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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 11813
Have you done a spell/ritual, and it didn't work? Are you doubting magick just because of it?

If so I know the solution. You need to become enlightened. Enlightenment is just a silly word for insanity. The way I became Enlightened is the Discordian way, I got mindfucked and forgot my entire past self except for names of people and was "reborn" as a spawn of Chaos. I'm sure it's the same for all other ways of becoming enlightened. If I knew how to get mindfucked, I'd tell you but I'm afraid I don't remember. I do remember, though, when I was an edgy teen I attempted to summon Satan, but alas it didn't work. Once I became mindfucked I can now communicate with spirits that are troubling mundanes. Right now, your body is awake and your mind is asleep. You are dreaming, this isn't the real you. You need to awaken your mind and you will find the real you. I want you to go on a spiritual journey and wake up. Please, just wake up. Everyone says imagination is a child's thing but it isn't, a lot of magick has to do with imagination e.g. visualization. Once you learn to imagine, you will be able to manipulate reality for life is just a dream.

Ask questions and discuss this situation below.
Are you asleep or awake? What about people you interact with daily? Most will answer that they are awake, and that those around them are awake as well. It’s a simple question with an easily determined answer, or so it seems.

Not all is as it seems. Rather than two states of being, there are at least four. The mind and body can be asleep or awake independently of each other.

With mind and body awake, one is truly awake. With mind and body asleep, one is dreaming. With mind awake and body asleep, one is lucid-dreaming.With mind asleep and body awake, one is sleepwalking. Gradations exist between these four states, ranging from hypnotism and trance to daydreaming and dim consciousness.

The common understanding of what it means to be “awake” disguises the truth. In truth, most who call themselves awake are actually not awake at all. They are either hypnotized, dimly conscious, sleepwalking, daydreaming, or in a state of trance. What all these states have in common is that the conscious core of the individual is absent or passive, blowing like a leaf in the winds of environmental stimuli.

Waking Dreams

We dream while physically asleep. But for many, dreams do not end in the morning. Getting up, showering, eating, working, watching TV—all those are continuations of a dream state that remains essentially uninterrupted, 24 hours a day.

You may realize how in dreams our sense of reality is disabled and we submit our attention to the most ridiculous dramas and scenarios. In dreams, we make the strangest “logical” associations that amount to no logic at all, have little say in what happens to us, do things impulsively, and never question our reality or observe ourselves.

Because people tend to be mentally asleep while going about their daily business, they carry out exactly the same behavior. All that limits them is the stability of their physical environment. Nevertheless, they are just as easily suggestible, capable of false logic, and in passive submission to the environment as during their nightly dreams.

Observe what people do and say, the anecdotes and gossip they speak, how they may communicate via recitations of lines from movies or TV shows, speak in trite memetic phrases without conscious thought or originality, engage in ludicrous programmed behavior, engross themselves in petty dramas, and switch to goofy or borrowed personalities that you never question—as long as you are asleep.

The world and society is an insane asylum, but everyone is too asleep to notice the insanity. Just as you may not question insane dreams while having them, so do most people not question their insane lives. But, if you observe yourself, return your focus of attention to your present location and moment in time, then observe those around you with this perspective, you will see that they are virtually sleepwalking. Ever wish you could observe another person’s dreams? Well, your wish is granted – just observe others and you will see them behaving exactly as they would in dreams, were their dream environments as stable as this physical one.

The moment you forget yourself and become fully absorbed in what you perceive, you are no longer awake. You have forgotten about your own consciousness and are in a hypnotic trance focused entirely upon the object of your thoughts or perceptions. At that point, your freewill is surrendered and you become a machine, input and output determined by what enthralls you.

The implications of mass somnambulism is obvious. With billions of people asleep, those in power who are awake have the advantage. Sleeping people are easily controlled. Their conscious core exists within a mental prison, harnessed for time, labor, and energy. They possess little or no freewill because they have abandoned the awareness necessary to utilize it.

Escaping the Matrix

The purpose of this article is to urge you to realize that being truly awake is a very rare state, but that it is vitally important to strive for it, to realize the necessity of true waking consciousness. Without it, your life is not yours. Without it, you will die in your sleep, like everyone else. Some say ignorance is bliss, and to die in sleep is a good, but these are words of the insane.

