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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 3234
Apparently there was a request from someone for me to post here, so here I am. I'm casting spells for people on /x/.
Can you tell me how you're doing this so I can learn to do the same?

You said you can heal things.

From what I know about faith healing, in the genuine cases, you feel a burning sensation when it has actually worked and the healing part of your body starts to heal rapidly.

So far I can't seem to heal anything myself.

I have some theories about how to pull it off but it's so far incredibly difficult.

I want to know how you do what you do.

If you can cast a spell for me to enhance my magic and so on that would be great but what I really want to know is how you do it.

The basic spells I'm casting are just an excercise of will. The healing is more difficult for me because it's not something I can naturally do.

When I'm just healing, I visualize the injury repairing itself (tissue knitting back together, blood washing away froma bruise, etc) and focus energy on manifesting my vision into reality.

>The basic spells I'm casting are just an excercise of will. The healing is more difficult for me because it's not something I can naturally do.

Hmmm I see.

>When I'm just healing, I visualize the injury repairing itself (tissue knitting back together, blood washing away froma bruise, etc) and focus energy on manifesting my vision into reality.

That's what I would do but it's hard. My goal is to get into out-of-body state again like I've been doing lately and then while in the astral perform operations upon my physical body.

Most days in the astral I remember what happens but today something must have gone wrong because I've developed a sort of amnesia and got knocked out of the astral feeling really bad and now my mind is temporarily fucked and I suppose will stay that way for the next couple hours before it gets better. I definitely got my shit wrecked out there.

Btw here is something interesting:

The power of visualization

Similarly, controversial new healing techniques such as visualization may work so well because in the holographic domain of thought images are ultimately as real as "reality".

Even visions and experiences involving "non-ordinary" reality become explainable under the holographic paradigm. In his book "Gifts of Unknown Things," biologist Lyall Watson describes his encounter with an Indonesian shaman woman who, by performing a ritual dance, was able to make an entire grove of trees instantly vanish into thin air. Watson relates that as he and another astonished onlooker continued to watch the woman, she caused the trees to reappear, then "click" off again and on again several times in succession.

Although current scientific understanding is incapable of explaining such events, experiences like this become more tenable if "hard" reality is only a holographic projection. Perhaps we agree on what is "there" or "not there" because what we call consensus reality is formulated and ratified at the level of the human unconscious at which all minds are infinitely interconnected.

If this is true, it is the most profound implication of the holographic paradigm of all, for it means that experiences such as Watson’s are not commonplace only because we have not programmed our minds with the beliefs that would make them so. In a holographic universe there are no limits to the extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality.

What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting for us to draw upon it any picture we want. Anything is possible, from bending spoons with the power of the mind to the phantasmagorical events experienced by Castaneda during his encounters with the Yaqui brujo Don Juan, for magic is our birthright, no more or less miraculous than our ability to compute the reality we want when we are in our dreams. Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about reality become suspect, for in a holographic universe, as Pribram has pointed out, even random events would have to be seen as based on holographic principles and therefore determined.

Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly makes sense, and everything in reality would have to be seen as a metaphor, for even the most haphazard events would express some underlying symmetry.


That's pretty surreal. Did you feel like you were in danger while you were astral? Did something disturb your body?

I can't remember wizardbro. I have been travelling the astral for a very very long time and I know that if you are badly defeated in the astral it can:

- leave you exhausted and sore
- make you emotionally numb
- wipe out memories to various degrees

All I have retained from my last visit was remembering playing a card game. (I recorded it on /astral/).

Ive been attacked/ had my body disturbed before and felt like I was "yanked" back into my body. I felt awful after the fact. I usually feel better after I sleep for a while.

Attacked in the physical planes or the astral?

The astral. I tend to explore a little bit more than is probably a smart idea.

Meh everyone gets attacked in the astral fuck the haters. I sometimes attack people at random because they piss me off or because I am overcome with the compulsion to do so.

Sounds like your being attacked almost constantly. Are you naturally an aggresive person?

nathanthedjinn@gmail.com, for anyone who's interested.

>Sounds like your being attacked almost constantly. Are you naturally an aggressive* person?

I don't know. I don't think of myself in terms of a very well defined person, I shed a personality and set of beliefs and behaviour and stuff as necessary, like a shapeshifter.

I am attacked constantly but sometimes no conflict breaks out.

I suffer a lot in third density and much enjoy fourth density though I can get fucked up while out there too.

OP could you use your magic to restore my shitty myopic eyesight to 20/20?

How do you even remote influence people like this?

What I want to do most at this time with my magic is heal my body (because having a damaged sick body is a source of constant misery and distraction) and to create a persistent object or other thing crafted purely out of my thought which I could then keep with me a constant reminder to have faith and realize my potential. I want overt magical powers.

It's al visualization for me. As long as I have a way to identify the person I'm casting for, the intervening distance doesn't matter.

What's wrong with your body? If that isn't too personal a question.

A lot of things I even got cursed by some guy adding an additional problem.

