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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2348
Give me all the greenpill/redpill information you have.

I am new to Esoteric Wizardry and want a jump start.
All the info I have is posted all over /fringe/.

Do you want me to repost all of /fringe/ into this one thread?

I guess I could give you a big list of cool esoteric facts.


I would love it if you posted somd interesting esoteric facts.

I have been learning stuff about the Occult in the last few months and feel lost.

Ok here's a cool fact for you.

Any part of the body you direct your conscious focus towards, more blood will be sent to that part.

Focus on your pineal gland, more blood goes there.

Focus on your dick, more blood goes there.


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Ermmm you find that disgusting why? Maybe I just put it in the worst way possible…

Here it is from the book called Transcendence:

It is a well-known fact that in yoga and many mystical and alternative disciplines certain body parts and functions are stimulated by concentrating on them. In yoga, the breathing exercise involving the bones, in which we visualize that the air current we in- hale and exhale passes through different bones in our body, is highly regarded, as is the exercise of concentrating on chakras in order to activate them and stimulate their activities.

Concentration on a certain body part increases the flow of blood to that part. This was established at the end of the 19 th century by Weber, a German psychologist, who mea- sured this accurately with a scale later named after him. When a person holds his/her hand on the Weber scale and concentrates on that hand, the blood vessels in the hand expand and it becomes heavier. The same happens to all body parts, the pineal gland being no exception.

Beginning in adolescence, calcified tissue is produced in the epiphysis. This tissue is called “brain sand”. “Piezo—electricity”, which emits electromagnetic waves, is created in it. Whenever a person is exposed to electromagnetic activity from the outside, the whole epiphysis begins to vibrate, sending EM signals to all body parts. Since man is constantly exposed to the Earth’s electromagnetic field, the epiphysis vibrates continuously, but those vibrations intensify if it is exposed to additional electromagnetic radiation, or if a person focuses his attention on it while breathing in a special way.

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Here is another fact. Nothing is ever coincidence. Meaningful events often do carry specially arranged synchronistic messages for you. Always be observant inwardly and out, take notice of everything, and checking these repeating digits.

fug I am not obie, but I can physically feel it right above and inbetween my eyes when I consciously focus there. that is beautiful.

any other magick? the only thing I really know is that you are the consciousness observing your thoughts and your feelings, not your thoughts and feelings. and is it true that the endgoal of spiritual growth is to harmonize with the One?

lol okay. tell me the spiritual reason behind necrophilia, dead children, sociopaths, governmental lies, and reality-warping mental illness


Even the dead can be useful.

>dead children

Release their souls from this plane early.


Remind us it's all just a game.

>governmental lies

Trickster adversary to be overcome.

>and reality-warping mental illness

Third eye awakened schizo master race.

I'm interested in hearing more about synchronicity.
>inb4 vox thread

>third eye awakened schizo master race

Not sure if you're being serious, but in the back of my mind, I always believed that schizo's are just people who are able to experience other relms and beings, but not able to control/make sense of it.

Who needs a spiritual reason for necrophilia? Dead girls are hot and you want some fuck. Case closed.

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i agre with everything this guy said, especially the first and second part


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