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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 2147
An Investigation in Rice Monkey Magic

I have continued my investigations into kiai, ki, chi, and qi and found further evidence and information supporting this force's existence.

>Fight Science - Qi Gong Tested


In the above video a shaolin monk uses Chi to protect himself from a spear going right through his throat in a part of the body that can't be conditioned to naturally resist such an attack. That spear previously went through a melon. The pressure applied was tested. Not only was he pressing really hard down on the spear but he had a bamboo rod broken on his back too. He also used Chi to protect his chest from getting hit incredibly hard by a baseball bat at a force that should have wrecked his body.

>Qigong Master: Demonstration Of Power

I like this vid because this chink sounds like a chaos wizard and that's the magic I focus on. He's really old (like 90 something) and still practicing martial arts and a respected healer. He applies the energy of Chi to heal many people and he teaches others too including foreign doctors.

>Master of Chi Magic Punch Fire Dragonborn Martial Arts Expert Great Show

Despite the title of this vid there is nothing actually inexplicably paranormal going on here as far as I can tell. Just punching with such incredible force the air he moves blows out a candle. In the comments there is a lot of arguing however and people insisting that there is something unusual going on here.

>Shaolin Chi Healing crazy

Guy bruises his hand and the monk heals it rapidly.

>Man in China moves objects with CHI/KI energy

This chink is doing all kinds of crazy telekinetic demonstrations. Not sure if legit though.

What do you think /fringe/?

Previous vids:

>Chi Energy Documentary - Proof of Chi (it's a good vid, shows Chi being used to heal, to set things on fire, etc.)


>Qi Gong Demonstration by Master James Chee in Quanzhou 2010 (doesn't prove much but interesting demonstration)


>Sanchin Stance and Qi Gong Demonstration at Southern Shaolin Temple (reportedly, those shaolin monks were pushing as hard as they could)


Kiai Master vs MMA (Kiai master loses here, it was not effective against the MMA fighter, not sure why)

>Incredible fight between a Kiai master and a MMA fighter (same as above, extend video)


>The Hida-shiki Kyouken-jutsu school. Master Sasaki. (this vid shows some interesting evidence such as Kia being used to ring a bell and to disable a sword fighter, the vid uploader attests to this force being real and comments on the kiai master vs MMA figher vid)


>Chi Hands- A Surprise Experiment


Some race traitor talking about some odd experience he had before with his rice monkey gf. Indicates that a special state of mind is integral in this.

>Human X-Ray machine: Unbelievable Eye sight


Interesting vid demonstrating blindsight. Unrelated to the rest of this but sharing anyways.

>Qigong master projecting his chi energy


Interesting comment: I have been to Asia and I've seen this happen. I gave an old man some paper I brought myself just normal ass paper..then I told him to wash his hand no soap just water to a void any scams I gave him my towel I brought from my hotel and he dried his hands. He held the paper and crushed it later in min it lit in fire!!! I was simply amazed by chi since then and have been trying to harness my chi. So I tell you to any one who think its fake to go out there and try it your self! Find a chi master

Another (series of comments) from someone called Reaper Psion suggesting it's fake:

I have a few more reasons but I have to think about them for a while so I can present them in a way that makes sense.. Anyway I meant no offense by my comment I only wanted the people with pure intensions and serious about this sort of practice to not be mis-lead by your video. I am not a master or anything of the sort myself. I am getting better but it is taking time. I'm inventing my own methods from the ground up so my thought takes alot of time to discover. Although Gerald Hall did help me.
In adition the last reason it is fake is because the man makes it appear as if he is channeling the energy from the hand that is not holding the paper. Here is why he cannot be doing that.

1. There is no sign of a haze between 1 hand and the other even.

2. If he can make the energy travel so fast at the density required to do something of that nature it turns invisible he should not have to commit breathing and odd hand gestures to move the energy. I suspect however it is a chemical reaction.

Alright man I can do that. Well for starters the exagerated way of aborbing the ions or energy was unneccacary and a real trained energy user would be at a point far higher. To a point where he could control it as easily as he controls a limb or a thought. Futher more the chemical reaction with in the paper towel was not energy from the man igniting it. That was some sort of chemical resembling potassium judging from the reactions color..

>Superhuman - Unbreakable (Shaolin Monk)


Monk pushing up a drillbit against his throat.



This guy here is holding object to himself using telekinetic force. (It's a white man btw).

>Dynamo Jack


Buddhist monk who uses Chi to heal and was tested by Western scientists who were unable to explain it. There are a few videos of him on youtube, not sure if this covers it but it demonstrates it abit.

>Cloud bursting










This is the most incredible demonstration I've seen of Ki yet. This guy is basically invulnerable to attack by other humans just using their bodies. I wonder if he's still fertile or not.



Here is a demonstration of Chi power being used to knock others out without touching them. Unusual (and rather disparaging) results but still something odd happening here. I don't feel like they gave it a proper investigation.

Interesting comments:
>Pressure points are real and can cause deaths, but this is just a normal con artist with his shitz. I am a Chinese and my grandfather and grandmother are traditional Chinese medicines. Chi exists, but in modern medicine it would be described as a mixture of localized blood pressure and flow, not some kind of weapon of any sorts.

Seems that particular vid is bullshit and the guy is known to be a fake also.


