practice seeing auras
>summon a demon
>invoke a god
>develop your own rituals and spells
>loosh farm

TONS of shit to do.

Not the other guy but I've been reading the Book of Knowledge and I'm heaps stuck on the Tele-Visualization chapter. I got the imagining the forest right but how in the world can I actually see the other room where a friend moved an object?
What I end up doing is just building the room in my mind from memory and just guessing which object has been moved.
Is this how it's done or am I missing something?

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Doesn't the book say that you should be able to visualize the forest as clearly as you can see apparent reality before you progress to the next step (the actual remote viewing)?

Can you do that yet? That seems like something that would take, uh, a few years of practice, assuming it's even possible.

A lot of people who follow courses of occult progression fail because they overestimate their mastery of the prerequisite steps and advance before they're ready. One of the pitfalls of being over-eager and not having a teacher.

There's really one one operation you need for that. The unlocking of your subconscious. Then you will be borderline omniscient and many powers will come to you fast.

I've done actual remote viewing demonstrations for people on skype and tinychat and I'll tell you, the way I did it, it ummmmm… well the key is contained in the holographic universe lectures and this one video that guy who talks about "jews serpent seed blah balh" and posts ET all the time on /x/. I'll have to find that again and also make a thread about remote viewing… but one thing you need to understand is that you can remember anything because god is imminent within you and omniscient. While you're in a trance, you will know the contents of books you've never opened. Going to go look for my mask now…

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im looking forward to it (your future thread on RV, and the links to those videos)

Hopefully I won't have a bunch of mundanes getting in the way.

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ayy lmao

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There is no true concept of civilization.
Look at what they did and how they lived. In harmony. (mostly)
Yet for the Romans/Greeks, Gauls, Germanics, Norsemen, Thracians, etc. were "barbarians".

i love Flying Lotus too

Nobody has ever called greeks or romans barbarians. That word is actually descended from a greek word, and there was a greek idiom that said that whoever who wasn't greek was a barbarian.



Yeah no

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Stuck between Tier 4 and Tier 5, have been for many months now. But this puts things into perspective nicely

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