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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 4935
I was in her loving embrace and I still feel her linger
Shes so beautiful like everything I wanted
Am I sipping on the graille like our friend some called jesus
It was like it was a dream but so am I a dream this universe is having. I feel like
But now im a weeping mess alone at 4am on a Friday morning
If that sounds bad to you, then Its GOLDEN TO ME MY FRIEND I FEEL SO GOOD
And now I shall I describe to you stangers what led me to this right now, and It comes from the words of a philosopher who is arrogant enough to dares to say he knows even less than you.

Like an ordinary ritual that I guess is so LEAD makes my life LEAD I Packed the GB, but tis time with just the smallest
Not enough to say 2 pennies of a dime. If a dollar is what you would normally call a dime. If you get my drift NSA lol
But just enough of it, and as I light I said, no I PRAYED
I am ready for the good the bad I can take THE WORLD and transform it in myself.
I Exhaled, and between thoughts that shift from my desire to RECORD, and to alert my sleeping roommate who begged me do to my share months before now.
And a thought, no a WILL, to shut down my WORDMIND
No im more than semantics

Now I ask because I claim to know less
How long should I wait until I have more
Or should I wait until I can get a Proper Butane Torch
What. I've shutdown my wordmind plenty of times, I do it quite regularly in fact. I've also met really breathtakingly radiant and beautiful entities out there in the astral, and felt that feel.

Wtf are you rambling about a butane torch for?

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its me about 3 minutes after i wrote that and i can say she's left me
and still i find myself oddly personifying my experience, but i remember feeling sick, but realizing i could move the feeling of sick

like when the israelites saw the bronze snake on the pole and were cured of their serpent wounds

or like aclesptus, i spelled that wrong, or the serpents on that medical staff

oh and another thing

i felt like I was something created by natural laws of the universe that was capable of so much love I wept

and now i think back to an awful memory I never had
that I'm my brother and myself killing my brother and myself simultaneously, but i feel like its not me but Its history and Ive never had a brother.
I wake up and feel like this dread
Like i only woke up to the real world which is so much considerably worse than any dream, that this is history and all of the foreseeable future,

in terms of the behavior of us foolish meat robots programed by THE WORLD some say through god or others through processes we like to call Evolution and Cosmology,

I was never quite convinced the universe consisted of inanimate matter entirely,
and something that is myself that i experience as myself and animate is composed entirely of inanimate matter


for I can't prove otherwise
but either way
I feel, its important to myself,
that i am an very small part of THE WORLD in 'some way' aware of itself. and thats why pic is related. this board is slow, Ill be lurking later.

its about getting the right temperature
to enter into the chamber of the holy of holies

yeah riddles for fun friend no worries


Do you mean vibration?

Well, in certain words

yeah and I've read all of that, the kyballion my favorite of your suggestion
2 months ago
i read a lot
I feel a lot
not in words so much

though I'm such a lover of words
I sit upon a throne of words everyday
thats why people say I'm far away
adhd amongst other things but they can't see the EYE OF THE STORM hahahaahaa

words seem like such monkey babble don't you think

i wipe my ass on your holy books
ha how do you like that
do i make you feel things with my words, stranger?

its been a long time since i read that other one though haha
I might be preaching to a choir, but Its a lovely one
you all would like this book:

i read it a long time ago, and it felt like a strange compilation of a lot of the threads I had been tugging at in this strange knot some like to call the Mysteries

>actually taking psychiatry seriously

*loosh thief detected*

No your arbitrary collections of words aren't going to steal my loosh today.

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