Here's one of a guy doing a 1 inch punch

Then derren brown uses a similar energy

More vids:

>Understanding QiGong and Qi 1/3


>Understanding QiGong and Qi 2/3


>Understanding QiGong and Qi 3/3

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1) John Chang (the man who sets the newspaper on fire) is very legitimate, dozens of people traveled to him to study under him and witness what he could do, several of them wrote books and have given interviews, one of them still teaches the method publicly (although only the early stages, which is all his students ever managed to learn - the system has 72 levels of practice, John Chang is in the 30's or 40s, none of his students reached above level 3), then there was a ton of drama from westerners bringing too much attention to the school and they were cut off. The whole affair was pretty well publicized on the internet, you can find out more with google or by reading The Magus of Java. For it to be a scam would involve hundreds of random people all working together, spending years of time and thousands of dollars, with no real gain for themselves, several of whom have every reason in the world to reveal it after they fell out with the teacher - yet none of them have. Even the ones on bad terms with the other people, or who have renounced the practice itself, still steadfastly maintain that he was legitimate. Not one person has come forward and said 'yeah I met john chang it's actually a big a scam.'

2) This is why the 'no touch knockout' fails in real combat (cross post from /x/): "The problem is that a lot of systems of internal martial arts only accumulate Chi, which operates on a vibratory level too high to be utilized in earnest combat, as it only partially effects the material world. It works on the students because they've been doing the same practices, which open their aura and make them susceptible as well as creating an energetic link of sorts between them and their master (as well as an element of subconscious group-suggestion, most likely), but then when used on someone who is attacking in earnest, has no energetic link and probably has an extremely closed off aura, it's like trying to fight someone with the water sprayed from a garden hose.

To utilize energy directly in combat, it needs to be condensed into 'jing,' which operates at a lower vibratory rate and as such has a more direct impact on matter. It's like freezing that water from the hose into a large lump, which can then be used to smash them over the head."

3) Chi is very real. If you really want to establish this for yourself, stop fucking around watching youtube videos and start practicing chi kung. A month or two in a decent system of chi kung will have you feeling chi reliably and yield all sorts of health benefits. As the Nike slogan says, Just Do It.

Although I would urge you to find a teacher at the earliest opportunity. Basic exercises can be learned from books/videos, but as a beginner you can't really distinguish good practice from bad, and you can do serious damage trying to perform advanced exercises without a teacher.

>3) Chi is very real. If you really want to establish this for yourself, stop fucking around watching youtube videos and start practicing chi kung. A month or two in a decent system of chi kung will have you feeling chi reliably and yield all sorts of health benefits. As the Nike slogan says, Just Do It.

Please help me with this. I have rather poor health despite eating well and exercising every day. I want to get better and I also start fires every day so being able to use chi fire hands to do it would be excellent because flint and steel isn't very reliable and using matches feels like cheating. There is absolutely no way I could find a teacher, I'd have to learn it myself, but I am NEET and could practice it literally day and night if necessary to master it.


You should really find a teacher, you're never going to advance very far without one. That said, there are programs that will teach the basics better than others, the only one I can personally recommend as being safe and efficacious is this:


However the energy it induces is purely a healing energy - it will do amazing things for your body and you'll definitely feel it, but even if you trained for 100 years in this system you'll never be able to use it for the cool overt powers, those systems simply aren't taught publicly. You 'need' a teacher for that stuff.

Even then, it takes decades of practice. John Chang, the man in that video with the newspaper, meditated every day for 6 - 18 hours since the age of 14, he's the energetic equivalent of a world class athlete. Don't expect similar results if you don't put in similar effort.

But the system I linked will be a good starting point, and using it will give you practice and strengthen your body for using other systems.

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Heating Aluminum Foil with Qigong
When Master Zhou is performing this trick, notice that he dunks the aluminum foil in water before his demonstration. After its water bath, he wraps it in a wet paper towel and spreads it out flat on the table. At this point he waves his hand over it, ostensibly transferring qi energy into the metal, and the aluminum begins to heat up and sizzle. While this may look impressive, there is actually a very simple explanation for what’s going on. The trick here is that the water isn’t just plain water; it is likely a dilute strong base such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The paper towel is also soaked in the base, and the foil is spread out flat to ensure an even reaction over a large surface area. A lot of heat is produced in this reaction, and very quickly. This is because aluminum is a very reactive metal. It is amphoteric, which means that it can react with both acids and bases. There is a good reason why he chose to use aluminum, why he dunked it in “water,” and why he wrapped it in a paper towel and smoothed it flat. It simply wouldn’t work any other way. He could have walked away and the foil would still heat up and sizzle.

This trick is an old one, and you can perform it yourself at home. Products are available online. One in particular is called Hypno Heat, and can be purchased for $30. Impress your friends! Yes, apparently you too can become a qigong master. All you need is a conman mentality coupled with a basic understanding of a simple chemical reaction. No qi here.


Holy shit checking those quads. Nice quads bro.

Well shit that debunks this rice monkey.

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Did you actually watch the video? They supplied the water, the foil, the towels etc. Nevermind all the other things Zhou has demonstrated.

If you're going to try debunk something, at least rein in your euphoria long enough to actually watch what you're trying to debunk. Fucking amateurs.

That's not even my article you inane lardlord

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You posted it, so either you intended it to represent your opinion or you need to work on clarifying your stance when you post.

Suck my dick christlard

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Rofl, I'm not Christian, but the euphoria practically oozes out of you.

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Here is a explanation of, and guide/walkthrough to cultivating chi.


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