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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 5188
I have read that in the past there were other sentient races that were allowed to live and dominate on this planet. One of those races became very complacent and basically stopped doing anything, as that race was too happy and content, and would always get along. So their existence was meaningless.

They were all killed off. Their entire civilization destroyed and the Earth left fallow for millions of years to give it time to recover and for most evidence of that past civilization to be destroyed. Then we were created – and the previous race was remade as a lower animal, happy and content, and used to spy on us and report our doings to the astral. They can't talk anymore but they can telepathically read us.
So many of you wonder why aliens don't just give us high technology like free energy, why they don't clean everything up, and make our world better. I think I know one reason maybe why this is. Look at how the majority of humans have adapted to the technological changes which have already taken place. Most become more complacent, lazy, dumbfucks that self-destruct after awhile.

Humanity will be ready for a better world when the average human doesn't just choose to waste away in stupidity because his petty struggles have been ended. Earth is meant to be a place of learning where we undergo accelerated spiritual development and are made to suffer and be challenged and crushed again & again until we overcome our own inferiority. Conditions for living will be made easier for us when we are ready to take on greater challenges and have already learned the lessons of this life.

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When a man no longer has to work but he still exercises intensely to keep his body in good shape, when he no longer has to study but he seeks out higher knowledge of his own accord, when he overcomes his pathetic vices and addictions, and he sees through deceptions and practises the will to power then he will be ready. If we lose momentum, grow too complacent, turn away from our higher callings – then we will just be exterminated and our souls recycled. The aliens are always with us, some human vessels have alien souls, and we may know them also in the astral planes. Some are doing their hardest to undermine us and destroy us but others are here to help. Both sides, for various reasons, have to respect the freewill of humans caught up between their struggle but they try hard to win us over to their respective polarities. As for entities much higher up in the hierarchy, there is a reason also that they do not interfere which I think is explained best here:

>God designs what only God can design. The rest is delegated to lesser beings who design lesser things. In being the greatest being of all, God therefore designed only the greatest things of all, that which cannot be created by any other being in existence. That thing is existence itself.

>Lesser beings design only what lesser beings can design. Those beneath them lack the ability to create the same, and those above them would be interfering with the purpose of Creation if they denied lesser beings the opportunity to advance through exploration of their own potential.

>Therefore higher beings don’t interfere with what is only for lower beings to do, and lower beings can’t interfere with what only higher beings can do. Therefore everything is designed only by the lowest order of intelligence that can design it. Therefore God did not design everything in existence.

>God designed existence but does not micromanage it. Through the freewill and intelligence of conscious beings inhabiting that existence, existence continues designing itself. God is both beyond existence as a singular infinite being who created it, and within existence as the total plurality of finite beings experiencing it. This is about an infinite being exploring its infinite potential through an infinity of finite beings

( text in green quotes from: http://montalk.net/science/163/intelligent-design )

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