This is one small step toward escaping the influence of the Matrix, the Predator, the General Law. You must realize that most of you have been, and probably still are asleep; that those who sleep are living a lie, and therefore your life has been a lie; that those around you who are sleepwalking, with their petty dramas and mechanical greetings, are not to be taken seriously because they are not in control of themselves.

You are the guardian of the fortress that is your reality, so don’t let down your guard. Entities exist that would gladly rearrange unguarded sectors of your reality. Plan ahead and remember past lessons, but don’t lose yourself in the moment; just be and act in the moment, with full consciousness of your own awareness. This is impossible to do all the time, but the more you strive for it, the longer you stay lucid.

Lucid Memories

Lucidity is the key to continuity of awareness and depth of memory. Some people have good memories despite being asleep – this type of memory is purely mechanical and lacks understanding or the infusion of potential creative use, and is no different from computer memory. Computer memory can be easily rewritten, rearranged, corrupted, swapped, or made self-contradictory, but lucidly acquired memory is whole, holographic, and real. This wholeness forms a kernel of objectivity upon which other lucid memories and knowledge can grow, to build within oneself a solid, consistent, and conscious core.

During states of mental sleep, ones memory is subjective. Consequently one’s identity is subjective, consisting of whichever role one plays at the moment. Within the subjective mind exist numerous subjective roles that take the lead upon cues from the environment. Within such a mind, there is no order, consistent growth, stability, or objectivity.

The path to awakening is to make one identity within you supreme over all others, The Identity that is your conscious core, present when you observe your own awareness rooted in the present moment and location. All perceptions and thoughts that pass through this original identity become lucid memories, internally consistent and whole. Staying lucid while living, working, thinking, and creating, accumulates lucid memories. When recalled, such memories are experienced in the present moment, and all such memories thus comprise direct knowledge of reality and time as it truly exists, without past or future. Linear time is illusion, and your conscious core knows this. Lucid memories reflect this truth.

As you practice staying truly awake, more lucid memories are accrued until a critical point is reached when the siren songs grow quiet. Then, very rarely will you be lulled back beneath the surface of lucidity. The strength and will of your true inner self grows considerably and asserts its rightful superiority over internal illusory identities. In tandem, the strength of your presence within the external environment also grows. No longer will you be a passive machine, but an active infuser of creative influences. Not only do the shackles fall off, but the prison becomes an open playground.


This talk of lucidity and true wakefulness may sound simplistic and idealistic, but it is real, possible, and worth pursuing. The works of Gurdjieff, Boris Mouravieff, Castaneda, and John Baines are excellent resources for those who desire to study the mechanics and necessary details involved in escaping the talons of the Matrix. For the sake of your destiny, please wake up.


I just saw the film "wake up" The guy supposedly can see all kinds of shit spirit/auras etc. After his best pal died the veil in front of his eyes broke. However, it didn't seem like he could do anything witnessed by a third party. He was also pretty bad at wizard school.

I'm genuinely surprised you would say "you need to be enlightened to do magic", "you need to be mindfucked to be enlightened", "I was mindfucked"

Then you don't go on to describe how you were "mindfucked" and just post some montalk quote instead.

Just imagine you're in a coversation with someone face to face, and tell them something like this "oh yeah man i know how to do it, I've done it before" and have them look at you waiting for you to explain how to do it.

Its really odd/kinda stupid.

So how to mindfuck please? Preferably with protection.

It's al trye. Smiley is batshit crazy, he can do magick. Gary Busey is insane and he claims to have contacted spiritual ET's and astral projects, and so on. Like I said, it's YOUR journey, do not follow magick step by step, explore for yourself. Just learn the basics fro books and move on by yourself through there. It is YOUR way of waking the mind, you program reality, so just do it. It's different for everyone else. Could be Kundalini, Buddhahood, Chaote Mindfuck, etc. just awaken your mind in some way. You seriously don't think any mundane can do a spell and get results, right?

Oh btw if you want I can tell my story of getting mindfucked. Also getting mindfucked and being enlightened is the same thing.

No, its just that many people genuinely try and try and never have results.

