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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 15463
I don't know if this should be questions but fuck it.
I have been practicing magick for just over 2 years, and i have not been a part of any magick order, but i would like too, but my only problem is that i will have to go through everything i have taught myself again at'll just put me off, what do you guys think i should do?
ITT: Magick Lodges
Do you WANT to have your time wasted and magical power potentially exploited?

Real magical groups don't just openly recruit people unless they're going to use them for something.

Like how Freemasonry is mostly mundane but also have a "secret society within a secret society" in which certain individuals of a very special nature (telepathic abilities, etc.) are open to secrets none of the mundane Freemasons know.

If you were to join something I'd recommend Illuminates of Thanateros…

…but really that would be silly of you to join a group.

Btw to even get into IOT you have to practise alone for 6 months and prove yourself before you get in.

Just do what is written in Initiation Into Hermetics then join the >>>/illuminati/

>i will have to go through everything i have taught myself again at'll just put me off,

then chances are you arent serious about joining any kind of order

Currently in an independent GD temple. Been in it for about 6 or 7 months.

I'm enjoying it, but I'm definitely seeing some problems with the GD system, and as a result I'm quickly leaning towards Chaos Magick now.

Firstly, the lodge system itself can be a little annoying, what with fees, having to schedule advancements (e.g. you might be eligble for advancement, but there's no meeting next month, or the next meeting already has two or three advancements scheduled, so you get delated)

You also spend an awful lot of time learning ABOUT the system, rather than learning useful content.

In addition, the outer/inner order system is hideously outdated, and makes progress very slow.

I should say though, in defence of GD, it has a more intricate initiatory structure than any other system, with the intention of adding extra safeguards before you do practical stuff.

If I were you, I'd look into orders where YOU control your own advancement, e.g. A.'.A.'.

Who informed this girl?

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