My teeth are fucked, my eyes are fucked, my jaw is fucked, my left nipple is fucked, my right elbow is fucked, etc.

Oh and the condition of my skin is bad too.

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Try healing me, here's a picture of me. Will give feedback if it works for you.

By Odin's bejeweled monacle, what did this person curse you with?

Have you tried to have the curse lifted?

>By Odin's bejeweled monacle, what did this person curse you with?

Probably cancer.

>Have you tried to have the curse lifted?

Who would I have do that? Nobody around here can do anything. I personally know what to do but can't pull it off right now. I don't even really care if it kills me I guess but it's getting worse every day fuck.

Might as well try your best to override my defective subconscious programming and fix this.

I should light a candle again like I did before and hold my hand in it again & again until the flame no longer burns me due to realizing the truth.

I don't know how I can do shit like pick up burning hot coals and they don't hurt me and I know they won't hurt me and then later I can regress and become vulnerable again. It's stupid.

I'm going to try to lift the curse, and then heal you.

Don't risk hurting yourself, dark thoughts will feed the curse.

It's really strong right now, I suppose I ought to lay down and clear my mind as best as I can so my thoughts stop sabotaging me and you can just work at it without that extra resistance in the way.

The curse is broken. I'm going to keep an eye on you if it's ok to make sure it doesn't come back. I'll also be healing you regularly.

I feel a little less sick and uneasy than I was feeling an hour ago, some symptoms are gone, but I suppose more time is required for full recovery.

Your body will heal itself in time. But your condition should start improving drastically over the next few days. Eat well, rest when you can, and stay away from the dark thoughts.

Mood and overall sense of wellbeing is still improving right now, feeling better. Think it's been an hour since your last post.

I'm still here. I'm glad your feeling better still. :)

Ah not much longer after that. I went to take a shower then went to bed and haven't been able to sleep all night long. I've had a pillow over my face the whole time. A big object in my room has randomly and inexplicably disappeared and I've asked about it and nobody knows why or to where it has gone. Meanwhile the whole night I've felt some evil presence about me and been receiving instructions to psychically assassinate people and threats that if I don't then the evil within me will outgrow and destroy me.

Interestingly I was instructed to make a clay doll and saw a brown clay doll thing in my vision and to think of the doll as whoever I want to kill and then I was simply to focus all my hatred and suffering into the clay doll as intensely and for as long as I possibly could and I would see the body of the person being attacked and disintegrated in various ways, fingers in the hands breaking, etc. The doll would represent who was going to die but didn't have to look to much like the person, what counted was that I thought of it as that person.

It's also been I believe keeping me out of the astral. I asked it repeatedly to just let me go and then I will select someone to die tomorrow but it hasn't conceded so I'm super tired right now. While I was laying down and unable to actually sleep my arms were going numb and it was like the blood was draining from them and the legs I suppose to concentrate more around the vital organs.

Also another thing is if I destroy someone in this manner I get their soul or their energy or something which I absorb partially and that makes me more powerful of a vessel for even stronger spirits presumably of a dark nature and with the rest of that it gives me the chance to make a new person or tulpa which offsets the destruction of the previous one from this world (either I get to remake them anew or I simply get to make another entity from the siphoned energy).

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>inb4 I end up being some kind of "anti-christ" that basically does all the opposite stuff of the "christ" spirit aka instead of healing and blessing my powers are to curse with sickness and death

Upon my right arm a patch of scaly-dry damaged looking skin has appeared for no apparent reason right now.

Picture for proof. This wasn't here before.

Something is really fucking with me and feeding on my suffering.

>has a barely noticeable wound
>thinks he's the antichrist


am I cursed? can you increase my intelligence and open my chakras?

Don't let yourself be pushed around. Fight or you'll be a demon's bitch.

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I'm not "the anti-christ" just have "anti-christ" traits. Man fuck using terms out of Christian religion.

Anyways, this just happened today. Blood spontaneously appeared all over my foot. A lot of it has dried up and flaked away so it's not so impressive now but here's proof.(USER IS A SILLY MUNDANE)

Did nothing but lay around all day and try to get better but I'm failing sadly also whatever is in my chest hurts more. I'm pretty hopeless, I guess we might as well just have fun watching me die.

Note the direction the blood is running too btw. I was laying on my back, definitely not on my stomach. The blood should have run the other direction, instead it ran up my leg. That makes this paranormal.

That's either dried sperm/glue or just dry skin.
Man, are you retarded? You probably got up or moved you leg and the blood ran with that.

What has this forum come to? Time to abandon this sinking ship. This chan is turning into the new /x/, does someone have anything more? Something that hasn't been invaded.


Don't worry I banned him for his shitposting. This whole thread is full of fail and has been sagelocked too.

WTF why did you ban me? I'm just explaining things as I conceive of it in my mind and trying to give feedback to the OP on my condition. I guess I'm being a bit silly but seriously there's some stuff really wrong with me right now.

Was smiley the shitposter?

Doesn't matter who it is, they've stopped now.

Thank you

So it was. Not that I couldn't have guessed that.

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