All i said it was odd for you to say you were mindfucked, then you don't post how to mindfuck yourself.

Most people on this board are desperate for answers, thats why there are so many lurkers, they just read hoping to pick something up and try it. They really want to believe. So if you have any info, please share if for the hundreds who have tried and received no results.

Saying "just do it" is just gonna off put people, and make them inclined to just call quackery and leave it at that.

I'm not going to disinform you on anything, so I'm gonna be straight up and honest. I completely forgot how to get mindfucked, I just know how I mindfucked myself. I guess it's different for everyone?

To all the lurkers, feel free to post here and ask questions, and why the fuck are you interested in magick if you aren't going to do it yourself? Don't just mope around looking for how to do things, just explore and make your own things! Read the thread which lists books for newcomers to read and practice. Once you do those exore yourself and post your findings. Where do you think Smiey gets all his info from? Reading and experimenting, not just following how to do a ritual step by step.

Want me to write out how I got mindfucked?

Not him, but yeah i'd like to hear!

Oh fuck a combination of feels and confusion comes while writing this.

So I was a normal person and I was going to school with a minor interest in any kind of spirituality. I had all the friends in the world, money, traveled the world, etc but then everything snapped in a day. My parents got in an arguement and took me out of school and I moved away and became homeschooled. I became extremely depressed and suicidal because I was lonely, dirt poor, and had a lot of feels. I eventually found /x/ and got an interest in the occult, I asked around for months on how to do magick, what do, etc and all of them said "just search yourself". I then got caught in the mainstream and begin studying Wicca, Thelema, and the Goetia. I dropped studying all of them and began desperately searching for answere to things, I then became Nihilistic. Eventually I dropped everything and went back to playing vidya, fapping, and browsing /b/ all day everyday, until I played a game which had a class called "Chaos Warrior", I thought it was silly and searched "chaos magick" and found a whole lot of everything I needed. I immediately got hooked to Chaos Magick and read all day, my favorite was Liber Null and Psychonaut. Then all the shit got confusing, I overloaded a shit ton of magickal knowledge, eventually I "snapped" I didn't know what was real anymore everything seemed so dull. But I realized I could actually do magick now, it only took six months for my journey to actually start. I became mindfucked and I really forget a whole lot of things, I apologize you'd think I'd remember. I will never forrget, though, tye first time I cleansed my chakras. I cried tears of joy. I became wel with energy workings and that's all I ever do is work with energy and use it to banish, create thoughtforms, manipulate peiple, etc. You'd think it'd be a very limited skill but once you learn to hone energy, you can do anything. Some are just born with it like I am, I've always been able to read auras.

tl;dr I went through an emotional phase, became an edgy nihilist and posted on /x/ for 6 months to find answers, read too much and went batshit crazy and began working with energy.

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OP focus on this sigil and meet me in the astral. The plane is little more than a big hill with a tree on top with goldish grass. I should be round about there for some time this evening.

I think OP may be on to something. If the universe is mental, and you are a point of consciousness of that universal mind, then whatever you intend will come about. Like any other dream, your intentions will always manifest; it's only a matter of time. But your beliefs about the world are intentions too, albeit unconscious ones, which makes them powerful and pervasive and resistant to change. This is why, for instance, devout skeptics never encounter paranormal phenomenon: they don't believe it exists, which is an intention that the universe reflects back to them. Or why feminists on tumblr see rape and male-privilege everywhere. Or why mystically-inclined people have mystical experiences. Robert Anton Wilson termed this concept "Reality Tunnels" iirc.

Insanity, then, is a way to discard limiting beliefs that sane people would regard as fundamental to a sound mind. A shaman seems crazy because he's operating according to a different, higher set of laws.

tl;dr: you have to believe in magic for it to work, but only crazy people believe that

Good post OP, respect man. For my chaotic transition thingy my astral body became engulfed in flame and that erased everything that I was and cleansed my body and whatnot.

I have read this before. I can see that the other people are asleep, and I sometimes find myself engaging in similar activities, (which I immediately regret for being so thoughtless).

I feel this is a good sign. Maybe I will wake up sooner or later?

I feel I might be waking, but sometimes I fall down. Still, you need to get up and walk on. No experiences of paranormal at the moment of writing this reply; I am now trying my best to defeat my skepticism and set my mind to be more open for outer and internal stimuli.

