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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 5982
Lets all start posting all our posts on /x/ with the name CHAOSVOID in order to farm loosh more efficiently.

When they see that /x/ has been overtaken by thousands of CHAOSVOID posts it will create quite a stirring amongst them and they will all give up their loosh to us easily.

Then through our collective effort we will ascend to the astral planes every night without fail until I we finally make the 4th density our home and become schizophrenic master race.

It will also help when they inevitably see us replying to each other, talking amongst ourselves, that they will think CHAOSVOID has gone off the deep-end completely and so the schizo wizard archetype will be evoked even more by people reading /x/ whose collective conscious imprint then will accelerate the development of our psychic powers.

Since we're all browsers of /fringe/ we'll inevitably know and understand the same concepts and use a lot of the same terminology too so it our /fringe/ hivemind will make it seem like CHAOSVOID is just one person all the more.

Maybe we'll even literally develop psychic links to each other and form a 6th density soul complex too and then we can stay in touch telepathically and create more chaos in the world as we greenpill everyone everywhere!

Let the loosh farming go into overdrive! Post as CHAOSVOID from now on!
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Appear to be underway already.

Our true work of chaos shall please Eris much!



>All right. This is my trip from now on.

>CHAOSVOID !!E9eoAr45C/j

Okay so you just ended this already or is that not you?

>Okay so you just ended this already or is that not you?

Not me. Just some faggot. Disregard him, he surely will fall asleep soon, and my posts will continue to dominate while he's busy being a normalfag or whatever.

Oh man /x/ is going to get loosh harvested so hard they're all going to be totally deprived of their feels before long.

NOPE not a single /fringe/ poster so far has decided to start posting with that name.


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>yfw there's an epidemic of CHAOSVOIDs on /x/ right now


So this is where the cancer is coming from!

Just got unbanned today, time for loosh farming.

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Perfect timing! Hail chaos! Hail victory!

We are to the point where everyone gives you loosh by just seeing CHAOSVOID

I know! This has become super efficient! We control the loosh, we control the future!

This is the best unbanned day ever.


>schizo wizard archetype

Tell me more…

If you fit into an archetype then the kind of impressions people get and the conscious energy they send you will help you conform even more to that archetype. So it can be more efficient then to gain powers in this way. There's some good articles about this phenomena I've read in the past but I can't remember keywords to search and find them.


Quite, I understand what you're saying - conscious manipulation. Though by my knowledge schizo carries quite a stigma.

Is the stigma propagated on purpose?

Are you saying one wizard should not hide his powers as such?

Holy shit in such a short while I have so much loosh. I'm not even sure if I need to take special measures to store up the excess now or should just go straight to the astral right now then come back.

Just put on some wizard robes and grow a beard and so on and people should get the point eventually.

The whole mental illness / schizophrenia thing is just a cover up for a variety of abuses being done to people who either are subject to synthetic mind control, have awakened but are duped into destroying themselves, who are being magically harassed, target for demonic possession, or a variety of other things.

ProTip: there were no references at all to schizophrenia or it was super rare but then it all spiked massively when government mind control experiments started to really go underway.

Many people have been fucked with on a deep level mentally and this programming put into their subconscious wrecks them.

Drugs and other shrink bullshit won't fix them. Proper instruction in magic, teaching them not to fear, helping them make sense of and differentiate higher density stuff from third density, hypnotization to undo previous bad programming, etc. will.

If you break it all down into its basic parts it'll make more sense.

I'll do that later though and post it in one of the two threads already up on the topic.

One example is fallacious / delusional thinking.

Look at how many people don't see through the jewish deception. Yet this is perfectly allowed, despite being delusional, and we don't drug those people.

Another is seeing things others don't. Well, what sets them apart from the prophet and religious figures and skill scientists and artists and so on who had very highly developed consciousness? Only that they don't handle their thoughts well, they don't manage the canvas of their mind correctly, they tune into dark things which fuck with them.


I really do believe that "schizophrenia" is a big lie.

Here's a recent /x/ thread on the subject btw: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/14450186/

>Are you saying one wizard should not hide his powers as such?

Depends. I don't think there's a problem with anonymously demonstrating them to strangers and such. It's when people link it up to a physical identity of yours that the shit hits the fan and all kinds of different groups that are anti-magic will crackdown on you or who are just enemy wizards.


>I really do believe that "schizophrenia" is a big lie.

Yuh well the identification of symptoms was developed by a Jewish Nazi scientist, what do ya expect?

>It's when people link it up to a physical identity of yours that the shit hits the fan and all kinds of different groups that are anti-magic will crackdown on you or who are just enemy wizards.

Where do you gain this knowledge? Anti-magic groups?

Sorry for the Q's - can't really say much else.

>Jewish Nazi scientist

I… don't… even know.



Kurt Schneider, sure.

