>>3240>The basic spells I'm casting are just an excercise of will. The healing is more difficult for me because it's not something I can naturally do.Hmmm I see.
>When I'm just healing, I visualize the injury repairing itself (tissue knitting back together, blood washing away froma bruise, etc) and focus energy on manifesting my vision into reality.That's what I would do but it's hard. My goal is to get into out-of-body state again like I've been doing lately and then while in the astral perform operations upon my physical body.
Most days in the astral I remember what happens but today something must have gone wrong because I've developed a sort of amnesia and got knocked out of the astral feeling really bad and now my mind is temporarily fucked and I suppose will stay that way for the next couple hours before it gets better. I definitely got my shit wrecked out there.
Btw here is something interesting:
The power of visualizationSimilarly, controversial new healing techniques such as visualization may work so well because in the holographic domain of thought images are ultimately as real as "reality".
Even visions and experiences involving "non-ordinary" reality become explainable under the holographic paradigm. In his book "Gifts of Unknown Things," biologist Lyall Watson describes his encounter with an Indonesian shaman woman who, by performing a ritual dance, was able to make an entire grove of trees instantly vanish into thin air. Watson relates that as he and another astonished onlooker continued to watch the woman, she caused the trees to reappear, then "click" off again and on again several times in succession.
Although current scientific understanding is incapable of explaining such events, experiences like this become more tenable if "hard" reality is only a holographic projection. Perhaps we agree on what is "there" or "not there" because what we call consensus reality is formulated and ratified at the level of the human unconscious at which all minds are infinitely interconnected.
If this is true, it is the most profound implication of the holographic paradigm of all, for it means that experiences such as Watson’s are not commonplace only because we have not programmed our minds with the beliefs that would make them so. In a holographic universe there are no limits to the extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality.
What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting for us to draw upon it any picture we want. Anything is possible, from bending spoons with the power of the mind to the phantasmagorical events experienced by Castaneda during his encounters with the Yaqui brujo Don Juan, for magic is our birthright, no more or less miraculous than our ability to compute the reality we want when we are in our dreams. Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about reality become suspect, for in a holographic universe, as Pribram has pointed out, even random events would have to be seen as based on holographic principles and therefore determined.
Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly makes sense, and everything in reality would have to be seen as a metaphor, for even the most haphazard events would express some underlying symmetry.