The Dreamer is Awake!

I didn't even look at your sigil due to the possibility of it being a curse and I find astral projection pointless, it's more of a one time thing.

Good point, it is true. Most Chaos Magicians believe in fairies and are more inclined to see fairies than others, I see what you're saying.

Insanity is way better than being sane, /5 …3 53// 6$.

My advice is to just go fucking nuts.

>smiley hasn't into magick yet
>everyone thinks he's a wizard

like wat?

I haven't yet read a single post in this thread just saying.

Well except these two: >>11858 & >>1185

…and I did not post >>11852 .

That's not smiley, that's a person who used the Cult of Smileberg flag.

When he posts, there's a green icon next to the red one.

you don't need to be "Mindfucked" to use magic. That's not enlightenment. I don't think anyone here can actually say what enlightenment is. Sure we've probably had fleeting glimpses of it before, but could we really say what it is?
Everyone's path to enlightenment is different. I couldn't use magic until I wrote my name in blood in a journal and wrote all my rituals down there. Now I don't need the journal and I can manipulate small chance and probabilities here and there within minutes of doing a ritual. My problem was I needed something to latch onto before I could go in my own direction. It's really just finding what feels natural for you, and to not doubt yourself.(As cheesy as that sounds)


sure is dualist in this thread

Hey faggot, I want to do magic, not just get uselessly "enlightened".

man I gotta tell you I have been totally losing my mind along with my heart and soul lately and that total indifference towards absolutely everything allows 4 me to meditate alot easier but I have yet to astral project, still

How the fuck can you meditate a lot and fail to AP?

It's not even hard to AP just project your consciousness into an astral body and proceed from there.

Though it's a bit hard to explain, I've found a way to do this with psychedelics (I've only done this with acid and 25i but I imagine it'll work with whatever. Also I've had better luck doing this with the latter of the two)

If you let it, your sense of self/ personality matrix will leave for a majority of the trip; this naturally occurs but most people resist it without realizing it. The key to doing this is to not resist the trip or to hold on to the habit of being yourself. Think uninhibited childishness. Also if you're doing this correctly your grammar will fall apart.

When you lose your sense of self (IE you know you exist but you don't think much beyond that) your sense of self isn't gone it's just on the back burner. You can then look at your sense of who you are from an external viewpoint and make changes to it. When I do this part I imagine I'm holding my "self" in my hands and often gesture while performing actions on it. While doing this you can change anything about yourself namely how loving you are, concern for others opinions, personality disorders (I assume, I'm dabbling with this one soon). It helps tremendously to perform this in front of a mirror.

If you've done this right your self should be altered and you should be able to "put it on" by thinking about it. You should feel like a different person when doing this. Once this occurs your self is simultaneously very weak and powerful. It's powerful in that it's refreshed and can seemingly do anything; however, it's weak because the changes will fade away if an old habit causes you to act in a way which contradicts the new self you've constructed. If this occurs you'll be forced to start over.

If all goes well while doing this you should be able to permanently change bits of your personality during a trip.

(I don't think I described this terribly well. A lot of this process is difficult to explain and it's been a few months since I've done it. I'm hopefully doing it again soon and I'll write something more coherent up then.)


Now I could be mistaken here, but it kinda sounds like you as well as a number of other people here are mistaking daydreaming with astral projection.

When I leave my body it is full force. I see everything clearly, feel everything, etc.

It is AP.


You sound like someone who has never APed. I right?


Wrong. I'm not gonna pretend to be some master at it, but I've APed a healthy number of times.

>Either intentionally trying to AP, or laying in bed trying to sleep

>Body goes numb, and paralysis kicks in
>Intense body vibrations
>Aliens, demons and shit start to appear, and they're always hostile
>They fade away after ignoring them
>My room comes back into focus, but it's clearly not the normal version
>Climb out of bed and begin to explore the area
>Look at myself in the mirror for the hell of it
>Go outside, fly around, visit other areas, talk to spirits and so on

I'm sure you "astral project" all the time though- sitting in English class, gazing out the window :^)

Confirmed noob who just doesn't get it.

Elaborate with reason and reference, pls

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