Noooo they deleted my thread on women and spirituality, despite it being well thought out and very much legitimate, all because of the very severe loosh farming that resulted from it.


Will just have to make a new one in the future maybe.

Loosh, loosh everywhere.

When I went to bed last night it was like I was in a sea of loosh. Just the the blackness around me when I closed my eyes was swimming and swirling about in a gaseous semi-liquid sort of way. It was intense. Now today, more loosh we shall have!

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I propose a controlled opposition counter-conspiracy: AVOIDCHAOS

The A here being the eye in the triangle revealing VOIDCHAOS to be merely a reversal.

This name should be used to promote chaos magick to produce confusion for extra loosh. Don't start a chaos magick thread with this name though it'll be too obvious.

One question though, that doesn't promote chaos magick, it tells people to avoid it, it spells avoid-chaos so people will think to avoid chaos magick. We need a better name.

Well that really wasn't a question so disregard the first part.


That's the idea, avoidchaos promoting chaos magick=confusion and loosh.

You genious little fucker. That makes perfect sense now, I'll do it later on today

Anyone else getting lots of loosh still under this name? I keep on using it and it's a good loosh generator. I always need so much loosh, seems like the rest of you don't have as many uses for it as me though and don't deplete it so fast.


Loosh farming in process, join if for your own share of the loosh!

All of them are like 'lelelele loozh xD'

Yeah they're pretty stupified and don't know what to say, this is their way of expressing their inability to understand loosh, and thinking it is just a concept void of meaning – an absurdity. It's not though. It's literally at the very heart of magic and most of what we do.


I'm out. You can get the rest of the loosh, I gotta go.

Uh… you know people already figured it out and that all the people giving you "loosh" are just trolls that nobody likes? In any case, nobody really cares in /x/. You are the ones gettnig emotionally invested.


The concept of multiple people using the same name is still an interesting and worthwhile one in my opinion, regardless of loosh farming.

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Soo… the new decimation enevitabity resides in this coagilation of idiotic arrogance
you fucks are starting a fire you dont want to alilght


If ur goin 2 use loooong werds spel dem rite

Guess we're going back to loosh farming. I have another mass loosh killuminatis(insert swastika here) project though… I don't know if we should do it though, making a new thread

i think trolling stormchan would be some easy loosh

Don't troll a board who knows who we are. Go for 4chan.

I am out of action.

There'd have to be people there for that to work.

Project CHAOSVOID is compromised on /x/ because the reptilian mods have decided to crackdown on our greenpilling and loosh farming activity. They don't want us cutting into their corner of the loosh energy market. We must fight back or else adapt with a new strategy.


Use gematric numbers for loosh as usernames or begin/end posts with it.

Project CHAOSVOID is kill now

Initiate ChaosNayChaotic.

Why? Did you get banned as well?

No, I know the rules by heart I never get banned. It's just everyone knows now and won't give us loosh unless we ruse them hard.

So what rules were broken here: http://fringechan.org/drama/res/5163.html ?

Loosh farming is a form of rusing, and rusing is trolling, and trolling is against the rules. You got b& for trolling m8

…but I literally did fucking nothing except post as I usually do and waiting for mundanes and others to get mad as usual. There was no intention to ruse, it just happens automatically. Also this implies there's some kind of deception but everything I do is transparent, I'm just trying to greenpill, and I know the truth causes upset and I know that any kind of emotions empower me so I thank them for the loosh ;(.

If I really deserved a ban, then so does — every other poster on 4chan period.

You probably got reported a ton because mundanes report things they don't understand. If you get reported enough mods'll ban you for no reason

How about we focus on posting decent quality posts under a variety of changing names we each come up with - or we introduce an occult current based on sigils, gematria and new words/a new paradigm. We already have a new paradigm based on loosh farming, coming up with a new one would require some creative thought but I'm sure we could do it.

If loosh is banned and easily caught onto why the fuck can't we make up our own terms?

This is the best option, and can easily and perhaps should be used for nefarious means.

You catch more astral flies with honey than shit after all.

" Anonymous 05/03/14(Sat)14:32 No.14545160▶
CHAOSVOID hasn't been a single guy for decades. Some retards in fringechan think they're being edgy by using that name collectively to harvest "loosh" when half of /x/ knew what was going on from the very beginning,."

They're unto us, fuck


Just stop posting as chaosvoid and make up new names to use individually.


We need to change the password again for /illuminati/ and make it more secure and begin a new operation on there as a continuation of CHAOSVOID.


Looks like the passwords already been changed. Well, stal said the code had changed maybe the password is the same. Apparently I can't into cryptography enough to get in anyways.

>Y2hvc2VuL2ltYWtpa2UK -> DOUBLE -> KlXanlHVOl69Ki9BMlgC Goddess, please have mercy. This is the password to /illuminati/.

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